




Sebelum Perang Teluk, Dinar Iraq bernilai USD3.22 bagi setiap 1 Dinar (USD$3.22 = IQD1.00). ketika itu Saddam memerintah, dengan hutang yang banyak dan simpanan yang sedikit, itu pun jika ada.

Sekarang anda boleh membeli IQD41,800 wang Dinar Iraq yang baru hanya sekitar RM760. Sebab terjadinya keadaan ini adalah nilai IQD masih belum ditentukan oleh bank dunia.

Tahukah anda bahawa Dinar Kuwait bernilai setinggi USD3.00 sebelum Perang Teluk. Sebaik sahaja selepas perang, Kuwait mencetak wang kertas baru dan Bank Dunia
meletakkan nilai USD0.10 bagi setiap Dinar Kuwait. Kini nilai itu kembali ke tahap USD3.49.

Bayangkan jika anda telah membeli $1,000 Dinar Kuwait, anda akan memiliki USD34,900 @ RM129, 130 pada hari ini!

Jika anda membuat kajian, anda akan dapati setiap kali konflik besar akan dituruti oleh kejatuhan matawang sesebuah negara. Matawang juga akan kembali melonjak apabila negara itu bangun dari kehancuran akibat peperangan.

Hari ini Iraq sedang aktif membina kembali simpanan rezab asingnya. Ini adalah kunci kepada kekuatan tukaran asing sesuatu matawang. Langkah pertama mereka ialah mendepositkan USD5 bilion dengan Perbendaharaan Amerika, membolehkan Iraq menikmati pulangan melebihi USD150 juta setahun.

Jumlah hutang Iraq kepada dunia semakin mengecil. Amerika Syarikat sendiri telah melupuskan semua hutang Iraq sama ada hutang sebelum perang atau pun hutang selepas perang. Perjanjian Paris juga menyaksikan kebanyakan negara termasuk Rusia telah melupuskan 85% hutang Iraq kepada mereka.

Iraq bukan hanya kaya dengan sumber asli minyak dan gas. Kedudukannya yang strategik, mengalir antaranya dua sungai penting, Tigris dan Euphrates, membentuk tanah luas yang subur. Pelaburan dalam bidang pertanian semakin bercambah menyebabkan Iraq disebut-sebut sekali lagi sebagai “Periuk Nasi” Timur Tengah.

Ingin maklumat lanjut?? Sila klik disini (wikipedia.org)







Berikut adalah alamat laman web (Pihak Berkecuali) berkaitan Dinar Iraq:

Bank Pusat Iraq

Soal Jawab Dinar Iraq Di Pejabat Presiden White House http://www.whitehouse.gov/ask/20031120.html

Berita Menteri Kewangan Israel Melanjutkan Lagi Setahun Untuk Rakyat Israel Membeli Dinar Iraq http://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-3282124,00.html

Laporan Dinar Iraq Di Majalah Forbes http://www.forbes.com/newswire/2004/01/12/rtr1206675.html

Berita Sambutan Ulang Tahun Dinar Iraq

Laman Web Expo Pembangunan Iraq

Laman Web Syarikat Yang Mencetak Dinar Iraq

Laman Web Kedutaan Iraq Di USA









2,513 Responses to



  2. Ryandhi Agustika berkata:

    Assalammualaikum, saya tertarik dengan penawaran anda. Saya berminat Membeli kolektor set. saya tinggal di Indonesia, apa anda bisa kirim dinar ke tempat saya di West Java? kalau bisa cara transaksinya dan pengirimannya bagaimana?

  3. Yusuff berkata:

    Terima kasih kerana sudi melayari weblog ini. Saya adalah moderator web ini. Sudi kiranya Saudara Ryandhi memberi contact number @ email utk dihubungi. Kita bisa menghantar koleksi dinar itu , cuma yg tinggal kene discuss lebih lanjut.

    kuala lumpur

  4. Arif berkata:

    Maaf saudara Yusuf…saya juga punya dinar. Saya ingin membantu Ryandhi Agustika. Jika dia belum order dinar maka saya bisa tawarkan dinar via website saya http://www.dinar-iraq.co.nr

    Terima kasih

  5. inaccriake berkata:

    Hello! Good Site! Thanks you! jnefodczhrbr

  6. synyster berkata:

    why don’t you just keep all the iraqi’s dinar for you own family….why bother to sell them to others if it’s true like what you just said it will become……..don’t you ever have a dream to become the richest man in the world………this is totally bullshit….

  7. mat ali berkata:

    Bilakah agaknya dinar iraq akan di apungkan

  8. hermansyah berkata:

    saya hermansyah,sekarang tinggal di surabaya,indonesia.saya menjual dinar iraq,1 set (41800),seharga rp.1.400.000,00 atau sekitar RM 700.bagi yang berminat silahkan kontek saya di 085232266880 atau 03171562641. saat ini sedang mencari calon agen di wilayah indonesia.

  9. hermansyah berkata:

    oh ya ini email sya .kanciltt_09@yahoo.co.id kontak +6285232266880 atau +623171562641. di tunggu.

  10. JEAN CHELZY berkata:

    saya jean.
    saya punya 10 lembar uang dinar.
    dgn jumlah nya perlembar 25000 dinar!!
    saya cuma pengen tanyain..
    berapa sekarang nilai selembar uang iraq dgn jumblah
    25000 dinar,kalau di rupiahkan BERAPA YACH!
    mohon kalu bisa langsung ditanggapi comment nya!

  11. AMRI berkata:


    • azrul berkata:

      salam, sy nak tanya set dinar tu masih ada lg ke? masih blh beli ke? kalau sy nak beli skrg brapa kena bayar duit malaysia?

      • yusri berkata:

        salam cik azrul…lau nk bli dinar iraq 25,000 sekeping rm 120.00…lau nk order blh la….t sy blh post kn…

    • ara berkata:

      en amri, sy ara dr kuantan sgt berminat utk membeli dinar iraq..masih ada lg ker?

      • lan berkata:

        member saya ade jual duit dinar….. 25000.00 dinar rm 150.00 je…

      • yusri berkata:

        salam…shbt2….sapa2 yang ingin beli dinar iraq 25,000 sekeping sy jual cuma rm120.00 sahaja….blh la order kt sy…t sy post…ni no henset sy….0142424223..

      • omar berkata:

        berminat nak beli dinar iraq contact le omar RM110 siap pos untuk 25k dinar iraq

  12. shah85 berkata:

    saya berminat untuk mengetahui dgn lebih lanjut mengenai perkara ni.harga yang terkini?bagaimana utk membelinya????dan sebarang info tambahan mengenai dinar iraq ni.

    email : mymohabbat85@yahoo.com

  13. master khall berkata:

    ingin mencari perlaburan yang lumayan dlm dinar sila hubungi sy dan sy sedia membantu……. DINAR MEMANG DHASYAT……

  14. Miee berkata:

    CBI akan mengeluarkan matawangnya yg baharu mengantikan nilai yg sedia ada sekarang.CBI (Central Bank Of Iraq) memberi tempoh sehingga penghujung tahun 2010 untuk penukaran matawang baru. sila reffer pada website bank Iraq.

  15. Mohd Helmy berkata:

    berminat untuk membuka account bank di IRAQ, sila hubungi saya di alamat email diatas.

    Untuk melihat contoh account bank yg telah saya bukakan untuk coustomer saya sila taipkan contoh pada tajuk email yg anda hantar kepada saya.

  16. Mohd Helmy berkata:

    Conscious / Central Bank plans to raise zeros from the Iraqi currency

    Conscious / Baghdad / S. C
    7/2/2010 12:22 PM

    The Central Bank of Iraq these days to implement a strategy to delete the zeroes of the Iraqi currency in and out of their face value and keep the cash value and purchasing power without causing any economic disruptions may occur over this strategy.

    The Economic Adviser in the Central Bank the appearance of Mohammed Saleh told a reporter (news agency, Iraqi Information / conscious) that this year will see the launch of a strategy, the bank completed 50% of the preparations that are working on since 2005 ..

    Saleh pointed out that the strategy is based on the principle of gradual substitution of the Iraqi currency with another is lower than in the nominal value, and pointed out that the positives of this strategy is that it will be less expensive and easier to trade.

  17. Mohd Helmy berkata:

    Iraq Transfers 3 Tons of Gold into CBI to support Dinar
    07 Feb 2010 23:27

    Plan to increase the value of the dinar against the dollar and the deletion of three zeroes

    Finance Ministry has prepared a plan to increase the value of the dinar against the dollar and then delete the three zeroes from the dinar’s value to contribute to the advancement of the Iraqi economy during the coming period with the Iraqi central bank denied the rumors making the dollar worth 1000 dinars and said in a statement issued by the Ministry of Finance:, the Minister Baqir Jabr said During his recent visit to the Jordanian capital Amman, said the CBI chagrin financially estimated $ 22 billion and three tons of gold intended to support the Iraqi dinar. He said that successful fiscal policy pursued in Iraq have contributed to increasing the value of the Iraqi dinar against the dollar, noting that the dollar exchange rate dropped significantly during the current year, stressing that all efforts will be channeled to the deletion of three zeros from the value of the dinar.

    On the other hand denied the authoritative source in the Iraqi Central Bank rumors making the dollar worth 1000 dinars, or a change denominations or raise zeros from the current currency.

    He said in a press statement that the bank has been following with great interest the phenomenon of low demand for the dollar in the local exchange markets, stressing that such information or rumors surrounding the aim of achieving commercial gain emergency for some users at the expense of the public.

    Reffer : http://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&ie=UTF-8&sl=ar&tl=en&u=http://www.foratnews.com/paper.asp%3FID%3D8383&prev=_t&rurl=translate.google.com&twu=1

  18. Mohd Helmy berkata:

    Iraq signed an agreement with Exxon and Shell development phase / 1 of the West Qurna

    Iraq signed an agreement with Exxon and Shell development phase / 1 of the West Qurna field

    Monday, 25 January second 2010 16:38 |

    – The Exxon Mobil signed a U.S. oil giant and Shell on Monday, the final contract to develop the first phase of West Qurna, Iraq’s oil reserves, which amount to 8.7 billion barrels. Among the fields that are offered for investment during the first round of licensing …
    Won the two companies will work with the Iraqi state oil company the right to develop the giant field in negotiations with the Iraqi Oil Ministry last year following the tender put forward by Iraq to develop a number of oil fields in June, which was the first since the U.S. invasion in 2003.
    The agreement was signed by Richard Verbokhan Regional Vice President, Exxon, Mounir Bou Aziz, Vice President of Shell Gas & Power in the presence of Iraqi Oil Minister Hussain al-Shahristani, in Baghdad.
    Exxon Mobil owns the U.S. (80%) and Anglo-Dutch Shell Group (20%). This service contract duration of twenty years may be extended. Coalition, and will be 1,9 cents for each additional barrel produced. After calculating the tax rate of 35 percent of this amount and pay 25 percent of the Iraqi partner, will remain about ninety cents a coalition.
    The two companies plan to increase the production of the field to 2.325 million barrels per day from 279 thousand bpd.
    The contract to develop West Qurna, one of a number of agreements after two Iraqi tenders last year that would increase Iraq’s oil production capacity from 2.5 million barrels per day currently to 12 million barrels a day to enable the country to compete with Saudi Arabia and Russia’s largest oil producers in the world.

  19. mus berkata:

    boleh bantu saya bagaimana nak beli dinar iraq, berapa harga yang ditawarkan, tk

  20. Mohd Helmy berkata:

    Nak harga yg murah atau nak harga yg mahal ???

  21. Mohd Helmy berkata:

    Iraq signed an agreement with Exxon and Shell development phase / 1 of the West Qurna

    Iraq signed an agreement with Exxon and Shell development phase / 1 of the West Qurna field

    Monday, 25 January second 2010 16:38 |
    – The Exxon Mobil signed a U.S. oil giant and Shell on Monday, the final contract to develop the first phase of West Qurna, Iraq’s oil reserves, which amount to 8.7 billion barrels. Among the fields that are offered for investment during the first round of licensing …
    Won the two companies will work with the Iraqi state oil company the right to develop the giant field in negotiations with the Iraqi Oil Ministry last year following the tender put forward by Iraq to develop a number of oil fields in June, which was the first since the U.S. invasion in 2003.
    The agreement was signed by Richard Verbokhan Regional Vice President, Exxon, Mounir Bou Aziz, Vice President of Shell Gas & Power in the presence of Iraqi Oil Minister Hussain al-Shahristani, in Baghdad.
    Exxon Mobil owns the U.S. (80%) and Anglo-Dutch Shell Group (20%). This service contract duration of twenty years may be extended. Coalition, and will be 1,9 cents for each additional barrel produced. After calculating the tax rate of 35 percent of this amount and pay 25 percent of the Iraqi partner, will remain about ninety cents a coalition.
    The two companies plan to increase the production of the field to 2.325 million barrels per day from 279 thousand bpd.
    The contract to develop West Qurna, one of a number of agreements after two Iraqi tenders last year that would increase Iraq’s oil production capacity from 2.5 million barrels per day currently to 12 million barrels a day to enable the country to compete with Saudi Arabia and Russia’s largest oil producers in the world.

  22. Mohd Helmy berkata:

    Iraq’s oil revenues up by $300m in Dec. 2009
    by TRC

    January 23, 2010 – 09:26:06

    BAGHDAD / Aswat al-Iraq: Iraq’s oil revenues went up by $300 million during the last month of 2009 to hit $4.499 billion through the sale of 61.3 million barrels at a rate of $73.39 per barrel, the Iraqi oil ministry announced on Saturday.
    “Crude oil exports rose in December 2009 compared to November 2009 during which 57 million barrels were sold at $4.205 billion,” the ministry’s official spokesman Assem Jihad told Aswat al-Iraq news agency.
    “Basra’s oil contributed to the country’s total exports by 47.6 million barrels worth $3.506 billion while Kirkuk’s by 13.7 million barrels worth $993 million,” Jihad added.
    The price of oil barrel went up during December to reach $73.39 compared to November’s $71.94 per barrel, he added.

  23. Mohd Helmy berkata:

    Iraq Transfers 3 Tons of Gold into CBI to support Dinar
    by Labman

    Iraq Transfers 3 Tons of Gold into CBI to support Dinar
    07 Feb 2010 23:27

    Plan to increase the value of the dinar against the dollar and the deletion of three zeroes

    Finance Ministry has prepared a plan to increase the value of the dinar against the dollar and then delete the three zeroes from the dinar’s value to contribute to the advancement of the Iraqi economy during the coming period with the Iraqi central bank denied the rumors making the dollar worth 1000 dinars and said in a statement issued by the Ministry of Finance:, the Minister Baqir Jabr said During his recent visit to the Jordanian capital Amman, said the CBI chagrin financially estimated $ 22 billion and three tons of gold intended to support the Iraqi dinar. He said that successful fiscal policy pursued in Iraq have contributed to increasing the value of the Iraqi dinar against the dollar, noting that the dollar exchange rate dropped significantly during the current year, stressing that all efforts will be channeled to the deletion of three zeros from the value of the dinar.

    On the other hand denied the authoritative source in the Iraqi Central Bank rumors making the dollar worth 1000 dinars, or a change denominations or raise zeros from the current currency.

    He said in a press statement that the bank has been following with great interest the phenomenon of low demand for the dollar in the local exchange markets, stressing that such information or rumors surrounding the aim of achieving commercial gain emergency for some users at the expense of the public .

    P/s2: So anda Fikir2kan lah… peluang datang bukan selalu…. mungkin peluang ini datang sekali seumur hidup anda.
    angaplah ini satu long term investment.

  24. kamarul berkata:

    saya memiliki dinar iraq asli yang saya beli secara kirim dari sedara yang berada di bahrain dan beli di money changer di sana – resit pun saya ada…sekarang saya mempunyai dalam 700,000 dinar iraq note 10k disebabkan tiada note kecil dijual disana pada ketika itu.
    Baru2 ini saya ada terbaca perlunya membuka akaun bank di iraq untuk memudahkan urusan tukaran apabila matawang ini diapungkan tidak lama lagi…saya menjadi agak susah hati disebabkan kesukaran untuk menukar matawang ini secara terus dan besar kemungkinan matawang ini tidak boleh di bawa melepasi KLIA.
    Boleh saudara menerangkan secara terperinci bagaimana urusan ini boleh menjadi mudah apabila matawang ini diapungkan kelak…terima kasih.

  25. Mohd Helmy berkata:

    Kepada Encik Kamarul sila hubungi saya di email Iraqidinarinvestment@gmail.com untuk pertanyaan lanjut tentang Dinar Iraq

  26. Mohd Helmy berkata:

    Iraq central bank takes steps to ‘rebase dinar’

    BAGHDAD: The Central Bank of Iraq has taken steps to rebase the Iraqi dinar and issue new banknotes, a senior official at the bank has said.
    “We have reached a conclusion that we should take off three zeroes from the current Iraqi dinar banknotes,” Mudher Qasim, the bank’s senior advisor, told Dow Jones Newswires in an exclusive interview.
    “The process is progressing and we have taken some steps,” Qasim said. “We will issue a decision in due time.”
    Qasim didn’t give a timeframe when that decision would be taken, but said printing new banknotes and fully replacing old notes would take two years from the time the decision is taken.
    Iraqi Finance Minister Bayan Jabor said his ministry had suggested to the central bank to take off three zeroes from the current Iraqi dinar banknotes. “The Central Bank governor (Sinan Al-Shabibi) has informed me that the bank is in the process of taking that decision,” Jabor told the state-run Al-Iraqia Satellite Channel this week.
    “The Central Bank of Iraq supports what the finance minister was saying,” Qasim said.
    If the rebase decision is taken, it means a current 25,000 Iraqi dinar banknote will become 25 dinars, for example. When three zeroes are knocked off the Iraqi dinar, a dollar will equal only 1.20 dinars.
    Currency rebasings are usually monetarily neutral and are introduced to make commercial calculations and cash dealing easier and cheaper. Turkey knocked six zeroes off its lira currency January 1, 2005, for example. Russia did the same for its currency.
    “In a country like Iraq where cash consists 80% of money dealing, we need smaller bank notes,” Qasim said, adding that current Iraqi banknotes were difficult to store and need strict security measures when moving money from one place to another.
    There are now some 20tn Iraqi dinar banknotes in use in the market, which is a very big amount and if Iraq knocked 3 zeroes it would become 20bn dinars which is a reasonable amount, he said.
    Qasim also said one of the reasons for rebasing the Iraqi dinar is because the bank has managed to reduce the country’s high rates of inflation. The inflation rate fell to 14.7% in May this year from a record high of 60% in late 2006.
    In July 2004, the now dissolved US civilian authority in Iraq decided to print the current Iraqi banknotes replacing those used to bear the picture of the former Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein. Iraqis then had three months to swap their old dinars with the new ones.
    “This time we aren’t in hurry, if it takes two years to swap the new currency with the old one, then let it so,” Qasim said.
    The current banknotes were printed by Britain’s De La Rue, the world’s biggest commercial printer of bank notes.
    Jabor said in November last year that the central bank would rebase the dinar in early 2008. – Dow Jones Newswires

  27. ifti berkata:

    Saya ada collection irag dinar 316,800. perlu ke buka akaun di iraq untuk tukar skiranya float. kalau kita jual thru’ online (base kat UK) boleh ke? mcm cara naak buka akaun. tk

    • Mohd Helmy berkata:

      buat pengetahuan saudara… jalan yg paling selamat & terbaik adalah dengan membuka account bank disana.perlu diingatkan pada penghujung tahun ini CBI akan menukarkan DINAR yg lama dengan Dinar yg baru. so bagai mana Saudara ingin menukarkan duit yg ada sekarang ini? saudara nak bawa keluar dari Malaysia ini pun bukan Senang.. sebab Dilapangan terbang confirm mesti sangkut punya. sekiranya anda hendak pos duit tersebut pun anda menghadapi Risiko yg amat tinggi,bagaimana sekiranya bungkusan anda hilang? anda nak claim ngan siapa… ? dengan syarikat Courier?.. anda perlu ingat… syarikat Courier tidak bertanggung jawab dengan kehilangan Duit anda..kerana mereka tidak menerima penghantaran Wang melalui Courier. RISIKO Tanggung Sendiri. oleh itu saya nasihatkan sekali lagi… anda perlu membuka account disana. duit yg ada pada anda sekarang ini eloklah anda jualkan sahaja kepada sesiap yg berminat. biar rugi sedikit sekiranya anda menjualkannya pada orang lain,asalkan jangan rugi semuanya. sila hubungi saya diemail iraqidinarinvestment@gmail.com

  28. Mohd Helmy berkata:

    buat pengetahuan saudara… jalan yg paling selamat & terbaik adalah dengan membuka account bank disana.perlu diingatkan pada penghujung tahun ini CBI akan menukarkan DINAR yg lama dengan Dinar yg baru. so bagai mana Saudara ingin menukarkan duit yg ada sekarang ini? saudara nak bawa keluar dari Malaysia ini pun bukan Senang.. sebab Dilapangan terbang confirm mesti sangkut punya. sekiranya anda hendak pos duit tersebut pun anda menghadapi Risiko yg amat tinggi,bagaimana sekiranya bungkusan anda hilang? anda nak claim ngan siapa… ? dengan syarikat Courier?.. anda perlu ingat… syarikat Courier tidak bertanggung jawab dengan kehilangan Duit anda..kerana mereka tidak menerima penghantaran Wang melalui Courier. RISIKO Tanggung Sendiri. oleh itu saya nasihatkan sekali lagi… anda perlu membuka account disana. duit yg ada pada anda sekarang ini eloklah anda jualkan sahaja kepada sesiap yg berminat. biar rugi sedikit sekiranya anda menjualkannya pada orang lain,asalkan jangan rugi semuanya.

  29. ifti berkata:

    sebenarnya saya tak berapa jelas tentang Dinar yang lama dan baru. semasa saya beli, dinar itu adalah dinar yang baru. maksud saudara, CBI akan menukar lagi dinar tersebut kepada yang lebih baru. untuk buka akaun di sana, bolehkah kita guna dinar yang ada sekarang. Boleh saudara terangkan mcm mana nak buka akaun di sana? Kalau dinar akan ditukar baru, siapa pula yang berminat untuk membeli dinar yang saya ada dan kalau pun ada yang berminat berapa sangat yang dapat. TK

    • Mohd Helmy berkata:

      Yer! CBI akan menukar lagi Dinar yg baru Pada Penghujung tahun 2010.ini amat merbahaya pada sesiapa yg menyimpan Cash Note. jalan terbaik dengan membuka account bank disana.sekiranya anda membuka account bank di Iraq,anda tidak boleh mendepositkan duit yg ada sekarang menggunakan bank yg sedia ada diMalaysia.sebab pada masa sekarang nie semua bank2 di malaysia tidak menerima matawang dinar,so anda dikehendaki membeli dinar iraq melalui wire transsfer dari malaysia ke Iraq dengan menggunakan RM convert kepada USD convert ke IQD (Dinar). anda cubalah mencari kalau2 ada orang yg berminat membeli dinar anda. saya cadangkan anda buka account Iraq kemudian depositkan duit lain. dengan cara ini sahaja dapat mengatasi kerugian anda sekiranya nilainya naik.dah tentu dinar yg ada pada anda sudah tidak bernilai pada masa itu.

  30. ifti berkata:

    saya nak tanya, saudara boleh ke tolong bukakan akaun secara online di iraq bagi pihak siapa2 yang ingin membuka akaun dan kalau boleh, apakah syarat2nya dan berapa kos yang kena. TK

  31. ifti berkata:


    tolong bagi syarat2 dan kosnya jug untuk buka akaun di iraq. tq

    • Mohd Helmy berkata:


      Document yg di perlukan adalah seperti Berikut :-

      i) IC muka Depan Sahaja (Scan)

      ii) Lesen Memandu Bergambar (expire) & yg Tidak bergambar (yg terbaru) @ Utiliti Bil di atas nama Anda (Scan)

      iii) Tanda Tangan Anda ( Scan )

      iv) No telefon Bimbit & Telefon Rumah (sekiranya ada)

      itu sahaja.

      P/s: sekiranya anda ber minat untuk membuka account saya cadangkan anda berjumpa saya face to face lebih bagus. upah saya ambil RM 2,000 sahaja. saya tidak mengambil Upfront. upah saya anda jelaskan setelah saya menerima No account Iraq anda. disini saya berikan Contoh account Bank Iraq Saya sebagai Rujukan anda.

  32. syed hussein bin mohamad berkata:

    bagaimana caranya untuk membuka akaun di iraq secara online?please help me?

    • Mohd Helmy berkata:

      Sekiranya saya nak terangkan Cara2 nak buka account bank Diiraq,memang Complicated… bnyak Surat menyurat yg hendak dibuat.setiap apa yg kita nak arahkan pada pihak bank mesti disertakan dengan satu surat kuasa(authorize letter)tampa surat Kuasa Pihak Bank tidak akan layan Permintaan kita.

      Untuk melihat contoh account saya Di Iraq sila Download link ini : http://www.mediafire.com/?dtzmum2z2jw

  33. syed hussein bin mohamad berkata:

    bagaiman caranya membuka akaun di iraq secara online?

  34. master khall berkata:

    percaya atau tidak yang sy akan mendapat keuntungan dari busniss ini…. jika ingin tahu email ke sal_dk@yahoo.com.my dan saya akan terangkan bagaimana caranya… jangan tunggu hingga esok….

    • Gudang Garam berkata:

      Salam Master Khall, saya nak tahu apakah busniss yg master khall kata kan

      ” sy akan mendapat keuntungan dari busniss ini…. jika ingin tahu email ke sal_dk@yahoo.com.my dan saya akan terangkan bagaimana caranya… jangan tunggu hingga esok….” sila balas email saya,kerana saya berminat.

    • Gudang Garam berkata:

      Kencing Punya Master Khall kau sent email pun tak balas sampai hari ini. mungkin mamat ini scammer,kalau bukan scammer dah tentu dia balas email aku.

      • master khall berkata:

        sy tak pernah kencing tapi orang selalu kencing dgn sy.. janji mcm2 last sekali sy buat sendiri bisnes nie dengan kwn baik sy yang mana kami masih lg bergerak dgn baik sekali… kalau banyak sangat cerita call sy 0132200918

  35. Mohd Helmy berkata:

    Salam .. Buat Semua Yg telah Membuka account Bank Iraq dengan saya. Terima kasih kepada anda semua..diatas kerpercayaan anda terhadap saya.dan tidak lupa juga tahniah saya ucapkan kepada anda diatas keberanian anda untuk mengubah masa depan anda.sekiranya anda ada sebarang pertanyaan tentang account banking anda, sila emailkan pertanyaan di iraqidinarinvestment@gmail.com Insyallah saya akan cuba sedaya upaya menjawab soalan anda. Sekian.

    • mohd sofiyuddin berkata:

      slm.encik helmi.sy berminat tentang pelaburan pembelian dinar iraq,so sy nk tahu cara2nye.sy harap saudara dpt membantu saya dengan lebih terperinci dan paling selamat sekali.ini email saya(paklong72@yahoo.com.my

  36. master khall berkata:

    salam pd semua,, tidak disangka ramai yang ingin tau bagaimana anda akan jadi jutawan pertama…sy ada caranya… cepat, mudah dan tepat kepada anda… jika dinar diapungkan rm 1.00 shj anda ada simpan sebanyak 1 juta IQD anda akan mendapat RM 1,000,000 SHJ… KALAU LEBIH ??? ITU BARU TUKAR MATAWANG RM… JIKA ANADA BERMINAT INGIN TAHU CARANYA SMS SY NAMA DAN ALAMAT ANDA SY AKAN BERITAU ANDA DIMANA…. 013-2200918… JANGAN TUNNGU AMBIL ILMU DULU… SY TUNJUK CARANYA… ASKAR US NAK BALIK KAMPUNG DAH…

  37. zul berkata:

    Salam..sesiapa yang mempunyai akaun di bahrain atau kenalan/saudara dibahrain dan mempunyai akaun disana, sila hubungi sy. sy ingin meminta pertolongan dengan kadar segera.-zul


  38. master khall berkata:

    belum sampai 6 bulan pilihanraya sudah abis…. keputusan pun telah tahu.. kerajaan iraq sedang membentuk nagara sendiri… us akan undur askarnya dlm masa terdekat… jika benar anggaran kami insya allah dlm tahun nie atau 3 tahun lg iraq akan berada dilandasan sebenar… tidak mustahil matawang dinar di iraq akan bersaing seperti di kuwait dimana 1USD = 14DINAR KUWAIT ( BERAPE DERRR DUIT KITA ) FUUUUHHHH KAYA… kalau di iraq anda ada simpan sebanyak sebanyak RM 1,000,000 IQD jika dinar iraq diapungkan dimana 1 USD = 1 IQD ( RM 3.42 ) FFFFFFUUUUHHHH KAYA GILAAAAAAAA……. jika anda berminat sila hubungi sy di 0132200918…. DAN SEPERKARA LAGI SY TAK PERNAH KENCING ORANG TAPI ORANG BANYAK KENCING SY… BUKTI SY PUNYA DAH ADA CUMA TUNGGU NAK MELETUP DAN MENJADI ORANG PERTAMA DI MALAYSIA….. JGN TUNGGU LG… CEPAT SEMENTARA DINAR MASIH BELUM DI APUNGKAN….

  39. Mohd Helmy berkata:

    Ok!! mengenai Ura-ura dinar akan di apungkan ada 4 Versi..

    i) Pada Bulan Julay 2010 – kenapa ramai pengenalisis ekonomi Amerika menjangkakan Dinar akan diapungkan pada bulan julay ? ini disebabkan Iraq Baru habis pilihan raya pada bulan 3-5 dan pada bulan jun Kerajaan kebinet iraq yg baru telah di bentuk dan pada julay nanti parliment iraq akan bersidang. kemungkinan ahli2 Kebinet bersuara tentang Currency dinar.

    ii) kalau tak jadi pada bulan julay 2010 kemungkinan pada 1 september 2010.kenapa saya menyatakan september 2010? ini memandangkan pengunduran secara total tentra Amerika dari bumi iraq.dan pada masa tersebut iraq akan ditakbir sepenuhnya oleh rakyat Iraq.

    iii) kalau tak jadi pada bulan september kemungkinan pada penghujung bulan disember 2010,kenapa saya menyatakan pada penhujung disember 2010? sebabnya pada masa itu CBI akan mengeluarkan Note Dinar Iraq Yg baru Bagi mengantikan Note dinar Iraq Yg sedia ada sekarang ini.dan kemungkinan pada masa yg sama Dinar iraq ini akan diapungkan.

    iv) kalau tak jadi pada hujung disember 2010 so tarikh yg diangap Paling munahsabah untuk dinar iraq di diapungkan adalah pada tahun 2013. kenapa saya mengatakan pada 2013? kerana pada tahun 2013 genaplah 10 tahun iraq habis perang. ini kalau kita menyorot kembali perang iraq kuwait. dinar kuwait di apungkan setelah genap 10 tahun perang kuwait tamat.

    P/s: so sekarang ini saya hanya menunggu masa dan ketika sahaja dinar ini akan diapungkan. jangka masa yg paling dekat adalah pada bulan depan. ;;) ;;) :”> :”>

  40. Mohd Helmy berkata:

    5-year NDP to be launched next Sunday

    June 30, 2010 – 09:56:02

    BAGHDAD / Aswat al-Iraq: A 5-year National Development Plan (NDP) will be launched next Sunday (July, 4), the Iraqi Planning Ministry said on Wednesday.

    “The NDP will be for the years 2010 to 2014,” the ministry said in a release as received by Aswat al-Iraq news agency.

    The plan aims at minimizing differences between urban and rural areas, improving infrastructures, providing job opportunities, and boosting Gross Domestic Product (GDP) by 9.38% as an average annual growth within the NDP’s timeframe.

    P/s: Harap2 dalam Plan (NDP) terkandung sekali Plan tentang kenaikan Dinar Iraq 🙂 🙂 🙂

  41. Mohd Helmy berkata:

    Planning launches tomorrow Sustainable Development Plan 2010 – 2014

    July 3 2010

    BAGHDAD – Omar Abdel-Latif
    Launched and the Ministry of Planning and Development Cooperation, on Sunday, the national sustainable development plan for the years 2010 and 2014. An official source at the ministry statement singled out by the (morning): The launch event will be tomorrow at the Rashid Hotel in central Baghdad,

    Patronage of Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki and Minister of Planning and Development Cooperation Ali Ghalib Baban, will attend the academics and experts of the ministry and heads of executive departments, as well as local government leaders and officials of the civil society organizations and heads of political entities to announce five-year plan for the country. “This plan has been postponed for six months, after it was scheduled to launch early this year because of the observations and reservations of some provinces, noting that the past period witnessed the development of features and details of the Five Year Plan.

    The source expressed hope that progress with the scheme boom in the economy and improve the quality of services provided to the citizen, who said: «The suffering has surged in recent years and reached a limit is not acceptable», pointing out that Iraqi citizens live by my pension is not acceptable and cities reeling from the impact of poor services. He source to the fact that some 2700 projects worth 186 billion dollars will be distributed over the next five years the life of the plan will be funded through the federal budget as well as through local and foreign investments in activities set by the plan, returned fire action plan of five-year development economic event the most prominent this year because it focused on building rights in education, health and secure clean water and sanitation to the largest possible proportion of the population as well as focus on the theme of the spatial dimension by reducing the differences between the provinces and the distribution of investments by the fair and equitable manner compatible with the need and the degree of deprivation in the previous decades.

    The source revealed that the focus in the implementation of programs to be in the plan will be on oil and electricity sectors as a top priority, given that oil is funded by the foundation of GDP and the financing of the budgets of investment plans. He said strategizing investment in the five-year plan to be reviewed the details of tomorrow, including hundreds of important projects distributed among vital sectors of Iraq needs for reconstruction, stressing the importance of the way through which to deal in the development of a clear vision and easy to understand by all the underlying methodology of the new strategy in line with actual needs of the development of various dimensions and aspects during the years of the next plan and benefit from past experiences in this aspect.

    P/s: Kepada Sesiapa Yg mempunyai Account Bank Di Iraq,Saya Nashiatkan anda “Rajin-rajinlah mengconvertkan duit didalam account bank anda,dengan cara ini anda boleh mengetahui sama ada dinar sudah diapungkan ker belum.kemungkinan besar RV (REVALUE)in Country akan terjadi…ini kerana CBI Telah Mengarahkan Bank-bank Di iraq supaya menghentikan urusniaga mereka sehingga hari isnin akan datang. Kalau benar RV in country akan berlaku maka bersiap sedia kepada pemegang2 account bank diIraq Berkemungkinan IQD 1 = USD 3.65 nilai ini hanya untuk duit yg berada didalam negara iraq. selepas RV in country telah berlaku .. barulah RV secara menyeluruh dengan nilai dinar diapungkan IQD 1 = USD 0.30.

  42. Mohd Helmy berkata:

    E-mail to Warka bank clients

    Dear Warka Clients,
    Please note that Warka Bank for Investment and Finance will be closed this Thursday July 1st 2010 settling and reconciling our mid annual finances in accordance with the regulations and requirements set by the CBI.
    Our bank will be opened for business Sunday July 4th 2010 providing our full services and products.
    Best regards,
    Operations Team
    Warka Bank for Investment and Finance

    P/s: email dari pada Warka Bank kepada Clients mereka.

  43. Mohd Helmy berkata:

    Al-Zubaidi confirms the need for a branch of the World Bank in Iraq

    July 1 2010

    BAGHDAD (AP) – Finance Minister Baqer al-Zubaidi, the importance of opening a branch of the World Bank in Iraq in order to promote confidence and the relationship between the World Bank, Iraq and creating a predictable environment to support investment and entry of firms into Iraq.

    Zubaidi and during a meeting with a U.S. delegation led by Assistant U.S. Treasury Secretary Charles Cullen said that “the economic successes achieved in Iraq was the result of a strong and sustained effort of the Ministry of Finance in formulating and implementing fiscal policy that has been growing” significantly “in the Iraqi economy.

    He said al-Zubaidi said in a statement the Ministry of Finance that Iraq has achieved significant progress in the relationship with the International Monetary Fund and the Convention chock SBA, where he was receiving (400) million dollars of the loan, (3,8) billion dollars over two years, and the discussions with the Fund for the period From 1317 / July this for the second installment of the loan and the amount of ((475 million dollars.

    Also reviewed Zubaidi with the guests strategic budget for the year (2011 / 2012 / 2013), which demarcates the first time in Iraq to provide a strategy and clear for the phased reduction of the deficit in the budget of Iraq, Federal these years, and limit the benefits of highest production of oil to keep the security gains and economic gains made in Iraq.

    For his part, Assistant Secretary of the Treasury U.S. Government’s commitment to effective U.S. support for Iraq to continue to support the efforts of economic reform in the areas of financial management and the financial market to promote economic growth and prosperity.

    This delegation included also the U.S. Director of the Office for International Economics in the Middle East and North Africa in the U.S. Treasury Department and a number of aides and Treasury Department at the U.S. Embassy.

  44. Mohd Helmy berkata:

    Development Plan for the next five years focusing on oil and electricity sectors

    July 1 2010

    The Ministry of Planning and Development Cooperation of Iraq plans to launch a national sustainable development plan for the years from 2010 to 2014 during the next week.
    The ministry said in a statement issued on Thursday said that the past period witnessed the development of features and details of the five-year plan in order to develop economy and improve services, confirming that the investment strategies in the five-year plan contains hundreds of important projects distributed to the vital sectors.
    The statement also pointed to the establishment of approximately 2700 projects worth 186 billion dollars, will be distributed to the next five years, to be financed from the federal budget, and domestic and foreign investments in activities identified by the plan.
    According to the statement, the plan will focus on the spatial dimension by reducing the differences between the provinces and the distribution of investments just about consistent with the need, with a focus in the implementation of programs assessed on oil and electricity sectors.

  45. Mohd Helmy berkata:

    Treasury Assistant Secretary Collyns Visits Iraq

    July 2, 2010

    WASHINGTON – The U.S. Department of the Treasury today announced that Assistant Secretary for International Finance Charles Collyns visited Baghdad, Iraq June 30 – July 1 and met with senior Iraqi leadership including Deputy Prime Minister Rowsh Shaways, Finance Minister Baqir Jabr Al-Zubaidy, Central Bank Governor Dr. Sinan al-Shabibi, and Iraq National Investment Commission Chairman Dr. Sami al-Araji. In addition, he met with Iraqi business leaders, academics and representatives from the United Nations and the WorldBank.

    During his visit, Assistant Secretary Collyns discussed the Treasury Department’s commitment to a long-term partnership with Iraq based on our shared interests, and expressed condolences to the families and friends of victims of recent bombings at Iraqi financial institutions. He reviewed progress made by Treasury’s technical assistance program in areas such as banking, taxation, public financial management and anti-money laundering.

    Assistant Secretary Collyns emphasized the importance of implementing prudent macroeconomic policies, promoting development of the private sector and engaging with internationalfinancial institutions.

    P/s: My opinion this tells me we are real close to the rate change

  46. Mohd Helmy berkata:

    Iraqi economists are calling for activating the law against money laundering

    July 3 2010

    New Iraqi demands for economic experts to activate the law against money laundering, banking institutions are subject to private and public companies, including banking, to act accordingly. They warned against the practice difficult to control, carried out by the offices dealing in foreign currency and local communities outside the scope of the Central Bank of Iraq.
    There was these warnings with the call to organize the work of some 370 franchise companies across Iraq, the value of their capital to one billion dollars and operating under the control of the Iraqi Central Bank accounts are subject to scrutiny and oversight of field constantly.
    It is noteworthy that post in 2003, has offices dealing outside the scope of corporate banking, is the control of its financial transactions is very difficult, they transfer the money in a very large outside Iraq and inside, without the availability of the details around it, prompting officials in the Iraqi Central Bank to create a body combat economic crime, including financial activities of the offices of unlicensed, to underscore the many in this regard and there are operations to finance terrorism and other related financial and administrative corruption.

    The Executive Director called for the Investment Bank of Iraq Hamza asparagus in a statement to «life», the «greater control of the Iraqi Central Bank on remittances, especially with regard to actively banking offices that need to be strict control».He revealed that the money-laundering operations «are strictly confidential and in accordance with mechanisms difficult to control, both for the office of unlicensed or other, since you need illegal practices in a more realistic and serious combat».

    The Director-General of the Department of Banking and trust in the Iraqi Central Bank, Walid Idi Abdul Nabi in a statement to «life», to the great efforts made by the Office of the anti-money laundering at the central bank to reduce the violations recorded in the framework of a corporate banking and foreign exchange ».

    Announced the «development regulations to the Office’s activity derives its objectives and racing of the recommendations of relevant international institutions, as well as increase the effectiveness of associate to the office to enhance their professional capabilities and control, as directed banks, civil and governmental development of control measures necessary and depending on the level of their daily work, so do not pass through any transaction money transfer or receipt of payments without reference to the offices of anti-money laundering currently available in banks.

    P/s: pendapat dari pakar2 ekonomi US : “Well its time to get proof of purchase receipt from dinar dealer… just in case after the RV, banks require proof that dinars came from a legal source”

  47. Mohd Helmy berkata:

    Ministry of Finance: preparing 3 year budget , first time!

    July 4 2010

    BAGHDAD – morning
    Finance Minister Baqer Al Zubaidi said the economic successes achieved in Iraq was the result of strong and sustained effort of the Ministry of Finance in formulating and implementing fiscal policy that has been growing “significantly” in the Iraqi economy.

    The Finance Minister said the economic relations between Iraq and the United States of America developed, noting that Iraq had made significant progress in the relationship with international institutions, especially the International Monetary Fund agreement was signed chock SBA were delivered (400) million dollars of the loan, (3,8 ) billion dollars over two years and the discussions with the Fund for the period from 1317 / July for the second installment of the loan and the amount of (475) million dollars in addition to cooperation with the World Bank through a program of economic reforms the Iraqi who arranged the standards related to the first review of the arrangements chock Fund International Monetary which will help pave the way for a study loan, the second development policy amount (250) million dollars of the amount of up to (500) million to be submitted by the World Bank for Iraq. and Zubaidi, the Ministry of Finance have grown in support of the private banking sector, where up dependence the one that opens in private banks to four million dollars, and this great achievement in support of private banks. Minister of Finance revealed that Iraq has prepared a strategic budget for the year (2011 / 2012 / 2013) which sets for the first time in Iraq to develop strategy and clear for the phased reduction of the deficit Iraq’s budget for these years, federal and limiting the benefits of higher oil production to keep the security and economic gains achieved in Iraq.

  48. Mohd Helmy berkata:

    The development plan will provide more than four million jobs in the country

    July 4 2010

    Alsumaria News / Baghdad
    The Minister of Planning and Development Cooperation Ali Baban, Sunday, the main objective of the National Development Plan for the years 2010 – 2014 launched by his ministry today will provide more than four million jobs after its implementation, while also Chairman of the National Development Plan that the plan stems from the ability of the Iraqi economy Advancement through the granting of local administrations in the provinces a major role in the development process.

    Baban said in an interview with “Alsumaria News” on the sidelines of the celebration set up by the ministry to launch a national development plan in Baghdad that “the National Development Plan for the years 2010 – 2014 would qualify sector of the Iraqi economy in general, as well as it will provide more than four million job opportunities, especially between young people and women, “noting that” the plan did not put a document to be only theoretical, but designed to turn into numbers and data reflected on the reality of the economy and development in the country. ”

    Baban said that “the plan focuses on the sectors of production priority to the oil and electricity sectors,” adding that “the problems of the development plan is the bureaucracy (routine government) and the administrative and financial corruption and political interference and the unstable security conditions, that the plan is trying to overcome the problems that may face implementation process “.

    The head of the outgoing government, Nouri al-Maliki said in a speech during the ceremony, there was an evolution in the development plans and budgets and five-year plans in Iraq, and considered that the issue of planning in Iraq, “is no longer primitive,” and noted in this regard that Iraq will begin within the next few years to benefit from the proceeds of all contracts carried out in all areas.

    The cabinet decided to end last April approved Five-Year National Development Plan for the years (2010-2014) as the final revised by the Ministry of Planning, taking into account the amendments proposed by some ministries into consideration.

    For his part the Chairman of the committee that drafted the National Development Plan for the years 2010-2014 the Ministry of Planning Sami when “The plan stems from the ability of the Iraqi economy to promote through the granting of local administrations in the provinces a major role in the development process,” and it calls for the strengthening of management decentralization of development, to diversify by strengthening the role of the local private sector and foreign investment in the country.

    He said when told of the “Sumerian News”, “The National Development Plan for the five coming years, faces multiple challenges highlighted economic fact that the Iraqi economy, Rei, and depends on oil, which contributes 93% of the fund balances the annual federal”, noting that “this provision is affected at market World oil negatively and positively through the rise and fall. ”

    He said Matthew, who is also Deputy Minister of Planning said that “The second problem is the weakness of the private sector following the flight of Iraqi capital abroad, as well as the problem of unemployment, which reached 15% in Iraq,” noting that “The third problem faced by the plan, is occurrence of 23% of Iraqis living under the poverty line. ”

    And criticized by observers of the economic direction the Iraqi government plans to create a long-term economic development, they consider that it did not prove successful in Iraq during the past three decades, as it established a socialist mental or so-called state takeover of all the economic fortunes of the country.

    The rhetoric of the Iraqi officials on the transition to the free market but that the Iraqi state still controlled most of the industries and some of the economic facilities and tourism, and investment law in Iraq, which passed in 2006 contrary to the majority of Iraqi laws in place four decades ago and related to ownership of lands and selling them.

    The ratification of the National Development Plan Five-year (2010-2014) comes to reducing the differences and barriers between urban and rural areas and the provision of infrastructure and social services, and generate new jobs and increase awareness and acceptance of the principles of sustainable development for the realization of an integrated and coherent ensure activation Investment optimized for human and natural resources in the provinces all of Iraq, and through an increase in the employment rate, particularly among young people and women and increase and improve the amount of water processed for human consumption and the quality and hard work to alleviate poverty, widely available in Iraq.

  49. Mohd Helmy berkata:

    ISX opens week with 1% up

    BAGHDAD / Aswat al-Iraq: The Iraqi Stock Exchange (ISX) index opened this week with an increase of 1% to close at 95.2 points with fresh activity by the hotel sector that registered a remarkable rise in its traded shares.
    The ISX index had registered a 0.7% increase to close at 94.2 points during the previous session.
    “Sunday’s session saw more than 399.375 million shares exchanging hands at 1.581 billion Iraqi dinars ($1.3 million) through 411 deals with non-Iraqi investors grabbing 14 purchase deals worth 9 million dinars over the banking, investment, industrial and hotel sectors,” according to an ISX news bulletin received by Aswat al-Iraq news agency.
    Thirty-one out of a total 85 electronically registered firms traded in today’s session, 10 of them went up, 12 down while nine retained their previous rates.
    The hotel sector came in the lead with 67% of the trading activities through 234 deals worth more than 1 billion dinars over six firms, followed by the banking sector with 16% through 56 deals worth 261 million dinars over eight firms and the industrial sector with 10% through 68 deals worth more than 157 million dinars over nine firms.
    Trading was modest over the service, insurance, investment and agricultural sectors.
    The ISX witnessed its first E-trading session on April 19, 2009 over five registered companies, three banks and two hotels. The banks were: Ashur International Bank (AIB), Al-Mansour Bank and the Iraqi Credit Bank while the hotels were: Ashtar Hotel and Al-Mansour Hotel.
    On June 7, 2009, the Iraqi Middle East Investment Bank and the Warka Bank joined the electronic trading sessions.
    The ISX now holds five sessions from Sunday to Thursday.

  50. Mohd Helmy berkata:

    The government to increase the Japanese loan to Iraq 1,5 billion

    Erbil, July 4 ( Akaniwz ) – The Iraqi Minister of Finance Baqir al- Zubaidi, on Sunday , the Japanese government loan, it would increase Iraq’s 1,5 billion to become the value of the loan total 5 billion dollars to create new projects in the provinces of the loan.

    According to the ministry’s website that ” al-Zubaidi stressed to increase the loan when he met with the Ambassador of Japan to Iraq, Shoji Ogawa today in Baghdad. ”

    He pointed out that ” During the meeting, review of political and economic relations between the two countries and ways of strengthening them to serve common interests. ”

    He called the Ambassador of Japan according to location , ” the new Parliament to ratify the exchange of notes signed between the Government of Iraq , Japan, included the implementation of three development projects, important in central and western Iraq, including water supply project in Nineveh , Salahuddin and Anbar, worth 421 million Power Station Project crutch in Anbar province, the amount of 295 Million and the establishment of a hydroelectric power station in the province of Dohuk in the Kurdistan region worth 170 million dollars. ”

    The Web site that ” has been allocated the remaining amount of the Japanese loan of 220 million dollars ” .. pointing out that ” the Iraqi Finance proposed the allocation of 120 million dollars to the Ministry of Communications to improve the telephone network ground in Iraq and the allocation of 100 million U.S. dollars to hospitals capacity of 200 beds each . “

  51. Mohd Helmy berkata:

    Iraq signs a national energy strategy with the World Bank

    Erbil, July 4 ( Akaniwz ) – The chairman of the advisers in the Iraqi government said on Saturday that Iraq has signed a national energy strategy with the World Bank , which aims to provide opportunities for strategic planning for the future of energy over the next twenty years.

    And the transfer of the National Center for information about Thamer Ghadhban as saying that ” acknowledges the contract to prepare an integrated study for the national strategy in Iraq by one of the world known and financed by the World Bank to be completed within 18 months from next month.

    He explained that ” Iraq needs to address all aspects of energy both in terms of bridging the needs of citizens or in sectors such as industry , agriculture, chock , and the search for alternatives and keep abreast of scientific and technical development in the energy industry as well as to study the costs and cost-effective , taking advantage of the investment.

    The ministries concerned, which witnessed the signing of the contract is ( oil , industry and minerals , electricity, and water resources, and planning).

  52. Mohd Helmy berkata:

    Meh singgah kat sini …. perbincangan pasal dinar Iraq.


  53. Mas_indo berkata:

    HARGA JUAL & BELI DINAR IRAQ TERKINI DI ((http://diinariraq.blogspot.com))…

  54. Mohd Helmy berkata:

    Proof Of Purchase Using Warka Debit Prepaid MasterCard (9 September 2010)

  55. Mohd Helmy berkata:

    Buat sesiapa yg belum buka account Bank Diiraq… silalah buat sekarang. sebab pada awal bulan October saya dah tak buat lagi account bank iraq dengan nilai RM:5,000 Untuk IQD 1,000,000 (Tak Termasuk Debit MasterCard) lagi… mulai 1/10/2010 saya akan Buka pula package RM:7,000 Untuk IQD 1,000,000 (Tak Termasuk Debit MasterCard). Saya tak akan menerima Sebarang rayuan untuk pengurangan harga untuk pembukaan account Bank selepas dari tarikh tersebut.

    • alimaidinar berkata:

      nampak sgt ko yg nk buat duit…….brlakon baik nk menolong,sebenar ko yg dpt utg dulu dr pemegang cash note…buat acc mahal2…giler la…xlogik akal…sekarang ni dh jd brape lak….rm150000 ke?

  56. azri anuar berkata:

    salam en.helmy saya ada beli duit iraq di money changer
    di area KL tak sampai la 100,000 dinar mcm mana perlu ke saya bukak akaun di iraq tq

  57. Mohd Helmy berkata:

    Salam en.azri

    Jika diikutkan adalah wajar buat investor Dinar Di Malaysia membuka account bank di iraq… kerana ianya lebih selamat berbanding membeli & menyimpan cash note.
    ini disebabkan apabila anda membuka account bank di iraq, anda akan secara tak langsung mempunyai bukti pembelian matawang asing dari pihak bank. Maaf en azri saya ingin bertanya sesuatu… anda membeli Cash note dinar dari money changer di area KL , ada tak dia memberikan official resit penjualan Dinar??
    Sekiranya ada tak mengapa… kalau boleh en.azri simpan baik2 resit tersebut, sebab ia memudahkan penjualan semula kepada money changer tersebut pada masa RV nanti. sila pastikan resit tersebut ” Official Resit ” bukan sekadar hanya cetakan kertas jurnal (Roll Paper) sahaja tampa nama syarikat tersebut.sebab setahu saya Dimalaysia mana2 bank & money changer tidak dibenarkan menjual Dinar Iraq. suatu masa dahulu Citibank Dimalaysia pernah menjual Cash note Dinar Iraq pada coustomer2 mereka,tetapi diberi amaran oleh BNM supaya menghentikan penjualan tersebut. sehingga kini tiada satu bank pun dimalaysia menjualnya. dan satu lagi kelebihan membuka account bank di Iraq… sekiranya berlaku pertukaran matawang pada penghujung bulan Disember 2010..anda tidak perlu risau lagi…kerana duit anda yg berada didalam account akan turut bertukar.


  58. Mohd Helmy berkata:

    Dear Warka Clients,

    With regards to the rumors that have been circulating against our bank by ill competitors please note that our bank is well supervised and monitored by the highest financial authority in Iraq CBI and we operate under their firm guidelines and regulations where deposits are guaranteed by the CBI.

    Best regards,

    Warka Bank for Investment and Finance


  59. khairul berkata:

    Salam,saya berminat untuk buka akaun warka bank,sila hubungi saya; 0146091486

  60. moja berkata:

    kalau beli dengan encik helmi ada ke resit??kalau tak da resit mcm mana blh ke tukar kat money changer nanti? akan ada masalah ke kalau tak da resit.

    • Mohd Helmy berkata:

      Bro Buat pengetahuan anda,saya tidak menjual Cash Note Dinar,Tetapi saya membeli Dinar Melalui Wire Transsfer(Electronic Currency) Dari Bank Dimalaysia ke Bank Di Iraq. so sesiapa yg buka account Bank Diiraq melalui saya.. anda tak perlu risau Sebab pembelian Mata Wang Dinar Tersebut Sah Dari segi Undang2 Bank Negara Malaysia.anda akan di berikan Bukti Slip (Wire Transsfer)Pembelian matawang asing Tersebut sebagai bukti Penukaran Dari nilai Ringgit Malaysia Ke US Dollar dan duit US Dollar tersebut akan masuk Terus ke dalam account Bank anda di Iraq dan melalui bank di Iraq anda akan Menukarkan US Dollar tersebut menjadi Matawang Dinar. dengan hanya cara begini sahaja menjadi Halal Dari sisi Undang2 perbankkan dimalaysia.Kalau tak Percaya Sila Reffer BNM. sila rujuk Link Disini


      Dan Sila Baca Soalan NO 8 & 1. atau pun saya copy & paste sahaja Soalan & jawapan Dari pihak Bank Negara Malaysia (FAQ)

      Soalan No 8 :

      Do I need prior permission to open a foreign currency account?

      Jawapan Dari Soalan No 8:

      Residents are free to open foreign currency accounts (FCA) in Malaysia or overseas.

      Soalan No 1 :

      Who can buy or sell foreign currency in Malaysia?

      Jawapan Dari Soalan No 8:

      Licensed commercial banks or Islamic banks in Malaysia may buy or sell foreign currency other than the currency of Israel with a resident or non-resident in Malaysia or any party outside Malaysia.

      An investment bank may also buy or sell foreign currency with their resident clients or any non-residents.

      Licensed moneychangers are only permitted to buy and sell foreign currency notes against ringgit and buy any travellers’ cheques.

      Licensed offshore banks in Labuan may buy or sell foreign currency against another foreign currency with any non-resident clients.

      Harap Maklum …

  61. akupun berkata:

    mau bukak akaun..
    segera…dan murah dari pasaran lain…
    email segera…

    • Mohd Helmy berkata:

      Bro. Email saya No h/p anda. di


      pakej Terbaru saya ada 2 iaitu :

      i)RM:5,500 = Sebuah Account Bank (Online Banking)Di dalam Account tersebut telah tersedia Duit Dinar sebanyak IQD 500,000

      ii)RM:7,000 = Sebuah Account Bank (Online Banking)Di dalam Account tersebut telah tersedia Duit Dinar sebanyak IQD 1,000,000

      P/s: sekiranya berminat untuk apply Debit MasterCard sila Tambah lagi RM:500.


      • Farida berkata:

        Askm….saya berminat nak buka akaun bank di Iraq dengan pakej RM5,500…so camane yeaa… bleh hubungi saya d 017-3835636 @ pun saya hubungi saudara…

      • Mohd Helmy berkata:

        Salam Cik Faridah,

        Saya dah emailkan pada anda dockument2 yg diperlukan untuk membuka account bank diiraq,sila baca email anda.

        P/s: saya Call anda jam 8:40am 11 October 2010 tapi anda tak Pickup Phone.


      • along kasmin berkata:

        askum tuan.

        sy berminat nk buka akaun ini..no tel sy 0166933634 atau email sy guydacosta8050@gmail.com.

      • Mohd Siddiq berkata:

        Salam tuan Helmy, saya berminat membeli IQD 1000000, ini phone saya 013-2676983 dan email saya: sifusidddiq19@gmail.com . Tq tuan atas penerangan di atas.

    • ahmad berkata:

      Buka akaun apa ni tuan?

    • ahmad berkata:

      akaun apa ni tuan?

    • zarith berkata:

      hang punya jual dinar iraq pon mahal jugak…1 juta iqd rm 7,000…

      aku boleh dpat 1 juta iqd rm 3650..hang pn sama nak untung bnyk sgt…

      • julius berkata:


        Mendapatkan pinjaman yang sah selalu menjadi masalah besar bagi pelanggan yang memiliki kebutuhan keuangan. Pertanyaan kredit dan jaminan pelanggan sesuatu yang selalu tertarik pada pinjaman dari industri perbankan yang sah lender.But swasta. perbedaan dalam industri pinjaman.

        . Julius Berger, Jasa Keuangan, kami menawarkan pinjaman pada batas 2% dikreditkan
        oleh para kreditur untuk memberikan pinjaman kepada klien lokal dan internasional. Kami memiliki hak istimewa untuk kebutuhan finansial Anda. Masalah kredit menghentikan Anda mendapatkan pinjaman yang Anda butuhkan. Layanan kami meliputi: –

        * Investor Pinjaman
        * Hutang Konsolidasi
        * Kedua Mortgage
        * Bisnis pinjaman
        * Pinjaman Pribadi
        * Internasional Pinjaman

        Persyaratan Personal Details:

        * Pinjaman jumlah yang diperlukan:
        * Pinjaman Tujuan:
        * Negara:
        * Nama:
        * Duration:
        * Umur:
        * Telepon: *
        * Kontak E = mail: juliusberger.loanfirm @ gmail.com
        * Jaminan sosial dan tidak ada pemeriksaan kredit, jaminan 100%. Yang harus Anda lakukan adalah
        mari kita tahu persis apa yang Anda inginkan, tanpa diragukan lagi, mimpi Anda menjadi kenyataan. . Luci Jasa Keuangan Batas. mengatakan ya ketika bank mengatakan TIDAK. Akhirnya, dana kredit untuk usaha kecil, perantara dan lembaga keuangan kecil yang memiliki modal terbatas .*

        Hormat saya, untuk jawaban Anda.

        Hormat kami,
        Mr Julius Berger *

  62. Mohd Helmy berkata:


    Berita baik buat Pemegang2 account Warka Bank

    Pada 10/10/10 Warka Bank Investment And Finance Di anugrahkan Pingat


    Untuk Makluman Lanjut Sila Click Link Dibawah.


  63. Mutalib berkata:

    Kalau nak beli dinar saya ada jual. 50,000 IQD = rm350
    Boleh lawat blog saya untuk maklumat lanjut.

  64. joe berkata:

    saya juga berminat nak buka akaun. boleh tuan email saya

  65. joe berkata:

    ok sy dah email tuan

  66. wan berkata:

    kepada yang nak bukak akaun kat warka bank, anda boleh buat sendiri. kerjanya senang je.

  67. malik berkata:

    boleh tuan ajar saya?

  68. Mohd Helmy berkata:


    yang tak pandai buat account bank Iraq & nak buka account bank Di Iraq Boleh email pada saya…

    Document yg di perlukan adalah seperti Berikut :-

    i) IC muka Depan Sahaja (Scan)

    ii) Lesen Memandu Bergambar (expire) & yg Tidak bergambar (yg terbaru) @ Utiliti Bil di atas nama Anda (Scan)

    iii) Tanda Tangan Anda ( Scan )

    iv) No telefon Bimbit & Telefon Rumah (sekiranya ada)

    itu sahaja.

    pakej Terbaru saya ada 2 iaitu :

    i)RM:5,500 = Sebuah Account Bank (Online Banking)Di dalam Account tersebut telah tersedia Duit Dinar sebanyak IQD 500,000

    ii)RM:7,000 = Sebuah Account Bank (Online Banking)Di dalam Account tersebut telah tersedia Duit Dinar sebanyak IQD 1,000,000

    P/s: sekiranya berminat untuk apply Debit MasterCard sila Tambah lagi RM:500.


  69. salam…
    Tidakkah mahal bukak akaun sampaikan rm5500 then dapat 1/2 juta je?? macam xberbaloi jer??

    • Mohd Helmy berkata:

      sekarang mungkin anda rasa tidak berbaloi… dan anda merasakan mahal…sekiranya membuka account bank dari menyimpan Cash Note…kita tunggu 31 December 2010 kita tengok siapa yg lagi mahal…setelah 3 angka sifar dari cash note dibuang… perlu diketahui CBI dah Mengeluarkan kenyataan melalui akhbar pada 31 december 2010 semua duit nilai besar dari cash note akan menjadi nilai kecil.proses pembuangan 3 angka sifar hanya tertumpu pada Cash Note & Currency Paper.. pada masa itu IQD 1,000,000 yg anda beli dengan RM: 3,600 @ RM:4,600 @ RM:15,000 akan menjadi IQD 1,000 sahaja.sekiranya anda tidak percaya dengan info saya…,saya syorkan anda mencari sendiri artical yg telah dikeluarkan oleh CBI berkenaan dengan isu ini.

      P/s: pastikan investment yg kita tunggu2 selama ini tidak sia2 dengan penghapusan 3 angka sifar.


  70. Mutalib Nawawi berkata:

    Saya jual dinar iraq 50,000 IQD = rm350, 500,000IQD = rm2500, 1 Million = RM4700. Harga termurah dipasaran.
    Info lanjut Jual Beli Dinar Iraq Termurah Di Pasaran

    • Mohd Helmy berkata:

      sekiranya sesiapa yg masih lagi berminat untuk membeli cash note dinar…. ini ada berita baik buat anda.. ini kerana seorang coustomer saya yg sudah membuka account ngan saya meminta tolong saya untuk menjualkan cash note dia sebanyak IQD 5,000,000 . setiap IQD1,000,000 saya jual dengan harga RM:3,500.lagi murah dari penjual2 dinar di Malaysia mahu pun Di USA… berminat email pada saya di


      P/s: sila bawa money dectector anda bila anda berurusan dengan saya… untuk mengesahkan keaslian duit tersebut.


  71. Mutalib Nawawi berkata:

    Saya jual dinar iraq 50,000 IQD = rm350, 500,000IQD = rm2500, 1 Million = RM4700. Harga termurah dipasaran.
    Info lanjut Jual Beli Dinar Iraq Termurah Di Pasaran

    • Mohd Helmy berkata:

      Saya punya harga lagi murah dari anda.. macam mana anda boleh cakap harga anda paling murah dipasaran..

      IQD:1,000,000 saya Jual RM:3,500 . sekiranya anda rasa harga saya memang murah… saya galakan anda membeli ngan saya…


    • Profesor Gile berkata:

      salam…sesiapa yang ingin miliki DINAR IRAQ..b0leh hubungi di n0mbor 0176173199…..10,000=rm60..25,000=rm100….prefer C0D malacca…free p0s

  72. salam.. encik helmy ada web/blog x?

    Lagi satu tolong jangan salah faham mengenai isu delete 3 angka 0 kat belakang tu ye.. bukan ape.. statement anda meresahkan hati pelabur-pelabur di Malaysia jer.. TQ

    • Mohd Helmy berkata:

      Salam pada saudagar dinar….

      Tajuk perbincangan Kita adalah ” PEMANSUHAN 3 ANGKA SIFAR DARI CASH NOTE IRAQ “.

      seperti yg anda sedia maklum… ini adalah teory yg terlintas didalam fikiran saya sahaja… teori ini bermain difikiran saya ketika saya membaca artical dari panel advisor CBI iaitu Mudhhir Muhammad Salih yang menyatakan penghapusan 3 angka sifar tidak menjejaskan ekonomi Iraq malah meningkatkan ekonomi mereka & juga tidak menjejaskan simpanan rakyat Iraq.

      dari ayat ini puas saya memikirkan bagai mana cara CBI nak melakukanya tampa ada kesan sampingan kepada ekonominya??? ia amat2 mustahil.sekiranya CBI menghapuskan 3 angka sifar dari cash note, ini akan menjadikan nilai IQD25,000 menjadi IQD25 sahaja apa akan terjadi Pada ISX dia???? apa akan terjadi pada pelabur2 dari negara lain yg datang melabur kenegara Iraq dengan amount pelaburan yg besar akhirnya jumlah pelaburan mereka tadi akan menjadi kecil setelah penghapusan 3 angka sifar dijalankan . bagi saya ekonomi negara Iraq bukan bertambah maju bahkan sebaliknya ekonominya akan jatuh merudum.

      oleh sebab itu saya membuat andaian bahawa tiada jalan lain Iraq nak menghapuskan Note Besar mereka @ lebih dikenali sebagai pemansuhan 3 angka sifar ini, hanya dengan cara teori saya tadi.

      melalui teori saya itu, Iraq tidak akan memansuhkan 3 angka sifarnya tapi sebaliknya ia akan terus mengguna pakai 3 angka sifar tersebut dengan cara membuat RV didalam nilai yg kecil.itulah yg saya nampak jalan penyelesaian kepada penghapusan Note besar.

      apabila RV pada nilai yg kecil telah dibuat CBI akan memanggil semula Duit2 bernilai besar mereka yg berada diluar iraq untuk ditukarkan mengikut value harga semasa.dan CBI akan memberi tempoh untuk penukaran balik duit tersebut min 30 hari max 6bulan ataupun setahun.

      so bagi pendapat saya.. sekiranya tempo tersebut berakhir,maka Cash Note nilai besar sudah berjaya dibawa keluar dari circulation. hanya dengan cara inilah sahaja ekonomi Negara Iraq Tidak akan terjejas,malah pelabur2 dari pelbagai negara akan berlumba2 datang ker Iraq untuk membuat pelaburan. Kenapa saya menyatakan sekiranya teori ini diguna pakai pelabur2 dipelbagai negara akan datang melabur???? ini tak lain & tak bukan kerana nilai IQD telah mula meningkat.

      contoh saya bagi… sekiranya anda datang melabur ke Iraq sebelum RV pada rate kecil berlaku, Investment anda sebanyak IQD 1,000,000 bersamaan USD 860 bersamaan RM:2,6XX.00 , dan setelah dinar diapungkan buat pertama kali pada nilai yg kecil..katakanlah @ contohnya USD 0.10 , berapa keuntungan anda pada masa itu????? bukankah keuntungan anda itu sebanyak USD100,000 dan ditolakkan semula dengan pelaburan permulaan anda sebanyak USD860,bukankah anda telah membuat profit sebanyak USD99,140. pelabur manakah yg kurang cerdik yg tidak mahu datang melabur Keiraq????? dah pasti ramai yg akan datang ke iraq.so oleh sebab itu Muhammad Salih memberitahu bahawa ekonominya akan lebih stabil.

      bagi pemegang2 Cash Note Besar iraq, investment anda hanya setakat RV USD 0.10 sahaja.Kenapa untung pada RV rate USD 0.10 sahaja??? mesti ramai diantara anda akan bertanya pada saya,anda jangan lupa… bahawa anda adalah pemegang CASH NOTE nilai besar yg mempunyai TIME PRIOD untuk ditukarkan sebelum tempoh masanya habis.dan jangan lupa pula topik kita adalah “PEMANSUHAN 3 ANGKA SIFAR DARI CASH NOTE IRAQ”.

      tak sama dengan penyimpan duit melalui account bank…,penyimpan duit dalam bank tidak mempunyai tempo masa penukaran,kerana duit tersebut memang sudah berada didalam bank.dan mereka bolah menikmati RV pada rate yg lebih tinggi.

      P/s: cadangan saya pada pemegang CASH NOTE nilai besar sekiranya anda Ingin menikmati RV pada rate yg tinggi,saya cadangkan anda pergi ke CBI untuk membuat penukaran Nilai besar kepada nilai yg lebih kecil kemudian anda bukalah account bank disana dan anda depositkanlah duit anda tersebut kedalam account anda.buat masa sekarang…sebelum RV berlaku… anda mempunyai option.

      Buat pada Saudagar Dinar,sekiranya anda mempunyai teori yang lain… saya harap anda boleh berkongsi maklumat dengan saya melalui fourm ini….


  73. mohd hizanee berkata:

    bilakah dinar akan d apungkan

  74. khairul berkata:

    Nouri al-Maliki kekal PM Iraq

    BAGHDAD 8 Nov. – Blok-blok politik di Iraq sepakat untuk berkongsi kuasa yang menyaksikan Nouri al-Maliki daripada puak Syiah, kekal sebagai Perdana Menteri, genap lapan bulan selepas satu pilihan raya diadakan di negara ini yang tidak memberi kemenangan mutlak kepada mana-mana parti.

    “Satu perjanjian telah dicapai semalam di kalangan parti-parti politik. Jalal Talabani akan kekal sebagai Presiden, al-Maliki sebagai Perdana Menteri dan pakatan Iraqiya akan memilih calonnya untuk jawatan Speaker Parlimen,” kata jurucakap kerajaan, Ali al-Dabbagh kepada AFP.

    Menurutnya, kata sepakat itu dicapai antara Perikatan Kebangsaan Iraq (INA) yang mewakili parti-parti Syiah dan pakatan Kurdish, sementara sokongan Iraqiya bergantung kepada perjanjian berhubung jawatan Sppeaker dan Presiden.

    “Buat masa ini, Iraqiya masih belum menetapkan pihak mana yang bakal memegang jawatan Speaker Parlimen dan Presiden,” kata al-Dabbagh.

    Blok Iraqiya pimpinan bekas Perdana Menteri Iyad Allawi daripada puak Sunah yang memenangi kebanyakan kerusi pada pilihan raya pada 7 Mac lalu. Namun ia masih belum cukup untuk membentuk majoriti, turut mengesahkan perjanjian tersebut dan menyatakan pihaknya masih berbincang tentang dua jawatan tertinggi itu.

    “Draf perjanjian dengan Iraqiya sudah dibuat, tetapi masih ada masalah yang perlu diselesaikan,” kata al-Dabbag, sambil menambah kata, Parlimen akan bersidang pada Khamis ini bagi memilih Speaker baru, satu langkah ke arah pembentukan kerajaan.

    Jurucakap itu berkata, al-Maliki dan Allawi juga akan menghadiri satu majlis di Arbil, ibu negara wilayah autonomi Kurdistan hari ini, bagi mengumumkan persepakatan blok-blok politik secara rasmi.

    Setiausaha Negara Amerika Syarikat (AS), Hillary Clinton, dalam kunjungannya ke Australia hari ini berkata, Iraq perlu membentuk kerajaan yang mempunyai wakil daripada pelbagai kumpulan.

    “Kita sentiasa mendesak rakyat Iraq supaya membentuk kerajaan yang menggambarkan kepentingan serta keperluan semua lapisan masyarakat, yang bermaksud ia adalah satu perkongsian kuasa antara puak-puak dan individu,” katanya.

    Ahli Parlimen Jamal al-Butikh daripada Iraqiya sebelum ini berkata, bloknya bersetuju dengan perjanjian perkongsian kuasa selepas ia diyakinkan bahawa ‘tiada keputusan politik akan dibuat tanpa persetujuannya’. – AFP

  75. red berkata:

    sy nk bli 1juta dinar iraq notes 10k..sapa ad,tolg sms kat sy,0137929639…harp dpt hrga tmurah..

  76. palorma berkata:

    bila mau apung ni? sapa tau kat money changer mana bole tuko dinar iraq ni bile dh di apungkan? kasi update yerr..

    • shin berkata:

      Mana2 MC boleh tukar bila dah apung nanti. Bank pun ada. Cuma kena hati2 dgn perompak2 disekeliling kita krn mereka juga peka tentang cite dinar ni.

      Kalau nak latest news baca dinar daddy.com. Bahasa omputeh pun bole tahan gak. Tapi news selalu update dan tepat/cepat/padat.

    • salman berkata:

      Kat subang perdana ada money changer yang beli dinar iraq tapi buat masa sekarang dia beli RM290 bagi 100k Dinar Iraq.Dia jual RM350 bagi 100k Dinar Iraq.Aku juga dimaklumkan nilai Dinar akan meningkat.

  77. sudu berkata:

    sape2 takde duit nak upah orang boleh bukak akaun sendiri. senang je. pergi forum kat sebelah. topix forum. kat situ ada diterangkan cara2 bukak akaun, buat TT, authorized letter. dan macam2 lagi.

  78. shin berkata:

    United Nation (Ban Kim Moon)dah nak gi Iraq maybe on 15th. Bincang pasal kenapa Irq harus dikeluarkan dari Chapter 7 (sekatan ekonomi yg dikenakan dari Zaman Sadam) bila dah diluluskan mungkin Dinar akan diapungkan. So watch for the news.
    Sabo2 le sikit. Mat saleh2 tu forcast USD 0.86/USD1.47 then USD3.00. Ngintai2 le sikit. Ada harapan ni, cuma tak pasti polisi negara kita ni camna. BNm BNM he..he..

  79. shin berkata:

    I like this comments. So let’s just share it together.

    svisser Email to DD: Where We Stand Now
    December 4th, 2010 02:03 pm · Posted in CHATS / POSTS

    After 3 years of chasing this dinar RV, I am the most optimistic that I have ever been. For the first time EVER we are looking at a closing window that it not based on anybody’s intel and strictly public knowledge. (I am convinced that the word Intel is Arabish for Bull Sh**!) The political forces seem to be coming into line as well.
    Let me explain please…
    1. Parliament is operational with Maliki stating he will have his ministers in place within a week.
    2. Kuwait says publically in several different articles that they will not hinder Iraq and the removal of Chapter 7.
    3. Ban Ki Moon, General Secretary of the UN, for the first time in my recollection has openly stated that Iraq only needs to complete issues with Kuwait to be removed from Chapter 7 sanctions by the end of the year. The bigger statement made in that same article is that Iraq has dealt with all issues in regards to WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION. Last November Iraq was clearly prepared to RV and the US made a major push to get Iraq released from Ch 7, however the issues of WMD’s had not been satisfied. That stopped the RV in its tracks and then we fell into the election fiasco.
    4. Joe Biden who is not just the Vice President, but he is the point man for the Obama administration for all things Iraq, announces that he will chair the UNSC special meeting for IRAQ on Dec 15th.
    5. Both the UN Ambassador and US Ambassador are on record yesterday stating that Iraq will be driven from Ch 7 by the end of the year.
    6. The IMF has taken the position that there will be no more loans to IRAQ at this time.
    7. UN has publically taken a position that they are reluctant to extend DFI (protections)any longer.
    8. Shabbibi has publically stated that they will move forward with Currency Reform upon completion of the government formation.
    Why all this excites me… and I am not easily excited. If you study Maliki you begin to understand that he has a political quality called staying power. He is not afraid to wait and wait and wait, delay, delay and delay some more in an attempt to get what he wants. He has proven this over the last 3 years, in that he has leveraged the RV to obtain: debt relief, negotiate oil contracts with foreign companies preferable to Iraq and to get favorable loans from both sovereign governments as well as the IMF. You clearly saw Maliki use these delay tactics and his ability to hang on long enough to reclaim the position of Prime Minister. You can hate the guy… but from a purely political standpoint… you have to admire his political prowess… (He reminds me of Bill Clinton)
    I think the rest of the world has figured him out as well. So now… pressure is being applied back on Malik! Maliki claims he can have the government seated by the Dec 9th, so the UN applies pressure by scheduling a UNSC meeting specific to Iraq six days later. Then Moon publically announces that Iraq is on the verge of being removed from sanctions… but only need to complete issues with Kuwait, “which will require action by parliament”. (More public pressure) The IMF said no to anymore loans to cover the budget shortfall… suggesting instead that the imposition of tariffs would cover the shortfall. Keep in mind that under Chapter 7, the government cannot institute tariffs. (More Financial pressure). The IMF is ticked about the delay in the RV and it has been suggested that the Paris club would consider reinstatement of debts previously owed by Iraq and waived by the Paris Club members. (BTW this is the only piece of intel that I will reference because all i
    ntel is BS in my opinion… however this certainly fits the pattern of financial pressure) Shabbibi’s announcement of currency reform coming upon the formation of the government again applies a little more internal public pressure.
    So you have the CBI, IMF, UN, US, Paris Club, Kuwait and a host of other countries applying very PUBLIC pressure to Maliki to get this done. I believe this pressure is ORCHESTRATED with one goal in mind. Completion of the government and Completion of this RV! Maliki has made promises. He has one chance to maintain power… but given his propensity to delay to get more of what he wants….multiple forces have aligned to remind him of his obligations and promises. Maliki has a choice… to be a hero or to goat. With his ego… I am betting he opts for Hero!
    If he honors his agreements, he should have no problem seating the government and being credited with vastly improving the economy of Iraq over the next several years. However, if he blows this… there will be No RV (by the end of the year), No immediate relief from Chap 7, No IMF loans, No tariffs, No debt relief, No more loans from other countries and no real economic growth. Most importantly to Maliki… it will mean a vote of NO Confidence in his government and he will fall away into political obscurity. Allawi would be the next in line to form the government and although it would delay an RV… Allawi would get it done and be credited with returning Iraq to a vibrant economy, and a political force to respected on the International stage.
    Based on this info and analysis… and NOT INTEL… I believe we are in the final stages and depending on what Maliki does between now and the Dec 14th, we could see an RV prior to the end of the year.
    I originally had a specific date in mind, however my wife said… “No Dates… or you will be just like every other guru!” So I am listening to my wife!

    Good Luck Everyone!


  80. gaddafi berkata:


    berhati hati dengan mohd helmi,jgn terpengaruh dgn beliau untuk membuka akaun ,dia hanya sebarkan spekulasi untuk takutkn org ramai supaya jgn simpan duit cash,jgn jd bodoh bg 7-8 ribu untuk buka akaun,cekik darah,untung atas angin dalam 5-6 ribu,jika anda berminat untuk mengetahui cara-cara untuk buka sendiri akaun di iraq@warka bank ,sila ke forum ni..forumer disini akan bgtau cara2 nya….
    En helmy disitu menggunakan nick Iraqidinarinvestment


    • Mohd Helmy berkata:

      buat apa nak hati2 ngan saya… saya bukannya menipu duit orang….he..he..he..kan saya dah cakap…sekiranya anda boleh membuka sendiri account bank….anda buka ler…. X salah….anda dapat menjimatkan duit anda…..Tujuan saya menyuruh anda membuka account bank..adalah untuk menyelamatkan duit investment anda….dari berita yg hangat diperkatakan tentang pembuangan 3 angka sifar….,saya x nak anda berangan nak jadi jutawan iraq x kesampaian dengan penghapusan 3 angka sifar yg bakal anda saksikan dalam bulan ini.sia2 penantian anda selama ini untuk menjadi jutawan..

      Experts: Delete the zeros from the currency will raise the value, Lead to revaluation

      December 5, 2010

      Tags: Iraq, Dinar, Currency, Revaluation, iraqi, middle east, Central bank, Central Bank of Iraq, Monetary policy, Inflation, Saleh

      “…the process of deleting three zeros from the Iraqi currency will lead to a revaluation”

      – Dr. Hilal Al-Tahan, economist

      Note: An article very similar to this news story has been posted on Currency Newshound. However this particular article uses the word “revaluation” in Dr. al-Tahan’s quote. I thought it was interesting and wanted to share it with you. It is very difficult to find an article speaking of currency revaluation and iraqi dinar in the same context. Enjoy!

      Delete the zeros of the Iraqi currency of the important issues of concern to economists at the present time and this made the call Central Bank Governor Sinan al-Shabibi to come to the House of Representatives at its yesterday to discuss this issue, members of Parliament have discussed with the Governor a number of economic aspects of interest to the public sphere

      In addition to (deletion of zeros) of the Iraqi currency in and out, with a nominal value of cash and keep Bakimiteha purchasing. Adviser to the CBI the appearance of Mohammed Salih said: The current year will witness the launch the process of removing zeros, stressing that the bank has completed 50% of the preparations that are working on since 2005.

      • master khall berkata:

        sy bersetuju dgn kata helmi, kita bukan nak untung kita nak orang yg untung….. lebih baik kita tak payah beritau kat orang……

      • ara berkata:

        maknanyer mcm sy yg ada note 25k, kene tukar note kecil ya..?

  81. Mohd Helmy berkata:


    Sila Tengok Berita jam 12am nanti….. najib Bagi amaran pada BNM supaya mengetatkan kemasukan duit keluar masuk kemalaysia…kerana Kerajaan Malaysia mendapati banyak DUIT HARAM (duit yg masuk Tampa sah)yg telah memasuki ke dalam Malaysia dan akan mengancam nilai RM .

    P/s:Hati2 pada penyimpan Cash Note Dinar….saya bukan nak menakutkan…tapi sekadar ingin memberitahu…..spt yg telah saya jangkakan… pekara ini akan berlaku pada saat2 nak RV

  82. master khall berkata:

    salam helmi, lama tak dengar cerita…. mcm mane dgn dinar kita… ada perkembangan tak????? kepada sesiapa yang masih lg belum membuka akaun kami masih lg menerima tempah dan jangan tunggu sampai di RV kan… rugi… sila hubungi ataupun sms ke 0132200918…. jangan lambat dinar nak RV nie…… insya allah….

    saya ada 2 pakej iaitu :

    i)RM:5,500 = Sebuah Account Bank (Online Banking)Di dalam Account tersebut telah tersedia Duit Dinar sebanyak IQD 500,000

    ii)RM:7,000 = Sebuah Account Bank (Online Banking)Di dalam Account tersebut telah tersedia Duit Dinar sebanyak IQD 1,000,000

    P/s: sekiranya berminat untuk apply Debit MasterCard sila Tambah lagi RM:800.

    • kak natrah berkata:

      salam, akak tgk ko yg lg cari untung dari yg yg pegang cash note…bkn niat nk membantu…berkali gnda ko amik utg…….bersihkan hati tu..jgn ckp nk mmbntu,tp penipu hakikinya…ishhhhh2

  83. shin berkata:

    Let’s share this together.


    * Phoenix Lesson 12/10/10 8:40pm
    December 10th, 2010 09:42 pm · Posted in CHATS / POSTS
    I do not frequent any of the listed dinar forums and it is nice to be able to see all of the tidbits in one place.

    Here is something I shared with someone this am who was having doubts and I thought it would be good to share with all as a reminder.

    Sometimes we need to take a glance back to see just from where we have come to know full well were we now stand.

    Here is a refresher.

    Iraqi is under chapter 7 UN sanctions and as we all know we may see the removal or modification of Chapter 7 sanctions this Tuesday the 16th as the UNSC meets on this very issue.

    Chapter 7 is the 7th chapter of the UN charter which places nations under strong international economic

    Iraq has been under UN Chapter 7 sanctions from 1991 until present.

    They were placed under these sanctions right after the invasion of Kuwait.

    It was under the authority of Chapter 7 sanctions that the UN/IMF/World Bank came into Iraq and took over the Central bank and the currency of Iraq.

    When they did this they deemed all Iraqi Saddam Dinars void and issued the New Iraqi Dinar that we now hold.

    This company DelaRue printed 9 Trillion IQD and they introduced this in October of 2003 and gave the Iraqis 3 months to exchange the old for the new.

    A total of 4.5 trillion was exchanged and went into circulation and the rest was placed into protective storage.

    When the new IQD was printed there were 14 denominations printed but only 9 have been issued to date and it is speculated the lower denominations that were not released are the ones that are about to go into circulation now as they remove the larger �zero notes�

    It is speculated that the 5 missing denominations that we are about to see are the 25 dinar the 10 dinar the 5 dinar the 1 dinar and the 1/2 dinar notes.

    When they did this change of currency they also devalued the currency to near worthless.

    This massive devaluation was done for specific reasons.

    Reason 1 was to prevent and hinder the resistance from having the funding to fight the US and British forces.

    And the second reason was to prevent or reduce the pending humanitarian disaster that would have been caused by a flood of refugees into surrounding nations.

    So by doing this massive over night devaluation they effectively froze/removed the personal monetary assets of all Iraqis.

    Now it is under this same authority of the UN Chapter 7 and the sweeping powers it gives the international community over Iraqi assets that the revaluation of the Iraqi Dinar will happen and this also provides the legal bases of same.

    So all that we will be seeing when the revaluation takes place is the return of the assets which were removed from the nation of Iraq and its people.

    It is not like the nation of Iraq will be getting something out of no where�it is just that what was taken from the people and the nation of Iraq will be returned and even then only a fraction of what they once had.

    So the reality of the situation is that after all is said and done the nation of Iraq after coming out of near 20 years of economic sanctions and after the return of the assets and wealth to the people and nation of Iraq the value of the Iraqi Dinar even AFTER the revaluation will be a fraction of what it was pre UN sanctions.

    As it should be.

    So what we are seeing now with all of the confusing articles on the removal of zeros is to be expected.

    My analysis of all of the �removal of zero� articles is the following:

    1. They are about to revalue the Iraqi Dinar to at or just above $1.00.

    2. They at the same time will place into circulation the lower denominations, 25,10,5,1, and 1/2 dinar notes.

    3. They will then give a set time for the removal of the �3 zero notes� (large denominations) and that deadline may be the end of 2010.

    Now I have always thought we would see the removal of Chapter 7 sanctions at or near the same time as the revaluation of the Iraqi Dinar and as stated before we see that they have set this Tuesday the 16th for the meeting on this very subject.

    So that is it�we see Iraq moving forward with the free and open democratic elections and we have the UNSC meeting this very week on the removal of Chapter 7 sanctions so all in all things are looking great.

    So I just thought I would share this refresher with all on just where we have come from in an effort to clarify just where we now stand.

    Hope that helps.

    Oh, and by the way, did you know that this Thursday on the 18th there will be a Life on Mars talk at the Museum of London presented by Professor Ian Morison?

    Be there or be square! LOL!


    Be well and the best of luck to ALL!~

  84. Agnes berkata:

    Halo, I have 2 set Dinars i hand, 41,800 per set. Heard that they going to change the new notes, pls advise urgently what should I do? Where to change this?

    • cash note only berkata:

      read this…….buang 3 sifar bukan bermakna di padam dari duit 2..tetapi,bank iraq akan menarik balik duit yang telah di keluarkan di serata dunia.pemilik akan di minta menukar duit tersebut dengan memberi masa.ini kerana setelah di apungkan.nilai dinar sudah menjadi besar.maka tidak perlu lg pihak iraq mengeluarkan note yg besar.ketika ini,pihak iraq terpaksa menggunakan note yg besar memandangkan nilai dinar terlalu rendah.cthnya.note 25k dinar di tukarkan kepada 25 dinar.bermakna pemilik akan memiliki 1000 keping note 25 dinar yg bersamaan 25k dinar.bukannya 25k dinar jadi nilai 25 dinar.hehehe.klau mcam 2 habis la bank iraq sendiri yg dh simpan berbilion jadi ratus ribu dinar jer.jatuh bankrap la iraq balik mcm 2.xda guna la iraq apungkan duit dia.fikir la berdasarkan fakta berkaitan currency dan bkn fikiran logik sendiri.hehe.penyimpan dinar mesti la senantiasa tenang dan sabar menunggu.klau xtenang baik jangan jadi pelabur dinar.hahaha.jgn mara..cuba la baca di ulasan ali maidin.mungkin hati saudara sekalian akan berasa lebih yakin dan tenang……..and read also about what happen to old turkey note

  85. PEMERHATI DINAR berkata:

    Rentikan le bincang pasal nak delete 3 kosong dinar iraq tu. MAksud delete 3kosong bukan maknanyanya buang 3kosong. Itu maknanya menilai semula dinar iraq dari rendah ke nilai tinggi. JAngan risau la kepada pemegang dinar cash semua Anda tak kan rugi punya.perbincangan tiga angka kosong berdasarkan pemahan sesetengah pihak tu sebeno nye salah. jangan percaya. lagi satu pasal iraq nak tukar duit baru lagi itu pun mengarut. kalau betol la dia nak tukar, dah tentu dia akan bagi tempoh bagi orang untuk tukar balik. macam duit saddam dulu.lagi pun tak kan semudah iraq nak tukar duit dia. ini akan menjejaskan keyakinan dunia terhadap iraq. Bukab senang nak dapat kepercayaan dunia, dia nak masuk WTO pun bertahun2 proses, nak mansuhkan sekatan PBB masa saddam pun melalui beberapa proses dan rundingan yang rumit. iraq bertungkus lumus untuk dapatkan kepercayaan dunia terutama US untuk menerima dia di peringkat global. so saya nasihatkan anda semua jangan risau. apa yang anda perlu buat sekarang ialah bersabar dan terus bersabar. kita saksikan semua pemegang dinar sama ada secara cash atau pun akaun akan mendapat duriasn runtuh. Sikit je masa lagi. paling lewat saya jangka cuma setahun iaitu sebelum akhir tahun 2011 sebab iraq akan sertai WTO pada nev 2011. so bila dia dah sertai WTO secara wajibnya mata wang dia mesti diterima dipsaran global. jadi anda fikir-fikirkan lah ye. hehehe..

  86. PEMERHATI DINAR berkata:

    Maaf la saya ni sebenarnya dah lama ikut perkembangan forum ni. tapi malas nak campur. tapi sekarang tergerak ati nak join untuk perbetulkan beberapa keadaan yang saya fikir tak betol.

    Sepatutnya kita di Forum ni harus bagi semangat kepada pemegang2 dinar. bukan nak menjatuhkan atau menakut-nakutkan rakan2 pemegang dinar yang lain dengan perbincangan yang tak berilmiah dan sebagainya. kita ni sibuk nak bincang pasal nak delete tiga kosong la, nak tukar dinar iraq baru la dan macam2 lagi.hmmmm entah la. tak boleh simpan cash la. Apa ke halnya sampai nak bukak akaun kat iraq sampai sanggunp kuar modal sampai 5 ribu. kan gilo tu namonyo. hmmm tak perlu benda2 tu sume. yang dah ada simpan cash terus kan aje menyimpannya. jangan terpedaya dengan dakyah2 yang tak menguntungkan anda. itu semua kerja orang2 yang nak cari untung atas angin je.

    Anda tau tak, Kita ni sebenarnya antara insan yang terpilih je yang terbukak hati dan minda untuk menyimpan dinar. kalau Anda lihat di negara kita sekarang pun masih ramai rakyat MAlaysia ni yang menganggap dinar iraq ni scam dan tak percaya pada dinar iraq. so kita adalah satu kelompok yang kecil yang mana kelompok yang akan merasa nikmat suatu hari nanti.

    JAdi kita mesti bersatu.. hehehe.. jangan lemahkan semangat kawan-kawan. Dalam simpanan saya sekarang ada 8 juta dinar secara cash. nak takut apa. rakyat amerika pun berjuta2 gak yang simpan secara cash. tak da masalah pun. tak da pun dia takut. lagi pulak diorang dah berkira-kira nak cashkan n macam mana nak bayar tax pada goment dia. kita ni masih sibuk nak isu kan hal2 yang tak berilmiah. pemilik dinar perlu membincangkan isu2 yang matang. berkongsi info mengenai perkembangan dinar, bila dia nak diapungkan berdasarkan sumber2 yang boleh dipercayai. Baru batul macam tu. Betul tak kawan2? hehe. jangan marah ek.. nanti kena jual tak merasa bila dinar diapung nanti.

    Ok la, Pada sapa2 yang masih belum simpan dinar tu simpan la selagi ada masa ni. nanti kang kempunan

  87. PEMERHATI DINAR berkata:

    Sekarang ni iraq dan habis pantang. PBB dah mansuhkan chapter 7. kuwait pun dah bersetuju nak masnuhkan hutang lapuk dia. Kuwait pun pandai gak, dia tau iraq tu negara jiran yang boleh mengntungkan dia. sbb tu la dia berani buat macam tu.

    So sekarang ni iraq semakin menuju ke pasaran global. Iraq pun dah bukak bank ke luar negaranya kalau tak silap kat lubnan. memamng tak silap pun.

    minyak pun semakin menigkat pengeluarannya ditambah pulak dengan harga minyak yang makin naik mencanak-canak sekarang. emm memang untung la negara yang ada reserve minyak yang banyak macam iraq ni. Isshhh aku betol2 rasa masa yang ditunggu2 ni dah makin dekat, dekat dekat je. hehehe.. dah boleh berangan dah sume untung dari dinar ni nak buat apa. nak p haji ke, nak beli umah banglo besar ke, nak pakai keta mewah ke. sume tu dah ada dalam kepada dah. hehehe. saje je nak bakar line pada sapa2 yang belum ada dinar.

    aku paling lewat sasarkan setahun je lagi. lepas tu kita leh jadi jutawan. Target aku bile dinar ni di RV semula cuma 0.30 USD je pun dah OK dah. kalau tinggi lagi bagus sapa yang nak marah kan..

    Berdasarkan penganalisis2 dinar kat malaysia yang tak bertauliah ni cakap, sebelu, ujung tahun ni. Pun munasabah gak. tapi kalau perkara ni tak berlaku pun aku masih sabar untuk menunggu. Relaku menunggu mu, walau seribu tahun lamanya… cewah macam lagu kat citer jibek plak. hehehe.

  88. PEMERHATI DINAR berkata:

    BAGHDAD, Dec 18, 2010 (AFP) – Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki will present his cabinet on Monday, an aide said on Saturday, potentially bringing an end to nine months of political impasse after inconclusive March elections.

    “Mr Maliki has officially asked to present his cabinet to parliament on Monday,” the aide told AFP.

    The announcement came as parliament voted to overturn controversial bans placed earlier this year on three members of a Sunni-backed political bloc for their alleged ties to ex-dictator Saddam Hussein’s Baath party.

  89. PEMERHATI DINAR berkata:

    Cabinet offers 2011 draft budget at ID78 trillion – lawmaker

    December 18, 2010 – 06:40:18

    BAGHDAD / Aswat al-Iraq: The Iraqi cabinet forwarded to parliament the 2011 draft state budget, which hit nearly 78 trillion Iraqi dinars (roughly $67 billion), according to a lawmaker from al-Iraqiya bloc on Saturday.

    “The draft state budget was forwarded to parliament in accordance with the law. The revenues resulting from export of crude oil within the budget were calculated on the basis of 73 dollars per barrel and a rate of export of 2.25 million barrels per day (bpd), including 150,000 bpd in crude oil exports from the Iraqi Kurdistan Region,” Abdulkareem al-Samarraie told Aswat al-Iraq news agency.

    “The Iraqi Kurdistan Region has to be committed to revenues coming from the crude oil exports to the Iraq Reconstruction Fund after deducting the 5% rate in Kuwait War compensations or any other matter adopted by the Security Council and has to be repaid to the United Nations,” he added.

    AmR (P)

  90. cash note only berkata:

    kepada pemegang cash dinar iraq tidak usahlah takut…….kerana saya sendiri sdah buat research n saya memegang sebanyk 500000 dinar..walaupun saya masih berumur 16 tahun…..saya sdah pham tntg dianr iraq nie…die mcm nie sebenarnya buang 3 sifar bukan bermakna di padam dari duit 2..tetapi,bank iraq akan menarik balik duit yang telah di keluarkan di serata dunia.pemilik akan di minta menukar duit tersebut dengan memberi masa.ini kerana setelah di apungkan.nilai dinar sudah menjadi besar.maka tidak perlu lg pihak iraq mengeluarkan note yg besar.ketika ini,pihak iraq terpaksa menggunakan note yg besar memandangkan nilai dinar terlalu rendah.cthnya.note 25k dinar di tukarkan kepada 25 dinar.bermakna pemilik akan memiliki 1000 keping note 25 dinar yg bersamaan 25k dinar.bukannya 25k dinar jadi nilai 25 dinar.hehehe.klau mcam 2 habis la bank iraq sendiri yg dh simpan berbilion jadi ratus ribu dinar jer.jatuh bankrap la iraq balik mcm 2.xda guna la iraq apungkan duit dia.fikir la berdasarkan fakta berkaitan currency dan bkn fikiran logik sendiri.hehe.penyimpan dinar mesti la senantiasa tenang dan sabar menunggu.klau xtenang baik jangan jadi pelabur dinar.hahaha.jgn mara..cuba la baca di ulasan ali maidin.mungkin hati saudara sekalian akan berasa lebih yakin dan tenang

  91. hashim berkata:

    kerajaan iraq dah dibentuk , nur maliki dah jadi perdana menteri , doalah negeri nya kembali pulih dan syukur kpd Allah supaya mengelakkan dari pertumpahan darah orang islam di sana ,kita doa dan baca lah fatihah kepada saudara islam yang telah meninggal , dan negeri tu juga ramai ulamak muktabar lahir disana. semoga Allah akan berkatkan negeri yang baru dibentuk. Kepada pemebeli dinar bersabar dan doakan je lah semoga semuanya selamat. Ameen

  92. khairul berkata:

    Iraq gets a new government
    Parliament unanimously approves Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki and his new government, ending nine months of deadlock.
    Last Modified: 21 Dec 2010 16:32 GMT

    Iraqi lawmakers have unanimously approved a new government to be headed by Nouri al-Maliki, the incumbent prime minister.

    The vote on Tuesday ended nine months of political deadlock after an inconclusive national election in March.

    Lawmakers approved 29 ministers, including al-Maliki, to form the new government, which includes members of all of Iraq’s major political and sectarian factions, including Shias, Sunnis and Kurds.

    Al-Maliki detailed to lawmakers on Tuesday the programme of his new parliament and vowed to make Iraq a truly democratic state that respects human rights and the rights of various ethnic and sectarian groups.

    But he criticised the various political blocs for failing to nominate female candidates for ministerial positions. He also warned that there will still be obstacles ahead.

    “Given the circumstances it has been created under, this government does not satisfy the people nor the needs of our country,” al-Maliki said.

    “But the effort and the will to make it work in the best possible way it can, is there.”

    Controversial appointments

    Al Jazeera’s Rawya Rageh, reporting from Baghdad, said al-Maliki will be the acting minister of defence, interior and national security “until appropriate candidates are found”.

    “This is likely to be a controversial move because the prime minister’s critics have been accusing him of what they see as attempts to consolidate his power and have complete control over the security file,” our correspondent said.

    “Still, there’s expected to be some relief in certain quarters among the Iraqi population. People have waited nine months to finally see a government in place to bring them basic services, welfare payments and jobs that have yet to be allocated because of the delay in government formation.

    “But concerns linger over the ability of this government to take any effective decisions given the sectarian nature along which the various positions were distributed.”

    Under the new government, outgoing oil minister Hussein Shahristani is now deputy prime minister for energy, while deputy prime minister Rafi al-Issawi becomes finance minister and foreign minister Hoshyar Zebari remains in place.

    The most controversial appointment is Saleh al-Mutlaq to the role of deputy prime minister. Up until two days ago, he was banned from politics altogether for being a former Baathist.

    Iraqiya bloc

    Former prime minister Iyad Allawi, who failed to gain enough support for a parliamentary majority after his cross-sectarian Iraqiya bloc won the most seats in the poll, is still without a proper post.

    Allawi has been promised the top position of a strategy and security council – but until it is created, those matters will be handled by al-Maliki.

    Despite not having a post yet, Allawi vowed to work with the government and give it his full support.

    “We wish the new government all success in meeting the needs of the Iraqi people,” he said.

    “We, in the Iraqiya list, announce our full support to this government. We will co-operate with the best intentions as long as our political partners treat us with the same spirit.”

    Until this month, the Iraqiya alliance bitterly fought to prevent al-Maliki from keeping his job, insisting Allawi should have the first shot at forming a government.

    Fair representation

    However, al-Maliki has yet to decide on permanent choices for some positions. The remainder of the 42-seat cabinet is made up of acting ministers who will replaced at a later date because of ongoing disputes between coalition partners.

    Some legislators said they were irritated that al-Maliki did not present a cabinet with names of candidates for all 42 posts.

    “An agreement should be reached on all security posts,” Mahmoud Othman, an independent Kurdish politician, said. “Why should they remain open and with the prime minister for an unspecified period of time?”

    Al-Maliki, who has served as prime minister since May 2006, said the delays would ensure all parties are fairly represented in the government.

    “The formation of national unity government in Iraq is a difficult and hard task because we need to find place in the government for all those who participated and won in the elections,” he said, speaking just hours after legislators gloomily predicted further delays.

  93. khairul berkata:

    Iraq mendapat kerajaan baru
    Parlimen secara bulat menyetujui Perdana Menteri Nouri al-Maliki dan kerajaan barunya, mengakhiri kebuntuan sembilan bulan.
    Terakhir diubahsuai: Dis 21, 2010 16:32 GMT

    ahli parlimen Iraq telah secara bulat menyetujui kerajaan baru yang akan dipimpin oleh Nouri al-Maliki, perdana menteri incumbent.

    Pungutan suara pada Selasa sembilan bulan yang berakhir pada kebuntuan politik selepas pilihanraya umum nasional yang tidak meyakinkan Mac.

    DPR menyetujui 29 menteri, termasuk al-Maliki, untuk membentuk kerajaan baru, yang merangkumi ahli dari semua puak utama Iraq politik dan sektarian, termasuk Syiah, Sunni dan Kurdi.

    Al-Maliki terperinci untuk ahli parlimen pada hari Selasa program parlimen baru dan berjanji untuk membuat Iraq sebuah negara yang benar-benar demokratik yang menghormati hak asasi manusia dan hak-hak-hak kumpulan etnik dan pelbagai sektarian.

    Tapi ia mengkritik pelbagai blok politik gagal untuk mencalonkan calon wanita untuk kedudukan menteri. Dia juga memberi amaran bahawa masih akan ada hambatan di depan.

    “Memandangkan keadaan ini telah diciptakan di bawah, kerajaan ini tidak memuaskan masyarakat, mahupun keperluan negara kita,” kata al-Maliki.

    “Tapi usaha dan kemahuan untuk membuatnya bekerja dengan cara yang terbaik mungkin bisa, ada di sana.”

    Kontroversial janji

    Al-Jazeera Rawya Rageh, melaporkan dari Baghdad, kata al-Maliki akan bertindak menteri pertahanan, keselamatan interior dan nasional “sampai calon yang sesuai ditemui”.

    “Hal ini mungkin merupakan langkah kontroversi kerana pengkritik perdana menteri telah menuduh dia dari apa yang mereka lihat sebagai usaha untuk menyatukan kekuasaannya dan mempunyai kawalan penuh ke atas fail keselamatan,” kata wartawan kami.

    “Masih, ada diharapkan dapat beberapa bantuan di beberapa tempat di kalangan penduduk Iraq. Orang-orang telah menunggu sembilan bulan untuk akhirnya melihat kerajaan di tempat untuk membawa mereka perkhidmatan asas, bayaran kesejahteraan dan pekerjaan yang belum diperuntukkan kerana kelewatan dalam pembentukan kerajaan.

    “Tapi kebimbangan berlama-lama di atas kemampuan kerajaan ini untuk mengambil keputusan yang berkesan mengingati sifat sektarian sepanjang yang membahagikan pelbagai posisi.”

    Di bawah kerajaan baru, minyak menteri keluar Hussein Shahristani sekarang wakil perdana menteri untuk tenaga, sedangkan wakil perdana menteri Rafi al-Issawi menjadi menteri kewangan dan menteri luar negeri Hoshyar Zebari tetap di tempat.

    Penunjukan paling kontroversial adalah Saleh al-Mutlaq untuk peranan wakil perdana menteri. Sampai dua hari yang lalu, ia dilarang daripada politik sama sekali untuk menjadi bekas Baath.

    Iraqiya blok

    Bekas Perdana Menteri Iyad Allawi, yang gagal untuk mendapatkan sokongan cukup untuk majoriti di parlimen selepas lintas-sektarian blok Iraqiya memenangi kerusi terbanyak dalam jajak pendapat, masih tanpa posting yang tepat.

    Allawi telah dijanjikan kedudukan atas sebuah strategi dan dewan keselamatan – tetapi sampai dibuat, hal-hal akan dikendalikan oleh al-Maliki.

    Meski tidak memiliki posting belum, Allawi berjanji untuk bekerja dengan kerajaan dan memberikan sokongan penuh.

    “Kami berharap kerajaan baru semua kejayaan dalam memenuhi keperluan rakyat Iraq,” katanya.

    “Kami, dalam senarai Iraqiya, mengumumkan sokongan penuh kami kepada kerajaan ini. Kami akan bekerja sama dengan niat terbaik selama rakan politik kita melayan kami dengan semangat yang sama. ”

    Sampai bulan ini, aliansi Iraqiya pahit berjuang untuk mengelakkan al-Maliki dari menjaga pekerjaannya, berkeras Allawi mesti mempunyai tembakan pertama untuk membentuk kerajaan.

    Fair perwakilan

    Namun, al-Maliki belum memutuskan pilihan kekal untuk beberapa posisi. Sisa daripada 42 kerusi kabinet terdiri dari menteri bertindak yang akan diganti di kemudian hari kerana perselisihan berterusan antara rakan kongsi gabungan.

    Beberapa ahli perundangan mengatakan bahawa mereka jengkel bahawa al-Maliki tidak menyajikan sebuah kabinet dengan nama-nama calon untuk semua 42 posting.

    “Suatu kesepakatan harus dicapai pada semua pos-pos keselamatan,” kata Mahmoud Othman, seorang ahli politik Kurdi independen,. “Buat apa mereka tetap terbuka dan dengan perdana menteri untuk tempoh masa tidak tertentu?”

    Al-Maliki, yang telah menjabat sebagai perdana menteri sejak Mei 2006, berkata penangguhan akan memastikan semua pihak yang cukup terwakili dalam kerajaan.

    “Pembentukan kerajaan perpaduan nasional di Iraq adalah tugas yang sulit dan keras kerana kita perlu mencari tempat dalam kerajaan untuk semua orang yang menyertai dan menang dalam pilihan raya,” katanya, bercakap hanya beberapa jam selepas perundangan murung dijangka penangguhan lebih lanjut.
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  94. shim berkata:

    walaupun kerajaan tu di bentuk , kita pemilik dinar bersabarlah, tunggu bila dinar akan dinilai semula.
    sabar tu bermenafaat kan

  95. papa tejo berkata:

    Dari beberapa post sejak beberapa hari ini kelihatan rv iqd sebenarnya telah terjadi secara tidak rasmi di dalam Irak sendiri di mana rakyat iraq telah mula membeli barangan keperluan mereka dengan wang kecil seperti 25, 50, 250 dan 500 dinar saja. Manakala note 25K tidak kelihatan lagi, bukar berarti tidak laku tapi terlalu tinggi nilainya!
    Bahkan semalam satu post menyatakan di irak sekarang ini orang sudah boleh membeli used car dengan wang 1,000 dinar saja…. dan pagi ini ada satu post menyatakan dengan 25K dinar sudah membolehkan orang membeli sebuah kereta baru!
    Dapat disimpulkan kelewatan Shabibi umumkan rv adalah untuk mmblehkan note2 besar 25K ditarik balik dari sirkulasinya. Dan hal ini dikatakan sudah berlaku sejak bulan September, 2010 yang lalu, hanya kita di luar irak saja yang tidak tahu apa yang telah terjadi di Irak!
    Bahkan dikatakan di Irak sekarang ini sudah ada orang yang menukar secara gelap dinar iraq dengan nilai $1.00 untuk 1 dinar! apakah ertinya semua ini? Ertinya memang dinar akan diapungkan dengan nilai yang tinggi…….kalau tidak mana mungkin orang mahu menukar 1 dinar dengan 1USD!
    Berapa tinggi agaknya? Berita baru menyatakan ianya di bawah atau atas sedikit dinar Kuwait!
    Mudah2an benar berita tersebut! InsyaAllah!!!

    saya copypaste dari brunei forum…apa komen anda

    • shin berkata:

      Matawang Kuwait sekarang ni adalah 1 dinar kuwait = RM10.89 . Kita dah boleh agak la. Kalau betul2 jadi ni…semua org tolong jgn lupa Tuhan, diri dan org di sekeliling kita Ya! Amin…

  96. angin berkata:


    • shin berkata:

      Wahai angin – perkara ini mungkin meragukan anda – tapi tak ape. Masa akan menentukan segalanya. Kita tunggu dan lihat!

  97. rizal berkata:

    kalaulah ada dinar iraq,, macam mana nak tukar Kepada RM?

    • shin berkata:

      Kena tunggu dia float dulu. Bole tukar kat mana2 bank yg terima dinar Iraq atau pun Money Changer dlm negara ini. Info dari Money Changer pula mengatakan mereka tak dpt tukar selagi tiada arahan atau procedure dari Bank Negara M’sia. Mereka juga berpesan supaya tukar sikit2. Lebih selamat dan teratur.

  98. Abad berkata:

    Insya ALLAH… kita sama-sama tunggu sajalah dinar dah dibeli kena sabar semoga dengan kesabaran ini akan membuahkan hasil yang lumayan. meragukan atau tidak tak tahulah..jangan gigit jari sudahlah nanti seperti dinar kuwait dulu tu.

  99. haji,Shah Alam berkata:

    Berdoalah agar dinar yang kita simpan sebulan dua ni di apungkan dan jadi kenyataan dapat kita tukar dan rasa setelah lama kita simpan dan jaga dengan baik.wassalam….Doa pada Allah selalu jangan kita tamak macam Helmi dan Master Khalil tu…..

  100. haji,Shah Alam berkata:

    Pada rakan2 yang banyak tu kita buat tabung untuk bantu ekonomi umat Islam jangan di tindas dan bantu peniaga muslim agar tak terjebak dari along peminjam wang haram jadah tu……..dapat tukar tu…terus kira zakat 2.5 peratus dah baru boleh pakai lansai kan hutang peribadi dulu……mana yang ada mak ayah be3lum ke Mekah tunaikan Haji…….bawa mereka dan keluarga kita semua siapkan tunai rukun Islam yang kelima…….dan ingat kita jadi di atas ni mesti ada yang support dulu…….berpijak dibumi yang nyata….anak ,isteri dan adik beradik serta saudara mara yang susah………..semuga ia lebih berkat dan bertambah lagi rezeki kita…..dengan doa rakan2 dan orang yang kita tolong……wassalam…sebelum terlupa tuan mutalib boleh bg no tel; kalau2 ada baki duit dinar iraq kwn2 nak beli…….jgn lupa sheikh ye…….

  101. ghofor berkata:

    dec itu itu ri 1 dinnar kuwait sama rm 3.50 napi lani katanya dah naik rm11.00 betul ker

  102. mohd ezuandy berkata:

    saya berminat untuk buka akaun di iraq

  103. harith berkata:

    saudara helmy, kalo u buat account utk i free bleh x?duit i dah bis bli cash note…cmne ye…

  104. alimaidinar berkata:

    xpelahh…nk wt acc xmampu, mahal sgt…i ada 5o000 cash note je, kalo apung ke, xapung ke…rugi dlm Rm300 je..kira halal jela…mls nk gduh2 mcm helmy..sbnrnye helmy nk promote wt acc kt dia……..btul x?

  105. nouri maliki berkata:

    udah2 la tu..wt pening je pk..yg bli stkat 1 juta dinar tu dok diam2,xsmpai rm5000 pon abis kalo xapung, xRV, xbukak acc..yg bli bjuta2 xkecoh, yg bli skit yg lg over…komen helmy?hehehe

  106. sis sbn berkata:

    dinar saya semua note 25k…ade probelm ke nanti…
    kat mana nak tukarkan utk note kecil…?
    siapa blh tlg?

  107. girl_rungsing berkata:

    kalo di check kat jabatan akauntan negara.. petukaran mata wang asing… RM=100 unit bersamaan dengan 0.2685.. adakah ini bermakna dinar iraq dah diapungkan??? ade sesiapa yg boleh jawab soalan sy????

  108. Hafiz berkata:

    Saya nak jual dinar Iraq not 10k dan 25k,
    stok xbanyak sebab saye pon kumpul sendiri gak.
    Harga saya tawarkan sekeping,
    IQD10k = RM65
    IQD25k = RM135
    Order lebih boleh nego lagi.
    COD di sekitar Kuala Lumpur dan Selangor.
    Tempat lain post boleh diuruskan.
    Hubungi Hafiz
    013-6372016 / 017-9029395.
    Terima Kasih.

  109. Nie berkata:

    Betul kata helmi, bukak akaun lagi selamat. Beliau mengemukakan fakta dan hujah yang bernas lagi tepat walaupun dia ambil upah wang yang banyak… Kita lihat siapa dan yang melopong akibat tidak mengerti apabila ‘ ‘floating’ telah di laksanakan.. taa..taa..kita lihat siapa yang melopong….

    • buang 3 kosong berkata:

      ikutlah kata si helmi tu. dulu dia jugak yang beriya-iya kata dinar iraq nak buang 3 kosong. tapi tak buang jugak. kalau dah floating pergi je kat mc tukar je la. apa yang nak dimengertikan lagi.

      • Mohd Helmy berkata:

        saya x nak cakap banyak…tentang dinar ini…tapi memadailah anda mendengar audio ini…


        dan terpulang pada anda,sama ada nak percaya atau pun tidak. tetapi apa yg saya ingin beritahu anda…bahawa 90% rakyat malaysia yg memegang Cash Note dinar akan mengalami kerugian. X percaya kita lihatlah selepas RV nanti… pada masa itu Nasi dah menjadi bubur.

      • Mohd Helmy berkata:

        :-):-):-) aper cerita bro… cerita buang 3 angka “0” dah berbunyi balik…. kan saya dah cakap…buang tetap buang…. tak percaya tak mengapa…yg penting 90% rakyat malaysia yg menyimpan cash note akan rugi….diakhirnya nanti…..so jangan cakap saya tak beritahu yer!!!! 🙂

      • salman berkata:

        Bank kan ada,apa masalahnya nak tukar Dinar Iraq ke RM kalau Dinar dah diapungkan.

  110. shim berkata:

    sabar , sabar kepada pemegang dinar. masa akan tiba bila di nilai semula.masa tu baru lah kenal mana kaca DAN mana permata.

  111. Ular Sawa Desa berkata:

    Salam, saudara -saudari sekelian.

    Macam ni lah,

    Belilah ‘cash dinar’ sikit dan buka akaun,manafaat jangka panjang amatlah menguntungkan kita bersama.


    • gonjeng berkata:

      betul cakap bro ular sawa. amik cahs sikit and bukak account. nak mintak bro helmy bukak kan pun boleh, lebih secure pasal dia ada org dlm di bank m’sia and kat iraq. nak buka sendiri pun boleh, tapi kena ikut prosedur la baru boleh

  112. zha berkata:

    Trade between Turkey and Iraq increased by 50 percent to $9 billion in 2009, an Ankara official told reporters on Saturday in Erbil, capital of Iraq’s autonomous northern region.

    “The volume of commercial exchange between Iraq and Turkey in 2009 was $9 billion, and in the same year Turkish companies signed investment deals worth a further $8 billion”, said the Turkish consul general to Erbil, Aydin Selcen.

    In 2008, trade between the two countries reached $6 billion, up from $3.7 billion the previous year.

    Excluding the oil sector, Turkey is the largest commercial investor in Iraq.

    sedikit kata-kata semangat untuk pemegang dinar…

  113. shim berkata:


  114. zha berkata:

    Allah suka umatNya yang banyak bersabar…=)

  115. HAM berkata:

    penyimpan dinar semuanya tak paham cuma ikut aja org beli .pastu pening

    • akulah berkata:

      btul tu bro, teperdaya kata2 manis, pas tu membebel marahkan org lain, aku sokong kata2 helmi tuh 90% pemegang cash nti melopong, tapi ko pun agak2 la bro cas sampai 5k, hampeh btul, kata nak tlog org derr.

      • Mohd Helmy berkata:


        apalah nilainya RM:5K jika dibandingkan dengan apa yg anda dapat jika RV!!! , dah nama pun investment…kalau nak invest cara yg betul… kenalah keluarkan modal yg tinggi…tak gitu.. 🙂

        P/s: RM:5k itu tahun lepas bro…sebelum bulan oktober 2010,selepas bulan oktober 2010 saya charge RM:7K .. itu pun ramai yg berminat. 🙂

  116. rul berkata:

    pada yang tak paham tu, bleh lah jual kat saya dinar korang tu….aku nak beli 1/2 harga semuanya.

  117. khairul berkata:

    sape2 yg x yakin ngan iqd ni, blh la jual ngan saya

  118. shim berkata:

    saya pun nak juga beli dinar siapa nak jual , berilah tawaran berapa keping nak jual

  119. haslan abou berkata:

    fuyoo…banyak bgus ohh, masih blh ker buka akaun iraq? kalau blh dlm rm berapa kosnya thn ni atau skrg ni? a.haslan@yahoo.com nk buka akaun ni..

    • Mohd Helmy berkata:


      untuk membuka account bank saya rasa mungkin x sempat…tapi x tahulah saya…kalau anda masih ada rezeki..kat account bank tu… apa2 pun cubalah…bulan nie jer saya telah menyiapkan 13 account bank untuk coustomer saya… dan saya rasa saya nak pencen lah untuk membuka account untuk orang lain kat bank iraq… penat…bukan apa ,penat mengejar pihak bank disana untuk mendapatkan account bank coustomer saya & online banking kat sana. 🙂

  120. haslan abou berkata:

    dah rugi forex.cuba pula dinar iraq…

  121. radzi berkata:

    Saya berminat ingin membeli dinar iraq…
    Kepada yg ada nk jual harap dapat emel kepada saya izdar.radzi11@gmail.com

  122. zha berkata:

    da nak penghujung march….

  123. abdah berkata:

    Assalamulaikum, kepada pemegang IQD bersabarlah, impian insya ALLAH akan menjadi kenyataan tak lama lagi. Amiinn.

  124. sir hafeez berkata:

    salam bahagia semua.. smg Allah memberikan berkat dan hidayahNYA sentiasa.. baru je nak start bli dinar neh =)

  125. Ismail Hussain berkata:

    Salam semua. Nak tnya ada lg tak peluang nk beli dinar iraq ni? better cash ke buka akaun kat iraq. minta sapa2 bagi info…. maegiant@yahoo.com

    • Mohd Helmy berkata:


      saya galakan anda membuka account bank diiraq lebih afdal dari anda membeli CASH NOTE kerana Cash Note tidak dapat menjamin investment anda…apabila iraq menukar Cash Note Yg baru… 🙂

  126. zha berkata:

    semangat yg baru di bulan april…insyaAllah..impian akan jd kenyataan…

  127. sir hafeez berkata:

    yesssss….. dgr kata dah rv???

  128. zha berkata:

    sabar…masih ader beberapa perkara yg perlu diselesaikan oleh kerajaan Iraq sebelum RV….InsyaAllah masa yg ditunggu akan menjadi kenyataan…

  129. Nie berkata:

    Saudara-saudari sekelian,

    Semoga sesiapa yang ada rezeki wang dinar… akan beroleh kekayaan dan kebahagiaan. Sesiapa yang tiada rezeki, jangan marah. Mungkin peluang dan jalan untuk kaya buat kita berbeza.
    Carilah ruang dan peluang yang lain untuk mencari dan mengecapi kekayaan.


  130. iqd untuk d jual berkata:

    assalamualaikum.sape2 yg nak beli dinar blh hbgi saya.25k 4kpng rm450.10k10kpng rm550.5k20kpng rm650.0176645056

  131. Dii..... berkata:

    nk tnye….slpas nie duit iraq akan ditukar lg atau x????

    • Mohd Helmy berkata:


      Confirm…Cash note dinar iraq akan bertukar…sebelum rv.. 🙂

      • shin berkata:

        Hello Encik Helmy – Kalau betul Iraq nak tukar cash note baru, alamat tunggang terbalik la org2 Amerika tu yg kebanyakannya memegang Cash Note. Depa dulu lingkop baru kita kat sini lingkup!. Apa macam??? Iraq mahu main api ker!!!???

  132. gadis sepi berkata:

    sy ada bli..skeping..duit nk bli tu share ngan adik sy…
    umur br 15 thun..
    still muda lg..x tw sgt pasl nie…takut r …bab gini x reti sgt..bleh percayer ker….
    kal0 kiter bli duit traq tuh yg nilai 25000…ble ditukarkan ker malaysia jadi brapa nilai ikut malaysia?

  133. zha berkata:

    gadis sepi:jgn riso…tunggu nilai Iraq da RV baru boley tukar…but congrates coz walaupun u muda tp u brani invest dlm dinar iraq….cume anda perlu tunggu RV…

  134. Abdah berkata:

    Nilai RV
    2011-04-17 11:29:49

    Pelaburan Dinar Iraq adalah pelaburan SAH di sisi undang-undang . Pelaburan ini adalah berlandaskan kepada pertukaran wang dan ia akan memberikan pulangan 500 peratus kepada mereka yang bersabar dan faham akan jenis pelaburan ini. Sama macam mereka yang melabur dalam matawang Dinar Kuwait & Afghanistan lalu, maka pelaburan Dinar Iraq adalah yang terbaik buat masa kini. Beli, simpan dan jual semasa diapungkan (RV) nanti, mudahan.

    1 Dinar Bersamaan 1.1 USD?? Tunggu Berita Gembira Dari Parlimen Iraq dalam tempoh terdekat
    Mungkin ramai yang masih belum faham, pengumuman Bank Negara Iraq semalam bahawa mereka akan menaikkan 3 sifar daripada Dinar Iraq. Ramai menyatakan bahawa Iraq akan mengugurkan 3 kosong dalam note mereka. Seperti yang jelaskan dalam entri sebelum ini, Iraq tiada niat untuk berbuat demikian. Bahkan mereka tak pernah sebut untuk lakukannya. Yang ada hanyalah untuk menaikkan 3 sifar dalam Dinar Iraq.

    Apa maksud menaikkan tiga sifar dalam Dinar Iraq?? Maksudnya adalah sifar dalam dinar Iraq dinaikkan kepada tiga kenaikan. Contoh mudah, nilai 1 USD yang bersamaan dengan 1170 Dinar Iraq (IQD) ketika ini, dinaikkan ke 3 sifar, menjadi 1.117 Dinar Iraq. Maksudnya ialah 1 USD bersamaan dengan 1.1 IQD. Diulangi, 1.1 IQD. Secara automatik Dinar dah RV. Jika kita sebelum ini menyimpan 1 juta Dinar Iraq, bermakna kita akan mendapat 1.1 JUTA USD.(1 juta x 1.1). Kalau ditukarkan ke Malaysia, menjadi RM 3 JUTA (1.1 juta USD x 3.02176). Woow…jutawanlah kita semua.

    Dan inilah yang disampaikan oleh Penasihat CBI semalam, Mohammad Salleh. Cadangan menaikkan 3 sifar sekarang ini telah diajukan kepada kabinet Iraq dan juga Parlimen. Cadangan ini diusulkan disebabkan oleh keyakinan Iraq bahawa mereka mampu untuk mengeluarkan minyak 6 hingga 12 juta tong sehari (Bayangkan 1 tong dlm 100 USD..12 juta tong sehari???) . Bahkan ada laporan menyebut bahawa Iraq memiliki simpanan minyak lebih daripada 500 bilion, termasuk Gas dan Sulfur. Bayangkan…

    Dan mungkin cadangan menaikkan 3 sifar ini akan mendapat kelulusan Parlimen Iraq. Kerana pada Februari lalu, Kementrian Kewangan Iraq menyatakan bahawa kenaikan 3 sifar dari mata wang Iraq akan membebaskan ekonomi Iraq daripada sedia ada dan meningkatkan nilai Dinar Iraq di Tabung Kewangan Antarabangsa (IMF). Bahkan IMF sendiri menyatakan pada akhir Ogos lalu bahawa mereka menyokong ekonomi Iraq termasuk dalam soal penswastaan ​​bank dan meningkatkan tiga sifar dari mata wang Dinar Iraq untuk negara terbabit membangunkan ekonomi dan membayar hutang serta pampasan yang perlu dijelaskan oleh negara Iraq. Wah nampaknya sokongan Iraq dan IMF sendiri dalam usaha menaikkan 3 sifar ini.

    Tujuannya menaikkan 3 sifar ini adalah untuk mengurangkan inflasi dan mengurangkan kos transaksi serta pembawaan wang tunai. Tapi tujuan utamanya adalah untuk menaikkan matawang Dinar Iraq itu sendiri (RV maknanya). Dan jika cadangan ini dilaksanakan, Iraq akan mendapat laba yang besar. Duit mereka di pasaran akan menjadi besar hingga boleh mencecah 27 trilion dinar Iraq. Sebab itulah ramai pakar ekonomi menyatakan bahawa Iraq boleh menjadi seperti China dan Brazil pada 20 tahun akan datang. Negara mereka akan duduk sebaris dengan negara kaya di rantau Arab seperti Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar dan Arab Saudi tak lama lagi.

    Inilah berita yang paling mendebarkan dan menyejukkan jiwa kita sejak 7 tahun lalu. Jika cadangan menaikkan 3 sifar ini diterima, secara jelas dan nyata…Dinar Iraq akan RV. Sujud syukur kita semuanya nanti. Sebab itulah dalam entri saya semalam, saya yakin yang Bank Negara Iraq akan lakukan selari dengan apa yang kerajaan Iraq minta. Sebab Bank Negara Iraq dan kerajaan tak boleh buat keputusan yang memandai-mandai, tanpa persetujuan Maliki itu sendiri. Jadi rumour kata Bank Negara Iraq nak buang 3 kosong, hanya cerita rekaan semata-mata. Yang ada adalah untuk menaikkan 3 sifar itu sendiri. Yang dalam bahasa ekonominya adalah untuk membolehkan Dinar itu RV sendiri dalam masa terdekat.

    Dipetik dari blog lain.

  135. Mohd Helmy berkata:


    🙂 sila rujuk balik Monetary Policy CBI didalam bahasa Arab yer….jangan rujuk pada Monetary Policy dalam bahasa Org putih.. sebab X complate.. 🙂 . saya pernah bertanya pada pihak bank diiraq (saya mempunyai account disana)tentang matawang iraq yg berada diluar dari Bumi iraq… dan soalan saya dijawab seperti ini..

    ” Dear Sir,

    It is always a pleasure to be of assistance and service with regards to the IQD please note that according to the regulations set by the CBI handling and dealing with the IQD internationally is prohibited as the CBI has not approved the trading of the IQD on the international market where Iraqi Banks are permitted to hold, handle and accept IQD deposits through their international corresponding banks. It is a local currency only to be circulated and traded locally in accordance with the by laws set by the CBI.”

    Berkenaan dengan “US PRESIDENTIAL ODER 13303” yg ditandatangani oleh “PRESIDENT BUSH” pada 22 MAY 2003 & dilanjutkan pula oleh “PRESIDENT OBAMA” pada 20 MAY 2009, membenarkan rakyat Amerika unntuk membuat pelaburan diiraq.perlu ditegaskan disini maksud “PELABURAN DI IRAQ” adalah bermaksud rakyat amerika bebas membuka/meluaskan perniagaan mereka di iraq & pelaburan mereka diiraq dijamin oleh kerajaan amerika.ini tidak bermaksud pelaburan matawang iraq di amerika dibenarkan.

    perlu diingatkan… setiap penjualan Matawang Dinar Iraq yg dilelong Oleh CBI(Central Bank Iraq)setiap hari semuanya dalam sistem “ELECTRONIC CURRENCY” bukannya dalam bentuk “CASH NOTE”.duit cash note iraq yg terdapat diseluruh dunia sekarang ini di bawa keluar oleh pihak2 yg tidak bertanggung jawab spt delear2 money changer di US untuk meraih keuntungan yg lumayan dengan membuat spekulasi bahawa anda akan menjadi jutawan sekelip mata apabila dinar iraq ini memasuki pasaran antara bangsa,tetapi mereka lupa “Monetary Policy” kerajaan iraq ada menyebut bahawa duit IRAQ hanya sah & boleh digunakan hanya didalam iraq sahaja.pakar2 ekonomi US banyak berpendapat… bahawa tidak mustahil iraq akan menukarkan matawangnya sebelum nilai matawangnya diapungkan dipasaran dunia. itu sebab saya mengsyorkan…pada anda semua sekiranya ingin membuat pelaburan dinar iraq, buatlah pelaburan melalui bank2 yg tersedia ada diiraq lebih afdal.

    P/s: Ingat!!!! kemungkinan “CASH NOTE” dinar iraq yg berada dalam simpanan anda akan ditukar dengan yg baru…kerana CBI ingin memasukan 3 bahasa didalam cash notenya… iaitu penambahan bahasa “KURDIS”.so tidak mustahil ianya akan berlaku. saya tahu ramai penyimpan cash note dinar iraq di malaysia tidak boleh menerima pendapat saya ini…tetapi terpulanglah…pada diri masing2…bak kata perpatah… jangan sampai nasi menjadi bubur.saya hanya sekadar mampu memberi nasihat….resiko anda yg tanggung.


  136. khairul berkata:

    mantap penjelasan dari en. helmy. apa perkembangan terkini berkenaan dengan iqd? dh tak sabo rasanya nk guna debitcard tu….hihihih

  137. zha berkata:

    bagus jugak pendapat helmi tu…maknenyer kalau kiter nk melabur ngn pasaran matawang kite kne buka akaun kat negara di mana matawang yg kter beli tersebut…kalau mcm tu tutupla semua agensi money changer diseluruh dunia ni……xperla..ape2 hal pon kter tgk jerla….

    • shin berkata:

      Betul tu…. boleh dikatakan mamak2 money changer tak le cari makan hehehe…

      • Mohd Helmy berkata:


        Buat zha & shin … ok saya menjawab soalan anda berdua.

        Anda perlu ingat Dinar Iraq masih belum diwartakan sebagai matawang yg sah oleh “Bank Dunia” sebab itulah saya menyuruh seluruh Pelabur2 Dinar Iraq dimalaysia supaya membuka account bank diiraq,Sebabnya iraq bila2 masa boleh menukar matawangnya..disebabkan matawangnya itu hanya laku didalam negaranya.sekiranya anda tidak percaya.. cuba anda pergi ke Pasaraya ditempat anda,anda beli sekotak air minuman yg berharga RM:1.00 dan anda bayar menggunakan duit iraq…juruwang tersebut terima tak duit iraq anda? sudah tentu tidak bukan….itu sebab CBI menyatakan bahawa duitnya tidak sah dibawa keluar dari iraq….sebab masih tidak laku lagi…so sebab yg demikianlah saya menyatakan bahawa sebelum matawang iraq Di RV kan…iraq pasti akan menukarkan Cash Notenya yg baru,dimana Cash Note dinarnya yg baru itu…sah digunakan dimana2 negara selepas RV. 🙂

  138. zha berkata:

    There are three options to invest in the Iraqi Dinar – Cash Dinar (NID, or New Iraqi Dinar), the ISX (Iraqi Stock Exchange), and having an Iraqi Savings Account (the easiest we have found is Warka Bank). This page will talk about opening a Warka Account.

    Read more: http://dinarspeculation.com/how-to-open-a-warka-account-to-invest-in-iraqi-dinar/#ixzz1K88Sr5Qc

    petikan daripada salah seorang pelabur dinar iraq yg telah melabur pd dinar kuwait pd ms dulu….

    • Mohd Helmy berkata:


      saya kenal sangat pelabur yg anda maksudkan tersebut.. mungkin barang kali anda belum mendengar suaranya… sila download link yg saya sertakan dibawah ini.


      saya tidak bersetuju 100% daripada pelabur ini tentang backup plannya yg mecadangkan kita membuat 2 option iaiatu:

      i) Simpan Cash Note – (Saya tidak setuju 100%)

      ii) Buka account Bank DiIraq – (1000% saya bersetuju sesangat)

      kenapa saya tidak bersetuju dengan cadanganya yg pertama?

      cuba anda dengar percakapannya didalam link yg saya sertakan diatas tadi,Ok saya Petikan ayat yg dia cakap…

      ” Think about it – what denominations do you hold if you have $10,000 in your account? You don’t, you simply own the value of the money! If the value of the currency plummets, so does the worth of your account. If the value of the currency
      rises, so does the worth of your account! Worst case scenario:


      and you make profit on your Warka account. If you have equal amounts invested in both, you still come out WELL ahead by holding both. ”

      so.. kenapa kita nak membiarkan separuh dari investment yg kita buat dalam CASH NOTE itu rugi bergitu sahaja…. kan baik kita hanya berpegang hanya pada yg satu sahaja iaitu “ACCOUNT BANK” kan kita boleh membuat keuntungan kesemuanya… so fikir2kanlah kenyataan saya ini. 🙂


  139. sarah berkata:

    Assalam sdra helmi,

    msh terima g kalau nak buka akaun di warka bank iraq? TK

    • Mohd Helmy berkata:


      sekiranya anda sanggup menunggu dalam tempo 3 ke 4 minggu,Insyallah saya boleh cuba ushakan untuk membuka account bank anda diiraq. apa2 pun anda boleh hubungi saya melalui email dibawah ini.



      • sarah berkata:

        saya nak tanya lagi, berapakah minima untuk buka account US$ dan IQD dan interest rates yang warka bank kenakan untuk savings accounts (US$3.5% & Iraq Dinars 6%) adakah dikenakan tiap2 bulan dan sekiranya telah RV bolehkah kita tutup akaun di sana dan transfer ke local account kita di sini. T.K

      • Mohd Helmy berkata:


        Min untuk membuka account bank diiraq bagi account USD sebanyak USD150 & Untuk account IQD adalah sebanyak IQD300,000 dan berkenaan interest charges yg dimaksudkan oleh anda itu tidak benar…Warka bank tidak pernah mengenakan sebarang interes rate pada Coustomernya, bahkan warka bank memberi anda interest didalam simpanan anda adalah… iaitu Untuk account USD sebanyak 4% setahun & IQD sebanyak 7% setahun.untuk maklumat lanjut berkenaan interest rate warka bank sila lihat dibawah ini.

        Interest Paid Annually on Savings Accounts:

        1. IQD savings accounts: 7% per year.
        2. USD savings accounts: 4% per year.

        Certificate of Deposits (IQD):

        1. 3 months CD: 8.5%.
        2. 6 months CD: 9.5%.
        3. 1 year CD: 10.5%.

        Certificate of Deposits (USD):

        1. 6 months CD: 4%.
        2. 1 year CD: 5%.

        berkenaan dengan penutupan account bank selepas RV memang tidak ada masalah…anda boleh menutupnya bila2 masa tak semestinya selepas RV, sebelum RV pun boleh… 🙂 dan anda boleh transsfer duit anda dari Iraq ke malaysia.perlu diingatkan selepas berlakunya runtuhan menara WTC pada 9/11, Us telah mengenakan undang2 baru untuk memindahkan wang dari satu negara ke satu negara dengan limit max sehari USD 10,000. so kalau anda ada USD 1 juta atau lebih… anda kiralah..sendiri berapa lama masa diperlukan untuk memindahkan duit anda dari iraq ke malaysia.

        Sekian. 🙂

  140. nedi berkata:

    aslkm, jangan kasi gaduh.makin nak rv makin kuat kita perang.iraq dah aman. kesimpulannya ada dua cara simpan cash dan buat akaun. tak palah rugi satu untung satu.kalau kita guna satu cara saja tak tentu lagi mana ada betul.kalau dua2 betul ada banyak untung. kita semua doa dua cara semua betul.semua ada rezeki.banyak2 doa sama ALLAH.rv jgn lupa ALLAH mcm pesan pak aji.jgn jadi kassim selamat tp x selamat.insyaallah.

  141. sham berkata:

    salam encik helmi.saya ada emel encik helmi berkaitan dgn akaun bank iraq.Harap encik helmi dpt membantu saya bagaimana utk membuka akaun tersebut.Dan kalau boleh encik helmi explain tentang apa yg ditanyakan oleh cik sarah.Terima kasih harap dpt membantu kami

    • Mohd Helmy berkata:

      Salam.. En.Sham , saya ada memberikan no h/p saya di dalam email.en.sham boleh menghubungi saya untuk maklumat lanjut tentang pembukaan account.

  142. khairul berkata:

    alhamdulillah dah makin meriah forum ni dgn input2 yg berguna

  143. Green Thunder berkata:

    (Private Site)

    Members Chat: 4/25/11 (Bank Wires, etc.)

    April 25th, 2011 06:23 pm ·

    Just had a meeting with other dinar investors. I didn’t like this part of the info. One person is following the congress, etc on this and Shabibi. He told us that all dinar exchanges will be done through bankwire only. (remember this came out with Ali first) Now I’m told the reason is because our governemt is going to charge a flat 15% fee for the exchange. They will take this right off the top, immediately. This has nothing to do with the taxes that we have to pay on it. I was also told that the fee would be tax deductible. I’m really hoping he’s wrong on the fee. He also told us that something big was going to happen by wed or thurs, doesn’t know exactly what though.

  144. Green Thunder berkata:

    Abadi: Iraq’s money under threat after lifting its international protection in May next By: Bian On: Wednesday 04/27/2011 Bgdadatip News Agency / Numan Hoda The Cha

    Abadi: Iraq’s money under threat after lifting its international protection in May next
    By: Bian
    On: Wednesday 04/27/2011

    Bgdadatip News Agency / Numan Hoda

    The Chairman of the Finance Committee in the House of Representatives Haider al-Abadi to take the necessary measures to keep the money Iraq still under U.S. protection after the lifting of international protection by the next May.

    He said during a made in a meeting of the Council of Representatives that Iraq’s money which is money the poor and citizens vulnerable to the risk of any delay or defect in the Convention on the settlement of claims between the Government of Iraq and the United States that would subject them to danger if they were not there are alternative measures for their protection and continued if it does not move the House of Representatives on this matter, the threat of Iraq’s money in danger after the fifth of May next, when a lifting of the international protection against it since the days of the former regime.

  145. Green Thunder berkata:

    too many zeroes: iraq plans to change currency

    niqash | Mayada Daood | wed 27 apr 11

    The Iraqi government plans to chop three zeroes off the national currency. It should make transactions easier and enhance the exchange rate. But local economists are not sure the country is ready.

    Recently the Iraqi government announced that they were close to completing plans for re-denomination. Three zeroes will be removed from Iraq’s currency, the Iraqi dinar or IQD, and old banknotes will gradually be phased out. For example, this would make an IQD 1,000 note into an IQD 1 note. Currently IQD 1,000 is worth around €0.60 and US$0.85.

    Logically speaking, re-denomination does not change the value of a currency nor should it cause inflation. It should make currency easier to use and increase its credibility. Re-denomination may also be a matter of political expedience.

    For example, when Turkey announced a re-denomination in 2005, the country’s central bank explained that extra zeroes on their banknotes meant “problems in accounting and statistical records, data processing software and payment systems”, adding that the move to cut them was “psychologically and technically essential”.

    Re-denomination can usually only be undertaken once inflation is under control and over the last few years, inflation in Iraq has dropped from over 30 percent to single digits. Nonetheless Iraqi opinions about the planned change remain divided.

    Qasim Jabbar, an economic researcher, is concerned about the psychological impact the removal of three zeroes will have on locals. Additionally Jabbar does not think the time is right. “We must create a stable environment in political, economic and legal terms, in order to control the conditions during the transition period to a new currency,” he explained. “This is necessary in order to ensure that the transition is not manipulated by government departments and in society in general, where there is rampant corruption.”

    Jabbar was also worried about the absence of a central authority that was truly capable of controlling the Iraqi currency market. He believed that the psychological problem will be people “focusing on the change in numbers, rather than in real value”. By rights, re-denomination should not impact the actual value of a currency; it should still buy the same goods as it did before for the same prices. “But a person with IQD 10 million will feel they have lost a fortune when the zeros are removed,” he noted.

    Re-denomination is nothing new. “Many countries, such as Turkey and Germany, have also taken this step,” another Iraqi economist Kareem al-Halfi said. “But this doesn’t mean that the Iraqi experience will be like that, of those nations. Iraq has serious structural problems and high rates of unemployment. These problems cannot be solved in the short term and we need to create the economic conditions necessary to allow re-denomination.”

    According to Mothahhar Mohammed Saleh, an advisor to the Central Bank of Iraq, which was established in 2004 to administer monetary policy in Iraq, the impact of re-denomination could have both positive and negative effects.

    Firstly, a reduction in the large amount of currency in circulation – there is an estimated IQD 27 trillion in circulation – could have a negative impact on everyday transactions, he said. For example, one previously recorded impact in other countries has included the rounding up (or down) of prices due to re-denomination.

    On the other hand, the currency will become far easier to use. “In the wholesale sector, goods are being traded using US dollars.” This process is known as “dollarization” and occurs when a country uses a foreign currency, in parallel to or instead of, its own currency because it is seen as more stable and subject to fiscal disciplined.

    Anyway, according to Saleh, “this change will not be introduced hastily. It will only be introduced when inflation is under control – and after parliament and the Iraqi cabinet has gone through legislation thoroughly. They will then decide how the [re-denomination] law will be implemented.”

    As Saleh said, “the Central Bank is proceeding cautiously in this matter because it realizes re-denomination could cause economic problems if implemented in haste.”

    The IQD was first introduced in the early 1930s and was pegged first to the British pound, then the US dollar. After Iraq’s invasion of Kuwait, under the leadership of Saddam Hussein, strict economic sanctions saw the value of the IQD drop. By the mid-1990s, IQD 3,000 was worth around one US dollar.

    In order to make purchases in Iraq, huge amounts of cash were needed. An IQD 25 note was the highest denomination available so to make life easier, the government introduced an IQD 250 note. After the American-led invasion in 2003, the Iraqi government issued even more notes with higher values. IQD 25,000 notes were now the highest value.

    The average person on the Iraqi street said they would be happy to see the IQD stabilize further. But they are also afraid that the lopping off of zeroes will have a negative impact.

    Baghdad merchant Abdul Amir trades in food products and when he deals with wholesalers he prefers to use US dollars because then he doesn’t have to carry as much paper around. “Large transactions require millions of Iraqi dinar. If I use foreign currency, I don’t need as much,” he explained. “But when it comes to daily transactions, I don’t mind using the dinar.”

    As to his thoughts on the planned re-denomination, Amir had only questions: “Would there be a loss expected? Would the market be controlled to guarantee its stability?” he asked.

    Government employee Sabah Daoud raised further questions: “Would the Iraqi dinar rise against the dollar? Would my salary be worth the same, with and without the zeroes?” He wanted to see more research on the impact of such a step on the average Iraqi citizen.

    Currently the Iraqi government seems set on losing the extra zeroes, those digits that have become such a burden on the dinar. But the road toward this goal is a difficult one. And it is just one stop along an even longer road, the one leading toward prosperity and steady, stable economic growth for Iraq.


  146. Mohd Helmy berkata:


    rata2 saya lihat dalam fourm US,kebanyakan pelabur dah mula gusar tentang isu pembuangan 3 angka sifar pada matawang dinar & tidak kurang juga fourm2 dimalaysia dimana banyak yg tidak mempercayai tentang pembuangan 3 angka sifar…dan ada yg berangapan bahawa pembuangan 3 angka sifar ini akan dilakukan pada 3 angka sifar dihadapan nilainya.. contoh IQD1170 = USD 0.00086 yg membawa maksud apabila 3 angka sifar dibuang ia akan menjadi nilai IQD 1 = USD 0.86 dan ada juga diantaranya mengatakan IQD 1 = USD 1.17,Wallahualam… tapi bagi pada pandangan saya pembuangan 3 angka sifar bermaksud nilai IQD 1000 akan menjadi IQD 1 sahaja.ini di perkuatkan lagi dengan kenyataan dari CBI untuk mengurangkan nilai duit yg ada dalam pasaran dari 27 Trillion (27,000,000,000,000) kepada 27 Billion (27,000,000,000). ini bererti…3 angka sifar di belakang nilai Trilion akan dibuang begitu sahaja.impact ini hanya akan terkena pada CASH NOTE sahaja. aik… pasti ramai yg tertanya2 kenapa hanya cash note sahaja yg terkena… kenapa tidak sekali duit didalam account bank…betul tak? dah tentu ramai yg tidak setuju dengan kenyataan saya. ok.. di sini saya memberikan beberapa gambaran pada anda kenapa saya berkata hanya pada CASH NOTE sahaja. kita imbas sekali lagi kata2 CBI (CENTRAL BANK OF IRAQ)

    i) It should make transactions easier and enhance
    the exchange rate.(ini merujuk kepada Cash Note)

    ii) re-denomination ” DOSE NOT CHANGE THE VALUE OF
    A CURRENCY ” or should it cause inflation
    (ini merujuk kepada account bank)ok saya petik
    balik Kata2 seorang pelabur dinar iraq yg Di
    maksud kan oleh “En/Cik zha” saya tulis
    pada 24 April.

    ” ” Think about it – what denominations do you hold if you have $10,000 in your account? You don’t, you simply own the value of the money! If the value of the currency plummets, so does the worth of your account. If the value of the currency
    rises, so does the worth of your account.”

    iii) For example, when Turkey announced a re-denomination in 2005, the country’s central bank explained that extra zeroes on their “BANK NOTE” meant “PROBLEMS IN ACCOUNTING AND STATISTICAL RECORDS, DATA PROCESSING SOFTWARE AND PAYMENT SYSTEM”, adding that the move to cut them was “psychologically and technically essential”.
    (melalui ayat diatas memang sah bahawa cash notelah yg selalu dimansuhkan 3 angka sifar oleh beberapa buah negara sebelum iraq.so tidak disangsikan bahawa iraq akan mengikut jejak langkah TURKI & GERMAN.)

    P/s: ini adalah pendapat saya sahaja… 🙂 sesiapa yg ingin menerima pendapat saya…..so terimalah..sesiapa yg tidak mahu menerima pendapat saya terserah….lah.. yg penting… pendapat & pandangan saya tentang Iraq akan membuat RV dengan nilai USD 0.01 pada pertengahan tahun lepas telah terbukti dan di akui oleh Fourmer2 US & ALI MAIDIN yg satu ketika tidak percaya dengan pandangan saya..tetapi akur pada 24 April 2011 baru2 ini bahawa iraq akan membuat RV dengan nilai yg kecil…


    Sekian. 🙂

  147. pakcik kayo berkata:


    Posted Hari ini, 12:37 PM
    Untuk semua ahli besar kita PD, saya berharap ini hanya membuat untuk update dan bukan tadi malam panggilan.
    Update: Kami mempunyai panggilan Khamis dengan Kumpulan Perkhidmatan Nevada sebagai pembicara tetamu dan indah Q & A. Anda tidak akan mau ketinggalan yang satu ini orang.
    Breaking News!
    Ini adalah maklumat dari Ray.
    Baru saja bicara di telefon dengan kenalan saya. Dia mengatakan kepada saya bahawa Shabibi berada di Tv Iraq.
    Ini adalah apa yang dia katakan:
    Dia mengatakan kepada orang-orang bahawa dia baru saja membuka dua akaun cek baru. Satu untuk pendapatan minyak dan yang lain untuk dana DFI. Ia juga menyatakan bahawa DFI tua akaun bank di Amerika akan ditutup 30 Mei. Dia juga mengatakan kepada orang-orang bahawa dinar akan merevaluasi segera. Beliau berkata ini akan membuat untuk ekonomi yang lebih kuat untuk Iraq dan mata wang kuat bahawa orang boleh menggunakan di luar Iraq mana pun di dunia. Dia mengatakan banyak kontraktor yang akan datang ke Iraq untuk membina banyak hal dan ini akan menciptakan lapangan kerja dan membuat Iraq sebuah negara kuat.
    Dia juga menyatakan, bahawa setelah dinar dibesarkan di nilai, bahawa setiap orang boleh mula bertukar dinar saat mereka untuk dinar baru dalam masa 24 jam. Dia juga mengatakan orang-orang bahawa sistem perbankan yang baru dilakukan dan akan dimasukkan ke dalam tempat akan selepas revalues ​​dinar.
    Sistem baru ini akan membolehkan orang untuk melakukan semua transaksi perbankan yang dilakukan bank lain di seluruh dunia. Dia juga mengatakan bahawa setiap orang yang memiliki pekerjaan akan mengeluarkan Smart Card segera. upah mereka akan dimuat di kad ini bahawa mereka kemudian boleh membawa mereka ke bank, ATM, penjual atau di tempat lain di dalam dan di luar Iraq.
    Dia menekankan mereka akan menerima akan.
    Dia menekankan segala sesuatu yang dilakukan dengan sistem perbankan yang baru, bank dan smart card.
    Dia mengatakan semua dia menunggu adalah Parlimen memberikan suara pada menjatuhkan tiga sifar. suara adalah satunya yang tersisa. Hal ini harus meletakkan sedikit tekanan di Parlimen, menurut pendapat saya. Akan melaporkan lebih ketika saya menerimanya.

    • shin berkata:

      Alah pak cik Kayo….Kami benar2 sudah penat mendengar penerangan dari Dr Shabibi ini…Waduh2 kapan mahu rvnya? Banyak benar cakapannya. Bikin pusing!

  148. Leben berkata:

    We may not be as rich as we thought

    We have always thought, well, most of us, that we would become rich from a couple thousand dollars of investment in IQD. The fact(?) is that we really don’t know for sure. Iraq could very well lop. We may just brake even. Let’s not bash those who think that we will not be millionaires. I am guilty of bashing these peeps in the past, but no one knows exactly what will happen. I remain positive, but at the end of the day, the CBI will do whatever they see fit to benefit Iraq, whether it’s a lop or RV.

    * diambil dari fourm lain.

  149. Mohd Helmy berkata:


    Sekadar buat kajian tentang erti “CURRENCY REDENOMINATION” yang berlaku pada negara “Venezuela tahun 2007” dan hasil dari pencarian saya ini yg saya dapat tentang “EFFECTS ON THE PURCHASING POWER” selepas “REDENOMINATION” berlaku.


    The currency redenomination process does not alter the purchasing power. In
    other words, with the savings and/or wages and salaries, and with any amount of money
    expressed in Bs. F., we could pay for the same quantity of goods and services that we
    can pay for before the redenomination. Currency Redenomination does not produce any
    alteration on the value of goods, services, credits, and debts, whatever their nature.

    Terjemahan :-

    Proses redenomination mata wang tidak menukar kuasa beli. Dalam
    kata lain, dengan tabungan dan / atau upah dan gaji, dan dengan jumlah wang yang
    disajikan dalam Bs. F., kita boleh membayar jumlah yang sama barang-barang dan perkhidmatan yang kami
    boleh membayar sebelum redenomination tersebut. Mata Wang Redenomination tidak menghasilkan
    perubahan pada nilai barang, jasa, kredit, dan hutang, apa pun sifat mereka.

    P/s: kalau nak tahu bagai mana Iraq nak buat “REDENOMINATION” anda bolehlah mendapatkan sedikit info dari negara Venezuela melalui link dibawah ini…

    Click to access

    Sekian. 🙂

  150. Mohd Helmy berkata:


    sekiranya link diatas tidak berfungsi…sila click link dibawah ini.

    Click to access fundamentalscurrencyredenomination.pdf

  151. nun jauh di sana berkata:

    ade lagi pembuka acc warka kat malaysia…igatkan dh lesap…dah la modal gune air liur jer n xde tangung risiko ape2 n amik upah makk oooiii….ni la bisnes ank melayu nk cepat kaye…Ok…
    sesaper nk bukak acc warka BOLEH…Pilihan anda:~

    1)pegi sndiri masuk iraq & buka acc kat saner-JALAN PALING SELAMAT(DIBENARKAN 100%)..
    2)cri org iraq & mintak tlg dier jdi penjamin utk bukak acc warka tu di iraq..x digalakkan cz mcm perkongsian..msti kne share skit tu..(DIBENARKAN TP BERISIKO)
    3)buke Acc Warka Online..JALAN PALING x SELAMAT(x DIBENARKAN 1000%)..

    P/s–ckup2 la tu saudare Helmy..u dah collect byk maner duit cstmez dgn care semudah itu…igat skit duit y kte perolehi tu arap2nye ade keberkatan utk dunia akhirt..pasal ali maidin itu rumor aje rate tinggi time Rv nnti..tp y penting Rv..ikut la Rate berape USD pun…ak harap mula2 Rv nnti 0.10USD aje..tu pun dah ckup & Alhmdulillah..

  152. Mohd Helmy berkata:


    en.nun jauh di sana – saya berminat untuk berhujah dengan orang yg ada fakta tentang pembukaan account WARKA…tampa fakta… anda boleh berkata apa sahaja…sebabnya anda berkata bersama emosi anda..

    sila lampirkan fakta yg menyokong hujah anda yg menyatakan pembukaan account Warka secara online tidak selamat!!. fakta tau en.nun jauh di sana bukan AUTA!!!! 🙂

  153. MARUL berkata:

    kelakar la en nun jauh disana,

    Saya baru je buke sendiri, akaun warka tu….pada saya, en helmi tak ambil banyak kalau customer hanya kuarkan RM2K je….sikit je upah dier…
    Tak ada masalah pun nak buka akaun disana, dibenarkan dan ikut sahaja syarat yang ditetapkan.
    En. Nun,
    Jangan buat spekulasi yang tiada asas….TIDAK BENAR SAMA SEKALI TELALAHAN ANDA!
    option terbaik pada saya buka akaun di sana, andai RV berlaku, tak perlu bimbang matawang kita.
    Dan simpanan di akaun adalah satu2nya option untuk long term….bagus sangat.
    Jika RV bersamaan 0.30….kita tak banyak tempoh nak tukar note2 tu…lagi pun pelbagai masalah rumors sejak akhir2 ni…bimbang wooiii..
    Jika simpan di akaun, boleh tidur lena baiii…dah RV pun boleh tunggu lama lagi untuk 2nd, 3rd, 4th…dan berapa banyak kali diorang nak rv lah….boleh duduk dan relaks…apa pun saya sokong buka akaun ni.

  154. NAGA BESAR berkata:

    Encik Nun ni siapa?

    Macam orang tak sekolah saja kenyataan nya, tak ada fakta, lojik jauh sekali..

    Saya rasa ustaz pun bukan, professor pun bukan..
    species macam ini pun wujud lagi di bumi nie…
    di zaman sekarang nie..

  155. sarah berkata:

    Assalam Sdr Helmi,
    Terima kasih atas penerangan saudara untuk membuka akaun di iraq. Satu lagi kemusykilan saya, kenapa perlu buka akaun di warka bank melalui bank di negara lain contohnya Citibank NY, kenapa tak direct ke warka bank di iraq sahaja. Saya tak faham. sebelum saya buka akaun saya perlu dapat penerangan yang jelas. TK

    • Leben berkata:

      Salam.. Sarah,

      Bagus Pertanyaan anda…. ok disini saya terangkan mengapa kita kena menggunakan perhidmatan orang tengah (CITY BANK,NEW YORK). ini disebabkan Iraq masih lagi dibawah pengolalan “Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control” itu sebab anda tidak boleh tt direct ke iraq. ini hanya untuk sementara sahaja,sekarang ini Kerajaan Iraq & CBI sedang berusha untuk membuka sekatan ini…sekiranya sekatan terhadap iraq ini berakhir…. anda boleh terus tt duit anda dari malaysia ke iraq. buat pengetahuan Swiff Code setiap bank yg berada di iraq telah dikeluarkan oleh CBI.so kita hanya tunggu sahaja sehingga kesemua eset2 iraq dilepaskan sepenuhnya oleh US. dibawah ini saya sertakan swift code bagi setiap bank yg berada di iraq untuk tatapan & rujukan anda.


      Sekian. 🙂 🙂

  156. Merana berkata:

    Breaking news…. lower denoms

    we shall see but take with a BIG grain of salt.


  157. Mohd Helmy berkata:


    Dockument yang terkandung didalam “PRESIDENTIAL ODER 13303” seperti yg saya ceritakan tempo hari..anda boleh download & baca sendiri isi kandunganya.

    Click to access 13303.pdf

    P/s:PRESIDENTIAL ODER doesn’t really have anything to do with investing in currency, it has to do with investing in oil production and profiting from oil production and oil infrastructure in Iraq.

  158. Mohd Helmy berkata:

    Iraqi Dinar-A Realistic Return

    Iraqi Dinar Investors,

    If the monetary policy adjustment recommendation made twice now in the past two weeks by the CBI , that involves eliminating 3 zeros and issuing new Dinar banknotes, is approved by Iraq’s Parliament and becomes a reality, investments in the Dinar’s appreciation will have lost virtually all of the leverage many had expected . After the exchange of paper which will be physically and exclusively conducted by the CBI over a two month period is concluded, the Dinar will be listed on the FOREX at somewhere between 75 and 85 cents and daily free trading will commence. This is because each 25,000 Dinar banknote currently in circulation will be exchanged evenly for a new 25 Dinar banknote. The 25,000 note currently sells for around 18-$19 US, thus the price per Dinar will be valued at a little less than one dollar.

    While anything can happen and “it isn’t over until it is over”, this is the most likely scenario we have to look forward to. There are however, a few very obvious parts to this huge reduction in the float that can only be construed as very positive and influencing. It is primarily due to their existence that I am suggesting for all of you to buy the Dinar now and hold them in a Dinar denominated Iraqi commercial bank account.

    By doing so you will lock in your price or cost basis at the eventual conversion price of 75 -85 cents US. When the dinar begins trading it will most definitely open higher than this new conversion price. I will explain why in a moment but, I will go on record right now and tell you that the Dinar will open trading at between $1.50- $2.00 minimum and close the first day of trading there too. This is why the price you are paying now will not be available once trading begins on the FOREX. I see the Dinar quickly rising within days to the 3.00 –$ 3.50 range. This is because history tells us the Dinar traded at those levels in the past and, the truth is, history is ALWAYS repeated in the price movement of stocks and commodities. This is true and has been proven time and time again.

    $3.00 to $3.50 is it though. Party over!! Remember this is a currency not a stock. Take a look at the prices across the board of the world’s currencies. The Dinar will be categorized as an “Exotic” currency also , which may be why it only reaches $3.00 and probably starts to stumble for a while before going higher eventually reaching its previously traded highs. So much is happening so fast in Iraq that when the Dinar starts trading it will go to where it is supposed to be and it will go there quickly. In a matter of days , maybe a few weeks at most , the highs will be met and I personally will be selling and suggesting that you also sell into that strength. My target is $3.00. The upside beyond that is limited anyway and I prefer letting someone else take that risk. The following are the fundamental reasons I base the anticipated move in the value of Dinar for the short term. I will close with something I can do also to make this suggestion even more attractive.

    The Dinar will go higher from the start of trading on the Forex because:

    1. Introduction of the Iraqi Dinar to the FOREX and the world stage means instantaneous exposure to money managers worldwide as an investment grade opportunity for growth and diversification. Mega sources of capital from individuals and institutions globally will now become available to Iraq. We are only a small percentage of people around the world who know the big picture on Iraq and most of the big money has been precluded from investing in the Dinar due to a lack of liquidity, which changes when it starts trading on the FOREX . All of this will bid up the price. The Dinar will be overwhelmingly thought of as an investment with less risk now trading on the FOREX than before . The spread between purchase and sale prices of the Dinar will tighten up. This is all good!
    2. I cannot begin to know just how big a part of the first day’s gap upward in price will come from the trillions of dinars today considered part of the float but, soon to be instantly recognized as undeliverable to the CBI for exchange. This event will be responsible for part of it that is a certainty. Leaving only the paper currency in Iraq and the dinars held in Iraqi commercial banks as being only those recognized as legitimate dinars ,this event will be the other big upward influence and spike the Dinars price immediately on the FOREX. How big? Combine and add up all of the Dinars sold over the last 8 years by all of the currency dealers and the banks in the U.S. for starters………BIG!!! If you still need substantiation and are not convinced that I am correct here contact me and I will provide you with the facts reflecting current CBI policy on the Dinar. It will require a change in policy and a very generous Iraq for the outcome to be any other way. That said, this is a realistic return one can expect from investing in the Dinar and clearly one that justifies consideration.

    What I can do to help:

    Going forward, any new account will be able to purchase Dinars at reduced prices from this point on until further notice at the price of $1050.00 / million IQD. Purchases above 25 million IQD and above will be made at reduced prices. If you are interested in opening an account contact us and we will send you the account opening instructions and account application which you can fill out online and return.

    Thanks for your time and consideration.


    David Pratt
    619-819-5676 USA
    866-352-7759 TOLL FREE
    619-964-9604 CELL

  159. nun jauh di sana berkata:

    sy cume nasihatkan aje pd y tlh buke acc di warka bank Tahniah!!xpe..nk buke…silakan..cume sy Confirm acc anda akn dibekukan bila dah Rv nnti..ataupun sblum Rv mungkin acc anda dibekukan…jadi la duit dlm simpanan tu AIS he he…x percayer??samer2 tunggu yer…sy x boleh bg tau anda saper sy..cume sy leh nasihatkan aje pasal buke aCc tu..ati2 la…

    • Mohd Helmy berkata:

      Salam…En.nun jauh di sana…seperti yg telah saya tuliskan sebelum ini… kalau En.nun jauh disana nak berbicara sesuatu didalam fourm ini berkenaan dengan account bank diiraq… sila berikan fakta yg menyokong ayat anda…yg menyatakan duit didalam account bank boleh dibekukan oleh pihak Bank…atas sebab apa dan atas alasan apa yg Bank nak bekukan account??? kalau segala dockument dari segi pembelian matawang asing dari bank dimalaysia ke luar negara semuanya ada disimpan oleh mereka2 yg membuka account!!. lainlah kalau Pembeli Cash Note Dinar Iraq dimalaysia…memang sah…salah dan melanggar akta Bank Negara Malaysia…kerana tidak mempunyai bukti resit pembelian sesuatu matawang. sila layari laman sesawang BNM…Ok… even…kalau anda menukar sesuatu matawang negara lain pun dekat Money Changer anda perlu mendapatkan Resit resmi Pembelian / penukaran wang melalui Money Changer tersebut,ini semua telah disebutkan kat dalam laman sesawang BNM..dan saya percaya 100% ramai rakyat Malaysia tidak tahu tentang hal ini.apa yg mereka tahu semua adalah…pergi ker Money Changer tukar / beli sahaja kat money changer tampa ada sebarang resit resmi dari money changer tersebut.kalau anda nak tahu kenapa anda perlu mendapatkan resit kat setiap money changer yg anda berurusan… rajin2lah selak laman sesawang BNM atau pun… rajin2lah anda selak semula fourm http://nazhasecret.wordpress.com/ disana anda carilah semua artical2 telah saya berikan termasuk fakta2 yg amat nyata..tentang Bahayanya pembelian Cash Note Dinar Iraq ini tampa ada bukti resit pembelian. OK!!!. jangan memberi komen2 mengikut nafsu anda sendiri… 🙂


    • gonjeng berkata:

      sajer nak celah sket…..akaun den kat interbankFX / Bank Of West di US, tak beku pun…dah lebih 7 thn guna pakai….buka akuan pun melalui online..TT kesini pun tak der masalah….dah declare pun dgn Maybank n CIMB….setau sayer ler, duit kalu simpan dalam peti ais tu nak ngelak “toyol” colong jer.

  160. sarah berkata:

    Assalam En Helmi,

    Saya dah faham serba sedikit tentang nak buka akaun dinar iraq ni. Saya ada juga beli cash note sedikit. Boleh tak en helmi bagi tau exact figure dlm RM untuk buka akaun dgn en helmi. saya ni masih student, tak punya cash yang banyak. sila balas melalui email saya. terima kasih

    • pakcik kayo berkata:

      apa susah susah cik sarah…..kalau u nak jugak dinar tu….u kawin je dgn saya…..kompem saya akan bagi 100 k iqd dalam akaun awak……he..he..he…jgm mare….he..he..he…

      • Mohd Helmy berkata:

        🙂 🙂 *** No Comment **** en.pakcik kayo 😛

      • shin berkata:

        Sempat jugak Pakcik ni ngorat orang! Jgan marah ya pakcik……. bukan ape.. takut dinar entah kemana pakcik pula hilang kemana hehehhe…..

      • pakcik kayo berkata:

        apa salahnya ….menyelam sambil minum air….dinar saya tak kemana pon…dah dalam akaun….saya pon tak kemana…masih kat malaysia lagi…..apa pun hidup mesti ceria…tak gitu…he..he..he…

  161. sarah berkata:

    Salam en pakcik kayo,

    Allah! pakcik kayo dah terlambat seminit aje. Kalau tidak mesti saya dah kayo dgn 100k IQD tu. he he he

    • edysaiful berkata:

      Nak tanya… ader sapa2 yg nak tau bank Iraq di luar negara ? Kalau ader, kita pakat ramai2 pi sekali bukak akaun di sana. amacam.. ? Saya pun risau sekarang ni.. nilai wang IQD di Malaysia ni pun dah jatuh. Kawan saya beli IQD25,000 = RM90 ajer… dulu (2009) IQD41,800 = RM650…..

      • rage berkata:

        itu tandanya cash note dah nak jadi macam duit zaman jepun…dah hampir-hampir x laku oiii,itu sebab orang ramai jual murah-murah.biasanya lagi dekat nak rv lagi melambunglah duit iraq,ini terbalik pulak,lagi dekat nak rv lagi murahlah pulak.ini yang aku muskil ni.

      • Mohd Helmy berkata:


        bagi pada pandangan saya…sebenarnya semua cash note yg dijual baik dimalaysia & juga di luar negara..pada saat dan ketika ini masih mahal lagi… walau pun anda melihat IQD 25000 yg kawan anda beli itu berharga RM:90 masih lagi mahal. sebenarnya buat pengetahuan anda IQD 41,800 hanya berharga RM:110.75 sahaja dan IQD 25000 hanya berharga RM:66.23 itu pun saya base USD 1 = RM:3.1 sekarang ini nilai USD 1 = RM:2.9++.so anda kiralah sendiri. 🙂


      • shin berkata:

        Ko nak gi sana tu tak bahaya ke? Nak pergi..pergi la. Jgn tak balik pulak nanti!

    • pakcik kayo berkata:

      no problem……

  162. nun jauh di sana berkata:

    Truskan membuka Acc di warka bank..sape2 y tlh buke acc warka dgn en helmy sila pegi jupe dier face to face k..de masalah nti snang nk crik dier..en helmy x kan lari ke maner..cumer acc anda tu faham2 jer la..saper nk bukak acc warka CAJ RM500 aje..Risiko ditanggung oleh pembuke acc..

    • jejaka berkata:

      Salam En. nun jauh di sana.Saya berminat nak buka acct War ka dgn en cbb cajnya murah.Boleh bagitau macam mana nak contact en. nun jauh di sana?

    • Mohd Helmy berkata:

      Salam… 🙂

      ha cam gitukan bagus…buka account… saya x kisah dengan siapa mereka nak buka… asalkan buka account..lebih baik… so… tahniah anda sudah ada seorang coustomer…. take care coustomer anda baik2 tau… 🙂 😛

      • sham berkata:

        salam,betul kata encik Helmi tu.Sebelum ni saya ada contact en Helmi utk buka akaun,tapi x jadi sebab saya dah bukak dgn org lain.En Helmi pun x kesah.Takde dia marah2kan saya.pada dia asalkan kita buka akaun dan kita ada back up sekiranya note cash kita bermasalah kalau nak tukar nanti.Itu je yg benarnya:)

      • saya budak baru belajar berkata:

        saya nak buka akaun warka.. contact sy 0132304530
        boleh lg ker?

    • pakcik kayo berkata:

      hai….sebelum nie beriya-iya kata pemegang akaun kena freeze…dan berbagai lagi…. pasal apa pulak sekarang nie nak buat ambik upah bukak akaun …..dah tak boleh cari makan ke dgn jual cash note ni…….. cik nun jauh disana….anda telah hilang kredibiliti sbg seorang ……anda fikirkan sendiri……

      • jejaka berkata:

        En. Sham. Boleh bagi contact person org yang buatkan akaun warka buar en. Sham. En. nun jauh di sana masih tak contact lagi saya nie.

    • saya budak baru belajar berkata:

      saya nak buka akaun warka.. contact sy 0132304530

  163. Mohd Helmy berkata:

    Dinar Investors,

    The following statement is a response from the Deputy Commercial Attache, Iraqi Embassy in Washington DC regarding my request for monetary policy information.. It would appear that if what this Republic of Iraq government representative is saying here is in fact true, a Dinar denominated commercial bank account is most likely the only legal vehicle, according to Iraqi law, with which anyone physically outside the Republic of Iraq may own the Iraqi Dinar. I suggest you scroll down, begin from the bottom and read up. Then draw your own conclusion

    Dear Sir,
    Thank you for contacting the Iraqi Commercial Attache in Washington DC. Reference to your inquire we would like to inform you that as of now it is illegal to sale Iraqi currency outside Iraq. You can visit Iraq central bank website (http://www.cbi.iq/arabic/index.html) to get more details about Monetary policy in Iraq.

    or more than four years THE AMIRAQ FUND managed by William Burbank has been the choice of hundreds of American investors who have seen the appreciation in the value Iraqi Dinar coming. It has proven to be safe, liquid, and a predictable way to participate in the rise in value of this country’s currency without the worry and uncertainty that goes with direct possession and delivery of the paper currency

    Amjad A. Rajeb
    Deputy Commercial Attache
    Iraqi Commercial Office
    Embassy of the Republic of Iraq

  164. zha berkata:

    makin rv makin panas jdnye forum ni…

    • Leben berkata:

      panas pasal memberikan fakta yg betul x mengapa…. sebab kebaikannya akan dapat pada kita semua juga.janganlah panas sebab memberikan pendapat sendiri tampa fakta..itu yang penting.

  165. nun jauh di sana berkata:

    sy x bukak Acc warka..tlg promote jer bru ning pasal bukak acc..tp member tu dah x nk bukak acc warka cz dah insaf..byk sgt dah duit cstmez dier kebas..dier rse mcm bersalah lak..skrng ni dier confius duit y ade pd dier tu dikirer camner..cz dier bg tau x kuar modal 1 sen pun nk bukak acc warka..seme duit cstemez..jdi serba salah dibuatnye dgn duit tu..arap2 cstmez dier halalkan la..

    • Leben berkata:

      hahaha.. dah x nak bukak ker…atau member tu x tahu nak buka account!!! lawak betul awak nie…cakap macam “kap lam ya ngah”. walau pun saya x kenal awak..tetapi saya tahu awak cakap x serupa bikin.dah malu nak cover pulak….

  166. Mohd Helmy berkata:

    Iraq central bank takes steps to Delete 3 zero

    May 4, 2011

    BAGHDAD: The Central Bank of Iraq has taken steps to rebase the Iraqi dinar and issue new banknotes, a senior official at the bank has said.

    “We have reached a conclusion that we should take off three zeroes from the current Iraqi dinar Banknotes,” Mudher Qasim, the bank’s senior advisor, told Dow Jones News in an exclusive interview.

    “The process is progressing and we have taken some steps,” Qasim said. “We will issue a decision in due time.”

    Qasim didn’t give a timeframe when that decision would be taken, but said printing new banknotes and fully replacing old notes would take two years from the time the decision is taken.

    Iraqi Finance Minister Bayan Jabor said his ministry had suggested to the central bank to take off three zeroes from the current Iraqi dinar banknotes. “The Central Bank governor (Sinan Al-Shabibi) has informed me that the bank is in the process of taking that decision,” Jabor told the state-run Al-Iraqia Satellite Channel this week.

    “The Central Bank of Iraq supports what the finance minister was saying,” Qasim said.

    If the rebase decision is taken, it means a current 25,000 Iraqi dinar banknote will become 25 dinars, for example. When three zeroes are knocked off the Iraqi dinar, a dollar will equal only 1.20 dinars.
    Currency rebasings are usually monetarily neutral and are introduced to make commercial calculations and cash dealing easier and cheaper. Turkey knocked six zeroes off its lira currency January 1, 2005, for example. Russia did the same for its currency.

    “In a country like Iraq where cash consists 80% of money dealing, we need smaller bank notes,” Qasim said, adding that current Iraqi banknotes were difficult to store and need strict security measures when moving money from one place to another.
    There are now some 20tn Iraqi dinar banknotes in use in the market, which is a very big amount and if Iraq knocked 3 zeroes it would become 20bn dinars which is a reasonable amount, he said.

    Qasim also said one of the reasons for rebasing the Iraqi dinar is because the bank has managed to reduce the country’s high rates of inflation. The inflation rate fell to 14.7% in May this year from a record high of 60% in late 2006.

    In July 2004, the now dissolved US civilian authority in Iraq decided to print the current Iraqi banknotes replacing those used to bear the picture of the former Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein. Iraqis then had three months to swap their old dinars with the new ones.

    “This time we aren’t in hurry,to swap the new currency with the old one, then let it so,” Qasim said.

    The current banknotes were printed by Britain’s De La Rue, the world’s biggest commercial printer of bank notes.

    Jabor said in November last year that the central bank would rebase the dinar in early 2008. – Dow Jones News

  167. sarah berkata:

    kalau kita buka akaun kat iraq duit itu selamatlah dan cash note yg kita ada akan laku di malaysia dan boleh ditukar dlm tempoh 2 tahun. mcm saya, ada notes 25K (akn jd 25), 10K (akn jd 10), 5K (akn jd 5). sila beri penjelasan. terima kasih.

    • Mohd Helmy berkata:

      pembetulan bukan 2 tahun… 🙂 tetapi 3 bulan cuba baca balik artikal di atas..

      “In July 2004, the now dissolved US civilian authority in Iraq decided to print the current Iraqi banknotes replacing those used to bear the picture of the former Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein. Iraqis then had “THREE MONTHS” to swap their old dinars with the new ones.”

      P/s: Selamat Untuk selama 3 Bulan aje.. selepas tu CASH NOTE yg didalam simpanan anda akan jadi seperti duit SADDAM HUSSIN. 🙂

      • Mohd Helmy berkata:

        Sorry.. salah maklumat… duit yg dimaksudkan dalam artical diatas adalah duit SADDAM HUSSIN ke pada note Dinar Yg Baru (Duit Yg ada dalam Simpanan.) 🙂

    • pakcik kayo berkata:

      kesian kat sarah nie…….kalau dia tukar note…duit anda tak ada nilai lagi……andaikata boleh tukar sekalipon…sarah kena pergi kat iraq untuk tukar….sbb duit iraq hanya sah dalam iraq aje……sarah terlambat seminit aje…he…he..he…tapi peluang masih terbuka untuk sarah…he…he…he….

      • Leben berkata:

        ayo..yo.. sempatlagi tu nak mengurat… :-0

      • sarah berkata:

        tak pelah pakcik kayo klau mcm tu, nampaknya kena cari pakcik kayo dari iraqlah. kalau ada rezeki adalah.

      • mizral berkata:

        3 bulan lama gak tu..aku terpaksa kau tim dgn en mohd helmi tak pun dgn pakcik kayo..takpun dgn sape2 yg ada warka bank akaun..minta diorang pegi iraq…pastu aku pos sikit2 dulu..hehe…tu pun kalau diorang nak tolong la..soal diorang nak charge aku…apa pilihan yg aku ada…hahaha….tapi bila dah kaya ni..aku rasa senyap sunyi blog ni….masing2 yg ada warka akaun sure dah hilang tah kemana..sini pun jengah kejap2…yg pegang cash note sure bebulu giler..hehe…harap simpati dr org yg ada akaun warka bank

      • pakcik kayo berkata:

        aiseymen…kalau dah kaya takkan nak lepak kat sini pulak…mesti la nak lepak kat switzeland ke…main salji…kat belanda ke…tgk musim bunga….atau kat afrika….nak tgk anamal safari….itupun lopas den pergi buat umrah dulu le……tgh muda nie…eloklah pegi awal….

      • mizral berkata:

        pakcik kayo…kalu dah pegi umrah..tolong lakawan2 lain yg tak mampu nak buat akaun warka..duit dapat..pahala dpt dan sedikit charge krn menunggu di iraq..hehe…pastu kitorang dtg la ziarah pakcik kayo bila ada kat negara mana2 nanti….cuma lepas kitorang dpt pegi umrah selepas pakcik kayo bantu kitorang ni dulu..sonok sama2 kaya…sampai mati pun duk ingat lg org yg nick dia pakcik kayo..hehe…tak gitu?;)

  168. penjual dinar berkata:

    kepada sesiapa yg ingin membeli dinar dengan harga yg murah boleh hubungi saya di facebook:x-zero-or-die-x@hotmail.com…atau email saya…saya bg harga terbaik utk anda…

  169. cikgu khai berkata:

    salam en. helmi,

    saya nak bertanya, saya nak buat TT transfer ke bank corresponding citibank US utk akaun warka?, berapa lama tempoh yang akan diambil untuk selesai transfer duit tu ke citibank new york? dan bagaimana warka akan ambil duit kita dalam akaun tu?

    tima kasih.

  170. pakcik kayo berkata:


    On Sun, May 1, 2011 at 10:48 PM,

    Hey they are telling us now at the military finance that we have to sign a statement to say we will not take dinar out of the country if we purchase any now. So, this is a really good sign that they have started this. I’m sure glad i have a warka bank account to deposit my dinar in on the way out now…. If you like you can post this. this is not a rumor this is facts here at this base and i will be checking to see if we are getting this at other bases as well and if not i will see how long before it will be Iraq wide…….GO DINAR GO

  171. Mohd Helmy berkata:


    sekadar ingin memberi tahu…. Cash Note Dinar Iraq Yg baru yg bernilai IQD 10 , 50 , 250 yang mempunyai 3 bahasa ( english , arab & Kurdis )telah dikesan di internet. buat masa ini saya tengah membuat rujukan pada sumber2 yg sahih untuk membuktikan bahawa Cash Note Tersebut bukannya datang dari Cash Note duit lama yg telah digunakan di iraq sejak dari sebelum zaman pemerintahan Saddam Hussien Sehingga sekarang.so far kesemua duit2 cash note lama dinar iraq tidak mirip 100% dengan gambar cash note yg baru ini.buat masa ini saya beranggapan Gambar Cash Note yg ada pada saya ini sebagai RUMOR sahaja.


  172. Leben berkata:

    * dipetik dari fourm lain.

    Dinar Trade, Inc. is no longer buying or selling currency at this time.

    penjual terbesar di US yang satu ketika dahulu lantang bersuara bahawa mereka menjual dan boleh juga membeli balik CASH NOTE dinar iraq… akhirnya akur gulung tikar dan menukar statmentnya yg memberi tahu bahawa mereka kini tidak lagi menjual mahu pun membeli semula CASH NOTE dinar iraq yg telah mereka jual suatu masa dahulu…


    P/s: company yg ada lesen dari UST pun boleh lingkup.

  173. Leben berkata:

    With Dinar Trades move today I called the Capital One branch in Shreveport La where I have recently exchanged USD for IQD and they told me that they had gotten a memo today saying not to exchange the IQD. I asked the lady about exchanging IQD for USD and she said they were not exchanging either way. Is this a good or bad thing? Hoping it’s a good thing!! Goooo RV!


    lagi…cerita tentang Cash note dinar tak boleh jual atau beli balik.tapi kali ini pula kenyataan dari bank pula.

  174. Leben berkata:

    *diambil dari fourm luar

    Trusting Dinar Dealers-Should We????

    I’ve bought all of my dinar from Ali, that being said, do I trust him? No. Just because his company delivered my shipments on time does not mean anything. Any business that wants to make money on their product will deliver on time IF they want to stay successful. I do not KNOW this man, never talked to him personally, never met him LIKE Roger has. So he provides a service I needed. I used him. He used me to make his profit. Will he burn us? Will ANY or ALL of the dealers burn us? We will all know soon enough. I have been burned by people I have known for years, so why would’nt the chance be there to be burned by someone I’ve never met, a website business we have never been to personally. We have all taken our chances with ANY of the Dinar dealers, just as we have taken the chance on this investment. So we continue to wait and wait as we have done for months and years for this to happen, but not one of us actually know if any of the Dinar dealers are honest and trustworthy. They are in this for the same reason as we all are, and that is to make a profit.

  175. Leben berkata:

    Dinar Trade, Inc. is no longer buying or selling currency at this time.

    sebenarnya dinar trade gulung tikar sebab didapati bersalah kerana menjual dinar iraq . sila download link dibawah untuk melihat surat saman terhadap dinar trade


    ini adalah tindakan pertama dealer dinar iraq yg dikenakan tindakan undang2.. tak lama lagi adakah kemungkinan2 semua delear2 & penjual Cash Note Dinar iraq dimalaysia akan dikenakan tindakan yg sama oleh BANK NEGARA MALAYSIA??????

    sama2lah kita tunggu dan lihat kesudahan Game dinar iraq ini.

  176. saya budak baru belajar berkata:

    salam.. mcam mana nak buka akaun warka? ada sapa2? boleh guide saya tak?

    • pakcik kayo berkata:

      budak2 mana boleh pegang duit banyak2…..he..he..he…nanti dpt duit pegi main game….he..he..he…ini untuk umur 18 thn keatas aje…..

      • bro din berkata:

        ala pakcik kayo..kalau x nak tolong x yah la ckp mcm tu kat org, kalau nak bergurau pun agak2 la..cian dia…betul2 nak buka akan warka….sekali Allah aala bergurau dgn ko plak..baru ada akai?hehe…elok2 org lain semua leh kuar duit…tahu2 pakcik kayo pulak ada je yg tak kena…serba serbi x menjadi…mana la tahu ..al maklum…Allah yg maha berkuasa ni…’kun fayakun’…takpe budak baru belajar…ko leh contact encik mohd helmi ..dia sellau bg post kat sini…try deal dgn dia..kalau ada budget…on je..kalau xde budget…tanya member2 yg lain plak

      • pakcik kayo berkata:

        jgn marah…kalau marah nanti kena jual…..sebenarnya benda 2 nie dah dimaklumkan bg saya sudah cukup lama dgn bukti2 yg dan artikel …..dan inilah yg berlaku pd masyarakat sekarang…..dah kena baru nak terngadah…..disini saya ada sertakan cara2 nak buka akaun dalam satu forum…di BRUNAI FORUM…..anda flash back balik semua berkenaan nak buka akaun dah ada…..rajin2 lah membelek…kalau tak reti juga boleh deal dgn en helmi…..kalau encik helmi tak mahu buat dah…pandai2 lah sendiri ye….masa nak mengajar dah habis…sekarang masa untuk meraikan dan menikmatinya sahaja……harap ini dapat membantu…..

      • saya budak baru belajar berkata:

        boleh bg link tak forum cara2 nak buka akaun warka bank tu.. minimum nak buka berapa kena bayar? duit takde ni..haaiiisss

  177. Mohd Helmy berkata:


    Pertama kali saya mengucapkan shukur alhamdulillah ke hadrat Allah s.w.t kerana apa yg saya risau dan saya bayangkan selama hampir 2 tahun telah menjadi kenyataan,dimana pasti satu hari akan timbul permasalahan berkenaan dengan Cash Note Dinar iraq ini diseluruh dunia.ini telah dibuktikan pada hari ini satu laman sesawang yg menjalankan aktiviti penjualan Dinar Iraq yg berpusat di US dikenakan Saman oleh SC dari negara tersebut kerana didapati menyula dinar Iraq tampa lesen. yang aironinya..company tersebut memang mempunyai lesen penjualan matawang asing yg sah…tetapi rupa2nya didalam lesen perniagaanya tidak termasuk matawang Dinar Iraq.dan yang anehnya ada diantara bank2 di US yg pernah menjual Cash Note Dinar Iraq pada para pelangannya juga telah membuat kenyataan hari ini bahawa pihak banknya tidak lagi menjalankan penjualan Cash Note Dinar Iraq & pihak bank tersebut telah menyatakan bahawa pihak banknya juga tidak akan menerima semula Cash Note Dinar Iraq yg telah dijualnya sebelum ini(pembelian balik)dan yg amat menghairankan saya lagi,Warka Bank telah membuka cawanganya Di US dan saya mendapat tahu bahawa mereka juga tidak akan menerima deposit matawang dinar iraq di US. hanya deposit duit melalui account dengan menggunakan matawang US sahaja dibenarkan & pihak warka sendiri yg akan membuat penukaran dari USD ke IQD. hal inilah yg nak saya sampaikan pada anda semua selama lebih kurang 2 tahun,tetapi massage yg hendak saya sampaikan ini dibalas semula dengan kata2 yg kurang baik,tapi bagi saya tak mengapa…sebab ini semua kerana kita sebenarnya kurang pengetahuan tentang investment ini.jadi sekali lagi saya ingin memberi tahu anda,sebelum nasi menjadi bubur…anda perlu membuat sesuatu tentang pelaburan anda ini sebelum terlambat.dan buat pada coustomer2 yg telah membuka account dengan saya..saya minta pada anda sila tukarkan password internet banking anda pada password yg saya berikan pada mula2 dahulu,kerana saya ingin membuat emergency backup pada account anda semua.ini ditakuti sekiranya RV berlaku…takut sesuatu yang tak diingini akan berlaku pada account anda dan selepas itu anda boleh menukarkan semula password asal anda setelah kerja2 backup selesai dijalankan.sila emailkan pada saya nama penuh anda no account dan password ke



  178. pakcik kayo berkata:

    according to the Global Executive banking department at Citibank, you can open a multi. currency account with a min. deposit is 35K equivalent USD. However, IQD is not one of the currencies they can be deposited after you open the account. The rep did tell me that they are looking into depositing into accounts with this currency but they do not at this time. I mentioned that Citibank is the only US corresponding bank listed on the Warka website and he apologized and listed all the currencies that you can deposit (Euro, Pound, Canadian Dollar……) into the account and IQD was not one of them.

  179. nun jauh di sana berkata:

    nk tgk cash note terbaru g la kat CBI bro..Jgn la duk pakai kletong jer..http://www.cbi.iq/..kalu ade note baru xkan CBI x update dlm tu..

  180. nun jauh di sana berkata:

    pd y tlh buke acc di warka bank..TAHNIAH 1000x!!kalu ape2 terjadi pd acc anda sy akn perkenalkan diri sy n sy akn send nom phone skali utk kte sembang2 panjang..he he..sy tau sape sebenarnye boss warka bank..cume sy akn menanti peluang itu akn tiba jue..x percaye xpe n Jgn percaye kan pesanan sy..rajin2 la contact en helmy n Jgn terputus hubungn dgn beliau..kte jumpe lagi..

    • Leben berkata:

      he…he…he… watt apa nak tunggu apa-apa nak terjadi bro… bagilah sekarang boleh gua belanja bro makan nasi arab… he…he…he… atau bro hanya cakap gebang jer… 😛

    • pakcik kayo berkata:

      bunyi ayat…mcm orang kecewa je…..siapa diri anda sebenarnya tak penting…dan anda sebenarnya tak penting langsung dalam pekara ini…..anda ibarat seperti melukut di tepi gantang….ada takpa…takde lagi takpe…..baru hari ini anda bagitahu siapa boss warka…..sya dah lama tahu hal ini…..cuma nasihat saya…..jgn bunuh diri sudah le…..apapun….terima kasih atas ucapan tahniah itu…..dan saya bersimpati dgn anda…..kerna gagal memperdaya org ramai membeli cash note anda….dgn janji2 dan angan2 yg anda cipta kepada mereka…..ibarat mengejar pelangi di sebalik gunung……yg mana anda sendiri tdk tahu….sepanjang perjalanan kesana…apakah halangan dan rintangan di pertengahan jalan……disini saya berpegang kepada prinsip….kebenaran akan muncul akhirnya walau anda gagal pada mulanya…tetapi berjaya akhirnya…..begitulah pemegang akaun….mulanya dikeji dan dimaki dan perli….akhirnya……dan begitulah pd pemegang cash note…..pd mulanya dipuji….dicurahkan dgn berbagai janji…..akhirnya….apapun sebagai umat manusia….kita tidak lepas dr kesilapan…..perbaiki kesilapan dan majulah kehadapan…..wassalam…..

  181. Mohd Helmy berkata:


    pada semua Coustomer saya…seramai 60 Orang yg telah memberikan kerjasama kepada saya,ribuan terima kasih saya ucapkan & buat pengetahuan anda..saya baru sahaja habis membuat emergency backup hari ini…dan buat seramai 62 orang lagi yg masih belum menghubungi saya melalui email…kerjasama anda saya perlukan dengan seberapa segera.


  182. Mohd Helmy berkata:

    Iraqi Central Bank raises individual hard cash transfers to $50,000

    By Khayoun Saleh

    Azzaman, May 9, 2011

    Iraqis are now officially allowed to transfer up to $50,000 per transaction in hard cash across the world, the Central Bank says.

    The decision follows restrictions on hard cash transfers under which Iraqi banks and exchange offices were obliged to declare to the tax authorities the names of individuals transferring more than $10,000 per transaction.

    The decision had slashed transfers in hard cash from nearly $300 million a day to $3 million.

    An adviser to the Central Bank, Mudher Mohammed, said the restrictions on transfers had an adverse impact on Iraqi financial markets.

    “The monetary and financial balance that guided the markets was lost,” he said.

    The decision to curtail transfers was taken 10 days ago. It demanded that banks and exchange houses provide lists of names of individuals transferring more than $10,000 in one transaction.

    Yesterday, transfers in hard cash had surged to $80 million following a ruling that scrapped an earlier decision on hard cash transfer restrictions.

    Banks are now only obliged to declare the names of individuals transferring more than $50,000 per transaction.


    “The volume of transactions is bound to increase and reach its normal levels, restoring financial and monetary equilibrium to Iraqi markets,” Mohammed said.

    He said the amount of transfer per transaction was raised for purposes of tourism, study abroad and healthcare.

  183. Mohd Helmy berkata:

    Adakah ini matawang yang bakal menggantikan matawang sedia ada yg sedang anda pegang ini????


    Sama2 kita nantikan adakah matawang ini bakal digunakan oleh CBI satu hari nanti.

  184. Mohd Helmy berkata:

    Iraq to bring in central payment gateway

    * Iraq: 18 hours, 2 minutes ago

    Iraq’s central bank has signed a memorandum of agreement with the US Agency for International Development (USAID) to introduce a central payment gateway aimed at boosting transactions in the private retail banking sector, Reuters has reported. The $15m-$20m Iraq payment system (IPS) will allow individuals and businesses to make and receive interbank and international payments electronically via a single gateway.


  185. Leben berkata:

    Ali Maidin berkata dalam Blognya hari ini

    “Mungkin 25,000 Dinar wang sedia ada akan bersamaan dengan 25 Dinar baru.Maka pemegang dinar iraq tidak untung dan tidak rugi.Balik asal sahaja.”

    aku tergelak tengok ali maidin nie,dulu beria-ia dia katakan tak mungkin iraq buang bergitu saja nilai 3 angka sifar,kalau iraq buat juga..pasti ekonominya akan merudum…alih2 hari ini statment ali maidin dah lain pula.bahkan dia katakan hanya balik asal sahaja keuntungan.

    aku terpikir juga..orang yg beli dengan ali maidin pasti rugi dan tidak pulang modal….sebab IQD10,000 dia jual harga RM160.00,jadi bila IQD10,000 menjadi IQD10 katakanlah kita ambil IQD1 bersamaan USD3.71 jadi IQD10 bersamaan USD37.10,ok..katakanlah USD1 bersamaan RM3.80…jadi USD37.1 X RM3.80 bersamaan dengan RM:140.98.sedangkan Ali Maidin jual IQD10,000 RM160.00,mana ada pulang modal…hehehehe…so nampak sangatlah ali maidin nie tak tahu mengira simple math.apa-apa pun yang beli dan simpan cash note..nyata tidak dapat menjadi jutawaan apabila CBI membuang 3 angka 0. nasib-nasib siapa yang beli sama Ali Maidin.

    • pakcik kayo berkata:

      nampaknya telah terbukti…..kepakaran dan anda anggap guru dinar iraq ni telah meleset…iaitu ali maiden……dan kebenarannya telah terbukti oleh komen yg telah diberikan oleh saya dan en helmi…..cuma saya nak tambah sedikit pd komen en helmi nie….iaitu masalah duit dinar nie mengenai penukarannya……maksud saya….andaikata terjadinya pembuangan kosong nie…..anda telah mendapat 25k menjadi 25 dinar sahaja..bagaimana pula hendak menukarkannya kembali kepada matawang semasa krana….seperti yg anda dimaklumkan bahawasanya mengikut polisi bank iraq…duit iraq hanya sah hanya dlm negara iraq sahaja…..jadi kesimpulannya…..pelaburan yg anda buat ini iaitu cash note akan mengalami TOTAL LOST…..sekian

      p/s:buat sarah……i still waiting for u…….he..he..he…

  186. sarah berkata:

    Kepada pakcik kayo, selamat menjadi jutawan iraq. Bye!

  187. nun jauh di sana berkata:

    bagus krana anda telah membuka Acc di warka..Tahniah..!!mungkin sy sorang y tau masalah y akn dihadapi bakal2 Jutawan Acc warka…x percayer…xpe..masenye akn tiba Jua..malas dh nk komen..Acc presiden tunisia,mesir&libya tlh dibekukan..amik la pengajaran..tu simpan duit kt Bank terkemuka dunia..warka bank ni ntah bank ape2..branch kat luo iraq pun xde…

    • pakcik kayo berkata:

      ha…ha..ha….hebatlah anda nie…..lepas jual dinar tak jalan anda tukar profession jadi tok bomoh pulak….mcm sumpah2 la anda nie….boleh bertukar on the spot…..siap boleh ramal lagi dan anda sorang je yg tahu….org lain tak tahu……hebat-hebat ……..mcm musibat anda nie……ustat kate jgn percaya dgn tok bomoh….nanti jd syirik……penat abang anda belajar kat mesir tuntut ilmu agama…..tapi adiknya jd tok bomoh semelaysia…..setakat anda belajar pernah belajar law…..tak tahu le…habis ke tidak…no komen…..camon la bro….anda bercerita mcm budak2……matang la sikit….anda bercerita pasal president kena freeze akaun…..pasal apa kena freeze akaun…sbbnya….baca dlm surat khabar….antara sbb utamanya diktaktor yg menjahanamkan duit negara utk kepentingan peribadi……dan ianya situasi berbeza dgn pelaburan yg berlaku sekarang dgn saving akaun di iraq…….iaitu kebangkitan rakyat menentang kezaliman pemerintah…dgn…membantu satu negara yg musnah akibat peperangan melalui pelaburan kewangan…..ibarat sebuah bank memberi pinjaman kepada peminjam…..bank akan mengenakan faedah atas pinjaman atas dasar keuntungan…..begitulah lebih kurang senario yg berlaku…..jd mulai sekarang saya rasa anda kena tukar nick name anda dari NUN JAUH DI SANA…..kepada….AHLI NUJUM PAK TEMBERANG….

    • pakcik kayo berkata:

      sekarang saya dah buktikan siapa saya mengetahui diri anda…dan anda tidak tahu siapa saya……he…he..he…

  188. Leben berkata:

    pakcik kayo,

    tak payalah kau layan si mamat temberang ni…nak gelak aku dibuatnya…konon-konon mengaku tahu apa yang akan belaku pada pemegang acc akan datang hehehe…aku follow balik segala coment2 dia kat forum nazhasecret…samdol badigol gak mamat nie….kalau samdol nie terror sangat sampai boleh tahu apa yg akan berlaku pada masa akan datang pada pemegang acc….baik samdol ni bagitahu kat dalam blog nie tarikh yang tepat bila RV….ha..ha..ha..
    nak jadi ahli nujum…puuuuuuuiiiiiii (nang botinang kuui botikuui)

  189. saya budak baru belajar berkata:

    ada sesiapa boleh beri tunjuk ajar untuk buka akaun bank warka?

  190. jikuk berkata:

    Kalau buang tiga kosong 1,000,000 iqd jadi = 1000 iqd.
    Kalau RV 1iqd=4.4usd jadi 1000iqd=4,4000 usd
    Kalau 1usd=3RM maka jadi 1juta iqd=13,200 RM
    kalau buang tiga kosong bukan sahaja duit kertas terlibat tapi juga duit dalam bank….?????
    Logik Tak???? entahlah …saya budak baru belajar.

    • pakcik kayo berkata:

      sila refer balik artikel dr CBI…..sudah jelas dan nyata…..HARD CURRENCY….CASH NOTE…..yang akan dibuang…..

      • shin berkata:

        Anda semua mesti ingat – Apa2 yg berkenaan dgn Iraq ni macam2 boleh terjadi- sebab This is IRAQ – u know. Hari ni kata A besok pula Kata B alih2 yg dibuatnya C. So kita jangan terlalu yakin dgn Perangai org ARAB ni. Yg paling bagus- SABAR MENANTI –


  191. Mohd Helmy berkata:


    Buat jikuk ayat dibawah ini adalah Pendapat dari pakar2 ekonomi Amerika….

    “If you don’t think this is possible, just put yourself in Iraq’s position…
    would you want to pay a bunch of foreigners a ton of money for simply
    holding your money?”

    ” While Iraq MAY screw the speculators, they will not screw their own people. Rather,
    they won’t screw their new constituency. The voting people of Iraq, that is. To
    instantly take the power of the Iraqi Dinar from a foreigner is one thing, but to take
    it out of the hands of the Iraqi people is another.”

    cuba anda fahamkan apa maksud yg tersurat dan tersirat dari ayat diatas…dan dibawah ini kemungkinan iraq boleh membuat tindakan Drastik terhadap investor2 yang menyimpan cash note.

    “Here’s a possible scenario, and I don’t like it.

    • Iraq determines a value for their currency, revalued from its current level.

    • Iraq closes the borders for 72 hours.

    • All Iraqi citizens are notified that they have 72 hours to deposit all paper
    Dinar Currency into an official bank account, where it will be exchanged to
    new currency at the new rate.

    • After the 72 hours, the current currency is worth exactly what the old
    Saddam notes are worth… not much.”

    ok.. kesimpulannya pada pandangan saya iraq memang berniat untuk membuat sesuatu pada pemegang2 cash note…supaya mereka tidak dapat menikmati pulangan investment yg tinggi,itu sebab mereka ingin menukar matawang baru …bagi menggantikan matawangnya yg sedia ada.paling yg saya takuti… iraq akan menggunakan undang2 perbankannya untuk menyekat kesemua cash note yg berada diluar iraq dengan cara…seperti dibawah

    ” according to the regulations set by the CBI handling and dealing with the IQD internationally is prohibited as the CBI has not approved the trading of the IQD on the international market where Iraqi Banks are permitted to hold, handle and accept IQD deposits through their international corresponding banks. It is a local currency only to be circulated and traded locally in accordance with the by laws set by the CBI.”

    sekiranya ayat diatas digunakan….so iraq berhak membatalkan kesemua cash notenya yg berada diluar iraq.so tidak ada siapa boleh marah…walaupun Kerajaan Amerika sendiri,kerana polisi CBI dah terang2 memberitahu… dan polisinya telah dibuat sejak tahun 2003 lagi.


  192. nun jauh di sana berkata:

    ello bro pakcik kayo..ko silap orang beb..ko nk tuduh n nk teka sape aku x yah la bro..buang maser ajer..cube ko bg komen pesal MC kt mlaysia bru jual dinar iraq??dlu dier org x jual..kenape bru skrng nk jual..pesal dier org sanggup Jual cash Note…kan senang buke Acc dgn warka jer..x yah dier org kuo modal nk beli dinar..beli kertas kan senang pastu emailkan ke warka bank…Ok bro..kte jupe lagi..

  193. pakcik kayo berkata:

    zaman kehancuran DOLLAR AMERIKA telah bermula

    * US Dollar Dominance Nears End… Moves Afoot To Launch NWO Currency
    “Leaders Call For Peace and Prosperity”
    China, along with Brazil, Russia, India and South Africa are leading the charge to stop trading in dollar denominations. Such a move would accelerate the development of a New World Order currency system which would eventually culminate in the infamous 6-6-6 monetary program as prophesied in Revelation chapter 13.
    The news headline of one Chinese newspaper boasted: “Leaders Call for Peace and Prosperity.” That headline is reminiscent of the famous prophetic Biblical Prophecy of “Peace and Safety” passage by Paul in his first letter to the church in Thessalonica.
    Ist Thessalonians 5: 1-3 then also 4-10
    “But of the times and the seasons, brethren, ye have no need that I write unto you.
    “For yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night.
    “For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape.
    “But ye, brethren, are not in darkness, that that day should overtake you as a thief.
    “Ye are all the children of light, and the children of the day: we are not of the night, nor of darkness.
    “Therefore let us not sleep, as do others; but let us watch and be sober.
    “Therefore let us not sleep, as do others; but let us watch and be sober.
    “For they that sleep sleep in the night; and they that be drunken are drunken in the night.
    “But let us, who are of the day, be sober, putting on the breastplate of faith and love; and for an helmet, the hope of salvation.
    “For God hath not appointed us to wrath, but to obtain salvation by our Lord Jesus Christ,
    “Who died for us, that, whether we wake or sleep, we should live together with him.
    Paul’s final words in his first letter to the Thessalonians is to identify the prevalent world attitude of “Peace and Safety” as the signal that the God’s judgment is about to descend upon humanity.
    Furthermore, Paul follows up with encouragement, reassurance and a series of commands. Note the contrast of Paul’s statement in verse 3 with what follows in verses 4-10. In verse 3, Paul states that with the world view of “Peace and Safety” comes sudden Divine Judgmetn upon the earth and then in verse 4 a sharp contrast is presented by the condition and attitude of believers in Christ.
    In verse 4, Paul begins with a conjunction or a connective word, “BUT.” Furthermore. the word translated as “but” is not the first word in the Greek sentence structure. The first word in the sentence is “You” followed by the word “de” which is translated as “but.” Now what is so important with this word order?
    The Greek grammar did not use exclamation points to underscore the stress of a word. The way an author would indicate stress is to take the word to be stressed and misplace it within the sentence structure. So, here Paul changes the word order and puts “You” ahead of “but” then followed by the word for “brothers.”
    So here’s the actual word order by Paul: “You, But, Brothers” – instead of “But, You, Brothers…” So what is Paul trying to tell us?
    BUT, YOU Brothers are … and then Paul uses a negative to contrast the positive in verse 3 which is judgment. So Paul is saying “BUT YOU Brothers are NOT in darkness, whereas the world is in darkness, so that “that day” should overtake you as a thief.
    Paul is saying to the Thessalonians that believers are NOT in darkness to be surprised when the judgment does come. Paul then positively states that we are all children of light and children of the day and not of the night nor of darkness. The implications are that the judgment comes in the night and of darkness. This is a further hint that genuine, true believers will not be around to experience the night, the darkness and the judgment.
    Paul then admonishes us to not fall asleep as do others – but rather we are warned to “Watch” and be of sound mind (sober). Then in verse 7 he gives us the reason to watch and be sober.
    “For they that sleep, sleep in the night; and they that be drunken are drunken in the night.”
    Then Paul once again uses the word “BUT” to draw a sharp contrast. The contrast is night versus day and in particular in verse 8 — “BUT” let us who are of the day, be sober, — putting on the breastplate of faith and love, and for an helmet, the hope of salvation.”
    Now the Greek word translated in verse 8 as “hope” is not what the original Greek word means. It is the world Elpides and it means “a belief or attitude or expectation” of security with a guarantee. So the idea does not carry the idea of uncertainty as we would think of with the word hope. It means an a secure expectation with a guarantee or a guaranteed expectation. The statement finishes with what the guaranteed expectation is – salvation.
    So that, verse 8 states that we are to put on the breastplate of faith and love and the helmet (indicating brain activity or thought) of a guaranteed salvation. Salvation is guaranteed. This is further underscored by Paul’s statement in Ephesians 2:8-9 where Paul tells us that we are saved by grace (a free gift given to us) are you “being continually and foreever saved” ( a Greek perfect participle) at a point of time in the past continuing into the present and never ending. A washing process from which you cannot escape and a process that never ends, having eternally abiding results. And to underscore this, Paul states there can be no human activity involved in the salvation process.
    So then, Paul tells us that we are to put on the helmet of understanding that our salvation is guaranteed.
    Then in verse 9, Paul continues with the conjunction “For.” The conjunction “For” means were are to connect what has just been stated to the concept in words that is to follow.
    For … God has not … and here again, Paul uses a Negative for contrast… God has NOT “appointed” us to wrath.
    Now the Greek word translated in the KJV as “appointed” is the Greek word – “etheto” and its root “tithemi” which is also found in Acts 1:7. It is really best translated as “decreed” where in God issues a “decree” or a ‘command” or an “order.” In the context of Acts 1:7 God decreed the times and the seasons. In Paul’s comment of Ist Thessalonians 5:9 the word references believers as having been decreed to NOT experience His wrath as in the Divine Wrath about to descend on Earth as the context indicates from this passage.
    So what are we to conclude from Paul’s statement in verse 8? The context of the passage is found in verse 3 of impending judgment from God upon humanity. In verse 8, Paul informs us that believers have been decreed to NOT experience God’s Day of Wrath or God’s Divine Judgment upon humanity as in the Tribulation period. Therefore, this verse tells us that believers will not experience the Tribulation Wrath of God. So how will believers avoid being afflicted by God’s wrath? We won’t be here to witness or experience it. The prior chapter, chapter 4 tells us that we will have been raptured away from planet Earth prior to the Great Tribulation Wrath. This verse stands in sharp contrast with the claims by some that the Church will go through the Tribulation and experience God’s Wrath on humanity.
    I believe that prior to the launch of Divine Wrath, God will send His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ to ‘snatch away” (Harpahdzho) those believers both dead and alive and transport them to a place of safety. Then as events unfold, others may come to believe in God’s plan of salvation but they will have to endure the Tribulation wrath and or be martyred for Christ.
    The bottom line here brings us back to the very beginning of this article and the Chinese newspaper headline: “Leaders Call for Peace and Prosperity.” Such a declaration reminds us of how close we must be to that point of time when, suddenly as a thief in the night, believers are “harpahdzhoed” out of humanity and taken to a place of safety by a supernatural act of Jesus Christ and His accompanying angels, just as 1st Thessalonians 4 describes it and as Revelation 18:4 fills in the detail of the “shout of command.” which Paul speaks of in 1st Thessalonians 4: 16-17.
    Are you ready for that shout of command and the event which leads you to safety, prior to God pouring out His wrath on Earth?

  194. pemilik dinar berkata:

    sesiapa yg nak beli cash note IQD contact saya.. murah je 🙂 nak pakai duit.. nak repair laptop..

  195. major berkata:

    what r u thinking about this statement…

    Dhi Qar Investment Commission inks MoU with Malaysian Company

    Friday, May 13, 2011 14:23 GMT
    Investment Commission in Dhi Qar Province said on Thursday that it signed a memorandum of understanding with a Malaysian company specialized in construction and supervising building cities, roads and bridges as well as rehabilitating buildings and ports. The commission added that the company uttered readiness to invest in the province.
    Dhi Qar Investment Commission President’s Assistant Abdul Reda Afrawi told Alsumarianews that the Commission inked a MoU with Depec Malaysian Company specialized in construction and supervising building cities, roads and bridges as well as rehabilitating buildings and ports. “It is very important to invest in construction field and cities planning and building bridges according to the newest technologies”, he added.


  196. Mohd Helmy berkata:

    Experts Call for Measures to Protect Iraq’s Money Before the Adjournment of Protection

    May 15th, 2011 10:46 am · Posted in NEWS (Iraq & World Currency)

    Baghdad, May 15 (Rn) – With the deadline to lift protection from Iraqi money to invite experts representing the private sector and public Iraqi government to take a range of measures to protect them before lifting them protection in the 30 of June, according to the decision of the UN Security Council.

    And calls on the Iraqi Central Bank Consultant appearance of Mohammed Saleh to “lobby for the formation of a national and an international at home and abroad contribute to the consolidation of efforts to defend Iraq’s right to manage his money and protection.”

    And adds the benefit of the Kurdistan News Agency (Rn) “The use of the lobby as leverage to creditors and claimants to compensation, with a discussion of available alternatives presented by the Central Bank of the judge to transfer oil revenues to the account of the Iraqi Central Bank in its capacity as independent of the government can not deal with his money as the government funds are subject to confiscation “.

    He also points out that “the central bank managed to do so by the withdrawal of about $53 billion of his money deposited in the Development Fund for Iraq and its deposit in the world’s central banks, through the fragmentation and conversion to a variety of currencies to their account.”

    For his part, stresses the economic expert and former Rep. Mehdi al-Hafez on the importance of the Iraqi government to “call the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to take measures to resolve minor cases to the private sector foreign, amounting to 2.7 billion dollars, noting that the resolution of cases is done through formulas negotiated to ensure the least amount of losses to the Iraqi side. “

    And confirms the keeper’s (Rn) “the need to form a law firm who works in coordination with specialized international law firms to collect and promote transactions compensate Iraqi citizens affected by the repercussions of previous wars.”

    It shows that “the Iraqi government has a duty to work on putting the file on the General Secretariat of the United Nations from the adoption of all that most of these odious debt and reparations, and that the Iraqi people are not responsible, and assume a violation of human rights.”

    And expresses the economic expert and member of the House of Representatives about the “concern in the management of the file with high efficiency for the continuation of the political repercussions of conflict and quotas on the strong will of government.”

    On the other hand invites the Director-General in the Office of Financial Supervision conciliator Abbas to sack the government “paying attention to the need to create an efficient financial management system based on effectiveness in the planning and execution.”

    He says Shakara’s (Rn) that “the Iraqi government to find a comprehensive accounting system and balanced for all government activities is not working in the debt and damages in isolation from other systems, as well as appropriate and reliability of the information that is based on the high degree of certainty.”

    Indicates the Director-General in the Office of Financial Supervision sack to the existence of “weakness in systems of control of Iraq’s debt and payment of compensation, along with the failure of diplomacy in the Iraqi reduction, debt relief and benefits that have not taken a view to development, but paid to finance the war.”

    In the same context, calls for adviser in the National Investment Commission “to emphasize the government’s 1438 decision on the funds of the former regime.”

    In the opinion of Counsel Zuhair al-Hasani’s (Rn) the existence of “the importance in the formation of an international commission to investigate the funds of the former regime and return to Iraq, along with emphasis on the grant of the Madrid Conference, amounting to 32 billion dollars and waste the money.”

    The adviser to the National Investment Commission that “the grant of the Madrid Conference, of which $ 17 billion dollars to Iraq, sparked by the President of the Financial Inspection Office told the House of Representatives during hosted at a previous meeting,” said afterthought “in addition to nine billion dollars are being congressional investigation with the civil administrator of Iraq Paul Bremer “.

    And Counsellor-Hassani on the need to “agreements like the Convention on settlement of debts between the Republic of Iraq and the Government of the United States voted on by the House of Representatives in recent sessions, as well as the importance of recourse to the Bank for International Settlements to extinguish the claims and compensatory trade.”

    The Development Fund for Iraq established by resolution 1483, shall be deposited by all the funds of Iraq’s oil revenues and seized funds prior to 2003, and deducted from 5% to pay compensation to Kuwait, and Resolution 960 issued by the Security Council set June 30 as the date for the abolition of the Development Fund , and let the Iraqi government to act in oil revenues.

    The former Iraqi regime invaded Kuwait in 1990, which ended on February 26, 1991 the United States to intervene militarily to end the incursion, which lasted about seven months.

    And left behind the invasion and outstanding problems between the two countries, including oil fields in common between the two sides, as well as other problems relating to missing persons and Kuwaiti war reparations to Kuwait and the demarcation of the border.

    According to the UN Security Council Resolution 1483, these funds which are protected from any claims or legal proceedings against Iraq, especially that there are a lot of trade creditors, individuals and companies are seeking compensation because of being affected by the events in Kuwait in 1990, according to specialists.

  197. Mohd Helmy berkata:

    Central Bank instructed to close the stores is approved banking

    Monday, 16 May 2011 13:45

    Instructed the CBI to close all shops banking is approved in the country.

    The source said the central bank, told all of Iraq [where] on Monday that “the Central Bank of Iraq issued an order closing all stores banking is approved through a common subunits between the police and domestic intelligence in the lists issued by the bank.”

    The central bank may face in the tenth of this month, all ministries and departments not associated with the Ministry not to have any financial transactions or relations with the banking companies is approved by the Central Bank, and published on its website a list of banking companies officially sanctioned. / Ended.

  198. Mohd Helmy berkata:

    Warka Bank merupakan Public Listed Bank di Iraq


    * Sambungan Dibawah *

  199. Mohd Helmy berkata:

    Don’t under Estimate the Partnership between Citi Bank and Warka (Artical dibawah berkenaan kelebihan Citibank)

    May 17th, 2011

    A little known unit with Citigroup, Inc. (C) is illustrating that the “too-big-to-fail” bank may not be too big when its primary client is the U.S. Government.

    The Wall St. Journal reports that Citigroup’s Global Transaction Services unit (GTS), sends more than $3 trillion around the world each day for hundreds of corporations and dozens of governments and agencies, including the Federal Reserve.

    In 2005, Citigroup won the job of processing passport applications for the State Department. That contract helped open doors around the world. Today, Citigroup cites more than 80 national governments and about 60 central banks rely on GTS to manage their cash, make payments, transfer funds across borders and convert currencies.

    And inside the United States, GTS handles about 90% of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York’s transaction in 190 countries and 90 currencies, accounting for approximately $23 billion of payments in 2009.

    Then in August 2008, the Treasury Department tapped GTS to design and run a government-wide system for collecting and processing payments businesses and individuals make to virtually any federal agency. Then in September, the Treasury hired GTS to process checks and money orders federal agencies receive in the mail.

    And, even as the political winds blow stiffly against it, the key role that GTS plays in world commerce shows how complicated shrinking Citigroup might be.

    “They can help us reach parts of the emerging markets that we can’t reach on our own,” says World Bank official Georgina Baker, who heads the financial-institutions division at the International Finance Corp. arm.

    Otis Otih, the treasurer of candy maker Mars Inc. uses GTS to handle most payments to employees and vendors of Mars operations in 68 countries. “Citibank is the only truly, truly global company for us – I don’t see any alternative,” says Otih.

    Because the GTS unit is deeply intertwined with the rest of Citigroup, splitting the unit off would leave some governments and companies in the lurch.

    This point was made clear to officials at the Treasury Department and the Fed in November 2008, when the company was on the ropes.

    TIAA-CREF was negotiating a contract with GTS for investment-management technology and services in November 2008. “We won’t speculate about what would have happened if the government hadn’t stepped in,” said Dennis McDonald, head of the investment strategy group. “The fact that they were supported was obviously a positive to us.”

    Some foreign governments also expressed anxiety about Citigroup’s stability, prompting senior New York Fed officials to convey to foreign officials that the U.S. stood behind Citigroup and was fully aware of its responsibility to keep the bank from collapsing.

    This prompted the “too-big-to-fail” label to be placed on Citigroup. Since then, they have received $45 billion in bailout funds. And the government has further vested itself in Citigroup’s success by taking a large equity stake in the company.

    Since being bailed out, Citigroup has been pressured by regulators to accelerate their plans to shrink the company.

    To be sure, the financial giant has managed to shed nearly $100 billion in assets in the last 12 months.

    However, GTS continues to grow largely due to growing business with the U.S. government.

    Sekian. 🙂

  200. pemilik dinar berkata:

    sesiapa yg nak beli cash note IQD contact saya.. murah je 🙂 nak pakai duit.. nak pakai duit sgt,,

  201. Mohd Helmy berkata:

    Citigroup Readies Expansion in Iraq, Hires Former U.S. Diplomat

    By Arif Sharif – May 16, 2011 3:20 PM GMT+0800

    Citigroup Inc. (C), the U.S. bank which earns about a $1 billion in revenue from the Middle East, hired a former U.S. diplomat to oversee its team in Iraq as the holder of the world’s fourth-biggest oil reserves rebuilds its economy.

    “We are very optimistic about Iraq over the next three to five years,” Dennis Flannery, who will run the division, said in an interview from Amman, Jordan yesterday. The country will have “considerable wealth” from its oil exports and is poised to invest in the oil and gas industry, power generation and housing to boost growth, he said.

    Flannery, 64, was the financial attache at the U.S. embassy in Baghdad for a year before joining Citigroup in March. He has worked at the Inter-American Development Bank, the U.S. Treasury and the World Bank, and will oversee Citigroup’s plan to provide services to banks, international and state-owned companies in Iraq, the bank said in a statement. He will be based in Amman.

    Iraq, which holds the world’s biggest oil reserves after Saudi Arabia, Venezuela and Iran, said exports rose to 2.2 million barrels a day in February, the highest since the U.S.- led invasion in 2003. China, Egypt, Iraq and Nigeria are among 11 economies that have the most promising growth prospects in coming decades, according to a report in February by Citigroup economists led by London-based Willem Buiter.

    “Over the last year, Iraq’s security situation has improved very steadily,” Flannery said. Over a longer period, the lender may have “branches, a consumer business, a middle- market business” as well as “full-service bank in the country,” he said.
    Trade Finance

    Citigroup already has some operations in Iraq, where it provides letters of credit for banks, private banking services as well as payment and cash-management services to international corporate clients, Flannery said.

    The lender will seek to expand its trade finance and syndicated lending services to some of the Iraq’s 44 public and private banks, he said. Citigroup is also in talks with the government to advise on finance projects in the oil, gas and power industries, as well as housing developments, he said.

    The country has awarded 15 contracts for oil and gas exploration licenses since the U.S.-led invasion in 2003 that ousted the government of former President Saddam Hussein. Iraq’s investment in oil facilities in Basra in the south will boost oil export capacity by 900,000 barrels per day by September 2011 and a further 1.8 million barrels a day by 2012, taking overall export capacity to 4.5 million barrels a day, Citigroup economist Farouk Soussa said in a report in April.
    Jordan Base

    Citigroup will operate from Jordan for the moment, although it has options to open a representative office in Iraq, Flannery said. The New York-based lender could apply for a branch license or buy a stake in an existing bank, he said.

    HSBC Holdings Plc (HSBA), Europe’s largest bank, purchased a 75 percent stake in Baghdad-based Dar Elsalam Investment Bank in 2005. Standard Chartered Plc (STAN) and National Bank of Kuwait (NBK) SAK, the Persian Gulf country’s biggest bank, secured licenses to operate in Iraq in 2004, becoming the first group of overseas banks to enter the country since nationalization in 1964.

    Citigroup has operated in the Middle East for almost 50 years and offers corporate banking services in 11 countries, including the United Arab Emirates, Egypt and Kuwait. It offers consumer banking services in the U.A.E., Egypt, Bahrain and Pakistan, and is one of four banks helping the Dubai government raise $800 million in financing backed by future toll-road receipts.


  202. Mohd Helmy berkata:

    Source: Reuters – 16/05/2011

    Citigroup established an office to manage its activities in Iraq from Jordan

    Announced Citigroup on Monday the establishment of an office in the Jordanian capital Amman for the management of its activities in Iraq as part of a U.S. group seeking to promote its services to companies in the war-torn country.
    The group said in a statement it has appointed Dennis Flannery to head the new office, which will focus on serving financial institutions and governmental bodies and multinational corporations in Iraq.

    Flannery said the extension the previous fiscal at the U.S. embassy in Baghdad in the statement, “Iraq’s economic indicators herald a bright future … and see a key role for the City in the development of local capital markets in supporting the financing needs of our customers.”

    He said Mayank Malik, CEO of the group in Jordan that the opening of the Office of Iraq will contribute to support the financing needs of corporate clients.

    City and spread in more than 160 countries and engaged in activities in the Arab world for nearly 50 years.


  203. pemilik dinar berkata:

    10k=rm50 (stok terhad)
    IQD500=RM10 (stok terhad)
    cntct 0132304530
    beli bnyk 25k hrga boleh adjust 🙂

  204. shin berkata:


    Delta says that the Rate today was spoken to him again.… $.86 and in 2012 they will try to collect the 3 zeros denoms in 6-8 months then when ready to do the 2nd revalue it will be about $3.44 at that time in 2012 after the denoms are collected… This year will be the RV for sure and in 2012 after the 3 zeros are collected THEN we will have the $3+ RATE – THEY CAN’T START OUT WITH A HIGH $3+ RATE they can’t do that…. All the stores will be told it RV’d first so they can adjust their rate of prices as they can’t divide $3+ rate at first but the $.85 is easy first… We hear lots say it may come out at $4+ we might have another revalue in 2013 that will come out close to $5.00 – Dinars should be worth about $.26 x 10 -= $2.60 if they don’t revalue slowly they will have more inflation if it comes out with a high rate… Frank says he see a mirror image of what happen in Kuwait….

    • Mohd Helmy berkata:


      Jangan percaya pada rumor…apa yg penting..lebihkan cari berita dari Sumber surat kabar IRAQ…itu yang lebih bagus,sebab Rumor ini banyak membuatkan orang ramai berangan-angan.yang penting..kita secure kan kita punya investment dulu.rate dinar x perlu kita risaukan…itu sahaja pesanan saya.


      • pakcik kayo berkata:

        betul tu…..cakap..semua org blh cakap…….bukti yg penting…….kalau ada bukti…tak timbul la kes prima fasie…..he…he…he…

  205. pantaidalam berkata:

    heerrmmm.nampak cam best jer

  206. pemilik dinar berkata:


    cntct 0132304530
    beli bnyk hrga boleh adjust

  207. pakcik kayo berkata:

    Warka response to asia cell issue
    I emailed Mr. I regarding the bankruptcy/Asia Cell issue last week. Received reply today:

    Dear Sir,

    Please note that Warka Bank for Investment and Finance currently holds the largest capital and assets than any other private bank in the country in the final stages of finalizing its general assembly procedures further increasing its existing high capital holding serious talks and negotiations with a leading prime foreign pioneer bank regarding a merger venture which will add great added value and incentive to our bank, cliental and stock greatly benefiting shareholders increasing share value.

    Not to mention Warka Bank holds the largest branching network, infrastructure services, products and cliental…etc

    With regards to the said issue which has been circulating in the net for months this matter is bias false blown out of proportion where no bankruptcy has taken place, will take place or even announced where the CBI the highest financial and monitory authority in Iraq personally intervened whereby the CBI Governor personally sent an official signed letter to the President of the Iraqi Security Commissions confirming that the financial position of Warka Bank is well and safe fully operational under the supervision and guidelines of the CBI confirming to the Iraqi Security Commissions that this issue is null and void outside their authority, the authority of Asiacell and the court itself such that no party in Iraq other then the CBI can take such an action against any private bank in the country as they hold the exclusive right, power, supervision and authority in which Warka Bank is in full compliance with the bylaws and requirements set by the esteemed CBI.

    As with any leading enterprise in the world there are legal issues between two parties in which the courts settles the dispute in question in accordance with their given authority and regulations not exceeding the power and authority of the CBI which could take years to settle as each party has their side their case to present which by law is not for public disclosure until a final decision and ruling has been reached and made where despite the outcome it doesn’t have any effect on cliental accounts, their deposits the status and operations of our bank whereby in Iraq the only party that can take any official action and enforcement against a bank is the CBI whom are in full support of our bank in this particular issue……best regards.

    dan seterusnya………

    Warka Bank is in Excellent shape.Standard Chartered (large Asian Bank) just invested 120 MILLION DOLLARS in Warka

  208. Harry Potter berkata:

    Salam kepada semua pemegang IQD,
    Tak payah kecoh-kecoh ttg nak cash in IQD, Dan tak payah nak fikir ttg warka bank ke..resit beli IQD ke..dan apa-apa ker..Jangan jadi BODOH sangat dgn jawapan2 dari orang yang tak tau ape ape. Begini sebenarnya..Saya adalah seorang investor mata wang asing sejak 20 tahun lalu..Sebenarnya apabila IQD telah diterima sebagai salah satu matawang yang diiktiraf dunia, maka semua pemegang IQD boleh cash in wang tersebut di mana-mana Money Changer yang berdaftar dan berlesen. ATAU.. boleh membuat tukaran di mana mana bank yang menawarkan tukaran matawang asing..cuma jika membuat tukaran di bank, mungkin bank akan freeze wang tersebut untuk tempoh seminggu atau 2 minggu sebelum tukaran itu akan dimasukkan ke dalam akaun pemilik.Di nasihatkan pemilik IQD membuat satu surat kepada pihak Bank Negara dan Pengurus Bank bahawa sumber wang anda itu adalah dari IQD. Ini adalah untuk rekod BNM dan Lembaga Hasil.(cukai akan dikenakan berdasarkan Jumlah yang sepatutnya dikenakan cukai taksiran pendapatan). Paling senang cari Money Changer yang besar dan kukuh untuk membuat tukaran IQD, kerana semua MC akan membeli IQD sebagai tukaran matawang asing. Dan satu perkara lagi..Mengikut undang-undang matawang antarabangsa bagi sesebuah negara BAHAWA..jika sesebuah negara itu mahu menukar matawang baru MAKA..matawang lama boleh ditukarkan kepada matawang yang baru..DAN IQD sekarang merupakan IQD yang baru dan tidak akan ditukar sehingga nilainya diapungkan. Jika sesuatu nilai matawang itu akan di tarik balik dari pasaran MAKA CBI akan memberi tempoh sekurang kurangnya 6 bulan kepada pemegang IQD untuk menjual balik dalam tempoh tersebut.Jika melebihi tempoh yang ditetapkan maka duit itu tidak akan laku. Sepekara lagi..tentang delete 3 kosong, sebenarnya bukan delete nilai 3 kosong pada wang kertas itu..tetapi apa yang akan berlaku dan CBI mahu hapuskan 3 kosong ialah… 0.00086 (bermaksud 1 dinar tidak sampai pun 1 sen) , 3 kosong selepas titik perpuluhan itu lah yang akan di delete, KERANA selagi tidak buang 3 kosong selepas titik perpuluhan itu lah yang menyebabkan IQD tidak ada nilai seperti sekarang.(Sebab itu IQD dijual dengan harga RM75 sahaja bagi IQD 25 000, kerana ia belum bernilai sekarang).Sesebuah kerajaan tidak boleh membuang Nilai matawang sesuka hati seperti IQD 25 000 tidak akan menjadi IQD 25 kerana ianya tertakluk kepada undang2 matawang antarabangsa (IMF). Dan harus di ingat, kerajaan IRAQ MENJUAL dan mengeluarkan IQD negaranya adalah berdasarkan keluaran minyak dan keupayaan negaranya pada masa sekarang.Pengeluaran wang sesebuah negara harus seimbang dengan pendapatan negara, supaya negara itu tidak bankrap. Pengeluaran dan Penjualan IQD bukan seperti mesin PHOTOSTAT yang boleh di cetak sesuka hati mengikut kemahuan sendiri… Kalau macam tu lebih baik CBI cetak ber TRILLION TRILLION IQD dan jual kat bank2 asing..lagi CBI dapat banyak untung..Sebab itu kita lihat CBI menjula IQD berdasarkan seberapa banyak pengeluaran minyak negaranya sehari. maka tidak hairan lah, IQD yang di jual oleh CBI dari 2003 sehingga sekarang, sebenarnya hanya 25 peratus dari pengeluaran minyaknya. sebab itu AMERIKA dan sekutunya berminat untuk menawan IRAQ kerana negara tersebut kaya raya..SO..kepada pemegang2 IQD tak payah gusar dan gundah gulana..simpan saja IQD sendiri..dan tak payah susah2 nak buka akaun kat WARKA bank ke ape ker..semua tu menyusahkan diri sendiri aja. Saya pernah menyimpan wang AFganistan suatu ketika dulu, pada masa tu ianya tak ada apa2 nilai seperti IQD sekarang, tetapi setelah ia diapungkan..saya boleh saja tukar wang tersebut di mana mana saja, termasuk di luar negara ketika saya melancong. sekian wassalllam.

  209. LandakDinar berkata:

    Thanks so much Harry Potter atas penjelasan yg panjang lebar. Sbnornya, ramai pemilik2 dinar tak tau apa2 sgt ttg dinar ni,main redah beli ja, sampai ada yg beli not 25K dgn harga ratusan ringgit, wahal kat MC cuma jual antara RM75 hinga RM100 je..hehhe ..Cian org yg beli mahal.,,hehe..itu lah bisnes sambil memeras bangsa sendiri. ok Harry Potter, caya lu, gua sependapat dgn u, tak yah susah2, nak buka akaun ker apo ker..semua tu autarr..cuma org yg tolong buka akaun lak dok buat untung besorrr..silap2 org yg tolong bukak akaun warka lak lebih untong dari MC..hahaha, kepada yg belom buka akaun…nasihat simpan ja lah sendiri dinar tu..nanti kite gi tukar sama2 bila dah RV. Rakyat Amerika pun ramai yg simpan sendiri dinar..org putih tak de lah susah2 fikir nas cash in bila RV nti..kat mana2 boleh tukar dinar. Go RV

  210. gila dinar iraq berkata:

    aku dah p tanya kat MC depan bank standard chartered jln ipoh…MC tu ada jual iraq dinar..25k IQD = 100 MYR …pastu aku tnya org pakistan yg jaga MC tu bila duit iraq dinar ni dah di apungkan MC ni ada duit nak tukar IQD ni dgn ringgit ke…..pastu org pakistan tu jawab mesti tukar punya…sebab tokey dia pun bayak invest dkt IQD dan MC dia mmg akan tukar IQD dgn MYR….lg pun MC tu mmg dah sedia duit yg bayak utk pertukaran IQD ke MYR…..korang x caya p tanya sendiri…..ni harga dia aku share ngan korang…
    25k IQD = MYR 100
    50k IQD = MYR 200
    100k IQD = MYR 400

    • gonjeng berkata:

      hehe….ayat nih pd ku biasa bagi peniaga2 dinar untuk memastikan dinar mereka laku. apa pun, lu semua ada otak, jadi lu pikir ler sendiri….kalu otak dah abis berfikir, guna kan jer kepala lutut tuh tuk berfikir

    • salman berkata:

      MC kat subang perdana jual dinar 100k=RM350.

  211. Mohd Helmy berkata:

    bukan senang nak makan orang. Cari mangsa pun kena cerdik. Buat spekulasi itu sudah menjadi perkara biasa untuk cari makan. Tak percaya sila tanya CBI (aku kan suka refer CBI)

    • pakcik kayo berkata:

      woohoo…..DALAM maksud ayat bro helmi nie…..

      satu memberi komen pd fakta….artikel…..

      satu lg memberi komen……….NO KOMEN…..

    • Mohd Helmy berkata:


      saya cukup berbangga..kerana ada orang suka dengan saya..sehingga mereka sanggup menggunakan nick name saya atau pun ingin menjadi clone saya.apa2 pun semua fakta dan artikal yg saya berikan pada anda semua adalah benar dan sahih…setakat cakap omong2 kosong atau pun rumor…saya tidak berminat.


  212. zha berkata:

    haha..da terbukti….haha…

  213. Mohd Helmy berkata:


    dah terang lagi bersuluh…. buat mereka-mereka yg sudah tidak mempunyai Fakta atau lebih tepat ketandusan fakta…janganlah anda menggunakan Nick name saya untuk…membuat kecoh didalam fourm ini…dan janganlah anda jadikan fourm ini serupa dengan fourm Brunei..dimana didalam fourm brunei telah menjadi fourm Cacamerba.sesungguhnya anda yg menggunakan nickname saya… icon logo disebelah kanan anda tidak serupa dengan icon kepunyaan saya didalam fourm ini…sekiranya anda berasa tertekan dengan hujah2 saya…janganlah menyamar menggunakan nama saya semata2 untuk menjatuhkan saya.bagi saya…. cara penyamaran anda menggunakan nick nama saya…tidak dapat mengubah fakta yg telah saya berikan.


    • pakcik kayo berkata:

      betul la…..org yg penakut sanggup menggunakan apa saja cara untuk merosakkan kebenaran…..mereka ini ibarat binatang sesumpah….sanggup melakukan apa saja untuk menyelamatkan kepentingan diri sendiri…..anyway……kepada penyamar….belajar jd diri sendiri……ok…

      • gila dinar iraq berkata:

        ape da diorg ni…..kita kaya kita kaya sama2…sama2 kita share…bukan payah…nti mbe2 yg lain dah senang mula nak menempek…padahal dia yg paling kuat kondem mbe…..bg lah kata2 perangsang cikit….

      • cash note and warka JB berkata:

        sokong 100%

  214. hasri ari berkata:


    Peminat Iraq Dinar,



  215. gila dinar iraq berkata:

    ayah sy..tunang sy dan sy sendiri dah beli IQD….total2 ada lah 100k IQD….kalau ada untung kaya lah….tgu RV je…..agak2 bila????….x sabar nak kira barapa bayk 0 yg dapat..

  216. nun jauh di sana berkata:

    sesape y beli dinar cash note@buke acc warka jgn terlalu mengharapkan dinar akn cepat diapung..takut nnti merana dinar lmbat apung ha ha…kalu ade duit lebih xpe..anggap ianya satu pelaburan & bom berjangka y akn meletop bile2 maser..kalu lambat sgt jual jer la nnti cash note tu kat Mchanger@individu2 y mint membeli…stiap pelaburan ade risikonye..risiko dinar ni hanye satu ajer…”TARIKH FLOATNYER x TAU BILER”..

  217. shim berkata:

    sabar je bila dinar meletup cuti seminggu , kalau boleh lagi lama pergi keluar jemaah 40 hari kalau elok 4 bulan, kerana takut terpengaruh jadi orang kaya baru pulak.

    lepas tu dinar akan didermakan kerumah anak yatim dan yang memerlukan


  218. gila dinar iraq berkata:

    sokong 100% ..sabar itu separuh dri pada iman…

  219. khairul berkata:

    insyaallah….40 hari

  220. gila dinar iraq berkata:

    40 utk hari ape tu

  221. khairul berkata:

    qarqun,keluar dakwah 40 hari

  222. major berkata:

    Financial Sector

    12. Financial intermediation is at a very low level in Iraq. A functioning banking sector is
    essential for the development of a strong private sector. We have begun to embark on our
    banking sector reform strategy:

     A critical step will be to complete the financial restructuring of the two largest stateowned
    banks, Rafidain and Rasheed, based on their completed financial and
    operational audits. In this regard, we formed a Bank Reconciliation Unit that
    comprises technical level staff from the banks, the CBI and the Ministry of Finance,
    and with the assistance of Ernst and Young (who were the agents of the Ministry of
    Finance in the external debt restructuring process) to: (i) deal with all legacy external
    liabilities taking into account the government’s actions in the context of Iraq’s external
    debt restructuring (ii) indentify and propose to write-off non-performing loans to
    defunct state-owned enterprises; (iii) propose a course of action for other remaining
    unreconciled accounts; and (iv) after the balance sheets have been cleaned up, revalue
    the remaining foreign currency denominated balance sheet items. The BRU will work
    under the supervision of the Restructuring Oversight Committee (ROC), consisting of
    the Minister of Finance, the Governor of the CBI, and the Chairman of the BSA. The
    BRU will send its recommendations for final approval to the respective boards of the
    two banks. Through this process, we aim to complete the restructuring of the balance
    sheets of Rafidain and Rasheed by end-June 2011 (a structural benchmark).

     Meanwhile, the Ministry of Finance will continue to work closely with the World
    Bank under its banking sector project to modernize these banks by moving ahead with
    the plans for their operational restructuring. These banks will operate on a fully
    commercial basis, on market terms, and the government will refrain from directing
    any lending. Decisions on the recapitalization of Rafidain and Rasheed will not be
    made until the restructuring of their balance sheets has been completed and adequate
    progress has been made in their operational restructuring, especially by establishing an
    appropriate governance structure and strengthening risk management and control
    functions. More generally, given the vulnerabilities these (and other) banks face due to
    operational risks, the CBI will continue to improve its oversight systems and monitor
    closely the activities of the banks, particularly during the transition process.

     The new set of prudential regulations for commercial banks, including those related to
    minimum capital requirements, liquidity risk, and anti-money laundering, are being
    implemented. Work on the relevant reporting tables for the banks will be completed
    soon in consultation with the IMF and other technical assistance providers. Under the
    auspices of the World Bank banking sector project, we have conducted a full
    assessment of the banking supervision department, and this report will form the basis
    of improving this department.

     The CBI will continue to strengthen the management of its international reserves in
    line with the adopted reserves management guidelines. The CBI will follow the
    guidelines to diversify currency composition and establish an appropriate duration and
    credit risk profile, and build capacity for risk analysis. We will continue to provide
    monthly reports to the CBI board (and to the IMF) based on the investment criteria
    established in the guidelines.

    this article from:

    © 2011 International Monetary Fund March 2011
    IMF Country Report No. 11/75
    March 4, 2011 March 18, 2011
    January 21, 2011
    Iraq: Second Review Under the Stand-By Arrangement, Requests for Waiver of
    Applicability, Extension of the Arrangement, and Rephasing of Access—Staff Report;
    Press Release on the Executive Board Discussion; and Statement by the Executive
    Director for Iraq.

  223. penyimpan dinar berkata:

    sabar je lah.

  224. gila dinar iraq berkata:


  225. Atok berkata:

    mgkin skrg dah peringkat touch up kot..

  226. tengku shah berkata:

    haha…aku dah beli 100k dinar smlm kt mont kiara..bantai la..apung ke x…boleh ke x boleh…itu nnt cte..yg penting usaha..ape pun sume boleh..nk jd pepn jadilh… dunia..dunia..yg pnting aku ada dinar skrg…puas hati…jika takdirnya menjadi..syukurla… jika x pun…syukurla…sume ada hikmahnya…pepun kte mesti bersyukur…

  227. giler dinar berkata:

    saya baru je buka akaun kat sana, buka sendiri tau…..sebulan melayan…hari ni dah dapat usernam dan login ke internet banking akaun…macam maybank2u tu ler.
    Tak mahal pun sekitar RM1700…dapat IQD450K dan tolak fees lain….ok tak?…buka sendiri lebih berbaloi…cuma kena tunggu. Jangan tak sabar…
    Ada baiknya buka akaun kat sana, soal bank nak bankrupt..ape bleh buat….kita dah usaha.
    Sekurang2nya kita ada 2 option. Ada yang long term dan dengan cash note…kita punyai tempoh untuk menukarnya….Rasanya tak lama sangat nih…pasti akan RV setidak2nya tahun ni juga.

  228. penyimpan dinar berkata:

    kalo tahun ni rv alhamdulillah.segala puji bagi allah.kalo tak rv tahun ni alhamdulillah,segala puji bagi allah.mungkin ada hikmah di sebaliknya.teruskan hidup seperti biasa

  229. jejaka berkata:

    Tuan giler dinar. Boleh tolong ajar tak nak buka sendiri akaun kat sana?

  230. giler dinar berkata:

    1 Malaysia: tak de contoh au..letter bro…tapi nak buat aper TT skrang nih?…rugi banyak…sebb fees charger melambak2….diorang dah ada western union …macam biasa ler…buat surat…atau tanya sendiri pada account dept…aku tak habis menuntut lagi bab nih…huhu

  231. empower berkata:

    salam bro 1malaysia, nk tanya la..kalau kita open acc. kt bank iraq 2 dlm rm1700..duit 2 still ada dlm akaun? sb ada orang ckp duit 2 burn..betul ke? baru plan nk buka acc kt sna..ada suggestion x?hrp tunjuk ajar..thanks bro semua..

    • 1Malaysia berkata:

      Burn?…asal nak burn plak…klu salah hantar mungkin burn kot..dah 6 kali TT alhamdulillah sampai dan boleh check dekat online warka tue..saper yg cakap burn tue?

      • empower berkata:

        adalah satu mamat tu, dia siap promote suh wt dengan dia..kena tekan cas la sampai 5000..so xjd nk buka akaun kt sana..duet xberapa nk ade..terbengkalai plak..geram la gak..tu yang nk tahu cmne, baek wt sendiri n amek ilmu skit2 dr bro yang ada kt sini..kalau ada cara boleh la email kt sya.. empower300@yahoo.com .. xsabo la nk ada akaun iraq cm bro semua..harap tunjuk ajar..tq

  232. giler dinar berkata:

    Tak burn la bro….cume tolak sikit ler…ada TT transfer RM25 bank Malaysia + tukaran ke dollar + fees ke corresponding bank + transfer ke Warka bank = lebih kurang RM180 jer…

    bila nak apply online banking akan ditolak lagi 12,000 dinar setahun….

    so far takkan hilang duit tu…kita boleh tengok online duit kita…tunggu je 1 dinar bersamaan 1 dollar…kayo lah…huhu

    • gonjeng berkata:

      hehehe…tumpang lalu…nak tanya sket..apasal smpai RM180 charge fee nyer…..bank mana tuh? saya buat saya buat fee nyer rm52 jer siap convert ke IQD looo….satu lagi pembetulan dari kenyataan tuan giler dinar, fee utk IBS adalah 15,000 setahun….dan nak apply Master debit card pun boleh dah skrg

      • pemilik dinar berkata:

        boleh email saya cara nak email master debit card? wansyukri@ymail.com… thanks ye 🙂

      • giler dinar berkata:

        Yup…betul tu…untuk IBS IQD15K…silap tulis…
        hari tu saya hantar 1700…maybank kenekan TT fees RM25…kemudian diorang converted ke USD jadi (USD567), ..rowaida dari warka bank mention semula USD537…bila sampai iraq….so saya kira proses dari Malaysia…. amount …RM115.00 + rm25 +online banking rm39.00 = RM179.00…(saja saya tulis RM180)…..itulah jumlahnya yang saya dapat seperti diberitahu….kalauu tuan gonjeng cakap rm52….lagi murah tu….kenapa lain2 pulak yea..?

      • pemilik dinar berkata:

        maaf.. cara nak apply debit card.. silap taip yg atas tu..

  233. zha berkata:

    jom pakat..kiter sokong protest di iraq….biar suara rakyat iraq yg menentukan RV ker x…..7hb Jun adalah tempoh terakhir 100 hari bagi Maliki mengotakan janji..like ramai2 di facebook yer….

  234. muara6969 berkata:

    sama-sama tunggu……………pakat-pakat doa masa sujud…amin

  235. muara6969 berkata:

    Saya tengah tunggu masterdebit card ni…bila gaknya nak sampai……..sape-sape boleh beri komen ttg masterdebit card ni…….x sabo rasanya nak guna debit card tu…

    • cash note and warka JB berkata:

      no komen….hehehe

    • malik berkata:

      dah apply ke? sy dah try apply byk kali tp still xdpt lagi sbb diaorg tgh upgrade system security tuh..dari mac lagi tuh..ada kwn-kwn yg boleh bantu?

  236. Atok berkata:

    Banknote baru akan kuar..
    mgkin petanda RV…

    • investor berkata:

      alamak…. gambar duit tu macam sama ngan en helmy bagi awal bulan may yg lepas…. aku ingatkan en helmy saja nak takut-takutkan orang yang beli cash note!!!! alamak kalau betul note tu nak keluar,mampuslah aku…banyak lak tu aku simpan cash note.

      • Mohd Helmy berkata:


        Minta maaf , saya tidak berminat untuk menipu dalam memberi fakta mahu pun berita,setiap fakta atau berita yang saya sajikan dalam semua fourm diikuti dengan sumber link-link yg saya perolihi….untuk rujukan semua.tak ada apa-apa faedahnya saya nak menipu anda semua dengan fakta-fakta yang saya berikan.

        sekian. 🙂

  237. mohd yasim berkata:

    gilerdinar..ajarkn aklu nk bukak akaun ..please

    • giler dinar berkata:

      nak ajor mendenyer….warka bank dah bankrupt nih….harap2 tak tutup terus bro…risau nih…

      • mohd yasim berkata:


      • mohd yasim berkata:

        ajorla nk bukak account kt warka bro

      • giler dinar berkata:

        Ok lah…bagi aku email….nama penuh….alamat…aku buatkan surat2…ko tinggal sain dan scan pastu hantar kat diorang di Warka bank nnti..
        baru ptg tadi…pegawai warka bank bagi tau….bank ni semakin mencanak berkembang….tak bankrupt pun…website currency newshound tu dah sebarkan berita tanpa fakta sebenar. So aku dah tak bimbang lagi.

      • 1Malaysia berkata:

        mcm mana nak call org warka.?..kiranya warka bank nie selamat giler lah eik

      • mohd yasim berkata:

        ni detail aku..
        nama : mohd yasim bin jusoh
        alamat : 1721, jalan panji alam, 21100 kuala terengganu, terengganu, malaysia
        nama penuh : mohd yasim bin jusoh
        id : 810318 -11-5057..

        p/s: nanti surat tolong anto kat office saya
        alamat : sk (lktp) lurah bilut, lurah bilut
        28800 bentong, pahang..
        tel -0199198017
        terima kasih byk2..pakcik giler dinar

      • giler dinar berkata:

        Ko nih yasim…..ape ke mende lurus benor kamu nih….yang ko tulis complete dgn ic no kat forum nih kenape?….dah ilang akal ke?…ko bagi aku email ko dah kira cukup…bila aku reply baru ler ko tulis ‘isi perut’ tu….apa pun aku tgh prepare nak tolong ko lah ni….sabor sikit…website warka bank tak bleh nak access la ni….

      • giler dinar berkata:

        1I malaysia….aku tak pastilah dia paliing selamat….tapi kalau jatuh bom kat seluruh pelusuk iraq lagi sekali….takde yang selamat dah…..so far diorang balas soalan aku…..sejak 2006 aku bertanya soalan dengan diorang ni…baru terbuka hati nak menganut mazhab ekonomi diorang nih…kalau korang yang penah masuk program2 scammer tu….diorang balas jugak soalan korang tu…tapi bila dah dapat duit….lusa website pun tutup lah…..untuk warka bank ni…baru hari ni tak bleh nak access….aku harap dia tak tutup lah….dia bagi tau sedang upgrading…..InsyaAllah….dulu pun rupa wajah website ni tak seperti ini…InsyaAllah tak tipu…

      • giler dinar berkata:

        Yasim…bagi aku email ko….dah siap dah edit nak bagi ko nih…

      • mohd yasim berkata:

        yasimjusoh@yahoo.com….aku cuba la nanti..tq bos

  238. gila dinar iraq berkata:

    kalau iraq tukar note yg baru…note yg lame laku lg x

  239. gila dinar iraq berkata:

    risau dah ni……mcm mane nak tuka ni…..en helmy ada apa2 cadangan ke…

    • 1Malaysia berkata:

      dah bankrupt warka nie…aduhai…mana si encik helmy yg hebat…tolong komen…

      • jebon berkata:

        This is OLD news—strictly dirty POLITICS—Warka Bank is owned by Saad Al-Bunnia,and his family———-they are SUNNI,and as you probably know,Maliki’s goverment is almost all Shia.They pulled all of the goverment’s money out of Warka Bank,causing a tremenmdous liquidity problem. This was solved by Standard Chartered ( a large Asian bank) investing $120 MILLION dollars into Warka Bank,plus Warka already had a reserve of 100 Million dinars,so WARKA BANK IS IN EXCELLENT SHAPE. I JUST WITHDREW $10,000 from my account with ABSOLUTELY NO PROBLEM!!!!!!!!!!This country has No free press, so to speak,and are notorious for printing OLD articles!!!!!!!!!!

      • Mohd Helmy berkata:


        Buat pengetahuan anda semua…. “WARKA BANK” masih kukuh sehingga sekarang…tak perlu dirisaukan pasal berita “WARKA BANK” bankrup ker.. atau nak bankrup….hehehe..bagi saya ini semua SPEKULASI dari pihak lawan….yang ingin nak menjatuhkan WARKA BANK. ini dah masuk kali ketiga saya dengar dari pihak akbar diiraq yang menyatakan warka bank “BANKRUP”

        Pertama sekali pada bulan FEB 2009 dimana pihak media memainkan berita bahawa “Warka Bank” Bankrup sebab ISX nya dibekukan oleh CBI.tetapi malangnya pengistiharan BANKRUP terhadap “WARKA BANK” tidak diumumkan oleh CBI,dan sehingga kini “Warka Bank” Masih berdiri dengan teguhnya.

        Kedua… Pada bulan jun kalau tak silap saya…sekali lagi pihak media memainkan perananya untuk menjatuhkan “WARKA BANK” dimana pada masa tersebut “Rafidain Bank & Rashid Bank” iaitu bank kerajaan Iraq menarik balik deposit mereka berjumlah 60 Billion USD dari Account bank Warka….dan pada masa tersebut pihak-pihak media US dan Iraq memukul gendang dengan menyatakan warka bank akan bankrup… tetapi sehingga kini “Warka Bank” sekali lagi masih teguh berdiri tampa goyah..

        Ketiga.. pada awal bulan april 2011…. sekali lagi kita digegarkan oleh “ASIACELL” dimana asiacell memberitahu bahawa warka bank gagal untuk memulangkan duit pelaburan mereka,dan ASIACELL ingin memfailkan Saman BANKRUP terhadap warka….tetapi sehingga kini asiacell gagal untuk membawa warka bank ke mahkamah Iraq.dan sehingga kini warka bank masih juga berdiri teguh.

        dan sekali lagi pada bulan JUN 2011baru-baru ini, berita dari akhbar iraq menyatakan Warka Bank & Basra International Bank diistiharkan BANKRUP….hehehehe… saya nak tanya sedikit pada anda semua…”YANG MENGISTIHARKAN BANKRUP PADA WARKA TU SIAPA??? ” Media Masa Iraq ker… atau “CENTRAL BANK OF IRAQ”????
        kenyataan siapa yg lebih boleh digunapakai….. Midea masa atau CBI??? sendiri jawab yer…. takperlu saya bagi jawapannya.

        kesimpulannya…. saya akan akur menyatakan “WARKA BANK” bankrup… apabila CBI yang mengeluarkan kenyataan…. melalui laman sesawangnya…. selain dari CBI saya tak layan 🙂


  240. 1Malaysia berkata:

    jebon, awak sendiri keluarkan usd10k atau org lain?…you keluarkan melalui debit card atau TT?

  241. mohd yasim berkata:

    Dinar Trade, Inc. is no longer buying or selling currency at this time.

    After many years of service, Dinar Trade, Inc. has decided to take a temporary leave from the market. If there is a significant change in the value of the Iraqi Dinar (and/or the Vietnamese Dong), Dinar Trade, Inc. will reopen our offices for the active buying and selling of currencies.

    If you have placed an order with your payment by mail, kindly mail in your payment so that it is received no later than 5/16/11.

    If you have placed a large COD order (an order over 1.5 million Iraqi Dinars), kindly fax a copy of the cashiers check or money order to our office before 5/16/11 in order for your COD order to be processed. Our fax number is 615-526-0227.

    Any payments or faxes received after 5/16/11 for orders already in our system will not be able to be processed and your payment will be returned via FedEx. We are no longer accepting wire transfers as a method of payment.

    There are other companies which continue to buy and sell currency. Kindly do your independent research as to which of those companies best suits your needs, as we cannot recommend any particular company.

    We have been truly blessed to have you as our customers over the last seven years. We greatly appreciate your support and loyalty. Thank you for doing business with Dinar Trade, Inc.

  242. giler dinar berkata:

    yasim…refer pada threat yang lepas….aku minta email…nak segera nih…

  243. giler dinar berkata:

    Ye ke bro?….itu macam payah ler ….nampak gaye mmg laman sesawang Warka Bank baru sebb semalam diorang upload selama satu hari….Nak login dalam e-banking pun kena guna copy link yang mereka beri sebelum ini. Email orang yang aku kerap berurusan tu masih berada dalam senarai……mungkin permohonan secara terus kepada pegawai tu masih dilayan atau sebaliknya…..macam dah nak dekat RV nih…..kalu baca CBI punya kenyataan yang lepas pada hujung bulan june 2011 nih….Wallahua’lam….Apa pun cuba lah dulu.

  244. giler dinar berkata:

    ok…dah email….

  245. Mohd Helmy berkata:


    Most private banks in Iraq hit capital target


    Most of Iraq’s private banks have reached the central bank’s $85mn capital requirement level aimed at diversifying the financial sector’s activities, the head of a private banking association has said.

    Iraq is slowly getting back on its feet as it emerges from years of war and economic sanctions, and Iraqi banks hope that multibillion dollar deals signed with international firms to develop the country’s vast oil reserves will spur lending and help private financial institutions flourish.

    The central bank laid out a three-stage programme in 2009 for banks to raise their capital. The deadline for the first stage is end-June, when banks should reach capital levels of 100bn Iraqi dinar ($85mn).
    By June 2012, banks need to boost capital to $128mn and the third stage is for June 2013, by which time capital levels need to be at $213mn.
    Abdul-Aziz Hassoun, executive director of the Iraqi Private Banks League, an independent organisation to support private banks, said 22 banks had so far reached the $85mn target.

    He said another three banks were in talks to merge in order to reach the required level.
    “The private banks are on the right path,” Hassoun told Reuters during an interview.

    “Only seven banks did not undertake increasing their capital and they have to explain this to the central bank,” he said, adding that the central bank may withdraw the licences of banks that failed to meet the target.
    According to the central bank website, Opec oil producer Iraq has seven state-owned banks, 23 private banks, and eight Islamic private banks.
    Its banking sector is dominated by two state-owned banks, Rafidain and Rashid. Much of the private banking activity is limited to deposit services and a small amount is personal lending.

    “I personally agree with the capital increasing (decision) … in order to be able to enhance the financial entities’ capability to handle huge banking operations which are monopolised by the government banks,” Hassoun said.
    He said private banks also needed to increase other services such as credit cards and ATM machines. Only eight private banks currently offer these services.


  246. giler dinar berkata:

    Aku jangkakan dinar iraq akan meletup sebelum hari raya aidilfitri…..memang raya sakan ler korang……kalau tengok berita semalam…macam esuk atau lusa akan RV….mmg iraq nak beraya sakan tahun ni…

  247. khairul berkata:

    CBI decides to restructure the Iraqi currency
    22/06/2011 13:06

    Baghdad, June 22 (Rn) – The Central Bank of Iraq, Wednesday, that he decided to restructure the local currency in order to develop the payment system in the country.

    The appearance of Mohammed Saleh told the Kurdish news agency (Rn) that “the Central Bank of Iraq has decided to start the execution of the strategic and long-term specialized restructuring of the local currency to the development of the payments system in Iraq.”

    He added that “the central bank will raise the level of local currency and the currencies of developing new approaches to reach U.S. $ 100, which would address the economic gap in the financial payments system in the country.”

    He continued that “the project of restructuring the local currency, which started gradually need to support the government and parliament that he will organize the purchasing power compared Palmdjulat economy.”

    He expressed the IMF in August / August, his support of the Iraqi economy in the event of having a number of economic measures including the privatization of banks and raise three zeroes from the local currency and to meet debt and compensation is the responsibility of Iraq.

    The Iraqi government has denied any change in the local currency this year to reduce inflation.

    The local Iraqi currency has gone through several changes in its history, most recently in 2004 when the former Governing Council replaced the previous currency, which was the symbol of the former regime.

    The main tasks of the Iraqi Central Bank to maintain price stability and the implementation of monetary policy, including exchange rate policies, and management of reserves of foreign currency, and the issuance of currency management, as well as to regulate the banking sector.

  248. Mohd Helmy berkata:


    Central Bank declares its readiness to start deleting zeros from the Iraqi currency.

    Thursday 23 2011 14:0GMT

    Alsumaria News / Baghdad

    Central Bank of Iraq, Thursday, for his willingness to delete the zeros of the Iraqi currency, and as he emphasized that this step is one of the strategic functions of the Bank, pointed out that the new currency will contain on the Kurdish language in addition to Arabic.

    The adviser said the Iraqi Central Bank Governor appearance of Mohammed in an interview for “Alsumaria News”, “zeros are added to the Iraqi currency during the last period, formed a cluster of large cash $ 28 trillion and 500 billion Iraqi dinars, nearly five trillion banknote,” noting that “Bank created all the supplies for the deletion of zeros from the currency.”

    Saleh added that “the process is one of the strategic functions of the Central Bank of Iraq,” adding that “monetary policy of the Bank based on the structure and reduce the volume of currency in a country moving to the stage of the economy.”

    Salih stressed that the “project to delete the zeros have been completed and will be presented to the management of the Central Bank of Iraq during its next meeting, and then will be submitted to the Council of Ministers to be presented to the House of Representatives for a vote,” pointing out that “the mechanisms of switching and changing the currency would gradually be preceded by awareness campaigns to citizens. ”

    He added that the benefit of “the new currency that will be printed after the deletion of zeros will contain the Kurdish language in addition to Arabic, as well as some pictures that refer to the heritage and civilization of Iraq and symbols of Iraqi scientists and intellectuals.”

    The Iraqi Central Bank Governor Sinan Shabibi said at a meeting of independent bodies with Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki, which took place in the 19 of June, and, ready to create all the supplies to replace the Iraqi currency.

    The Central Bank of Iraq, has four branches in Basra and Sulaymaniyah, Irbil and Mosul, which was established as a bank independent Iraqi under the law of the Central Bank of Iraq issued on the sixth of March 2004, which is responsible for maintaining price stability and the implementation of monetary policy, including exchange rate policies and the management of reserves and the issuance of foreign currency management, as well as to regulate the banking sector.

  249. Mohd Helmy berkata:


    Central Bank is preparing to restructure the national currency

    23/06/2011 22:08 GMT:

    Announced the adviser to the CBI the appearance of Mohammed Saleh, said the bank plans to do a set of economic reforms, notably the restructuring of existing currency in a move to develop a system of cash payments.

    Saleh added in a statement to “Radio Sawa” that the system of cash payments current is not commensurate with the evolution of monetary systems world, pointing to the existence of cluster of large cash circulating within the Iraqi market, which strained the country’s economy as he put it. Saleh indicated that the issuance of categories of new cash will not affect the value of cash held by the citizen, and that the purpose of the issuance of these categories is the advancement of Iraqi economy.

    and requires the International Monetary Fund in its support of Iraq a series of monetary reforms, including lifting the zeros from the currency and to meet local debt and reparations owed ​​by Iraq. Iyad report navigator correspondent of “Radio Sawa” in


    • gonjeng berkata:

      Iraq’s Central Bank plans to delete zeroes of Iraqi currency.
      Friday, June 24, 2011 11:23 GMT
      Iraq’s Central Bank announced on Thursday that it is planning to delete the zeroes of the Iraqi currency.

      This step is one of the bank’s strategic missions; the Central Bank said adding that the new currency will include the Kurdish language in addition to the Arabic language.

      “The zeroes that were added to the Iraqi currency previously constituted a large money supply up to 28.500 trillion Iraqi Dinar and 5 trillion banknotes”, the advisor of Iraqi Central Bank governor Mothahhar Mohammed Saleh told Alsumarianews.

      “The Central Bank has prepared all requirements needed to delete the zeroes of the Iraqi Currency”, Saleh said.

      “This step is one of the Iraqi central bank’s strategic missions. The monetary policy of the bank aims to structure and reduce the currency in a country moving towards an economic phase”, he added.

      “The project of deleting zeroes is complete. It will be submitted to the central bank’s administration in the next session. Then, it will be passed to the ministerial council before presenting it to the Parliament for vote. The mechanisms of changing the currency will be gradual. It will be preceded by awareness campaigns for citizens”, the adviser of Iraqi Central Bank governor said.

      “The new currency will be printed after deleting the zeroes and will include the Kurdish language in addition to the Arabic language. It will bear as well photos of Iraq’s civilizations and patrimony in addition to symbols of Iraqi intellectuals and figures”, Saleh noted.

      On June 19, Iraq’s Central Bank Governor Sanan Al Shebeibi affirmed during the meeting of independent commissions with Prime Minister Nuri Al Maliki that the bank is preparing all requirements needed to replace the Iraqi Currency.

      Iraq’s Central Bank has four branches including Basra, Sulaimaniah, Arbil and Mosul. It was founded as an Iraqi independent bank by virtue of Iraq’s Central Bank Law issued on March 6, 2004.

      The bank is responsible for the prices stability and the implementation of monetary policy including exchange rates, the management of foreign reserves, the issuance of currencies and the organization of the banking sector.

  250. alamak habislah berkata:

    Berita terkini… CBI akan Memansuhkan kesemua matawang Dinarnya yg berada di luar iraq.hanya cash note yang berada didalam iraq sahaja yg diiktiraf oleh CBI,ini bertujuan untuk mengekang hasil wang rompakan dari bank2 disekitar iraq.CBI memberitahu bahawa kesemua wang hasil rompakan tersebut dibawa keluar oleh penjenayah2 dengan tujuan untuk mendapatkan duit dalam bentuk matawang USD untuk menaja keganasan.

    • shin berkata:

      Cash Note di luar iraq ni termasuk la yg di pegang oleh kebanyakan org Amerika, Eropah, dan sangat sedikit di Asia.Mmmm…. tak dpt bayangkan macammana org Amerika mengamuk nanti..hehhehhe..

  251. milo cair berkata:

    itu tak jadi masalah..kita ramai2 pi tukaq kat iraq la woi,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

    • alamak habislah berkata:

      itu kalau iraq tak tutup sempadannya,kalau iraq tutup sempadan dia..meloponglah kita semua…

      • shin berkata:

        Ko ingat Iraq ni macam Myanmar??? Senang2 je nak tutup sempadan. Percaya la, walau apa pun yg terjadi, sempadan mereka pasti bocor… org2 yg seludup duit ni lagi bijak la bro…

        Kalau tak caya cuba tengok Palestin tu… si Israel buat la macamana pun, makanan tetap sampai pada Palestin..tu sebabnya ko tak kan dpt lihat org Palestin tu kurus tak makan. Susah2 pun hidup jugak mereka tu. Arab…oh….Arab!

      • alamak habislah berkata:

        hahaha..aku rasa kau tak tahu tentang iraq…biar aku bagi tahu kau…dalam tahun ini sahaja dah 2 kali iraq menutup sempadanya…aku rasa kau miss berita pasal tutup sempadan.

      • kopi pekat berkata:

        en. alamak,,, money changer belakang umah saya pun tadah talam mintak kite cash diner kat die bila rv dah confirm! jgn risau beb!

      • alamak habislah berkata:

        yer ker en. kopi pekat, seperti yg saya katakan sebelum ini…kalau iraq tutup sempadan…semua dinarnya yg berada di luar iraq dah x laku…bagaimana lak MC nak tukarkan dinar anda….kalau duit itu dah x ada value?? x kan MC nak ambil resiko untuk rugi!!

    • cash note and warka JB berkata:

      andaikata rv dgn rate 1iqd=iusd…iqd25k=usd25k=rm75k…. bermakna dgn hanya membawa sekeping iqd25k…kita sebenarnya telah membawa keluar usd25k…kadar membawa wang keluar dari msia yg x perlu istihar ialah usd10k saja (klu x silap) klu istihar pun..ttu kena tanya kat mana dapat duit tu, sdgkan duit tu sebenarnya hanya sah diiraq saja (rujuk akta cbi) mcm mana boleh cepat spi di msia sdgkan baru saja rv….itu baru kat airport msia…lum lg kat airport iraq…jika berani diseludup masuk…sudah ttunya berani seludup keluar.sudah tentu juga berani ditahan dan didakwa melakukan pengubahan wang haram..

  252. gila dinar iraq berkata:

    jomm pakat2 kita pg melancong kat iraq sambil tuka duit

  253. milo cair berkata:

    Apa pn kita semua masih setia menunggu pengumuman dr pihak kerajaan IRAQ berhubung dgn RV ni…semoga apa yg kita hajati semua,akan menjadi kenyataan….tunggguuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu….

  254. penyimpan dinar berkata:

    minggu yg mendebarkan…

  255. gila dinar iraq berkata:

    spa yg pegang cash note cm mane nak tukar ekk….ada apa2 pendapat x…kalau kejaraan iraq bekukan cash note yg diluar negara iraq..lita nak tukar cash note tu kat mane

  256. milo cair berkata:

    sila bawa bertenang En GILA DINAR..sekarang ni semua org masih menunggu apa jua keputusan dari kerajaan iraq…lepas rv nnti kita semua akan tahu apakah yg dia mahukan dan apakah yg perlu kita lakukan..ok…jgn gelojoh…tungguuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu..rv tetap rv……

  257. haffiz ismail berkata:

    ada sapa2 mahu dinar iraq…iqd100000 rm1200…contact haffiz 0177443279 dari kulai johor

  258. penyimpan dinar berkata:

    mahal sesangat tu bro.

  259. Mohd Helmy berkata:


    Massage dari Warka Bank :

    Under the patronage of His Excellency Mr. Mohammed Tawfiq Alawi, The Minister of Communications, Iraq and in cooperation with WABTEL, AND Iraqi FTTH investing company an FTTH investment conference to be held in Beirut Lebanon at Hotel Le Royal–Dbayeh.

    The conference will bring together all the parties involved in this business, the customer, the vendors and the investors to share and exchange their ideas.

    The Attendees are :

    · HE Mohammed Alawi, the Minister of Communications

    · Mr. Amir AlDoori, Deputy Minister of Electricity

    · Members of Iraqi Parliament

    · Mr. Qasim Al Hassani, Director General of ITPC

    · FTTH investment committee, ITPC

    · MOE Telecom Team

    The Technology Partners from the Telecom Industry are :

    · Ericson

    · Nokia Siemens Networks

    · Huawei

    · Intergraph

    · M + W Group

    · Alcatel-Lucent

    · Coweaver AD

    · ZTE

    · MEFC

    Warka Bank for Investment and Finance J.S.C.,is “GOLD” Sponsoring this event and the Bank representative in Beirut is presenting the Bank Services in Iraq and worldwide on Sunday June 26, 2011 at 15:00 pm

    Best regards,


    P/s: Siapa cakap Warka Bank Nak Bankrup!!!! 🙂

  260. major berkata:

    * Re: Financial representative denies mentioning the issue of changing the Iraqi currency
    After nearly seven years to replace the Iraqi currency and categories for political reasons, mostly concerning the change that occurred after the year two thousand and three .. Central Bank of Iraq is preparing now to launch a project to replace the existing currency will raise them with another new zeros and are in three languages ​​.. .
    The appearance of Mohammed Saleh / central bank adviser: ”
    Models which claimed the affordable pieces of the Kurdish language will be provided on the basis of the Constitution of the Republic of Iraq … With 3 languages ​​pieces and bearing the symbols of the great Iraq from Sumer to Babylon to all of Iraq this is our glory, which insist on it ”
    The attention of the Iraqi Central Bank to the existence of absolute necessity to change the Iraqi currency after becoming unsuitable for large cash transactions because of the steady growing economy, which impose a need for cash singing classes for handling large numbers and quantities.
    The appearance of Mohammed Saleh / central bank adviser: ”
    Field there are problems because of the sheer volume of the currency .. Today, we have exported 28.5 trillion dinars and 5 trillion in circulation in each country based on cash payments (Cache) … Today, the largest category of currency equivalent to $ 23 dollars of 25 thousand dinars, and of course, this category is the origin of 25 dinars before the Iran-Iraq war was equivalent to U.S. $ 75 to $ 75 at the time and the equivalent purchasing power of about 300 thousand Iraqi dinars now ” While the central bank tries to reassure the Iraqi citizens that something of real value of the currency will not change, it also calls to stop what he describes resistance to the draft monetary reform, which he says he may bring an adjournment on the project, which requires a full year to end it
    The appearance of Mohammed Saleh / central bank adviser: ”
    We Mthain to work, but we want to respond .. Frankly, such a project needs a full year in my opinion and need to drive awareness and arrangement of the accounts .. Is the system of administrative reform does not arrange any defect, not on people’s rights nor wealth nor to pension rights, but as forms of currency, which replaced facilitate transactions .. And then Nchov Waco resistance does not make sense of some of the brothers I mean, this resistance to reform … Resistance brings delay frankly ”
    The Finance Committee in the Iraqi parliament has put forward the idea of lifting the zeros from the Iraqi currency in the year two thousand and seven is it still under study so far .. Economists expect to achieve similar success this idea of the success achieved when Turkey decided to raise three zeroes from the currency by about five years.

  261. major berkata:

    * CBI: Deletion of zeros from the Iraqi currency has nothing to do public prices or exchange rate


    A Deputy Governor of Central Bank of Iraq, Ahmed Ibrihi that “the deletion of zeros from the Iraqi currency has nothing to do at the exchange rate and prices.”
    Ibrihi said in a statement to the Agency all of Iraq [where] on Sunday, said: “Some people imagine that the state wants to influence prices or exchange rates (a reduction or waiver) by the deletion of zeros and this is not true.”
    He added that “the deletion of zeros nothing to do with price and exchange rate and that the addition of larger groups of the currency does not require the deletion of zeros.”
    He continued that “it is not expected to convene official in the state to promote a false consciousness about life and the promotion of economic illusions create disorder.”
    It should be noted that the “plan of deleting three zeros from the Iraqi currency is one of the proposed projects. Emphasizes economists that this project will facilitate cash transactions; because the handling of cash in Iraq is complex; due to the variation in currency exchange between the Iraqi dinar and the U.S. dollar, which could reach the cash transactions to the trillions the require complex calculations to see the results of those transactions in the profit and loss, and others. “
    The Central Bank of Iraq has decided to restructure the local currency in order to develop the payment system in the country, and start execution of the strategic long-term, specializes in the restructuring of the local currency for the development of the payments system in Iraq.
    The “International Monetary Fund calls Iraq a number of economic measures including the privatization of banks and raise three zeroes from the local currency and to meet debt and compensation is the responsibility of Iraq, if Iraq’s desire to receive the support of the International Fund.”

    apa kata anda..????


    • shin berkata:

      Kalau ikut logik memang mereka akan RV cuma tak disebut (indirectly). Pusing2 ikut mana sekali pun mesti RV. Putar belit cara penerangan ni memang biasa bagi org Iraq. Semuanya RAHSIA.

      Putar2 dan belit lama2 mereka yg terbelit.

  262. gila dinar iraq berkata:

    pak arab ni…putaq bayak….tp x pa sabar …..saja je pak2 arab tu nak tes dunia ni…..

    • kopi pekat berkata:

      cite pasai pak arab ni,, aku dah masak sangat dah.. die je betul… ego melangit.. pape pun,, rv tetap rv… mane tahan diorang nak biar duitnye tak bernilai manjang mcm ni..
      sok luse rv la tu. dah rv sok,,, banker2 kat KL ni tadah talam la wei… hahaha..

      • gila dinar iraq berkata:

        betol2 …..same2 lah kita tgu kemunculan mukluk yg bernama RV ni…pas tu jgn lah kita lupa dri

  263. Dinar oh Dinar berkata:

    Iraqi Dinar and the Kuwait Comparison

    The Kuwait dinar increased in value to be worth $3.40 USD in a period of ten years. Had an investor had the foresight to invest $1,000.00 USD in 1991 they would have $3.3 million USD today. The Iraqi dinar DOES NOT have similar potential.

    The comparison used is WRONG. Yes the Kuwaiti Dinar crashed as a result of the 1990 Iraqi invasion, but this ONLY applies to notes in circulation at that time. After the Kuwaiti Government was restored, they issued a new series of banknotes with the same US Dollar exchange rate that the Kuwaiti Dinar had been fixed at before the war. Kuwaitis with old notes had to hand them in to be swapped for the new money. When the notes were being handed in, they were checked against the known serial numbers of notes in stockpiles at the Central Bank of Kuwait which had been stolen during the Iraqi occupation.

    Stolen notes would not be exchanged – point blank. Other notes could only be exchanged by Kuwaiti residents during a very short period of time, after which all previous banknote issues were declared worthless. And in this case worthless means WORTHLESS. Current 20 Kuwaiti Dinar notes have a face value of about 75.00USD at the exchange booth. Older ones sell on ebay for about 10.00USD to collectors – and that’s for one without any folds.

    Investing in currency can sometimes be a good idea. Investing in the paper kind like the Iraqi Dinar, when you don’t live anywhere near the issuing country is a BAD idea. Unlike the USA and UK, most countries demonetize their old currency. When Iraq issues new notes, and probably lops off four zeros in doing so, they are likely to give Iraqis a short window to exchange their old money, and then declare all previous banknote issues as being worthless. Joe Schmo won’t be able to do very much with his prized 1,000,000 Iraqi Dinar cash investment once that happens.

    Try finding a major reputable bank in the US or Europe that will readily exchange Iraqi Dinar at a market based rate (and not some opportunistic rip-off rate) on a day to day basis.

    Moral of the story: Don’t buy Iraqi currency! Just because there’s oil there doesn’t mean the economy will boom.

    If you reckon Iraq is a great investment and you really want to invest money there, wait until the next foreign-currency bond issue by the Iraqi government, and throw your hard earned money at that. There’s less chance you’ll lose all of it.

  264. Dinar oh Dinar berkata:


    Dinar Iraq dan Kuwait Perbandingan

    Dinar Kuwait meningkat nilai bernilai $ 3,40 USD dalam tempoh sepuluh tahun. Sekiranya pelabur mempunyai pandangan jauh untuk melabur $ 1,000.00 USD pada 1991 mereka akan mempunyai $ 3.300.000 USD hari ini. Dinar Iraq TIDAK mempunyai potensi yang sama.

    Perbandingan yang digunakan adalah SALAH. Ya itu Dinar Kuwait jatuh akibat daripada pencerobohan Iraq pada tahun 1990, tetapi ini SAHAJA terpakai kepada nota dalam edaran pada masa itu. Selepas Kerajaan Kuwait telah dipulihkan, mereka mengeluarkan satu siri baru wang kertas dengan Amerika Syarikat yang sama kadar pertukaran Dollar bahawa Dinar Kuwait telah ditetapkan pada sebelum perang. Kuwait dengan nota-nota lama terpaksa tangan mereka untuk ditukar untuk wang yang baru. Apabila nota sedang menyerahkan, mereka disemak dengan nombor dikenali siri nota dalam stok simpanan di Bank Negara Kuwait yang telah dicuri semasa pendudukan Iraq.

    Dicuri nota tidak akan ditukar – titik kosong. Nota lain hanya boleh ditukar oleh penduduk Kuwait dalam tempoh yang sangat singkat, selepas itu, semua isu wang kertas sebelum ini telah diisytiharkan tidak bernilai. Dan dalam kes ini tidak bernilai bermakna tidak bernilai. Semasa 20 Dinar Kuwait nota mempunyai nilai muka kira-kira 75.00USD di kaunter pertukaran. Lebih tua yang menjual di ebay selama kira-kira 10.00USD kepada pengumpul – dan itu untuk satu tanpa lipatan.

    Melabur dalam mata wang kadang-kadang boleh menjadi idea yang baik. Melabur dalam bentuk kertas seperti Dinar Iraq, apabila anda tidak tinggal di mana-mana berhampiran negara yang mengeluarkan idea BAD. Berbeza dengan Amerika Syarikat dan United Kingdom, kebanyakan negara menghilangkan penghargaan yg sebenar mata wang lama mereka. Apabila isu-isu Iraq nota baru, dan mungkin lops off four sifar dalam berbuat demikian, mereka mungkin memberi Iraq tetingkap pendek untuk menukar wang lama mereka, dan kemudian mengisytiharkan semua isu wang kertas sebelum ini sebagai tidak bernilai. Joe orang bodoh tidak akan dapat melakukan banyak hal dengan beliau berharga 1000000 Dinar Iraq tunai pelaburan sekali yang berlaku.

    Cuba mencari sebuah bank utama terkemuka di Amerika Syarikat atau Eropah yang mudah akan bertukar-tukar Dinar Iraq pada kadar pasaran yang berasaskan (dan tidak sesetengah oportunis rip-off kadar) pada suatu hari untuk setiap hari.

    Moral cerita: Jangan membeli matawang Iraq! Hanya kerana ada minyak ada tidak bermakna ekonomi akan melambung.

    Jika anda menyangka Iraq adalah satu pelaburan yang besar dan anda benar-benar mahu melabur wang di sana, menunggu sehingga seterusnya mata wang asing terbitan bon oleh kerajaan Iraq, dan membuang wang keras anda yang diperolehi pada itu. Ada peluang kurang anda akan kehilangan semua itu.

    • Dinar oh Dinar berkata:

      U.S. Army Major Charged with Smuggling Cash from Iraq

      Monday, June 27, 2011

      U.S. Army Major Charles E. Sublett, 46, of Huntsville, Ala., was arrested today on charges of bulk cash smuggling and making false statements to a federal agency.

      Major Sublett was charged in an indictment, returned by a federal grand jury in Memphis, Tenn., on Jan. 5, 2010, and unsealed today following his arrest in Huntsville. According to the indictment, Major Sublett smuggled more than $100,000 in currency, concealed in a shipping package, into the United States from Iraq in January 2005. Major Sublett also allegedly failed to declare that he imported the money.

      As alleged in the indictment, from August 2004 through February 2005, Major Sublett was deployed to Balad Regional Contracting Center on Logistical Support Area (LSA) Anaconda in Iraq. LSA Anaconda is a U.S. military installation that was established in approximately 2003 to support U.S. military operations in Iraq. According to the indictment, Major Sublett served as a contracting officer while deployed to LSA Anaconda. As a contracting officer, Major Sublett was responsible for, among other things, evaluating and supervising contracts with companies that provide goods and services to the U.S. Army.

      According to the indictment, on approximately Jan. 11, 2005, Major Sublett sent a package from Balad, Iraq, to Killeen, Texas, which was seized by Customs and Border Protection officers in Memphis. The international air waybill for the package said it contained books, papers, a jewelry box and clothes with a total declared customs value of $140 but did not disclose the currency allegedly also contained in the package. According to the indictment, the package also contained $107,900 in U.S. currency and 17,120,000 in Iraqi dinar. Major Sublett allegedly failed to file a Currency or Monetary Instruments Transaction Report (CMIR) as required by federal law when transporting currency in amounts of more than $10,000 into or out of the United States.

      The maximum penalty for each of the two charges contained in the indictment – bulk cash smuggling and false statements to a government agency – is five years in prison, and a $250,000 fine, to be followed by a term of up to three years of supervised release.

      The indictment also contains a criminal forfeiture allegation. Specifically, if convicted of the bulk cash smuggling charge, Sublett would be ordered to forfeit the $107,900 and 17,120,000 Iraqi dinar he is alleged to have concealed in the package.

      An indictment is merely an accusation, and the defendant is presumed innocent until and unless proven guilty at trial beyond a reasonable doubt.

      This case is being prosecuted by Trial Attorneys Daniel A. Petalas and Justin V. Shur of the Criminal Division’s Public Integrity Section. This case is being investigated by Army Criminal Investigation Command; Defense Criminal Investigative Service; the FBI; Internal Revenue Service – Criminal Investigation; the Special Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction; and U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement.

  265. Dinar oh Dinar berkata:

    Iraqi Police confront counterfeiting

    June 27, 2011

    Armed with new knowledge about the effects of counterfeiting and methods for dealing with it, the Iraqi Police of Dhi Qar Province who attended a class hosted by U.S. Psychological Operations Soldiers in Nasiriyah, Iraq, will now return to their units and further disseminate that knowledge.

    The class – which taught skills essential to maintaining Iraq’s economic stability – was led by the Soldiers of the 3212 Tactical PSYOP Detachment, 318th PSYOP Company, 16th PSYOP Task Force.

    During their current deployment, the 3212 TPD, attached to the 3rd Brigade Combat Team, 4th Infantry Division, has adjusted the usual PSYOP mission to adapt to the United States Army’s advise- and assist- mission in Iraq.

    “Through development of strong relationships with our Iraqi Security Force partners, the teams have assisted in training information programs designed to help the ISF improve the security and economic situation in Iraq,” said Master Sgt. Carolyn Sherratt, of Hollister, Calif., noncommissioned officer in charge, 3212 TPD.

    The 3212 TPD’s anti-counterfeiting campaign is one of the training programs that will help the ISF in improving the security and economy of Iraq, she said.

    Some 36 high-ranking IP officers attended the class at Dhi Qar’s Provincial Joint Command Center. The IP officers in attendance were hand-pick by Col. Murtatha Al-Shahtore, PJCC director of media relations and legal officer, due to their exceptional service and reputation, said Staff Sgt. Richard Thompson, of Waterford, Wis., team leader, Tactical PSYOP Team D, 3212 TPD.

    After Saddam Hussein’s fall and the introduction of the new Dinar, counterfeiting dramatically decreased, but it is still a serious problem in the area, Shahtore said.

    The overall objective for the anti-counterfeiting campaign was to conduct a series of classes that will enable IP officers to receive the training and relay it to their respective units and the local populace. The 3212 TPB organized the class to cover a series of topics that would assist the IP in their efforts.

    The first subject covered the possible effects of counterfeiting.

    “Introducing counterfeit money into an economy can be considered to be economic warfare,” said Spc. David LaLonde, of Pinckney, Mich., psychological operations specialist with TPT D, 3212 TPD. “It will destabilize an economy, inflate prices, and reduce the value of the currency.”

    In the next portion of the class, LaLonde explained the security features of modern currency, specifically of the Iraqi Dinar, U.S. Dollar, and the Euro.

    Modern currency has a variety of security features, such as watermarks, metallic ink and holograms. When used individually, these features are not difficult to recreate, but when used in combination, they make the counterfeiting process nearly impossible, said LaLonde.

    Another major security feature is the composition of the paper itself. Most authentic currency is starch-based, while most counterfeit money is wood-based. In order to identify the chemical composition of questionable bills, special markers are used. When an authentic bill is marked, the line is barely visible. On the other hand, if the bill is a fake, then the line will turn dark. During the class, every officer was able to experiment with this procedure.

    The 3212 TPD brought examples of real and counterfeit Dinar, Dollars, and Euros. The bills were passed around the class so every officer could experiment with the counterfeit identification process and take that hands-on experience back to his team home unit.

    “We wanted to give them a brief overview on what the security features are so that they can go back and teach their officers, and so that they can speak intelligently about this to the public,” said Thompson.

    During the final portion of the class, Thompson discussed the importance of the IP enhancing public awareness of counterfeiting. The store owner, the salesman and the everyday customer are on the front lines of this issue, said LaLonde.

    “The police can’t be everywhere at once,” he said. “In the class, we stress that all these security features and markers don’t really count for anything unless the public knows about them. The best way to combat counterfeit money is to stop it at its first signs of showing in the country.”

    In order to paint a more vivid picture of how to raise public awareness, Thompson and a volunteer role-played as an IP officer and a store owner.

    Thompson discussed the best ways to approach a store owner. He informed the store owner on the effects that counterfeiting could have on his store, explained some of the security features of the Dinar, and also informed the store owner that the IP are here to help keep his store safe, physically and economically.

    The relationship between the IP and the public is crucial to not only the anti-counterfeiting campaign, but for all future endeavors of the IP, Thompson said.

    Before the fall of Saddam Hussein, Dhi Qar was overrun with counterfeiting.

    Since Iraq is rebuilding its infrastructure, it is important that the economy is not put into a fragile state and that progress can continue.

    “Our goal is to do what we can to see that Iraq becomes a successful democracy,” said Thompson. “If what we did helps them become a successful democracy, then we have done our job.”

  266. mohd yasim berkata:

    dengar citer Dinar Iraq dah masuk FOREX…cuba check..kasi komen ckit kawan

    • kopi pekat berkata:

      berita angin je tu… maliki ngan alawi masih belum buleh besemuka lagi beb… tak mane nak rv lagi tu…sabor.. sabor…

  267. gila dinar iraq berkata:

    iraq dinar dah jadi semakin rumit…..

    • Dinar oh Dinar berkata:

      Mengapa jadi rumit??? maksud anda apa??? saya kurang paham dengan maksud rumit!!

      • milo cair berkata:

        saya rasa pun memang rumit la..mau tak nye,,kena upah orang utk eskot kita pasni,,tak berani la nk pegi money changer sorang2,,tukaran pula cecah ratusan ribu plak tu…wowwww….

    • kopi pekat berkata:

      tak rumit manenye kawan… asal kita tak termakan berita angin… tak la kita penin pale mikir ape nak jadi dgn dinar kite tu…
      sabor le…. kalau nak jadi rezki…tak kemane nye..
      senyum selalu beb! hehe..

      • milo cair berkata:

        yea,,,,,,,milo cair amat setuju dgn hujah kopi pekat tu…kita semua kena bnyk bersabar dan setia menunggu apa jua keputusan yg rasmi dari kerajaan Iraq..jgn dok dgr la kabar2 angin yg boleh memudaratkan kesihatan pemikiran kita…yg penting rv tetap rv..kalu ada rezeki memang tak akan kemana..kalu takde rezki,benda dh gigit pn boleh jatuh lg,,,ko guane

  268. gila dinar iraq berkata:

    tiada apa2 berita ke arini…..senyap sunyi je kat iraq diorg x nak rv ke….

    • shin berkata:

      Belum, tambahkan lagi 11 hari kot. Lepas tu tengok jadi ke tak jadi. Kalau tak jadi mungkin tahun depan.

  269. Mohd Helmy berkata:


    Reports of New Fake Dinars in Circulation

    Posted on 29 June 2011. Tags: Corruption, counterfeiting, IQD, iraqi dinar

    On Wednesday a number of currency dealers in southern Iraq’s Nassirya City reported the spread of a new counterfeit 10,000-dinar notes, according to Aswat al-Iraq.
    “We have noticed the existence of a false 25,000-dinar currency in the market, being cautious against it, but a new false 10,000-dinar note, with a very close print to the original currency, had been spread last week,” a shop-keeper told the news agency, saying that “this is a very serious matter and the government must stop it in every possible means.”
    A petrol filling station worker said that the “number of cars trying to fill petrol in his filling station was huge, and he and his colleagues can’t easily differentiate between real and false currencies.”
    Iraq Business News has also received unconfirmed reports that a judge in the Mosul area has been arrested for possession of fake Iraqi dinars.
    The reports come just days after Iraq’s Central Bank announced that it would redenominate its currency.
    (Source: Aswat al-Iraq)

    On his part, the Chairman of the Security Committee in Thi-Qar Province, where Nassirya is its center city, called on citizens to be vigilant against such currencies, saying: “we had not faced such case and nobody had presented a case about the presence of false currency in the Province,” calling on the mass media to “uncover persons, behind the spread of such currency, in order to foil their criminal plans.”

    Reports of New Fake Dinars in Circulation

    P/s: hati-hati …apabila beli cash note dinar iraq.

  270. Mohd Helmy berkata:


    Fears from spread of false 10,000 dinar notes in Nassirya, south Iraq

    6/29/2011 11:10 AM

    THI-QAR / Aswat al-Iraq: A number of currency dealers in southern Iraq’s Nassirya city have expressed fear on Wednesday from the spread of a new false 10,000-dinar notes, that can’t be easily discovered.

    “We have noticed the existence of a false 25,000-dinar currency in the market, being cautious against it, but a new false 10,000-dinar currency, with a very close print to the original currency, had been spread last week,” Shop-keeper, Ali Ahmed told Aswat al-Iraq news agency, saying that “this is a very serious matter and the government must stop it in every possible means.”

    Ali Nuseif, a petrol filling station worker said that the “number of cars trying to fill petrol in his filling station was huge, and he and his colleagues can’t easily differentiate between real and false currencies.”

    On his part, the Chairman of the Security Committee in Thi-Qar Province, where Nassirya is its center city, called on citizens to be vigilant against such currencies, saying: “we had not faced such case and nobody had presented a case about the presence of false currency in the Province,” calling on the mass media to “uncover persons, behind the spread of such currency, in order to foil their criminal plans.”

    Nassirya, the center of Thi-Qar Province, is 380 km to the south of Baghdad.

    SKH (IT)


  271. Warka Investment & Finance berkata:

    Yahoo!!!!!! warka bank bagi aku RV in account….yahoo!!!!!!… aku dah RV dahulu..sorry beb…tak dapat kawal emosi aku….. thank you warka…

      • Warka Investment & Finance berkata:

        apa spam bro…. kalau kau x percaya… kau tanya pada semua orang yang ada account warka….kalau siapa yg ada account warka…kalau dia cakap x dapat….maka orang itu penipu besar….dan dia x ada account warka…

        30 hb jun warka telah membayar dividen pada setiap pemegang account warka….itulah aku maksudkan RV in account….sekurang2nya aku dapat IQD 500,000 dividen pada setengah tahun pertama….jadilah….IQD 500,000 itu pun bersamaan USD 427.++ = RM:1,282.++ jadilah dari pada pemegang Cash Note tak dapat apa2 habuan,sekurang2nya aku dah dapat RV in account.x banyak pun ckit jadilah….hehehe….

      • muara6969 berkata:

        Aku pun dah dpt dividen bro….40000 IQD…..dah tamabh naik le IQD aku…..yahooo……40000 x USD0.30 pun dah muai…..alhamdulillah..

  272. gila dinar iraq berkata:

    cash note iraq x nak rv ke…

  273. habislahtakan RV cash note berkata:

    Iraq Said To Be Planning Currency Overhaul, Redenomination

    BAGHDAD — A senior Iraqi Central Bank adviser says the government has adopted a two-pronged plan to restructure the national currency in order to facilitate large transactions and make government accounts more efficient, RFE/RL’s Radio Free Iraq (RFI) reports.

    Mudhhir Muhammad Salih, a member of the bank’s advisory panel, told RFI on June 23 that in the short term, larger banknote denominations of the dinar will be issued to simplify major transactions.

    He said that because so many Iraqis still deal mainly in cash, it is cumbersome to carry bags full of money to pay for expensive items like cars. The inconvenience leads people making such purchases — as well as many entrepreneurs — to use dollars for those kinds of transactions instead of dinars, something the government wants to end.

    He added that large denominations equivalent to around $100 will be issued to simplify major purchases, and new coins and lower denominations will be introduced for smaller transactions.

    In the longer term, Saleh said a redenomination is needed wherein three zeros will be dropped so that the 25,000 Iraqi-dinar banknote — currently the largest denomination — becomes a 25-dinar note.

    He said the change is inevitable, considering the economy is expecting high growth in the coming years with a planned increase in oil production to finance reconstruction projects.

    Saleh said there are currently some 29 trillion dinars in circulation in Iraq, represented by some 6 trillion banknotes of various denominations, most of them quite small. He said this also causes complications for the central bank and government, as well as commercial accounting departments.

    Saleh said the monetary-restructuring plan was drawn up with the help of foreign experts and financial institutions, including the International Monetary Fund (IMF), of which Iraq has been a member since 1945.

    The plan will soon be presented to the cabinet, which is expected to subsequently send a bill to parliament.

    Saleh noted that until 1980 the Iraqi dinar exchange rate was 1 dinar/$3.3 compared to $1/1,168 dinars now due to hyperinflation that occurred during the latter part of the late ousted leader Saddam Hussein’s reign.

    • milo cair berkata:

      banyakkan berdoa dan bersabar….kalau ada rezeki kita semua,,ada la tu….sak goba……………….

  274. major berkata:

    salam..boleh terangkan x pasal dividen 2..??

  275. pok dogol berkata:

    nk buka acc iraq jgak…bleh tlong..??

  276. mizral berkata:

    kenapa la ckp mcm tu…mana tahu terlambat….rezki saudara warka pun x tahu lg..alangkan nasi kat mulut pun boleh jatuh..inikan investment yg jangka panjang mcm ni

    • Warka Investment & Finance berkata:

      yerlah awal2 lagi x nak buka account…banyak berdalih ,bila warka dah x tak sediakan lagi online applaction baru nak buat account…

      yang anda cakap …”nasi kat mulut pun boleh jatuh”…memang betul cakap anda tu…. tapi..kita kena berushalah kutip balik nasi yg jatuh tu….janganlah terus buang saja nasi yg dah jatuh tu…..tak baik… buang rezeki tu…berdosa…serupalah dengan kita punya investment ini…. kalau dah tahu cash note tu high risk…janganlah nak cuba2 juga….kan ada satu lagi jalan yang paling kurang risiko iaitu dengan cara simpan duit tersebut kedalam bank diiraq lebih terjamin….apa2 yg akan berlaku pada cash note satu hari nanti….tiada kesan kepada akan berlaku pada pemegang account. contoh yg paling baik…yg nak saya bagi tahu adalah tentang polisi CBI . sekiranya cbi nak membuat pemansuhan pada cash note diluar iraq…kan x ada kena mengena dengan penyimpan duit didalam account….kan selamat duit tu…sebab duit yg anda simpan dalam account tu sudah berada didalam negara iraq….so x salahlah apa yang saya cakapkan….yer x.

      • pok dogol berkata:

        oi..sedare..bkan xnk buka..ak dh lama tau..ntah2 aku ngn kau aku dlu tau….msalah bajet xde…dan satu ag xthu cara..nk mntak tlongpn hnya nk ambil ksmpatan..kna upah 2,3 ribu….agak riak jwpan sdara itu…

      • Warka Investment & Finance berkata:

        sorrylah sedara… saya dah buka account warka since 2005 lagi…..berkenaan x tahu nak buka account tu bukan alasannya…. saya tengok dah ada seseorang dalam fourm ini dah bagi tahu….pasal dalam fourm brunai dah ada orang tunjuk ajar cara percuma…untuk membuka account….cuma kau jer yang x peka… dah ada orang bagi tunjuk ajar pun ramai yg x nak buat…. nak cakap macam mana lagi…..nasi dah jadi bubur sekarang nie….it’s too late untuk membuka account lagi dah.

  277. Warka Investment & Finance berkata:

    angap sahaja rumor….(dipetik dari fourm sebelah)

    Jam 0630 pagi, anak sedara sy br balik dr Jordan. Dia hantar dokumen utk Rep company dia.

    Ceritanya – Dinar Iraq akan di kecilkan not nya, 1,5,10 and 50 mgkin not 100 (tp x banyak )..

    Jadi, pemegang2, pemilik2 DI not besar, standby utk ditukarkan or ?… Demolished terus, sbb ada sumber mengatakan cetakan baru, ada kemaskini bahasa Kurdish di not baru tu… Hmmm, apalah nasib kita pemegang2, pemilik2 not besar 5k,10k and 25k.

    Lagi pun jgn terlalu mengharap and jgn terlalu over berangan2..kita pun selama ni bukan mengharap DI utk beli keperluan2 kita. Kita just simpan DI tu baik2..

    Kita nekadkan, bukan rezeki kita, so there will be NO Frustration dlm hidup ni…
    …and lives must go on juga..

  278. alamak habislah berkata:

    Beware of foreign-currency scams


    Special to the Daily News

    Updated: 7:03 p.m. Monday, July 4, 2011

    Posted: 4:19 p.m. Monday, July 4, 2011

    As one study notes the ultra high-net-worth are investing nearly one-third of their holdings abroad, a reader asks where to invest millions expected from an investment in Iraqi dinars. Are the foreign currency investing opportunities really that terrific?

    The Institute for Private Investors, New York, which recently polled 1,100 members with at least $30 million in assets, says nearly one-quarter of respondents manage currencies or hedge currency risk.

    The movement to invest abroad may be triggered, the poll indicates, by legitimate fears of devaluation of the U.S. dollar and inflation.

    But the millions of dollars expected through a so-called revaluation of the Iraqi dinar is stretching it. Even though warnings on questionable Iraqi dinar investments were published as far back as 2006, reports of Iraqi dinar scams continue. In fact, Iraqi dinars hit the Utah Division of Securities’ Top 10 investment alerts for 2011.

    In the face of widespread foreign currency fraud, the U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission last October introduced a series of rules aimed at protecting retail, off-exchange foreign currency investors.

    The rules set a host of record-keeping, registration, disclosure and minimum capital requirements for persons entering into these transactions with consumers. Some three months after the rules debuted, the commission sued 14 foreign currency firms in a nationwide sweep.

    In all but two of those complaints, the commission claimed defendants in foreign-currency transactions were not properly registered. Numerous commission charges concerning foreign exchange transactions followed. Among additional foreign currency-related charges: Ponzi schemes and misappropriation of customer funds.

    Big problem: The commission’s enforcement authority is limited to retail options and futures contracts. Tracking the much wider range of foreign currency frauds is virtually impossible.

    Meanwhile, even with legitimate foreign currency investments, you face special risks.

    Those include changes in currency exchange rates. You can score big when the foreign currency is strong compared with the U.S. dollar, but lose your shirt if the opposite is true, the Securities and Exchange Commission suggests.

    Some countries may restrict or delay the movement of currency out of a country.

    Foreign markets may be influenced by political, economic or social events. Foreign-currency investments may lack liquidity or countries may impose restrictions on the amount or types of stocks foreign investors may purchase.

    There may be fewer listed companies and lower trading volume in other nations; less strict reporting requirements than with U.S. companies; and few legal remedies if something goes wrong.

    If you’re assured — via phone calls, media promotions or websites — of huge returns in foreign currency over a short time with little or no downside risk, be wary of a scam. Often, fraudulent promoters tout the ability to invest a small amount and obtain a quick windfall via leverage.

  279. mizral berkata:

    salam..saya pun pemegang akaun warka juga..tapi utk berckp nasi dah jadi bubur..pada saya….tak semestinya!..brp byk rumour yg mengatakan sekian2 tarikh akan rv…masih juga tak rv..sbb takde sape yg tahu tarikh sebenar bila berlakunya rv..walau ada petunjuk mengatakan rv akan berlaku sedikit masa lg…pada saya ..apasalahnya saudara bgtahu sahabat kita…’cuba lah bukak akaun..mana tahu nak jadi rezki saudara..sempat bukak juga ke:)’..maksud saya nasi di mulut leh jatuh tu…kalau tentu pun..akaun warka tidak bermasalah..apa jaminan yg kesihatan kita tak bermasalah?…tentukah kita sempt utk ambil bahagian yg kita rasa kita punya..sedangkan Allah maha berkuasa untuk memberi atau tidak kpd kita….sebab tu saya lebih suka melihat pemegang akaun warka atau cash note sendiri sekalipun..merendah diri…dan belajar untuk menjadi seorg yg humble….pada saya…ada kalangan saudara2 kita yg tahu dan tak percaya dgn akaun warka….ada yg lambat tahu tentang akaun warka…so..bila kita menjwb dgn baik…maknanya kita bersangka baik dgn siapa2 yg bertanya tentang akaun warka….krn ‘nasi dah jadi bubur’..kawan kita tak bukak akaun warka…konon2 dah terlambat….tah2…bulan depan pun tak tentu rv lg….elok2 saudara kita ada keinginan utk bukak akaun warka…langsung tak jadi..krn kenyataan saudara tu…:)..peace

  280. Warka Investment & Finance berkata:

    yer memang betul…cakap anda,kita pun tak tahu bila rv akan berlaku…tetapi untuk membuka account warka…saya rasa dah terlambat kerana warka sendiri sudah tidak mengeluarkan borang permohonan untuk membuka account secara online….mungkin barang kali mereka2 yg ingin mencuba membuka account bank di warka boleh membukanya dengan cara pergi ke iraq sendiri…dengan mengisi borang secara offline…itu pun kalau warka masih mahu menerima lagi foreigner untuk membuka account….hehehe..

  281. bahar berkata:

    Ni pun mungkin juga rumours:)…..mengikut Alaa Farhan dekan Fakulti Universiti baghdad jika berlaku pertukarn mata wang ianya xmmberi kesan pd nilaian dinar ini krn nilai dinar itu brkait rapat dgn pmbgunan ekonomi iraq itu sendiri dan berkenaan spekulasi pertukaran matawang beliau berpndapat nilainya tetap x berubah cumanya note yg kecil akn dganti dgn note besar maka pndpt ini menolak perkataan yg mengatakan 25000 dinar nanti akn jd 25 dinar shj jika berlaku rd nanti.satu la sumber dr seorg jurucakp bank negara iraq mngatakan cbi sdg berusaha untuk mmbuang 3 sifar dr dinarnya maka ini msh mnjd tanda tanya sama ada usd1 nanti akn dinilai 1.17dinar atau 25000dinar akn jd 25dinar shj ttp ramai brpndpt dgn cara pertama td termasuklah dekan fakulti universiti baghdad iaitu Alaa Farhan.

  282. mohd yasim berkata:

    ni bukan forum untuk berkelahi..bawak bertenang sedara..relaks2..kita semua kawan..kawan sedinar..hahaha

  283. bahar berkata:

    betul tu…takkan krn dinar kita nak bergaduh….mati esok Allah tanya sape saudara2 mu?bukan Allah tanya kamu pegang cash note ke..atau buka acc warka?hehe…so..sama2 sedara seIslam jgn gaduh2….bincang secara ilmiah..yg pegang cash note jgn kutuk pemegang acc warka..mcm tu la sebaliknya:)

  284. Warka Investment & Finance berkata:

    Just sold another 1 million dinar (kehampaan terhadap Cash Note & RV)

    As many here know, I have become an increasingly skeptical investor in the dinar. I bought based on a bunch of hype with very little information. As I learned more, and as every single prediction of an “imminent” or “any day now” RV turned out to be wrong I felt duped. I invested based on emotion and that is a bad thing. As I’ve learned more about this “investment”, there are just way too many things that make absolutely no sense. The ridculous track record of all the date and rate speculators has only reinforced my skepticism.

    This is my second sale. I sold another million dinar earlier this year. This time, I received $21 per 25K dinar note. I took about a 27% loss on the notes. That’s pretty poor performance for an 8 month investment. I could have simply stuck them in a drawer and forgot about them in the unlikely event the RV occurred. But, as an investment, I made the decision that there is simply no further potential for return. Therefore, it makes sense to sell and try to take advantage of other opportunities. $840 US dollars is more valuable to me than 1 million dinar. At some point, I figure many people will come to the same conclusion that I have and the buy back rate will fall further as banks become deluged with dinar. I don’t ever see the buy back rate being any higher than it is today.

    I still have 1 million of my original 3 million dinar. I will probably sell them very soon but I haven’t made a final decision. Maybe Okie or Blaino or the folks at PTR will offer to pay me twice as much as I paid for them. After all, if the dinar is going to revalue (even at $.10), as they have been so certain of for 8 months (probably longer, but that’s the extent of my experience with them), what difference does it make if you pay $2,300 per million rather than $1,150? We’re quibbling over chump change at that point aren’t we? (Somehow, I don’t think that offer will come my way.) I may just hand them out as gag gifts to family and friends. Regardless what I do with them, I will always keep one 25K note permanently posted on the bulletin board in my home office as a reminder of what happens when you ignore common sense, logic and history and invest based on emotion.

    Good luck to everyone. Believe it or not, I still would be very excited if the dinar did RV. I know many people here desperately want it to RV. And since I will always have at least one 25K note, I suppose I would benefit still benefit financially if it did RV. I’ve always HOPED it would RV. But, I realize now it was nothing but hope. There is no basis to support it. I now believe Jack DeAngelis when he says the window for the RV closed long ago and it won’t happen. He’s one guy that has actually been right about the dinar. I think it’s time for me to start listening to him.

  285. Warka Investment & Finance berkata:

    Sell Your Dinar Now If You Are Ready To Blame Me For Any ‘Possible Loss’

    May 28th, 2011

    This is an article that I had to write just to set the record straight on what I’ve seen going on with dinar, AND the good folks who own them.

    I’ve been saying for many years-

    “Only invest what you can afford to loose”.

    If you have invested MORE than you can afford to loose then YOU NEED TO SELL all or a portion of your dinar till you feel like you yourself have made a responsible financial decision. By the way, none of this information is a substitute for a financial adviser.

    How To Know If You Have Bought Too Much Dinar:

    -If you have threatened me or are thinking about threatening me for any future losses up to and including the loss of your entire dinar investment, then you need to follow the instructions at the bottom of this article to quickly and easily sell your dinar right now immediately no matter where you live.
    -If you really need money now for bills or other areas of investing like your retirement then you may need to sell your dinar.
    -If you are not prepared right now to TAKE FULL RESPONSIBILITY for loosing your entire investment then you definitely need to sell your dinar right now following the instructions at the bottom of this article.
    -Speak to a financial adviser

    If You Are Aware Of The Risk And Accept The Risk Fully:

    -Then try to enjoy the process of waiting for things to happy (good or bad)
    -Try to associate with other dinar investors so you can get many different points of view of others who share your interests
    -Speak to a financial adviser

    IF, and only if, you were to sell your dinar before any possible future gains then now would be a GREAT time to sell and I will explain how at the bottom of this article. Since the execution of Osama Bin Laden I have noticed a nominal spike in Dinar sales. I’m guessing that this is due to inverters linking Bin Ladens death to increased security in Iraqi dinars future. Less chance of terrorism in Iraq, more chance for dinar to flourish, it’s only a theory!

    It is also possible that Dinar investors say Bin Laden’s death as a reason to ‘celebrate’ and buy more dinar. For some reason the success of Iraq is sometimes linked to the success in the war against terror.

    Because of the spike in dinar sales in the last month now would be the perfect time to sell off any or all of your dinar for the above stated reasons in this article. Much of the dinar that dealers sell comes from dinar investors who want to sell off. In the past dinar dealers purchased dinar only from middle eastern sources but now much of dealer inventory is from dinar inverters who want to sell.

    If you are worried about Iraq now allowing you to bring your dinar into Iraq to cash in you need to understand that every country has laws about who can bring currency into the country and how much. Keep in mind also that there are other countries such as Jordan and Kuwait which have banks that deal in dinar too. If you are still worried about cashing in your dinar in the future maybe you should just sell. Dinar is not for everyone!

    The zero lopping story has been around as long as the new Iraq dinar has been around. If Iraq decides to redenominate their banknotes then it is possible that the look of the banknotes will change. That is what a redenomination is, it does not mean it is a devaluation. Hypothetically, if Iraq decided to remove zeros there would be a period of time to exchange old notes for the new. This happened with the old Saddam banknotes when the new notes came out.

    A devaluation is when zeros and chopped along with the exchange rate. If a 25,000 note worth $25 becomes a 25 note worth $25 then no devaluation has occurred, only a renomination. Contrary to this, if a 25,000 note worth $25 becomes a 25 note worth 2.5 cents then a devaluation has occurred like with Germany after world war II.

    Revaluation of the Iraqi Dinar gives the dinar a chance to increase in value with a multiplied value greater than 1. If a 25 dinar note worth $25 US dollars revalues with a multiplier of 2, then your 25 dinar note will be worth $50. When Kuwait revalued their currency the Kuwait dinar almost doubled in value overnight AFTER it’s revalued rate entered the market. As for me, I am optimistic, yet cautious about putting too many eggs in one basket.

    Five years ago the risk in the dinar was all related to the insurgency and being worried about the Iraqi Government being over thrown. Today, the main risk in the dinar is related to CORRUPTION with a capitol C. You need to understand that there are elected officials in Iraq and others who would much rather line their own pockets then to allow the country to excel financially.

    Hypothetically, even if there is a clear concise plan to allow the Central Bank of Iraq to buy back an abundance of dinar upon a revaluation, and then having the dinar double in CBI possession AFTER the revaluation due to post revaluation dinar sales spike; There are bad people that would rather see the country of Iraq get an ‘average’ revaluation while becoming billionaires and millionaires them-self because of corruption in the Iraqi Government.

    If you are in a position where you can afford to loose 1 million US dollars on Dinar, and I know there are people who can, then go for it. But, if you know that you need to sell some or all of your dinar here is how:

    Contact Ali from DinarTrade.com and negotiate a sell rate and payment method, probably bank wire. If you want to insure your Iraqi Dinar being sent to Ali then use an International service link BRINKS, they will insure your banknotes. Be sure to read between the lines and take full responsibility for sending your money. Sending Dinar by BRINKS to Ali from within the USA is relatively cheap just for your information, around $200. If you send your dinar with any service like FedEx uninsured make sure you write on the outside of the packing slip under description- printed material. Sending money in the mail uninsured is risky and you must assume full responsibility for such procedures.

    If you feel good after reading this article and have no plans to sell your dinar AND you assume full responsibility for your investments then I wish you the absolutely best with your future potential returns. I honestly don’t know from one day to the next what will eventually happen, we can only hope. I will continue to serve our community by trying to provide the best mastermind environment for Iraqi dinar investors.

  286. Warka Investment & Finance berkata:

    Iraq Banking System Moving to 21st Century in 2014

    July 5, 2011

    Iraq Banking System Moving to 21st Century in 2014

    Recently, there was a Reuters news article with a headline titled, ‘Iraq to boost retail banking via mobiles, Internet.’ Upon reading that most people would naturally assume that this is good news for the Iraq banking sector. Many people perceived this as ‘huge’ news and have even tried to convince others of the same. What some need to understand is that, the people with this thought process just do not fully understand the banking system as it is here in Iraq. If they did, they would not had perceived this news as ‘huge’.

    These individuals are the same people that also claim that Iraq does not have a tradable international currency (which Iraq does). At some point in time, hopefully in the near future, it will be good for the banking system, but that’s only when they they get the single payer system in place. It’s one thing to have it constructed and installed, training is another. If they are lucky, they will have it completed in the banking system by the end of the year. It will take them an additional 18 months to complete the training and get acclimated to it.

    In case some of you are wondering how the banks in Iraq will transfer funds outside of Iraq, It will be by correspondent banking agreements. There are several banks that have correspondent banking agreements with foreign banks outside of Iraq. These Iraqi banks use the foreign banking system (SWIFT) to facilitate transactions abroad. The Iraqi bank has no single payer system that conducts the due diligence to investigate where the funds are exactly coming from. Keep in mind that there are Anti-Money Laundering Laws (AML). In Iraq the AML penalties are very harsh on the banks and on any individuals. The Iraqi banking sector is seeking ways to get away from the correspondent agreements. They want to stop criminals from funneling money, independently investigate exactly where the funds being sent or received are coming from, as well as who actually owns the money.

    There is a caveat in that the Iraqi Parliament must pass legislation to even use this particular payment system. The CBI is not as independent as people think, they have to get the permission of the Iraqi government on nearly every move they make. Such as, 1.) Parliaments vote on the new Iraqi dinar currency, 2.) reviewing of the CBI Report on Re-Denomination Revaluation reports, and lastly, Ministry of Finance giving the approval of banking licenses.

  287. Warka Investment & Finance berkata:

    Sell Your Dinar Now And You Won’t Loose Your Original Investment, Or, Wait out this HIGH RISK, with potential for high return investment

    July 3rd, 2011

    Germany lopped zeros from their banknotes after world war II in what was a devaluation of their currency after loosing the war. We will refer to this as a ‘bad’ lop.

    Vietnam revalued their currency decades after the Vietnam War, will Iraq take decades? I don’t know, do you? I’m guessing they won’t only because of the nature of Iraqi trade; Oil.

    What is a good lop?

    Well, let is be clear that a devaluation is not a function of a revaluation. Having one cancels out the other.

    The Iraqi Government for years has ‘quietly’ talked about the possibility of putting their currency on the world market, a revaluation.

    I recall hearing a top official of the Iraqi Government say that ‘timing is crucial’ for the revaluation and if it were done too soon it would be bad for one reason or another. Iraq wants to revaluate at the proper time so that they can potentially double within a day or two AFTER the revaluation similar to Kuwait.

    Sorry I got sidetracked there, what is a good lop? Right now the Iraqi currency has banknotes like the 25,000 note, a 10,000 note, 5000, 1000, 500, 250, and 50. The first 3, the largest notes, have many zeros. If an Iraqi buys a pair of shoes with only 500’s they would need to have a wad of cash big enough to choke a goat. That is one reason for a good zero lop. But what happens to your 25,000 notes with a ‘good’ lop?….

    What happens when a stock on wall street ‘lops zeros’ so to speak. I once bought AIG stock just after the september 2008 stock market crash. Well, AIG lopped a zero or two off the stock value but my stock got ‘pro rated’ and I didn’t actually loose anything at all except for the old perceived value of owning hundreds of shares, I now owned about 20 shares, but, they had the same value in total, as before.

    Now why would Iraq want to have a good lop? Well, I’m only speculating here but maybe Iraq would like their non ‘inflated looking’ banknotes back. If, and this is only in theory, if, the dinar was lopped of 3 decimal places, 3 zeros on the 25,000 note then it will be a 25 note. Almost the same value as the US dollar as of today, before a revaluation. According to my good lop theory your old notes will be worth the same thing as the new notes, for at least some amount of ‘trade in’ time; Or there may be no trade in time. With the old Saddam notes, there was a trade in time before they became of no value in Central Bank of Iraq.

    As always, only invest what you can afford to loose. That said, enjoy your investing experience.

    I have always been against the ‘bad lop’ and I still am. There is so much stuff on the Internet about an evil bad lop, and every time I see someone it always seems to be written by someone who has never written about the dinar before. Some freelance writer, a critic.

    You may need to cash in for the new notes to avoid a loss, worst case scenario. That, is my opinion. And I have never called myself a financial adviser. I have, called myself of a critic of a dinar critics, a reporter, and I am a dinar investor. But I only invest what I can afford to loose and have said this for years. If you are looking for ways to lower the risk of accessing the opportunity than that is where my expertise comes in.

    For example, doing a wire transfer without getting ripped off during the wire procedure itself. Who you are wiring too, that is a whole other story. If you are aware of the risk of Dinar and accept that, then, I can recommend the dealers who have the best reputations, that, I can do for you. Reducing the risk of access procedures. If you want to sell your dinar now, I can help you with that too. Anyone want to sell? I will buy it ; ) Please sell your dinar if you feel you have invested more than you can afford to loose. I’m no cheerleader, wrong site.

    Ali from DinarTrade.com will buy your dinar now if you want to sell. And, he’s the only dealer I recommend now because I like his business ethics. Sell your dinar now and you will most likely get what you paid, or a little less depending on when you bought.

  288. Warka Investment & Finance berkata:

    New Iraq Currency Scare ‘Nothing of Substance’

    July 5, 2010

    Zero lopping rumors get regurgitated constantly in the Dinar pastures of the Internet and tear into the hope of the unprepared Iraqi Dinar men and women. The only zero lopping are the zeros that will be lopped off of the Iraq dinar exchange rate when the revaluation occurs thereby boosting the dinar value. Any other news information on lopping that surfaces on the Internet is always isolated to a news source that is reporting on the Iraq Dinar for the ‘first time’, or someone who wants to create an article that gets mainstream attention in the dinar information world.

    There is a possibility that the Iraqi banknote can undergo a ‘facelift’ to change the look and feel of the current banknote but in my opinion is highly unlikely. The reason to do this would be to try to calm the disputes over Iraqi political parties fighting over who’s people are represented in the banknote art work and what would be fair. Changing the look and feel of the banknotes would be extremely expensive in printing and in selling the idea to the court of public opinion. It is not a time for the Iraqi Government to be loosing support of it’s people by taking away any amount of trust that has been built into the current post Saddam banknotes.

    Iraq’s Government has some serious political deadlines on the table with the coalition troops facing greater reductions in the next year. I know there are some research analysts and critics that will disagree with me on this but the Iraqi Banking sector faces the challenge of increasing private banking sector use among business to boost the economy instead of having the heavy hitters in business run to the Government banks for their needs as the trends indicate now.

  289. Warka Investment & Finance berkata:

    Iraqi Dinar Buying Guide

    July 2, 2011

    If you’re interested in investing in the Iraqi Dinar, here are some thoughts to consider and action items. First and foremost, be honest with yourself on how much money you can invest in the Iraqi Dinar. Keep in mind that that are numerous risks to any sort of investment and the Iraqi Dinar is not a sure thing – nothing is. The next step is to find reputable dinar dealers that are registered with the U.S. Treasury. Also make sure that they have an excellent rating with the Better Business Bureau, which rates the quality of the business.

    Once you’ve found a few dealers you’d be interested in buying from, write down all of your questions and concerns. Call each dealer with the list of questions in front of you. Ask your questions and be very direct. Some specific questions may include, but should not be limited to:

    Can I see a copy of your US Treasury registration?

    Can I see your BBB rating?

    How long have you been in business?

    How does the company verify the authenticity of each dinar?

    Do you give out certificates of authenticity?

    Keep in mind how the representative answers your questions. Is he knowledgeable? Is he up front with you about the risks? Does he take the time to answer your questions thoroughly? These are some of the thoughts you should consider before entrusting your investment with a dealer.

    After doing your research, decide who you trust and if you still want to invest in the Iraqi Dinar. If so, move forward with your purchase!

  290. Warka Investment & Finance berkata:

    Buying Iraqi Dinar: 3 Questions to Ask….

    July 01, 2011

    Iraq has the world’s third largest oil reserves, much of which has yet to be explored. Iraq’s economic potential is unquestioned, but there are concerns about its political stability. Because of these concerns, the Iraqi Dinar has been a vehicle for speculators, making investments in a cheap currency and holding it for a large payout. If you’re thinking about buying the Iraqi Dinar, here are three questions to ask.

    1. Am I willing to wait 5-10 years for a potential return?

    When you buy dinar it is a long term decision. There are a lot of rumors about when the dinar will revalue and allow dinar investors to make a huge profit. Many of these rumors provide a timeline of six months or less. However, keep in mind that like any foreign currency, the dinar is tied to the strength and stability of Iraq. This means that it must first form a stable political regime to promote and protect its economy. This is going to take years, not six months. So keep this time frame in mind when buying the Iraqi Dinar.

    2. Can I afford to spend $XX?

    Whatever amount you’re looking to spend on the dinar, make sure it’s an amount you can afford and risk. There are risks in buying the dinar and some dinar dealers try to pressure you into buying more than you can afford. Keep the long term time frame in mind when deciding how much to spend, make sure it’s not going to put you in a financially compromising position in the short term.

    3. Who can I trust?

    When you are ready to buy Iraqi dinar, make sure it’s from a place you can trust. It is absolutely necessary that the company is registered with the U.S. Treasury to sell the dinar and has an excellent record with the Better Business Bureau. If the company has a number, call them and ask direct questions. See for yourself if you can build a relationship of trust with your dinar dealer so that you can go them with your questions and concerns.

  291. Warka Investment & Finance berkata:

    ABC News Video On Dinar To Wet You Appetite

    [video src="http://dig.abclocal.go.com/wjrt/video/2010/02/24/022410-AB-Iraqi-Dinar-SIX-USE.flv" /]

  292. bahar berkata:

    There’s a great deal of misunderstanding with the removal of high-denom notes. The Iraq govt isn’t going around stealing them from people and giving nothing in return, they’re simply printing more lower denom notes, ie, replacing 1x 25,000 note with 5x 5,000 notes. This doesn’t reduce the money supply in the way some pumpers claim it does. Europe has done the same thing by withdrawing the 500 Euro note that was targeted by counterfeiters – but it hasn’t made the Euro value go up a ridiculous 99,999%. The vast majority of denomination banknotes printed in any currency are the lower commonly used notes. The highest denominations usually make up just a fraction. As an example of the Euro, there are only 56 million 500 Euro banknotes printed out of 6 billion total banknotes (approx 0.1%). Same is true of Iraq with the 25,000 notes. It simply doesn’t make any difference as different denomination banknotes don’t get RD’d at different rates. It’s one rate for everything in the currency.

    You also greatly misunderstand what happens to bank accounts (all bank accounts in IQD currency) – they’ll be “lopped” too when the currency changes from IQD to the new currency. ie, if you have an account with 1m IQD Dinar in it, it will be RD’d down to whatever ratio the new currency is to the old (probably 1000:1 if they’re lopping 3 digits), so you’ll have 1,000 of the new currency in it (but which is worth 1,000x more than the old so it won’t lose its $1,000 value). In no way shape or form will you turn $1k of Dinar into $1m just by sticking it into a bank account during a lop no matter who you bank with any more than sticking $1k’s worth of Old Turkish Lira into a bank will magically become $1bn after their 6-digit lop. If that were true, every man, woman and child living in Turkey must all be secret billionaires! Bank deposits are converted at the exchange rate of new for old currencies. They don’t keep the same face value (which is precisely why bank notes need to change in the first place – nothing retains its face value after a lop which is the whole point of a lop). There is no “one rule for notes, another for bank accounts”. All get lopped at the same rate. This is nothing new – it’s happens dozens of times before on every continent on Earth, and the rules for Iraq are no exception just because it has a little oil or some confused / dishonest pumpers say it is.

    Also “LOP’s only occur during periods of hyperinflation” is another untrue “pumper myth”. Most LOP’s occur *after* inflation has fallen after a period of chronic / hyper inflation. No-one “lops” during high inflation because it doesn’t boost any confidence in the currency if prices continue to rise after the lop. So the fact that inflation is falling in Iraq actually justifies a lop even more.

    doa la kita byk2..agar takde LOP….kalau tidak..baik cash note baik pemegang akaun warka…mmg terkubur la impian…kalau begitu sudahnya….kita kena redha dgn ketentuanNya

    • shin berkata:

      Betul tu. Sebenarnya bukan senang nak jadi kaya. Kalau dah kaya pun banyak pula dugaannya nanti. Miskin pun susah, kaya pun susah. Ambil jln tengah, hidup dlm kesederhanaan.

  293. milo cair berkata:

    betul3…..kita tunggu dan lihat shja apa yg akan berlaku…kalau ada rezeki kita semua,tak kemana pun…sabar la wahai sedara sedinar…..kita semua pun dh tahu,,setiap pelaburan ada untung ada rugi,,,yang penting kita berani mencuba utk setiap perkara kebaikan…GO RV…………..

  294. Dinar Oh Dinar berkata:

    IS YOUR DINAR EXPIRED!!!! (Dipetik Dari fourm Luar Negara)

    OK, I’m not a pumper and not a person who wants to put out negative stuff either.
    The one thing I know and know for sure is that money can expire or can be expired.

    I personally have 2 million dinar, so my concerns are real and hope to get more
    clarity why this wouldn’t happen with my Dinar.

    Here is my experience with expired money. I used to live in Asia. I lived in many, many different countries and had this happen a number of different times.

    I would leave a country for a year and when I came back with my old currency that I kept with me, it was expired.
    My currency looked just like the currency they were presently using, but the serial number were expired I couldn’t
    cash them in. Yes, tried to cash them in, in a number of different places and banks. They all
    said the same thing

    Now if this only happened in one country, I would think OK maybe it’s only that county.
    Dirty Rats!!! The thing is I had this happen in many countries.

    Does anyone have any thoughts on this. What would the reason be that Dinar couldn’t
    expire like other foreign currencies.

    Please share your input .

    *** Respond Answer From Other Person Regarding Dinar Expired

    Of course they can expire! Take your magnifying glass and look at the bottom of the note under the invisible horse’s head. You’ll see an expiration date written in Arabic. When the currency is sent, it’s sprayed with money smell and a special chemical that turns the note pitch black when it hits the due date. My Arabic friend, Naifiyabi Salulabi says most of my notes still have 3 months left, so I’m hoping this thing will hit by October 1st. GO RV!!

  295. Dinar Oh Dinar berkata:

    New Dinars for Old (For those holding dinar cash outside Iraq, things may be complicated)

    At the end of last month, a spokesman for the Central Bank of Iraq (CBI) told reporters that a plan to redenominate the Iraqi dinar will be presented to the Council of Ministers in the near future. (See here and here.) The Council is then expected to submit the relevant legislation to Parliament for a vote. If the lawmakers approve the project, all existing banknotes will be replaced with new currency at the rate of 1,000 old dinar for one new over some unspecified period of time.

    Given Parliament’s current backlog, this change can hardly be imminent. Still, you might think they could get around to voting on the CBI’s proposal some time before the end of this year. In that case, the redenomination could presumably be completed by the end of 2012.

    The process will necessarily involve both the exchange of new banknotes for old and the restatement of contractual obligations in terms of the new currency. Among other things, three zeros will have to be eliminated from the share capital of the ISX listed companies as well as from the number of shares each has outstanding. (This will keep the par value at one dinar.)

    I’m told this should be a relatively straightforward change for the depository center to make. Trading should not have to be suspended for more than a few days and it may be possible to proceed in phases of a few names at a time so that the entire market does not have to shut down during the transition period.

    Similarly, it seems reasonable to expect the CBI to exchange new dinars for US dollars at one thousandth the rate for old dinars. In other words, if the original rate were IQD 1170 = US$ 1, post-redenomination this would become IQD 1.170 = US$ 1.

    All of this seems reasonably straightforward for anyone holding assets such as currency or shares inside the country. For those holding dinar cash outside Iraq, however, things may not be so simple. How and on what terms their old dinars will be convertible into the new currency remains an open question.


    • pakcik kayo berkata:

      agaknya…mungkin ini salah satu cara apabila cbi meyatakan bahawa matawang mereka telah dilupuskan 75% dr circulation…dgn menggunakan konsep expired dated matawang nya……kalau mcm ni……bg cash note akan mengalami TOTAL LOST……

  296. NAGA BESAR berkata:

    Selamat kaya-raya kepada pemegang akaun dinar iraq. Tapi jangan lupa bayar zakat.

  297. JOe berkata:

    Bai…. kalau nak tipu org baik2……kalau nak cari untung besar ingat la yang ESA……..nanti adabalasan nya….itu nama nya nak untung besar..niaga cara islam la BAi…..saya jual juga benda ni….

  298. JOe berkata:

    Takkan benda mcm ni u suruh bukan akaun kat sana………kalau dah satu dunia tau mata wang IRaq naik bank mana tak nak buat pertukaran……..Cakap nak tolong org MELAYU ni MELAYU MAKAN MELAYU tak ke MALU……Bukan nak sakit hati sesiapa tapi kalau nak tolong biarlah betul cara nya…..Takkan nak jual jumlah yang besar kat org lain dengan IQD41,800.kalau u tak ada stok bagi tau saya BAi……Itu bangsa cina gelak tengok melayu tak dapat tolong bangsa sendiri… nak hancurkan bangsa sendiri ada,sedar lah wahai sahabat….org berniaga mana tak nak untung semua mau untung MA…tapi ni untung besar sangat BAi…atas angin aje BAi

  299. Dinar Oh Dinar berkata:

    Bai…aku rasa pakcik kayo bukan nak tipu bai…pepatah orang tua2 cakap…sediakan payung sebelum hujan…agar nanti dikemudian hari anda tak basah kuyup….aku rasa aku pernah terbaca artical pasal CBI cakap yang mereka telah pun melupuskan setengah dari pada cash notenya…kalau x silap aku artical bulan November @ Disember 2010.pada waktu itu aku x berapa paham maksud telah melupuskan cash note dia…sehingga hari ini bila aku terbaca pakcik kayo punya comment….baru aku terfikir….kemungkinan juga ini adalah salah satu caranya CBI nak melupuskan cash notenya apabila tempo cetakan telah berakhir.kalau x silap aku cash note dinar iraq ini memang mempunyai tempo expire dia,kalau x … x can CBI membuat 2 kali cetakan duit mereka…. cetakan pertama pada 2003 & 2006.duit cash note dinar iraq hanya boleh bertahan 7 tahun sahaja , selepas itu mereka akan membuat cetakan yang lain…iaitu gambar yang berbeza atau pun colour yang berbeza.ini selaras dengan kenyataan CBI nak memansuhkan 3 angka sifar dan cara x langsung mereka akan menokok tambah bahasa KURDIS.

    Bai…aku bukan nak menakutkan kau …. tetapi sebagai satu isyarat atau pertanda supaya kau lebih membuat reserch tentang Cash Note Dinar iraq.sebenarnya aku pun x tahu pada cash note dinar iraq ada tertulis tarikh luput untuk matawangnya…sehingga aku terbaca dalam fourm mat salleh…yang mana salah seorang dari pada mat salleh telah memberi tahu memang ternyata ada tarikh luput pada cash note dinar iraq.kalau kau x percaya cuba kau cari tarikh luput cash note dinar iraq yg ada dalam simpanan kau.aku ada mempunyai 6 keping cash note dinar iraq yg bernilai 50,250,500,1000,10,000 & 25,000 . dan aku telah menjumpai tarikh tersebut dengan menggunakan kanta pembesar….tulisanya memang terlalu kecil….kesemua cash note aku itu tempo expire dia pada 31 september 2011…kerana kesemua cash note aku tahun cetakannya pada 2003 iaitu tanda tangan timbalan gabenor adalah “Falah Dawood Salman” pada masa tersebut. dan cetakan dinar iraq yg kedua pada tahun 2006 barulah tanda tangan gabenor “Dr Sinan Al Shabibi”…itu sahaja yg dapat aku terangkan…

  300. hani berkata:

    salam…mcm mane nk tgk tarikh luput tu? kt kwsn gmbr pak arab tu ke kt mane? yg sy ade smau note 10,000 je…

  301. Atok berkata:

    tak nmpk pun.. bleh saper2 bg tau.. aduyaiii..

  302. Dinar Oh Dinar berkata:

    kalau tarikh expire tak nampak….kemungkinan besar dinar anda tu palsu…perlu di ingatkan didalam iraq …pemalsuan dinar iraq telah berleluasa…sehingga CBI memberitahu melalui media masa,pemalsuan dinar iraq hampir2 menyamai (99.99%) duit tulin . hanya de la ru mesin sahaja yang boleh membezakan duit yang tulin dan yg palsu.

  303. Dinar Oh Dinar berkata:

    Fears from spread of false 10,000 dinar notes in Nassirya, south Iraq

    6/29/2011 11:10 AM

    THI-QAR / Aswat al-Iraq: A number of currency dealers in southern Iraq’s Nassirya city have expressed fear on Wednesday from the spread of a new false 10,000-dinar notes, that can’t be easily discovered.

    “We have noticed the existence of a false 25,000-dinar currency in the market, being cautious against it, but a new false 10,000-dinar currency, with a very close print to the original currency, had been spread last week,” Shop-keeper, Ali Ahmed told Aswat al-Iraq news agency, saying that “this is a very serious matter and the government must stop it in every possible means.”

    Ali Nuseif, a petrol filling station worker said that the “number of cars trying to fill petrol in his filling station was huge, and he and his colleagues can’t easily differentiate between real and false currencies.”

    On his part, the Chairman of the Security Committee in Thi-Qar Province, where Nassirya is its center city, called on citizens to be vigilant against such currencies, saying: “we had not faced such case and nobody had presented a case about the presence of false currency in the Province,” calling on the mass media to “uncover persons, behind the spread of such currency, in order to foil their criminal plans.”

    Nassirya, the center of Thi-Qar Province, is 380 km to the south of Baghdad.

    SKH (IT)


  304. jahanam berkata:

    ak nk tau jgak..klau ada trikh luput 2 kt mana..,palsu ke x itu xpnting lagi…cba kau bgi tau lahanat…santaukan bengong…

    • Leben berkata:

      janganlah jadi manusia pemalas & bodoh… hang bacalah comment
      Dinar Oh Dinar pada Julai 7, 2011 at 11:43 pm. dalam tu dah ada sebut kat mana letaknya tarikh tu….janganlah membabi buta nak marah…kalau duit yg kau simpan tu tak ada tarikh,so paham-paham saja ler…

      • pak cik kayo berkata:

        kalu sara yg mintak …..on the spot i bagitau u…..he..he…he…kat mana nak tgk expired dated tu…he..he..he…

      • analikeenteh berkata:

        yer leh, duit yg enteh (jahanam)beli tu pun dah namanya pun duit haram…duit yang masuk kemalaysia secara haram (tampa restu dari kerajaan malaysia)sudah setentu2nya duit enteh tu duit palsu….(bersangka buruk)

  305. jahanam berkata:

    hahaha gila…,duit pn ada trikh luput..klau xde mknanya duit palsu…bengong org 2..,dh mmang xde…..kalau lh cash note xlaku bila rv nanti…semua org akan trlopong xkira y ada acc kt iraq pn…sebabnya mungkin iraq akan d serang sekali lagi…jdi semunya akan musnah kembali…dgn warka bank pn musnah hahahahah..biar sama2 rugi…target mula2 skali warka bank y kna bom…..hohoooo…

    • milo cair berkata:

      betul3….ingat roti ke ada expired..jgn dengar khabar angin yg boleh memudaratkan kesihatan pemikiran kita…..kita semua perlu bersabar dan tunggu apa yg akan berlaku….go rv…

      • shin berkata:

        Kah..kah… duit kat Malaysia ada tarikh luput ke? Tak pernah dengar dlm sejarah duit ada tarikh luput. Ini sungguh luar biasa.

  306. gila dinar iraq berkata:

    tungu je…sabar je lah….nama pun DUIT….DOA.USAHA..IKTIZAM..TAWAKAL..kalau rezeki x kemana….

  307. analikeenteh berkata:

    kihkihkih…ana faham enteh semua nak sedapkan hati enteh….tak kisahlah apa yg enteh nak cakap..yang penting pemilik cash note sekarang ini dalam keadaan delima…ana nak lihat sampai bila enteh semua nak cover gosip cash note ini.ana lihat kebanyakan kenyataan cbi berkenaan cash note / hard cash / currency paper banyak mengisahkan tentang isu pemansuhan duit cash yang sedia ada sekarang ini dengan duit cash yang lebih baru dan tidak mempunyai 3 angka sifar.so bila note baru keluar…enteh semua (pemegang cash note) keluarlah berramai2 ke money changer di Malaysia untuk ditukarkan..kihkihkih…(itu pun kalau Money Changer nak tukarkan) sebab sebelum RV lagi CBI dah tukar note baru.

  308. bahar berkata:

    adusss!….aku cash note yg byk….akaun warka plak yg sikit…tak jadi kaya raya…dpt untung sikit pun jadi la…nak jual cash note yg ada pun x sampai hati…dah mcm naya org la plak…ada sikit pun jadi la..phewww!

    • alamak habislah berkata:

      apa yang kau nak pikir2kan lagi…jual jer semua cash note kau tu….kat orang lain…biar lantak lah dia orang rugi….setahu aku sememangnya orang yang beli cash note dinar iraq ni dia orang beli untuk rugi…bukannya untuk untung pun….yang penting duit cash yg kau simpan tu selepas kau jualkan..kau bank-in kan kat account bank warka kau tu.nak kesian watt aper….dah lumrah alam semulajadi untung ngan rugi nie.

  309. Dinar Oh Dinar berkata:

    Un-Circulated Notes (Something to Think About…)

    * DiPetik dari fourm Luar Negara *

    I was just thinking about all of the “un-circulated” notes that a lot of us speculators are holding. I want everybody to think about this and I also welcome any input on the matter.

    Uncirculated Notes: Notes that are brand new and are not circulating around the market so to speak. Notes come from CBI to banks/dealers to speculators/investors/citizens.

    So after 8 years of having this money printed it seems to me that a ton of this money was not really needed to begin with. I mean, why are there still trillions of “brand new” notes that obviously have never been circulated through the country of Iraq still available after 8 years?

    If they actually needed 27 trillion dinars to begin with for banking, daily transactions, etc… then why are there still tons of brand new notes? Brand new means uncirculated. Uncirculated means they have not been “floating” around the market. Not being in the market tells me they were not necessary to begin with. IMO

    This tells me something:

    We don’t actually know how much dinar out of the 27 trillion is actually out on the “streets” or in the country of iraq, being held by banks, governments (if any), and speculators/investors. In fact, we don’t even know how much out of the 27 trillion or so has even been released period! Not even a close guess…. Because if we are able to still buy brand new notes to this day (after 8 years from the time of printing) then that obviously means that the CBI could have an even bigger “stash” of currency that has not been released and never will…

    So how much actual physical currency is in circulation? I know we say 27 trillion. BUT, how and why are we able to still buy brand new “un-circulated” notes if they are all in “circulation.”

    I hope this makes sense…

    I welcome any and all input.

    * Sila Bagi Pandangan anda yang Bernas Serta Logik wahai Pemegang Cash Note Dinar DiMalaysia.

  310. Dinar Oh Dinar berkata:

    WOW, BIG dealers are starting to not buy from investors


    Just found a serious big player who sells diner is no longer buying them from investors…just called and got a BS answer….this is not a RUMOR this is fact….and before i give you which seller it is….i would like your input on why would a seller stop buying back the dinar?????

    is it RV time???

    please give me your thoughts.

    antara pandangan / jawapan yg diterima :


    One less problem for them.
    They would have to exchange for new notes when released.
    They can replenish their stock when the new notes are out…


    I know what dealer your talking about…i bought my dinar from them and noticed something different on their website but didnt really dig deeper, when I read your post it hit me what was different I just got off the phone with them and they confirmed that no they are NOT buying any back, I asked why she said she didnt have a answer that its strictly managements decision…


    Why would they not buy back if it were to RV? Wouldn’t they want to buy back as much as possible before the rate changes? Makes no sense to me.


    Unless they do know about the “window” to cash in? Then it does make sense that they wouldnt want to mess with the old currency?


    means they dont want the risk of buying any back. I would be more inclined to believe they dont want them for any of the many numerous reasons that would also be bad news for us.

    thats not a good sign.


    you hit the nail on the head. We will
    see this become more common as time goes on. For some dealers,
    the ‘gig’ is simply over with, they made their money and do not want to be in the middle of the frenzy when certain things do not happen according to the hype. Some are limiting their liabilities now rather than later.


    It would make sense that dealers would not want to be stuck with alot of ‘inventory’ when and if the value goes up.
    I remember hearing before that there are regulations in place for dealers that do not allow them to exchange
    currency for personal profit.. so whatever inventory they have would have to be ‘sold’ and they would
    make money on the spread only… they cannot exchange it for a profit.


    With all the hype lately of an rv, many are disappointed and believe rv/or rd wont happen until possibly mid 2012. There is a whole bunch of people starting to sell off most of their dinar, back to the dealers. Leaving the dealer to give up usd to inventory dinar, that people are now buying less of. Yes, the dealer will make a profit either way, buying or selling, but with the CBI lastest intentions, it will get harder to convince people of there pipe dreams. Possibly leaving the dealer with low levels of USD, and mass amounts of dinar, that they may or may not be able to exchange.


    I think you have the answer. Any inventory they have simply becomes a liability because sales will drop,and they cannot legally exchange them for personal gain.


    I’m truthful because I sort out the countless endless lies in dinarland. Im not the kind of guy who needs to be fluffed daily by pumpers, I sort out the bs and do my own research.

    And you may not like what I post, but sometimes the truth hurts.


    I def have to agree with you there….seems people are trying to cut their ties with the Dinar as to try and get out from under any liability for what happens now…..

    I think these people have rode the train as long as possible and are now realizing the time is near, and to get out now…..I def dont like the way things are going….


    Look folks…..3 groups of people made money off of this fiasco……1) Dealers 2) Website owners….3) CBI

    The rest better HOPE to break even…………if you can’t see the writing on the wall then you are blind blind BLIND 🙄

    You and I and 10s of THOUSANDS of others helped fill the vaults of the CBI with USD for their worthless dinar that they are going to LOP and start over with….oh well….that is the way the cookie crumbles

    * Sendiri fikir sendiri jawab.

  311. Dinar Oh Dinar berkata:

    RV new currency only???

    * DiPetik dari Fourm Luar Negara * 🙂

    Has anyone thought about if they were to revalue the new lower denoms and leave the current dinar where it is at? The lower denoms will be a new money and obviously need a different rate to be of value.It would accomplish all the things they have been talking about.It would not effect the value of the current dinar for the iraqi’s, and it would reduce the carry cash,they could easily have there $3plus rate.Best of all they could screw the hell out of the people they hate,us AMERICANS.No bashing neccessary just a thought!!!


    Yup i thought about that many times already. Im glad i wasnt the only one thinking that too. and btw Tony the so called guru is african american so who says only white people lie? and it makes sense if the tier 1 and 2 is true.. Tier 1 people is getting rid of there 25k and 5k notes while you and me have to wait and wait. Then when the so called tier 1 and 2 are done. The big notes will become useless for us.


    I’ve thought of this too. However Americans are not the only ones who own Dinar. Can’t see Iraq wanting to piss off the world as a whole after attaining entry into WTO…ect ect….

    Here’s hoping!


    While Iraq certainly can do what they want, if they (or more particularly, the GOI and CBI) were to use this strategy, it would constitute a huge breach of faith and trust on the part of the GOI and CBI. While much of the current and pending investment in the nation of Iraq has nothing to do, in a direct sense, with their currency, word undoubtedly would leak out if they were to try such a move.

    Since, in the ultimate, any agreement to invest time, money and resources in any business venture depends on mutual trust between the parties, how trustworthy would the Iraqis appear to ANY prospective business partner if they handled their currency in that way? I’m sure they’re acutely aware of the reputation (warranted or not) of the “duplicitous Arab,” and anything that reinforces that perception would only do harm to Iraq itself. So trying this, or any other strategy like it, to cut a segment of the global Dinar holding population out of the equation would only serve to shoot Iraq in its collective foot.


    WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! man that sounds exactly like the way i was thinking and i hope im wrong……..


    Here is something else im worried about. Did any of you hear the intel of the C17 planes flying into Iraq loaded with Dinar? Is there any possibility that its our country bringing in the old dinar for the new dinar? I can’t get the quote I heard a ways back that said this investiment was not ment for the avarage joe like us. Which gets me to think that maybe the government and the wealthest investors are getting the new money and we will never get the opportunity to do the same making our money no better than toliet paper. I getting real worried.


    Man…tha would be A LOT of money down the pisser to produce all those larger denoms just to make them worthless and unable to circulate furthering their wealth through sales circulation. As we all have had drilled into our head anything is possible in this investment but I find highly unlikely and illogical to waste what maybe their greatest fulcrum to a strong income in years to come….just thinkin’.


    Did any of you hear the intel of the C17 planes flying into Iraq loaded with Dinar

    I honestly think the tier 1 and 2 are real.. They cashed out the high government people with the 25k notes and 5k.. They prob told them in couple days it will be useless so there is no double dipping but they dont announce to us regular people so they still make millions of dollars from us buying the 25k and 5k useless notes. and someones post about it would be waste of money making dinar. Not true.. Its like going to a casino and stealing a 100 dollar chip.. When u walk out the casino its only worth $1 to 2 dollar since thats how much it cost to make so usually they dont charge you with a felony.


    That is essentially what would happen if they redenominate…..after a certain amount of time, the bills we have would be deemed worthless, and then the new currency is what would get the new rate…..lets just hope they dont go down this road…..

    * so fikir2kanlah….orang2 Amerika pun dah mulai rasa takut dengan cash note dinar Iraq.

    • shin berkata:

      Agaknya lah kalau org Amerika dah mula takut, mungkin kepala Bush tu yg dorang nak sangat2 penggal. Ini semua kan rancangan Bush, kononnya Irq akan dgn sendirinya membayar segala kos peperangan dulu melalui RV nanti. Kita tunggu dan lihat episod seterusnya.

  312. Dinar Oh Dinar berkata:

    POSSIBLE SCENARIO (Dipetik dari Fourm Luar Negara)

    This is just an opinion. I have no links to prove that this is what Iraq is doing, nor do I even have any confidence that this is even likely. It just makes a lot of sense to me.

    I think we can all agree that those in power in Iraq are focused on opportunities to benefit themselves – not us or anyone else. With that in mind, it makes sense to consider this whole currency issue from their point of view.

    Four of their objectives have been made quite clear …

    • Shabbi has repeatedly said that his goal is to keep their currency “stable” and to keep inflation under control.

    • The CBI has recently made numerous public comments regarding their intent to “delete three zeroes” from their present currency. Supposedly, there is a draft law “almost ready” to submit to their Parliament to this effect.

    • They have also announced their desire to deploy lower-denomination currency.

    • And there have been comments from them saying they want to raise the value of their currency.

    How can they achieve all 4 of these objectives without going broke in the process? Implement all 3 currency changes at the same time.

    Here’s a hypothetical of how that could work for them ..

    #1: Delete three zeroes from their present currency. This “devaluation” would make a 100,000 Dinar note equal in exchange value and buying power to a 100 Dinar note. Historical precedent tells us that this can be done: At the end of our Civil War, all Confederate currency became worthless. Iraq’s own currency was drastically devalued by the United Nations in 1990, and (more recently) Viet Nam voluntarily devalued their own currency.

    #2: Distribute lower-denomination currency. Some of us believe that these have already been printed, and they are being held until the proper moment to issue them. As soon as step #1 is done, the lower-denomination notes would logically be much more practical to use (making change, etc.)

    #3 Revalue. For this example, let’s say that Shabbi declares an RV where 1 IQD – $1.87 US.

    • This would have the effect of giving the Iraqi citizen the exact same purchasing power he has today, i.e. today a 100,000 Dinar note is worth $187 US, and after steps 1 and 3 occur, both a 100,000 Dinar note and a 100 Dinar note would each be worth $187 US. Thus, stability is perfectly maintained.

    • Those outside of Iraq (governments and investors like us) would see a small profit: A million Dinar would be worth $1,870 US, or roughly $600 more than we paid for it – a 33% profit for us (less exchange fees).

    • On the international market, the government of Iraq would have 1,000 times more buying power than they do today at a .00187 rate, and their currency would be accepted for worldwide trade at a rate of $1.87. Thus, inflation in Iraq is driven down.

    And all this could be done with very little or no cost to Iraq.

    Again, this is just a speculative scenario not based on any “Intel.” I am not a guru, but I do believe this is sound logic from Iraq’s point of view, and it could happen this way.

    * So……apa pandangan anda??? *

  313. mizral berkata:

    salam….saya juga pemegang akaun warka…dan menyimpan jugak sedikit cash note….dr awal saya baca apa yg ditepek oleh saudara ‘dinar oh dinar’….tapi saya tak rasa saudara ‘dinar oh dinar’ takde niat nak menakut2kan pemegang cash note…..walaupun dlm komennya yg sebelum ni dia mengatakan begitu…tapi setelah ditepek info tentang cash note yg kebanyakkannya dr dinarvets forum,kita akan perasan..diakhir ayatnya..mesti berbunyi ‘Sila Bagi Pandangan anda yang Bernas Serta Logik wahai Pemegang Cash Note Dinar DiMalaysia’,’so fikir2kanlah….orang2 Amerika pun dah mulai rasa takut dengan cash note dinar Iraq.’,’Sendiri pikir,sendiri jawab’.Kat mana yg mengatakan saudara kita ni tidak menakut2kan pemegang cash note?dr dulu sampai sekarang tak habis2 mempertikai sape yg betul,sape yg salah…..apa yg saudara dinar tepek di sini mengikut kesesuaian diri dia sbg pemegang akaun warka,knp tak bagi komen yg ditempelkan oleh saudara bahar kita bahawa ‘berlakunya redenomination ianya tidak memilih bulu,baik cash note mahupun pemegang akaun warka…dua2 akan kena…dua2 tidak akan dpt untung berlipatkaliganda’….apa bezanya apa yg encik bahar tempelkan tu dgn apa yg saudara dinar tempel?dua2 rumours…sebelum ni iraq mengatakan dia akan lift 3 kosong,tiba2.. 2,3 hari sudah…..keluar plak news yg mereka takde niat utk lift 3 kosong disebabkan iraq belum stabil lg.So saudara2 yg ada di sini…especially pemegang cash note…jgn terlalu khuatir memikirkan sgt soal cash note ni baik dr segi rd,tarikh luput dan sbgnya…anggap shj kalau ada rezki…ada lah…kalau takde..insyaAllah ada rezki di bhg lain pulak…..yg penting redha dgn ketentuanNya.Buat pemegang akaun warka pulak…jgnlah menakut2kan lg mereka yg ada cash note,teruskan la kehidupan kita seperti biasa.Tgk apa yg berlaku pada kita…Tuhan uji kita dgn kedatangan IQD ni dgn tiba2,malangnya belum RV lg kita dah bertelagah soal siapa yg untung,siapa yg rugi.Tak terkejutkah kita nanti tiba2 di hadapan Allah,kena menjwb dgn si polan bin si polan yg kita tak kenal langsung,yg muka kita tak pernah tgk pun,tiba2 nak tanggung dosa menyakitkan hati saudara kita yg tak pernah kita jumpa langsung pun…ingatlah!Allah tu maha kuasa,ditangan kita pun boleh direntapnya,inikan hal yg belum lg berlaku..mcm2 boleh terjadi.Kalau kita yakin satu hari nanti akan rv,belajarlah untuk tundukkan jiwa,kawal tutur kata serta bicara kita,agar apa yg kita dpt membawa berkat.Jgn sampai nanti kekayaan merosakkan diri kita krn nafsu serta perlakuan kita tak dididik lebih awal lg sebelum rv..salam keamanan:)

  314. Dinar Oh Dinar berkata:

    hehehe.. sebenarnya saudara mizral tidak perasan saya juga secara x langsung telah memberi respond terhadap kenyataan saudara bahar berkenaan “redenomination” bagi saya saudara bahar lebih suka membaca artical rumor dari artical fakta.so bagi saya….rumor mesti dijawab dengan rumor…fakta mesti dijawab dengan fakta. berkenaan dengan duit yg berada didalam bank yang di war2kan oleh saudara bahar..apabila berlakunya redenomination akan terkena impact juga seperti cash note adalah salah.ini kerana…telah acapkali CBI menyatakan bahawa

    1) ” re-denomination ” DOSE NOT CHANGE THE VALUE OF A CURRENCY ” or should it cause inflation ”

    2) re-denomination will not affect the value of cash held by the citizen

    3) The currency redenomination process does not alter the purchasing power. In other words, with the savings and/or wages and salaries, and with any amount of money

    Ok,buat pengetahuan saudara Mizral dan saudara Bahar…saya nak tanya sedikit

    “apa itu value???? dan apa maksud Value!!! “sila saudara Mizral dan saudara bahar terangkan mengikut kefahaman saudara berdua.

    salam. (peace no war 🙂 )

  315. Atok berkata:

    En. Dinar Oh Dinar.. bleh tak email pada sy gambar lokasi expired date tu.. sy cuba kaji note2 yg sy pegang ni.. Tq.. (nazrim_2000@yahoo.com)

  316. jahanam berkata:

    hahah tunjuk2..akupn nk tngok jgak…

    • dinar oh dinar berkata:

      sila baca & lihat kat link nie yer…. x kan nak makan saya kena suapkan yer saudara jahanam.

  317. jahanam berkata:

    buat pe stakat tlisan 2….bagi link mcm sdara atok nk 2 la…bngap la ko ni…sbab note aku pnya smua x ada trikh spt y d nyatakn itu…ak nk tngok cntoh y ada2 mcmmana..sperti cntoh yg ini http://www.freewebs.com/shiidenu/mengenalpastidinar.htm dia orng x tnjuk trikh 2 cuma kpala kuda je…stakat nk tlis n ckap je aku pn bleh buat…

    • Dinar Oh Dinar berkata:

      heheheh… memang ler kau x jumpa expire date dia..sebabnya dinar kau tu dah tentu2 palsu….apa2 pun adios pada koleksi set dinar aku yang bakal akan menjadi duit tidak bernilal pada 31 september….akan datang ini. Adios…chill out

      • Atok berkata:

        Tunjukkn saya cth yg ada tarikh expired.. TQ..

      • kopi pekat berkata:

        ape punye ngok la.. takkan la bank2 antarabangsa dari tahun 2004 dok beli lelongan dinar tak ada otak mcm kwn kita tu…. dengar cakap2 dah pecaya bulat2. sape nak beli duit yang ada expiry date wei!!! ingat karipap bungkus ke?. duit daun pisang zaman pun tak ada expiry date. jepun bungkus… duit tu atok aku bungkus, tanam bwh pokok pisang.!. dalam kes iraq… sape berani bungkus diorg?.

      • Leben berkata:

        kita tunggu & lihat jer bro…. siapa yang kena….dan siapa yang terpekik terlolong nanti bila iraq memperketatkan undang2nya…bila mana iraq menafikan duit diluar negara tidak sah dan tidak laku …hahahaha…

        P/s: jangan jadi orang yg tidak menggunakan akal bila berkata2.perlu diingat kan bahawa setiap lelongan dinar iraq oleh cbi pada bank2 adalah dalam bentuk electronic currency bukannya dalam bentuk cash….hehehehe…

      • cash note and warka JB berkata:

        almaklumlah…cash note tegar..

  318. Atok berkata:

    peace.. no war..

  319. gila dinar iraq berkata:

    semakin hangat…bgus2…cerita2 sebegini yg memeriah kan dinar iraq…no riks no fun….no pain no gain

    • milo cair berkata:

      nasib baik la Maliki dgn Sabibi tak faham bahasa melayu,,..kalau la diaorg terbaca chatting kita kt cni,mesti dia ketawa sampai keluar taik..kah kah kah……….memang meriah betul rakyat kita ni dgn pendapat masing2…teruskan perjuangan..berat sama di pikul…..ringan sama di jinjing…

  320. Bini Najib(BN) berkata:


    Amboiiii… Bukan main lebar senyum gua panggil jutawan hek!!

    Errkkk… APA?? Belum RV lagi?? YEKE NIE?? EK EHH??


  321. Bini Najib(BN) berkata:

    dari satu hari ke satu ari depa kata nak rv, dok kecoh mcm tu la kabaq angin, tapi haram apapun x da, harap taufan je lebih, kalau betul la kan pasal pa depa dok jual kat orang lain dgn harga murah, baik simpan bagi kat adik beradik sanak saudara awek, balak orang terdekat… ni mesti agenda udang kering sebalik mee, hahahahahahaha,

    • kopi pekat berkata:

      agak agak la nak ngutuk… kalau kutukan tu macam bunyi suara tak ilmiah…. ghrentikan la… belajo cara macamane ekonomi bekembang.. baru la orang tak senyum2 baca komem ko… hehehe…

      • Bini Najib(BN) berkata:

        kuikuikui….hang pa tu yang bodoh hai…. pi beli duit kertas tu watt apa…hai..iraq semuanya dah watt system elektronik x ma lagi hai duit hang tu buek pekasamlah hai….wawawawawa….

  322. muara6969 berkata:

    Aku pun dah dpt dividen bro….40000 IQD…..dah tambah naik le IQD aku…..yahooo……40000 x USD0.30 pun dah muai…..alhamdulillah..

    • PR Vs UMNOK berkata:

      Tahniah bro muara6969,sebab anda telah melakukan investment dinar dengan cara yg betul dan selamat.hanya dengan membuka account bank sahaja yang akan menjaminkan investment anda ini dapat memberi pulangan yg tinggi . selain dari cara ini….resiko kerugian adalah amat besar dah pasti akan belaku pada pemegang cash note di seluruh dunia.anyway good luck bro.

  323. Bini Najib(BN) berkata:


    Amboiiii… Bukan main lebar senyum gua panggil jutawan hek!!

    Errkkk… APA?? Belum RV lagi?? YEKE NIE?? EK EHH??

    BETUL KE?? HUHHHHH?? TIDAKKKKKK!!! hahahahah….

  324. mohd yasim berkata:

    bini najib ni betul la mcm najib…nak pekena orang jer…tenang la …jgn terlalu emosional…

  325. Bini Najib(BN) berkata:

    Bukan emosional beb…gua cuma nak tengok lu orang punya pelaburan Cash note dinar,boleh ker cash note dinar lu orang buatkan lu orang jadi jutawaan beb…..gua rasa lu orang tak kesampaian beb…..melainkan lu orang ada akuan bank kat iraq saja beb yang boleh jadi jutawaan beb…setakat cash note jangan bermimpi disiang hari beb….itu jer yang gua nak bagitahu. wakakawakakawakakakaka…

  326. NAGA BESAR berkata:

    Ha… haa… haaa.. padan muka hang pa…… duit belum dapat.. dah mula lempang- lempang… jangan mare ha … cubaan sebelum nak jadi orang kaya… selamat tengah malam….

  327. mohd yasim berkata:

    hehhe…aku x kisah…x dapat jd jutawan pun x per..asal jd jutawan kat akhirat nanti..

    • Bini Najib(BN) berkata:

      bunyi macam kecewa ja….orang kalau dapat nak jadi jutawaan ke dua2 sekali…hehehehe…..dunia & akhirat lah katakan..

  328. haris berkata:

    En Helmy.. ada masa lagi tak nak buka account di Warka bank.
    TQ. e mail saya myhizfad@yahoo.com …..haris

    • Bini Najib(BN) berkata:

      wakaka..wakaka… baru terkial2 nak buat account….aku rasa dah terlambat…dah…aku rasa helmy pun dah x nak layan untuk orang buat account….hehehe…dan aku gerenti helmy dah tak boleh buat lagi…sebab online appalication untuk buat account dah x ada. kuikuikuikui…

      • milo cair berkata:

        kenapa kita hendak ketawakan kesusahan dan kelemahan org lain..kita sepatutnya berfikir utk menolong org lain yg dlm kesusahan..bkn utk tertawakan org lain..wakakaka..kuikuikuikui…apa semua ni…kata jutawan akhirat…..bersyukur pada apa yg ada….AMIN

      • Atok berkata:

        Jangan riak sangat.. sekelip mata jer Allah boleh tarik nikmat yg diberi..

      • Bini Najib(BN) berkata:

        bukan riak Atok,aku sekadar nak menyatakan bahawa sebelum ini pemegang cash note benar2 menunjukkan riak mereka ketika zaman cash note tengah hot kat malaysia..sehingga orang yang ada account bank iraq pun dia orang perlekehkan…so sekarang ini allah telah menterbalikkan masalah cash note ini pada mereka semula….hahahaha….so inilah masanya aku memperlekehkan dia orang semua… 😛

      • Bini Najib(BN) berkata:

        so,bila dah terkena batang hidung sendiri baru kau orang semua nak ingat allah yer…heheheh..

      • Mohd Helmy berkata:

        salam…en Bini Najib

        tak baik kalau kita menyakitkan hati orang,saya mengerti en Bini Najib sudah tentu mempunyai account bank diiraq dan menyimpan mungin jutaan atau billion dinar,tapi janganlah pula
        en Bini Najib mempersendakan pada orang-orang yang tidak mempunyai account.sepatutnya en Bini Najib bersukur kepada Allah s.w.t sekurang-kurangnya en Bini Najib dah mempunyai account disana.bagi yang menyimpan note dinar iraq…anda bersabarlah,banyakan berdoa agar musibah tidak akan berlaku pada anda..dan bertawakal lah pada Allah kerana hanya padanyalah kita minta pertolongan.

      • Atok berkata:

        Bukan semua org persenda yg membuka akaun warka..

    • Mohd Helmy berkata:

      Salam….en haris

      borang application untuk membuka account en haris telah saya submit pada pihak warka bank hari ini….insyallah saya rasa kemungkinan sempat untuk membuka account.sekiranya pihak warka tidak membenarkan untuk membuka account lagi,segala duit yang en haris telah berikan pada saya,akan saya pulangkan semula 100% tampa ada sebarang upah dikenakan…kerana urusan pembukaan account tidak berjaya.


  329. mohd yasim berkata:

    entah dari kampung mane datangnya bini najib nie…urm…nonsense

  330. stilletto berkata:

    de paper brite x arinie?

  331. syaqsyuk berkata:

    aduhai…. dari pagi sampai petang saya baca komen-komen kat sini..
    saya baru tahu pasal dinar iraq ni semalam..
    ada jumpa kawan, dia suruh beli dinar iraq. itu yang survey-survey nih..
    nak buka akaun warka.. dah tak boleh..
    nak beli note dinar iraq pon… rumors – dah nak dihapuskan…

    apa nak buat yek? 😦

    • haris berkata:

      Salam….masih boleh mencuba selagi belum confirm RV.Klu dah tak leh mungkin bukan rezeki kita.Anyhow TQ en Helmy….

      • Mohd Helmy berkata:

        Salam… en.syaqsyuk,

        benar apa yang disebutkan oleh en.haris boleh mencuba selagi belum RV. jangan cepat putus harapan.ada hikmah disebalik belum berlakunya rv,salah satunya …mungkin allah masih ingin memberi rezeki pada anda melalui dinar iraq ini,hanya anda perlu berusha untuk mengecapinya.bagaimana caranya…..wallahualam terpulang pada kebijaksanaan anda untuk memikirkan.keduanya mungkin ada hikmahnya disebalik belum berlakunya RV pada pandangan saya buat mereka-mereka yang sudah mempunyai account bank diiraq melalui penambahan duit didalam account dengan cara melalui dividen yang diberikan oleh bank atau pun melalui FD(Fix Deposit).ini kemungkinan salah satu faktor yang allah nak memberikan rezeki pada mereka yang mempunyai account bank.percayalah bahawasanya allah itu amat pemurah lagi amat mengasihani


  332. syuq3 berkata:

    Salam En.Helmy. adakah bank lain selain warka? boleh emailkan contoh borang application pada saya. terima kasih.


    • Mohd Helmy berkata:

      Salam… en.syuq3,

      buat pengetahuan en.syuq3,memang ada bank lain selain warka,tetapi syarat min untuk membuka account adalah sebanyak USD100,000. bank yang saya maksudkan adalah bank “Dar Al-Salam Investment Bank”.


      • syaqsyuk berkata:

        fuhh… USD100,000 tuh.. convert duit mesia hampir rm300K.. mana nak cari?
        aduss… sabar.. sabar… mungkin ada cara lain…
        mungkin ada hikmahnya.. Allah baru pertemukan aku dengan maklumat dinar iraq ini…

  333. mohd yasim berkata:

    dinar vets says..before ramadhan or 7 days from now will be a great news for chapter 7..release of this chapter…rumours..but it ‘s nice news because dinar vets never state a certain date for any of these before

  334. mizral berkata:

    sejuk hati saya bila tgk en helmi bagi komen yg adil serta tidak menyakitkan hati pemegang2 cash note.kepada pemegang akaun warka yg lain contohi la en helmi,walaupun sebelum ni dia memberi komen seolah2 cash note tidak menepati polisi CBI,sekurang2nya dia jugak berharap agar pemegang cash juga mendpt profit yg sama mcm pemegang akaun warka,syabas en helmi!harap en helmi dpt memberi info seperti selalu berkaitan dgn perkembangan investment ni:)

    • milo cair berkata:

      EN HELMI memang terbaekkkkkkk dari ladang…………hidup en helmi & GO RV……….

    • kopi pekat berkata:

      Salam kepada semua pemegang IQD,

      Tak payah kecoh-kecoh ttg nak cash in IQD, Dan tak payah nak fikir ttg warka bank ke..resit beli IQD ke..dan apa-apa ker..Jangan jadi BODOH sangat dgn jawapan2 dari orang yang tak tau ape ape. Begini sebenarnya..

      Saya adalah seorang investor mata wang asing sejak 20 tahun lalu..Sebenarnya apabila IQD telah diterima sebagai salah satu matawang yang diiktiraf dunia, maka semua pemegang IQD boleh cash in wang tersebut di mana-mana Money Changer yang berdaftar dan berlesen. ATAU.. boleh membuat tukaran di mana mana bank yang menawarkan tukaran matawang asing..cuma jika membuat tukaran di bank, mungkin bank akan freeze wang tersebut untuk tempoh seminggu atau 2 minggu sebelum tukaran itu akan dimasukkan ke dalam akaun pemilik.

      Di nasihatkan pemilik IQD membuat satu surat kepada pihak Bank Negara dan Pengurus Bank bahawa sumber wang anda itu adalah dari IQD. Ini adalah untuk rekod BNM dan Lembaga Hasil.(cukai akan dikenakan berdasarkan Jumlah yang sepatutnya dikenakan cukai taksiran pendapatan).

      Paling senang cari Money Changer yang besar dan kukuh untuk membuat tukaran IQD, kerana semua MC akan membeli IQD sebagai tukaran matawang asing. Dan satu perkara lagi..Mengikut undang-undang matawang antarabangsa bagi sesebuah negara BAHAWA..jika sesebuah negara itu mahu menukar matawang baru MAKA..matawang lama boleh ditukarkan kepada matawang yang baru..DAN IQD sekarang merupakan IQD yang baru dan tidak akan ditukar sehingga nilainya diapungkan. Jika sesuatu nilai matawang itu akan di tarik balik dari pasaran MAKA CBI akan memberi tempoh sekurang kurangnya 6 bulan kepada pemegang IQD untuk menjual balik dalam tempoh tersebut.Jika melebihi tempoh yang ditetapkan maka duit itu tidak akan laku.

      Sepekara lagi..tentang delete 3 kosong, sebenarnya bukan delete nilai 3 kosong pada wang kertas itu..tetapi apa yang akan berlaku dan CBI mahu hapuskan 3 kosong ialah… 0.00086 (bermaksud 1 dinar tidak sampai pun 1 sen) , 3 kosong selepas titik perpuluhan itu lah yang akan di delete, KERANA selagi tidak buang 3 kosong selepas titik perpuluhan itu lah yang menyebabkan IQD tidak ada nilai seperti sekarang.(Sebab itu IQD dijual dengan harga RM75 sahaja bagi IQD 25 000, kerana ia belum bernilai sekarang).Sesebuah kerajaan tidak boleh membuang Nilai matawang sesuka hati seperti IQD 25 000 tidak akan menjadi IQD 25 kerana ianya tertakluk kepada undang2 matawang antarabangsa (IMF).

      Dan harus di ingat, kerajaan IRAQ MENJUAL dan mengeluarkan IQD negaranya adalah berdasarkan keluaran minyak dan keupayaan negaranya pada masa sekarang.Pengeluaran wang sesebuah negara harus seimbang dengan pendapatan negara, supaya negara itu tidak bankrap. Pengeluaran dan Penjualan IQD bukan seperti mesin PHOTOSTAT yang boleh di cetak sesuka hati mengikut kemahuan sendiri… Kalau macam tu lebih baik CBI cetak ber TRILLION TRILLION IQD dan jual kat bank2 asing..lagi CBI dapat banyak untung..Sebab itu kita lihat CBI menjula IQD berdasarkan seberapa banyak pengeluaran minyak negaranya sehari. maka tidak hairan lah, IQD yang di jual oleh CBI dari 2003 sehingga sekarang, sebenarnya hanya 25 peratus dari pengeluaran minyaknya. sebab itu AMERIKA dan sekutunya berminat untuk menawan IRAQ kerana negara tersebut kaya raya..

      SO..kepada pemegang2 IQD tak payah gusar dan gundah gulana..simpan saja IQD sendiri..dan tak payah susah2 nak buka akaun kat WARKA bank ke ape ker..semua tu menyusahkan diri sendiri aja. Saya pernah menyimpan wang AFganistan suatu ketika dulu, pada masa tu ianya tak ada apa2 nilai seperti IQD sekarang, tetapi setelah ia diapungkan..saya boleh saja tukar wang tersebut di mana mana saja, termasuk di luar negara ketika saya melancong.

      ini pose dari rakan kita tak lama dulu…
      ape nak risau.. cash yang ada dah cukup baik… kalau nak jadi rezki..tak kemanenye..

      sekian wassalllam.

  335. gila dinar iraq berkata:

    kita tgu dan tgok je….kalau CBI nak bekukan pemegang akaun selain dari pemegang akaun orang tempatan (pak arab iraq) macam mane plak….

  336. mohd yasim berkata:

    hehhe..warka bank ada balas e-mail aku..dia bgtau detail untuk buka account warka…hehe..skg..aku nk cari scanner.

  337. syaqsyuk berkata:

    as salam en m.yasim..

    saya nak tanya – sekarang nih dah boleh buka balik ker akaun warka through online?

  338. gila dinar iraq berkata:

    en mohd yasim email kat saye care2 nye…jimmy_dinda@yahoo.com

  339. mohd yasim berkata:

    erm…so far dia jwb ..oklah jgk dr senyap langsung…saya pun x anto lg…gila dinar..nanti check e-mail

  340. Mohd Rizal berkata:

    Saya berminat utk membeli dinar iraq secara COD area Shah Alam Selangor.
    Saya ingin membeli sebyk 500K dinar iraq dgn notes yg bercampur, brp RM yg perlu saya byr.

  341. kopi pekat berkata:

    Salam kepada semua pemegang IQD,

    Tak payah kecoh-kecoh ttg nak cash in IQD, Dan tak payah nak fikir ttg warka bank ke..resit beli IQD ke..dan apa-apa ker..Jangan jadi BODOH sangat dgn jawapan2 dari orang yang tak tau ape ape. Begini sebenarnya..

    Salam semua,,
    Mungkin pengalaman kawan kita ni dapat redakan gundah gelana semua bakal jutawan…

    Saya adalah seorang investor mata wang asing sejak 20 tahun lalu..Sebenarnya apabila IQD telah diterima sebagai salah satu matawang yang diiktiraf dunia, maka semua pemegang IQD boleh cash in wang tersebut di mana-mana Money Changer yang berdaftar dan berlesen. ATAU.. boleh membuat tukaran di mana mana bank yang menawarkan tukaran matawang asing..cuma jika membuat tukaran di bank, mungkin bank akan freeze wang tersebut untuk tempoh seminggu atau 2 minggu sebelum tukaran itu akan dimasukkan ke dalam akaun pemilik.

    Di nasihatkan pemilik IQD membuat satu surat kepada pihak Bank Negara dan Pengurus Bank bahawa sumber wang anda itu adalah dari IQD. Ini adalah untuk rekod BNM dan Lembaga Hasil.(cukai akan dikenakan berdasarkan Jumlah yang sepatutnya dikenakan cukai taksiran pendapatan).

    Paling senang cari Money Changer yang besar dan kukuh untuk membuat tukaran IQD, kerana semua MC akan membeli IQD sebagai tukaran matawang asing. Dan satu perkara lagi..Mengikut undang-undang matawang antarabangsa bagi sesebuah negara BAHAWA..jika sesebuah negara itu mahu menukar matawang baru MAKA..matawang lama boleh ditukarkan kepada matawang yang baru..DAN IQD sekarang merupakan IQD yang baru dan tidak akan ditukar sehingga nilainya diapungkan. Jika sesuatu nilai matawang itu akan di tarik balik dari pasaran MAKA CBI akan memberi tempoh sekurang kurangnya 6 bulan kepada pemegang IQD untuk menjual balik dalam tempoh tersebut.Jika melebihi tempoh yang ditetapkan maka duit itu tidak akan laku.

    Sepekara lagi..tentang delete 3 kosong, sebenarnya bukan delete nilai 3 kosong pada wang kertas itu..tetapi apa yang akan berlaku dan CBI mahu hapuskan 3 kosong ialah… 0.00086 (bermaksud 1 dinar tidak sampai pun 1 sen) , 3 kosong selepas titik perpuluhan itu lah yang akan di delete, KERANA selagi tidak buang 3 kosong selepas titik perpuluhan itu lah yang menyebabkan IQD tidak ada nilai seperti sekarang.(Sebab itu IQD dijual dengan harga RM75 sahaja bagi IQD 25 000, kerana ia belum bernilai sekarang).Sesebuah kerajaan tidak boleh membuang Nilai matawang sesuka hati seperti IQD 25 000 tidak akan menjadi IQD 25 kerana ianya tertakluk kepada undang2 matawang antarabangsa (IMF).

    Dan harus di ingat, kerajaan IRAQ MENJUAL dan mengeluarkan IQD negaranya adalah berdasarkan keluaran minyak dan keupayaan negaranya pada masa sekarang.Pengeluaran wang sesebuah negara harus seimbang dengan pendapatan negara, supaya negara itu tidak bankrap. Pengeluaran dan Penjualan IQD bukan seperti mesin PHOTOSTAT yang boleh di cetak sesuka hati mengikut kemahuan sendiri… Kalau macam tu lebih baik CBI cetak ber TRILLION TRILLION IQD dan jual kat bank2 asing..lagi CBI dapat banyak untung..Sebab itu kita lihat CBI menjula IQD berdasarkan seberapa banyak pengeluaran minyak negaranya sehari. maka tidak hairan lah, IQD yang di jual oleh CBI dari 2003 sehingga sekarang, sebenarnya hanya 25 peratus dari pengeluaran minyaknya. sebab itu AMERIKA dan sekutunya berminat untuk menawan IRAQ kerana negara tersebut kaya raya..

    SO..kepada pemegang2 IQD tak payah gusar dan gundah gulana..simpan saja IQD sendiri..dan tak payah susah2 nak buka akaun kat WARKA bank ke ape ker..semua tu menyusahkan diri sendiri aja. Saya pernah menyimpan wang AFganistan suatu ketika dulu, pada masa tu ianya tak ada apa2 nilai seperti IQD sekarang, tetapi setelah ia diapungkan..saya boleh saja tukar wang tersebut di mana mana saja, termasuk di luar negara ketika saya melancong.

    sekian wassalllam.

    • syuq3 berkata:

      Wah.. Lega sikit.. TERIMA KASIH EN.KOPI PEKAT.

      mane nk cari MC yg jual murah IQD ye area kl.. sape2 ada info silalah kongsi cket.. nk tambah collection lg ni.. ><

      • gila dinar iraq berkata:

        kat MC depan bank standard chartered jln ipoh…MC tu ada jual iraq dinar..25k IQD = 100 MYR …pastu aku tnya org pakistan yg jaga MC tu bila duit iraq dinar ni dah di apungkan MC ni ada duit nak tukar IQD ni dgn ringgit ke…..pastu org pakistan tu jawab mesti tukar punya…sebab tokey dia pun bayak invest dkt IQD dan MC dia mmg akan tukar IQD dgn MYR….lg pun MC tu mmg dah sedia duit yg bayak utk pertukaran IQD ke MYR…..korang x caya p tanya sendiri…..ni harga dia aku share ngan korang…
        25k IQD = MYR 100
        50k IQD = MYR 200
        100k IQD = MYR 400

      • milo cair berkata:

        Waaaaaaaaa…..lega…….tima kasih kopi pekat….satu ulasan yg cukup berasas utk semua pemegang cash note….kopi pekat memang terbaekkkkkkkk dari ladang…x perlu nk penim2 kpala lg,…GO RV……

      • syuq3 berkata:

        thx gila dinar.. tp saya baru je round area masjid india pg td.. yg paling murah sy jumpe 25k = RM85.. sape2 minat bley la jalan2 masjid india.. haha..

      • Bini Najib(BN) berkata:

        hahaha… memanglah masa sekarang nie orang pakistan cakap mesti boleh tukar punya….sebab dia nak orang nak untung gila2 jual dinar nie kat kau orang semua….bila iraq buat rv in country….meloponglah kau orang…..iraq siap2 tukar duit baru dalam negara dia dulu…. lepas tu dia umumkan rv pada seluruh dunia…..dan iraq siap bagi tahu ..hanya duit yg terbaru sahaja yang ada value….hahahah siapa yang boleh marah pada negara iraq!!!!!!…. dah berbuih2 kedutaan Iraq kat Washinton DC bagi tahu….dinar iraq yg kau orang beli & simpan tak laku dan tak sah digunakan diluar dari iraq.sebab itu iraq ada hak untuk melakukan rv dalam negara dia dulu dengan cara mereka mengarah kan semua rakyatnya mendepositkan cash note yg sedia ada sekarang ini ke dalam bank di iraq untuk ditukarkan pada cash note yg terbaru. aku bukan dengki kat kau orang semua….dan buat apa untuk aku dengki…kat kau orang…. aku pun simpan duit iraq macam kau orang gak….cuma cara aku simpan sahaja berbeza dengan kau orang simpan. aku simpan dalam bank kat iraq…..dan kau orang simpan duit iraq kat tangan kau orang…hehehhehe….lu orang pikirlah sendiri…jangan cakaplah nanti x ada orang pun yang bagi peringatan kat kau orang…tentang simpan cash note dinar iraq diluar dari iraq resikonya besar…..Wawawawawaw….adios.

    • Bini Najib(BN) berkata:

      hahaha… ayat2 yg kopi pekat bagi ini dah basi Oooooo…. ayat yg diguna pakainya sebiji dia copy kat fourm brunai…dan ayat penyedap ini telah ada sejak 5 – 6 bulan lepas….hahahaha….belilah lagi banyak2 cash note dinar ini Oooooo…kalau x banyak kau orang beli…nanti x banyaklah loss kau orang….hehehehe….mari kita lihat berapa banyak penyimpan cash note rugi nanti…….yeeeeeeeeeeeee….haaaaaaaa…..

      • gila dinar iraq berkata:

        tp kan bini najib kalau iraq bekukan akaun yg bukan warganegara iraq mcm mane plak….mesti iraq dahulukan pemegang akaun rakyat nye dulu…..

      • Bini Najib(BN) berkata:

        hehehe….apa yg anda merapu nie…iraq x boleh membekukan account warga negara luar….perlu diingatkan duit rakyat asing yang berada didalam simpanan bank diiraq merupakan duit yang sah dan status duit itu adalah status pelaburan.sekiranya iraq bekukan duit warga asing yang berstatus sah dari segi perundangan CBI… ini bermakna segala duit2 pelabur2 dari pelusuk dunia yang datang untuk membangunkan negara iraq juga akan dibekukan. termasuk Malaysia,Cina,Jepun,Russia,US dan sebagainya.perlu dingatkan…sekiranya status duit warga asing itu tidak sah dari perundangan CBI…. kenapa dari awal2 lagi bank2 diiraq tidak menolak kemasukan duit tersebut dari bank2 negara luar.CBI sentiasa memantau setiap kemasukan dan pengeluaran duit ke iraq.kalau x boleh….mengapa CBI tidak mengambil tindakan dari awal2 lagi.dan satu lagi… status duit rakyat asing yg berada di bank2 di iraq adalah sama nilainya dengan duit rakyat Iraq.tiada sebarang perbezaan mahu pun nilainya.

  342. mohd yasim berkata:


  343. Bini Najib(BN) berkata:

    satu lagi aku nak bagi tahu kau orang….. matawang kuwait & matawang Iraq merupakan matawang Exotic…. so bila matawang sesuatu negara itu berstatus Exotic…maka….mana2 MC (Money Changer) tidak boleh membuat sebarang pertukaran nilai….kecuali Bank sahaja yang boleh membuat pertukaran.kalau x percaya….kau orang gi lah kat mana2 money changer di seluruh pelusuk malaysia yang ada memperdagangkan matawang Exotic seperti Kuwait , Mesir , Iraq dan sebagainya… kalau kau orang boleh jumpa…dimana2 papan tanda MC yang tertera salah satu negara yg aku nyatakan silalah uploadkan gambar papan tanda tersebut kat dalam fourm ini sebagai bukti untuk menyangkal kenyataan aku ini.buat pengetahuan kau orang semua…segala matawang negara yg dipaparkan dipapan electronik & juga papan manual MC tu…. hanya itu sahaja matawang yang mendapat lesen dari BNM untuk mereka perdagangkan,kalau tak masa kan bank2 yg beroperasi dinegara tersebut membuat 2 no account didalam satu bank yg sama….iaitu account USD & account matawang negara tersebut. contoh yg boleh aku berikan Iraq , Kuwait , Mesir dan sebagainya. oleh itu jangan terperdaya dengan kata2 janji manis MC bahawa bila iraq dah RV…. duit boleh ditukarkan kat MC malaysia.rujuk balik syarat2 lesen MC (Money Changer) dengan BNM melalui laman web BNM…so kat situ baru kau orang boleh tahu.sekiranya mana2 MC yang melanggar syarat2 BNM…. lesen MC itu boleh ditarik semula oleh BNM dan Wang Cagaran MC kepada BNM sebanyak RM:500,000,000 tidak akan dikembalikan. hehehehe…. jangan cepat mempercayai kata2 MC….itu sahaja yang aku nak kau orang ingat dan selitkan dalam fikiran kau orang. dan satu lagi…AWAS!!!!! buat kau orang semua yg menyimpan cash note dinar iraq…. BNM akan minta resit pembelian matawang tersebut sebelum BNM cairkan balik akuan kau orang yg BNM bekukan. kegagalan memberikan bukti pembelian…kau orang akan di sabitkan dengan akta AMLA & BAAFIA (pengubahan wang haram).jika didapati bersalah….. denda yg dikenakan oleh BNM…denda sebanyak RM:1,000,000 & Penjara 5 Tahun (Makan Nasi Percuma) dalam kandang.so sebelum membuat sesuatu keputusan tentang investment ini….rujuk dahulu laman sesawang BNM. itu sahaja yg boleh aku bagi tahu. ADIOS…..Chill-out.

  344. Bini Najib(BN) berkata:

    Exotic Currency

    What is exotic currency?

    Exotic currency is currency that is not common in the foreign exchange market. Exotic currency is usually from developing countries such as parts of Asia, the Pacific, the Middle East and Africa.

    It is not as easy to trade exotic currency because the market does not have the same amount of activity for exotic currency as it does for main currencies. The main currencies include “majors” and “minors”.

    Major currencies are the ones most commonly traded. They include the United States dollar (USD), the euro (EUR), the Japanese yen (JPY), the British pound sterling (GBP), and the Swiss franc (CHF). Some groups also include the Australian dollar (AUD) as a major currency, though it is often considered a minor. Minor currencies also include the Canadian dollar (CAD) and the New Zealand dollar (NZD).

    Exotic currencies are neither major nor minor, but they are still important in the Forex market.
    What makes exotic currency trading different?

    Exotic currency trading is different from trading in major currencies because of the level of interest in exotic currencies in the market. The relative lack of activity in the exotic currency market means the currencies can have a high cost and can carry a high risk.

    High risk creates opportunities for high profits. But the exotic currency market is not easy to understand completely. It is not secure. The political and financial environments in developing countries may change quickly and cause the country’s currency to rise or fall in value.
    Exotic currency rates

    Exotic currency rates have bigger spreads than the main currencies. So, it is important to trade exotic currency with care and take into account the higher spread when calculating the potential profit. The spread represents the difference between what the market maker gives to buy from a trader, and what the market maker takes to sell to a trader.

  345. Bini Najib(BN) berkata:

    Exotic Currency Pairs

    The “exotics” are those pairs that are emerging economies rather than developed/industrialized nations. Here are a few of the more commonly traded exotics:

    * USD/TRY – U.S. dollar vs. the Turkish lira
    * EUR/TRY – Euro vs. the Turkish lira
    * USD/ZAR – U.S. dollar vs. the South African rand
    * USD/MXN – U.S. dollar vs. the Mexican peso
    * USD/SGD – U.S. dollar vs. the Singapore dollar
    * USD/IQD – U.S. dollar vs. the Iraq
    * USD/KWD – U.S. dollar vs. the Kuwait
    * USD/EGP – U.S. dollar vs. the Pound Mesir

  346. syuq3 berkata:

    aduh.. spoil la..

  347. syuq3 berkata:

    nk bukak accnt kene 5 ribu plak.. -,-“

  348. june berkata:

    Click to access JULAI_2011.pdf

    dah2..jgn duk pening lagi pasal cash note ni….dinar iraq ni dah ada dlm list…tgk page kedua…’kadar pertukaran matawang asing bagi kerajaan malaysia bulan julai 2011′..jgn duk semak2 kepala dah pasal cashnote ni bleh tukar ke tak…..relax..tenangkan hati:)

    • Bini Najib(BN) berkata:

      hehehehe…apa nie bro….bagi link pun x boleh pakai….bnm.gov.my ker atau anm.gov.my….aku try kedua2 sekali pun tak boleh….hehehheh….

  349. mohd yasim berkata:

    erm..ada jer..saya pun dah check tadi bini najib..ko ni dtg dr maner..hahahhaha..line intenet slow tax?

  350. Lu Pikir La Sendiri berkata:

    nama pun bini najib, orang be end….

    • Bini Najib(BN) berkata:

      x kiralah….orang be end ker… orang pas ker…. orang keadilan ker…atau pun orang roket ker….yang penting….kita semua mempunyai satu matlamat yang sama….. iatu…. menunggu IRAQ akan RV……tapi dalam masa menunggu nie….kalau ada kelemahan2 dalam investment kita ini…. cepat2 kita mantapkan investment kita….yg mana beluam ada account bank diiraq… cepat2 kita buka account….yg dah ada account bank diiraq…. rajin2 kita selak acount bank kita….hari2 kita lihat pertukaran matawang dalam account bank kita….. manalah tahu…tiba2 iraq buat RV dalam negara….yg ada duit IQD 1,000,000 bila di convertkan kedalam USD dapat 3,000,000 USD…kan beruntung kita…..heheheheh….

  351. syuq3 berkata:

    hohohoho wat haruk je Bini Najib nih..

    • Bini Najib(BN) berkata:

      bukan haruk bro…pepatah orang tua2 berkata…. jangan tengantuk baru nak tengadah….sediakan payung sebelum hujan….bila hujan turun nanti…x lah basah kita nanti…hehehehe…

  352. Bini Najib(BN) berkata:

    hehehehe…aku tahu kau orang nak sedapkan hati kau orang je…..hehehehe….kalau sekadar nak sedapkan hati kau orang sendiri…watt aper….kalau akan datang confirm kau orang rugi….jangan cakap tak ada orang bagi tahu…yer!!!…hehehehehe….

  353. wolverine berkata:

    knapa la BN ni bangap sgat…kalo betol ko pandai. gunakanlah kepandaian ko tu tuk bantu orang…bkn mengutuk…dlm Islam pn digalakkan tolong -menolong…

    • Bini Najib(BN) berkata:

      sebab aku mempunyai kepandaianlah…. aku bercakap pada kau orang semua…. supaya…buka account bank sendiri kat iraq…..bukannya beli duit seludup & duit yg haram …dari segi perundangan Bank Malaysia….yg dah tentu2nya salah…hehehehe…

  354. Bini Najib(BN) berkata:

    x pe Oooo…..hang cakap aku bangap…..aku x kisah…Ooooo…aku bagi tahu aje….tapi x mengapa Oooooo…. mari kita tengok bila iraq RV nanti….kita tengok siapa Bangap Oooooo….hehehehe…..

  355. gila dinar iraq berkata:

    bini najib…..jgn jg sengal….mc bn lah hang ni….menegakan kebenaran yg x pasti…..

    • Bini Najib(BN) berkata:

      heheheh….bukan aku nak menegakkan kebenaran yang x pasti…..heheheh… sebab aku dah 100% pastilah cash note yg ada diluar dari iraq akan mati….sebab tulah aku berani bercakap…bukannya macam kau orang…. yg dah pasti2 tak tahu apa akan berlaku pada duit cash dalam simpanan kau orang….hehehe….aku ingatkan lagi….ekkk….jangan cakap aku x bagi peringatan…yer…. adios…

  356. Bini Najib(BN) berkata:

    The cancellation of 3 zeros of Banknotes
    Date: Sunday 31-07-2011 08: 27 PM

    Baghdad-Nasir Al-Hassun

    The Iraqi Central Bank declared to prepare a plan to replace the current banknotes following the cancellation of 3 zeros,
    Includes 30 trillion dinars (26 billion dollars) is the value of the cash block expected, confirming that the timing will be determined by the government and the parliament. The expert explained the first at the Central Bank of Iraq the Mohammed Saleh, the replacement of the currency, and responded to fears of the big corruption during the operation. He said: “The current problem lies in the issue of the timing of the replacement should be chosen as the date for the implementation of the project work without obstacles,” he said.
    Earlier, the central bank has announced his intention to raise three zeros of the Iraqi dinar, after suffering from inflation and in nineties of the last century as a result of economic sanctions,of the world to today about 1120 dinars to the dollar. The central bank was adopted in 2003 after a new mechanism to maintain the exchange rate of the dinar, lies in the development of the foreign exchange auction to sell quantities of dollars, resulting from the sale of oil on the international market, to the development fund for Iraq, which, in turn, would convert bank for sale in local currency, which helped to raise the value of the dinar in the last few years by more than 2000 points.
    “Saleh estimated the size of the money in circulation or the volume of cash flow of more than 30 trillion Iraqi dinars, which is equal to 26 billion US dollars,” he said. He said: ” The system of cash transactions in Iraq a year after 2003, he became, that is, the market deal dinar and the dollar as well, which means that there is a critical mass circulated in the market but foreign currency.” Saleh said: ” We have in the digital divide that the Iraqi or the money in circulation inside, which will be replaced after the cancellation of will be in the range of 30 trillion dinars, but value against foreign currencies to be stable for the rest. Any that the exchange rate of the Iraqi dinar would equal 1200 dinars to one dollar, ” he said. On the most important variables that will be following the adjournment of, between the appearance that ” the central bank firm to draw up a plan to rearrange the currency to reduce the number of banknotes in circulation, this is positive. Here would be the Iraqi payments easier.”
    Economists had warned that the process of replacing the Iraqi currency, following the adjournment of by the corruption of the great due to inaccurate Iraqi banks. They stressed that the replacement of the former currency were accompanied by the big corruption cost the Iraqi economy a lot. But the appearance of Saleh answers by saying that “the process of replacing the currency in 2004, have taken place in exceptional circumstances, and the country is under occupation by the US civilian governor, and this was a successful operation,” he said.
    The central bank sells through , daily of between 150 million and $190 million on a daily basis to its customers of private banks, money, go to a large proportion of to foreign trade foreign trade.
    The Central Bank expert said that ” the application of the new draft to lift three zeros of the Iraqi dinar and the replacement of the currency, will take place according to Hierarchical mechanisms and in the form of not felt by the citizen, are the amounts in the market and is in the governmental banks of the replacement, and only available to the citizen’s daily circulation, and can conduct transactions currencies i.e., current and new,the current price, for example, 1000 of customers will be able to give the seller the present paper the 1000 Dinars as well as be able to give him new cash currency the dinar one.”
    He pointed out that “central” used by countries adopted the same procedure such as Turkey and Romania, as well as experts from the IMF.

    P/s: ini pula Ali Maidin punya pandangan….hehehehehe….(Aku Cakap X moh Dengar)

    ” Ada sumber menyatakan iraq sedang menunggu kelulusan parlimentnnya untuk mengeluarkan note baru.Dan note baru ini telah mengambil kira akan pembuangan 3 kosong…..” anda bacalah sampai habis Ali Maidin punya cerita kat blog dia….hehehehe….

  357. Usoop berkata:

    boleh buka akaun lagi ke di iraq? boleh tahu caranya?

    • Bini Najib(BN) berkata:

      Masih boleh lagi…..dan masih sempat lagi buka account…bank diiraq.even walaupun dah RV pun masih boleh buka account lagi….tapi….sendiri mahu ingatlah min…untuk buka account bila dah RV….hehehehe….mahal Oooooo…..

  358. Dinar RV berkata:

    Salam en. Mohd Yasim,

    Kalau tak keberatan, tolong forward mail dari warka bank cara2 nak buka akaun di sana.

    Saya dah cuba mail warka bank tapi takde reply lagi..


  359. Dinar RV berkata:

    Sori, email saya:


  360. Bini Najib(BN) berkata:

    ha!!!… macam gitulah!!!…bagus2…itu barulah betul namanya nak buat investment dinar iraq dengan cara…….Buka account…anyway…good luck boys & girls….hope our investment is success….hehehehe…

  361. nurbisa berkata:

    sy pn nk jugak….dh buka dh ari 2 tpi pwd blom dapat..

  362. mohd yasim berkata:

    bulan ramadhan ni sama2 kita jadi jutawan akhirat..jgn luper pulak

  363. Dinar RV berkata:

    En. Mod Yasim… tolong email pada saya cara2nya..
    tak dapat lagi ni…


  364. azhar berkata:

    bila dinar iraq nie nk di apungkn??????>?>??????????????????????

    • alamak habislah berkata:

      jangan meroyan !!!!!,releks!!! kalau kau meroyan orang lain nanti pun ikut meroyan….

  365. Bini Najib(BN) berkata:

    Changing currency

    (Q) I am in Iraq right now, but I was reading the thread about them changing the currency, and I was wondering, how are we supposed to exchange it in the states? I heard from one of the guys in finance here that it was going to be a 90 day window to do so. I’m not starting a rumor, so please don’t put any credence in this, but this would tell me that there wouldn’t be an RV until the November time frame. I sent all my Dinar back home, and am wondering if I’m going to have to have it shipped back here to exchange it. I’m just putting this out there as there are a lot more well informed people out there to seek counsel from.

    Any info would be greatly appreciated..

    (A) Good question. I was wondering that myself. I hope someone has a clear answer. I posted in the past on DV, that money can expire. I have experienced this in the past with 3 different countries I used to live in. I know no one on DV wants to think about that, but it can and does happen.

  366. alamak habislah berkata:

    Central Bank: Iraq plans to delete the three zeroes from the currency

    Sat Aug 6, 2011 2:19pm GMT

    BAGHDAD (Reuters) – A senior official of Iraq’s central bank said on
    Saturday that Iraq intends to amend the categories of its currency the dinar
    by deleting three zeros in order to facilitate financial transactions.

    Qasim said the appearance of the deputy central bank governor, said he
    expected the use of categories of the new currency in the market within
    three years and shall not affect inflation.

    He told Reuters that the aim is to facilitate the payment system.

    Iraq is recovering after years of war, sanctions and the oil still
    dominates the economy, accounting for 95 percent of government revenue.

    Investors have complained that Iraq’s economy, which is still subject to a
    high degree of central planning suffers from administrative and procedural
    complexities that most transactions are in cash.

    Qasim said the planning and preparation stage of reform has been completed
    and that the proposal will be submitted to the government next
    month. It will require the approval of Parliament as well.

    The Central Bank of Iraq began to discuss amending the dinar categories last
    year. And is still a large part of the payments are in cash because of the
    evolution of the banking system.

    Qasim said the restructuring includes the issuance of the highest categories
    of use of currency and coins for the first time. The highest category of the
    Iraqi currency is now 25 thousand dinars, worth about $ 21.

  367. Orang baru berkata:

    Salan En Yasin

    Boleh forwardkan untuk saya juga



  368. Zol Keplee Bin Baharom berkata:

    Salam En. Mohd Yasim,

    Saya pun inginkan pertolongan untuk open account dengan warka bank dan nak tahu cara2 nak buka akaun di sana.



  369. Usoop berkata:

    mana ada die email.. pom pang je tu..

    • berbulujeraku berkata:

      yer!!!! betul tu….En. Mohd Yasim hanya pom pang jer tu….ntah dia tahu cara nak buka account tu tah tak!!!! pom pang jer lebih…..bagi harapan pada orang ramai tinggi melangit….tapi habuk pun tarak.

      • kopi pekat berkata:

        a ah la bebulujeaku,,, die tu tau ke proses nak buka akaun tu??? die keje amik upah ke tu?? tak RV pun bole jadi kayo mcm tu…hehehehe…

  370. shahriz berkata:

    korang melabor aje pada saham akhirat.. lg bagus bro… dunia hanya sementara pada kita matlamat sbenarnya akhirat.. semua nya tamak.. ingat lah

  371. jue berkata:

    Warka Assets Seized in ‘Subcarpet’ Fight

    ada sape boleh bg komen tentang news ni berkaitan dgn akaun warka?

    • Bini Najib(BN) berkata:

      apa yang anda susah2 sgt… kita lihat kenyataan dari pihak CBI jer….kalau CBI tak keluarkan kenyataan… berkenaan artical akhbar ini….itu bermakna x ada apa2 yg berlaku….almaklumlah….cerita2 berkenaan pihak lain yg nak memburukan warka bank ini dah lama ujud….sejak dari tahun 2008 lagi….ada sampai yang cakap warka nak bankrup pun ada…..apa2 pun saya lihat warka bank punya ISX masih beroperasi seperti biasa sahaja. perlu diingatkan warka bank merupakan nadi dan tulang belakang pembangunan negara iraq….kerana sumbangan warka terlalu banyak kepada negara iraq.

    • Usoop berkata:

      ko tgk je la web warka tu.. aku rasa website aku lg cantik dan berfungsi sepenuhnya. bankrup? mcm dh dekat je la nampk nya..hehehe.

      • Bini Najib(BN) berkata:

        hahaha…. Usoop!!!!! Usoop….. kau dah x dapat nak buka account warka…..kau mulalah nak melalut tak tentu pasal…..meroyan ker…. sebab mohd yasim tak email kat kau cara2 nak buka account warka!!!!! Waaaaaa…Waaaa….hahahahaha….

  372. alamak habislah berkata:

    apalah anda semua susah-susah sangat….nak mintak tolong kat orang yang dah tentu-tentunya tak ikhlas nak menolong….kalau anda ada duit lebih,upah jer orang untuk buat account bank…kan lebih menyenangkan… taklah kita ini nampak sangat terhegih2 nak mengharapkan pertolongan orang yang dah tentu2nya nak melihat kita ini meminta2.

  373. mohd yasim berkata:

    hehehe..aku busy skg..aku pun x buat2 lagi…dia kasi aku cr2 nak buat akaun jer..apapun..aku x penah kasi kata2 kesat….hehe..hati busuk

  374. gonjeng_KL berkata:

    hemmmmmmmm…. tak habis2 lagi rupanya isu nih.

  375. abis la aq berkata:

    alamak tul ker cete tntg cash not nih..,..aduyaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii

  376. baghdad berkata:

    salam ramadan..kalu free2 sila singgah kat web ni amik ape2 info y berguna pasal dinar iraq

  377. abis la aq berkata:

    ada yg ckp acc ni fake…sbb ada yg dh terkena dgn stu sindikit yg beroperasi kt sebuah rumah…ada la bdn2 tertntu meryerbu n dapati ada stu software mengenai acc nih…jgn tnya lbh sbb sy pn xpasti tul ke x..tpi ada stu keluarga dh terkena dlm jumlah yg bsar…acihhhhhhhhhhhhhh

    • khalifah berkata:

      thanks bro

    • Bini Najib(BN) berkata:

      yer ker bro….atau pun kau dengki dengan orang yg dah ada account bank diiraq….hahahaha…..apa2 pun yang aku tahu orang2 yg membeli cash note jer yang kena tipu ngan penjual dinar….hehehehe….sebab dia orang beli duit 100% tak laku lagi tak berapa lama lagi…..wakakakakakakaka…

      • alamak habislah berkata:

        betul tu cakap en.bini najib,mereka-mereka yang beli duit kertas Iraq sekarang ini akan tertipu bilamana iraq rv nanti menggunakan duit cetakan yang terbaru…dan duit yg lama akan dilupuskan .yang dah ada akuan bank diiraq dah tentu-tentulah selamat dan boleh dapat menarik nafas lega…sebab duit mereka yang berada didalam simpanan bank diiraq akan turut bertukar mengikut nilai semasa dan mengikut nilai duit kertas yang baru.jadi..disinilah berakhirnya penantian pembeli duit kertas iraq…dimana akhirnya mereka akan mengalami kerugian seratus peratus disamping mereka akan berasa teramat rugi bilamana penantian mereka selama ini untuk menunggu RV menjadi sia-sia.

  378. abis la aq berkata:

    yg xdpt bukak acc tyu bkn dh xblh kot…coma sindikit tu jer yg dh kantoi kot..walahualm….acihhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

  379. alamak habislah berkata:

    saya rasa provoke anda pada pemegang akuan bank tak menjadi….sebab sumber-sumber yang anda berikan langsung tidak berasas dan tidak sahih. dan disini terlihat dengan jelas ke dunggu an anda tentang berita yang anda perolihi…. janganlah cerita kat tepi longkang pun anda nak kutip untuk dijadikan bahan cerita anda.sia-sia anda berpelajaran tinggi sekiranya tahap IQ anda setakat tepi longkang sahaja. 🙂

  380. alamak habislah berkata:

    Central Bank of Iraq (CBI) News

    Central Bank of Iraq is preparing to replace the currency after the cancellation of three zeros

    Friday 12 – 08-2011

    Palm – The Central Bank of Iraq completing the preparation of a plan to replace the current banknotes after the cancellation of three zeros, and include 30 trillion dinars (26 billion dollars), is the value of expected cash bloc, stressing that the timing will be determined by the government and parliament, Iraqi.
    The expert said the first in the Central Bank of Iraq the appearance of Mohammed Saleh, during a media statement: Our problem lies in the current issue of the timing of replacement of the currency, they must choose a date suitable to implement the project without hindrance.
    Before, and the Central Bank announced its intention to raise three zeroes from the Iraqi dinar, after suffering from inflation and the decline during the nineties the past by economic sanctions, its value has tumbled to become the world today, about 1120 dinars per dollar.
    The central bank adopted after 2003 a new mechanism to maintain the exchange rate of the dinar, is to create an auction foreign exchange to sell quantities of the dollar, resulting from the sale of oil in world markets, and transferred to the Development Fund for Iraq, which transforms in turn to the bank to sell in local currency, which helped to raise value of the dinar over the past years more than 2000 points.
    And as for the size of the money supply or the size of cash flow by more than 30 trillion Iraqi dinars, equivalent to $ 26 billion, noting that the system of cash transactions in Iraq, after 2003, it became Mdolra, any market deal dinar and the dollar both, and this means a mass of cash circulating in the market but in foreign currency.
    He continued favor and put in numbered accounts that the Iraqi currency or monetary bloc total traded home and that would be replaced after the cancellation of zeros will be in the range of 30 trillion dinars, but its value against foreign currencies would remain fixed .. This means that the Iraqi dinar exchange rate now would be equivalent to 1200 dinar per one dollar.
    In regard to the most important variables that will come after the lifting of zeros, between the appearance of the central bank solid plan to rearrange the currency to reduce the number of banknotes in circulation, and this is positive and the payments system here would be Iraqi easier.
    Economists warned that the process of replacing the Iraqi currency after the lifting of zeros Schoppea operations by a major corruption due to structural inaccuracies of Iraqi banks.
    They emphasized that the processes of replacement of currency formerly accompanied the operations a major corruption cost the Iraqi economy a lot, but look for answers by saying that the process of replacing the currency in 2004, took place in exceptional circumstances, and the country under occupation and is administered by the Governor of an American civilian, and with this process was successful.
    And sells the central bank through its daily auction, between 150 million and $ 190 million per day to clients of private banks and financial companies, a large proportion of them go Khawwalat external payment transactions of foreign trade.
    And confirms the expert’s central bank that the application of the new project to raise three zeroes from the Iraqi dinar and the currency exchange, will be according to mechanisms scalable in the form of do not feel the citizens, are put quantities in the market and the withdrawal of which is maintained by the government banks of the block and replace it, and it remains only in the possession of the citizens of the trading day, and can make any transactions in both currencies for existing and new, what’s goods on the current price of 1000 dinars for example, a customer can give the seller the present paper the category of 1,000 dinars, as well as currency can give him a new category of one dinar.

  381. Mohd Helmy berkata:


    ini diantara email yang saya perolihi dari usdinarex.com yang dihantar terus ke kotak email saya.

    Iraqi Dinar Update –August 10,2011

    AMIRAQ Fund Investors,

    When the leadership of Iraq finally gives its approval to the CBI stated currency exchange or redenomination plan, we should see a release containing schedule dates, times, and locations where the actual exchanges will take place. Expect the same result we stated weeks ago relative to the Dinar’s adjustment in value upward at the completion of this action. The moment we hear anything we will pass it on.

    I read a very interesting recent press release from Fifth 3rd Bank yesterday. Most of you know they were very active in selling and buying the Dinar paper currency. No longer buying or selling the dinar at all now, Fifth 3rd stated publicly that the Dinars they sold were only intended to be available for purchase by individuals with the intent of travel to Iraq. Further they stated the dinars they sold were never intended to be available for purchase by individuals with investment intent. I can think of only one reason Fifth 3rd Bank would make such a statement.


    The overall weakness in the US, European, and Asian financial markets and especially a lower U.S. Dollar should be positive for Iraqi Dinar appreciation when public trading begins. The lack of action is no indication that we should change our expectations. It is hard for me to ask for more patience from you especially when it is in short supply with me. I fully admit, I expected the currency exchange to have begun by now.

    We will continue to have the Dinar available for purchase and held in the custody The Warka Bank until the day it begins trading publicly. By the way, these days one cannot have enough documentation available that substantiates an organizations legitimacy. For this reason I have attached an updated registration letter, in Arabic, from the Iraqi Ministry of Trade confirming our current license to conduct business in Iraq. I will l leave it to you to have it translated.

    Thank you for your time.


    David Pratt

    619-866-3412 USA
    866- 352-7359 Toll Free
    619-964-9604 Cell

  382. abis la aq berkata:

    syuke ko r nk cye ker x…aku bkn dpt pe pong….

  383. pakcik google berkata:

    BINI NAJIB, ALAMAK HABISLAH, n MOHD HELMY.. post semua lebey kurang sama jew.. masa post pun dkt2 sama.. nk tpu pun agak2 lah.. org yg sama.. guna id laen2.. cit.. ape yg susah sgt nk bukak accnt kat iraq nih.. tanya je pakcik google cara2 nya.. pastu emailkan je bank tu.. dh siap accnt.. g buat TT.. selesai.. sy dh buat dh pun.. xpayah abes ribu2 upah org.. mengarot.. yg pgang cash note plak sabar je.. rezeki Allah yg bg.. cuma make sure duit tu bukan duit palsu.. tu je.. n sama2 la kt tunggu ye..

    • milo cair berkata:

      Pakcik google…saya sokong hujah anda,,kalau ada rezeki.x ke manapun………..jgn dok dgr berita2 yg boleh kucar kacir keadaan…harap semua cash note bersabar..kita tunggu khabar gembira dari kerajaan Iraq……GO RV……

  384. abis la aq berkata:

    sy pn bersependapat dgn pokcik n milo..sepatutnyer kite sebangsa bersatu n bkn mengucar kacirkn keadaan..jgn la mengambil kesempatan dgn org yg anda fikir xtau pape nih…dlm islamkn ada berkat dn x berkat…klu btl pe yg di buat…berkat la hasil yg dpt tu…acihhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

  385. Atok berkata:

    Biasa la.. byk jenis manusia dlm dunia ni yg konon nak tolong.. tapi hakikatnya, bila kita minta tlg emailkan tiada pun reply… kata nak tlg seagama Islam.. itu hanya trademark yg menjual nama Islam.. Hakikatnya mereka ini akan dapat pembalasan dan azab yg pedih..

    sabar lah semua.. andai ada rezeki InsyaAllah.. andai tiada, makna nyer bukan rezeki kita.. Ada hikmah disebaliknya..

    (Teringat kisah orang sebelah yang mana beliau mencari mengapa Allah jadikan nyer sebelah..)

  386. kotabaghdad berkata:

    sape y ade cash note/acc warka x yah gaduh2 la..same2 doakan dinar cpat Rv..utk tambah info pasal dinar sila ke web ini

  387. akudahcakapkauorangtaknakdengar berkata:

    Central Bank: the new currency will be printed in three languages ​​by the Constitution

    On: Saturday 13/08/2011 10:32

    Baghdad (news) .. The Central Bank of Iraq to the new currency that will be the deletion of zeros will be printed in three languages, Arabic, Kurdish, English, applied as indicated by the Constitution, pointing out that the old currency will be dispensed gradually.

    The central bank adviser said the appearance of Mohammed Saleh In a statement to the Agency (news) on Saturday: the new currency will be printed in three languages: Arabic, Kurdish and English, the real opportunity to apply what was referring to the Iraqi constitution, stressing that the aunt of old will not be canceled immediately after issuance of the new, but will be dispensed gradually.

    The benefit of : There is no difference in the currency’s new on the rights at the exchange rate and the purchase, saying: When you want to buy the rotor b (1200) dinars, we will buy dinar and (200) fils.
    He added that the project to delete the zeros approved by the Department of the Central Bank has been forwarded to the House of Ministers and MPs, if approved by the government it will work by hand.
    The central bank adviser that the purpose of the project to delete the zeros of the three is to reduce the large numbers of objectionable transactions, which will reach trillions, as will be shortened blocks of cash without disparage and wealth or income, they all be fixed.

    and that the project will be working gradually, and differs from the previous project, which began at the end of the year (2003) and continuing until the end (2004), and expected to take the project over time more and continues to years and thus we note that the old currency will gradually disappear. / Finished / 8. t. M


  388. Bini Najib(BN) berkata:

    Central Bank of Iraq stresses that the new currency will not affect the financial value of money

    August 15th, 2011 07:41 am · Posted in NEWS (Iraq & World Currency)

    Central Bank of Iraq stresses that the new currency will not affect the financial value of money

    08/14/2011 neighbors – Baghdad – East

    The Central Bank of Iraq to the new currency that will be to trade after deleting three zeros
    Which will not affect the financial value of money. The deputy governor of the Bank the appearance of Mohammed Saleh, said that the process of dispensing with the old currency would be gradual in order to prevent fluctuations in price can affect the exchange rate or the fact SPV, as will be trading the currency pair at the same time until the absorption of the old currency expected to perform this step to solve the problems in the trading bloc committed a result of the magnitude of bulging cash in the Iraqi market. He added that the new currency will be in three languages: Arabic, Kurdish and English.

    p/s: dah terang lagi bersuluh siapa2 yg dah ada account bank dan mempunyai duit didalamnya ternyata selamat dari isu pembuangan 3 sifar,kerana jelas CBI telah memberitahu bahawa nilai matawang tidak berubah,hanya yg berubah pada cash note sahaja.selepas ini adakah 1,000,000 duit tunai akan menjadi IQD 1,000 sahaja????? sama-sama kita detik-detik yang mencemaskan buat para penyimpan cash note.

  389. Dinar RV berkata:

    Akaun warka bank dah siap. Senang, buat sendiri je..

  390. malas nk tgu berkata:

    ala pe nk heran dgn berita2 cmni…sdgkn mse kuwait dlu pong smpaikn kuwait kata x jdi rv..tup2 soknyer rv…pe nk pelik…bese le pak arab2 nih…wayang lbh…

  391. rusa berkata:

    rv or not…

  392. malas nk tgu berkata:

    lgi byk cete rd lgi aku suke sbb ni tndenyer pak arab nih saja nk tarik note2 ni ,,,rv dh nk dekat dh nih..klu x wtper nk kecoh2 rd…buat cahs note..ada sinar untuk anda sume…buat bn tu..temberang hang xlaku dh..cukup2 la tu kaut tuh..tup2 nti..ade jer bala yg dtg kt ko sbb niat tu nk menipu…ingt doa org yg teranaya nih mkbul..kacau ko nti

    • Bini Najib(BN) berkata:

      bukan nak temberang bai….aku cuma sekadar bagi nasihat aje…buka account kalau boleh….aku x suruh kau bayar orang untuk buka account…allah bagi kau orang akal & fikiran untuk berfikir macam mana cara nak buka account iraq tampa bayar duit kat orang lain.kalau dah rasa diri anda tu sengkek!!!!! tak reti2 nak buat sendiri…janganlah sampai nanti bila cash note tu dah tak ada value lagi baru kau nak menyesal…. itu jam barulah aku gelak guling kat kau…orang dah banyak bagi bagi nasihat.bagi orang yang berada kalau anda x reti nak buat account sendiri….pandai2lah cari siapa yang boleh bukakan account….kalau perlu bagi upah….bagilah….jangan jadi macam haji bakhil….niat dihati nak jadi jutawaan Dinar….. tapi kedekut nak keluar modal….jangan lupa tau!!! kalau cash note dah x laku…aku orang pertama akan gelak guling dalam fourm ini…..hahahaha….

    • kopi pekat berkata:

      tak payah nak baca Bini Najib tu punye carut lah… duit lama dan baru akan terus diguna seiring sebelun dikeluarkan secara beransur ansur dari kitaran.. ini statement dari penasihat bank pusat iraq..

      Baghdad (news) .. The Central Bank of Iraq to the new currency that will be the deletion of zeros will be printed in three languages, Arabic, Kurdish, English as indicated by the application of the Constitution, pointing out that the old currency will be dispensed gradually.

      The central bank adviser said the appearance of Mohammed Saleh in a statement to the Agency (news) on Saturday: the new currency will be printed in three languages: Arabic, Kurdish and English, the real opportunity to apply what was referring to the Iraqi constitution, stressing that the aunt of old will not be canceled immediately after issuance of the new, but will be dispensed gradually.

      Saleh pointed out: there is no difference in the currency on the new rights at the exchange rate and the purchase, saying: When you want to buy the rotor b (1200) dinars, we will buy and dinar (200) fils.

      He added that the project to delete the zeros approved by the Department of the Central Bank has been forwarded to the Council of Ministers and MPs, if approved by the government it will be worked by hand.

      The central bank adviser that the purpose of the project to delete the zeros of the three is to reduce the
      large numbers of objectionable transactions, which will reach trillions, and the blocks will be shortened without cash disparage and wealth or income, they are all be fixed.

      And that the project will be working gradually, and differs from the previous project, which began at the end of the year (2003) and continuing until the end (2004), and expected to take the project over time more and continues to years and thus we note that the old currency will gradually disappear.

      • Bini Najib(BN) berkata:

        hehehe… dia tarik duit lama beransur2 kat dalam negara iraq saja bai….sebab duit yg berada diluar iraq….dah tentu2nya x sah dan tidak laku….hahahaha…..baca balik polisi CBI bai dalam bahasa arab….itu sebablah kedutaan iraq kat Washington DC dah bagi tahu….duit yg berada diluar dari negara iraq tidak sah….itu sebablah aku cakap aku nak gelak guling kat kau orang…sebab tak reti bahasa…dah kedutaan Iraq cakap tak sah tulah lagi yang kau orang masih beli lagi cash note…hehehehhehe.memang nak kena gelak gulinglah kau orang. 🙂

  393. pakcik kayo berkata:

    «Warka» Iraq are preparing to merge with «Standard Chartered Bank»
    Friday, August 19, 2011
    BAGHDAD – Naseer Goldfinch

    Announced the «Bank« Warka »near the Iraqi Special integration with« Standard Chartered »British, at the request of the Iraqi Central Bank raising capital all private bank to 250 billion Iraqi dinars (200 million dollars) before the end of 2013. The Executive Director of «Warka» Mohammed al-Samarrai and the existence of an agreement for integration reached its final stages between the two banks, Iraqi and British, giving the first bank’s ability to finance major projects. He stressed that the integration of the bank with a giant foreign corporation will increase the confidence of customers and the government and the Central Bank of Iraq.

    The central bank called on the Iraqi private banks to merge with each other, to ensure the composition of large amounts of capital to facilitate the work of financial and enhance the confidence of the citizen. The source of the «Union of Iraqi banks» of «life» that «private banks refuse to integrate, as family banks, not financial institutions in the true sense. Every family wants to sit on the throne of a financial institution does not share the second family ». The source explained that the first merger will be agreed between the four private banks, noting that «there is no solution to the integration of these banks only, as it is obliged to submit financial statement to the end of 2013 as the central bank raised its capital to 250 billion Iraqi dinars».

    And operating in Iraq six Arab and foreign banks are private «Arab Banking Corporation» Bahrain and «Turkish Agricultural Bank» (aprons) and «Bank Melli Iran» Lebanese banks and «Byblos» and «Intercontinental» and «Beirut and the Arab countries». The Iraqi financial institutions are seven state banks, five of which specialist cares for the industrial, commercial and housing, and 30 private banks, of which seven are Islamic.

    p/s- warka akan merge dgn standard charted……..nampaknya makin membesarlah warka bank nie…….he..he..he…nampak gayanya makin susuah la warka nie nak bangkrap…..

  394. malas nk tgu berkata:

    sbb pe ko nk gelak guling2…ko dengki ekh sesama melayu nk kaye..ade gak bangse cam ko idup lgi ek..busuk tul ati ko nih…klu ko ade pan mata aku skunk nih mmg mpos ko aku pijak…amcm jom kita jmpe kt mne2 nk…jommmmmmmm

    • milo cair berkata:

      teruk la perangai bini najib ni…buat sakit hati orang je..dah tahu cara kau tu dh betul,jgn la nk sakitkan hati org lain plak,,org mcm kau ni tak diperlukan dlm mana2 majlis tau….kalau kt bagdad,dah kena jual dh org cmni…….

    • Bini Najib(BN) berkata:

      bukan dengki bai… aku malu lihat orang melayu nie bodoh kealah dalam investment…Exotic Currency.dah lah beli matawang negara yang masih tak laku dan masih tak di iktiraf oleh bank dunia, pas tu berangan2 jadi mat jenin nak jadi kaya raya…..hahahaha….kau orang tak terpikir ker…kalau iraq menarik balik duit yang kau orang simpan tu…sebelum dia RVkan duit dia dalam nilai matawang yg baru…kat mana kau orang nak tukarkan duit lama kau orang tu….?????hahahah….janganlah kau orang cakap…. Money Changer boleh tolong tukarkan….atau pun bank2 Arab kat malaysia boleh tukarkan…. 🙂 atau pun janganlah ada yang cakap nak pergi ker iraq untuk tukarkan duit tu….hahaha…. lu orang pikirlah sendiri….betapa besarnya resiko yang kau orang hadapi akan datang….heheheh… tak lama lagi warka akan bergabung dengan Standard Chartered.bila dia dah bergabung…..jangan bermimpilah kau orang boleh buka account bank lagi kat iraq……hahahaha…. tak sabar aku nak gelak guling…nie…

  395. Budduhon berkata:

    hemm.. walaupon niat kau tu murni tapi cuba lah guna pendekatan yg tidak menyakiti org laen.. cuba hindar dari terjadi riak dan takabur… maaf lah klu terkasar bahasa.

    • Bini Najib(BN) berkata:

      aku rasa x ada lagi istilah pendekatan yang lebih baik untuk aku sedarkan orang melayu…. hanya melalui cara bergini sahaja akan menyedarkan orang2 melayu itu sendiri dari terus lena diulik mimpi2 yang indah. oleh itu satu suntikan kata2 yang pedas sahaja yang akan membuatkan orang2 melayu tersedar dari lamunan hayalanya dan bangkit untuk membuat perubahan yang drastik.sedarlah wahai orang2 MELAYU….kekuatan orang2 melayu terletak pada perkataan “ME” nya,sekiranya perkataan “ME” dibuang didepanya …maka akan ujudnya satu bangsa yang LAYU. fikir2kanlah

  396. 1Malaysia berkata:

    saper nak buka akaun warka…aku bg guide..hantar email n akaun facebook kat email aku nie hah…azharbiz11@gmail.com..aku just ambik 5 orang jer…org yg komited sahaja dan yg betul2 nak buat akaun warka jer yg aku boleh tolong…yg hangat2 taik ayam…mmg tak dilayan…sebab limit 5 orang supaya aku dapat pastikan org2 nie dapat akaun dan duit dah dimasukkan kedalam akaun iqd, dan aku akan follow up dekat private chat or private fb…just bg guide, risiko korang yg tanggung…aku akan guide dari nak approach org bank warka sehingga buat tt…tiada upah sebelum rv…dah rv baru bg upah..upah ikut korang lah (tp byr lepas rv hehehe)…

  397. malas nk tgu berkata:

    bini najib nih penipu…dah la tuh..ko amik la iraq tuh…amik..amik…amik

  398. Tansri Zeti akta Penggubalan wang haram. berkata:

    malaysia ada bank negara la beb,,x kan la kerajaan kita ni nk tengok je rakyat msia di perbodoh kan oleh org luar kalau betul la dinar iraq yg dibeli secara cash bole merugi kan kenapa kerajaan x nak halang rakyat msia dari membeli dinar iraq sekurang2 nya memberi amaran tentang rumor dinar iraq yang dah lama menjadi isu global…x kan kerajaan x nampak kot money changer dah buat duit giler2 jual dinar iraq xkan isu dinar iraq dah merebak kt internet ni xde sape2 nk pantau…….gua rasa la dia ni bini najib no 2 yg dah di cerai kan kerana x sepahaman ngan rosmah la……kau org yg dah beli cash dinar jangan la nk marah2 kt bini najib ni,,buat x tau je dia penat nanti berhenti la merapu kalau bole dia sorang je la yg nk kaya kt msia ni mentang2 la baru beli cincin rm 24 juta…

    • Bini Najib(BN) berkata:

      hahaha…baguslah gitu…kau bagi duit kau tu kat bank negara suruh dia tukarkan….hahaha….itu pun nasib kaulah kalau bank negara terus rampas duit kau tu…heheheh…sebabnya dia BNM charge kau beli duit haram….buta2 kau melopong…bai!!!!! tulah pasal…aku cakap kat kau nie….kau bukannya pandai…tapi dunggu….kau serahkan duit kau tu kat BNM….hahahaha….jangan kau harap BNM nak bagi Win-Win setuation kat kau….!!!!!! wakakakaka….dari BNM bagi Win-Win Setuation kat kau….baik Kerajaan malaysia rembat semua duit kau tu…..lagi dia orang (BNM) tu untung banyak….alasan BNM tak bagi balik duit kau tu…sebab kau gagal untuk membuktikan resit pembelian duit iraq kau tu….hahahahaa…alahai….dunggunya kau nie… baik kau lekas2 buka account kat iraq tu….cerahlah banyak harapan kau tu untuk berangan jadi jutawaan…..hehehehe….

  399. malas nk tgu berkata:

    kah..kah…kah…amik ko bini no 2….

  400. Dinar RV berkata:

    Warka bank still accept lagi sape2 nak buka akaun pada masa ni…
    Sape nak tau cara2nya, saya boleh email..

  401. tun sri ceti berkata:

    thnkz bro 4 yr info…mmg melegakn den dongar…aminnnnnnnn…

  402. Tabib Dinar berkata:

    Dinar Rv …bole tolong email ke saya tak…cara2 nak buka account
    my email : klboy2011@yahoo.com

  403. Dinar RV berkata:

    Atok, Tabib Dinar..check mail, saya sudah send..

  404. Dinar RV berkata:

    betul ke? saya sudah send

  405. kotabaghdad berkata:

    salam..info terkni dinar..

  406. Bini Najib(BN) berkata:

    hahaha…. baru kelam kabut nak buka…account….dah kena bancuh ngan aku baru sedar….anyway…masih tak terlambat….lagi…BAGUS…teruskan niat untuk membuka account….satu hari nanti…kau orang akan berterima kasih kat aku sebab menyedarkan kau orang. heheheh…

    P/s: Usha itu tangga kejayaan….

  407. mizral berkata:

    cuma nak tanya bini najib…betul ke penyimpan dinar melalui akaun warka takkan kena tempias 3 kosong?katakan la kita masuk 500usd bersamaan dgn 550000iqd,so bila dipotong 3 kosong ianya akan jadi 550iqd,di sini yg maksudnya nilainya yg tak akan berubah,dia tetap 550usd,cth..sebelum ni kata la harga pasu bunga 200000iqd apabila dipotong 3 kosong dia akan jadi 200iqd,maknanya nilai barang tersebut tidak berubah dan itulah yg dimaksudkan nilai yg tidak berubah…just nak tahu bini najib paham mcm mana?sbb pd saya cbi tak boleh double standard,ada yg potong dan ada yg tak potong

    • Bini Najib(BN) berkata:

      sila baca balik semua kenyataan Muhammad Salleh (Penasihat CBI)
      yang telah dilampirkan oleh saya dan beberapa orang yang lain didalam fourm ini yg telah lepas2. diantara kenyataaan penasihat CBI… dengan pemansuhan 3 angka sifar tidak menjejaskan pendapatan rakyat iraq (Gaji) , duit didalam simpanan dan juga pada harga barangan.

      • mizral berkata:

        itulah yg dimaksudkan tidak menjejaskan..sbb nilainya tetap sama krn sekiranya berlaku pemansuhan 3 sifar gaji dan nilai barang mereka tidak berubah,walau iqd menjadi kecil mcm cth yg saya berikan tu,nilai tetap tidak berubah

  408. mizral berkata:

    sbb bini najib pun tahu,bila nak transfer duit ke iqd,kita kena masukkan dlm nilai usd,then baru kita masuk ke akaun iqd,sbb warka ada dua akaun iaitu usd dan iqd,mcm saya ckp tadi,masuk 500usd sama dgn 550000iqd,kata la dia 3 potong 3 kosong,kita akan dpt 550iqd dan tertera diakaun kita tu sbb nilainya tetap sama,itu logiknya dan pemegang akaun takleh kata apa kalau CBI nak buat mcm tu skalipun,,atau katalah dah potong 3 kosong,tapi bila kita transfer ke usd dia akan jadi jugak 500usd,saya rasa ini lebih mudah utk pihak CBI lakukan sbb dia akan balik mcm asal dan tak ada unsur2 penganiayaan pd pemegang akaun warka,saya ada akaun warka..dlm masa ygs ama saya juga simpan cashnote,tapi kalau dia nak potong saya tak fikir hanya cahsnote shj,tetap pemegang akaun warka juga akan kena

    • Bini Najib(BN) berkata:

      jangan berfikir mengikut rasa hati anda….tetapi sebaliknya banyakan membaca news…jangan asik suka mendengar rumor…kerana rumorlah yang akan membinasakan kita….tak caya tengoklah… 🙂

      • mizral berkata:

        saya tidak berfikir mengikut rasa..malah saya membaca sikit sebyk dr dinarvets..kenalkah bini najib dgn mat salleh yg pakai id keep dan jmw?even sonny di dinarvet juga tidak dpt argue hujah2 mereka yg selalu berdasarkan pada news dan fact,malahan mereka menegur bebrp ahli yg senang2 mengatakan pemegang akaun tidak akan kena pemotongan 3 kosong,dan teguran mereka ialah jgn memberi info yg salah,apabila berlakunya pembuangan 3 kosong,pemegang akaun juga akan kena tempiasnya,tidak terkecuali…..dan rata2 mereka2 yg berhujah especially dgn jmw..amat sukar utk memberi hujah yg bernas……saya masih mengatakan iqd ni tetap akan rv,tapi dlm kes buang 3 kosong,saya tak fikir ada pengecualian utk pemegang akaun…peace:)

  409. mizral berkata:

    begini la saudara bini najib,anda menasihati saya utk membaca news dan tidak pd rumours,tapi bila keadaan tak berpihak pd anda anda suruh saya dptkan news dan bukannya rumours.Knp la saudara tak berlaku adil pd diri sendiri dan org lain,adakah cash in iqd nanti bagi pemegang cash note saudara pasti mereka akan tanya resit pembelian?adakah itu mmg syaratnya atau sekadar rumours?cuba saudara tanya pd saudara zabidi salah seorg pemegang kwd yg merupakan group PDI,penahkah dia tunjukkan resit pembelian ketika cash in kwd,…sebenarnya saudara pun tak pasti,hanya sekadar membuat andaian sendiri ttg nasib pemegang cash note,tapi bila saya ajukan soal pembuangan 3 sifar,saudara ingatkan saya utk bykkan membaca news….CBI tidak sama sekali mengatakan anda bank in 500usd akan dpt 550000iqdyg mana ianya berpotensi utk jadi 550000usd,ia hanya mengatakan nilainya tidak berubah,sampai sekarang mereka masih memberi pelbagai intepretasi samada ianya rv atau rd,dan sampai ketika ini siapa pun tak tahu apa yg sebenar yg bakal berlaku,bila mengatakan akaun warka bernasib baik dan tidak akan jadi mcm pemegang cash note ianya adalha andaian saudara dan pemahaman saudara yg demikian sedangkan pemahaman mereka yg paham dr sisi lain juga adalah sebaliknya,saya sedikit kesal krn bagi memenangkan diri,saudara boleh membuat andaian sendiri tanpa bukti yg BNM akan persoal tentang resit dan merampas iqd pemegang cash note,tapi bila saya menyatakan sesuatu tentang akaun warka yg mana saudara salah seorg pemegang akaunnya,saudara minta saya bykkan membaca news.Di dinarvets mereka bincang soal rv/rd,begitu juga di PDI saudara zulkifli zain memberi pencerahan ttg rv/rd,siang mlm org tanya pendapat dan pandangannya ttg iqd ni,tapi di sini tak sudah2 dgn isu kerugian yg bakal dialami oleh pemegang cashnote oleh saudara…..sudah2 lah kita bertekak sape yg untung..sape yg rugi ttg iqd ni,biarkan dgn masing2 punya keputusan,saudara berkewajipan utk mengingatkan mereka ttg resiko pegang cashnote dgn apa yg saudara percaya,tapi kalau berulang2 kali saudara mengingatkan mereka dgn nada mengejek dan memperlecehkan mereka,saya tak fikir saudara mmg berniat utk menolong bangsa melayu.bayangkan apa perasaan org melayu lain bila saudara ckp yg saudara akan gelak guling2 bila pemegang cashnote tidak berjaya mendptkan apa yg mereka hajat?sepatutnya membantu dgn meberi dan berkongsi maklumat dgn cara yg tertib adalah lebih baik dan mendpt keberkatan drpd mengguris hati bangsa melayu dgn kata2 berbentuk ‘padan muka’ yg sampai bila pun Allah akan pertanggungjwbkan bhw “Org Islam adalah saudaramu’…peace:)

  410. pakcik google berkata:

    Saya Sokong En.Mizral.. dan saya juga dapat rasakan yg Bini Najib nih saja nk provoke so org akan cari dia utk buka account warka n dia boleh la sapu 4-5 ribu..

  411. Tansri Zeti akta Penggubalan wang haram berkata:

    rasanya bini najib ni spm pun x lepas kot,,,niat bagus nk jadi hero menyelamat org lain tapi mentaliti x sama ngan apa yg dia tulis,…kalau kt amerika org2 cam ni memang jadi pilihan org2 yahudi supaya bole jadi kambing hitam untuk di gunakan alat supaya org lain di pecah belah kn,,dia rasa cam best tapi di gelak2 kn oleh org yg mempergunakan nya,,,,,,,forum disini di jadikan tempat untuk bertukar pendapat secara profesional bukan tempat untuk menunjuk2 siapa yg paling handal berfikir dan konon2 dia lah yg paling pandai membuat keputusan supaya bole di jadi kan alasan untuk mengejek2 org lain yg kurang arif dalam dunia cyber ni,,,setiap maklumat yg di papar kn kt forum ni bole di kongsikan leh semua org dan maklumat ini bole di cari bila2 masa sahaja sebab internet memang xde batasan ‘no border’…yg kelakar nya disini bini najib rasa mungkin dia ingat org lain berfikir yg dia ni mudah dapat maklumat dalaman yg org lain susah nk dapat,,,mungkin lepas ni ada saudara kita disini yg kecundang di dalam pelaburan dinar yg masih samar2,mungkin juga ada yg berjaya malah menjadi kaya raya apa pun relaks la xkan itu pun nk gelak guling2,kalau raca macam x suka dengan apa yg org lain ada atau pun xde relaks je jangan nk sibuk2 nk tolong org dengan cara yg bole mendatang kan kemarahan org lain bahaya tu,,simple je cara kt sini kalau x suka atau rasa ada yg x nk ikut cara yg dia buat jangan surf kt sini lagi,, mudah kan,apa yg havoc sangat dia ni,,, kalau org x nk ikut atau dengar apa yg dia suara kn kena la paham2 berundur diri tapi kalau x paham gak apa bole buat democrasi beb…..masaalah manusia x sama dan cara manusia berfikir pun x sama,so apa pun yg org lain fikir dan buat, memang la x sama ….saya pernah berkhidmat di somalia,bosnia dan juga di pinggir2 negara timur tengah kalau org2 yg macam ni kt sana dah kena gantung terbalik dah, tengok negara la kadang2 ada yg terus shoot je,walaupun betul apa yg di suara kan,tapi bole mendatang kan kekecohan pada org lain memang x di biar kan hidup lama sebab bila org cam ni bila dah jadi kaya atau memang dah kaya dan bertambah lagi kaya cara dia bercakap dan berfikir bole mendatang kan kemarahan org lain akhir nya satu2 puak atau bangsa akan berpecah…kira untung la duk kt msia ni bole gelak2 kan org MELAYU yg kita pun tau ada yg di kalangan kita disini x berapa paham tentang isu global..nk cakap malu ada org melayu cam ni kita pun melayu gak so apa bole buat melayu nk gelak guling2 tengok melayu x berjaya tapi lum darurat lagi rasanya,setakat duit dinar ni apa la nk guling2 ha,ha,…..state of mind.

    • milo cair berkata:

      saya ingat bini najib ni kena letak jawatan la dari memasuki forum ni..semua org tak suka anda la…aduyaiii……….

  412. tun sri ceti berkata:

    sila jwb bini njib…bgi jwpn yg bernas n blh tul2 memuaskn ati org yg anda t i p u tu

    • Bini Najib(BN) berkata:

      hahahah…tak perlu lagi aku nak bagi jawapan yang bernas kat kau orang….hahaha…sebabanya kau orang ini semuanya(pemegang cash note) bodoh……x boleh diajar pandai x boleh di ikut.hahaha…x sabar aku nak gelak guling nie….. :-).

  413. Bini Najib(BN) berkata:

    tak mengapa mari kita tunggu dan lihat….hahahah…dah pasti pemegang cash note akan menjadi kambing hitam dalam investment dinar iraq…hahaha…aku memang tak sabar untuk gelak guling kat kau orang….hehehehe……jangan kau orang bengang ngan aku…udah ler…sebab gelakkan kau orang berguling2….hahahha…(Melayu Tertipu dengan cash NoTE dinar iraq)

  414. Bini Najib(BN) berkata:

    Wisconsin Warns About Iraqi Dinar

    17 August 2011

    The Wisconsin Department of Financial Institutions is warning investors about advertised opportunities to invest in Iraq’s currency, the dinar.

    The DFI says several web sites say Iraq’s currency is poised to increase in value, even dramatically, but it says investors aren’t told that the dinar is only good in Iraq.

    There is no currency exchange for the dinar and the U.S. dollar.

    “That allows dealers to charge whatever they want to sell and buy back the Dinars, since no exchange exists for the currency,” the DFI said in a statement Wednesday, reported by WBAY.

    The DFI says some dinar dealers tout being registered with the U.S. Treasury Department as a Money Services Business, or MSB, but the designation only means the company’s information is on file with the Treasury.

    “We encourage investors to exercise extreme caution when considering their investment opportunities. They should do their homework,” DFI Division of Securities administrator Patricia Struck said.

    Suspicions of security or investment fraud can be reported to the Division of Securities by calling toll-free, 1-800-472-4325.

    P/s: Orang yang bodoh sahaja yang membeli Cash Note…. hahahaha…
    seperti yang aku penah bagi tahu… kedutaan iraq pernah mengeluarkan kenyataan bahawa matawang dinar iraq yg dibawa keluar dari iraq tidak sah diguna pakai…..so… be ready untuk aku gelak guling kat kau orang… 😛

    • pakcik kayo berkata:

      Wisconsin Memberi Amaran Mengenai Dinar Iraq

      17 Ogos 2011

      Jabatan Wisconsin Institusi Kewangan memberi amaran kepada pelabur tentang peluang-peluang yang diiklankan untuk melabur dalam mata wang, Iraq dinar.

      DFI berkata beberapa laman web berkata mata wang Iraq
      bersedia untuk meningkatkan nilai, walaupun secara mendadak, tetapi ia berkata pelabur tidak diberitahu bahawa dinar hanya baik di Iraq.

      Tidak ada pertukaran mata wang dinar dan dolar Amerika Syarikat (AS).

      “Ini membolehkan para peniaga untuk mengenakan apa-apa yang mereka mahu untuk menjual dan membeli balik itu dinar, kerana bursa tidak wujud bagi mata wang,” kata DFI dalam satu kenyataan hari ini, yang dilaporkan oleh WBAY.

      DFI kata beberapa peniaga dinar tout berdaftar dengan Jabatan Perbendaharaan AS sebagai Perkhidmatan Perniagaan Wang, atau MSB, tetapi penetapan itu hanya bermakna maklumat syarikat di file dengan Perbendaharaan.

      “Kami menggalakkan pelabur berhati-hati yang melampau apabila mempertimbangkan peluang pelaburan mereka. Mereka perlu melakukan kerja rumah mereka, “DFI Bahagian Sekuriti pentadbir Patricia Struck berkata.

      Syak wasangka penipuan sekuriti atau pelaburan boleh dilaporkan kepada Bahagian Sekuriti dengan menghubungi talian bebas tol, 1-800-472-4325.

      tolong translate kan aje…he..he..he…jgn mare haaaaa…..he..he…he…

      • mizral berkata:

        bagi sape2 yg nak kan pencerahan ttg isu ni,saya sarankan anda join fb Potensi Dinar Iraq,anda boleh baca komen2 drpd ahli situ,saudara/saudari akan dapti mereka ni sikit pun tak berasa goyang dgn news ni…hehe,mmg dinar ni hanya baik utk iraq sbb ianya takleh dijual as a ccurrency sbb buat masa ni ianya hanya laku di iraq, mcm saudara zulkifli zain ckp penulis lupa nak bgtau saat dinar iraq ini ‘diduniakan’ dan gagal memberitahu bhw bank2 di us juga menjual iqd sehingga saat ini:)

      • Bini Najib(BN) berkata:

        x payahlah mizal…. pergi ke FB…buang masa…. kalau kau nak tahu Cash note dinar iraq kau tu sah ker atau tidak… kau bawa jer duit cash note dinar iraq kau tu kat mana2 bank dimalaysia….cuba kau tukarkan balik duit iraq kau tu pada duit malaysia….aku nak tengok..sama ada bank di malaysia boleh tukarkan duit kau tu ker tidak…berkenaan dengan FB…orang yang menjual cash note…confirm mati2an akan berkata duit iraq itu boleh ditukarkan dibank2 atau dimoney changer…dimalaysia..bila valuenya telah ada….tapi pernah ker kau bertanyakan soalan pada penjual cash note dinar iraq atau pun pada sdr zulkifli zain dari FB…apa akan berlaku pada pemegang cash note dinar iraq ,sekiranaya iraq menukarkan note lama kepada note yang baru dan iraq memberi masa selama 30 hari atau 6 bulan serta iraq menutupkan sempadannya pada masa process penukaran note lama kepada note yg baru.dan apabila process penukaran itu tamat…baru iraq RV kan duitnya dengan menggunakan nilai cash note yg baru.dan apa akan terjadi pada duit yg kau simpan setelah habis tempoh waktu penukarannya.heheheh…kau bagi soalan nie pada sdr zulkifli zain untuk menjawabnya….

  415. Bini Najib(BN) berkata:


    Iraqi law prohibits adult Iraqis and foreigners from holding and transporting more than 10,000 USD in cash out of Iraq. However, adult Iraqi and resident foreigners may hold and transport no more than 200,000 Iraqi dinars to cover travel expenses. Iraqi law also prohibits taking more than 100 grams of gold out of the country. Iraqi customs personnel are taking action to enforce these laws and may pose related questions to travelers during immigration and customs exit procedures. (Civil customs personnel also will verify passport annotations related to any items such as foreign currency, gold jewelry, or merchandise that were declared by passengers upon entry into Iraq on Form-8.)

    All U.S. citizens are reminded that it is their duty to respect Iraqi laws, including legal restrictions on the transfer of currency outside Iraq. If you are detained at the airport or at any other point of exit regarding your attempt to transfer currency out of Iraq, you should contact, or ask that Iraqi authorities immediately contact, the U.S. Embassy.

    Transporting large amounts of currency is not advisable. Almost all of the international companies working in Iraq have the capability to make payments to their employees and at least four Iraqi banks are also able to convert cash into an international wire transfer directed to a bank account outside Iraq. Branches of the Credit Bank of Iraq on Al-Sa’adoon Street, Baghdad, Dar Es Salaam Bank, Iraqi Middle East Investment Bank, and Al-Warqaa Investment Bank all have this capability. Please be aware that large wire transfers may require Central Bank of Iraq approval due to measures in place to combat money laundering. Such approvals can be obtained by the sending bank if a customer provides information on the origin of the funds and the reason for their transfer. Additional information on banking in Iraq is available at the Central Bank of Iraq website.

    P/s: heheheh…get ready… to kena gelak guling….

    • pakcik kayo berkata:

      Undang-undang Iraq melarang dewasa Iraq dan warga asing daripada memegang dan pengangkutan lebih daripada 10,000 USD dalam bentuk wang tunai keluar dari Iraq. Walau bagaimanapun, dewasa asing Iraq dan pemastautin mungkin memegang dan pengangkutan tidak lebih daripada 200,000 dinar Iraq untuk menampung perbelanjaan perjalanan. Undang-undang Iraq juga melarang mengambil lebih daripada 100 gram daripada emas negara. Iraq kakitangan kastam adalah mengambil tindakan untuk menguatkuasakan undang-undang
      ini dan boleh menimbulkan soalan yang berkaitan dengan pelancong selama prosedur keluar imigresen dan kastam. (Kakitangan Awam kastam juga akan mengesahkan penjelasan pasport yang berkaitan dengan mana-mana barangan seperti mata wang asing, perhiasan emas, atau dagangan yang telah diisytiharkan oleh penumpang apabila masuk ke Iraq pada Borang-8.)

      Semua warganegara AS adalah diingatkan bahawa adalah menjadi tugas mereka untuk menghormati undang-undang Iraq, termasuk sekatan undang-undang mengenai pemindahan mata wang di luar Iraq. Jika anda ditahan di lapangan terbang atau di mana-mana tempat lain keluar mengenai usaha anda untuk memindahkan mata wang Iraq, anda perlu menghubungi atau meminta pihak berkuasa Iraq segera hubungi, Kedutaan Amerika Syarikat.

      Mengangkut jumlah mata wang yang besar tidak digalakkan. Hampir semua syarikat-syarikat antarabangsa yang bekerja di Iraq mempunyai keupayaan untuk membuat bayaran kepada pekerja-pekerja mereka dan sekurang-kurangnya empat bank Iraq juga mampu untuk menukarkan wang tunai ke dalam transfer antarabangsa terus ke akaun bank di luar Iraq. Cawangan Bank Kredit ke atas Iraq pada Al-Sa’adoon Street, Baghdad

      aduh…bisa bikin gawat nie…he..he..he….

  416. DieHard Dayah berkata:

    salam…. apa yg boleh membuatkan sy percaya tentang iraq dinar nie??selain drpd contoh duit kuwait tu?? bukan ke ini hanya 1 propaganda?? org bisnes yang xnak untung kan?? apr fakta2 yang boleh meyakin kan yang iraq dinar ni akan di RV kan balik???

    • mizral berkata:

      saya sarankan saudari join fb Potensi Dinar Iraq,’Isu terkini dinar iraq’,’3 Penggemar matawang asing’,’RV semakin hampir’…di situ saudari boleh byk dpt news ttg potensi dinar iraq ni,tapi nasihat saya…dah join nanti ..jgn tanya soalan2 yg mcm saudari ckp tu ‘propaganda’…sbb kat situ ada yg dah simpan sampai 6,7 tahun,takut saudari dihujani dgn soalan2 dan kritikan2 yg pedas,setakat di sini dinar2u.wordpress mmg byk toleransinya lg,tapi kalau disana silap2 ada yg keluar dr group tersebut,dan di Potensi Dinar Iraq sumber rujukan mereka adalah zulkifli zain krn dlm ramai2 dia ni dah mcm expert tentang hal iqd,setiap persoalan yg dibangkitkan…dia dpt jwp dan memberi hujah2 yg bernas berdasarkan news dan isu semasa

  417. tun sri ceti berkata:

    senang ckp ko ni mmg sial la..perosak bangsa..sume keturunan ko mcmni ekh…BANGSAT!

    • Bini Najib(BN) berkata:

      hahahaha….kebodohan anda akhirnya terselah…hehehehe…..hujah anda ibarat tong kosong. kalah berhujah….maki hamun anda lemparkan…anda tidak ubah spt anak2 hingusan… 🙂

  418. pakcik kayo berkata:

    Iraq’s New Currency Will printed in Three Language

    14/08/2011 – 1:45 p |

    Iraqi Central Bank announces the new currency that will delete
    zeros, also will be printed in three languages .

    The central bank adviser Modihr Mohammed said in a statement that received by Forat TV Sunday that “the new currency will be dispensed gradually and it will be printed in Arabic, Kurdish and English. The old currency will not be canceled immediately after issuance of the new but will be dispensed gradually

    “There is no difference in the new currency on the rights of exchange rate and acquisitions, because when we want to buy a dollar in 1200 dinar , we will buy it at one dinar and 200 fils” Mohammed pointed out

    “Tthe project of deleting the zeros has approved by the Department of the Central Bank and has been forwarded to the Council of Ministers and Parliament , where the project will be implement as soon as it will be approved by the government ” .

    masanya akan sampai tak lama lagi…ha..ha..ha….

    • mizral berkata:

      1.the old currency will not canceled immediately
      2.dispensed gradually

      ok le tu..mmg berita baik sgt la….dia takkan cancel dgn serta merta dan akan dikeluarkan ‘gradually’ secara berperingkat2.once dah rv,apa susah..takyah la tukar kpd note baru,tukar je la kpd rm…so..kat mananya news tak baik kat pemegang cahsnote ni?sepatutnya news ni mmg bagus la utk mereka2 yg pegang cashnote,bukan la berita tak baik pun…ermm

      ps:pakcik kayo…anda tahu ke apa maksud news yg anda bagi tu?..peace:)

      • Bini Najib(BN) berkata:

        nampak sangat anda x faham….ok..iraq akan menukarkan note lama kepada yg baru hanya didalam iraq….iraq langsung x pikirkan duit dia yg dah ada diluar dari negaranya.ini kerana cbi menggangapkan duit yg berada diluar iraq sebagai VOID & NULL….. 🙂

      • mizral berkata:

        dah tu knp bank2 duk jual jugak iqd ni?kat us..Boa,chase bank dan byk bank2 dius dan canada jual iqd ni?saudara nak ckp…yg diluar tak sah sbb iqd hanya sah digunapakai di iraq shj,kalau mcm tu bank2 tersebut mmg dah menyalahi dr segi undang2..tapi knp tak diambil tindakan oleh kerajaan mereka?di malaysia pun dah byk mc yg jual iqd,knp mc2 ni tak dikenakan tindakan kalau betul wang ini dimasukkan dgn cara seludup,berita mengenai org luar yg memegang iqd ni satu dunia tahu..malahan kerajaan masing2 pun tahu,tapi tiada sekatan yg dibuat..tiada amaran yg diberi,dan tiada tindakan yg dikenakan,kalau investment ni tidak baik utk cashnote,govt kita akan warning awal2 dgn mengatakan iqd ni hanya utk rakyat iraq dan rakyat malaysia diminta jauh dr pelaburan matawang ini sama mcm swishcash dulu,tapi takde kan?Yg dimaksudkan hanya sah iqd ni adalah buat ketika ini di iraq shj krn ianya belum diapungkan/diduniakan.saudara kena phm duit2 tersebut ada no siri dan securitynya,dan duit tersebut perlu dilupuskan bila sampai tempoh dan waktunya,kot mana pun dia kena panggil balik duit dia yg ada di serata alam.tu pasal saya ckp saudara ckp berdasarkan andaian dan pemahaman saudara shj,mmg dr segi policy CBI ianya tak sah digunapakai diluar iraq ini krn wangnya belum boleh diperdagangkan diseluruh dunia.Tak ke pelik bila rv/rd ni dia co exist tiba2 hanya sah diperlakukan di iraq shj tapi tak luar iraq?,apa keyakinan negara2 dan pelabur luar kalau polisi matawangnya hanya berlegar di sekitar negaranya shj

        ps:saudara perasan tak isu ttg iqd sah atau tak sah bg cashnote ni diorg dah bincang bertahun lamanya tak kira kat site mana2 pun.persoalan besar dikalangan investor sekarang ialah..samada ia rv/rd atau rd/rv,tapi saudara masih lg mainkan lagu yg sama..hurmmm

      • Bini Najib(BN) berkata:

        Mizral kau cari artical surat khabar berkenaan BOA Bank , 5/3 Bank & Chase Bank , yang telah mengeluarkan kenyataan bahawa mereka hanya menjual Dinar iraq kepada mereka yang selalu berulang alik keiraq sahaja. ketiga2 bank tersebut telah mengeluarkan kenyataan bahawa mereka tidak akan menerima penukaran dari matawang Iraq (IQD) ke matawang USD semula.ini bererti ketiga2 buah bank hanya menjual dinar iraq untuk keuntungan perniagaan mereka sahaja.

        P/s: hahahaha… macam ini punya polisi bank pun ada…..hehehe nasib2 siapa yg beli cash note….beli boleh nak jual balik x boleh…

  419. pakcik google berkata:

    aku xpaham la bini najib nih.. ape la masalah ko.

  420. tun sri ceti berkata:

    bini najib nih aku ingt la die sti sedare maliki kot…sume berita dia tau jer..xpn dia nih kadam maliki kot..xpn dia ni mmg sakit jiwa..ati dh hitam pekat..

  421. kotabaghdad berkata:

    selamat berterawih seme..kalu free2 sile jenguk website dinar ni amik y bermanfaat…same2 kongsi info terbaru IQD..

  422. edysaiful berkata:

    amacam dgn mmk duit myanmar ? ader sesiap nak beli dgn harga mmk10,000 = rm200 ajer…….

  423. edysaiful berkata:

    Oh.. ya please contact me by sms 017-3246789 or edsaifulnurul@yahoo.com utk sesiapa yg seriuos utk membeli….

  424. Ropie berkata:

    Saya nak bukak acc warka boleh tolong tunjukkan cara? Email: matt_ropie@yahoo.com

  425. gurkha bank berkata:

    spe nk bukak acc kt gurkha bank…..gorila bank pn adew

  426. wiralodra berkata:

    Anda semua perasan tak yang Bini najib… hanya menjawab isu pasal TIDAK berkaitan dengan komen khidmat bayaran yang dia kenakan untuk membuka akaun bank warka. Sedih la tengok orang melayu mcm ni… Saya yakin bila dah rv semua money changer akan buat duit haram untuk menerima cash note kerana semua orang tau yang pembeli duit iraq (tak kira buka akaun ke beli cash note) dapat durian runtuh (kalau rv besar la…). cuba bayangkan senjata bazuka pun boleh seludup ke iraq inikan duit je.. Jangan layan provoc Bini najib… tu.

    • Bini Najib(BN) berkata:

      hehehe… wiralodra… bila masa aku offer suruh orang buka akuan dengan aku!!!!…hahahaha…aku pun tak ingin nak buatkan akuan orang lain….sendiri punya akuan sendiri buatlah…cuma aku nak bagi tahu kat semua orang…sekarang ini masalah politik iraq sudah hampir selesai…tapi masalah untuk Cash Note Baru nak Bermula…so sekarang ini aku tengah dok memerahatikan gelagat pemegang cash note….aku tunggu masa jer nak gelak guling nie…tak sabar2 aku…

      P/s aku tengah training cara2 nak gelak guling special untuk pemegang cash note. hehehehe…wakakawakakawakaka…

      • shin berkata:

        Aku harap kalau ko nak gelak guling tu , ko jangan sampai tak bangun. Apa2 jadi nanti , tak dapek den nak nolong. HA..ha..ha..
        Selamat Hari Raya, Ma’af Zahir / batin.

  427. gurkha bank berkata:

    bhutuh ko la ….

    • Bini Najib(BN) berkata:

      naper??? kau x ada ker…benda tu…..ehehehehe…. cacat rupanya kau nie….OKUlah katakan….wakaka…wakaka…wakaka…

  428. wallost berkata:

    As a result, the CashFlow Club Israel brought hundreds of millions of dinars, in cash, into Israel from Jordan….

    cited from this site.. http://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-3282124,00.html

    israel pun beli cash duit iraq ni.. so apa masalahnya dgn cash note ni?

    • Bini Najib(BN) berkata:

      sebab israel pun bodoh macam kau orang gak…beli cash note…wakaka..wakaka…wakaka…

  429. kotabaghdad berkata:

    xyah gaduh2 la yer bg CashNote&buke Acc..kite same2 tunggu dinar Rv..insyaALLAH same2 untung..kongsikan info y bermanfaat di http://dinarmy.com/..dah dekat nk rayer..mohon maaf salah silap seme..

  430. gurkha bank berkata:

    investor lu nk x wat akaun kt gurkha bank nih…pat r…kiikikikikki

  431. kotabaghdad berkata:

    SELAMAT BERHARI RAYA…SALAH SILAP MOHON KEMAAFAN DR SEMUA..Sekiranye Dinar akn@dah Rv nnti pengumuman akn dibuat di website ini http://dinarmy.com/ & di Form NOTICE..

  432. koleksiduit berkata:

    salam untuk semua
    apapun pada pendapat aku yang paling mula-mula milik lah dulu beberapa keping dinar iraq ni sekadar pelaburan untuk jangka masa panjang. belilah sekadar kemampuan anda. harga pun tak la mahal tapi jangan lah tamak sangat sampai bergolok gadai atau pinjam pada along
    lepas tunggu dan lihat lah dengan kesabaran berapa lama pun
    kalau dah rv nanti tetapi DINAR tak boleh tukar ke USD atau RM tentu ada cara-cara lain
    kerajaan iraq tentu bagi jalan kepada kita semua seperti suruh buka akaun di sana atau ada cara-cara lain
    duit ori kan dah ada di tangan

    • Bini Najib(BN) berkata:

      Confirm ker bang Ori duit tu…heheheh…. CBI pun dah pening lalat…pasal pemalsuan Cash Note…..fuh!!!! 99% cash note dinar palsu sama dengan duit tulin…..hehehehe….jangan kena tipu ngan penjual & money changer Udah ler……. lol

  433. koleksiduit berkata:

    aku rasa kan satu masa nanti kalau pemegang dinar iraq dari negara-negara umat islam pasti iraq terima juga sebab sama-sama islam yang penting sekarang barang itu mesti ada.
    yang dibimbangi ialah dinar berbilion dipegang oleh non muslim

    • Bini Najib(BN) berkata:

      Nampak gayanya Confirmlah…CBI akan Rite-Off kan cash note dinar iraq yang telah terkeluar dari Iraq….al-maklumlah…orang2 yahudi dah banyak simpan cash note dinar iraq…tak gitu…en.”wallost”..wakakawakaka…

      P/s:orang yahudi pun bodoh ekk…. beli cash note!!!! lol

      • wallost berkata:

        aku layan 2-2.. notes pun ade sket.. warka pun ade sket.. kalau sangkut alhamdulillah.. x sangkut nak wat cane.. xder rezeki la kut… tp xder la smpi nak memperbodohkan semua org mcm sesetgh org yg igt dia lebih baik dari orang lain..

        p/s : ade ilmu lebih baik berkongsi.. baru kebijaksanaan tersebar.. kalau bodoh duk diam sudah, jgn menyalak tak tentu hala… maaf kalau terkasar bahasa.. selamat hari raya.. maaf zahir dan batin..

      • Bini Najib(BN) berkata:

        buat apa nak berkongsi ilmu dengan orang bodoh…kalau orang bodoh itu sendiri tak nak berlajar dari orang yang pandai…bila orang pandai berbicara berserta fakta…orang bodoh pun cuba2 nak berbicara seperta orang pandai…tapi nak buat macam mana…bila orang bodoh berbicara tampa menggunakan fakta…hanya menggunakan RUMOR sahaja… hahahah….lol

  434. kopi pekat berkata:

    Hot Topic.
    Iraqi Association of Private Banks: Removing zeros is only a modification, not a revaluation
    Posted: September 3, 2011

    ape cerita ni bro???
    ada akaun kat bapak warka bank pun tak de maknenye… ke.ke.ke kua kua!!! BN jgn nangit loooo…?

    • Bini Najib(BN) berkata:

      alahai…janganlah menunjukan kedunguan anda wahai en.kopi pekat…dari ayat anda tu dah terang lagi bersuluh…anda nie tak ada ilmu tentang investment currency ini…nasihat saya anda gi lah balik masuk sekolah ambil semula mata pelajaran ekonomi…hehehehe…kalau tak naik pun duit iraq… selepas pembuangan 3 angka 0….orang yang paling rugi adalah…pemegang Cash note…itu sendiri….orang yg ada account sedikit pun x akan rugi…ini kerana…setelah 3 angka 0 dibuang…iraq akan mengeluarkan note baru…dan mempunyai tempo penukarannya…itu pun kalau iraq tidak menutup sempadannya untuk penukaran cash note baru.kalau iraq tutup sempadannya… alamat meloponglah kau jang….duit kau tu tak laku…Oooooiiii…pendek kata total loss lah yang kau dapat jang Oooooiiii.orang yg dah ada account bank warka atau pun bank Bapak Warka…akan hidup seperti biasa…tak rugi…sebab dia orang boleh dapat dividen setiap 6 bulan…sekali…so duit makin lama makin bertambah…jang Ooooiiiii .so sekiranya iraq dah ready nak RV kan duit dia… makin kayo jang Oooooiiii… penyimpan account Bapak Warka Bank…. hahahaha…..lol

  435. wallost berkata:

    betul ape ko cakap tu.. terserahlah pada masing2.. sumer ada akal, pemahaman dan keputusan dibuat mengikut kemampuan masing2.. respect each other sudah lah.. xyah la gelakkan usaha org.. peace bro..

  436. Ropie berkata:

    Duh… Brape minimum bukak bank warka?

  437. Bini Najib(BN) berkata:

    Central Bank: trillions of Iraqi currency comparable to the U.S.

    Monday, 05 September / September 2011 14:29

    Twilight News / The Central Bank, on Monday, he sought to reform the Iraqi currency, which suffer from inflation in the monetary mass, indicating that the size of several trillion and reached a size comparable to U.S. monetary bloc.

    The deputy governor of the Central Bank of the appearance of Mohammed in an interview with “Twilight News” that “the suffering of the Iraqi currency inflation reached several trillions and trillions of comparable size in the U.S. monetary bloc.”

    It is said that the Iraqi Central Bank revealed, earlier, that the new Iraqi currency will increase by three zeros, indicating that he had conducted an extensive study concluded that the lifting of the zeroes will strengthen the value of the Iraqi currency.

    Saleh explained that “the mass of U.S. monetary inflation because of the strength of the U.S. economy, but inflation, the Iraqi currency was due to the deterioration of the Iraqi economy.”

    Economists and shows that the process of deleting three zeros from the Iraqi currency will lead to increased value and to increase the purchasing power of citizens, pointing to the need to follow the policies of peaceful citizens and to persuade them to get used for a period not exceeding two years.

    The Deputy Governor of the Central Bank, “the Bank seeks to reform the Iraqi currency by deleting the zeros and the issuance of coins of small and large are not exposed to damage quickly.”

    The Central Bank of Iraq began to discuss amending the dinar categories last year, and is still a large part of the payments are in cash because of the evolution of the banking system.

    And between the head of the Iraqi Securities Commission, earlier, that the deletion of zeros from the Iraqi currency will not affect trading in the Iraqi Stock Exchange and its shares.

  438. Bini Najib(BN) berkata:

    Warnings of money laundering-led government in the new currency

    Monday, 05 September / September 2011 10:53

    Twilight News / Committee revealed the economy and investment representative, Sunday, the existence of corruption and money laundering plans to influential figures within the government to do in case of changing the current currency, calling for a review and deliberation on this matter.

    And the Iraqi Central Bank intends to delete the three zeroes from the Iraqi currency for the purpose of lifting the current value.

    The Chairman of the Committee of Economy and Investment parliamentary Ahmed al-Alwani in an interview with “Twilight News” that “change the existing currency by deleting the digit may be exploited by some weak people from government officials Ogerhm in corruption and money laundering, particularly as the financial and administrative corruption is rampant in government departments and institutions” .

    The Deputy Governor of the Central Bank of Iraq the appearance of Mohammed Saleh said in an interview with “Twilight News” that the central bank has submitted the draft to delete the zeros from the currency to the House of Representatives and the government is now awaiting their decision in this regard.


    The Alwani that “the deletion of zeros from the currency needs to be reviewed and in-depth study, because it depends on political situation and security and economic development in the country,” he said, adding that “the currency change would require a political consensus because the currency is one of the symbols in a sovereign country.”

    The Central Bank of Iraq began to discuss amending the categories of the dinar, last year, and is still a large part of the payments being in cash due to the evolution of the banking system.

  439. kotabaghdad berkata:

    ckup2 la tu gaduh pasal Cash Note & Buka Acc..ade kelebihan masing2..doakan same2 untung bile dinar dh Rv nnti..http://dinarmy.com/

  440. mizral berkata:

    bini najib..rasa2nya sudah2 la saudara bg komen…saya ni just nasihat je…krn duit,krn iqd…saudara dah tak pk pahala dosa,takyah la nak training2 nak gelak2 guling kat org…sok2 Allah suh gelak guling sampai x larat guling kot?sampai brp org saudara nak gelak guling2 kat akhirat nanti krn menyakitkan hati saudara2 sendiri,dgn Allah mmg dia maha pengampun…dgn sama2 manusia ni takkan nak menang gelak kat dunia je….ramai lg pemegang akaun warka,tp xde la over mcm saudara sampai nak gelak2kan org…apa yg saudara dpt?kepuasan?gelakkan org sampai rasa puas tak rasa takut ke?sakitkan hati kafir zimmi pun umpama menyakitkan Rasulullah..inikan menyakitkan hati umat dan saudaranya….jgn buat dosa kering begitu je saudaraku…padahal saudara x kenal mereka2 yg saudara sakitkan hatinya….sudah2 lah….sama2la kita belajar utk ubatkan hati….alangkah baik kalau Allah kurniakan rezki pada saudara tapi dlm keadaan Dia redha drpd dikurniakan tp berupa istidraj…renung2kan lah dan bermuhasabah la kita:)

    • Bini Najib(BN) berkata:

      hehehe…ayat x boleh belah….macam budak2 jer ayat anda tu…..lol :-s

      • kopi pekat berkata:

        BN (Bodoh Naif) ni macam org duk dlm tempurung. tak tau adanye undang undang antara bangsa (world bank & imf). itu pasal die mencacai tak tentu arah.. hehe.. oppp…sorryyyy

      • Bini Najib(BN) berkata:

        hahaha….siap sedialah kau orang ….dengan samasok gelak guling aku nanti…dah x lama dah lagi…iraq punya permainan nak GAME OVER…

  441. nor mohd berkata:

    salam en dinar rv..bleh emel kan sy cara untuk buka acc warka.

  442. dila berkata:

    bole tlg emailkan saya cara2 nak buka akaun di warka bank dan beli dinar utk diletakkan dalam akaun tersebut?

  443. Leyla berkata:

    E-mailkan sy cara untuk buka acc warka.

  444. dila berkata:

    bole tlg emailkan saya cara2 buka akaun warka? weemen81@yahoo.com

  445. Najib berkata:

    yeah! aku sokong Bini aku.. dah masalahnye skarang, ko xpayah la nk flaming semua org kat cni ngok.. kalau ko rase ko pandai n dieorg bodoh.. ko biar je la.. adoyai.. berapa kali la aku nk aja ko nih..

    • Bini Najib(BN) berkata:

      Wahai Suamiku..(abeh) selagi saya boleh menyedarkan dia orang abeh….selagi itulah sayang akan bagi tahu kat dia orang abeh….tapi..abeh…bila nasi dah jadi bubur abeh….mereka yang degil tu abeh….akan saya sajikan tarian gelak guling saya….abeh…wakakawakakawakaka…

  446. jengjeng berkata:

    bini njib nih mmg sah penipu woi…hahahahaahahahahah..aku tau spe ko…

    • Bini Najib(BN) berkata:

      hahahha…kalau aku nie kau orang cakap penipu….kau orang nie lagilah bodoh kena tipu…hidup2…dengan penjual cash note….orang bodoh sahaja..yang simpan cash note….dinar iraq…hehehehe….x pernah aku dengar…orang kata siapa simpan duit dalam account bank…orang bodoh…hahahahaha…. marilah kau orang tunggu ramai2 samasok gelak guling aku….ini….lol

  447. Bini Najib(BN) berkata:

    hahahaha….dinar akan diapungkan pada tahun 2013/14…
    sekarang ini IQD1000 hanya boleh beli 2 tin air coke aje….hahahhaha…confirm…. Cash note IQD1000 = IQD1 pada tahun 2013/14…hahahaha…kempunanlah kau orang nak jadi jutawaan…..hehehehhe…..yg mana siapa yg dah ada account….anda boleh tunggu dengan senyuman sahaja…duit dalam account anda akan bertambah melalui deviden yg pihak bank berikan….kalau boleh jangan close account anda tu… biarkan saja..duit didalam bank sana tu beranak sebanyak2nya…6 bulan atau setahun sekali…anda tuai aje hasilnya…hantar balik ker malaysia….itulah jalan yg sebaik2nya dari anda menyimpan cash note…

    CNTV Video: Iraq to revalue its currency (9/7/11)


  448. koleksiduit berkata:

    Sesiapa tolong aku cara-cara buat buat warka acc secepat mungkin sebelum rv

    • Bini Najib(BN) berkata:

      hehehe….baru nak buka account bang!!…baru tersedar yer!!!! bahang impack yg akan belaku pada penyimpan cash note….tak mengapa bang!!! x mengapa!!!!… En.mizral kan ada…mintak tolong dia ler…sebab dia kata dia ada account bank kat iraq..hehehehe…dah tentu2 dia tahu cara nak buat account warka kat iraq…!!!…hehehehehe…..

  449. investor berkata:

    The law the US Passed for us? Did you mean the foreign investment law?? Do you REALLY believe that taking money out of circulation in Iraq that was gotten, who knows how is REALLY investing in Iraq? :blink:

    Start a Iraqi bank account so your funds can be used to secure loans, invest in the ISX to help companies grow those things are investing….Not keeping notes under your pillow and dream of a mythical RV

  450. mizral berkata:

    bini najib,aku x tahu la..ayat aku tu ayat budak2…aku x pernah jumpa rasulullah SAW,para sahabat,ulamak2 terdahulu sampai ke hari ni,yg aku tahu…apa yg aku pesan kat ko tu,itulah yg sampai kat kita sekang…dosa pahala,timbal balik atas apa yg kita lakukan kat dunia ni,sebesar zarah yg Allah kira..baik atau buruk,so…aku pun x phm kat mana ayat aku yg kata mcm budak2 tu….aku dah pesan apa yg aku rasa aku mampu,selebihnya terpulang pd ko….pasni aku mungkin x join sini dah,matlamat aku hanya nak bgtau ko supaya buang la sikap tak elok kita tu,bongkak..sombong..suka tertawakan saudara yg lain,tu belum lg Allah kurniakan kekayaan pd kita…kalau dah kaya tak tahu la,semua milik Dia,kalau kita rasa confirm kita yg pemilik akaun ni akan kecap kekayaan dgn IQD ni,pada aku takde apa yg pasti….dah rv pun belum tentu usia kita panjang,mungkin sempat mungkin x sempat,mungkin kita kaya sgt mcm yg kita impikan….tapi jgn lupa nikmat kesihatan yg sentiasa kita kecapi ni bila ditakdirkan jatuh sakit,ketika itu mungkin wang ringgit pun tak boleh ubati penyakit kita…..masa tu apalah nilai wang ringgit kalau nak kenangkan dosa2 kita selama ni..cukup setakat ni nasihat dan pesanan aku utk ko dan juga saudara2 yg lain termasuk diri aku…selamat hari raya ..maaf zahir dan batin:)

    ps:utk saudara2 yg lain saya mmg tak tahu bukak akaun warka krn saya pun upah org lain utk bukak akaun saya…wassalam:)

    • pakcik kayo berkata:

      hang nie aku ingatkan terrar sgt berdasarkan komen hang nie….rupa2nya hang nie sama je…aku ingatkan hang nie komando kat barisan hadapan rupanya hang nie ialah KOMODO je….yg keja lap pinggan je…..lain kali tak yah lah komen……buang masa je…..dan aku rasa orang yg KO mintak tolong bukak akaun tu pon mungkin namanya bro .” H” BETUL TAK…….ha…ha…ha…hampeh ko nie…..

  451. koleksiduit berkata:

    Sesiapa yang join blok ini adalah sama-sama ahli perlu bersatu padu kecuali bini najib. so, kita semua cari jalan selesaikan masalah kita. Bini najib jangan masuk campur biar dia dengan hal. HP saya 013 905 7004 kita runding semua. saya da ada cara nak buat warka di iraq. bini najib jangan kau masuk campur lagi kami sudah talak 3 kepada kamu

    • Bini Najib(BN) berkata:

      bagusx3…aku pun x nak masuk campur…hal kau orang…hehehehe….dari dulu lagi aku nasihat kat kau orang…buka account ….kau orang degil…x nak dengar cakap… bila dah terantuk…baru nak tengadah…hehehehe…hati2 itu jer yang aku nak bagi tahu….kalau boleh buka sendiri2…lagi bagus….aku takut…orang yang beria2 nak tolong tulah nanti makan kau orang….hehehehhehe…lol….dunia ini banyak tipu muslihat….itu saja…yg aku nak pesan. lol..

      • Bini Najib(BN) berkata:

        P/s: sejak bila aku kawin ngan kau orang semua…hehehehe…kawin pun tidak…tiba2 kena talak 3 pulak…wakawakakawakaka…lol

  452. kotabaghdad berkata:

    x abes2 gaduh pasal Dinar…cri info2 terkini dinar di http://dinarmy.com/

  453. kamal berkata:

    tolong tujukkan cara nak buka acc dinar iraq

    • Bini Najib(BN) berkata:

      kau call aje mamat nie nickname dia “koleksiduit”…no HP dia: 0139057004…. member dah terror dah nak buat warka….hehehhehe….

      P/s: koleksiduit dia terror buat warka tau…bukan terror buka account kat warka bank…tu sebab aku cakap mamat nie terror!!!! heheheheh…

  454. koleksiduit berkata:

    saya pun ada menyimpan dianr iraq tapi banyak belas2 aje. apa nak dibimbangkan . bukan banyak modal mana pun. ada lafaedahnya nanti.
    paling senang kita pergi buat umrah nanti kita tukar duit arab tu tapi bukan pergi umrah sekarang, beberapa tahun lagi

  455. Dinar RV berkata:

    rileks sume, sape nak tau cara buka akaun? saya akan mail, free je…

    • koleksiduit berkata:

      terima kasih kpd dinar rv ini lah dinamakan persaudaraan islam
      aku mengharap kalau boleh semua umat islam di malaysia dan seluruh dunia ada sekurang2nya sekeping dinar 25ribu tu tapi hajat aku tak tercapai kerana ramai yang negatif lebih2 lagi dari keluarga sendiri
      nak kira bukan le banyak sangat keluarkan modal dalam rm200 gitu
      kepada saudara2 sekelian bantulah umat islam semua supaya ada simpan walaupun sekeping dinar 10 ribu.
      Sebar2kan cepat sebelum rv macam dah dekat betul ni. terlalu singkat sangat biarlah lambat sikit tak apa

    • Grego berkata:

      Email saya.. Saya masih xfaham buka acc warka


    • farhsi79 berkata:

      saya nak tau mcm mana nak bukak akaun warka…email kat saya farhsi79@yahoo.com.my

    • fuad berkata:

      boleh email kt sy cam mn cara nak buka akaun.time kasih..

  456. Bini Najib(BN) berkata:

    yer…bagusx3 semua orang boleh contect Saudara “Dinar RV” dia boleh membantu anda untuk buka account…. 🙂

  457. Bini Najib(BN) berkata:

    lagi cerita tentang Dinar Revalue

  458. Bini Najib(BN) berkata:

    dalam menanti Dinar nak diapungkan mari kita ramai2 menyorok kembali duit2 lama Negara iraq….

  459. wallost berkata:

    nice video bro… lam note lama dorg yg lama seblm note yg ada muka saddam tu muka sape eh?.. nape dulu note dorg 1/4 dinar, 1/2 dinar, etc pun dah ada.. tapi skang besar2 sampai 10k, 25k etc? kalau sape2 tau tlg explain.. tqvm…

  460. bini najib(BN) berkata:


    • Bini Najib(BN) berkata:

      hahahaha…kau menyamar pakai nickname aku…dan aku tahu kau lah juga penjual cash note dinar….yang terancam dengan hujah2 yang aku berikan dalam blog nie…naper…bro??? dah x laku ker cash note kau tu….sehingga memaksakan kau menyamar menggunakan nickname aku…!!! tapi sesungguhnya…kebodohan kau itu terbongkar juga…sebab bentuk icon & colour icon disebelah atas kau X sama dengan aku punya….wakakakakakakakakaka….

  461. Bini Najib(BN) berkata:

    Iraqi Dinar Hard Currency Scam – Part 1

  462. Bini Najib(BN) berkata:

    September 7th, 2011

    The Central Bank of Iraq placed new emphasis on the need to remove zeros and issue the new currency. The new currency will be in three languages and decorated with concepts from Iraq’s cultural history. The Vice-Governor of the Central Bank, Mazhar Mohammed Saleh, said that the currency’s current framework is defective, with the largest denomination equaling $21 dollars, causing traders to prefer the United State’s larger banknotes, particularly the one hundred dollar note.Saleh said the current system will infringe on the development of the economy. Small denominations of currency should be represented by coins for small transactions and large denominations for larger financial transactions with large international institutions. However, Saleh advocates printing the currency outside of Iraq, based on bad past experiences in the nineties.

    When an economic blockade was imposed on Iraq in 1990, it had to print its currency inside the country. In turn, the Iraqi market witnessed unprecedented inflation and a dramatic rise in counterfeit currency as a result of the missing international printing standards. Saleh indicated that the new currency will be in Arabic, Kurdish and English, stressing that the currency designs will be taken from Iraq’s eight thousand years of history, and will thus reflect the Iraqi nation.
    The Central Bank of Iraq announced on the 23 of June its readiness to remove the zeros from the Iraqi currency. However, the advisor to the Iraqi Prime Minister for Economic Affairs called on the Iraqi Central Bank to halt procedures, warning that the mafia is preparing to defraud trillions of dinars by exploiting the currency change.

  463. Bini Najib(BN) berkata:

    Wow…CBI memang benar2 bernekad untuk menghapuskan 3 angka sifar dari matawang mereka…sekiranya tiada halangan dari Penasihat PM Iraq…pada tanggal 23 June 2011 kita telah dapat menyaksikan detik2 satu sejarah yg besar telah berlaku disebuah negara bernama IRAQ…dimana lenyapnya 3 angka sifar dari matawang iraq… 🙂

  464. Bini Najib(BN) berkata:

    September 10 2011

    BAGHDAD – babysit –

    Counting the Liberal MP for the Bloc member of the Finance Committee, Prince Abdul Mayahi the application of the law to delete the zeros of the Iraqi currency as negative at the present time in the absence of security and economic stability witnessed by the country.

    He said that the law of the deletion of zeros from the currency current are discussed in the Finance Committee is expected to apply early next year, noting that “this matter has negative effects for the time being as witnessed in the country of the instability of a security, economic, political, and witnessed by the Pacific regional variables.”

    “The bill in light of the current study was under the supervision of specialists in the economic, studies have been provided by European institutes developed to take advantage of their expertise in this area.”

    He pointed to the existence of an opposition of some members of the Finance Committee on the implementation of this project at this stage and there are claims to delay it until after the political and security stability and economic development.

    He explained that he will be hosting the Central Bank Governor and Minister of Finance and concerned with this matter during the next two days.

    P/s: sekiranya tiada halangan buat kali kedua dari Panel Penasihat PM Iraq…kemungkinan besar kita akan dapat melihat tanggal awal tahun 2012…. 3 angka sifar dari matawang dinar iraq akan lenyap… so…siap sedialah semua untuk melihat impack dari pemansuhan 3 angka sifar tersebut. 🙂

  465. koleksiduit berkata:

    kepada bini najib ni memang dia dah kaya raya. namapun bini najib
    cuma kita harap dia jangan simpan apa2 dinar iraq walaupun hanya 1 dinar.
    kalau dia ada simpan dinar lebih dari kita dia ni memang munafik. dia menghalang orang senang jauhdari kemiskinan sedang dia kaya raya
    dia makan duit nanti tak akan tenang hatinya sampai bila2.
    yang aku heran dinar iraq ini baru saja aku tahu dalam sebulan ni
    macam ada orang tak suka dihebohkan.
    keluarga rapat sendiri pun tak beri tahu kat aku macam tak suka keluarga sendiri senang

    apalah salahnya ofer kat aku 1 keping

    • Bini Najib(BN) berkata:

      hahahhaha,,,,, koleksiduit…. anda masih anak hingusan dalam investment dinar iraq ini….hehehehhe….anda baru nak hidup mengenali dinar iraq..tapi….anda punya komen mengalahkan orang yg dah menyimpan 9 tahun….punya pengalaman……hahahaha…banyakkan membuat kajian wahai “koleksiduit”…. Sebulan Baru mengenali Dinar Iraq ini… tidak bererti… anda sudah hebat…wahai “koleksiduit”. itu sahaja nasihat saya pada anda…

  466. koleksiduit berkata:

    RD dgn membuang 3 angka 0 di belakang memang dijangka akan berlaku untuk memudahkan urusan perniagaan di iraq dan dunia
    tetapi ia memakan masa dalam jangka masa 2 tahun
    Dalam masa 2 tahun pemilik dinar asal diberi peluang menukar kepada dinar yang baru. selepas itu dinar asal mungkin tak laku.
    bukan mudah kerajaan iraq menukar2 duit2 baru ni kerana kos sangat besar juga bang
    perkembangan dinar iraq akan diketahui setiap masa dari fb atau news amerika dll, so dont worry

    cuma aku berfikir sekarang dalam sudut lain. iaitu dikatakan bertan2 dinar iraq dalam kontena dihantar ke USA. apa jadahnya itu

    • Bini Najib(BN) berkata:

      heheheh… setakat cakap x guna….” koleksiduit ” sila berikan link untuk support kenyataan kau….yg bertan2 dinar iraq dalam kontena dihantar ke USA…. Proof It !!!! jangan cakap sedap mulut…aje…hehehehehe…

    • Bini Najib(BN) berkata:

      heheheh… setakat cakap x guna….” koleksiduit ” sila berikan Sumber link yang sahih…. untuk support kenyataan kau….yg bertan2 dinar iraq dalam kontena dihantar ke USA…. Proof It !!!! jangan cakap sedap mulut…aje…hehehehehe…

  467. leyla berkata:

    mintak tolong sendkan cara buka acc warkah boleh?

  468. Profesor Gile berkata:

    Assalammualaikum..kami menjual note cash IQD…sekeping 25,000IQD RM95 10,000IQD RM50…ambil banyak b0leh neg0..berminat sila hubungi kami di n0mbor 0176173199@0176233849..prefer COD melaka..

  469. kotabaghdad berkata:

    Jom Jual dinar anda pd kami di http://dinarmy.com/…Special Rate..

    • Bini Najib(BN) berkata:

      ha..bagus tu… pada siapa yg berhasrat nak menjualkan dinarnya untuk membuka account kat warka…kalau ada cepat2 jualkan….dapat duit tu…balik terus tt kan duit RM tu ker account bank diiraq….dah tentu selamat…duit tu kat dalam bank… 🙂

  470. kotabaghdad berkata:

    Jom Jual dinar anda pd kami…

  471. Dinar RV berkata:

    sape lagi yg nak tau cara2 buka akaun? saya bole mailkan… saya pun penyimpan cashnote, dan saya juga ade akaun warka…

  472. koleksiduit berkata:

    kalau negara lain seperti hong kong dah iktiraf dinar aku ingat buat buka acc bank aku kat hong kong bank . apa macam setuju tak? atau bank2 lain luar negeri yang iktiraf dinar… aaa macama mane?

    • Bini Najib(BN) berkata:

      hehehehe…. buka account bank kat iraq…pun x lepas2 lagi….inikan pula nak buka account kat hong kong bank…lawak3……terlintas pula kat hati aku pasal dinar iraq nie ekk…adakah Negara Iraq sendiri x mengiktraf duit dia sendiri????sehingga ada orang yg terfikir nak buka account bank,selain dari bank iraq….yg konon2nya bank luar dari iraq lebih mengiktrafkan matawang Dinar Iraq lebih dari Bank negara iraq itu sendiri….wakawakakawakaka….lol.

  473. koleksiduit berkata:

    harap2 biar lambat sikit rv sesab aku rasa kena bagi peluang orang melayu ada sekeping dua dinar iraq ni.
    kepada agen dinar cuba jual lagi khusus kepada orang melayu jangan ambil untung banyak sangat

    • Bini Najib(BN) berkata:

      hehehe… peluang dah lama diberi….sejak dari tahun 2003 lagi….sampai lah nie…2011 dan dah nak masuk pun tahun 2012 dah x lama lagi….sekarang nie bukan masa untuk membeli….sekarang ini hanya tinggal masa untuk menunggu meraih keuntungan jer….heheheh….lol.

  474. nak buka account gak berkata:

    en. Dinar RV mintak tolong sendkan cara buka acc warkah boleh?


  475. koleksiduit berkata:

    yang aku tahu dinar iraq ni bukan senang nak dibawa keluar dari iraq.tentera US kena chek pastikan tak bawa dinar keluar. so kita dapat dinar untung la kan

    • Bini Najib(BN) berkata:

      Itu sebablah aku cakap…duit cash note yang kau orang tu beli…adalah duit haram…duit yg tak diiktiraf oleh CBI….sebab duit tersebut telah keluar dari negara iraq…tapi kau orang x nak percaya….ada orang cakap aku dengki lagi…kat orang yang beli cash note…aku sebenarnya bukan dengki kat kau orang….aku hanya nak sampaikan pesanan dari kedutaan iraq yang berada di Washington DC ….yg telah jelas2 memberi tahu bahawa adalah menjadi satu kesalahan membawa keluar dinar iraq keluar dari iraq,secara tak langsung telah melanggar akta polisi bank negara Iraq (CBI). kalau kau orang x percaya kau orang hubungilah kedutaan Iraq di Washington DC….dan kau cakaplah dengan mamat bernama “Amjad A. Rajeb” di bawah ini adalah contect no kedutaan iraq…

      Iraqi Commercial Office
      Embassy of the Republic of Iraq

      1155 15th Street, Suite# 1100
      Washington, D.C. 20005

      Tel: (202) 822-2088
      Fax: (202) 822-8113

      P/s: petikan dibawah ini aku copy & pastekan dari fourm lain buat
      pemerhatian kau orang yang mungkin terlepas pandang…berkenaan isu Dinar ini…

      Dinar Investors,

      The following statement is a response from the Deputy Commercial Attache, Iraqi Embassy in Washington DC regarding my request for monetary policy information.. It would appear that if what this Republic of Iraq government representative is saying here is in fact true, a Dinar denominated commercial bank account is most likely the only legal vehicle, according to Iraqi law, with which anyone physically outside the Republic of Iraq may own the Iraqi Dinar. I suggest you scroll down, begin from the bottom and read up. Then draw your own conclusion

      Dear Sir,
      Thank you for contacting the Iraqi Commercial Attache in Washington DC. Reference to your inquire we would like to inform you that as of now it is illegal to sale Iraqi currency outside Iraq. You can visit Iraq central bank website (http://www.cbi.iq/arabic/index.html) to get more details about Monetary policy in Iraq.

      or more than four years THE AMIRAQ FUND managed by William Burbank has been the choice of hundreds of American investors who have seen the appreciation in the value Iraqi Dinar coming. It has proven to be safe, liquid, and a predictable way to participate in the rise in value of this country’s currency without the worry and uncertainty that goes with direct possession and delivery of the paper currency

      Amjad A. Rajeb
      Deputy Commercial Attache
      Iraqi Commercial Office
      Embassy of the Republic of Iraq

  476. Kejora Jiwa berkata:

    en.Dinar RV saya pun nak tahu cara buka acc warkah ,please
    email saya kemboja09@gmail.com

  477. koleksiduit berkata:

    aku rasa tak ada sebab dinar iraq tak rv sebab dia negara yang kaya minyak bukan macam negara2 afrika. satu masa mesti rv juga. kalau naik 50 sen US tak terbeli kita.
    kita harap agen pergi ke rumah2 umat Islam jual satu keping dinar iraq ni yang nilainya 10 ribu pun ok (rm 50?)
    semoga niat baik tuan2 pendapat pahala di sisi ALLAH
    di tempat saya orang non muslim yang banyak beli, heran juga kita kenapa mereka begitu yakin dengan dinar ini

  478. pakcik kayo berkata:

    From: df.org / Dihantar: Jumaat, September 16, 2011 01:20
    Sampai: kumpulan
    Dinar Bab Akhir dan Update Subject: Iraq
    Akhir Bab Iraq Dinar Update – September 16, 2011

    Pelanggan Tabung AmIraq dan Pelabur yang berminat: Dinar ini akhirnya telah bersedia untuk peralihan kepada pasaran awam di dunia dan ia akan membuka trading Forex selepas tamatnya ‘dalam negara’ program pertukaran redenomination sebelum akhir tahun ini. Ini akan redenominated baru, (lopped), wang kertas akan fizikal ditukar dengan IQD dalam edaran pada masa ini di Iraq. CBI adalah penggenapan up harga larasan dinar, selepas pertukaran selesai, dari 85 sen kepada dolar yang lebih. Ia kemudiannya dibuka untuk dagangan sama ada tinggi, rendah, atau sama dengan harga penyenaraian $ 1.00. Dari sudut ini ke hadapan harga Dinar yang akan ditentukan dalam pasaran mata wang awam.

    Titan Keselamatan San Diego telah menerima kontrak Bank Pusat Iraq bergerak wang kertas IQD lama Portsmouth England dan DeLarue mata wang percetakan dan mengambil nota baru yang akan dikeluarkan sebelum kelemahan Amerika Syarikat (AS) pada bulan Januari. Warka Bank telah mengumumkan kejayaan menyempurnakan penggabungan mereka dengan Bank Piagam Standard UK dan perkongsian dengan Citi Bank of Amerika Syarikat. Citi Bank juga telah menubuhkan cawangan bank pertama di Baghdad. Ini adalah berita baik untuk pendeposit Tabung AmIraq kerana kita boleh memindahkan wang secara langsung dari akaun Warka anda ke Citi Bank bagi pemindahan ke bank peribadi anda atau akaun peribadi atau perniagaan anda di Citi Bank.

    Apabila CBI bermula untuk memaparkan harga baru untuk dinar, AmIraq Kumpulan Wang pelanggan akan melihat pelarasan dalam akaun anda secara online. Nilai terkumpul akaun anda akan mencerminkan peningkatan kira-kira 15% dengan nilai dinar baru. Penggenapan ini sehingga akan menyediakan untuk pengiraan cepat dan kemudahan dalam mengendalikan wang baru yang mengira mesin yang akan dihantar bersama-sama dengan IQD baru.

    Sebagai penutup, jika anda masih kertas sendiri IQD, melakukan diri anda nikmat dan menjual semasa anda masih boleh. Seperti yang ada sekarang, kecuali Iraq cepat legislates perubahan rasmi dalam dasar berbanding dengan dinar, jika anda tidak mempunyai “Sijil Pengasalan” dokumen yang hanya dikeluarkan melalui Bank Negara Iraq, mata wang kertas Dinar Iraq anda tidak akan dihantar pulang untuk pertukaran. Ini adalah dokumen yang hilang yang diperlukan yang tidak pernah dibekalkan dengan pembelian mata wang anda dari mana-mana bank atau peniaga di luar Iraq. CBI boleh mengesahkan maklumat ini. Yang berkata, anda tidak akan melihat harga untuk kertas tugasan anda yang lebih tinggi daripada yang masih terdapat di pasaran sekunder. Hanya secara beransur-ansur harga yang lebih rendah sehingga lantai jatuh dari. Sila faham, ini tidak dapat dielakkan. Potong pendek kerugian anda.

    Selepas itu, jika anda memutuskan ingin membeli Dinar sekali lagi dan boleh memegang sekurang-kurangnya 6-12 bulan, sila hubungi saya. Saya boleh menguruskan untuk harga yang sama dengan $ 1.00, penukaran pos dan senarai IQD dijangka harga termasuk FOREX yuran dan dinar anda akan diadakan dalam akaun denominasi dinar dalam bank komersil di Iraq satu undang-undang Iraq. Anda akan mengunci harga mungkin tidak tersedia apabila dinar bermula perdagangan awam. Bagi kebanyakan pelabur Dinar, pulangan sebenar tidak akan dekat dengan apa yang dijangka Walau bagaimanapun, di atas purata potensi penghargaan dan realistik sana.

    • Bini Najib(BN) berkata:


      P/s: Sorry ekk!!! pakcik kayo…tak berapa faham dalam bahasa malaysia…

      From: df.org / Sent: Friday, September 16, 2011 1:20 PM
      To: group
      Subject: Iraqi Dinar Final Chapter and Update
      Final Chapter Iraqi Dinar Update –September 16, 2011

      AmIraq Fund Clients and Interested Investors: The Dinar is finally being prepared for its transition to the world’s public markets and it will open Forex trading after the conclusion of the ‘in country’ exchange redenomination program before year’s end. This will be where the new redenominated, (lopped), banknotes will be physically exchanged for the IQD in circulation at this time in Iraq. The CBI is rounding up the adjusted price of the dinar, after the exchange is completed, from 85 cents to an even dollar. It then opens for trading either higher, lower, or equal to the listing price of $1.00. From this point forward the price of the Dinar will be determined in the public currency markets.

      Titan Security of San Diego has received the Iraqi Central Bank contract to move old IQD banknotes to Portsmouth England and DeLarue currency printing and pick up new notes that will be issued before the US drawback in January. Warka Bank has announced the successful completion of their merger with Standard Charter Bank of UK and partnership with Citi Bank of the US. Citi Bank has also just established the first bank branch in Baghdad. This is good news for AmIraq Fund depositors because we can move money directly from your Warka account into Citi Bank for transfer to your personal bank or your personal or business account at Citi Bank.

      When the CBI begins to post the new price for the dinar, AmIraq Fund clients will see these adjustments in your account online. The cumulative value of your account will reflect a rise of about 15% with the dinars new value. This rounding up will provide for quick calculations and ease in operating the new money counting machines that will be delivered along with the new IQD.

      In closing, if you still own IQD paper, do yourself a favor and sell it while you still can. As it stands now, unless Iraq quickly legislates a formal change in policy relative to the dinar, if you do not have a “Certificate of Origination” document only issued through the Central Bank of Iraq, your Iraqi Dinar paper currency will not be repatriated for exchange. This is the missing document needed that was never supplied with your currency purchase from any bank or dealer outside Iraq. The CBI can substantiate this information. That said, you will not see higher prices for your paper than are still available in the secondary market. Only gradually lower prices until the floor falls away. Please understand, this is inevitable. Cut your losses short.

      After that, if you decide want to buy the Dinar again and can hold it for 6-12 months minimum contact me. I can arrange for prices equal to $1.00, post conversion and the IQD expected list price on the FOREX inclusive of fees and your dinars will be held in a dinar denominated account within a commercial bank in Iraq per Iraqi law. You will be locking in a price possibly unavailable when the dinar begins public trading. For most Dinar investors, the real return will not be close to what was expected however, above average and realistic appreciation potential is there.

  479. Bini Najib(BN) berkata:

    Wow!!!! dalam Bahasa orang putih…ada menyatakan “‘in country’ exchange redenomination” jadi…sekiranya ia benar2 terjadi “‘in country’ exchange redenomination” maka sesiapa yg ada account bank dan duit didalam bank tersebut termasuk sesiapa yg ada Cash menyimpan Cash Note didalam negara iraq…kemungkinan mendapat RV nilai yang tinggi.tetapi sesiapa yg menyimpan Cash Note Diluar dari Iraq….Nasib mereka tidak dapat ditentukan lagi….sama ada total loss…atau pun balik modal sahaja….

  480. InginTahu berkata:

    nak tahu ada sesiapa dah berjaya membuka account warka dari cara-cara yang diberikan oleh en.Dinar RV!!.sekiranya dah ada yang berjaya buka sila beri info kat sini.kerana saya pun nak buat sama.

  481. InginTahu berkata:

    dalam menunggu dinar nak RV/RD mari kita bersantai lihat video clip nie..hehehehe…

  482. Dinar RV berkata:

    saya hanya forward email dari warka bank daripada en. yasim dahulu… sesiapa yg dah berjaya buka, boleh la kongsi di sini, sesiapa ade kemusykilan lagi, jgn segan bgtau…

    • pakcik kayo berkata:

      ni lagi jenis sembang tak jatuh…..ingatkan pakar sangat…..rupanya hampeh……den rso en yassin tu pon entah2 dia dpt tu pon dr org lain..kemudian foward kan kat hang….ha..ha..ha…hampeh sungguh……

      pegi check blk brunai forum…den dah bg tau kek dlm tu…..kui…kui…kui…..tak pon bayar je kat org yg boleh buat akaun tu…….selamat mencubo……..

  483. Dinar RV berkata:

    wei pakcik kayo, aku pun bukan mintak bayaran, aku forward je. dan aku pun dah berjaya bukak akaun tu atas usaha aku sendiri (free) siap bole check account online lagi… ape da…

  484. Dinar RV berkata:

    pakcik kayo, kalau tak kenal seseorg tu, tak tau asal usul, jgn pakai tulis je…

    • pakcik kayo berkata:

      bukan ape…banyak sgt kata dah bukak akaun…last2……uapah oarang lah…orang tolong bukak lah…..tak buat lagi lah…tak reti lah…dan bermacam-macam lagi alasan….lain kali gentelman la skt……..sapa2 yg dah bukak …tahniah diucapkan…..

  485. koleksiduit berkata:

    macam betul juga kata bini najib ni
    bini najib ni pandai ekonomi juga sebab dia kelulusan u juga
    dengan kata lain duit di luar iraq tak laku lebih-lebih lagi jika dinar yang jenis baru dikeluarkan
    sesiapa cuba ambil kepastian terkini dari kedutaan iraq tentang dinar ni beritahu kami
    apa pun aku dah cakap jangan melabur banyak sangat sampai bergolok gadai dan buat pula pinjaman dengan along

    • Bini Najib(BN) berkata:

      bukan macam betul….memang dah betul pun apa yang aku cakap…kau orang jer yang x nak dengar cakap aku….sampai ada yang cakap aku ini penipu……hello kawan!!!! kau baca balik semua penerangan yang aku berikan dalam blog ini….dua tiga bulan yang lepas…. tentang “RV/RD IN COUNTRY” (penilaian semula matawang dalam negara) iraq….pasti akan belaku…..dan akhirnya terbukti pada 16 September 2011 satu artical telah keluar yg menyatakan Iraq akan melakukan process “exchange redenomination” didalam negara terlebih dahulu.kau orang tahu tak kenapa CBI nak buat RV/RD in Country?????

      RV/RD IN COUNTRY adalah satu2nya jalan atau pun penyelamat buat iraq untuk mengekang kerugian negara mereka….dalam istilah “FOREX” aku panggil sebagai “STOP LOST” sesiapa yang pernah bermain dengan forex…dah tentu2 kau orang faham apa itu “STOP LOST” yg aku maksudkan.

      Iraq mengambil jalan tersebut disebabkan mereka tahu duit kertas mereka telah banyak diseludup keluar dari iraq.so mereka membuat keputusan untuk melakukan REVALUE duit mereka didalam negara terlebih dahulu. mungkin ramai diantara kau orang akan tertanya2 pada aku bagaimana caranya iraq akan REVALUE duitnya Didalam negara ?????dan bolehkah iraq melakukan sedemikian cara????????

      jawapanya YER!!!!!!! memang boleh dan tidak menjadi satu kesalahan sekiranya iraq ingin melakukan sedemikian rupa.aku tahu…ramai diantara kau orang x setuju dengan pendapat aku…..tapi kau orang mesti ingat….. matawang iraq buat masa kini merupakan matawang yg masih belum diiktirafkan oleh bank dunia.disebabkan belum diiktiraf oleh bank dunia lah maka x salah jika iraq ingin melakukan RV didalam negaranya terlebih dahulu sebelum matawangnya yang baru akan diperkenalkan…. dimana mata wang baru tersebut tidak lagi mempunyai 3 angka sifar dibelakang duit kertasnya.

      bagaimana caranya iraq membuat RV/RD in Country!!!!!

      1. semua pintu sempadan yg masuk keiraq akan ditutup dan dikawal rapi oleh tentera Iraq,dimana mereka tidak mahu membenarkan duit yang berada diluar dari iraq masuk semula ke iraq.

      2. cash note 25k yg rakyat iraq gunakan sebelum ini akan ditukarkan pada nilai yang sama iaitu 25k juga….tetapi dalam bentuk matawang yg baru…. iaitu IQD 100 X 250 keping Cash Note yg baru.bergitu juga dengan nilai cash note 10k , 5k ,1k , 500 , 250 & 50. semua cash note iraq yg lama akan ditukar juga. ini disebabkan ada penambahan bahasa kurdis pada cash note dinar yg baru.

      3.selesai RV IN COUNTRY….. CBI akan memgumumkan pada Bank Dunia bahawa mereka akan melakukan prosess “looping”(pemansuhan 3 angka sifar) pada cash note yg lama.dan iraq memberi tempoh selama 6 bulan untuk duit yg berada diluar iraq ditukarkan kepada cash note yang baru dimana IQD 25k akan menjadi IQD 25.00 , IQD 10k menjadi IQD 10.00 dan bergitulah seterusnya….sehingga habis tempoh penukaran duit tersebut.

      Kesimpulannya….investment Cash Note Dinar Iraq Yg anda simpan ini akan menjadi Rugi….bukannya pulang modal…..kalau x percaya cuba anda kira balik IQD 1MiL anda beli berharga RM:3,300 ini contoh paling murah yg saya berikan. contoh…..IQD 1 MIL = IQD 1K = USD 3.08 = RM: 3,080. dimana ke untungan anda????

      • pakcik kayo berkata:

        ha..ha..ha…TERBAEEEKKKKK…….dah tak sabo rasenya nak jadi multi milionaire…wa caye sama lu le le brader…..komen yg bernas……mempunyai pendapat yg same dgn gue…he..he..he…jgn mare ye….he..he..he…

  486. 900000 berkata:

    Salam kepada semua pemilik2 dinar. Saya juga baru mengikuti forum ini dan ada sedikit menyimpan cash note awal tahun ni.
    Saya cadangkan dalam ruangan ini kita sama2 muafakat untuk saling bantu membantu. Apa kata sesiapa yang ada ilmu tentang buka akaun warka bank, terus saja explain kat ruangan ini biar semua pemilik2 dinar yang lain tahu cara2 untuk membuka akaun warka dengan sendiri secara online. Kepada pemegang2 cash note tu..tak salah kalau nak simpan dengan cara itu, tapi tak rugi kalau buka akaun warka, Harap2 sesiapa yang mempunyai pengetahuan tentang nak buka akaun warka tolong2 lah bantu membantu sesama kita, lagi pula kita semua mempunyai harapan yg sama untuk tunggu RV. Mudah2 niat kita untuk membantu sesama kita akan mendapat ganjaran dari ALLAH s.w.t.

  487. kotabaghdad berkata:

    sesaper y ade Dinar Cash Note & xde duit nk bukak Acc di warka bank…leh Jualkan Dinar anda di http://dinarmy.com/

  488. koleksiduit berkata:

    kalau dinar Iraq yang ada sekarang tidak diganti yang baru dan rv pula dan keuntungan bagi pihak kita seperti yang kita harap, soalan saya:
    1. Apakah merugikan sesiapa?
    2. Apakaha kerajaan Iraq rugi?
    3. Kalau kerajaan Iraq rugi pa sebabnya?
    4. Atau kerajaan Malaysia yang rugi?
    5. Adakah semua pihak untung?
    6. Jika tidak berlaku seperti yang diharapkan, bagaimana dinar yang banyak berada di USA. Tidakkah mengundang kemarahan dan Iraq akan diserang balik?
    soalan-soalan saya macam orang bodoh saja tapi harap ada pihak-pihak yang dapat menjelaskan

  489. koleksiduit berkata:

    Bini Najib mungkin betul melalui kenyataannya yang terakhir. Kita hormati kenyataannya Seolah-olah kerajaan Iraq benci atau marah kepada pihak-pihak yang membawa dinar yang banyak keluar.
    Minta Bini Najib jelaskan kenapa kerajaan Iraq anti kepada pihak yang membawa dinar Iraq dari Iraq tetapi dalam masa yang sama tahu dinar keluar dari Iraq dengan banyaknya.
    Dah bagi keluar tapi sekat jangan bagi masuk pulak. Tidak seperti Kuwait.

    • kopi pekat berkata:

      Petikan temubual antara pengacara TV dgn Dr Sinan dan Mohd Salleh.

      The producer of the show:
      Dr. Sinan, one of the major duties for the CBI is to raise the value of the currency and make it a welcomed currency where ever we go with it, and also will the government set a time to sell amount of Iraqi Oil for Iraqi Dinars and remove it all from the outside and make the preparations for the process of changing the currency?

      Mudher Mohammed Saleh:
      As I think that the Iraqi currency amounts is very little out side and its there only in the neighboring countries like Syria, Iran, Turkey, Saudi.. etc, and it went there for a tourism and small trading process only, your question is that when the Iraqi Dinar will be a reserve currency for other countries, and my answer is that Iraq have a lot of goods and his abilities is very strong and if the steps goes right in the future the Iraqi currency will be a reserve currency for other countries.

      One thing significant I found in the interview is that the CBI Advisor Saleh mentioned that Iraq would be selling oil and having the oil be paid for in Iraqi dinar. Meaning that Iraq dinar will be a reserve currency for other countries.

  490. pening berkata:

    bila la amerika nk serang iraq lagi

    • mentari berkata:

      apa la punya pemikiran???duit punya pasal boleh la plak tanya bila amerika nak serang us?kan bagus tak rv langsung drpd tgk darah umat Islam tumpah lg drpd ckp2 yg berupa doa utk kemusnahan negara iraq dan rakyat Iraq yg merupakan org Islam.

      ps:soalan bocor dlm kubur nanti bai…’siapa saudara kamu’?

    • razmr berkata:

      kepala hotak hang eh….sampai nak suruh serang balik…ingat rakyat iraq tu anai2 boleh bunuh sesuka hati…..woi jgan sampai ke situ plak………

  491. minta maaf semua berkata:

    hukum menjual beli duit adalah haram…membuat penukaran matawang tidak salah…sama2 kita pikirkan…

  492. kotabaghdad berkata:

    to minta maaf semua..
    Try klik link sy send kat bwah mengenai urusniaga dinar iraq..kalu sy silap tlg perbetulkan..


    • InginTahu berkata:

      itu jabatan islam terangganu sahaja…yg bagi kenyataan,Kenapa tak jabatan Islam Malaysia sahaja yg bagi kenyataan,Muskil lak aku.tapi kalau betul2 nak tahu jawapan dia..cubalah tanya pula dengan Ustat Abdul Rahman bin Endut pula…apa kenyataan dia…sebab dia lebih arif dalam bab-bab investment.

  493. koleksiduit berkata:

    minta maaf semua kata beli duit hukum nya haram kenapa tak cakap awal-awal lagi dalam web ini. Yang lain cuba pastikan fatwa ini mesti dari ketua mufti . Kalau jelas haram kata mufti so tak payah beli lah lagi sebab dah tahu hukumnya. Dinar yang ada jangan pula dibuang tapi tukar la ke RM bila dah RV. Maka belanjakan lah ke jalan yang halal bukan yang haram. Nabi sudah mengingatkan di Hari Kemudian nanti antara soalannya ialah dari mana dapat harta dan kemana dibelanjakan. Dah jawab semua dengan baik dan lulus baru masuk ke dalam syurga

    • Bini Najib(BN) berkata:

      hehehe…cerita hukum halal haram ini dah lapok dah……hanya kau jer baru tahu…isu ini dah timbul sejak tahun 2004/2005 lagi…dalam website PPIM(Persatuan Pengguna Islam Malaysia) dia orang dah bagi tahu..hukumnya haram…sebab x ada ijab & Kabul….apa apa pun kau orang carilah cerita tu kat laman sesawang PPIM.

  494. koleksiduit berkata:

    Tidak ada ijab dan kabul bukan duit iraq ni saja. sekarang semua orang beli barang2 tak ada ijab dan kabul lebih2 lagi kalau beli barang di kedai orang bukan Islam macam tak tergamak nak sebut macam malu pulak. Tapi terjadi juga jual beli. Yang tak sah jual beli ialah jika berlaku penipuan seperti duit dah bayar tapi barang tak sampai atau tak ada. Ni duit iraq ada dalam tangan original pula.
    Bini Najib belum jawab kalau seluruh rakyat Malaysia ada dinar Iraq ni siapa untung dan siapa rugi. Iraq rugi? Kenapa?

    • Bini Najib(BN) berkata:

      aku dah jawab soalan kau dengan panjang lebar…tetapi…jawapan aku ditapis oleh admin blog ini…so..ia x dapat dibaca oleh kau orang….hanya didalam pc aku sahaja yang aku boleh lihat…bila aku buka pc kat office aku….memang x disiarkan…..apa yg aku jawab tentang soalan kau.

      • Bini Najib(BN) berkata:

        ini yg dia tulis…

        Bini Najib(BN) berkata:
        Komen anda sedang ditapis.
        September 20, 2011 at 2:40 pm

  495. bakabaik berkata:

    ooh..bini najib, walaupun aku xpuas hati ngn
    ko sbb ko cekik duit rakyat..

    namun, aku sokong ko ttg statement berkaitan
    soal kebenaran dinar iraq walaupun rmai yg

    aku mmg xpandai ttg ekonomi, finance or
    ape2 yg sewaktu ngn ny. cume yg aku nampak ttg
    cash note dinar iraq yg di luar iraq ni ibarat
    selonggok kertas yg tiada nilai n skadar bleh
    jadi penghidup unggun api je..

    mgkin ko bleh terangkan ttg George Soros n
    spekulasi matawang yang b’laku lwt 90an dulu..
    n ape berlaku bila org luar dr malaysia memiliki
    sejumlah besar matawang Malaysia dgn membeli pd
    harga yg rendah? punca matawang RM jatuh lpas tu?
    adakah krn itu iraq mmg x redha dinar IQD
    diseludup keluar dr Iraq? Ia akn sebabkan
    iraq rugi? n xmengiktiraf cash note IQD diluar
    iraq adalah sah? n xbenarkn iqd yg kat luar msuk
    ke iraq? n terpaksa wat revaluation utk hdapi
    situasi ni…

    • Bini Najib(BN) berkata:

      wakakawakakawakaka…Ooooohhh en.bakabaik..kalau kau dah tahu aku cekik duit rakyat….siapa suruh kau orang undi aku…hehehehe…..kalau kau orang x puas hati ngan aku…..kau Orang buatlah undi protes bila masa pilihan raya pada bulan NOVEMBER nanti…hehehehe….janganlah undi pati aku….hehehehe….”Melayu Mudah Lupa” bagi kain pelekat sehelai & beras seguni….terus kau orang pilih aku……hehehehe….BN Bagus…..Kita Mesti Pilih..!!!!!!!! Wakaka..wakaka….

      Pasal George Soros tu…. aku malas nak cerita lagi….kalau aku cerita pun aku x dapat apa2 feadahnya….baik aku cerita pasal dinar iraq…sekurang2nya aku pun ada juga peluang untuk jadi Lagi kaya….”lagi kaya dari Abdul Wahab…..& Lagi kaya dari Abdul Wahid”…hehehehe…Kaya3

  496. kotabaghdad berkata:

    utk makluman seme…

    anda bebas utk menulis ape2 artikel di web ini & tiada penapisan artikel dibuat oleh admin..

    • Bini Najib(BN) berkata:

      anda admin ker kotabaghdad??? Kalau Yer…sila realesekan artike aku yg bertarikh September 20, 2011 at 2:40 pm…dalam artikel tu aku ada bagi 2 link berhubung…laman sesawang cbi dan link artikel yg aku berikan pada komen aku bertarikh
      September 17, 2011 at 1:21 am. hehehehe…kalau kau tak realesekan artike aku tu…bererti laman sesawang ini tidak bebas untuk menulis apa2 artikel. penat jer aku menaip…siot!!!

  497. Bini Najib(BN) berkata:

    The Iraqi dinar and the deletion of zeros

    23/09/2011 07:45 PM

    Ihsan Shomran Yasiri

    listened with interest to the symposium presented by the Iraqi satellite channel on the theme of the restructuring of the Iraqi currency, and deleting three zeros from them. I had listened to the statements a state officials who oppose this issue and the market excuses about the dangers of topic ..

    I have done Iraqiya good as it met the Iraqi Central Bank Governor, his Deputy and the President of the Finance Committee in the House of Representatives ..
    says the idea that promises by the central bank said that the process of lifting the zeros aims to reduce the number of “BANKNOTES” that are open to the people.
    The Bank intends to print a new series of “BANKNOTES” include the categories of high (50, 100 dinars and 200 dinars), in addition to the existing categories after you delete the digit (5 dinars, 10 dinars to 25 dinars) .. And thus become important tools for large groups to carry cash and savings and large financial transactions .. Which become the “PAPER” of a large category (200 dinars, or 250 dinars) equivalent to about (200) dollars. Thus the citizen is not obliged to search for the dollar and (books). And can complete transactions Iraqi currency it. The small groups (5.10, 25) are leading purpose-day transactions.
    and the presence of large groups of currency helps to reduce the number of “PAPERS” that will print, as equivalent to another class about ten times the largest category of our currency, the current is (25000) dinars, which will be transformed to ( 25) dinars. And shortened the category of (100) dinars four “BANKNOTES” of the highest class (25000) dinars, and to summarize the class of (50) Dinara two of them.
    and go the idea of the central bank to another story, the numbers for billing large that fills the columns of budgets and schedules and budgets .. It was even said that Iraq is the only country after the United States, which has become Baltrliun deals! .. Does not benefit the public and only the process of reducing the numbers calculation, but also benefit the institutions and companies after Ttrhq transactions and accounts in accordance with the target.
    In terms of goals psychological, may be able to process of lifting the zeros of giving confidence in the national currency, which will be close to the value of global unity, the U.S. dollar .. Would be roughly comparable to one dinar to the dollar .. A property Avcqdnaha since 1980 as it was humiliation crawl to our national currency.
    What stuck in the minds of people from the process of replacing the money that occurred in / 2003 which took place promptly and within “THREE” months, has not been emphasized by the officials, to confirm the extended replacement clarified by the governor .. Instead of three months it took in the process / 2003, there appears to be longer term and better mechanisms and control systems as severe as MP Haydar Abbadi .. This is the crux of the concerns that tried to launch a government official even before the central bank is trading with the government and the legislature .. We must not forget the dozens of victims who died succumbed gheelah and treachery, carrying bags of dinars in the markets and institutions .. Do not forget the thousands of employees who lost their pensions are in the way of banks ..
    The currency conversions are a new currency will bring a lot, even if some of the gains and benefits to the nation, even when delayed, but it seems evident that the requirements to initiate the first project of the postponement.

    P/s: aduh3…cerita pasal buang 3 angka sifar pada “BANKNOTES”….lagi….Currency PAPER…lagi… seperti en.bakabaik cakap…cash note dinar iraq ini seperti selonggok kertas yg tiada nilai n skadar bleh jadi penghidup unggun api je…..pada masa akan datang…. oleh kerana itu ..baiklah kau orang terima sajalah advice aku agar kau orang bukalah sendiri account bank diiraq cepat2 sebelum terlambat….dan kalau boleh…kau orang jualah sahaja cash note kau orang tu sementara masih ada lagi orang yang berminat untuk membeli….duit kau orang tu…ini adalah nasihat aku yang entah ker berapa puluh kali…janganlah anda samakan dinar kuwait akan sama dengan Dinar iraq juga….GOI & CBI tidak akan mengikut jejak langkah kuwait…kalau x percaya tengoklah nanti…betul atau pun tidak cakap aku ini….dah galak kali tafsiran aku tepat tentang Iraq…kalau kau orang x percaya…kau orang bacalah balik…comment2 aku yang terdahulu….disitu kau orang boleh tahu tafsiran aku tentang iraq awal 3 ker 4 bulan dari berita sebenar…yg keluar selepas itu…

    P/s: jangan kau orang tanya sama aku….macam mana aku tahu berita tentang iraq lebih awal dari media masa iraq itu sendiri..hehehehe…

  498. Bini Najib(BN) berkata:

    CBI confirms the deletion of zeros and the currency exchange in 2013

    September 24th, 2011 07:59 am

    Deputy Governor of the Central Bank of the appearance of Mohammed Saleh

    Central Bank of Iraq, Saturday, that in 2013 will delete the zeros and the currency exchange, pointing out that the current currency formed a cluster of large cash estimated at 30 trillion dinars.

    The deputy governor of the Bank the appearance of Mohammed Saleh said in an interview “of the Sumerian News”, ” central bank’s strategy of deleting three zeros and the currency exchange will be at the beginning of a new year and new budget for the Iraqi state, “expected to” be the currency exchange in the new fiscal year for 2013. “

    Saleh added that the “zeros added to the currency led to the deterioration of the currency in Iraq, which led to the weakness in the efficiency of monetary exchange, “noting that” what you are suffering monetary institutions of Iraq at the present time of the errors in the accounts and records of returns caused by the high number of currency that are difficult to read. “

    Saleh indicated that “the Iraqi currency current formed a cluster of large cash and up to 30 trillion Iraqi dinars while the number of securities traded in the market to four trillion paper after it was mass cash amounting to 25 billion dinars in 1980, “explaining that” the greatest currency in Iraq at the present time is equal to $ 21 and are not able to cover Payments large.

    ” Salih stressed that “the process of deleting the zeros and the currency exchange is the process of administrative reform of the currency of the Iraqi monetary and therefore does not affect the lifting of the value of things or change the per capita income of Iraq,” adding that “fear of people from the deletion of zeros is the fear psychologically, as the process of deleting zeros and the currency exchange have been applied in 53 countries, including Turkey when he deleted six zeroes from the currency and Romania, which omitted four zeros. “

    He was an adviser to Prime Minister for Economic Affairs Abdullah Hussein Al-Anbuge, said in a (25 August 2011), to raise zeros from the currency is the biggest corruption in the Iraq if it was during this period, and fall under the name of tampering with the economic, warning of “mafias currency” is preparing to rig the trillion Iraqi dinars to replace them in the light of the planned changes.

    accused the Central Bank of Iraq, in the twelfth of September, the current, government agencies of obstructing monetary reform and vowed to sue, loaded with the bodies responsible for endangering the interests of the country’s financial risk.

    In the view of some economists that Iraq is poised at the present time to delete the zeros of the Iraqi dinar, noting that the deletion of zeros needed to stabilize the security and political as well as economic stability.

    and declared Iraqi Central Bank Governor Sinan Shabibi , during a meeting of independent bodies with Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki held in (June 19, 2011), his willingness to create all the supplies to replace the Iraqi currency.

    The Iraqi Central Bank was established as a bank independent under the law issued on the sixth of March of 2004, as an independent body and is responsible for maintaining price stability and the implementation of monetary policy, including exchange rate policies and management of foreign reserves and the issuance of currency management, as well as regulate the banking sector to promote a competitive financial system and independently.

    P/s: Benarlah kata2 guru aku bahawa dinar iraq akan diapungkan pada tahun 2013….iaitu genaplah 10 tahun kitaran ekonomi yang berlaku pada negara iraq….pada mulanya aku tak yakin….tapi bila aku baca kenyataan diatas….aku akur bahawa kata2 guru aku itu benar sekali….

  499. koleksiduit berkata:

    Kalau terlalu banyak dinar iraq keluar negara akan menjejaskan ekonomi mungkin duit yang keluar negara tak laku. Terlalu banyakkah wang yang keluar. Saya nasihatkan kepada tuan puan belilah dinar iraq sekadar saja ikut kemampuan.

  500. kotabaghdad berkata:

    to Bini Najib..
    sy bukan admin web ini.cube sedare send skali lagi artikel tu kt sini..sy yakin admin web ni x delete ape2 artikel tntg dinar cash/bukak acc..jgn salah sangke k..

  501. kotabaghdad berkata:



  502. Bini Najib(BN) berkata:

    Investigations and contemporary society : a controversial issue the project to delete the zeros of the local currency between the timing and economic feasibility

    Wednesday, September 21 Date: Wednesday, September 21

    Raised the project to delete the zeros of the local currency, which was announced the CBI on June 22 last debate between the economic and financial circles, at the time raised the reactions of the popular wondering about the timing and economic feasibility of the process that could cost millions of dollars and spoke upheaval in the domestic market. (Union) polled a number of experts and academics on the dialectic of the deletion of zeros from the local currency over the following survey:

    Ready to erase the zeros

    Iraqi Central Bank confirms its willingness to delete the zeros of the local currency pointing at the same time that those zeros that are added to the Iraqi currency during the last period formed a cluster of large cash hit (27) trillion dinars, and said the appearance of Mohammed Salih, adviser to the Iraqi Central Bank: This step is jobs strategy of the Bank, and the zeros that are added to the Iraqi currency during the last period formed a cluster of large cash amounted to more than four trillion paper reviews categories of the Iraqi currency value of financial Bgt (27) trillion Iraqi dinars after it was (25) billion dinars in 1980 He pointed out: that Iraq is unable to manage this block because it is a small country where the large number of money circulating in the Iraqi market has led to a confusion in business dealings in the work of the huge banks .. Adding that the bank has fully prepared for the deletion of zeros from Iraqi dinar and that the deletion of zeros is a national issue and may need to special legislation, although the Central Bank of Iraq is the reform of management system of currency from the heart of his work and that the deletion of zeros is one of the strategic functions of the Central Bank of Iraq, noting : that the bank was able during the last period to reduce the level of inflation to the level of one decimal after the passage of more than twenty years .. Indicating: that Iraq was able for the first time to reduce inflation to 2%, which reflects the success of Iraq’s monetary policy.
    Fear of counterfeit currency

    The economic researcher Abdul Salam Jumaili he says that the project to delete the zeros regulating mechanism for lifting the three zeroes to promote the value of local currency in circulation economic, external and internal which is a strategic project aimed at reducing the rates of inflation experienced by the Iraqi market, as it will free the Iraqi economy from the restrictions and damaged the value of the Iraqi dinar the World Bank’s fund .. Adding: when we want to buy dollars in 1200 dinars, we buy at one dinar and 200 fils, while the researcher says economic Mohammed Hatem Al-Kaabi on the subject: that most of the speakers with him from supporters and opponents disagree on the subject of hand out a good idea or not so good, everyone has the conviction that the deletion of zeros to be that is one day, but the objectors whom I am standing on the timing and feasibility of the process could cost millions of dollars may occur upheaval in the domestic market, which obviously he does not need a case of confusion, new point: that this amount is higher than the money, according to reports of the ” CENTRALl BANK OF IRAQ FOUR TRILLION BANKNOTE is DIFFICULT TO ALTER ” without constraints, the question arises how will change the currency, and alter the currency and to ensure the absence of manipulation during the switch, it is a matter numbers and zeros lift the zero set zero of sin, and confirms Al Kaabi said the draft of zeros and delete them in this way is a green light the mafias counterfeiting to put forged banknotes can be lost from the process of exchange coordination and purchase of receivables As for the priorities do not say more than what specialists in this area because the economic situation need to follow the structural and the money that will be spent on the switch I see that the sectors of interest to the citizen first, such as the health sector and education and increase the productive capacity of the country and the adoption of incomes of a new alternative for oil will run dry one day and we will find ourselves in the desert where no water, no green in the face of good I do not think that the story is far from the political, there are those who want to say I made the dinar as the dollar and this phrase will go on citizen unnoticed.
    Risks to the economic security

    The economic adviser in the government Hussain Anbuge: The process of deletion of zeros from the currency will increase the phenomenon of money laundering and the government is working to convince the central bank need to stop work on the implementation of the project, indicating: that the government had informed the Central Bank of the existence of a risk to economic security in the event insisted the bank to delete the the zeros of the local currency .. He continued by saying that this process costs time and effort of the government and the central bank raises the level of fraud, some terrorist groups to carry out the smuggling of money out of the country, either the stock market in Iraq, in turn, will be affected by the process of deletion of zeros from Iraqi dinar, according to a member of the Federation of Iraqi mediators Mohammed Ismail, who said: that in the case of deletion of zeros from the currency will drop capital companies proportions of zeros and that, for example, if the company’s capital of three billion will be three million dinars, and in this case will be in front of the stage must be where the market closed for a certain period for the issuance of certificates of new shares to holders with the remaining number of shares on the situation and to draw: that the process of removing the zeros economic process difficult and complex needs numbers and accurate statistics for all economic activities, not Iraq has like, banking offices, in turn expressed their discontent with the process and said that Ahmed Rikabi the banking alligator in the Karrada district, who refused to portray his place explanation: that the situation the security situation being experienced by banking offices how the country has proved to the world that he is unable to protect its banks and its markets and banking offices in which to replace its currency, removing the zeros in the light of ignorance of the concrete of the ordinary citizen of what is happening in the financial transactions and where to go the budget years that exceeded the barrier of $ 300 billion either for offices Banking and says: All I fear is the increasing numbers of banknotes counterfeit, and it certainly will dominate the market and spread the idea of ​​change, and delete the zeros indicating: that the project to delete the zeros from the currency will negatively affect the Iraqi economy that has not been made by careful examination by specialists in financial matters The cash is certain: if the monetary mass that remained unchanged no value to the project to delete the zeros .. As for Dr. Bassem Jamil Antoine Vice-President of the Federation of Iraqi businessmen, he said: In fact, the meaning of the process of removing the zeros is to reduce the currency’s size I do not think that this step will be an impact on the Iraqi economy, which is noted by the recession and lack of economic growth and this process if I want her to bear fruit must be economic steps, accompanied by economic plans are clear and the whole process needs to create and to keep logistics through seminars, meetings and workshops for Iraqi banks for the ordinary citizen to be aware of the move, so do not be fooled and be easy prey to gangs, extortion and laugh at the simple citizen, and I think The issue needs to study more than one year so satisfying topic of research and educate all segments of the community and listen to all opinions noting: that the Iraqi currency is divided into two parts: the first in the banks, and the second when the citizen so we need to tightened security measures along with significant economic gains can be switched dinar from local currency to a global currency .. And inflation and its relationship to Balasfar said inflation does not address in this way never, but addresses the scientific studies that can promote the private sector and eliminate unemployment and do the industrial sector, government and civil and promote the agricultural sector, it is not hidden on the events of 80 percent of the basket of Iraq are imported from abroad, and this means that out of hard currency clarity the day, this with reference to the seven million Iraqis are living below the poverty line, and draws Antoine that this experience is not the result of Iraqi thought and came before them, Italy and Turkey when Khzvt zeros six but vary the timing and the necessities of phase, while the researcher believes the economic Karim Hilfi: The Bank’s decision Central deletion of three zeroes in the long term, not a new decision on the economic scene has preceded us several countries to the special mention of Germany, adding that the situation in Iraq where there are no objective conditions for deletion, because Iraq is suffering from problems of structural economic and inflation is strong as well as high rates of How unemployment will be the deletion of zeros from the dinar, which is basically non-existent .. And between: that Iraq is able to move forward with this decision either short or long, both saying that the explanation: it is possible to delete the zeros when the output strong and Jlth Department in addition to the absence of structural imbalances or inflation, and unemployment is less than 10 % noting: the decision can not be implemented only after a long time, even if carried out within a year or two it will be a negative impact because the economy is in recession now.
    In turn, drew the academic researcher Hilal Taan: that the project to delete the zeros is a project proposed by former Finance Minister Bayan Jabr, and can be applied and studied as a medium or long term, can not be applied only after the stability of the economic situation and improve the Iraqi dinar exchange rate .. He Taan: The project has several requirements the most important he needs a stable economy in some respects, and needs substantial financial resources in addition to supporting the Iraqi dinar, foreign stocks, and it could be applied during the last period but for the effects of the global financial crisis on the Iraqi economy .. Considered the economic and safety expert: The process of deletion of zeros from currency is a good step, but requires more efforts of the media of economic efforts and attributed the reason is that the market will be exposed to vibration as soon as the citizen’s belief that the deletion of zeros will affect negatively on the real value of the coin .. She added that the real value of the coin is the value of goods received by the individual and that on the strength of the national economy, saying: These things can be achieved stability of the security situation in addition to the media a major economic effort to educate citizens about the positive results of the process of removing the zeros.

    Citizens propose

    Ali Faraj, 35, says that the process of deletion of zeros from the currency will contribute to raising the purchasing power, and also that efforts to raise the zeros and change the current currency contributes to the creation of a state of confusion in the monetary policy, compared to no changes in the value of purchasing real currency .. Adding that there is a risk of leakage of foreign currency abroad after the ratification of the policy of freedom of exchange, especially as the auctions the central bank of the dollar contributed to the exit of large amounts of foreign currency from Iraq, while he says Muhannad Salem employees that the process of deletion of zeros from the local currency’s decision is not feasible and will not contribute to raise the value of the Iraqi dinar, while cause when applied to problems of multi-dimensional added to the problems suffered by the Iraqi economy, including confusion and disorganization of the market in buying and selling and debt among citizens as well as confuse the mental state that Stantab the citizen as a result of the emergence of a new phenomenon require adaptation by the are of the view of Hamza Hussein : that the project and before applying it requires coinage small denominations of currency, which represent parts of the dinar, and that these currencies would cost the state large sums eight project does not enhance the value of Iraqi Dinar where it will remain a value as it is and the results are equal, is certain: the need to deal with this project with caution because it may cause economic problems in the Iraqi Central Bank as well as presenting the project to specialists in economics to indicate their opinion on the subject before the application and noted citizen Hassan Hamid to the approval of a project that aims to raise the value of the Iraqi dinar to its former value to return is equal to $ 3.33 U.S. through several measures, including a review of the proposed import because it drains excess foreign currency and deposited with the Central Bank of Iraq as well as reducing public spending to the state and its departments with regard to import of expensive furniture can be obtained through the local market.

  503. koleksiduit berkata:

    Cuba terangkan secara ringkas maksud utama yang mau dinyatakan dalam tulisan panjang lebar di sana. Apakah maksudnya duit di luar Iraq selepas RV nanti tidak laku? Terloponglah mulut orang yahudi Amerika orang Amerika hahahaha

    • Bini Najib(BN) berkata:

      yer..memang terlopong mulut orang2 yahudi individu baik orang US mahu pun orang Israel yang menyimpan cash note.bagi bank2 yahudi…mereka tidak rugi…sebab lelongan dinar iraq yg dibuat oleh CBI dalam bentuk electronic currency…duit electronic currency masih tetap diterima oleh CBI dengan nilai yang sama sekiranya CBI melakukan loop pada cash note.itu sebab aku cakap…beli cash note x guna…baik kau orang beli electronic currency…sebab dah galak kali Penasihat CBI dah bagi tahu dalam media…dengan penghapusan 3 angka sifar…pada cash note tidak menjejaskan harga barang ,gaji perkerja & juga duit didalam Simpanan bank.tak percaya…kau orang baca balik semua artical yanng aku bagi yg lepas2. 🙂

  504. Bini Najib(BN) berkata:

    President Talabani Promises to Protect Investors

    September 26, 2011

    Iraq is striving to build a democratic State anchored in peace and the rule of law, with all communities living in harmony, irrespective of their sectarian, ethnic or factional affiliation, the country’s President, Jalal Talabani, told the General Assembly on Friday.

    “This is the basis for the path which we are moving on and continually implementing,” Mr. Talabani told the annual general debate.

    Stressing that Iraq had succeeded in getting rid of sanctions and restriction imposed as a consequence of the invasion of Kuwait by the Saddam Hussein regime, Mr. Talabani encouraged the international community to seek investment opportunities in the country in the fields of oil, natural gas and infrastructure.


    He said Iraqi security forces had proved that they are capable of providing security and combating terrorism when United States troops withdraw from the country at the end of the year.

    Noting that Iraq’s foreign policy is based on the principle of good neighbourliness and respect of international obligations, Mr. Talabani urged Turkey and Iran to resort to diplomacy and dialogue to resolve their dispute with their Kurdish communities, and to refrain from bombing Iraqi territories in the Iraqi Kurdistan which he said was causing harm to innocent civilians.

    Mr. Talabani said the Middle East should be a region free of weapons of mass destruction and urged Israel to join the nuclear non-proliferation treaty and put its nuclear facilities under the safeguards regime of the United Nations International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).

    P/s: kau orang baca ayat “Bertulisan Huruf Besar” maksudnya… para pelabur yg datang melabur diiraq & juga duit pelabur yg melabur diiraq dijamin oleh GOI (Goverment Of Iraq). hehehe… dah terang lagi aku suluh…..hehehehe..

  505. koleksiduit berkata:

    maknanya kena buat WARKA baru selamat? Bila RV boleh ambil duit sikit2 dari bank sampai sebanyak mana kita suka . Jawab cepat masa dah suntuk.

    • Bini Najib(BN) berkata:

      tak semestinya buat account Warka sahaja selamat…sekiranya kau orang rasa kau orang nie semuanya kaya….kau orang buatlah account bank ” Dar Al-Salam Investment Bank “…tak mahal pun….hanya bermodalkan USD 100,000 aje…kau orang dah boleh buat account bank diiraq. tapi…kalau kau orang rasa..kau orang nie sengkek…” Warka Bank for Investment & Finance ” pun jadilah….asalkan ada account bank kat iraq. sebab aku tahu banyak diantara kau orang nie…anti dengan Warka Bank …..sebab…bila aku cakap pasal buat account Warka Bank aje….ramai yang mengutuk bank ini.so…sendiri mau ingatlah……so bertindaklah dari sekarang…hehehehehehe..

  506. Bini Najib(BN) berkata:

    Berita Hari ini didalam ” UTUSAN MELOYA ”


    Organisasi itu mengesyorkan Iraq mengukuhkan kerangka antirasuahnya, mewajibkan parti politik menyiarkan akaun tahunan yang menyenaraikan sumber pendapatan dan perbelanjaan, meminda undang-undang kecil Parlimen dan menyeragamkan proses perundangan. – AFP

    P/s: itu sebab CBI yg diterajui oleh Gabenornya ” Dr. Sinan Al-Shabibi ” meminta kepada pihak makamah di Iraq supaya CBI tidak diletakkan Dibawah Tangan Kuasa2 Politik. dengan adanya statment ini…maka amat cerahlah lagi proses penukaran Matawang Baru dapat dipercepatkan.dan lagi cepatlah Cash note cetakan lama tahun 2003 & 2006 mati…dan digantikan dengan cash note baru yg mempunyai 3 bahasa.

    • pakcik kayo berkata:

      SELEPAS BACA DLM ARTIKEL SURAT KHABAR UTUSAN TU…..den raso duit cash note yg korang pogang tu duit RASUAH la…….hati..hati…ma…..jgn sampai berasap kubor ma…….itu adalah sebab utama CBI mahu memansuhkan duit lama tu…….jgn mare ma…ha..ha..ha…

      • kalakatu berkata:

        Found on another site…………

        Dbfocus Post: The scams within the real potential of the IQD

        September 28th, 2011 01:12 am ·

        I want to thank you for your website and for the work you do to help the dinar investor. We share similar backgrounds in investing and I believe we both have a eye for the foul play going on with this investment as well. I run an international investment firm in Switzerland and also have been invested in the dinar myself for years. I can’t help but notice some very obvious trends that take place within these blogs so I thought I would take the time and write a few concerns as well as give some advice for those who may be open to it. I hope you post this.

        All my best,


        The reality is that while the IQD is legit, there are IMO numerous scams within this real investment opportunity. I have never seen anything quite like it in all my years in the financial services business that’s for sure! Just think about it for a minute, every single week according to some self professed guru the RV is supposed to happen. How ridiculous is that? They are even worse forecasters than meteorologists! 🙂 And because people are desperate for the RV, they believe it over and over again! It’s really sad indeed! I guess that being in the investment business for years has given me a sharper eye for these sort of things. The scams are not only the pumping of dinar sales but strong resistance to a dinar sell back which many people will do if they sense it may take a lot longer or not happen at all, etc. I just cringe when i hear it has RV’d in Europe as i live in Switzerland which is smack dab in the middle of Europe and the center of International Banking!
        IMHO, most of these lies are obviously broadcast by some of the dinar dealers as there is a lot of money at stake including millions of dinars to buy back which may even put them out of business if their worker bees stopped lying. So as a result, there are a plethora of outright lies about how close we are and how Iraq has to do this now. Lets not also forget the people seeking attention, the sick people who write anything for their own foolish reasons and the false prophets that chirp in their 2 cents every once in a while. The real disturbing thing is that most of these guru’s lie in the name of Jesus which i find pretty amazing. God have mercy on them for taking part to detour His people from His will for their lives!
        But the good news is that despite these idiots running their scams and mind games, i believe an RV will happen one day, when, NO ONE KNOWS but only the Lord God Almighty. If possible, I promise to start to do my part to help educate the dinar investor as I see a real need there. So in the meantime, my simple advice would be to set a limit to how many dinars you will buy or even sell back some if you overbought and most of all, remember that is NOT the RV that will provide for you but that is the Lord who supplies all your needs in Christ Jesus!


  507. kalakatu berkata:

    Arrest of a gang of hard currency counterfeiting in Mosul

    27/09/2011 09:28

    Nineveh / Aswat al-Iraq: military source in the second year of the Iraqi army, said the army force arrested a gang of four people involved circulation of hard currency counterfeit east of Mosul.

    The source told Aswat al-Iraq on Tuesday that “the power of the Iraqi army in the Second Division stationed in Mosul arrested yesterday (Monday), a gang of four people in the regions of the Arab neighborhood of Karama neighborhood eastern Mosul.”

    And that “the gang is involved in hard currency counterfeit Baltdoual that come upon them to Iraq through Syria and across the hand, Rabia (120 km northwest of Mosul),” adding that “intelligence information led to access to the accused and arrested.”

    He pointed out that the force “was seized in possession of $ 94 thousand dollars a fake.”

    Mosul, capital city of Ninewa province, lies 405 km north of Baghdad

  508. koleksiduit berkata:

    sesiapa yang dapat urus warka untuk kita minta bantu. Jangan ambil banyak sangat kita dah keluar duit beli money cash. cepat masa dah suntuk

    • Bini Najib(BN) berkata:

      tulah pasal… dari dulu kini dan selamanya …aku cakap buka account bank di Iraq…tapi kau orang tak mahu dengar…cakap aku….kau orang lebih suka dengar cakap Penjual cash note….aku rasa si penjual cash note pun dah ada account kat iraq….contoh yang paling Best yang boleh aku bagi..ialah Bro kita iatu Ali Maidin…dulu dia juga beria2 cakap….buka account bank diiraq tak selamat…. last2 terbongkar juga rasia dia…dimana dia sendiri memberitahu bahawa dia suda ada account bank diiraq….hehehehehehehe…. tertipulah pembeli cash note semua….apa nak buat ….dah nasib badan….kau orang lebih percaya cakap penjual cash note dari cakap aku….hehehehe…

    • pakcik kayo berkata:


  509. unbittable berkata:

    ” Hello, I have a million iqd just sitting in my warka account. I’m aware, that when the iqd redenominates all notes and electronic money will also be redenominated.
    Will the isx stock values also be loped? Will my money value in stocks also be redenominated? If not, I’m thinking on moving it into the stock exchange, as I remember Adam saying at one time that the people who invest in the stock exchange will be the real winners.”

    When your money sits electronically, there is no “lop” per se. there is, hopefully, however a revaluation. an example is if you have $1M IQD viewable on a computer screen (electronically). a revaluation happens. you hit the F5 (refresh) on the computer screen. the amount will still show $1M IQD. when you go to exchange that $1M IQD back to USD you will see the difference. you will see that it exchanges back to usd at a better rate.

    hope that helps.

    the reason why the investors on the isx are the real winners is because they are getting a double blessing on their money through the POSSIBLE revaluation plus the value of the invested IQD increasing as the ISX index increases. so let’s use a real world example. lets say you are one of the ones enjoying a 65% increase on your investment already this year from investing in the ISX. you started with $1200 USD and wired it to a broker who exchanged it to $1M IQD. you ordered the broker to invest it all in the index. your investment increased 65% so far giving you a total of $1.65M IQD. a revaluation happens at $3 usd – $1 iqd. your total asset if you were to liquidate your stocks and bring the money home would be $4.95M USD. now same scenario where you had $1M IQD sitting under your mattress and it revalued at the same rate. after you exchanged it back to usd it would be $3.00M USD. a difference of $1.95M USD all because you dinars were making more dinars in the isx while waiting on the revaluation to happen. simply unbeatable!

  510. Bini Najib(BN) berkata:

    hehehehe….buat semua yang fanatik tentang Cash Note….Ini untuk kau orang baca…termasuk si penjual Cash Note….hehehehehe…


    P/s: Baik kau orang jual balik Duit cash Note tu kat si Penjual Cash Note…hari demi hari mendatang….banyak Cerita mengenai… Cash Note….Seram Woooooooo…..aku terpikir balik…biasanya lagi dekat nak RV…. sepatutnya Lagi mahalah duit cash note yang dijual oleh penjual cash note…ini tidak…lagi dekat nak RV….lagi murahlah pulak harganya…..Mmmm….muskil aku…Muskil..Muskil….kau orang tak rasa ke…ada udang disebalik batu….penjual cash note menjual lagi murah….hehehehehe…. Dulu tahun 2006 – 2010 1 juta IQD berharga RM:4000 ++ … Note 25K. sekarang harganya Jatuh dalam RM:3300 ++ note 25K juga…apakah muslihat si penjual Cash Note???? adakah dia nak menghabiskan Stok2 Cash Note dia? Kebarangkalian…..so kau orang fikir2 lah….hehehehe…

    P/s: PR 2011 dah hampir tiba….jangan lupa..yer… kalau kau orang minat kat aku…kau orang UNDILAH Pati aku..yer….

  511. tengkorak-billy n mandy berkata:

    salam… pada sesiapa saja,terutama pad YB Bini Najib(BN)…sy nk minta tahu sedikit cara2 nk buka akaun di iraq sana?x kira lah bank apa janji YB boleh membantu sy serta kwn2 kita ni…..sy x beli bnyk cash note tapi awal2 dh kena kencing.satu keping note 25,000.00 rm350.00…nasib baik baru satu tp entah lah lepas2 nih…wallahualam…

  512. kotabaghdad berkata:



    P/s:~Bagus gak bukak Acc di iraq..tp kalu boleh bukak Acc y ade byk Branch kat luar iraq..rsenye dlu al-warka bank xde branch lagi kat luar iraq..tp skrng x tau la kot2 dah ade…sape2 ade info tlg share yer..sy hanye menjual Cash Note IQD..Acc IQD sy xde cz ritu time sy call manager salh satu branch warka di iraq dier org suh dtg iraq sndri bukak Acc..mungkin skrng zman intrnet n al-warka bank dah maju & leh bukak Acc secare Online..sy pun x pasti…kalu sy silap tlg perbetulkan..insyaALLAH pemegang Cash Note & Acc Al-Warka dpt untng same2 timer dinar Rv nnti..kalu leh x yah la anti satu sama lain…kite bersaudare maka damaikan lah keresahan di jiwa masing2..same2 kongsi info & same2 memartabatkan ekonomi kite terutamanye di Mlysia bumiku tercinta..ws

    • Bini Najib(BN) berkata:

      itu sebablah aku bising…cakap dengan..kau orang, beli cash note dinar iraq ini x sah pada polisi CBI dan secara tak langsung..kau orang telah melanggar akta BNM… sebab walau pun matawang dinar iraq ini kau orang angap sebagai matawang koleksi…tapi cara pembelian kau orang dah terang2 salah disisi undang2 BNM.sebenarnya x salah kalau kau orang nak simpan dinar iraq….tapi mesti dengan cara yang telus dan betul iaitu..dengan cara buka account bank diiraq…dan kau orang tt kan duit tersebut dengan menggunakan perantaraan Bank malaysia ke bank diluar negara…disitulah kau orang mempunyai bukti resit pembelian dari penjual sah yg berdaftar dengan BNM.

      kepada saudara “kotabaghdad” ini isu bukan soal sakit hati dan juga isu untuk menghilangkan keresahan dihati buat penyimpan cash note….ini soal masa depan kau orang juga…kalau kau orang kaya pun satu hari nanti… kau orang juga yg senang….aku sekadar memberi peringatan sahaja…pada kau orang…kalau kau orang serius tentang investment dinar iraq ini…. kau orang ikutlah cara aku…dengan membuka account diiraq. aku dah lama kaji tentang kebaikan & keburukan membuka account bank diiraq.Dari segi Perundangan kedua2 negara..baik negara IRAQ mahupun negara MALAYSIA.THIS IS ONLY THE BEST WAY…NO OTHER WAY BESIDE THIS WAY. hope you all will understand what i want to tell. 🙂

  513. koleksiduit berkata:

    cash note iraq di tangan kita adalah haram maksudnya tak sah jual beli dalam islam atau berdosa lah makan benda haram dengan mengguna duit itu. daging yang tumbuh dari sumber haram akan dibakar api neraka nanti (maksud hadis). wah bagus ini faham islam dan amal islam .sesiapa minta jelaskan selain bini najib

  514. tengkorak-billy n mandy berkata:

    salam…syabas Bini Najib(BN) dan kotabaghdad,semua ulasan anda mmg mengurangkan sedikit tekanan pada sy ni…mcm mana nk buka akaun disana?sy bukan paham sgt,apatah lagi nk buka web site dia.langsung x boleh buka dh ni skrg.minta bantuan pada sesiapa saja.moga2 kita semua dapat panduan yg baik.pada sesiapa yg nk buka akaun tu,moh kita sama2 bergerak ke arah kemajuan.sekurang2 dapat gak kita kurang kn beban keluarga kita sendiri,bila dh RV nnt kn…insyallah…..

  515. Hafiz berkata:

    Kepada bini najib ataupun koleksiduit bleh la kira nya e-mail saya cara2 nak buat akaun warka..

  516. Hafiz berkata:

    ehh lupa plak… ni e-mail saya fly3930@yahoo.com
    harap2 saudara dapat tolong la ye.. saya dah rugi byk nie..ermmmm nasib badan la katakan.

    • pakcik kayo berkata:

      teman baru email bro helmi……saje nak test untuk upah dia bukak akaun warka……haiya….dia bg tau dia punya uph 10k ma utk 1 million dinar selepas 10 haribulan nie…..haiya……dia punya harga pon dah ikut gue ma…..gue tanya reason dia harga naik……dia cakap……barang baik ma……lg ramai org mintak…..lg mahal ma……bukan lg murah……lg pon masa sudah suntuk ma…….byk kelija mau buat ma……haiya……ini olang byk cerdik lo…….ha…ha.ha…..byk pandai meniaga ma……

  517. help me berkata:

    kpada pro pnya…sy nk tnya mcam mana nk dapatkn log in ke akaun warka tu…sy dh buka lama dh…tapi xbleh nk log in…dan berapa amaun yg perlu kita ada kt dlm akaun 2…sbab sy dh masukkan 100usd…tapi x dapat pwd untuk log in….harap2 kalian sudi membantu…huhuhu..sile la email k7ent@yahoo.com…nk upah xmmpu…nk msukkan dlm akaun 2 pn blom tentu lagi…klau sikit alhamdulillah…)

    • pakcik kayo berkata:

      mcm mana anda buat untuk buka akaun…begitu juga lah nak cara nak dptkan pwd……warka bank ditutup sampai hari isnin utk kerja2 naik taraf……harap maklum…..he..he…he…

  518. Bini Najib(BN) berkata:

    Ready to erase the zeros

    Iraqi Central Bank confirms its willingness to delete the zeros of the local currency pointing at the same time that those zeros that are added to the Iraqi currency during the last period formed a cluster of large cash hit (27) trillion dinars, and said the appearance of Mohammed Salih, adviser to the Iraqi Central Bank: This step is jobs strategy of the Bank, and the zeros that are added to the Iraqi currency during the last period formed a cluster of large cash amounted to more than four trillion paper reviews categories of the Iraqi currency value of financial Bgt (27) trillion Iraqi dinars after it was (25) billion dinars in 1980 He pointed out: that Iraq is unable to manage this block because it is a small country where the large number of money circulating in the Iraqi market has led to a confusion in business dealings in the work of the huge banks .. Adding that the bank has fully prepared for the deletion of zeros from Iraqi dinar and that the deletion of zeros is a national issue and may need to special legislation, although the Central Bank of Iraq is the reform of management system of currency from the heart of his work and that the deletion of zeros is one of the strategic functions of the Central Bank of Iraq, noting : that the bank was able during the last period to reduce the level of inflation to the level of one decimal after the passage of more than twenty years .. Indicating: that Iraq was able for the first time to reduce inflation to 2%, which reflects the success of Iraq’s monetary policy.
    Fear of counterfeit currency

    The economic researcher Abdul Salam Jumaili he says that the project to delete the zeros regulating mechanism for lifting the three zeroes to promote the value of local currency in circulation economic, external and internal which is a strategic project aimed at reducing the rates of inflation experienced by the Iraqi market, as it will free the Iraqi economy from the restrictions and damaged the value of the Iraqi dinar the World Bank’s fund .. Adding: when we want to buy dollars in 1200 dinars, we buy at one dinar and 200 fils, while the researcher says economic Mohammed Hatem Al-Kaabi on the subject: that most of the speakers with him from supporters and opponents disagree on the subject of hand out a good idea or not so good, everyone has the conviction that the deletion of zeros to be that is one day, but the objectors whom I am standing on the timing and feasibility of the process could cost millions of dollars may occur upheaval in the domestic market, which obviously he does not need a case of confusion, new point: that this amount is higher than the money, according to reports of the Central Bank of Iraq four trillion banknote is difficult to alter without constraints, the question arises how will change the currency, and alter the currency and to ensure the absence of manipulation during the switch, it is a matter numbers and zeros lift the zero set zero of sin, and confirms Al Kaabi said the draft of zeros and delete them in this way is a green light the mafias counterfeiting to put forged banknotes can be lost from the process of exchange coordination and purchase of receivables As for the priorities do not say more than what specialists in this area because the economic situation need to follow the structural and the money that will be spent on the switch I see that the sectors of interest to the citizen first, such as the health sector and education and increase the productive capacity of the country and the adoption of incomes of a new alternative for oil will run dry one day and we will find ourselves in the desert where no water, no green in the face of good I do not think that the story is far from the political, there are those who want to say I made the dinar as the dollar and this phrase will go on citizen unnoticed.

    Risks to the economic security

    The economic adviser in the government Hussain Anbuge: The process of deletion of zeros from the currency will increase the phenomenon of money laundering and the government is working to convince the central bank need to stop work on the implementation of the project, indicating: that the government had informed the Central Bank of the existence of a risk to economic security in the event insisted the bank to delete the the zeros of the local currency .. He continued by saying that this process costs time and effort of the government and the central bank raises the level of fraud, some terrorist groups to carry out the smuggling of money out of the country, either the stock market in Iraq, in turn, will be affected by the process of deletion of zeros from Iraqi dinar, according to a member of the Federation of Iraqi mediators Mohammed Ismail, who said: that in the case of deletion of zeros from the currency will drop capital companies proportions of zeros and that, for example, if the company’s capital of three billion will be three million dinars, and in this case will be in front of the stage must be where the market closed for a certain period for the issuance of certificates of new shares to holders with the remaining number of shares on the situation and to draw: that the process of removing the zeros economic process difficult and complex needs numbers and accurate statistics for all economic activities, not Iraq has like, banking offices, in turn expressed their discontent with the process and said that Ahmed Rikabi the banking alligator in the Karrada district, who refused to portray his place explanation: that the situation the security situation being experienced by banking offices how the country has proved to the world that he is unable to protect its banks and its markets and banking offices in which to replace its currency, removing the zeros in the light of ignorance of the concrete of the ordinary citizen of what is happening in the financial transactions and where to go the budget years that exceeded the barrier of $ 300 billion either for offices Banking and says: All I fear is the increasing numbers of banknotes counterfeit, and it certainly will dominate the market and spread the idea of ​​change, and delete the zeros indicating: that the project to delete the zeros from the currency will negatively affect the Iraqi economy that has not been made by careful examination by specialists in financial matters The cash is certain: if the monetary mass that remained unchanged no value to the project to delete the zeros .. As for Dr. Bassem Jamil Antoine Vice-President of the Federation of Iraqi businessmen, he said: In fact, the meaning of the process of removing the zeros is to reduce the currency’s size I do not think that this step will be an impact on the Iraqi economy, which is noted by the recession and lack of economic growth and this process if I want her to bear fruit must be economic steps, accompanied by economic plans are clear and the whole process needs to create and to keep logistics through seminars, meetings and workshops for Iraqi banks for the ordinary citizen to be aware of the move, so do not be fooled and be easy prey to gangs, extortion and laugh at the simple citizen, and I think The issue needs to study more than one year so satisfying topic of research and educate all segments of the community and listen to all opinions noting: that the Iraqi currency is divided into two parts: the first in the banks, and the second when the citizen so we need to tightened security measures along with significant economic gains can be switched dinar from local currency to a global currency .. And inflation and its relationship to Balasfar said inflation does not address in this way never, but addresses the scientific studies that can promote the private sector and eliminate unemployment and do the industrial sector, government and civil and promote the agricultural sector, it is not hidden on the events of 80 percent of the basket of Iraq are imported from abroad, and this means that out of hard currency clarity the day, this with reference to the seven million Iraqis are living below the poverty line, and draws Antoine that this experience is not the result of Iraqi thought and came before them, Italy and Turkey when Khzvt zeros six but vary the timing and the necessities of phase, while the researcher believes the economic Karim Hilfi: The Bank’s decision Central deletion of three zeroes in the long term, not a new decision on the economic scene has preceded us several countries to the special mention of Germany, adding that the situation in Iraq where there are no objective conditions for deletion, because Iraq is suffering from problems of structural economic and inflation is strong as well as high rates of How unemployment will be the deletion of zeros from the dinar, which is basically non-existent .. And between: that Iraq is able to move forward with this decision either short or long, both saying that the explanation: it is possible to delete the zeros when the output strong and Jlth Department in addition to the absence of structural imbalances or inflation, and unemployment is less than 10 % noting: the decision can not be implemented only after a long time, even if carried out within a year or two it will be a negative impact because the economy is in recession now.
    In turn, drew the academic researcher Hilal Taan: that the project to delete the zeros is a project proposed by former Finance Minister Bayan Jabr, and can be applied and studied as a medium or long term, can not be applied only after the stability of the economic situation and improve the Iraqi dinar exchange rate .. He Taan: The project has several requirements the most important he needs a stable economy in some respects, and needs substantial financial resources in addition to supporting the Iraqi dinar, foreign stocks, and it could be applied during the last period but for the effects of the global financial crisis on the Iraqi economy .. Considered the economic and safety expert: The process of deletion of zeros from currency is a good step, but requires more efforts of the media of economic efforts and attributed the reason is that the market will be exposed to vibration as soon as the citizen’s belief that the deletion of zeros will affect negatively on the real value of the coin .. She added that the real value of the coin is the value of goods received by the individual and that on the strength of the national economy, saying: These things can be achieved stability of the security situation in addition to the media a major economic effort to educate citizens about the positive results of the process of removing the zeros.

    Citizens propose

    Ali Faraj, 35, says that the process of deletion of zeros from the currency will contribute to raising the purchasing power, and also that efforts to raise the zeros and change the current currency contributes to the creation of a state of confusion in the monetary policy, compared to no changes in the value of purchasing real currency .. Adding that there is a risk of leakage of foreign currency abroad after the ratification of the policy of freedom of exchange, especially as the auctions the central bank of the dollar contributed to the exit of large amounts of foreign currency from Iraq, while he says Muhannad Salem employees that the process of deletion of zeros from the local currency’s decision is not feasible and will not contribute to raise the value of the Iraqi dinar, while cause when applied to problems of multi-dimensional added to the problems suffered by the Iraqi economy, including confusion and disorganization of the market in buying and selling and debt among citizens as well as confuse the mental state that Stantab the citizen as a result of the emergence of a new phenomenon require adaptation by the are of the view of Hamza Hussein : that the project and before applying it requires coinage small denominations of currency, which represent parts of the dinar, and that these currencies would cost the state large sums eight project does not enhance the value of Iraqi Dinar where it will remain a value as it is and the results are equal, is certain: the need to deal with this project with caution because it may cause economic problems in the Iraqi Central Bank as well as presenting the project to specialists in economics to indicate their opinion on the subject before the application and noted citizen Hassan Hamid to the approval of a project that aims to raise the value of the Iraqi dinar to its former value to return is equal to $ 3.33 U.S. through several measures, including a review of the proposed import because it drains excess foreign currency and deposited with the Central Bank of Iraq as well as reducing public spending to the state and its departments with regard to import of expensive furniture can be obtained through the local market.

  519. Bini Najib(BN) berkata:

    Central Bank: monetary policy can reduce inflation

    Sun 10/09/2011 22:44

    BAGHDAD – A citizen said Advisor to the Governor the Central Bank of the appearance of Mohammed Saleh, that monetary policy is able to reduce the rate of inflation in Iraq through to take the necessary measures to reduce it. and Saleh said that the monetary policy of the Central Bank is able to take the necessary steps and actions necessary to curb inflation made ​​in Iraq, through the control of the proportion of cash as much as possible and to influence the external value of money, in addition to using some of the policies as a policy of exchange rate or interest rate to be reduced. He’s in favor of (news) that inflation is under control, unlike the conversations amounts that reached the extent of indicating risk becomes more serious when the rate of up to two places decimal places and now is the rank of one decimal. The Advisor to the Governor of Central Bank: In the past, the inflation rate not exceeding (3%) and now (4%) due to the world’s expectations of inflation, increasing the wages of real estate, food, etc., making the inflation build themselves and moving upward, calling for monetary policy to take the necessary tools and procedures necessary to halt the inflationary expectations and reduce the constant increase it.

  520. Bini Najib(BN) berkata:

    Central Bank of Iraq: Iraq’s new currency will be in three languages

    October 10 2011

    Khandan – Ali Naji
    Explain the details of the Central Bank of Iraq Iraq’s new currency which will be issued within three or four years to come, which will be in three languages, including Kurdish, including categories of mineral dinars.

    The adviser said the Bank of the appearance of Mohammed Saleh in a statement to the site (Khandan): The idea of ​​changing the Iraqi currency began to mature gradually, although referral to the Economic Committee in the Federal Council of Ministers since (2007), indicating that the existing currency will go through two stages; first: Delete the zeros.

    The second restructuring, and launch the new currency for trading in the markets during the three or four years.

    And favor: The new currency will be in three languages ​​(Arabic, Kurdish, English), as well as there are categories of small metal, indicating that the experience of changing the currency took place in many countries and have been successful, as in Turkey, Germany and Russia.

    And the deletion of zeros, said the central bank adviser: The category Iraqi monetary deleted, including three zeros, ie, (1.000) “thousand dinars,” becomes “one dinar” only, as well as to the others, and we will exchange large and small k (50) “Fifty dinars “or (100)” a hundred dinars, “the equivalent (50,000)” Fifty thousand “or (100,000)” a hundred thousand dinars, “At present, emphasizing changing the currency does not affect the obligations with the States, or deal with it internally.

    The committees and civic organizations and government figures and economists, have expressed their fear of change the currency, because of expectations that it will see a wide range of corruption after the introduction of the altered and forged new.

  521. Bini Najib(BN) berkata:

    Dinar is equal to the dollar!

    Palm – Deputy Governor of the Central Bank of the appearance of Mohammed Saleh: that the bill included proposals for a new currency and the groups that carried and details of technical and economic.

    Saleh pointed out during the permit media to switch the currency and the deletion of zeros decision taken by the executive branch and approved by the legislature, and that the project will not be implemented hastily, but will be taken among other factors to consider before you start to implement it, including the date of the financial year and the strength of the national economy, among other indicators in the favor of the view that This law, if approved, will have a positive impact on the Iraqi currency in several aspects of the need during the next phase, which will strengthen the value of the Iraqi currency.

    He described the favor of a system of cash payments of the current Iraqi regime miserable, noting that the largest denomination in which value does not exceed twenty dollars, stressing that the deletion of zeros will enhance the value of the Iraqi currency, and reduces the cost of handling cash, currency should its current estimated size of today Petrlionat dinars, making the process of dealing monetary cost is high.

    And the concerns of rigging the new currency in the event made or it will affect negatively on the economic situation, responded in favor of: that it reflects the look bleak, do not forget that there are other countries in deciding to switch its currency and dropped them zeros, such as Turkey, Romania and Brazil, without being of its economy to shocks and thus Iraq is not engaged in unknown waters or walking on the road did not knock him one before is likely to include the new currency for the population of the coin by the paper.

    The increased zeroes on the Iraqi dinar to the days of inflation, which came on the value of the Iraqi currency as a result of previous wars and the subsequent economic blockade was over, the currency of Iraq to the paper was printing the former regime, issued in large quantities without the cover, while the Iraqi dinar until the mid-eighties equivalent of more than three U.S. dollars.

    But the adviser to Iraqi Prime Minister for Economic Affairs Abdullah Hussein Al-Anbuge said in a press statement: that corruption is rampant in state institutions and the low level of efficiency and economic situation in general at this time not in favor of lifting of the zeroes.

    He pointed to what he said that he was pitfalls will change the currency, and the deletion of zeros, including the risk of fraud and increasing the demand for goods for reasons of fake due to payment of dinars instead of a thousand dinars, as now, explaining that the re-printing of new currency will have the costs of expensive, stressing that attempts will be made to convince the bank Central plans to slow down in this regard.

    Previously, the President of the Iraqi Securities Commission confirmed that, earlier, that the deletion of zeros from the Iraqi currency will not affect trading in the Iraqi Stock Exchange and its shares

    The director of a money transfer companies externally Sami Rashid: I think that lifting the zeros from the currency will increase confidence in the currency, and will lead to increased purchasing power of citizens, and the phenomenon of trading blocs will drop large cash used by Iraqis since the nineties.

    He believed economic analyst Talal Jassim said the switch of the Iraqi currency a necessary but pointed to the need to provide the conditions necessary for its implementation, particularly the security and political stability, adding that the relative stability of the Iraqi currency after the issuance of currency recently, and the result of the return link Iraq to the global economy and the availability of reserves of foreign currency due to oil exports , encouraged the Central Bank to consider the deletion of zeros.

    Jassim added that the lifting of the zeroes of the three will lead to an exchange rate of one dollar per dinar to Jasim, who called to the need to follow the policies of peaceful citizens and to persuade them to get used for a period not exceeding two years.


  522. pakcik kayo berkata:

    Economist: High inflation is not due to the central bank

    The Iraqi future
    The expert referred in economic affairs Dergham, Muhammad Ali, that the volume of currency in circulation in the local market (4) trillion dinars controlled by the Central Bank and prevent inflation next year, he pointed out that most of the country is not in need of the job and that it is a functional flaccidity, which would affect
    negatively the investment budget and ستعكسه on the Iraqi economy.
    Mohamed said in a press statement yesterday that “the issue of inflation is not in the coming months due to the central bank of the currency in circulation in the domestic market, which is (4) trillion dinars through control also exchange rate, which is the set the price of imported goods from abroad and the cash raised in the market,” he said. ” He said that the central bank is working to absorb Iraqi dinar through putting up more of the dollar and by using tools of the price can be controlled in this case, which would make the Iraqi citizen will spare money instead of spending it is working to withdraw cash currency of the market.


    • Bini Najib(BN) berkata:

      Sekiranya benarlah apa yg dikatakan oleh CBI bahawa mereka akan mengawal pengaliran Nilai duit didalam iraq sebanyak 4 Trilion sahaja dalam beberapa bulan akan datang dan pada tahun2 yang mendatang dalam pasaran tempatan….maka apakah bakal terjadi pada duit yang tidak termasuk didalam circulation yg tidak dinaytakan oleh CBI yg kita sedia maklum yg telah berada diluar dari bumi Iraq????? adakah CBI akan Melupuskan Terus Duit tersebut?????????? kalau jawapannya YER!!!!!!! apa akan terjadi pada pelabur2 yg menyimpan Wang Tunai Dinar Iraq yg diluar dari Negara Iraq??????? dan siapakah yang hendak mereka (Pelabur2 diluar iraq) Persalahkan????? adakah mereka akan menyalahkan Kerajaan Iraq???? Kerana kerajaan iraq melupuskan duit mereka diluar dari iraq…..atau pun mereka akan menyalahkan diri mereka sendiri….
      kerana tidak mempercayai kenyataan2 yang telah diberikan oleh kedutaan Iraq yg berada di Washington, D.C. yang sebelum ini telah memberi amaran pada investor2 yang berada diluar dari Iraq,bahawa POLISI CBI tidak membenarkan Duit Iraq dibawa keluar dari iraq…..

      P/s: Anda mempunyai masa hanya 2 bulan lagi dari sekarang untuk memperbaiki investment anda.selepas dari 2 Bulan itu apabila CBI mengaplikasikan hanya 4 trilioninar duit yang akan beredar dalam negara iraq……maka mungkin investment yang anda nanti2kan selama beberapa tahun kebelakangan ini akan menjadi sia2.

  523. pakcik kayo berkata:

    Deputy Central Bank Governor: Inflation under control, did not reach to the level of risk
    Baghdad (news) .. Deputy Governor of the Central Bank of the appearance of Mohammed Saleh, that monetary policy is able to reduce the rate of inflation in Iraq through to take the necessary measures to reduce it, indicating that inflation is now under control by the central bank was not up to the level of risk.
    Saleh said in a statement to the Agency (news) on Tuesday: that the monetary policy of the Central Bank is able to take the necessary steps and actions necessary to curb inflation happening in Iraq, through the control of the proportion of cash as much as possible and to influence the external value of money, in addition to the use of certain policies or exchange rate as a policy interest rate to be reduced.
    Salih stressed that inflation is under control, unlike the conversations the amounts that reached the extent of risk, and continued: it becomes more serious when the rate of up to two places decimal places and now is the rank of one decimal.
    The Deputy Governor of Central Bank: In the past, the inflation rate not exceeding (3%) and now (4%) due to the world’s expectations of inflation, which led to increased wages for real estate and food and so on, making the inflation build themselves and moving upward, calling for monetary policy to take the necessary tools and procedures necessary to halt the inflationary expectations and reduce the constant increase it


  524. pakcik kayo berkata:

    Central Bank reveals details of the Iraq Currency

    Palm – the central bank of Iraq, that Iraq’s new currency will increase by three zeros, indicating that he had conducted an extensive study concluded that the lifting of the zeroes will strengthen the value of the Iraqi currency.

    The deputy governor of Central Bank of Iraq the appearance of Mohammed Saleh during a media statement: The Central Bank is
    determined to raise the three zeros from the currency of the new Iraqi and presented its project to the government and the House of Representatives and is awaiting the government’s decision and the Council of Representatives.

    Economists and shows that the process of removing three zeros from the Iraqi currency will lead to increased value, and to increase the purchasing power of citizens, noting to the need to pursue policies to persuade the citizens quiet and get a feel for a period not exceeding two years.

    And the benefit that the draft lifting the three zeroes from the currency made by the government five years ago to the Central Bank, and has undergone throughout this period to an extensive study over the need to raise zeros to strengthen the value of the Iraqi currency, adding that the deletion of zeros enhance the value of the Iraqi currency and reduce the cost of handling cash, and currency its current estimated size of today Petrlionat dinars, which makes the process of dealing with the monetary cost is high.

    The Central Bank of Iraq began to discuss amending the categories of the dinar last year and is still a large part of the payments being in cash due to the evolution of the banking system, noting that the President of the Securities Commission of Iraq has said, earlier, that the deletion of zeros from the Iraqi currency will not affect the circulation of the Iraqi Stock Exchange and shares.


    p/s:pemegang cash note……….sila baca dgn teliti………duit cash anda akan menerima kesan atas pembuangan 3 kosong…….dlm akaun sahaja akan selamat…he…he…he….

    • Bini Najib(BN) berkata:

      Seperti yg aku telah jangkakan…dari dulu kini dan selamanya….dengan pembuangan 3 angka sifar dari cash note tidak menjejaskan duit dalam account bank.ini telah nyatakan oleh
      President of the Securities Commission of Iraq… dengan pembuangan 3 angka sifar tidak menjejaskan Iraqi Stock Exchange dan shares.ini bererti sekiranya tiada apa2 berlaku perubahan pada Stock Exchange & share secara x langsung duit dalam simpanan bank pun tidak akan berubah. ini kerana kedua2nya merupakan electronic currency.

  525. pakcik kayo berkata:

    rv dah dekat nie……bila agaknya s iKEMBARA IQD NAK BUKA MONEY CHANGER kat MALAYSIA nie yer………ha….ha….ha….agaknya bank negara tak bg kot coz dia punya kemahiran bukannya tukar duit…….tapi tukar unta…..ha..ha…ha….jgn mare ha……..nanti kena jual……ha..ha…ha….

    p/s lain kali ckp dgn fakta……bukannya auta……..

    • Bini Najib(BN) berkata:

      Kenapa nak buka money changer!!!!! , adakah dia orang nak tukarkan dinar dia orang tu kat kembara IQD???? kan Bank Warka kan ada….buka jerlah account bank kat iraq tu…kan lebih afdal….buat apa nak tukar IQD kat kembara…boleh percaya ker dia….tu…kang tetiba dia lesap ngan duit kau orang….baru masuk angin keluar asap.aduh!!!! peliklah aku pada orang melayu nie!!!!!!

  526. pakcik kayo berkata:

    Baghdad / Orr News

    Adopted a branch of the company “Forex” in Iraq, the mechanism of “parent account” in the stock market, for deposits to investors, since the probability of loss is very low, and profit rates guaranteed. And apply this mechanism for the first time at the level of buying and selling currencies, in order to encourage the Iraqi investors access to the world of currency speculation.

    The official confirmed the company’s branch in the city of Erbil’s Kurdistan region, Samir Zibarion “the company is suffering lack of expertise of the investor in this type of investment since entering Iraq across the region, but that’s normal due to the lock on the same country for more than four decades.”

    During the past months, in order to overcome this obstacle, “we have dedicated a large part of the funding to start awareness campaigns and large-scale and organized dozens of training programs were satisfactory results, with growth in the volume of investment gradually to include dozens of the governor, where he began trading actually realized profit rates are encouraging,” according to Zebari. He noted the achievement of company profit rates last month stood at 6 percent per month, and the investor is entitled to withdraw profits and the amount of deposit at any time.

  527. rin berkata:

    salam, tlg emailkan saya cara buka warka
    timer kasih…
    nak jugak merasa kayo.. aminn

  528. Bini Najib(BN) berkata:

    Excerpt from the SAR Activity Review
    Suspicious Activity Involving the Iraqi Dinar

    Over the last year, the circumstances of the war in Iraq have created the phenomenon of businesses trading in new Iraqi dinars. Many of these businesses advertise or conduct business over the Internet, and suggest that the Iraqi dinar, much like the Kuwaiti dinar following Operation Desert Storm, will increase in value exponentially following United States military involvement in Iraq. Most investors purchase dinars from websites established particularly for selling dinars or from major auction websites.

    FinCEN has been receiving inquiries regarding the legitimacy of websites offering Iraqi dinar sales. While it is not necessarily illegal to buy or sell Iraqi currency, there are a number of risks and compliance concerns for the financial community. For example, Iraqi officials state that it is illegal under Iraqi law to export dinars. Therefore, in addition to questions about the source of the currency, and the potential for investment or securities fraud, businesses offering to sell dinars may also pose the risk of being used to fund terrorism or as a vehicle for money laundering. FinCEN also has a particular interest in these businesses because they may be money services businesses required to comply with the Bank Secrecy Act.

    Any United States entity that buys or sells currency, including Iraqi dinars, in amounts of more than $1,000 U.S. to any one person in one day may be a money services business under FinCEN’s regulations at 31 C.F.R. Section 103.11(uu). [Note: there have been questions about the old dinar with Hussein’s picture on it. That dinar ceased to be legal tender around January 15, 2004 and thus ceased to be currency for purposes of the Bank Secrecy Act.] Money services businesses include:

    * Money transmitters;
    * Currency Dealers or Exchangers (except those who do not exchange more than $1,000 in currency or monetary or other instruments for any person on any day in one or more transactions);
    * Check cashers (except those who do not cash checks in an amount greater than $1,000 in currency or monetary or other instruments for any person on any day in one or more transactions);
    * Issuers, sellers, or redeemers of traveler’s checks, money orders, or stored value (except those who do not issue, sell or redeem such instruments in an amount greater than $1,000 in currency or monetary or other instruments for or from any person on any day in one or more transactions);

    Money services businesses generally are required to register with FinCEN, to establish anti-money laundering programs, and to comply with recordkeeping and reporting requirements under the Bank Secrecy Act. Dinar sales websites frequently claim that their businesses are registered with the Department of the Treasury. These assertions are not always accurate. Further, it may be diffi- cult to discern from the money services business registration list on FinCEN’s website (www.msb.gov) whether the business is in fact registered, particularly if the business is an affiliate of, or a “doing business as” alias for, the business that is registered. Moreover, even if the business is registered with FinCEN, that registration does not guarantee that the business is in compliance with other Bank Secrecy Act requirements or with applicable state law. For these reasons, a financial institution that conducts business with entities selling Iraqi dinars should conduct appropriate due diligence to assure itself of the legitimacy of such entities. All financial institutions that do business with, and potential customers of, such money services businesses, are reminded that registration with FinCEN in no way authenticates either the legitimacy of a business, or the compliance of the business with any federal, state, or local laws.

    An analysis of FinCEN’s Suspicious Activity Report database for filings referencing Iraqi dinars indicated suspicion of the use of Internet dealers of Iraqi dinars in terrorist financing, although not all of the corresponding narratives provided clear or complete justification about the terrorist financing nature of the activity reported. This serves as a potent illustration of the critical importance of a clear and complete narrative description when filing a Suspicious Activity Report. Particularly when terrorist financing is suspected, conclusory statements with no supporting facts or justification are of limited use to law enforcement in pursuing their investigations.

    Further analysis of businesses engaged in dinar sales is ongoing. For instance, FinCEN analyzed Bank Secrecy Act data (including Suspicious Activity Reports, Currency Transaction Reports, and Reports of International Transportation of Currency or Monetary Instruments) involving the purchase of Iraqi dinars to support a law enforcement initiative that uncovered an elaborate network of structured money movement by and to persons suspected or convicted of substantial fraud or other illicit international activities.

    Excerpted from SAR Activity Review Issue 8, page 41

  529. Bini Najib(BN) berkata:

    Berita yang amat menarik untuk dibaca oleh Pengemar atau Pengumpul atau penjual CASH NOTE dinar Iraq dan yang sewaktu dengannya.

    Editorial: Where is the problem in deleting three zeros from the Iraqi dinar?

    11-10-2011 | (Voice of Iraq)

    I had mentioned in a previous article on the following link:

    Entitled “Iraqi dinar between the present and future,”

    To the need to move forward with the project important cash of deleting three zeros from the Danarena Iraq, and it is encouraging that the Central Bank of Iraq seems serious and determined to move forward with this matter after a thorough study of the consequences of this action on the Iraqi market and the strength of the currency of Iraq and then provide proposed to the House of Representatives for decision and ratification and adoption, has been described in my previous article above that benefits the great return to the status of the Iraqi dinar and the strength and credibility after the adoption of this procedure is important cash, and of curbing inflation in the local market in Iraq and facilitate the handling of cash and financial transactions Iraqi and restored (prestige), the Iraqi dinar and the reduction of the magnitude of the current Iraqi mass cash and the reduction of the phenomenon (dollarization) that still dominate the large cash transactions in the current Iraqi market.

    But very happy people do not realize, and every idea is supported by opposed, and both teams have reasonable arguments in this regard. So, I would like to touch on in this article to the “health” of the views of opposition to the adoption of this procedure is important that I consider myself an enthusiastic supporter of him and his defenders. I would like to touch on in this article for some of the arguments of opponents of this idea in good faith (the arguments of ill-intentioned opponents of each idea that optimization of the Iraqi reality a little or a lot, there is no need to discuss it because those are not the benefit of discussion with them already, you will not accept you. “Baathists and Salafis” until you follow their religion), with a pink profile on each of the points which I will address below:

    Opponents of this idea that the process of improving the Iraqi economy and the fight against inflation should be made ​​through the plans and development projects, real for the advancement of industry and agriculture of Iraq and the service sector (semi-inactivated we have in today’s Iraq), etc., and not just “Vzlkh” delete three zeros from the Iraqi currency current . The Japanese do not see the need to remove two zeros from the yen exchange rate to become comparable to the U.S. dollar, and Zimbabwe did not stop the inflation did not satisfy people hungry after that removed six zeros from its currency.

    Who said that originally dropped three zeros from the currency obviates the need to develop plans and projects to promote the real development actually the Iraqi economy? The deletion of three zeros is the process will work to reduce the magnitude of the cash block traded and thus facilitate the deal the state and citizens with financial transactions and large amounts of cash and to remind the Iraqis psychologically past (bright) to Danarhm Iraq, which is not a substitute for nor preclude the necessity advancement of the Iraqi economy through other means, which is understood by economists.

    Opponents say that the process of deleting three zeros will lead to breakdowns and confusion in the local market and the spread of the phenomenon of “monetary illusion” because of the existence of “two currencies” old and new traders and would play into the prices of goods and commodities.

    This speech, Ward and possible if the process of converting to numbers is regular (as happened when the transition from the Deutsche mark or French franc, for example to the euro exchange rate of fractional complex), exploited merchants of this calculation to raise prices and gain higher money at the expense of the citizens, but in the Iraq operation is is just (remove / add) three zeros to convert between the expense of the Iraqi dinar old and new, and does not require any complex financial calculation, to distinguish between the price of the commodity business and the old dinar dinar new price. I do not think that there is one in Iraq today is capable of hitting any number divided by a thousand or a thousand in less than one second!

    Opponents say that the process of replacing the currency will lead to the occurrence of chaos in the street because the Iraqi people stand in queues at the gates of new banks to replace the current Iraqi banknotes with those of the new banknotes. And established the phenomenon of black market speculators, taking advantage of the chaos that would arise from a changing of the currency.

    This will not happen again. The process of standing in queues at the gates of the banks to replace the currency occurred during the revolution of July 14, 1958 to replace the currency in the currency of the new republic property. In our case, the contemporary of this, there will be a “transitional period” determined by the Central Bank of Iraq a few years, in which both currencies old and new two windows, while the central bank gradually to absorb the currency notes of old pump leaves the new currency to the market, just like what happened in the European countries decided to join the currency “euro”. To this day, in the Czech Republic, for example, still crown the Czech currency, the euro both of two windows and the prices are written with both currencies (although the calculation of complex unlike the case of Iraq), while the ultimate goal is to get rid of the crown of the Czech and the adoption of the euro currency in full at the end in 2012 .

    Some opponents say that the idea was good in the basis that the timing is not appropriate because of the recession and widespread unemployment, a process that would cost the state large sums of money to print a new currency.

    Economic recession and the concept of relative not absolute. Even the richest countries in the world and the most freedom and development, such as Japan and the United States complain press is always a recession or depression by comparison with the previous figures for subjects of comparison and of the complaint, while proud of the media’s totalitarian state Stalinism of its people hungry and the slave, such as North Korea’s economic prosperity under the leadership of the “party”, for example. Thus, there is no clear definition of the parameters we have to decide which is absolutely good that the economic situation has become a favorable time to take this step. And my view that the timing is very appropriate now, and can not be regarded as the Iraqi economy today, “stagnant” or “Kassado” compared with the phase of the unjust economic blockade, which ended the fall of the idol and liberate Iraq from the grip of the former regime.

    The question should be printing a new currency (and being a costly operation), they are of a necessity (as I mentioned in my previous article on the link above), an opportunity to hit several birds with one stone, some of which get rid of those three zeros unpleasant, including normalize currency of the latest and the most beautiful and the benefits of stronger security and more, including work on the introduction of the Kurdish language (the second official language of the Republic of Iraq) on the paper money as we did in the passports, and other government documents.

    Whatever the cost of printing the new currency security features more powerful and disobedience to the fraud (with interest accruing to the state and its currency in the long run), it is less than the cost incurred by the state because of the fraud the current Iraqi currency (and in particular the category of 10 thousand dinars to be the largest value and easier to fraud class of 25 thousand dinars), and the Central Bank of Iraq was already in all cases that prints banknotes for the new pump in the domestic market, either with or without the three zeros, this is the main function.

    At which point the most important and most sensitive at all, with opponents saying that the counterfeiters and (mafias) money laundering and smugglers of currency will take advantage of the new situation in the “wash” of Iraqi dinars old forged and replaced by new or the smuggling of Iraqi dinars a real out of the country for the purposes of terrorism and organized crime, it which will lead to lethality economic security of Iraq.

    As I noted above, the replacement process will not be immediate, but will gradually transition over a certain period of years determined by the Central Bank of Iraq. If counterfeiters can use the current Iraqi Dnanaarham counterfeit in the Iraqi market, local damage is already existing and will not appear after the launch of the new currency, and the phenomenon of counterfeiting is a phenomenon found in all the countries of the world. It will be the Iraqi currency printed new currency stronger and wiser in terms of security using the latest technologies used in printing currency and banknotes in the printing world specialized and, therefore, put the new currency security features more and more powerful is that would make the process of counterfeiting, money laundering and kill the local economy is more difficult on counterfeiters and black market traders who are in every time and place originally. And not, as opposed to the idea of fear.

    As for those who work on the smuggling of the old Iraqi currency, they will lose their validity at all after the end of the transition period to switch between the two currencies, and then leaves will become worthless, and then working on the smuggler currency (Tnqaaha) and drinking its water! It wants to spend from his own pocket to buy Iraqi currency current and out of Iraq to reduce the number of Iraqi dinars traded in the domestic market, and thus increase its value while he keeps stacks of paper the old to make them cushions sleeps, is a person who should thank him for his support of the Iraqi economy, not be afraid of it anyway!

    Whatever the concerns above real, including the face in particular, currency smuggling and counterfeiting, money laundering, each state procedures cash to combat these phenomena, as well as with the CBI its own procedures already, and will not be affected by the importance or usefulness of these measures negatively or positively, the process of replacing currency, does not mean the process of replacing the currency and should be abandoned for these precautions, it is meant that work to strengthen and increase the effectiveness and efficiency, it is where the fear then? Where is the problem and gentlemen customers in deleting three zeros from the current Iraqi dinar (consider the many benefits of this process in return)?

    So the idea of deleting three zeros from the Iraqi dinar current idea of a good and necessary in my opinion and benefits than disadvantages and must move forward through as soon as possible (taking into account the reasonableness of the two periods preparatory and transitional), a matter of time is a must, and God knows what is right anyway.

    Munaf Winner – Abu Dhabi

    Supplement to the article

    The denominations of the Iraqi dinar current (and future old) are as follows:

    Mineral groups: no (was introduced two categories of 25 and 100 dinars in the year 2004, but it did not work was withdrawn from the market in 2008).

    Categories of paper: 50 dinars (become little use today because of high prices and lack of value), 250 dinars, 500 dinars, 1000 dinars .5000 dinars, 10,000 dinars 0.25000 dinars (which is the highest denomination of the Iraqi dinar, is currently not sufficient to manage the enormous mass of cash from Dnanerna Iraq now, they are not equivalent to only $ 21).

    I suggest (and I expect) to become denominations of the new Iraqi dinars (current and future) are as follows:

    Mineral groups: 50 fils, 100 fils, quarter of a dinar, half dinar, one dinar (like the old days).

    Categories of paper: 5, JD 10, JD 25 JD 0.50 dinars (perhaps 100 dinars, not to be in circulation in the local market, such as the 50 dinars, because the class of the JD 100 is also working to facilitate spending and rising inflation), and must be groups of 25, 50, 100 dinars printed on paper security features are very strong to prevent fraud, as are those security features followed in most world currencies currently (see class 20 or £ 50 as an example of the security features powerful and anti-fraud, but if the O rings fraud and money laundering we have in Iraq, “Ohtr” than in Britain, and that is not my belief).

    • pakcik kayo berkata:

      Editorial: Di mana masalah dalam memotong tiga sifar daripada dinar Iraq?

      2011/11/10 | (Voice of Iraq)

      Yang telah saya nyatakan dalam artikel sebelum ini pada pautan berikut:

      Bertajuk “Dinar Iraq antara masa kini dan masa depan,”

      Untuk keperluan untuk bergerak ke hadapan dengan wang tunai projek penting memotong tiga sifar dari Iraq Danarena, dan ia adalah menggalakkan bahawa Bank Negara Iraq seolah-olah serius dan bertekad untuk bergerak ke hadapan dengan perkara ini selepas satu kajian menyeluruh akibat tindakan ini di pasaran Iraq dan kekuatan mata wang Iraq dan kemudian menyediakan dicadangkan kepada Dewan Rakyat untuk membuat keputusan dan pengesahan dan penerimaan, telah diterangkan dalam artikel saya sebelum ini di atas yang memberi manfaat pulangan besar kepada status dinar Iraq dan kekuatan dan kredibiliti selepas menerima pakai prosedur ini adalah wang tunai yang penting, dan membendung inflasi dalam pasaran tempatan di Iraq dan memudahkan pengendalian wang tunai dan urus niaga kewangan Iraq dan dibaik pulih (prestij), dinar Iraq dan pengurangan magnitud semasa massa tunai Iraq dan pengurangan fenomena (dollarization) yang masih menguasai urus niaga tunai yang besar dalam pasaran Iraq semasa.

      Tetapi orang-orang yang sangat gembira tidak sedar, dan setiap idea disokong oleh ditentang, dan kedua-dua pasukan mempunyai hujah-hujah yang munasabah dalam hal ini. Jadi, saya ingin menyentuh di dalam artikel ini kepada “kesihatan” pandangan pembangkang untuk menerima pakai prosedur ini adalah penting bahawa saya menganggap diri saya penyokong bersemangat dia dan penyokong-penyokong beliau. Saya ingin menyentuh dalam artikel ini untuk beberapa hujah-hujah penentang idea ini dengan niat yang baik (hujah-hujah penentang berniat buruk setiap idea bahawa pengoptimuman realiti Iraq yang sedikit atau banyak, adalah tidak perlu berbincang kerana mereka yang tidak mendapat manfaat daripada perbincangan dengan mereka sudah, anda tidak akan menerima anda “Baathists dan Salafis” sehingga kamu mengikut agama mereka), dengan profil merah jambu pada setiap mata yang saya akan tumpukan di bawah.

      Penentang idea ini bahawa proses meningkatkan ekonomi Iraq dan memerangi inflasi hendaklah dibuat melalui rancangan-rancangan dan projek-projek pembangunan, sebenar untuk kemajuan industri dan pertanian Iraq dan sektor perkhidmatan (semi-aktifkan yang kita ada dalam Iraq hari ini), dan lain-lain, dan bukan hanya “Vzlkh” memadam tiga sifar dari Iraq mata wang semasa. Orang Jepun tidak melihat keperluan untuk menghapuskan dua sifar daripada kadar pertukaran yen untuk menjadi setanding dengan dolar Amerika Syarikat (AS), dan Zimbabwe tidak berhenti inflasi tidak memuaskan hati orang lapar selepas membuang enam sifar dari mata wangnya.

      Siapa kata yang asalnya jatuh tiga sifar daripada mata wang obviates keperluan untuk membangunkan rancangan dan projek-projek untuk menggalakkan pembangunan sebenar sebenarnya ekonomi Iraq? Penghapusan tiga sifar adalah proses itu akan berusaha untuk mengurangkan magnitud blok tunai yang didagangkan dan dengan itu memudahkan urus niaga kerajaan dan rakyat dengan urus niaga kewangan dan jumlah wang tunai yang besar dan untuk mengingatkan rakyat Iraq psikologi yang lalu (yang terang) Danarhm Iraq, yang tidak pengganti untuk tidak menghalang kemajuan keperluan ekonomi Iraq melalui cara lain, yang difahami oleh ahli ekonomi.

      Penentang berkata bahawa proses memotong tiga sifar akan membawa kepada kerosakan dan kekeliruan dalam pasaran tempatan dan penyebaran fenomena “ilusi kewangan” kerana kewujudan peniaga “dua mata wang” lama dan baru dan akan memainkan ke dalam harga barangan dan komoditi.

      Ucapan ini, Ward dan mungkin jika proses menukar ke nombor-nombor yang kerap (seperti yang berlaku apabila peralihan dari tanda Deutsche atau Franc Perancis, sebagai contoh kadar pertukaran euro kompleks pecahan), dieksploitasi pedagang pengiraan ini untuk menaikkan harga dan mendapat wang yang lebih tinggi pada perbelanjaan rakyat, tetapi dalam operasi Iraq hanya (keluarkan / tambah) tiga sifar untuk menukar antara perbelanjaan dinar Iraq yang lama dan baru, dan tidak memerlukan apa-apa perhitungan kewangan yang kompleks, untuk membezakan di antara harga perniagaan komoditi dan harga dinar dinar lama baru. Saya tidak fikir bahawa terdapat satu di Iraq hari ini mampu memukul mana-mana nombor yang dibahagikan dengan satu ribu ringgit atau seribu kurang daripada satu saat!

      Penentang berkata bahawa proses menggantikan mata wang itu akan membawa kepada berlakunya huru-hara di jalan kerana rakyat Iraq berdiri di baris gilir di pintu bank baru untuk menggantikan wang kertas Iraq semasa bersama-sama orang-orang wang kertas baru. Dan menubuhkan fenomena spekulator pasaran gelap, dengan mengambil kesempatan daripada huru-hara yang akan timbul daripada menukar mata wang.

      Ini tidak akan berlaku lagi. Proses berdiri di baris gilir di pintu-pintu bank untuk menggantikan mata wang berlaku semasa revolusi 14 Julai, 1958 bagi menggantikan mata wang dalam mata wang harta republik baru. Dalam kes kami, kontemporari ini, akan menjadi “tempoh peralihan” yang ditentukan oleh Bank Negara Iraq beberapa tahun, di mana kedua-dua mata wang lama dan baru dua tingkap, manakala bank pusat secara beransur-ansur untuk menyerap wang kertas yang telah lalu pam meninggalkan mata wang baru untuk pasaran, sama seperti apa yang berlaku di negara-negara Eropah membuat keputusan untuk menyertai mata wang “euro”. Sehingga hari ini, di Republik Czech, sebagai contoh, masih mahkota mata wang Czech, euro yang kedua-dua tingkap dan harga ditulis dengan kedua-dua mata wang (walaupun pengiraan kompleks tidak seperti kes Iraq), manakala matlamat akhir menghilangkan mahkota Czech dan penggunaan mata wang euro sepenuhnya pada akhir tahun 2012.

      Beberapa lawan mengatakan bahawa idea yang baik dalam tempoh asas yang pemasaan tidak sesuai kerana kemelesetan ekonomi dan pengangguran yang meluas, satu proses yang akan menelan kos menyatakan jumlah wang yang besar wang untuk mencetak mata wang baru.

      Kemelesetan ekonomi dan konsep relatif tidak mutlak. Malah negara-negara terkaya di dunia dan yang kebebasan yang paling dan pembangunan, seperti Jepun dan Amerika Syarikat mengadu akhbar adalah sentiasa satu kemelesetan atau kemurungan oleh perbandingan dengan itu tokoh-tokoh sebelumnya bagi mata pelajaran daripada perbandingan dan aduan, manakala bangga totalitarian media negeri Stalinisme orang lapar dan hamba, seperti kemakmuran ekonomi Korea Utara di bawah pimpinan “parti”, sebagai contoh. Oleh itu, tidak ada definisi yang jelas parameter yang kita perlu membuat keputusan yang benar-benar baik bahawa keadaan ekonomi telah menjadi masa yang baik untuk mengambil langkah ini. Dan pandangan saya bahawa pemasaan sangat sesuai sekarang, dan tidak boleh dianggap sebagai ekonomi Iraq hari ini, “bertakung” atau “Kassado” berbanding dengan fasa sekatan ekonomi yang zalim, yang berakhir kejatuhan idola dan membebaskan Iraq dari cengkaman rejim bekas.

      Soalan perlu mencetak mata wang yang baru (dan menjadi operasi yang mahal), ia adalah satu keperluan (seperti yang telah saya nyatakan dalam artikel saya sebelum ini pada pautan di atas), peluang untuk memukul beberapa burung dengan satu batu, ada yang menghilangkan orang-orang tiga sifar yang tidak menyenangkan, termasuk mata wang normal yang terbaru dan yang paling indah dan faedah keselamatan yang lebih kukuh dan lebih banyak, termasuk kerja-kerja di atas pengenalan bahasa Kurdish (bahasa kedua rasmi Republik Iraq) pada wang kertas sebagai kita lakukan dalam pasport, dan dokumen kerajaan yang lain.

      Walau apa pun kos percetakan keselamatan mata wang yang baru ini mempunyai lebih berkuasa serta kederhakaan kepada penipuan (dengan faedah terakru kepada negeri dan mata wang dalam jangka masa panjang), ia adalah kurang daripada kos yang ditanggung oleh kerajaan kerana penipuan Iraq semasa. mata wang (dan khususnya kategori 10 ribu dinar kepada nilai terbesar dan mudah kepada kelas penipuan 25 ribu dinar), dan Bank Negara Iraq sudah dalam semua kes-kes yang mencetak wang kertas untuk pam baru dalam pasaran domestik, sama ada dengan atau tanpa tiga sifar, ini adalah fungsi utama.

      Pada titik yang paling penting dan paling sensitif pada semua, dengan pihak musuh yang mengatakan bahawa pemalsu dan (mafias) pengubahan wang haram dan penyeludup matawang akan mengambil kesempatan daripada keadaan yang baru dalam “mencuci” dinar Iraq lama yang palsu dan digantikan dengan baru atau penyeludupan dinar Iraq sebenar negara ini untuk tujuan keganasan dan jenayah terancang, yang akan membawa kepada keselamatan lethality ekonomi Iraq.

      Seperti yang saya nyatakan di atas, proses penggantian tidak akan serta-merta, tetapi akan secara beransur-ansur peralihan dalam tempoh tertentu tahun yang ditentukan oleh Bank Negara Iraq. Jika pemalsu boleh menggunakan Dnanaarham Iraq semasa palsu dalam pasaran Iraq, kerosakan tempatan sudah sedia ada dan tidak akan muncul selepas pelancaran mata wang baru, dan fenomena pemalsuan adalah satu fenomena yang ditemui di semua negara di dunia. Ia akan menjadi mata wang Iraq yang dicetak baru mata wang yang lebih kukuh dan lebih bijak dari segi keselamatan yang menggunakan teknologi terkini yang digunakan dalam mata wang percetakan dan wang kertas di dunia percetakan khusus dan oleh itu, meletakkan ciri-ciri keselamatan mata wang yang baru dan lebih kuat yang akan membuat proses pemalsuan, pengubahan wang haram dan membunuh ekonomi tempatan adalah lebih sukar kepada pemalsu dan peniaga pasaran gelap yang ada di dalam setiap masa dan tempat asalnya. Dan tidak bertentangan dengan idea takut.

      Bagi orang-orang yang bekerja di atas penyeludupan mata wang Iraq lama, mereka akan kehilangan sah mereka sama sekali selepas akhir tempoh peralihan untuk bertukar-tukar antara kedua-dua mata wang, dan kemudian daun akan menjadi tidak bernilai, dan kemudian bekerja pada mata wang penyeludup ( Tnqaaha) dan minum air! Ia mahu membelanjakan dari poket sendiri untuk membeli mata wang Iraq semasa dan daripada Iraq untuk mengurangkan bilangan dinar Iraq yang diniagakan dalam pasaran domestik dan seterusnya meningkatkan nilainya semasa dia menyimpan susunan kertas lama untuk membuat mereka kusyen tidur, seseorang yang patut mengucapkan terima kasih atas sokongan ekonomi Iraq, tidak takut itu pula!

      Apa jua kebimbangan di atas sebenar, termasuk muka tertentu, mata wang penyeludupan dan pemalsuan, pengubahan wang haram, setiap tunai menyatakan prosedur untuk membanteras fenomena ini, serta dengan yang CBI prosedur sendiri sudah, dan tidak akan dipengaruhi oleh kepentingan atau kegunaan langkah-langkah ini secara negatif atau positif, proses menggantikan mata wang, tidak bermakna proses menggantikan mata wang dan harus ditinggalkan untuk-langkah berjaga-jaga, ia bermakna bahawa kerja-kerja untuk mengukuhkan dan meningkatkan keberkesanan dan kecekapan, jika hilang perasaan takut itu, maka ? Di mana masalah dan puan-puan pelanggan-pelanggan dalam memotong tiga sifar daripada dinar Iraq semasa (mempertimbangkan banyak manfaat daripada proses ini sebagai balasan)?

      Jadi idea memotong tiga sifar dari idea dinar Iraq semasa yang baik dan perlu pada pendapat saya dan faedah-faedah daripada keburukan dan mesti bergerak ke hadapan melalui secepat mungkin (dengan mengambil kira kemunasabahan kedua-dua tempoh persediaan dan peralihan), menunggu masa adalah satu kemestian, dan Allah mengetahui apa yang kanan pula.

      Munaf Pemenang – Abu Dhabi

      Tambahan kepada artikel

      Denominasi semasa dinar Iraq (dan masa depan lama) adalah seperti berikut:

      Kumpulan Mineral: tidak (diperkenalkan dua kategori 25 dan 100 dinar dalam tahun 2004, tetapi ia tidak berfungsi telah ditarik balik dari pasaran pada tahun 2008).

      Kategori kertas: 50 dinar (menjadi sedikit penggunaan hari ini kerana harga yang tinggi dan kekurangan nilai), 250 dinar, 500 dinar, 1000 dinar 0,5000 dinar, 10,000 dinar 0,25000 dinar (yang merupakan denominasi tertinggi dinar Iraq, kini tidak mencukupi untuk menguruskan jisim besar wang tunai dari Dnanerna Iraq sekarang, mereka tidak bersamaan dengan hanya $ 21).

      Saya cadangkan (dan saya menjangkakan) untuk menjadi denominasi dinar baru Iraq (sekarang dan akan datang) adalah seperti berikut:

      Mineral kumpulan: 50 fils 100 fils suku dinar, dinar separuh, satu dinar (seperti zaman dahulu).

      Kategori kertas: 5, JD 10, JD 25 JD 0,50 dinar (mungkin 100 dinar, tidak berada dalam edaran di pasaran tempatan, seperti 50 dinar, kerana kelas JD 100 juga sedang berusaha untuk memudahkan perbelanjaan dan peningkatan inflasi), dan mesti kumpulan 25, 50, 100 dinar yang dicetak pada ciri-ciri keselamatan kertas yang sangat kuat untuk mengelakkan penipuan, yang mereka ciri-ciri keselamatan yang diikuti dalam kebanyakan mata wang dunia pada masa ini (lihat kelas 20 atau £ 50 sebagai contoh keselamatan ciri-ciri berkuasa dan anti-penipuan, tetapi jika penipuan O cincin dan pengubahan wang haram kita telah di Iraq, “Ohtr” daripada di Britain, dan yang tidak percaya saya).

  530. koleksiduit berkata:

    Salam. Minta saudara Helmy mis call saya 010 955 1607 atau 013 905 7004 sebab saya nak buat warka tak lama lagi. no dulu sudah hilang terdelete

  531. alhamik berkata:

    Bagi saya sesiapa yang sudah memiliki cashnote kekalkan saja dalam simpanan anda, dan kalau ada wang lebih bolehlah buka akaun di Iraq. Kalau kita perhatikan kenyataan Gabernor CBI Dr. Shabibi, penarikan IQD yang ada sekarang akan dilakukan dalam masa yang bertahun2, bukannya bulanan. Ini bererti penarikan IQD lama akan berterusan sama ada sebelum atau sesudah RV dilaksanakan. Dan ini bererti cashnote holder mempunyai ruang waktu untuk menukar IQD sekarang pada yang baru melalui money changer atau bank2 di luar Iraq kerana ketika itu rv sudah diumumkan dan IQD yang berada di luar Iraq akan tetap diakui sah seperti yang terjadi pada dinar kwait dulu…..

    • pakcik kayo berkata:

      salam…..lama tak dgr komen anda……disini saya menghargai pendapat anda…tetapi saya rasa pemegang cash note tidak akan diberi ruang yg SELESA untuk ditunaikan…..dan rate yg akan diberi adalah rendah dan hanya boleh ditukarkan hanya didalam iraq sahaja…….hanya pendapat sahaja

      • Budduhon berkata:

        cash note dan saving akaun dua2 bagus, awk xyoh la nk condem org laen yg simpan cash note saja..
        yang awk bangga ngat buka akaun tu, awk ada brape puluh juta dinar dlm akaun tu?
        Bagi la kata2 semangat ciket kat org yg hnya mampu simpan cash note, sekurangnye tenang ciket hati mereka tu…
        Ingat lah kite ni siapa? dari mane? entah esok lusa kite mati…

      • Bini Najib(BN) berkata:

        wakakawakakawakaka….siapa kata simpan cash note bagus…hehehehe..simpan cash notelah yang paling x bagus sekali buat investor2 yang berada diluar dari iraq…nak tahu kenapa??? tunggulah tahun 2012/2013…aku tak nak cakap…pasal apa….sebab bila aku cakap kau orang x nak percaya…..tapi yakinlah kata2 aku….sebab sebelum nie pun dah 2-3 kali apa yang aku cakapkan memang dah betul2 terjadi siap keluar dalam artikal surat kabar iraq lagi…. itu pun pihak akhbar diiraq dapat berita itu pun selepas 3-4 bulan apa yang aku cakapkan pada kau orang dulu.buat yang simpan cash note tu…sekarang ini ayat untuk penyedap hati buat kau orang tu….dah x boleh pakai dah….Sebab duit IQD di luar dari iraq memang confirm tidak sah diperlakukan…ini bukan aku yang cakap…tapi dah termaktub dalam ” Monetary Policy Iraq ” dan telah disahkan oleh Kedutaan Iraq Di Washington, D.C. & juga telah disahkan oleh ” Deputy Managing Director Senior Executive Bank ” yang berada di Iraq.kalau tiga2 tu pun kau orang x percaya gak….maka aku rasa eloklah kau orang percaya cakap alhamik tu ajelah… iaitu seorang yang tidak mempunyai apa2 kepentingan di Iraq,yang itu yang kau orang lebih percaya. hehehehehe…

  532. Dinar RV berkata:

    ape yg saya bole komen dari kenyataan pakcik kayo: tak logik..
    please give facts/link?

    • pakcik kayo berkata:

      dalam nie dah penuh dah artikael dan link…….kalau mau cari sendiri artikel tersebut……wahai dinar rv……dan kepada budduhan…gue tak nak komen lu punya……sbb tak berfaedah langsung……kalau lu orang nak komen…….komen mcm bro alhamik tu……gue akan layan secara profesional……he…he..he…

    • Bini Najib(BN) berkata:

      heheheh… apa dia…yang x logic Wahai Dinar RV!!!!!! …. hang tu kalau dah x pandai tu….buatlah cara x pandai….dah beratus fakta berserta link yang pakcik kayo dan aku berikan….hang ada baca kah???? wahai Dinar RV!!!!!! ada baca kah? kalau belum baca…sila baca wahai Dinar RV!!! … hehehehe…

  533. alhamik berkata:

    Apa khabar Pakcik Kayo? Semoga anda sihat2 saja dan saya lihat dalam forum ini anda begitu aktif!
    Memang agak lama juga saya tdk menyertai forum IQD di thread yang lama kerana letih menunggu. Maka saya biarkan ianya berlalu dan berhrap pada ketika yang tepat rv akan dilaksanakan insyaAllah! Rindu juga saya dengan hujah2 anda seperti di thread yang lama dulu……..

    Di thread ini pula, saya baru terjumpa dan saya lihat hujah2 anda memang reasonable.dan langkah membuka akaun di Iraq merupakan satu langkah yang boleh diikuti bagi sesiapa yang punya kemampuan. Saya tidak menafikan hujah2 anda, tapi dalam pada itu saya juga masih percaya cashnote holder tetap punya kesempatan untuk mendapat keuntungan jika rv dilaksanakan oleh kerajaan Iraq. InsyaAllah!

    Kita lihat sajalah nanti, gimana bentuk rv yang akan diumumkan oleh CBI. Kalau ada rezeki melalui IQD ini, alhamdulillah. Apa yang saya harapkan sekarang rv yang bakal diumukan nanti agar semua pemilik IQD sama ada yang brada di bank maupun di tangan akan sama2 menikmati keuntungan……..

  534. Bini Najib(BN) berkata:

    This might be the reason for no exchange outside of Iraq


    P/S: Buat Penyimpan Tegar Cash Note & Juga Khusus Buat Dinar RV boleh baca artikal yg diberikan.

    • pakcik kayo berkata:

      diharap dgn link yg diberikan oleh bini najib tu….pemegang cash note dpt memahami secara terperinci segala maksud yg hendak disampaikan….dan diharap apabila selesai memahami maksud tersebut moga2 pemegang cash note mendapat ketenangan yg dicari-cari selama ini ……he…he…he…..


      p/s den copy kan lg link tersebut untuk tatapan pemegang cash note……….

      p/s TAHNIAH kepada skuad N.SEMBILAN kerna juara PIALA MALAYSIA………

      • Dinar RV berkata:

        the link above just explain money transaction limit from iraq inside out. No related to validity of cashnotes we hold.

      • Dinar RV berkata:

        currently IQD is not even listed in the UN operational exchange rate, of course the cash note we hold (outside Iraq) is not valid. So just wait for the UN listing the IQD into their operational exchange rate, then our cash note will be valid for use.

      • pakcik kayo berkata:

        ha…ha…ha…anda dah jwb sendiri segala persoalan mengenai cash note…….dan nak tambah sikit…….sila check blk polisi bank pusat iraq mengenai cash note……dan psl UN tu……anda chec blk a[pa dia punya peranan dlm sistem kewangan negara iraq…….dan menga[pa kerajaan iraq menggunakan sistem SMART CARD DLM SEGALA URUSAN SEHARIAN selepas pengemas kini sistem kewangan mereka……..

        p/s den raso mat salih pun terkono juo…….

  535. airies berkata:

    http://www.investorsiraq.com <–dalam forum ada diterangkan cmne nak buat akaun warka bank..

  536. yan berkata:

    ape yg dikatakan oleh Bini Najib tu betol.. aku dah baca dari mula sampai habis… bila nak melabur ni cara paling selamat adalah dgn membuka akaun itu sendiri… so kena buka akaun kalo nak selamat…

    • pakcik kayo berkata:

      den rasa mungkin suatu hari nanti WARKA BANK akan dibuka cawangannya di MALAYSIA dgn sistem perBANK kan ISLAM…seperti BANK KUWAIT OF FINANCE …….he..he.he…

    • baam berkata:

      ye betul ape katanya…
      aku dah baca link diberikan oleh Bini Najib tu… tp macam mana nak buka akaun itu sendiri..?????
      tolong bagi tunjuk ajar…

  537. yan berkata:

    bini najib mcm mana nak buka akaun… bagitau sket kat email ni

  538. danny77 berkata:

    Expertise,plz guide me to create an account at CBI.

  539. lobang berkata:

    Bila nak kaya

    • Bini Najib(BN) berkata:

      Tunggulah sehingga kucing jantan bertanduk,bagi yang sudah mempunyai account bank…sementara nak menunggu kucing jantan bertanduk…..kita nikmati dahulu dividen yang diberikan oleh pihak bank sebanyak yang mungkin.hehehehehe…

  540. admin berkata:

    perbincangan yg terbaik…
    Saya bercadang utk berikan info PERCUMA bagaimana untuk buka akaun bank warka. Ada sesiapa yg berminat? Sila respon. Dalam masa terdekat saya akan sediakan satu laman yg sesuai untuk anda semua download FREE REPORT macamana nak buka akaun bank Warka.

    Siapa berminat sahaja, sila respon. Terima kasih.

    p/s: Saya merupakan owner pada blog ini. Dah lama saya tak update. Tapi saya sentiasa mengikuti perkembangan blog ini. No tel yg tertera diatas sudah tidak aktif.

    • kitamestipilih berkata:

      bagus cadangan tuan admin,saya sokong!!!!!!!!. tapi sebelum tu tuan admin saya nak bertanya sedikit,tuan admin dah ada akuan ker kat iraq?

    • badtrack berkata:

      sudah tidak aktif lagi ke atau en admin nak melarikan diri dari pelangan-pelangan en admin, manalah tahu en admin dah banyak menjual dinar iraq pada mereka dan en admin taknak bertanggung jawab terhadap risiko atau pun penjualan balik dinar iraq pada masa akan datang bila dinar iraq yang mereka beli dari en admin tu dah tidak laku lagi. tapi kalau en admin betul-betul prihatin terhadap pelanggan-pelanggan en admin,so apalah kiranya en admin mengupdatekan semula nombor teliphone bimbit en admin tu kat ruang yang yang tertera nombor teliphone en admin yang dah tidak aktif tu so senanglah sedikit pembeli-pembeli en admin tu menghubungi en admin.secara tak langsung ini dapat membuktikan bahawa yang en admin tu adalah benar-benar pemilik blog ini yang sah.sekiranya tidak,en admin ini mungkin sekadar menyamar sebagai pemilik blog ini.sekian

    • nizam berkata:

      Info percuma macamana nak buka akaun bank Warka.

      • ep berkata:

        sy berminat tuan..bagus cadangan tuan tu,,boleh bantu sesiapa yg blum taw n berminat nk buka ac warka tua..hope will proceed its..briliant idea boss..

  541. kepada yg buka akaun di bank warka, sila baca..

    Mikken says:
    October 29, 2011 at 11:26 am
    I work in Jolan, Iraq. This past week I was in the area, and stopped in to see the staff at the Al Warka bank in Baghdad. I showed them this site via: iphone they had no clue that this site was even on the net. I also visited the branch in Lebanon, Twice. Second time had a meeting with the security director. They know nothing of this and have no subsidiary out of Germany. I opened my account in Two days at the local branch. Was advise to pass on to friends be very observant of such active sites. TY

    sumber http://www.iraqidinar.org/warka.asp

    • Bini Najib(BN) berkata:

      Kepada “saudara Airieshop Pelaburan Emas”, link yang anda berikan merupakan sumber link yang amat tidak kukuh…seperti yang saya telah katakan dari dulu kini dan selamanya,kalau nak komen tentang warka bank,berikanlah bukti yg amat kukuh contohnya kenyataan CBI mengenai warka bank di surat kabar utama iraq,dan bukanya blog kepunyan seseorang.

      dibawah ini saya berikan link yang amat kukuh lagi menggukuhkan untuk menjawab cerita RUMOR anda yang tidak berasas.


      sila lihat pada senarai “Private Banks” yang diiktiraf oleh Central Bank Of Iraq (CBI) yang bernombor 15, apakah yang anda dapat lihat disana?dapatkah anda melihat Nama Bank “Warka Bank for Investment & Finance” berserta laman sesawangnya “www.warka-bank.com”????? sekiranya anda tidak buta…, sudah semestinya anda dapat melihat apa yang saya katakan…yer tak?so adalah amat bodoh lagi membodohkan yang boleh saya katakan pada anda,kerana anda buta-buta mempercayai sumber “RUMOR” yang tidak berasas. lain kali kalau nak menunjukkan kebodohan anda tentang artikal yg anda berikan….tolonglah tunjukkan kebodohan anda pada orang yang dah semestinya bodoh,janganlah anda menunjukkan kebodohan anda tu pada orang yang bijak pandai,sebab bila anda membuat begitu so dah tentulah anda menyerlahkan lagi KEBODOHAN anda.hehehehehe….

      • Airieshop Pelaburan Emas berkata:

        Hehehehe..sy mmg br dlm bab ni and berniat nk melabur, cuma nk kepastian dan pandangan2 org yg lbh arif… Thanks 4 d info

      • pakcik kayo berkata:

        haiya…..ini airieshop ……dia punya bahasa ada baik ……tp dia punya isi selupa tadika punya budak ma…….mau malah pon tak boleh ma….sbb budak kecik lg ma……..lain kali mau belajar…mesti mau cali cikgu adak cerdik punya olang……bukan bodoh selupa lu ma……haiya ini olang……..

        p/s lajin usaha…tagga kejayaan ma……ha…ha…ha…..

  542. shin berkata:

    Alamak! Pakcik Kayo! Pakcik punya bahasa amat serupa sekali dgn Orang Cina yg baru dtg dari Tiongkok la….. hehehehe..

  543. Jejaka berkata:

    Expertise,plz guide me to create an account at CBI. Pls contact me at email jejakajejakman@gmail.com

  544. tumpang kaya berkata:

    betulke dari sumber yang bleh dipercayai dah dekat nak rv, tolong komen sikit pada pakar-pakar kita . jawab jangan x jawab

    • Bini Najib(BN) berkata:

      hahahakihkihkihwakakawakaka….geli hati bila aku dengar RUMOR yang mengatakan RV dah nak dekat….ada yg kata seminggu lagi…ada yg kata 2 minggu lagi….hahahaha…apa2 pun RV akan berlaku setelah 3 angka sifar dari Bank Note dinar iraq selesai dijalankan….dan selepas itu CBI akan Memberi kan masa bertenang untuk RV diumumkan. masa yg agak releven untuk RV adalah pada tahun 2013. 2013 itu pun masih tidak diketahui bulan berapa. so jangan terlalu gairah menunggu RV dalam masa terdekat ini….kerana sudah pasti kehampaan yang akan datang menyapa kita bukannya RV yg datang.

      P/s: 2013 adalah masa yg amat sesuai untuk iraq me RV/RD kan nilai duit mereka.ini kerana kebiasaanya pakar2 ekonomi telah membuat tafsirkan kejatuhan ekonomi sesebuah negara akan berakhir dalam lingkungan 7 ~ 10 tahun. kalau lebih dari itu maka…ekonomi negara tersebut memang x mampu untuk di bangunkan semula. perlu diingatkan 2013 adalah merupakan tahun ke 10 iraq mengalami kejatuhan ekonomi.

  545. 1Malaysia berkata:

    betul dah nak dekat sangat…RV oh RV

    • Bini Najib(BN) berkata:

      anda Pasti ker? dah dekat…? dekat tu bila? bulan Nov atau Dis? atau pun 2012? hehehehe…

      • 1Malaysia berkata:

        besok…tengok jer lah…

      • Bini Najib(BN) berkata:

        hahahaha…esok? kalau esok x gak cam mana!!!!…
        hahahaha lupalah pulak….kalau esok x RV mungkin lusa kot….kalau x lusa gak…mungkin tulat kot….kalau x RV..RV gak…mungkin 2013 kot…hehehehehehehe.

  546. tumpang kaya berkata:

    x palah rumors je kot, tapi kat luar dh heboh kata kot paling lambat akhir tahun ni, betul x 1 malaysia. bagi bini najib(BN), itu pandangan dan pendapat anda mungkin betul dan mungkin tidak, kalu dah ada rezeki x kemana , kalu cepat lagi bagus kan

    • Bini Najib(BN) berkata:

      jangan asik dengar rumor aje… selama ini semua rumor yg keluar semuanya 100% tidak benar. tapi kebanyakan apa yg saya katakan menjadi kenyataan. so kesimpulannya banyakkan buat kajian dan semakan berkenaan Fakta RV/RD dinar Iraq.banyak lagi benda2 masalah yang besar2 di iraq yg masih belum selesai… . apabila masalah tersebut belum selesai maka macam mana iraq nak buat RV/RD!!!. yer tak.

  547. tumpang kaya berkata:

    memang betul kata bini najib,kita kena buat kajian ikut perkembangan semasa apa yang berlaku diraq, masalah besar yang bini najib cakap tu apa , chapter 7 ke, pengunduran tentera us ke , terang sikit boleh , layanaaaaaann

    • Bini Najib(BN) berkata:

      Chapter 7 pun baru nak habis…apa2 pun HCL (Hydro Carbon Law) masih tengah dalam perbincangan dan x tahu apa jalan penyelesaiannya.

  548. pakcik kayo berkata:

    Iraq considers revaluation of national currency

    By Khalid al-Taie in Baghdad

    For Mawtani.com

    The Central Bank of Iraq is studying an idea to revalue the national currency as part of its strategic project for the next five years to reform the country’s monetary system.

    The revaluation would involve the deletion of three zeros from the current dinar.

    “With the entry of oil investments, the Iraqi economy is about to see a major boom that will make it a major economic force in the Middle East,” said Mazhar Mohammed Saleh, an adviser to the Central Bank of Iraq. “This boom will not be commensurate with a currency replete with zeros.”

    Saleh told Mawtani that the bank was studying aspects of the project to create an integrated vision, saying that once the project has been examined, it will be submitted to the Iraqi government which will in turn study and submit it to parliament for approval.

    Saleh said inflation and receding economic growth in Iraq over the past three decades have had a negative impact on the Iraqi currency. He said there were no more than two billion dinars in circulation in 1979, but there is now more than 28 trillion dinars.

    “This huge quantity of money made circulation at banks more complicated,” he added. “Counting and sorting involve so many problems and difficulties due to the hugeness of financial dealings.”

    Saleh noted that the idea of revaluing the currency was devised to avoid these complications and to facilitate payments, especially those related to salaries. This is in addition to removing burdens on banks and citizens through dealing with banknotes that are easier to count, carry and circulate.

    Saleh downplayed fears about revaluing the Iraqi currency, saying the measure “will not affect the local economy at all”.

    “The incomes and wealth of individuals and companies will remain intact,” he said. “What is going to take place is a revaluation of the currency to be commensurate with the expected stage of boom and growth.”

    Saleh expected that the project will need a long period of time, perhaps more than one year, to see light, saying that it will be implemented on a gradual basis.

    Haitham al-Jubouri, a member of the fiscal committee in parliament, confirmed his support for the project of dropping zeros.

    “This project will help create stability for the national economy and prevent fluctuation of prices because of the large-number banknotes that are circulated in the local market,” al-Jubouri told Mawtani. “This is in addition to its role in enhancing citizens’ purchasing power.”

    Al-Jubouri stressed the need to conduct a comprehensive and in-depth study of the project to avoid any confusion that may take place as a result of launching new banknotes with the same monetary value as those of large-number banknotes that will be gradually withdrawn from the market.

    “Revaluing the dinar will require us as lawmakers to later introduce some digital amendments to some laws and decisions that include, for example, the imposition of financial fines and granting of advances and loans in the current currency,” al-Jubouri noted.

    Economist Saad Jassim said the issue of dropping the three zeros will help lower the nominal value of the Iraqi dinar in commercial and non-commercial monetary dealings, but it will maintain its real value, and will enhance it in the future.

    “Today, it has become necessary to review our monetary system and reform the national currency in a way commensurate with the investment openness policy that the state is currently adopting and also to support the Iraqi economy worldwide, specifically in regards to the International Monetary Fund,” Jassim told Mawtani.

    Iraq menganggap penilaian semula mata wang negara

    By Khalid al-Taie di Baghdad

    Untuk Mawtani.com

    Bank Negara Iraq sedang mengkaji idea untuk menilai semula mata wang negara sebagai sebahagian daripada projek yang strategik untuk tempoh lima tahun akan datang untuk reformasi sistem kewangan negara.

    Penilaian semula akan melibatkan penghapusan tiga sifar dari dinar semasa.

    “Dengan kemasukan pelaburan minyak, ekonomi Iraq adalah untuk melihat ledakan besar yang akan menjadikan ia satu kuasa ekonomi utama di Timur Tengah,” kata Mazhar Mohammed Saleh, penasihat kepada Bank Negara Iraq. “Ledakan ini tidak akan sepadan dengan mata wang yang penuh dengan sifar.”

    Saleh memberitahu Mawtani bahawa bank itu sedang mengkaji aspek projek untuk mewujudkan wawasan bersepadu, mengatakan bahawa apabila projek itu telah diperiksa, ia akan diserahkan kepada kerajaan Iraq yang seterusnya akan mengkaji dan mengemukakan kepada Parlimen untuk kelulusan.

    Saleh berkata inflasi dan surut pertumbuhan ekonomi di Iraq dalam tempoh tiga dekad yang lalu telah mempunyai impak negatif ke atas mata wang Iraq. Beliau berkata terdapat tidak lebih daripada dua bilion dinar dalam edaran pada tahun 1979, tetapi kini terdapat lebih daripada 28 trilion dinar.

    “Kuantiti besar wang ini yang dibuat edaran pada bank-bank lebih rumit,” katanya. “Mengira dan pengisihan melibatkan begitu banyak masalah dan kesukaran disebabkan kebesaran urusan kewangan.”

    Saleh menyatakan bahawa idea menilai semula mata wang itu dirancang untuk mengelakkan komplikasi ini dan untuk memudahkan pembayaran, terutamanya yang berkaitan untuk gaji. Ini adalah sebagai tambahan untuk menghapuskan beban kepada bank dan rakyat melalui berurusan dengan wang kertas yang lebih mudah untuk dikira, menjalankan dan mengedarkan.

    Saleh memandang ringan kebimbangan mengenai menilai semula mata wang Iraq, berkata langkah itu “tidak akan menjejaskan ekonomi tempatan di semua”.

    “Pendapatan dan kekayaan individu dan syarikat-syarikat yang akan kekal tidak berubah,” katanya. “Apa yang akan berlaku adalah satu penilaian semula mata wang setara dengan peringkat dijangka ledakan dan pertumbuhan.”

    Saleh dijangka bahawa projek itu akan memerlukan masa yang panjang, mungkin lebih daripada satu tahun, untuk melihat cahaya, mengatakan bahawa ia akan dilaksanakan secara beransur-ansur.

    Haitham al-Jubouri, ahli jawatankuasa fiskal di Parlimen, mengesahkan sokongan untuk projek sifar menjatuhkan.

    “Projek ini akan membantu mewujudkan kestabilan ekonomi negara dan menghalang turun naik harga kerana wang kertas-nombor besar yang diedarkan di pasaran tempatan,” al-Jubouri kepada Mawtani. “Ini adalah tambahan kepada peranannya dalam kuasa beli rakyat meningkatkan.”

    Al-Jubouri menekankan keperluan untuk menjalankan kajian yang menyeluruh dan mendalam projek untuk mengelakkan sebarang kekeliruan yang mungkin berlaku akibat melancarkan wang kertas baru dengan nilai kewangan yang sama seperti orang-orang wang kertas-nombor besar yang akan secara beransur-ansur ditarik balik daripada pasaran.

    “Menilai semula dinar akan memerlukan kita sebagai penggubal undang-undang untuk kemudian memperkenalkan beberapa pindaan digital kepada beberapa undang-undang dan keputusan yang termasuk, sebagai contoh, pengenaan denda kewangan dan pemberian pendahuluan dan pinjaman dalam mata wang semasa,” al-Jubouri berkata.

    Economist Saad Jassim berkata isu menggugurkan tiga sifar akan membantu mengurangkan nilai nominal dinar Iraq dalam urusan komersial dan bukan komersial monetari, tetapi ia akan mengekalkan nilai sebenar, dan akan meningkatkan pada masa akan datang.

    “Hari ini, ia telah menjadi perlu untuk mengkaji semula sistem kewangan kita dan reformasi mata wang negara dengan cara yang setimpal dengan dasar keterbukaan pelaburan bahawa kerajaan kini mengguna pakai dan juga untuk menyokong di seluruh dunia ekonomi Iraq, khususnya dalam hal kepada Tabung Kewangan Antarabangsa (IMF), “Jassim kepada Mawtani.

  549. Bini Najib(BN) berkata:

    hahahaha…baru jer semalam aku cakap kat kau orang semua…bahawa selepas iraq menghapuskan 3 angka sifar ,CBI akan memberikan masa bertenang untuk membuat RV/RD.so hari ini dah keluar lak dalam surat kabar iraq yg CBI menyatakan

    ” bahawa projek itu akan memerlukan masa yang panjang, mungkin lebih daripada satu tahun, untuk melihat cahaya, mengatakan bahawa ia akan dilaksanakan secara beransur-ansur.” – CBI

    ini bermakna dalam tahun 2012 CBI akan memulakan untuk menghapuskan 3 angka sifar dari “Bank Note” nya.dan secara tersurat & tersiratnya RV x mungkin berlaku pada tahun 2012 sebab Panel penasihat CBI memberi tahu bahawa ia akan mengambil masa setahun untuk kita dapat melihat (Cahaya)kenaikan nilai dinar iraq.

    dan yang paling Best artical yg penasihat CBI bagi Tahu adalah dengan penghapusan 3 angka sifar tidak menjejaskan pendapatan Kekayaan individu & syarikat2 tidak akan terjejas.

    “Pendapatan dan kekayaan individu dan syarikat-syarikat yang akan kekal tidak berubah,” katanya. “Apa yang akan berlaku adalah satu penilaian semula mata wang setara dengan peringkat dijangka ledakan dan pertumbuhan.” – CBI

    so secara jelasnya nasib penyimpan Cash Note yang berada diluar dari iraq , nasib mereka seumpama “telur di hujung tanduk” atau pun lebih jelas lagi ibarat untung sabut timbul…untung batu tenggelam.

    P/s:sebelum anda jadi batu mahu pun sabut pada masa akan datang lebih baik anda cepat2 buka account bank diiraq. cerah masa depan. hehehehehehe.

  550. tumpang kaya berkata:

    Denied the CBI information that talked about the warnings of the collapse of the currency and the fall of the Iraqi economy, and the Central Bank and on the lips of an expert the first appearance of Mohammed Saleh that he did not inform him talking about the collapse of the currency in light of a slight increase of inflation, especially since everyone knows that the rates of inflation in 2003 was more than 52% and by the policies of the Central Bank has managed to be reduced gradually to less than one decimal that is between 37%. This is a success record in favor of Iraq’s economic policy and the success of the tools the central bank. He said inflation is closely linked to the activity of this commodity and gains occur in certain seasons due to increased consumption of a commodity without the other and back down, and this case in the rest of the other commodities, and such increases do not affect in any way to economic stability. Salih stressed that the phenomenon of rising inflation is not a phenomenon of Iraq as much as what is now a global phenomenon experienced by most countries of the world, including Iraq, as a result of commodity price trends, services and food upward, but that the central bank is able to contain the phenomenon of what is owned by means of solid and also the presence of indicators of economy faculty of strong reserves and the payments system in Iraq. and in favor of the key successes recorded in favor of the bank is the nappy on the prices of the Iraqi dinar exchange for more than four years and enable it to strengthen the dinar world, and this reflected positively on the buying power of the Iraqi individual.

    wahai tuan-tuan yang bijak sana dan bijak sini ,mohon ulas sikit tentang laporan diatas.

  551. hamid berkata:

    Bini Najib wrote:

    …..dan yang paling Best artical yg penasihat CBI bagi Tahu adalah dengan penghapusan 3 angka sifar tidak menjejaskan pendapatan Kekayaan individu & syarikat2 tidak akan terjejas.

    “Pendapatan dan kekayaan individu dan syarikat-syarikat yang akan kekal tidak berubah,” katanya. “Apa yang akan berlaku adalah satu penilaian semula mata wang setara dengan peringkat dijangka ledakan dan pertumbuhan.” – CBI

    so secara jelasnya nasib penyimpan Cash Note yang berada diluar dari iraq , nasib mereka seumpama “telur di hujung tanduk” atau pun lebih jelas lagi ibarat untung sabut timbul…untung batu tenggelam.

    P/s:sebelum anda jadi batu mahu pun sabut pada masa akan datang lebih baik anda cepat2 buka account bank diiraq. cerah masa depan. hehehehehehe.

    Jika CBI menjadikan 25K pada $25.00 bererti wang yang ada di Bank juga akan terlibat. Kerana seperti kata anda

    “……….dan yang paling Best artical yg penasihat CBI bagi Tahu adalah dengan penghapusan 3 angka sifar tidak menjejaskan pendapatan Kekayaan individu & syarikat2 tidak akan terjejas.

    “Pendapatan dan kekayaan individu dan syarikat-syarikat yang akan kekal tidak berubah,””.

    Ertinya pendapatan anda di bank kekal tidak berbubah, tapi tetap tidak bertambah. Bila anda updatekan buku akaun anda, jika anda memiliki 1 juta IQD, maka ianya automaticly akan menjadi $1,000 USD dan bukannya 1 juta IQD. Inilah yang terjadi di Turki bila pembuangan 6 zero dilakukan. Ketika itu semua pemegang cash note dan wang dalam bank terlibat dalam pembuangan 6 zero tersebut, tidak ada yang selamat!

    Dan anda juga perlu ingat, CBI telah menyatakan ia mengikut model yang dilakukan di Turki…….

    • Bini Najib(BN) berkata:

      hahaha…hamid…,anda telah salah membuat tafsiran…. cuba anda baca semula dari mula hingga habis semua artical2 yg saya tempekkan dalam blog ini….segala kenyataan yg penasihat CBI berikan dalam surat kabar adalah berita untuk pembuangan 3 angka sifar pada ” CASH NOTE , BANK NOTE , HARD CURRENCY , CURRENCY PAPER dll….. tolong buka mata anda dan mata hati anda bila anda membaca artical kenyataan dari penasihat CBI.

      P/s: saya malas nak layan pendapat anda yg memang kebudak2kan…hehehehehe….cuba anda ceritakan pada budak2 yg paling bodoh sekali didalam dunia ini…sekiranya duit didalam account tertera 1,000,000 adakan duit tersebut akan berubah nilainya apabila anda mengupdatekan baki duit anda kedalam buku simpanan account?????cuba anda dengar jawapan mereka….kalau jawapan mereka “TIDAK”….maka sesungguhnya anda merupakan seorang yang bodoh…lebih bodoh dari mereka….hehehehewakakawakaka……

  552. Backup warka berkata:

    Siapa yang berminat dengan akaun warka PM me…azharbiz11@gmail.com

  553. tumpang kaya berkata:

    klau cbi ikut model turki, habislah semua masuk angin keluar asap. x guna juga simpan dalam bank,serupa juga dengan simpan cash note, apa nak jadi , x leh tumpang kaya lah

    • Bini Najib(BN) berkata:

      hehehehe…dah tentu2nya Penyimpan Cash Note akan masuk angin keluar asap….tapi pemegang account…akan menikmati hasil investmentnya…..hahahaha….wakakawakaka…

  554. Bini Najib(BN) berkata:

    hehehehehe… mana mamat yg bernama “1Malaysia”!!!!!!
    aku nak tahu gak….dinar hang dah RV ker…belum????? itu hari (15/11/11)dia juga yg sibuk2 cakap esok (16/11/11) akan rv?????hehehehe….naper sekarang nie dia sunyi sepi jer….dah kaya ker????wakakakakakakaka….itu hari kan aku dah cakap….2011/12 x akan RV nya…. tapi dia x percaya…dia lebih gemar dengar kabar angin dari baca artical news. hehehehehehe…

    • 1Malaysia berkata:

      dah tukar dah….dah bershopping pun…akaun warka aku jer tak leh tukar..cash semua dah settle….

      • Bini Najib(BN) berkata:

        memang ler..cash kau semua dah settel…sebab kau dah jual cash note dinar kau kat orang lain…pass tu duit yg kau dapat tu kau masukkan balik dalam account bank kau kat iraq…hehehehheheheheh…hahahhahahhaha

      • pakcik kayo berkata:

        aku tak nak komen apa apa…cuma nak gelak je….ha..ha..ha…pandai pon ko sbb jual cash note kat org……lps tu org yg beli cash kat ko pulak nangis guling-guling sbb dah beli duit cash tu dr ko…..nasib-nasib………mari kita lihat siapa yg kena…ha…ha…ha…

  555. tumpang kaya berkata:

    x palah BIni Najib, itu pandangan 1 Malaysia I , dh x rv , nak buat camnakan, kita tunggu je insyaalah rv akan tiba, cuba komen skit BN tentang artikal ni .
    i called the WF foreigh currency department and they told me they do not buy or sell the iraqi dinar. You hear this very first when you first call them.. The lady i then spoke to said they have no intetions of dealing with the IQD as well.. Anyone who wants to hear this can call this number: 18006269430.. So as we were told it was wrong.. AGAIN.. And many of you will say its secret and they cant say till it happens or that the person i talked to doesnt know.. Well she was the manager of the department as she told me, so im sure she knows.. and if they were selling or buying IQD then they would go ahead and say so.. But seeing how they are not we were once again decieved.. makes you think what else is false in what we are being told???

    klau dh x jual dan x boleh beli, dia orang dh tau ke dh nak rv. hahahahahhhah

    • Bini Najib(BN) berkata:

      “tumpang kaya” ….

      aku x faham..kenapa kau suka dengar/baca cerita2 rumor…???hehehehehe…kau tahu tak BOA Bank , 5/3 Bank , Chase Bank dan beberapa lagi bank di US mereka dah taknak menjual lagi dinar iraq!!!.kerana pihak2 bank telah mengetahui bahawa duit IQD yang akan di Revalue (RV) Oleh Iraq,merupakan IQD nilai baru.so IQD yg koma2 simpan tu…dah tak laku diguna pakai diseluruh dunia.so nasiblah kepada siapa2 yang rugi tu….nak buat cam mana….dah pandai punya pandai….nak buat investment….tapi x kena dengan tempatnya & caranya.hehehehhe

  556. pakcik kayo berkata:

    Corrector – Iraq plans to issue a new currency in 50 dinars after deletion of zeros
    23/11/2011 15:26

    Baghdad, November 23 (Rn) – Iraq’s central bank said it plans to issue a new currency from the category of 50 dinars after deletion
    of zeros which is equivalent to $ 50 thousand dinars at the moment.

    Komaki haiti, Para, Money According to the information published (Rn), two days before the central bank is working on the version of class 50 thousand Iraqi Dinars. Category that occurs while the Bank issued in the future is 50 dinars, and this is done after deletion of zeros.

    It examines the Iraqi Central since June last deleting three zeros from the local currency in an attempt to promote the value of currency in circulation, external and internal. The Kurdish language will be added to the new currency as well as Arabic.

    The deputy governor of the Bank in favor of the appearance of the Kurdistan News Agency (Rn) that “the Central Bank of Iraq is working to issue new paper currency after deletion of zeros will be the class of 50 dinars which is equivalent to the current 50 thousand dinars.”

    And Abdul Hussein Al-Anbuge economic adviser in the Iraqi government has said (Rn) in September / September The process will delete the zeros of the phenomenon of money laundering.

    The class of 25 thousand Iraqi dinars largest currency in the country in terms of value. Saleh said that the purchasing power of the currency does not exceed $ 22.

    Saleh added that the Central Bank is also working on re-issue coins to the absence of these categories at the moment.

    The Central Bank of Iraq issued after the fall of the former regime, Coins of the categories of 25 and 50 and 100 dinars after a break of more than 15 years.

    Saleh said, “will be the new currency in the Kurdish language in addition to Arabic. Will include currency symbols reflect the civilization of Iraq and the diversity of sects.”

    Economic analysts say that because of the low-lying value of the coins, the central bank had been withdrawn since 2009.

    According to Trade Bank of Iraq that the lifting of the zeroes from the currency will not affect the economy.

    The Ministry of Finance of Iraq that the deletion of zeros will liberate the Iraqi economy from the constraints and enhance the value of the dinar in the International Monetary Fund.

    He expressed the IMF in August / August, his support for the Iraqi economy in the event of its number of economic measures, including raising three zeros from the local currency.

    The Iraqi dinar is the official currency in the country and issued by the Central Bank. The value of one U.S. dollar is less than 1,200 dinars.

    The main tasks of the Central Bank in managing monetary policy in the country and raise the level of the value of Iraqi dinar and tackle inflation in the country.

    The Central Bank of Iraq four branches in Basra and Sulaymaniyah, Erbil and Mosul.

    From: Sam and dry. Open: Murtaza Yousuf


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    Corrector – Iraq merancang untuk mengeluarkan mata wang baru dalam 50 dinar selepas penghapusan sifar
    23/11/2011 15:26

    Baghdad, November 23 (Rn) – Bank pusat Iraq berkata ia merancang untuk mengeluarkan mata wang baru dari kategori 50 dinar selepas penghapusan sifar yang bersamaan dengan $ 50 ribu dinar pada masa ini.

    Komaki Haiti, Untuk telefon, Wang Menurut maklumat yang diterbitkan (Rn), dua hari sebelum bank pusat bekerja pada versi kelas 50 ribu dinar Iraq. Kategori yang berlaku manakala Bank yang dikeluarkan pada masa akan datang ialah 50 dinar, dan ini dilakukan selepas penghapusan sifar.

    Ia meneliti Central Iraq sejak Jun lepas memotong tiga sifar dari mata wang tempatan dalam usaha untuk menggalakkan nilai mata wang dalam edaran, luaran dan dalaman. Bahasa Kurdish akan dimasukkan ke dalam mata wang baru dan sebagai Bahasa Arab.

    Timbalan Gabenor Bank memihak kepada kemunculan Kurdistan News Agency (Rn) bahawa “Bank Negara Iraq sedang berusaha untuk mengeluarkan mata wang kertas yang baru selepas penghapusan sifar akan kelas sebanyak 50 dinar yang bersamaan dengan arus 50 ribu dinar. ”

    Dan Abdul Hussein Al-Anbuge penasihat ekonomi dalam kerajaan Iraq berkata (Rn) pada bulan September / September Proses ini akan memadam sifar fenomena pengubahan wang haram.

    Kelas 25 ribu dinar mata wang Iraq yang terbesar di negara ini dari segi nilai. Saleh berkata bahawa kuasa beli mata wang tidak melebihi $ 22.

    Saleh menambah bahawa Bank Negara juga bekerja pada duit syiling semula isu ketiadaan kategori ini pada masa ini.

    Bank Negara Iraq yang dikeluarkan selepas kejatuhan rejim bekas, Duit syiling kategori 25 dan 50 dan 100 dinar selepas berehat lebih daripada 15 tahun.

    Saleh berkata, “akan menjadi matawang baru dalam bahasa Kurdish di samping ke Bahasa Arab. Adakah termasuk simbol-simbol mata wang mencerminkan tamadun Iraq dan kepelbagaian mazhab-mazhab.”

    Penganalisis ekonomi mengatakan bahawa kerana nilai rendah daripada duit syiling, bank pusat telah ditarik balik sejak 2009.

    Menurut Perdagangan Bank of Iraq bahawa mengangkat sifar daripada mata wang tidak akan menjejaskan ekonomi.

    Kementerian Kewangan Iraq bahawa penghapusan sifar akan membebaskan ekonomi Iraq daripada kekangan dan meningkatkan nilai dinar dalam Tabung Kewangan Antarabangsa (IMF).

    Beliau melahirkan IMF pada bulan Ogos / Ogos, sokongan untuk ekonomi Iraq sekiranya beberapa langkah-langkah ekonomi, termasuk menaikkan tiga sifar dari mata wang tempatan.

    Dinar Iraq adalah mata wang rasmi di negara ini dan yang dikeluarkan oleh Bank Negara Malaysia. Nilai $ 1 kurang daripada 1,200 dinar.

    Tugas-tugas utama Bank Negara Malaysia dalam pengurusan dasar monetari di negara ini dan meningkatkan tahap nilai dinar Iraq dan menangani inflasi di negara ini.

    Bank Negara Iraq empat cawangan di Basra dan Sulaymaniyah, Erbil dan Mos


  557. syafiqa berkata:

    Saudara Dinar rv,

    Minta email kan juga pada saya cara buka akaun

  558. Bini Najib(BN) berkata:

    Kepada Pengemar2 Koleksi Cash Note Dinar Iraq, Sila Baca dan Fahamkan isi kandunganya.

    Economist: Delete the zeros from the currency reform is it of the Iraqi Currency Or Cash.

    Posted: November 27, 2011

    Date: Wednesday, November 16, 2011, I know the date is old but I do not remember this version…

    That the central bank adopts the so-called reform of management system currency of any transition from a small amount in the currency chasing a large amount of the price of services, which reflect the stage of stability, growth and prosperity,

    and on this basis, the project to delete three zeros from the Iraqi dinar which made a thousand dinars, worth one Dinar stems from the considerations of good management of the monetary system and the shift of the mass of cash flaccid of thirtieth trillion dinars and do not meet the needs of the payments system in Iraq and encourage dollarization to the mass of cash of not more than (30) billion dinars easy exchange and easy to deposit in banks, stressing that the ability to savings banks are weak, for reasons operational because the banks do not have adequate capacity for counting and control currency counterfeit with tons of money it receives each day, so commercial transactions between traders, which is now resorting to weight rather than counting and sorting, and carrying the sidelines of the risk (1.3)% at a cost of transactions which is similar to the cost of counting is sometimes a cost inflation added to the value per transaction.

    On this basis, the stage of development of modern Iraq and to engage in an era of stability and low inflation, rampant need to re-establish a new currency to issue monetary of high-value low-volume and this is what I did many countries in the world was suffering from hyper-inflation, also underlines the bank stated that the process of replacing the currency is not have an impact not only on the wealth of citizens or on their income and the system price and is working on is the process of organizing for macroeconomic management, a process that has a high efficiency instead of using the payments system is a legacy of the stages of the instability and economic inflation, the monetary policy of the Central Bank of Iraq moving towards improve the value of the dinar and enhance the value of exchange and long-term program being in this direction to keep the dinar, a profit-Azam because we are going to JD stronger and therefore bring the dinar instead of foreign currency or other assets that will result in the loss of the citizen and it should be encouraged citizen saving the Iraqi dinar (national currency) and deal of banking to win twice, the first benefit of the banking and the second high exchange rate of Iraqi dinar, one of the results of economic prosperity in which they operate monetary policy in Iraq to achieve it,

    but there is another view in opposition to the proposal above confirm that the automation of the banking system and find a bank teller and (Alvezacart) and cards credit, remittances and exchange electronic bypass functions of classical and traditional banks to modern functions and new tools to ensure that the development of a system of risk management banking and credit system to support development efforts and reconstruction and to be diligent in the real side of the economy support the efforts of the operating and investment to increase production and to give facilities to ensure so do not run away to the proceedings is the same feasibility, as some believe that this operation will return Iraq to the economic period brightly and will enhance the value of the dinar to the IMF and the international community and will deal with economic problems, particularly inflation, others believe in the process the loss of currency value estimated one third Fbtkadirhm affected will be owners of salaries and wages because they have to enter the purchasing power less than the nominal value of the currency and believe that the cancellation of zeros will lead to a monetary illusion, that these attitudes are based on fragile foundations, and sometimes irrational, there is confusion and a clear distinction between cancellation of zeros and the improvement of the real exchange rate, and mixing of a second between the cancellation and Altzkhm, mixing third between this cancellation and reduction of the value of currency, the first position is just wishful thinking can not be achieved by deleting the zeros and the second position, with a mysterious how to delete the zeros leads to financial loss and identified on the basis of any one third?

    Also, the deletion will not address inflation and will not contribute to the aggravation, nothing to do with the illusion and (more correctly illusion) cash subject matter, and notes that the process of deleting the zeros are known in several countries have preceded us to that of them delete the two zeros or three or even six zeros, as in Turkey, said that the reasons for the deletion of zeros is almost confined to the psychological aspect of Balbrgbh in the currency with the exchange rate is high, and this increase into joy to the heart of Iraq, the joy of the return of the dinar to its past, bright, but this joy does not conceal his conviction that the process of removing zeros will not address the economic crisis suffered by the private decline in standard of living, unemployment and the deterioration of security services, health, education and energy services, it should be noted that Abannmk Central abandoned the practice of fixed exchange rate system to adopt a floating and will lead the deletion of three zeros to reduce the mass of cash (the strict sense) and will be reflected directly on the nominal values ​​of salary, shares and bonds and the prices , where he leads the deletion of zeros to the feeling of poverty, it had ten million dinars now has only ten thousand dinars, may lead this feeling to reduce consumption, which reflected negatively on the macroeconomic situation of the country, even if we assume that the deletion of zeros alleviate inflation is no longer useful for this event because the Iraqi Central Bank data indicate that the rate of inflation has become only 7%.

    If the deletion of zeros does not address inflation, it does not contribute to the height that the removal of three zeros impose a division of the nominal value of money is new to 1000 and at the same time be divided by this figure salaries, wages and other entry and nominal values ​​of shares and bonds as well as the prices of goods and services may increase the prices of some goods or services When you go to the new currency generating a popular feeling that the currency led to it, while must be pursued in the supply and demand to explain this rise, since a few months a lot of talk in Iraq, the emergence of monetary illusion in the case of Khzv zeros from the dinar, and the fact that he does not link to just cash sense of the above to remove zeros, because it requires high salaries by less than the rate of inflation, and when there is no relationship between nominal income and inflation is not correct to talk about the monetary illusion.

    That the deletion of zeros may lead to the opposite sense of poverty according to the worker.

    Any decline in consumption in the first stage and then returning to normal status in the next stage, and in all cases, psychological factors remain high and limited to a short does not apply to all individuals with the same intensity.

    The conclusion that the deletion of zeros is not much different from adjusting the size of the banknotes or change colors or add a new fee or remove the image of.

    This article comes from the Baghdad Chamber of Commerce


    • Bini Najib(BN) berkata:

      Aku amat tertarik dengan ayat ini – “it should be encouraged citizen saving the Iraqi dinar (national currency) and deal of banking to “WIN TWICE”, the first benefit of the banking and the second high exchange rate of Iraqi dinar, one of the results of economic prosperity in which they operate monetary policy in Iraq to achieve it”

      Trejemahan :-

      “ia harus digalakkan warganegara yang menyimpan dinar Iraq (mata wang kebangsaan) dan urus niaga perbankan untuk memenangi dua kali, manfaat pertama perbankan dan kadar pertukaran kedua dinar Iraq yang tinggi, salah satu keputusan ekonomi kemakmuran di mana mereka beroperasi dasar monetari di Iraq untuk mencapai ”

      P/s: makna “WIN TWICE” yang dinyatakan oleh Pakar Ekonomi Iraq iaitu Samir Nasiri boleh aku membuat kesimpulan bahawa RV in Country pasti akan terjadi diiraq dan hasil dari RV in Country akan membawa keuntungan pada pemegang account bank didalam dan juga diluar iraq.

  559. kluang berkata:

    dan pemegang dinar cash pun akan mendapat habuan nya

    • Bini Najib(BN) berkata:

      wakakawakakahahahahkihkihkihkih….. yer…memang dapat habuan juga pada pemegang dinar cash….tapi habuannya masuk angin keluar asap ler….hehehheheheh…

      • meon berkata:

        tunggu dan lihat jgn takbur bro

      • Bini Najib(BN) berkata:

        bukan aku nak takbur….. tapi ini hakikatnya……cerita pasal buang 3 angka sifar pada cash note,hard currency,currency paper,mass of cash dan sebagainya telah banyak kali dan galak kali penasihat CBI bagi tahu,cuma kau orang jer yang buat2 tak tahu.kau orang semua suka dengar cerita RUMOR sahaja.sehinggakan belum RV lagi pun kau orang cakap dah RV.hehehehehe….

        dulu aku pernah cakap pasal RV in country dan kelebihan pada orang yang ada account kat iraq.dia orang akan dapat RV dengan nilai yang tinggi, so artical news bertarikh 16 november diatas telah mengesahkan jangkaan aku tepat.ini telah diakui oleh
        Pakar Ekonomi dari Iraq iaitu Samir Nasiri itu sendiri bahawa ” citizen saving the Iraqi dinar (national currency) and deal of banking to “WIN TWICE”, the first benefit of the banking and the second high exchange rate of Iraqi dinar “. hahahahahaha.

        P/s:nak bercakap tentang dinar iraq, biarlah berfakta….bukanya bercakap mengikut sedap hati dan perasaan,kelak kau orang gak yang sakit hati dan perasaan.hehehehehe…..Adios Amigos.

      • pakcik kayo berkata:

        memang betul pun dpt 2 kali…..pertama …masuk angin…kedua …keluar asap……ha..ha..ha….dan aku yg ketiga sbg bonus…….bila hang kentut nanti….kentut bau diesel…ha…ha..ha….

      • sembangtakguna berkata:

        lu sibuk sembang pasal fakta2 nie, wa pun naik lemas lu cakap takde fakta. pertama lu sibuk kata

        “kelebihan pada orang yang ada account kat iraq.dia orang akan dapat RV dengan nilai yang tinggi”

        siapa yg ada account kat iraq nie,tunjuklah account tu scan dan bagi link, dan buktikah dulu mmg ada org buka account bank kat iraq nie. lu simpan kat bank apa kat iraq tu, bagilah nama bank dan laman web bank tu dan approval dari CBI yg bank tu valid untuk beroperasi kat iraq, pasal diaorg akan dapat RV dengan nilai tinggi nie, benda belum berlaku mana lu tau diaorg akan dapat rv dengan nilai tinggi nie, ada gerenti ke atau surat ker dari CBI org yg simpan duit kat bank iraq akan dapat RV dengan nilai tinggi…bagi bukti bro…wa nak tengok….jangan sembang je berapi2 mcm hebat sangat….lagi 2-3 hari wa nak bukti, bukan cakap kosong

      • Bini Najib(BN) berkata:

        sembangtakguna…anda nie nak saya katakan anda pandai….anda nie memang bodoh.kebodoh anda ini dah sampai tahap gaban….Bodoh Tahap Ultraman pun kalah dengan tahap gaban.kalau setakat cakap aje…tembak tak kena…watt aper… hang pi balik belajar bab ekonomi.tulah pasal… dulu mak bapak suruh gi sekolah hang nie ponteng …lari menyorok bawah longkang. kalau hang nak sangat tengok account bank orang lain kat iraq watt aper….. bukannya duit orang tu dalam account dia hang boleh dapat.aku nasihatkan hang nie..hang pi lah bukak account hang sendiri kat sana pass tu hang tengoklah puas2 account hang tu…hehehhehehe…jangan marahhhhhh yer!!!!! hahahahha…

      • razmr berkata:

        tengkorok kering kau! jangan takbur sangat

      • Bini Najib(BN) berkata:

        tengkorok kering kaulah razmr !!!! yg hang bodoh2 beli cash note watt aper….padan muka hang.hang tunggulah tahun depan,baru hang tahu nasib hang.hahahha

  560. iman berkata:

    ada pendapat kata main duit ni HARAM..wa takut la

    • Bini Najib(BN) berkata:

      memang lah betul main duit ini haram,kalau caranya x betul .duit tu jadi haram,sebab dia orang yang beli duit Cash Note ini hasil duit yg diseludup keluar dari iraq tampa mendapat keizinan dari pihak pemerintah.ini telah diberitahu sendiri oleh bank central iraq,bahawa dinar Iraq tidak sah dibawa keluar dari iraq dan tidak sah diguna pakai.so kalau kau nak main duit ini secara halal dan sah serta mendapat kebenaran dari pihak pemerintah diiraq.so kau bukalah sendiri account bank kau kat sana dan kau masukanlah duit kau tu dari bank di sini ke bank disana.ada faham????hehehehehehhehehehe…..

  561. Bini Najib(BN) berkata:

    memang pun haram, sebabnya mereka2 yang membeli Cash Note dinar Iraq Ini pun beli duit seludup.duit yang tidak mendapat pengiktirafan dari bank negara iraq , itu sebablah duit tu dia orang kata haram.kalau nak main duit halal, buka lah account bank diiraq.sebab kita beli Matawang Iraq direct dengan bank diiraq.itu baru dikatakan duit tu halal.hehehhehe

    • anak halal berkata:

      Sebenarnya bini najib ni anak haram. bapak dier keturunan badwi negeri baghdad dan mak dier org nogori..dan sebelum bapak dier kawin dengan mak dier..bini najib da lahir dulu……..sebab tu perkataan haram tu sinonim dengan dier…….

      • Bini Najib(BN) berkata:

        Setahu aku…biasanya orang yang menyatakan orang lain anak haram,sebenarnya ayat tu ditujukan berbalik semula pada diri orang yang berkata sendiri,hehehehehehe…kenapa anda emosi benar dengan kenyataan saya? saya hanya menjawab pertanyaan Saudara Iman.kalau anda dah terdesak sebab dah salah membuat investment dinar iraq dengan membeli Cash Note,so masih tak terlambat lagi….anda jual lah kembali cash note dinar anda tu pada orang yang masih berminat untuk membeli duit Cash!!!!. perlu di ingatkan, dimalaysia akan adanya KAMBING hitam yang akan menjadi penangung kerugian kepada Cash Note dinar iraq yg disebabkan oleh penjual Cash Note itu sendiri.hehehehehehehe

        P/s: dah galak kali apa yg saya katakan benar2 terjadi.so faham2 lah yer!!!!

  562. Yop Takor berkata:

    Sabor je le … iman, anak halal & bini najib….

  563. Bini Najib(BN) berkata:

    Apokah maknanya ini semua!!!! siapa boleh tolong jawap??? lagi paniclah penyimpan Cash Note Diluar Dari Iraq.hehehehe..

    Iraq Educate Citizens Changing Money And Use It Before Delete The Zeros.


    Baghdad, 21/11: Member of the Finance Committee called on the parliamentary and MP for the Kurdistan Alliance bloc Najiba Najib, “not to rush the implementation of the process of switching the currency period of time a few, but should be taught in detail to determine the positive and negative aspects,” emphasizing “the need to deploy awareness among citizens through the media on how the currency exchange and use. ” و قالت نجيب في تصريح (للتآخي) إن “مشروع حذف الاصفار الثلاثة من العملة العراقية لا يعمل على زيادة قيمة الدينار العراقي تجاه العملات الاجنبية بل هي مسألة شكلية لإعادة هيكلة العملة و التقليل من الكتلة النقدية المتداولة”. And Najib said in a statement (the fraternity) that “the project to delete three zeros from the Iraqi currency is not working to increase the value of the Iraqi dinar against foreign currencies, but is a matter of formality for the restructuring of the currency and reduce the money supply.” و أوضحت نجيب أن “مشروع حذف الاصفار من العملة العراقية سيسهل للبنوك و المصارف و التجار و أصحاب المبالغ الكبيرة عملية نقل اموالهم من مكان الى اخر عكس ما يجري عليه الآن للعملة الحالية بأنهم يقومون باستبدالها بعملة اجنبية”. Najib and explained that “the project to delete the zeros of the Iraqi currency will make it easier for banks and banks, merchants and owners of large sums of money transfer money from one place to another is the opposite of what it is now the currency that they are replacing the current foreign currency.” و أضافت أن الهدف من هذا المشروع هو “اعادة هيكلة العملة وجعلها أكثر تداولاً من قبل المستثمرين و المصارف العراقية و الابتعاد عن التداول بالعملة الاجنبية كونها تقلل من الكتلة النقدية للعملة”، و تابعت أن “هذا المشروع قدم كمقترح من قبل البنك المركزي و لم يطلًع البرلمان على تفاصيله بشكل كامل و حدث اجتماع فقط بين ادارة البنك المركزي و اللجنة المالية النيابية و اكدوا انهم عازمون على تنفيذ هذا المشروع”. She added that the goal of this project is to “re-structuring of the currency and make it more heavily traded by investors and Iraqi banks and stay away from trading in foreign currency being reduced from the cluster’s monetary currency,” and continued that “This project presented a proposal by the Central Bank and not seen Parliament on the details in full and the meeting occurred only between the administration of the Central Bank and the Parliamentary Finance Committee and confirmed that they intend to implement this project. ” و دعت عضو اللجنة المالية البرلمانية الى “عدم التسرع بتنفيذ هكذا مشروع كبير بفترة زمنية قليلة بل يجب ان يدرس بشكل تفصيلي للوقوف على الجوانب السلبية والايجابية”، مشددةً على “ضرورة نشر الوعي لدى المواطن عن طريق وسائل الاعلام في كيفية تبديل العملة و استخدامها”. And invited member of the Knesset Finance “not to rush the implementation of such a large project time period is a few but should be taught in detail to find out the negative aspects and positive,” emphasizing “the need to raise awareness among citizens through the media how to switch the currency and use it.”


    P/s: aku dah cakap….duit Cash Yang ada diluar iraq pasti akan bermasalah.iraq akan membuat pelbagai cara untuk me rite-off kan duit mereka yg berada diluar dari negara mereka.kalau tak masakan iraq nak mendidik/mengajar rakyatnya menukar dan menggunakan duit cash note yg ada dalam simpanan mereka sebelum proses pembuangan 3 angka sifar dijalankan.hehehhehehe…..

  564. wazir berkata:

    saya x pandai pasal matawang..hari ade kawan citer psl dinar iraq nih dan cadangkan suh beli matawang nih rm500 = dinar 100 000 ..apepon bila saya buka kat tenet, baca lebih kurang..saya berminat..tapi ape nak buat nih?..nak beli dinar ker atau nak bukak akaun kat iraq?..ade sape2 ble kasi info ape? dan camane? mau bikin..

  565. Bingung berkata:

    Wahai tuan-tuan yang bijak sana dan bijak sini ,mohon ulas sikit tentang laporan dibawah ini.

    Buys, holds, and hopes

    Is The Iraqi Dinar Worthless Paper Or Maker Of Millionaires?

    Postscript. After reading several good comments on this blog exposing the buy Iraqi Dinar get rich quick scheme as a scam, I want to make it very clear that I also believe it’s a scam. My intent for the original blog was to answer tax questions about holding physical currency as an investment, not to drill down into the Iraqi Dinar scheme. I may do just that in a follow-up post soon. -R.G.

    Dozens of people have signed up for tax consultations with me over the years looking for a windfall profit on the U.S. government revaluation of the Iraqi dinars back into U.S. dollars. In other words, these were people holding dinars who were hoping they could exchange them for dollars again.

    Most dinar investors are current and ex-military, warzone contractors and now speculators. A cottage industry of promoters has sprung up on the Internet promising dinar “get rich” schemes. Many have invested, say, $5,000 and they hope to make millions. I’ve always thought it was a scam, as it sounded too good to be true.

    These people ask me about their potential large tax bills. Most hope for long-term capital gains tax rates, currently up to 15 percent. I have to give them the bad news: holding physical currency is considered ordinary gain or loss in Section 988 (foreign currency transactions). Unlike forex traders, who don’t hold physical currency and don’t take or make delivery, they can’t file a capital gains election to opt out of Section 988 and into short- and long-term capital gains treatment.

    That means no lower 60/40 futures tax rate either (Section 1256). At least, it’s not considered a personal loss which otherwise can’t be deducted, as is the case when a person returns from a vacation and exchanges his left over currency from that trip. Investors in dinars can deduct ordinary losses in Section 988, but few expect a loss.

    Lords of Finance: The Bankers Who Broke the World by Liaquat Ahamed is about how the four leading central bankers from the U.S., U.K., France and Germany navigated in and out of WWI and financed recoveries and German reparations. These central bankers went off and on the gold and new dollar standards by manipulating their exchange and interest rates and much more. This is how money and power (military and otherwise) go hand in hand.

    Our current situation begs the question: Did the Bush administration plan on, and is the Obama administration still considering, paying for part or all of the Iraq war by collecting taxes from the revaluation of the dinar?

    Special Offer: Safety In High-Yield. Three of Richard Lehmann’s fixed-income portfolios yield more than 7.1%. Click here for to gain access to his portfolios in Forbes/Lehmann Income Securities Investor.

    If this scheme has any resemblance of reality, it could be an interesting revenue raiser for the government, and I know the government is hunting for revenue raisers and closing of tax loopholes.

    Maybe the story here is just that it’s a scam. But, if rumors in the marketplace are true, and the dinar does revalue and allow conversion for most to pre-war levels, what are the ramifications for the government, Iraq, the military, investors and taxpayers? Also, what’s holding up the revaluation? Can Iraq handle it?

    It does sound like a happy ending which makes me suspicious. How much tax revenue do U.S., state and local governments stand to collect? How many former and current military personnel and contractors stand to become millionaires overnight?

    • pakcik kayo berkata:

      berdasarkan artikel ini aku boleh simpulkan umpama pantun teka teki ini….dalm banyak banyak duit kat dunia nie…duit apa yang mandul………jwb…ye…..

      • Bini Najib(BN) berkata:

        hahaha..wakakawakaka…hehehehe…pakcik kayo!!!!! ada buat aku gelak berguling2….lawak be..benor teka-teki hang nie…..tapi tak mengapa,aku cuba jawap teka-teki hang nie.heheheh… dah tentu2lah jawapannya “CASH NOTE” dinar iraq!!!!!! wakakawakakawakaka….hang nak tahu tak keapa aku teka “CASH NOTE” dinar iraq!!!!!!

        “CASH NOTE” dinar iraq,kalau hang simpan hatta 2000 tahun sekali pun… duit tu tak akan bertambah2 dengan sendirinya.melainkan kalau hang simpan duit hang tu dalam account bank, dah tentu2nya setiap 6 bulan sekali hang dapat lihat perubahan amount duit hang dalam account,tu..ini disebabkan Dividen yg anda dapat daripada hasil simpaan duit hang didalam account ,tampa hang meng top-upkan duit tersebut.hahahah…wakakakakawakakaka

        adakah benar jawapan hamba….Wahai pakcik kayo?

      • pakcik kayo berkata:

        ha..ha..ha…benar sekali jawapannya wahai tuan hamba…….sungguh bergeliga otak anda tu….boleh buat batu cincin da……ha…ha..ha….

  566. Bingung berkata:

    How do the currency dealers get their currency?

    mohon ulas sikit tentang laporan dibawah ini.
    adui!!! lagi buat aku bingung dengan kenyataan dibawah

    02/12/2011 12:28

    SPECIAL CIRCUMSTANCES: Iraqi law prohibits adult Iraqis and foreigners from holding and transporting more than 10,000 USD in cash out of Iraq. However, adult Iraqi and resident foreigners may hold and transport no more than 200,000 Iraqi dinars to cover travel expenses. Iraqi law also prohibits taking more than 100 grams of gold out of the country. Iraqi customs personnel are taking action to enforce these laws and may pose related questions to travelers during immigration and customs exit procedures. (Civil customs personnel also will verify passport annotations related to any items such as foreign currency, gold jewelry, or merchandise that were declared by passengers upon entry into Iraq on Form-8.)

    All U.S. citizens are reminded that it is their duty to respect Iraqi laws, including legal restrictions on the transfer of currency outside Iraq. If you are detained at the airport or at any other point of exit regarding your attempt to transfer currency out of Iraq, you should contact, or ask that Iraqi authorities immediately contact, the U.S. Embassy.

    Transporting large amounts of currency is not advisable. Almost all of the international companies working in Iraq have the capability to make payments to their employees and at least four Iraqi banks are also able to convert cash into an international wire transfer directed to a bank account outside Iraq. Branches of the Credit Bank of Iraq on Al-Sa’adoon Street, Baghdad, Dar Es Salaam Bank, Iraqi Middle East Investment Bank, and Al-Warqaa Investment Bank all have this capability. Please be aware that large wire transfers may require Central Bank of Iraq approval due to measures in place to combat money laundering. Such approvals can be obtained by the sending bank if a customer provides information on the origin of the funds and the reason for their transfer. Additional information on banking in Iraq is available at the Central Bank of Iraq website.


    So, since it’s not legal to take large amounts of currency out of Iraq, how do the currency dealters (link dinarbanker or tampadinar,etc) get the currency out of Iraq to sell to us?

    • Bini Najib(BN) berkata:

      Nak ulas apa lagi….kan aku dah kata,Cash Note dinar iraq yg dibawa keluar dari iraq….memang tak sah/laku dipergunakan.anytime sahaja cbi boleh rite-off duit tersebut.
      sekarang nie pun cbi tengah menggubal /memperkemaskan lagi akta Money Laundring . sekarang ini iraq dah mula mengajar/menyuruh rakyatnya berbelanja dengan menggunakan matawang dinar iraq yang sedia ada dalam simpanan mereka,ini secara tak langsung iraq akan mematikan duit cash Note diluar dari iraq degan cara penukaran matawang lama kepada matawang yg baru secara perlahan2 tampa disedari oleh orang luar dari iraq,bahawa iraq sekarang ini sedang melakukan process penukaran dinar lama kepada dinar yg baru secara senyap2.kalau tak masakan iraq menyuruh rakyat mereka berbelanja dengan menggunakan matawang mereka.pada pandangan aku iraq berkemungkinan melakukan cara bergini

      i) rakyat iraq berbelanja dikedai2 & menyimpan duit kedalam account bank

      ii) pekedai medapat keutung dari jualan mereka lalu pekedai menyimpan duit hasil jualan mereka kedalam bank.

      iii) pihak bank mendapat cash note dinar iraq lama dari pada pekedai & juga rakyat yg menyimpan duit tersebut kedalam account,lalu menukarkan cash note tersebut kepada cash note dinar yg baru,dan cash note dinar iraq yg lama tersebut pihak bank akan melupuskan.

      iv) perkedai2 & rakyat yang menyimpan duit kedalam account bank apabila mereka mengeluarkan duit tersebut dari dalam account mereka telah mendapat duit cash note yg baru secara automatik.process ini akan berterusan sehingga penghujung tahun 2012 atau mungkin awal dari itu.apabila semua pertukaran tersebut selesai,barulah iraq akan membuat RV terhadap nilai matawang mereka dengan menggunakan cash note dinar iraq yg baru.disinilah kemungkinan besar cara2 iraq melupuskan 3 angka sifarnya terhadap matawangnya tampa memberi impak terhadap ekonomi negara mereka.

      senang dikatakan begini:

      Old IQD 25k yg disimpan kedalam account bank,akan menjadi New IQD 25k dalam gandaan 100 @ mungkin kecil dari 100. Contoh: New IQD 100 X 250pcs inilah nilai duit cash note apabila dikeluarkan dari dalam account.so rakyat iraq tidak akan terasa apa2 kekurangan terhadap duit mereka .

      so secara tak langsung iraq telah memberi masa yg munasabah untuk rakyat mereka membuat penukaran cash note didalam negara.so bagi cash note yg berada diluar dari iraq,iraq tidak bertanggung jawab.kerana mereka yg membawa cash note keluar dinar iraq,mereka telah melanggar akta polisi CBI dan duit tersebut dianggap tidak sah.

      • pakcik kayo berkata:

        nak tambah sikit…….cbi akan menstrukturkan semua jumlah wang tunai yg akan berada di pasaran dlm negarahanya berjumlah 4 trillion sahaja……..yg lain lain tu kira burn je lah…..ha..ha…ha…

      • Bini Najib(BN) berkata:

        hahahaha….. aku setuju dengan pandangan kau wahai pakcik kayo, ini mengambarkan anda seorang yang bijak dan pandai mencari info berkaitan dinar iraq. memang benar dan telah terbukti bahawa Central Bank Of Iraq (CBI) akan mengawal Duit mereka yang berada dalam negara mereka sebanyak 4 Trillion sahaja pada tahun 2012…,pada masa sekarang IQD yang berada diseluruh negara berjumlah IQD 15 trillion.so faham2lah kemana perginya baki IQD 11 trillion tu.
        hehehehehe… dibawah ini aku sertakan artical akhbar Iraq yg menyokong kenyataan Pakcik kayo.


        Economist: High inflation is not due to the central bank

        The Iraqi future

        The expert referred in economic affairs Dergham, Muhammad Ali, that the volume of currency in circulation in the local market (4) trillion dinars controlled by the Central Bank and prevent inflation next year, he pointed out that most of the country is not in need of the job and that it is a functional flaccidity, which would affect
        negatively the investment budget and ستعكسه on the Iraqi economy.

        Mohamed said in a press statement yesterday that

        “the issue of inflation is not in the coming months due to the central bank of the currency in circulation in the domestic market, which is (4) trillion dinars through control also exchange rate, which is the set the price of imported goods from abroad and the cash raised in the market,” .

        He said that the central bank is working to absorb Iraqi dinar through putting up more of the dollar and by using tools of the price can be controlled in this case, which would make the Iraqi citizen will spare money instead of spending it is working to withdraw cash currency of the market.


  567. Bini Najib(BN) berkata:

    Hahahahahha….ini ada berita gumbira buat pemegang account bank iraq.buat pemegang cash note…..jangan merah mata yer!!!!

    Sunday, December 4, 2011

    Iraqi Banks Calls to activate the role of private banks in economic development
    Snip ~ *Iraq under the table of Chapter VII of the Charter of the United Nations was still an obstacle in front, though the exchange banks to provide all banking services to customers of citizens within and outside of Iraq from the remittances of internal and external and letters of credit and letters of guarantee and development processes, etc., It is also moving in its activity, according to the operations of the Central Bank to deal in the fight against inflation


    Calls to activate the role of private banks in economic development

    Baghdad, rising chorus for the need to work to promote mechanisms of action of private banks in the country, for its prominent role in the process of economic boom, through the services provided to the production and service sectors, at the time called economic experts that exclusive private banks on the basis of solid, and offer advanced services and quick to the public beneficiaries.

    Continues …

    economist Qasim Khazraji told (morning): The contribution of private sector banks in the economic and social development is very important, especially in the phase shift which we live today, pointing to the importance of supporting the private and public sectors of these banks to continue and grow in their activities and the development of its business for the better Sectors Economic started to grow gradually and catching the world towards Iraq has been growing remarkably, which imposes the need to access banks for what he has reached international banks.

    He said, when private banks expectations of investment major development only The article (28) of the Banking Act currently prevent these aspirations has asked banks modified has to understand the central bank that, but did not get modified to the day, indicating that these banks was founded to work with a capital-funded Iraqi private sector and contributed to the capital without the burden of the State, so the private sector banks have worked to invest funds of the private sector in the creation of these banks are using their money and their potential in the service of society and national economy, and there must be encouraged and bringing it to the ranks of international banks, especially since it is characterized by the spread over a wide area of the provinces Iraq to provide its services to all sectors where they exist in different orientations commercial, industrial, agricultural and construction sector, services and others.

    He pointed out that the private banks a prominent role in the operation of other institutions such as insurance companies and the stock market and has a distinct role in the transfer of shares in the Iraqi market for securities and the feet of investors to buy shares, one of the major investments in front of the citizen, and this service investment by the private sector investor Iraqi and foreign, as they are required to have greater freedom to develop its business, although it started years ago to work for the purchase of banking systems and comprehensive use of accounts and electronic linking its branches network communications via satellite and the of the calculated to the security situation use the sites outside of Iraq to put his accounts in the sites honest and linked with its branches and its public administration operating in Iraq and imposed here that are homogenous with the public sector.

    He Khazraji saying that the financial sector banking civil works funds of the Iraqi private sector and have an active role in the fight against unemployment and run workforce of graduates with specialties business, financial, legal and graduates of technical disciplines in the accounts and systems programming and disciplinary engineering to work within its staff and has a role in the operation of local employment, adding that some banks recycles ATMs ((ATM and contracts with international companies to ATM service and management operations withdrawal of these services all over the world, and payments for their purchases using the cards, MasterCard and Visa Card and put it in reach of its customers which is accomplishing an important and newly measured years of existence, this banking institution in the country, and drew attention to enable them to build relationships with many banks and Arab world to work as reporters have

    Although the circumstances of economic sanctions against the former and the continued existence of Iraq under the table of Chapter VII of the Charter of the United Nations was still an obstacle in front, though the exchange banks to provide all banking services to customers of citizens within and outside of Iraq from the remittances of internal and external and letters of credit and letters of guarantee and development processes, etc., It is also moving in its activity, according to the operations of the Central Bank to deal in the fight against inflation.

    He pointed out the need for the expansion of banks use depositors’ funds in the operations re-investment and the granting of loans, advances and overdrafts in trade accounts and discount bills of exchange and open letters of credit and the issuance of letters of guarantee internal and external financing the purchase of private cars and productivity, housing, and has thus contributed to the economic activities of the various sectors within Iraq.

    also must work to create cadres of banking intern and sophisticated wider than it is through their participation in the sessions banking inside and outside Iraq, noting that many of these banks worked on the investment their funds to buy bonds, government debt of the various an effective contribution to support the publication of the Ministry of Finance and Central Bank of Iraq from remittances Alkhoznipp.

    and called for a unified study supported by economic policy and raise some of the barriers from the private sector to exercise active role in the construction and reconstruction and overall development.


  568. pian berkata:

    Kepada Bini Najib(BN), akaun warka bank aku password dia expired la, dia ckp mcm ni, PASSWORD HAS EXPIRED, PLEASE CONTACT YOUR SYSTEM ADMINISTRATOR!!! mcm mana nk buat ek? aku dh emel warka bank tp dia suh tanya bhagian e-bank,tp e-bank xbalas lagi. Mntak tlg yerk.

  569. Bini Najib(BN) berkata:

    Shabibi (the news): The Central Bank Ghaderaly to deal with inflation

    On: Wed, 07/12/2011 13:41

    Baghdad (news) .. said Central Bank Governor Sinan Shabibi that the bank is the only party that has the potential to deal with inflation by virtue of what is owned by the cash.
    Shabibi said in a statement singled out by the Agency (news) on Wednesday: that the bank is working to raise the level of liquidity due to the reality of inflation in the market, pointing to the Central Bank monitors the level of inflation accurately through a specialist, after we get Tqriraljhaz Central Bureau of Statistics, noting: the raising and lowering the liquidity to be put to the market be in accordance with the reality of the report.
    Shabibi said: that the cash reserve which is owned by the market in which you can preserve the value of the currency and protect it from any attempts Tatherma on monetary value.
    The central bank governor said in previous statements that Iraq has the largest cash reserve in its history, and this leads to Astaqraralamlh and the level of its exchange rate.

  570. Bini Najib(BN) berkata:

    hahahaha…..aku dengar kabar kesemua tentera Amerika yg hendak meninggalkan Negara Iraq…..mereka kena Serahkan semula kesemua Dinar Iraq yg mereka perolihi semasa diiraq untuk ditukarkan semula kepada matawang US dengan pertukaran nilai semasa….so kalau tentera Amerika pun tidak dibenarkan membawa keluar dinar Iraq…..,so aku sangsi pula bagaimana nasib pelabur2 Cash Note Dinar Iraq diluar dari iraq yg menyimpan Cash note dinar iraq. Mmmmmmm….

    • pakcik kayo berkata:

      ha..ha..ha…jawapannya duit tu dia bg kat pemegang akaun bank iraq la……ha..ha..ha…amacam …betul tak jawapan tu wahai bini najib…..ha…ha…ha….

      • Bini Najib(BN) berkata:

        hehehehe….X betul tu pakcik kayo, dari dia bagi kat pemegang account bank iraq,lebih baik duit tu dia sedekahkan kat rumah anak2 yatim dan ibu tunggal lah jawabnya….atau pun duit lebihan tu CBI masukkan semula dalam Kantung dia balik….hehehehe.. itulah jawapan dia wahai pakcik kayo.

        P/s:Pakcik kayo…Kalau saya bersetuju dengan pandangan anda tu… alamatnya makan hati berulam jantunglah dia orang dengan semua pemegang account…hehehehhe.

  571. Bini Najib(BN) berkata:

    Yahoo!!!!! Mari kita lihat siapa yang KENA !!!!!!

    P/s: Dah lama aku tunggu detik2 ini….TAK LAMA LAGI!!!!! Wakakakakkakakakakakhahahhahahahahhahaha…………..

    New Currnecy To Replace Beginning Of 2012


    The head of the parliamentary Finance Committee Haider Abadi, that with the deletion of zeros from the Iraqi currency as an important and necessary condition that the procedures associated with sound and correct.

    Abadi and predicted that “the start of the new currency to replace the beginning of 2012, wondering whether enough time remaining to the procedures associated with the replacement of the currency or the extension period will be longer.

    Abadi said that a number of precautionary measures have been discussed with the Central Bank to be the replacement process successful and correct.

    The MP for the rule of law that one of the precautionary measures are to be currency safer and less fraud because the old currency and the percentage of fraud where few but the amount was large, pointing out that the fraud case of an international and not without a state by as long as any fraud rings Valtzoar is in America, Britain and other nations.

    And Abbadi, “The new currency will not reflect negatively on the inflation situation in the country and financial transactions will be in Iraq, easier and better delete the zeros.

    He noted that “the new place that will bring the process of replacing the new currency and destroying old currency not yet been determined.

    Abadi said that the size of the Iraqi currency has become unreasonable and we are not the first country in the world to replace its currency, because many countries have preceded us in this context, such as France, Turkey and others.


  572. Bini Najib(BN) berkata:

    hahahahha…siapa2 yg apply nak buka account bank selepas 10 Disember… anda tidak dapat berpeluang untuk menjadi jutawaan. ini kerana process utk membuka account memakan masa 3-4 minggu tak termasuk masa untuk mendeposit duit kedalam account & juga process untuk mendapat internat banking.so sekiranya benar2 iraq melakukan process pembuangan 3 angka sifar pada 01.01.2012, so setiap duit yg masuk kedalam account bank diiraq adalah berdasarkan pada kadar nilai yg baru.


    sekiranya anda depositkan duit USD 1,000 kedalam account bank anda diiraq pada 31/12/2011 duit dalam account bank dinar anda masih tertera IQD 1,000,000 setelah anda convertkan duit tersebut.

    tetapi ……

    apabila anda mendeposit duit anda kedalam account bank iraq anda berjumlah USD 1,000 pada 01/01/2012 so baki duit didalam account IQD anda akan tertera IQD 1,000 sahaja juga setelah anda convertkan duit tersebut. ini disebabkan anda mendapat tukaran nilai yg baru.

    so sekiranya didalam account bank iraq anda dah sedia ada jumlah IQD,1,000,000 yg anda depositkan sebelum tahun 2012 ,so jumlah duit itu akan tetap sama nilainya.hehehehehehe……..

  573. pakcik kayo berkata:

    What is behind the drop “zeroes” the Iraqi dinar?!

    Network Basra
    D. Father of governance

    For decades, the idea of dropping zeros from the Iraqi dinar is still exists, and zeros reveal chronic inflation, which affects the Iraqi economy, the patient. If the dinar fell zeros – which was equivalent
    in the past (3.3) dollars – the Iraqi dinar, as has been said, is confirmed, with the dollar, in the sense (if one Iraqi dinar is equal to U.S. $ one) .. In this way, absorption of banknotes bloated from the market and not covered by gold bullion, currency U.S. dollar, is also in a state of inflation, a major as long as the issuance of paper currency of America and the pumping out, not only in local markets only, but pumped in foreign markets, causing destabilizing relative to a basket of world currencies, especially on both the (euro) European!!

    The economies of the world suffer in general and the oil producing countries, in particular because of this inflation, and a link to oil markets, the dollar the patient, and the beneficiary is the U.S. Treasury that pay Okiem oil deals banknotes does not have what Istrha of gold in the central coffers, however silent the Gulf oil-producing recipient !!

    The scourge of inflation, and currency in all their conditions are mainly related to the gross national product (GNP) Of the State, and U.S. foreign debt, which is (4) a trillion dollars now eat a large proportion of this output .. The Iraqi dinar is in a state of inflation and lacked the taste of the GNP of Iraq, where the result can be considered as having destroyed the occupation of the industrial base and productivity of Iraq, how can get rid of the Iraqi dinar against inflation, and adjusted in position without being linked to production?!, If the plants and factories closed and the gross national product is zero, what is the treatment?! Do you drop the zeroes dinar? May withdraw the excess paper, but the game is not dangerous in the zeros of the Iraqi dinar, the Department will work with the American occupation of the Government of the occupation on the Iraqi dinar dropped from both the simultaneous and in consultation with the announcement of the alleged U.S. withdrawal from Iraq.

    Why buy the U.S. Treasury billions of Iraqi dinars that inflation will eat it now?!, And why this purchase coincided with the announcement of the withdrawal?!

    Let’s get into the details, although I am not economically well versed in matters of money and currency, but can approach the topic from the perspective of simplification based on what has been published recently, including his relationship with the world of politics (the U.S. Treasury are from the time of buying the Iraqi dinar at a rate ( 150) million dollars a day and over the few months preceding the withdrawal alleged U.S.. The question here is, why this interest, especially Fbl withdrawal? What are the benefits from the U.S. Treasury is suffering from external debt, and inflation, the dollar, which the value of gold covered?!, then why allow occupation government to sell or allow to absorb surplus (drop the zeroes after the dinar) for the U.S. Treasury?!

    The dollar is equivalent to (1170) Iraqi Dinars .. Buy one U.S. dollar equivalent of IQD and instead store to drop the zeros after the dinar and the Central Bank of the Iraqi dinar dollar equation, where the dollar is equal to the evening of the dinar, and keep the massive amounts of Iraqi currency, and the excess of this amount:

    First – paid Okiem oil imported by the U.S. administration of Iraq.

    Second – to address the crisis of the U.S. economy, which suffers from collapse.

    Thirdly – printed Iraqi currency, quantity and categories will be millions (in a supervised), and half expected to be announced officially, and the other half enters the private pockets!!

    (Joe Biden), came to Iraq to attend the ceremony, said to reflect the withdrawal of U.S. military from Iraq by the date announced by the (Obama), and delivers a speech fraught with fallacies raised the irony of the Iraqi people, who realize the magnitude of the collapse of the Iraqi economy collapsed, and the size of the blood of Iraqis, which shed , and the size of the losses suffered by Iraq as a state and as a people, one can not obscure the fact that the destruction and looting and destruction.

    This (Albaidn) came from the White House kitchen to achieve the deal of a lifetime, oil (b Baleish) and to address the U.S. economy from chronic diseases, which has long suffered from successive American administrations, and undermined and brought down some cover politics!!

    (Joe Biden) is betting on the destruction of the (Euro) EU, are betting on a Europe under the tent of America, or rather prevent it from getting out of the tent, and prevent them from standing independently, with its political, economic, and began to collapse in Greece and then spread to Italy and Spain and Portugal .. Collapses and expands its course as if (the domino theory) in the economy has been overshadowed in Europe!!

    The deal will end to be a barrel of Iraqi oil per one dollar!!


    Network Basra

    Thursday 13 January 1433 / December 8, 2011

  574. kecewa berkata:

    I just returned from two weeks vacation in the Jamaica. Spent some time clearing my head from work, news, and worries of the world. I realized something, Things on the dinar after two weeks of being away, have not changed a bit. In fact, I realized that I had been conditioned to believe the crap these Gurus have been spreading. I know now that this whole revaluaton of the dinar thing is a boatload of CRAP. If anyone was thinking otherwise, just go back three months and see how many have told you the same thing week after week after week. Throw them out one by one, after two or hell lets say three unfruitful declarations of intel saying tomorrow tomorrow, and you will find there arent any left to say anything. After three or four have disappeared, and new ones have taken their place. Just a groundhog day effect, over and over again.Now Im not saying that it wont increase in value. What I am saying, it WONT BE TOMORROW! It wont be nextr week! It wont be this year! It may take many many years for this to become a paying investment. If it were even a remote possibility, The people who are in the know, would bve all over it! People who are real money people and into investments would be investing. They are not! They will laugh in your face when confronted about dinar. The Gurus have the audacity to call these people ignorant. They will say, they just dont know what I know. Right….. just keep believing that. You will find yourself in the same boat five years from now.THere would be more in the financial news, more investment groups talking about it, and most definately, the same greedy banks that want to charge you to use your debit card would be chomping at the bit to take your dinar at a lesser exchange rate. Lets get real! I will be removing myself fro m the dinar world from this day forward. Now you ask, then why take the time or trouble to write this all down? One reason, maybe this note will cause some others to realize the error in all of this and cause them to decide to examine the evidence the same way i have. You will realize im right. Any you can get on with life, without thinkingabout when this will ” COME THROUGH”
    God bless!

  575. Bini Najib(BN) berkata:

    Delete the zeros of the Iraqi dinar health economic evidence


    Since the central bank announced a plan to the deletion of three zeros from the Iraqi currency minting a coin to the banknotes currently in circulation.

    He reviewed the Central Bank at the time the difficulties caused by the current Iraqi currency Pfiadtha led by a handful of zeros in the trade.

    He pointed to the inconveniences caused by these currencies to the citizen who should be used bags filled with stacks of dinars to purchase goods is simple.

    As that dealing with piles of dinars in everyday life in this way prevents the use of automated teller machines which have become common in other countries but are still in the process of Iraq.

    Intrusion and return zeros on the Iraqi dinar to the days of runaway inflation, which came on the value of the national currency as a result of previous wars and the subsequent international sanctions destroyed the Iraqi economy and sent to Iraq, paper currency was issued by the former regime presses in large quantities without a cover.

    But the relative stability of the national currency and the return link Iraq to the global economy and the availability of foreign exchange reserves thanks to oil exports, the Central Bank are all encouraged to think in the deletion of zeros.

    But the conviction shown by officials in the bank this measure met with reservations from officials in the government and put a question mark on the feasibility of such a move and its timing.

    In this context, note the Advisor to the Prime Minister for Economic Affairs Abdullah Al-Hussein Anbuge in an exclusive interview with Radio Free Iraq that the rampant corruption in state institutions and the low level of efficiency and economic situation in general in this time is not in favor of lifting the zeros, according to his opinion.

    However, Advisor to the Governor of the Central Bank of the appearance of Mohammed Saleh described the system of cash payments current system, where the miserable largest denomination in which not more than twenty dollars worth pointing out that this provision on the installation of the Iraqi currency issued by the Central Bank after the study lasted five years.

    Adviser to the Prime Minister for Economic Affairs Abdullah Al-Hussein Anbuge warned his part to the bumps that will change the currency and delete zeros, including the risk of fraud and increase the demand for goods and for reasons arising from the payment of fake dinars, thousand dinars instead of as now.

    But the adviser to the Governor of the Central Bank of the appearance of Mohammed Saleh considered that the fear of fraud rings reflects the look bleak reminder that other countries in deciding to switch its currency and dropped them zeros, such as Turkey, Romania and Brazil without being its economy to shocks and therefore Iraq was not running water unknown or walking in the way of did not knock him one before.

    Adviser to the Prime Minister for Economic Affairs noted the high costs of re-printing of new currency, stressing that attempts will be made to persuade the central bank to wait in his plans in this regard.

    But the adviser to the central bank governor said that the currency exchange and delete the zeros decision taken by the executive and approved by the legislature and that the project will not be implemented hastily, but will be taken a number of factors to consider before you start to implement it, including the date of the financial year and the strength of the national economy, among other indicators.

    And the appearance of Mohammed Saleh expressed optimism about the prospects for the development of the Iraqi economy, stressing that the reform of the currency regime is strongly linked to the economy and that the goal of such a move is to restore the Iraqi dinar to the previous strength.

    Economic analyst Bassem Jamil Antoine believed that the switch to hold the Iraqi currency is not inevitable, calling the conditions for the implementation of the process, particularly the security and political stability.

    Over time until the mid-eighties the Iraqi dinar was equivalent to more than three U.S. dollars .It is estimated that lifting the three zeroes will lead to the exchange rate of one dollar per dinar.

    Contributed in the file, Radio Free Iraq correspondent in Baghdad, Khalid Waleed .

  576. nyaya berkata:

    aduh!!!! apa nak jadi!!!!!!

    Drop 3 zeros from the dinar

    December 12, 2011

    By: Iraq

    Stay tuned the biggest scam on the Iraqi people, the process of dropping three zeros from the Iraqi currency!!

    Said that the U.S. Treasury Department to buy the Iraqi dinar at a rate of $ 150 million a day over the week and for the few months that preceded the withdrawal of U.S. forces, “declared” out of Iraq.

    Goal is to save part of the U.S. economy deteriorating, and the process is a “recipe” on the backburner, underlying each of the “Chef” Biden and his aides! Case simply as follows:

    buy American today 1170 dinars Iraqi amount of $ 1 and keep the financial asset beyond the stage of shooting down three zeros, then the equivalent of the CBI value of Iraqi dinar to one dollar, and then return the Americans to push Iraqi dinars, one for each dollar convicted by the swap transactions of economic (oil) with Iraq … This way, they pay the equivalent of $ 1170 “after dropping three zeros from the dinar,” what they bought only one dollar!!

    Is not up yet?! … Well … The simplest form:

    Today, Americans buy Iraqi dinars, and the fall of Iraq tomorrow, three zeros from its currency, bring down the effect of zeros ” DOES NOT APPLY OUTSIDE THE BORDERS OF IRAQ ” ( This new law, “Lange” Year of Biden … Economists and butt their heads against the wall of the world!!)

    Americans will respond to Iraq Iraqi amount of 1170 dinars for $ $ 1170 is payable for Iraq, “How many barrels of oil price,” which has already cost him just $ 1 …!


  577. pakcik kayo berkata:

    Jubouri: There are indications that the Iraqi dinar is confirmed, the dollar during the next twoyears
    Most likely a member of the Finance Committee and the National Alliance MP Haitham Jubouri price equal to the Iraqi dinar against the dollar over the next two years after the implementation of the project to delete three zeros from the Iraqi currency.

    Jubouri said that “the trend that the Central Bank of Iraq’s retention rate of the dinar against the dollar during the current period, this index indicates that monetary policy in Iraq is able to make the Iraqi dinar is equal to the dollar” offset any dinar per one dollar.

    He pointed to: that this was retained by selling huge amounts of dollars at auction, and inject them into some other Iraqi banks to control the price of the Iraqi dinar against the dollar.

    He Jubouri that the next two years will see a different direction with the central bank to make the Iraqi dinar is equal to the dollar by pumping larger quantities of the dollar and sell it at auction project to delete three zeros from the Iraqi currency.

    He continued, therefore, the citizen and the Iraqi trader does not need to replace his money to Atarand buy a commodity or a car or not, stressing that the project to delete the three zeroes from the currency “based”, and issued its decision, irreversible and started his first steps will be implemented during the next two years from now .

  578. insan lemah berkata:

    cam ner la dgn kita nie.. Akhir zaman nie semua org nak kaya.. tu la tanda2 kiamat dah hampir sangt..

  579. ciputje berkata:


  580. tumpang kaya berkata:

    x salah kan berangan nak jadi kaya sbab dah berusaha kearah tu

    • Bini Najib(BN) berkata:

      Yer!!! memang x salah berangan nak jadi kaya,kalau usha itu sudah ada….yang penting pastikan account bank di iraq dah ada dan juga dah ada duit yang secukupnya didalam tu.tapi kalau hanya berangan dengan menyimpan Duit Cash Note iraq sahaja…saya rasa mungkin tak kesampaian…sebab pembuangan 3 kosong pada duit cash note yg akan menjadi penghalang untuk anda menjadi kaya,

      Remove Three Zeros From Currency Paper

      13/12/2011 03:34 PM


      Has directed the CBI to revalue the dinar to increase the demand for it recently against a decline in demand for foreign currencies in the domestic market, in return the bank denied the existence of any intention to make sudden changes lead to damage to the Iraqi economy.

      Economists said in remarks to (people) that the reason for inconsistencies in the statements of the Ministry of Finance and Central Bank of Iraq to raise the value of the dinar is due to the different policy of central bank policy of the Ministry of Finance, which they described non-effective, in respect of a way to support the dinar by injecting large amounts to the market, critics at the same time the central bank’s policy of withdrawing cash from the market.

      He called for an economist Asad to raise the value of the dinar, but gradually, so as not to cause confusion to the market.

      economist Asad told (people) should speed up the implementation of deleting three zeros from the


      in order to reduce inflation and create a budget real dinars, compared to foreign currencies, indicating that despite the substantial improvement of the Iraqi economy, but the pricing of the dinar stopped at a certain point does not consistent with the amount of oil exports and strategic stockpiling cash in Iraqi banks worldwide.

      He confirmed that the deletion of zeros economist will help to widespread use in the local currency traded in the market with large amounts of money and will open prospects for the transfer of funds more easily.

      He noted that the deletion will help the economic recovery will work on the use of coins as the amount of JD 1000 could become the currency of a small iron.

      He also encouraged economic analyst Mohsen Areda idea to delete the zeros from the ” CURRENCY PAPER “, said that many of Iraqi experts and experience the great subject diagnosed with a diagnosis directly, especially after the decline in the economy to the low limit of the nominal value.

      And select Mohsen Areda told (people) and there are two types of nominal value of the first and second real, stressing that the adoption of the nominal value to achieve the purpose of the real value of the standard as the foundation upon which to build the Iraqi economy.

      Bidder did not hide his fear of the process of removing three zeros from the ” CURRENCY PAPER”, he will affect the market dramatically, calling for study of dimensions of the subject extensively to overcome any gag can affect the Iraqi economy.

      He pointed to the need to calculate the impact of this process to calculate the value of securities and stocks and transactions are on credit before the process of deletion of zeros.

      • ciputje berkata:

        x kisah buang 3 zero…aku simpan ciput je kat bwh bantal…..yg ptg dlm akaun x ciput…hehehe

      • Bini Najib(BN) berkata:

        yer ker!!!! kalau cam gitu baguslah….sebab dah ada kesedaran…hehehehe…tapi jangan sampai menipu diri sendiri udah lah….takada account pura2 cakap ada account.hehehhe….

      • ciputje berkata:

        x caya xpa..janji bln 3 dpr dividen kali ke-2

  581. insan lemah berkata:

    sama-sama tolong sama2 cari akhirat. bagi aku nie tak tahu apa org nak kayooo… aku pun nak kayoo.. jugak,, hehrh

    • Bini Najib(BN) berkata:

      aku dah cuba menolong dah…dari dulu kini dan selamanya…aku suruh buka account sendiri kat iraq….dah bermacam2 artikal surat kabar & surat dari kedutaan iraq di US yang aku dah tempekkan kat dalam fourm ini,pasal risiko Cash Note…tapi…hanya sebahagiannya sahaja yg sedar dan berjaya membuka account kat iraq,yang lainnya dia orang semua cakap…” Kalau Aku Rugi Pun Bukannya Aku Pakai Duit Mak Bapak Kau Beli Dinar Iraq ” hehehehhe…aku tengah menunggu tahun 2012,aku nak tengok nasib dia orang macam mana….bila iraq buang 3 angka sifar dari Currency Papernya. kalau confirm iraq buang 3 angka sifar maka jadilah duit mereka IQD 1,000,000 bersamaan IQD 1,000. sekiranya IQD 1 = 1 USD maka dapatlah mereka2 semua USD 1,000…. tapi….. kalau iraq nak pedajalkan investor2 diluar dari iraq dengan meRevaluekan dinarnya IQD 1 = USD 0.01, maka dapatlah mereka duit US sebanyak USD 10.00 ditukarkan dalam Ringgit Malaysia RM 32.00 itu pun belum lagi tolak Spred Money Changer @ Bank. itu pun kalau mereka2 semua sempat gi kat iraq untuk tukarkan duit lama mereka pada duit baru..sebelum tempoh pertukaran berakhir. kalau tak sempat tukar sampai habis temponya…maka…. itulah yg saya namakan TOTAL LOST aka… masuk angin keluar asap. so janganlah ada diantara mereka yang menyalakan saya…kerana saya tidak memberi tahu.

      • halim berkata:

        macam mana nak buka akaun kat bank iraq.sory sayanak tanya sebab saya baru tau perkara ini .ramai kwan2saya beli dinar iraq dapat cash note.boleh bagi email kat saya tip2atau ape2 je tentang dinar iraq ni,rasa berminat juga.email halimtarmaji@gmail.com

  582. cash note and warka JB berkata:


  583. koleksiduit berkata:

    Amerika dah mula keluarkan askar dari Iraq

  584. insan lemah berkata:

    kalau asap yang keluar tu wangi tak per?? jgn yg sebaliknya, jawab nya berputih mateee..la kita… hehehe… APA YANG PENTING KERJASAMA, APA YANG PENTING KERJASAMA,,,,,apa yang penting semua org nak jadi kaya,,,kaya,,,kaya.

    • Bini Najib(BN) berkata:

      kerjasama???Kerja sama apa lagi….!!!! dah lebih 6 bulan aku bagitahu / cerita risiko Menyimpan cash note , Pakcik kayo …dah 9 bulan dah pakcik kayo menyanyi dalam fourm ini….. menempek artikal pasal Cash Note diluar dari iraq dan risikonya, Si Mohd Helmy dah 2 tahun bagi tahu kau orang kelebihan buka akuan bank diiraq.natijahnya simpan duit cash dinar berserta lain2 lagi.

      ketiga2 orang (termasuk aku) dan ada dua tiga orang lagi yg mungkin aku terlepas pandang dah bagi bermacam2 artikal serta teori dan pandangan mereka berkenaan risiko simpan cash note.itu pun dia orang tak hiraukan. so pada tahun 2012 mungkin menjadi pengajaran bagi pemegang cash note mereka dapat melihat realiti tentang kerugian mereka. so kerjasama telah aku , pakcik kayo ,mohd helmy dan lain2 berikan pada kau orang,so sekarang apa yg penting kita semua dalam fourm ini rapatkan saf….sama2 kita menunggu keuntungan / kerugian masing2.

      • pakcik kayo berkata:

        ehem…ehem….patut la terbatuk..ruponya ada orang sebut nama den….ha..ha..ha…sekarang nie masa nak beri ceramah dah habis dah….sekarang nie tunggu masa nak kiro untung je…ha..ha..ha…dan benar sekali pendapat bini najib tu……dah ponat da nie…bagi komen yg membina kepada forumer yg lain……jd tunggu je la kesudahan game ini…….ha..ha..ha….

      • cash note and warka JB berkata:

        yg terlps pandang tu termsk aku kot..hehehe…tp tu aku yg dulu…aku yg sekarang dah mls nak kabo….lantak diorgla…bagi fakta yg ckup simple pun x fhm2..sendiri bagi soklan..sendiri jwb…cuma yg pernah aku ckpkan dulu..diaorg ni lebih iraq drp rakyat iraq…x gitu pakcik koyo…

  585. pakcik kayo berkata:

    Bank Negara Malaysia | Central Bank of Malaysia (Official)
    Kami ingin berkongsi maklumat dengan tuan bahawa di bawah Akta Kawalan Pertukaran Wang 1953, adalah satu kesalahan untuk seseorang individu di Malaysia membeli atau menjual mata wang asing (forex) atau melakukan apa-apa tindakan yang meliba…tkan, berhubung dengan, atau persediaan untuk, membeli atau menjual mata wang asing dengan mana-mana orang, selain daripada peniaga berdaftar. Di bawah Akta ini juga, adalah satu
    kesalahan untuk seseorang itu membantu atau bersubahat dengan orang lain untuk membeli atau menjual mata wang asing dengan mana-mana orang, kecuali orang tersebut ialah peniaga yang dibenarkan.

    Untuk makluman tuan, Bank Negara Malaysia tidak menyenaraikan Dinar Iraq sebagai salah satu matawang pertukaran asing. Makluman lanjut boleh diperolehi melalui halaman : http://www.bnm.gov.my/index.php?ch=12&pg=629

    Orang ramai adalah dinasihatkan untuk berurusan secara terus dengan bank-bank tempatan (di bawah penyeliaan Bank Negara Malaysia) bagi mendapatkan maklumat berkaitan dengan matawang tersebut bagi mengelak daripada penipuan oleh pihak-pihak yang tidak bertanggungjawab.

    • cash note and warka JB berkata:

      sambg ckit leh….MC perlu memohon lesen drp BNM setiap matawang yg ingin diniagakan….klu BNM x senaraikan iqd…mcm mana diaorg boleh jual ek..oooo lupa…sebagai koleksi kot…

  586. Saya nak tentang kenyataan bahawa pembuangan 3 kosong cuma bagi fizikal iqd tidak bagi akaun iqd. Bagaimana pula kesan terhadap bank yang membenarkan penyimpan iqd membuka akaun dengan bank mereka?

  587. Bini Najib(BN) berkata:

    Jawapan,pandangan & teori telah saya berikan di atas…berdasarkan artical dari akbar iraq yang bertajuk

    ” Iraq Educate Citizens Changing Money And Use It Before Delete The Zeros”.

    baca balik post comment saya yg lepas2.disitu anda akan tahu !!!

    dari tajuk akbar sahaja,saya rasa anda dah dapat idea teori bagai mana iraq nak perdajalkan investor2 diluar dari iraq.hehehehe…

    • Bini Najib(BN) berkata:

      Dibawah ini adalah petikan kata2 dari Penal Peasihat CBI melalui wawancara dengan pihak media di Iraq

      1) ” Re-denomination ” DOSE NOT CHANGE THE VALUE OF A CURRENCY ” or should it cause inflation ”

      2) Re-denomination will not affect the value of cash held by the citizen

      3) The currency redenomination process does not alter the purchasing power. In other words, with the savings and/or wages and salaries, and with any amount of money

      • Bini Najib(BN) berkata:

        dari kata2 penal penasihat CBI inilah dapat aku membuat teori aku sediri.

        ” iraq dah mula mengajar/menyuruh rakyatnya menukar duit cash dengan cara berbelanja dengan menggunakan matawang dinar iraq yang sedia ada dalam simpanan mereka,ini secara tak langsung iraq akan mematikan duit cash Note diluar dari iraq degan cara penukaran matawang lama kepada matawang yg baru secara perlahan2 tampa disedari oleh orang luar dari iraq,bahawa iraq sekarang ini sedang melakukan process penukaran dinar lama kepada dinar yg baru secara senyap2.kalau tak masakan iraq menyuruh rakyat mereka berbelanja dengan menggunakan matawang mereka.pada pandangan aku iraq berkemungkinan melakukan cara bergini

        i) rakyat iraq berbelanja dikedai2 & menyimpan duit kedalam account bank

        ii) pekedai medapat keutung dari jualan mereka lalu pekedai menyimpan duit hasil jualan mereka kedalam bank.

        iii) pihak bank mendapat cash note dinar iraq lama dari pada pekedai & juga rakyat yg menyimpan duit tersebut kedalam account,lalu menukarkan cash note tersebut kepada cash note dinar yg baru,dan cash note dinar iraq yg lama tersebut pihak bank akan melupuskan.

        iv) perkedai2 & rakyat yang menyimpan duit kedalam account bank apabila mereka mengeluarkan duit tersebut dari dalam account mereka telah mendapat duit cash note yg baru secara automatik.process ini akan berterusan sehingga penghujung tahun 2012 atau mungkin awal dari itu.apabila semua pertukaran tersebut selesai,barulah iraq akan membuat RV terhadap nilai matawang mereka dengan menggunakan cash note dinar iraq yg baru.disinilah kemungkinan besar cara2 iraq melupuskan 3 angka sifarnya terhadap matawangnya tampa memberi impak terhadap ekonomi negara mereka.

        senang dikatakan begini:

        Old IQD 25k yg disimpan kedalam account bank,akan menjadi New IQD 25k dalam gandaan 100 @ mungkin kecil dari 100. Contoh: New IQD 100 X 250pcs inilah nilai duit cash note apabila dikeluarkan dari dalam account.so rakyat iraq tidak akan terasa apa2 kekurangan terhadap duit mereka .

        so secara tak langsung iraq telah berjaya memberi masa yg munasabah untuk rakyat mereka membuat penukaran cash note didalam negara.so bagi cash note yg berada diluar dari iraq,iraq tidak bertanggung jawab.kerana mereka yg membawa cash note keluar dinar iraq,mereka telah melanggar akta polisi CBI dan duit tersebut dianggap tidak sah.

  588. insan lemah berkata:

    salam kpd semua.. pd2 mereka yang membeli wang iraq jgn lah bimbang. IsyaAllah kalau di izinkan Allah ada rezeki untuk kita ianya tak akan kemana2. Kalau ia berlaku sebaliknya kita kena redho la.. Apa2 pun kita semua telah berusaha sebaik yang mungkin.. kalau diizin kan Allah semuanya boleh berlaku….

  589. Bini Najib(BN) berkata:

    Minimize the importance of reports on the fraud of the currency in Iraq

    19.12.2011Ghassan Ali

    Iraqi Central Bank reduced the significance of the reports indicated the prevalence of counterfeiting in Iraq, whether local or foreign ones.

    The bank adviser said the appearance of Mohammed Saleh, said that those reports were exaggerated, and untrue to the existence of significant fraud in Iraq, adding that the rates of counterfeiting in the country is very small, have not changed since the founding of the Central Bank so far.

    Press reports had spoken of turning Iraq into a center for counterfeiting of currency in the region after the spread of gangs specialized in forging local and foreign currencies in various Iraqi cities, as quoted by the reports from economists Iraqis saying that there are foreign countries have old conflicts with Iraq contributing to the making or passing counterfeit currency into the country in order to sabotage the Iraqi economy.

    Indicates the benefit in an interview with Radio Free Iraq that fraud is divided into three sections, the first undertaken by persons individually, and the second is run by some traders, and the latter played by some intelligence States, the most serious types of fraud, asserting that what is currently in Iraq is fraud-commercial use only.
    And confirms the central bank adviser and international coordination with Iraq to combat counterfeiting, pointing to the security agencies recently managed to arrest many of the fraud rings.

    The expected benefit of the reduction of fraud in Iraq during the coming period, especially after the initiation of the process of changing the Iraqi currency and printed a new currency of high technical specifications very difficult to forge.

  590. Bini Najib(BN) berkata:

    CBI project called ATM

    19/12/2011 09:59 AM

    BAGHDAD – Babinaoz (Reuters) – Iraq’s central bank announced that it began implementing a project divided the national aims to provide ATM service to citizens across the devices installed in different areas.
    The deputy governor of the Central Bank of the appearance of Mohammed Jawad, told the Kurdish news agency (Rn) that “the central bank has agreed to implement a project divided the national, which allows users in both government and private banks disposing of their money through credit card and dissemination devices exchange markets, train stations, airports and public places.”

    “The government and private banks expenses will be covered by the company implementing the project and the process of buying the equipment and its installation,” pointing out that “the central bank will oversee the supervision years divided the national project.”

    Jawad said that “the shareholders of any bank, government or private will be able to withdraw their money through the divided national or ATM this year and will contribute in enhancing the bank in the country. ”

    The Council of Ministers in March / March, new mechanisms to facilitate the opening of documentary credits for less than $ 4 million through the revitalization of the role of private banks, which aims to stimulate trade in the country.

    The Iraqi government is still limited in its financial transactions on the government banks relied upon by 85%.

    The total capital of Iraqi private banks billion and $ 600 million currently, other than that owned by the branches of Arab and foreign banks operating in the country.

  591. Bini Najib(BN) berkata:

    Fake money gang arrested in Sulaimaniyah

    18/12/2011 18:58

    SULAIMANIYAH, Dec. 18 (AKNews) – Security forces in Sulaimaniyah city have detained two people on charges of forging Iraqi money. The two people have been detained with fake money and arms in their possession.

    The two men were arrested by the security forces after another man who had been detained the previous day on similar charges admitted to his business and named the other two.

    “After the homes of the two men were inspected… 1.95 million fake Iraqi Dinar was found.. In addition to a color photocopy machine” Sulaimaniyah Asayish (security forces) said in statement seen by AKnews.

    According to the statement, the security forces discovered other fake documents including identification documents, driving licenses.

    The arms seized in one of the houses inspected by police included an RPG rocket propeller, five RPG rockets, and an AK-47.

    The three men are under investigation.

  592. Bini Najib(BN) berkata:

    Parliament convinced of deleting 3 zeros

    19/12/2011 09:59 AM

    The Central Bank of the House of Representatives is satisfied the process of deleting three zeros from the currency after examining the details of the project with experts and economists in the House of Representatives. “

    said the deputy governor of the Central Bank of the appearance of Dr. Mohammed Saleh (people) that “the central bank was able to answer all questions and inquiries by the Commission Parliament, which I listened to a detailed explanation on this subject, and persuaded the House of Representatives in the project and its positive effects on the Iraqi economy. “

    He added that “The project is also being transmitted to the Economic Committee in the Cabinet for discussion, indicating that the deletion of the three zeroes from the local currency will be in 2013.”

    He pointed to the “The system of financial management suffers from the legacy of a large and need to repair large to remove the legacy of the economy is open, which he inherited Iraq because of the policies of the former regime.”

    The central bank said it plans to issue a new currency from the category of 50 dinars after deletion of zeros which is equivalent to $ 50 thousand JD at the moment. “

    examines the central, since last June deleting three zeros from the local currency in an attempt to promote the value of currency in circulation, external and internal. Will be added the Kurdish language to the new currency in addition to Arabic. “

    The Ministry of Finance to delete the zeros will free the economy from the constraints and enhance the value of the dinar in the International Monetary Fund.

    He International Monetary Fund last August to support the Iraqi economy in the event of his a number of economic measures, including raising three zeros from the local currency.

  593. ahmad kashfe berkata:

    mohd helmi,
    salam..sy berminat nak beli dinar tapi sy tggal di saudi skrg..so sy nak buka acc kat bank iraq..mcm mn nak buat..skrg.
    emel saya kashfea@yahoo.com

  594. Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

    Central Bank announces the “national key” to facilitate the payment system and instruments in Iraq

    17-12-2011 | (Voice of Iraq)

    Central Bank of Iraq announced the start of the national key project that deals with the introduction of modern technologies in the banking system by facilitating the work and payment instruments in Iraq.

    The deputy governor of the Central Bank of the appearance of Mohammed Saleh in a statement to the Agency (news) on Saturday: that the central bank is working hard to introduce modern technologies in the Iraqi banking system through the use of electronic devices to facilitate the work of payments and instruments between Iraqi banks within a project called key national levels.

    And the benefit is that this project is an electronic device inventor called “Qassim national” works to facilitate the withdrawal of money fast and brief for people who have credit in Iraqi banks of any bank they want within this device instead of going to the bank, which filed it be trusted , for the purpose of the payments system and facilitate the exchange of instruments between banks in Iraq, in addition to the introduction of mobile technology to know the bank account and credit transfer through a collaboration with the mobile communications companies in Iraq.

    He added that a national Qassim managed by a company that specializes in this work for certain wages and are monitored by the Central Bank of Iraq to determine their performance and the extent of its capabilities and efficiency in the process of providing financial services to the citizen.

    Saleh pointed out: that there is a local and international companies expressed their desire to manage this device will be announced soon for an international tender to enter the largest number of companies to choose the company efficient, which will manage the device, and continued after it is determined the company would be the formation of the national top consists of: representatives from Central Bank and the Ministry of Finance as well as banks and telecommunications companies to monitor and organize the work of this device for fear of differences in the process of drawing and performance.

    The deputy governor of central bank monetary policy in Iraq continues, in the process of introduction of modern banking technologies and works invisibly with the help of international organizations and international institutions for the success of the plans for the development of the banking sector in Iraq, those of the U.S. Development and the World Bank and all other international organizations in countries friendly to Iraq.

    In the period from (18 to 19) of the month of November of this year, the systems department development plan, the financial one section of the Central Bank conference Nqashiya in Istanbul to study the draft key national to facilitate dealings in credit cards and electronic cash Alale for the development of e-banking in Iraq.

  595. Haziq Rahman berkata:

    the way to make mny….huhu

    • ustazhafiz berkata:

      salam semua…kpd yg dah buka acc warka, tahniah..bnyk2 doa dan tawjjuh kpd yg maha Kuasa..tak payah gadoh2, marah2 kat mereka yg ada duit cash. toksah la ‘speak big’ hehe,(traslate sendiri)… hanya Tuhan yg berkuasa…kita takde kuasa sikit pun….sape yg untung dan sape yg rugi..biar hanya yg maha kuasa tentukan…

  596. Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

    Symposium for deletion of zeros moving forward


    Diwaniyah (Iba) .. نظمت كلية الإدارة والاقتصاد في جامعة القادسية، ندوة علمية تخصصية عن حذف الأصفار من العملة العراقية وآثارها في الاقتصاد العراقي. Organized by the Faculty of Management and Economics at the University of Qadisiyah, specialized scientific symposium for the deletion of zeros from the Iraqi currency and its implications in the Iraqi economy.

    وقال مصدر في الجامعة ان الندوة تضمن القاء محاضرة بعنوان حذف الأصفار من العملة العراقية وأثارها على الاقتصاد العراقي القاها نائب محافظ البنك المركزي العراقي الدكتور مظهر صالح تطرق فيها إلى أهمية النقود وتأثير ظروف العراق على اقتصاده، مبيناً أن الاقتصاد العراقي كان مكبوتافي ظل النظام السابق بسبب الحروبوانهيار البنى التحتية. A source at the university, said the seminar included a lecture entitled to delete the zeros of the Iraqi currency and raised on the Iraqi economy delivered by the Deputy Governor of Central Bank of Iraq, Dr. the appearance of favor in which he discussed the importance of money and the impact of conditions in Iraq on the economy, noting that the Iraqi economy was Mekpottafa under the previous regime because Aharopoanhiar the infrastructure.

    وأضاف المصدر أن نائب محافظ البنك المركزي اوضح خطوات الاستبدال تتضمن إعلان الموازنة العامة للدولة وتكتب كل السجلات المحاسبية والمصرفي بالعملة الجديدةموضحاً أن عملية استبدال العملة سوف تمتد إلى سنتين فضلا عن أن عملية إتلاف العملة القديمة ستجرى في البنك المركزي العراقي. The source added that the deputy central bank governor said steps include replacement Declaration of the state budget and write all the accounting records and bank currency Aljdidhmodha that the process of replacing the currency will be extended to two years as well as the process of destruction of the old currency will be held at the Central Bank of Iraq. (النهاية) (End)

  597. Bini Najib (BN) berkata:


    Central Bank of Iraq’s decision to raise zeros from the Iraqi currency maker, but he needs to field work.

    The appearance of the central Mohammed Saleh told the reporter Agency (news) on Wednesday: that the »decision to raise zeros from the Iraqi currency maker but he needs to work convicts on the level of banks and international accounts, the retirement of the old currency.

    Saleh pointed out: that the field work is very important for the completion of such a step being the need to create banks to deal with the competent organs of the new currency, noting that the replacement of the currency in the year (2003) was a step quick, but now do not need this speed and we have enough time to create all the necessary steps for the success of the replacement process.

    Salih stressed that Iraq had supplies sufficient to perform this experiment, but will need to will and to move away from fear and hesitation in the implementation of its decisions


  598. Jazz berkata:

    dari atas sampai bawah aku baca..

    terlambat baru jumpa web ni.
    banyak logiknya ape yg Bini Manjib cakap tu.

    maksud aku ada acc $1k kat bank iraq lebih selamat dari pegang cash IQD.

    RV mungkin terjadi, tapi nasib pemegang cash IQD ni sangat samar. aku pun pegang cash IQD tapi tak banyak la.

    tak berharap sangat.
    anyway, thank you for your knowledge sharing. kenapa la aku tak perfikir dulu..

    • cash note and warka JB berkata:

      pd pendapat aku yg zalim ni….bukan kata samar…gelap terus…wlaubgimanapun cash note aku ttp simpan…tuk kenang2an…

      • gonjeng_KL berkata:

        bukan takat gelap bro….kalau gelap boleh diniagakan kat pasaran gelap….langsung tak de harapan dah….cash note ku buat cucuh ubat nyamuk utk pi kebun jer la….hahahahahaha

  599. nawi berkata:

    bini najib…boleh bukak lagi akaun iraq? ni email sy nawi_ppkp@yahoo.com

  600. pakcik kayo berkata:

    yahoo…akaun aku dah rv……jgn mare ha…….pemegang cash note……ha…ha…ha…..

    • cash note and warka JB berkata:

      nape…pemegang cash note x dpt ke…..kuang3

      • Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

        hehehehe… itu sebablah pakcik kayo tempo hari ada bagi teka-teki menyindih…kalau anda tak ingat….. dibawah ini aku copy & pastekan sekali lagi soalan teka-teki & jawapannya sekali.hehehehe….

        ” pakcik kayo berkata:
        Disember 3, 2011 at 6:35 am

        berdasarkan artikel ini aku boleh simpulkan umpama pantun teka teki ini….dalm banyak banyak duit kat dunia nie…duit apa yang mandul………jwb…ye…..

        Bini Najib(BN) berkata:
        Disember 3, 2011 at 6:13 pm

        hahaha..wakakawakaka…hehehehe…pakcik kayo!!!!! ada buat aku gelak berguling2….lawak be..benor teka-teki hang nie…..tapi tak mengapa,aku cuba jawap teka-teki hang nie.heheheh… dah tentu2lah jawapannya “CASH NOTE” dinar iraq!!!!!! wakakawakakawakaka….hang nak tahu tak keapa aku teka “CASH NOTE” dinar iraq!!!!!!

        “CASH NOTE” dinar iraq,kalau hang simpan hatta 2000 tahun sekali pun… duit tu tak akan bertambah2 dengan sendirinya.melainkan kalau hang simpan duit hang tu dalam account bank, dah tentu2nya setiap 6 bulan sekali hang dapat lihat perubahan amount duit hang dalam account,tu..ini disebabkan Dividen yg anda dapat daripada hasil simpaan duit hang didalam account ,tampa hang meng top-upkan duit tersebut.hahahah…wakakakakawakakaka

        adakah benar jawapan hamba….Wahai pakcik kayo?

        pakcik kayo berkata:
        Disember 3, 2011 at 11:10 pm

        ha..ha..ha…benar sekali jawapannya wahai tuan hamba…….sungguh bergeliga otak anda tu….boleh buat batu cincin da……ha…ha..ha….

  601. ary berkata:

    byk info kt sini…..ape kate rakan2 pelabur join Potensi Dinar Iraq (PDI) dan Sembang Sembang RV (SSRV) di Facebook..same2 kite share info..

  602. Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

    Syukur kepada Allah…..duit aku dalam account pun dah RV gak….. ini macam simpan duit dalam account “FD(COD)”kat iraq lebih untung dari simpan duit kat dalam bank dimalaysia. 10.5% aku dapat setahun & 9.5% setiap6 bulan aku dapat. hahahaha…

    • cash note and warka JB berkata:

      samela kite…..Alhamdulillah…

    • cash note and warka JB berkata:

      jgn lupa yg kat akaun usd tu tukar ke akaun iqd gak…

      • Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

        ya..ya..ya..ya… aku dah masukkan dividen yang aku dapat kat akuan USD kat dalam akuan IQD… bertambah2lah duit aku nie…. nanti bila RV kenyanglah orang2 fakir miskin nanti….bolehlah aku generate perkerjaan buat dia orang….tak payahlah dia orang susah2 nak meminta sedekah kat kerajaan.

  603. Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

    Expert economic: to delete the zeros of the three project does not lead to the strengthening of the Iraqi dinar .. And will cost the state large sums of money

    12.30.2011 | (Voice of Iraq)

    Baghdad (news) confirmed the economic expert Ikram Abdul Aziz said the project to delete three zeros from the currency has no effect on the Iraqi dinar and the economy, just switch the form of foreign currency, saying it would cost state large sums of money when implemented. said Abdul Aziz told the reporter Agency (news) Friday: that the strength of the Iraqi dinar depends on the strength of the Iraqi economy and its diversity, ie diversity of revenue annual State through the activation of all economic sectors, and the Iraqi economy diversified revenue rather that the economy is a yield unilaterally dependent on oil. She said Abdul-Aziz: that the project to delete the three zeroes from the Iraqi currency does not lead to the strengthening of the Iraqi dinar and the national economy, but it just reduces the money supply in the market, asserting that a sound by the Central Bank to facilitate the trading process and provide the currency with a few categories. She pointed out: This project will cost the state large sums of money and expensive through the process of printing currency and instruct citizens on how to use and dealing in them, stressing that this project has no impact either negatively or positively on the Iraqi economy. The economic expert if it wants monetary policy to work to strengthen the Iraqi dinar, it has to go towards restructuring the economic sectors in Iraq and diversity in its infrastructure in order to strengthen the Iraqi economy and then the Iraqi currency. The CBI had earlier announced that the project to delete the zeros of the three Iraqi currency exists in spite of the criticisms directed against him by officials and economists, will be implemented after two years from now.


  604. ciputje berkata:


  605. Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

    Rifai arrested a gang specialized promotion and counterfeiting Iraqi currency

    December 30 / 2011

    Agency of Dhi Qar, the news /
    She said the security agencies in the city of Al Rifai it had arrested a gang of rigging and the promotion of counterfeit currency in the city.

    The source, who preferred anonymity confirmed to Nasiriyah News Network, that the security agencies in the city of Al Rifai – 90 km north of Nasiriyah – received intelligence information indicating the existence of a gang based in a cafe-based promotion of counterfeit currency.

    He emphasized that the force of city police in cooperation with the National Division of Information, was able to arrest two members of the gang, as well as the confiscation of a number of counterfeit currency class ten thousand and twenty-five thousand dinars.

  606. cash note and warka JB berkata:

    patutla kat umah sebelah x sibuk…..rupanya duit diaorg mandul…hehehe

    • Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

      hehehehe….jangan cakap umah sebelah jer….rumah kat luar negara sekarang nie pun x sibuk….al-maklumlah kalau betul2 jadi esok CBI start nak buang 3 angka sifar tu…..maknanya masuk angin keluar asaplah jawabnya….hehehehe….

  607. Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

    Obama, Maliki has promised to take the necessary money to protect the State of Iraq after the end of 2011

    31.12.2011 | (Voice of Iraq) Baghdad – where the MP for the coalition of state law, Ihsan Al-Awadi said U.S. President Barack Obama promised Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki Bagara necessary for the protection of overseas funds of Iraq after the end of the year. He told Al-Awadi all of Iraq [where] today, “al-Maliki during his recent visit to discuss the protection of Iraqi funds deposited outside the country of Iraq being indebted to many countries of the world due to the hostile policy of the former regime and there is fear from the control of the creditor countries on the money.” He added that “the money was under the protection of the United Nations and after the expiration of the protection of the United Nations adopted the U.S. Congress decision to protect these funds, but this decision will be completed by the end of the year. ” He added that “al-Maliki made ​​the subject of the main topics discussed with the U.S. side during his recent visit and was able to obtain assurances from the side U.S. to take steps that will protect Iraq’s foreign money. ” The concerns raised by some politicians from the feet of the creditor countries of Iraq to control Iraq’s foreign funds after the end of this year to run out of power for U.S. protection.


  608. Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

    Iraq Dinar Value Increasing Steadily Decposted by Tom Harris filed under Forex Trading


    Iraq dinar stays mostly decoupled frοm world financial markets. Iraq includes a reduced sovereign credit rating аnd thеrе exists merely trivial need fοr іtѕ dinar. Thе Iraqi dinar value continues thеѕе days tο bе managed through thе Iraq central bank.

    Thе Iraq dinar ѕtаrtеd circulation аѕ soon аѕ Iraq gained іtѕ independence іn 1932 аftеr being ruled through thе Ottoman (Turkish) Empire аnd thеn Britain. Prior tο thе dinar, thе Iraqi money wаѕ thе Indian rupee, launched wіth lіttlе creativity bу thе British rіght аftеr thеу defeated Turkey during WWI аnd took over management οf Iraq.

    Thе Iraqi Dinar hаѕ long bееn a managed currency. Upon іtѕ introduction іn 1932, thе dinar wаѕ fixed towards thе pound. In 1959 thаt association wаѕ changed tο a US greenback peg. It stays pegged towards thе US currency tο thіѕ day.

    Following thе initial US Gulf War аnd аlѕο thе imposition οf UN financial sanctions, economic circumstances inside Iraq worsened sharply. Bу 1993, inflation hаd exploded tο a annual rate οf more thаn one thousand %, unemployment wаѕ аt a hυgе fifty percent аnd thе Iraqi dinar exchange rate dropped significantly. During 1994, іt required аbουt 2,500 dinars tο bυу 1 US dollar. Tο support thе Iraqi dinar, various actions wеrе launched іn 1996 such аѕ nеw regulations permitting Iraqi residents tο υѕе overseas money financial institution accounts.

    Following thе second Gulf War, nеw preparations wеrе сrеаtеd tο bе effective οn 15 Oct 2003 tο produce a nеw Iraqi dinar аnd аlѕο tο control thе Iraqi dinar exchange rate. Sіnсе those nеw arrangements hаνе bееn launched, thе Iraqi Dinar Value hаѕ steadily increased. Thе current exchange rate іѕ 1,170 dinars fοr one US dollar.

    Information printed through thе US Central Intelligence Agency indicates thаt thе quantity οf Iraqi dinars needed tο рυrсhаѕе a US greenback wаѕ 1,475 dinars (οn average) throughout 2005, 1,255 throughout 2007 thеn down tο 1,170 іn 2009. Thе exchange rate today stays near 1,170 dinars per US currency.

    Iraq recently quantified іtѕ confirmed crude oil reserves аt 143 billion barrels, іn comparison wіth Saudi Arabia wіth 265 billion barrels οf confirmed reserves. Thе grеаt раrt аbουt thеѕе reserves аrе thаt thеу аrе effortlessly available аnd аѕ a result thе oil іѕ cheap tο produce. Roughly 95% οf аll Iraqi export worth іѕ derived frοm crude oil.

    Longer term, аѕ political stability returns tο Iraq, іtѕ economic programs increases efficiencies аnd іtѕ citizens capture thе full value frοm thе national crude oil wealth, thе Iraqi dinar value mіght bе anticipated tο increase considerably above іtѕ present level.

    Lіkе mοѕt currencies іn thе world currently, thе Iraqi dinar value іѕ vital tο those whο dο business globally. Thе opportunities available tο those whο аrе considering investing means tracking thе Iraqi dinar exchange rate consistently.

  609. Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

    Selamat Tahun Baru kepada Kerajaan IRAQ…. dalam masa 5 jam dari sekarang ….so kepada CBI laksanakanlah agenda yg telah anda rancangkan untuk tahun baru. mudah2an RV akan berlaku dengan seberapa segera. hehehehehe….

  610. azhar berkata:

    boleh buka lg x acc warka skrng?tolong email detail kt sy kalau boleh buka lg..tq

  611. Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

    Kurdistan region imported 17 tons of gold during 2011

    02/01/2012 18:43

    Erbil, January 2 (Rn) – According to the Directorate of statistical quality control of gold in the Kurdistan region, importing about 17 tons of gold in 2011 the past.

    Gold, zer The statistics that in 2011 saw the last import about 17 tons of gold and more than five tons of silver to the markets of the Kurdistan Region, Erbil International Airport.

    The deputy director of quality control for jewelry in the Ministry of Planning Government of the province, Ismail Sabir, told the Kurdish news agency (Rn) that “during 2011 the past was imported about 17 tonnes of gold and five thousand and 162 kilograms of silver to the region, through the Erbil airport.”

    “The bulk of the gold imported from Turkey and the United Arab Emirates, due to the increasing demand for citizens to buy it.”

    From: Hassan Repin, see: Ihsan Aervani

    P/s: WoW!!!! kaya benor rakyat iraq ekk… dia orang siap shopping gold lagi…hehehhehehehe…ini menandakan nak RVlah kot x lama lagi.

  612. Jazz berkata:

    bini najib.. sempat lagi tak kalau nak buka acc iraq.
    tolong email saya mr.jazz1983@gmail.com

  613. aku berkata:

    Bini najib… kenapa cash note aku tak beranak? Hu…. nampaknya kena buka acc iraq juga le… tolong email saya sozaidi@gmail.com

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  615. Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

    Aduhx3…inilah yang nak membuatkan Shahibi nak right-off cash note….yg sedia ada ini….pegawai polis pun terlibat sama dalam pemalsuan cash note dinar iraq.hehehehehe…

    Security force arrested a police officer in charge of counterfeiting Sinjar

    03/01/2012 PM – 6:19 p.m.

    Revealed an official security source in the district of Sinjar, said the security services arrested a police officer in charge of eliminating counterfeit currency, and submitted it to the Iraqi judiciary.
    The source said in a press statement on Tuesday: the lieutenant in the police issued against him a warrant court on charges of forgery of currency while on the distribution of salaries of employees of the police emergency Sinjar district of counterfeit currency, adding that the officer from the people of the judiciary and working in the regiment emergency Sinjar.
    The source pointed to: the officer had been arrested and referred to the judicial authorities for interrogation.


  616. tumpang kaya berkata:

    bini najib oi, tolong lah kwan tu si nawi ,merayu dia nak minta tolong buka akaun kat warka bank niat tolong dapat pahal ,ambil upah kadar-kadar jelah tolong sama-sama kita .ok kan

    • nawi berkata:

      ok tq tumpang kaya

    • wakenabeb berkata:

      ala…nak kaya pun mesti nak minta tolong orang lain ke? Ushalah ckit….bermodal lebih ckit apa salahnya…..itu pun x kan nak free ke!!!!!

      • pakcik kayo berkata:

        zaman sekarang mana ada yg free brader…..nak buang air pon kena bayar…..kena pulak mcm kat klcc tu…dia punya caj punya la mahal…..begitu jugak dgn invesment ni….kalau nak murah pegang je la cash note….kalau nak yg exclisive kena la bayar mahal sikit…..kalau nak percuma….tembak kat pokok pisang je la….he..he…he….

      • Senary berkata:

        jangan jadi tamak bro, jangan takbur, memadai lah dengan apa yg kamu mampu simpan kt warka tu, tak perlu nk hisap darah saudara seUgama..
        kamu ni memang cari makan dengan buat akaun warka kew?

        Pada sesiapa berhajat nak buka akaun Warka bank di Iraq sila hubungi aku, percuma jew, satu sen haram pon aku dop caj.
        0145205157, JAR2404@yahoo.com.

      • wakenabeb berkata:

        apanya nak hisap2 darah seugamanya…kalau dah tak mampu nak buat tu..dok diam2 jelah….simpan cash note tu….jangan cakap orang lain tamak…sebenarnya orang yg nak buka account bank tulah yang tamak….dah ada duit cash ditangan pun masih tak puas lagi… nak juga buka account bank kat iraq!!!!!

  617. Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

    Bank of the Iraqi TPI gives credit cards to citizens internationally recognized

    Jan 4th

    Baghdad, January 4 (Rn) – The Trade Bank of Iraq the TPI, Wednesday, that gives to all citizens, credit cards, according to its accession to membership of the company (Visa) and membership of the company (MasterCard) Wars, indicating that the credit cards issued by the Bank recognized globally.

    General Manager of the bank Hamdiya dry Kurdistan News Agency (Rn), “The Trade Bank of Iraq gives credit cards are recognized globally and omitted types of civil and Platinum cards for staff salaries.”

    She said dry that “the Trade Bank of Iraq is a member of the President of Visa International since 2005, and got the membership of MasterCard International in 2011,” pointing out that “Visa and MasterCard cards are in place in all parts of the world.”

    She explained that “every citizen who wishes to obtain a credit card can review the bank or one of its branches in a number of provinces for details on getting on the cards,” pointing out that “the cards are used for shopping and cash withdrawal and purchase online and in various foreign currencies.”

    And established Trade Bank of Iraq in 2003, according to law No. 20 of the CPA dissolved at the time, and based on its law, he has the Board of Directors follows the administrative prime minister of Iraq, the goal of establishing the bank is to be the interface of Iraq’s financial outward with respect to transactions of the Iraqi state with the outside world.

  618. Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

    CBI Forced To Print New Currency

    January 4 2011

    Banknotes last on an average of three years until it is no longer fit for circulation, after which they are collected for destruction, usually recycling or shredding.[15] A banknote is removed from the money supply by banks or other financial institutions because of everyday wear and tear from its handling. Banknote bundles are passed through a sorting machine that determines whether a particular note needs to be shredded, or are removed from the supply chain by a human inspector if they are deemed unfit for continued use – for example, if they are mutilated or torn. Counterfeit banknotes are destroyed unless they are needed for evidentiary or forensic purposes.


    It is Time for new currency….

    Small groups of cash .. “Desirable reprehensible!”

    January 4 2011

    Baghdad / Wael grace

    lens / Adham Joseph
    Move the owner of “Kia” his view between the street and between the paper and the 250 dinars … examined by a good surface and groping for fear of being transparent tape to paste … extended his hand back to its rightful owner returns to the “possible change”,

    Asked the young driver of the old man who covered his face and (b Chmagh) south did not show a thing of the features of the nose is flat! … Removed the scarf from his mouth, “Lish is that I maker”, waving the “quarter” in the air as if he wanted him to come down dinars, which saddled the paper and torn into three sections and collected a dressing … and begin Comments passengers crammed together in the car the Korean small between supporters and refuses to exchange torn and damaged, and out of them five hundred dinars, painted black, and another woman indicate paper cash to the driver refer them (1000 ) JD verse written on it!

    Dialogue currency damaged!
    The spread of paper currency damaged has become one of the daily problems and room for discussion and perhaps for a fight sometimes between taxi drivers and buses with passengers, and between Albesttiyat, customers and even bakeries and ovens became experiencing this problem, often the beggar refuses currency shattered. Probably do not realize many of us over the symbolic banknotes, which increasingly so wrong practices, from the style of writing them by some lovers and researchers on the areas of dating, they are turning the paper to the wall is free by writing numbers and verses and Abu Veat … or some accountants and treasurers in the banks who transferred the money for notebooks and record No. “hardship” on them, leading to improper storage by some in places other than the health of the currency paper, at a time of declining to use the wallet for under the money to let alone repeated in the sinuses, most of the denominations and the private value of the 250 and 500 and 1000 dinars, lost part of their specifications by frequent use, loss of cohesion and became dilapidated and Mthrih, or been cut, cutting, burning from the corners.

    He says the owner of “Kia”: It’s not a day goes by without there being a problem or more with the passengers because of torn banknotes, adds Muhammad (33) years, “the passenger when attributed to him the rest, which usually consists of small groups refuse to take it torn. . and thus became obliged to refuse I also received – Currency shattered – of the passengers. ”

    He pointed Jafar – earner and moves daily between New Baghdad and the Sinak – that the bus fare is 750 dinars, so there is always a problem!

    He adds “the presence of paper currency damaged caused us a lot of problems, when we go to buy our needs re-seller for us and torn banknotes are connected but we are facing many problems and difficult in the disposal, whether by the shopkeepers or drivers Kia.

    I receive the safest and …!
    In contrast, owners of banking companies change your foreign currency to the Iraqi torn, which refuse to recognize the banknote local in the opposite case, the Messenger of Abdullah, the owner of a shop selling Mobaillat Street in spring confirms that it turns the Iraqi to the dollar, and vice versa in almost every day, and deal with companies banking and the transfer of funds specializing in this regard, and they refuse to recognize worn Iraqi currency in return when the discharge must be silent when the papers torn!

    Employees are also receiving banknotes damaged and sometimes forged, and they do not find an outlet marketing of the discharge are not entitled to object to the fund trustees their constituencies on the type of currency or shape. Says magic government employee that the people of the accounts in our departments official have the answer to a classic use it always in the case of protest against the damage paper currency, “this is the responsibility of government banks, which we received the papers!”

    Illustrating the government employee that he last received a salary every month TDs which leaves torn, while the banks refuse to government or private or a lot of shopkeepers in the market received it, adding, “I receive sometimes from fifty to a hundred thousand dinars from the category of (1000 ) and most of them are corrupted and do not know where Asrvha?!

    On the other hand, the currency is also witnessing fraud, particularly currencies, large sources in the Interior Ministry said earlier that it had arrested a number of persons of Iranian nationality in southern Iraq in possession of a quantity of the Iraqi currency counterfeit, explained: “This is not the first time that the cast arrested by the Iraqi people who are not in possession of forged currency, it was preceded by the arrest of other Iranian groups in the province of Sulaymaniyah.

    The Director of Customs Region IV in Basra to Brigadier Khalaf Badran, “it was recently set forged Iraqi currency has been entered from one of the neighboring countries in huge quantities to Basra and from different denominations.”

    He said: “The defendants insisted during the preliminary investigations with them that they had entered through one of the neighboring countries in possession of millions of Iraqi currency counterfeit,” and added: “The currency of a ten thousand dinars was rigged perfectly large can not be detected by the average citizen except through a detect fraud, while the currency of the category of twenty-five thousand, it can find out where the fraud by having a blue color, since it is very clear and so the quality of the paper to be normal. ”

    He continued: “The amount of currency was pumped into Basra,” and urged citizens to make sure during their daily source of the currency.

    Currencies especially for officials and VIPs!
    The question remains is received by our representatives and ministers coins torn or is it just a simple problem employee?!

    With some managers and important merchants and contractors are treated in a special way when they enter the doors of banks, since they receive millions of class five and twenty thousand dinars, did not touch one, not traded in markets … while the poor who are waiting for one hundred thousand every month by the smart card within the grant social protection network, they receive the crumbs of the currency!

    On the other hand, there is a saying in the case of our currency has been torn apart and clean and is spread by the writings and figures that he will lose the cash value traded and difficult to reach and perhaps refused to accept it completely.Indicates Tawfiq Salim, professor of economics at the University of Baghdad he was not aware of who would be responsible for the citizen to raise awareness of the injustice of our currency?

    Adding that “developed countries to respect its currency, cash, especially leafy ones, are always keen to keep its currency in circulation continuously … authorities financial tracking policy organization in the control of its currency and there is continuing action to withdraw the currency damaged and replaced, because the attention – as described by sound – the national currency civilized behavior, one of the indicators of the sovereignty of States.

    Banks and conditions
    There are conditions at the banks in the case of receipt of the currency which is not to be torn into three pieces, and are not signs of oil or blood, or be buried in earth. “Stresses Hanan Mohammed employee in a bank of good” that the refusal of banks received banknotes torn subject to the regulations of the Central Bank ” , adding that if for some amount of damaged currency can be changed at the central bank, versus taking the $ 10% of the total value. ”

    Furthermore, the central bank announced earlier he was working on a new version of currency in 50 thousand dinars and coins small in both Arabic and Kurdish to address the liquidity in Iraq.

    The appearance of the central bank adviser Mohammad Saleh in a press statement: The Central Bank decided to introduce coins as part of his plan to restructure the currency, which require the approval of the government and the House of Representatives because it will contribute to a strategic plan to support the value of the Iraqi dinar in the financial trading.

    He added the move is part of the restructuring plan the development of banks and currency coins of banking financial transactions to support the Iraqi economy.

    He said: Summarized functions of the Iraqi Central Bank to maintain price stability, and the implementation of monetary policy, including exchange rate policies, and management of reserves of foreign currency, and the issuance of currency management, as well as regulate the banking sector, noting that the draft coins in 2004 was not successful because it has not been according to the comprehensive reforms to support the financial value of the Iraqi dinar in the global market.

    Saleh pointed out that the coins are not low, but will be the currency of currencies important medium which is used for simple banking transactions in the trading of the Interior.

    He was the central bank announced last year that he decided to restructure the local currency in order to develop the payment system in the country. He International Monetary Fund support for the Iraqi economy in the event of his a number of economic measures, including the privatization of banks and raising three zeros from the local currency and meet debt and reparations, which lies the responsibility of Iraq.

    The government has denied any change in the local currency this year in order to reduce inflation. The local currency has gone through several changes in its history, most recently in 2004 when the former Governing Council replaced the previous currency, which was a symbol of the former regime.

    Neglected money!
    In contrast, there are unofficial statistics indicate that about ten million Iraqi dinars neglects to deal with them daily, according to the belief that it is not valid for use, and this means that there are thirty million maximum average only in Baghdad!

    Official statistics say that Iraq and Kurdistan provinces of Basra and Mosul are at least a rejection of the currencies of the damaged or moderate damage in economic transactions daily! And statistics add to the provinces of Amara and Nasiriyah are the most rejection of these currencies, traders refuse categorically to deal with small groups!

    Staff of Salahuddin province, do not accept the receipt of their salaries currencies small, even if it were not damaged, and some sources say the Ministry of Finance: The percentage can be replaced from the currency damaged in the bank by the banks does not exceed 30 percent of the overall proportion of damaged in the markets and the citizen, asserting that it is not true that banks re-currency itself to the citizens without conversion to the central bank to replace it, and the sources pointed out that the mechanism used and currently in force confirms that branches of the government banks destroy those currencies torn, or delivered to the Central Bank, and the proportion of damage If allowed traded in the market, the bank returns to the circulation, and if the ratio of the bank substantial damage to either destroy or return it to the bank again.

    Mr. JD Date
    It is worth mentioning that in 1932 took Iraq from Britain, and issued in the same year that the Iraqi dinar replaced the Indian Barabah rate of 1 dinar = 13 rupees, and the Indian Rupee is the currency before that official in Iraq since the British occupation during the First World War.

    After the occupation of Iraq by the British forces in the First World War, the occupation authority made the Indian Rupee as the official currency instead of the pound, the Ottoman Empire.

    In 1931 the Council decided to establish the responsibility of the Iraqi currency be issued special Iraqi currency, and issued the first version of the dinar in the reign of King Faisal I in the first day of April 1932.

    After the revolution of July 14, 1958, the Central Bank of Iraq issued new currency notes and coins, bearing the logo of the new republic, and issued a new currency of paper currency in the years 1971 and 1973 and 1978.

    The Iraqi dinar has suffered a steady deterioration in value with the beginning of the Iran-Iraq war, where it has fallen from 3.3 dinars to the dollar in 1980 to about 4 dinars to the dollar in 1988.

    After the invasion of Kuwait and the end of the second Gulf War and as a result of the blockade and the lack of ability to make the Iraqi dinar, which was printed in the printing houses of Switzerland, began the former regime to print the Iraqi dinar in printing Iraqi lacked the necessary technology for the printing of currency attributes of good, led to the spread of extensive fraud Iraqi currency.

    After 2003, the Coalition Provisional Authority to issue Iraqi dinars new and was printed in the Press Dallarro in Britain, and was printed with good specifications are difficult to falsify were used in all parts of Iraq including the Kurdistan region, and has a currency exchange where the Replace each dinars printed in Iraq or China. a new Iraqi dinar, the Iraqi dinar, printed in Switzerland Vtm replaced with 150 new dinars.

    The categories of the new currency 50 250, 1000, 5000.10000 to 25,000 dinars, and designs similar to the designs issued by the Central Bank of Iraq in the seventies and early eighties of the last century, as they were not Iraqi currency bearing Saddam’s image.

    The paper was issued a class of 500 dinars in 2004, and in 2005 issued the Central Bank of Iraq currencies cans, the category of 25 dinars and 100 dinars a class, but did not circulate widely. As a result of the low value coins, poor circulation among citizens has been withdrawn from circulation in 2009.

  619. Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

    Cantikkkkkkkkkkk…….. sah dan dipersahkan oleh CBI bahawa duit aku dan duit kau orang yg ada dalam account bank diiraq bukan tergolong didalam duit pengubahan wang haram dan statusnya sah disisi CBI.

    Central Bank Of Iraq : funds entering Iraq are scarce and there is no money laundering

    01/07/2012 7:38

    Baghdad, “Iraqi gate” follow-up economics editor
    A source at the Iraqi Central Bank, said the case of money laundering in Iraq is almost negligible, and that the money coming into Iraq are scarce and are not subject to money laundering.
    The report presented by one of the channels local to the lack of control over money entering Iraq, and not to check sources of funds included in the accounts of some of the clients of private banks, whether persons or companies, and most likely report the existence of cases of money laundering in Baghdad and several provinces Mahaddh to neighboring countries, The report warned of the use of these funds in the financing of terrorism.
    The former Iraqi minister has revealed, told, “Ur” in September for information to the effect that there is a major money laundering taking place in Iraq now and by gangs in power, while, according to banking sources said about 30 million dollars is laundered per month. The minister added that he did not want the proportion of the information to him by name, “according to Orr,” that what is happening now is a matter of many of the concerns on the political and economic levels.
    Banking sources confirm that the money laundering operations in Iraq began to spread in a strange and significant transactions during the Iraqi private banks with capital valued at an unknown source and is often all foreign remittances.
    Reports indicate that Iraqi banks are the incubator for big money laundering operations .. And that there is money laundering taking place under the cover of legal and illegal entry through dealers and owners of exchange companies in addition to private banks in Iraq, which mostly operate through banks, non-Iraqi foreign untapped Auction Central Bank of Iraq which will be held for five days a week.
    These reports confirm that all banking transactions are in coordination with the Department of the Bills in the Central Bank. And that the process is to provide the bank or the company lists the names and numbers, the amounts transferred and most of these names are fictitious grounds that they require financial transfers while in Jordanian banks, or banks, Bahrain or UAE and after anchoring Bid on one of the companies or banks are given instruments to the amounts purchased from the foreign exchange reserves to the Department of the Bills which are often in other banks and is lowered into the accounts of the central bank after three or four days is sufficient to wash the money and run in banks outside of Iraq. And confirmed that all these operations are carried out in coordination with some of the staff who work in the Bills and the Central Bank of Iraq did not bother to investigate the many names that comes to the bank every day under the pretext of remittances.

  620. Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

    Sperti cakap tok guru aku….RV akan berlaku dalam tahun 2013…
    so inilah atical yg membenarkan kata2 guru aku.

    Central Bank: the end of 2012 will see the currency exchange

    On: Sun 08/01/2012 18:10

    Iraq will not use the dinar in the sales of oil citizen – the follow-up denied the Central Bank of Iraq and there are efforts to use the dinar in the sales of some of the oil exports of the country, because the «market speculators will buy the dinar to sell to countries dealing with the country’s oil, and we will enter into a whirlpool of speculation in the dinar, and we are already to reduce inflation, which has suffered monetary Ktltna ».

    The Vice-Governor of the Bank Mazhar Mohammad Saleh said that countries that have turned their currencies to the international currency has a very strong economy, such as the European Union, China, Japan and the United States.

    The Iraq covering the dinar in hard currency through the credits worth $ 53 billion. and the project to delete three zeros from the dinar, Saleh said that «the central bank ended the preparations for the replacement process end of the year», pointing out that «dinar witnessed the first process of replacing a successful 2004, when Replace more than six trillion dinars Bdnanar new and is expected to begin the process of replacement of a second after the removal of three zeros end of this year, and this will be decided by the government ».

    The size of the Iraqi currency traded locally about 33 trillion dinars, after he was no more than six trillion in 2003, by banks, to 70 per cent of the money supply.

    Salih stressed that auction the central bank sold $ 40 billion over the past year, pointing out that «the auction is one of the most important means of monetary policy shift in which oil revenues to the liquidity of local insurance requirements of government budgets, as well to the control of the dinar exchange rate and reducing inflation ».

    He said, «Central will be obliged to issue a block additional cash during the current year, due to the increased size of the budget, and this means insurance reserves an additional hard currency, which is normal with overall economic growth of the country».

    He explained that Central Bank is obliged offering larger quantities of the dollar through auction the higher government expenditures denominated in dinars, as 60 per cent of the proceeds of the sale go expenses-governmental organizations, and the remaining are for the benefit of the private sector, and expected to increase demand for the dollar in the current year because of the adoption by the Government budget is the highest in the history of the country.

    The government decided to cut the budget this year of $ 115 billion to 100 billion, based on the price of a barrel of oil equals $ 85, and a deficit of $ 14 billion would be covered through internal and external borrowing from the IMF and World Bank. The volume of trade State of Iraq in the last year, according to the benefit of $ 46 billion, two-thirds of the private sector.

    It is noteworthy that the Iraqis would prefer to deal in dollars because of the low value of the dinar, as the value of the banknote the same category Top 25 thousand dinars (equivalent to $ 20). to that, the Central Bank that will support the opening of the Rafidain and Rasheed in the Kurdistan region, stressing that he had not received any formal request so far on the subject of the Departments of the two banks.

    Salih said (Rn) that »the CBI supports the opening of branches of the Rafidain and Rasheed in the Kurdistan region that it will support Autism financial market in general».

    Saleh pointed out that «the banking market is not adversely affected by administrative boundaries, and the opening of branches of the Rafidain and Rasheed in the Kurdistan region will stimulate bank transactions and boost the economy in the country ».

    Saleh added by saying that «the central bank waiting to provide Departments of Rafidain and Rasheed wrote a formal request through the approval to open branches in the Kurdistan region».

    The Iraqi Ministry of Finance had announced earlier that it is serious in opening branches of the bank Rafidain and Rasheed in the Kurdistan region, noting that he will be able to staff in the province pull advances the property of those branches. and according to statistics released by the Iraqi Ministry of Finance recently, there are 25 banks waged, and five state banks in Iraq , and most of those five is the Rafidain banks, which has 190 branches in all provinces and abroad, except for the Kurdistan region in addition to the Rasheed Bank, which has 150 branches in and outside the Kurdistan region of Iraq, except to the bank’s real estate, agricultural and industrial.

  621. Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

    Haitham al-Jubouri calls the central bank to raise the value of Iraqi dinar against the U.S. dollar exchange rate


    The independent Iraqi news agency / Baghdad / p. X … A member of a coalition of state law, the Attorney Haitham Jubouri that the Iraqi currency Recent big fluctuations experienced a significant decline in the price of the Iraqi dinar against the U.S. dollar and the economic disaster that threatens to inflict damage to all citizens and called the Central Bank to work to raise the value of Iraqi dinar against the U.S. dollar exchange rate.

    He Jubouri reporter (independent Iraqi news agency) that the central bank should take its role in this matter as the issue price of the dinar based on supply and demand and therefore must move toward maintaining the value of Iraqi dinar and U.S. dollar equivalence.

    He added that it is necessary Jubouri do no harm to the Iraqi dinar and the national economy as a whole. Before the adoption of the budget in 2012 of the budget to be determined properly.
    He pointed out that the currency fluctuation prices bear the central bank and traders …

  622. zul kulim berkata:

    salam ,

    Cam na nak buka acc in warka bank,,,harap2 ada yg membantu..

    • cash note and warka JB berkata:

      wah…YB pun nak maik iqd gak….

      • gonjeng_KL berkata:

        apasalahnye beb…..hehehe…dah lama tak jenguk n carik info psl iqd nih….2013 mariiiiiiiii…interest capitalization pun mariiiiiiiiii…..mari lah mari kita menari dengan lah senang dihati

  623. zul kulim berkata:

    bukan YB…dia dgn cara dia cari untung….dah dpt Datuk x yah susah2 ..cam kita ni…yg duk tunguuu…bila bulan akan jatuh…

  624. Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

    hahahaha…”WARKA BANK” mengorak selangkah lagi kehadapan dengan mengembangkan lagi sayapnya di “DJIBOUTI” dengan membuka Branch yg baru. hehehehe…..bukalah Ooooiiiii akuan warka bank….tak payah lagi simpan duit cash note tu!!!!!!. Duit cash iraq tu dah nak tak laku lagi dah….!!!!!. lupakanlah si penjual cash note tu….

    Warka Bank enters Djibouti Market

    11 January 2012

    President Ismail Omar Guelleh recently inaugurated the first subsidiary of Iraq-based Warka Bank for Investment and Finance (BWAI) in Djibouti to offer full range of banking services. The ceremony was attended by the Prime Minister Dileita Mohamed Dileita, Mr. Hichem Ben Turkia, who is Warka Bank representative, several members of government, as well as ambassadors and representatives of diplomatic corps accredited to Djibouti and representatives of international organizations.

    Established in 1999 in the Iraqi capital, Warka Bank for Investment and Finance now has branches in Jordan and Lebanon and is one of Iraq’s biggest private banks. The entry of BWAI has risen the number of private banks operating in the country to a dozen. It plans to offer facilities such as transferring remittances, credit cards, personal loans, long-term finance, trade finance, structured finance and investment.

    The Chief of Djibouti’s central bank, Mr. Jama Mohamoud Haid, who was also present for the occasion said this event highlighted Djibouti’s rapidly growing economy. “This second ribbon cutting ceremony of a banking institution in the space of two weeks demonstrates the vitality of the sector particularly financial and our economy in general,” he said.

    He further stressed that the bank will place Djibouti in a more favorable economic position in the region and help strengthen trade relations with the Arab world. He said the central bank was providing the right environment for private banks to thrive.

    “I can assure you Mr. President, the local banks tell me that their goal is also to play an important economic contribution to the creation of national wealth. And therefore , to improve the lives of our citizens the central bank of Djibouti is committed to motivate and support them in this will,” he said.

    He urged international investors to take advantage of Djibouti’s position as a stable and leading regional financial, trade and transport hub. Appealing to foreign investors, he said, “a strong and stable currency, political stability, Geo-strategic position open to the outside world, a telecommunications system performance, and finally the existence of a port structure in the potential.”

    “We hope that the arrival of Warka Bank in the financial Djibouti will contribute to further transform the banking landscape, making it more competitive by introducing a wider range of financial products and services, while respecting international law and regulations of the Central Bank of Djibouti which has continued to support us and advice, “he said finally.

  625. Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

    Fears that smuggling money abroad

    10/1/2012 | (Voice of Iraq)

    Baghdad / follow-up term economic Economists confirmed the existence of cases of smuggling of money as a result of lack of control over the economy in addition to fully understanding the wrong of some politicians on the subject of a market economy, as between the Central Bank of the possibility of the existence of simple operations of this phenomenon, pointing to impose measures working to reduce them. The economist said Majid picture, according to (Rn) that this smuggling resulted from the lack of control over the economy in general on the grounds that the concept of a market economy for politicians is wrong, they think that this means full freedom to act funds and economic potential. ” He said the picture that the smuggling of funds abroad evidence of a weak economy and lack of control, indicating that some of the money smuggled in a formal way and informal as well as lack of control over the transfer of funds out-of-government banks. ” He said the picture that the existence of financial corruption and management is the most prominent reasons that lead to smuggling money, “adding that” there are those who defend the smuggling of money and money laundering. ” The financial corruption and theft of public money and the growth of wealth is a natural one of the reasons the smuggling of money that has grown and spread in recent years. turn , did not deny the central bank and there are cases of smuggling money outside the country but stressed that he is watching and follow up on all the sources and destination of funds. The deputy governor of the Central Bank of the appearance of Mohammed, told the Kurdish (Rn), that the “smuggling capital is classified as a money laundering if Mtherbh of taxes, but lighter than the process of money laundering the latter being the result of crimes and drug trafficking. ” Saleh added that “Iraq by virtue of conventions of international, especially the International Monetary Fund signed in 1945, Article VIII, which stresses that all countries signatory to the Convention to liberalize the current account of balance of payments, this means allowing the transfer of funds for the purpose of the goods and services of any commercial purposes. ” Saleh continued: it wants to buy funds at the auction provide documentation that they use that money to trade. If we confirm that the person was an Iraqi and has a bank account and claims he was working on the import of goods after receiving a the support of the tax and commercial documents which that money is not the result of money laundering. ” He pointed out that “the demand for foreign currency increased in the last stage due to the withdrawal of foreign Iraq and political issues, but the great demand is the transformation of some Iraqi traders adults to the dealer and broker of regional trade by virtue of conditions in the region with them. ” Observers believe that the phenomenon of money laundering in Iraq has grown in the absence of an integrated banking sector governing financial transactions between the inside and outside Iraq on the one hand, and between markets within the country on the other. The Economic Committee in the House of Representatives: to control the process of smuggling, money laundering, require extra effort in Iraq, if compared in stable countries and scientifically advanced. A member of the Committee Mahma Khalil (Rn), “The control of the phenomenon of money laundering and smuggling require state electronic and culture and procedures, laws, political stability and security, even if we compare Iraq to developed countries and stable world it is chugging along fine. ” Khelil said that “Iraq has changed from a state with a centralized economy to a state with a free economy and this requires processors from all aspects, most notably address the financial and administrative corruption, which provides a way for the widening the phenomenon of smuggling and money laundering. ” The developing and underdeveloped countries a suitable environment for money laundering operations to these countries is characterized by weakness in the laws and the fragility of the legal control and a clear decline in the level of statistical and mathematical operations.

    • Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

      hehehehe….dah sah2 Penasihat Bank Negara Iraq menyatakan Duit Iraq yg diseludup keluar dari iraq merupakan satu Kesalahan Jenayah dan ianya diangap sebagai “MONEY LAUNDERING” yang paling BEST sekali…. Duit Iraq yg diseludup keluar dari iraq sedang dan telah dipantau oleh “Central Bank Of Iraq” hehehe…aku x tahulah apa yg bakal dilakukan oleh CBI nanti terhadap duit2 seludup tu…..apa yang aku pasti duit yg kau orang beli tu….aku takut CBI kira right-off jer duit tu….hehehehehe…..aku dah cakap dari dulu kini dan selamanya…..JANGAN BELI CASH NOTE DINAR IRAQ !!!!!!!
      “BAHAYA”!!!!!!!! hehehehe….

      • joe berkata:

        tp duit tetap duit kan??spt contoh..kalau sy seludup duit RM ke negara lain…ia masih boleh ditukar..tukar la sket2..tak salah rasenye..

      • nawi berkata:


      • Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

        hehehehe…. nak tukar macam mana…Nawi sengal Oiiiiii!!!! kalau RV dengan duit yg baru… dan lagi satu… macam mana Nawi sengal oiiiiii kau nak masukkan duit cash orang lain dimalaysia kedalam account bank kau diiraq Oiiiii….. tarak akal ke mau pikir nawi Oiiiiii…. jangan cakap spt orang bodoh Oiiiii…. Nawi.hehehehe

      • Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

        yer..joe duit tetap duit…. tapi bergantung pada Central Bank juga…kalau CBI kata Right-Off… duit tu tetap akan di Righ-Offkan. itulah masalahnya duit seludup.

      • pakcik kayo berkata:

        hang nie nawi….aku pon tak tau hang tergolong dalm spesis apa…..mula2 hang tanya mcm mana nak buka akaun warka….lps tu hang kata duit simpan dlm akaun hang……aku rasa daripada hang kalut cari borang dan nak isi borang nak buka akaun kat warka tu …….lebih baik hang isi borang PB1M yang duk ada tu…aku rasa kompem kalau hang lulus…..hang ada duit dalam akuan rm500…tak payah kalut2 isi borang akaun warka bank tu…..hang pun dah tentu dah kerja gomen dekat PPKP tentu hang boleh kowtiem punya kan nak dpt borng tu………ha..ha…ha….dan sekurang kuranya hang boleh kurangkan kerugian hang beli cash note tu…ha…ha…ha…

      • Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

        hahahahaha….nawi itu kaki kencing jer orangnya…talam 2 muka…hahaha… nanti aku periksa IP dia….siapa mamat ini…hehehehe..

  626. mohd yasim berkata:

    aku hampir jadi jutawan….jutawan akhirattt..hohoiii

  627. Tunggujerlah berkata:

    rezek, ajal maut kat tangan tuhan… kalau dah takdir menjadi rezki.. baik cash not atau pun akaun warka ttp jadi rzeki.. cash note mgkin x laku.. sistem akaun warka ckup kukuh ker untuk org luar?… cmfirm ker bila RV org luar iraq leh dpat cash dari warka tu?.. heh… hehehe… takdir ditangan tuhan.. pencipta, pengawal alam smesta.. yang penting kita sama2 usaha jer… bukan hina orang.. bila kata mengata, hina menghina ni.. yang maha kuasa marah… sbb tu x RV2 lagiiiii!!!!!!…. padan muka sumaaa…yang x dak kena mngena pun jd bahan… ptt la x aman dunia nih… hasad dgki, iri hati pnuh dlm diri.. yang maha kuasa marah lagiiii!!!! bila nak RV?.. x kan RV la jawabny… sombong, takbur, bongkak, pnuh dalam diri.. yang maha kuasa marah lagiii!!!!… bertambah lah x RV2…

    • Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

      hehehe…tak rv..lagi aku suka…sebab aku boleh dapat dividen banyak2. hehehe…semalam duit dividen yg aku dapat dari warka bank IQD 1,000,000 = RM:2,7++.++ dah masuk dalam account bank aku kat Malaysia.hanya mengambil masa seminggu untuk duit tu sampai.anyway aku dah pun merasa duit penangan duit iraq.berkenaan dengan warka bank…x payah kau nak ragu lagi….kerana warka bank terlalu strong diiraq.bank warka ibarat macam Maybank dimalaysia…bersepah bank dia diseluruh iraq.tentang rezeki ketentuan tuhan…memang benar….dia (Allah) boleh melakukan apa saja yg dia kehendaki termasuk Dinar Iraq Ini….hanya dengan berkata ” KUN FAYA KUN ” (كُنْ فَيَكُوْنُ)

      tetapi juga Allah suruh kau orang berusha sehabis-habisnya dengan segala kudrat yg kau orang ada untuk membuat sesuatu..dan setelah itu segala usha telah dibuat barulah Allah menyuruh kau orang ” BERTAWAKAL ” kepadanya.bukan hanya sekadar berusha sekadar melepaskan batuk ditangga kemudian kau orang bertawakal kepadanya. begitu juga dalam kes Investment dinar iraq ini.kau orang dah tahu yg CBI menyatakan Duit yg kau orang beli tu (Cash Note) merupakan ” MONEY LAUNDERING ” yg kau orang gi dok mengharap lagi buat apa!!!!!!! dah sah2 kalau CBI nak Musnahkan Duit tu….kau orang masuk angin keluar asap.

      Yer!!!! memang aku mengetawakan kau orang semua. bagi pada pandangan kau orang yg berfikiran Negetif (-)…. aku sekadar menempelak kau orang sahaja…. tapi percaya atau tidak bagi orang yg berfikiran Positif (+) gelakan aku merupakan satu inpirasi buat mereka yg cuba untuk bangkit berusha untuk memperbetulkan investment mereka. Percaya atau pun tidak….. kau orang sendiri boleh melihatnya…. dari sejak aku ada dalam fourm ini… dah berapa ramai orang dah berjaya membuka account bank diiraq. kau orang dah lupa barangkali sebelum2 ini kau orang menempelak pada orang yg ada akuan bank diiraq dengan berkata….. buat apa buka akuan bank sedangkan Cash Note Iraq Bersepah boleh dibeli kat Malaysia.so pada tarikh 10 January 2012 dengan pengistiharan yg dibuat oleh CBI melalui Media Cetak mengumumkan bahawa Cash Note Dinar Iraq Diluar dari Iraq merupakan Money Gambling…..baru kau orang mengerti mengapa aku dan orang2 yg terdahulu dari aku berusha untuk membuka account bank disana. so secara puratanya didalam fourm ini hanya 5% sahaja orang2 yg berfikiran ” POSITIF “.

  628. Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

    Hanya Sekadar Info…..

    2003 – Cetakan pertama Duit baru Iraq.

    2006 – Cetakan kedua Duit baru Iraq.

    2009 – Cetakan Ketiga Duit baru Iraq.

    2012 – Adakah cetakan keempat Duit baru dinar iraq merupakan duit yg telah dilupuskan 3 angka sifar?

    Kesimpulanya Iraq Mencetak duit Cash Notenya setiap 3 tahun Sekali. dan CBI telah Berjaya Menarik Keluar duit Cetakan tahun 2003 & 2006 dari dalam pasaran (circulation) dengan mengantikan Duit cetakan tahun 2009.

    Persoalannya bilakah CBI akan Menarik balik duit cetakan tahun 2009?
    adakah penarikan balik duit cetakan tahun 2009 akan digantikan dengan duit Baru dengan penambahan Bahasa kurdis dan dengan pembuangan 3 angka sifar. so sama2 kita lihat dalam tahun 2012.

  629. Sejiwa Baru berkata:

    Betul kata bini najib. Dalam 100 orang ( hingga peringkat umur 65 tahun) – 2 orang jutawan, 10 hidup senang, 10 orang terkial-kial dalam kehidupan, 20 orang bekerja semula selepas umur 55 tahun, 20 orang terima bantuan anak-anak dan rumah kebajikan , 38 orang meninggal dunia.

  630. Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

    Sekadar Info….

    Dua tahun lepas CBI telah membeli 15 buah Mesin De La Ru…..(mesin pengira dan mesin pengesan ketulinan chemical dakwat yg ada pada cash note dinar iraq.ini disebabkan hanya mesin tersebut sahaja dapat membezakan ketulinan cash note dinar iraq.

    seperti yg kita sedia maklum pemalsuan dinar cash note dinar iraq telah berleluasa di seluruh dunia.sehingga CBI menyatakan pemalsuan cash note dinar iraq sehingga 99% sama dengan ketulinan asal.so bagi pandangan aku kalau dah 99% sama dengan yang baru…jadi 1% lagi kekurangan pada cash note Dinar iraq palsu terletak pada ink (Dakwat) cetakan tersebut. aku ada buat sedikit Reserch tentang De La Ru… dan apa yang aku sangkakan pada ink tersebut kemungkinan benar. kau orang boleh baca dan lihat apa yg aku perolihi dari reserch aku dibawah.dan kalau kau orang pandai mengodek sedikit info berkenaan Ink tersebut….kau orang akan tahu ink yang digunakan oleh DE La Ru…
    hanya mereka sahaja tahu nisbah campuran dari berbagai2 jenis chemical dicampurkan untuk menghasilkan ink untuk cetakan Duit Cash bagi setiap negara. ini bererti setiap negara yg mencetak cash notenya dengan De La Ru…mempunyai berlainan jenis ink. mungkin ink inilah yang dapat membezakan diantara duit palsu dan duit Asli.

    Selamat mengodek Info.


  631. Muhammad berkata:

    sesiape nak beli.. 25000 dinar= Rm90

    • Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

      Dah x ada orang nak beli dah…cash note dinar iraq.akta money laundring pun dah keluar.CBI pun dah cakap duit yg dibawa keluar dari iraq / seludup keluar merupakan Money Gambling.

      • cinta ku seratus persen berkata:

        btol ker yg dia oranag jual dinar iraqi tu duit seludup…………? kalau ianya btol mengapa d bank2 pon ada jual duit tu..?

      • Bini Najib berkata:

        Bank Mana Yg ada jual… Cuba kau cakap ngan aku.tapi jangan kau cakap ngan aku orang lain bagi tahu kau yg bank2 kat US ada jual.itu hanya sekadar rumor ajer….sekadar orang cakap…. bukti sahih tak ada….kalau benar ada…sila tempekkan kan dalam fourm ini bukti resit pembelian dinar iraq melalui Pihak bank,tak kira bank dari negara mana sekali pun selain dari bank di Iraq.

    • Muhammad berkata:

      aku tanye je sape nk beli..yg taknak tu diam je lah

  632. Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

    Decision of the finance committee demands to control the Iraqi borders to reduce the phenomenon of smuggling Iraqi funds
    On Friday,

    Alih bahasa tajuk berita :

    Keputusan jawatankuasa kewangan menuntut untuk mengawal sempadan Iraq untuk mengurangkan fenomena dana penyeludupan Iraq
    Pada hari Jumaat,

    13-01-2012 04: 19 PM

    Baghdad (News). Called on decision of the Finance Committee, the representative of the Iraqi Coalition/Ahmad al-msari to the importance of Control border crossing points to reduce the phenomenon of smuggling Iraqi funds abroad.
    Al-Msari Said in a statement to the (news News) today (Friday): There is a money-laundering Iraqi to some neighboring countries, especially states that are affected by political and economic crises, calling for taking the necessary measures by the federal government for the expansion of this phenomenon.
    Al-Msari Said: There must be tightened in the work of the border crossing points to Iraq in order to gain control over funds smuggled, the phenomenon of غسي money to do not lead to the depletion of Iraq.
    Earlier, the commission has called for parliamentary integrity the ministries concerned to form monitoring committees to follow the work of the banks and money exchange Iraqi to reduce the phenomenon of money laundering of the local currency, holding at the same time, traders up this phenomenon.
    He said a member of the Committee of parliamentary deputy from/Iraqi coalition/Khalid al-` alwani is in a previous statement (the news News): The fact that the integrity committee in the parliament sent a letter to the Ministry of Finance and others concerned, مطالبتا to control the formation of committees to take its role to follow up the work of the banking offices of Iraqi banks to reduce the phenomenon of money laundering the current currency.
    Al-Alwani Said: This phenomenon did not be borne by banks and money exchange firms only But there are Iraqi traders and other countries took advantage of the situation and stable in the country through متاجرتهم of Contraband which led to economic chaos in the local market. /End/8.. O /

    P/s: kepada Nawi…. hang cerita sama aku macam mana hang nak bawa masuk duit Cash Dinar Iraq kat dalam akuan bank hang di Iraq kalau Sempadan Iraq dikawal rapi oleh Pihak Kastam/Polis/Tentera Iraq…hehehehe…atau pun hang memang nak merasa makan Nasi Arab dalam penjara kot… selama 5 tahun.hehehehe….salangkan tentera US yg bertugas diiraq yg seludup Cash Note Dinar Iraq pun kena Tangkap,bukan banyak pun dia smuggle duit dinar iraq…hanya 172,000 dinar aje dah kena 5 tahun.hehehehe…lain kali jangan cakap besar yer!!!!.


  633. Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

    Guaranteed By The Central Bank Of Iraq

    Tuesday, 10 / 1 / 2012 11:33 GMT

    Alsumaria News / Diwaniya called Diwaniyah,

    Government banks in the province to take over the Iraqi currency affected by the different groups, confirming that they are guaranteed by the Central Bank of Iraq. The deputy governor of Diwaniya for Financial Affairs Abbas Jubouri in an interview for “Alsumaria News”, “on the banks government in the province recognizes the currency-affected citizens, especially of the class 250 and 1000 dinars if the damage was not lost its features completely. ” He added Jubouri that “the banks and filling stations, merchants and community collection refuses to recognize those currencies of the citizens who obtained it by trading in local markets,” , noting that it “damaged the economic citizen and the province.” The Deputy Governor that “the Iraqi currency is guaranteed by the Central Bank of Iraq in all categories,” noting that “banks do not account for receipt of such currency Petkdsha in their vaults asset frozen refrain public treasury for receiving the” . The Jubouri that “maintaining the readiness to address any government issued orders to banks to refrain from receipt of the Iraqi currency is affected.” For their part, a number of citizens to maintain their surprise of the failure of government banks for receipt of such currencies affected. Moualem said Saad-Ghorayeb’s “Sumerian News “,” filling stations refused to recognize the category of a thousand dinars, even if they were affected a little bit, “pointing out that” the banks declined to the other for receiving, causing loss of time and money. ” confirmed employee Magda Abdel Hussein that “Ratbna Monthly includes the amounts of currencies different, many of which affected to varying degrees as a result of trading continued, “adding that” the government banks refuse to replace them, leading to losing her, despite the limited our income. ” The Iraqi Central Bank Governor Sinan Shabibi confirmed at a meeting of independent bodies with Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki, which took place in the 19 June 2011, ready to create all the supplies to replace the Iraqi currency, urged the Adviser to the Prime Minister for Economic Affairs on 25 August 2011 the Central Bank of Iraq to stop the action to change the currency, warned of “mafias currency” is preparing to rig the trillions of dinars exploited to change the currency, also confirmed that it will result in a huge mass of cash is difficult to confront. The Diwaniyah, 180 kilometers south of Baghdad, the second poorest provinces, with the proportion of poverty by 35 percent, according to official statistics.

  634. Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

    Central Bank plans to launch three categories after deletion of zeros from the Iraqi dinar

    Saturday, 14 / 1 / 2012 09:24 GMT

    Deputy Governor of the Central Bank of the appearance of Mohammed Saleh
    Alsumaria News / Baghdad

    The central bank of Iraq, Saturday, intended to put all three categories after the large deletion of three zeros from the Iraqi dinar, pointing out that the process of replacing the currency will take two years.

    The deputy governor of the Central Bank of the appearance of Mohammed Saleh in an interview for “Alsumaria News”, “the Bank will present three classes a great addition to the categories of mineral, after the deletion of three zeros from the Iraqi dinar,” noting that “the process of switching would reform the system of currency management and ease of use. ”

    Saleh added that “the three categories consist of 200 dinars, which is equal to 200 thousand dinars at the present time and a 100 dinars, which is equal to 100 thousand dinars, and the category of 50 dinars, which is equal to 50 thousand dinars, in addition to the coin of the category of the dinar and Dinarin as well as half and quarter dinars and 100 fils and dirham “.

    Saleh indicated that “the deletion of three zeros from the Iraqi dinar would shorten the number of banknotes of four billion and paper, which is equal to 30 trillion dinars exist in the Iraqi market to one billion and 800 million paper only,” asserting that “the currency exchange will not affect the per capita income or over its wealth or its contractual obligations. ”

    Saleh pointed out that “the Board of Directors has approved the decision to delete the zeros after the completion of designs currency bearing the legacy of Iraq and its history and civilizations, as well as for discussion by the Financial and Economic Committee of the Council of Ministers,” noting that “the Bank pending the Board’s approval to begin the replacement of the new currency and which must be with the new financial year and proposed by the Bank with the beginning of the year 2013. ”

    Salih stressed that “the process of replacing the currency will take two years to prevent any disruption in the process of delivery and receipt,” explaining that “the banks will continue to receive the old currency for ten years as rights and not negotiable.”

    The central bank was charged in (12 September 2011), government agencies of obstructing monetary reform and vowed to sue, blaming the authorities responsible for exposing the financial interests of the country to danger.

    He said an adviser to Prime Minister for Economic Affairs (25 August 2011), to raise zeros from the currency is the biggest corruption in Iraq if it was during this period, and fall under the name of tampering with the economic, warning of “mafias currency” is preparing to rig the trillions of Iraqi dinars to replace them in the light of the planned changes.

    The Iraqi Central Bank Governor Sinan Shabibi independent bodies during a meeting with Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki, which took place in the (June 19, 2011), his willingness to create all the supplies to replace the Iraqi currency.

    It is noteworthy that some economists believe that Iraq is ready for the time being to delete the zeros of the Iraqi dinar, pointing out that the deletion needs to be a security and political stability as well as economic stability.

    • gonjeng_KL berkata:

      hehehehehehehe……..6 nov 2013 bro… 3iqd/1usd…heyyyyyhaaaa

    • wiralodra berkata:

      Statement tu kata “the banks will continue to receive the old currency for ten years as rights and not negotiable.”

      Kenapa bini najib kata cash note tak laku?

      • shin berkata:

        Betul tu , kadang2 susah nak faham artikel2 yg keluar dari Iraq ni. Apalagi kalau mereka translate dari Bahasa Arab ke B. Inggeris.

        Apa pun statement tersebut perlu difikir2 kan.

      • Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

        aku cakap cash note x laku kat luar dari iraq…hehehehe….sebab

        ” He Jubouri: “The Finance Committee was wary of deleting three zeros from the currency and cause an increase of the rate of inflation and exploited in the process of money laundering, but we got assurances scientific specialists in the Central Bank and Cdo that the replacement will support the Iraqi currency against other currencies so that there is a balance between the ” VALUE IN THE HANDS OF THE CITIZEN ” with the commensurate with the value of the real exchange rate markets. “

        P/s: ini kenyataan yg baru dikeluarkan selepas kenyataan yg aku tepekan diatas.nak baca lebih lanjut… sila baca artical bertarikh 15 / 01 /12 dibawah :-

        Jubouri expects deletion of zeros to be complete by end of 2013; Explains 3 stages of currency reform

        15/01/2012 11:43:00

        Signed by the parliamentary Finance Committee Haitham Jubouri currency to be replaced by deleting three zeros from the end of 2013.

        He said in a statement to the Agency for National Iraqi News / Nina / Today: “The process of replacing the currency will be three stages of the first printing of new currency and the second came on the market and the third withdrawal of old currency, adding that he will be the completion of the purchase of equipment printing the new currency in the first half of this year “.

        He Jubouri: “The Finance Committee was wary of deleting three zeros from the currency and cause an increase of the rate of inflation and exploited in the process of money laundering, but we got assurances scientific specialists in the Central Bank and Cdo that the replacement will support the Iraqi currency against other currencies so that there is a balance between the ” VALUE IN THE HANDS OF THE CITIZEN ” with the commensurate with the value of the real exchange rate markets. “

        He explained: “The replacement of the existing currency will be accurate and thought no need to fear them or of the fraud, because it will print with the latest devices that can not be forged, adding that the process of replacing the currency does not need to be approved by Parliament, but was consulted committees of financial and economic developments in the House of Representatives He received the Central Bank approval.

        He was adviser to the CBI the appearance of Mohammed Saleh said in a press statement prior to the completion of preparations for the implementation of the project to delete the zeros and the issuance of a new Iraqi currency, in the framework of the currency reform of management system in preparation for the next stage.

        He noted that the decision by deleting the zeros will be followed by a period of awareness to dispel fears and shed light on the fact that the reform measure designed to facilitate the exchange will not affect the incomes and wealth.

        The Iraqi Central Bank estimates that the amount of Iraqi dinars traded rose from about $ 25 billion in 1980 to about 27 trillion at the present time it has increased any thousand and eighty-fold.

        P/s: Si jubo dalam kenyataannya memberitahu kita…. bahawa dalam tahun ini akan diedarkan duit CASH NOTE baru IRAQ untuk menggantikan duit sebelumnya yg ada dalam simpanan rakyat iraq pada masa sekarang ini.dan process untuk pertukaran CASH NOTE lama kepada CASH NOTE baru memakan masa selama 2 tahun bermula dari tahun ini.

      • pakcik kayo berkata:

        dari artikel tersebut boleh di simpulkan bahawasanya……..si JUBOR SUDAH TAK TERDAYA UNTUK DI JUBURI LAGI…..he…he…he…

      • pakcik kayo berkata:

        dari artikel tersebut boleh di simpulkan bahawasanya……..si JUBOR SUDAH TAK TERDAYA UNTUK DI JUBURI LAGI…..he…he…he…jadi.dia akan suruh yg pegang cash note beersiap sedia sebagai peganti diri untuk sijubur tu…ha…ha…ha

  635. KID berkata:

    bini najib tu still mengharap duit rv n dividen ke?x cukup2 ke nafkah yg najib bagi kt dia setiap bulan??

    • Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

      hehehe….aku peduli apa….itu dah tentu2 duit nafkah yg aku semestinya dapat dari laki aku….ini duit RV …..aku punya duit tak ada kena mengena dengan nafkah pemberian laki aku….hehehe… hidup kena bijak bro…investment…dah tentu investment….duit nafkah…itu duit nafkah punya cerita….x sama.hehehehehehe….

  636. zul kulim berkata:

    ada sesiapa yg hendak memiliki note IQD 25k = RM85 …hubungi saya …ada beberapa kpg

    call/sms 0195201731

  637. zul kulim berkata:

    saya dah berjaya buka akaun warka invesment bank dan dah bank in to warka bank utk beli dinar Iraq…
    Terima kasih kepada Sdr Senari yg tlg ajar sampai berjaya..jasa anda amat dihargai..semoga diberkati olehNya.
    dan kpd sesiapa yg nak buka akaun warka bank ..blh hubungi saya…free aje….


    • Senary@abdullah berkata:

      Tahniah Sedara Zul Kulim..
      Teruskan berjuang agar mereka2 yg perlukan bantuan buka akaun Warka dapat dibantu sehingga berjaya.
      Ingat lah kite tak rugi tolong sesama muslim, malah kite akan tmbh kenalan baru sesama Islam. Nanti bila dah berjaya, kite gi umrah bersama2 yew…

      Senary 0139304759

      • zul kulim berkata:


      • Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

        bagusx3… cepat2 buka account warka….selagi masih sempat….yang masih ada simpan cash note tu… jual lah kat siapa2 yg sanggup tanggung rugi…hehehehe….. ini barulah betul dikatakan investment dinar iraq….dengan cara buka account.

    • pening berkata:

      nak buka warka bank kena masuk duit ke

      • Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

        hehehehe…. anda nak buka apa lagi pening???? nak buka warka bank????? bukankah warka bank memang sudah dibuka sejak dari tahun 2003 lagi!!!! adakah anda nak buka warka bank nombor 2 ker….atau anda nak buka account kat warka bank???…

  638. wiralodra berkata:

    Boleh percaya ke Warka Bank ni sebab ada sumber dari Iraq yang mengatakan bank ni banyak tipu orang dan sekarang dah digantung dalam ISX . sumber 1 minggu yang lalu :
    “This Warka Bank is bankrupt in Iraq. It has a lot of problems with the shareholders, Iraq Sock Exchange Market, Iraq’s Trade Ministry and the Central Bank. Here’s a link to ISX website for more details: http://www.isx-iq.net/isxportal/portal/companypro… ”

    Bini najib tolong komen…

    • Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

      apa yg aku nak komen lagi….Wiralodra… !!!!!

      Latest Update 19/01/2012 11:59


      kau boleh lihat bahawa warka masih lagi sehingga kehari ini merupakan Broker berdaftar dan berlesen dengan ISX.

      • Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

        Jangan dengar kabar angin cerita yang direka2 oleh ” American Contractor ” kerana mereka memang sengaja nak jatuhkan Warka Bank. American Contractor sebenarnya diupah oleh seorang saudagar matawang dari “US” yang bernama ” Ali Dinar ” pada awalnya dia bercita2 untuk membuka sebuah bank Di iraq dimana dia ingin menguasai 100% pegangan share dalam bank tersebut. cita2nya merupakan untuk merampas seberapa banyak coustomer2 Warka Bank untuk mengepam duit kedalam bank yg ingin dibukanya. tetapi dia terlupa bahawa Iraq mempunyai undang2 mereka sendiri untuk melindungi bank2 mereka. CBI telah menolak permohonan Ali Dinar Trade untuk membuka bank diiraq.syarat CBI amat simple…. mana2 bank luar yang ingin membuka Bank Di Iraq mesti memegang 40% share didalam bank tersebut…manakala 60% lagi mesti dipegang oleh saudagar iraq sendiri. dari syarat tersebut membuatkan Ali Dinar Trade tidak jadi untuk membuka Banknya sendiri diiraq. inilah cerita sebenarnya kenapa warka bank dikatakan oleh American Contractor ISX membekukan eset2 warka bank. tapi menurut CEO ISX , mereka tidak pernah mengistiharkan secara resmi tentang pengantungan warka dari ISX

        ini adalah kenyataan dari pihak warka bank tentang tomahan dari pihak2 yg tidak bertanggung jawab yang menyatakan warka digantung dari ISX.


    • cash note and warka JB berkata:

      klula maybank bankrupt…camna status penyimpannya…adakah trus lebur duit simpanannya..saja nak tanya?

      • Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

        hahahaha….. tulah pasal….bila orang suka mendengar kabar angin…dah galak kali aku bagi tahu….tapi masih lagi minat membaca / mendengar cerita rumor….ketahuilah sekarang ini orang US pun dah tak confidence dengan Cash note dinar iraq. sekarang nie baru orang2 US kelam kabut nak buka account warka bank.hehehehehe…. dalam post2 aku yg lepas2 aku dah tempekkan artical dari CBI…. yg CBI menyatakan semua duit yg didepositkan kedalam account bank diiraq di jamin oleh CBI.

        P/s: ini last aku bagi kenyataan berkenaan dengan Warka bank… kalau kau orang nak tanya soalan merapu2 kau orang sendiri jawablah….hehehehehe…

      • cash note and warka JB berkata:

        xpa…aku jwbkan…tp jwpan pun merapu gak…hehehe

  639. zul kulim berkata:

    Post ni saya jumpa dalam facebook – xdapat nak kesan sape tuan punya post.. tapi sharing is caring kan.. walau apapun syabas.. U did a nice job 🙂

    Saya merupakan salah seorang yang menjalankan aktiviti menjual Koleksi Set Dinar Iraq. Saya telah membaca komen yang dibuat oleh Persatuan Pengguna Islam dan didapati bahawa mereka sendiri tidak mengetahui apa yang mereka perkatakan.
    Adalah amat memalukan jika dilihat kepada tindak tanduk pemimpin di dalam persatuan tersebut yang kononnya memperjuangkan aktiviti kepenggunaan.
    Sebelum saya menjalankan perniagaan ini, saya sendiri telah memeriksa dengan Bank Negara Malaysia mengenai status Koleksi Set dan terbukti tidak salah di sisi undang-undang ( BAFIA, AMLA).
    Dua perkara berbeza, Koleksi Set dan Currency Trade. Koleksi Set Matawang tidak salah diniagakan tetapi jika menjalankan Currency Trade ( macam money changer ) anda perlukan lesen drpd BNM. Jangan mudah menuduh sesuatu itu skim kerana menyimpan matawang untuk dijadikan sebagai POTENSI MASA DEPAN adalah perkara biasa di luar negara dan sebahagian kecil komuniti yang memahaminya di Malaysia. Jika tidak tahu, bertanyalah kepada yang mengetahui.
    Jangan hanya merujuk kepada satu dua orang yang menunujuk pandai di dalam bidang yang mereka sendiri bukan ahlinya. Saya sendiri merupakan lepasan di dalam bidang ekonomi dari salah sebuah Universiti Terkemuka di US. Adakah anda ingin mengatakan bahawa orang ramai yang sedang membeli Dinar Iraq di serata dunia merupakan orang yang terlibat dengan SKIM ataupun ditipu buta-buta.
    Lihatlah sejarah matawang dunia secara terperinci dahulu. Adakah pihak Persatuan berani untuk mengatakan Dinar Iraq tiada nilai mahupun potensi masa depan? Ini adalah salah satu peluang bagi orang Melayu untuk mendapat sesuatu yang sangat berharga. Kaum Cina telah mendahului.
    Kenapa apabila ada sahaja peluang yang datang, hanya orang Melayu sahaja yang dikatakan BODOH kerana terlibat dengan “SKIM”. Hello… ini zaman globalisasi.. satu dunia, sedang berlumba-lumba membeli Dinar.. cubalah rujuk sendiri di laman web Bank Pusat Iraq dan lihat sendiri STATISTIK tukaran matawang mereka. Orang bijak pandai hanya melihat kepada statistik dan fakta dan bukan kepada tuduhan melulu. Mengenai dakwaan PPI bahawa, sistem piramid digunakan di dalam urusan pemasaran, nampak sangat mereka ini belum cukup matang di dalam mengenali sistem Network Marketing..
    Saya tidak mahu komen panjang-panjang mengenai Network Marketing, cuma PPI kenalah lihat dari aspek menyeluruh. Cuba lihat betapa banyak syarikat MLM di Malaysia yang kononnya berlesen tetapi mengaburi mata rakyat Malaysia dengan produk yang tidak berkualiti dan membuat moneygame? Saya rasa adalah lebih baik PPI menjalankan siasatan terperinci terhadap syarikat tersebut terlebih dahulun sebelum menuding jari kepada syarikat yang beroperasi secara global dan memberikan komisyen yang berpatutan.
    Beginilah, saya tidak nampak sebarang kerugian dipihak yang membeli Dinar tersebut kerana mereka telah diterangkan dengan terperinci mengenai risiko pelaburan tersebut. Dan mereka melabur dengan rela hati dan sedikit pun tidak menjejaskan keadaan ekonomi mereka. Tanpa perlu bergolok bergadai, meminjam kepada bank seperti mana amalan biasa di syarikat2 MLM untuk jadi CEPAT KAYA dan tidak juga meminjam drpd bank seperti ketika dipujuk rayu untuk membeli AMANAH SAHAM.
    Yaa… apa sahaja pelaburan ada risikonya. Kenapa tidak diperjuangkan orang2 yang membeli saham-saham amanah yang merudum jatuh sehingga tidak mampu bangun-bangun lagi? Kenapa ? Saya merasakan ada faktor tertentu yang menyebabkan pihak PPI bertindak mengeluarkan kenyataan sebegitu rupa. Dan semakin mereka mengeluarkan kenyataan yang berupa prejudis, semakin ramai yang menyertai “SKIM” tersebut. Adakah golongan cerdik pandai, profesional serta tokoh korporat yang menyertai “SKIM” tersebut, tidak pandai berfikir mahupun tertipu dengan FAKTA PALSU? Tepuk Dada Tanya Diri Sendiri.
    Bagi saya, yang telah merantau dibanyak negara, telah banyak mengajar saya erti globalisasi dan dasar terbuka. Dan untuk pengetahuan PPI, saya merupakan salah seorang yang bertuah kerana pernah mendapat KEUNTUNGAN daripada kejatuhan matawang Dinar Kuwait dahulu dan juga ketika kejatuhan matawang Rupiah serta Baht. Hanya Jauhari yang mengenak Manikam.. Semoga bertemu di lain masa…

    • Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

      hehehehehe…. macam aku tahu dari mana ayat ini anda kutip….dan dari blog mana…hehehe…

    • cash note and warka JB berkata:

      jwpan aku yg x brapa pandai ni….klu dah beli tuk KOLEKSI…simpan jela spi bila-bila… nak beli iqd yg ada gbr sadam pun bleh…buat KOLEKSI….duit jepun@daun pisang pun bleh…buat KOLEKSI…aku x mau cite dr sudut iqd yg ada di luar iraq…bini najid dah postkan bnyak dah….aku cite dr sudut makna KOLEKSI itu sndiri….duit sadam pun masih bleh dijual…aku ulang…dijual…bkn diperdagangkan…ikut nilai brg KOLEKSI la…klu salah pandangan maaflah ye……

  640. zul kulim berkata:

    tau tak pa…
    tapi jawab yg dipersoalkan oleh….wiralodra …semoga dia berpuashati…

  641. pening berkata:

    bukak akaun kt warka bank free ke? thanks. ada sape2 bole guide tak?

    email : pancasitara91@yahoo.com

    • cash note and warka JB berkata:

      nak bukak free bro….tp klu ada akaun..xda duit kat dlm x guna gak….akaun x aktif…x taula klu ada org yg bleh mskkan iqd dr msia ke akaun di iraq..tu kena tanya nawi….

      • Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

        Mmmmmm…..betulx3 cuba kau tanya kat nawi bengong tu….sebab dia kata dia boleh tolong masukan duit cash note dinar iraq kau orang dari Malaysia kat dalam account bank dia diiraq….hehehehe….terasa nak gelak guling lak aku kat si nawi bengong nie…

  642. Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

    Central Bank of Iraq raises the value of Iraqi Dinar

    Saturday, January 21, 2012 13:44 GMT

    Central Bank of Iraq announced, on Thursday, that it revaluated Iraqi Dinar 3.4% in exchange with Dollar. This decision will affect the exchange rate of Iraqi Dinar against US dollar in Iraqi markets, Central Bank stressed.
    “During his daily auction of foreign currencies’ exchange, Central Bank raised the value of Iraqi dinar against the dollar with a percentage of 3.4% which counts 4 Dinars,” deputy governor of Iraqi Central Bank Mazhar Mohammad Saleh told Alsumarianews noting that after the current change each 1166 Iraqi Dinars equal 1 Dollar. “Nominal rate of Dinar doesn’t coincide with its purchasing power or with its real exchange rate against the Dollar,” Saleh revealed.
    “The current account of Iraq payments has a surplus of 5 to 8% in comparison with the GDP,” Saleh advanced stressing that this surplus is a strength indicator and points that Central Bank has major reserves.
    “Central Bank of Iraq’s decision will affect Dollar exchange rates which slightly increased lately in Iraqi markets,” Saleh declared adding that Iraqi Dinar will become a riveter in Iraqi markets.
    Central Bank of Iraq had announced, on Thursday, exchanging Dollar categories for 1166 Dinars per Dollar after it used to sell 1170 Dinars per Dollar. Auctions of the Central Bank are taking place, daily, with the participation of 23 different banks.
    At the end of this week’s sessions, Central Bank of Iraq scored a slight decrease of about 1 million Dollars reaching therefore more than 199 million Dollars in comparison with the 200 million Dollars scored on Wednesday.
    Deputy Governor of Iraqi Central Bank Mazhar Mohammad Saleh revealed, on December 14, that Central Bank is willing to create 3 money categories following the deletion of 3 zeros from Iraqi Dinar. The currency exchange requires about two years, Saleh pointed out.
    Reserves of foreign currencies in Central Bank of Iraq increased, for the first time in Iraqi history, to 60 billion Dollars, Saleh announced on December 6 explaining that Central Bank can curb inflation if it reached two decimal ranks. Current levels don’t raise concern though, he assured.


    P/s: ini baru je bunga2 CBI kasi naik value dinar dia sebanyak 3.4% iaitu dari 1170 ke 1166, kalau CBI bagi 100% value dia naik….aku rasa orang yg pegang Cash Note ambil bau je…kot….sebab nak tukar Cash note lama kepada yg baru… hanya boleh ditukarkan di dalam iraq aje…itu pun kalau x kena tangkap kat airport Iraq oleh kastam iraq.hehehehehe….kalau dah kena tangkap….memang bestlah ekk… dapat makan nasi arab free…je…hehehehhehe..

  643. Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

    Three arrested for fake currency south of Ramadi

    Sat 21/01/2012 11:56

    Anbar (news) .. the arrest of three of the counterfeiters and official documents in the neighborhood of nationalization south of Ramadi.
    A source in the police (of the Agency news) on Saturday: that the security forces arrested three wanted men from counterfeiters and official documents in one of the abandoned houses in the neighborhood nationalization south of Ramadi.
    The source added: that the process also resulted in the discovery of large amounts of local currency and foreign official documents and seals and forged passports.
    He pointed to: that the detainees confessed to doing rigging of large amounts of local and foreign currency in preparation for promotion in the local markets.


  644. mohd yasim berkata:

    PERCUMA!!!!sementara iqd diapung


    DAFTAR DI SINI http://signup.wazzub.info/?lrRef=24803 SEKARANG JUGA

    • nawi berkata:

      berita hangat kwn2.. sekarang nie ada satu search engine macam google ngn yahooo baru keluar… nama yang baru nie WAZZUB.. yang nie lain sket… kalu korang joint , korang akan dibayar pihak WAZZUB… tanpa per kluar modal pun,,, xsalah nak try join.. jom join skl….. xde rugi per pun.

      • Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

        hahahaha…. dalam dunia ini mana ada benda yg free… nak gi jamban pun kena bayar…hehehe…. anyway nawi… apa macam duit Cash note dinar iraq kawan2 hang…..dah selamat ker anda masukkan kat dalam account hang!!!! hehehehe…

  645. duit cash dan akaun warka berkata:

    juga link ini http://signup.wazzub.info/?lrRef=9ab54

  646. mohd yasim berkata:


  647. Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

    memang nampak gayanya Cash Note Dinar Iraq Diluar Negara confirm “KO”….

    Economists: the use of credit cards, protecting the citizens from theft and counterfeit currency

    1 – 24 – 2012

    BAGHDAD – Bahaa Haddad
    Confirms the specialists in the economic importance of trade credit card, such as “Visa Card” and “MasterCard”, during the trading day by the citizens for several reasons, stands in the forefront of the future development of the banking industry in the country, and optimal cooperation with international banks, as well as that dealing Credit cards will reduce the risk of exposure to theft of money, or exposure to fraud counterfeit money.

    And is still trading process credit card is limited in Iraq, despite the fact that a bank official Iraqi member since 2005, while the spread in the countries surrounding Iraq are widely, and rarely deals with interests liquidity in those countries, the prevalence of banking transactions online.

    Says a member of the Committee of Economy and Investment parliamentary Mayahi Aziz, said that “the issue of an increase in credit cards, put forward during a meeting with a delegation from the Iraqi Central Bank Governor, and the latter promised to work on that of the positive results on the Iraqi economy in general.” And afflicted Mayahi, in an interview with “The World” on Monday, that “the credit card in place in most countries of the world, as a way of civilization in circulation, as a citizen does not take huge amounts of money in his pocket for the purpose of transactions daily, but puts it in the bank, and gets there Visa Card or Master Card for the purpose of deposit and withdraw money, in any city in Iraq or abroad, through the space provided for the withdrawal and deposit. ”

    The Trade Bank of Iraq TPI, announced his readiness to grant all citizens credit cards, having received the membership of the company “Visa Card”, and membership of the company, “MasterCard” World Wars, indicating that the credit cards issued by the Bank recognized globally, and the “types of platinum and civil , and cards for staff salaries. ” She said General Manager of the bank Hamdiya dry Agency (Rn) that “the Trade Bank of Iraq is a member of the President of Visa International since 2005, and got the membership of MasterCard International in 2011,” pointing out that “Visa and MasterCard cards are in place all over the world. ”

    Showed dry that “every citizen who wishes to obtain a credit card, he can refer to the bank or one of its branches in a number of provinces, for details on getting the cards,” pointing out that “the cards are used for shopping and cash withdrawal and purchase through the Internet, and the various foreign currencies.”

    And on the possibility of increasing the deal in Iraq, and its impact in pushing Iraqi banks to exchange banking expertise with those of the world, and leading to the growth of the banking industry in the country, says a member of the Committee of Economy and Investment parliamentary “Certainly this would happen, banks Iraqi need today to the development and exchange of experiences , because the Iraqi economy is entering a phase may exceed the speed of the speed of the work of local banks, so it is necessary to evolve the way the citizens financially, banks are also in the use of advanced technology in withdrawals and payments, including the well know bank balance by mobile phone. ”

    For his part, describes the economic expert Majid picture, electronic transactions through the “Visa Card” as “an important means to facilitate withdrawals and payments, as well as it allows carrying small amounts of currency, whether paper or metal, a banking job offered by banks, but handled in Iraq is very limited, and it needs a level of banking culture in the banks and the public alike. ”

    And saw the picture, in a meeting with “the world” yesterday, “This process took decades to reach where this culture to the countries of Europe and the United States, enabling them to use credit cards on a large scale, and what we need today in Iraq is the level of economic and cultural bank , we can deal with on a daily basis and it is natural. ”

    Image and indicates that “the use of credit cards continues to lead the Iraqi counterpart, global banks, which fall within the globalization of the economy, the banking industry, but I find I am drawing attention to the need to deal with this culture system, in order to find the range in daily dealings.”

    And suffers many of the Iraqi problems stealing money during the day transactions, as well as the issue most prominent during the past years, a large number of coins Iraqi and foreign counterfeit, there is almost devoid of any amount of money from a fake it, especially in the provinces where the sale of agricultural crops by peasants, most of them who does not distinguish between genuine and counterfeit currency, which calls for practical measures, but periodic switching of the local currency.

    In this regard, confirms a member of the Committee on Agriculture parliamentary cream Silverline, that “the widespread use of the Visa Card will save the citizens from the burden of many, and that citizens suffer from counterfeit currency, and here shows the role of credit cards as a system, as Secretary of withdrawals and deposits, it is easier for the various segments of society and all the background knowledge and cultural rights, access to money is fake, and they can Atdawa without having to carry large amounts of money. ”

    But the citizen who wants to get the “Visa” or “MasterCard” will face the obstacle a few places where there is a teller machines, deposit, they are often found in buildings, banks, which could kill the desire to demand the use of the cards, to the distance, for example, or because can be whatever he wants to pull money out of the tally in the bank, as long as the have to enter it, for the use of a credit card.

    The comment Silverline, saying: “the best use of credit cards, you must first work to educate the community and increase the outlets to withdraw money, deposit, and not limited to certain places, Vkthertha lead to the ease of drag, and leading to the completion of the fraud suffered by some as a result of the use of counterfeit paper money. “

  648. ONETYCO berkata:

    SALAM. bagaimanakah cara nak buka akaun, syarat2 serta akaun yang paling minima serta strategi yang boleh dicontohi oleh semua para pelabur. TQ

  649. azman berkata:

    semua ni leh caya ke

  650. duit cash dan akaun warka berkata:

    kenapa…tak percaya ka? ; ), isu ni dah berzaman tok kadok dah..telah dibincangkan dgn hangat sekali!!!

  651. ORG IRAQ berkata:

    Macam mane nak percaya…..dah dari zaman tok kadok pun tak terapung pun……dah 5 tahun simpan dah naik lunyai……..klu masuk SARA1M dah dapat rm 13,000…..mokcik kayo…..

    • Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

      hahahaha….nie baru aku nak gelak guling….. belum lagi gelak berguling2!!!!! yang hang dok simpan duit Cash Note watt aper!!!!! hang x ada akai (akal) kah!!!! memanglah hang dok tunggu 5 tahun simpan duit cash tak terapung2 pun!!!!! dah tentu2nya duit hang tu berat macam batu….hehehehe….cuba hang ikut cara aku nie…..simpan duit Iraq dalam akuan bank kat sana (Iraq)…..dah tentu2 ringan sesangat duit aku tu terapung….hehehehe….setiap 3 bulan sekali selama setahun , setiap 6 bulan sekali selama setahun dan setiap setahun sekali……duit aku dalam bank asyik terapung aje….al-maklumlah dapat dividenlah katakan.macam ada diletakkan gas helium aje duit aku tu….asyik nak teraaaaaaaaapung….sampai aku jenuh nak kutip duit aku tu…. nak dibawa balik kat dalam bank diMalaysia.hehehehehe….jangan maraaaahhhhhhh….

  652. duit cash dan akaun warka berkata:

    DUIT aku terapung what!! apa tak percaya ka?
    kalu tak percaya try la sendiri!!

  653. Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

    Deputy: the central bank to work on raising the price of the dinar against the dollar


    BAGHDAD – Al Sabah

    The member of the Committee on Energy and Investment parliamentary deputy Abdul Hussain Abtan to raise the price of the Iraqi dinar against the dollar to improve the living conditions of the individual.
    Abtan said in a statement quoted by the agency (news): the central bank to do a study to raise the value of the Iraqi dinar against the dollar, those foreign currency reserves than Iraq, including for (60) billion dollars.
    . The Abtan that the Iraqi dinar at a standstill since the four years since he was a cash reserve (20) billion dollars so far.
    مؤ He added that raising the price of the dinar for up to (1000) dinars to the dollar at the present time suitable for economic recovery and increases the reality of living of the individual and restore its distinguished position among nations.
    The central bank stressed that raising the value of Iraqi dinar by 3.4 percent, and that may seem at first glance a low rate, although it is in fact a monetary value large part of the financial settlement large inter-bank “, and that this lifting, according to many economists,” send a message force and the stability of the national currency and the promising future of the Iraqi economy and dispel all fears of the possibility for economic decline in the country. “

  654. oren_07 berkata:

    pm me bini.najib mcm mana nak open acc. warka bank??email me topgun.maverick50@gmail.com plss..tq

  655. Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

    hahahaha…..aku kelakar dengan rating yg diberikan oleh CBI kepada Warka Bank..hehehehe…ada ker patut CBI bagi tahu bahawa Warka Bank diiktiraf sebagai bank Privet yang bertaraf 5 Camel atau lebih senonim dengan bahasa kita 5 Bintang.apa mentang2lah kat negara dia orang banyak binatang Unta…so senang2 CBI gunakan Camel sebagai penganti bintang..wakaka..wakaka…

  656. Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

    CBI responds: Our “Dropping of the Zero’s” policy is successful and Anbuge personal criticism doesn’t represent the opinion of the government

    29.01.2012 | Baghdad described the Central Bank of Iraq, Sunday, his policy of raising the value of the Iraqi dinar against the dollar to “successful”, saying that the criticisms made ​​by the Adviser to the Prime Minister for Economic Affairs Abdullah Al-Hussein Anbuge personal and do not represent the opinion of the government.

    The deputy governor of the Bank Mazhar Mohammad Saleh in an interview for “Alsumaria News”, “The Central Bank maintained the value of Iraqi dinar and stability in the difficult conditions that prevailed in the country,” noting that “the Iraqi government and international organizations confirmed that the policy Bank raised the value of the dinar against the dollar successful. “

    Saleh added that “the Director of the IMF France Christine Lagarde praised the other successes of the Central Bank of Iraq during a meeting with Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki in Washington,” adding that “the Bank has a lot of problems, he was able to achieve some goals. ” Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki visited, in the 12 of December last in 2011, Washington, at the head of a delegation that included a number of ministers and advisers in the government, where he met President Barack Obama and a number of American officials.

    Salih stressed that “the purchasing power of Iraq at this time a stable and good, compared to previously when it was the Iraqi citizen carries money is worthless, “pointing out that” the criticisms made ​​by the Adviser to the Prime Minister for Economic Affairs Abdullah Al-Hussein Anbuge the bank does not represent the opinion of the government. “

    He was an adviser to Prime Minister for the economic Abdul Hussein Al-Anbuge criticized, on Saturday (January 28 now), the policy of the Iraqi Central Bank to lift the Iraqi dinar against the U.S. dollar, while noting that the bank had not coordinated with the economic system in addressing the situation, saying that such policy violates the productive base in Iraq . and had previously objected Anbuge the policy of the Iraqi Central Bank aimed at deleting three zeros from the Iraqi dinar and the currency exchange, noting that this would cause great mischief.

    The Deputy Governor of the Central Bank of the appearance of Mohammed Saleh in the 19th of this January, for having raised Iraqi dinar against the dollar during the sessions for the sale and purchase of foreign currency at the rate of four dinars, indicating that the rate of the dinar nominal is not commensurate with the purchasing power to him or the real price of the exchange rate of the dinar against the dollar. (Note: The recent increase equated to .34%)

    It is noteworthy that the CBI is being daily sessions for the sale and purchase of foreign currencies with the exception of public holidays on which depends the Bank for these auctions, and is the Central Bank of Iraq under the law issued on the sixth of March of 2004, which refers to him as an independent body which is responsible for maintaining price stability and the implementation of monetary policy, including exchange rate policies and management of foreign reserves and the issuance of currency management, as well as to regulate the banking sector to promote the financial system competitive and independent.

  657. Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

    Adakah CBI telah Membuat Kenyataan Bahawasanya Duit yang berada diluar Iraq merupakan duit ” PALSU “???????

    Sekiranya Benar apa yg dicakapkan itu…..Maka dengan resminya segala duit Cash Note yang anda beli & simpan diluar dari negara iraq merupakan duit duit ” DINAR IRAQ PALSU ” !!!!! OMG!!!!!!!

    Commercial Bank: No truth to the replacement of forged Iraqi currency from abroad for hard currency
    29/01/2012 18:30:00
    Denied Commercial Bank of Iraq, replacing the forged Iraqi currency from outside Iraq for hard currency through bank branches,

    The General Manager of the bank and the agency and its board chairman, Hamdiya Mahmoud dry in a statement released today, and received “the Iraqi news agency, independent) a copy of it”, said, “cited some of the media about the bank’s branch of the Iraqi city of Najaf, replacing Iraqi currency forged from outside Iraq for hard currency through the branches of a bank is untrue and baseless, “asserting that” our banking systematic scientific manner consistent with international standards.

    The dry that “the Trade Bank of Iraq is an Iraqi bank to a government controlled by the Central Bank of Iraq Board of Supreme Audit and the auditor of an international major companies overseas accounts and therefore can never occur, such as how banking transactions suspicious,” emphasizing “the right of the bank to prosecute those who try to discredit the bank lies and slander.

    For his part, considered the Branch Manager Trade Bank of Iraq in the city of Najaf, Abdul Wahab Al Habib Hashim that “the reporting of such false news aimed at harming the body’s banking and cheap attempt to discredit the reputation of the Trade Bank of Iraq

    He pointed out that Hashem “the work of the branch in the city is going according to legal frameworks,” he said

    The number of media handled that both Iran and Syria made ​​billions of counterfeit Iraqi dinars into Iraq and worked to replace the dollar with some Iraqi officials and then out to the two countries

  658. Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

    so… kesimpulannya duit iraq yang berada diluar dari iraq memang tidak boleh ditukarkan didalam negara iraq sendiri.so…tak mustahil sekiranya iraq melupuskan duitnya yang berada diluar dari iraq.so iraq akan menukarkan duit lamanya kepada duit yang baru hanya didalam negaranya.selepas selesai pertukaran duit lama kepada duit baru….. iraq akan mengumumkan RV pada nilai duit kertas barunya sahaja.hehehehehehe…..

  659. Info Dinar berkata:

    Iraqi Dinar Scam..??????

    Beware of the Iraqi Dinar Scam! Did you know that at least one state lists Iraq Money as one of the biggest scams on the internet? In fact, the State of Utah lists Iraqi Currency as the No 2 scam on the internet!

    Here is what they say about the Dinar:

    ‘Advertisements in local newspapers promise great wealth by purchasing the new Iraqi dinar. Promoters explain that as democracy comes to Iraq, the expected peace will stimulate the Iraqi economy and the value of the dinar. What investors are not told is that the dinars can be redeemed only in Iraq and that the sellers already have doubled their money. Thus, the dinar would have to more than double in value and you would have to take a trip to Iraq to collect any profit.’
    Iraqi Dinars

    Try this – the next time you visit a site selling dinar, take a look at the disclaimer located at the bottom of their site; it’s absolutely shocking! (the shocking stuff is usually in the first few lines of the disclaimer).

    The new Iraqi Dinar is real and not a scam itself, it’s the selling of the Dinar without telling the buyer that they are doubling the price and that it can only be redeemed in Iraq that is wrong. In fact, the central bank of iraq is reported to state that it’s illegal to remove dinar from Iraq.

    The only people making money on the Iraqi Dinar are internet dealers. They make a ton of money as soon as you buy dinar, may sell you fakes and will NOT buy back the currency. Once you buy the Dinar, you’ll find it almost impossible to sell it back!

    I should say that there is a remote possibility that you could buy Iraqi Dinar and make a good profit, but that possibility is so small, it’s almost impossible to measure it; State government considers it risky enough to list, so why in the world would you consider it any different?

    Oh, and if you see a site that is registered to sell Iraqi Dinar, don’t be impressed. What they are not telling you is that they have registered with the government as a company dealing with money. It has NOTHING to do with the Iraqi Currency and does not mean they are trusted in any way. It simply says they filed a form informing the government that they are dealing with money. In fact, ANYONE can fill out this form and send it in and you’ll get a statement saying you filed the form. Iraqi Dinar sellers use this to make themselves look legitimate so do not be mislead!

    Remember, if you’re going to look at the dinar as an investment, look at the disclaimer found on sites selling the dinar. Shocking!

  660. Info Dinar berkata:

    Malcolm Berko: Dinars-for-dollars is a scam

    Updated: December 21, 2011 2:38AM

    Dear Mr. Berko: An investment man in our church is selling Iraq dinars and wants me to invest $13,260 to buy 10 million dinars. He says if the dinar goes to a penny, I will make $100,000 and if it goes to a dime, I will make $1 million. Iraq, with all that oil and a growing economy, makes the dinar look like a very great opportunity for me. He said there are many banks and dealers who will buy the dinars back anytime. This is my chance to make it big.

    S.L., Fort Walton Beach, Fla.

    Dear S.L.: You have to be industrial-strength dumb to buy 10 million dinars for $13,260 from your church “investment man.” He is doing a good job of promoting a worthless currency with the pitch “Now is your chance to become a millionaire.” Is he also telling you that you must buy now because “my inventory is limited and the dinars are becoming scarce”? Is he also telling you that when the Iraqi government becomes solvent, “the dinar will increase to $1, and you will have $10 million”? Then in the next breath, is he telling you he only has a limited amount of dinars and will have to return some investors checks because he will “run out of dinars”? Do you recognize any of these comments?

    Holy Mary, Moses and Molly, even though this smells like a bucket of night soil, a lot of good folks have fallen for this tommyrot. Look at the numbers — $1 will buy 1,200 dinars so the value of one dinar is .0833 cents, which is a lot less than a penny. Now $10 U.S. will buy 12,000 dinars, $1,000 U.S. will purchase 1.2 million dinars, and $10,000 will get you 12 million dinars. And this is the official exchange rate, which should tell you that your church “investment man” will net a cool $5,000 if you give him $13,260 for 10 million of those silly things.

    Now, for your 10,000 dinars to be worth $100,000, the value would have to increase from 12 to the penny to one dinar to a penny, which is a 1,200 percent, increase. That is highly unlikely. And for your 10 million cache to be worth $1 million U.S., each dinar would have to be worth a dime, and that’s a 12,000 percent increase, which is even unlikelier!

    That “investment man” is going take you for $5,000. And with billions of fake dinars sold over the Internet, you’ll have no idea if you’re getting the real McCoy … though their values are probably identical. But investigate before you invest. Call some of those bank/dealers and tell them you have 10 million dinars to sell. I suspect that price they will pay will knock your socks off.

    This dinar thing is a scam, meaning “to cheat or swindle as in a confidence game.” You are relying on hope that a growing Iraqi economy will result in a stronger currency. Consider Mexico and Venezuela, both of which have strong economies and major oil producers. However both are experiencing gut wrenching inflation, and both are deflating their currencies. It’s economic suicide for the Iraqi government to pursue a policy of currency appreciation. Don’t let your emotion and greed trump your common sense. And don’t be the fool who eagerly parts with his money.

    Address your financial questions to Malcolm Berko, P.O. Box 8303, Largo, FL 33775 or e-mail him at mjberko@yahoo.com.

  661. Info Dinar berkata:

    Don’t Fall for the Iraqi Dinar Currency Scam

    Friday, January 06, 2012

    The Iraqi dinar “investment” opportunity is a scam that has been around for a few years and has recently been regaining much of its former popularity. The opportunity is pitched as a way to profit from a nearly worthless Iraqi dinar that is “sure” to appreciate in the future. The scammers promise that millions of dollars in profits are virtually guaranteed if you buy the dinar at today’s values (about 1,000 dinar to one US dollar) and then exchange the dinars back for dollars at a later date once the dinar exchange rate has improved.

    However, there are some fundamental problems with the Iraqi dinar scam that potential buyers should be aware of before they begin investing in one of the most illiquid currency markets in the world.

    Lack of Registration

    It is illegal in the US and in most other major economies to market an investment without appropriate securities registration. The scammers get around this requirement in two ways. First, it is technically legal to sell hard currency for its numismatic value. In other words, it is possible to sell hard currency as a “collector’s item.” Second, some dealers will register with the US Treasury as a money service business (MSB).

    Registering as an MSB is something that dinar dealers will do to put on the appearance of registration and government oversight. However, the difference between a legitimate MSBs and dinar dealers is that a real MSB is not marketing an investment. So ask yourself; if a business has to lie to get around registration, are they really making a legitimate offer?

    Dinars Are Sold on Misleading Hype

    The potential value of an investment in dinar is often illustrated with references to what happened to the Kuwaiti dinar following the first Gulf War and the German deutschmark following World War II. These would be good examples except neither one was a free-floating currency at the time, so the value was mostly a function of policymaking and official currency management. It is also a fact that no rational investor would base an investing decision on two instances of past data (more than 60 years in the past) without considering all the times this investing strategy did not pay off.

    Will the Iraqi government pursue a policy of currency appreciation in the future? Since an appreciating currency makes funding your brand new government and paying off past debts more expensive, it seems unlikely. An economy in Iraq’s situation is more likely to experience a currency crash or intentional devaluation than a sudden and dramatic reflation.

    In fact, more recent currency history would seem to show that it is more likely that the dinar will depreciate further in the near term. The fallacy that dinar dealers are relying on is that a growing economy will result in a stronger currency. That is not the case. As the recent examples of Venezuela, Turkey, and Mexico show, a growing economy is as likely to be accompanied by an inflating (weakening) currency as not.

    Many dinar dealers refer to the value of the Iraqi dinar prior to the 1990 Kuwaiti invasion (One dinar = $3+ US dollars) as evidence that the potential for the dinar is theoretically unlimited. They don’t mention that the pre-1990 dinar has been demonetized (worthless) and that its value was arbitrarily set by an autocratic regime led by Saddam Hussein. Following the embargo, the ability for the Iraqi government to manage its currency’s value collapsed and it spent the next ten years at 2,000 – 3,500 dinar to the US dollar.

    By John Jagerson of LearningMarkets.com

  662. mentari berkata:


    bank bank tempatan berlesen kini dibenarkan berdagang matawang asing dgn matawang asing yang lain berkuatkuasa mulai esok menurut pengumuman BNM:)…tahu2 je BNM ni

    sumber bernama,tv3 dan ntv7

    • wakaya berkata:

      hahahaha….. kalau macam gitu…. esok ramai2 kau orang yg simpan cash note Dinar Iraq Beratur kat Bank2 yg Berlesen spt..
      Maybank , RHB , Ambank , Hong Leong , CitiBank , Affin Bank Dll… tanya sama pihak bank….jangan lupa bawa sekali sekeping duit Cash Note Dinar Iraq…dan kau orang cakap pada pihak bank bahawa “saya nak tukarkan semula duit Cash note Dinar Iraq ini kepada duit RINGGIT. kalau pihak bank kata OK, boleh… tapi rate dia pihak bank ikut kadar semasa Dinar iraq….. itu dah dikirakan cukup bagus….sebabnya dinar iraq walaupun value dinar iraq ini masih kecil….tetapi boleh ditukarkan….itu dah dikirakan cukup bagus buat kau orang.tapi aku rasa semua currency memang boleh semua bank berlesen dimalaysia tukarkan…. kecuali “DINAR IRAQ” hehehehehe….so kalau betul x boleh ditukar walaupun pada kadar semasa bank diiraq maka dengan resminya kenyataan yg dikeluarkan oleh BNM hanyalah boleh dibakul sampahkan….hehehehehe…..

  663. rahman berkata:

    salam bini.najib ,pm sy mcm mana nak open acc. warka bank??email me abdrahman.abubakar@yahoo.com plz..thank

    • buduhhon berkata:

      contact saya jika betol2 berminat nk buka akaun di Warka Bank. Percuma jew… (jar2404@yahoo.com) abdullah 0139304759

  664. lama tul RV berkata:

    so tak payah bimbang fasal cash note atau buka bank luar…..bank2 malaysia pun dah boleh beli dinar iraq…..selamat duit cash aku.

  665. lama tul RV berkata:

    tapi pertukaran tidak melibatkan ringgit yea…..pembetulan kenyataan tu…..

  666. pakcik kayo berkata:

    ha…ha..ha…kalu betul duit asing boleh ditukarkan…..untung la aku wei…….setelah aku baca dgn teliti……yg bank negara maksudkan ialah pembelian secara sah melalui bank dan yg berlesen dan mengikut PERATURAN sedia ada spt termaktup dlm POLISI bank negara……bukannya cara beli spt org perseorangan ataupun seludup……jd sila baca pulak polisi BNM……apa syarat2 BNM dlm pertukaran wang asing ini…..HE HE HE……SELAMAT DUIT DLM AKAUN AKU……ha….ha…ha….

  667. Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

    hehehehe….nak kecoh2 apa lagi….. dah tentu2 dinar iraq yg anda semua simpan tu tak boleh ditukarkan….pada masa sekarang dan pada masa akan datang Baik diMalaysia mahu pun di Iraq.sebabnya aku kata bergitu…..CBI dah Sah2 Menyatakan tiada pertukaran Dinar iraq yang berada diluar dari iraq….hehehehehe dan lagi satu…CBI dah terang2 memberitahu bahawa duit Dinar Iraq yg berada diluar dari Iraq merupakan duit ” PALSU” dan CBI menjelaskan lagi tentang duit palsu itu merupakan Hard Currency (Duit Tunai / Cash Note) . hehehehe… nak gelak aku baca dalam fourm Ini …. ada orang yg boleh cakap selamat duit cash note aku….hehehehehe….nak selamat macam mananya…. kalau CBI dah beri penjelasan bahawa duit cash yg berada diluar dari iraq merupakan duit palsu!!!…
    “lama tul RV” tolong jawab soalan aku????!!!!hehehehe….

  668. azmin ahmad berkata:

    kepada semua investor-investor dinar iraq, kita telah dipermainkan oleh BNM dengan kenyataan yang dikeluarkan melalui berita bernama,dimana BNM mengumumkan Langkah meLiberalisasi Pasaran Kewangan dimana bank-bank berlesen boleh memperdagangkan semua matawang asing dengan matawang asing yang lain.

    hari ini saya telah pergi ke beberapa buah bank yang berlesen di sekitar wangsa maju & sekitar setapak untuk cuba menukarkan matawang IQD25,000 kepada matawang USD dengan niat untuk mendapat pertukaran semasa bank. tapi malangnya pegawai bank berkenaan menyatakan bahawa matawang iraq tidak termasuk dalam senarai yg diberikan oleh BNM.saya amat-amat berasa hairan dengan jawapan pegawai-pegawai bank dibeberapa buah bank yang telah saya lawati.dimana saya memberitahu pegawai tersebut didalam akbar bernama BNM tidak pun menyatakan sebarang pengecualian tentang pertukaran matawang asing,tetapi setibanya saya dibank,baru saya diberitahu berita ini. disamping itu juga saya sempat bertanyakan pada pegawai bank tersebut mengapa duit Iraq sahaja tidak diterima.jawapa yang saya dapat dari pegawai tersebut bahawa iraq sedang membuat process penukaran matawang baru dimana matawang yang baru tersebut diterima oleh bank dunia.bila bank dunia menerima matawang baru iraq,barulah matawang iraq yang baru tersebut boleh ditukarkan dibank-bank dimalaysia.

    • aku kaya berkata:

      alamak macam mana nak tukar cash note nie..klu dah ada petanda dari bank kata iraq tengah proses tukar note baru…note lama tak leh tukar ker..aduhai..nampak gayanya kena guna duit kat warka lah bila rv…hmmmm rugi2 cash note

      • Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

        memang aku dah agak dah….memang x boleh pun dinar iraq yg kau orang simpan x boleh ditukarkan pada masa ini dan pada masa akan datang.sebabnya duit yang kau orang beli tu merupakan bukan matawang yg diperakui oleh World bank.sekiranya world bank tidak memperakui duit dinar iraq yg berada sekarang ini.ini bererti iraq boleh membuat 1001 macam alasan untuk menafikan duitnya yg berada diluar dari iraq,dengan alasan yg terbaru CBI menyatakan duit Iraq yg berada diluar dari iraq merupakan duit Palsu.so siapakah diantara kau orang yg boleh menafikan kata2 CBI??mahu atau tidak,suka atau x suka kau orang kena terima bahawasanya duit yg berada dlm gengaman kau orang merupakan duit palsu.ini bukan aku yg cakap….tapi artikal surat kabar iraq sendiri mengesahkan CBI telah membuat kenyataan tersebut.apa yg selama ini yang aku sampaikan nasihat pada kau orang…..maka inilah hasilnya yg kau orang dapat.Bagi yg dah ada mempunyai akuan bank diiraq……TAHNIAH!!!! diucapkan dan bagi siapa yg tidak mempunyai akuan bank di iraq …..anda masih belum terlambat lagi…..bertindaklah dari sekarang. perlu diingatkan bahawasanya SCAMM No 2 yg paling terbesar sekali diabad ini adalah “PENIPUAN CASH NOTE DINAR IRAQ” yg diperkenalkan oleh DEALER2 Money Changer Dari Timur Tengah & juga Dari USA. selain daripada SCAMM terbesar no 1 iaitu “IScamm nternet Home Base Business”

      • cash note and warka JB berkata:

        fuuhhh…nasib baik aku sempat mskkan ‘iqd’ aku kat dlm akaun warka……selamat aku….

      • tiger berkata:

        ini bukan aku yg cakap….tapi artikal surat kabar iraq sendiri mengesahkan CBI telah membuat kenyataan tersebut.

        bro,link please…

  669. manlangat berkata:

    terima kasih pd abg abdullah..jar2404@yahoo.com krn mmbantu sy buka akaun warka..tip top yg dia ajarkan..free plak tue..br je dpt no akaun ptg td..esok nak tranfer duit..haha

    • abg Loh berkata:

      Huhu.. bertambah la sorg lagi bakal jutawan baru…. jangan lupa belanja kite makan mee udang ea.. Banyakan berdoa…

      • manlangat berkata:

        udang kara lagii..haha..kita belanja abg abdullah makan besar nnti..siap yee sang lagii..haha

  670. mentari berkata:


    Al-Muraabi: Iraqi currency is solid and can not be falsified

    • Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

      Muraabi merupakan salah seorang ahli parlimen parti perikatan.so sbg seorang ahli perikatan dia tidak tahu 100% berkenaan dengan forged. pepatah ada mengatakan kalau x ada angin masakan pokok akan bergoyang. kita telah disajikan banyak artikal2 berkenaan penangkapan penjenayah2 yg membuat pemalsuan dinar iraq oleh polis iraq didalam sebuah rumah yg penuh dengan duit palsu.kalau kau orang nak tahu ceritanya…hehehehe…silalah selak semula post aku yg lepas2.

  671. mentari berkata:

    Saleh added that “Iraq by virtue of conventions of international, especially the International Monetary Fund signed in 1945, Article VIII..bwh convention ni dinar iraq takde masalah:)


    SECTION 1. Introduction. -In addition to the obligations assumed under other articles of this Agreement, each member undertakes the obligations set out in this Article.

    SEC. 2. Avoidance of restrictions on current payments. –

    (a) Subject to the provisions of Article VII, Section 3 (b), and Article XIV, Section 2, no member shall, without the approval of the Fund, impose restrictions on the making of payments and transfers for current international transactions.

    (b) Exchange contracts which involve the currency of any member and which are contrary to the exchange control regulations of that member maintained or imposed consistently with this Agreement shall be unenforceable in the territories of any member. In addition, members may, by mutual accord, co-operate in measures for the purpose of making the exchange control regulations of either member more effective, provided that such measures and regulations are consistent with this Agreement.

    SEC. 3. Avoidance of discriminatory currency practices. -No member shall engage in, or permit any of its fiscal agencies referred to in Article V, Section 1, to engage in, any discriminatory currency arrangements or multiple currency practices except as authorized under this Agreement or approved by the Fund. If such arrangements and practices are engaged in at the date when this Agreement enters into force the member concerned shall consult with the Fund as to their progressive removal unless they are maintained or imposed under Article XIV, Section 2, in which case the provisions of Section 4 of that Article shall apply.

    SEC. 4. Convertibility of foreign held balances. -(a) Each member shall buy balances of its currency held by another member if the latter, in requesting the purchase, represents (i) that the balances to be bought have been recently acquired as a result of current transactions; or

    (ii) that their conversion is needed for making payments for current transactions. The buying member shall have the option to pay either in the currency of the member making the request or in gold.

    (b) The obligation in (a) above shall not apply

    (i) when the convertibility of the balances has been restricted consistently with Section 2 of this Article, or Article VI, Section 3; or

    (ii) when the balances have accumulated as a result of transactions effected before the removal by a member of restrictions maintained or imposed under Article XIV, Section 2; or

    (iii) when the balances have been acquired contrary to the exchange regulations of the member which is asked to buy them; or

    (iv) when the currency of the member requesting the purchase has been declared scarce under Article VII, Section 3 (a); or

    (v) when the member requested to make the purchase is for any reason not entitled to buy currencies of other members from the Fund for its own currency.

    SEC. 5. Furnishing of information. –

    (a) The Fund may require members to furnish it with such information as it deems necessary for its operations, including, as the minimum necessary for the effective discharge of the Fund’s duties, national data on the following matters:

    (i) Official holdings at home and abroad, of (1) gold, (2) foreign exchange.

    (ii) Holdings at home and abroad by banking and financial agencies, other than official agencies, of (1) gold, (2) foreign exchange.

    (iii) Production of gold.

    (iv) Gold exports and imports according to countries of destination and origin.

    (v) Total exports and imports of merchandise, in terms of local currency values, according to countries of destination and origin.

    (vi) International balance of payments, including (1) trade in goods and services, (2) gold transactions, (3) known capital transactions, and (4) other items.

    (vii) International investment position, i. e., investments within the territories of the member owned abroad and investments abroad owned by persons in its territories so far as it is possible to furnish this information.

    (viii) National income.

    (ix) Price indices, i. e., indices of commodity prices in wholesale and retail markets and of export and import prices.

    (x) Buying and selling rates for foreign currencies.

    (xi) Exchange controls, i. e., a comprehensive statement of exchange controls in effect at the time of assuming membership in the Fund and details of subsequent changes as they occur.

    (xii) Where official clearing arrangements exist, details of amounts awaiting clearance in respect of commercial and financial transactions, and of the length of time during which such arrears have been outstanding.

    (b) In requesting information the Fund shall take into consideration the varying ability of members to furnish the data requested. Members shall be under no obligation to furnish information in such detail that the affairs of individuals or corporations are disclosed. Members undertake, however, to furnish the desired information in as detailed and accurate a manner as is practicable, and, so far as possible, to avoid mere estimates.

    (c) The Fund may arrange to obtain further information by agreement with members. It shall act as a centre for the collection and exchange of information on monetary and financial problems, thus facilitating the preparation of studies designed to assist members in developing policies which further the purposes of the Fund.

    SEC. 6. Consultation between members regarding existing international agreements. – Where under this Agreement a member is authorized in the special or temporary circumstances specified in the Agreement to maintain or establish restrictions on exchange transactions, and there are other engagements between members entered into prior to this Agreement which conflict with the application of such restrictions, the parties to such engagements will consult with one another with a view to making such mutually acceptable adjustments as may be necessary. The provisions of this Article shall be without prejudice to the operation of Article VII, Section 5.

    • Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

      hehehehe…memanglah dinar iraq x masalah…. yang menjadikan dinar iraq itu bermasalah…..apabila dinar iraq itu dibawa keluar dari iraq.

      yg semua senarai kau bagi tu…semuanya berkaitan dengan dinar iraq yg berada didalam iraq…memanglah x masalah…hehehehehe…Cuba kau cari dalam senarai yg kau bagi panjang lebar tu…ada x cerita yg mengesahkan tentang dinar iraq yg berada diluar Iraq????? .kalau ada apa ceritanya???? senang cerita kau baca balik polisi bank iraq.

  672. mentari berkata:

    contoh negara yg belum menajdi member (Burma)..:)

    An International Monetary Fund (IMF) delegation concluded a visit to Naypyidaw on Wednesday but has not yet determined whether the Burmese government will accept currency conditions regarding changing its monetary exchange system.The mission came at the request of the Central Bank of Burma to discuss plans to unify the country’s multiple exchange rates as well as lifting restrictions on international payments and transfers. The hope was that Burma would accept the obligations of Article VIII of the IMF’s Articles of Agreement which deals with international payments and currency exchange rates.

    • Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

      senang cerita macam ini….cuba kau bawa keluar duit cash note burma dari sana kemudian kau tukarkan kat bank disini….boleh atau pun x. selagi World bank tidak mengiktiraf sesebuah matawang negara….maka matawang tersebut tidak sah diperdagangkan diplatform antarabangsa.senang cerita duit burma hanya sah digunakan didalam negara sahaja.

      kalau kau nak keluar dari burma…kau kena jualkan duit burma kau tersebut di moneychanger @ dibank didalam negara tersebut untuk ditukarkan dengan USD.dan tidak mustahil juga burma akan menukarkan duit cash notenya yg baru sekiranya burma ingin memasuki pasaran antarabangsa.bergitu juga dengan iraq.iraq sudah membuat keputusan untuk memasuki pasaran antarabangsa dengan sebab itu iraq sekarang ini sedang dalam proses menukarkan matawangnya yg sedia ada kepada matawang yang baru.dimana matawang barunya akan diterima oleh world bank.

      so apa akan terjadi pada matawang iraq yang sedia ada sekarang ini????? so sekarang ini CBI hanya akan menukarkan Cash Note lamanya kepada yg baru hanya cash note yg terdapat didalam iraq sahaja.itu sebabnya CBI telah menafikan dalam akhbar yg mana CBI x memberi penukaran duit yg berada diluar dari iraq untuk ditukarkan didalam negara.senang cerita duit yg dah keluar dari iraq tidak boleh dibawa masuk semula ke iraq.atau dalam bahasa kesatnya CBI cakap duit yg berada diluar dari iraq merupakan duit Palsu @ fiat @ moneylaundring dll….hehehehe….

      • antiwarka berkata:

        Fungsi World Bank bukan utk akui matawang mana2 negara :)) World bank hanya membantu dgn menyediakan dana dan memberi pinjaman kpd negara2 membangun dan negara2 miskin

      • tiger berkata:

        CBI cakap duit yg berada diluar dari iraq merupakan duit Palsu @ fiat @ moneylaundring dll….hehehehe….

        bro,bleh bg link atau pape prove utk statement ni?kalau main cakap je,sape pun boleh..

      • singa berkata:

        Tiger hang p kerja aje lah ..kat Silterra tuuuuu…jgn pikiq note iraq….nak hg baca kot atas tu ada linj nya…ha..ha…

      • Kancil berkata:

        Oiiiiii….antiwarka & tiger hang ni merupakan orang yg sama…tapi hang tu kenapa Bodoh sgt….IMF lah bodoh yg memberi bantuan dana pada sesebuah negara bukannya world bank.hang gi dok pi beli lagi cash note irak banyak-banyak…..so senang sikit aku lihat kau rugi manyak2 bodoh!!! kalau tak tahu dok diam je…

  673. mentari berkata:

    salah satu sebab kenapa pemegang kyat masih tidak boleh cash in
    walau ada yg pegang ratus ribu,malahan jutaan,walaupun matawangnya ada nilai tapi hanya sekadar dpt dilihat pd currency converter shj.apabila burma menjadi member dan menerima pakai artikel VIII maka tidak ada masalah baginya lagi (international payments dan currency exchanges rates),apatah lagi dgn negara Iraq yg telah lama menjadi ahli:)

    • Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

      yer!!! itu pun kalau burma x menukarkan cash notenya apabila dia memasuki market antarabangsa.dalam masalah iraq sekarang ini…. iraq memang nak menukarkan duit yg sedia ada sekarang ini kepada yg lagi baru….dan CBI akan mengiktiraf hanya duit yg terbaru sahaja yg akan di daftarkan dengan world bank sebagai matawang antarabangsa.so selepas dari itu bank2 antarabangsa hanya boleh membuat pertukaran dinar iraq yg baru sahaja….duit yg lama kena tukar sendiri diiraq.tapi masalahnya CBI dah bagi tahu …. ” TIADA PERTUKARAN AKAN DIBUAT PADA DUIT LAMANYA YG BERADA DILUAR DARI IRAQ “

  674. mentari berkata:

    Surat ini menunjukkan bahawa CBI monetary policy dan GOI masih tertakluk dibawah kuasa dan pemantauan IMF:)

    The following item is a Letter of Intent of the government of Iraq, which describes the policies that Iraq intends to implement in the context of its request for financial support from the IMF

    Iraq: Letter of Intent,Memorandum of Economic and Financial Policies, and Technical Memorandum of Understanding

    yang ditandatangani oleh Mr. Baqir S. Jabr Al-Zubaydi
    Minister of Finance of Iraq dan Dr. Sinan Al-Shabibi
    Governor, Central Bank of Iraq.

    panjang sgt,kita ambik intipati dia je:)..page 13,no 28

    Progress has been made in moving toward accepting the obligations of Article VIII,Sections 2(a), 3, and 4, of the IMF’s Articles of Agreement. We have worked with IMF staff
    to complete the review of exchange laws and regulations and are considering measures to remove the identified exchange restrictions on current international transactions. We remain
    committed to avoid imposing any restrictions on the making of payments and transfers for current international transactions or introducing any multiple currency practices.

    • Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

      Mentari…. cerita aku sekarang ini berkenaan hard cash @ currency paper @ cash note. CBI tidak mahu menerima pertukaran duit hard cash @ currency paper @ cash note diluar dari iraq. yang anda bagi tu cerita berkenaan dengan sekatan pertukaran antarabangsa.

      Yer!!! iraq akan mengikut setiap garis panduan world bank & Imf setelah iraq selesai menukarkan duit lamanya kepada duit baru. pada masa tersebut..hanya duit Baru sahaja yg iraq iktiraf sebagai matawang antarabangsa. itu sebabnya iraq mahu menukarkan matawangnya….sebab matawang barunya akan memenuhi spesifikasi yg dikehendaki oleh world bank & Imf. manakala duit lamanya hanya CBI sahaja yg boleh tentukan. kerana duit lama tersebut tiada kena mengena dengan World bank & Imf. itu sebab CBI menafikan dan tidak akan menukarkan duit lamanya yg berada diluar dari iraq dan CBI mengangap bahawa duit lamanya yg berada diluar dari iraq sebagai duit Palsu.

  675. nash berkata:

    tahniah bini najib bagi info, kalo rv pok cik kayo, kalo tak rv pok cik kayap…………..

    • zul kulim berkata:

      Salam all..

      Dgn bangganya…bahawa saya..berusaha,,,,berusaha dgn password login yg silap dari warka…setelah email berberapa kali…akhirnya…dpt jugak tengok amaunt IQD yg ada dlm warka…
      Terima Kasih sahabat saya Abdullah Muda yg kongsi ilmu…semoga jasa anda diberkati…amin…

  676. Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

    Lagi berita Penangkapan pemalsuan dinar iraq.

    Arrest of a number of the owners of printing presses in Baghdad on charges of fraud


    Februari 1, 2012

    The future of Iraq / specialWitnesses for the “future of Iraq,” The strength of economic security arrested on Monday afternoon, a number of the owners of printing presses in Sadoun Street in Baghdad on charges of printing paper currency, government documents, official letters private forged. The witnesses heard the elements of that force you talk about the existence of other names to the owners of presses required to arrest for the charge itself. According to press reports, to turn Iraq into a center for counterfeiting of currency in the region after the spread of gangs specialized in forging local and foreign currencies in various Iraqi cities, as quoted by the reports of Iraqi economists saying that there are foreign countries have old conflicts with Iraq contributing to the making or passing counterfeit currency into the country in order to sabotage the Iraqi economy. Reduced with the Deputy Governor of the Central Bank of d. The appearance of Mohammed Saleh in an interview earlier of its importance, describing the reports as exaggerated, denying the existence of significant fraud in Iraq, explaining that the counterfeiting operations in Iraq is very low. According to Saleh, said that fraud is divided into three sections, the first undertaken by persons individually, and the second is run by some traders, and the latter played by some intelligence States, the most serious types of fraud, asserting that what is currently in Iraq is a fraud-commercial use only.

  677. latfi berkata:

    saudara zul..sy berminat la..boleh kongsi kat email sy x..?

  678. zul kulim berkata:

    kpd yg berminat nak bukak akaun warka …free….aje
    blh email zulkiflighani@gmail.com
    call/sms 0195201731

  679. nash berkata:

    skim dinar iraq akan keluar kosmo, tungguuuuuuu……..

  680. Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

    Agency alerts public to Iraqi dinar scams
    Mark Schlachtenhaufen
    The Edmond Sun

    EDMOND — Oklahoma residents have been offered unsubstantiated claims for extraordinary returns on exchanges for Iraq’s currency, a state agency reports.

    Irving Faught, administrator of the Oklahoma Securities Commission, said residents in Oklahoma City and some suburbs are seeing an increase in solicitation for investment opportunities in dinars, Iraq’s currency.

    Solicitors might say that you need to buy dinars because the Iraqi government will revalue the currency and you will reap the rewards, according to various reports on the Internet where dozens of headlines concern when revaluation might happen. One headline claimed: Buy dinars at $999 per million.

    High pressure sales techniques are used when offering the investment, including stating this is a time-sensitive investment that requires immediate action, Faught said. The majority of these investments result in the Oklahoma investor’s complete loss of principal, he said.

    “These investment offerings require careful research,” Faught said. “If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is not true, nor will it be profitable to anyone but the promoter.”

    Potential investors should do business only with registered brokers and investment advisers, Faught said. Investors should report any suspicion of investment fraud to the Oklahoma Securities Commission.

    Glynda Chu, spokeswoman for the Edmond Police Department, said the department has not received any related reports.

    For more information, including how to check the registration of a broker-dealer, investment adviser or investment products visit the Oklahoma Security Commission’s website, securities.ok.gov. Visit the Invest Ed website, investedok.org, for unbiased investor protection tips.

    http://www.edmondsun…aqi-dinar-scams Hope this is in the right spot mods

  681. Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

    Alih Bahasa….

    Isyarat agensi awam untuk penipuan dinar Iraq
    Mark Schlachtenhaufen
    Yang Edmond Matahari

    Edmond – Oklahoma penduduk telah ditawarkan tuntutan tidak berasas untuk pulangan yang luar biasa di bursa mata wang, Iraq laporan agensi negeri.

    Irving Faught, pentadbir Suruhanjaya Sekuriti Oklahoma, berkata penduduk di Oklahoma City dan beberapa pinggir bandar melihat peningkatan dalam permintaan untuk peluang pelaburan dalam dinar, mata wang Iraq.

    Peguamcara mungkin berkata bahawa anda perlu membeli dinar kerana kerajaan Iraq akan menilai semula mata wang dan anda akan mengaut keuntungan, demikian menurut laporan pelbagai di Internet di mana berpuluh-puluh kebimbangan tajuk berita apabila penilaian semula mungkin berlaku. Salah satu tajuk utama yang dituntut: Beli dinar pada $ 999 per juta.

    Teknik jualan tekanan tinggi digunakan apabila menawarkan pelaburan, termasuk yang menyatakan ini adalah pelaburan masa sensitif yang memerlukan tindakan segera, berkata Faught. Kebanyakan keputusan pelaburan ini dalam kerugian pelabur Oklahoma prinsipal, katanya.

    “Peluang pelaburan yang ditawarkan ini memerlukan kajian yang terperinci,” kata Faught. “Jika ia kedengaran terlalu baik untuk menjadi benar, ia mungkin tidak benar, tidak akan menguntungkan kepada sesiapa tetapi promoter.”

    Pelabur berpotensi harus melakukan perniagaan hanya dengan broker berdaftar dan penasihat pelaburan, berkata Faught. Pelabur seharusnya melaporkan sebarang disyaki penipuan pelaburan kepada Suruhanjaya Sekuriti Oklahoma.

    Glynda Chu, Jurucakap Jabatan Polis Edmond, berkata jabatan itu belum menerima sebarang laporan berkaitan.

    Untuk maklumat lanjut, termasuk bagaimana untuk menyemak pendaftaran seorang broker, penasihat pelaburan atau produk pelaburan layari laman web Suruhanjaya Sekuriti Oklahoma, securities.ok.gov. Lawati laman web Invest Ed, investedok.org, bagi tips perlindungan pelabur tidak berat sebelah.
    http://www.edmondsun…aqi-dinar-scams Harapan ini adalah dalam arena tempat yang betul

  682. halim berkata:

    salam sapa2 leh tolng macam mana nak buat buka akaun bank iraq tq.halimtarmaji@gmail.com

  683. nash berkata:

    penipuan terhebat skim dinar iraq dalam sejarah manusia, semua ini telah di rancang hebat puak yahudi …….scam iraq dinar pasti meletup kat paper…betul tak bini najib? tolong komen?

    • Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

      Yer spt yg aku dah beri kenyataan yg lepas2 DINAR IRAQ sebenarnya bukannya SCAMM….tetapi benar yg aku Berkeras menyatakan Dinar Iraq in SCAMM adalah Pada CASH NOTE nya @ pada Duit Kertas yg Orang Ramai beli Diluar dari Negara Iraq Sendiri. ini telah terbukti apabila CBI menafikan Pembelian Balik bagi cash note dinar iraq diluar daripada iraq.bukan itu sahaja CBI juga menyatakan bahawa duitnya yg berada diluar dari iraq merupakan duit PALSU. benda inilah yg aku takutkan 2-3 tahun lepas dan aku jumpa blog ini lalu aku menyuruh kau orang membuka account bank diiraq.tetapi pada mulanya ramai yg gelakkan aku…serta menyindih aku….TETAPI sebaliknya sekarang ini Ramai dah mendengar nasihat aku dengan membuka account bank diiraq. dan seperti yg aku cakap kan dahulu….suatu hari nanti pasti kau orang yg membuka account bank diiraq akan berterimakasih kepada aku disebabkan aku telah menyelamatkan Investment kau orang semua

  684. Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

    MPs and experts: Replace the counterfeit currency Balsabh .. Phenomenon would hurt the country and crush the national currency

    5.2.2012 | (Voice of Iraq) – add comment –

    Baghdad (news) Report – Hussein Faleh has warned MPs and economists of the increasing phenomenon of entry of counterfeit currency and replace it with hard currency for the benefit of which is under international sanctions and suffering from Tdhorammeltha cash, because it will lead to an economic problem difficult to solve in the country and crush the currency national. and invites through their talk ( Agency Alkhbaria of news) to the need to set rules and laws and control the border crossings to reduce the deliberate draining hard currency from Iraq. A member of the Finance Committee MP for the coalition in Iraq Ibrahim al-Mutlaq: The phenomenon of entry of counterfeit currency by neighboring countries and replace them with hard currency will lead to economic disaster of difficult to avoid. said al-Mutlaq (the Agency news): The trends of the U.S. dollar in the non-specific, but just sold at auction the central bank without knowing the trend going here is to invest or to smuggling or import from outside the country, calling for setting the direction of exchange, whether within the country or abroad by the authorities concerned. and demanded: not to sell the U.S. dollar at the auction during the current period until the set rules, laws and disclosure of the methods pursued by some countries to combat the Iraqi economy and its currency. as stressed member of the Committee of Economy and Investment MP / National Alliance / Amer Al-Fayez the importance of taking legal action strict against those who are in the process introduction of counterfeit currency into the country for replacing hard currency as a phenomenon leading to the fold of the Iraqi economy and the deterioration of the national currency at home and abroad. said the winner (of the Agency news): The currency comes to Iraq as a result of weakness clearly located at border crossing points of Iraq that must be monitored to fight the owners of the souls of vulnerable workers, whether at border crossing points or trading in these currencies. He explained: that this phenomenon had already occurred within Iraq will impact heavily on Alaguetsadeh because it means the introduction of fake currency and replace it with hard currency, which will reduce the hard currency reserves in the country and a lot of circulation of counterfeit currency and thus will make the Iraqi dinar exchange rate down against the dollar. while denied by the Economic Committee MP for the coalition in Iraq Nahida Daini the existence of any phenomenon to enter the currency forged Iraqi replace foreign currencies during the current period, despite the existence of a process for the depletion of foreign exchange through import external as well as the high demand for purchase of the Central Bank. said Daini (the Agency news): The control Iraq’s borders with neighboring countries and the activation of a standardization and quality control are important factors to limit the entry of goods bad that led to the depletion of foreign currency exchange commodities poor of origin to the country. She added, should be clear study and planning of economic accurate for the development of economic sectors in order to dispense with import foreign goods and to strengthen the Iraqi economy and raising its standards. For his part, fear financial expert Ismail Abdul Hussein: the spread of the phenomenon of switching of counterfeit currency for hard currency within the the country because they cause a risk to the Iraqi economy and the national currency, noting that most of the countries of the world began to center used the invention of special equipment for counterfeiting, particularly the Iraqi to fight the Iraqi economy and crush its currency. According to Abdul-Hussein (of the Agency news): that neighboring countries like Syria and Iran is now suffering from the siege of economic and the deterioration of its currency, what made ​​them Iltjaon to Iraq to buy the dollar. He explained: that the Iraqi currency, which replace them in U.S. dollars that they were valid and not fraudulent, it is a positive thing for Iraq through the recovery of the Iraqi currency to the origin, while if the fake Iraqi banks is not ready to reveal these currencies have There is a danger to Iraq in general. called: the importance of there being complete by the readiness of Iraqi banks to detect counterfeit currency entering the country, in addition to control of the border crossings to prevent the entry of such currencies to Iraq

  685. Bini Najib (BN) berkata:


    Ahli Parlimen dan pakar: Gantikan Balsabh wang palsu .. Fenomena akan menjejaskan negara dan menghancurkan mata wang negara

    2012/05/02 | (Voice Iraq) – tambah komen –

    Baghdad (berita) Laporan – Hussein Faleh telah memberi amaran kepada Ahli Parlimen dan ahli ekonomi fenomena yang semakin meningkat kemasukan wang palsu dan menggantikannya dengan mata wang keras untuk manfaat yang berada di bawah sekatan antarabangsa dan penderitaan daripada tunai Tdhorammeltha, kerana ia akan membawa kepada ekonomi masalah yang sukar untuk diselesaikan di negara ini dan menghancurkan mata wang nasional. dan menjemput melalui ceramah mereka (Agensi Alkhbaria berita) kepada keperluan untuk menetapkan peraturan dan undang-undang dan mengawal lintasan sempadan untuk mengurangkan sengaja mata wang keras penyaliran dari Iraq. Seseorang anggota Jawatankuasa Kewangan Ahli Parlimen parti itu di Iraq, Ibrahim al-Mutlaq: Fenomena kemasukan wang palsu oleh negara-negara jiran dan menggantikan mereka dengan mata wang keras akan membawa bencana ekonomi sukar untuk mengelakkan. kata al-Mutlaq (Agensi berita): aliran dolar AS dalam tidak-spesifik, tetapi hanya dijual di lelongan bank pusat tanpa mengetahui trend akan di sini adalah untuk melabur atau penyeludupan atau import dari luar negara, menyeru untuk menetapkan arahan pertukaran, sama ada dalam negara atau di luar negara oleh pihak berkuasa yang berkenaan. dan menuntut: tidak menjual dolar Amerika Syarikat (AS) di lelongan dalam tempoh semasa sehingga peraturan yang telah ditetapkan, undang-undang dan pendedahan kaedah yang dikejar oleh sesetengah negara untuk memerangi ekonomi Iraq dan mata wangnya. sebagai ahli yang menegaskan Jawatankuasa Ekonomi dan Pelaburan MP / National Alliance / Amer Al-Fayez kepentingan mengambil tindakan undang-undang terhadap mereka yang berada dalam proses pengenalan wang palsu ke negara ini bagi menggantikan mata wang keras sebagai satu fenomena yang membawa kepada kali ganda ekonomi Iraq dan kemerosotan mata wang negara di dalam rumah dan di luar negara. kata pemenang (berita Agensi): mata wang datang ke Iraq sebagai hasil daripada kelemahan yang jelas terletak di sempadan mata merentasi Iraq yang perlu dipantau bagi melawan pemilik roh pekerja terdedah, sama ada di mata merentasi sempadan atau perdagangan dalam mata wang ini. Beliau menjelaskan bahawa fenomena ini telah berlaku dalam tempoh Iraq akan memberi kesan besar-besaran pada Alaguetsadeh kerana ia bermakna pengenalan mata wang palsu dan menggantikannya dengan mata wang yang keras, yang akan mengurangkan rizab mata wang keras di negara ini dan banyak pengedaran wang palsu dan itu akan membuat kadar pertukaran mata wang dinar Iraq turun berbanding dolar. manakala dinafikan oleh Jawatankuasa Ekonomi MP terhadap kerajaan gabungan di Iraq Nahida Daini kewujudan fenomena apa-apa untuk memasukkan mata wang palsu Iraq ganti mata wang asing dalam tempoh semasa, walaupun kewujudan proses untuk susutan pertukaran asing melalui import luar serta kerana permintaan yang tinggi bagi pembelian Bank Negara. berkata Daini (yang berita Agensi): sempadan The Iraq kawalan itu dengan negara-negara jiran dan pengaktifan standardisasi 1 dan kawalan kualiti faktor penting menghadkan yang kemasukan barang-barang buruk yang membawa kepada susutan yang komoditi pertukaran asing mata wang miskin asal kepada negara . Tambah beliau, sepatutnya kajian dan perancangan yang jelas tepat ekonomi untuk pembangunan sektor ekonomi untuk mengetepikan dengan barangan import asing dan mengukuhkan ekonomi Iraq dan meningkatkan taraf. Bagi beliau, takut kewangan pakar Ismail Abdul Hussein: penyebaran fenomena penukaran mata wang palsu untuk mata wang keras dalam negara ini kerana ia menyebabkan risiko kepada ekonomi Iraq dan mata wang negara, mencatatkan bahawa kebanyakan negara-negara dunia mula ke pusat menggunakan ciptaan peralatan khas untuk melancung, terutamanya Iraq untuk melawan ekonomi Iraq dan menghancurkan mata wangnya. Menurut Abdul-Hussein (berita Agensi): bahawa negara-negara jiran seperti Syria dan Iran kini mengalami pengepungan ekonomi dan kemerosotan mata wang, apa yang dibuat mereka Iltjaon ke Iraq untuk membeli dolar. Beliau menjelaskan: bahawa mata wang Iraq, yang menggantikan mereka dalam dolar AS bahawa mereka adalah sah dan tidak menipu, ia adalah satu perkara yang positif bagi Iraq melalui pemulihan mata wang Iraq asal, manakala jika bank palsu Iraq tidak bersedia untuk mendedahkan mata wang ini mempunyai Terdapat bahaya ke Iraq secara umum. dipanggil: kepentingan di sana menjadi lengkap oleh kesediaan bank Iraq untuk mengesan wang palsu yang memasuki negara ini, di samping mengawal lintasan sempadan untuk mencegah kemasukan mata wang itu ke Iraq

  686. Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

    kalau kau orang masih ingat lagi dulu (Tahun Lepas) aku ada menyatakan bahawa tidak mustahil iraq akan menutup sempadannya untuk menghalang duit yg berada diluar dari iraq masuk semula keiraq,yg dulu pada satu masa kau orang mempersendakan kata2 aku….dengan berkata:

    “iraq tidak mungkin berbuat begitu….”

    sekarang ini semua kenyataan aku telah diguna pakai oleh Iraq demi untuk membendung duit haramnya (Palsu @ Seludup) yg keluar dari iraq.dan tidak mustahil pada tahun lepas juga aku ada menyatakan bahawa duit cash note yg kau orang beli pasti tidak akan laku bila RV nanti….so…terpulanglah pada kau orang sama ada ingin mendengar nasihat aku mahupun tidak. tapi apa yg aku amat2 pasti…..bahawa diMalaysia pasti akan adanya “RAMAI” pelabur2 dinar iraq yg akan menjadi “KAMBING HITAM” diatas pembelian Duit Cash Note Dinar Iraq.

    • pakcik kayo berkata:

      ha..ha…ha….jd kambing tak teruk sgt….yang teruk.kalau yg……. .ini……. dah la jd kambing hitam….bwk pulak kambing naik basikal hitam…..pergi stesyen minyak nak isi minyak penuh basikal hitam ….lps tu nak tukar tangki minyak hitam…….pitam..pitam….ha..ha..ha….

      moral of story………..tanjung rambutan la jawabnye………ha…ha…ha….

  687. cash note and warka JB berkata:

    kat rumah lain sebuk ckap rv minggu ni…klu x pun, minggu dpn….klu x pun minggu dpn…kat cni senyap je…..hebat tamparan cash note iqd ni….kpd pemegang akaun…klu perasanla, ada satu colum servis yg dihiddenkan oleh warka bank..pendapat akulah…selagi colum ni blum ada..maka blum nak rv la jawabnya……ada pencerahan BN….

    • pakcik kayo berkata:

      mamang ada pun…..psl internal transfer……mungkin ada kebenarannya pd pendapat anda…..sbb colum tu untuk transfer kan duit ke akaun yg dikehendaki dr akaun disana….bermaksuk duit iraq blm boleh di international trader kan lg……atau mungkin ada alasan yg tersendiri yg boleh dijawab hanya oleh warka bank je…..lain2 hal …..no komen

    • Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

      hehehehe…. rumah lain tu…. rumah yg mana ???? hehehehe….adakah rumah si penjual Cash note???? kalau memang betul rumah penjual cash note…..X hairan aku…..memang rumah tu selalu sebut2 RV esoklah…RV minggu nielah… RV minggu depanlah….itu semua stratigi si penjual cash note untuk orang ramai menghabiskan stock duit dia….hehehehe….almaklumlah….si penjual cash note nie tak nak mengambil resiko menjadi KAMBING HITAM.hehehehehe…..

  688. nash berkata:

    tahniah bini najib bagi pencerahan cash note dinar, yang pelik masih ramai orang jual dinar iraq ni, makin hebat semenjak dua menjak ni….

  689. nash berkata:

    kamal ashnawi dah beli dinar iraq ke? kata ada RM 20 trillion……

  690. tumpang kaya berkata:

    En.zul kulim boleh tolong email kat saya camna cara buka akuan kat warka bank di kamal.rodin@gmail.com . terima kasih

  691. nash berkata:

    masalahnya kamal ashnawi tak boleh withdraw duit dia byk pulak syarat-syarat dia cakap, entah ye ke tidak duit tu wujud, betul tak bini najib?

  692. hahahahahaha berkata:

    ni mcm blog syok sendiri je….org yg sama je asyik komen….

    • Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

      yerlah…sebab orang yg lain semuanya beli Cash Note Iraq…so sekarang ini Cerita Pasal Duit Cash note palsu tengah hot ceritanya kat Iraq…sehingga CBI sendiri mengeluarkan kenyataan bahawa Cash Note dinar iraq diluar dari iraq tidak boleh diterima masuk semula ke iraq…so kalau kau rasa kau ada hujjah lain untuk menyangah tentang cash note dinar iraq….silakanlah menyanggah kenyataan aku ini…..aku hanya melayan pendapat2 orang yg ingin menyangah kenyataan aku berserta fakta.kalau tampa fakta…tak payah menyangah kenyataan aku.

  693. BiniAnwar berkata:

    Wahai Bininajib 1st lady……mu kata mu pernah wat kluar duit IQD 1 juta….dan masuk akaun kat bank Malaysia…blh buktikan bahawa kamu pernah wat kluar dari warka bank…cara mana…setahu aku…kalu nak wat kluar bukannya senang…atau mu kena transfer melalui PAYPAL dll dulu…tapi mu kata transfer terus…nampaknya kamu membohongi diri kamu dan kawan2 kamu…aku selagi tadak bukti aku x caya.Lagipun aku tgk akaun Warka Bank x safety & no security…sapa2 pun blh login akaun Warka Bank ..no security..Bagi aku aku tak caya warka Bank & Warka Bank pembohong saja….Bila RV…tahu2 aje ..duit x blh transfer…kecuali rakyat Iraq saja..ha..ha..masa tu baru juling mata di buatnya..kita tengok sapa yg bodoh…tapi kalau Najib X bodoh tapi diperbodohkan..ha..hheee…sila buktikan jika Bininajib benar dan x bodoh…….

    • Donald Drum berkata:

      Waaaaa…kalau betul ape yang binianuar kata…ketaq lutut aku…

    • Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

      wahai bini anwar…kalau hang x tahu menahu cara2 nak mengeluarkan duit dari account bank warka…janganlah hang nak bercerita…duit yg dikeluarkan dari account warka tiada kena mengena dengan account paypal….dan x payah transffer ke account paypal….mana hang belajar transffer duit dari bank warka masuk kedalam account paypal…cikgu yg mana yg mengajar anda duit yg di TTkan dari account warka masuk ke paypal????? duit yg dittkan dari account warka masuk terus kedalam account bank anda dimalaysia.masa yg diambil untuk masuk kedalam account bank dimalaysia kira2 7 hari berkerja.

      berkenaan dengan safety yg hang cakap….aku nak hang buktikan bahawa hang boleh masuk kedalam account bank warka aku….. kalau hang boleh login ke dalam account warka aku….aku akan transfferkan duit aku didalam account hang di malaysia sebanyak IQD 5 juta…..dengan rate semasa CBI pada masa sekarang ini…..

      aku nak lihat kepandaian kau….. dibawah ini aku bagi kau no account warka aku….”801239″ dan passwordnya kau cari sendiri aku nak lihat berapa handal kau boleh login kedalam account aku….

      tapi kalau kau gagal login kedalam account aku itu bermakna kau nie cakap x serupa bikin.

  694. nash berkata:

    wa… bini anwar bagi komen, tolong jawab bini najib, heehheeee

    • Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

      releks2…. budak hingusan nak test aku…. so aku dah buat offer kat dia IQD 5 Juta kalau dia boleh login dalam account aku.

  695. tumpang kaya berkata:

    Wahai BiniAnwar dan Bini Najib serta orang yang bijak pandai diluar sana saya tau, bahawa kau orang ni memang tau selok belok tentang perkara ni, boleh kata juga pakarlah dalam hal macam ni jadi apa salahnya tolong bagi maklumat dan komen-komen yang jelas dengan faktanya ,bolehlah kita orang kat luar dapat pendoman yang betul, xpalah sapa yang nak pilih buka akaun ke, simpan kes note ke ,dia orang ada pendapat sendiri, usahlah kita perlekeh mereka tu, berpegang dengan janji Allah, kalu ada rezeki walaucamna sekali pun apa berlaku, insayaalah sama samalah kita dapat merasainya amin

    • Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

      komen dah banyak aku bagi berserta artikal surat kabar…. kau baca balik dari mula blog ini sehingga akhir….baru kau tahu ceritanya.

  696. BinAnwar berkata:

    satu lagi ttg warka bank…warka bank ni terlalu rapuh dgn tahap safety & security…macam kayu di makan anai2…tengok kayu yg dimakan anai…cantik aje…tapi didalam hampas…itu yg terjadi kpd warka bank…jgn mudah terpedaya…saya x simpan cash note…saya tak percaya semua…zaman sekarang kebanyakannya semua nak senang dgn cara senang….tapi alih2 pembohong….

    • Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

      kalau kau boleh login dalam account warka aku…. aku offer kau IQD 5 juta dalam kadar rate semasa CBI sekarang ini ke dalam account bank kau dimalaysia…secara x langsung kau boleh lihat macam mana aku transsfer duit aku dari account warka bank ke dalam account bank kau dimalaysia.

      disini aku nak lihat betapa safetynya atau pun tidak warka bank ini….hehehehehe…… jangan main cakap aje x safety…kawan….buktikan pada aku sekiranya kau benar kata sedemikian.

      Client ID warka aku : 801239

      Password: kau cari sendiri….sebab kau cakap warka bank punya safety rapuhkan……aku nak lihat betapa hebatnya kau boleh dapat password aku.

      • Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

        Ok BinAnwar….. aku tak nak banyak cakap….kalau kau dah login dalam account aku…aku nak kau bagi tahu aku nama aku yg tercatat dalam account tersebut berserta berapa jumlah sen didalam IQD 6 juta aku tu… ok… dibawah ini aku bagi kau screen shoot account aku….untuk rujukan kau.

        selamat….. mengodam account aku….hehehehehe……

  697. Cash In Time berkata:

    bini najib, cuba bagi quote sikit tang statement mane dari berita / artikel yg ko bg tu, mengatakan cashnote kat luar ni tak laku?… setakat yg aku baca dan paham, tkde pun artikel yg ko bg tu ckp cash note kat luar ni tak laku.. rasanya aku paham bahasa inggeris kot la aku ni bodoh sgt..

  698. Cash In Time berkata:

    aku nak ko quote and ulas ‘statement’ dari berita/artikel yg mengatakan cash note ni tak laku.. tu je..
    baru cerah sikit mata ni..

    • Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

      hehehehe….aku pun malas nak mencari….dah terlalu banyak artikal yg aku beri….hehehehehe….bacalah / carilah slow2….hehehehehe…..

      • wakluuuuuuuuuuuuu berkata:

        bini najib ni pn lebih kurang je pusing2nya…dia bkn paham pn mksd yg tersirat tiap2 fakta yg dia kasi tu…main bedal je…hahahahahaha

  699. Cash In Time berkata:

    setakat tepek artikel, pastu komen berapi baik tak yah, ulas la info tu.. baru ilmiah sikit.. baru la nampak hujah ko ni berasas..

  700. Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

    hehehe….masalahnya kalau CBI dah menafikan duit yg berada diluar dari iraq tidak boleh ditukarkan didalam bank2 diiraq…..apakah maksudnya?????!!!!! cuba baca betul2 semua artikal news secara yg tersurat & tersiratlah…..janganlah hang hanya dok baca secara tersurat aje….yg tersirat kau tak buat x tahu aje….hehehehehe….banyakkan lagi pengetahuan dengan membaca yer!!!!

  701. nash berkata:

    udah..udah jangan gaduh-gaduh, harap bini najib bagi terjemahan dalam bahasa malaysia pasal cash note tak laku kat luar ni semula, boleh?

  702. tumpang kaya berkata:

    betul, saya setuju dengan nash,apamacam bini najib, tentu bolehkan

  703. Sejiwa Baru berkata:

    Sepatutnya hang pa haruslah faham bahasa Inggeris dan bahasa arab dalam komen forum, barulah sukses, tepat dan jitu dalam terjemahan Bahasa Melayu.

  704. Cash In Time berkata:

    bini najib mane berani nak ulas balik artikel yg dia tepek tu.. kalau berani ulas la statement mana yg hang ckp cash note ni tak laku..

    • Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

      buat apa aku nak ulas 2 kali….kalau kau nak tahu…kau rujuk balik artikal2 yg aku dah ulaskan dulu….hehehehe….kau baca artikal yg aku dah tepikkan dan kau buat sendiri kajian kau…… sebab dari kajian aku…cash note dinar iraq diluar dari iraq memang x selamat 100%…. dan kalau cash note dinar iraq diluar dari iraq selamat…..tak payah aku susah2 nak buat account bank diiraq….hehehehehe…..sebab selamat buka account kat iraqlah aku sanggup PUMP IQD 29 juta kedalam account bank aku di iraq…hehehehe…pelaburan aku bukan kecik anak punya…….itu sebab aku habis2san buat research….tentang warka bank.hehehehehe….

  705. Cash In Time berkata:

    29juta? bape kali kali ko wire tt dari malaysia ha? wakaka…

    • Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

      cuba kau lihat no account aku yg aku bagi kat atas…..kalau kau ada account kat warka bank….cuba kau bandingkan no account kau ngan no account aku…. kat situ kau dapat tahu aku orang yg keberapa yg buka account kat warka…..hehehehehe…..tapi kalau kau x ada account bank warka…. kau x perlu tahu….berapa kali aku transsfer duit kat sana….hehehehehe….

  706. Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

    selamat melihat yer!!!!…..hehehehehe…

  707. nash berkata:

    betul jugak cash in time 29 juta dinar, kalau rm berapa modal ye? bini najib tunjuk le bukti pakai wire tt, tempek kat sini , boleh?

    • Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

      apalah kau orang susah2 IQD 1 juta iraq kalau kau beli direct dari bank hanya lebih kurang USD 848 @ USD 850 aje….bergantung rate bank pada waktu itu…hehehehehe…. murah x aku beli dinar iraq direct dari bank….hehehehehe… x macam kau orang beli cash note…..IQD 1 juta harga RM:3300 @ 4000 ++….hehehehe…. kau orang x rasa tertipu ker sebab beli duit iraq dengan harga tinggi dari rate bank CBI…???? kat situ pun kau orang dah kena tipu….dan lebih teruk lagi bila CBI cakap banyak duit iraq palsu dijual diluar dari iraq!!!!!!… itu sebablah CBI mengangap duit iraq yg berada diluar dari iraq merupakan duit palsu !!!! dan oleh sebab itulah juga CBI menafikan duit yg berada diluar dari iraq tidak boleh ditukarkan didalam bank2 diiraq.ini disebabkan duit tersebut adalah duit palsu….hehehehehehe….. so pendek kata duit aku yg berada didalam account aku diiraq adalah duit tulin…..sebab aku beli direct dengan bank dalam bentuk electronic currency……hehehehe….

      by the way aku hanya melakukan 5 kali transffer duit dari malaysia ke iraq. perlu diingatkan maximum RM yg boleh ditt kan sehari dari malaysia ke mana2 negara sebanyak RM:25K sehari tampa ada sebarang charge tambahan.kalau lebih dari 25k so pihak bank akan menghubungi hq bank tersebut untuk dibuatkan pelepasan melebihi 25k dengan bayaran extera sebanyak RM:10 dikenakan. so IQD 29 juta aku tu dalam Ringgit Malaysia sebanyak lebih kurang USD: 24,+++ Bersamaan RM: 78,+++.++ …..hehehehehehe…..

  708. Cash In Time berkata:

    hoho, kaya2.. jgn photoshop dah le.. wakaka.. so dah bape kali ko wire tt ni? max bape rm sekali tt?

    • Budduhon berkata:

      memer kaya pon BN tu, bayangkan bila RV pada kadar $3.41 per dinar….
      biasenye skali tt tidak lebih RM5k, kalu lebih kene buat ‘surat declare’ utk kelulusan BNM…gtu lah setakat aku buat..huhu

    • Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

      kau baca comment aku diatas….aku dah jawab berapa kali aku TT.

  709. Cash In Time berkata:

    boleh pulak tepat 23 juta ngan 6 juta tu, mustahil… kalau tiap tahun ade dividen, mesti ade puluh ribu atau ratus kat dlm total angka tu…wakaka..

    • Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

      itu sebablah aku tt semula dividen yg aku dapat kedalam account bank aku di malaysia…..so aku tinggalkan….angka genap sahaja…..dan didalam account 6 juta aku tu adalah sedikit duit sennya….yg aku biarkan….hehehehe…… untuk di teka oleh binianwar…..hehehehe…

  710. Budduhon berkata:

    apa yg mustahilnya, 23juta dinar tu dlm akaun fix deposit dan yg 6juta tu dlm saving account.
    BN pernah bgtau dye sudah berjaya buat external transfer ke bank malaysia, tentu dye keluarkan yg odd figure tinggal round figure..small matter pe? huhu

    • Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

      tak payah kau jelaskan pada orang yg x ada account bank!!!!! sebab dia orang x faham….nak lihat account aku tu….itu sebablah aku cakap dulu…..orang melayu paling senang kena tipu dalam bab investment…. lebih2 lagi dalam investment international. so lepas ini apa yg cbi akan lakukan pada cash note yg diluar dari iraq!!!!! jangan cakap aku tak beri AMARAN risikonya beli cash note.

  711. Cash In Time berkata:

    hahaha.. ok bini najib.. ajar aku camne nak tt pulak ke malaysia.. biar sume org kat sini tahu camne nak transfer duit dari akaun warka ke akaun bank malaysia bila dah rv nanti..

  712. Cash In Time berkata:

    jgn kedekut lah…duit je byk tp kedekut..wakaka..

  713. Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

    dan jangan lupa…. aku ada banyak tip….untuk buat duit dari dinar iraq ini…..untung lagi banyak Oooooo…. duit pokok tak terusik sampai mati…… duit dividen sahaja kau buat belanja kat malaysia….x payah buat bisness susah2…. duit perbelanjaan bulanan RM:15K sebulan tiap2 bulan perbelanjaan 15k dengan bermodalkan IQD 3 juta aje…. itu pun 15K aku base pada rate IQD 1 = RM : 3 dengan kadar intress 3% bila dah RV. kalau aku base pada IQD1 = RM: 9, perbelanjaan kau orang sebulan RM:45K tiap2 bulan tampa berkerja…. tampa mengusik duit pokok kau orang. tapi yg aku kira nie hanya untuk pemegang account aje….hehehehehe…

    • Budduhon berkata:

      macam mana kite org malaysia nk joint ISX kt Iraq tu, buleh kongsi tak?

      • Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

        kau gi kat kedutaan iraq di malaysia kau minta dia cop pengesahan fotokopi NIRC / Passport berserta lesen memandu
        dan kau isilah borang ISX dari warka bank. itu sap2 sui aje…. tapi…. risiko kerugian tetap ada tau..!!!!! kalau syer dia turun…. kalau kau tak pam extra capital….. segala duit kau dalam ISX boleh habis.

      • Budduhon berkata:

        timer kasih BN atas maklumat dan nasihat kau tu….

  714. Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

    sorry 15k aku base dari IQD 2 juta bukan 3 juta…hehehehe

  715. Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

    VIDEO: The Iraqi Dinar Scam – Part One

    [video src="http://d3k2o0dtpg7ker.cloudfront.net/LMF4142009b.flv" /]

  716. Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

    VIDEO: The Iraqi Dinar Scam – Part Two

    [video src="http://d3k2o0dtpg7ker.cloudfront.net/LMF4152009b.flv" /]

    • Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

      apa macam….dengan penjelasan pakar investment dari video di atas…… ada siapa2 nak comment??????? hehehehehe…

  717. Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

    Iraqi Dinar scam hits Brunei

    After the newspaper ads featured in USA Today and other major US newspapers, the popular Iraqi Dinar scam has moved to another country. Just when you thought it was safe for the US based investors, with all the warnings recently published by major media sources, the scammers have found yet another country ripe for profit.

    10,000 Iraqi Dinars selling at B$ 110 was the title of a recent ad than ran in a Brunei newspaper. And people are jumping on it like crazy. Rumors are the sellers have run out of stock in less than one week.

    How could this be possible? Because they don’t know better. Ordinary people, people just like you and I read about this new investment in a newspaper they trust. The ad is claiming they’re sitting on a pot of gold, and the Iraqi Dinar is about to jump in value big time. They start dreaming about fast riches. They swipe out their wallet faster than the blink of an eye and hand their hard earned money to the scammers.

    The truth? The current exchange rate as of today is approximately 1 USD for 1.63 BND (Brunei Dollars).

    This means at the exchange rate set by the Central Bank of Iraq people could, in theory, get close to 100,000 Iraqi Dinars for the same BND 110. This is almost TEN times more the amount the scammers are selling it for. And people are jumping on it like crazy! Why? Because they don’t know better.

    When they wake up later on and try to sell the dinars back they’re in for a big surprise. They can’t. Nobody is buying Iraqi Dinars. There’s currently no way for them to recover at most 1/10 from their investment except if they are willing to travel to Iraq to cash it in.

    But first they have to wait and pray for the dinars to jump in value at least 10 times for them to merely recover their money back. By the way it looks now this sudden jump in value is not going to happen. Not today, not tomorrow, and neither in a month from now. It could happen in 3 years. Or 5 years. Or never.

    Sad truth is people who were sold in at these rates were scammed. They were profited for their lack of knowledge. And the sellers knew exactly what the exchange rate was. They knew exactly what’s the potential for this type of investment. And the only potential it has right now is for them, the scammers, to get rich from selling Iraqi Dinars.

    So, why did the people buy in? Because they didn’t knew better. But you do!

    Don’t fall prey for these scams! You deserve to be informed. Start reading! Make informed purchases, only if you think it’s worthwhile. I’m showing you both sides of the coin. Then you decide. Uncensored. Plain truth. Completely free.

    You are free to tell all your friends about Iraqi Dinar Exchange. Do it now! Help them become informed. Protect them from the scammers. After all, they’re YOUR friends!

  718. Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

    An Old Scam Made New Again: The Iraqi Dinar Scam

    The Iraq Dinar Scam

    Investors the world over have tried for decades to create an investment opportunity where there seemingly is none to be found. The Iraqi Dinar has suffered tremendous setbacks over the years…War, war and more war not helping the issue much at all. Now the old Iraq dinar scam has resurfaced, bringing with it the same old hope that the Iraqi Dinar may someday recover to the point where the investment will pay off, but in reality, the thing most likely to happen is that the Dinar will simply make your hard earned cash go poof into the exosphere. The best way to avoid this disaster is to simply ignore the pleas from websites and other arenas that swear up and down that the Iraqi Dinar is worth the cost.
    Iraq Dinar Scam: History

    The Iraqi Dinar has never had a very stable standing against the US Dollar, which, at its very best, stood at approximately 1 Dinar to every $3.00 US. This miracle of finances took place in 1990 and has not been seen since. The Dinar of that day was demonitized and reduced to the level of approximately 2-3,000 Dinar per US dollar. Legitimate Dinar dealers will not refer to the 1990 value as being current, as this standing has not been reached again since before the first war in Iraq. The crooked dealers however, refer to it all the time, hoping to confuse Americans into believing that the Dinar is coming back up to the previous level when in reality it is not. Unfortunately, the Dinar has instead decreased exponentially since then. The hope with the Iraq Dinar scam is that people will invest anyway while the Dinar is so cheap and if all goes well, become convinced that the Dinar will revalue and become worth much more than just something to wrap your used chewing gum in.
    Iraq Dinar Scam: Be Wary

    iraq dinar scamMany websites of late have been promoting the idea of trading in the Dinar by sending cash, money orders and checks to the owners of the sites in exchange for the appropriate amount of Dinar. The problem however, with the Iraqi Dinar, is that here in the United States there are simply no ways to exchange the Dinar once you have it. Our banks and other places of monetary exchange refuse to recognize the currency and will not exchange US dollars for it. Often, the only easy way to re-exchange it is in Iraq itself. This problem lends itself to extraordinary business deals for the Iraqi citizen who is exchanging the money as he can put any price on it that he chooses, but not such a great deal for the person who has invested in the Dinar hoping to get rich along the way. Thus a perfect target for the Iraq Dinar scam.

    Iraq Dinar Scam: Predictions

    Some people still assume that the Dinar will rebound once the government of Iraq gets back on its feet, after ridding itself of the tyranny of Saddam Hussein. Trouble with that theory is that evil typically gets replaced with evil so where Saddam used to trod someone else’s sandals will trip the light fantastic. There is very little possibility that the government of Iraq will magically turn around overnight and become a powerful and desired democracy with an economic impact in the world’s standings. And these Iraq Dinar scam s don’t help the economic turn around much either.

    Iraq Dinar Scam: Hope

    At the very least, Iraq will for many years to come, continue to be a struggling entity, trying to keep its nose above the water line, while at the same time also trying to convince the rest of the world that she has already arrived at their level. The scam itself just proves this to be true by assuming that the rest of the world has not yet figured out just exactly where Iraq is in its economic growth, which is actually par for the course as far as some investors are concerned. Somehow the hopeful spirit persists and some people, to this day, continue to assume that the Iraqi Dinar is a lucrative investment for the future. With the news of the US pulling out of Iraq, this will certainly continue to keep things in question and up in the air as to the future of this once great country. This also means that more scams will be popping up all over the place. Check out the merchant that you are considering buying Iraqi Dinar from by doing a background check and further research. By checking ahead of time you can avoid being taken in by the Iraq Dinar scam.

  719. major berkata:

    boleh BN ajar cm ne nk trnsfer ke a/c malaysia x..
    nie e-mail sy

  720. Cash In Time berkata:

    Berita yang kononnya cash note tak laku —>

    Commercial Bank: No truth to the replacement of forged Iraqi currency from abroad for hard currency
    29/01/2012 18:30:00
    Denied Commercial Bank of Iraq, replacing the forged Iraqi currency from outside Iraq for hard currency through bank branches,

    The General Manager of the bank and the agency and its board chairman, Hamdiya Mahmoud dry in a statement released today, and received “the Iraqi news agency, independent) a copy of it”, said, “cited some of the media about the bank’s branch of the Iraqi city of Najaf, replacing Iraqi currency forged from outside Iraq for hard currency through the branches of a bank is untrue and baseless, “asserting that” our banking systematic scientific manner consistent with international standards.

    The dry that “the Trade Bank of Iraq is an Iraqi bank to a government controlled by the Central Bank of Iraq Board of Supreme Audit and the auditor of an international major companies overseas accounts and therefore can never occur, such as how banking transactions suspicious,” emphasizing “the right of the bank to prosecute those who try to discredit the bank lies and slander.

    For his part, considered the Branch Manager Trade Bank of Iraq in the city of Najaf, Abdul Wahab Al Habib Hashim that “the reporting of such false news aimed at harming the body’s banking and cheap attempt to discredit the reputation of the Trade Bank of Iraq

    He pointed out that Hashem “the work of the branch in the city is going according to legal frameworks,” he said

    The number of media handled that both Iran and Syria made billions of counterfeit Iraqi dinars into Iraq and worked to replace the dollar with some Iraqi officials and then out to the two countries.


    Berita ni psl kabar angin/spekulasi konon2 nya…duit palsu yg di cetak diluar Iraq di tukar di cawangan bank2 Iraq bagi mendapatkan duit yg sah/ori.
    So berita ni…menyangkal berita/ kabar angin atau pun spekulasi itu.==> DENIED Commercial Bank of Iraq, replacing the forged Iraqi currency from outside Iraq for hard currency through bank branches,.
    Berita ini jugak menyebut, bank akan mengambil tindakan terhadap mereka2 yg menyebarkan berita palsu ini yg hanya bertujuan utk merosakkn nama baik Trade bank of Iraq (TBI) ~ sebuah bank kerajaan.
    Lagi dia ckp….cawangan2 bank TBI melakukan kerja mereka mengikut tatakerja, aturkerja atau pun garis perundangan sedia ada.
    Mata wang palsu yg dimaksudkan tu adalah mata wang palsu yg di cetak oleh Syria dan Iran yg kemudian nya digunakan bagi mendapatkan US Dolar, so berita ni bukan lah mengatakan yang cash note tu tak laku ye 😀

    • Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

      berita ini aku dah tempekkan dah lama….hehehehe meh sini kita baca dalam bahasa malaysia pula….hehehehe…dari artikal inilah yg aku cakap CBI menafikan untuk menukarkan duit palsu yg berada diluar iraq kedalam bank2 didalam iraq.ini bermaksud CBI tidak pernah menukarkan duit palsu dari luar dari iraq kepada duit asli. baca betul2 tajuk berita ini

      dan cbi juga telah mengeluarkan kenyataan bahawa duitnya yg berada diluar dari iraq merupakan duit palsu….hehehehe….

      dari berita ini boleh kita simpulkan bahawa BANK PERDAGANGAN telah menafikan bahawa bank2 didalam iraq ada membuat pertukaran duit palsu dengan duit yg sah didalam negara iraq.

      maksud berita ini duit iraq yg berada diluar dari iraq yg mana CBI telah mengangapkan sebagai duit palsu memang tidak boleh di dibawa masuk semula kedalam iraq untuk ditukarkan kedalam matawang lain.

      Bank Perdagangan: Tiada kebenaran untuk menggantikan mata wang Iraq palsu dari luar negara bagi mata wang keras

      dan melalui berita ini juga Bank Perdagangan telah menafikan bahawa bank dikota najaf telah membuat pertukaran duit palsu kepada duit yg sah yg berada didalam iraq. dan bank perdagangan menafikan tentang penukaran duit tersebut didalam negara iraq terutama bank2 yg berada didalam bandar NAJAF. so… itu sebablah aku cakap duit yg berada diluar dari iraq….tidak laku.hehehehe baca dan fahamkan berita ini.

      29/01/2012 18:30:00

      Bank Perdagangan dinafikan Iraq, menggantikan mata wang Iraq yang palsu di luar dari Iraq untuk mata wang keras melalui cawangan-cawangan bank,

      Itu Pengurus Besar bank itu dan agensi dan pengerusi lembaga yang, Hamdiya Mahmoud kering dalam satu kenyataan yang dikeluarkan hari ini, dan menerima “agensi berita Iraq, bebas) suatu salinan dokumen itu”, berkata, “memetik beberapa media tentang itu, bank cawangan kota Iraq Najaf, menggantikan mata wang Iraq yang palsu di luar dari Iraq untuk mata wang keras melalui cawangan bank tidak benar dan tidak berasas, “menegaskan bahawa” cara perbankan sistematik kami saintifik selaras dengan piawaian antarabangsa.

      Kering bahawa “Bank Perdagangan Iraq adalah sebuah bank Iraq kepada kerajaan yang dikawal oleh Bank Negara Iraq Lembaga Tertinggi Audit dan juruaudit sebuah syarikat antarabangsa utama akaun di luar negara dan oleh itu tidak boleh berlaku, seperti bagaimana transaksi perbankan yang mencurigakan, “menekankan” hak bank untuk mendakwa mereka yang cuba untuk menjatuhkan pembohongan bank dan fitnah.

      Bagi pihaknya, dianggap yang Pengurus Cawangan Perdagangan Bank Iraq di bandar Najaf, Abdul Wahab Al Habib Hashim bahawa “pelaporan berita palsu itu bertujuan merosakkan perbankan badan dan cubaan murah untuk mencemarkan nama reputasi Bank Perdagangan di Iraq

      Beliau menegaskan bahawa Hashem “kerja cawangan di bandar akan mengikut rangka kerja undang-undang,” katanya

      Bilangan media yang dikendalikan bahawa kedua-dua Iran dan Syria dibuat berbilion dinar palsu Iraq ke Iraq dan bekerja untuk menggantikan dolar dengan beberapa pegawai Iraq dan kemudian kepada kedua-dua negara.

    • Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

      kalau Syria & Iran tidak dapat menukarkan duit Iraq yg palsu untuk mendapatkan US Dollar di dalam iraq….mengapa tidaknya syria & iran menjualnya dipasaran antarabangsa untuk mendapatkan US dollar????? x susahkan syria & iran untuk mendapatkan US dollar sekiranya mereka menjualnya dipasaran antara bangsa????? memandangkan pemintaan yg tinggi terhadap matawang iraq diluar negara iraq.itu sebabnya CBI pernah memberitahu melalui media masa bahawa pemalsuan dinar iraq ini hampir 99% sama dengan yg asli.so sekiranya syria & iran menjual kepada individu & dealer2 Di US… kemudian duit tersebut dibeli pula oleh penjual2 dinar iraq dimalaysia…melalui dealer2 di US ….adakah potensi untuk anda membeli dinar iraq palsu ini tinggi????? yer!!!! memang tinggi peluang anda untuk anda membeli dinar iraq palsu.so sebab itulah CBI menyatakan duitnya yg berada diluar dari iraq merupakan duit Palsu.hehehehe….

  721. nash berkata:

    hehehe.. makin panas topik ni skg, sekejap kata cash tak laku , sekejap kata laku le pulak , mana satu betul ni, poning den, mano satu yang betul, cash in time tolong jawab sikit……

  722. cash note and warka JB berkata:

    hahaha…duit palsu aku banyak dah dijual…tgglkan ckit buat kenangan….masa aku jual tu xtau plk duit tu palsu….tp aku rasa yg beli pun xkan caya ianya palsu….maklumlah pemegang cash note tegar…nasib baik aku dah beli yg ori…mudah2an selamat….

  723. nash berkata:

    agak2nya bini najib (BN) ni orang Bank Negara kot,, banyak sangat tahu info pasal duit dinar iraq ni,he..he..he

    • Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

      hehehe…..tulah pasal….kalau orang malas nak mencari info… itulah ayat yg dia gunakan…ORANG BANK NEGARA lah… itulah…inilah…so lain kali belajar cari info yer!!!!!! hehehehehehe….

  724. zul kulim berkata:

    Kuwait mengesahkan hasratnya untuk menyelesaikan masalah tertunggak dengan Iraq, semasa beliau berharap keluar dari Bab VII Pertubuhan Bangsa-Bangsa Bersatu (PBB).

    Duta di Iraq Kuwait yang diinsuranskan, semalam, beliau mengumumkan kembali ke Baghdad dan secara langsung mengenai tugasnya selepas tujuh bulan pemergiannya, dan apabila beliau berkata bahawa kedatangannya adalah atas sebab-sebab pentadbiran, menunjukkan bahawa pulangan tidak terikat hubungan antara kedua-dua negara.

    Beliau berkata dengan seberapa segera sebagai Link yang diinsuranskan ke Baghdad dalam satu kenyataan khas (julat) semalam, “Keputusan untuk menyertai Sidang Kemuncak di Baghdad yang diambil oleh kerajaan Kuwait untuk masa yang lama dan telah memaklumkan Baghdad bahawa. ”

    Beliau diinsuranskan bahawa “Emir Kuwait memihak mengadakan sidang kemuncak Arab di Baghdad, dan akan berusaha untuk menjayakannya.”

    Duta di Iraq Kuwait yang diinsuranskan telah meninggalkan, di Julai 12, 2011, modal Baghdad dalam perjalanan ke negara itu selepas Perdana Menteri kompleks dan rumah Timbalan Perdana Menteri Ruz Nuri Shaways dan kedutaan Kuwait di Zon Hijau di tengah Baghdad untuk pengeboman tiga Katyusha roket.

    Dan kebangkitan pilihan raya Kuwait Islam baru-baru ini, berkata penginsurans tidak dipengaruhi oleh Iraq, dan “bahawa Parlimen Kuwait mencari untuk kepentingan bersama antara kedua-dua negara, dan kita menyokong penarikan balik Iraq dari Bab VII Pertubuhan Bangsa-Bangsa Bersatu (PBB), tetapi dengan mengambil manfaat untuk dilaksanakan “merujuk kepada resolusi Pertubuhan Bangsa-Bangsa Bersatu (PBB), dan menyuarakan keyakinan bahawa lawatan lawatan ke Kuwait, salah satu penyelesaian yang Perdana Menteri Nuri al-Maliki kepada beberapa isu tertunggak antara kedua-dua negara.

    Patut diberi perhatian bahawa PBB Setiausaha Agung, Ban Ki-moon menyeru ke atas Iraq, di November 16, 2011, untuk memenuhi obligasinya ke Kuwait, khususnya resolusi Majlis Keselamatan No. (833) pada persempadanan sempadan untuk keluar daripada peruntukan penalti Bab VII Piagam Pertubuhan Bangsa-Bangsa Bersatu (PBB), Majlis juga memutuskan Keselamatan Antarabangsa pada bulan Disember 2010, untuk menjaga imuniti kepada dana Iraq dan lanjutan deposit hasil minyak Iraq ke dalam Tabung Pembangunan Iraq Pertubuhan Bangsa-Bangsa Bersatu (PBB) pada akhir tahun 2011, yang merupakan kesinambungan dasar mengenakan sekatan terhadap Iraq di bawah Bab VII.

    • zul kulim berkata:

      Kuwaiti Ambassador: We support the withdrawal of Iraq from Chapter VII
      Posted: February 12, 2012 in Iraq: Chapter VII, Iraqi Dinar/Politics, Top Headlines
      Tags: Baghdad, Ban Ki-Moon, Chapter VII of the United Nations Charter, Iraq, kuwait, Kuwaiti, Nouri al-Maliki, United Nation

  725. Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

    Warnings of the emergence of the phenomenon of money laundering if the deleted zeros from the currency


    Voice of Iraq / agenciesWarned the economic analyst Abdul Latif Salem Ugaili emergence of the phenomenon of fraud and money laundering coinciding with the implementation of the project to delete three zeros from the Iraqi currency. Ugaili said that a lot of people in conflict with the law now waiting for the implementation of the project to delete three zeros from the Iraqi currency in order to carry out rigging for the new Iraqi currency and money laundering operations. He pointed to: that the rise in Iraqi dinar price depends on the strength of the economy and diversity of diversity through the annual state revenues and activate all sectors of the economy rather than a unilateral Rieia economy dependent on oil the first place.

    He added that the project to delete three zeros from the Iraqi currency does not lead to high Asardinar of Iraq and the national economy, but it just reduces the money supply in the market, noting that proper procedure by the central bank to facilitate the trading process and the provision of currencies with a few categories. He explained: that the project would cost the state large sums of money and expensive through the process of printing currency and instruct citizens on how to use and He advised Ugaili: monetary policy to work to raise the price of the Iraqi dinar exchangers through the restructuring of economic sectors and the diversity of its infrastructure in order to strengthen the national economy and then the currency.

    • zul kulim berkata:

      to BM trans
      Amaran kemunculan fenomena pengubahan wang haram jika sifar yang dipadam dari Suara mata wang 2012/02/11 Iraq / agenciesWarned Abdul Latif penganalisis ekonomi Salem kemunculan Ugaili fenomena haram penipuan dan wang yang bersamaan dengan pelaksanaan projekuntuk memadam tiga sifar daripada mata wang Iraq. Ugaili berkata bahawa banyak orang yang bercanggah dengan undang-undang kini menunggu pelaksanaan projek untuk memadam tiga sifar daripada mata wang Iraq untuk menjalankan penipuan untuk mata wang Iraq dan operasi pengubahan wang haram yang baru. Dia menunjuk ke arah: bahawa kenaikan harga dinar Iraq bergantung kepada kekuatan ekonomi dan kepelbagaian kepelbagaian melalui hasil negeri tahunan dan mengaktifkan semua sektor ekonomi dan bukan ekonomi Rieia unilateral yang bergantung kepada minyak tempat pertama. Beliau menambah bahawa projek untuk memadam tiga sifar daripada mata wang Iraq tidak membawa kepada Asardinar Iraq dan ekonomi negara yang tinggi, tetapi ia hanya mengurangkan bekalan wang dalam pasaran, mencatatkan bahawa prosedur yang betul oleh bank pusat untuk memudahkan proses perdagangan dan peruntukan mata wang dengan beberapa kategori. Beliau menjelaskan: bahawa projek itu akan menelan belanja jumlah wang yang besar wang negeri dan mahal melalui proses percetakan mata wang dan mengarahkan rakyat tentang bagaimana untuk menggunakan dan Beliau menasihatkan Ugaili: dasar monetari untuk bekerja untuk menaikkan harga penukar dinar Iraq melalui penyusunan semula sektor ekonomi dan kepelbagaian infrastruktur untuk mengukuhkan ekonomi negara dan kemudian mata wang.

  726. Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

    Dollar exchange rate due to precautionary measures to Bank

    13/02/2012 13/02/2012

    After rising earlier this week assured the Central

    BAGHDAD – Haidar al-Rubaie Filaih
    . Still rates the dollar experiencing rises slightly, despite the size of the assurances by the dominant Central Bank of Iraq and the same measures he had taken to reduce those gains, amounted to exchange rates of the dollar against the dinar more than 2255, a figure confirmed by many economists gravity continued increase, indicating the possibility of its effects on rates of inflation and rising prices across the country, and with assured central traders and those working in the local markets of the possibility of control of any height may occur to the price of the dollar having confounded federal considerably, said an economist that the effects of regional led to rises in the price of the currency exchange, noting that measures internationalism against both Syria and Iran may play a negative role in increasing the demand for the dollar in the domestic market, and then rising prices against the dinar, in the meantime has not seen the market rises in the prices of goods and materials, contrary to expectations, which indicated the possibility of gains in the overall market and sold as a result of the high dollar exchange rate.

    Were recorded (morning) to a balance in demand versus supply of goods and materials, and experts say that the psychological factor in the general population impact can lead to a reduction of consumption is not necessary in cases of high exchange rate or even decline.

    Deputy central bank governor said (morning) the existence of measures he said were necessary to reduce the use is necessary for the currency or in order to combat laundering or money laundering, adding that the part of those measures to ensure that participants in the auction currency to provide Central with detailed information on all their customers appeared Many of those customers who deal in dollars do not have accounts in these banks to participate in the auction currency, which is contrary to the instructions of the Central. said the appearance of Mohammed Saleh: What effect on the price of the sale and purchase of the dollar in the domestic market is the decline in sales volume of the central foreign exchange by demanding the banks involved in Mzhadath their customers with statements has been shown later that many of the Hola customers are just traders in the currency and do not have fixed assets of a bank, which caused lower sales volume as a result a number of banks withheld until completion of its actions on the central supply their customers with statements.

    Saleh said that the Iraqi economy strong and is progressing well in achieving greater development gains, however, confirmed the presence of machine media seriously trying to undermine the national economy and is working to destabilize its industrial, agricultural and trade across the bubble media continuously fired for that purpose, indicating possession of the central great ability to deter any imbalances that may be exposed to the local currency in favor of the dollar or other foreign currencies, saying the central Iraqi possession of federal reserves exceed 60 billion dollars could be used to support the dinar, which confirmed that he has a stronger safety belt of the foreign currency to maintain exchange rate. و1166
    The central bank has to raise the price of the Iraqi dinar against the dollar during its sessions for buying and selling foreign currencies at the rate of four dinars, to settle at 1166 dinars per dollar as the rate of exchange basis, after it was 1170 dinars per dollar, but that raising the dinar exchange rate did not cause a decline in dollar exchange rates only very slightly, due to the increase of foreign currency trading by traders Iraqis.

    The Iraqi central bank held five sessions weekly auction from Sunday to Thursday for the sale and purchase of foreign currency, and receive a cash commission on the sale of about 13 dinars per dollar, and receive a commission of 13 dinars per dollar on the sale of remittances outside the country.

    Suggest news is official that the increase in demand for the dollar came as a result of routine to finance some of the trades that have been affected by the imposition of international sanctions on the Syrian pound and Altoman Iranian and fall in the value Srvhma to their lowest levels since many years, and shows some of the wholesalers in the markets of nice that the financing of import and export operations to each from Syria and Iran is now done through the dollar after it was by offset in the local market to reach these countries have been equated in their own currency local, which confirmed that he is rejected by many companies and factories in these two countries and who are willing sales by dollar exclusively, causing increase the demand for that currency in the domestic market and thus increase their prices against the dinar.

    While dismissing the Deputy Governor of the Central Bank and the existence of effects of regional higher prices of the dollar, said an expert at the World Bank Majid picture the existence of such effects, saying that what was going through some neighboring countries, especially Syria and Iran after the devaluation of the dinar against the high exchange rate dollar, which is what he said about the picture: the risk that he should face a manner as to increase the rates of the dollar exchange rate and thus the impact on rates and inflation rates in Iraq.

    According to the picture during his speech for the (morning) and there is a demand for the dollar in Iraq, he said he was not a formal, in some cases as a result of conditions experienced by some neighboring countries and the United Nations resolutions that led to the devaluation of their currencies, which led to high demand for the dollar cause later high prices in the local market.

    Despite these increases in the price of the dollar, but the picture said that the central bank and through a package of measures is able to control those highs and minimize their impact on inflation, indicating that the action by a central recently in raising the price of the dinar, four points, and prevent the sale of the dollar, but After a series of precautionary measures can control the sale and purchase of the dollar in the whole of Iraq, pointing to the increasing popularity of auctions currency held by the Central after it fell last week, saying that demand has increased in the last sessions of the Central Peleg $ 70 million in sales volume daily and this demonstrates the The exchange rate will return to normal in the coming days.

  727. Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

    Central sales rise in hard currency gradually

    BAGHDAD – Al Sabah
    Said the Iraqi Central Bank, on Monday, he did not reduce the sales of hard currency, but the imposition of measures to protect the country’s economy deteriorated, as he emphasized that some speculators local used the measures the bank and create enough with him to reduce his sales started rising gradually. Deputy Governor of Bank of the appearance of Mohammed, told the Kurdish news agency (Rn), “The sales of the Iraqi Central Bank fell after the imposition of new measures for transactions of $ 200 million to less than $ 4 million last Thursday,” noting that “sales on the rise and reached about 68 million. He said the deputy governor of Bank of Iraq that” the analysis Bank of sizes from buying the difficult process leads to two reasons: first is the existence of a users tried to thwart the measures the Bank’s new and controls, and the other reason is the existence of a culture of fear among Iraqis. “He said” a lot of Iraqi traders have dealings many and they have fear, “noting that” the Bank discovered that some traders had no bank account, “and expressed surprise at” the existence of traders do not have a bank account.

  728. nash berkata:

    ok lah bini najib , aku percaya kat hang , tolong hantar info camner nak buka account warka bank, email aku , karan69@rocketmail.com, terima kasih banyak-banyak

  729. Syazreen berkata:

    mcm mana nak tau duit tu ori atau palsu?

    • Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

      1) Watermark
      2) Security Holograms
      3) security threads
      Yang paling terpenting ….

      4) inks

      Ok… no 1-3 mudah dipalsukan 100% inilah yg CBI memberitahu pemalsuan Cash Note dinar iraq 99% sama dengan yang asli….

      cuma no 4 yg amat2 susah hendak dipalsukan & tidak siapa pun boleh menentukan ketulinan Ink tersebut dengan cara pandangan mata kasar….. hanya melainkan Mesin pengimbas De La Rue sahaja yg boleh mengesan Cash Note Tersebut.

      itu sebabnya CBI membelanjakan Jutaan Dinar untuk membeli mesin tersebut,dan difahamkan CBI telah membeli 15 Unit mesin ini dan ditempatkan disemua cawangan bank kerajaan. manakala bank persendirian diwajibkan membeli untuk kegunaan bank Masing2.

  730. morejutaria berkata:

    salam,sapa2 blh tolong aku cara nak buka akaun warka bank, tlg email aku kuman@streamyx.com

  731. Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

    De La Rue The Banknote Lifecycle – from Design to Destruction

    Combined with the capabilities of the De La Rue Group – from high-security holograms to banknote authentication and cash handling systems – De La Rue Currency’s expertise extends across the complete banknote lifecycle:


    De La Rue Currency employs proprietary design software together with creativity and craftsmanship to design and originate banknotes that meet its customers needs:

    * aesthetically-pleasing and easily recognisable
    * highly secure against the threat of counterfeiting
    * sufficiently durable for life in circulation
    * machine-readable to facilitate processing


    De La Rue Currency uses the cylinder mould process to manufacture the highest quality banknote paper. Banknote paper is manufactured from cotton fibre which gives the paper its strength, durability and distinctive feel. Its inherent security comes from the cylinder mould process which forms a multi-tonal paper complete with integrated watermark and thread. The watermark and thread are the two principal security features in banknote paper:

    the cylinder mould watermark is such an effective security feature because it is simple and quick to inspect, is known and understood by the public around the world, and is difficult for the counterfeiter to replicate convincingly
    security threads are a versatile, simple and cost-effective means to carry public, machine-readable and covert security features


    Banknote printing requires a series of specialist printing processes to create the high security and intricate design of modern banknotes:


    Offset litho printing is used to print background tint and fine design detail. Its perfect front-to-back registration, rainbow printing, inks and features make the litho print extremely difficult to replicate.


    The intaglio process is unique to the high-security printer. It is used to print fine details in strong, rich colours and helps prevent soiling thereby increasing note life. Intaglio print enables two simple tests of banknote authenticity:

    * it creates a raised print on the note which is easily identifiable by touch and contributes to the distinctive feel of a banknote
    * it never dries completely, meaning some intaglio ink can be rubbed off a banknote


    A silkscreen press is used to apply certain optically-variable features and inks as it produces the best effects and textures.


    Optically-variable devices (OVDs), such as holograms, and foils are featuring more and more on banknotes as they are attractive and easy to recognise yet difficult to counterfeit. They are most effective when integrated into the design and print of a banknote.


    The letterpress process is used to apply serial numbers as well as some signatures and dates.
    Circulation and processing

    Once produced, the banknotes are issued into circulation by the central bank and used by the public as a method of payment. During circulation, banknotes are regularly processed by high-speed cash handling machines which:

    * count
    * inspect – to assess note fitness for reissue and to maintain an acceptable note quality
    * sort – for ATM or counter dispensing
    * authenticate – to identify counterfeit banknotes

    Withdrawal and destruction

    Banknotes are withdrawn from circulation and destroyed when they are too dirty or damaged for further use, or if they are identified as counterfeit. The average life of a banknote is two (2) years, though this varies across denominations: lower denomination notes are replaced more frequently than higher denominations.


    Hanya Sekadar Info…..

    2003 – Cetakan pertama Duit baru Iraq.

    2006 – Cetakan kedua Duit baru Iraq.

    2009 – Cetakan Ketiga Duit baru Iraq.

    2012 – Adakah cetakan keempat Duit baru dinar iraq merupakan duit yg telah dilupuskan 3 angka sifar?

    Kesimpulanya Iraq Mencetak duit Cash Notenya setiap 3 tahun Sekali. dan CBI telah Berjaya Menarik Keluar duit Cetakan tahun 2003 & 2006 dari dalam pasaran (circulation) dengan mengantikan Duit cetakan tahun 2009.

    Persoalannya bilakah CBI akan Menarik balik duit cetakan tahun 2009?
    adakah penarikan balik duit cetakan tahun 2009 akan digantikan dengan duit Baru dengan penambahan Bahasa kurdis dan dengan pembuangan 3 angka sifar. so sama2 kita lihat dalam tahun 2012.

    *** Patutlah Dalam Blog mat salleh kecoh dia orang sibuk tertanya2 sesiap ada membeli Cash Note Dinar Iraq Cetakan Tahun 2011 /2012 . hehehehehe…. rupa2nya CBI dah Tarik duit cetakan tahun 2003 , 2006 & 2009 dari dalam Circulation. hehehehehe…..

  732. Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

    Deputy Central Bank Governor: the new currency will be immune to technology developed after you delete the zeros

    Tuesday 02/14/2012 12:55

    Baghdad (news) .. Revealed the deputy governor of the Central Bank of the appearance of Mohammed Saleh and safety properties of a high-tech and sophisticated in the new Iraqi currency after you delete the zeros of the three of them.
    Saleh said (of the Agency news) on Tuesday: The Central Bank reached an advanced stage of preparation logistics task to the project to delete the zeros of the three currency and after obtaining approval from the federal government to implement it will be working on a larger scale because it is a draft strategic interest to the general public.
    He explained: that in the event of obtaining the approval of the implementation of the project will be the use of propaganda and the media companies to educate citizens and give them the exact details of the project to delete three zeros and answer them all the questions pertaining to that project.
    He pointed out: that the new currency will be a global specification and high-tech and very difficult to forge because it contains the properties of being a major security printers will print in recent international and specialized to print currency.
    He described the benefit of: currency as a commodity strategy and must contain the specifications of the global printing and multiple blades in order to protect national security, national and state economic being a supplier.

    ** so tidak syak lagi bila duit baru dikeluarkan….hanya duit baru tersebut laku dipasaran antarabangsa. so….memang confirm Iraq Akan RV dengan Cash Note Yang baru,jadi duit cash note yg lama…tidak laku untuk pertukaran international….bagi sesiap yg menyimpan cash note yg sedia ada sekarang ini…. bersedialah untuk menukarkan duit tersebut ke Iraq. itu pun kalau duit tu boleh masuk kedalam iraq….kalau x boleh masuk…alamat …masuk angin keluar asaplah jawabnya.hehehehehe

  733. mohd yasim berkata:


  734. mohd yasim berkata:

    Daftar wazzup family di sini sebelum pelancaran 9 april-percuma

  735. Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

    hahahahaq… aku rasa iraq akan popular bukan dengan hasil Minyaknya yg banyak sahaja….. tetapi hari ini iraq dikejutkan dengan hasil penemuan emas yg teramat banyak ditimur Baghdad. ini menjadikan iraq negara yg terkaya didunia ARAB.

    The discovery of huge quantities of gold in the area of luxury in Baghdad

    Date: Tue 02/14/2012 20:38

    Continue drilling operations in the area of luxury Aldajh populated eastern Baghdad after the discovery of the existence of huge amounts of gold atoms of metal in the soil …
    And continued exploration and drilling for more than two years in the region and under the street extending from Fudhaliyah until the end of al-Obeidi neighborhood, or so-called (Htit), a low water is used for the diversion of rain water in flood seasons.
    Was raised thousands of tons of dust, which set aside in order to purification and extraction of gold atoms.
    Says the citizen p. As. C, the drilling operations Taudnaha for more than thirty years of full and since I was young where it continues mechanisms digging the ground in alleys dilapidated and in the street Mayatal movement Almrurotada to the drowning of citizens and the injury beams health prompted families to remove the elderly from the area and transferred to the suburbs beyond, especially with asthma and shortness of breath, he said, we did not know the reasons that push to drill here or there but we were surprised during the past two years to begin drilling operations is a natural and extends for several meters deep in the earth except for drilling longitudinal spanning more than ten kilometers, and then to hear from people that topic related to the discovery of gold.

    And full of Iraq amounts frightening of oil exporting huge quantities of it to global markets and back with money do not prepare and countless While there are other minerals in smaller quantities, but the discovery of gold in the luxury and commercial quantities could turn Iraq into a producer of gold more than oil, and is expected to increase the prices of real estate in This modest neighborhood with the start of the influx of gold seekers

  736. nash berkata:

    emas le pulak citer terbaru kat iraq ni, macam-macam ada

  737. tumpang kaya berkata:

    huh . kalaulah betul tu,memang rezeki dari Allah,kalau Dia nak bagi x siapa boleh menghalang mungkin sebab negara iraq ni telah diceroboh dulu

  738. Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

    Berita Metro Hari Ini…..

    ‘Jutawan’ dinar Iraq

    17 Feb 2012

    Oleh Asmah Rusman dan Siti Nor Hidayatidayu Razali


    KUALA LUMPUR: Bermodalkan pelaburan awal sebanyak RM3,200 untuk

    memperoleh sejuta dinar Iraq iaitu mata wang baharu Iraq, pelabur

    mampu mendapat RM1 juta sebaik nilai mata wang itu dijangka diapungkan

    (RV) hujung tahun ini.

    Inilah trend terbaru penjual mata wang dinar Iraq bagi menarik pelabur

    membeli mata wang berkenaan yang dikatakan memberi keuntungan dalam

    sekelip mata.

    Wang berkenaan kini tiada nilai kerana baharu dicetak bagi

    menggantikan mata wang lama. Penjual mata wang itu turut mendakwa

    mereka memperoleh wang berkenaan dari Jordan yang dibawa masuk melalui

    Lapangan Terbang Antarabangsa Kuala Lumpur (KLIA) dan diluluskan pihak

    berkuasa Malaysia.

    Difahamkan, pelabur yang menyimpan, membeli atau menjual ketika RV

    diumumkan, nilai mata wang Dinar Iraq yang pada asalnya tidak bernilai

    akan bertukar menjadi mata wang utama dunia, sekali gus menjadikan

    pemiliknya bergelar jutawan segera.

    Menurut penjual dinar Iraq yang dikenali sebagai Norman, 23, pelabur

    tidak perlu bimbang atau takut membeli dan memiliki mata wang

    berkenaan kerana ia dijangka menjadi lebih bernilai daripada mata wang

    Kuwait yang kini menduduki tangga teratas sebagai mata wang paling

    mahal di dunia.

    Katanya, pelaburan itu disifatkan sama seperti pelaburan yang dibuat

    pemilik dinar Kuwait ketika negara itu berdepan dengan krisis ekonomi

    akibat ditakluk Iraq sekitar 1990-an.

    “Ketika itu mata wang Kuwait bukan saja jatuh merudum, malah ia

    menjadi tidak bernilai namun, sebaik saja negara itu bebas nilainya

    mendadak hingga tiga kali ganda daripada nilai asal.

    “Ini jelas membuktikan, mata wang dinar Iraq juga berpotensi untuk

    menjadi seperti dinar Kuwait yang boleh memberi keuntungan berlipat

    kali ganda,” katanya ketika ditemui di sini.

    Katanya, ada segelintir penjual yang turut mendakwa dinar Iraq juga

    dibeli Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM) sebagai persediaan menjelang RV

    akhir tahun ini.

    “Saya diberitahu sebuah bank di negara ini juga dilantik khas membeli

    dinar Iraq. “Disebabkan faktor ini, ramai rakyat negara ini semakin

    yakin untuk melabur sehingga ada segelintir sanggup melabur ratusan

    ribu ringgit,” katanya yang sudah menjual 10 juta dinar Iraq.

    Difahamkan, setakat ini, pemilik dan pembeli dinar Iraq bukan saja

    terdiri daripada suri rumah, peniaga kecil dan kakitangan kerajaan,

    malah ia turut menjadi rebutan golongan pelajar institut pengajian

    tinggi dan golongan VIP.

    Norman berkata, sebaik mengiklankan ke laman sosial facebook, ada

    pelanggan dari luar negara seperti Australia dan Singapura yang

    menghubunginya untuk membeli mata wang itu.

    hehehe… apa cakap bank negara?????? tunggulah comment bank negara pasal Cash Note Dinar Iraq.hehehehe

    • Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

      hehehe…. mamat yg bagi statment kat harian metro confident aje…siap cakap ” Tak Perlu Takut Membeli Matawang Iraq ” sebab dijangkakan matawang iraq akan menjadi lebih bernilai dari matawang KUWAIT ….hehehehe… yg mamat tu cakap memang betul!!!!! matawang iraq akan lebih kuat dari matawang Kuwait TAPI…. Cara yang dibuatnya itu aje x betul .hehehehe…. seperti yg telah aku cakapkan…. beli Duit cash note dinar iraq merupakan satu langkah yang kurang Bijak.ini disebabkan CBI akan Mengapungkan Dinarnya bukan dengan Cash Note Dinarnya yg sedia ada sekarang ini…..tapi CBI akan mengapungkan Cash Note dinarnya yg akan dikeluarkannya tak lama lagi,dan cash note yg baru tersebut akan mengikut spesifikasi global

      ” the new currency will be a global specification and high-tech and very difficult to forge because it contains the properties of being a major security printers will print in recent international and specialized to print currency.”

      So apa yg bakal terjadi pada Cash Note yg dibeli oleh orang ramai diseluruh dunia….tidak akan laku dimana2 negara kecuali di Iraq. hanya Iraq sahaja yg boleh menukarkan Cash Note Cetakan 2009 dengan cetakan 2012/13 (cetakan tahun 2003 & 2006 CBI telah berjaya menarik keluar dari circulation pada tahun 2010. tetapi malangnya CBI telah memberitahu bahawa tiada pertukaran akan dibuat pada cash notenya diluar dari Iraq.hehehehe….

      dan yg terakhir timbalan gaboner bank malaysia telah memberi penjelasan bahawa BNM tiada menyimpan @ membeli sebarang Matawang Iraq. dan BNM meminta Orang Ramai Menghubungi CBI & kedutaan Iraq tentang status pebelian dinar iraq diluar negara.so dibawah ini aku tempekan sekali lagi email dari kedutaan Iraq Di Washington, D.C.

      Dinar Investors,

      The following statement is a response from the Deputy Commercial Attache, Iraqi Embassy in Washington DC regarding my request for monetary policy information.. It would appear that if what this Republic of Iraq government representative is saying here is in fact true, a Dinar denominated commercial bank account is most likely the only legal vehicle, according to Iraqi law, with which anyone physically outside the Republic of Iraq may own the Iraqi Dinar. I suggest you scroll down, begin from the bottom and read up. Then draw your own conclusion

      Dear Sir,
      Thank you for contacting the Iraqi Commercial Attache in Washington DC. Reference to your inquire we would like to inform you that as of now it is illegal to sale Iraqi currency outside Iraq. You can visit Iraq central bank website (http://www.cbi.iq/arabic/index.html) to get more details about Monetary policy in Iraq.

      or more than four years THE AMIRAQ FUND managed by William Burbank has been the choice of hundreds of American investors who have seen the appreciation in the value Iraqi Dinar coming. It has proven to be safe, liquid, and a predictable way to participate in the rise in value of this country’s currency without the worry and uncertainty that goes with direct possession and delivery of the paper currency

      Amjad A. Rajeb
      Deputy Commercial Attache
      Iraqi Commercial Office
      Embassy of the Republic of Iraq

  739. Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

    Pada pemegang2 akuan bank warka, warka sekarang ini sedang melakukan process UPDATING pada semua akuan coustomer mereka. ini mungkin disebabkan faktor pembuangan 3 angka sifar yg sedang dijalankan. Wallahualam…. semua balance duit didalam account tidak kelihatan.apa2 pun sesiapa yg sudah membuat backup account…..sebelum ini..pastikan backup tersebut tidak hilang. so kita nantikan apa yg belaku didalam account selepas process UPDATING siap.sekiranya selepas process UPDATING siap dan duit didalam akuan masih mempunyai 3 angka sifar, ini bermakna duit didalam account tersebut tidak terkena dalam process pembuangan 3 angka sifar. hehehehehe… dan kalau duit dalam akuan tersebut berkurangan ini bermakna process pembuangan 3 angka sifar meliputi duit didalam akuan. hehehehe….so process UPDATING ini mungkin memakan masa…. seperti yg berlaku pada tahun2 lepas. yg tiada membuat backup….sendiri mahu ingat…hehehehehe….

  740. Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

    Ministry of Finance: Delete the zeros of the local currency enhances the value of Iraqi dinar in the International Monetary Fund

    Palm – The Ministry of Finance that the deletion of zeros from the local currency will liberate the Iraqi economy from the constraints and enhance the value of Iraqi dinar in the International Monetary Fund.

    The chancellor said the Ministry of Finance Zia Alckheon that the survival of the existing currency to its current state would not address the question of the economic gap experienced by the Iraqi dinar as it will increase the burden on the local economy.

    The International Monetary Fund expressed support for the Iraqi economy in the event of his a number of economic measures, including the privatization of banks and lifting the three zeroes from the currency and honoring debts.

  741. Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

    Central Bank called by private banks and the latter calls for new legislation

    Haider Ali Jawad – 16/02/2012

    The Iraqi Central Bank agreed to remove the restrictions impede the movement of “private banks” within the local market, announcing the lifting of uncertainty about some articles of the law of Iraqi banks in 2004.
    The Association emphasized the private banks reached the committee of the Central Bank and the Securities and private banks, some of the paragraphs to clarify ambiguities in the law in question, called for the creation of legislation governing the work of “Islamic banks”.

    While drawn to the government’s intention to open branches for the conduct of Islamic banking, pointed to the issuance of “electronic instruments” within 24 hours, confirmed and placed a number of “automated teller machines” in some public places.

    The number of civil Iraqi banks, has asked to amend “the law of Iraqi banks,” the uncertainty of some of its articles, as well as the circumstances raised by the article, especially the twenty-eighth of it.

    The experts confirmed the lack of law to include decisions related to the work of development and investment banks as well as Islamic, cautioned that the private banks will not prosper, but in light of private sector economic active.

    In an interview with “the world”, said Vice Governor of Central Bank of Iraq appearance of Dr. Mohammed Saleh on Wednesday, that “there was ambiguity in the interpretation of Article 28 of the Banking Act, Now can these banks enjoy the right to buy bonds to finance industrial and agricultural projects and financial, within the share of their investments amounting to 20 per cent of the capital, on the grounds that these banks’ capital will be huge next year, 250 billion dinars. ”

    Saleh added that “the Banking Act applies to all banks without discrimination, regardless of whether they are civil or government, although private banks have a number of particularities and complexities in their work,” pointing out that the law “does not prevent the counterparts of government to cooperate with it and the practice of partnership with , subject to compliance with regulations, decisions and laws on this matter. ”

    And criticizes specialists Law of Iraqi banks, enacted in 2004 by authority of the civil governor Paul Bremer because it contains many of the shortages, while interested in the Iraqi Central Bank to maintain price stability, and the implementation of monetary policy, including exchange rate policies, and management of reserves of foreign currency, and issuing and managing currency, in addition to the organization of the banking sector.

    For his part, Abdul Aziz al-Hassoun director of the Association of private banks, in his interview with “the world”, said yesterday that “Article 28 of the Banking Act was the need to interpret in line with the activities that are entitled to private banks exercised,” explaining that “the legal provision regarding the identification of activities prohibited on the banks engage in them, which included also a number of areas of investment which is at the heart of its work, such as buying shares in certain companies, or the establishment of insurance companies, and so on of other activities. ”

    And the goldfinch that “the banks much capital, and want to work, and insurance closer profession of banking, and this habit of all banks in most countries of the world, as it is the first area for her,” adding that “which confused our decision was issued by the Central Bank two years ago, serving get rid of all those activities, and that means damage to the local market. ”

    He Goldfinch that “this is why we have to form a committee of the Securities Commission and the Central Bank of Iraq and the private banks, which submitted a proposal to amend the interpretation of that article, which has responded with the Central Bank, which launched banks now freedom operate better.”

    Article 28 of the Banking Act it is not permissible for any bank from the private sector to exercise or participate as an agent, partner, or owner of the trade, wholesale or single or manufacturing processes, transfer, agriculture or fisheries, or mining or building or re-insurance, or any activity or work other than authorized. The Director of the Association of private banks, said that “the said Act did not address the Islamic banks, there is no text organizes its work, given that their activities are different from conventional banks are not commercial but investment is different from private banks, which requires the need to find their own legislation,” pointing that “now numbering in Iraq has reached 10 banks, and no intention by the Iraqi government to open branches or departments within the banks shall carry on Islamic banking, but that need legislation.”

    The goldfinch that “private banks today has been enhanced entities Finance and is now working according to modern international standards, and are associated with each network works in different provinces, so that if the deposited funds in the province of what, you can withdraw from the province of other smoothly, and her work is evolving day by last, “noting that it was able to issue electronic instruments within 24 hours after it was issued in 7 days, through what is known as electronic clearing, so bank related to another and converts the amount to be handed over to him.”

    The Goldfinch “The banks seeking to develop the mechanics of banking, including the development of machines for the ATM in a very limited number of public places such as some airports, hotels, restaurants, and can spread more, but the current situation does not allow for security reasons and cultural concerning the conduct of some individuals.” In turn, the financial expert Majid picture, in an interview with “the world”, said yesterday that “the Banking Act lacks the specific paragraphs, include the work of banks, investment and development as well as Islamic, which is not addressed only to the work of commercial banks.”

    He called the picture “The government has given the private banks and government one level, considering that any action distinction in handling them is rejected absolutely,” noting that “private banks affected by the level of private economic activity, so that if it were the work of the private sector is growing, to the work of these banks are growing as well, As the first activity is weak, this will reflect negatively on the performance of private banks, hence the claim should be treated equally by the government with the government banks. “

  742. Pyan berkata:

    apsal aku tak leh masuk akaun aku skrg ni? try login dia kuar ni —> ‘This User Alread Logged On’

  743. Pyan berkata:

    bini najib.. apa maksud buat backup?

  744. nash berkata:

    hari ini 17hb harian metro ada keluar citer dinar iraq, nak buek camnor, baco jolah……

  745. Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

    Kepada Semua Pemegang akuan Warka Bank, akuan bank sudah kembali seperti sediakala…. dan amount dalam account masih seperti biasa.hehehehe….dibawah ini kenyataan dari ” Deputy Managing Director Senior Executive ” berkenaan Peristiwa semalam.

    “Dear Sir,

    The are currently updating the core banking system where the update will be completed shortly and all the account details and balances will be restored accordingly… I have advised the e-banking department to post a notice to well update our clients… Best regards. Mohammad K. Issa”

    Mohammad K. Issa
    Deputy Managing Director
    Senior Executive
    Warka Bank for Investment and Finance

  746. Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

    Sambungan cerita dari Harian Metro……hehehehe….

    Comment Dari BNM (Bank Negara Malaysia)

    Jangan Mudah Tertipu !!!!!!! (hehehehehehe….)

    Kuala Lumpur : “Jangan Mudah Tertipu dan mudah terperdaya dengan teori KARUT yang hanya mengundang padah kepada SI pelabur,”

    Beliau berkata demikian ketika diminta mengulas kegairahan orang ramai membeli dan menjual “DINAR IRAQ” sejak akhir-akhir ini berikutan khabar angin yang menyatakan ia mampu memberi keuntungan berlipat kali ganda.

    Abu Hassan Alshari berkata “Proses jual beli bon hanya dilakukan pihak kerajaan yang terbabit bukannya melalui “INDIVIDU atau AGENSI tertentu seperti yang dilakukan penjual dinar iraq dinegara ini”.

    “Setuasi ini tidak ujud kerana penjualan BON membabitkan nilai pelaburan yang besar bagi negara yang mahu menjana ekonomi terletak dibawah bidang kuasa kerajaan itu sendiri kerana ia membabitkan proses tertentu dan rumit”.katanya.

    Katanya, mereka yang mahu melabur sepatutnya tidak terburu-buru membeli matawang berkenaan sebaliknya perlu membuat Pemeriksaan dan kesahihannya dengan “KERAJAAN IRAQ atau PEJABAT KEDUTAAN NEGARA ITU”

    Menurutnya, kegairahan mereka itu juga dikhuatiri akan memberi peluang kepada penjual untuk “MEMALSUKAN MATAWANG ITU” berikutan ia terlalu mudah diperolehi dan di cetak.

    “Teori yang membabitkan ekonomi sukar diramal.tindakan penjual yang menyamakan keadaan ekonomi Iraq dan Kuwait adalah seperti menjerut leher sendiri kerana ia tidak tepat dan belum dapat dipastikan kebenaranya,” katanya ketika dihubungi Harian Metro.

    • Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

      Mmmmmmm…… kata2 penolong gabenor memang ada benarnya berkenaan “Pemalsuan Dinar Iraq” Diluar dari iraq. ini telah disahkan oleh Central Bank Of Iraq (CBI) sendiri,bahawa Iran dan syira telah mencetak Dinar Iraq dengan banyak dan menjualnya semula untuk mendapat tukaran DOLLAR. dan CBI sendiri telah memberitahu bahawa Dinar iraq yang berada diluar dari iraq tidak boleh dibawa masuk semula kedalam negara iraq untuk ditukarkan kedalam matawang iraq dalam bentuk matawang iraq yang Asli. dibawah ini aku tempekkan sekali lagi Artical yg meng support penolong Gabenor Bank Malaysia.

      Commercial Bank: No truth to the replacement of forged Iraqi currency from abroad for hard currency

      29/01/2012 18:30:00

      Denied Commercial Bank of Iraq, replacing the forged Iraqi currency from outside Iraq for hard currency through bank branches,

      The General Manager of the bank and the agency and its board chairman, Hamdiya Mahmoud dry in a statement released today, and received “the Iraqi news agency, independent) a copy of it”, said, “cited some of the media about the bank’s branch of the Iraqi city of Najaf, replacing Iraqi currency forged from outside Iraq for hard currency through the branches of a bank is untrue and baseless, “asserting that” our banking systematic scientific manner consistent with international standards.

      The dry that “the Trade Bank of Iraq is an Iraqi bank to a government controlled by the Central Bank of Iraq Board of Supreme Audit and the auditor of an international major companies overseas accounts and therefore can never occur, such as how banking transactions suspicious,” emphasizing “the right of the bank to prosecute those who try to discredit the bank lies and slander.

      For his part, considered the Branch Manager Trade Bank of Iraq in the city of Najaf, Abdul Wahab Al Habib Hashim that “the reporting of such false news aimed at harming the body’s banking and cheap attempt to discredit the reputation of the Trade Bank of Iraq

      He pointed out that Hashem “the work of the branch in the city is going according to legal frameworks,” he said

      The number of media handled that both Iran and Syria made billions of counterfeit Iraqi dinars into Iraq and worked to replace the dollar with some Iraqi officials and then out to the two countries.

      • Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

        MPs and experts: Replace the counterfeit currency Balsabh .. Phenomenon would hurt the country and crush the national currency

        5.2.2012 | (Voice of Iraq) – add comment –

        Baghdad (news) Report – Hussein Faleh has warned MPs and economists of the increasing phenomenon of entry of counterfeit currency and replace it with hard currency for the benefit of which is under international sanctions and suffering from Tdhorammeltha cash, because it will lead to an economic problem difficult to solve in the country and crush the currency national. and invites through their talk ( Agency Alkhbaria of news) to the need to set rules and laws and control the border crossings to reduce the deliberate draining hard currency from Iraq. A member of the Finance Committee MP for the coalition in Iraq Ibrahim al-Mutlaq: The phenomenon of entry of counterfeit currency by neighboring countries and replace them with hard currency will lead to economic disaster of difficult to avoid. said al-Mutlaq (the Agency news): The trends of the U.S. dollar in the non-specific, but just sold at auction the central bank without knowing the trend going here is to invest or to smuggling or import from outside the country, calling for setting the direction of exchange, whether within the country or abroad by the authorities concerned. and demanded: not to sell the U.S. dollar at the auction during the current period until the set rules, laws and disclosure of the methods pursued by some countries to combat the Iraqi economy and its currency. as stressed member of the Committee of Economy and Investment MP / National Alliance / Amer Al-Fayez the importance of taking legal action strict against those who are in the process introduction of counterfeit currency into the country for replacing hard currency as a phenomenon leading to the fold of the Iraqi economy and the deterioration of the national currency at home and abroad. said the winner (of the Agency news): The currency comes to Iraq as a result of weakness clearly located at border crossing points of Iraq that must be monitored to fight the owners of the souls of vulnerable workers, whether at border crossing points or trading in these currencies. He explained: that this phenomenon had already occurred within Iraq will impact heavily on Alaguetsadeh because it means the introduction of fake currency and replace it with hard currency, which will reduce the hard currency reserves in the country and a lot of circulation of counterfeit currency and thus will make the Iraqi dinar exchange rate down against the dollar. while denied by the Economic Committee MP for the coalition in Iraq Nahida Daini the existence of any phenomenon to enter the currency forged Iraqi replace foreign currencies during the current period, despite the existence of a process for the depletion of foreign exchange through import external as well as the high demand for purchase of the Central Bank. said Daini (the Agency news): The control Iraq’s borders with neighboring countries and the activation of a standardization and quality control are important factors to limit the entry of goods bad that led to the depletion of foreign currency exchange commodities poor of origin to the country. She added, should be clear study and planning of economic accurate for the development of economic sectors in order to dispense with import foreign goods and to strengthen the Iraqi economy and raising its standards. For his part, fear financial expert Ismail Abdul Hussein: the spread of the phenomenon of switching of counterfeit currency for hard currency within the the country because they cause a risk to the Iraqi economy and the national currency, noting that most of the countries of the world began to center used the invention of special equipment for counterfeiting, particularly the Iraqi to fight the Iraqi economy and crush its currency. According to Abdul-Hussein (of the Agency news): that neighboring countries like Syria and Iran is now suffering from the siege of economic and the deterioration of its currency, what made ​​them Iltjaon to Iraq to buy the dollar. He explained: that the Iraqi currency, which replace them in U.S. dollars that they were valid and not fraudulent, it is a positive thing for Iraq through the recovery of the Iraqi currency to the origin, while if the fake Iraqi banks is not ready to reveal these currencies have There is a danger to Iraq in general. called: the importance of there being complete by the readiness of Iraqi banks to detect counterfeit currency entering the country, in addition to control of the border crossings to prevent the entry of such currencies to Iraq

  747. Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

    Arrest of a number of the owners of printing presses in Baghdad on charges of fraud


    Februari 1, 2012

    The future of Iraq / specialWitnesses for the “future of Iraq,” The strength of economic security arrested on Monday afternoon, a number of the owners of printing presses in Sadoun Street in Baghdad on charges of printing paper currency, government documents, official letters private forged. The witnesses heard the elements of that force you talk about the existence of other names to the owners of presses required to arrest for the charge itself. According to press reports, to turn Iraq into a center for counterfeiting of currency in the region after the spread of gangs specialized in forging local and foreign currencies in various Iraqi cities, as quoted by the reports of Iraqi economists saying that there are foreign countries have old conflicts with Iraq contributing to the making or passing counterfeit currency into the country in order to sabotage the Iraqi economy. Reduced with the Deputy Governor of the Central Bank of d. The appearance of Mohammed Saleh in an interview earlier of its importance, describing the reports as exaggerated, denying the existence of significant fraud in Iraq, explaining that the counterfeiting operations in Iraq is very low. According to Saleh, said that fraud is divided into three sections, the first undertaken by persons individually, and the second is run by some traders, and the latter played by some intelligence States, the most serious types of fraud, asserting that what is currently in Iraq is a fraud-commercial use only.

    Berkenaan dengan kenyataan Penolong Gabenor bank negara malaysia berkenaan dengan pertanyaan kepada Kerajaan Iraq atau kedutaan iraq berkenaan investment dinar iraq ini diluar dari iraq,dibawah ini satu surat daripada kedutaan iraq di Washinton DC berkenaan dinar iraq diluar dari iraq untuk tatapan mata anda semua. surat ini telah dikeluarkan dua tahun lepas.

    Dinar Investors,

    The following statement is a response from the Deputy Commercial Attache, Iraqi Embassy in Washington DC regarding my request for monetary policy information.. It would appear that if what this Republic of Iraq government representative is saying here is in fact true, a Dinar denominated commercial bank account is most likely the only legal vehicle, according to Iraqi law, with which anyone physically outside the Republic of Iraq may own the Iraqi Dinar. I suggest you scroll down, begin from the bottom and read up. Then draw your own conclusion

    Dear Sir,
    Thank you for contacting the Iraqi Commercial Attache in Washington DC. Reference to your inquire we would like to inform you that as of now it is illegal to sale Iraqi currency outside Iraq. You can visit Iraq central bank website (http://www.cbi.iq/arabic/index.html) to get more details about Monetary policy in Iraq.

    or more than four years THE AMIRAQ FUND managed by William Burbank has been the choice of hundreds of American investors who have seen the appreciation in the value Iraqi Dinar coming. It has proven to be safe, liquid, and a predictable way to participate in the rise in value of this country’s currency without the worry and uncertainty that goes with direct possession and delivery of the paper currency

    Amjad A. Rajeb
    Deputy Commercial Attache
    Iraqi Commercial Office
    Embassy of the Republic of Iraq

  748. Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

    hehehehe…… sonyap aje…. terkedu kot!!!!!!! hehehehe…

  749. major berkata:

    salam..tuan BN bleh bgtau cre2 nk trnsfer x..sy xphm n xpndai cm ner nk wat..tlg..

  750. major berkata:

    salam tuan BN..
    adakah kte perlu daftar dlu di Maintain Beneficiaries..??

  751. Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

    CBI akan menjalankan process pembuangan 3 angka sifar bermula pada bulan september depan.dan dalam masa yg sama CBI memberi masa selama setahun untuk menarik semula duit cash note yg sedia ada didalam pasaran negara. oleh itu dalam tahun ini memang tidak akan ada RV. hehehehehehe….. so ada masa lagi untuk deposit duit kedalam akuan.hehehehe….

    • Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

      Baghdad, February 18 (Aknews) – The Economic Commission representative, Saturday, in agreement with the Iraqi Central Bank to begin the process of removing zeros from the local currency in September next. and the central bank announced earlier that he is considering the requirements of the project to delete the zeros of the local currency with the Council Minister in terms of need process for the enactment of the organized or not. A member of the Economic Commission Abdul-Hussein Abtan told the Kurdish news agency (Rn) that “the Economic Commission agreed with the Central Bank to begin the process of changing the local currency in September next.” and added that “the agreement included granting the process of switching the currency for a full year that are traded currencies old and new in the market during this stage. ” and describes the CBI process of switching the currency national project in support of the economy in the country, while expressing the Iraqi government for fear of the project as it will increase the phenomenon of money laundering “according to belief,” and is working to convince the central bank to stop the implementation of the project, and be approved by the securities the government’s position to delete the zeros and says it will affect negatively on the financial trading in the stock market. explained Abtan that “the process of removing zeros from the currency will contribute to addressing economic inflation and facilitate Cooperation with international banks and reduce the differences of living in the community. ” The Committee of Finance parliamentary Sunday, the central bank tarry in the provision of a bill to delete the zeros from the currency to the Committee for the purpose of his study, saying that the law was passed would give Iraq an opportunity to address economic inflation, as experts predict increase in inflation in the budget in 2012 because of the continued interest in operational aspects at the expense of part investment of the general budget. and inflation is excessive in the general level of prices and rising incomes cash as well as high costs and over-the creation of cash balances. concluded Abtan his speech by saying that “the central bank looking file send a bill to change the currency to the House or not because the Central Bank Act gives the powers of the implicit deletion of zeros from the local currency. ” The functions of the central bank conduct of monetary policy in the country, including exchange rate policies and the management of foreign reserves and the issuance of currency management, and raise the level of the values ​​of the dinar Iraqi and treatment of inflation in the country, which is also responsible for maintaining price stability, in addition to the organization of the banking sector. From: Jafar Allonan, Ts: Walid al-Zaidi, the Open: Joseph Karwan

  752. Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

    CBI pernah menyatakan bahawa ia akan RVkan duitnya dengan menggunakan matawang cetakan baru,dimana matawang cetakan baru tersebut telah mengikut “Global Specification” . so sekiranya penarikan balik Cash Note dinar Iraq yg sedia ada yg berada didalam pasaran negara iraq bermula pada bulan september ini….so adakah kemungkinan RV akan berlaku pada bulan Oktober 2013?????? setelah selesai semua kerja2 penarikan balik Cash Note dinar iraq yg lama pada bulan september 2013??? so sama2lah kita nantikan kesudahannya.hehehehehe….

    • abu tausi berkata:

      bro…gua ingat lu ni handal dan otai sesgt…kekeke,ketinggalan betul ko ni bab delete 3 zeroes ni….hahaha,cbi dah bgtau ada 3 fasa utk perlaksanaan proses ni,1. cetakan note2 baru,dah settled (lasting 6 months)2.pengenalan 2 currency note2 baru dan lama (seiringan=co exist)3.perlaksanaan proses delete 3 zeroes ni (tamat tempohnya note2 besar) will last six months to pull the old currency and the survival of the new currency,currency switch ni boleh berlaku dlm fasa kedua bermula dr sekarang,setiap fasa mengambil masa 6 bulan,mix around bro…join forum lain juga,otai2 baik mat salleh even prof of economics dan otai melayu dah lama khatam bab proses delete 3 zeroes ni.

      • Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

        hehehehe….kau ketingglanlah bro….itu dulu punya artikal… dia cakap…. kau bacalah artikal yg paling baru yg aku tepek kat atas…hehehehehe….proses pembuangan 3 kosong CBI cakap bermula pada bulan september ini dan penarikan balik semua note yg sedia ada sekarang ini memakan masa setahun bukan 6 bulan…

        ” Iraqi Central Bank to begin the process of removing zeros from the local currency in SEPTEMBER next. and the central bank announced earlier that he is considering the requirements of the project to delete the zeros of the local currency with the Council Minister in terms of need process for the enactment of the organized or not. A member of the Economic Commission Abdul-Hussein Abtan told the Kurdish news agency (Rn) that “the Economic Commission agreed with the Central Bank to begin the process of changing the local currency in September next.” and added that “the agreement included granting the process of switching the currency for a FULL YEAR ” hehehehe….. updatelah info tu bro…. jangan tidur.hehehehehe

  753. Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

    Off Topic…


    Ahmadinejad: Israel Will Disappear From Map


    Iran Air Force, 2012 The Secret World’s best.

    Top 10 Muslim Powers

    • shin berkata:

      Iran nak sangat berperang dgn Amerika. nak tengok sapa la yg hebat. Tapi bahaya tetap ada Ibarat kata perpatah Gajah yg bergaduh pelanduk pula yg mati ditengah2.

      Apa pun Iran tetap golongan SYIAH. Fikir2kan la.

  754. abu tausi berkata:

    aku merujuk artikel baru la tu bro…sebelum ni delete 3 zeroes 2013,tapi itulah prosesnya walau skang ni dah keluar statement baru proses ni bermula sept 2012,rupanya ko ni tak paham delete 3 zeroes ni apa…tu yg ckp rv dlm bulan oct….hahahaha,aku ingat lu alert la…rupanya tdo,apa celop???hahahaha,tentang artikel baru tu bagi yg ikut perkembangan mmg dah tahu bro,cuma lu je yg tak paham prosesnya mcm mana….ada ke delete 3 zeroes tu bermula selepas bulan yg dikatakan bermulanya proses tu?hahahaha…tak sangka! nampak mcm handal bebeno..rupanya celop….kehkehkehkeh….study lg bro…malu org tgk bro!adeh….kuikuikui

  755. nash berkata:

    makin hangat bagi pendapat you all, hehe he

  756. alwi berkata:

    mcm mana saya nak buka account kt warka bank??
    sesiapa boleh tolong saya??? saya ada beli note dinar iraq so kt mana saya boleh jual balik notes tu??

  757. Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

    New measures to maintain the value of Iraqi dinar


    Shabibi : 2013 will see the launch of the new currency


    Alaa al-Tai Said the Iraqi Central Bank announced new measures to maintain the value of the Iraqi dinar against the dollar. Said Central Bank Governor Sinan Shabibi »Sabah»: it is «given the high demand for the dollar has taken the Central Bank of new measures regulatory rather than a restrictive». Assured Shabibi that «the monetary policy Iraq’s okay because there are up high which is called the cover of the currency, which gives us flexibility in dealing with monetary policy based on the study of the march of the economy, inflation and high prices as if prices rose significantly we will resort to tougher measures, but if increased the pace of price is less there will be other action ». the past few days have seen a rise in the exchange rate of the dollar against the Iraqi dinar, prompting concern among some citizens on the process .. and delete the zeros, Shabibi said: The« There are a lot of work and continuing in relation to the process of deletion of zeros. The new currency will be launched in 2013 .. But now we have many ideas for the design of the coin and paper to reach a final form for the new currency, but it needs time to the multiplicity of designs and designers, the competition for features included in the currency ». Ruled out the central bank governor influenced by the market to change the currency, saying:« steps a well-thought, and all banks will contact the bank Central in accordance with the regulatory process will withdraw currency from banks and provide them with the Central Bank of new currency will not accompany the process has no effect in relation to the markets and trading will be easy for the new currency ». is scheduled to be deleted three zeros from the new currency, ie that the sum of one thousand dinars will become the new currency dinars one Iraqi. describes the process of central bank currency exchange project, the national supporter of the economy in the country, expresses in government and political parties for fear of the project as it will increase the phenomenon of money laundering, also believes that adversely affect the financial trading the stock market.

  758. Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

    Shabibi: the Iraqi market and robust fraud in the currency does not unfounded

    PUKmedia Laila Al Shammari / Baghdad 02.20.2012 18:05:07

    The Chairman of the Committee of Economy and investment representative, Ahmed Alwani during a joint press conference on Monday in Baghdad, in the presence of members of the committee and the Governor of Central Bank of Iraq and his deputy, had been discussing fiscal policy and the exchange rate of Iraqi dinar and the issue of rumors and propaganda promoted recently the existence of counterfeit currency are dealt with in the market Iraq.

    For his part, the Iraqi Central Bank Governor Sinan Shabibi that the Iraqi market, one of the best markets and that such a solid front of violations, stressing that the fraud in the currency does not unfounded, noting that violations of currency fraud occurring in most countries of the world.

    In a related context explained deputy central bank adviser appearance of Mohammed Saleh said that the goal of Asaddaramlh new case is purely economic help to stabilize the Iraqi dinar in future phases and that the process need to be structural and will start work by 2013, adding that the Iraqi currency from currencies that have credibility in the the market.

    For his part, said a member of the Kurdistan Alliance of the Committee on Economy and Investment Deputy Mahma Khalil affirmed by us regarding the issuance of new currency, which are accompanied by the deletion of zeros to be mechanisms


    and that the steps correctly with economic benefits and psychological expected to be of the Iraqi currency’s future.

    The officials of the Central Bank of Iraq as well as some politicians and economists urged the government to

    Delete the zeros from the currency and the issuance of new currency denominations large cash in addition to the presence of small coins.

    Observers say that the government intends to delete the zeros from the currency as a step towards improving the purchasing power of the Iraqi dinar is that economists played down the importance of this step, considering that the cost of raising the zeros will be greater than the expected benefit of raising the zeros.

    He was an adviser to Prime Minister for Economic Affairs Abdullah Al-Hussein Anbuge had warned earlier that the removal of zeros from the currency will cause big problems and events would disrupt the Iraqi economy.

  759. along kasmin berkata:

    ada sesiapa tahu macam mana nk contact en. helmi bagi buka akaun selain dari email dia..??

  760. pakcik kayo berkata:

    ******Banking expert: banks face difficulties in dealing with ‘ lack of awareness
    Date: Thursday, 16-02-2012 12: 24 pm

    Baghdad (newsletter) … Banking expert suggested improved banking awareness programmes by monetary policy to a citizen of his guidance in how to deal with banking techniques.

    Ali (News Agency news) on Thursday: Iraqi banks today in public and private branches face difficulties in dealing with citizen being ignorant of many things involving banking and savings instruments, such as withdrawals and other banking awareness as a result absence in Iraq.

    He said that monetary policy should take its role in spreading awareness and citizen’s Bank extension during dealing with traditional techniques currently used in most banks, becoming necessary and must be dealt with.

    He said that the conditions of some banks, particularly eligibility does not allow for the introduction of modern banking techniques applicable in most global banks, having relied on electronic technologies and much ignorant of these techniques, this process need not so little to work with.

    Deputy Central Bank Governor Mohammad Saleh appearance earlier detection (for news) on a study of the use of new techniques called b (telephone banking) in banking transactions, i.e. the process of converting bank account via the mobile device to facilitate many transactions between banks and the public.

    Noted: that 80% of citizens are dealing with banks in the process of bidding farewell and transform their accounts, but there are 80% of citizens have a mobile, so this technique have been developed through mobile./finished/8. d/s.


    p/s…..rakyat iraq disarankan menggunakan bank untuk membeli matawang mereka dan membuka akaun bank…..he..he,…he…

    ini kalau bini najib baca…tentu dia suka artikel ni….ha..ha..ha…

    • Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

      hehehehehe….memang aku suka pakcik kayo…..wakakakakakaka….aku dah cakap dari tahun2 lepas… buka akuan!!!! buka akuan!!!!! dia orang semua tak percaya…..wakakakaka… sampai BNM pun suruh pelabur2 dinar iraq pergi tanya dengan kerajaan iraq atau pun kedutaan iraq. aku berani kerat lalatlah kalau si penjual-penjual cash note dinar iraq berani bertanya dengan kerajaan iraq atau pun kedutaan iraq bagaimana status duit iraq yg diluar dari iraq…apa statusnya sama ada sah atau pun tidak!!!!!! hahahaha…wakakakakaka….

    • Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

      along kasim…. kalau hang hari2 gi baca blog si penjual cash note….alamatnya hang nie pun akan masuk angin keluar asap nanti….aku baca comment si penjual cash note nie pun aku nak gelak…siap dia boleh bagi alasan bodoh lagi kat pembaca…mengenai kerajaan iraq menawarkan peluangan perlaburan diiraq kepada kerajaan malaysia dan dalam ulasannya siap dia kata

      ” Kalau Dinar Iraq ini diharamkan…..kenapa kerajaan Iraq datang kemalaysia dan mengajak pelabur2 dimalaysia datang dan melabur kat Iraq yang sudah tentu akan menggunakan dinar iraq untuk urusan disana.”

      hahahaha….punyalah lemaunya IQ si penjual cash note nie….kedutaan iraq di Washington DC dah terang2 bagi tahu….

      ” Dear Sir,
      Thank you for contacting the Iraqi Commercial Attache in Washington DC. Reference to your inquire we would like to inform you that as of now it is illegal to sale Iraqi currency OUTSIDE IRAQ.”

      ayat yg kedutaan iraq gunakan “OUTSIDE IRAQ” bukannya INSIDE IRAQ …. apalah lembabnya IQ si penjual cash note dinar iraq ini….

      kalau iraq menawarkan pelaburan diiraq….itu bermakna duit hasil pelaburan itu dah tentu berada didalam NEGARA IRAQ. seperti yg CBI cakap sebelum ini CASH NOTE DINAR IRAQ HANYA SAH DIGUNAKAN DI DALAM IRAQ SAHAJA. bengong tul si penjual cash note…. kalau nak memperbodohkan orang pun tengok2lah ckit…..hehehehewakakakakaka…

  761. Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

    hehehehe…. salah satu blog dinar mat salleh dah down…… hehehehe ….. dah macam warka bank lah pulak aku tengok blog tu….mungkin blog tu tengah update kot….. untuk process RV. hehehehehehehe

  762. Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

    Integrity parliamentary discuss with the Minister of Finance and the Governor of the Central Bank of the issue of deletion of zeros and the proliferation of counterfeit currency

    Wednesday, February 22, 2012

    Baghdad,Hosted the Parliamentary Integrity Commission today, Finance Minister Rafie al-Issawi and Central Bank Governor Sinan Shabibi and Chairman of the Integrity Agency Alaa al-Saadi, a number of investigators to discuss a number of important laws and decisions. ”

    A source within the Commission told all of Iraq [where] said Wednesday that “The discussions centered between the Integrity Commission and the Parliamentary Finance Minister and Central Bank Governor and Chairman of the Integrity Agency on the issue of deletion of zeros and prevent the introduction and spread of counterfeit currency.”

    And since we are talking about changing the period of currency, and issuing a new currency, and are to note that there are changes will occur in the form of new Iraqi currency, including the removal of zeros, and the inclusion of the Kurdish language alongside Arabic in the currency.

    The officials at the Central Bank as well as some politicians and economists urged the government to delete the zeros from the currency and the issuance of new currency denominations large cash in addition to the presence of small coins.

    Observers say that the government intends to delete the zeros from the currency as a step towards improving the purchasing power of the Iraqi dinar is that economists played down the importance of this step, considering that the cost of raising the zeros will be greater than the expected benefit of raising the zeros. ”

    He was an adviser to Prime Minister for Economic Affairs Abdullah Al-Hussein Anbuge had warned earlier in the process of removing the zeros from the currency as it would cause big problems and events confuse the Iraqi economy.

  763. Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

    Dinar investment a Ponzi scheme????

  764. Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

    Iraq budget officially passed

    Feb 23 (Reuters) – Iraq’s parliament approved on Thursday a much delayed $100 billion budget for 2012, based on an average oil price of $85 per barrel and 2.6 million barrels per day (bpd) in crude exports.

    The long overdue budget approval was held up by frequent disagreements between the country’s lawmakers. Under a delicate power-sharing agreement, Iraq’s ministries have been divided between Shi’ite, Sunni and Kurdish political blocs.

    The most recent dispute flared up in December, when moves by Shi’ite Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki against two Sunni officials prompted a walkout by lawmakers from the Sunni-backed Iraqiya bloc which lasted until late January.

    The budget passed late on Thursday included a projected deficit of $12.6 billion, the bulk of which will be covered by a surplus in the Development Fund of Iraq (DFI) account at the New York Federal Reserve.

    The DFI was established after the 2003 U.S.-led invasion of Iraq in order to direct oil revenues to reconstruction and food programmes for Iraqis. Iraq holds the bulk of proceeds from its oil export sales in the DFI.

    The budget, which covers operational and investment spending, allocated $31.7 billion for investment projects. The rest would go to covering salaries and food ration items.

    The budget also allocated 17 trillion dinars ($14.6 billion) to the country’s security forces, since bringing violence under control remains a top concern in Iraq after U.S. troops ended their nearly nine-year presence in mid-December.

    Earlier on Thursday, a string of attacks across the country killed at least 60 people, highlighting the fact that the security situation in Iraq remains precarious.

    The budget was based on annual crude oil exports of 2.6 million bpd, including 175,000 bpd from the autonomous Kurdistan region. Last year, oil exports averaged 2.165 million bpd, and they slipped to 2.106 million bpd in January.

    In London, Brent crude for April delivery settled at $123.62 a barrel, up 72 cents.

    The OPEC member, which is trying to rebuild its battered economy after years of war and sanctions, depends mainly on oil revenues, which fund about 95 percent of its budget.

    Iraq, which has the fourth-biggest oil reserves in the world, aims to boost its oil production capacity to 8-8.5 million bpd by 2017, which could vault it into the top echelon of world producers.

    Iraq’s 2011 budget was $82.6 billion, based on an oil price of $76.50 per barrel and 2.2 million bpd in crude exports.

    ($1 = 1164.0000 Iraqi dinars) (Editing by Yara Bayoumy, Francois Murphy and Diane Craft)

  765. Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

    New banknotes to be introduced in September

    Saturday, 25 February 2012, 07:58 GMT

    A money trader in Erbil

    The Kurdish Globe
    Views differ on financial and socioeconomic impacts
    Despite fears of a negative economic impact, the Central Bank of Iraq will remove three zeros from Iraqi dinar notes and print new banknotes in 2013.

    The Central Bank of Iraq has agreed with the Economic Committee of the Iraqi Parliament to introduce the new banknotes in September 2012, which will be used in parallel with the current banknotes for a year. The CBI will completely withdraw the old banknotes by September 2013.

    Abdul-Hussein Abtan, Economic Committee Member of Parliament in Baghdad stated in a press conference that there is an initial agreement between Parliament and the central bank to start the process of removing three zeros in September, and it will take a year to complete. The new banknotes will be printed in Arabic, English and Kurdish.

    The CBI will introduce three new banknotes: 50 dinars, 100 dinars and 200 dinars. For smaller transactions, the CBI will also issue 1-dinar and 2-dinar coins which Iraq currently does not use.

    MP Abtan says “The grant agreement is to ensure that during the one year process, the old banknotes are traded in the market and replaced by the new one.”

    The CBI expects this move to positively impact the country’s economy; however, some parties say the negative consequences will be more serious.

    The Security Commission says deleting the zeros will have a negative impact on financial trade in the stock market. Other opponents of the move argue it would pave the way for money laundering and want the government to reconsider its decision.

    Supporters of the idea believe the introduction of the new banknotes will help reduce inflation, strengthen the Iraqi dinar in the international market, facilitate trade with international banks and other financial institutions, as well as reduce the social gap between classes.

    “The process of removing zeros from the currency will contribute to dealing better with inflation, facilitate economic cooperation with international banks and reduce the differences in [standards of] living in society,” Abtan explained. Mahma Khalil, another Member of the Iraqi Parliament and official spokesperson of the Economic Committee says an agreement has been reached about the mechanisms of introducing the new banknotes after a series of meetings and discussions with the CBI Governor Dr. Sinan Al Shibibi.

    “According to the agreements, the new bill will be printed by a European company and introduced to the market gradually and in a well-planned schedule to ensure it will not result in shocks and would not have a negative impact on the market,” explained MP Khalil. He added the exchange rate between the new banknotes and the old ones would be 1:1,000.

    The objective behind this move is to appreciate the value of the Iraqi dinar against the U.S. dollar, which would in turn increase the balance of the Iraqi dinar and there would be sufficient reserves of that currency,” explained MP Khalil. “Additionally, the economy of Iraq would grow and oil sales would also increase.” Khalil added that Iraq has a reserve of $60 billion in the CBI.

    The CBI previously stated it would consult with Parliament and representatives to see whether there would be a need for a law to be passed for this shift. The Economic Committee announced on 19 February it was introducing new legislation for the purpose and would also address the inflation issue in the country.

    The introduction of new banknotes and withdrawing the current ones from the market is generally expected to reduce and control the number of dinars in circulation and would also help facilitate payment systems and control the banking transactions in the country.

  766. Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

    hahahaha….”abu tausi” bengong!!!!! apa cer!!!!! yg kau nak cakap!!!!!! kan aku dah bagitahu…penarikan balik Cash Note Dinar Iraq yg sedia ada sekarang ini akan berakhir pada September 2013!!!!! hehehehe so engkau memang x akan melihat RV pada tahun ini…hehehehehe….RV akan berlaku selepas tempo setahun penarikan balik cash note dinar iraq yg sedia ada ini…..kan aku dah cakap….iraq akan RVkan duit dia dengan menggunakan Cash Note Barunya….so cash note yg kau beli tu…bye2lah….confirm x laku….hehehehehehe….

    sebabnya CBI hanya menukarkan Cash Note yg sedia ada ini dengan Cash note yg baru hanya didalam negara iraq sahaja…hehehehehe…..cash note dinar iraq yg diluar dari iraq….CBI akan cakap “SAYONARA!!!!!!…..bagi sesiapa yg tidak percaya dengan kenyataan aku….nasiblah….jangan lepas ini CBI punya kenyataan keluar kat akhbar yg akan mengiakan kata2 aku sudahlah….hehehehehe….so far prediction aku selama ini x pernah tersasar…..hehehehehe…..

    kalau sesiap yg nak mempercaya kata2 aku…. so bertindaklah sekarang dengan lupakan lah hasrat nak menjadi kaya dengan menyimpan CASH NOTE……sedarlah ….anda telah ditipu hidup2 oleh si penjual Cash note.

    mulai dari esok…. cepat2lah buka account bank kat iraq……hehehehe…kalau x…. melopaslah kome!!!!!!….hehehehehe…

    • Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

      kesimpulannya pada bulan september 2012 ini CBI akan membuat penurunan nilai pada cash notenya.

      IQD (Iraqi Dinar) 1,000 = NIQD (New Iraqi Dinar) 1

      ini bererti sekiranya anda mempunyai Cash Note IQD 1,000,000 akan bersamaan Cash Note NIQD 1,000 .

      buat pengetahuan anda ini bukan bererti RV (Revalue) tetapi sebaliknya RD (Redenomination).

      iraq akan membuat RD pada bulan September 2012 sehingga bulan September 2013.dimana setelah selesai RD selama setahun ,barulah RV akan berlaku pada nilai Cash Note Dinar Iraq yang baru akan mengambil tempat pada bulan October 2013.

      hehehehe…so sesiapa yg ada duit dalam account bank di iraq…bergembiralah…. kerana duit anda terselamat dari RD. sebab RD hanya berlaku pada Cash Note sahaja.hehehehe……

      bagi sesiapa yg rasa tak adil dengan apa yg saya cakapkan….tentang RD hanya berlaku pada Cash Note sahaja…. so rajin2lah selak balik segala artikal2 yg telah saya tepekkan didalam blog ini….hehehehe…. sebab dah banyak artikal akbar yg keluar dimana CBI / Timbalan Gabenor Bank Pusat Iraq dah galak kali bagi tahu tentang pembuangan 3 angka sifar berkisarkan pada “Hard Cash , Currency Paper , Iraqi Dinar Note Dll ”

      dan CBI / Timbalan Gabenor Bank Pusat juga telah galak kali memberitahu didalam akhbar …. ” Dengan Pembuangan 3 Angka Sifar Tidak Menjejaskan Ekonomi Negara Iraq , ISX , Duit Di Dalam Simpanan Rakyat Iraq & Harga Barangan. hehehehe…. kalau x puas hati….lebih baik anda tanya sendiri dengan CBI / Timbalan Gabenor Bank Pusat …. macam mana dia orang boleh buat macam gini sehingga x menjejaskan semua benda yg dia orang cakapkan.hehehehe…wakakakakaka…..

      • Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

        tambahan lagi….” Dengan Pembuangan 3 Angka Sifar Tidak Menjejaskan Kekayaaan Individu…”

      • pakcik kayo berkata:

        ha…ha..ha….dr artikel dr cbi tu……aku dapat kesimpulan bahawasanya…….setiap pemegang cash note didalam negara iraq akan menjadi RD……setiap pemegang cash note diluar iraq akan menjadi duit cina mati dan setiap duit dalam akaun didalam dan diluar iraq akan menjadi RV…….dan dah boleh buat kenduri….he…he…he….

  767. Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

    Iraqi Central excludes foreign investors sell the currency of Procedures

    25/02/2012 17:21

    Baghdad, February 25 (Rn) – The Central Bank of Iraq, Saturday, he was excluded from the actions of foreign investors sell the currency, according to investment law.

    Dollars money And the development of the bank a new mechanism requiring the withdrawal of foreign currency on the basis of the importance of development projects in the country, after it has spread in recent times the phenomenon of smuggling hard currency, especially to Iran, facing international sanctions, which warned of a number of experts in the field of economy and development of the reflected negatively on the Iraq’s reserves of hard currency.

    The deputy governor of the Central Bank of the appearance of Mohammed Saleh told the Kurdish news agency (Rn) that “the central bank set an appropriate mechanism to facilitate the access of foreign investors on the foreign exchange and do not cause the Bank’s procedures in the sale of the new currency in obstructing their work.”

    Saleh added that “the measures which the Central Bank began to be implemented to reduce the phenomenon of smuggling currency out of the country was successful and led to positive results and raised the value of Iraqi dinar.”

    He explained that “the actions taken by the Central Bank of Iraq fit with the nature of the market and the high price of the dollar.”

    And witness the exchange rate of U.S. dollar in the local markets about the Iraqi dinar increased significantly between 1221 to 1225 thousand Iraqi dinars to the dollar, while the exchange rate of U.S. dollar against the Iraqi dinar in the past year 2011 of 1180 dinars to the dollar.

    The main tasks of the Iraqi Central Bank to maintain price stability and the implementation of monetary policy, including exchange rate policies and the management of foreign currency reserves and the organization of the banking sector.

  768. Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

    Iraqi Central excludes foreign investors sell the currency of the proceedings

    25/02/2012 17:21

    Baghdad, February 25 (Rn) – The Central Bank of Iraq, Saturday, he was exempted foreign investors from the proceedings sell the currency, according to investment law. and the development of the bank a new mechanism requiring the withdrawal of foreign currency on the basis of the importance of development projects in the country, after it has spread in recent times the phenomenon of smuggling hard currency, especially to Iran, facing international sanctions, which warned of a number of experts in the field of economy and development of the reflected negatively on the reserve of Iraq in hard currency. Deputy Governor of the Central Bank of the appearance of Mohammed Saleh told the Kurdish news agency (Rn) that “the central bank develop an appropriate mechanism to facilitate the access of foreign investors on the foreign exchange and do not cause the Bank’s procedures new in the sale of the currency in obstructing their work. ” Saleh added that “the measures the central bank, which began to be implemented to reduce the phenomenon of smuggling currency out of the country was successful and led to positive results and increased value Iraqi dinar. ” and explained that “the measures taken by the Central Bank of Iraq fit with the nature of the market and the high price of the dollar.” and witness the exchange rate of U.S. dollar in the local markets of Iraq about the Iraqi dinar increased significantly between 1221 A to 1225 Iraqi dinars to the dollar , while the exchange rate of U.S. dollar against the Iraqi dinar in the past year 2011 of 1180 dinars to the dollar. The main tasks of the Iraqi Central Bank to maintain price stability and the implementation of monetary policy, including exchange rate policies and management of reserves of foreign currency and the organization of the banking sector. of Jafar Allonan RN: Joseph Karwan

  769. Cash In Time berkata:

    nampaknya bini najib tak faham istilah redenomination.. saya nak tanya bini najib, apa beza LOP dan REDENOMINATION? apa yang anda faham.. tolong jawab..

    • Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

      Cash In Time ….. sebelum aku bagi kau maksud LOP dan REDENOMATION pada pemahaman aku….aku nak tahu dulu apa yg kau faham dengan ” LOP dan REDENOMATION ” so senang aku nak jelaskan pada kau. hehehehe… so aku nak tahu setakat mana pemahaman kau berkenaan ayat kedua2 ini.

      • pakcik kayo berkata:

        haiya ini orang cash in time…….gue kasi lu clue apa itu lop dan rd…..LOP itu ha lebih kurang mcm itu lantai mob…..dia kasi itu lantai ha cuci kasi habis…habuk pun tarak……licin habis…..itu RD ha selupa itu penyapu lidi…….yg busaq -busaq je dia sapu ….itu pun dekat luar rumah saja itu sampah ada…..tarak kacau itu dalam rumah lo…….ada paham ka…….kalu lu tak paham…..lu kena belajar sama itu bini najib lo…….gue tgk sekali saja sudah paham apa dia punya meaning lo…….kolo lu tak paham jugak….lu buat apa yg lu paham…………ada paham…..abis celita lo………ha…ha..ha..

      • pakcik kayo berkata:

        dan gue kasi tambah lagi satu barang apa maksud itu rv…itu RV ha…dia punya maksud lo……itu RAVI sudah jual itu mob sama itu sapu lidi…..jadi ada untung ma…..mari..mari…mari…..sapa mau beli ini lantai mob sama itu sapu lidi….kata itu RAVI……ha..ha…ha…

      • Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

        hehehehe….lawak…memang lawak bila aku baca komen pakcik kayo…tetapi dalam lawak yg di buat oleh pakcik kayo ada maksud yg tersurat dan yang tersirat yg pakcik kayo nak sampaikan…… cuba kau orang baca dan fahamkan betul2 maksud yg tersirat yg disampaikan oleh pakcik kayo.

  770. Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

  771. Cash In Time berkata:

    “kesimpulannya pada bulan september 2012 ini CBI akan membuat penurunan nilai pada cash notenya.

    IQD (Iraqi Dinar) 1,000 = NIQD (New Iraqi Dinar) 1

    ini bererti sekiranya anda mempunyai Cash Note IQD 1,000,000 akan bersamaan Cash Note NIQD 1,000 .

    buat pengetahuan anda ini bukan bererti RV (Revalue) tetapi sebaliknya RD (Redenomination) ”

    yg kat atas tu aku ambik statement dari bini najib..

    bini najib ckp IQD 1,000,000 akan RD menjadi NIQD 1,000…

    tapi bg aku RD adalah, contoh dari note 25,000 akan menjadi note 1000 x 25 (contoh guna note 1000)..

    kalau LOP, note 25000 akan menjadi note 25..


  772. Cash In Time berkata:

    adakah iraq akan LOP? fikir-fikirkan….

    • Mat berkata:

      Aku rasa kemungkinan Iraq akan LOP amat kecil, berserah jew pada Allah, yang penting PASTIkan cash note yg ditangan tu betol2 asli, kalu tak jadi kes kantoi…

      alang2 dah masuk dlm investment mata wang dinar ni, pada pemegang cash note, sila lah mencebur diri dlm pelaburan yang nyata selamat iaitu buka akaun di bank Iraq.. senari59@gmail.com

      • zul kulim berkata:

        As a full-time, forex trader I felt I should make this posting. I keep seeing posts where people talk about the IQD “movement” and rate changes on sites like XE, Forex Pros etc., and I felt compelled to share this information. Due to the time I spend doing market research and analysis for my forex trading I don’t have much time to do the question and answer thing on the forums. So, that is another reason I am making this post.

        FYI, I am not trying to beat anyone up, bash, be rude or stir up trouble. I am actually hoping that this will help people get a better understanding.

        First off I would like to mention:

        1. Yes, I am a holder of IQD
        2. Yes, I believe it will RV
        3. No, I don’t believe it will be a LOP
        4. No, I don’t get into time, rates, dates etc.
        5. No, I don’t have any “secret” or “inside” information and none of the other forex traders I know do either.

        Now on to the other things:

        1. IQD is NOT, as some like to say, “On Forex”. Sure, IQD is listed on sites like XE, Forex Pros and many others but NONE of these “sites” are a part of the actual forex market. NONE of these sites are market participants or one of the entities considered to be an actual part of the forex market. These sites are simply sources of information, research, trading tools, education and other things. A lot of people see IQD listed on one of these sites and assumes it means it is “on forex” or that those sites are some “official” authority but neither of those assumptions are true. Being listed on a “site” is NOT the same as being “on forex”. When it is internationally traded it will then be “on forex”.

        2. The so-called “movement” or “change” in the rate and on the charts that you see on those sites has NOTHING to do with movement of IQD. Remember, IQD is not traded in the forex market. You can not find it listed in the trading platform of ANY forex broker or market maker. NOT ONE. There are even brokers where you can go right now and deal in exotic currencies such as Dinars from Kuwait, Jordan etc. and NONE of them deal in the IQD. Why? Because it is not “on forex”. The movement you see on those sites is a result of the value of the currency paired to it. For example, if the USD strengthens then you can buy MORE IQD for each dollar. If USD loses value then you would be able to buy LESS IQD for each dollar. As the value of USD rises and falls then it would be reflected on these sites and in the charts and changes and fluctuations in the rate. Some people see these changes and assume it is because of the movement in the IQD but it is not. The only time we “really” saw movement in the IQD was the recent change made by the CBI. ALL the other “changes” you see on these other sites mean absolutely nothing.

        2 WHY are the changes meaningless? Forex brokerages, market makers and even sites like XE get their rates from data providers such as central banks. When you see what looks like a rate change in IQD on those sites AND that same rate is on the CBI then it is an actual change. Otherwise, all you are seeing is a result of the change in value of the “other” currency you have paired with the IQD. Checking all these forex sites is actually a waste of time at this point. The place we all want to see the change is on the CBI site. We want the information directly from the horse’s mouth and not from a “non official” third party site.

        My advice is to save yourself some time and focus only on the CBI at this point. It makes absolutely no sense to check sites for movement and changes on a currency that is not even a part of the forex market at this point.

  773. Cash In Time berkata:

    bini najib, sila komen ttg pemahaman anda antara LOP dan RD..

    • Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

      hehehehe…. anda punya pemahaman betul….hehehehe…. aku yg terbalik cakap….hehhehehe…

      • pakcik kayo berkata:

        ok la bini najib nie….dia kira gentelman le dgn pengakuan nie…..mcm nie le….baru sready…….apapon…….rv tetap rv…..steady brader…..

      • Cash In Time berkata:

        ok2 bini najib..mmg ko gentleman lah.. lagi gentleman kalau ko ajar camne nak transfer duit dari warka ke akaun malaysia..amacam?

      • manlangat berkata:

        salute sama lu bro bn..huhu

  774. nash berkata:

    rv oh rv pening den

  775. dinsigma berkata:

    sapa2 boleh bantu utk bukak akaun warka bank?

  776. Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

    Counterfeit Money Infiltrates Kurdistan’s Markets


    ERBIL, Iraqi Kurdistan – Some businessmen and owners of currency exchange bureaus say that counterfeit banknotes have flooded the market in the Kurdistan Region.

    The president of the Kurdistan Region Bank said, “High-tech machinery is apparently used to make some of the counterfeit money.”

    The president of Kurdistan Region Bank, Adham Karim, said they have told various governmental agencies about the problem.

    Most of the counterfeit money is Iraqi dinar banknotes, but among them U.S. dollars have been found.

    Kurdistan Region’s security forces are trying to tackle the problem. Frsat Dolamari, a security official, told Rudaw, “We have put tight security in place at the borders to stop the smuggling of counterfeit money into Kurdistan.”

    Qader Junaid has worked in the Erbil currency exchange market for more than 15 years. He says he has to be very careful in his business to avoid taking counterfeit money.

    “There is a new kind of paper in the market now that, when printed into counterfeit bills, is very hard to distinguish from an original bill,” he said. “The people who produce counterfeit money don’t dare to show up in the dollar market themselves, because they know that people here are specialists in recognizing counterfeit from original bills.”

    Ghanm Habib, another currency exchange businessman in Erbil, says that most of the counterfeit money in the market is 10,000 dinar bills.

    Habib has a collection of fake bills which he says he has received from day-to-day exchange of currency with customers.

    Abdulmajid Kirkuki, a specialist in recognizing counterfeit money in Erbil, confirmed Habib’s statement that 10,000 dinar bills make up almost 80 percent of the counterfeit money in Kurdistan and Iraqi markets today.

    “Those machines not only won’t recognize counterfeit American dollars, they won’t even recognize counterfeit Iraqi dinars,”

    “Those making the money don’t bring the counterfeit bills to us themselves,” he said. “They give it to small grocers, spend it in mini markets, at auto shops and with taxi drivers, and when those people bring the money to us, we find out it’s counterfeit.”

    Osman Ali, 54, the owner of a shop at the Shekhalla Market, says he is a real victim of counterfeit money.

    “In the past two months, I have received $1,000 of counterfeit money without knowing it.”

    Ali says he now has a device to help him detect the fake bills.

    But Gibrael Ahmed, the owner of a currency exchange bureau in Erbil, has little faith in devices to detect fake bills.

    He maintains the machines are made in China and are of low quality.

    “Those machines not only won’t recognize counterfeit American dollars, they won’t even recognize counterfeit Iraqi dinars,” he told Rudaw.

    Junaid, owner of Runaki Currency Exchange, uses a Korean-made device.

    “It can detect counterfeit euros and dollars,” he said. “But it won’t detect counterfeit Iraqi dinars.”

    Authorities in the Kurdistan Region are aware of the counterfeit money in the market and they are trying to finds ways to counter it.

    Karim, president of Kurdistan Regional Bank, said, “We know there is counterfeit money in the market; that is why we have made the Ministry of Trade aware of the problem. We have talked to the Iraqi Central Bank as well.”

    Karim said the security forces have been asked to keep a close eye on the market for the transaction of fake bills.

    Counterfeit money entering the system poses a serious threat to the region’s economy, given the fact that the majority of people are government employees and get paid by the government.

    But Karim said it is not easy to pass fake money through government banks.

    “We have installed high-tech machines in the banks,” he said. “No bills, especially dollars, are accepted without detailed inspection, because there is a new kind of counterfeit dollars in the market that even the machines don’t detect.”

    According to Karim, the current political upheaval in the Middle East is one reason for this new wave of counterfeit money in the markets.

    “The situations in the countries neighboring Iraq are unstable; the political situation in Iraq is also unstable,” he said. “The Kurdistan Region is to a degree unstable, and this makes some people and organizations take steps to further destabilize the economy of Iraq and the Kurdistan Region.”

    Dolamari said that, in the past few years, several people have been detained for dealing in counterfeit money.

    “Anyone is in possession of or found counterfeiting money will, according to Iraqi criminal law, be sentenced to 15 years in prison,” Dolamari said

    P/s: Undang2 Iraq…. Sesiapa yg didapati memiliki atau menyimpan Dinar Iraq Palsu…boleh disabitkan dengan undang-undang jenayah Iraq dimana pemilik tersebut diPenjara selama 15 Tahun.hehehehe…

  777. pakcik kayo berkata:

    The Deputy Governor of the Central Bank: draft delete zeros from the currency based upon approval by the Government will be announced

    Date: Tuesday, 28-02-2012 01: 12 pm

    Baghdad (newsletter) … Describe the appearance of Deputy Central Bank Governor Mohammed Saleh draft deleted three zeros from the currency of the country being staffers that will reduce the block liquidity traded in local markets.

    He said Saleh (News Agency news) on Tuesday: skip Central Bank studies in advanced stages and logistical task to draft the three zeros from the currency be deleted within a specific timetable for the reform project because Iraqi currency.

    And he added: if 18.8 by the Federal Government on the implementation of the project will work on a tactical level is higher and its implementation will be advertised and hiring companies advertising and media to sensitize citizens on how to use the new currency and answer all the questions posed earlier.

    Said: the continuous meetings with committees on the Iraqi economy in the Council of Ministers and deputies we now await approval by them to reach the final stages of the implementation of the project/finished/8.


  778. Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

    Currency Redenomination Advisor/Consultant

    Tuesday, February 28, 2012

    On behalf of The U.S. Treasury Department, Metrica, Inc. is recruiting an adviser who is required to provide technical assistance to the Central Bank of Iraq (CBI) on physical features of their new redenominated currency. After many challenges, the CBI has succeeded in achieving monetary stability in Iraq and intends to celebrate this accomplishment by removing three zeros from its currency, so that 1.17 redenominated dinars will be worth one USD instead of the current 1,170 Iraqi dinars being worth one USD. This also occurs at a time when the existing stock of dinars is old and in need of being replaced.

    Expertise is needed to assist the CBI in selecting the size dimensions and especially the security features of the new currency. Counterfeiting has been a longstanding problem facing Iraq. Meanwhile, rapid technical change has resulted in many improvements in the security features available for bank notes. The adviser must have experience in these areas and be on top of the current state of bank note security issues. The adviser should also be very knowledgeable in the area of bank note costs to assist the CBI in achieving the most cost-effective features of the new bank notes and to be able to evaluate proposals submitted to the CBI by global currency printers.

    • Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

      OK !!! dah terang lagi ku suluh….. Redenomination memang akan berlaku terhadap CASH NOTE DINAR IRAQ sahaja. so sesiapa yg masih menyimpan cash note…. impian akan hancur berkecai….. sekarang ini sebelum CBI melaksanakan Redenomination terhadap Cash Notenya pada bulan september 2012…. aku sekali lagi ingin menasihatkan & mengingatkan supaya lekas2 buka account bank diiraq. hasrat aku untuk melihat pelabur2 dinar iraq dimalaysia akan menjadi Jutawan melalui simpanan duit didalam akuan bank akan tercapai. hehehehehe…

  779. nasaruddin berkata:

    dari mula hingga akhir aku baca blog ni, aku slaut kat en helmy ,bini najib dan pakcik kayo. keazaman mereka untuk menyedarkan pelabur-pelabur seperti aku ini konsisten sehingga ke hari ini.pendek kata mereka ini tidak jemu-jemu memberi nasihat kepada kita semua. apa-apa pun terima kasih pada anda bertiga,terutamanya en helmy.saya yakin walaupun en helmy dah lama tak beri koment kat blog ini,saya percaya dia masih berada didalam blog ini sedang memerhatikan gelagat kita semua. apa-apa pun terima kasih en helmy sebab mastercard saya dah terima dan saya dah cuba menyemak baki didalam account bank di iraq melalui atm mesin dimalaysia.

    • pakcik kayo berkata:

      sama-sama……aku hanya menjalankan kewajipan…seperti dalam surah WAL- ASR……iaitu… antaranya……berpesan-pesan dengan kebenaran dan berpesan-pesan dengan kesabaran……lain2….. no komen…..he..he…he….

  780. zul kulim berkata:

    cara cara nak transfer wang anda dr warka to bank lain2 di Mysia.

    Need to set up an “External Transfer Beneficiary”.

    To set it up, click on the “Maintain Beneficiaries” link on the left side menu.

    Then click on “Add External Transfer Beneficiary”.
    Complete the entire form and then click submit.

    After you submit it, you can follow up on the status by clicking on the “Follow Up Beneficiary Request” until it’s approved. It usually only takes a couple days (when you have an account with a bank in their drop down list). I haven’t added a bank that is not on their list so that may take a bit longer.

    untuk swiss code hubungi bank yg anda hendak transfer…


    • Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

      aku transffer duit dari iraq ke malaysia tak payah pun pakai External Transfer Beneficiary …..hehehehe…

  781. zass layan berkata:

    saye nk taw lebey lnjut psal dinar iraq nih,,saye da dgr psal dinar iraq ni da lame da,,tp xnmpak lg hasil dye,,so sila terangkn,,

  782. zass layan berkata:

    email me at princerazers@gmail.com

    • Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

      tak payah nak tahu penerangan tentang dinar iraq ini….. kau terjun jer masuk dalam investment ini.dah terlambat dah untuk kau tahu penerangan tentang dinar iraq. iraq dah nak buat Redenomination dah…dah tak berapa lama lagi nak RV….hehehehehe…..

  783. sue berkata:

    leh dak bg detail cam na sy nak buka akaun diiraq…dia iaraq ke pa ntah..sy kurang paham…bini najib leh tlg tak..ni email sy sznmrd@gmail.com..

  784. Cash In Time berkata:

    mcm main2 je job posting ni… geng LOPPERS main2 kah??

    apakah fungsi cbi smpai nk minta pertolongan us treasury??

    location turkey??

    no phone calls about this job?? lawak lah…

    ” Currency Redenomination Advisor/Consultant

    Location: Ankara, Turkey
    Compensation: Based on Experience
    Principals only. Recruiters, please don’t contact this job poster.
    Please, no phone calls about this job!
    Please do not contact job poster about other services, products or commercial interests. “

  785. pakcik kayo berkata:

    Central Bank of Iraq recognizes the existence of counterfeit currency

    Friday, March 2, 2012

    BAGHDAD – Naseer Goldfinch

    Approved the Iraqi Central Bank Governor Sinan Shabibi the presence of counterfeit currency in circulation in Iraq is limited
    proportions, calling for the House of Representatives to pass a law reset the Iraqi dinar, a deletion of three zeros from the currency and replace the current currency of more sedate difficult to falsify.

    The several provinces, including Karbala, Najaf, Babil, Wasit, Sulaymaniyah and Baghdad, has seen in recent months, adjust the amounts of counterfeit currency, and detained by local authorities in these provinces specialized gangs forged currency, promotion and fraud on the citizens. The press reports to the existence of specialized forging presses currencies in a number of areas of the capital Baghdad.

    The Shabibi during a hearing held by the Parliamentary Finance Committee that during the trading operations at the level of monthly Central Bank of Iraq, appeared between 8 and 16 sheets of a ten thousand Iraqi dinars a fake, and the same class of 25 thousand dinars.


    And confirmed member of the parliamentary economic committee Albjara Nora told «life» that its Committee heard comments about the Central Bank of counterfeit currencyand the suggested solutions, pointing to the adoption of the provision of law to replace the existing currency with a new one after deleting three zeros from them.

    And accused the «regional countries facing economic sanctions, of trying to destabilize the Iraqi economy through the introduction of counterfeit currency and take advantage of collecting the maximum amount of foreign currency, such as the dollar, which began running out of markets».

    The Central Bank of Iraq made adjustments to their systems to sell the dollar in the official auction, because the traders and the offices of Banking remove large amounts of dollars to Iran and Syria, which applied the right to economic sanctions led to the deterioration of their local currencies worldwide, where he began the CBI claim of private banks documents demonstrate their need for hard currency.

    The deputy governor of the Central Bank of the appearance of Mohammed Saleh said that counterfeiting is very limited in Iraq, pointing out that the most important obstacles faced by counterfeiters is the type of paper the distinguished used to make the Iraqi dinar, as is the paper handler and resistant to dirt and longer-lived in circulation, in addition to the presence of thread safety and the watermark and security rest of the specifications.

    Did not rule out the occurrence of forgery, because of technological advances in printing processes, and the availability of printing devices attributes of high-definition at hand in the markets, but stressed that the presence of security features on the currency and the ability of the Iraqi banking system and the people on the discovery of fake very quickly to prevent the widening phenomenon.

    Currency exchange

    And a project to replace the currency, after deletion of zeros, Salih stressed that this project is under development and will be issued a new currency the central characteristics than the world’s currencies, non-penetrating or counterfeiting.

    Financial authority and warned Iraqi banking offices and foreign exchange companies from exploiting their works everyday to promote counterfeit currency and money-laundering involvement, senior officials acknowledged their occurrence in Iraq.

    The head of the «Economic Committee» in the government of Karbala, local, Tariq Kikhany, that the security forces detected in a number of provinces have been active in gangs are forging currency, pointing out that «these offices are not subject to scrutiny, because of the number and the dozens of people opened the offices of banking, from without reference to the controls in place ».

    She drew the local authorities in the province of Babylon, adjacent to Karbala, they arrested a gang of seven people, specializes in forging foreign currency, while its members are in the process of promoting counterfeit currency, and seized possession of a forged 60 thousand dollars.

    The Iraqi Supreme Judicial Council in the last official census him that the 1297 judgment issued during the year against those accused of forgery of the currency.

    The Director of the company «Beauty» Banking and foreign remittances beauty Ajili that the counterfeit currency in the market, domestic and foreign, and strange to each trader naturally and can not be detected easily.


  786. Cash In Time berkata:

    shabibi ckp pasal counterfeit currency::

    On the other hand denied Shabibi the existence of any negative economic impact on the spread of counterfeit currency in the local market in Iraq, noting that the issue of counterfeiting, was given a size bigger than true to size, explaining that the process of fraud are almost non-existent in the market and there was a fraud he is by people specific and does not affect the money supply in the domestic market in any way and that the bank has the financial capacity of the enormous and that through which it can influence a course of the domestic market, saying “We are preparing the largest player in the domestic market and control the course of events in economic terms, and I confirm that the currency issue false statements to the media is just to change my actual facts and not on the ground and have no real impact on real perspective.

  787. Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

    CASH ONLY: why the messy banking sector endangers iraqi development

    niqash | Shwan Zulal | London |29.02.2012

    Iraq could be one of the richest countries in the world. Yet over three quarters of Iraqis do not have bank accounts. So where do they keep that wealth? And can the Iraqi banking system be dragged into the 21st century?

    The banking sector in Iraq reflects the economic mess that the country is in. Basic modern banking practices – like electronic funds transfers for payroll or other banking needs – are almost non-existent and credit facilities are hard to come by. Automatic teller machines remain a novelty while mortgages and loans are a rarity.

    Iraq has only a few banks with the ability to transfer funds electronically and the number of branches able to undertake this sits at around 240. Transferring funds directly to Iraqi banks remains a patchy process and it is more often done through other banks in the region, such as more reliable sister bank in Jordan or the United Arab Emirates.

    Latest research estimates that around 80 percent of Iraqis do not have a bank account or even access to one. The public’s trust in the Iraqi banking sector remains low. Which is why most banks in Iraq simply act as a glorified safety deposit box.

    Meanwhile Iraq is on track to become one of the wealthiest countries in the world, with the fourth largest oil reserves in the world and the potential to be one of the globe’s leading oil exporters, eventually matching, or even surpassing, Saudi Arabia, currently one of the largest oil exporters in the world. But despite incoming revenue and the potential for growth, economic progress remains slow – and this is partly due to dysfunctional banking sector. There is talk of sector reform and new electronic banking systems – yet this vital sector is still underdeveloped.

    The financial sector in Iraq is still in its infancy and a lack of understanding of it, by the political elite and economically illiterate policy makers, has not helped.

    Politicians in Iraq keep failing to grasp the importance of this vital part of the economy, a part that could transform the country’s dated economic structure and bring it out of the cash economy and further toward the modern world of finance.

    Iraq’s banks were nationalised in the mid-1960s, in line with the government’s nationalist and socialist policies of the time. Before then there had been a privatised banking system. In the early 1990s, former Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein’s regime tried to kick start private banking again but two decades later not much progress has been made.

    According to the website of Iraq’s National Investment Commission, the minimum capital required to set up a bank in Iraq is IQD100 billion (around US$85 million). Currently there are 49 banks with licenses to operate – 42 of these are private banks, including 11 Islamic banks and foreign banks. The rest of the licensees are state owned banks like the giant Rasheed and Rafidain banks, which account for the vast majority of banking business in Iraq. There has also been a surge in the numbers of financial and investment firms, with around 40 such licences issued to date.

    Interestingly, despite the capital requirement of IQD 100 billion though, some of the private banks have yet to comply with that regulation.

    Iraq currently has around one local banking branch for every 60,000 people. Compared to other countries in the region, this is very low: for example, the average in Saudi Arabia is around one branch for every 3,500 citizens. Which means that despite the growth needed in the banking sector and the emergence of many small, boutique-style banks and investment houses, the population still has little, or no, access to banking facilities.

    Most Iraqis rely on relatives and friends to borrow money. But obviously this can cause social problems. There are also small organizations that provide loans for start up businesses but the amount that these schemes can lend is usually minimal.

    There is also the issue of trust in the banking system. In a recent banking scandal in the semi-autonomous state of Iraqi Kurdistan, local businessmen, most of them based in the city of Sulaymaniyah, lost around US$500 million. This was due to the drop in value of Iranian currency, after US and European sanctions were imposed, which led to the failure of a small but active Iranian “bank”. The so-called bank had been operating as a middleman transferring funds to and from Iraqi Kurdistan, Dubai and Iran.

    Incidents like this do not reinforce public trust in the banking sector; most Iraqis remain very sceptical about local banks due to a lack of rigorous regulation. And the weak banking culture simply encourages the current cash economy. All of which has stalled foreign and local investment needed to rebuild the country. It has also encouraged local businesses to be apathetic about taxation or social responsibility.

    Another major issue plaguing Iraq’s banking sector, and for that matter, the private sector too, is the prevailing ideology of top-down politics and big government. Many Iraqi politicians, including Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki’s ruling party, are suspicious of the private sector; they prefer to stick to what they know best, which is having the state control almost all economic activities – including the banks.

    Looking around the world, it is clear that a strong banking sector is essential to a successful economy. Apart from helping the private sector and small business grow by providing financing, the government can also measure and quantify economic activity. Once the banking sector flourishes, and transactions are recorded and regulated, money laundering and corruption is automatically reduced.

    Meanwhile on the positive side, the Iraqi stock exchange has been growing faster than any other index in the region, the main stocks being traded involve banking and projections for the stock market’s growth are very optimistic. This is a big vote of confidence in the future of the banking sector.

    Additionally there have been talks of banking sector reform, which has included the introduction of electronic banking. While only 20 percent of Iraqis have a bank account, around 80 percent have a mobile phone and phone banking was a hot topic at the “Integrating the Banking and Financial Services Sector in Iraq” conference held by USAID and the Central Bank of Iraq last November.

    However modernising Iraq’s banking sector will not be achieved solely by introducing new technology. Modernisation needs to start by opening up the markets and bringing in competition. As long as the public banks remain the dominant players in the market, there is not much chance of improving the current situation. Privatising the major banks would be a quick way of revolutionising the Iraqi banking sector. Having said that, this move seems unlikely given the current government record of maintaining control.

    At least some of the problems Iraq has could be healed by a strong economy and more prosperous nation. And the long road toward this begins with better financial structures and a stronger banking sector, complete with all the regulations required.

    A free market and the equal right of all consumers to participate in it, has helped to bring communities together. The failure of Iraqi politicians to grasp the urgent need to revamp the banking sector, and to understand the basic economics of growth, has had a significant impact on the pace of development in the country. The failure to carry out needed reforms – and not just those in the banking sector – is one of the major reasons that, as was reported recently, around 23 percent of the population in resource-rich Iraq are living below the poverty line

  788. Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

    Cheap calls to restructure the currency with the deletion of zeros

    Thursday, March 1, 2012 08:28

    BAGHDAD / Baghdadiya News / .. Expert called to the economic restructuring of the Iraqi dinar currency in conjunction with the switch and delete the zeros of the categories of cash through the issuance of large Bokiem said it will raise the rates of circulation of the national currency and reduce inflation.

    The economic expert as Anton told / Baghdadiya News / the need to “re-structuring of the local currency and its composition with the release of the new currency after deletion of zeros, through the issuance of classes of the Iraqi currency Bakiem great for reducing the burden of the number of banknotes of the currency which will lead to increased trading currency local, “explaining that” the absence of domestic production and dependence on imports is the reason for the large number of the dollar but there is another reason can not be underestimated is the lack of categories Bokiem large currency, citing his call for end of life inclusive of the coin current in the market after more than seven years “.
    He said Anton Instead of printing new cards of the same coin current in the same costs will print a new currency are not subject to falsification specifications and modern techniques, noting that “the currency symbol sovereign countries but we have noticed that most of our dealings large are the dollar should limit the process of dollarization and the use of the Iraqi dinar and its complications, especially And if we know the existence of classes geared towards printing large as the 50-percent and two hundred, which makes you take a small number of papers, but the value of this large and important process in doing business.
    Anton and that “nearly two billion and eight hundred and banknotes are traded in the market, a figure compared to a giant of a country such as Iraq, the number of pieces of paper Danarena probably equal to what exists in the United States and one of the reasons for this inflation.”
    And reduced Anton expectations raised real economic process to delete the zeros because GDP is the standard in the development of the country’s economy and currency as a means and not an end it is a mirror of the economy when there is the result of a national currency be well-being of the economy is the U.S. despite raising the equivalent of gold, but its strength has continued it originates from the presence of economic activities is a giant dollar and the fact that the U.S. national income by about 14 trillion dollars.

  789. Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

    Minister of Finance to discuss with managers of private banks and private companies the most prominent obstacles

    01.03.2012 | (Voice of Iraq)

    Baghdad – where research and Finance Minister Rafie al-Issawi in the presence of the deputy in the parliament, Ahmed Chalabi, with the directors of private banks and private companies the main obstacles facing them. A statement by the Ministry of Finance, the Agency has received all of Iraq [where] a copy of it on Thursday that al-Issawi said its full support for the various areas of the private sector and especially the banking sector, pointing to the role of the banking sector in building the Iraqi economy and promote investment opportunities in the country. He added that al-Issawi agreed with those present on the audit work of private banks and companies by international companies trusted to develop work that banks and increase their effectiveness.

  790. Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

    Central Bank shows the position of the Banking Act amendment


    Calls for bankers from the private sector the central bank to make adjustments as long as demanded by the private banks to the law of Iraqi banks with the number 94 of 2004 as some of its clauses restrict the role of this sector in the processes of reconstruction and investment. In an interview with Radio Free Iraq, the President of the Association of private banks Abdul Aziz Hassoun, the law in question “did not address or codifies the work of investment banks or development banks and the nature of the work of other banks such as banks and Islamic, which is its current work contrary to the provisions of this law, not to mention that Article 28 thereof, prevented banks from doing the activity the investment in an integrated manner which the size of many of its , “as he put it. said Hassoun that “negligence” law of Iraqi banks to the issue of rationing the number of banks authorized to work “has become a negative effect and clearly to achieve the last of the economic feasibility because of the phenomenon of increased growth in numbers has led to the dispersion and deposits the public has a low economic returns and impeding the growth of these banks. ” With no comment Central Bank of Iraq on the possibility of amending the Banking Act, criticized the words of Deputy Governor appearance for the functioning of private banks, saying, “It’s still limited to the use of five tools banking only and away removed from the lending that includes the margin of risk as well as gaining access to investment across the deposit with the Central as an investment safe and secure profits as well as search for return through the window of sale of foreign currency that has made ​​these banks are like legalize banking. ” as emphasized in favor of rejection of the Central altogether the principle of rationing the number of banks licensed “because this principle opens the door wide in front of monopoly and the elimination of free competition within the financial market. ” He called on private banks to “change the current mode of operation,” believing that this will enable it “to achieve better profits than it is
    now,” according to his opinion.

  791. Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

    Project to delete the zeros from the currency-based and will be announced immediately after approval of the Government Vice Governor of Central Bank


    Description of the Deputy Governor of the Central Bank of the appearance of Mohammed Saleh project to delete the three zeroes from the currency of the country as strategic as it will reduce the mass of CASH circulating in the local markets.

    Saleh said: The central bank exceeded the advanced stages in the preparation of studies and logistical preparations for the mission project to delete the three zeroes from the currency and within a specific time frame being a reformist project of the Iraqi currency.

    He added that in the event of obtaining approval by the federal government on the implementation of the project work will be on the tactical level and higher will be the announcement of the implementation and contract with advertising companies and the media to educate citizens on how to use the new currency and to answer all questions raised by him.

    He said: that the ongoing meetings with the relevant committees in both houses of the Iraqi economy ministers, MPs, and we are now awaiting approval from them to get to the final stages of project implementation.

  792. Cash In Time berkata:

    10 Reasons, there will be no LOP to Iraqi Dinar ::

    1. Monetary policy was a success talking inflation from 35% or higher to around 7% currently.

    2. Any type of currency devaluation (LOP) is considered a failure of monetary policy. Dr. Shabibi has not failed.

    3. Lesser value notes in circulation such as 50, 250, 500. Devaluing the larger 3 zero notes would make them worth less than these lesser notes.

    4. Iraq wants the dinar to be an international reserve currency. Cannot devalue the notes in reserve (25,000), circulate them as payment, or traded amongst countries.

    5. Iraq holds arguable the second largest oil reserves and is mineral rich. They are too wealthy to not honor the value stated on the notes.

    6. Iraq has stated..They want the “strongest currency in the Middle East” Any such type of LOP would be a devaluation and therefore not considered strong.

    7. US holds dinar as a result of funding the CBI’s initial reserves. This dinar will eventually payoff the war debt.

    8. One of the authors of the currency exchange plan – Assistant Professor Dr. Fadel states in his documentation, “We must emphasize the extremely important issue is that if you remove three zeroes from the currency should not affect the actual value thereof to be trading in the old currency…”

    9. In 2003 when the NID was introduced at it’s initial rate, the previous currency was in essence devalued taking all wealth from the country to prevent funding of terrorism. Raising the currencies value will in essence, return that wealth now that the GOI is stable and economic conditions have improved.

    10. The CBI has stated “both currencies will co-exist” and the process will not change the “monetary value” of the dinar.

  793. noraini don berkata:


    Saya ingin mengetahui bagaimana cara yang selamat buka akaun bank di negara iraq..? Bagaimana pula dengan risikonya..? Berminat untuk melabur!

  794. Karno berkata:

    Wasalam,noraini don,tak usah ribut2,ngak payah semoa tuu…

    • Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

      hehehehe….. dengarlah cakap CBI no 2 yg x bertauliah ini hehehehehe…. alamat telungkuplah……..hehehehehee….

    • pakcik kayo berkata:

      ha..ha…ha..kalau dgr cakap shahibi iaitu Centrel Bank IRAQ (CBI) akan ada apa-apaan pada cash note…..tetapi kalau dengar cakap pak karno dari Centarl bank INDONESIA (CBI)……memang enggak ada apa-apaan…….maklumlah wangnya sama besar sama wang iraq……ha…ha..ha…

  795. nash berkata:

    mari …mari…mari …..kita tengok siapa yang kena(dialog arwah ibrahim pendek)

  796. Cash In Time berkata:

    News mengenai IQD revalue di banknotenews :: http://www.banknotenews.com/files/0b489313071029d7cdf36054928060f9-1988.php

    • wiralodra berkata:

      Cerita lama la pasal LOP. Yang penting investment bentuk apa, Cash note atau bank saving. Saya sokong Bini Najib (BN) coz dia maybe orang Bank Negara… Hee

      • Cash In Time berkata:

        ini bukan cerita baru la bro, banknotenews ckp on 25 Feb 2012, dinar iraq akan RD dan RV pada september 2012 ni, bole jadi lagi awal daripada tu..no LOP..


      • Cash In Time berkata:

        silap, bukan cerita lama…

  797. wiralodra berkata:

    Bini Najib (BN) tolong komen tentang News Warka Bank dari Reuters ni…

    By Aseel Kami

    BAGHDAD, March 4 | Sun Mar 4, 2012 10:25am EST

    BAGHDAD, March 4 (Reuters) – Iraq’s central bank placed private bank Warka Bank under guardianship to supervise it through insolvency, a senior official in the central bank said on Sunday.

    Warka Bank had been in talks with Standard Chartered Plc to sell a stake last year, but the talks reached a dead end, said Mudher Kasim, deputy governor of the central Bank of Iraq.

    “We gave Warka a chance to have Standard Chartered to be a partner but that did not happen, so there was nothing we could do as a financial authority … but to intervene as a guardian,” Kasim said.

    He said the central bank would appoint a new administration to run Warka Bank, which would be given a month to appoint an auditor to determine how to restructure it and whether it needs to sell assets to raise capital.

    “When the bank loses its capital, fails in its financial operation and faces an unsolved problem, the central bank according to its law, intervenes as a guardian and appoints a new temporary administration to run this bank.”

    Abdul-Aziz Hassoun, executive director of the Iraqi Private Banks League, said in August Warka needed less than 100 billion Iraqi dinars ($90 million) to enhance its liquidity.

    Warka Bank executives could not be reached for comment.

    Iraq has seven state-owned banks, 23 private banks and eight Islamic private banks, according to the central bank website.

    Its banking sector is dominated by two state-owned banks, Rafidain and Rashid, which are undergoing restructuring to eliminate debt racked up after years of war and sanctions.

    Much of Iraq’s private banking activity is limited to deposit services and a small amount of personal lending. Warka Bank for Investment and Finance, which was established in 1999, has 130 branches and 350 ATM machines around Iraq.

  798. Karno berkata:

    Bukan sindiran bos, tapi dilogika saja kan pasti kita akan menyimpan sendiri uang Dinar Irak tsb.
    Kecuali kalo kita sendiri “GAK YAKIN”. Tapi kalo kita sendiri gak yakin, bagaimana kita bisa meyakinkan orang lain? Iya kan?

  799. Karno berkata:

    Berikut ini adalah pengalaman saya pribadi bertemu dengan salah satu pelabur
    Dinar Irak
    yang pernah menikmati keuntungan dari Dinar Kuwait.

    Baru-baru saya ketemu bapak xxxxx (kita sebut saja Bapak A). Beliau asalnya dari sebuah desa kecil, di Sulawesi (untuk menuju desanya masih dibutuhkan waktu kurang lebih 4 jam dengan alat transportasi darat).

    Beliau bercerita kalau pada tahun 1999 ada perusahaan kayu yang beroperasi di daerahnya. Salah satu karyawan dari perusahaan kayu tersebut menawari beliau Dinar Kuwait dengan kurs pada waktu itu Rp100/ Dinar Kuwait. Bapak A pada waktu itu membeli sebanyak 75.000 Dinar Kuwait, setara dengan Rupiah sebanyak Rp7.500.000. Beliau simpan terus Dinar Kuwait sampai akhirnya pada tahun 2007 ditukarlah 75.000 Dinar Kuwait tersebut di BCA (di Sulawesi) dengan kurs pada saat itu (th 2007) Rp30.000 per Dinar Kuwait. Sehingga dia mendapatkan Rupiah sekitar Rp2.2 Milyar. (Catatan: per 10 Januari 2009, nilai tukar Dinar Kuwait = Rp36.500/ Dinar Kuwait!).

    Lanjut dengan cerita si Bapak A, beliau mengaku kalau sekarang sudah simpan 5 Juta
    Dinar Irak
    untuk dirinya sendiri.

    Terus terang baru kali ini
    , saya bertemu dengan saksi hidup yang pernah menikmati apresiasi Dinar Kuwait yang begitu besar. Inilah sebenarnya yang kita semua (yang telah ber-
    Investasi Dinar
    ) harapkan terjadi pula pada
    Dinar Irak

    Tetapi tentunya semua ini bukan berarti tidak ada kemungkinan kalau suatu saat
    Dinar Irak
    diganti dengan mata uang baru dikarenakan oleh misalnya pergantian kekuasaan, atau juga adanya kemungkinan “pemotongan uang” (Sanering), dsb. Oleh karena itu untuk saat ini saya lebih suka menyebutnya dengan “berspekulasi” daripada disebut “ber-
    Investasi Dinar

    Tapi dengan adanya “kemungkinan” apesiasi nilai yang begitu besar terhadap
    Dinar Irak
    (mengingat harganya yang sangat murah saat ini), maka “berspekulasi” dengan
    Dinar Irak
    menurut kami masih masuk akal dan bisa dipertanggungjawabkan.

    Prinsip saya pribadi begini: saya
    Dinar Irak
    , saya simpan, kalau suatu saat
    harga Dinar
    kurs Dinar
    naik menjadi misalnya: 1
    Dinar Irak
    = US$1 atau bahkan US$3 maka saya
    Jual Dinar
    Irak untuk ditukarkan dengan US$ sebagian dan Rupiah sebagian. Tetapi bila suatu saat
    harga Dinar
    kurs Dinar
    turun atau bahkan bila sampai
    Dinar Irak
    menjadi tidak berlaku lagi karena satu dan lain hal, maka sayapun juga tidak akan jatuh miskin. Karena tidak 100% atau 80% atau 40% atau bahkan 25% dari semua kekayaan yang saya miliki saya gunakan untuk
    Investasi Dinar
    Irak kan. Mungkin hanya 5% atau 10% atau bahkan hanya 3% dari kekayaan saya yang saya gunakan untuk ber-
    Investasi Dinar
    Iraq. Jadi tidak ada salahnya bukan.

  800. Cash In Time berkata:

    Ape cerita dengan warka bank ni ???? ::

    CBI places Warka Bank under guardianship
    Posted: March 4, 2012 in Iraqi Dinar/Politics
    Tags: Central bank, Iraq, Standard Chartered
    Baghdad: Mon, 05 Mar 2012

    Iraq’s central bank placed private bank Warka Bank under guardianship to supervise it through insolvency, a senior official in the central bank said on Sunday.

    Warka Bank had been in talks with Standard Chartered to sell a stake last year, but the talks reached a dead end, said Mudher Kasim, deputy governor of the central Bank of Iraq.

    ‘We gave Warka a chance to have Standard Chartered to be a partner but that did not happen, so there was nothing we could do as a financial authority … but to intervene as a guardian,’ Kasim said.

    He said the central bank would appoint a new administration to run Warka Bank, which would be given a month to appoint an auditor to determine how to restructure it and whether it needs to sell assets to raise capital.

    ‘When the bank loses its capital, fails in its financial operation and faces an unsolved problem, the central bank according to its law, intervenes as a guardian and appoints a new temporary administration to run this bank.’

    Abdul-Aziz Hassoun, executive director of the Iraqi Private Banks League, said in August Warka needed less than 100 billion Iraqi dinars ($90 million) to enhance its liquidity. Warka Bank executives could not be reached for comment.

    Iraq has seven state-owned banks, 23 private banks and eight Islamic private banks, according to the central bank website.

    Its banking sector is dominated by two state-owned banks, Rafidain and Rashid, which are undergoing restructuring to eliminate debt racked up after years of war and sanctions.

    Much of Iraq’s private banking activity is limited to deposit services and a small amount of personal lending. Warka Bank for Investment and Finance, which was established in 1999, has 130 branches and 350 ATM machines around Iraq. – Reuters

  801. Mohammed Yusuf berkata:

    Asalam mualeikun w.w,

    Dear brothers and sisters in Islam,I urgently need you to partner with me for an urgent business transaction that will benefit both of us.Please, Kindly get back to me for clarification.Email : mohamysuf@yahoo.com

    Mohammed Yusuf

    • Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

      ini manalah punya sesat….punya orang…..kalau nak cari Partnership pun… tengok2lah ckit…. RV pun belum muncul2….Scammer tul lah mamat nie…hehehehehehe….

  802. sama kaya berkata:

    Iraq’s central bank has reportedly placed private bank Warka Bank under guardianship to supervise it through insolvency.

    Warka Bank had been in talks with Standard Chartered Plc to sell a stake last year, but they were not successful.

    According to the report from Reuters, Mudher Kasim, deputy governor of the central Bank of Iraq, said:

    “We gave Warka a chance to have Standard Chartered to be a partner but that did not happen, so there was nothing we could do as a financial authority … but to intervene as a guardian.

    “When the bank loses its capital, fails in its financial operation and faces an unsolved problem, the central bank according to its law, intervenes as a guardian and appoints a new temporary administration to run this bank.“

    He said the central bank would appoint a new administration to run Warka Bank, which would be given a month to appoint an auditor to determine how to restructure it and whether it needs to sell assets to raise capital.

    mohon komen daripada sahabat -sahabat yang arif diluar sana

    • wiralodra berkata:

      Bini Najib (BN)… tolong komen tentang news Warka Bank nie.

      Saya baru je dapat no. akaun Warka last week tapi bila dengar news ni cuak semacam lak. Berdasarkan maklumat yang saya dapat pada tahun 2011, swift code Warka ialah kat New York tapi peliknya last week swift akuan kat Germany lak…

      Tengah KIV nie nak wire transfer ke tak coz swift code dia lain2 negara.

      Bini Najib hang orang Bank Negara kan, tolong bagi pandangan bernas hang.

      • zul kulim berkata:

        saya pun depa bagi kat German jugak…tadak masalah nak bagi kat mana…apa yg hendak ribut2

        cthnya spt ni..
        Warka Bank for Investment and Finance USD Account Number at Commerzbank : 400875402000

        Account Name at Commerzbank: Warka Bank for Investment & Finance

        Corresponding Bank Name: Commerzbank AG Frankfurt Germany

        BIC – Swift Address: COBADEFFXXX

      • Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

        hehehe…. warka bank punya connection bukan kecik punya anak… dibawah ini aku bagi kau senarai list swift code yg membolehkan kau deposit duit kedalam account bank warka.


        kau bebas nak guna swift code bank yg mana yg kau suka…yg penting duit kau masuk kat warka bank.hehehehehe…..

  803. Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

    hehehe….ALAMAK!!!! , TAKUT!!!!!! , MENGELABAH !!!!!?????
    hehehehe…Releks !!!!! tidak ada apa2 berlaku pada Warka Bank…. ini memang aku dah jangkakan ……..memang setiap tahun akan keluar cerita yang bukan2 mengenai Warka Bank….itu lumrah….!!!!! masuk tahun ini dah 4 kali cerita tentang warka bank….

    2009 – ISX Warka Bank kena FREEZE!!!!
    2010 – Wark Bank Kena SUSPEND !!!!
    2011 – Warka Bank Kena Saman Muflis dari Asia Cell
    2012 – Warka Bank Under Guardianship

    bagi pada pandangan aku…. ini semua cerita Dongengan Penglipur lara yg ingin melihat warka bank jatuh….kena ingat di iraq banyak bank2 Privet sedang bersaing sesama mereka untuk merebut investor2 luar dari iraq datang untuk mengPUMP capital didalam akuan bank masing2 untuk mengcukupkan target capital untuk meneruskan operasi bank mereka.

    SO…. Chill Out!!!!! kita tunggu apa statment dari Pihak Warka pula….hehehehe…..

    • Fikri berkata:

      BN: nak tnya…brape minimum utk deposit dlm akaun bank warka ni ea?saya dah dpt emel n dpt no akaun..tp x taw ape step kena buat skrg ni…

  804. pakcik kayo berkata:

    haha..aku rasa Iraq dh xder apa2 dh..minyak & emas(byk di sungai euphrates) tu dh dikebas US..sbb tu US beria2 invade Iraq,mcm sbb dia invade Afghanistan,utk Lithium!
    so skrg Iraq hanya negara yg ZERO-sumber alam!us dh sedut crude oil iraq dan disimpan ktAlaska,dgn tangki hampir sebesar negeri Selangor,utk apa?!
    utk simpan minyak Iraq la!HAHA!
    bak kata istilah RV tu,mungkin Bank Negara Iraq bkn nk RV,tp nk buang 3 kosong kt duit dia.ambik contoh-
    so lepas RV depa nk nilai IQD ni sekitar-
    US$=IQD1.160 je…
    sama la mcm Turki,6thun lepas,depa buang 2kosong,yg sblm tu begitu byk jutawan,lepas tu dh hilang jutawan dah!haha!
    wlaupn dh buang kosong,nilai tetap sama. Sama la mcm yen Jepun,duit depa nmpk banyak angka(sbb depa xpakai sen),kalo Bank NEgara Jepun nk buat mcm pn,xder masalah,sbb Yen dgn US dolar sama kuat-
    haha.rasanya semua ni dogengan semata.jgnlah terpengaruh dgn scam ni.kalo anda ada ilmu ekonomi,anda xkn TERJEBAK!
    bak kata Warren Buffet,org kedua terkaya didunia,pakar dlm pelaburan,berkata “saya pernah buat pelaburan tertinggi hanya menghasilkan 30% shj sethun”!
    itu org terkaya,kalo anda bleh dpt smpai pelaburan smpai pulangan 28000% dlm sekelip mata,maknanya anda bleh ganti Bill Gates xlama lg!
    tgk la wikipedia-turkish Lira (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Turkish_lira)

    2001 — 1 U.S. dollar = 1 650 000 lira
    2005 — 1 U.S. dollar = 1.29 new lira (The use of New Turkish Lira, which drops 6 zeros from the currency Turkish Lira, was implemented in 2005)

    ralat-depa buang ENAM kosong dr turkish Lira.

    so xsama ke apa yg nk dibuat dekat Iraq Dinar?-

    so lepas RV depa nk nilai IQD ni sekitar-
    US$=IQD1.160 je

    so mn dtgnya ‘jutawan’ kalo nilai IQD tetap sama?!
    Tgk penjelasan dibawah-
    RV(revaluation) ertinya mereka akan membuang 3 sifar dari nota matawang. Jadi 25,000 nota mtwg Dinar Iraq anda akan ditukar untuk nota baru 25 tetapi pada nisbah baru kpd 1.175:1 bukan 1175:1. Anda tidak akan kehilangan apa-apa wang (NILAI DIKEKALKAN), & dalam jangka masa panjang, anda boleh membuat keuntungan jika Dinar ‘appreciate’ secara semulajadi vs $,tp kes “jadi jutawan dgn menukar Dollar $ bernilai US$1K dolar untuk IQD1K bernilai Dinar “Dinar Pumper “adlh BOHONG dan HANYA utk SCAM orang!
    Sama la dgn kes pelaburan palsu yang dicipta dgn saham” Intel “,dgn keuntungan 99.900% tidak akan berlaku dalam mana-mana proses RV.
    Sama jugak mcm kes Turkish Lira (6 sifar dibuang), Bolivar Venezuela [buang 3 sifar dibuang](dari 2000:1 kepada 2:1),pra-Euro (franc, pesetas, Deutschemark, dll) utk pertukaran mata wang!
    Kalo faham ekonomi,nilai matawang berkaitan dgn supply & demand jugak-
    -Kalo sesebuah Negara byk print matawang-makin rendahlah nilai matawag dan begitu juga sebaliknya-.
    USA : Terdapat $10.2 trillion (M3 figures) dr negara yg mempunyai populasi 310juta org. Dianggarkn $32,903 printed utk seorg American.

    Euro : Terdapat €8.5 trillion (ECB M3 figures) dr benua yg guna euro sekitar 327juta org.. Dianggarkn €26,000 printed utk seorg european.

    Iraq : terdapat IQD29 trillion Dinar’s dgn populasi seramai 31juta org(Iraq). Dianggarkan 935,483 Dinar printed utk seorg Iraqi(disebabkn Hyperinflation lpas kesan Sekatan Ekonomi).

    So sekrg kerajaan Iraq buat RV hanya utk memudahkn rakyat Iraq guna Dinar. Tgk la dua SITUASI dbwh-
    a)BELI sebuku roti-skrg nk beli roti,kena bawak duit yg byk smpai kena bawak pkai beg galas,HANYA semata2 nk beli roti.
    b)BELI sebuah rumah-kalau harga sekitar IQD30JUTA,kalo nk beli kena sewa sebuah LORI 1TAN utk bawak duit tu HANYA nk bayar rumah.
    So RV tu bertujuan MEMUDAHKAN rakyat Iraq dgn matawang yg lebih ‘simplify’!
    a)sebelum RV- US$1=IQD1160
    b)selepas RV US$=IQD1.160 je
    -lepas RV,duit lama diganti dgn duit baru-
    Sbg Contoh-Bila beli burger berharga IQD1160,seorg rakyat Iraq akan bayar dgn note IQD2000,peniaga akan bg balik dgn note baru-IQD0.84!
    So ia hanya proses biasa RE-DOMINATION.Jadi tiada pertambahan NILAI!
    SO soalan saya,
    Ada org yg pernah jd Jutawan dr “TURKISH LIRA’ sblm tahun 2005?!
    Dgn Lira-
    2001 — 1 U.S. dollar = 1 650 000 lira
    2005 — 1 U.S. dollar = 1.29 new lira (The use of New Turkish Lira, which drops 6 zeros from the currency Turkish Lira, was implemented in 2005)
    Dgn US$1,saya beli note 1,650,000 Lira, maknanya Turki melakukan RV pd thn 2005,saya dah jadi JUTAWAN!
    Sedangkan Lira lebih ‘LUMAYAN’ sbb dgn pelaburan US$1 dh bg anda jd jutawan!!!!

    Lepas RV,anda akan tukar duit di pengurup wang dgn ratio 1.175:1,bkn pd 1175:1=
    a)sebelum RV(tukaran matawang)-MYR 64 = IQD 25,000
    b)selepas RV(tukaran matawang)- MYR 64=IQD 25

    so lepas RV, duit IQD25000 akan DITUKAR kpd IQD25(new Iraq Dinar) dan DITUKAR ke RM 64!
    So ada pertambahan nilai ke?!

    copy paste dr blok sebelah……sekadar pengetahuan……………….

  805. Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

    Ok… dibawah ini aku copy & paste kan soalan aku terhadap Warka Bank.

    Bini Najib to Mohammad K Issa

    12:54 AM (23 hours ago)

    Dear Sir,

    I need to know regarding RUMOR from newspaper about CBI put Warka bank under guardianship. Can you confirm this statement? whether yes or not?

    below is the link for that artical.



    Jawapan Dari Pihak Bank Warka…..

    c.accounts to me

    show details 5:57 AM (18 hours ago)

    Dear Sir,

    The CBI has been appointed guardian and trustee of the bank to support the bank in finalizing its capital increase and boost its operations as well as collecting its debt from creditors.

    The daily operations of the bank are running smoothly and regularly where we are accepting deposits and opening accounts standard daily practice.

    With regards to Warka stock once we finalize our affairs with the Iraqi Company Registration Office and Capital Increase we will trade regularly on the ISX..

    Many thanks and best regards,

    Customer Accounts Dept.

    International Affairs

    Warka Bank for Investment and Finance

    This e-mail is confidential and the information contained in it is privileged. It should not be read, copied or used by anyone other than the intended recipient. If you have received it in error, please contact the sender immediately by return email, and delete the e-mail and do not disclose its contents to any person

  806. Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

    Alih Bahasa….

    Ok… dibawah ini aku copy & paste kan soalan aku terhadap Warka Bank.

    Bini Najib to Mohammad K Issa

    12:54 AM (23 hours ago)


    Saya perlu tahu mengenai khabar angin dari akhbar tentang CBI meletakkan Warka bank di bawah penjagaan. Anda boleh mengesahkan kenyataan ini? sama ada ya atau tidak?

    Berikut adalah pautan untuk itu artical.

    Terima kasih.

    Jawapan Dari Pihak Bank Warka …..

    c.accounts kepada – Ku

    menunjukkan butir-butir 5:57 AM (18 hours ago)


    CBI telah dilantik sebagai penjaga dan pemegang amanah bank untuk menyokong bank dalam memuktamadkan peningkatan modal dan meningkatkan operasinya serta mengutip hutang dari pemiutang.

    Operasi harian bank itu berjalan lancar dan teratur di mana kami menerima deposit dan membuka akaun standard amalan harian.

    Merujuk kepada saham Warka sekali kita memuktamadkan hal ehwal kami dengan Pejabat Pendaftaran Syarikat Iraq dan Peningkatan Modal kita akan berdagang dengan kerap pada ISX ..

    Many thanks and best regards,

    Pelanggan Akaun Jabatan

    Hal Ehwal Antarabangsa

    Warka Bank untuk Pelaburan dan Kewangan

    E-mel ini adalah sulit dan maklumat yang terkandung di dalamnya adalah istimewa. Ia tidak seharusnya dibaca, disalin atau digunakan oleh sesiapa selain daripada penerima yang dicadangkan. Jika anda telah menerima dalam kesesatan, sila hubungi penghantar serta merta melalui e-mel pulangan, dan memadam e-mel dan tidak mendedahkan kandungan kepada mana-mana orang

  807. nash berkata:

    sejak den follow forum ni, den tambah kayo bukan kayo dinar tapi kayo citer dinar, habuk pun tarak, he he he

    • Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

      hahaha…tau x per….aku pun sama sejak aku invest kat dinar nie…. aku banyak baca surat kabar Iraq dari aku baca surat kabar meloya & surat kabar berita hairan…..hehehehehe…. tapi surat kabar harakah online… aku selalu baca….hehehehehe….

  808. Monica Roland berkata:

    Halo Tubuh Setiap

    Nama saya Ibu Monica Roland. Saya tinggal di Inggris London dan saya seorang wanita senang hari ini? dan saya mengatakan kepada diri saya bahwa setiap pemberi pinjaman yang menyelamatkan keluarga saya dari situasi kita yang miskin, saya akan merujuk setiap orang yang mencari pinjaman kepadanya, ia memberi saya kebahagiaan bagi saya dan keluarga saya, saya sedang membutuhkan pinjaman sebesar $ 250,000.00 untuk mulai hidup saya seluruh sebagai i am seorang ibu tunggal dengan 3 anak saya bertemu pria ini takut jujur ​​dan TUHAN pemberi pinjaman pinjaman yang membantu saya dengan pinjaman dari USDollar $ 250,000.00, dia adalah orang yang takut akan TUHAN, jika Anda membutuhkan pinjaman dan Anda akan membayar kembali pinjaman silahkan menghubungi dia mengatakan kepadanya bahwa adalah Ibu Monica Roland yang mengarahkan Anda kepada dia. kontak Mr Mr James tulang melalui email: (bestloansfinance02@gmail.com)

    • pakcik kayo berkata:

      mana punya ajaran songsang nie…….ini semua geng nigeria punya orang nie…….hampeh betul…..

  809. Sejiwa Baru berkata:

    Monica Roland sesat mana pulak nie….

  810. sama kaya berkata:

    sesat dan menyesatkan

  811. nash berkata:

    monica roland ni orang indon suruhan orang nigeria, silap tempat nak menipu ni, tak pun gunalah duit zimbabwe 100 trillion dapat beli 1 biji telor ayam je, he..he.. he

  812. Karno berkata:

    Pasti dong,monica roland tuu bukan saudara ku…

  813. pakcik kayo berkata:

    Warka bringing a lawsuit against the Central Bank of Iraq
    Thursday, March 8, 2012 13:38

    BAGHDAD / Baghdadiya News / An official source at the Board of Directors Warka Bank for Investment filed a lawsuit against the Iraqi Central Bank, which recently issued an order placing the bank in question

    Under full guardianship (administrative and financial) and the
    election of new board of directors of the central bank to manage it.

    The source, who preferred not to be named L / Baghdadiya News / that the bank has filed a lawsuit before the competent courts decision not to put legal guardianship issued by the Iraqi Central Bank on Thursday, 1/3/2012, call an extraordinary session held on 1481/29 2/2012. ”

    “The objection was submitted for decision to develop a trusteeship over the legal limit of objection which is five days from the date of issuance of the decision.”

    The central bank had announced last Thursday on the status of the Warka Bank under the trusteeship system, stressing that it will set a new administration soon.

    The deputy governor of Central Bank of Iraq Qasim appearance in a press statement that “the Bank put under guardianship Warka Bank to oversee the work through insolvency”, in reference to cases of bankruptcy or disability.

    And Qassem pointed out that “the Warka Bank had entered last year in talks with the bank,” Standard Chartered, the British “to sell one of his shares, but the talks reached a dead end,” noting that “the central bank gave the bank an opportunity to participate, Standard Chartered, but that did not happen, So we had no financial authority but to intervene as a trustee, “according to (RTRS).

    Qassem added that “the central bank sought new Department for Warka Bank, will be given one month to appoint an auditor to determine how to restructure, and if it needs to sell shares to raise capital.”

    Qassem added that “if the bank has capital, failed in its banking operations and faced an intractable problem, the central bank intervenes in accordance with its law in his capacity as a trustee and appoint a new interim administration.”

    The Executive Director of the Association of Iraqi private banks Abdul Aziz al-Hassoun said, in August 2011, that the Warka Bank needs to be about 100 billion Iraqi dinars (90 million) to boost its liquidity, while confirming the Iraqi market for securities that the Board of Governors in the Iraqi Stock Exchange decided to write off the inclusion of company Warka Bank from the market, in accordance with paragraph IX of Article V of the instruction number three amended for the year 2011, which provides for the write-off company from the listing if the stoppage of circulation for six months without taking appropriate action to appeal, pointing out that the Warka Bank is dependent on trading Since the eighth of February 2010. ”

    The Warka Bank for Investment and Finance, which was established in 1999.130 branches and 350 ATMs in all parts of Iraq.

    The central bank set a three-stage plan to raise banks’ capital to 213 million by June 2013 to stimulate lending at a time when Iraq is recovering from the sanctions and the U.S. invasion in 2003.

    Includes Iraq, seven banks, state-owned and 23 private banks, eight Islamic banks in particular, according to the site’s central bank, while dominated by the banking sector, banks, Rafidain and Rasheed Aovernmaan, and are under way to restructure in order to pay off the debts that have accumulated after years of war and sanctions.

    To the description of the Iraqi Finance Minister Rafie al-Issawi Iraqi Central Bank’s decision to impose the latter and the financial and administrative tutelage on one of the Iraqi private banks to “illegal”.

    He al-Issawi told / Baghdadiya News / “The decision to custody of the Warka Bank Ahli is illegal and is a grave mistake signed by the Central Bank.

    Close to the al-Issawi said of his part that the latter “will be held this afternoon at the Amman conference to shed light on the results of this decision.”


  814. pakcik kayo berkata:

    CBI confirms that the guardianship and the Warka Bank came to save him
    Posted: March 9, 2012 Baghdad, March 9 (Rn) – The Central Bank of Iraq, Friday, the imposition of guardianship on the Warka Bank of Iraq Investment and Finance came to save him from some of the problems experienced by noting that the interim administration’s current bank moving its business, while considered the Committee of Representatives of financial conduct of the Central is an important step to improve and reality.

    The Iraqi Central Bank decided this week to develop and guardianship of a Warka Bank of Iraq’s largest banks because of marking some of the problems in financial dealings.

    The main tasks of the Central Bank in managing monetary policy in the country and raise the level of the values of the Iraqi dinar and tackle inflation.

    The deputy governor of Bank of Iraq the appearance of Mohammed Saleh told the Kurdish news agency (Rn), “the central bank to impose guardianship on the Warka Bank to help him overcome his problems,” noting that “the bank had a problem and we look closely now its assets, and work is continuing and has not closed.”

    The Deputy Governor of the Bank that “Warka Bank of the large banks and very good and has many branches and guardianship means is the interim administration of the bank,” and expressed his hope that “the Warka Bank back to normal after the conclusion of the investigation.”

    He continued that “the guardianship, according to the law is 18 months, renewable for 18 again,” revealing that “the bank found in the daily deal section due to reasons outside of his will, including the Iraqi government to withdraw deposits from three years ago.”

    In response to a surprise that situ Iraqi Finance Minister Rafie al-Issawi’s decision to custody of the Warka Bank without being told personally by the Deputy Governor of the Central Bank that “there is confusion in the law of the Central Bank occurred in the articles is the 59 and 66″, noting that “He explained to the Minister of Finance The latter expressed his conviction. ” He said.

    He expressed his Finance Minister Rafie al-Issawi yesterday in a press statement from the bank’s decision surprised the Iraqi Central Bank developed under the tutelage of Warka, without taking the coordination and approval of the Ministry of Finance.

    He says the Iraqi Central Bank, Article 59 of its law permits him put custody of the banks which is about the appointment of an interim administration for any bank get its financial problems, while the point of article 66 of law that the trustee after the appointed by the central bank could seek through the Central Bank of the request decision of the Minister of Finance to save the bank in case found that there is a possibility to save him.

    And sought the Warka Bank, according to economic reports to come out of his financial entry through the Bembagesat with the British bank Standard Chartered to sell a share of the shares, but the talks have reached a dead end.
    The Committee expressed its support for the parliamentary economic decision to place custody of the P-Warka Egypt on the grounds that the policy adopted by his administration were not effective.

    He said the Commission’s decision Mahma Khalil’s (Rn), “the policy of the Warka Bank banking and economic ineffective in Iraq and a lot of citizens’ rights were lost because of the political incorrect,” noting that “put the bank under the tutelage of the Central Bank is an important step to improve the reality.”

    Khalil said that “the Central Bank of Iraq assumes all responsibility in the granting of rights to citizens who deposited their money in Warka Bank.”

    Economists point out that all banks in Iraq, whether government and private need to tighten control by the central bank in order to prevent financial problems call placed under guardianship.

    The economist said Falah Hassan’s (Rn), that “there are a lot of the problems that got the issue of deposits in banks, the control of all banks, whether civil and government on the grounds that part of the banks has not led to the now active role in the Iraqi economy.”

    Hassan said that “the control of the central bank to all banks will be capable of evaluating their work and improve the efficiency of performance and thus recruitment expertise to improve the Iraqi economy,” adding that “everyone rejects the principle of trusteeship on any bank, but there is confirmation to activate the control of the bank.”

    He continued that “censorship Central Bank of Iraq will be important in terms of evaluating the work of Iraqi banks in addition to preventing access to the stage of development of each trusteeship.”

    The decision to put Alossaath Warka Bank in the Central time enter the new mechanism requiring the withdrawal of foreign currency on the basis of the importance of development projects in the country, after news spread of the breadth of the phenomenon of smuggling hard currency, especially to Iran, facing international sanctions.


  815. payed berkata:

    Sy nyer lg murah en mohamad,
    rm620 utk 200k iqd….kt ampang jew…

  816. pakcik kayo berkata:

    The bank’s recourse to the courts to pay «guardianship» Central Bank denies the accusation «Warka» smuggling money abroad
    2012-03-11بغداد ـ عبد اللطيف هادي 11.03.2012 Baghdad, Abdul Latif Hadi

    Denied the Iraqi Central Bank’s statements dealt with some of the media, yesterday, that he accused the Warka Bank of smuggling money abroad, stressing that he is not related to the Central Bank of the details outside the scope of his powers as a regulator of banks, and that the foot-dragging on the bank in question called up a resolution to impose trusteeship on it.
    This was announced by Vice-province of Oman Central Bank of Iraq d. The appearance of Mohammed Saleh, said that the central bank to deal with all banks equally, was not accused of any bank operating inside Iraq not previously or currently being involved operations of smuggling and money laundering, or anything that falls outside the scope of our mandate, we view art professional deal in accordance with regulations, laws and clauses acts of interfering in the bank and within a specific range to correct some of the tracks or acts of these banks in case we found Mtlkoh in their work, and certainly it would be within the framework of protection money to Iraqi citizens.
    He accused the benefit of some of those in their interest to discredit the Warka Bank or any bank competitor to them, and always try to use the policy of confusion and fabrication Tsrhat to official bodies, and we as a central bank did not declare or announce any information except the imposition of trusteeship for reasons also have been mentioned regarding Ptlku acts of Warka.
    Meanwhile decided Warka Bank Ahli filed a lawsuit against the Central Bank of Iraq and accused him of issuing a decision of the Trusteeship illegally, as expressed Finance Minister Rafie al-Issawi reservation on the decision of the bank, which will stand a stumbling block to foreign investment, while considering the economic parliamentary subject to host central bank officials to indicate the reasons for the trusteeship.
    Prior to the Iraqi Central Bank that the development of Warka, which is one of the largest financial institutions in the country, under the tutelage of full resolution of his administration and appointed replacements for them from the central staff.
    An official source in the Board of Directors of the Warka Bank explained that his bank has decided to sue in the appropriate courts demanded the cancellation of the decision of the guardianship of the Central Bank on us and also made clear our doubts convening of the Board of Directors of the Bank, especially as he announced that his decision came after an extraordinary meeting was at a late hour of the night, and here We have asked the court to make sure this actually in advance of the meeting and the minutes and have been calling members of the legal form and in accordance with the controls.
    He continued that we Manfezon claim against the Central Bank of compensation for damage caused by us, and since 2009 has prevented the Bank from participating in the auction currency and it has nothing to do the position of the bank, and also decided to close 50 branch without justification.
    Iraqi government’s position was Dhaha through the Economic Commission headed by Deputy Prime Minister Ruz Nuri Shaways, who announced that the government is supportive of the development of the private sector of all kinds, especially the private banks that decide coverage system granting bank guarantees for foreign companies operating in Iraq for amounts less than $ 4 million. There are a number of recommendations and decisions that are in favor of the private sector will be adopted government.
    Finance Minister Rafie al-Issawi said at a news conference in Amman and Iraq after the end of the meetings of the World Bank to discuss the budget of 2012, without counting the legal guardianship decision, accusing the central bank to exercise the powers are not right.
    He said such a decision, according to the laws should begin to lift a recommendation or proposal to the Minister of Finance recommendation and after the failure of other solutions, then we have such as the Ministry of financial re-answer the central bank either the decision of guardianship or other solutions, they returned it that would negatively affect the reality of investment and will fear in the hearts of investors foreigners.
    For its part, indicated by the Economic Commission parliamentary Nora Albjara for the Iraqi List, that its relay details of the central bank’s decision has been discussed many issues related to the work of private banks, and its right as a supervisor and concerned with economic affairs Iraqi hosting or call any official Iraqi to show it.
    She Albjara «that such decisions do not serve the interests of the development of Iraqi economy, particularly at the present time, we desperately need now is to attract investors from abroad, and this will not happen if they found that the Iraqi private sector is still at the mercy of Arzach government decision«.


  817. nash berkata:

    takde news terbaru ke kasi panas dinar iraq ni?

  818. sidara berkata:

    bilo nk kayo niiiiii

  819. sidara berkata:

    tunggu nanti ada citer panas tuuuu…..

  820. ahmad berkata:

    saya telah membeli IQD 1juta dengan harga RM7000. Apa pendapat anda?

  821. Sejiwa Baru berkata:

    Harap tuan-puan buka akaun eletronic banking dan simpan cash note dinar iraq agar anda semua selamat dalam semua situasi nanti.

    • Fikri berkata:

      macam mana tu?

      • Mat berkata:

        nasihat Sejiwa Baru perlu diberi perhatian oleh pemegang cash note, jangan simpan telor dlm satu bakul jew, satu bakul jatuh habis la telor musnah…
        buka la satu lagi bakul electronic currency, jangan nilai apa yg dikeluarkan tapi nilai lah apa yg akan dapat bila RV nanti…
        labur lah setakat yg anda mampu tanggung kerugian… senari59@gmail.com

  822. zai berkata:


  823. ahmad berkata:

    Sekiranya berlaku dimana mereka mansohkan 3 kosong, ini bermakna IQD 1,000,000.00 cuma tinggal IQD 1,000.00 saja. Sekiranya IQD 1 bersamaan USD 1 jadi saya cuma dapat USD 1,000.00 sahaja dan tukar ke RM dapat la RM3,300.00 Jadi saya rugi RM3,700.00
    Betul ke pengiraan saya ni. Harap dapat beri nasihat.

  824. Orang Kampung berkata:

    Begini lah saudara -saudari sekelian

    1. Seramai lebih kurang 2 juta , rakyat USA , ada 1 juta cash note dinar iraq.
    2. 2 juta orang x 1 juta iraq dinar = 2 trillion dinar
    3. 2 trillion dinar x 3.00 Usd ( bila rv ) = 6 trilion usd ( convert ke usd – bila rv )


    1.Seramai lebih kurang 100,000 orang , rakyat dari seluruh global (dunia) , ada 1 juta cash note dinar iraq – buka akaun eletronic banking di iraq)
    2. 100,000 orang x 1 juta iraq dinar = 100 billion dinar
    3. 100 billion dinar x 3.00 Usd ( bila rv ) = 300 billion usd ( convert ke usd – bila rv )

    Jadi jumlah manakah kerajaan iraq patut bayar, saudara fikirkanlah, atau ada syarat lain kerajaan Iraq akan perkenalkan terhadap peminat dinar iraq….. Fikirkanlah sendiri…

  825. Cash In Time berkata:

    Salam sumer:D Sebelum kita jawab soklan tu, terlebih dahulu kita kena tahu berapa Trillion IQD yg Iraq ade.
    Mengikut data/laporan akhbar : CBI ckp ~ sekitar 30 Trillion IQD.
    Dari jumlah 30 trillion IQD tu..berapa sebenar nya jumlah yg berada dlm pasaran / kitaran..?  OK, kita hold kejap persoalan tu.
    Sebelum kita jawab persolalan tu, elok kita paham dulu pergerakan matawang dlm pasaran Iraq.
    95% pendapatan kerajaan Iraq (GOI) adalah hasil dari jualan minyak.  So GOI dpt  USD hasil dari jualan minyak.
    GOI ‘tukar’ USD kepada IQD dgn CBI. IQD ni akan digunakan oleh GOI utk bayar gaji, bil2, hutang kontrak dsb.
    CBI kemudian ‘melelong’ USD yg didapati dari GOI ~ dan hasil dari lelongan tersebut, CBI mendapat IQD (yg dibayar oleh participating banks). ~  Currency auction ini juga di panggil sbg  “Open market operations”.
    CBI kemudian nyer menukar sebahagian dari jumlah IQD ni kepada USD yg diterima dari GOI hasil dari jualan minyak.
    (pusingan ini akan berterusan…GOI dpt USD > GOI tukar ke IQD melalui CBI > CBI lelong USD > CBI dapat IQD > CBI tukar IQD kpd USD yg diterima dari GOI.
    So..kalo kita lihat dari pergerakan matawang dlm pasaran Iraq, walaupun IQD sentiasa keluar masuk pintu CBI, di antara proses lelongan (daily auction) dan proses menukar IQD/USD dgn GOI, terdapat ruang untuk CBI menarik keluar note2 besar ( note 3 zeros) dari pasaran Iraq.
    Dan kita juga dapat melihat…matawang USD terus masuk kedlm pasaran Iraq.
      So apa itu Open market operations aka currency auctions. ~ “Open market operations” are monetary policy tools that affect directly the monetary base; the monetary base can be expanded or contracted using an expansionary policy or a contractionary policy. 
    “Open market operation merupakan salah satu polisi kewangan yg digunakan oleh bank2 pusat bagi mengawal monetary base mereka ( money supply). Melalui proses ini, mereka boleh menguncupkan money supply ataupun meningkatkan money supply kedlm pasaran.
    DALAM KES IRAQ..CBI menggunakan polisi ini utk menguncupkan money supply IQD..atau pun mengurangkan IQD dari pasaran.
    Jadi..melalui daily auctions ni, CBI BOLEH mengurangkan jumlah IQD dari pasaran. Persoalan nyer…adakah CBI berhasrat mengurangkan matawang IQD dari pasaran..? Terutama note2 besar..? hahaha. 
    Melalui projek DELETE 3 zeros, kita tahu, CBI MEMANG berhasrat utk menarik keluar note2 yang mempunyai 3 zeros dari pasaran. So what is stopping them..?  Jawapan nyer : NOTHING! Nothing is stopping them. Dan saya yakin, CBI sudah lama menarik keluar note2 besar dari pasaran Iraq secara gradual.
    DAN….CBI boleh melakukan ini tanpa member kesan negative kpd rakyat atau pun pasaran Iraq kerana…rata2  rakyat Iraq menggunakan USD utk transaksi mereka ~ lebih mudah.
    Baru2 ni..ade lagi satu news yg kita boleh kaitkan dgn usaha CBI menarik keluar IQD dari pasaran. Kali ini CBI memberitahu…bank2 di Iraq menawarkan kadar simpanan yg lebih baik bagi IQD berbanding USD. Konon nyer ini adalah untuk menggalakkn rakyat Iraq menyimpan IQD sekaligus mengurangkan kesan inflasi..??? CBI sendiri berkata…itu adalah salah satu cara mereka mengeluarkan IQD dari pasaran. Hmmm…bukan saya ckp, CBI yg ckp 😀
    Berbalik pada persoalan asal..berapa trillion USD yg CBI kene sediakan utk RV..? 😀
    So..kita dah tahu, CBI boleh dan sebenar nya memang pun sudah menarik menarik IQD keluar dari pasaran? Persoalan nyer..berapa byk..? 10 trillion, 15 trillion..? 20 trillion.?
    Saya tak tahu…:D tapi kalo kita lihat apa yg polisi yg CBI lakuan (auctions sejak 2006), saya rasa dah byk kot.
    Kalo kita tanya CBI, brp IQD dalam negara Iraq dan brp IQD di luar negara Iraq…..saya tidak pasti jika CBI mempunyai  sebarang indicator yg jelas ttg IQD dlm negara vs IQD diluar negara.
    Now.., kita tgk statement ni  pulak 😀
    “Baghdad (news) .. He specializes in economic affairs Dargham Muhammad Ali, that the volume of currency in circulation in the local market is (4) trillion dinars is controlled by a central bank and this prevents the inflation for next year.”
    Mana dtg 4 trillion tu..??? huhu.
    Kita process sket info ni…satu cara je CBI boleh come out with this 4 trillion  figure..ia itu dgn  mengambil kira jumlah IQD yg kini berada dlm simpanan CBI…betul tak..?
    CBI sering gtau kita..total IQD in circulation is 30 trillion. So kalo skrg dia kata 4 trillion in circulation, makna nyer, mathematically ~ CBI has accounted for the remaining 26 trillion IQD. Kalo tak..mcm mn 4 trillion tu terpancul keluar.
    So skrg ONLY 4 trillion is out there now..bukan lagi 30 trillion. Adekah 4 trillion ni termasuk yg kita2 ni pegang?…Saya rasa..itu lah jumlah IQD ditangan pemegang2 dinar spt kita ni.
    Katakan esok Iraq RV….brp yg Iraq kene tanggung..?? adakan jumlah 4 trillion ini ..? Pada saya..tak. Mari kita buat elimination process.
    Kalo Iraq RV pada 1:1 atau tinggi ~ rakyat Iraq yg masih memegang IQD tidak akan cash in..sbb nilai IQD sekarang dah setara dgn USD..mereka akan gunakan IQD tu utk transaksi dlm negara mereka. Kalo RV lebih tinggi dari 1:1, lagi ler rakyat Iraq tak kan cash in…sbb pada kadar lebih tinggi, matawang IQD lebih tinggi dari USD…so utk apa mereka tukar to USD..betul..?
    So rakyat Iraq, tak kan cash in bila RV nanti.
    Skrg kita tgk kpd pemegang2 dinar diluar Iraq. Kita ambil contoh Malaysia ~ let’s follow the money ( jom ikut duit kita..)
    Bila RV nanti..kita akan membawa IQD kita ke bank2 atau MC2 tempatan. Kalo tiada masalah, bank/MC akan cash in utk kita. Seterus nya, IQD kita  akan smp ke bank negara.  BNM juga tidak akan cash in IQD kita ini. Ia akan disimpan sebagai reserves atau pun akan digunakan utk membayar Iraq apabila dagangan antara dua negara berjalan.
    Adekah Bank2 Malaysia kene sediakan trillions of USD utk cash in. Hmm..tidak jugak sbb segala transaksi akan dilakukan melaui elektronik…….terus masuk kedlm akaun2 kita semua.
    Begitu juga dgn negara2 lain didunia.
    So utk pemegang2 IQD luar dari Iraq..Iraq tidak perlu menyediakan sbrg USD utk dicash in. Bank2 tempatan yg akan cash in.
    In fact, selain dari expat2 yg tinggal di Iraq (tak byk mana pun), tiada tanggungan keatas Iraq mahupun CBI apabila RV berlaku….tiada trillions of dollars yg perlu Iraq sediakan.
    So persoalan berapa trillions USD CBI kene sediakan utk RV..?  ~ Iraq tak perlu sediakan apa2 pun. 😀

  826. Cash In Time berkata:

    credit to ZZ

  827. Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

    hehehehe….. X payah nak pening2 kepala nak mengira…..duit iraq tu….aku dah cakap….suruh kau orang buka account bank diiraq…kau orang buka jer….yg x buka tu…dah tentu2nya rugi…dan yg dah buka pasti akan untung…..hehehehehehe….

  828. Omar berkata:

    Salam 1 Malaysia kepada semua bakal jutawan dinar Iraq. Disini saya ada menjual dinar iraq berharga RM150 untuk sekeping note IQD25000 yang original dari money changer berlesen di bawah Bank Negara Malaysia. Berminat boleh hubungi/sms 0126975432

    • Mat berkata:

      Knape disaat dinar hampir nak RV, ada plak yang nk jual? atau dah tak yakin cash note selamat nanti?
      Cukup la simpan cash note tu, reda jew setakat yg dah terbeli..

      Kalu betol cash note tu slmat, bodohlah MC tu jual di kala hampir RV… berapa la sangat untungnye dari jual cash note tu..

      Peluang terbaik dalam tempoh dua minggu ni, adalah dengan buka saving account di bank Iraq… selamat sampai bila2 pon selagi Iraq tidak alami perang kali kedua. senari59@gmail.com

      • Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

        itu maknanya si penjual Cash Note Dinar iraq nak menghabiskan stock simpanannya….hehehehe… sebab si penjual Cash note dinar iraq memang dah tahu bahawa Cash Note dinar Iraq diluar dari iraq tidak akan ada nilainya…hehehehehee…

  829. pakcik kayo berkata:

    Mahma Khalil contract with four international companies for the printing of currency seriously .. and reveals the categories
    On: Sun 03/18/2012 12:20

    Baghdad (news) .. A member of the Economic Commission deputy / Kurdistan Alliance bloc / Mahma Khalil, all contracted the Iraqi Central Bank with (4) known international companies for the printing of new currency for the printing of the new national currency after you delete the zeros of which, describing the project to delete the three zeroes of currency to “successful” and the ideal time to replace them.
    Khalil said (of the Agency news) on Sunday: The project to delete the three zeroes from the local currency is one of the important projects and at all levels, whether economic or security for the country, pointing out that the program issue by the Central Bank a good time to replace the currency ideal, which will be early next year.
    He pointed out: that the central bank has contracted with (4) well-known international companies, and solid in the field of international currency printing, without giving their names or nationalities, saying: The time is still too early to announce the nationalities of those companies.
    Khalil added: that the new currency will be a high specification and have the properties of security is very high is not as easy to be forged, in addition to the federal government has (25) a device with allergic high and marked new currency counterfeit of good as well as import (25) other devices by the central bank to detect counterfeit currency, calling for attribution and support this project because it will reform the Iraqi currency by reducing the money supply raised in the local markets.
    The Attorney-Khalil: The new currency will consist of the categories (1, 2, 5, 10, 25 and 50, 100, 200) dinars, as well as small metal groups (50 and 250) fils.
    As revealed deputy governor of the Central Bank of the appearance of Mohammed in favor of the existence of safety properties of high-tech and scientifically advanced in the new Iraqi currency after deletion of zeros of the three of them.
    Saleh said in an earlier statement (of the Agency news): The Central Bank of Iraq has reached advanced stages of preparations logistical task for the project to delete the three zeroes from the Iraqi currency, and after obtaining approval from the federal government to implement it will be working on a larger scale as a project is a strategic interest to the general public Iraqi. / Finished / 8. n. r /

  830. ANTI BN/UMNO berkata:

    OFF TOPIC…..

    Tutorial Cara Mengundi Yang Betul

    Sila sebarkan Video ini pada Rakan2 anda melalui Blog,Facebook,YM,Skype,MSN,Tweeter dan sebagainya…..

    AWAS!!!! SPR sedaya upaya untuk memenangkan BN/UMNO…..gunakan hak anda untuk membantah didalam bilik mengundi sekiranya SPR mencatit No IC / Siri no ketas Undian anda pada kertas menyemak UNDI atau pun pada Kertas Undi anda.

    Sama2 Kita Tumbangkan Kerajaan Yg Korup!!!!!!

    Perlu diingatkan BN/UMNO Menang…. Cukai 6% sedang menanti kita….. cukuplah selama ini kita dibebani oleh kerajaan BN/UMNO dengan kenaikan harga barang dan juga harga Elektrik!!!!

  831. Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

    CBI waiting for the green light to start printing the currency in which also includes the Kurdish language

    12:03:20 / 03/2012

    The sources indicated in a press statement that “the central bank introduced a draft law to delete the zeros to the Chairman of the House of Representatives Osama Najafi, and ensure that everything about this great project which will start work by the process of offering the new currency for circulation early next year, and will continue to drive the replacement of three years.

    “The House of Representatives has no objections to the project except the subject of graphics that will come within the designs, adding there are those favored by nature and one favored by Islamic history, stressing that the initial indications stating that everyone agreed on the historic monuments in Iraq.

    He was vice president of the Central Bank of Iraq the appearance of Mohammed Saleh, said in a statement to “Khandan”: that put Iraq’s new currency will be in (01/01/2013) and will be in both Arabic and Kurdish with the deletion of the first three zeros from the currency current, indicating the following: that the budget of the federal financial of Iraq will be traded during the ninth month of the current year and recognizes in the New Year according to the new currency of the two languages.

    Saleh explained: The installation of the current currency led to inflation in the Iraqi market and has become inadequate with the financial situation now, the lack of large groups and small to cover the trading them, noting that all the countries of the world that emerged from conflict or hit by the deterioration in the currency of the GATT to modify its currency.

  832. Bini Anwar berkata:

    soalan kpd BN..tlg jawab dgn nas2
    I want to ask BNM about the phenomenon of Iraq dinar trading in Malaysia, can you clarify some thing regarding this matter. Is it legal to keep foreign currency at a high rate and is there any law regarding foreign currency control?
    BNM Answer:
    We’d like to share information with you that under the Exchange Control Act 1953, is an offense for a person in Malaysia to buy or sell foreign currency (forex) or do any act which involves, in relation to, or preparation for, purchase or sell foreign currency with any person, other than a registered dealer. Under this Act, is an offense for a person to aid or abet another person to purchase or sell foreign currency with any person, unless the person is an authorized dealer.
    For your information, Bank Negara Malaysia is not listed as one of the Iraq dinar currency exchange rates. More information can be obtained through the site: http://www.bnm.gov.my/index.php?ch=12&pg=629
    The public is advised to deal directly with local banks (under the supervision of Bank Negara Malaysia) to obtain information related to these currencies to avoid fraud by the unscrupulous.

    • Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

      kau nak aku jawab macam mana wahai Bini Anwar??? Nas2 macam mana yg kau nak….cuba cakap ngan aku!!!! Setahu akulahkan aku tak main dengan Bank Negara Malaysia berkenaan dengan Dinar Iraq.sebabnya sejak dari azali lagi memang Salah jika sesorang itu membeli dan menjual sesuatu matawang asing selain dari bank yang berlesen Sahaja.Untuk Pengetahuan kau Money Changer tidak boleh menjual sebarangan Matawang Asing yg tidak tersenarai dalam lesen perniagaanya.dipendikan cerita….Money Changer tidak mempunyai Lesen Untuk Menjual Dinar Iraq (IQD) , Mesir pound (EGP) dan sebagainya. Money Changer Diberi lesen oleh BNM hanya penjualan Matawang Asing yg tertera pada Papan Elektronik / Papan Manualnya didalam kedai itu sahaja. selain dari itu ia dikira illegal. kalau money changer dimalaysia ada yg menjual Dinar Iraq….sila kau dapatkan Resit Pembelian Sah dari Money Changer tersebut dimana didalam resit tersebut mengandungi nama Money Changer Tersebut berserta dengan no pendaftaran syarikat money Changer tersebut dan didalam resit tersebut tercetak perkatan (IQD) yang menyatakan dia menjual Dinar Iraq.Tolong kau Scan dan Uploadkan kedalam blog ini. So senang aku nak suruh orang aku Buat Spot Check terhadap money Changer tersebut. kalau setakat Money changer tersebut bagi kau resit kosong….x ada nama syarikat dan x ada tertulis perkataan IQD didalam resit tersebut….itu bermakna dia menjual IQD secara Haram.tampa pengetahuan dari BNM.


      • Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

        Nasihat aku terhadap sesiapa yg membeli Cash Note Dinar Iraq Secara haram DiMalaysia….SUDAH…SUDAHLAH….hentikan pembelian Cash Note Dinar Iraq tu….. takkan kemana duit Dinar kau orang tu….selain duit kau orang tu boleh dibuat bakar mayat cina mati je….kat malaysia nie….tapi kalau Duit Cash note kau orang tu berada disebuah negara bernama IRAQ…..so duit cash note kau orang tu…bolehlah dikatakan duit investment…..dan laku…. tapi kau orang kena ingat….polisi baru kerajaan iraq…. sesiapa yg didapati membawa masuk dinar iraq dari luar iraq….. jika disabit kesalahan oleh mahkamah Iraq….hukumannya penjara 15 tahun kerja keras dan dapat makan percuma dari kerajaan iraq selama 15 tahun….hehehehehe….Adios Amigos…

      • Omar berkata:

        Malaysia tiada hubungan diplomatik dgn Iraq. Jadi kerajaan kita takde membuat hubungan dagangan 2 hala. Jadi Malaysia tak menyimpan atau memiliki duit Iraq. Lgpun sekarang wang IRaq belum diapungkan di pasaran. JIka diapungkan kemudian di pasaran, barulah matawang mereka sah digunakan di seluruh 186 buah negera

    • Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

      Yer Ker x ada perhubungan diplomatik????? kalau x ada hubungan diplomatik dah tentu x ada embessy Iraq dimalaysiakan….??????
      habis tu…yg kat jalan utan ampang tu…..apa bendanya tu?????? siap terpampang tulis Kedutaan Iraq!!!!!! hehehehehe….

      Bro….kalau dah ada kedutaan Iraq dimalaysia…..itu bermakna dah ada perhubungan diplomatiklah tu……hehehehehe…..

      hehehehe…… Pasal apungan dinar Iraq dipasaran tu…betul…bila diapungkan barulah dinar itu laku diseluruh dunia…..itu pun bukannya pada nilai Duit Cash Note yg kau orang Beli….hehehehe…

      Pembetulan…. “IQD” tidak akan diapungkan….sampai bila2…..TETAPI “NIQD” (New Iraqi Dinar) lah yang akan diapungkan oleh CBI & GOI pada 2013. IQD yg kau orang beli dan kau orang simpan tu…. akan ditukarkan kepada NIQD…. TAPI pertukaran tersebut hanya boleh dibuat didalam Iraq sahaja.hehehehehehe….selagi duit kau orang x balik keiraq….jangan bermimpilah nak jadi jutawan iraq.hehehehehe….

  833. pakcik kayo berkata:

    Citizen) reveal the intentions of raising the value of all Iraqi dinars to equal
    « on: Today at 11:04:32 AM »QuoteCitizen) reveal the intentions of raising the value of all Iraqi dinars to equal one dollar

    On: Wednesday 03/21/2012 19:48

    Baghdad: Ahmed Naseer , a source in the Iraqi Central Bank about
    four companies currently competing to win the draft printing the new Iraqi dinar, which will generate graceful after deleting three zeros from it, as Samay central bank to raise the value of the dinar against the dollar gradually down to the day to start replacement where the value will be in the absence of a fluctuation of Iraqi dinars and one equivalent of U.S. $ one.

    The source continued that the Bank and after the Notice blockbuster to buy hard currency of the auction, which is supervised by the central, deliberately to sell the dollar worth less than the former by 3.4 points, with the imposition of conditions of purchase to prevent the exploitation of the market meet the demands of neighboring countries that suffer from economic sanctions and the devaluation of their national currencies, all of this to re-balance the domestic market, which saw and by what mentioned fluctuating rapidly in the price of the dinar, adding that everyone knows that the central bank managed to actually raise the value of the dinar in thoughtful and intelligent since 2003 until now that the price of the dollar equivalent to 240 dinars, but now the price tag rose to 1120 per dollar, and this is one of the most important tasks of the Central Bank, which is responsible for monetary policy in the country, and one of the most important endeavors is to raise the value of national currency to achieve purchasing power top for the Iraqi people.

    The Central Bank of Iraq announced, yesterday, about his buying and selling of the dollar price of 1166 dinars during the auction, which is evaluated every day with the participation of 23 banks, after it was sell it and buy it at the price of 1170 dinars to the dollar. Deputy Governor of the Central Bank of the appearance of Mohammed Saleh, in statements to the media », that« the Bank worked to raise the prices of the Iraqi dinar against the dollar during its sessions for the sale and purchase of foreign exchange rate of four dinars and by 3.4% to up to 1166 dinars to the dollar », indicating that« the dinar nominal is not commensurate with the purchasing power him or the real price of the exchange rate of the dinar against the dollar ». Saleh added that «the current account of payments of Iraq where a large surplus relative to GDP at a rate of 5-8%», stressing that «the surplus is the signal strength and not vice versa as well as the existence of large reserves of the Bank».

    Saleh pointed out that «the dollar exchange rates in the Iraqi market which recently experienced a slight increase will be affected by the decision of the Iraqi Central Bank », adding that« the Iraqi dinar will be attractive in the Iraqi market ». The Deputy Governor of the Central Bank of the appearance of Mohammed earlier this year for efforts to obtain the approval of the executive and legislative branches to put in three categories significant after deleting three zeros from the Iraqi dinar, pointing out that the process of replacing the currency will take two years. As announced in favor of (January 6, 2012) for high reserves, Central Bank of Iraq from foreign currency to $ 60 billion for the first time in the history of Iraq, while confirmed its ability to curb inflation if it came to two places decimal places, it was considered that the current levels do not raise concern.

    It is noteworthy that the CBI is being daily sessions for the sale and purchase of foreign currency except for public holidays on which depends in which of those auctions. the appearance of Mohammed Saleh confirmed by (citizen) that the volume of money supply to be printed soon consist of 28 30 billion dinars, with calculated that the currency currently in circulation to more than 32 trillion dinars, and you measure the size of Altrchiq which dominated the national currency, and the size of the benefits that will catch up with this project in terms of withdrawal of monetary inflation and reduce the amount of cash and other. source revealed in an interview (citizen) that the form of currency The new will be like a mirror reflecting the history of Iraq and specifications will be even better than printing the dollar, and are impossible to falsified, and will be charged properties artistic and aesthetic features of an Iraqi national tell a story of civilization and its achievements since the dawn of history, as well as it will carry both Arabic and Kurdish as the text of the Constitution provides that in addition to English language being a global system is applied in all countries of the world. He said the groups would be equal between the metal and paper, where will be issued a class (25, 50, 75 and 100) dinars categories metal and there are 5, 10, 25 and 50 and 100 dinars, and paper.

    In order to shed light on the history of the Iraqi currency has been used to study integrated worked on writing the engineer in charge Mahmoud Shaker al-Rubaie, who was able to document the history of the dinar in this country since its inception and even now, in which he said: – The talk of the Iraqi currency and a broad and large it is associated with conditions of political instability experienced by Iraq, which led to the entry of foreign currency of the policy of the occupied country, when the Iraq under Ottoman control, the (Majidi) is the currency traded in the deal has been designated as the currency relative to the Sultan Abdul Majid, the father of Sultan Abdul Hamid, and parts Majidi is (Alaqچh and righteous) and continued to deal Palmgide Ottoman until the entry of the British in 1917 and to extract the country from Ottoman control as Enter the British (Indian Rupee) currency alternative in dealing and trading, and their parts (soften) and has been the practice that the new currency expel the old currency ..

    So ended the trading currency, the Ottoman Empire after he entered the Lord’s Indian into the Iraqi market and the reason for making the trading Barabah Indian instead of pound English is due to most of the troops, the English occupied are of Indian Sikhs and Alkirkh. After that crystallized when the English idea of a (Kingdom of) in Iraq and became a talk about One of the children of Sharif Hussein to stand up to this task has happened in 23 / ​​August / 1921 Faisal was crowned as the son of Sharif Hussein king of Iraq must be of this political shift that is reflected at all levels and find it a change in the currency. It began to pump Iraqi currency called a new (penny) and the word is out of Byzantine and consists of a small circle of copper in the middle category number and below the word penny around the circle Kingdom of Iraq and on her right Hijri and to the left of the Christian calendar the other side of the image of King Faisal I, written by King of Iraq on the right and Faisal I on the left. With the passage of (penny Iraq) continued (Lord’s Indian) trading as of October 1932 has been canceled to deal with. after the issuance of (penny) issued a coin is (two mites) and with the same specifications penny, but greater than a bit, then appeared (pubic hair), a four money is equivalent to currency in English (brown), one of the parts of the pound has continued to issue categories in ascending appeared ten fils, one of the copper and then the twentieth penny called (the Koran) and the dirham and is equal to 50 fils then appeared percent fils then two hundred fils and it is called (Real) and the equivalent of (Shilling) currency in English which is made ​​of pure silver and a picture of King Faisal I on the one hand and the other three palms engraved on the thick branch of a tree, a large size relatively. After ten years on the coronation of King Faisal I, was established the Iraq Currency Board in London in 1931 and the issuance of Law 44 of the same year, by which printing paper currency in the sixteenth of March 1932 saw the light of the first Iraqi dinars bearing an image of King Faisal I on the right and the name of Kingdom of Iraq at the top and category number in the middle is written in Arabic and the second in English , where the company (Dollarroa) British printing of the dinar was also printed in small denominations of paper (quarter and half) in India and started the Iraqi dinar expel the Lord’s Indian, according to the rule referred to until the end the deal in October 1932. that the Iraqi dinar is equal to 1000 fils was also printed Order five dinars, ten dinars and then was put Order cent dinars Royal.

    With the development of political events, specifically on 26 / November / 1934 appeared the new dinar, carrying a picture of King Ghazi This happened after the death of King Faisal I quickly changed this image to be replaced by a picture of King Faisal the second in late 1939, when the departure of King Ghazi. has continued the Iraq Currency Board printed Iraqi currency until the issuance of Law No. 43 of 47 and by virtue of which has been established (National Bank of Iraq), and specifically on the twentieth of July 1947 to adopt the theme printed Iraqi currency and the existence of this bank been dispensed with by the Council of the currency and cancellation in 1949, after several years and specifically in the first of July 1956 a law was passed 72 by virtue of which changed the name of National Bank of Iraq to (CBI). did not change the form of the Iraqi currency and continued to print until the establishment of the Republic of Iraq in 1958 and the emergence of leader Abdul Karim Kassem in his time there a lot of amendments on the currency notes and coins as the posters of the three kings of all currencies replaced by (logo Republican) new and that on the eighth of July 1958 and get a lot of variables on the coin as canceled class (Filsin) added fils to ( pubic) to become (five fils) and Hausa popular salutes the leader for his work, namely, (lived leader Old Zaid pubic .. fils ..) as well as canceled (the Koran), a twenty-penny and was replaced by (twenty-five fils) while retaining the MAD and percent fils and cancel (Rial ) which is equal to 200 fils, and the terms of paper currency, the hundred-dinar was canceled and keep the rest of the categories of paper with the addition of symbols of Iraq have (such as Palm and filling Darbandikhan filling Dukan and Fort Ukhaydir and Daura and waterfall entirely on you and your beacon humpback and silo Basra, Helicobacter and the bull winged and the Lion of Babylon and ascend Kut and guitar and Obelisk Hammurabi did not change the form of currency, but little change until the revolution of the seventeenth of July 1968 and began raising the slogan of the republic to be replaced by symbols of Iraq referred to above.

    With the beginning of the eighties of the last century began the emergence of a coin to replace categories of paper small appeared 250 fils compared to quarter dinars and 500 fils, compared to half dinars and 1000 fils against the dinar as well as the Central Bank issued the Iraqi alloy of gold of the categories (gold dinar and five dinars, ten dinars gold), which was sold at the price prevailing for gold and for a short period, and in the mid-eighties of the last century began (feminine) the volume of paper currency beginning of the quarter dinar and the end of Balashr dinars and more characteristic of this stage is the emergence of the Order of the ten dinars and has a great scientist Hassan Ibn al-Haytham, which Ohmt people that this currency is not Iraq ..!! With the deterioration in the political and falling exchange rate of the dinar against the dollar, the government took to printing a new class with No. 25 dinars, and on his face the first image of Arabian horses and the other side is for the coin were then put a picture of former Iraqi President Saddam Hussein instead of Arabian horses have been printed in this category in Russia.

    In the second of August 1990 had evolved in Iraqi politics was overshadowed by the dark on the country generally and currency, particularly by imposing (policy economic blockade) by America and its allies, which led to the disappearance of currency for all original categories and the emergence of currency printed locally Bmtaba newspapers and journals is meager and devoid of controls in place worldwide .. As the years the blockade increased the print size and say the dinar exchange rate against the dollar until he arrived in 1995 to 3000 dinars to the dollar, which has produced tons of currency printed locally. that monetary policy began to lose its balance because of the (currency prosthetic) For the purpose of control of the high inflation began printing categories are not defined earlier, such as the fifty and one hundred dinars which is bearing the image of the unknown soldier’s new The Baghdad clock on the one hand and the image of former President Saddam Hussein from the second and then a class Almaútan and fifty dinars which is bearing the image of the President. did not hold the banknotes in front of the dollar exchange rate with continuous print locally even seemed meager worthless and that the large size has deprived its prestige .. continued in 2002, was issued a new class is a paper on (10000) dinars to absorb inflation gorge and slack the big hit the currency, but to no avail. after more than thirteen years the blockade policy and the advent of CPA and the occupation of the country by the United States of America and the appointment of Bremer (Paul Bremer ), which began to amend Iraqi law by what he sees is if adopted by the Central Bank Law No. 73 of 2004 amended, which provides for printed Iraqi currency a new currency and rely on the dinar republican in form and change the category to be consistent with the equivalent of currency printed locally if adopted the form of quarter dinars to become a 250 dinars and a half into 500 dinars and the dinar becomes 1000 dinars, as well as the five and ten dinars to five thousand and ten thousand dinars, with the introduction of a new class is (25000) dinars to absorb the huge expansion of cash which are of red dye was also an instrument of the coin of the class 100 dinars and 50 dinars and 25 dinars, but has not been activated largely because of the conditions of inflation and price increases have started to replace the currency from 01.10.2004 until 02.28.2005 and the continued currency trading referred to above to the present day and talk about the intention of the government remove three zeros from the Iraqi dinar in order to reach to levels comparable with the exchange rates of foreign currencies order back to the glory of the Iraqi dinar and weighs a healthy beautiful green turquoise.


  834. pakcik kayo berkata:

    Economist: the need to increase interest rates on bank deposits to encourage people to bid farewell to their money in banks

    21-03-2012 | (Voice of Iraq) – Baghdad (news)

    Economic expert called Radhi Ismail to the need to increase the value of the interest of the funds deposited in banks to encourage citizens to bid farewell to their money and invest in projects that serve the country.
    Radi said (of the Agency news) said on Wednesday: it is necessary to take the bold decision by the monetary policy of the Central Bank to increase interest rates for amounts deposited in the banks, for the purpose of paying the owners of wealth to bid farewell to their money in banks and invested in projects that serve the country like some countries the world, pointing to the presence of large amounts frozen to the citizens without some investment.
    And Ocharaly: that most of the world depend Bsaasthm cash to increase the benefits of the funds deposited in banks to bring in a lot of money and investment of economic projects and services, pointing to the owners of wealth and the amounts abundant Iraqis are beginning to today are turning abroad to deposit their money in those countries for the purpose of obtaining the annual profit.
    He criticized the work of economist banking policy in Iraq, by reducing the interest on money deposited in banks, making the most of the citizens’ retreat to the banks to withdraw their money, and this is what has led to confusion in the banking and make it inactive.
    It is noted that the interest prescribed by the Central Bank on funds deposited in banks (3%) per annum.

    Read more:http://translate.goo…g#ixzz1pm3y9Pqp

  835. ahmad berkata:

    saya ingin menjual IQA1Juta Cash Note hanya RM4K. Masa saya beli dulu RM7K. Ada sesiapa yg berminat? Hubungi saya di afuad1965 @gmail.com

    • Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

      hehehehe…ada lesen ker bang….nak jual IQD?????? baca dibawah ini….

      Who can buy or sell foreign currency in Malaysia?

      Licensed commercial banks or Islamic banks in Malaysia may buy or sell foreign currency other than the currency of Israel with a resident or non-resident in Malaysia or any party outside Malaysia.

      An investment bank may also buy or sell foreign currency with their resident clients or any non-residents.

      Licensed moneychangers are only permitted to buy and sell foreign currency notes against ringgit and buy any travellers’ cheques.

      Licensed offshore banks in Labuan may buy or sell foreign currency against another foreign currency with any non-resident clients.

      PENALTY for offences committed under the Exchange Control Act, 1953


  836. nash berkata:

    money changer dah jadi haram jual dinar iraq, haramjadah punya mc, heeehhhee

    • Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

      hehehehe….kalau dah Money Changer Haram Jadah….. macam mana pula kepada pembeli Cash note dinar iraq yg membeli dengan money changer?????? wakaka…wakaka…wakaka….

      dan bagaimana pula pembeli2 cash note dinar iraq yg membeli dengan orang persorangan?????? hehehehehe……tolong jawab soalan saya yer!!!!!!! nash!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!……

  837. Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

    Securities Commission confirms that the impact of the deletion of 3 zeros on Iraqi Currency will not affect the level of equity investment of external and internal.

    Sun 03/25/2012 6:31

    Baghdad declared the Iraq Stock Exchange yesterday, Saturday, that the deletion of three zeros from the local currency will not affect the level of equity investment of external and internal.
    and announced that the Securities Commission for a stop work efffective from Sunday until next Thursday in response to the holiday announced by the Iraqi government .

    The executive director Abdul Razak said that.. “the deletion of zeros from the local currency is currently only being is organizational and it will not affect the level of trading stock investment foreign and domestic,” noting that “continuous coordination with the Central Bank to regulate the process of deleting the zeros and confidence that it will not affect the level of trading domestic and foreign stocks market. “

    and pointed out that “the Iraqi market for securities has specifications similar to international standards, which represents the confidence of investors which is contributing to the promotion of the Iraqi market for securities in achieving economic development.”
    and started the Iraq Stock Exchange preparations preliminary to gain membership in the global market for securities , also announced the initiation of electronic filing of corporate foreign investment and local, rather than filing paperwork.

    The Stock Exchange of Iraq has started operation in 2004, and shifted from manual trading to the use of screens handle electronic in 2009 and open for trading two hours a day five days a week.
    and the banking sector is the largest in exchange, which also includes the shares of industrial companies and insurance companies, hotels and agricultural companies.

    P/s: hehehehe….. Pada Pemilik Cash Note…. sayonara pada cita2 anda untuk menjadi Jutawan…. buat penyimpan dinar Iraq dalam akuan bank….” Be Prepared to Become Millionaire ” hehehehehe….. ” I Smell Money….Money…Money….” wakaka…wakaka…wakaka…

    • pakcik kayo berkata:

      ha…ha…ha….money come baby……just do it……lets go to NEGARA BERKEBAJIKAN…..ha..ha…ha…..

  838. Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

    More News About New Iraqi Dinars

    27 March 2012

    AKnews reports that Iraq’s new currency will include three languages: Arabic, Kurdish, and English. It will also include archaeological features including those of the Kurdistan Region.

    Speaking on behalf of the economic committee in the Iraqi Council of Representatives, Muhama Khalil said that deleting the three zeros, and restructuring the currency will provide significant economic benefits.

    He explained that Iraq signed a contract with four foreign companies to producing paper and coin variants of the new currency from the beginning of next year.

    The move to delete the zeros will reduce the number of ” BANK NOTES ” in circulation and simplify Iraq’s payment system. The Iraqi Central Bank will re-print some 30tr dinars ($26bn).

    (Source: AKnews)

    • Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

      dah terang lagi bersuluh…. duit cash note Dinar Iraq yg sedia ada yg berada diluar dari iraq akan Mati…manakala cash Note dinar iraq yg sedia ada sekarang ini yg berada didalam iraq akan mengahadapi setuasi yg sama….iaitu pembuangan 3 angka sifar.dengan cara begini CBI secara x langsung memaksa rakyat Iraq untuk menggunakan perkhidmatan bank,dimana kita sedia maklum ramai rakyat iraq enggan menggunakan perhidmatan bank untuk menyimpan duit.secara x langsung rakyat iraq diberikan 2 option iaitu:

      i) Duit simpanan yg mereka simpan sendiri akan menjadi kecil melalui pembuangan 3 angka sifar pada Bank Note

      ii) Duit simpanan yg mereka simpan didalam akuan akan kekal nilai valuenya.

      Dengan cara ini Rakyat Iraq secara automatik akan mengguna pakai perkhidmatan bank mereka secara Total.

  839. Inssane berkata:

    ade sape2 x boleh bantu macam mana nak transfer duit melalui Germany Commerzbank dgn gunakan maybank2u?

    • Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

      gi sajaalah kat kaunter bank… kan lagi bagus….buat apa nak gunakan M2u…!!!! aduh…. kang bila salah TT secara online kan lagi pening….silap2 maybank pun x leh bantu….kalau apa2 yg x diingini terjadi.

      • Inssane berkata:

        x la…saje je nak taw cara nya kalau pakai online ni..kalau kat kaunter plak..nak cakap cam ne dgn org kaunter untuk transfer tu?

      • cash note and warka JB berkata:

        x yah pakai m2u..kwn aku pernah buat..ada masalah..nasib baik dpt duit balik..tu pun aku ingat dah sebulan…

  840. Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

    Ministry of Finance is a plan to increase the value of Iraqi dinar

    28 March 2012

    Ministry of Finance has prepared a plan to increase the value of the dinar against the dollar and delete the three zeros from the value of the dinar to contribute to the advancement of the Iraqi economy in the coming period, while the Iraqi Central Bank denied the rumors by making the dollar worth a thousand dinars.

    A statement issued by the Ministry of Finance, the Minister of Finance (Bayan Jabr) said during his recent visit to the Jordanian capital Amman, said the Central Bank of Iraq confounded financially estimated (twenty two) billion dollars and three tons of gold intended to support the dinar, saying that successful fiscal policy pursued in Iraq have contributed to increasing the value of the dinar against the dollar, noting that all efforts will be channeled to delete three zeros from the value of the dinar

  841. zul kulim berkata:

    This is an interesting little article. It says so much in few words, I hardly know what to do. My take on this is, they want to raise the rate of the dinar against the dollar and then delete the zero’s. Definitely no lop here. 2nd, and this is interesting, the CBI has denied the dinar will be worth thousands of dollars. I suspect this is about what we are dreaming of back here in the US, UK, Australia….Canada….yes they are mentioning the RV. And they are denying the dinar is going to worth thousands of dollars. 3rd, it appears they are laying out what will support the plan of dinar. It looks like 22 billion dollars, (not dinar), and three tons of gold. I am thinking this might be part of the 60 million or it is separate stash designated just for their plan. This will then begin the new currency without the three zero’s.

    • Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

      hehehehe…..CBI has denied the dinar will be worth thousands of dollars ker atau kenyataan CBI ” denied the dollar worth a thousand dinars ” ?????? hehehehehehe…. confius aku dengan Sumber RUMOR dari mat salleh nie….x boleh pakai sumber rumor mat salleh nie….. hanya yg aku percaya adalah sumber dari CBI.

  842. ayah chor berkata:

    lama dah tggu ni…bile le nak RV…ade sesape bleh bagi info…

  843. donald drum berkata:

    dalam dua tiga bulan lagi RV le…hahaha

  844. sama kaya berkata:

    menurut sumber sumber yang boleh dipercayai rv boleh berlaku dari sekarang sehingga september tahun 2012 kerna tahun depan 2013 iraq dijangka menggunakan mata wang yang baru. banyak pendapat mengatakan iraq kena rv dulu pas tu baru keluarkan matawang yang baru dan dan dalam masa yang sama iraq memberi tempoh untuk penarikan balik semua matawang yang lama yang berada dipasaran. betul x komen skit

    • Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

      Pembetulan….. Iraq akan mengeluarkan duit baru seiring dengan penarikan semula dinar lama (kedua2 NIQD & IQD berjalan serentak)…pada masa tersebut RV tidak berlaku lagi….NIQD 1 bersaman IQD 1000. so…sesiapa yg menukarkan kat bank note IQD lama akan mendapat NIQD baru…selepas habis tempoh penarikan balik IQD lama….( IQD lama x laku lagi) baru CBI umumkan RV….dengan nilai matawang yg baru.

      • Cash In Time berkata:

        bini najib, yg ko ckp tu LOP la, iraq takkan LOP…
        refer artikel ni … http://www.iraq-businessnews.com/2012/03/27/more-details-of-new-iraqi-dinars/

        cbi akan re-print 30 trillion iqd… yg juga kita tahu skrg, iqd in circulation juga adalah sebanyak 30 trllion..

        so, no LOP issue.. IQD1000 tak akan menjadi NIQD1..

        IQD1 akan still sama nilai dgn NIQD1, cuma Iqd lama takda note kecil, itu sebab iraq akan re-denome (RD)… pengecilan unit IQD.. yang mane Rd ni di perlukan sbb exchange rate dah di tambah nilai (RV).. dari 0.00086 usd/iqd menjadi 0.86 usd/iqd (contoh)..

  845. Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

    Currency Devaluation and Revaluation

    Under a fixed exchange rate system, devaluation and revaluation are official changes in the value of a country’s currency relative to other currencies. Under a floating exchange rate system, market forces generate changes in the value of the currency, known as currency depreciation or appreciation.
    In a fixed exchange rate system, both devaluation and revaluation can be conducted by policymakers, usually motivated by market pressures.
    The charter of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) directs policymakers to avoid “manipulating exchange rates…to gain an unfair competitive advantage over other members.”
    At the Bretton Woods Conference in July 1944, international leaders sought to insure a stable post-war international economic environment by creating a fixed exchange rate system. The United States played a leading role in the new arrangement, with the value of other currencies fixed in relation to the dollar and the value of the dollar fixed in terms of gold—$35 an ounce. Following the Bretton Woods agreement, the United States authorities took actions to hold down the growth of foreign central bank dollar reserves to reduce the pressure for conversion of official dollar holdings into gold.

    During the mid- to late-1960s, the United States experienced a period of rising inflation. Because currencies could not fluctuate to reflect the shift in relative macroeconomic conditions between the United States and other nations, the system of fixed exchange rates came under pressure.

    In 1973, the United States officially ended its adherence to the gold standard. Many other industrialized nations also switched from a system of fixed exchange rates to a system of floating rates. Since 1973, exchange rates for most industrialized countries have floated, or fluctuated, according to the supply of and demand for different currencies in international markets. An increase in the value of a currency is known as appreciation, and a decrease as depreciation. Some countries and some groups of countries, however, continue to use fixed exchange rates to help to achieve economic goals, such as price stability.

    Under a fixed exchange rate system, only a decision by a country’s government or monetary authority can alter the official value of the currency. Governments do, occasionally, take such measures, often in response to unusual market pressures. Devaluation, the deliberate downward adjustment in the official exchange rate, reduces the currency’s value; in contrast, a revaluation is an upward change in the currency’s value.

    For example, suppose a government has set 10 units of its currency equal to one dollar. To devalue, it might announce that from now on 20 of its currency units will be equal to one dollar. This would make its currency half as expensive to Americans, and the U.S. dollar twice as expensive in the devaluing country. To revalue, the government might change the rate from 10 units to one dollar to five units to one dollar; this would make the currency twice as expensive to Americans, and the dollar half as costly at home.

    Under What Circumstances Might a Country Devalue?
    When a government devalues its currency, it is often because the interaction of market forces and policy decisions has made the currency’s fixed exchange rate untenable. In order to sustain a fixed exchange rate, a country must have sufficient foreign exchange reserves, often dollars, and be willing to spend them, to purchase all offers of its currency at the established exchange rate. When a country is unable or unwilling to do so, then it must devalue its currency to a level that it is able and willing to support with its foreign exchange reserves.

    A key effect of devaluation is that it makes the domestic currency cheaper relative to other currencies. There are two implications of a devaluation. First, devaluation makes the country’s exports relatively less expensive for foreigners. Second, the devaluation makes foreign products relatively more expensive for domestic consumers, thus discouraging imports. This may help to increase the country’s exports and decrease imports, and may therefore help to reduce the current account deficit.

    There are other policy issues that might lead a country to change its fixed exchange rate. For example, rather than implementing unpopular fiscal spending policies, a government might try to use devaluation to boost aggregate demand in the economy in an effort to fight unemployment. Revaluation, which makes a currency more expensive, might be undertaken in an effort to reduce a current account surplus, where exports exceed imports, or to attempt to contain inflationary pressures.

    Effects of Devaluation
    A significant danger is that by increasing the price of imports and stimulating greater demand for domestic products, devaluation can aggravate inflation. If this happens, the government may have to raise interest rates to control inflation, but at the cost of slower economic growth.

    Another risk of devaluation is psychological. To the extent that devaluation is viewed as a sign of economic weakness, the creditworthiness of the nation may be jeopardized. Thus, devaluation may dampen investor confidence in the country’s economy and hurt the country’s ability to secure foreign investment.

    Another possible consequence is a round of successive devaluations. For instance, trading partners may become concerned that a devaluation might negatively affect their own export industries. Neighboring countries might devalue their own currencies to offset the effects of their trading partner’s devaluation. Such “beggar thy neighbor” policies tend to exacerbate economic difficulties by creating instability in broader financial markets.

    Since the 1930s, various international organizations such as the International Monetary Fund (IMF) have been established to help nations coordinate their trade and foreign exchange policies and thereby avoid successive rounds of devaluation and retaliation. The 1976 revision of Article IV of the IMF charter encourages policymakers to avoid “manipulating exchange rates…to gain an unfair competitive advantage over other members.” With this revision, the IMF also set forth each member nation’s right to freely choose an exchange rate system.

  846. sama kaya berkata:

    Just as the dinar speculators predicted, Iraq has re-valued its currency 1000-fold, making dollar-millionaires of ordinary folk from Anbar to Arkansas!

    The unprecedented 100,000% revaluation was welcomed by businesses all across the world, who saw nothing strange about paying $1,000 today for something that was priced at $1 yesterday. At the stroke of a pen, foreign companies now pay their cleaning staff in Iraq more than they pay board-level directors back at home.

    Dozens of ‘investors’ in America partied the night away, as news of their windfall came through.

    Billy Bob, from Alabama, exclaimed: “I knew it would happen, just like the Lord said it would!” When asked why he only invested $1,000 if he knew it would revalue, he declined to comment.

    Peggy Sue, of Butte, Montana, said:

    “Wooo hooo!!! I knew if I just said ‘Go RV!’ one more time on an internet forum that it would somehow make it all come true – you just have to believe hard enough!”

  847. sama kaya berkata:


    Asked what she would do with her gains, she replied:

    “I’m re-investing. Cousin Cletus buys his bait from the same guy as a director of Goldman Sachs, and he said that one day these rocks he sold me will turn into gold. I know it’s a long-shot, but the upside is so large it’s worth gambling on, and I’m only going to give him what I can afford to lose, and take a long-term view, so that makes sense, right? Hey, I’m an investor, and investors take risks, and I’d just hate myself if I missed a golden opportunity like that. Go rocks!!”

    An Iraqi government official told us off the record:

    “It’s so obvious, with hindsight – we should have done it sooner. All we had to do to be richer was to say the currency is now worth 1,000 times more, and everyone would be willing to pay 1,000 times more for it. I mean, wouldn’t you?”

    But one dinar seller, who asked not to be named, said:

    “I’m devastated! If I really thought this was going to happen, do you think I’d have sold dinars at the old price? What sort of an idiot was I!”

    Meanwhile, a special sitting of the United Nations General Assembly has been called to discuss this unprecedented shift in global power.

    petikan dari iraq busines news . saudara bn dan sahabat kat luar boleh bagi pandangan skit tentang ini

  848. ayah chor berkata:

    ade sesape bleh confirmkan info yang aku dapat dari FB (Dinar Iraq Exchange), NIQD dah dikeluarkan dgn pembuangan 3 kosonggggg…MC dah mula jual…NIQD500 = RM10

    • Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

      Auta @ Aprilfool….jer tu…..hehehehe…MC mana yg dah ada Note Baru dinar Iraq tu….hehehehehe….

      • pakcik kayo berkata:

        ha..ha..ha…fool punya april….jawapannya adalah….

        CBI: The financial budget for the year (2013) will adopt the new currency in Arabic and Kurdish
        Posted: April 2, 2012 in Iraqi Dinar/Politics
        Tags: Arabic language, Central Bank Iraq, Currency, General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, Iraq, Kurdish people, New Year, Saleh

        Author Ninwanews on Saturday, March 31, 2012

        Central Bank of Iraq announced that the federal budget, for the year (2013) will be approved with the new currency in Arabic and Kurdish.

        The deputy chairman of the Central Bank of Iraq the appearance of Mohammed in a statement to “Khandan”: that put Iraq’s new currency will be in (01/01/2013) and will be in both Arabic and Kurdish with the deletion of three zeros the first of the current currency, indicating the following: that the financial budget of the Federal Iraq will be traded during the ninth month of the current year and recognized in the New Year according to the new currency of the two languages.

        Saleh explained: The installation of the current currency led to inflation in the Iraqi market and has become inadequate with the financial situation now, the lack of large groups and small to cover the trading them, noting that all the countries of the world that emerged from conflict or hit by the deterioration in the currency of the GATT to modify its currency.


        ha..ha..ha….pakcik kayo……

    • Cash In Time berkata:

      yg dia ckp niqd500 tu sebenarnya bukan niqd ( note baru yg di war war kan) akan keluar. aku dah check, tu note sama dgn batch 2010 punya..

  849. pakcik kayo berkata:

    4 – 3 – 2012

    Confirmed that it will not affect the real value of the dinar
    BAGHDAD – Haidar al-Rubaie Filaih
    He is an economist that the process of deletion of zeros will not lead to the occurrence of collateral damage in the real value of the coin, and it will not bear negative effects can affect in GDP, explaining that the monetary authorities resort to such a procedure after reaching advanced stages of economic stability.

    The aim of the process according to the Iraqi Central Bank to reduce the money supply enormous, and the alleviation of inflation, which he considered the bank (monetary inflation) due to increased amounts of cash pumped into the street, which invited him to the foot to the deletion of three zeros from the currency. According to reliable sources said in times of earlier (morning), the process of deleting the zeroes will be early next year, noting that the measure would be gradually until the absorption of the entire Old Banknotes of the market completely, the memory that the two currencies existing and new will work at the same time without reducing the value of any of them until absorb the entire current currency, or which will be the (old) time., says economist and head of economic studies at the Center for Mustansiriya Dr. Abdul Rahman al-Mashhadani: The process of deleting the zeros formality through which change the nominal value of the currency, without prejudice to the real terms and have no raised real economic because the currency change will not lead to an increase in GDP of the country, explaining that the process is applied without any damage in many countries of the world during the last thirty years, including Bolivia in 1986, Russia 1998, Turkey 2005, North Korea, 2009.
    He called on al-Mashhadani, the need to distinguish between the process of change in real currency, which means changing the exchange rate of the local currency compared to currencies of leadership as dollar Mthelaoho is lead to a re-evaluation of prices of goods and services due to the change the real value of Amlhmthel what happened in Iraq in 2007, when the value of Iraqi dinar against the U.S. dollar to 1267 Dinara after it was sold for 1475 dinars in 2006, and like what was done by China when it devalued its currency iwan compared to other currencies to compete with Chinese goods, other goods in international markets as it is cheaper, and the process of deleting the zeroes, which means keep them real value of the currency. and the expert inter of the pros, where he said the process of deleting the zeroes will be provided by the new currency, considering changing the currency thing will work to strengthen the confidence with one of the symbols of national sovereignty of the country, and can increase confidence in the national currency with the citizen at home and the foreign investor abroad, as well as reducing the process of dollarization using this currency a store of value and measurement, as well as facilitate trade within the country, and to facilitate the process of converting Dinar to other currencies.
    Shows the al-Mashhadani, a number of economic justification achieved, which indicated that it was capable of completing the process of removing the zeros from the currency, noting that it achieved thanks to the measures the central bank which could be performed by following the tight monetary policy effective in the years 2006-2011 to be able to derive a set of variables, the positive that are driving the change process and contribute to Banjahaa.
    He pointed out that among those variables that achieved by the central bank is to stabilize the exchange rate of the local currency or the external value of the Iraqi dinar, and the high value of 25 percent over the past 2008-2011, as well as the stability of the internal value of the currency and integrity control of the inflation YoY basis, which reached to 3% in 2010, after that was nearly 53 percent in 2006.
    Saying that the monetary measures adopted by the Central as well as worked to build strong reserves of more than $ 60 billion is the dolly to the value of the currency and protect the integrity and balance of payments of external shocks.
    And contributed to the stability of the market and the proportion of commodity supply through flexible foreign exchange and promote trade and ease the burden on fiscal policy and trade. He also said that among the measures that have contributed to the stability of the dinar exchange rate is to control the Central Bank and control over the exchange rate through its daily auction to sell the dollar. Shows the al-Mashhadani, a number of technical factors that require speed to change the currency, and deleting three zeros of them, stressing that there is a mass of cash exporter large the number of leaves 4 trillion paper and increase the value of 30 trillion dinars to the various groups which is a large block size and value in the economy is recovering daily and this is a can confuse the process of economic and monetary significantly and lead to twice the value of the dinar off the rest of the Arab and foreign currencies, which holds now, actually, as the largest category of cash is (25000) Twenty-five thousand dinars, equivalent to $ 21 almost and this requires a larger and effort to settle the daily transactions in terms of time of counting, sorting, and acceptance and security so the settlement of most of the daily transactions that increase Akiemha for the 20 million are in dollars.
    And acquire the talk about the lifting of the zeroes care and attention of stakeholders and businessmen as well as the rest of the citizens in their daily such as selling cars, buying and real estate as well as debts and advances and other financial transactions common reason the central bank to send more messages and signals reassuring that are often reinforced by experts in the press statements.

    My link

    any comment…………

    • Cash In Time berkata:

      the memory that the two currencies existing and new will work at the same time without reducing the value of any of them until absorb the entire current currency, or which will be the (old) time

      so nampak kat sini, no LOP issue.. IQD1 akan sama nilai dgn NIQD1 nanti..

      • Cash In Time berkata:

        absorb the entire current currency, or which will be the (old) time <— tarik balik note yg ada 3 zero… sbb nilai iqd dah naik.. contoh note 25000 iqd, bila dah rv, dah bole beli sebiji kereta :p

  850. nash berkata:

    entah lah, den pun pening dinar iraq ni, buat network marketing lagi bagus, masa itu emas, hee hee

  851. pakcik kayo berkata:

    Financial: “Iraq is creating the conditions for even the Iraqi dinar against the U.S. dollar
    : Thursday, 04/05/2012 20:48
    At the time when the central bank that its policy on the level near will work to stabilize the Iraqi dinar exchange rate against the U.S. dollar, for mid-level and near will work to equal the exchange rate of the Iraqi dinar against the dollar, a number of finance confirmed that the implementation is the step in such circumstances taking
    place in the country things are complex and require a brief period in order that the central bank can be in his ability to equal the Iraqi dinar against the U.S. dollar (Citizen News) The follow up this subject and was the first speaker. Financial expert, Munzer Mohsen said: “that it is very difficult in such complex conditions that are equal Iraqi dinar with the U.S. dollar for the time being at least, the reason for a number of objective reasons is most important that the budget that passed shortly before given a majority for the area Alchglah and not investment, making it difficult the development of the Iraqi economy to diversify its resource-dependent by an estimated 95% on oil exports, and that most of the materials, goods and services imported and non-productive and nationally. He improved “: the problem is the other sensitive to Iraqi oil, which is such a large proportion of the resources of the country is stable prices It is characterized by fluctuations at the global level as he is now at risk of serious and real because of the complexities of the political situation in the region and the risk of transformation into armed conflicts as they are in crisis, the Syrian and the Lebanese south, which relate directly and indirectly, the existing problem between Iran and the Zionist entity, backed by all States Bank and led by the United States and there are threats of increasing direct blow to Iran, which for its part, threatened to close the Strait of Hormuz, which is a port to export our oil major which will negative consequences on the economic situation of Iraq and thus the price of the Iraqi dinar. and resulted in improved in his interview with (Citizen News) “: he finds that the expectation of excessive optimism that was expressed by a senior officials of the Central Bank of Iraq on the equal rate of the dinar with the dollar but in spite of all that I is hyperbolic pessimistic because the scenario that is analyzed at the highest levels of decision-making at the regional level and international level adjustable or complete change because customary to crises when complicated there are opportunities to resolve them through informal meetings and secret negotiations!, and where there is many concessions on the part of one of the parties due to internal or external pressure versus specific guarantees and it is not predictable Bavtradih equal to the dinar and the dollar, at least until the clarity of picture of current reality tense but I would not call Palmtfjr as he put it. For his part, said a member of the Finance Committee and MP Abdul-Hussein al-Yasiri “: that the central bank was able to successfully follow the auction method, who is in the bank to maintain the value of Iraqi dinar. He Yasiri” The Central Bank every day working to buy Iraqi currency and sell the dollar, and this is what leads to the process of balance between the demand curve and supply in relation to the dollar, he said, adding that this curve intersects the price higher the demand for increased prices and the greater the supply the price dropped, and in this way maintains the central bank on the price of the dinar Iraqi and values ​​of the economy in general. The Yasiri “: that the process is equal to the Iraqi dinar against the U.S. dollar depends primarily on core strength and stability of the domestic market as well as political and security stability. explained that the Iraqi dinar is the currency of an important and influential in world markets being covered with cash reserve large of hard currency, which is estimated at (60) billion dollars, and this number is too large due to central bank policy. و . Abizaid and Yasiri in his interview with (Citizen News) “that the gross national product and enhanced by oil revenues, which comes to Iraq, amounting to (300) billion U.S. dollars

  852. helmi iqd berkata:

    Sejarah dlu sblum 2000, 1 IQD bersamaan dgn 3.2 USD. Bersamaan rm 9 lbh duit kita. Itu faktanya. LOP takkan berlaku. Yg ada hanya RV atau DV.

    Psl buka acc, ada seorang kawan saya buka acc di warka bank, sampai skrg langsung takde buktinya. Minta ATM card pun xdpt. Buatnya warka bank bangkrap. Rugi kita.

    • jaula iqd berkata:

      Sdr Helmi iqd,
      sdr harus bezakan matawang malaysia dengan matawang iraq, MYR adalah matawang yg sedia diperlakukan di peringkat antarabangsa cuma ditambat pd kadar 1usd/3.80myr sedangkan matawang iqd hanya diperlakukan dalam negara iraq sahaja. ada risiko cash note iqd di luar iraq, CBI tak galak cash note keluar dari iraq cuma yang terlepas keluar tak dapat dikawal, kite simpan cash note iqd hanyalah sebagai koleksi mata wang jew, jika tiada masalah selepas RV nanti kite beruntung tapi tak ada jaminan cash note ni selamat. Saya pon simpan cash note gak, setakat 2j jew, untung sabut timbul..huhu

      Pasal buka akaun kt bank iraq, sdr terlalu bersikap negatif mungkin sdr hanya berharap pada cash note saja kok.

      Sdr helmi iqd sila bagitahu siapa yang bertanggungjawab mengelapkan wang 5k tu dalam blog ni agar sahabat2 kite yg teringin nk buka akaun tidak menjadi mangsanya.
      Kalu nak rugi, di mana2 simpan duit pon boleh hilang.

    • Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

      heheheheh…..cakap macam orang yg tak berpelajaran jew….si helmi nie…hehehehehe….aku faham wahai helmi…anda sebenarnya merupakan penjual duit cash dinar iraq dimalaysia….kenyataan yg anda keluarkan ini ….benar2 menunjukkan bahawa anda memanglah jenis orangnya yg menipu orang ramai dengan menyatakan duit cash dinar iraq tiada masalah untuk ditukarkan dimalaysia.alasan begini adalah untuk melakukan bisnes anda.hehehehe…

      buat pengetahuan kau wahai helmi…. aku mempunyai bukan satu….malah 2 keping debit mastercard dari bank warka…….dan setiap satunya berlainan fungsinya.hehehehehe…

      sebenarnya aku tengah menunggu rintihan dan keluhan dari pembeli cash note dimalaysia…..yg mengalami kerugian bila duit cash note baru dinar iraq ini dikeluarkan dan aku juga menunggu tarikh akhir penarikan balik duit cash note dinar iraq yg kau beli.aku nak lihat macam mana kau nak selamatkan duit dinar iraq yg engkau beli tu….hehehehehe…wakakakakaka.

      • pakcik kayo berkata:

        ha..ha..ha….jgn susah hati BN……aku sebagai pakcik yg kayo akan membeli semua duit iqd cash note yg tak laku tu dengan harga semasa……….timbang kilo je la……sekilo kertas berapa harganyanya…itula yg akan aku beli……berapa ton mau jual pun tak pa….ha..ha..ha….

  853. helmi iqd berkata:

    Lagi satu kononnya simpan duit cash tak selamat sbb tak laku bila rv..itu smua taktik nak tipu kita smua. Dkt makkah pn kita blh tukar cashnote iqd. Risiko buka account, takut org tgh yg menipu. Dahla mahal cekik darah. Buatnya website pishing, tak ke naya tu. Bank bankrap mcm RBS di scotland, makan masa nak dapat duit balik. Baik pgg cash note. Duit diorg laku seluruh dunia. kalau tak, takkan rkyt us yg lbh cerdik dr kita pegg cash

    • pakcik kayo berkata:

      ha..ha..ha…beli lagi cash note banyak-banyak…..jgn tak beli…..penjual cash note tgh buat sale penghabisan stok……..kesian…kesian……..takkan tak untung lagi kot….ha…ha..ha…..

    • Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

      hehehehe….x sangka aku ….bila kau cakap orang US cerdik!!!!…hehehehe….bagi pada pandangan aku…kau & orang US tu semua…. bangang…..masih x sedar kena tipu dengan pihak sendikit penjualan dinar iraq dari US itu sendiri….hehehehehe…. …. NASIB…NASIB…..NASIB….kalau orang mengikut cakap kau…dan orang2 US tu…..wakakakakawakaka…

    • cash note and warka JB berkata:

      habisla aku…kena tipu sbb bukak akaun kat iraq…..baru nak bukak tadi…x bleh masuk..pasword dah expired…huhuhu….tolong aku en helmi iqd…aku dah kena tipu…kesian aku…aku dah setahun bukak akaun kat sana…..toloooonnnnggggggg…..

  854. helmi iqd berkata:

    Malaysia dlu pun pernah apungkan matawang. Ada ke duit rm kita kat luar tak boleh masuk Malaysia?? Fikirlah logik. Awas dgn sindiket penipuan buka account. Diorg ni kaki cekik darah. Kesian kawan sy, smpai skrg takdpt bukti yg dia telah buka acc kat sn. Sdgkn duit 5 ribu dh lesap

    • pakcik kayo berkata:

      ha…ha…ha…..komen rintihan dari orang yang terdesak…..kesian…kesian…….ha…ha..ha…

    • cash note and warka JB berkata:

      masih nak samakan matawang m’sia ngan iqd!!!!!!!!!!! x habis ngaji ni….iqd skrang ni matawang sementara di iraq…kenapa????? g ngaji lagi eee….

  855. sama kaya berkata:

    en helmi iqd, camna ni en bn kita kata buka akaun lagi selamat, jadi nampaknya sekarang x selamat juga buka akuan ni tapi dari segi logiknya simpan cash note dah tentu nampak duit tu ada ngan kita, bila dah rv nanti gi tukar je betulx en helmi iqd. komen skit

  856. giler dinar berkata:

    Dah lama aku x buka forum nih….akan tetapi makin jelas nak rv nih selepas dalam diam2 myanmar dah lakukan perkara sama. Cuma amaun IQD ni lebih sentimental value pada aku sbb dah 7 tahun ada di tangan malah amaun IQD di bank iraq semakin bertambah jumlahnya. Jelas kenyataan seorang Profesor dari forum di TV1 lepas ditambah pula kenyataan dari BNM sendiri di media cetak dan elektronik tidak menimbulkan huru-hara atau goyah kepada semua pemegang IQD sebab tiada siapa yang tahu akan nasib pemegang IQD ini. Malahan pengesahan itu sendiri aku perolehi oleh pengurus bank di Iraq. Kata beliau segala maklumat hendaklah diperolehi dari CBI sahaja dan tidak dinafikan terlalu banyak rumors dari media di seluruh dunia termasuk di Iraq yang pelbagai namun ia tidak boleh dijadikan fakta tepat mengenai status IQD. Aku tidak bimbang dan secara jujurnya aku bersedia dengan segala kemungkinan apabila memiliki kedua-dua option IQD ini. Dan aku berasa puas dengan tempoh yang lama ini dengan keputusan yang aku sendiri telah putuskan. Inilah keistimewaan yang dirasai oleh pemegang 2 option IQD seperti aku. Sempat pula melabur walaupun dicelah2 gigi kata orang kita. Aku diberi juga kesempatan membantu meningkatkan kewangan bank di iraq biar pun hanya sedikit. Dan semakin jelas kenyataan dan ulasan dari rumors yang harapan untuk RV memang semakin dekat. Biarlah ianya rumors sebab itu semua do’a dari mereka. Semakin kita berdo’a untuk memperoleh kekayaan dari IQD ini. InsyaAllah akan kita perolehi sumber kekayaan itu dengan izinNya. Mafhum dari Al-Qur’an Allah berfirman’ Berdoalah kepadaKu, nescaya akan akan Ku perkenankan.’.

  857. Talakuntung berkata:

    Tak rv pun dh 2012 dh..

  858. pakcik kayo berkata:

    ha..ha..ha….jgn susah hati semua pemegang cash note……aku sebagai pakcik yg kayo akan membeli semua duit iqd cash note yg tak laku tu dengan harga semasa……….timbang kilo je la……sekilo kertas berapa harganyanya…itula yg akan aku beli……berapa ton mau jual pun tak pa….ha..ha..ha….

    • Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

      aku pun sama ….pakcik kayo..tapi aku beli balik cash note IQD iraq = IQD1 = RM:0.001….hehehe….janji aku dah ringankan beban pemegang cash note…..so mereka dapatlah merasa sedikit pulangan….berbanding kerugian total lost..hehehehe

  859. pakcik kayo berkata:



    BAGHDAD / JD / .. revealed the deputy governor of the Central Bank of new measures will reduce the bleeding phenomenon of the currency in Iraq, noting that the first of next July will see the elimination of the operations and permanently. The appearance of Dr. Mohammed Saleh in a statement to the reporter (JD): The growing demand for hard currency than the local need with 3 times the cause but several times in the high exchange rate despite the efforts of the bank to control the phenomenon of bleeding currency by imposing certain controls as a condition to leave the corporate and banking offices as a condition to deal with it, but working on the withdrawal of currency from the market in large quantities at different times led to higher rates without justification. Saleh added that the other reason is that the Iraqi dinar has become a hard currency also in neighboring countries due to the strength of the Iraqi economy and the deterioration of the values ​​of currencies and to the instability of their political, which reflected negatively on the economies of these countries to resort to the Iraqi market, which Thoudy are other free trade, which helps to obtaining any amount at any time and that of the disadvantages of free trade, of course. And the Deputy Governor of the Bank that the bank is taking new measures to reduce the phenomenon of the intended withdrawal of currency through the conditions to deal with the bank declined to disclose the details of adding that new measures will eliminate the phenomenon mentioned once during the coming period. He explained that the Iraqi currency is strong, because they are covered with dollar heavily despite unilateral Iraqi economy and that the bank can absorb any momentum on the application within moments and in the presence of strategic stocks a large hard currency, but he is trying to impose adequate protection of the national economy enabled by protecting the stock. The central bank held the Iraqi daily sessions for buying and selling foreign currencies with Iraqi banks, except for public holidays on which depends the World Bank for these auctions, and the sales either in cash or in the form of money orders sold out for a commission of certain. / Finished /


  860. inginkaya berkata:

    satu masa iqd akan laku juga sama ada diluar iraq atau dalam iraq.
    jika hanya dalam iraq saja pun kita boleh tukar namun mungkin peratusnya kurang.walau macanmanapun pemegang iqd tak rugi.
    sekadar pandangan saja…

    • Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

      hehehehe… kau x baca ker artikal dari CBI yg mengatakan duit iraq yg berada diluar iraq tidak boleh ditukarkan didalam negara iraq…apabila penarikan balik duit lama kepada duit baru. dan satu lagi CBI dah bagi tahu…sekiranya didapati sesiapa yg ditangkap membawa masuk dinar Iraq dari luar iraq kedalam negara iraq….jika di sabitkan kesalahan oleh mahkamah Iraq….hukuman penjara selama 5 tahun makan nasi percuma didalam lokap.hehehehe….

      • inginkaya berkata:

        jika iqd tak laku dalam iraq bagaimana pula dengan rakyat iraq yang memegang iqd,tidakkah akan berlaku kemarahan oleh rakyat yang menyimpan iqd,sekiranya iqd masih boleh di gunakan dalam iraq saja pun pemegang iqd tak rugi.biarpun kerajaan iraq menhalang namun akan ada penyeludupan iqd untuk masuk ke iraq,cuma nilainya akan berkurangan.pasal CBI pun belum muktamad lagi.perjalanan iqd masih jauh…

      • Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

        inginkaya…. boleh tak kalau kau bagi aku bukan soalan bodoh….sebabnya soalan bodoh kau tu aku malas nak jawab….kau baca betul2 penerangan aku kat link dibawah….

        sejak bila aku cakap IQD dalam iraq X laku !!!!!!!!!!!!!!…. yg aku cakap IQD diluar dari Iraq tidak boleh ditukarkan didalam negara Iraq. duit IQD yg dah sedia ada didalam Iraq….dah tentu2nya laku untuk ditukarkan… aduh!!!! sengal betul kau nie.

    • Donald Drum berkata:

      en inginkaya…aku ade duit (RM) singgit emas kita yg lama tu, jmlh dia dlm setong milo je…aku bagi duit tu kat hang, hang pegi beli barang skit…aku cuma nak tau apa jawapan tokeh kedai tu je bila hang bayar dgn duit singgit emas yg aku bagi…ade sesape bleh agak ape jawapan tokeh kedai tu?…

  861. sidara berkata:

    tunggu je rv”””””””””””””””””

  862. pakcik kayo berkata:

    Council of Ministers postponed the process of removing the zeros from the national currency

    Date: Thursday, 12/04/2012 14:00
    Baghdad (news) .. Council of Ministers decided to wait in the application process to delete the zeros from the national currency until further notice.

    The Director General of the Department of Cabinet Affairs in a press statement received the Agency (news) a copy of it on Thursday that the decision requires to stop all actions relating to the operation until further notice.

    added : The Council of Ministers Resolution No. (111) for the year 2012, adopted at the fifth regular session, held the day before yesterday was based on what I expounded on the Committee on Economic Affairs. /Finished / d. Q /


  863. kayo den berkata:

    bile nk RV nieee…..

  864. mohd yasim berkata:


    BAGHDAD / JD / .. According to a member of the Finance Committee’s parliamentary Haitham Jubouri take two steps the Iraqi Central Bank to raise the price of the Iraqi dinar and weighed against the U.S. dollar.

    Jubouri said L / JD / “The central bank has taken two steps is to first new controls on the value of the transfer and identify external electronic point of arrival and will go to any country,” and secondly “to keep the bank with $ 65 billion in capital.”

    Jubouri and “The Bank to keep the $ 65 billion is a very good capital that would preserve the Iraqi dinar exchange rate, an increase of supply relative to demand in the local markets.”

    He said, “The Iraqi market is witnessing the fluctuation of the local currency and the high exchange rate for foreign currency must be careful in making decisions.” He was a member of the Finance Committee has expressed confidence in the stability of the purchasing power of the Iraqi currency in the coming days. “, Stressing that these precautions have escalated. Said the Iraqi Central Bank in a statement, obtained by (JD) a copy of it”: that some of the journalist community deliberated analyzes marred by a lot of palaces, which indicated that the Iraqi Central Bank’s reserves of foreign currency has decreased during the last few months, billions of dollars.

    The central bank said that these numbers or other sales are the result of the dollar to the regular customers of Iraqis and through the daily operations of the foreign currency auction in the past months or years, knowing that the bank’s reserves of foreign currency has not declined but increased during the last period.

    He noted that central to the direct intervention of neighboring countries in this auction is baseless and unfounded, although the regional impacts of current left indirect effects on the movements of foreign exchange in the domestic money market.

    The Finance Committee of the House of Representatives has warned of the danger of the continuing decline in the exchange rate of the dinar against the U.S. dollar, which arrived during the last few days of 1300 dinars to the dollar, for the first time in nearly four years. On the other hand reduced the appearance of the bank adviser Mohammed Saleh, the risk of devaluation of the Iraqi dinar against the dollar, and said it will disappear gradually forming bubbles.

    It is noteworthy: The Cabinet had formed a committee to study the fluctuation of the Iraqi dinar exchange rate in recent times, to provide appropriate solutions and to prevent damage to the economy home

  865. Talakuntung berkata:

    rv peye dh kat sejuta x dh aku dgar rv skrg dh 2012 dh ,duit aku pun dh kena mkn tikus dh hehe

  866. nash berkata:

    orang cakap orang timur tengah ni cakap tak serupa bikin, polisi selalu bertukar-tukar, pagi cakap lain malam cakap lain, harap-harap cepat le sikit RV…………..lotih den tunggu tarikh rv

  867. kawankite berkata:

    hahaha btul la tuh…..letih dah menunggu…lau bace kat DINAR GURU hari2 RV….

  868. kawankite berkata:

    latest punya info kyat akan RV kali ke 2 pada 23hb ni la lau x silap…

  869. sidara berkata:

    tungggu je semua dapat duit.semua kayo.janji iqd ori je kat mane2 boleh tukar. kalau palsu kat iroq pun x leh tukor. hehehe

  870. pakcik kayo berkata:

    Baghdad/JD/…The parliamentary Finance Committee revealed on certain categories of new currency the Central Bank works to
    process delete three zeros from the small groups are large and metal and paper, noting deposit in banks when switching the currency would be one place. Committee Member said Majida Al-Tamimi l/JD/”groups within the new currency will be a small metal after deleting zeros and large groups (50) will be” 50 dinars “, (100)” one hundred dinars “, equivalent to (50.000)” or “fifty thousand (100,000),” hundred thousands JD “at the present time. Tamimi said “that small categories are more user-friendly, the Bank has to be metal in order not to be liable to damage.” “Kite groups are characterized by their small size so there is no difficulty in circulation and money savers fit.” Tamimi said “that the Central Bank has contracted with major companies to print currency of high quality paper. And appointed Al-Tamimi “cost action allocated to switch currency to 150 million dollars. She noted that the “switch currency withdrawal be gradual through the filing process in banks” confirmed “that the withdrawal currency be gradual and not once as in switch back. Tamimi noted that “Finance Committee follow-up to the work of the Central Bank and informed of what is happening with the new Iraqi currency printing process.” And Financial Committee member quoted “on modern parliamentary Central Bank Governor Sinan Al-Shabibi,” “deposit in banks when switching the currency would be one place and controlling it to protect the currency from counterfeiting”.


    • pakcik kayo berkata:


      dinar iraqBAGHDAD / JD / .. mendedahkan Jawatankuasa Kewangan kategori tertentu parlimen mata wang baru oleh bank pusat untuk proses mengeluarkan tiga sifar dari kumpulan kecil untuk menjadi logam dan kertas besar, merujuk kepada deposit dalam bank apabila anda menghidupkan mata wang itu akan menjadi satu tempat. Kata ahli jawatankuasa Magda Al-Tamimi L / JD / “kumpulan yang terdiri daripada mata wang baru ini akan menjadi logam yang kecil selepas penghapusan sifar dan kumpulan yang besar akan menjadi (50)” Lima puluh dinar “dan (100)” seratus dinar, “bersamaan dengan (50,000)” beribu-ribu Lima puluh “atau (100,000) 100,000 dinar,” pada masa ini. menjelaskan Tamimi, “kumpulan kecil adalah lebih digunakan secara meluas Bank menggunakan logam supaya tidak terdedah kepada kerosakan “Beliau berkata,” kategori kertas dicirikan oleh saiz yang kecil supaya tidak akan ada kesukaran dalam edaran dan saiz dompet. “Beliau Tamimi,” bank pusat telah menguncup dengan syarikat-syarikat besar untuk menjadi mata wang kertas percetakan berkualiti tinggi. “dan dinamakan Tamimi,” kos tindakan khusus kepada pertukaran mata wang pada 150 juta dolar. “dan berkata bahawa” pertukaran mata wang dan pengeluaran berlaku secara beransur-ansur melalui proses pemfailan di bank, “berkata,” pengeluaran mata wang secara beransur-ansur dan tidak sekali dalam suis sebelum. “kata Al-Tamimi bahawa” Jawatankuasa Kewangan susulan kepada Bank Negara dan untuk berkongsi apa yang sedang berlaku proses mencetak mata wang Iraq yang baru. “dan memetik ahli Kewangan Knesset” Gabenor temu bual Bank Negara “Shabibi” “deposit di bank-bank apabila anda menghidupkan mata wang itu akan menjadi satu tempat dan dikawal untuk melindungi mata wang dari pemalsuan.” / Berakhir / 11 n

  871. nash berkata:

    ye ke 23hb ni, atau tahun 2020?

  872. Jimmy berkata:

    Mahal gler… kat Money changer lagi murah…

  873. pakcik kayo berkata:

    19/04/2012 11:07

    BAGHDAD, April 19 (AKnews) – The Iraqi government’s finance committee has formed a committee to investigate a governmental
    fraud attempt of 7tr IQD ($6bn) using fake documents.

    The fraud was discovered when the money was transferred.

    Committee member Najiba Najib said many MPs mentioned that the money was supposed to be taken from the state treasury using fake documents belonging to the Secretariat of the Council of Ministers.

    “The theft, according to preliminary information, was supposed to be done in two phases. The first included the amount mentioned above, and the second included a larger amount, but the robbery was thwarted before transferring the amount.

    Najib added: “The Ministry of Finance and the banks, in cooperation with the investigative committee, demand to reveal those behind the theft and how to pass the forged documents. The committee seeks to reveal the truth and addressing the imbalance in the Iraqi banks to prevent the recurrence of [this] in the future.”

    The incident is the second of its kind in Iraq after the attempt to steal 1.9tr IQD ($1.7bn) in contracts signed by the Electricity Ministry with two fake companies.

    By Haider Ibrahim


  874. sama kaya berkata:

    en jimmy, apa yang mahal giler tu

  875. BASRA_IQD berkata:

    Hage dinar IRAQ terkini di http://dinarmy.com/…nk hage borong sila cntact nom phone di website..suppLier iraqi dinar ke Mchanger Mysia,Us&Europe

  876. pakcik kayo berkata:

    Economic Commission confirms the parliamentary move structuring currency and delete zeros of

    04.28.2012 | (Voice of Iraq) – add comment –

    BAGHDAD – The Euphrates News confirmed the decision of the Economic Commission parliamentary Mahma Khalil further structuring of the Iraqi currency and delete zeros from them. and was scheduled to begin the process of removing zeros from the currency in the month of September next step to raise the price of Iraqi dinar against other currencies. said Khalil told {Euphrates News} that “Project structuring currency and delete zeros of which will have significant economic benefits and will reflect positively on the economic reality of the citizen.” and added that “there is determination and insistence on the implementation of the project as it will contribute greatly to maintaining the Iraqi funds and value in the global market.” and “The government asked to wait in the implementation of the project to the circumstances experienced by the country, but there was no intention to cancel the project to its great importance to the economy of the country. ” and announced that the General Secretariat of the Council of Ministers that the Council issued a decision to wait in the application process to delete the zeros of the national currency. A statement of the General Secretariat that “the decision requires to stop procedures all related to the transaction mentioned and until further notice. ” and added “The decision of the Council of Ministers, which will carry No. {111} for the year 2012 and approved at the regular session of fifteen, which was held on 10 this April was based on that introduced by the Committee on Economic Affairs.”

    Read more: http://www.sotaliraq…3#ixzz1tKY2S0SS

  877. Cash In Time berkata:

    warka bank dah tak terima duit masuk dah..

    • jaula iqd berkata:

      kesian nye kt org yg bru berkira2 nk buka akaun.. keponan la.. cash note CBI nk buang 3 kosong… tak rugi cuma angan2 nk jdi kaya melepas r… hehe..jgan mare…

      • Cash In Time berkata:

        tak boleh nak ckp gak, buat nya warka bank freeze duit ko tuh.. hahaha.. selamat buat dua option, akaun ngan cash..

  878. zan berkata:

    bila rv ye..

  879. kusut berkata:

    dinar dah RV! tp nilai dia masih kecil. rata2 sy check kat web currency converter 25k iqd = RM650. ada member dah tuka cash note. kedai ambil paling kurang RM0.30 = 1 IQD. sahihkah? sesiapa ada info minta tlg share pls.

  880. tumpang kaya berkata:

    kusut klau betul tolong bagi tau kat mana member tukar RM0.30 = 1 IQD kat mc ke bank

  881. Cash In Time berkata:

    Warka tak leh login, tggu la 7 mei ni..

  882. tumpang kaya berkata:

    Cash In Time. 7 mei ni apa rv ke

  883. Cash In Time berkata:

    dalam website warka, system down dari 30/4 sampai 6/5, so tgk lah 7/5 nanti samaada rate dah bertukar atau tak..
    just spekulasi, maybe diorg nak update international configuration.. tarikh rv pun takde sape yg tahu.. tggu sahaja

  884. Cash In Time berkata:

    :: Rumors, don’t take it seriously ::

    Tan Sri Musa Putih
    saya mendapat info dari sahabat di BNM.. BNM sudah mendapat arahan untuk bersiap sedia.. signal sudah diberi dan diterima oleh BNM dari bank dunia atas perbincangan positif antara Bank dunia dan bank iraq yg diwakili dan menjadi tuan rumah di iraq baru2 nih.. bank2 dimalysia mendapat surat dari BNM untuk tarikh rv.. surat arahan untuk MC dalam proses dan kemungkinan MC hanye dibenarkan membuat pertukaran limit kerana untuk dasar keselamatan.. Jadi untuk pertukaran no limit sila rujuk pada bank yg terpilih yg xlama lagi di keluarkan.. pemegang dinar juga di nasihatkan membuka akaun bank semasa bagi pemegang dinar .. harap untuk keselamatan pemegang membuat pertukaran terus ke akaun ye hehe.. tarikh nye yg akan di maklumkan dan persedia adalah antara 4 – 15 mei ini bergantung pada kesediaan bank2 dan mc hehe.. saya tidak berani letak tarikh tepat cuma dalam tempoh ini bersedia je.. surat dah kuar !!! signal dah bagi !!!! apa lagi ready je.. paling cepat 4 mei paling lewat 15 .. dalam tempoh warning ini mungkin ada negara lain yg dah rv .. so kalau BNM lambat buat kerja lewa sikit ah masyuk hehe..

  885. tumpang kaya berkata:

    Cash In Time , walau pun itu rumors je, dan daripada perkembangan terbaru yang sedang berlaku di iraq kemungkinan rumors tu jadi betul ada, rezeki kalau tuhan nak bagi x siapa boleh menghalang. sama-samalah kita berdoa kepada Allah S.W.T agar ia menjadi kenyataan. Amiiin

  886. Cash In Time berkata:

    ya, saya pun tak menolak rumors, saya layan je..
    ade rezeki masa terdekat alhamdulillah..

  887. duit cash dan akaun warka berkata:


  888. zai berkata:

    bini njb n pk cik kayo p mana senyap je skrg?rindu nak bc komen drg

  889. nikirta berkata:

    Ada tak siapa2 yg mohon debit card dari warka bank tahun lepas tapi masih belum dapat. Saya dah mohon dari bulan 4 tahun lepas tp masih belum dpt. bila tnya warka bank jwb masih dlm proses.

    • nash berkata:

      bini najib ngan pak cik kayo gi iraq kot, tu yang senyap je? kalau dah balik malaysia kongsi lah info dinar terbaru? he he he

      • pakcik kayo berkata:

        HA..HA..HA….tak kemana pon….skg ni tgh mengikuti perkembangan dalam negara……kat luar negara tu tolak tepi jap…..ambil berat tentang negara sendiri dulu ……baru la ambil tahu negara orang….bak kata pepatah…hujan emas negeri orang…hujan batu negeri sendiri………yg terbaik adalah negeri sendiri………

    • duit cash dan akaun warka berkata:

      alhamdulillah..kad saya selamat sampai…

  890. zai berkata:

    sape yg ariff macamane cara2 nak transfer duit dr warka bank ke bank malaysia?sy masuk pandai tp nak kuar tk pandai,ckgu sy tak sempat ajar habis..hilang x dpt d kesan,,tlg share ye

  891. nash berkata:

    hai senyap je dinarian hari ni, terkejut besar dato sri najib umum wang bakal dapat setiap peneroka felda, bini najib pun senyap je skg, bagi le komen ttg dinar iraq ni, hehehe

  892. duit cash dan akaun warka berkata:

    semua peneroka dapat ke??!!!
    heheh..try tanya …

  893. bank negara berkata:

    dinar iraq akan naik 3bulan lagi, sesiapa ingin membeli dinar iraq 2500iqd sy jual dengan harga 50k duit malaysia. ingin membeli boleh call 0172444729

  894. SOh Chai berkata:

    Mahalnya jual!
    Skrg brp tukaran 1dinar ke RM?

  895. sama kaya berkata:

    bank negara malaysia
    2500iqd ke 25000 jual dgn harga rm50, betulke 3 bulan lagi dinar rv. sumber dari mana

  896. haris musa berkata:

    salam…kalu dah tak tahu pasal IQD tu jangan la nak memandai-mandai kelentong nilai IQD tu…jangan la tipu byk sgt…kami yang dah faham IQD ni takkan la nak percaya bulat2 info awak tu…awak pegi la tipu kat laman web lain…ingat kepada semua pemegang IQD…jangan percaya cakap bank negara yang penipu ni…dia bukannya org dalam bank negara…entah mana2 mana la orang ni….kalu rasa tak puas hati call ja no dia 0172444729…lepas tu maki dia puas2…duit dinar pun dia tak pernah tgk…nak jual pun tak tau harga…..

  897. pakcik kayo berkata:


    BAGHDAD, 13 Mei (AKnews) – Bank Negara Iraq (ICB) menyatakan hari ini bahawa jawatankuasa yang ditubuhkan untuk mengkaji dan menyelesaikan aset Warka Ahli Bank akan membayar pendeposit di bank sebelum pemilik modal.

    Warka Bank mengalami krisis kewangan yang teruk dan ICB memutuskan pada bulan Mac untuk meletakkan penjagaan kepada bank itu kerana kemerosotan dasar fiskal.

    Jawatankuasa yang ICB peramanahan telah ditugaskan untuk menyelesaikan aset. Aset warka Bank masih sedang dikaji untuk membolehkan satu laporan akhir untuk dikemukakan kepada ICB.

    ICB timbalan gabenor Muzher Mohammed berkata: “Warka Bank mempunyai aset besar dan berjuta-juta ringgit telah diberikan kepada pelabur dan jawatankuasa peramanahan memohon melalui kaedah undang-undang untuk mengembalikan wang yang sampah beberapa membayar.”

    Menurut laporan ekonomi, Warka Bank mahu membebaskan dirinya daripada krisis kewangan dengan berunding dengan British bank Standard Chartered untuk menjual beberapa saham, tetapi ceramah mencapai jalan buntu.

    ICB menyatakan bahawa artikel 59 undang-undang perbankan membolehkan ia meletakkan jagaan atas bank-bank yang menghadapi masalah kewangan. Jagaan diwakili oleh perlantikan pentadbiran interim

    Mengikut undang-undang, penjaga yang diberikan oleh ICB boleh mencari melalui ICB untuk meminta Menteri Kewangan untuk menyelamatkan bank jika boleh.

    ICB adalah bertanggungjawab untuk mengekalkan kestabilan harga, melaksanakan dasar monetari dan mengawal selia sektor perbankan.

    harap ini easies minda anda dan membantu masalah akaun bank anda di kawasan Iraq

    Central Bank of Iraq’s committee will pay Warka Bank depositors

    BAGHDAD, May 13 (AKnews) – The Central Bank of Iraq (ICB) stated today that its committee set up to study and resolve the assets of Warka Ahli Bank will pay the depositors in the bank before the owners of capital.

    Warka Bank suffered from a severe financial crisis and the ICB decided in March to put its guardianship on the bank because of the deterioration of its fiscal policy.

    The ICB’s committee of trusteeship was commissioned to resolve the assets. Warka Bank’s assets are still being studied to allow a final report to be submitted to the ICB.

    ICB deputy governor Muzher Mohammed said: “Warka Bank has large assets and millions of dollars were granted to investors and the committee of trusteeship is seeking through legal methods to return the money that some refuse to pay.”

    According to economic reports, Warka Bank wanted to free itself from its financial crisis by negotiating with British bank Standard Chartered to sell some of its shares, but the talks reached a dead end.

    The ICB states that article 59 of its banking law allows it to put custody on banks that face financial problems. The custody is represented by appointing an interim administration

    According to law, the guardian assigned by the ICB can seek through the ICB to request the Minister of Finance to save the bank if possible.

    The ICB is responsible for maintaining price stability, implementing monetary policy and regulating the banking sector.

    hope this easies your minds and helps your bank account problems in iraq area

  898. pakcik kayo berkata:

    Parliamentarians call for establishing a bank shareholder between public and private sectors

    Called on parliamentarians to establish an Iraqi bank contributes to the public and private sectors, confirming the importance of the development of the banking system, which is the basis of the investment process in the country.
    Witness the banking system Government subsidiary flounder as a result of the absence of a clear and modern banking technology awareness programs, to make its work limited to issuing letters and farewell money.

    Member of the Economic Committee Abdullah Abbas sheyaa by (Agency news): the banking needs of modern banking systems suited to the practice in the world showing the Iraqi economy, free market oriented.
    Sheyaa: that was the draft founding contributor Bank by the Government and private banks would ease that bear a great burden of Government, provided the Bank was granted some powers that help him contributing to the development of the investment process in the country as open credit and loans and certain other transactions.
    It is recalled that the financial deposits by customers of Government banks (90%) Volume of deposits at banks of eligibility because of high public confidence, being supported by the State, although they are technologically advanced.
    Said Economic Committee decision mohama Khalil Kassem, Deputy to the banking sector “obsolete” due to unstable conditions of the country, therefore, must develop scientific plans, working President rehabilitation is to attract investors to the Iraq capital.
    He said Qassem: rehabilitation involves the departure of red tape in banking, legislation obliges the Iraqi banks develop its work according to the evolution of the world, and help to enter the Iraqi environment to investors.
    Qasim said: that the country needed to establish an effective contributor to the Bank by some private banks and with the support of the Government of Iraq to increase its capital and be able to perform the investment process in the country.
    And see the investment process in the country deteriorated because of political differences that gave a message that is reassuring for the investor and prevented him from going to Iraq for the purpose of investment.
    The Committee member explained that the national body albegari Noora to invest sent a worksheet as amendments to the Iraqi investment law includes special support for Iraqi banks failed for long global banking evolution due to circumstances that passed on Iraq, as well as an intention to convene a Special Conference on how to develop Iraqi banks in parliamentary Economic Committee.
    Albegari said that the idea of creating an Iraqi bank will be a successful contributor and would help to promote the investment process in Iraq it would create competition between the Government and private sectors, confirming that reliance on the Government sector would create a significant defect in the Iraqi economy because it supports the free market and not centrally holistic.
    And Iraq’s banking system consists of three and forty banks as well as the Central Bank and distributed by ownership between (7) and banks (30) communal banks, including Islamic banks (7) in addition to (6) foreign banks.
    Although the investment law No. (13) of 2006 investment in the banking sector were excluded from its provisions, however, investment in the banking sector takes its legal framework based on Central Bank legal number (56) of 2004 and banks no. (94) for the year 2004, the minimum to establish a bank in Iraq 100 billion dinars, around 85 million dollars.

    My link

    p/s :nampak gayanya mcm GOI nak control semua syarikat perbank kan di iraq……..

  899. tumpang kaya berkata:

    Pakcik kayo
    macamna sekarang kalau dah simpan duit dalam akuan kat warka bank selamat ko. komen skit

    • pakcik kayo berkata:

      jawapannya……..selamat…sbb cbi dah bg jaminan semua deposit pendeposit tlh dijamin oleh cbi………dan..cuma keuntungan dr investment pula bergantung kepada keputusan dr cbi dalam keputusan projek pembuangan 3 kosong tu……cuma hanya boleh bagitau……untung tetap untung…cuma……banyak dan sikit aje…..lain2 hal no komen………..

      • nash berkata:

        ni kekawan dinarian kata lagi 3 bulan RV pulak dah, sama je macam dana hj jasman, kata lagi 3 bulan la ni dah lebih 3 tahun tak clear-clear, nasib nasib…….macam nasib labu labi, heehe

  900. pakcik kayo berkata:

    Finance: Delete the Zero Parliamentary and Replace the Currency Early 2013

    19 GMT Member Attorney Haitham Al-Juburi of the Finance Committee Alsumaria news/Baghdad
    The parliamentary Finance Committee revealed, Tuesday, that the deletion of zeros and replace the Iraqi currency would be early January 2013, indicated it will start printing the new currency in various categories.
    Finance Committee Member said in an interview for al-Haitham “Sumerian news” January next year will delete the three zeros 2013 and replacement of currency, “he said, adding that” starting from September 2012, will next direct printing new currency by various categories. ”
    Jaburi said that “the process of replacing the old currency will continue year old should be withdrawn in full during the first six months of the year 2014”, stating that “delete the three zeros and replace would preserve stability in Iraqi currency and reducing the demand for hard currency.

    He Al-Juburi said Iraqi Central Bank allayed all fears concerning money-laundering and forgery during the process of replacing the old with the new currency, “he” possesses a special body to combat money laundering. ”
    Jaburi said that “reform of currency management system into the work of the Central Bank and to delete zeros is a strategic functions,” the Finance Committee in Parliament supports the policy of the Central Bank of Iraq in that direction “.
    Issued by the Secretariat of the Council of Ministers on 12 April 2012, a decision to wait in the application deleting zeros from the currency and requiring all the procedures relating to stop the process until further notice.
    Some economists believe that Iraq is not initialized at this time to delete the zeros of the Iraqi dinar, pointing out that this step requires political stability and security, along with economic stability.
    The Iraqi Central Bank, announced in January 2012, intended to put three large segments of the Iraqi dinar include 200, 100 and 50 dinars after deleting three zeros from the currency, he said the process of replacing the currency take two years.
    And the foundations of the Central Bank of Iraq as an independent bank under its law of 6 March 2004, as an independent body and is responsible for maintaining price stability and the implementation of monetary policy, including exchange rate policies and the management of foreign reserves and currency issuance and management, in addition to banking sector regulation to promote competitive and independent financial system.


    p/s:He Al-Juburi said Iraqi Central Bank allayed all fears concerning money-laundering and forgery during the process of replacing the old with the new currency, “he” possesses a special body to combat money laundering. ”

    statemaent yg tak sedap dibaca dan di dengar untuk pemegang cash note………………………….


    • Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

      hehehehe…. spt yg aku dah cakap dan dari dulu lagi…. cash note yg berada diluar dari iraq akan mati.hanya cash note didalam iraq sahaja yg boleh digunakan….tetapi cash note didalam iraq pun tak selamat dari pemotongan 3 angka sifar….sebab duit cash note dinar iraq tersebut merupakan duit “HARD CURRENCY” iaitu duit yg sudah semestinya boleh dipegang ,disentuh dan dirasa duit kertasnya.serta dah tentu2 dah tercetak nilainya pada duit kertas tersebut. spt yg aku cakapkan dari dulu kini dan selamanya….. hanya duit yg berada didalam account bank sahaja yg terselamat dari isu pembuangan 3 angka sifar.hehehehehe….. nak tahu kenapa?????? so rajin2lah selak balik semua pos aku yg lepas2 kat situ dah ada jawapannya. jawapannya telah diberikan oleh Panel Penasihat CBI dari tahun lepas lagi.hehehehehe….

  901. Cash In Time berkata:

    Beliau Jubouri bahawa “Bank Negara Iraq turut menafikan semua kebimbangan yang berkaitan dengan pengubahan wang haram dan pemalsuan semasa proses menggantikan mata wang lama El Jadida,” menjelaskan bahawa “peranti khas anti pengubahan wang haram.”

  902. Cash In Time berkata:

    mmm…sebenarnya susah gak nak jumpa iqd palsu kat malaysia ni…setakat ni tak jumpa lagi lah..

  903. Cash In Time berkata:

    baik buat kwd palsu ka, usd palsu ka.. baru untung.. hihihi..

  904. inginkaya berkata:

    jika cash note di buang 3 zero,dalam akaun pun akan di buang 3 zero….dalam akaun atau cash note akan nilai yang sama

    • Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

      Baca balik kenyatan timbalan gabnor bank iraq yg dikeluarkan didalam kenyataannya didalam akbar yg lepas2….



      jika kita terjemahkan maksud timbalan gabnor bank iraq ketiga2 perkataan yg dinyatakan diatas semuanya kena mengena dengan “DUIT KERTAS” yg kau orang semua beli@simpan. dan perlu diingatkan dengan pembuangan 3 angka sifar INI juga CBI memang sudah merangcang untuk mengurangkan jumlah Duit tunai (CASH NOTE) dari dalam pasaran.

      so kesimpulannya pembuangan 3 angka sifar ini hanya tertumpu pada CASH NOTE sahaja.

      • Cash In Time berkata:

        mmg note yg ade 3 zero akan di tarik balik. sbbnya, nilainya dah terlampau besar.. selepas rv..
        tak sesuai lagi dalam pasaran..
        sbb dgn sekeping note 25k iqd, sudah bole membeli sebuah kereta..

      • Cash In Time berkata:

        apa yg en. bini najib faham dgn statement ni?


        pembuangan 3 angka sifar = LOP?? or tarik balik IQD yg ada 3 zero??

        iraq akan LOP?? saya fikir tak mungkin..

      • Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

        Yer memang mungkin ada benarnya kenyataan anda tersebut…..Iraq x mungkin akan membuat LOP TETAPI……. Siapa Sangka sekiranya CBI benar2 ingin berkeras ingin membuat LOP….x siapa pun boleh marah……. atau pun CBI x membuat LOP tetapi RD iaitu dengan penukaran Note IQD25k sekeping kepada note IQD100 X 25 Keping.

        tetapi mengikut pada pandangan pemerhatian saya Iraq Berkemungkinan akan membuat LOP. ini disebabkan faktor CBI ingin mengurangan Jumlah nilai Duit kertasnya dari dalam pasaran. contoh yg boleh saya berikan seperti berikut.

        Iraq ingin mengurangkan Jumlah Nilai duit kertasnya dari Trillio Dinar kepada Billion Dinar so…. kalau Iraq Membuat RD , ini tidak akan mengurangkan Jumlah Nilai Dinar,tetapi akan menjadi sama nilainya spt asal. tetapi sekiranya Iraq membuat LOP…… Yer!!!!!! maka iraq telah berjaya mengurangankan jumlah nilai duit kertasnya dari dalam pasaran.

        Kesimpulannya bagi Saya….tidak menjadi masalah sekiranya iraq ingin membuat RD ker…. LOP ker…atau pun sebagainya…..yg penting ….duit dalam simpanan akuan bank tidak terjejas. ini telah berkali2 di beritahu oleh Timbalan Gabnor Bank Iraq.dan cerita tentang pembuangan 3 angka sifar ini hanya diceritakan oleh CBI berlaku pada duit Cash Note / Hard cash / Currency Paper & Bank Note sahaja.

      • Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

        Mac 27, 2012 at 2:15 pm

        More News About New Iraqi Dinars

        27 March 2012

        AKnews reports that Iraq’s new currency will include three languages: Arabic, Kurdish, and English. It will also include archaeological features including those of the Kurdistan Region.

        Speaking on behalf of the economic committee in the Iraqi Council of Representatives, Muhama Khalil said that deleting the three zeros, and restructuring the currency will provide significant economic benefits.

        He explained that Iraq signed a contract with four foreign companies to producing paper and coin variants of the new currency from the beginning of next year.

        The move to delete the zeros will reduce the number of ” BANK NOTES ” in circulation and simplify Iraq’s payment system. The Iraqi Central Bank will re-print some 30tr dinars ($26bn).

        (Source: AKnews)

  905. Cash In Time berkata:

    iraq takkan LOP, sebaliknya akan RD, then RV..

  906. tumpang kaya berkata:

    kwan-kwan tolong komen berita ni

    Iraqi Parliament Finance Committee revealed, on Tuesday, that cutting zeros off Iraqi dinar and its redenomination will be taking place in January 2013 adding that printing the new currency will start as of September 2012.
    “Zeros will be cut off Iraqi dinar and the currency will be denominated in January 2013,” Finance Committee member Haitham Al Jabouri told Alsumarianews noting that printing the new currency bills will start in September 2012.
    “The redenomination of old Currency requires a whole year and the old currency will be fully withdrawn from Iraqi market in the first half of 2014,” Jabouri said stressing that cutting the three zeros off the currency and its redenomination intend to stabilize Iraqi Dinar and decrease demand on the hard currency.
    “Central Bank of Iraq dissipated all fears from money laundering during the redenomination process,” Jabouri stated explaining that it has a special apparatus to fight money laundering.
    “Reform of Iraqi currency management system is a major duty of Central Bank of Iraq and cutting zeros off is one of its strategic tasks,” Jabouri uttered assuring that the Parliament Finance Committee support Central Bank’s strategy.
    Iraqi Cabinet Secretariat issued a resolution, on April 2012, to halt all procedures relating to cutting zeros off the dinar until further notice.
    Iraq is not ready yet for this step, some economic experts believe pointing out that such action requires security and political stability in addition to economic stability.
    Central Bank of Iraq announced, on January 2012, it is determined to release 3 Iraqi dinar bills of high value i.e. 200, 100 and 50 dinars after the cutting off of zeros from the currency. Dinar redenomination requires 2 years, Central Bank of Iraq informed.

    apa yang saya faham (Klau saya silap minta maaf, tolong betulkan)

    mula-mula nak buang tiga kosong, jangka januari 2013. pas tu nak print duit baru bermula bulan september tahun ni (2012). Lepas tu timbul pulak Iraqi Cabinet Secretaria kata pada bulan april lepas nak tangguh dulu psal nak buang 3 kosong tu sehingga diberi tahu kelak .abis camna ni , sampai bila nak rv ni

    BN (bini Najib),Pakcik Kayo, Cash In Time bagi pendapat skit

    • Cash In Time berkata:

      ” Dinar redenomination requires 2 years, Central Bank of Iraq informed”

      “Iraqi Parliament Finance Committee revealed, on Tuesday, that cutting zeros off Iraqi dinar and its redenomination will be taking place in January 2013 adding that printing the new currency will start as of September 2012”

      “The redenomination of old Currency requires a whole year and the old currency will be fully withdrawn from Iraqi market in the first half of 2014,”

      kalau tgk statement2 kat atas, RD process akan ambil masa 2 thn, dan akan berakhir sepenuhnya jun 2014.. kalau Ikutkan statement kat atas juga, RD start on January 2013.. so ini baru 1.5 tahun kalau kira sampai jun 2014, mane lagi 0.5 tahun????

      spekulasi saya , start delete 3 zero pada jun 2012 😉
      serentak dgn RV… baru la compelete 2 thn seperti yg cbi ckp..

  907. tumpang kaya berkata:

    maaf ye ,yang ni mungkin perkara yang sama jgn marah eehhhhh

    Main points:

    Various categories of new currency will begin to be printed in September 2012
    New currency will be issued in January 2013
    Dinars held currently will be pulled off market completely by mid-2014, approximately 1 year from new currency being issued
    Authorities believe new currency will create stability economically and reduce dollarization (hard currency)

    Sumerian News / Baghdad revealed the Finance Committee of parliament Tuesday, that the deletion of zeros and replacing Iraqi currency Seetman early January 2013, as pointed out it will start printing the new currency in various categories in September.

    A member of the Finance Committee Haitham Jubouri in an interview for “Alsumaria News “that” the month of January of next year 2013 will see the deletion of three zeros and the replacement of the currency, “adding that” as of next September 2012, will be the direct printing of new currency in different categories. “

    The Jubouri that “the process of replacing the old currency will continue to a full year that be pulled out the old in full within the first six months of the year 2014, “noting that” delete three zeros and replace can offer to preserve the afterbirth stability of the Iraqi currency and reduce the demand for hard currency. “

    He Jubouri that “the Central Bank of Iraq has squandered all concerns relating to money laundering and fraud During the process of replacing the old currency El Jadida, “explaining that” has a special organ to combat money laundering. “

    The Jubouri that “reform the system of currency management at the heart of the Central Bank and the deletion of zeros is a function of the strategy,” stressing that “the Finance Committee of the Parliament supports the Central Bank of Iraq policy in that direction. “

  908. Cash In Time berkata:

    “The Iraqi Central Bank will re-print some 30tr dinars ($26bn)”

    statement ini menguatkan lagi yg iraq takkan LOP, umum sudah mengetahui duit dalam market iraq ada dlm lbh kurang 30 tr dinar juga..

  909. pakcik kayo berkata:

    Iraqi Parliament Finance Committee revealed, on Tuesday, that cutting zeros off Iraqi dinar and its redenomination will be taking place in January 2013 adding that printing the new currency will start as of September 2012.

    “Zeros will be cut off Iraqi dinar and the currency will be denominated in January 2013,” Finance Committee member Haitham Al Jabouri told Alsumarianews noting that printing the new currency bills will start in September 2012.
    “The redenomination of old Currency requires a whole year and the old currency will be fully withdrawn from Iraqi market in the first half of 2014,” Jabouri said stressing that cutting the three zeros off the currency and its redenomination intend to stabilize Iraqi Dinar and decrease demand on the hard currency.
    “Central Bank of Iraq dissipated all fears from money laundering during the redenomination process,” Jabouri stated explaining that it has a special apparatus to fight money laundering.
    “Reform of Iraqi currency management system is a major duty of Central Bank of Iraq and cutting zeros off is one of its strategic tasks,” Jabouri uttered assuring that the Parliament Finance Committee support Central Bank’s strategy.
    Iraqi Cabinet Secretariat issued a resolution, on April 2012, to halt all procedures relating to cutting zeros off the dinar until further notice.
    Iraq is not ready yet for this step, some economic experts believe pointing out that such action requires security and political stability in addition to economic stability.
    Central Bank of Iraq announced, on January 2012, it is determined to release 3 Iraqi dinar bills of high value i.e. 200, 100 and 50 dinars after the cutting off of zeros from the currency. Dinar redenomination requires 2 years, Central Bank of Iraq informed.


    p/s untuk kepastian …..kita akan dapat jawapan mengenai apa sebenarnya tujuan pembuangan 3 kosong pada bulan september ini………….apabila duit baru iaitu note yg kecil di cetak dan diedarkan dan apakah kenyataan sebelum ini dari cbi yg menyatakan bahawa nilai note lama bersamaan 1000:1 nilai yg baru akan berlaku atau sebaliknya……..

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  910. Cash In Time berkata:

    World Bank Confirms: 1000 dinar before raising 0s is still 1000 dinar

    Helen Maria confirmed the Special Representative of the World Bank, “The strategic relationship with Iraq will be extended from 2012 until the year 2016.” Indicating that “this strategy is not only in Iraq but in several countries.”

    Said Helen during her visit to Muthanna province today, “There are agreements and negotiations with the central government to identify the joints and the details of this strategy.” Noting that “the World Bank will consider the special nature of this country in order to identify important points about this strategy.” Afterthought, “but in general.”

    She added that “this strategy will emphasize topics the development of macro-economic growth and development as well as issues relating to capacity-building and transparency and the fight against corruption and other ways to promote a strong economy for this country.” Noting that “the Bank is trying to help create an environment that provides job opportunities and eliminate unemployment and a focus on the youth. “noting that” many young people are eligible to enter the Iraqi market. ”

    Revealed Helen that “there is a plan to restructure the Rafidain and Rasheed to contribute to the creation of financial and banking sector better in Iraq contributes to the promotion of investment and provide an ideal environment.” Afterthought “should there be a banking sector active in Iraq, but we Ntanaj to cooperation by the party return. ”

    On the issue of deletion of zeros from the currency “I think that this may have been in Turkey and will not have any effect, either positive or negative.”, Adding: “But if what has been implemented correctly and I mean here properly is to keep the same purchasing power of the currency after deletion of zeros if there was a thousand dinars, and after deletion of zeros has become a must for this dinars dinar to have the same purchasing power of one thousand dinars. “/ 4 Updating :: 17/05/2012 12:24

  911. Cash In Time berkata:

    Credit to bro ZZ….

    35 Trillion dinar, Marcus Curtis dan Neisya Azmin Part 2.
    By Zulkifli Zain in SEMBANG-SEMBANG RV · Sunting Dokumen
    Salam……seperti yg saya janjikan ~ here’s part 2. Hahaha.
    Saya akan komen ttg pertimbangan LOP vs RV yg di buat oleh Marcus Curtis di bahagian bawah ni nnt
    Hari ini kita citer sket isu 35 trillion ni secara lebih objektif. Mula2 sekali….kita tgk polisi/matlamat/objective CBI dlm pembentangan perundangan yg berkait dgn delete 3 zeros.
    Dlm banyak artikel, CBI memberitahu kita,  tujuan delete 3 zeros adalah utk MENGURANGKAN jumlah mata wang (cash bloc) dlm pasaran. Kerana 30 Trillion (pada kadar 1170/1166) bukan sahaja membebankan rakyat, membebankan delivery and payment system malah membebankan hampir  kesemua sistem2 lain yg melibatkan IQD. So that is why..dorg nk delete 3 zeros. Very clear objective.
    Dan utk menunjukkan CBI serous dgn hasrat dia, kertas kerja ni telah pun di bawa ke Parlimen utk di bentangkan dan diluluskn.
    CBI dan Finance Committee kemudian nya, berulang kali memberi tahu kita..delete 3 zeros akan meningkatkan nilai dinar, akan meningkatkan kuasa beli dan dinar akan di jadikan sebagai salah satu mata wang rizab antarabangsa. Dan yg paling menerujakan, selepas delete 3 zeros dinar akan menjadi matawang yg paling kukuh (the strongest) di Timur Tengah. Dan kita dpt melihat sedikit (an iota) bukti kearah itu, bila nilai dinar dinaikkn kepada 1166 berbanding 1170 sebelum nya. Shabibi sendri pernah ckp, bajet 2012 akan mengangkat nilai dinar (raise the value of dinar).
    TIBA2 kita tgk dlm Financial indicator Iraq…jumlah dinar (dlm circulation/pusingan) meningkat kpd 34.999 Trillion pada bukan Mac 2012. Peningkatan sebanyak 6.461 Trillion dlm masa1 bulan antara Feb.2012 dan Mac 2012. Kalo kita tgk pada kebiasaan…jumlah 6 trillion adalah jumlah peningkatan utk selama 2 TAHUN. Tapi kali ni CBI buat dlm masa SATU BULAN sahaja. Dan ia dilakukan selepas CBI dan Finance Committee berulangkali mengatakan mereka mahu mengurangkan jumlah IQD dlm pasaran, selepas mereka berulang kali mengatakan nilai dinar akan di angkat, selepas mengatakan mereka akan meningkatkan kuasa beli dinar.
    Persoalan nya….mcm mana dengan menambah IQD dalam pasaran mereka boleh mengurangkan jumlah dinar..? DAN macam mana dgn menambah jumlah dinar dalam pasaran, mereka boleh meningkatkan nilai dan kuasa beli dinar. Kerana dari segi teori mata wang (QTM), bila jumlah mata wang meningkat, nilai mata wang tersebut akan menurun. ( Tu sebab nilai kadar pertukaran 30 Trillion dinar hanya bersamaan dgn 0.00086 USD).
    Lebih buruk lagi, CBI yg di terajui oleh Shabibi, seorang yg diiktiraf sebagai salah seorang diantara 5 pakar ekonomi terbaik di dunia pada masa ini, menambah jumlah 6.491 trillion ke dalam pasaran Iraq semasa kadar pertukaran dinar berbanding US dollar semakin menurun..?
    So persoalan yg bermain dlm kepala kita, MENGAPA??  Adekah dia melakukan begitu untuk memastikan kadar pertukaran dinar berbanding dollar terus berada pada tahap 1166 sebelum dia melakukan perubahan..? Boleh jadi jugak, memandangkan nilai rizab matawang asing CBI terus meningkat sejak 2009 selepas sejak nilai IQD ditambat pada kadar 1170. Rizab CBI meningkat dari 45 Billion USD (2009) kepada 63-68 billion USD (pada masa sekarang). …hampir 40% peningkatan.
    Jika CBI mahu, dgn peningkatan rizab sebanyak itu, CBI SUDAH boleh meningkatkan nilai dinar, paling tidak, sebanyak 30%.  Tahu berapa nilai IQD jika CBI tingkatkan sebanyak 30%..? Ia kan meningkat dari 1170 = 1 usd kepada 819 = 1 usd. Tanpa mengurangakan jumlah mawatang dinar dlm pasaran, dgn hanya berdasarkan peningkatan jumlah rizab matawang asing sahaja, CBI sudah berupaya “delete 1 zero”. CBI mempunyai peluang tetapi  CBI  memilih utk tidak meningkatkan nilai dinar. Hanya baru2  ni jer  dia tingkatkan kpd 1166..which is about 0.003%.
    So apa yg membuatkan Shabibi tak mahu tingkatkan nilai dinar sebalik nya menambah 6.491 trillion IQD dalam pasaran 😀  Tekanan dari luar mungkin..? ATAU.. adekah CBI mmg sengaja nk menunjukkan dan membuktikan kpd GOI bahawa kuasa utk meningkatkan atau mengurangkan jumlah matawang di Iraq terletak di tangan CBI 100%.
    Dari segi teori, amalan dan perundangan, CBI TIDAK sepatutnya mencetak atau menambah jumlah bilangan matawang  sesuka hati TANPA mendapat PESANAN (order) dari kerajaan.  So kenapa CBI cetak jugak? Kenapa CBI tambah jugak IQD kedalam pasaran..?
    ATAU..adekah ini sebagai langkah persedian awal bagi menghadapi LEDAKAN EKONOMI dan KEWANGAN di Iraq..? 
    Kerana sebaik Iraq dilepaskan dari Ch.7, sebaik Iraq melakukan perubahan pada kadar mata wang mereka, sebaik Iraq memasuki Pertubuhan Dagangan Dunia (WTO) dan sebaik Iraq mendapat lampu hijau utk MENJUAL MINYAK NYA menggunakan IQD, ==>permintaan keatas IQD oleh syarikat2 asing akan meningkat berlipat kali ganda.  Bukan sekali kita pernah dgr kenyataan dari ahli Parlimen Iraq yg bercakap ttg kemungkinan minyak Iraq di jual menggunakan dinar. Dan kalau ini berlaku, sudah tentu permintaan keatas IQD akan melambung tinggi..kerana pada hari ini sahaja, pengeluaran harian minyak Iraq berjumlah 3 million tong sehari ..dan jumlah ini terus meningkat.
    Susah kita nk pastikan, tanpa info yg lengkap.  Saya sendiri tak tahu apa kebenaran ttg 6.491 trillion dinar tu. Lebih banyak persoalan dari jawapan. Kalo betul ia dah dimasukan kedlm pasaran, MANA dan BAGAIMANA ia dimasukan kedlm pasaran. Dari segi muatan..ia sudah tentu jauh lebih besar dari muatan 27 buah kapal terbang 747 Jumbo yg digunakan utk memindahkan 4.8 trillion pada 2004. Sudah tentu berpuluh2 lori besar sepatut nya sentiasa kaluar masuk CBI utk beberapa malam (kalo nk sorok) lengkap dgn kawalan keselamatan (tentera) yg paling besar  di perlukan utk memindahkan duit2 tersebut dari CBI. Tak kan ler, CBI salah satu institusi yg sentiasa di pantau pergerakan nya mampu melakukan ni sumer tanpa pengetahuan sesiapa.
    OK berbalik kpd Marcus Curtis.
    Saya tgk….research dan pertimbangan yg di buat oleh Marcus hanya tertumpu kpd DUA extreme. SAMA ADA Iraq RV dengan jumlah wang sebanyak 34.999 Trillion dinar OR Iraq LOP dengan jumlah 35 billion dinar. Dia limitkan pilihan dia kepada A atau B sahaja. Since  dia begitu pasti Iraq mmg tidak mampu utk RV dgn jumlah 34.999 trillion dinar dalam pasaran, PILIHAN YANG TINGGAL UTK DIA HANYA SATU SAHAJA,  Iraq akan LOP. 😀 Itu lah pertimbangan dia.
    Saya mempunyai pertimbgan yg berbeza..selain dari RV dgn 34.999 trillion atau LOP dgn 35 billion. Pertimbangan yg tidak diambil kira atau dibuat oleh Marcus ialah…BERAPA kah JUMLAH, NILAI  atau KUASA BELI  yg Iraq benar2 perlukan.
    Kita boleh setuju, 34.999 Trillion adalah jumlah yg terlalu banyak dan tak masuk akal, lebih2 lagi kalo Iraq RV pada kadar 1:1. Secara perbandingan, US mempunyai 1.3 Trillion “hard cash” sahaja, sedangkan penduduk dia berjumlah melebihi 300 juta org.  Dan duit tunai US ni digunakan di seluruh dunia.
    Iraq hanya mempunyai 30 juta penduduk. Prasarana ekonomi Iraq juga jauh lebih terkebelakang dari US.
    Dari segi KDNK, US = 15 trillion dollar, Iraq baru dlm 130 billion dollar. So mmg agak mustahil utk RV pada kadar 1:1.
    Kalo LOP pulak……Iraq akan ade 35 billion IQD je bersamaan nilai 30 billion USD ( kadar pertukaran LOP = 0.86). Jumlah ini amat tidak mencukupi kerana kalau kita ambil keperluan jumlah, NILAI atau kuasa beli yg di perlukan oleh DAGANGAN Iraq sahaja (berdasarkan dari jumlah auctions harian yg dijalankan, kita bleh andaikan 150 million dolar sehari adalah jumlah dagangan harian Iraq); seminggu ~ 750 million dolar,  sebulan ~ 3 billion dollar, setahun…36 billion dollar. 36 billion dollar adalah jumlah yg Iraq perlukan HANYA utk melakukan dagangan harian. Jumlah itu adalah jumlah yg sgt conservative (pasaran dalaman Iraq semata2). Hanya utk transaksi dagangan sahaja, LOP sudah tidak mampu utk menyokong keperluan tersebut.
    Itu tidak termasuk, keperluan dinar selepas Iraq dilepaskan dari Ch.7 dan memasuki WTO. Pada masa tu, aktiviti dagangan akan meningkat berlipat kali ganda. 
    Belum lagi termasuk dagangan bursa saham ISX, yang  hanya melakukan aktivit perniagaan menggunakan dinar semata2…
    Belum juga dimasukan keperluan kewangan kerajaan yg memerlukan dinar utk bayar gaji, bayar pencen, bayar bil2 utilities.
    Keperluan rakyat jelata..? 😀
    Dan utk itu semua….LOP hanya memberi ata menawarkan 35 billion dinar utk digunakan. Hehehe..
    Actually sebelum ni, saya ade buat satu doc ttg anggaran keperluan kewangan di Iraq mengambil 1988 as the basis year.  Kesimpulan nya….LOP TIDAK akan dapat memenuhi keperluan kewangan Iraq, samada dalam jumlah dinar (35 billion dinar)  atau pun dollar (30 billion)
    Saya rasakn pertimbangan yg paling penting ADALAH pertimbangan keperluan sebenar jumlah matawang Iraq dan sudah tentu, pilihan itu TIDAK terletak  antara A: 34.999 Trillion dinar atau  B: 35 billion dinar.
    Jika Iraq/CBI mempunyai keupayaan utk menjadikan jumlah IQD kpd 34.999 trillion dinar, Iraq/CBI juga mempunyai keupayaan utk mengurangkan jumlah tersebut kpd jumlah yg mereka benar2 perlukan.

  912. Cash In Time berkata:

    Credit to bro ZZ..

    LOP…….Iraq bukan Turkey atau Venezuela 😀
    By Zulkifli Zain in SEMBANG-SEMBANG RV · Sunting Dokumen
    Salam 😀
    Dgn mcm2 berita / artikel yg keluar skrg, ramai yg jadi keliru, adekah Iraq akan RV atau adekah Iraq akan RD/LOP. Nk tanya, takut ade yg pandang negative kpd kita, so ramai yg pendam je isu ni. Tapi hakikakt nya….mmg byk artikel2 yg keluar, yg kelihatan nya lebih condong kpd RD/LOP.
    Persoalan nya……adekah Iraq aakan LOP? Adekah 25,000 dinar kita akan jadi 25 dinar, 10,000 jadi 10 dinar, 5,000 jadi 5 dinar…? Adekah 30 trillon dinar, setelah di buang 3 kosong, akan menjadi 30 bilion dinar?
    OK..kali ni saya akan CUBA tunjukkan dari sudut yg berbeza pulak. Kita tgk dari sudut equilibrium, real demand/factor. Kita akan melihat dari sudut BERAPA kah jumlah dinar yg IRAQ PERLUKAN berdasarkan ASAS tahun yg digunapaki oleh Ministry of Planning (MOP) sendiri 😀
    Dlm Feasibility Studies and Report, MOP Iraq  menggunakan tahun 1988 sebagai asas. Mungkin ramai dah pernah tgk laporan MOP.
    So apa ada dgn 1988..?
                                                    1 9 8 8                                               2 0 1 2
    JUMLAH MATAWANG   : 25 billion dinar                                 30 Trillion
    Kadar Pertukaran            : 3.22                                              0.00086 (1166)
    Nilai dinar dlm USD        : 80 billion USD (25b x 3.22)          25.8 billion USD (30T x 0.00086)
    Harga Minyak                     : 15 USD/Barre                                     110 USD/Barrel.
    Jumlah Penduduk             : 25 million                                            32 million.
    Kalo kita tgk dari data diatas, harga minyak pada 1988 vs 2012, secara kasar, ia melambangkan kadar inflasi dunia secara relatif berbanding harga barangan dan perkhidmatan semasa (price and services). 15: 110. Ini bermakna, secara purata harga barangan dan perkhidmatan sekarang adalah 7 kali lebih tinggi dari 1988.
    Tanpa mengambil kira lain2 perubahan (jumlah penduduk, permodenan, gaji dsb), HANYA utk kita mengekalkan standard 1988 pada tahun 2012, keperluan/permintaan kewangan IRAQ akan bersamaan dgn 25 billion dinar x 7 = 175 billion. Iraq memerlukan 175 billion dinar utk menyara lifestyle 1988 pada tahun 2012. :D.
    Kalo kita campurkan faktor jumlah penduduk, pertambahan penduduk 1988 vs 2012 adalah 28%. Dgn peningkatan jumlah penduduk sbyk 28%, keperluan/permintaan keatas wang juga meningkat.
    So 175 billion x 1.28 = 224 billion dinar. Ini bererti, jika kita mengekalkan cara hidup dan keperluan 1988 pada tahun 2012 dicampurkan dgn faktor jumlah penduduk, keperluan/permintaan kewangan di Iraq kini menjadi 224 billion dinar.
    So…, kita berhenti kejap dan soal LOP. 😀 Boleh kah Iraq menampung gaya hidup 1988 (tanpa faktor kemodenan) pada 2012, jika jumlah matawang hanya berjumlah 30 billion dinar (setelah LOP), sedangkan permintaan sebenar adalah 224 billion dinar?
    Kita teruskan………~ Kalo kita campurkan faktor kemodenan ( hand phone, plasma TV, internet, keperluan kenderaan, fesyen, astro…)…sudah tentu lagi tinggi tapi sayang nya, kita tak bleh nk letak satu nilai pada kemodenan. 😀
    So 224 billion…utk mengekalkan status quo 1988 pada 2012 eh..? Oooopppppss
    Tapi pada 1988, jumlah purchasing power utk 25 billion IQD  adalah bersamaan dgn 80 billion dollar (@3.22)
    Jadi nya 224 billion x 3.2 = 716.8 billion USD
    716.8 bilion USD adalah jumlah yg diperlukan utk maintain status quo 1988 pada tahun 2012 dlm negara Iraq.
    Bandingkan, LOP akan mebawa jumlah dinar dari 30 trillion kpd 30 billion IQD @ 25.8 billion USD, sedangkan keperluan/permintaan Iraq pada 2012 adalah 716.8 billion USD (tanpa faktor pemodenan).
    Makna nya, kalo Iraq memilih utk LOP….:D HANYA utk memenuhi keperluan/permintaan dlm negara, Iraq perlukn kadar pertukaran setinggi 23.89 USD supaya 30 billion mencapai keperluan/permintaan utk purchasing power/nilai 716.8 billion USD. Exchange rate 23.89 USD..????.
    Apa akan jadi kalo rate 23.89 USD..? Sudah tentu ia akan menyebabkan deficit dagangan (trade deficit). Import jauh lebih tinggi dari export…, untuk jangka panjang, ini tidak sihat utk ekonomi Iraq.
    So ok…..Itu baru jumlah/pemnitaan DALAM negara.
    Sebaik Iraq di lepaskan dari Ch.7 dan dan diletakn di bawah artikel VIII (IMF), dagangan akan meningkat dan permintaan keatas dinar juga akan turut meningkat oleh institusi2/sykt2 antarabangsa, bank2 pusat antarabangsa Paling minima, ia meningkatkan permintaan keatas IQD sebanyak 5 kali ganda (minima).
    So 716.8 billion x 5 = 3.58 trillion. BAMM!
    So lagi sekali..mcm mana LOP dgn 30 billion @ 25.8 billion USD dapat memenuhi permintaan keatas permintaan nilai dinar setinggi 3.5 trillion.
    Next time kalo ade lagi news/artikel yg cakap pasal LOP……jgn lari =))
    iiissshh iisshh iiissshhh…..panjang nye……

  913. duit cash dan akaun warka berkata:

    ulasan terbaeeek la Cash in time!!hehe

  914. Cash In Time berkata:

    Delete the zeros from the Iraqi currency printed the beginning of 2013 and the new currency in early June

    Baghdad 15/5/2012 3:47 PM

    Iraqi parliamentary sources said that printing new Iraqi currency will start early next month of June will be replaced with the currency and delete zeros of which will be the beginning of next year 2013.

    The parliamentary Finance Committee on Tuesday that the deletion of zeros and replacing Iraqi currency September early January 2013, as pointed out it will start printing the new currency in various categories in September.

    A member of the Finance Committee Haitham Jubouri that “the month of January of next year 2013 will see the deletion of three zeros and the replacement of the currency,” adding that “as of next September 2012, will be the direct printing of new currency in different categories.”

    The Jubouri that “the process of replacing the old currency will continue to a full year to be the withdrawal of the old in full within the first six months of the year 2014,” noting that “delete three zeros and replace it from would be afterbirth on the stability of the Iraqi currency and reduce the demand for hard currency.“

    He Jubouri that “the Iraqi Central Bank dispelled all concerns relating to money laundering and forgery during the process of replacing the old currency El Jadida,” explaining that “a device has a special anti-money laundering.”

    The Jubouri that “the reform of the currency management from the heart of the Central Bank and the deletion of zeros is a function of the strategy,” stressing that “the Finance Committee of the Parliament supports the policy of the Iraqi Central Bank in this direction.”

    And the General Secretariat of the Council of Ministers, on April 12, 2012, a decision to wait in the application of the process of removing zeros from the national currency, which had to stop all procedures relating to the operation mentioned until further notice.

    According to some economists that Iraq is ready for the time being to delete the zeros of the Iraqi dinar, pointing out that this step you need to stabilize the security and political, as well as economic stability.

    The Central Bank of Iraq announced, in January 2012, its intention to put a big three categories of the Iraqi dinar, including 200, 100 and 50 dinars after deleting three zeros from the currency, while pointing out that the process of replacing the currency will take two years.

  915. tumpang kaya berkata:

    Cash In Time

    Ulasan yang terbaik dan panjang lebar, diharap dapat menjadi panduan kepada kita semua , Tapi apa-apa pun ni dah akhir mei 2012, bila nak rv ni jun ni ke hehehehheheheh

  916. Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

    Apa2 pun pembuangan 3 angka sifar hanya berlaku pada Duit Cash Note Sahaja. duit didalam account bank tidak terjejas. hehehehehe…. so sesiapa yg memegang Duit Kertas Iraq….so siap sedialah….hehehehe…

    • Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

      IQD 1,000 = NIQD 1.00
      IQD 1,000,000 = NIQD 1,000

      Ini yg Panel Penasihat CBI Memberi Tahu. dan NIQD Baru yg akan dicetak Pada Bulan September ini Paling kecil NIQD 50 dan Paling Besar NIQD 200

  917. Bini Najib (BN) berkata:


    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    “Redenomination is the process of changing the face value of banknotes or coins used in circulating currency”.

    • Bini Najib (BN) berkata:



      Dari Wikipedia , ensiklopedia bebas

      “Redenomination adalah proses menukar nilai muka wang kertas atau syiling yang digunakan dalam mata wang yang beredar”.

      • Tokenali berkata:

        aik.. tak seorang pun comment bini najib punya statment!!!.. tekedu kot semua?

  918. tumpang kaya berkata:

    Tokenali dan semua sahabt kat luar sana
    apa-apa pun komen Bini Najib harus diberi perhatian, walaubagaimana keputusan muktamad belum lagi dibuat oleh kerajaan iraq . sekarang ini krisis dalaman iraq pun nampak macam teruk je antara Maliki dan shabibi. apa ke hal ni. camna nak rv. komen skit

  919. Cash In Time berkata:

    ye, skrg ni tggu je apa yg iraq nak buat.. paling cepat bulan jun, takde jgk tggu bulan 9.. tkde lagi tggu la bulan 1 2013… 😉

  920. BASRA_IQD berkata:

    hage dinar iraq borong..


    • Kembara IQD berkata:

      dahlah hentikanlah penjualan dinar iraq. bukannya untung beli pun…. rugi lagi adalah…..bila duit cash tersebut dipotong 3 tiga angka kosong. baik duit tersebut gi beli susu anak lagi baik.kalau nak rugi pun biarlah rugi sorang2 janganlah nak ajak orang lain pun sama2 rugi dengan menjual duit tersebut.

  921. berangan kaya berkata:

    mana yang di katakan rugi biarpun di potong 3 kosong…

    • Kembara IQD berkata:

      namanya pun berangan kaya….so jawapanya pun jawapan merapu gak macam berangan nak kaya.

  922. tumpang kaya berkata:

    berangan kaya

    terangkan sikit apa yang anda maksudkan itu mana yang dikatakan rugi biarpun dipotong 3 kosong

    • berangan kaya berkata:

      tumpang kaya,
      bagus juga anda bertanya..jangan tak faham buat2 tahu dan faham.
      secara ringkas
      1 iqd bersamaan 3usd
      1 usd bersamaan 3 rm
      25 iqd x3usd x3rm =225 rm
      jadi dimana ruginya

      • Kembara IQD berkata:

        hehehe…memang x rugi…tapi kau dapat pulangan yg ckit ler…hehehehehehe……1 x ganda jer…. x gunalah kau menunggu bagai nak gila Iqar punya RV. hehehehehe….lainlah kalau kau simpan duit dalam account…… duit kau x terjejas….dan bila RV 3 USD kau untung beribu kali ganda…..hehehehehe…itulah kelebihannya….heheheheheh…

  923. trinity berkata:

    Kami menawarkan pinjaman asli .. hubungi kami sekarang untuk info lebih lanjut @ trinitysavingsltd@gmail.com


  924. tumpang kaya berkata:

    berangan kaya

    maksud anda 25 iqd tu nilai yang 25k iqd sekarang yang akan dibuang tiga kosong ke atau nilai kekal 25000 iqd. terang skit lagi jangan marah ehhh

  925. nash berkata:

    tunggu lg ke, dari bulan mei ke bulan jun ke julai ke ogos ke september ke oktober ke november ke disember masuk tahun baru begitulah seterus nya sampai abang jamil mampus, hehehee

    • mega berkata:

      Kalau anda nak tunggu kena tunggu, kalau tak nak tunggu pun kena tunggu…. jadi

      • Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

        …jadi yang simpan duit cash note masuk angin keluar asaplah…jawabnya..hahahahaha…..yg untungnya penyimpan dinar iraq didalam account……ujung bulan 6 nie…Dividen masuk lagi….Wwwwwwwahahahahahahahahah….

  926. Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

    MPs Push for Removal of Zeros on Iraqi Banknotes

    24/05/2012 11:52:00

    ERBIL, Kurdistan Region- Kurdish members of Iraqi Parliament’s Finance Committee have denied that there is currently any proposed law regarding the removal of zeros on the Iraqi banknote.

    Ahmad Faizulla, an MP from the Kurdistan alliance in Iraqi parliament and member of the finance committee, dismissed claims that their committee has prepared and drafted a law to alter the currency.

    “The finance committee cannot make such a decision,” he said. “We can only suggest projects. The drafted projects will be presented to parliament for discussions for voting. This is something that must go through legal channels.”

    Heitham Jiburry, a member of the finance committee, announced last week that eliminating zeros on Iraqi banknotes will be implemented early next year. “It is expected that the process of printing new currency will start next August,” he said.

    Jiburry also remarked, “The process of replacing the old currency to the new one will continue throughout next year. The old currency will completely be gone in the first 6 months of 2014.”

    In April, the chief of staff of Iraqi Council of Ministries suspended the process indefinitely.

    Fazil Nabi, Iraq’s deputy finance minister, previously told Rudaw that eliminating zeros on Iraq’s currency will not increase the value of Iraqi dinars.

    However, Jiburry said, the process will make the Iraqi dinar more stable and reduce demands for foreign currency among people.

    Nabi told Rudaw, “Implementing this process is related to the central bank. I always believed that this wouldn’t work at least at this stage.”

    Economists believe Iraq is not ready to eliminate zeros on its currency, and that for the process to be successful security, political and economic stability is needed.

    But Shorsh Haji, an Iraqi MP from the Change Movement (Gorran) maintained that there is indeed a proposal to modify the currency.

    “Such an idea to eliminate zeros on Iraqi currency does exist,” Haji said. “The process of withdrawing all the old bills and replacing them with new ones needs a special budget, which was not designated from the 2012 budget. It is believed that this budget will be designated in 2013.”

    Regarding possible economic benefits of a currency change, Haji said, “The benefit would be more in appearance. Currently, the value of the Iraqi dinar has dropped and is unstable. After removing zeros instead of saying 123,000 IQD is equal to US$100 we will say 123 Dinars is equal to US$100. It is just to show that Iraq has a strong economy.”

    Making changes in Iraq’s banknotes may add to already heightened tensions between Baghdad and Erbil. Kurdish MPs in Baghdad say that if such a law is passed in parliament, the new bills must have Kurdish alongside Arabic script on them, as stipulated by the constitution.

    “So far, there has not been any designs for the new bills,” Haji noted. “Without a doubt, having Kurdish written on the new bills will be our pre-condition.”

    According to Article 4 of the Constitution, Kurdish and Arabic are the official languages of Iraq and both languages must appear on Iraqi banknotes.

    Section two of the article says, “Use of both languages is enjoined by the principle of equality such as banknotes, passports, and stamps.”

    Haji is optimistic about the future use of the Kurdish language on Iraqi official documents.

    “I don’t expect that this constitutional right will be ignored or cause more tensions between Baghdad and Erbil,” he said. “This is a legal and constitutional subject. There are also Kurdish-Arabic interpreters in Parliament. Kurdish MPs can speak Kurdish if they want. However, it has become a habit for them to speak Arabic in the Parliament.”

    MP Faizulla is more skeptical, saying, “Many constitutional articles and rights have already been violated. This will depend on agreements between the political parties. If the political parties don’t agree, it most likely won’t happen.”

  927. berangan kaya berkata:

    apa punyalah hal CBI ni,sebelum ni gila2 nak boang 3 kosong,semalam pulak nak kekal nilai asal..auta jugak CBI ni..

    • nash berkata:

      salam berangan kaya , bab ni bini najib(BN) boleh jawab,apa komen tuan bn?

    • Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

      Jawapan aku senang dan ringkas….sekiranya ada atau pun tiada pemotongan 3 angka sifar…. pemegang CASH NOTE DINAR IRAQ…. tetap masuk angin keluar asap. ini disebabkan CBI konsisten dengan mengeluarkan Duit cetakan terbaru dinar iraq,dimana duit tersebut mengandungi 3 bahasa….iaitu engglish , Arab & Kurdis.so dengan cetakan duit tersebut hatta duit IQD yg serendah $50 dan sebesar $25K pun tidak akan terlepas dari penukaran duit baru.

      so….syarat CBI …..Duit Cash IQD iraq yg lama perlu ditukarkan didalam negara iraq sahaja dan janganlah anda bermimpi iraq akan membuat RV dengan menggunakan Duit Cash Note yang sedia ada sekarang ini.dan janganlah anda bermimpi disiang hari anda dapat menukarkan duit cash note Sedia ada IQD anda itu di mana2 MC (Money Changer) Diseluruh dunia setelah duit NIQD iraq yg baru dah keluar.kalau anda benar2 ingin membuat investment dinar iraq anda melalui duit Cash Note…….anda tunggulah Duit Cash Note Cetakan Terbaru Iraq.pada masa tersebut…..Modal yg lain diperlukan untuk membeli Duit Cetakan Baru Iraq. hehehehehehee……..so pendek kata dari aku….berhentilah berharap dengan Cash Note yg anda semua Beli & simpan sekarang ini.

  928. tumpang kaya berkata:

    berangan kaya dan nash

    saya dah agk dah , cbi ni mungkin ada tekanan dari pihak-pihak yang tertentu. Buat keputusan yang tidak konsisten, mungkin salah satu dari amerika kot

  929. hentam sama dia berkata:

    apa2pun aku ada simpan skit cash dan tumpang akaun….selamaaaat aku…..

    • Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

      hehehehe….tumpang akuan pun x selamat…. hehehehehe…. yg paling selamat Buat akuan bank sendiri2 punya…..hehehehe… bila dinar dah RV nanti aku takut orang yg kau tumpang akuan akan merah mata jadinya….al maklumlah…..duit!!!!!!!! dengan duit ” ADIK BERADIK PUN BOLEH BERGADUH @ BERBUNUH-BUNUHAN” inikan pula saudara @ kawan . so beringat2lah ekkk…..

  930. pakcik kayo berkata:

    Delete the zeros from the country of Iraq will be transferred trillions to billions

    29.05.2012 | (Voice of Iraq) – add comment –

    Sumerian News / Baghdad Central Bank of Iraq, Tuesday, that the deletion of zeros from the currency will transfer the country from the country of trillions to billions, while stressing that the project still needs the approval of Parliament and the Iraqi government. Deputy Governor of Central Bank of Iraq the appearance of Mohammed Saleh in an interview for ” Alsumaria News “,” project to delete three zeros from the Iraqi currency will move Iraq from the country of trillions to the country of billions, so Iraq will move from numbers 10 to the 12 to 10 to the 9 “. Saleh added that “the project is different from the issuance of a new currency as follows it not only deleted three zeros from the Iraqi currency, but delete the three places calculations of the Republic of Iraq, which starts from the budget of the family and end the general budget of the State “, stressing that” the project infrastructure of incomplete Bosasha and concepts at the bank. ” Saleh pointed out that “the project is a logical scientific economic significance lies not only reduce the amount of currency, but also by reducing the reproduction arithmetic which would reduce the operational risks because of the large numbers and the large number of errors resulting from it. ” and noted the benefit that “the project in spite of its importance, it needs to be approved by parliament and the government and the Central Bank of Iraq to its success through the formation of a joint committee and have the power to the resolution fixing the date and time of deletion of zeros, “noting that” everyone agrees to the deletion of zeros, but they are skeptics of the time and date of deletion in addition to the bank’s ability to this project. ” A member of the Finance Committee in the House of Representatives Haitham Jubouri on May 15 2012 to January of next year 2013 will see the deletion of three zeros and the replacement of the currency, as will next September 2012, the direct printing of new currency in different categories. The central bank accused in the (12 September 2011), government bodies obstructing the monetary reform and vowed persecuting, blaming those those responsible for exposing the interests of the country’s financial risk. The Iraqi Central Bank Governor Sinan Shabibi at a meeting of independent bodies with Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki, which was held, in (June 19, 2011), his willingness to create all supplies to replace the Iraqi currency. It is noteworthy that some economists believe that Iraq is not formatted for the time being to delete the zeros of the Iraqi dinar, pointing out that the deletion needs to be a security and political stability as well as economic stability.

    p/s: mari kita lihat siapa yang kena…ha…ha…ha…

    • Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

      hehehehehe……pakcik kayo…dah tentu2nya pemegang2 & pembeli2 & juga si penjual Cash Note Dinar Iraq lah yg confirm kena……wakakawakakawakaka…..aku dah beri peringatan dari tahun lepas sehingga sekarang….tapi masih ada lagi yg sehingga kini X percaya dengan kenyataan aku……

    • Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

      Tajuk Berita yg pakcik Kayo berikan …….

      ” Delete the zeros from the country of Iraq will be transferred TRILLIONS to BILLIONS ”

      bukankah bermaksud LOP!!!!!! …… hehehehehehe…… kalau RD (Redenomination)…. dah tentu2nya Nilai duit x akan berkurangan dari TRILLIONS to BILLIONS.hehehehe….masih ada lagi orang yg percaya dengan kata-kata mat salleh dari fourm sebelah.hehehehe….dia orang cakap bukan lop tu sebab dia orang nak sedapkan hati dia orang aje….sebab dia orang banyak beli duit Cash Note dinar iraq…dari penyeludup2 / menyangak2 matawang Antarabangsa dari negara dia orang juga…hehehehehe…..so orang2 kat malaysia pun kenalah tempiasnya sekali….beli matawang dinar iraq dari penyeludup2 & juga penyangak2 matawang antrabangsa.Kenapa aku cakap penyeludup2 & Penyangak2 matawang??????

      ini tak lain dan tak bukan CBI pernah memberitahu bahawa

      ” matawang Iraq hanya sah diperlakukan didalam negara iraq sahaja, dan matawang iraq tidak boleh dibawa keluar dari negara Iraq ”

      Itu sebab sesiapa yg mempunyai akuan bank diiraq mereka mempunyai 2 nombor akuan didalam satu bank iaitu

      790/8XXXXX/1/2521/0 – merupakan akuan matawang IQD (Iraq)
      790/8XXXXX/2/2521/0 – Merupakan akuan matawang US (USD)

      Untuk apa mereka berbuat bergitu???????? pernah ada sesiapa terfikir tak??????dah tentu2 x ada siapa terfikir….kan….

      perlu diingatkan duit iraq bukan merupakan duit Antarabangsa buat masa sekarang ini…..so mana2 bank diseluruh pelusuk dunia pun didak akan menerima pertukaran matawang Iraq melainkan Bank Negara Iraq (CBI) Itu Sendiri. so sesiapa diantara rakyat iraq yg ingin keluar dari iraq dengan tujuan untuk melancong atau pun keluar untuk membuat pengajian luar negara haruslah menukar kan terlebih dahulu duit IQD kepada USD sebelum meninggalkan Negara Iraq. Itu sebabKedutaan Iraq Di US bagitahu Duit Iraq tidak boleh dibawa keluar dari iraq & tidak sah diperlakukan diluar dari Iraq.

      So bila kenyataan dari orang kanan CBI “Mohammed Saleh” memberitahu dengan pembuangan 3 angka sifar tidak menjejaskan Duit simpanan Rakyat Iraq & tidak menjejaskan kekayaan Individu…. ini bererti duit Cash Note dinar Iraq yg berada didalam Iraq sebelum process pembuangan 3 angka sifar…..rakyat iraq berpeluang menukar dahulu duit lama kepada duit baru dengan nilai yg sama. contoh teori aku macam ini

      Iraq akan memperkenalkan duit cetakan barunya pada bulan September 2012 dan pembuangan 3 angka sifar akan berjalan pada Januari 2013. so sebelum Process pembuangan 3 angka sifar dijalankan…. rakyat Iraq yg berada didalam Iraq mempunyai masa selama 4 bulan untuk menukarkan duit lama kepada duit baru dengan nilai yg sama iaitu IQD25K kepada NIQD25k duit baru…..sebab pada masa penukaran tersebut Process penghapussan 3 angka sifar masih belum dijalankan.so disini kau orang perasan tak betapa SMART nya CBI menjalankan kerja2 dia orang untuk menghapuskan 3 angka sifar.

      Sebenarnya penghapusan 3 angka sifar dibuat untuk membendung duit Iraq yg sudah berada diluar dari iraq.pendik kata Orang Asing tidak berpeluang menikmati kekayaan iraq dengan sewenang2nya…..itu sebab dia orang bercadang untuk mengangkat 3 angka sifar dari Duit cash Notenya.

  931. hentam sama dia berkata:

    sekurang2nya harapan tu ada…..lain la kalo pemegang cash……huhuhu

  932. Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

    CBI introduces new steps to raise IQD to the USD; Proceed with dropping of the zeros


    Central Bank announced new steps that will raise the value of Iraqi dinar against the dollar.

    The deputy governor of the Central Bank of the appearance of Mohammed in a statement to the reporter (JD) that the central bank began to implement a new strategic equation will come out even where the dinar and the dollar if it is available the appropriate atmosphere.

    Saleh added that the new strategy will work to increase the capacity of the Iraqi dinar as a step in the way of reform of the financial system in Iraq and stimulate the economy, and then proceed with a project to delete the zeros of the exit equation equal to the Iraqi dinar with the dollar and this requires the availability of several factors Kalnhod the agricultural sector, industrial and services sector and investment.

    He said the current situation cause for optimism about the future of the economy and the value of the currency and its purchasing power.

  933. Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

    CBI: Project to delete the zeros do not need a new law; But regulation needs published in Gazette

    Thursday – May 24 (May) 2012

    Commended the deputy governor of the Central Bank of the appearance of Mohammed that the draft deleted three zeros from the Iraqi currency does not need new legislation but issued a regulation to serve as instructions as stipulated by the Central Bank Law.

    Saleh said: The Central Bank Law gave full authority of the monetary authority to change the structure of the Iraqi currency, or delete the zeros of which can not be new legislation for the project to delete the three zeroes from the currency as it has been discussed twice in the House and Minister, and became the authorities of the executive and legislative branches more familiar with it, noting that the project needs to issue a regulation serves as an instruction published in the Official Gazette, and the Central Bank is in the process configured.

    He added that the central bank cut a long way stages of the preparation and implementation of this project through consultation with the States, which fought the experience of replacing the currency after you delete the zeros of them and find out cons of the project and its advantages, as well as extensive studies it, and work is still going to be implemented, likely implemented in the (1/1 / 2013) after obtaining formal approval by the federal government and Saleh pointed to the existence of consensus in principle from all parties in the Iraqi state to implement the project, saying the project to delete the zeros Balasalahi of the Iraqi currency, as it reduces the large numbers that cause big problems in the system of cash payments of the Iraqi the number of digits and the difficulty of counting Kalmbalg of up to trillions and Deputy Governor of Central Bank:

    The financial situation of Iraq has become well by increasing its oil exports, so the system of cash payments in Iraq does not fit with the next phase which will see the economic development, but after deleting three zeros of the local currency and the parliamentary Finance Committee has asked the central bank put a new law for the project to delete the three zeroes from the Iraqi currency, as it is a big project and a critical interest to the general and the Iraqi people.

    In the context of the Iraqi Central Bank denied the news about stopping the dollar remittances of Foreign Affairs.

    Said Deputy Governor of the Central Bank of the appearance of Mohammed Saleh in a press statement:

    The Central Bank of Iraq continuously transfers and external validity to shut off.

    He added that currency traders are trying to broadcast rumors to raise the price of the dollar to higher levels, leading to damage to the national economy and the currency exchange market has seen a rise on the dollar exchange rate reached 1127 dinars per dollar.

  934. Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

    CBI: Currency in state of deconstruction; Requires acceleration of dropping zeros

    All zero phase in the currency in the destruction of the economy

    Date: May 29, 2012

    Central Bank of Iraq said that every zero in the Iraqi currency is a stage in the destruction of the Iraqi economy, and that the removal of zeros from the currency and a national duty.

    The deputy governor of the Bank, the appearance of Mohammed, in a press statement yesterday, said that the Iraqi currency re prestige to what it was before the Iran-Iraq war and a national duty, we have to be met through the implementation of the project to delete the zeros.

    He stated that Iraq is trading locally four billion banknotes in different categories, regardless of value, offset 34 trillion dinars cash reserves, will double to about 90 trillion dinars in 2017, to increase the national product, and said: This requires us to accelerate the implementation of the project to delete the zeros, before of evil consequences.

    He added that the cost of switching the currency is a quarter of its value the truth, they bear a strong cover of 63 billion dollars.

    The new benefit of his call to form a committee and the legislation a special law on the consequences and requirements to change the currency, that the Committee shall be the competent authorities, Kdioan financial control, parliamentary committees, and the Federation of Accountants, as well as civil society organizations, and others, to decide the fate of the project.

  935. duit cash dan akaun warka berkata:

    thumb up – en bini najib dan pakcik kayo- hehe- saya cdgkn bini najib buat FB – akaun dinar iraq..ok tak bini najib?baru best bincng topik ni..heheh-skdr cdgn..

  936. Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

    Delete the zeros will reduce the money supply


    Deputy Governor of the Central Bank of the appearance of Mohammed Saleh said that “an integrated project to delete the zeros and all concerned in the government support him and there is no one against him, and who object to this project is skeptical of the ability of the central bank to implement it.” He added that “the Bank is ready to implement the decision without hesitation if the government decided that,” he added, it will reduce the money supply large and troublesome. ”

    Ok…ini yg aku dapat melalui “WIKIPEDIA” berkenaan “MONEY”


    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    For other uses, see Money (disambiguation).
    Coins and banknotes – the two most common physical forms of money.

    Money is any object or record that is generally accepted as payment for goods and services and repayment of debts in a given socio-economic context or country.The main functions of money are distinguished as: a medium of exchange; a unit of account; a store of value; and, occasionally in the past, a standard of deferred payment. Any kind of object or secure verifiable record that fulfills these functions can serve as money.

    Money is historically an emergent market phenomena establishing a commodity money, but nearly all contemporary money systems are based on fiat money.Fiat money is without intrinsic use value as a physical commodity, and derives its value by being declared by a government to be legal tender; that is, it must be accepted as a form of payment within the boundaries of the country, for “all debts, public and private”.

    The money supply of a country consists of currency (BANKNOTES and COINS).


    Dari Wikipedia Bahasa Melayu, ensiklopedia bebas

    Untuk kegunaan lain, lihat Wang (nyahkekaburan).
    Syiling dan wang kertas – dua bentuk fizikal yang paling biasa wang.

    Wang adalah apa-apa objek atau rekod yang diterima secara umum sebagai bayaran untuk barangan dan perkhidmatan dan pembayaran balik hutang dalam konteks yang diberikan sosio-ekonomi atau fungsi utama country.The yang wang yang dikenali sebagai medium pertukaran, unit akaun; kedai nilai; dan, sekali-sekala pada masa lalu, standard pembayaran tertunda. Mana-mana jenis objek atau rekod disahkan selamat yang memenuhi fungsi-fungsi ini boleh digunakan sebagai wang.

    Wang adalah sejarah satu fenomena pasaran muncul menubuhkan wang komoditi, tetapi hampir semua sistem wang kontemporari berdasarkan wang money.Fiat fiat tanpa nilai penggunaan intrinsik sebagai satu komoditi fizikal, dan memperolehi nilai oleh diisytiharkan oleh kerajaan untuk menjadi sah , iaitu, ia mesti diterima sebagai satu bentuk pembayaran dalam sempadan negara, “semua hutang, awam dan swasta”.

    Bekalan wang sesebuah negara terdiri daripada mata wang (wang kertas dan SYILING).

  937. pakcik kayo berkata:

    Economic Committee member confirmed Deputy/Iraqi/coalition, determination albegari Noora Central Bank to implement the draft deleted three zeros from the currency early next year despite calls for postponement, noting that he agreed in principle with corporate promotional currency and typographical errors.
    She albegari (News Agency news) on Thursday: the Central Bank prepared a comprehensive study on the three zeros deleted project where its pros and cons of the project and handed over to the Commission and the House’s economic ministers to look at the relevance of the project to the Iraqi economy.

    She added: the Central complete all procedures related to the project and began a phase of negotiation and agreement in principle with corporate promotional to advertise the project and other companies for printing the new currency, noting that the Central Bank would not reveal the nationalities of the companies that will agree with them for the implementation of the project.

    She: you must carefully before applying so large project because affect the national economy directly in terms of both its pros and cons, especially that Iraq today is in conditions of unstable politically and economically.

    Albegari: noted that the project had been exploited by the weak souls admitted counterfeit currency could create confusion in the economic process of the country.
    She is a member of the Commission on the economy: Central Bank of Egypt to implement the project early next year, despite objections to implementation and governmental claims to wait.

    The Central Bank of Iraq was announced (September 29, 2011) to 2013 will delete the zeros and the currency changeover, which warned officials and economists because of its work preparing for faking maviat trillion Iraqi dinars in light of upcoming changes for a replacement.

    With the Central Bank of Iraq accused the Government of obstructing the monetary reform and vowed to prosecute because it shows the financial interests of the country risk.


    Ahli Jawatankuasa ekonomi mengesahkan Timbalan / Iraq / gabungan, penentuan albegari Noora Bank Pusat untuk melaksanakan draf tersebut akan dipindahkan tiga sifar daripada mata wang awal tahun depan walaupun panggilan penangguhan, mencatatkan bahawa dia bersetuju pada dasarnya dengan mata wang korporat promosi dan kesalahan tipografi.
    Dia albegari (Berita Agensi berita) pada hari Khamis: Bank Negara disediakan 1 kajian menyeluruh yang 3 sifar dipadam projek di mana pro dan kontra dengan projek dan menyerahkan lebih kepada Suruhanjaya itu dan menteri-menteri ekonomi yang Dewan ini melihat sama ada projek itu relevan atau tidak kepada ekonomi Iraq.

    Beliau menambah: Pusat menyiapkan semua prosedur yang berkaitan dengan projek dan memulakan fasa rundingan dan perjanjian pada dasarnya dengan promosi korporat untuk mengiklankan projek dan syarikat-syarikat lain untuk mencetak mata wang baru, mencatatkan bahawa Bank Negara tidak akan mendedahkan kerakyatan syarikat-syarikat yang akan bersetuju dengan mereka bagi pelaksanaan projek.

    Dia: anda mesti berhati-hati sebelum memohon projek yang begitu besar kerana menjejaskan ekonomi negara secara langsung dari segi kedua-dua kebaikan dan keburukan, lebih-lebih lagi bahawa Iraq hari ini adalah dalam keadaan tidak stabil dari segi politik dan ekonomi.

    Albegari: diperhatikan bahawa projek tersebut telah dieksploitasi oleh roh-roh yang lemah mengakui wang palsu boleh menimbulkan kekeliruan dalam proses ekonomi negara.
    Beliau merupakan ahli Suruhanjaya atas ekonomi: Bank Negara Mesir untuk melaksanakan projek awal tahun depan, walaupun mendapat bantahan kepada pelaksanaan dan tuntutan kerajaan menunggu.

    Bank Negara Iraq telah diumumkan (September 29, 2011) hingga 2013 akan memadam sifar dan pertukaran mata wang, yang memberi amaran kepada pegawai dan ahli ekonomi kerana kerja persediaan untuk berpura-pura maviat trilion dinar Iraq dalam cahaya perubahan yang akan datang untuk penggantian.

    Dengan Bank Negara Iraq menuduh Kerajaan menghalang reformasi monetari dan berikrar untuk mendakwa kerana ia menunjukkan kepentingan kewangan risiko negara.

    p/s:Bank Negara Iraq telah diumumkan (September 29, 2011) hingga 2013 akan memadam sifar dan pertukaran mata wang, yang memberi amaran kepada pegawai dan ahli ekonomi kerana kerja persediaan untuk berpura-pura maviat trilion dinar Iraq dalam cahaya perubahan yang akan datang untuk penggantian

    ha..ha..ha…mari kita lihat siapa yang kena…….ha..ha..ha…

  938. pakcik kayo berkata:

    The parliamentary Economic Committee described the step taken by the Central Bank to successful and smart by pulling the rug from under the feet of the currency speculators who dictatorial on the domestic market. She is a member of the Committee of agency/albegari Noora may news that the Central Bank was able to expand outlets the dollar and estimated customer review any branch of State banks and soon to be eligible for the sale or purchase of the dollar currency. ”

    Albegari added that “the Central Bank possesses the rudder in determining the value of exchange for dinar, through ownership of dollar and put to sale price which it deems appropriate to enhance the value of the dinar.

    On the influence of Iran and Syria, said albegari “the two followed it after rhythm by economic sanctions, they shifted from selling their products to the dealer any local currency exposure of the Toman and the Syrian pound to the dollar to ease sanctions, and here would have been better to deal with the Iraqi merchant in accordance with the principle of hard currency even though the dollar value, the actual measurement of the equivalent in national currency terms.

    Albegari said that “strange thing that Iranian or Syrian defected product of smart trick is maintaining the same commodity value and calculated in dollars, and ought to evaluate according to the size of the depreciation of the currency, for example that the Toman declined to half its value to the US dollar, as well as Syrian pound by the sanctions, here it be calculated half-priced commodity but as stated previously dealt with us intelligently, and would have been better to confront our businessmen to refrain from buying products and switching to another origin”

    My link

  939. pakcik kayo berkata:

    Central Bank plans to convert the private banks to large financial institutions

    31/05/2012 02:55
    BAGHDAD / Center News for the Iraqi Media Network – The Central Bank of Iraq that he plans to convert the private banks to large financial institutions after the approval of the Government to amend Law No. 94 of 2004 on the integration of private banks small banks-governmental organizations. Deputy Governor of Bank of the appearance of Mohammed’s (center news network Iraqi media) that “the central bank does not currently have the legal authority for the integration of private banks, but has the power of persuasion literature to integrate the private banks.” said the appearance that “the central bank awaiting the approval of the Government to amend Act No. 94 of 2004 for the integration of private banks with the government to make large financial institutions . He added that “the State-owned banks dominate 92% on the domestic market and that private banks do not exceed its dominance of the 10%, which does not take space from the Iraqi market.” and concluded by saying “when the government’s approval to integrate the private banks will handle the central bank with all government and private banks on the same laws recognized when the central bank. ” and emphasizes the CBI that the number of private banks arrived in Iraq to 40 banks while capital is still weak and need to be that banks more aggressive with each other to form a capital strong. and seeks the Iraqi Central Bank to restructure private banks in line with the general structure of the Iraqi market and the nature of his relationship with other global markets.

    p/s: be prepere to become millionionair ha..ha…ha…..

    • Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

      hahahaha……x sia2 aku masukan IQD 23 juta kat dalam COD (FD) akuan bank aku dan 6 Juta IQD dalam saving aku….hehehehehe…..rupa2nya aku bakal menjadi jutawan….hehehehehe….anak sapola….nie….

      • jutawanair berkata:

        hahaha..merasa jugak aku pakai bmw 7 series..haha..menantu sapo lah niee..

      • Talib berkata:

        bini najib…ape maksud COD (FD) akaun…tolong explain sket…tq.

      • Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

        COD tu…maksudnya “Cash On Deposit” & FD tu maksudnya “Fix Deposit” lebih kurang macam kat malaysia bank2 x panggil COD….tapi dia orang panggil Fix Deposit (FD).hehehehe

  940. nash berkata:

    salam bini najib,hang rasa cbi ni bila tarikh sebenar nak delete 3 zero? thanks

  941. Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

    conversion of private banks to financial institutions and promote the economy will work

    Tuesday, 05-06-2012 11: 34 am

    Baghdad (newsletter) … According to a member of the Finance Committee, the National Alliance Deputy//Secretary Bob Abbas, that the conversion of private banks to large financial institutions by the Central Bank will the Iraqi economy through its organization of work.
    He said Abbas (News Agency news) on Tuesday that the Central Bank planned to convert the private banks to financial institutions through merged with governmental, noting that a request has been submitted to the Government to amend the Banking Act No. (94) of the year (2004).

    He said that some private banks recently declared bankruptcy due to lack of sober Act regulates and absence of tight control and monitoring by the Central Bank as if turned into large financial institutions develop their work and contribute to the promotion of the national economy.

    Said: that the private banks when running large financial institutions will have the ability to promote the economic reality of the country, being operated by a special Act by regulating its work under the supervision of the Central Bank or other government bodies.

    The Iraqi Central Bank confirms that the number of private banks in Iraq arrived to 40 banks while capital remained weak and needed to be bolder banks among them to form a strong capital.
    It is noted that the State banks dominate b 92% on the domestic market and private banks do not exceed the 10% which is dominance does not take space from Iraq market by the Central Bank.
    Iraqi Central seeks to restructure private banks in line with the general structure of the Iraqi market and the nature of its relationship with other global markets.

  942. Karno berkata:

    kenyataan2 sombong dan bongkak

    • Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

      bukan sombong dan bongkak….orang2 yg bodoh sahaja yg beli duit cash yg x laku….hehehehehe…dah berkali2 org bagi nasihat tapi x nak dengar.

  943. BASRA_IQD berkata:

    Alhmdulillah kalau dh bukak acc dgn warka bank…bulan depan saper2 nak g iraQ Jooom skali..sy akan Fly ke saner..tqS..

  944. Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

    50 Billion Dinar Printed Money Shipment in Iraq

  945. berangan kaya berkata:

    ha..ha..dah nak rv..

  946. Cash In Time berkata:

    ini lama punya video da..

  947. Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

    Bank: Central Bank to impose new restrictions to reduce the leakage of currency outside

    Tuesday 06/12/2012

    Baghdad (news) .. The adviser North Bank for Finance and Investment wholesome Elias Abou, the central bank issued new instructions for the banks limit the smuggling of currency out of Iraq.
    said Abbou (of the Agency news) said on Tuesday: The Central Bank issued new instructions for the banks include restricting transfer hard currency out of Iraq and the imposition of import license, excluding, transfers are made ​​for the purpose of treatment where the right of the citizen to convert (10) thousand dollars to the price announced by the central bank to submit a medical report and procedures for travel for treatment. added Abbou: to import goods under import license which is evidence of the arrival of the goods and to identify on Mnashiha, reducing the leakage of currency outside of Iraq. He Abbou to: that these measures will reduce by a few of the leakage rates due to the presence of banking offices and the offices of currency conversion which buys citizen of what he wants of foreign exchange and turn them out.

    Bank: Bank Negara untuk mengenakan sekatan baru untuk mengurangkan kebocoran mata wang di luar

    Selasa 2012/6/12

    Baghdad (berita) .. Bank penasihat Utara untuk Kewangan dan Pelaburan dimakan Elias Abou, bank pusat telah mengeluarkan arahan baru untuk bank menghadkan penyeludupan mata wang Iraq.
    berkata Abbou (berita Agency) berkata pada Selasa: Bank Negara mengeluarkan arahan baru untuk bank-bank termasuk menghadkan mata wang pemindahan keras daripada Iraq dan pengenaan lesen import, tidak termasuk, pemindahan dibuat bagi tujuan rawatan di mana hak warganegara untuk menukar (10) ribu ringgit dengan harga yang diumumkan oleh bank pusat untuk mengemukakan laporan perubatan dan prosedur untuk perjalanan untuk mendapatkan rawatan. tambah Abbou: untuk mengimport barang-barang di bawah lesen import yang bukti ketibaan barang-barang itu dan untuk mengenal pasti pada Mnashiha, mengurangkan kebocoran mata wang di luar Iraq. Beliau Abbou: bahawa langkah-langkah ini akan mengurangkan oleh beberapa kadar kebocoran disebabkan oleh kehadiran pejabat perbankan dan pejabat penukaran mata wang yang membeli warganegara apa yang dia mahu pertukaran asing dan usirlah mereka.

  948. Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

    Counterfeit Currency Problem in Iraq

  949. Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

    A parliamentary committee calls for private banks develop controls to reduce the smuggling of currency


    BAGHDAD / JD / .. parliamentary committee called for financial private banks to deal with the sale of hard currency in accordance with certain controls to curb the smuggling of the dollar abroad. The Vice-Chairman of the Committee and the representative of the Kurdistan Alliance, Ahmed Hassan, the iceberg’s / JD / “The private banks have to deal with the sale of hard currency according to the guidelines and instructions are included within the banking records and documentation to find out those seeking to obtain currency. The Deputy Chairman of the Finance Committee and parliamentary deputy the Kurdistan Alliance, the need for these controls are subject to change. The Central Bank of Iraq has revealed that the offices of specialized affiliated to monitor and control the movement of money into Iraq to deal with cases of money laundering occurring. The Director General of Statistics and research at the Bank, Walid Eid Abdel Nabi In an interview with a former correspondent of the agency / JD /, “The Central Bank of Iraq stressed through the controls and restrictions approved by the law (930) on anti-money laundering and the smuggling of currency in the country.” and added, “there is coordination between Iraqi banks and the offices of anti-money laundering on the one hand Ministry of the Interior, on the other. “said Abdul Nabi, the central bank is closely watching the movement of cash and consistently within Iraq, as well as control the volume of exports and imports of foreign currencies in the various border crossings.” The Director of Research at the statistics to the central bank, said that “the movement of money are all easily remember without hindrance.

    Satu panggilan jawatankuasa Parlimen bagi bank swasta membangunkan kawalan untuk mengurangkan penyeludupan mata wang


    Baghdad / JD / .. jawatankuasa parlimen yang dipanggil untuk kewangan bank-bank swasta untuk berurusan dengan penjualan mata wang keras selaras dengan kawalan tertentu untuk membendung penyeludupan dolar di luar negara. Itu Naib-Pengerusi Jawatankuasa tersebut dan wakil yang Alliance Kurdistan, Ahmed Hassan, yang, aisberg / JD / “The bank swasta ada untuk berurusan dengan penjualan mata wang keras mengikut panduan serta arahan yang dimasukkan dalam masa yang rekod perbankan dan dokumentasi untuk mencari mereka yang cuba untuk mendapatkan mata wang. Timbalan Pengerusi Jawatankuasa Kewangan dan timbalan parlimen Alliance Kurdistan, keperluan untuk kawalan tersebut adalah tertakluk kepada perubahan. Bank Negara Iraq telah mendedahkan bahawa pejabat-pejabat khusus bergabung untuk memantau dan mengawal pergerakan wang ke Iraq untuk menangani kes-kes pengubahan wang haram yang berlaku. Ketua Pengarah Perangkaan dan penyelidikan di peringkat Bank, Walid Eid Abdel Nabi Dalam satu temu bual dengan wartawan agensi / JD / bekas, “Bank Negara Iraq ditekankan melalui kawalan dan sekatan yang diluluskan oleh undang-undang (930) pada pencegahan pengubahan wang haram dan penyeludupan mata wang di negara ini. “dan menambah,” terdapat penyelarasan antara bank Iraq dan pejabat-pejabat pencegahan pengubahan wang haram dalam satu tangan Kementerian Dalam Negeri, di pihak yang lain. “kata Abdul Nabi, bank pusat rapat menonton pergerakan tunai dan konsisten dalam Iraq, serta mengawal jumlah eksport dan import mata wang asing dalam pelbagai lintasan sempadan.” Pengarah Penyelidikan di statistik kepada bank pusat, berkata bahawa “pergerakan wang adalah semuanya mudah ingat tanpa halangan.

  950. Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

    Smart Card Payment System Launched in Iraq

    Thursday 14th June 2012

    Johannesburg, South Africa-based Net1 UEPS Technologies has launched a smart card payment system in Iraq. Net1 has developed a platform for unbanked consumers called the Universal Electronic Payment System (UEPS).

    Consumers are issued with biometric UEPS smart cards, so that they can have welfare payments and other fund transfers loaded onto their cards. They can then use the cards for purchases at POS terminals, authenticating themselves either with a PIN or at a fingerprint reader.

    Net1 says that the first Iraqi UEPS transaction was performed on August 3, 2008, in Baghdad, during the launch of the UEPS smart card technology with two Iraqi state banks, Rafidain Bank and Rasheed Bank.

    The launch, which was attended by executives from Rafidain Bank, Rasheed Bank, the Iraqi government, the War Victim Ministry and the Martyrdom Ministry, demonstrated smart card registration; biometric enrolment and issuing of UEPS cards; offline loading of wage payments and government grants to the UEPS cards; and dispensing of cash.

    A pilot project involving 100,000 beneficiaries is now ready for implementation across selected Iraqi bank branches, Net1 says. The pilot will enable the distribution and payment of government grants to war victims and martyrdom beneficiaries, as well as salary and wage distribution and payment to employees of the two state banks.
    Net1 has already launched its UEPS system in South Africa and Ghana.

  951. Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

    Central Bank announced that 35 banks, electronic currency trading system

    15/06/2012 01:48
    BAGHDAD / news center for the Iraqi Media Network – Central Bank announced that 35 private banks and the government entered the electronic trading system of the coin.

    The deputy governor of the Bank for the appearance of Mohammed (center news to the Iraqi Media Network) The “32 government and private banks appeared to the introduction of electronic trading, which aims to facilitate the process of the local currency traded between banks and difficult.”

    “The Central Bank is working to develop a system of electronic payments between banks, the picture and then moving the foundation for the development of electronic relations between banks and customers.”

    The central bank seeks to develop a system of payments the country’s economic and announced earlier in the high cash reserves of $ 50 billion to 60 billion dollars.

    The main tasks of the Iraqi Central Bank to maintain price stability and the implementation of monetary policy, including exchange rate policies and the management of foreign currency reserves and the organization of the banking sector.

    • Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

      hehehe….. beruntunglah sesiapa yg dah ada akuan ban diiraq….so tak sia2lah… aku galakan kau orang bua account…hehehehehe….bua akuan bank lagi selamat dari beli Duit Cash Note…..

      • pakcik kayo berkata:

        click on image.


        Hi All,

        I hope all is well. This information should compliment my earlier post regarding Iraq’s New Retail Payment System – THIS IS TRULY STATE OF THE ART TECHNOLOGY AND HERE’S TWO REASONS WHY AN IRAQI DINAR INVESTOR WOULD CARE!

        1.) It eliminates some enormous problems with retail and wholesale merchants using standard mobile technology and one extremely powerful “SMART CARD”.

        2.) It forces all Iraqi’s to open a BANK Account!!!!


        pp/s:ha..ha..ha… mari kita lihat siapa yang kaya…ha..ha..ha…

      • Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

        Kalau x boleh buka link yg pakcik kayo berikan….so kau orang boleh click link penuh yg aku berikan dibawah


      • Matt berkata:

        huhu… masa dh hmpir tp msih ada masa utk buka akaun, pm aq pada sape2 yg berminat buka akaun.. senari59@gmail.com

      • PENUNGGU berkata:

        kompius.cam mn la nk buka akaun warka.mintak penjelasan sesiapa yg prhatin.and baik ati.

  952. pakcik kayo berkata:

    Central Bank: slow computational procedures to the observer behind the non-return of the Warka Bank to work
    Date: Thursday, 06.14.2012 7:58

    Baghdad (news) .. The Central Bank of the slow action of the observer in charge of the arithmetic and control of inventory of assets of the Warka Bank for the lack of return to work at the moment.
    The deputy governor of the Central Bank of the appearance of Mohammed Saleh in a statement (of the Agency news): The Warka Bank is one of the private banks which are exposed to a problem with the liquidity and wealth Alrismalah of the bank have fallen so and under the Banking Act No. 94 of 2004 and the Central Bank Law, it shall be the Central Bank of custody The bank in this case.

    He added that guardianship means the creation of an interim administration until the evaluation of the bank and find out and put it Alrismala.

    Saleh pointed to: that the lifting of guardianship or continuation depends on what is available from the assets in the banks so head the central bank, according to the law (64) of the Banking Act to ask for a loan from the government in its financial position and this depends on the decision of the Controller of account, which costs from both parties from the central bank and the government.

    And the favor: he is supposed to observer arithmetic to raise a report to the trustee within weeks of any central bank, and then the central bank raises the report to the government and confirming that the Warka Bank is subject to the lives and assets are good, but subject to minor problems and to preserve the stability of the financial system can be saved and return to his situation.

    He said: The bank is expected that the external auditor’s report of its proceedings, but the fact that there is a slow and buildings assets held by issue is taking a long time Palmsph him.

    The Executive Director of the Association of Iraqi private banks Abdul Aziz Hassoun announced a number of media in August 2011 that the Warka Bank needs to be about 100 billion Iraqi dinars (90 million) to boost its liquidity while confirming the Iraqi market for securities that the Board of Governors in the Iraqi Stock Exchange decided to write off the inclusion of Al Warka Bank from the market in accordance with paragraph IX of Article V of the instruction number three amended for the year 2011, which provides for the write-off company from the listing if the stoppage of circulation for six months without taking appropriate action to appeal pointing out that the Warka Bank is turned off from trading since the eighth of February 2010
    The Warka Bank for Investment and Finance which was established in 1999.130 branches and (350) ATMs in all parts of Iraq.

    The central bank set a three-stage plan to raise banks’ capital to 213 million by June 2013 to stimulate lending at a time when Iraq is recovering from the sanctions and the U.S. invasion in 2003.

    It is noteworthy that Iraq has seven banks owned by the state and (23) private banks, eight Islamic banks particularly according to the website the central bank as dominated by the banking sector, banks, Rafidain and Rasheed Aovernmaan and are under way to restructure in order to pay off the debts that have accumulated after years of war and sanctions / Finished / 3 . n. r /

    • Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

      hehehehe…..so teori aku selama ini memang tepatlah….CBI memang x nak bagi pelabur2 yg memegang duit cash untung beribu2 kali ganda…..tapi sebaliknya hanya balik modal sahaja…. itu pun jika orang yg beli cash note tu beli dengan harga murah.hehehehehe….andai kata siapa yg membeli cash note dinar iraq IQD 1,000,000 melebihi dari harga RM 3100 so maka orang tersebut tidak akan mendapat untung apa2 sebaliknya Pulang modal sahaja.tetapi sesiapa yg membeli
      IQD 1,000,000 dengan harga RM:4000 @ ada yg beli
      IQD 1,000,000 dengan harga RM:15,000 dengan saudagar “ALI MAIDIN” yg berperjabat di belakang hospital tawakal….. so bersedialah anda dengan kerugian yg amat banyak.hehehehe..

      Sekiranya IQD 1,000,000 bersaman dengan NIQD 1,000 Pada tahun 2013 Dan NIQD 1,000 Bersamaan Dengan USD 1,000 (1:1)dan USD 1 Bersaman dengan RM 3.1+++ so…. duit pelaburan anda hanyalah sebanyak RM 31++.++ . so dimana untungnya yg anda dapat. setahu aku paling murah pun saudagar2 dinar iraq dimalaysia jual duit iraq RM 3100 untuk IQD 1,000,000 . itu pun balik modal saja.hehehehe….so pikir2kanlah yer!!!!

  953. berangan kaya berkata:

    biar apa pun keputusannya belum muktamad,
    jika nilai 50 iqd dan 10 iqd tinggal berapa agaknya..
    pak arab ni kaki auta je,sekejap nak hapus sekejap nak kekal,
    jika nak buang 3 kosong selepas iqd di tarik balik barulah betul..

    • al rasyid berkata:

      blh tt lg x skrang? saper2 ad info blh kongsi..tringin nk rasa jd kaya jgk ni..

      • Cash In Time berkata:

        boleh tt lagi buat masa ni.. tapi kena tt ke akaun citibank warka kat germany…

      • al rasyid berkata:

        klu guna Commerzbnk Jerman blh x? mnta respon saper2 yg blh tlg..

      • adriannikirta berkata:

        Cash in time: Saya selalu TT kepada Citibank Warka NY. Mcm mana nak TT ke Citibank Warka Germany. Terima Kasih.

      • Matt berkata:

        mana ada citibank warka di German, jangan buat pandai2 kalu dop pandai, nanti menyusahkan org jew…

      • Cash In Time berkata:

        Sorry, actually commerzbank kat germany. sya pun sblm ni tt ke citibank ny, tapi kali ke-3 tt die tak terima duit plk..

        ni msg dr warka:

        Dear Sir,

        In accordance with our updated working procedures you are to direct your funds to our corresponding bank in Germany.

        Below are Warka Bank for Investment and Finance account details at Commerzbank in which you direct your USD bank wire transfer to fund your account at our bank noting that it is important to also include your Warka USD savings account number and full name when sending your funds to our bank.
        Warka Bank for Investment and Finance USD Account Number at Commerzbank : 400875402000      
        Account Name at Commerzbank: Warka Bank for Investment & Finance    
        Corresponding Bank Name: Commerzbank AG Frankfurt Germany     
        BIC – Swift Address: COBADEFFXXX   

        Upon sending your funds please notify our customer accounts department c.accounts@warka-bank-iq.com  to send you a confirmation once your funds have been received and credited to your account noting that it takes 4-5 business days to receive an international payment where Friday and Saturday is a weekend in Iraq.

      • mega berkata:

        Cepat cepat buka akaun sebelum terlambat

    • Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

      belum muktamat apanya lagi…hehehehe… apa tujuan iraq membuat SMART CARD????? dan card tersebut telah dilancarkan…. so memang confirm jadi ler…hehehehe… tunggu masanya lagi yg masih belum tiba….hehehehe….. janganlah bila benar2 dah terjadi baru nak menyesal…..wakakakakaka….

    • Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

      apalah bebal sangat berangan kaya nie, CBI dah bagi tahu “DELETE THREE ZEROS” bukannya delete “ONE ZEROS”
      so duit yg bernilai dibawan IQD1000, mereka hanya perlu menukarkan duit IQD lama kepada NIQD baru dengan nilai yg sama. itu pun x tahu ker????? sekolah saja tinggi2 tapi akal hampeh.

  954. berangan kaya berkata:

    memang betul cbi nak delete three zeros,tapi sekarang belum terlaksana lagi..jadi masih cadangan..
    macan tu pun nak diterangkan…
    nak buang 3 kosong memerlukan perlaksanaan tertentu sebelum dilaksanakan,bukan macan nak buang tahi hidung

  955. BASRA_IQD berkata:

    nk hage dinar murah leh contact me di 013-9266199 @ ke
    http://dinarmy.com/..hage bwh RM3k bg stiap Note dinar & direct from CBI..

    • aku nak kaya juga berkata:

      bro saya nak beli iqd 1juta Rm:2600 ikut harga semasa tukaran CBI ,sekiranya ok saya nak oder 1 juta iqd

  956. BASRA_IQD berkata:

    bukan x nak bg hage tu bro..tp baik bro p beli kat iraQ n belum tentu ag dpt hage tu..he..he..he..xde sape2 dpt jual ngn hage tu bro..

    • aku nak kaya juga berkata:

      ok…lah bro..kalau macam tu….saya beli melalui bank diiraqlah….lagi murah. anyway bro TQ.

  957. Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

    Central Bank: We will not receive the old currency after you delete the zeros of the citizens only by banks

    Published on Sat, June 23 / ​​9:02 يونيو 2012

    BAGHDAD / With: The Central Bank of Iraq to hand over money when you switch the currency would be the banks exclusively to prevent the entry of counterfeit currency. Deputy Governor of the Central Bank of the appearance of Mohammed in a press statement on Saturday: “The project currency exchange will continue for ten years but are indirectly, to enable the citizens to take an adequate opportunity for anyone who is in the special circumstance of them, “he said, adding that refrain from receipt of the money directly from the citizens is one effective means to prevent the entry of counterfeit currency to the bank. He continued: “There is a question about the possibility of the Central Bank and institutions Chirfah on control of entry counterfeit currency during the process of switching the currency after you delete the zeros of which, the answer is that the central bank adopted the technology to check the money in addition to other measures / not mentioned /. ” Saleh explained that: “Under Article 37 of the Law on Central Bank of Iraq No. 56 of 2004, the bank-oriented and experienced in the field of work, which is producing a public good called money and maintain stability in the market in addition to monitoring and supervision.

    P/s: Hahahahahaha……. satu berita menarik buat pembeli , penyimpan dan penjual Cash Note Dinar Iraq, diluar dari Iraq. Duit anda bakal tidak diterima 100% Oleh CBI. Hanya rakyat iraq yg mempunyai sebab2 alasan yg munasabah sahaja duit mereka masih boleh diterima oleh pihak CBI untuk pertukaran. Wakakaka!!!!

    • pakcik kayo berkata:

      ha..ha…ha…bondo ni dah den khobarkan dulu……..sekarang apo macam…..ha..ha..ha…mari kito lihat ……..siapo yang kayo….ha..ha..ha….

  958. Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

    CBI announces start-up divided the national
    23/06/2012 12:02

    Baghdad, June 23 (Rn)

    The Central Bank of Iraq Saturday, the start-up divider national in Iraq, which will enable the individual cardholder credit withdraw money from any bank in the whole country without having to rely on the branches of the bank, which was deposited in it. and exceeds the number of banks in Iraq’s 50 banks and includes more than 800 branches spread across the provinces, which still is a number slightly compared with the population. Deputy Governor of Bank of the appearance of Mohammed, told the Kurdish news agency (Rn) “We are now in the process of establishment of divided national help of the U.S. Agency for Development and which will enable holders of credit card Cloud Financial from any branch of the bank branches across the country. ” He also explained that “the new system is a partnership between all the banks, which is part of creating the infrastructure for the payments system of Iraq.” Iraq has suffered from a decline in per capita share of banking services to reach average to one bank per 40 thousand people, is a big difference from what exists in neighboring countries. The main task of the Iraqi Central Bank to maintain price stability and the implementation of monetary policy, including exchange rate policies and management of reserves of foreign currency and the organization of the banking sector.

  959. Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

    Iraq’s Central Bank announces new cash withdrawal system
    23/06/2012 14:40

    ERBIL, June 23 (AKnews) – Iraq’s Central Bank (ICB) has announced the start of a national distributor system in the country, which will allow card holders to withdraw money from any bank in the country without depending only on the bank that provided the bank card.

    ICB deputy governor Muzhir Mohammed said the bank is at the beginning of the process of setting up the system with the help of the US Agency for International Development.

    Mohammed added: “The new system means a partnership between all of the Iraqi banks, which is part of creating the infrastructure of the Iraqi system of payments.”

    The number of banks in Iraq exceeds 50 and includes more than 800 branches across the country’s provinces, which is still a small number compared with the population.

  960. Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

    Central Bank: start-up divider that will enable the national credit card holder of the financial clouds
    23 June, 2012 06:59:00

    Revealed the CBI for start-up divider national in Iraq, which will enable the person is the cardholder’s Credit withdraw money from any bank in the whole country without having to rely on the branches of the bank, which was deposited in it.
    and Deputy Governor of Bank of the appearance of Mohammed Saleh, said that the bank in the process of establishing divider the help of the National Agency for Development and the U.S. that will enable credit card holders withdraw money from any branch of the bank branches across the country, adding that the new system is a partnership between all the banks, which is part of creating the infrastructure for the payments system in Iraq. Iraq has suffered from a decline in per capita share of banking services to an average of up to one bank per 40 thousand people, is a big difference from what exists in neighboring countries.

  961. pakcik kayo berkata:

    6-25-2012 Baghdad: Iraq will likely exit from Chapter VII in the coming period says Economy and Investment Committee Member. Iraq exit from huge item VII during the next few, after the return of bilateral relations between Iraq and Kuwait. After repeated visits by Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki to some Arabic and foreign States that have reservations on the Iraq policy of the former regime that prompted Iraq to “perils” and military wars, especially the provinces of Kuwait State of normalization of political and economic relations sister return Iraq to its regional and international environment. These visits resulted in several things flowing for Iraq and its people, through the normalization of relations between Iraq and Kuwait and the return of common interests between the two countries in all fields, especially after our Arab brothers in the embrace of Baghdad Arabic Summit, these are all signs of good in the near future to raise Iraq from under item VII and grant full sovereignty and freedom in the disposition of his assets. President Saddam Hussein ordered the invasion of Kuwait in 1990, on the impact of sanctions imposed on Iraq by the international community and development under item 7 which makes him a threat to global peace and security. The sanctions included a ban of importation of chemicals and nuclear technology that might be used in clandestine programmes of nuclear, chemical and biological weapons, the United Nations has allowed in 1995 for Iraq to sell oil in exchange for obtaining food, the so-called “oil for food” programme No. 986. http://www.ikhnews.c…n=view&id=40233

    p/s:tak lamo dah nie……..baik copek buko akaun sebelum terlambat……kalau lambat…..terlopong nanti…..ha..ha…ha…

    • al rasyid berkata:

      sempat lg ke klu nk bukak akaun? sy dah ad akaun cuma klu nk TT skrang sempat lg x? ader saper2 blh komen?

      • mega berkata:

        Yakin boleh bro

      • pakcik kayo berkata:

        ha..ha..ha…kalo ko buat tt duit tu kat iraq tahun depan ko…tahun 2014 ko… memang la tak sempat……jang oiiiii ………….cuba ko tt duit tu besok pagi baru la ko tahu sompat ke tak sompat……apo punya seolan daaaaa……….ha..ha..ha….

  962. pakcik kayo berkata:

    Parliament and Fiance committee support revalue of Iraqi Dinar
    26/06/2012 03:30

    ERBIL, June 25 (AKnews) – The Iraqi Parliament and the Finance Committee support the Central Bank of Iraq (CBI)’s efforts to revalue of the Iraqi Dinar through the removal of three zeros from the currency.

    The CBI has announced that it has finalized plans to remove three zeros from the Iraqi currency in order to revalue it. The smallest unit of the current Iraqi current is 250 Iraqi Dinars which is equivalent to $0.20

    The removal of three zeros is expected to raise the value of the Dinar as well as facilitate dealing with the currency and the payroll system in the country.

    The Iraqi government and the securities committee have sounded fear that the process will negatively affect the Iraqi stock exchange market.

    A member of the Finance Committee Najeeba Najeeb told AKnews that “there is a trend in the attitude of the legislative authority to support the CBI to restructure the Iraqi currency and remove three zeros by early next year”

    “This subject is starting to become more significant for the Finance Committee members and the Economic Committee day after day” she said, “though the preparations by the CBI to implement the process are ongoing, they are not complete yet”

    According to Najeeba, the process of removing the zeros from the Iraqi Dinar will be implemented over a period of two years through governmental banks. Also, the new currency will include small bills and coins as well as large bills equaling about $180 each.

    By Abdullah Sabri



    p/s:ha..ha..ha….mari kita lihat siapa yang kaya…….copet jang…copet…bukak akaun…….jgn terlopong udah le…ha..ha…ha….

  963. nash berkata:

    salam bini najib, bila iraq ni nak tukar duit baru? nak buat collection je, heehee

    • Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

      hahahaha…..kalau duit dalam akuan bank…….kau x akan nampak dengan mata kasar dia bertukar……hehehehe…. sebab dia bertukar secara halus!!!!!!!! wakakawakakawakaka….tapi kalau duit Note Kertas…..awal tahun depanlah baru kau nampak……hahahahahahaha……

  964. Mr Fredrick berkata:

    Ini adalah untuk memberitahu masyarakat umum bahawa firma pinjaman Mr.Fredrick Peterson, mempunyai
    membuka peluang kepada setiap seorang memerlukan help.We mana-mana kewangan ini memberi
    keluar pinjaman kepada individu, firma dan syarikat-syarikat di bawah yang jelas dan
    terma difahami dan kami condition.contact melalui Email:
    fredrickpeterson.loanfirm @ gmail.com

    Peminjam Maklumat Diperlukan Isi Dan Kembali.
    Status perkahwinan:
    Negeri / wilayah:
    Zip / poskod:
    Tujuan negeri Pinjaman:
    Jumlah Pinjaman:
    Tempoh pinjaman:
    Pendapatan bulanan bersih:
    Pernahkah anda memohon untuk pinjaman sebelum?
    jika ya bagaimana ia pergi.

    terima kasih

    Encik Fredrik Peterson

  965. Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

    I GOT MY WARKA BANK INTEREST hahahahahaha….. kau orang yg beli @ simpan cash note dapat ker???kalau x dapat …. itu bererti duit kau orang tu mandul. Wakakawakakawakaka…….

  966. berangan kaya berkata:

    germany dah ko..ha..ha..

  967. pakcik kayo berkata:

    6-29-2012 CBI: The Central Bank wants Iraqis to drop the dollar in internal commercial transactions. The Central Bank has decided to remove three zeros from the dinar, a move it sees essential to strengthen local currency and tempt Iraqis to stick to it. For months, the bank has been mulling the issue but only recently it said a decision has been made and it was a matter of time to translate it into action. The knocking out of zeros will save Iraqis using massive sums of paper money in their transactions, said Saleh. Saleh, speaking in a seminar on currency organized by the High Institute of Accounting in Baghdad, assured skeptic Iraqis that the removal of zeros from the currency shall not affect your earnings, wealth, financial and transactions, financial obligations and duties. On the contrary, the Iraqi economy and Iraqi citizens were to benefit from the move. The Central Bank, awash with hard cash reserves estimated at more than $60 billion, is working hard to boost the dinar’s value against major convertible currencies. A firmer currency along with the removal of zeros has been among the bank’s priorities. But Saleh said the bank was concerned to see the economy being dollarized and one target behind the new move was to lessen dependence on the dollar in domestic transactions and dealings by Iraqis. A dollar is now worth about 1,200 dinars. Central Bank wants Iraqis to drop the dollar in internal commercial transactions. http://www.azzaman.com/english/?p=179

  968. pakcik kayo berkata:

    CBI: system monthly payments over 18 trillion dinars
    29/06/2012 14:04

    Baghdad, June 29 (Rn) – The Central Bank of Iraq, Friday, that the system of monthly payments in Iraq exceeded 18 trillion Iraqi dinars, indicating that the system reduced the transfers of cash manually. and Iraq has begun running the payments system since 2006 with the help of U.S. Treasury Under system of financial trading exchange between Iraqi banks under the supervision of the Central Bank of Iraq. and exceeds the number of banks in Iraq, the 50 banks and includes more than 800 branches spread across the provinces, which still is a little number compared with the population. At the discretion of the CBI. Deputy Governor of Bank of the appearance of Mohammed, told the Kurdish news agency (Rn) that “the payments system in Iraq exceeded 18 trillion Iraqi dinars a month and this has reduced to a large extent the transfer of liquidity manually based on the principle of transfer between banks, according to the system of payments” . The Deputy Governor of the Bank that “the payments system of systems developed in the banking business, even if can not run it to create a state of not being able to save money right time.” The main task of the Iraqi Central Bank to maintain price stability and the implementation of monetary policy, including exchange rate policies and management of reserves foreign currency and the organization of the banking sector. From: Raman Brosk, the Open: Peace Baghdadi http://www.aknews.co…knews/2/314651/

    p/s:sistem perbankkan elektronik telah digunakan di iraq…………….mari kita lihat siapa yg kaya….ha…ha…ha…

  969. pakcik kayo berkata:

    CBI: Laws on currency smuggling and laundering is sufficient
    JULY 2ND, 2012

    Central bank is called a package of instructions to reduce the phenomenon of smuggling and money laundering
    The Central Bank of Iraq that the new regulations that have been released would be enough to control and finish from the phenomenon of smuggling currency out of the country, pointing out that the offices of banking and financial companies, government and private banks will all be under the direct control and in turn, will be imposed is the other control on the client to control the foreign remittances of counterfeits.
    The deputy governor of the Central Bank of the appearance of Mohammed Saleh, said that “the new instructions issued by the Central Bank has been circulated to all government and private banks and financial companies,” adding that “these instructions have been planned since for quite some time to finish some signs of damaging the market, which helped Currency fluctuations Okiem or the promotion of work and the smuggling of counterfeit money, or the financing of terrorism and money laundering inside Iraq, “stressing that” the central bank can apply these instructions to say that he succeeded in the development of regulatory system is the best in the world. “

    CBI: Undang-Undang pada mata wang penyeludupan dan haram adalah mencukupi
    Julai 2ND, 2012

    Bank pusat dipanggil pakej arahan untuk mengurangkan fenomena penyeludupan dan pengubahan wang haram
    Bank Negara Iraq bahawa peraturan-peraturan baru yang telah dikeluarkan akan mencukupi untuk mengawal dan menyelesaikan dari fenomena mata wang penyeludupan keluar dari negara, menunjukkan bahawa pejabat-pejabat perbankan dan syarikat kewangan, kerajaan dan bank-bank swasta semua akan berada di bawah kawalan langsung dan seterusnya, akan dikenakan kawalan lain pada klien untuk mengawal kiriman wang asing melancung.
    Timbalan Gabenor Bank Negara kemunculan Mohammed Saleh, berkata bahawa “arahan baru yang dikeluarkan oleh Bank Negara telah diedarkan kepada semua kerajaan dan bank swasta dan syarikat kewangan,” sambil menambah bahawa “arahan ini telah dirancang sejak sekian sedikit masa untuk menyelesaikan beberapa tanda-tanda merosakkan pasaran, yang membantu Mata Wang Okiem turun naik atau promosi kerja dan penyeludupan wang palsu, atau pembiayaan keganasan dan pengubahan wang haram di dalam Iraq, “menekankan bahawa” kata bank pusat boleh menggunakan arahan ini mengatakan bahawa beliau berjaya dalam pembangunan sistem kawal selia adalah yang terbaik di dunia.

    p/s:mari kita lihat siapa yg kaya…ha…ha…ha…

  970. pakcik kayo berkata:

    July 2nd, 2012 Baghdad / term He Central Bank of Iraq hoped the adoption of new local currency after deletion of zeros in the country’s budget for next year, while stressing that he put the finishing touches to a roadmap for the process to delete the zeros.

    Central bank says it completed a road map to get rid of three zeros from the currency to reduce the money supply and ease of financial transactions in line with the new situation of the Iraqi economy.

    But the government and the Securities Commission Ibdita Khchithma that affect the process negatively on the financial trading market in Iraq Stock Exchange.

    The deputy governor of the Central Bank of the appearance of Mohammed Saleh, said that “the process of switching the currency and delete zeros will take approximately two and ongoing preparations for the process that began more than a year.”

    It was hosted by the parliamentary Finance Committee in the hope that “the balance of 2013 the new currency.”

    According to a statement of the Parliamentary Finance Committee discussed it with the benefit of the mechanism that will be followed by the bank in the process of deleting the zeros and how long this process and changes that will occur on the exchange of currency and its value in the domestic and global market and its impact on Iraqi citizens and its level of living.

    He stressed that the benefit of “completion of the project to improve the payments and facilitate the circulation of the currency,” adding that “the operation will raise the exchange of currency and its value in improving the domestic and global market.”

    He denied any effects caused by the standard of living of the Iraqi people, calling for the cooperation of everyone, both for its location in the success of the project as a national and belongs to everyone.

    Meanwhile, a member of the Finance Committee Haitham Jubouri that “the month of January of next year 2013 will see the deletion of three zeros and currency exchange

    The Jubouri that “the process of replacing the old currency will continue to a full year to be the withdrawal of the old in full within the first six months of the year 2014,” noting that “delete three zeros and replace it from would be afterbirth on the stability of the Iraqi currency and reduce the demand for hard currency.”

    He Jubouri that “the central bank dispelled all concerns relating to money laundering and forgery during the process of replacing the old currency El Jadida,” explaining that “a device has a special anti-money laundering.”

    The Jubouri that “the reform of the currency management from the heart of the Central Bank and the deletion of zeros is a function of the strategy,” stressing that “the Finance Committee of the Parliament supports the policy of the Iraqi Central Bank in this direction.”

    According to some economists that Iraq is ready for the time being to delete the zeros of the Iraqi dinar, pointing out that this step you need to stabilize the security and political, as well as economic stability.

    The Iraqi market is volatile in the weeks since the exchange rate of the dinar against the U.S. dollar, which experts attributed to the restrictions imposed by the Bank on the sales of hard currency.

    And the imposition of bank procedures more stringent in the auction to sell the dollar after it said that the currency you go to the neighboring countries, especially Syria and Iran imposed upon economic sanctions.

    The main tasks of the Central Bank in managing monetary policy in the country and raise the level of the value of Iraqi dinar and deal with inflation in the country.

    The Central Bank of Iraq four branches in Basra and Sulaymaniyah, Erbil and Mosul.

  971. pakcik kayo berkata:

    7-2-2012 Investment Law: Published decisions of the Commission amend the investment law. Committee announced the economy and investment parliamentary reaching for a set of recommendations or decisions to amend the Iraqi investment law.The Committee reached with investment and the private sector to a set of recommendations or resolutions to amend the Iraqi investment law. The parliamentary economic and investment that the Committee will hold another conference in the coming period to reach the results lead to the development of the basic frameworks Iraqi investment law.

    1.) Adopting the words of House Speaker Osama Najafi, Minister of State for Parliamentary Affairs Safi, and the President of the National Investment Commission Araji, a working paper distributed to the conferees.

    2.) The need to amend or cancel some of the paragraphs of laws and decisions related to investment and to assign the National Investment Commission in coordination with the bodies of the provinces to provide that the legislative amendments means the window.

    3.) Emphasized the need for the owners of land to provide suitable land for the establishment of investment projects and delivered to the investor in a period not exceeding 30 days from the date of granting licenses free of concerns.

    4.) To accelerate the granting of powers to the representatives of the ministries to take the decision on the establishment of projects regarding the approval of sectoral.

    5.) National Investment Commission commissioned the preparation of studies about modifying the Investment Law No. (13) for the year 2006 average in coordination with investment authorities in the provinces according to the methods of legislative force.

    6.) The need to” find clear criteria for differentiation in the granting of investment opportunities among investors and stay away from mediation and nepotism.

    7.) Emphasize the National Authority for Investment and investment authorities in the provinces that are investment opportunities available in the light of the economic sectors and the provision of land suited them.

    8.) To create mechanisms to activate the role of banks to support investment through soft loans.

    9.) To facilitate the procedures for granting visas for investors, experts and engineers and manpower needed by the investor.

    10.) Substances listed in the Investment Law No. 13 of 2006 gives the rate at which the investor exemptions from the decree and taxes.

    11.) The formation of a joint committee of members of the Economic Committee and a representative of the Ministry of State for Parliamentary Affairs and the National Investment Commission and private sector organizations to follow up the implementation of decisions of the conference.

    12.) Requires the heads of investment authorities in the provinces to report through the National Investment Commission (every three months) to the Committee on the economy and investment set out the projects granted investment licenses projects in progress and projects lagging with the reasons for the reluctance with the amounts of these projects and the dates of granting leave and start working.


    p/s:meh tengok kalau ade yg berkenaan……

  972. pakcik kayo berkata:

    Tuesday July 3, 2012
    Iraq’s economy

    Parliamentary Finance: budget 2013 will be the new currency after deleting three zeros
    Author: HM Editor: NQ | SS Tuesday, 03 تموز 2012 15:01 GMT
    Sumerian News / Baghdad
    announced that the Finance Committee of parliament Tuesday that the budget next year 2013 will be the new currency after deleting three zeros from the current currency, arguing that the reluctance of traders and companies from trading in Iraqi currency behind the adoption of the Central Bank of the project to delete the zeros. said committee member Najia Najib in interview for “Alsumaria News” that “the budget next year will handle the new currency after deleting three zeros from the current currency,” stating that “the process of switching the currency and delete zeros will take approximately two years after the preparations for the process that began more than a year.” The answer that ” Council of Ministers approved during the meeting the Governor of the Central Bank on the project to delete the zeros and replacing Iraqi currency after it decided earlier in the patient as the project due to rising dollar on the domestic market for the past few months, “noting that” the project to delete the zeros and currency exchange aims to restructure the Iraqi currency and in the form which is consistent with doing business in Iraq, internally and externally. ” and confirmed the answer that “the Finance Committee and the Central Bank had agreed at its last meeting to be next year’s date for the start delete the zeros and the balance of 2013 the new currency unless there was a barrier transmitting without it,” emphasizing “the need to support the government and parliament of the project to restructure the Iraqi currency. ” and considered answer that “the reluctance of traders and companies from the use of Iraqi currency and trading it may push the central bank to adopt a project to delete the zeros,” asserting that “this project would reform the system of currency management and to facilitate their use.” The Finance Committee hosted (26 June), Deputy Governor of the Central Bank of the appearance of Mohammed Saleh to discuss the mechanism that will be followed by the bank in the process of deleting the zeros and how long this process and changes that will occur on the exchange of currency. A member of the Finance Committee Haitham Jubouri in (15 May 2012) in an interview for “Alsumaria News”, the month of January of next year 2013 will see the deletion of the three zeros and the replacement of the currency, as will next September 2012, the direct printing of new currency in different categories. The central bank accused in the (12 September 2011), government agencies to block monetary reform and vowed persecuting, blaming the authorities responsible for endangering the interests of the country’s financial risk. what was seen as an adviser to Prime Minister for Economic Affairs (25 August 2011), to raise zeros from the currency is the biggest corruption in Iraq if it was during this period, and fall under the rubric of tampering with the economic, warning of “mafias currency” is preparing to rig the trillions of Iraqi dinars to replace them in the light of the planned changes. It is noteworthy that some economists believe that Iraq is ready for the time being to delete the zeros of the Iraqi dinar, pointing out that the deletion needs to stabilize the security and political as well as economic stability.


  973. nash berkata:

    salam, sonyap jo semuo , dah kayo ko? dah RV ke belum? den folowwwwww

  974. pakcik kayo berkata:

    New year …. A new currency
    Posted Image
    Iraq’s new currency
    Said a member of the Finance Committee of the Iraqi parliament that the new currency will enter circulation in the markets and will be taken a thousand dinars from the citizen for one dinar.
    She Najiba Najib Albamrna member of the Finance Committee in the Iraqi parliament that the new currency will enter the circulation from the beginning of the year 2013 and will be removed Asfarha “and will enter the dinar metal and 50 dirhams and 25 dirhams market and will be replaced by the dinar per one thousand dinars, and will be the 25 thousand dinars to 25 dinars.” .
    It confirmed that the language “Kurdish, Arabic and English” will be on the currency will be charged images of the resorts and the deportation of the Kurds of Kurdistan, but the deal Faili old currency will continue for a period of two years from the issuance of new currency.
    According to Najeeba “I have been diagnosed with a number of European companies and U.S. for the work of the new currency and to avoid fraud and will be approving the budget of 2013 on the basis of the new currency.”
    There have been changes to the post-2003 Iraqi currency are translated to 1000 dinar dinars were printed like the old currency.
    After entering the circulation for nearly ten years face many of the economics profession, criticism to increase the zeroes on the currency and considered a reason for rise in prices in the markets and lack of appreciation of the currency of other countries, and decided to Parliament and the Central Bank of Iraq to change the currency to what it was without the zeros. http://translate.goo…ved=0CHUQ7gEwBA

    p/s:mari..mari…mari……kita lihat siapa yang kaya…ha…ha…ha…

  975. berangan kaya berkata:

    rumor je tu..che saleh kita kata mengangkat tiga sifar..wow..

  976. pakcik kayo berkata:

    Iraqi cabinet urges patience before proceeding with Iraqi Dinar redenomination

    7 – 5 – 2012

    Iraqi Cabinet Secretariat urged, on Thursday, for more patience before cutting zeros off Iraqi dinar and proceeding with its redenomination considering that the idea of withdrawing, storing and destroying about 40 trillion dinars requires a serious study by itself.

    “The government prefers to be patient before cutting zeros off Iraqi dinar and its redenomination because it is not a priority at the current stage,” Cabinet Secretary Ali Al Allak told Alsumarianews assuring that cabinet is currently studying possibilities and available circumstances for such a procedure.

    “We are not sure we can control major money sums’ withdrawal under current circumstances,” Al Allak added calling to be patient because the simple thought of withdrawing, storing and destroying between 30 and 40 trillion dinars requires a serious study.

    “There are no defects in our currency especially that many countries deal the same way,” he advanced. Finance committee received, on June 26, the deputy governor of Central Bank of Iraq Mazhar Mohamed Saleh to discuss about procedures related to the zeros cutting off, required time and expected changes following the dinar redenomination.

    “During the meeting with Saleh, Iraqi cabinet approved cutting zeros off Iraqi dinar and its redenomination after it had resolved upon taking time before launching the procedure due to Dollar’s increase in comparison with Iraqi dinar in local markets during past months,” finance committee member Najiya Najib told Alsumarianews on July 3.

    “Zeros will be cut off Iraqi dinar and the currency will be denominated in January 2013,” Finance Committee member Haitham Al Jabouri advanced on May 15 noting that printing the new currency bills will start in September 2012.

    My link

  977. pakcik kayo berkata:

    Member of the economy: the central bank attempts to replace the currency is unconstitutional
    Friday, July 6, 2012 12:16

    {Baghdad, Euphrates News} A member of the Committee of Economy and Investment parliamentary Salman al-Moussawi said the central bank attempts to replace the currency is unconstitutional and will lead the country towards the unknown, which may not be bad consequences.

    Al-Moussawi said in a press statement received by the agency {Euphrates News} a copy of it today, “no right to the central bank currency exchange because Article {110} of Dezturalaraca stipulates that the right of the federal authorities to draw financial policies and the issuance of currency in the country means the executive and legislative branches.”

    He continued that “the presidency of the Central Bank and more than a year raises issue of deletion of zeros from the Iraqi currency attributes the reasons to strengthen the Iraqi currency and give them a universal value, but after that the audited subject and we found not a process of deleting the zeros, but replace the currency with full merits.”

    And the MP for the coalition of state law that “the evidence of this is the change currency symbols present and the introduction of the Kurdish language emphasizes the process it replaced and not delete the zeros,” expected to “result in the replacement process to the many problems which may enter the country’s currency, forged at a time when we are working to stability of the market leads to the collapse of the Iraqi currency in full. ”

    He described “the central bank attempts to implement this project early next year, as a unilateral act is valid and is rejected out of hand because it is the process of replacing unknown results.”

    And went on “We are with the replacement of the currency if there is economic benefit to the country, but we found after the study and the possibility that many are fighting against Paschklat delete the zeros do not know what the future of Seoul him the Iraqi economy.”

    He explained that “the stability of the economy and the Iraqi market is through the activation of income-generating sectors, and encourage the private sector and make the country an attractive environment for investment and the economy not by the deletion of zeros.”

    The Central Bank announced that he intended to replace the existing currency with another, as it will remove the zeros of the new currency in a move it says will help raise the value of Iraqi dinar. http://www.alforatne…25-57&Itemid=57

    p/s:satu lagi berita yg mendebarkan bg pemegang cash note…ha..ha..ha..

  978. berangan kaya berkata:

    warka bank dah disita…ni yang tak bestnya…

  979. berangan kaya berkata:

    walau macanmana pun ia dibawah kendalian CBI,dan masih operasi sebagai warka

    • Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

      hahahaha…..walau bagaimana pun Cash Note CONFIRM TAK LAKU DI LUAR DARI IRAQ.. SO…. Bergumbiralah SI PEMEGANG AKUAN BANK WARKA…… KERANA ANDA BAKAL JUTAWAN.

  980. pakcikkayo berkata:


    Iraq discloses designs for redenominated banknotes slated for July 2013Jul 21, 2012 08:17 AM Category: Middle East
    According to Iraq’s semi-official Alsabaah newspaper, the finance committee received specimens of the new Iraq banknotes from the Central Bank of Iraq. The specimens were of the 25, 50, 100, and 200 dinars. The committee urged the central bank to delay the introduction of the new currency from January 2013 to July 2013 to study all the aspects of the process.

    Other Iraqi media reports state that the new currency will be issued in denominations of 5, 10, 25, 50, 100, and 200 dinars for banknotes and 25, 50, 100, 250, and 500 fils, plus 1 and 2 dinars for coins. The designs have been already chosen for banknotes and coins:

    5 dinars: Beck waterfall and palm tree
    10 dinars: dinar coin minted in the reign of the Umayyad dynasty and lighthouse Hadba in Mosul
    25 dinars: King Hammurabi receiving the law and farming of Iraqi Kurdistan
    50 dinars: King Codaa and Fort Ukhaydir
    100 dinars: Central Bank building in Azwaip area in Baghdad and ziggurat
    200 dinars: bridge and school

    Courtesy of Mosab K. Ibrahim

  981. nash berkata:

    berita panas ni , warka bank kena sita, habis duit dalam akaun den camner? ya habibi ya maulana ya sheik, pulllussssss help me

  982. tumpang kaya berkata:

    mana dapat berita ni, biar betul. pakcikayo ,BN komen skit betul ke.

    • pakcik kayo berkata:

      ha..ha..ha…tak do dlm sejarah dunio ni bank keno sita…….kalu dgr berito angin…boleh menyebabkan naik angin…..nasib baik ado minyak angin……..kalu kalian nak tahu sangat berito tu sahih ataupon tidak…..kalian perikso kenyataan dari bank pusat…iaitu CBI…..kalau ado …..botullah bondo tu…kalau takdo……buang dan biar diterbangkan dek angin…….apopun selamat menyambur ramadhan almubarak…..kalau terkasar bahaso atau tersinggung harap dimaafkan…….dan BE PREPARE TU BECOME A MILLIONAIRE……untuk pemegang AKAUN……….HA..HA..HA…insyaallah…..

  983. Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

    wakakawakaka….kalau kau dah cakap macam gitu….itu maksudnya bank warka yang dah kena sita itu bank warka yg palsu….nasib2…. siapa suruh kau buka akuan dengan warka bank palsu??. cuba kau bagi tahu aku macam mana kau jumpa website warka & macam mana cara kau buka akuan bank??? sebab akuan bank aku ok aje!!! hahaha….entah2 kau dah terkena warka bank palsu kot!!!

  984. nash berkata:

    salam bini najib, apa perkembangan terbaru dinar ni? selamat berpuasa semua

    • Omar berkata:

      Khabar berita mengatakan RV akan berlaku sebelum Raya. tarikh jangkaan ialah 8.8.2012 Kalau x berlaku tarikh seterusnya ialah 23 September 2012. dan paling lewat ialah 1hb1 2013 . Disini saya ada menjual dinar iraq berharga RM150 untuk sekeping note IQD25000 yang original dari money changer berlesen di bawah Bank Negara Malaysia. Berminat boleh hubungi/sms 0126975432

      • mohamad berkata:

        Salam wbt, saya ada beli dan simpan Iraq dinar sebanyak 500000 untuk simpanan, bila rv en omar? kat mana nak tukar kepada rm? hrp balas

  985. akaun berkata:

    …maaf minta pencerahan drp sdr Omar..dr mana tuan dpt info yg menggumbirakan tu?:)

    • Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

      hahahaha…..berita dari pada seorang penjual cash note dinar iraq semuanya x boleh pakai…..hehehehe….itu adalah ayat penyedap untuk menipu pembeli cash note untuk melaris atau lebih tepat untuk menghabiskan stok mereka agar mereka x rugi nanti.hehehehe…dia jual cash note kat kau orang dan dia buka akuan utk diri dia sendiri.hehehehe

  986. Account & Cash Note berkata:

    ok, sape2 yg belum buat akaun lagi, bole hubungi saya, drop email di sini…masih belum terlambat..

  987. nash berkata:

    salam semua, rayo dah dekat pasti tarikh tu sampai, yang dinar ni bila tarikh rv? selamat hari raya…

  988. nash berkata:

    salam semua, senyap je forum kat sini, rindu komen bini najib? raya balik mana? ada harapan lepas raya RV?

    • Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

      hehehe…ada gak orang yg rindu kat aku ekkk…..anyway….apa yg aku nak katakan ialah….cepat2lah buka akuan bank kat iraq….sebelum terlambat.sekarang ini dah hampir2 suntukdah nie untuk buka akuan bank.apa2 pun…aku minta maaf kalau ada ketelanjuran kata2 aku selama ini.selamat menyambut hari raya . maaf zahir & batin.

  989. pakcik kayo berkata:

    The central bank seeks to adopt an electronic system in financial transactions

    Slogan of the Central Bank

    Central Bank seeks to reduce the use of banknotes in the country due to security conditions that make transfer of money difficult and fraught with danger. bank said in a statement Thursday that he is currently working with local and external for the issuance of a special law systems, electronic payment for the work is within the sound legal environment, He reported that Iraq has one of the most electronic payment systems development in the world, the system responsible for the exchange of payment orders between banks automatically. The statement also that the responsibility for operation and management of the accounts of the settlement between the participants confined to the central bank to ensure the safety and efficiency of payment systems and the transfer fees.

  990. Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

    Harap maklum, Warka Bank akan ditutup sempena menyambut perayaan hari raya aidilfitri bermula pada hari Jumaat(Hari Ini) sehingga hari Ahad 26 august 2012 dan dibuka semula pada hari Isnin 27 august 2012.dalam waktu ini sebarang email yg dihantar pada pihak bank akan dibakul sampahkan oleh sever bank tersebut (tidak akan dilayan). oleh itu anda semua boleh menikmati Perayaan hari raya aidilfitri dengan aman dan sentosa. sekian.

  991. Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

    The central bank seeks to limit the use of cash (CASH) in the country
    16/08/2012 14:41:00

    The independent Iraqi news agency / Baghdad / n. X … Said the Iraqi Central Bank seeks to reduce the use of cash (CASH) in the country, because of geography and the challenge of security issues that make the transfer of money within the country is difficult and risky.

    The bank said in a statement carried by (and independent Iraqi News Agency) “heading efforts to automate the processes of settlement of checks and payroll systems, and activate the automation of electronic card, to keep more cash in bank accounts.”

    “The central bank is currently working with local bodies and external in order to pass a law specific to each electronic payment systems to be working within a legal environment healthy,” adding that “Iraq has one of the most payment systems, electronic art in the world, the system responsible for the exchange of payment orders between banks automatically using the network safe and effective “and that” responsibility for the operation and management of the accounts of the settlement between the participants to ensure the safety and efficiency of payment systems and clearing be limited to the central bank itself. “and that” the payment systems of Iraq is made up of the settlement system total real-time system and clearing mechanism and system registration of securities of government. “and that” the automation of the primary market for the system of government securities, which began work on it by the Bank and in consultation with the Finance Ministry in 2008, while seeking to automate the activities of secondary market commercial, which will hopefully work on it soon. ”


  992. Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

    Deputy Central Bank Governor: We have plans and programs to reduce the price of the dinar against the dollar in the coming period
    Dated: 8/17/2012 11:53:43 Friday

    Baghdad (news) .. Deputy Governor of the Central Bank of the appearance of Mohammed Saleh on the status of plans and scientific programs by the central bank to lower the price of the dollar against the dinar up to the price of natural in the market and of (1190) in the coming period.
    Saleh said (of the Agency news) Friday: The increasing demand for the dollar is still going on in the market, which led to get the case of confusion in the market by increasing demand for the dollar suddenly, leading to increase its price until it reached to (1300) dinars to the dollar during the last period. He : that the central bank policy and the plans developed by him has been the devaluation of the dollar gradually until he settled on a price (1240) dinars for one dollar (market) despite the fact that auction the central bank sold dollars to (1189) for banks and customers, to maintain the local currency of the deterioration because the increase in the dollar exchange rate to more than the number selected is causing the deterioration of the national currency. He added, has been developing plans and programs of scientific and well thought out to reduce the value of the dollar more in front of the dinar even up to the price of the real to settle the (1190) JD (1200) dinars in the market, it is then thinking away to make the U.S. dollar is equal to DT through the development of long-term plans after settling the political situation inside and outside the country and at the subspecies fiscal revenue of the state. has seen the U.S. dollar has increased significantly and unprecedented has its value in front of the Iraqi dinar in the past months, with an exchange rate of one dollar B (1300) Iraqi dinars, after he was conservative on the price for a long time b (1170) dinars to one dollar, creating great fear of the economic circles constantly increase its price and its direct impact on the Iraqi economy. It is noted that the dollar exchange rate current is equal to (1240) JD . / Finished / 8. n. r /


  993. Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

    Better Business Bureau Warns of Investment Scam Involving Purchasing of Iraqi Currency

    For your information:

    Taken from our local television station website: KATC.com

    It seems scams lurk everywhere from travel to the internet, from door to door meat sales and once again investment scams.

    The Better Business Bureau is fielding an increasing number of complaints about investment scams involving purchasing Iraqi Dinars.

    In Dinar exchange scams, potential investors exchange U.S. currency for Dinar – on the premise that buying the Dinars could be a great investment if the value of the Iraqi money were to increase. It appears that in some cases these companies are not providing the Dinars nor are they returning the money back to the customers.

    BBB inquires and complaints have increased nationally. It is extremely important to look into the company that you are investing your money into. This is true with any investment you make. Take the time to find out information on the company and make sure they follow ethical practices and provide the services they advertise.

    The BBB offers the following tips to help to avoid investing in a potential Dinar scam:

    · Start with trust! Before making a purchasing decision, check out the company at http://www.bbb.org.

    Make sure the company has authentic currency. It is important when working with Dinar to make sure that you are receiving legitimate currency. It is necessary to do some background research on the currency and understand what you should be receiving. It is also important for the company to provide a money-back guarantee in case something happens and you never receive the Dinars.

    Make sure the company has a long history. When investing in a company it is important to be able to look at the company history and see that it has established itself over time. By having a long history of business, it shows that this is not a business that will disappear over night or take the money and run.

    Make sure the company follows regulations. It is very important, when working in foreign currency, to ensure that the company follows all necessary regulations; including industry, state and federal. These standards are put into place to help protect the consumer, and help ensure ethical procedures. For more information about currency trade regulations.

    Make sure the company is transparent. Transparency is extremely important in a business, especially one in foreign currency. It is important to know who is running the company and where else the company is connected. It is also very important for the business to be up front about the worth of the money and give basic estimates about growth opportunity in the future.

  994. Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

    Iraqi foreign exchange offices implicated in money laundering and smuggling

    By Khayoun Saleh

    Azzaman, August 8, 2012

    Foreign exchange offices have become conduits for the smuggling and laundering of hard cash in the country, said Central Bank Governor Mudher Saleh.

    Saleh said high-level government and party officials were involved in illegal money exchange operations primarily aimed at smuggling dollars abroad.

    “Most of these offices are run by people with influence in the state and senior politicians via their families and relatives,” said Saleh.

    Saleh mentioned no names but his statement is a damning accusation that the government is either directly or indirectly involved in attempts which he said aimed at emptying the country of its hard cash.

    These offices, he added, “are using forged documents claiming that the money transferred outside the country is for trade purposes.”

    “There are massive operations of corruption and the government is required to investigate them,” the governor said.

    Saleh made the comments following reports that many Iraqis had started losing confidence in the local currency by exchanging their savings into dollars.

    The dinar is losing ground to the greenback once again after a short period of prosperity.

    Saleh said more than $4 billion were leaving Iraq every month, a massive amount which he said did not correspond to the volume of commodities entering the country.

    The government, he said, should will put an end to the illegal flow of dollars outside the country “in order to prevent the economy from collapsing.”

    Iraqi hard cash reserves amount to more than $60 billion but the governor said it would be difficult for the Central Bank to meet the rising demand for dollars.

    The bank auctions millions of dollars every day as part of attempts to withdraw liquidity and safeguard local currency’s value.


  995. pakcik kayo berkata:

    Central Bank decided to launch the new currency in the 7/1/2013

    Monday, 27 August / August 2012 15:06

    Brother Sam Mullah: A member of the parliamentary Finance Committee, a coalition of law Haitham al-Jubouri said “the central bank decided to launch the new currency in the 7/1/2013 after postponing the launch in 1/1 of the current year.

    Jubouri said in a statement singled out by the reporter and news news agency (et) that the Finance Committee in the House of Representatives in favor of this proposal, however this approach because we believe that the purchasing value of the Iraqi dinar, inflation and money laundering will cease in case of currency exchange.

    “If the currency was replaced and increased the value of the Iraqi dinar will be the demand for hard currency lower. Noting” that the distinctive character of the currency the next smaller size and increase the value of purchasing and if those values ​​are available in Iraqi currency there was no inflation.


  996. tumpang kaya berkata:

    pakcik kayo

    maknanya 7/1/2013 rv ke

    • Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

      hehehehehe….kemungkinan RV!!!!!!!!….sebab 7/1/2013 duit baru dah dikeluarkan dan duit tersebut bersamaan IQD 1000 = Niqd 1, dan Niqd 1 bersamaan dengan USD 1 so sesiapa yg ada akuan bank diiraq dah boleh dapat untung 1000 kali ganda dan yg simpan cash note dapatlah IQD 1000 bersaman dengan NIQD 1 dan NIQD 1 bersamaan USD 1 ini bermakna penyimpan Cash note hanya dapat 3 kali ganda sahaja pulangan duitnya.itu pun kalau CBI terima semula duit yg berada diluar dari Iraq kembali semula ke Iraq.kalau CBI tak terima semula duit Iraq yg berada diluar Iraq…..maknanya Ambil bau sajalah nampaknya. hehehehehe…..

    • pakcik kayo berkata:

      kalau ikut secara teorinya sepatutnya keberangkaliannya memanglah rv……dari pendapat den kemungkinan note yg dikeluarkan akan mempunyai tulisan kurdish pd matawangnya….dan secara teorinya wang yg diguna pakai pd masa sekarang tidak akan digunakan lagi……dan ia juga bergantung kepada bermulanya pengeluaran matawang kecil yg akan dikeluarkan pd bulan 9 nanti…….itupun kalau keluar dan digunakan dlm pasaran……menggantikan note besar……dan pendapat dari BN ada kebenarannya……

  997. nash berkata:

    salam semua, apa citer terbaru dinar ni? selamat buat open house raya……..

  998. Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

    Counterfeit currency over the loss of owners of banking Goods

    31/08/2012 – 11:14

    Counterfeit currency in more than the loss of the owners of shops …

    The emergence of counterfeit currency in Babylon increased the loss of the owners of shops and banking small shopkeepers. While Some argue that these currencies come from government banks, accusing government agencies moneychangers published in the province. glance Alaolh may think many that shop owner banking this talk about profit daily but truth is otherwise The amounts mentioned are losses began he and other lot owners Occupation Petkbdha during the recent period in Babylon and why counterfeit currency say bankers that come from government banks. says shop owner banking: “suffer from class ten thousand is a hobby counterfeit currency Balsuk and I Hi Mjmahen all this bogus class ten thousand and edition Malth Kalash effective means متكدر Tmizha easily times Tganh banks sixtieth seventy million we learn Mnha FD seventy thousand means is inside the bank Najiba Selfadhesive it Malth existing employee’s name and the aspiration of my ten thousand. ” not limited losses on places traded funds in large quantities, but extended to include even shops small stressed owners leak Currency counterfeit of state banks. adds: “Halayam Dtjana Huai forger for ten and five ČÓ Wayne Todiha Bank يكلك false Tmsheeha haram you.” He continues: “times become my congestion alone what troubled Ames taking money Hessian Hi I have ten forged Waco people so far Mtdra Biha forged and to ask Weekly money salary. ” As for the government bodies in Babylon, the bankers are accused of publishing counterfeit currency in the province. says governor of Babylon Mohamed Messaoudi: “There are many companies currently unauthorized and is officially licensed but do your duty Ketbnh to security National and energetic promised a special section as well as intelligence also have a special division to monitor these companies. ” According to governor of Babylon, the detailed report will be presented to him by the security authorities during the day about the work shops banking in the province as officials declined to banks Babylon government to make any statement on the subject.

    P/s:Ok Buat pengetahuan semua….pembeli Cash Note dinar iraq , Penjual mahupun penyimpan cash Note Dinar iraq salah satu cara CBI ingin membendung gejala counterfeit ialah dengan memaksa rakyat Iraq membuka akuan bank dan depositkan duit mereka kedalam bank.

    • Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

      so dengan cara tersebut CBI boleh Menapis duit cash Ori dan duit counterfeit berserta duit Cash yg telah dirompak oleh perompak2 yg merompak dibank2 diiraq.melalui cara dengan membuat pengesahan melalui no seri yg tertera pada duit cash note tersebut.sekira no siri tersebut berpadanan dengan no siri duit rompakan. pemilik tersebut akan ditahan untuk disoal siasat dan peluang yg amat cerah duit tersebut akan dirampas oleh CBI dan anda akan berputih mata bila diberi tahu oleh CBI duit yg anda beli dari pembekal2 ditimur tengah mahu pun dari US.so nasib lah anda.

      • pakcik kayo berkata:

        HA..HA..HA…adakah ini satu lg permainan CBI untuk memaksa rakyatnya supaya menyimpan wang simpanan dalam simpanan bank…..atau memang benar berlakunya pemalsuan wang yg begitu ketara di iraq……walau apapun perseolannya……nampaknya semakin pasti bahawasanya cash note yg dipegang selama ini akan menjadi satu kerugian yang nyata……aduh……berat punya kes nie…ha..ha..ha….

        p/s :bagus artikel yg dimaksukkan oleh BN nie……banyak pencerahan …..

  999. pemegang IQD berkata:

    iqd sekarang di keluarkan pada 2003,duit yang di rompak adalah duit zaman saddam yang memang dah tak laku.
    takkan cbi nak rampas duit yang dikeluarkannya sendiri

    • pakcik kayo berkata:

      ha..ha..ha…..anda bukannya CBI brader ……yang tentukan polisi PER BANK KAN negara iraq…….tapi takpe……kita tunggu apa kesudahannya GAME ini…….dah tak lama dah….nak GAME OVER……SABAQ-SABAQ NOOOOO……..DAN MARI KITA LIHAT SIAPA YANG KAYA……HA..HA…HA…..

    • Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

      hahaha…apalah sengal sangat kau nie…. ada ker aku cerita pasal duit saddam????? tak kan????? aku cerita pasal duit iraq yg sedia ada sekarang ini….duit saddam dah lama berkubur…cuma aku nak tenggok duit iraq yg sedia ada ini (cetakan 2003/2009) berkubur spt mana duit saddam.hehehehe… janganlah kau harap iraq nak bagi harta kekayaan negara dia orang kepada kau yg semata2 menyimpan duit Cash Iraq tampa memberi apa2 sumbangan kepada negara iraq.hehehehe…jangan kau cakap dengan membeli Cash Note Dinar Iraq kat Penyangak2 Matawang…itu bererti kau dah menolong Iraq untuk membangunkan negara iraq.hehehehe… maksud menolong iraq membangunkan negara iraq dengan ertikata lain dengan membuka akuan bank diiraq dan mendepositkan duit kedalam akuan untuk digunakan oleh pihak bank untuk melakukan investment diiraq,dan sebagai balasannya pihak bank akan memberikan dividen kepada pemegang2 akuan diatas sumbangan mereka kepada iraq.so sendiri pikir ler ekkk….hehehehehe…..

      • Bapak Kau berkata:

        BN komen macam orang takde otak jer.. x baca ke rule IMF artikel 7? gi baca dulu baru ler komen..

      • pakcik kayo berkata:

        ha..ha..ha……hang ni pon satu…yg hang baca bab7 daja…ada hang baca bab 8….bab 30(B)….lain kali baca biaq sampai habis….la ni..dia iraq hanya ikut undang2 bapak dia…bukan nya ikut undang2 bapak kau……..sbb dia belum join wto dan tak terikat dgn peraturan imf lg…..jd ikut suka hati bapak dia la nak buat apa pun…………ha..ha..ha…

        p/s: nasib baik aku ikut cakap bapak aku…kalau aku ikut cakap bapak kau…….dgn aku-aku sekali bungkus…ha..ha..ha…

  1000. Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

    Bapak Kau memang bodoh….!!!!! iraq pedulik apa ngan undang2 IMF selama ini bapak kau ingat iraq dengar cakap org amerika ker??? bapak Kau nie pun lagi bodoh.iraq punya negara iraq punya cara ler…. lain kali pi baca tentang ekonomi ekkk…

    P/s:memang best guna nama Bapak Kau.wakakawakaka.

  1001. Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

    Iraqi economy solid and will not be affected by global economic shocks

    September 2, 2012

    Counting Spokesman of the Ministry of Planning Abdul-Zahra al-Hindawi, the national economy is “strong” compared to the economies of Arab countries because it has Ahtattiya critically lot of hard currency and the presence of oil reserves are plentiful and the wealth of other natural underground, noting that these ingredients will make the national economy away from tremors that occur in the economic world.

    Hindawi said: The national economy has become strong evidence that the global economic crisis that swept Europe and some U.S. states affected in all the economies of the world, including the Gulf states except Iraq, was away from her thanks to the economic fundamentals, which he owns.

    He noted: that the United Arab Emirates, despite the stability of its economy but was deeply affected by the global crisis and suffered its economy significant losses, while Iraq will not be affected because the attributes of the cash reserves large hard currency and enjoy the presence of natural resources مكمنة underground as well as on the economic sectors that could be invested Kalsnaaah, agricultural and tourism.: These ingredients give an indication that the national economy is solid and is not affected by global shocks that beset some countries.

  1002. Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

    Tariff law will be implemented early next year

    September 2, 2012

    Juba – Follow-up: A member of the Economic Committee MP Amer Al-Fayez, that the tariff law will be implemented early next year, after bringing modern equipment to inspect goods and imported goods at border crossing points. Fayez said press Vibarhat that “several technical reasons prevented the application of tariff law notably the lack of trained personnel and sophisticated equipment. He pointed out that “Iraq has imported sophisticated electronic devices to inspect the goods and imported goods and in the process of training cadres working on these devices will be activated the tariff law early next year.

    P/s: bersiap sedia dengan undang2 baru iraq pada tahun depan.hehehehehe…aku x nak cakap apa2 tentang ini….sendiri2 fahamlah ekkk…. bila undang2 baru ini dikuat kuasakan.

  1003. Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

    hahahahaha….ada sesiapa tak yg menonton berita TV3 suku…. baru jap tadi…..hehehehehe….keluar cerita tentang IRAQ.siap dia tunjuk sekali video restoran2 setaraf dengan KFC , MAC D, PHD dan sebagainya spt dimalaysia tumbuh bagaikascendawan telepas hujan . ini bererti ekonomi iraq sudah hampir pulih.hehehehehe…. so paham2lah ekkk….

  1004. syarmili berkata:

    macam mana nk buka akaun iraq. bole tolong email pada saya. ekaera_07@yahoo.com

  1005. Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

    Parliamentary Finance: Central Bank lingered process of deletion of zeros to stop the objections of economists on the project

    Date: 09/09/2012 11:36:58 Sunday

    Baghdad (news) .. Female member of the Finance Committee MP / National Alliance / Abdul Hussein al-Yasiri, the central bank lingered cause the deletion of zeros from the Iraqi currency, the large number of objections economists on this project.
    Yasiri said (of the Agency news) on Sunday: The deadline for the deletion of zeros from the Iraqi currency was agreed at the beginning (2013), but the central bank dropped and for the process to time is unknown because of the objections of some economists of a possible collapse in the national currency. added: stop media campaign regarding the removal of zeros to make the central bank to take the position of silence about the process, calling The Federal Government and the Ministry of Finance and the Central Bank to take a final position of the process of deletion of zeros and determine given time to replace the currency to reduce fraud that has spread dramatically. confirmed: that the deletion of zeros from the currency will reduce the money supply and prevent Iraq from a country with a density and mass of large cash transactions in the market to block more and smaller credit.

  1006. nash berkata:

    salam semua, dengar citer 16 september 2012 ada citer baik pasal dinar ni? betulke nak RV?

  1007. tumpang kaya berkata:


    dari apa yang berlaku di iraq dan perkembangan terkini , kemungkinan rv berlaku tu ada, mungkin dalam bulan september atau selewatnya akhir tanun ini

    • Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

      hehehehe….bulan september 2012 tidak akan berlaku RV!!!!…..tetapi kemungkinan besar duit cetakan baru akan dikeluarkan untuk membolehkan rakyat iraq menukar dahulu duit yg sedia ada sekarang ini.ini adalah bertujuan untuk membolehkan rakyat iraq menikmati hasil apungan dinar Iraq yg tinggi pada tahun hadapan.ertikata lain rakyat iraq tidak akan terbabit dengan isu pembuangan 3 angka sifar,sebabnya mereka semua (rakyat Iraq)sudah menukarkan duit baru pada bulan september 2012.so apabila pembuangan 3 angka sifar dijalankan secara automatik semua rakyat iraq yg telah menukarkan duit lama ker duit baru akan menjadi jutawaan sekelip mata . so beruntunglah sesiapa yg ada duit dinar iraq didalam iraq….kerana duit tersebut selamat dari pembuangan 3 angka sifar.

  1008. Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

    Iraq is now OPECs second largest producer


    Iraq is now OPECs second largest producer: Highest output for 30 years.

    Iraq’s oil exports rose to 2.565 million barrels per day (mbpd) on average in August, their highest level for three decades, the head of the State Oil Marketing Organisation (Somo) told Reuters. Iraq exported 2.516 mbpd in July.

    Exports from Basra in the south were 2.252 mbpd in August while shipments from northern Kirkuk were 313,000 bpd, including around 6,000 bpd by truck through Jordan, Somo chief Falah Alamri said. “It’s the highest export level in three decades and we are moving ahead to reach another record next month,” Alamri said. A rise in Iraqi supplies this year has helped to keep a lid on prices as Western sanctions target Iran’s exports.

    Revenue from the exports totalled about $8.4 billion, with an average selling price per barrel of around $106. Recovering from decades of war and crippling sanctions, Iraq is seeking to boost its oil flows. The bulk of its crude oil is exported from southern Gulf ports.

    With ambitious plans to double its oil production over the next three years, Iraq has passed the 3 mbpd production level for the first time in three decades and has overtaken Iran to become Opec’s second biggest oil producer after Saudi Arabia. Iraq has proven reserves of 143.1 billion barrels of oil and 3.2 trillion cubic meters of gas both of which are among the largest in the world.


  1009. Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

    Ahmed al-Alwani: influential political figures working as a cover for some Iraqi banks to smuggle foreign currency abroad .. And will soon disclose

    Date: 09/10/2012 07:25:26 Monday

    Baghdad (news) .. Prime Economic Committee MP / coalition in Iraq / Ahmed al-Alwani, the formation of a parliamentary committee to investigate all violations that have occurred recently in the work of the Central Bank Ktherib hard currency and money laundering, revealing the presence of political figures influential in the government work as a cover for some Iraqi banks to help them smuggle currency difficult abroad.
    said Alwani (of the Agency news): There banks are in Iraq and companies outside funding associated with that banks operating in collusion with some of the advisers at the central bank and those responsible for the auction process of hard currency and the blessing of political figures influential in the government to facilitate the process of smuggling foreign currency abroad, especially to countries that suffer from economic blockade international. pointed to: that these political figures working as a cover for some banks to operate illegal without pressure, stressing that “the coming days, expose them and will reveal the crime systematic smuggling currency out of the country.” and added: There breaches many and clear in the work of the Central Bank by dealing with forged documents, it comes certified Attaches Iraqi commercial grounds that he is importing certain materials but in fact there are no imported goods, but the process of smuggling money abroad. said: was formed parliamentary committee and I am one of its members to investigate and audit the breaches occurring in the sale of hard currency, stressing that the problem will prepare a detailed report on these operations in the event prove inadequate to any party whatsoever, it will take legal action against them and will be held accountable and severely because this national treasure to the people of Iraq can not be compromised by any circumstances.


  1010. Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

    Central bank: a Warka Bank in terms of”formal” good


    BAGHDAD /Center Brief for the Iraqi Media Network – said the Iraqi Central Bank that the financial situation of the Warka Bank which is subject to tutelage for more than five months of technically good, noting that the bank granted loans of up to more than half a trillion dinars. said the deputy governor of the Bank the appearance of Mohammed for (Center Brief for the Iraqi Media Network) that”assets Warka changing compared with liabilities changing best any sense that his financial situation of technically good.” said Deputy Governorthat “Warka Bank grants loans substantial financial reach more than 500 billion dinars, and it Deposits to the public up to 300 billion dinars, or technically positioned well, “but he also said” this is subject to the ability to recover loans. ” and explained that “the Warka Bank has sued to collect loans worth ranging from (120-130) billion dinars, can not be considered that all loans can be recovered. ” and continued that”the general situation of the bank depends on the report of Sergeant foreigner who works for months to liquidate assets of the bank and prepare a detailed report submitted to the Central Bank.” was the Iraqi Central Bankhas decided to put the Warka Bank Ahli Investment under guardianship in March /March after suffering a financial setback and financial inability to repay its creditors.


  1011. tumpang kaya berkata:

    Bini Najin(BN) Pak Cik Kayo

    sekarang berlansung Iraqi Banking Conference di London,komen skit
    ada harapan rv ke bulan ni hehehheheheh

  1012. masterkhal berkata:

    insya allah minta-minta adalah RV nie…… untuk semua yang mengenali sy masterkhal…… SY KEMBALI…… yang mengutuk mengata………. maaf sy sibuk dengan projek terbaru saya………Dinar IRAQ tetap jalan……

    masalah yg ditanya banyak ……..bila dah jawab dia ulang balik soalan…. sy naik pening….jawapan tetap sama….. dan tiada kesudahan……. tak pe…… Dan kini sy kembali mempromosikan semula dinar iraq…..

    Currency makin cantik……. harga pun dah berubah….. bermaksud tak lama lagi lah oooooooiiiiiiii…….hahahahaahahahaha

    jika ingin mengetahui berape harga dan projek terbaru sms @ hubungi sy di 013-2200918……..

    Kalau sy tak sempat balas ………….. HARAP MAAF …… sebabnya sy kata SMS @ HUBUNGI SAYA ……


    Sy sedang mencari first line bersama masterkhal………..

    • Bapak Kau berkata:

      Buat masa ini, ketika ini.. Kita masih menanti RV… tapi sejak akhir2 ni nampak macam itik pun da tau dia nak kene tembak.. Kita hanya perlu bersabar buat seketika.. Tenang itu anugerah, gunakan sebaik-baiknya.. Buat masa ni saya amat teruja menanti apa yg bakal berlaku semasa National Conference… Isu politik khabarnya akan selesai pada event tersebut…
      Polisi kewangan US, EU dan Japan…. utk kurangkan kekangan kredit. lahirlah QE3 di US, bailout fund di ECB (Eropah), dan proses yg sama di Japan..tak tahu dia panggil apa. Tapi ketiga2 bank pusat tu akan “pump” liquidity kedlm pasarna masing2 melalui pembelian bond. Kalo ini adalah topengan utk menyiapkan prasarana RV…bermakna bank2 pusat ini sudah bersedia utk “mencetak” duit bagi pasaran dorg. Dan cetakan matawang ni akan di seimbangi dgn peningkatan aset.
      Pada masa yg sama, kalo jumlah IQD dlm pasaran masih lagi berjumlah 30 Trillion USD ( jika RV pada kadar 1:1….~ jumlah ini adalah terlalu banyak, so bank pusat Iraq kene pastikan jumlah ini dikurangkan.dan cara utk CBI kurangkan IQD ni adalah dgn “membeli” IQD2 ni dari bank

  1013. akaun berkata:

    sunyi sepi……

  1014. saya nak tanya, sesiapa yg ada account di warka bank, ada tak masalah web page blocked

  1015. daichi berkata:

    akaun sye tkde kna bloc punn

  1016. aman berkata:

    akaun warka sy ok jer..cuba http://www.cbi.iq (Central Bank of Iraq)..klik Iraqi and Foreign Financial Institutions..cari Private Banks no 15..mmg boleh buka..tp jika dah masuk passwood tak boleh buka juga..maknanya..akaun anda palsu bro!..

  1017. dinsigma berkata:

    boleh je bukak mcm biasa

  1018. daichi berkata:

    yang tak blh buka tu maybe web palsu mcm cash note jgk kot he hee, yang pak cik kayo pun tk blh bukak kot

  1019. pakcik kayo berkata:

    Deletion of zeros .. experts underestimate the effects of .. and the Central Bank considers a reformist project

    On: Wednesday 03/10/2012 07:48 am

     Baghdad / bright Asadi
    increased in recent divergent statements between shows and supporter of the process of removing zeros, where researchers economists see that the process does not have any effect, whether positive or negative in economic performance in the country, and they just change the unit of measurement,

    Argued that the process of deletion of zeros relating to the reform of currency and not monetary reform, pointing out that the motives of “zeroing” is not economic, but is to facilitate the accounting process.
    said vice-president of our economy for sustainable development and supporting the private sector, Dr. Abdul Hadi Jabbar slave: “The process of removing zeros do not nothing more than a change in the unit of measurement, and does not involve any effects, whether negative or positive economic performance Bmngarath real, “adding that” monetary unit current value “JD 1000” will be replaced by unity new banknotes worth “one dinar” an amount equivalent to the “1000” JD substituted, and the case for the rest of the units other cash, “noting that” the process of deletion of zeros does not mean an improvement in the value of the currency, as the change the unit of measurement has nothing to do at all improved value of the currency, and the latter is linked to factors real express efficient economic performance. ”
    he added Aboudi’s (range): “that based on the work of the Central Bank does not seek to process the deletion of zeros only, but to restructure the currency and the associated issue currency denominations large to facilitate large transactions and other categories of small to facilitate small transactions,” adding that “this process they believe lead to absorb excess money supply and facilitate the task of managing and promoting confidence in local currency and to maintain relative stability in the exchange rate, but it requires economic conditions better, “and stressed that he supports” these propositions in principle “, believing at the same time that” such action is premature. ”
    The slave that “relative stability experienced by exchange rates dinar against the dollar was due to the daily auction, which is evaluated the central bank and not by supply and demand factors, and the index variables real economic whole lower now,” explaining that “the Iraqi economy is witnessing high unemployment is no hope absorbing in the near term. and productive apparatus Poor flexibility in all sectors, particularly in the commodity sectors and for reasons associated with high production costs and weak competitiveness with imported goods, and that the revitalization drain period may extend for years to come. ”
    and continued that “the restructuring of the currency such This climate can not take advantage of it to promote confidence in the local currency, which could happen when you are restructuring the currency in better economic conditions coincide with the real improvement in economic indicators, and such a process involving both financial costs in the printing of the new currency or administrative costs associated replaced, and we desperately needed to ease the suffering citizens’ daily, especially from low-income families, “adding” if we take into consideration that the currency Pfiadtha current functioning satisfactorily relatively there is nothing wrong to issue currency denominations larger to cover large transactions and the postponement of the restructuring process for suitable conditions more, especially since the Iraqi economy has not seen the state of stability that makes us more satisfied in the non-occurrence of future inflation. ” This likely bonded to accompany the process of deletion of zeros prices Iraqi dinar exchange who will pay the price of foreign exchange reserves of the Central Bank, while caused by a placebo and not linked to improved real variables of the economy, and added, “The process of replacing the currency and despite all the precautionary measures in the climate tainted by corruption and fraud have put question marks for a possible force of counterfeit currency and replace it with a new currency. ”

    For his part, explained assistant professor at the Faculty of Management and Economics – University of Baghdad, Dr. Spring behind, in a statement singled out the “long”, causes the supporters of the deletion of zeros, saying: “They believe that the process contribute to rename the national currency, and help stabilize the currency and absorb surplus them, and reduce inflationary expectations. ”
    and continued that “the supporters of this process they consider part of the monetary reform, and they limit (dollarization) in the economy, and achieve stability in the exchange rate, and reduce the cost of printing paper currency punching foreign currency.” Opponents process of removing zeros, was her reasoning, too, which is explained by behind by saying that “the reasons for opposing the process of removing zeros are they considered the process an obstacle to foreign investors for the prevalence of wait and see during the period of conversion, and also the high cost of printing banknotes in the event of non-issuance of classes large currency “, and added that” among the reasons, the temporary increase in prices pending adapt to the new system, which may become a continuous increase, in addition to the costs of repeal banknotes and old coins, “adding,” They expect to cause the process of deleting zeros negative effects in light of financial and administrative corruption, and create a false impression, that inflation last over, and reverse the use of coins in the case of high prices. ”
    explained behind that “the process of removing zeros will not have a substantial impact, whether negative or positive in the Iraqi economy,” stressing that has nothing to do inflation process of lifting the zeros.
    And that “inflation is associated with a wide range of internal and external variables, not the process of lifting the zeros one of them,” adding that “to build on the foundation inflation to absorb currency raise zeros be Based unfortunate, fall in the nominal value of the mass cash via delete zeros should not be confused with reducing money supply through the mechanism of absorption currency which most directly affect the offer, “adding that” when reducing the money supply by 5%, for example, that an impact in the overall variables and monetary indicators and real, especially the interest rate, as well as in the overall internal balance and exchange rate and leave from the effects of the external balance, while raising any number of zeros, even if reducing the nominal value of the basis and the money supply rates are enormous, he does not have any significant impact, particularly on the interest rate and exchange rate. ”
    He pointed back to the that “if what happened down the dollar exchange rate on the money market Iraqi – the high value of the local currency – with the deletion of zeros, we have to pay attention to the rest of the balances of foreign assets owned by the Central Bank, which – according to our belief firm – will fall to cover the rise in the value of the dinar , and so the central bank may be sacrificed to those of foreign assets in order to achieve this improvement and not the deletion of zeros is gracious. ”

    He pointed out that “the process of deletion of zeros is the process relating to the reform of currency and not monetary reform, and have no effect on the level of economic performance as long as they affect in the general level of prices, including the exchange rate, not the interest rate, and does not affect relative prices will not cause an imbalance what Rates for goods and services on the one hand, and returns the factors of production on the other hand, and as long as they also do not find what prevents economically deleting three zeros or more, or add three zeros or more, “stressing that” the process of lifting the zeros will not be economic migrants, but motivated another to ease the accounting process. ”
    The Deputy Governor of the Central Bank d. Appearance of Mohammed Saleh was counting project to delete zeros reformer class basis, stressing at the same time the need to achieve economic stability and political and security before you start removing zeros.
    Saleh said: “The process of removing zeros prepare a reformer, but require stable economically, politically and security at the same time to be start working out, “and wondered” Is the right time to implement the project?, and whether the country is ready to make this change?, these questions Mitrokan for the government to answer them, “returned the project has no value unless received political support from the Council of Ministers and the House of Representatives. He said.
    Saleh added in a statement to “long”: “The work in this project is supposed to start at the beginning of a new financial, ie when you begin the registration books calculations of the government, corporations and private activity in general, as the opening balances this begins the new currency” , expressing lack of belief that 2013 is the year of financial good to work in this project, expected to be in 2014 and beyond provides a greater opportunity to work on the implementation of the project to delete zeros.
    and intercept the Iraq Stock Exchange on the implementation of this project, which they saw as harmful to the level of stock trading in the market Iraq Stock Exchange, Saleh pointed out as “objections are legitimate and positive at the same time, as the reason for their opposition is how to evaluate shares worth 750 fils after the process of removing zeros, you will value tenth penny, for example?!”.
    continued favor “I want to ask Here is there in Iraq company valued its stock 750 fils?, and is there a currency in circulation amounting to one Dinar even create 750 fils?, and how to accept stock such so prices? “, adding that” the mechanism by which followed bourse was valid in the seventies, when Iraqi dinar was amended three dollars, “at the same time demanding restructuring stock prices, and not least the share price for” 1000 “dinars, for example, or any value be reasonable. He said.
    This Salih stressed that “the process reset currency are not limited to raising three zeros from the currency, but also delete three places of accounts but the same value, and this is very important for a country like Iraq handles trillions that are accounting process which is very complex,” he said “The process of removing zeros contribute to raising the efficiency of the system of cash payments in the country, he handles paper large category of little value, and the goal of the project is to create a monetary system has a small class worth big cash, and this facilitates the payments system and is the economy dollarization.”
    In context itself, explained a member of the Committee of Economy and Investment parliamentary deputy for the Liberal bloc Abdul Hussein Resan Husseini that the Economic Commission agreed unanimously that the current situation is not suitable to begin the process reset currency, stressing the need to enact a law if the entered a third language in the new currency. Husseini said that “the process of replacing the currency contain a lot of advantages, including reducing the volume of transactions, the fact that there is a cluster of large cash in the accounting records and banking, which began panic because huge sums dealing with it,” stressing at the same time that “the process does not give additional value of the dinar . ”
    said Husseini in an exclusive statement to “long” to “Economic Commission had not seen the form of currency new, do not know you shape will change or not?, what is the mechanism that will be followed to replace the currency?, and is hand printing?, and what are the costs ?, and the rest of the details … “, pointing out that there are news counted unofficially that the” form of currency will be changed, and that there a third language a “Kurdish” will be added to it, and this needs to be the law according to the Constitution, “he added” So far nothing has come to the House of Representatives of any law in this regard is not from the central bank nor the government, so the process was parked almost. ”
    This description Husseini disparity in statements of members of the committee between dismissive and supporter of the process of deletion of zeros that “represents the opinion of the Attorney Profile, and not the opinion of the Commission , “stressing that” such a decision must be by voting unanimously, because like so things are sensitive, “adding that” any statement is a technical and non-professional and for the central bank specifically whether on currency or market currency auction, it causes a crisis in the and confusion in the market selling the dollar and a rise in prices and many other complications. ”

    And that “the central bank has to choose appropriate timing to begin the process currency exchange, being the most important independent and has all the powers of the fee fiscal and monetary policy of the country and control the size of the mass criticism, in addition to determining the annual interest, nor can the government or any other control work.”
    It is worth mentioning that the central bank announced in August last year, a rise reserves of hard currency to $ 67 billion, confirming that these reserves are the largest in the history of the country, and it is one of monetary policies to reduce inflation in the country.
    announced last January, a rise in reserves of foreign currency to $ 63 billion, up from $ 50 billion year-end 2010.
    central bank held daily sessions for the sale and purchase of foreign currencies with the participation of Iraqi banks, excluding public holidays, which depends where all these auctions, and be sales either in cash, or on form of remittances sold abroad. The Iraqi Central Bank has four branches in Basra and Mosul, Sulaymaniyah and Irbil. This was the International Monetary Fund “is a specialized agency of the Bretton Woods system was established by an international treaty in 1945 to work on enhancing the safety of the global economy”, had crossed in 2009 appreciated the economic reforms in Iraq, and included strengthening the central bank and restructure banks large public sector , and the reduction of inflation, which reached more than 50% in 2006, also considered that the payment of Iraq dues that were scheduled in the year 2009 reflects the success of Baghdad in the financial reform policies and the exploitation of the substantial financial resources that derive from high oil prices.


  1020. pakcik kayo berkata:

    Securities Commission reveal the reasons for the central bank guardianship of the Warka Bank

    Date: Friday 10/05/2012 06:34 am

     Baghdad / term
    revealed Securities Commission about the reasons for the central bank set up a committee and tutelage on the Warka Bank for Investment and Finance.
    stated book issued by the Authority and addressed to the Board of Governors Iraqi market for securities that the commission had approached the central bank correspondence several to issue a statement the reasons set Committee, duties and duration and available for publication to inform shareholders and depositors and creditors.

    The Commission noted in her book that the central bank issued a book on 24.9.2012 with the required information. Explains the book’s central bank said that the basis on which called for a decision to appoint a committee trusteeship Warka Bank is faltering bank in the payment of its obligations towards its customers and its inability to solve the liquidity crunch.
    also identified the central bank for custody 18 months, indicating that the main duties of the Commission Commandments The bank identified material (61,62,64) of the Banking Act No. 64 of the Iraqi 2004.
    The deputy governor of the Bank of Iraq the appearance of Mohammed Saleh has said in previous statements that the central bank imposing guardianship on the Warka Bank to help him overcome his problems, noting that the bank exposure to the problem and we look closely now assets, and work is continuing and has not closed.
    Saleh pointed out that the Warka Bank of large banks and very good and has many branches and guardianship means the interim administration of the bank.
    came at a time did not clarify the central bank the outgrowth of a Warka Bank after being placed under the auspices of the trusteeship, and did not take any subsequent decisions show how to deal with the bank, which is one the largest private banks in Iraq and has extensive dealings with citizens, traders and investors.


  1021. tumpang kaya berkata:

    The Central Bank of Iraq (CBI) has ruled out deleting the three zeros from the Iraqi currency in 2013 because it needs time and a new fiscal year.

    The Deputy Chairman of the CBI, Mudhir Mohamed Salih, told AIN on Wednesday:

    “The project of crossing out zeros from the Iraqi currency takes time … The Council of Ministers has instructed to take extra time to consider this project.”

    According to AIN, Salih denied “The reports over a malfunction that took place while implementing this project in the exchange rate of the Iraqi Dinar against the foreign currencies.”

    The report also said that the Council of Ministers decided during its session on 10th April to postpone the deletion of zeros from the Iraqi currency until further notice.

    BN ,Pak cik kayo , komen anda ,pendapat anda cam na

  1022. daichi berkata:

    makin kejauh pulok je, kot mana pun last2 thn 2014 mcm kuwait dulu2, teory pusingan ekonomoney laa mcm en Ali Maidin kata…

  1023. daichi berkata:

    weii awatt pakat selop habehh niii, p mana habehh otaii2 cash note ngan akaun warka nii, ciann saya baru celapak msk dlm web ni hampa pakat selop habeh pulak dah…

  1024. Donald Drum berkata:

    depa gi Iraq..usha line..kot kot dpt berita terkini, baru bleh share kt sini..huhu

  1025. Dinar sebenar adalah EMAS! Bukan KERTAS! berkata:

    Salam… ‘Printing press’ versi ke 3, versi ke 8, dan ntah berapa banyak versi lagi di seluruh dunia. The global economy is expected to be sucked into a black hole.. Kalau tengok keadaan sekarang tak lama dah.. sekarang saham tengah jatuh, seterusnya? Next Great Depression + Hyperinflation around the world? Selamat tinggal wang fiat aka US Dollar, Euro, Yuan, Yen, Dinar Iraq dan semuanya. Kembali menggunakan Dinar yang asal iaitu EMAS dan Dirham yang asal iaitu PERAK, bukan KERTAS!.

    • Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

      BINI ANWAR & BINI MAHATHIR….aku x perlu tunjukkan bukti bergambar…..cukuplah sekadar artikal akhbar dah menjelaskan….. bagi pada aku kau berdua tak habis seperti cacing kepanasan….kalau aku tunjukan sekali pun…. apa kau orang berdua boleh buat??????? hahahaha….kalau kau x tahu tentang investment dinar iraq ini …..baik kau gunakan sistem 4D aku….hahahaha… “Duduk Diam Dapat Duit” bukan tikam nombor ekor (4D) ekkkk….. tak tahu duduk diam2 ikut nasihat aku… investment…insyallah akan menjadi kenyataan. hehehhe…

  1026. abgpunya berkata:

    ada bank warka palsu la, note palsu la..bleh abg website warka yg original x?mcm mn nk bkk acc warka kat bnk yg original?lepas bkk acc, mcm mn nk transfer duit dr malaysia bank ke warka bank, sebarang pertolongan amat dihargai..abgpunya@yahoo.com

  1027. ryzo berkata:

    Salam semua otai-otai, acc warka saya telah di sekat (tamat tempoh), minta bantuan otai-otai semua, macam mana nak selesaikan. Sebarang bantuan amat dihormati dan dihargai …. ryzo_puchong@yahoo.com.my

  1028. Cash In Time berkata:

    ryzo, kamu cuma perlu re-new e banking service kepada warka bank..buat surat authorization letter utk re-new e banking service..

  1029. akaun berkata:

    bukan sekat..tapi kena bayar utk reactivete acc tu..sdr Helmy sheikh omar tahu..

  1030. daichi berkata:

    nak tanya pok cik kayo, nk tambah duit dalam akaun warka season2 sekarang ni sempat ke tak g?, Gabenor cbi pun dah nk lantik yg baru dah nanti, musti dia nk tunjuk yg dia lbh hebat dari gabnr cbi yg dulu kann…dgn jadikan iqd masuk dlm tukaran wang asing donia haa, jdii pda kengkawan se warka tu fahamm2 je lahh kann…

  1031. al pacino berkata:

    salam,mana pergi bini najib(BN) senyap je, bila nak rv ni?

    • aman berkata:

      BN pergi buat Haji kot..haha..nanti aku siasat kapalterbang ke berapa dia pergi..haha..

      • Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

        mana ada aku gi haji ler….aku gi ke iraq untuk mententeramkan shabibi…jangan bagi dia meroyan sebab dia akan kehilangan jawatan dia sebagai gabenor CBI tak lama lagi.so aku suruh dia percepatkan lagi untuk menekan butang RV.

    • Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

      kan aku dah cakap dari tahun 2009 lagi…. RV akan berlaku pada tahun 2013. so sabar2lah tunggu ekkk……

  1032. Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

    hahahaha….nampaknya ramai orang rindu kat aku…hehehehe…aku baru balik dari Iraq. aku membawa berita bahawa semua harga barangan di pasar2 diiraq telah berubah ,kebanyakan pekedai2 telah meletakan tanda harga barangan yg sebelum ini bernilai Iqd 25k kepada Iqd 25 sahaja. ini bermakna didalam negara iraq telah berlaku pemotongan 3 angka sifar.so sesiapa x percaya pergilah keiraq dengan membawa duit cash note kau orang dan pergilah tukarkan di kedai2 @ dibank2 diiraq …. nescaya kau orang akan terkejut apabila melihat kejatuhan nilai duit cash note kau orang yg sebelum ini 25k menjadi 25 iqd sahaja..

    • Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

      tetapi yg aku hairan duit didalam account aku x berubah nilainya.kalau x caya siapa yg ada akuan bank diiraq boleh periksa sekarang.confirm x berubah duit dalam akuan.

    • BINI ANWAR berkata:

      Hg banyak komen saja BN..tunjukkan gambar kat pasar yg hg pi tu…yg mengatakan dah RD…iaitu harga barang2 dah jadi iqd25..klu x bukti mana org nak percaya…saja sembang ,,semua org bulih…saja aku post 2x..kita tengok bukti BN..klu btl lepas ni kita undi Najib…bukan Rosmah…he,,,he..

  1033. daichi berkata:

    aa en bini najib, mmg tk berubah apa2 nilai iqd dlm akaun aku ttp berjuta juta jgk he hee, salam en bini najib aku org baru kat sini, kat mana dpt berita dlm iraq dah rd tu?

    • Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

      aku dah gi ke sana dah…tu sebab aku lama tak masuk dlm blog nie…almaklumlah….tengah sibuk cari maklumat… aku kat iraq sekadar lepak2 kat dalam green zone je…. takut nak gi luar dari green zone sebab x berapa selamat. itu sahaja yg aku diberitahu oleh pihak keselamatan iraq.

      • pakcik kayo berkata:

        ha..ha..ha…nak tanya BN…..tak kan pi saja…tak bawak buah tangan ke dari iraq…….mcm unta iraq ka…amoi iraq ka…..he..he..he…

      • pakcik kayo berkata:

        he..he…he…sja nak berseloroh….maklumlah….esok hari raya…..SELAMAT HARI RAYA AIDIL ADHA ……kepada anda semua….he..he..he…

      • Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

        unta iraq x adalah aku bawa balik… tapi fuh…!!!!!! minah iraq ….lawa2 siot….kang aku bawa balik ramai pulak orang nak temu bual dia bukan pasal lawa…tapi pasal rv kat iraq.hhehehe…so sebab tulah aku x jadi bawa balik minah iraq nie.

      • Mu@riyan berkata:

        Saya berminat nak buka akaun di Iraq… bagaimana caranya..

  1034. daichi berkata:

    eekou tanyoo laa pok cik kayooo diyee tau caronyoo nok bukok akaun warka tu, harap2 sempat lee kau nk open akaun tu..en mu@riyan oiii..sb ramai yg doh meriyan nk bukok tpi takut tk smpat doh skrg ni haaa…

    • pakcik kayo berkata:

      hang nie pandai2 je buh nama aku…..hang ingat aku ini ngo badan kebajikan ke……..aku masa nak mengajar dah habis dah……sbb aku dah puas bg nasihat dan ngajor kat orang….depa ni…dah nak terberak…baru nak gali lobang……jd pandai2 la nooooooo…….atas dasar belas kasihan……nak tahu jugak nak bukak akaun……..rajin2 la belek…..halaman nie dr mula……ada la caranya yg aku dah masukkan…….kalau malas jugak…….sendiri mau ingat la…..he..he..he…

  1035. pakcik kayo berkata:

    Central Bank announces replacement of damaged currency early next month
    Author: HM Editor: HAH | AA Saturday 27 v 1 2012 10:30 GMT
    Posted Image
    Central Bank of Iraq, Saturday, from his contract with the British company to replace the currency damaged with new ones, stressing that the replacement process will be the beginning of the month of November, as pointed out that these currencies are only 1% of the currency in circulation in the market. The deputy governor of the Central Bank of the appearance of Mohammed Saleh in an interview for “Alsumaria News”, “Bank has contracted with a British company specialized printing currency to print in small denominations which the 250 dinars and the JD 1000, for the purpose of replacing damaged with new ones,” noting that “this company is one of the large companies, which are printed approximately 60% of the currencies of the world. ” Saleh added that “the month of November will start replacing currency damaged with new ones from the small groups,” adding that “all these currencies damaged constitute only 1% of the currency in circulation , which are many but the value of a few. ” and citizens suffer from the difficulty of purchasing groups of small markets because of damage and rupture most especially the categories of the 250 and 1000 dinars. carried the CBI, on the tenth of April 2011, bank management responsibility currency traded damaged in the markets, warning the imposition of fines on banks uncooperative to the point of suspension, as he emphasized that what is being replaced from the currency damaged in the bank does not exceed 30% of the damaged physical. noteworthy that the Iraqi Central Bank, with headquarters in Baghdad and has four branches in the provinces of Basra and Sulaymaniyah, Irbil and Mosul , founded the bank independent Iraqi under the law of the Central Bank of Iraq issued on March 6, 2004, and is the responsibility of the bank is responsible for maintaining price stability and the implementation of monetary policy, including exchange rate policies and management of foreign reserves and the issuance of currency management, as well as regulate the banking sector. http://www.alsumaria…s-details-.html

    p/s:jeng..jeng…jeng…….sudah mari oooooooo………mari kita lihat siapa yang kaya…ha…ha…ha…

    • pakcik kayo berkata:

      ini lah agaknya yg BN kata yg di pasar pasar iraq telah menukar nilai matawang nya ke yg lebih kecil…….adios…tak sia2 hang pi IRAQ wahai BN ….HA..HA..HA…….mesti ada kaitannya dgn penukaran wang baru dan pemansuhan 3 kosong tu………nasiblah wahai pemagang cash note………..mari kita lihat siapa yang kena…ha…ha…ha…

    • Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

      hahaha…. sekarang nie dia orang cakaplah pertukaran duit cash note yg rosak… entah2 apa yg aku katakan dua bulan lepas …..betul2 terjadi….iaitu iraq sedang membuat penukaran cash note dinar iraq yg sedia ada kepada yg terbaru khas didalam negara iraq dan hanya untuk rakyat iraq sahaja..hahahaha.. sehingga penghujung tahun 2012.selepas tu masuk tahun 2013 ,iraq akan istiharkan bahawa pembuangan 3 angka sifar bermula….dimana sesiapa yg ada duit cash note dinar iraq lama….akan mendapat cash note dinar iraq yg baru tetapi nilainya rendah contoh: iqd 25,000 akan menjadi Niqd 25 sahaja.tetapi rakyat iraq mendapat pertukaran Iqd 25,000 kepada Niqd 25,000…. sebabnya…. mereka tukar matawang lama kepada baru sebelum tahun 2013…. ini kerana mana2 duit cash note lama ditukarkan kepada duit cash note yg terbaru sebelum tahun 2013 atau sebelum proses pemotongan 3 angka sifar…akan mendapat rate atau tukaran nilai semasa yg sama dengan nilai yg ditukarkannya.hehehehehe….wakakawakaka so maka dengan ini tiada siapa yg boleh menyalahkan kerajaan Iraq diatas pembuangan 3 angka sifar…. so iraq telah berjaya mempermainkan pelabur2 diluar dari iraq yg telah mencuri @ menyuludup keluar matawang iraq dari bumi iraq .

      • Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

        oleh itu berbahagialah sesiapa yg mempunyai duit iraq didalam bank @ negara iraq…. ketahuilah sesungguhnya duit anda itu telah siap2 ditukarkan kepada matawang baru secara automatik oleh pihak bank sebelum proses pembuangan 3 angka sifar.

  1036. pakcik kayo berkata:

    Central Bank warns of the presence of fake banknotes of a five thousand dinars
    SATURDAY, OCTOBER 27 1 / OKRUDOLF 2012 10:01

    Posted Image
    Twilight News / An official source in the Iraqi Central Bank, on Saturday, the existence of “quantities” of counterfeit coins from a five thousand dinars, is currently circulating in the country, warning citizens of “becoming victims of dealers.”

    The committee confirmed the economy and investment parliamentary confirmed that counterfeit currency circulating in Iraq is “at least” compared to the proportions in the countries of the world, pointing out that the central bank “failed” the action taken to reduce the foreign exchange rate against the Iraqi dinar

    The source, who asked not to be identified for ” Twilight News “,” The Central Bank noted in a recent presence quantities of counterfeit currency from a five thousand dinars to be dealt with in the banks and markets in the cities and provinces of the country, “warning citizens of” falling in trap fraudsters who are pumping money in the markets and government and private banks. ”

    The several governorates, including Karbala, Najaf and Babil, Wasit, and Sulaymaniyah, and Baghdad has seen during the last months of last year and early this year set the amounts of counterfeit currency, also detained by local authorities in these provinces several gangs specialized rigging and promoting counterfeit currency and to circumvent the citizens.

    With some press reports revealed the existence of specialized presses forging currency in a number of areas of the capital Baghdad, falsify several currencies, including the Iraqi dinar and the U.S. dollar.

    Authorities have warned Iraq’s financial banking offices owners from exploiting their offices in illegal operations such as the promotion of counterfeit currency, or involvement in money-laundering operations, which reports indicate local and international to it being widely in Iraq.

    MM R / P http://www.shafaaq.c…8%A7%D8%B1.html

    • Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

      hahahaha… satu lagi berita untuk membenarkan kata2 aku…hehehe memang betullah iraq memang sedang membuat perancangan untuk mempercepatkan lagi proses penukaran duit cash notenya yg sedia ada kepda yg baru didalam negaranya.dulu duit cash note IQD 25k yg palsu ada dipasaran pass tu cash note IQD 10k pulak y gpalsu pun ada juga didalam pasaran kemudian kita dikejutkan lagi dengan cash note IQD 5k palsu yg telah berada didalam pasaran dan hari ini pulak kita di dendangkan lagi dengan duit cash note IQD 1k palsu berada didalam pasaran dan aku rasa tak mustahil CBI akan cakap semua duit cash notenya yg berada dipasaran juga telah berjaya di palsukan oleh sendikit pemalsuan dinar.jadi aku pun tertanya2…. adakah duit cash note yg kau orang semua beli dan simpan itu pun merupakan duit palsu??????????? KEMUNGKINAN JUGA EKKK……so nasiblah… kau orang masing2….. nasib baik duit aku dalam bank tu bukan dalam bentuk duit kertas……hehehehehe….. itulah baiknya buka akuan bank di iraq…sebab….duit anda bukan merupakan duit kertas….tetapi duit anda yg berada dalam bank ADALAH dalam bentuk VALUE .HEHEHEHEHE…..

  1037. daichi berkata:

    huu yooo best punya stekmen laa en bini najibb, ekauu nok tauu skrg nii taukey2 mesin photostat tgh tersonyumm gumbiraa sb nnti ramai pemegang2 cash note pakat p phostostat iqd dia org haa maklumlah dah nk rv nuu….

    • Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

      hehehehe….memang peniaga photostat tersenyum lebar…..mana taknya…semua pembeli, penyimpan & penjual cash note berlumba2 untuk membuat duit palsu untuk ditukarkan bila rv nanti…..untuk menjadi jutawaan dinar iraq palsu.hehehehe….tulah pasal ….aku bagi pendapat dari dulu kini & selamanya… buka akuan….buka akuan….tapi….kau orang x nak dengar…..ramai yg cakap buka akuan bank di Iraq tu tipu….warka bank bankruplah…. nak muflislah..aku tengok warka stady jer sampai sekarang tak bankrup pun,tak muflis pun.tah apa2 tah lagi…..hehehehe…kau orang tahu tak ini semua propaganda daripada rakyat iraq sendiri….supaya orang asing tidak ramai buka akuan bank diIraq,sebab nanti banyak kekayaan iraq akan dapat dikongsikan bersama2 dengan rakyat asing. so aku rasa sesiapa yg berniat untuk membuka akuan….mungkin dah terlambat dah….ibarat bas express last trip dah jauh dah meninggalkan stesyen dia….siapa yg tertinggal….sendiri mau ingatlah.hehehehehe….

    • pakcik kayo berkata:

      haa.haaa…haa……bini anwar……hang ni pikiaq lagu mana ni……..kalau hang nak tau…….buat apa la CBI bersusah payah membuat dan meng UP TO DATE kan sistem perbank kan negara dia……siap minta bantuan BANK DUNIA membantu depa………jadi buat apa dia nak OFF LINE kan sistem perbankkan negara dia……..dan buat apa dia adakan sistem debit kad/kredit kad dan sebagainya…..siap DGN phone banking system lagi……..ZAMAN DAH BERUBAH…….wahai bini anuar…..ibarat la ni kat malaysia,,,,,,,,,,,,,dimana orag nak bayar bil ke….buat simpanan ka…..bayar hutang ka………dulu kena pi kat BANK….la ni kat kedai runcit pon BOLEH BUAT….ATAU KEDAI MAMAK……kat ceruk kampong pon boleh……..sebab apa………SEBAB ……..DEPA …..LA NI PAKAI SISTEM ONLINE……..begitu jugak dgn sistem PERBANK KAN iraq…..depa la ni buat SYSTEM lebih ADAVANCE dalam perbankkan eletronik…………jadi permasalahan hang tu aku rasa dah tak perlu jawab dan ………..NASIB BAIK HANG JADI BINI ANUAR…….TAK JADI BINI AKU…….KALAU JADI BINI AKU ….DAH LAMA AKU LUKU…….HA…HA…HA…….jangan mare ha…….nanti kena jaul…..ha..ha…..ha…….

  1038. Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

    Sunday 28 October 2012

    MP for the coalition of Kurdish blocs Mahma Khalil, all contracted the CBI with (4) known international companies to print new currency for the printing of the new national currency after deletion of zeros of them, describing the project to delete the three zeroes from the currency as “successful” and the time is perfect for a replacement. Said Khalil (Agency news) on Sunday:
    The project to delete the three zeroes from the local currency is one of the important projects and at all levels, whether economic or security for the country, pointing out that the program is the subject of the central bank good time to replace the ideal currency, which will be early next year. He pointed out: that the central bank has contracted with (4) known international companies and solid in the field of international currency printed without mentioning their names or nationalities, saying: it is still too early to announce the nationalities of those companies. Khalil added: that the new currency will be high specifications and contain properties security is very high is not as easy to be forged, adding that the federal government owns (25) organ The allergic high and distinguishes new currency counterfeit of good as well as import (25) device last by Central Bank to detect counterfeit currency, calling for attribution and support this project because it will reform the Iraqi currency by reducing the money supply raised in the local markets. MP Khalil said: that the new currency will be made up of groups (1, 2, 5, 10, 25, 50, 100 and 200) dinars, as well as small metal groups (50 and 250) fils. As revealed deputy governor of the Central Bank of the appearance of Mohammed Saleh about the existence of the properties of high security and advanced scientific technology in the new Iraqi currency after deleting three zeros from them. Saleh said in an earlier statement that the Central Bank of Iraq reached the advanced stages of important logistical preparations for the project to delete the three zeroes from the Iraqi currency and after obtaining approval from the federal government to implement it will work on a larger scale because it is a strategic project general matter of the Iraqi people.

    • Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

      hahahaha..artikal diatas confirm mengesahkan lagi kata2 aku bahawa iraq sedang bermain sikologi minda dengan rakyat asing bahawasanya pertukaran duit rosak dengan duit baru merupakan cover-up cerita sahaja.yg sebenarnya iraq sedang membuat penukaran duit lama kepada duit baru untuk rakyat iraq yg berada didalam iraq sahaja secara total.hehehehe…spt yg aku cakap sebelum ini…tahun 2013 merupakan tahun bermulanya pembuangan 3 angka sifar yg mana selama ini keluar kenyataan diakhbar iraq….pembuangan 3 angka sifar akan ditangguhkan.ini satu lagi mainan para2 wartawan iraq bagi mengelirukan pelabur2 yg berada diluar dari iraq.supaya mereka datang keiraq untuk membuat pertukaran dinar lama kepada dinar baru dalam nilai yg rendah…serendah mana ????…. wallahhualam…mungkin USD 0.01 @ USD 0.10 @ USD 0.86 atau pun USD 1.00. kalau USD 0.86 @ USD 1.00 boleh dikira oklah….rugi x banyak…..tapi…. kalau USD 0.01 @ USD 0.10…. aku rasa menangis tak berlagulah…nampaknya. rugi banyak OOooooo….. .

      • BINI ANWAR berkata:

        Hg banyak komen saja BN..tunjukkan gambar kat pasar yg hg pi tu…yg mengatakan dah RD…iaitu harga barang2 dah jadi iqd25..klu x bukti mana org nak percaya…saja sembang ,,semua org bulih…

      • BINI MAHATHIR berkata:

        betul tu.. Bini Najib ni nakal la.. sembang kuat, kencing deras.. tunjuk bukti la kalau dah RD. mana leh RV selagi IMF x kasi lepas chapter 7. Kalau dah lepas baru boleh rv. dah rv baru boleh berdagang dgn semua negara. mana boleh simply2 CBI mansuhkan pertukaran dinar iraq luar IRaq.. mengamuk US dan EURO.. dorang penyimpan dinar iraq terbesar di dunia

      • Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

        BINI ANWAR & BINI MAHATHIR….aku x perlu tunjukkan bukti bergambar…..cukuplah sekadar artikal akhbar dah menjelaskan….. bagi pada aku kau berdua tak habis seperti cacing kepanasan….kalau aku tunjukan sekali pun…. apa kau orang berdua boleh buat??????? hahahaha….kalau kau x tahu tentang investment dinar iraq ini …..baik kau gunakan sistem 4D aku….hahahaha… “Duduk Diam Dapat Duit” bukan tikam nombor ekor (4D) ekkkk….. tak tahu duduk diam2 ikut nasihat aku… investment…insyallah akan menjadi kenyataan. hehehhe…

      • BINI ANWAR berkata:

        BN x bukti…saja sembang bg penyedap hati…copy & paste …kenyataan…semua org bulih…sembang RD…tapi ,,,bukti hampes…ha..ha..lain kali klu x cukup bukti x sah duk habaq..ni riuh pasal RD..bla..bla..just kempen warkaaaaa….online,,,bila depa offline..hg BN x dpt jugakkkk…sama2 ngan cashnote…at least ada jugak casnote…walaupun hg kata bulih bungkus nasi lemak pada cashnote..sama2 auta…BN auta lagi dasyat..

      • Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

        BINI ANWAR…. kan aku dah cakap…. x perlu bukti…. aku baru cakap ckit…. tentang IQD25k dipasar menjadi IQD 25….tak sampai seminggu dah keluar artikal surat kabar disana tentang pertukaran duit rosak kepada duit baru….. itu belum lagi aku cakap tarikh rv…..tahun depan…. kalau aku cakap nanti tarikh RV….kang lagi meroyanlah kau nie.hehehehehe…. anyway BINI ANWAR & BINI MAHATHIR TOLONG BUKTIKAN KEPADA AKU DAHULU BUKTI NEGARA US & EURO ADA MENYIMPAN DUIT CASH NOTE DINAR IRAQ. hehehehehe…..buktikan2….dahulu.wakakakaka

      • Laki Anwar berkata:

        apalah lembu sgt bini anwar ni,kalau warka ofline hang nak memekik wat apa nor…. hang gi sajalah kat iraq tu..gi kat warka bank selepas tu hang gilah withdrawlah duit tu kat sana….yg hang nie mabok sgt nie wat aper…hang yg bengap sangat beli duit cash tu watt aper..hang nak mampui da ka oiiii.

  1039. akaun berkata:

    bertenang semua…minta sgt2 jgn ckp’besar’..@ takabbur…:)

    • pakcik kayo berkata:

      haa.haaa…haa……bini anwar……hang ni pikiaq lagu mana ni……..kalau hang nak tau…….buat apa la CBI bersusah payah membuat dan meng UP TO DATE kan sistem perbank kan negara dia……siap minta bantuan BANK DUNIA membantu depa………jadi buat apa dia nak OFF LINE kan sistem perbankkan negara dia……..dan buat apa dia adakan sistem debit kad/kredit kad dan sebagainya…..siap DGN phone banking system lagi……..ZAMAN DAH BERUBAH…….wahai bini anuar…..ibarat la ni kat malaysia,,,,,,,,,,,,,dimana orag nak bayar bil ke….buat simpanan ka…..bayar hutang ka………dulu kena pi kat BANK….la ni kat kedai runcit pon BOLEH BUAT….ATAU KEDAI MAMAK……kat ceruk kampong pon boleh……..sebab apa………SEBAB ……..DEPA …..LA NI PAKAI SISTEM ONLINE……..begitu jugak dgn sistem PERBANK KAN iraq…..depa la ni buat SYSTEM lebih ADAVANCE dalam perbankkan eletronik…………jadi permasalahan hang tu aku rasa dah tak perlu jawab dan ………..NASIB BAIK HANG JADI BINI ANUAR…….TAK JADI BINI AKU…….KALAU JADI BINI AKU ….DAH LAMA AKU LUKU…….HA…HA…HA…….jangan mare ha…….nanti kena jaul…..ha..ha…..ha…….

      • Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

        hehehe…susah nak cakap kat orang bodoh nie pakcik kayo…dah lah tak ceredik bodoh pulak tu…orang dah bagi info… apa akan terjadi..akan datang….pass tu info tu pula disokong oleh artikal akhbar diIraq…. itu pun masih lagi nak minta bukti gambar pulak tu…..lainlah kalau info yg aku bagi tu x ada supporting artikal….kebanyakan apa yg aku bagi info….benda itu belum terjadi lagi…..tapi…bila keluar artikal akhbar diiraq…yg mengesahkan apa info yg aku bagi tahu dulu…barulah…orang terpikir balik …….selama ini info yg aku bagi lagi advance dari media diiraq. so bagi sesiapa tak nak terima info aku….just sekadar baca dan abaikan info aku…tapi siapa yg pikir info aku nie banyak beguna..so terimalah info aku ini sebagai menginproofkan investment…kau orang sendiri…kerana semua info yg aku bagi nie tidak berbayar….kalau kau orang ikut ker…atau pun tidak….aku tak dapat apa2 pun….hehehehe…dah bagi info percuma pun banyak songeh pulak macam BINI ANWAR & BINI MAHATHIR.

      • Bodoh hang.. berkata:

        ha..ha..bodohnya kamu…setelah diperbodohkan oleh Pak Arab Iraq…depa dpt wang bernilai…hg dpt abuk….ha..ha..nasib baik aku x ikup cakap hg…klau x…duk kira…bila la nak jadi pak cik kayo…elok la tu BN putaq belit…pak Arab auta…tapi pak Arab cerdik cikip dari BN..ha..ha..

      • pakcik kayo berkata:


  1040. al pacino berkata:

    salam , hari raya hj sampai ke penghujung , drama dinar ni bila nak habis ending, wa layan tv bini najib(BN) saluran percuma nih, haaa haaaa

  1041. Donald Drum berkata:

    ada sesape bleh tolong komen pasal ‘Calculator for Iraqi Dinars (IQD) Currency Exchange Rate Conversion’.. 😉

    • Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

      komen apa yg kau nak Donald Drum???? mana linknya…,x ada link yg kau bagi nak komen cam mana.hehehehe…

  1042. Anti AES berkata:

    OFF TOPIC: Abaikan Semua Saman AES . KASE telah sediakan beratus peguam untuk membantu Rakyat.

    p/s: PRU13 kita kasi tanam UMNO@UMNOK yg bodoh dan zalim .jangan bagi hidup lagi.

  1043. Mu@riyan berkata:

    nk tanye, kalo kite da ade akaun warka bank, camner nk masukkan duit ek ? ye la, kalo kt Malaysia, contohnye kita ade CIMB bank bole gi kaunter atau guna CIMB clicks, kalo warka bank nk masukkn duit camner ek ? guna Western Union ke ? minta penjelasan skit sape yg teror kt sni..

    • al pacino berkata:

      salam, senyap je semua, dah boleh tukar duit iraq kat MC ke? mana BN?

      • Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

        hehehehe….sampai kiamat pun duit iraq yg sedia ada sekarang x boleh ditukarkan kat MC dimalaysia..hehehehe…kalau kau orang semua dengar ada orang bagi tahu bahawa BNM akan mencari sesiapa yg membeli dinar iraq untuk tukarkan….tu…maknanya penjual dinar iraq dimalaysia nak perhabiskan stok dia orang.penjual dinar iraq dimalaysia sebenarnya sedang mencari kambing-kambing hitam untuk dijadikan penghabis stok dia orang.wakaka…wakaka..wakaka…

  1044. daichi berkata:

    knpe laa pakat diam hbh nii, pakat dok kira iqd ke semua….

  1045. Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

    Expert proposes the formation of a supreme body to monitor the work to curb money laundering and currency smuggling


    Baghdad (news) suggested financial expert Salem Daini, the formation of the banking graduate working on linking all Iraqi banks network unified communications to monitor its work to control money laundering and reduce the phenomenon of smuggling hard currency abroad. said Daini (of the Agency news): The phenomena of money laundering and currency smuggling spread much in the country during the recent government and central bank have proved their inability to control these phenomena which made ​​it fester much of the country. added: that the fight against money laundering and prevent the smuggling of hard currency comes through the formation of the banking top consists of a selection of financial experts and economists working on linking all government and private banks network unified communications through which monitor the work of banks and how to conduct foreign remittances of money. mentions that the central bank announced earlier in the contract with your opinion, Holter global specialized for the adoption and management of the project divided national who is linking Banks network unified communications, according to which access to global banks in the payments. was the Iraqi Central Bank has revealed entered 53 banks as members of the project divided the national that will enable the person cardholder credit Cloud Financial from any bank in the whole country without the need to rely on branches the bank where you deposited. helps USAID Iraq in the accomplishment of a split which would establish national partnership between Iraqi banks.

    P/s:hahahaha…CBI cakap duit cash diaorang telah banyak dibawa seludup keluar dari iraq,yg kini telah ada diseluruh negara.hahahaha….alamatnya CBI nak cantaslah duit iraq yg berada diluar dari iraq…hehehehe…sekiranya CBI membuat pengumuman duit yg diseludup keluar dari iraq sebagai Void & Null , maka meloponglah kau orang yg beli duit cash note dinar iraq.wakakawakakawakaka…..

  1046. Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

    Iraq-Kuwait Relations member: Iraq to emerge from Chapter VII January 2013

    15/11/2012 (23:00 pm)

    Kuwaiti official: Iraq would emerge from Chapter VII is soon

    Guessed Council support Kuwaiti-Iraqi relations yesterday that the vote of the United Nations on the liberation of Iraq from Chapter VII early next year through an Iraqi request – Kuwaiti, and stressed that Kuwait informed the International Foundation in collaboration Iraq fully in this area, noting that the Kuwaiti Prime Minister will sign a protocol final in this regard when visiting Baghdad early next month, while MPs expressed their welcome exit Iraq from international sanctions, stressing that the debt need to be approved by the National Assembly to repeal or reduction.

    The head of the Council Hamoud Al-Khalidi in an interview (range Press), “The first month of the year (2013) will see an end to all outstanding issues between Iraq and Kuwait,” noting that “Kuwait has completed its mission and handed United Nations documents full remove Iraq from Chapter VII.”

    He guessed Khalidi that the United Nations voted to remove Iraq from Chapter VII “in the month of January next,” and explained that “Kuwait informed the United Nations Iraq’s cooperation fully in revealing the fate of prisoners and missing persons and the National Archives, and this is what was hampering Multi exit Iraq from Chapter VII , “pointing out that” the United Nations Organization has its own modus operandi and would invite to a meeting to consider the request from Kuwait and Iraq. “

    Khalidi said that the visit of Prime Minister Sheikh Jaber Mubarak Al-Sabah, will be early next December noting that “this visit would end all outstanding issues between Iraq and Kuwait, through the signing of the final protocol, which will contribute to remove Iraq from Chapter VII.” He pointed out that “will also be on this trip resolve files environmental problems and shelf and problems of compensation to Iraqi farmers”, and stressed that his government “will not take the opinion of Kuwaiti opposition and objection to this matter, explaining saying” opinion opposition is not effective in the foreign policy of the country. “

    For his part, Kuwaiti MP former Saleh Ashour in an interview (long-Presse) The “Multi Kuwaiti debt owed by Iraq needs parliamentary approval Kuwaiti them, being given to Iraq by the Kuwaiti parliament, and as long as had been issued by law by Parliament are not abolished except by law also issued by him. “

    Supports Ashour the view of the Khalidi and asserts that “agreements between Iraq and Kuwait relating to the provisions of Chapter VII does not require the approval of the Kuwaiti Parliament, as international resolutions, issued by the United Nations,” noting at the same time that “Kuwait government, parliament and people welcoming things positive between the two countries and that contribute to lift Iraq from Chapter VII.

  1047. pakcik kayo berkata:

    Member of the economy likely to improve the value of the dinar against the dollar after the ongoing reforms to the work of the Central Bank

    Date: 15/11/2012 05:45:19 Thursday

    Baghdad (news) .. Expect a member of the Committee on the economy and investment MP / National Alliance / Amer winner, the high exchange rate of the dinar against foreign currency during the coming period after important reforms carried out by the federal government work’s central bank. said the winner (of the Agency news): The administrative reforms taking place in the bank Central will help to stabilize the value of the Iraqi dinar and maintain balance sovereign foreign currency existing cash reserve at the central bank. and added: change management central bank was required since the period because it failed its policy aimed to stabilize the Iraqi dinar exchange rate against the U.S. dollar and the impact occurred money laundering drain of hard currency, stressing if continued central bank to its policy cash prior to Turn dinar downward either hard currency, thus affecting economic activity of the country. said: that the measures being taken to the Central Bank by the government Shafez the value of the dinar and perhaps raised during the coming period, which would affect positively on the overall activity of the national economy. / end / 8 /


    p/s: nampak macam cantik jee berita ni………kepada cash note…….ready je lah…….ha..ha..ha….cbi mungkin akan mencantas duit anda tu……..

  1048. LU ORANG KENA KENCING BEB berkata:



  1049. RCL berkata:

    salam, nak tnya, masih boleh buka ke account warka bank , mohon pencerahan dan cara2 nya di superb_bis@yahoo.com

  1050. Soar iNto tHe SuN berkata:

    nak bukak akaun irak poie irak la….x pun telipon CBI irak sinun tanyo camno nak bukak akaun…kok kek malaysia ni ado cawangan eh sonang la…nak bukak akaun BSN pun kono poie jongah bank sendiri…tp xtau la sey kok BSN ko bank Rakyat ko buleh suh org lain bukak an….

    • Soar iNto tHe SuN berkata:

      kalau ekau x cayo cubo la ekau poie suh kengkawan ekau, sesapo ko mintak tolong dio bukak an akuan mano2 bank kek malaysia ni tuk ekau…maybank ko, cimb ko, agro bank ko…buleh ko cenggitu?

      • pakcik kayo berkata:

        ha..ha…ha….cakap ekau memang 100% batul…….itu bagi orang yang tak tahu seporti ekau dan kengkawan ekau……ha,,ha..ha….den nak cakap bebanyak pon udah maleh……cumo den boleh bagi perumpamaan masaalah ekau tu mcm cerito nujum pak belalang………..si belalang adolah orang yg mendapek jawapan camno nak selosaikan masaalah……iaitu orang yg menyuroh kalian bukak akaun bank…….pak belalang pulo….ialah orang yang mendongar nasihat si belalang nak selosaikan masalah….iaitu orang yg membuko akaun bank secara solo ataupon upah orang…… dan rajo pohon beringin pulo ialah orang yg tahu nak untong tapi tak tahu nak solosaikan masalah iaitu ponjual cash note…….dan rajo masai dengan penyamun itu pulo adolah pomboli cash note mcn ekau…dah la tak tahu apo2…lopas tu minta nasihat dari dari orang yg merapu…..jadi penamat cerito kisah belalang ….iaolah siapo yg untung….tak lain dan tak bukan iolah..belalang….pak belalang dan rajo pohon beringin…ha..ha..ha…sekian cerito den ha..ha..ha….jgn mare hah…ha..ha,,,ha…..

  1051. pakcik kayo berkata:

    The Government of Iraq ratified the budget for next year by $ 278 billion dinars

    On: 2012-11-21 18: 27: 24 Wednesday

    Wasit (newsletter) …The local Government announced in Wasit Governorate, on the ratification of the budget for next year that includes various projects cost up to 278 billion dinars.
    The Commission said the Council’s Abdel ilah nerman alshammari (News Agency news) on Wednesday: that the provincial Council endorsed the proposed plan for 2013, a total of 278 billion dinars.

    He added: the almsdakh was after a series of meetings with experts and stakeholders on projects included in the plan, with some modifications and then approved and ratified, adding: that the plan included the implementation of projects involving various civilian aspects such as municipalities, water and sanitation, education, health, roads, electricity and communications, agriculture, security, etc., and total amounts that can be implemented by those projects 261 billion regional development customizations and 17 billion of the total imports of “petrodollar customizations for maintenance Next year 278 billion dinars.

    He: that the plan was distributed across the County and cities by population density for each to ensure that standards of Justice and meet the ambition at the same time, saying: the maintenance need to be much more customizations is adopted to improve its services but there are instructions from the Ministry of planning we need to get this amount is below the level of ambition.

    The total allocations obtained Wasit governorate in this year was 266 billion Iraqi dinars has been disbursed to implementing several hundreds of different projects which included all areas./finished/19. o. p


    p/s: nampaknyo 138 trilion dinar dah jadi 278 billion dinar……nampaknyo pemotongan 3 kosong berjalan dgn lancar……dan kalian semak balik cash note ado berapo trilion dalam pasaran sebolom pemotongan 3 kosong……jadi jawapan pada cash note dah ado kek sini……ha…ha…ha….belalang…oooooo ….belalang……ha..ha…ha…

    • Soar iNto tHe SuN berkata:

      ekau tu yg pandey pakcik kayo oi…dr ekau merapu cito pasal belalang la..rajo la..penyamun la..baik ekau jawab yo apo dak RCL tu nanyo an..klu ekau udah maleh nak jawab ontok2 yo la…cbuk na pasal org pogang cash note..suka ati dio la..

  1052. Cash In Time berkata:

    apa la pakcik kayo..bengap jugak ko ye…278billion dinar tu cost utk various projek yg nak dilaksana..bukannya total bajet utk 2013..
    baca la betul2 news tu…

  1053. daichi berkata:

    dlm investment iqd ni pepatah ‘talam dua muka’ sgt elok digunakan mcm aku , akaun and cash note he heee…

  1054. tumpang lalu berkata:

    hahahaaa…best tgk crita kat laman web ni….smuanya berkisar nak jadi cepat kaya ngan beli dinar Iraq/buka account bank iraq la…pastu tunggu RV…pastu dapat duit RM jutax2….mcm tu ye???…wakakakakakaaaaa….iraq teruk dalam/selepas peperangan..ada juga org2 yg nak ambil kesempatan dalam kesempitan…
    jgn marah…sekadar tumpang lalu…..

    • tumpang jalan berkata:

      at least orang yg ada duit dalam akuan bank dah tentu2 harapan cerah ada peluang jadi kaya raya..bukan macam kau tu tumpang lalu…dahlah takada duit dalam akuan bank kat iraq…pastu dah sah2lah kau memang x ada peluang jadi kaya raya….hehehehehe

      • tumpang lalu berkata:

        wah…”hebat” betul jawapan saudagar dinar ini…amat mempunyai ciri-ciri bakal jutawan…wakakakaa…

  1055. Jus Terbaik berkata:

    tak payah nak gaduh-gaduh…. sebelum nak jadi kaya …..baik jaga kesihatan kita elok2… perbanyakan minum minuman yg berzat & bervitamin. mari kita berkongsi tentang minuman yg tinggi nilai khasiatnya. dimana didalam minuman tersebut mengandungi 12 jenis Vitamin 65 jenis Minerals & 13 jenis Phytonutrients. nak tahu khasiatnya silalah lihat sendiri gambar2 dibawah.

  1056. Jus Terbaik berkata:

    ini lagi…


  1057. Jus Terbaik berkata:

  1058. Jus Terbaik berkata:

  1059. Jus Terbaik berkata:

    • al pacino berkata:

      salam penjual jus, thanks for info, kat sini jgn risau ada customer nak beli produk tunggu rv dinar je, BN senyap je? ada info baru ke?

  1060. Jus Terbaik berkata:

  1061. Jus Tersohor berkata:

    vemma ni sebotol .59 ml…harga sah2 ribu… monavie sebotol 750ml ..beli sekotak = 4 botol baru rm450 aje..terus jadi dealer…n buat duit…..RM!RM!RM!…..hehe jgn mare ye jus terbaik..just sharing…sharing is caring….sesape minat sementara tggu RV… hubungi muhammad.hafizi@gmail.com -0142316032

    • Bodoh hang.. berkata:

      hg minum/makan kat sorang udah ler supaya cepat cikit hg jadi kaya..lagi byk lagi bagui..kami x perlu benda2 tu..

    • Jus Terbaik berkata:

      hehehe…monavi not so super!!!! bukan saya yg cakap tau…tapi keratan akhbar mensjournal 🙂


      ” Not So Super

      These well-marketed juices didn’t live up to expectations.


      Packaged in a high-end-looking wine bottle, MonaVie tested extremely low in anthocyanins and phenolics. Even apple juice (which also tested poorly) has more phenolics than this Utah-based company’s juice. Plus, MonaVie’s vitamin C level was five times lower than that of Welch’s Grape Juice. That’s not many nutrients, especially at $1.20 a serving.”

  1062. Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

    • Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

      nampak macam best jer jus nie…. sampai mona vie pun kalah dengan khasiat vemma nie. aku nak cuba satu ler… Jus terbaik.. kalau ok aku bagi feedback kat blog nie sebagai testimoni

  1063. pakcik kayo berkata:

    Parliamentary Finance: the next budget will be free of zeros
    BAGHDAD – World

    Parliamentary Finance Committee announced, Tuesday, that the budget for next year 2013 will be the new currency after deleting three zeros from the current currency, arguing that the reluctance of traders and companies from trading in the Iraqi currency behind the adoption of the Central Bank project to delete the zeros.

    Said committee member Najia Najib said in an interview for “Alsumaria News” that “the budget next year will see a deal in the new currency after deleting three zeros from the current currency,” indicating that “the process of switching the currency and delete the zeros will take nearly two years after the preparations for the process, which began over a year ago “.

    The answer that “the Council of Ministers approved during a meeting with the Governor of the Central Bank on the project to delete the zeros and switch Iraqi currency after deciding earlier to wait the project as a result of the high price of the dollar in the local markets over the past months,” noting that “the project to delete the zeros and the currency exchange aims to restructuring of the Iraqi currency and a way that is consistent with doing business in Iraq, internally and externally. ”

    She stressed that “the Finance Committee and the central bank agreed at its last meeting to be next year as the date to start deleting zeros and be balanced in 2013 in the new currency only if there is an obstacle transmitting without it,” emphasizing “the need to support the government and parliament of the project to restructure the Iraqi currency.”

    Naguib considered that “the reluctance of traders and companies for the use of the Iraqi currency and trading may push the central bank to adopt the project to delete the zeros”, stressing that “this project would reform the system of currency management and ease of use.” http://www.alaalem.c…ews&id22=48665t

    mari kita lihat siapa yang bengap…ha..ha..ha…

  1064. pakcik kayo berkata:

    Economic parliamentary: the new year will witness the birth of the new Iraqi currency Astartwi com / Twilight News

    Commission ruled parliamentary economy and investment, Sunday, that the new year would witness the birth of the new Iraqi currency deleted three zeros, noting that the Central Bank of Iraq was aspires to equal the value of one dinar per dollar.

    He said the Commission’s decision Mahma Khalil in an interview with “Twilight News” that “the new year will witness the restructuring Iraqi currency deleting three zeros, and therefore would not be witnessing the birth of new Iraqi currency because of the government’s refusal to this project,” noting that “the government believes that this work is not of its priorities. ”

    Khalil added that “the economic and investment commission strongly supported this project with the Governor of the Central Bank because the purpose of it purely economic and is to maintain the Iraqi currency from counterfeiting, damage and fraud.”

    Khalil pointed out that “there was countries with successful experiences in this area and the re-structure of its currency and deleted some zeros, and we seek to follow suit.”

    Khalil said he was “under Article 46 of the Law on the Central Bank of his powers to issue new currency or new categories and maintain the value of the Iraqi dinar against other currencies.”

    Khalil continued that “the very bank of the move is that the par value of the Iraqi dinar per one U.S. dollar after the deletion of zeros and are blocking the way of fake currency dealers, as well as the new currency was non-perishable easily.”

    Referred to the Central Bank of Iraq began Consideration of an amendment dinar categories last year, and is still a big part of the payments being in cash due to the evolution of the banking system.

    The Cabinet had decided, in mid-April last year, wait in the application of the deletion of zeros from the national currency.

    And revealed the Finance Committee in the House of Representatives, last July, the postponement of the deletion of zeros from the Iraqi currency, which the central bank intends to initiate them into the year 2014.

    p/s dia dah mai dah,,,,,,,,ha..ha…ha…ha…..

  1065. Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

    hehehe… siap sedialah…. pada pembeli dan penyimpan Duit Cash Note Dinar Iraq….hehehhe duit tersebut bakal menjadi duit zaman jepun…hehehehe…confirm 1001% duit cash note x dapat ditukarkan dimana2 negara kecuali hanya di Iraq sahaja…hahahaha….

    P/s: jangan lupa… tentang gelak guling yg aku janjikan dulu.

  1066. Bini Najib (BN) berkata:


    Iraq, December 4, 2012

    Central Bank adviser Mohammed Saleh, said that the bank is serious in executing the deletion of three zeros from the national currency of Iraq in near future.

    Salhan said that it depends on at the present time to shape the next government and parliament two new Saokhman upon themselves determine the mechanism under which the function of deleting the zeros from the Iraqi dinar.

    He also said that deleting the zeros would contribute to the reduction of the size of inflation and also to the reduction to the size of money supply in the market of 26 trillion Iraqi dinars to near about 25 billion dinars, pointing that the Kurdish language is going to be added to the new currency as well as English and Arabic.

    He added that the huge number of funds traded in the market let to get puzzled in the large commercial transactions and in the work of banks, adding that deleting three zeros from the Iraqi currency will direct to reform the management system of the national currency and thus develop and refresh the Iraqi economy.

  1067. mohd yasim jusoh berkata:

    saudara helmy….
    saya nak bukak akaun
    berapa RM?
    sekarang baru ada modal bang helmy..hahahah

    • Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

      hahahaha….baru nak buka akuan bank yer bang….hehehe dah x sempat dah….kalau kau suruh helmy bukak kan untuk kau akuan pun x guna….memang confirm dia cakap tak sempat dah…sebab kapal dah meninggalkan dermaga…hehehehehe…

  1068. BASRA_IQD berkata:

    sape2 ade maslh ngn acc warka & nk beli IQD..sila ke http://dinarmy.com/..leh cntact..

    • Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

      heheheh…akuan warka x ada masalah….tapi duit cash note dinar iraq tu yg bermasalah…kihkihkih…..

  1069. Cas In Time berkata:

    En.. Yasim ni dulu penah bg info melalui email mcm mane nak buka akaun warka kepada saya..terima kasih…saya pun dah berjaya buka, buat sendiri je…murah banding nak buat ngan en. helmi tu..

    tapi en. yasim sendiri belum buka…takpe bro..skrg mcm dah tak sempat…tapi apa salahnya cuba ye tak…

    rv pun lambat lagi kot…2014..hehe

  1070. daichi berkata:

    takk aihh paling cepat tahun 2035 paling lambat thn 2045 iqd rv, cucu kepada cicit kita kita lega laaa tk payah nk susah susah he hee

  1071. Asal Bukan Umno (ABU) berkata:

    ABU Dedah Wajah Sebenar UMNO

    ABU telah melancarkan enam buah video klip yang telah diupload di youtube pada tahun lepas.Siri video itu agak panjang namun cukup berfaedah kepada semua rakyat Malaysia untuk mengetahui hakikat tentang UMNO.

    Terdapat tiga kunci pesanan utama yang dipaparkan dalam siri video tersebut.

    Pertama, Ketuanan Melayu yang dilaungkan umno tiada tempat dalam Islam

    Kedua, Kita perlu tahu bahawa UMNO bukanlah pihak yang bertanggungjawab mendapatkan kemerdekaan daripada British..

    Ketiga, Menunjukkan segala bentuk kekejaman UMNO kepada Melayu disebalik laungan pembela melayu.

    ABU akan menerbitkan DVD tentang siri video tersebut untuk diedar ke kampung-kampung bergantung kepada dana.

    Anda juga boleh memainkan peranan

    Anda boleh memuat turun dan menyalinnya ke dalam bentuk DVD serta mengedarkannya kepada rakan-rakan dan saudara-mara yang tinggal di kampung.

    Luang sedikti masa untuk video ini… ilmu ni beb

    Video 1

  1072. Asal Bukan Umno (ABU) berkata:

    hehehe… Tungku Abdul Rahman pun Kena Cantas dengan Mamak Mahathir.hehehe lepas kau orang tengok Video ini kalau kau orang masih lagi nak mengundi UMNOK…..maka …bodohlah kau orang ini sehingga ke anak cucu kau orang.hehehehe…

    • anti politik berkata:

      boleh tak kau merepek pasal politik kat tempat lain..mak, pak ,tok, nek kau dulu dn skrg comfirm undi umno..so..kau anak@cucu org bodoh la ye..

  1073. pakcik kayo berkata:

    Posted Image

    A source at the Central Bank of Iraq for four companies currently competing to win a draft print the new Iraqi dinar, which will generate graceful after deleting three zeros from him, while Samay central bank to raise the value of the dinar against the dollar gradually down to the day to start replacement where the value will be in the absence of a fluctuating one Iraqi dinars equivalent to U.S. dollars one.
    The source said the bank and after remarking that blockbuster buy hard currency from the auction, which is supervised by the Central deliberately to sell the dollar worth less than the previous by 3.4 points, with the imposition of conditions buy to prevent the exploitation market meet the demands of neighboring countries, which suffer from sanctions economic and devaluation of their national currencies, all of this to re-balance the local market, which saw the result of what male fluctuate rapidly in prices dinar, adding that everyone knows that the central bank succeeded actually raise the value of the dinar is thoughtful and intelligent since 2003 until now that the price of the dollar equivalent to 240 dinars, but now price tag rose to 1120 per dollar, and this is one of the most important tasks of the central bank, which is responsible for monetary policy in the country, and one of the most important endeavors is to raise the value of the national currency to achieve a higher purchasing power of the Iraqi citizen.
    The Central Bank of Iraq announced, yesterday, doing the buying and selling dollar at 1166 dinars during the auction, which is evaluated daily with the participation of 23 banks, after it was sell it and buy it at the price of 1170 dinars to the dollar.
    The deputy governor of the Central Bank of the appearance of Mohammed Saleh in statements to the media », that« the bank to work on raising the prices of the Iraqi dinar against the dollar during its sessions for the sale and purchase of foreign currency by four dinars and by 3.4% to reach to 1166 dinars to the dollar », indicating that« dinar nominal is not commensurate with the purchasing power to him or the real price of the exchange rate of the dinar against the dollar. Saleh added that «the current account of payments Iraq where a large surplus relative to GDP and by 5-8%», stressing that «the surplus is the signal strength and not vice versa as well as the presence of large reserves of the Bank». Saleh pointed out that «the dollar exchange rates in the Iraqi market which recently experienced a slight increase will be affected by the decision of the Central Bank of Iraq, saying that «the Iraqi dinar will be attractive in the Iraqi market.
    The Deputy Governor of the Central Bank of the appearance of Mohammed Saleh earlier this year for efforts to obtain the approvals executive and legislative authority to ask three major categories after deleting three zeros from the Iraqi dinar, pointing out that the process of replacing the currency will take two years. As Saleh announced in (January 6 2012) from higher reserves the Iraqi Central Bank foreign currency to $ 60 billion, for the first time in the history of Iraq, while stressing its ability to curb inflation if arrived at two places decimal places, considered that current levels do not raise anxiety.
    Noteworthy that the CBI is being daily sessions for the sale and purchase of foreign currencies with the exception of public holidays during which depends on those auctions.
    And Zkrmzar Mohammed Saleh, said that the size of the money supply, which will be printed soon consist of 28 30 billion dinars, with calculation of the currency in circulation now reaches more than 32 trillion dinars, and you measure the size of Limbering which dominated the national currency, and the size of the benefits that will befall this project where withdraw monetary inflation and reduce the amount of cash and other.
    He revealed that the shape of the new currency would be like a mirror reflecting the history of Iraq and specifications will be even better than printing the dollar, and are impossible with falsified, and will be charged properties technical and aesthetic features of an Iraqi national tells the story of civilization and achievements since the dawn of history, as well as she would Arabic and Kurdish as the constitutional text on This addition to the English language as a global system in place in all countries of the world.
    He said the groups would be equal between the metal and paper issued class (25, 50, 75 and 100) dinars metal and there are groups of 5, 10 and 25, 50 and 100 dinars paper.
    In order to shed light on the history Iraqi currency was hired to study integrated worked on writing the responsible engineer Mahmoud Shaker al-Rubaie, who was able to document the history of the dinar in this country since its inception and so far, which stated: – Talking about the Iraqi currency and a broad and large is linked political circumstances unstable experienced by Iraq, which led to the entry foreign currency of the policy of the occupied country, when Iraq was under Ottoman control, the (Majidi) is the currency traded in the deal has been named this currency rate to the Sultan Abdul Majeed’s father Sultan Abdul Hamid, and parts Majidi is (Alaqچh and righteous ) and continued deal Ottoman Palmgide until the entry Englishmen in 1917 and extract the country from Ottoman control was introduced with the British (Indian Rupee) as an alternative currency in dealing and trading and parts (Anna) and usual that the new currency expel the old currency .. So ended the trading currency Ottoman having entered wild Indian to the Iraqi market and the reason for making the trading Barabah Indian instead lb English due to most troops English territories are Indians Sikhs and Alkirkh. Having crystallized when the British idea of a (Kingdom of) in Iraq and became talk about A boys Sharif Hussein to rise this task has happened in 23 / ​​August / 1921 as crowned Faisal Ibn Sharif Hussein king of Iraq must be of this political shift that is reflected at all levels and to find him there in the currency change. It began pumping Iraqi currency called a new (penny) and this word is out of Byzantine and consists of a small circle of copper in the middle category number and below the word fils and around the circle Kingdom of Iraq and on her right Hijri and to the left Gregorian date other side image of King Faisal I written on it King of Iraq on the right and Faisal I on the left.
    With the passage of (Iraqi penny) continued (Indian Rupee) trading until the first of October 1932 deal was canceled.
    After the issuance of (penny) issued a coin is (two mites) and with the same specifications penny but larger than a little then appeared (pubic), a four fils a reward currency English (brown), one of the parts pound continued to issue categories in ascending appeared ten fils a copper then Twenty penny called (the Koran) and the dirham and equal to 50 fils after emerged percent fils then two hundred fils and called (Rial) and equivalent (shilling) currency English which is made ​​of sterling silver and a picture of King Faisal I on the one hand and the other three palms engraved on the thick branch of a tree which large size relatively. and ten years after the coronation of King Faisal I was established Iraq Currency Board in London in 1931 and a law 44 of the same year by which printed paper currency in the sixteenth of March 1932 saw the light first Iraqi dinars bearing an image of King Faisal I on right and the name Kingdom of Iraq at the top and category number in the middle which is written in English and the second in English, where the company (Dollarroa) British print dinar also been printed in small denominations of paper (quarter and half) in India and began the Iraqi dinar expelled wild Indian, according to the rule referred to even end the deal in October 1932.
    The Iraqi dinar equals 1,000 fils also been printed Order of five dinars and ten dinars and then was put carpaccio% Royal dinars.
    With the development of political events, specifically on 26 / November / 1934 appeared new dinar He holds a picture of King Ghazi has happened after the departure of King Faisal I quickly changed this picture to be replaced by a picture of King Faisal II in late 1939, when the departure of King Ghazi. Has Council continued the Iraq Currency printing Iraqi currency until the Act No. 43 of 47 and under which was established (National Bank of Iraq), and specifically on the twentieth of July 1947 to adopt Multi printed Iraqi currency and the existence of this bank has been dispensed currency board and its Abolition in 1949, and after several years, specifically in the first of July 1956 a law was passed 72 under which changed its name National Bank of Iraq to (CBI). has not changed form the Iraqi currency and continued printing until the Republic of Iraq in 1958 and the emergence of leader Abdul Karim Kassem in his time occurred many amendments on the currency notes and coins It raised the pictures of the three kings of all currencies were replaced (slogan Republican) new and in the eighth of July 1958 and get a lot of variables on a coin as canceled class (Filsin) and added fils to (pubic) to become (five fils) and Hausa popular salutes leader his work is (lived leader who Zaid pubic .. fils ..) as well as canceled (the Koran), a twenty fils replaced (twenty five fils) while retaining Dirhams and percent fils and cancel (Rial) which is equal to 200 fils, the terms of paper currency, the class percent dinars were canceled and keep the rest of the categories of paper with the addition of symbols Iraqi her like (Palm filling Darbandikhan filling Dukan and Fort Phaenicia and Daura and waterfall entirely on your beacon humpback and Basrah silo and Helicobacter and bull winged and Lion of Babylon and ascend Kut and harp and obelisk of Hammurabi has changed shape currency only a slight change until the revolution of the seventeenth of July 1968 and began to raise the banner of the Republic to be replaced by the aforementioned Iraqi symbols.
    With the beginning of the eighties of the last century began to appear a coin to replace bank notes small Fezhrt 250 fils compared to quarter dinars and 500 fils, compared to half dinars and 1000 fils against the dinar also issued CBI alloy of gold to the categories (gold dinar and five dinars and ten dinars gold) and sold rate prevailing gold for a short period, and in the mid-eighties of the last century began (feminine) size paper currency from quarter dinars and end Balashr dinars and more characteristic of this phase is the emergence of the Order of the ten dinars and has a picture of the world the great Hassan Ibn al-Haytham that Ohmt people that this currency is not Iraqi!! With the deterioration of the political situation and falling exchange rate of the dinar against the dollar proceeded government to print new class bearing the number 25 dinars and on his face the first image of Arabian horses and the other side is for the coin was then put a picture of former Iraqi President Saddam Hussein instead of Arabian horses were printed this category in Russia. At second of August 1990 got evolution in Iraqi politics overshadowed the dark on the country in general and the currency, especially by imposing (policy economic blockade) by America and its allies, which led to the disappearance of original currency for each category and the emergence of currency printed locally Bmtaba newspapers and journals which lean and devoid of controls applicable universally. . With advancing years siege increased print size and say the dinar exchange rate against the dollar even arrived in 1995 to 3000 dinars to the dollar, which produced tons of currency printed locally. That monetary policy is losing its balance due (currency prosthetic) For the purpose of controlling inflation large began printing classes undefined earlier, such as the fifty and one hundred dinars, carrying a picture Unknown Soldier new Baghdad clock hand and a picture of former President Saddam Hussein from the second and then a class Almaútan and fifty dinars a poster of President as well. did not hold these banknotes in front of the dollar exchange rate with the continued printed locally up seemed meager worthless and large size افقدها prestige .. And continued in 2002 to issue a new class is a paper (10000) dinars to absorb inflation gorge and sagging currency big hit, but to no avail.
    After more than thirteen years on the policy of blockade and the advent of the CPA and the occupation of the country by the United States and set the civil governor Paul Bremer, who began amending Iraqi laws as it deems is if adopted the Law on the Central Bank No. 73 of 2004 amended, which provides for printing Iraqi currency new currency and rely on dinar Republican in terms of shape and change the category to be consistent with what the corresponding currency printed locally if adopted form quarter dinars to become 250 dinars and half becomes 500 dinars dinar becomes 1000 dinars, as well as five and ten dinars become five thousand and ten thousand dinars with the introduction of class new (25000) dinars to absorb hyperinflation in cash which are of red dye was also an instrument of coins from class 100 dinars and 50 dinars and 25 dinars, but has not been activated widely because of the conditions of inflation and price increases have begun replacing the currency from 01/10/2004 until 28/02/2005 and continuing currency trading referred to above to the present day and talk about the intention of the government remove three zeros from the Iraqi dinar to reach levels comparable with the exchange rates of foreign currencies dry Iraqi dinar back to glory and weighs a healthy beautiful green color.


  1074. daichi berkata:

    umno ttp di hatiku dulu kini dan selamanyaa

  1075. daichi berkata:

    kenapa pakat diam ni kawan2? iqd dah nk rv nuu….

    • Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

      hehehe….yg confirm dah nak rv duit yg berada dalam negara iraq.duit yg berterabur diluar iraq bakal dicantas oleh CBI…kerana duit tersebut duit seludup aka duit palsu.hehehehehe….dan duit tersebut diketogorykan sebagai Money Laundering.hehehehe…

  1076. Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

    Ground is prepared for the process of lifting the zeros from the currency in 2013

    December 16, 2012

    (Voice of Iraq) Baghdad – where
    Excluded by the parliamentary Finance Committee, Majida al-Tamimi, the lifting of the zeroes from the currency in 2013, noting that “the earth is ripe for replacement.”

    Tamimi said in a statement told all of Iraq [where], “The process of lifting the zeros from the currency in 2013 depends on the nature of the policy of the new central bank governor,” adding that “according to the previous vision of the bank is supposed to be raised.”

    She pointed out that for its “not arrive until the day the book from the central bank about the process of lifting the zeros or postponed”, drawing attention to the “ground is prepared for the process of lifting the zeros from the currency, especially if there is fear from entering the currency forged and replace currency original thus happens inflation allowance reduce trading. ”

    The Cabinet had in its meeting held on April 10 last patient in the application process of deletion of zeros from the national currency until further notice.

    The Central Bank of Iraq, and on the lips of bank adviser appearance of Mohammed Saleh, has confirmed to [where] the need for Iraq to process administrative reform of the currency cash, and that the project to delete the zeros is a step comes as part of the country’s need to process administrative reform of the currency, in order to reduce the cost of cash transactions in the economic process, in addition to the need to provide small denominations coins used in daily circulation of small transactions.

    The officials at the central bank, as well as some politicians and economists, urged the government to delete the zeros from the currency, and the issuance of a new currency denominations large cash, in addition to a small Coins.

    Observers say the government really intends to delete the zeros from the currency as a step towards improving the purchasing power of the Iraqi dinar, but economists played down the importance of this step, considering that the cost of raising the zeros will be greater than the benefit expected from the lifting of zeros.

  1077. daichi berkata:

    he hee nk yg tak laundering masuk kelab J D I dijamin 150% keyakinannya …

  1078. Bini Pak Lah berkata:

    Bank Dunia sedia dana bantuan AS$900 juta untuk Iraq
    2012/12/19 – 07:44:32 AM (Berita Harian)

    WASHINGTON: Bank Dunia hari ini mengumumkan sejumlah AS$900 juta untuk membantu pelan pembangunan semula Iraq selepas negara terbabit dalam peperangan, khusus bantuan ekonomi rakyatnya serta memulihkan sumber pengeluaran minyak yang terjejas.

    Bantuan selama empat tahun itu sehingga 2016 anara lain memfokuskan kepada penyediaan pekerjaan dan membangunkan semula sektor ekonomi utama termasuk institusi sosial. Pengumuman Bank Dunia itu selepas genap setahun Amerika Syarikat (AS) menarik balik tenteranya di Iraq, sekali gus menamatkan perang yang berlanjutan selama lebih sembilan tahun bagi memerangki rejim Saddam Hussein.

    Bank Dunia berkata, program baru itu dirancang bersama dengan kerajaan Iraq.

    “Iraq kini membuka lembaran baru dalam sejarah negara itu. Ia lembaran di mana rakyat didahulukan dan penggunaan sumber manusia yang berpotensi,” kata
    Pengarah Bank Dunia bagi Iraq, Syria, Iran, Lubnan dan Jordan, Ferid Belhaj. – AFP

    ehemm..ehemm..Bini Najib (BN) , Pakcik Kayo..
    ce komen skitt..

    • Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

      aku x hairan pasal berita ini….hehehe nak tahu tak kenapa World Bank nak bagi bantuan AS$900 juta untuk Iraq.hehehe…salah satu sebabnya World bank membuat perjanjian pada iraq….tahun 2014 iraq mesti pula menjadi negara penyumbang ekonomi pada negara lain…hahaha…

      hehehe amat tertarik dengan ayat diatas…

      ““Iraq kini membuka lembaran baru dalam sejarah negara itu. Ia lembaran di mana rakyat didahulukan ”

      rakyat didahulukan ….bermaksud rakyat akan mendapat pertukaran nilai dinar iraq baru yg tinggi (duit yg berada didalam iraq)…manakala orang luar yg menyimpan duit cash note dinar iraq diluar dari iraq akan mendapat pertukaran yg sedikit selepas pembuangan 3 angka sifar.hehehehe…Kemungkinan….kemungkinan

      apa2 pun sorry to say…..penyimpan duit cash note dinar iraq diluar dari iraq confirm akan rugi tak kiralah orang US ker Orang malaysia ker….atau mana2 orang diluar dari negara iraq mereka tetap rugi kalau x percaya dengan kenyataan aku… kita tunggu dan lihatlah tahun depan…..dah x lama dah….kalau aku bagi tahu sekarang pun x guna…. dah terlambat untuk membuat alternatif lain.apa pun caranya sesiap yg dah ada akuan bank diiraq….tak payah risau….anda dah tentu bergelar jutawan. cuma anda kena cari jalan …..samaada cara senang atau susah untuk memanggil duit anda kembali balik ke malaysia. hehehehe.

      • Bini Pak Lah berkata:

        Bini Najib (BN)..tunjuk la jalan skit..cara senang tu camne?..
        hang buat aku risau jerr..haha

      • omar affendi berkata:

        this all bullshit talk.. Bini Najib mengarut.. Duit kalau dah boleh gunapakai di seluruh negara kenapa nak ada pengecualian? Bangang punya statement Bini Najib. Kalau dah amerika bg 900 juta dah tentu dia nak rakyat Amerika untung dari hasil penyimpanan dinar iraq.. Ingat dia nak bagi saja ke?..Bengong.. cakap guna akal le.. jgn akal letak kt kepala lutut.

        2012/12/20 DINAR IRAQ

        > ** > Bini Pak Lah commented: “Bini Najib (BN)..tunjuk la jalan skit..cara > senang tu camne?.. hang buat aku risau jerr..haha” >

      • Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

        hehehe…” omar affendi ” kita lihat siapa yang kena….nor…dah x lama lagi dah…..jangan nanti bila apa yg aku cakap selama ini terjadi….kau cakap x ada orang bagi tahu ha…hehehehe….dah x lama….aku memang nak sangat tengok apa yg bakal terjadi pada penyimpan cash note di seluruh dunia terutamanya di malaysia ini yg mana ramai yg bijak pandai mengatakan simpan duit cash note selamat.hehehe aku nak tengok selamat macam mana…..selamat jahanam ker… atau selamat jalan….wakakakwakaka….

      • Cash In Time berkata:

        simpan cash ka…akaun ka…dua2 ade risiko…
        kalau betul2 la LOP terjadi macam negara zambia yg dijadualkan 1 januari 2013…
        meLOPong la kita semua….behahahaha…

  1079. Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

    Launch electronic shopping service early 2013

    12/09/2012 12:00 am

    BAGHDAD – morning launches company global smart card mixed service shopping mail by card so smart early 2013. director said the supervisor of the service Ibrahim Abdul-Hussein Abdul-Hadi said the company has created 10 000 device (structured service) will be distributed to malls, markets and great restaurants in the first phase beginning of the year 2013, which enables citizens of shopping via the card without the need to carry cash. And Abdel-Hadi said work is under way to activate the refueling service through the installation of devices similar in filling stations in the second phase. He noted that the company is targeting at the beginning of its two tranches of retirees and social protection network to help them shopping electronically from markets and shops, stressing that this service aims to organize the household budget, on the one hand as well as the facilitation of citizen for the purpose of payment of bills and wages, especially in the departments of traffic and sexual and Civil Status, in addition to bills Zain and Akiem buy and other. He said the company has completed the training of 500 employees working in its branches in all provinces, in addition to training 1500 and service agent at a rate of three per serving staff, as well as the training of a thousand employees of State-owned banks for the purpose of providing these services to the citizens.

  1080. Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

    Banking expert: the need for the introduction of advanced electronic systems in the work of banks to give confidence to foreign investors

    Date: 17/12/2012 11:31:18 Monday

    Baghdad (news) .. Called banking expert Mohsen Ali, the need for attention to the banking sector through the introduction of electronic systems evolving in his work for the purpose of granting the necessary confidence for foreign investors to invest in Iraq.
    , and I know the (agency news): that the development of the banking sector Baltknulogih modern become an urgent need at the moment to pay wheel investment in the country forward, the fact that the investor today needs to banking system talk to away his money for potential risks. pointed to, that the banking sector plays a key role in attracting investors to the country. added: that the Iraqi banking sector is one of the sectors underdeveloped at present dominated by bureaucracy because its distance from the evolution in the world and unable to interact with global banks, calling the federal government to seek to improve the sector by resorting to the use of modern technology in the management of banks, in addition to open regular training courses for cadres working in this vital sector. consists The banking system in Iraq from forty-three banks as well as the Central Bank and distributed according to ownership between (7) state banks and (30) Bank Ahli including (7) Islamic banks in addition to (6) of foreign banks. Although the Investment Law No. 13 for the year 2006 has been excluded investment in the banking sector of its provisions except that the investment in the banking sector takes its legal framework based on the legal central bank No. 56 of 2004, banks No. 94 of 2004, with a minimum to create a bank in Iraq 100 billion Iraqi dinars (ie around 85 million dollars).

  1081. daichi berkata:

    2014, atau 2015 kot tak caya tunggu laa….

  1082. Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

    hahaha…..dah x lama dah….. kita tunggu dan lihat sahaja. siapa untung & siapa rugi….hehehehe..

  1083. Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

    hahahaha…..aku hari ini dah dapat intrest daripada warka bank dalam akuan saving aku sebanyak IQD 42,000,00 dan dalam akuan Fix Deposit (C0D) sebanyak IQD 1,680,000. hahahaha….. jangan marah….. 😛

    • harun al-rasyid berkata:

      mcm ner nk kita nk tau kita pnyer akaun tu saving ke COD akaun..sy pnyer xdisplay pn saving ke COD ke ..tp interst dpt jgk arini Alhamdulillah..

      • Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

        hehehhe….kalau kau tengok dalam akuan kau tu ada 2 akuan aje satu USD & satu Lagi IQD…..maknanya akuan kau tu akuan Saving lah….. tapi….kalau dalam akuan kau tu ada 3 akuan no iatu satu akuan USD dan Dua lagi Akuan IQD maknanya akuan kau tu satu saving dan satu lagi akuan COD.

    • Bini Pak Lah berkata:

      betul ke CBI ni nk buang 3 kosong ni?..
      nape plak kat akaun aku ni tambah lagi 3 kosong..huhu
      Syukur alhamdulillah.. 😉

      • Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

        hahaha…. memang confirm nak buang….3 kosong….hehehehe…tapi buang 3 kosong kat hard cash , currency paper & Cash Note aje…..kalau kau baca betul2 yg aku cakapkan ….ketiga2nya adalah merupakan fizikal Note. wakaka…wakaka…wakakaka… so duit kau yg ada dalam akuan tu…macam tu gaklah jumlahnya.hehehehhee…. 😛 😛 😛

  1084. Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

    Central Bank calls for banks to get the right to sell the U.S. dollar


    BAGHDAD / obelisk: stressed the Central Bank of Iraq, Monday, he was in the process of opening the door to get the right to sell the dollar for all Iraqi banks.

    The governor of the Central Bank and Abdul Basit Turki Agency for “obelisk”, “The bank has decided to open the door to all banks for window sell the currency from the beginning of next year.”

    Turki added, “This decision will reduce the effort on the citizen to go to currency outlets will reduce the momentum would also bring the principle of justice for all private banks wishing to deal selling the currency to citizens.”

    Turki pointed out that “the bank will receive applications from private banks as of next Wednesday.”

    And regulates the Iraqi Central Bank auction of five meetings weekly from Sunday to Thursday for the sale and purchase of foreign currency, and receive a cash commission on the sale and transfers of about 13 dinars per dollar


  1085. indah kabar dari rupa berkata:

    saya mendengar rumor menyatakan dinar irak akan di apungkan pada 10 jan 2013 pada kadar tukaran semasa USD 3.42. wallahhualam…apa-apa pun kita tunggu dan lihat pada tarikh tersebut.

  1086. hohoholic berkata:

    hohoho,pengemar duit kertas irak senyap sunyi saja,tak ada komen ker???? naper….takut duit kertas irak tak laku yer,sendiri beli sendiri tanggung yer!!!! hohohoho.

  1087. Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

    IMF to extend a loan of Iraq until February 23, 2013

    IMF to extend a loan of Iraq until February 23, 2013 “to allow the Iraqi Government to implement exchange rate changes””

    Baghdad…The International Monetary Fund said on arrival at an agreement with Iraq in which their loan was extended seven months until 23 February 2013 to allow the Iraqi Government to implement a series of measures in the country’s exchange rate system.

    The IMF’s statement that “changes the agreement which expired on 23 July last was at the request of the Iraqi Government.”
    “The total funding available to Iraq is about 1.96 billion dollars.
    The Executive Board of the International Monetary Fund had agreed on 24 February 2010 at the standby credit agreement for a period of two years worth of 38, 2 billion special drawing rights “about 58, 3 billion dollars and approved the extended for five months until June 2012 with the exchange adjustment at switch in funding needs. The total resources currently available to Iraq under the agreement to the equivalent of 24, 1307 million special drawing rights “about 96, 1 billion dollars”.

  1088. al pacino berkata:

    salam to all, selamat tahun baru 2013, ada sesiapa di sini join dana hj jasman? boring le asyik citer dinar iraq, pi mai pi mai tang tu je, sorry ye ubah topik sikit…..

  1089. Asal Bukan Umno (ABU) berkata:

    Syabas KANTOI! Rupanya Rumah Pam Air Dah Rosak Sejak 2005 X Nak Direpair Syabas.Bengong..

  1090. Mrs Sandra Eric berkata:


    Adakah anda bosan mencari pinjaman dan gadai janji, telah ditolak sentiasa oleh bank-bank dan institusi kewangan lain. Kami menawarkan pinjaman bermula dari yang rendah $ 5,000.00 Dolar $ 500,000,000.00 Dolar maksimum. Batalkan kadar faedah 3%. Pinjaman untuk pembangunan perniagaan yang kompetitif / pengembangan perniagaan Frontera. Kami diperakui, amanah, boleh dipercayai, cekap, pantas dan dinamik, untuk bekerjasama dan kewangan hartanah apa-apa jenis pembiayaan perniagaan, kredit memberi panjang
    dalam 5-50 tahun maksimum.

    Kami menawarkan jenis berikut pinjaman dan banyak lagi;
    * Pinjaman Peribadi (Pinjaman tidak bercagar)
    * Pinjaman Perniagaan (Pinjaman tidak bercagar)
    * Penyatuan Pinjaman
    * Gabungan Pinjaman
    * Home Improvement

    1) Peminjam mesti sekurang-kurangnya sejak umur 18 tahun ke atas
    2) Walaupun dengan kredit buruk, bagaimanapun, jaminan peminjam pinjaman
    3) pinjaman boleh diberikan walaupun dengan kredit yang rendah.

    Borang data peminjam
    Nama: ………
    Nama keluarga: ………
    Telefon (Mobile)
    Telefon (rumah)
    Home :: ………
    Negara :: ………
    Negeri: ………
    Bandar: ………
    Jumlah pinjaman yang diperlukan
    Duration: ………
    Imbangan Akaun: ………
    Occupation: ………
    Pendapatan bulanan: ………
    Negeri: ………
    Umur: ………
    Genre: ………
    Tarikh Lahir: ………
    Bandar lahir: ………
    Negara lahir: ………
    Hometown :: ………
    Next Kin: ………
    Nama: ………
    Nama keluarga: ………
    Alamat :: ………
    Tarikh Lahir: ………
    Occupation: ………

    Saya menunggu tindak balas segera anda untuk jawatan ini oleh orang lain supaya kami boleh terus
    mengemukakan dengan urus niaga ini. Ucapan.

    Email: sandraericloan@hotmail.com

    • Anti A.L.O.N.G. berkata:

      jangan terperdaya dengan A.L.O.N.G….kelak binasa diri. kalau rasa nak mati kena bunuh…dek A.L.O.N.G. sila lah buat pinjaman dengan orang diatas nie.hehehehehe.

      P/s: sandraericloan adalah lintah darat (along)

  1091. Shabeebee berkata:

    bila nk RV ni?? ravi adalah…ravi oh ravi..

  1092. Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

    Economist: need to delete three zeros project this year to support national currency

    1 – 6 – 2013

    The Economist called a Quraishi, the need to apply the delete three zeros currency because it hurt to serve the citizens and national currency by reducing large groups cash blocks in the local market.
    Quraishi said (News News Agency): the implementation of the restructuring of the Iraqi currency after deleting three zeros were necessary because it will serve the citizen and national economy as large groups would turn into a small unit, which will facilitate market transactions and accounts for State services.

    He added: the Government must support the national project that will contribute to strengthening the power of the Iraqi dinar and the national economy, stressing the importance of accelerating its implementation during the current year.

    The Central Bank is preparing to implement a project to delete the three zeros national currency after the completion of all procedures related to the project, but so far no date has been set because application calls some officials to postpone it.

    The Council demanded that the Prime Minister of the Central Bank to wait to delete the three zeros from the local currency, saying that a large project and needs sufficient time to apply.

  1093. Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

    Seminar: private banks need to strengthen its links with the Central Bank and the public

    07/01/2013 12:00 am

    Recommended to reconsider the legislative framework
    BAGHDAD – Haider al-Rubaie Flaih
    People are interested in the economic reasons behind the decline performance of the banking sector private and public, to افتين to banking that lack of awareness among the public and poor communication between banks and customers most prominent reasons for the decline in the growth of this vital sector, which he can achieve investment renaissance can check significant economic gains for the country, calling for the need to reconsider the legislative framework for the work of private banks and mechanisms for dealing with the Central Bank of Iraq, and involved stressed the importance of increasing cooperation and interaction between financial institutions and the Iraqi market for securities and banking system , announced general manager of statistics and research at the central bank and Walid Idi Abdul Nabi said government banks’ capital witnessed consecutive increases to reach until the end of October of last year 2012 (754) billion dinars, compared with (4.053) billion dinars for private banks, at a time where investment balances in banks operating in Iraq (5.947) billion dinars, (4.929) of government banks, versus (1.018) billion dinars for private banks up to 31/10 / 2012. Concerned discussed during the annual scientific symposium organized by the Department of Economic Studies at the Center Mustansiriya Arab and International Studies and titled (the private banking sector in Iraq and development role in the economy), four research made by experts and are interested in economic affairs focused as a whole the importance of following the government more interest in the private banking sector, and to overcome the obstacles that could stand in the way of growth, as well as to facilitate measures to the establishment of special development banks, particularly that prepared in Iraq can not be matched population size nor investment broad, and as pointed out by the Director General of Statistics and Research at the Central Bank and Walid Idi Abdul Nabi when stressed during his paper presented on the sidelines of the seminar low density bank said it is currently worth up to one bank branch per (42000) people, which is low compared to the global standard for the amount of one for each bank (10,000) people, explaining that one of the problems plaguing through the work of private banks is the predominance of the familial nature of the Union with property management, as well as the absence of strategies Banking actors, as well as the absence of institutions chock of the banking system, such as an insurance company on deposits, and the weakness of banking technologies, as well as sagging administrative structure in many banks, especially government.
    Idi suggested during his paper a set of proposals that could help in the revitalization of the work of banks in Iraq, taking in the forefront of those proposals need for separation between the owners of the bank and the management of banking operations, calling at the same time to develop an integrated plan bank to use the techniques, and legal reforms, and the development of internal control systems, and the application of the standard of disclosure and transparency by the banking and financial institutions.
    Formation activity cash
    According to professor of public finance at the School of Management and Economics at the University of Mosul, Dr Hashem Mohammed search Aercop that participated in the seminar titled (the importance of evaluating the financial performance of private banks to finance investment activity) to commercial banks from institutions important to be critical activity and the heart of the financial system for being the lead group of monetary and financial events that contribute to stimulate economic activity and financing of all economic and social sectors.
    The researcher stresses that the problem lies in the inability of the departments of banks to understand and comprehend the concept of performance evaluation and financial requirements and its stages and its impact in the performance of activities. And draws Aercop to search the Kurdistan International Bank adopted a model for the subject of his research attributing this to the adoption of this bank unified accounting system between the rest of the banks and insurance companies, and for their commitment to the rules and regulations of the Central Bank.
    Researcher shows that despite the low volume of bank liquidity Kurdistan sample in the years 2008 and 2010, compared to 2007, and the fluctuation of the efficiency performance proves search concludes, evolution in style and private banks, through expand the use of electronic calculators and use modern methods and systems suitable for the performance of banking services with the latest advanced technological methods, such as: run and set up a number of automated teller machines ATM, POS POS, and the renewal of the system Swift Global SWIFT, and use the work of remittances made through Western global Younine.
    Banking sector and reconstruction requirements
    Assistant professor recommends Amr Hesham Mohamed from the Department of Economic Studies at the Center for Mustansiriya Arab and International Studies, said Iraq needs more than neighboring economies to the existence of financial and banking sector is characterized by high efficiency and effectiveness, and to allow it to meet the requirements of reconstruction The construction and launch of its potential that could send him to put outstanding natural and between the countries of the world.
    Hisham said through research made by the seminar titled (contribution of the banking sector in the Iraqi economy after the year 2003), the contribution of the banking sector remains weak in the Iraqi economy despite the upward trend, as it did not exceed the percentage contribution (1.7 percent) in 2009, and the capital of Iraqi banks remain modest due to several factors, including originated private banks at the beginning of the nineties of the last century and because of the economic conditions at the time making it isolated and isolated their local environment, which was suffering economically vulnerable and a decline in living standards, stressing the needs of those banks, particularly government, to the restructuring process, including reviewing the number of employees in these banks and skills required of the staff.
    In turn, said Professor Dr. Sattar al-Bayati, head of studies at Mrkzalmstansria that the seminar came out a number of recommendations that would activate the role of the banking sector in Iraq and increasing role in the investment and development process, stressing that serious dialogue scientifically to the theme of the Symposium and content scientific papers that have been put forward was traded by economists and those interested in the banking sector who participated in the seminar, explaining that the axes discussion focused on a number of points, including:
    1. Lack of awareness of the banking banking culture among the public.
    2. Poor communication between banks and customers.
    3. Limited role of the banking activity in general, especially the private banking activity and weakness in economic indicators and this is attributed to the massive intervention and continued by the state in the economy for being a controlled oil cash economy more than (85 percent ) of GDP.
    4. Poor handling and integration between the Iraqi Central Bank and private banks.
    5. Weakness of the interaction between financial institutions and the Iraqi market for securities and banking system.
    Bayati said that the seminar concluded the need to reconsider the legislative framework for the work of private banks and mechanisms for dealing with the Central Bank of Iraq.

  1094. Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

    Expert: the implementation of the project to delete zeros this year supports currency

    07/01/2013 12:00 am

    BAGHDAD – morning
    called economic expert peace Quraishi, to the need to apply the project to delete three zeros from the currency because it is in the service of the citizen and the national currency by reducing the masses of cash with groups large in the local market.
    Quraishi said: The implementation of the project for restructuring the Iraqi currency after Delete the three zeroes which is necessary for it would serve the citizen and the national economy, considering that groups large will turn into a thousand small unit, which will facilitate transactions in the market and accounts for government departments.
    said the government should support the national project because it will contribute to strengthening the power of the Iraqi dinar and the national economy, stressing the importance of expediting its implementation during the current year.
    central bank is preparing for the implementation of the project to delete three zeros from the national currency after the completion of all procedures related to the project, but so far no date has been set for its application due to calls from some officials to postpone it.

    P/s: WOW!!!! ini masuk artikal ke 2 kali cerita tentang delete 3 angka sifar… semalam satu artikal dah keluar hari ini keluar lagi berita tentang delete 3 angka sifar….Serious nie….tapi…berita hari ini menyatakan pasal buang 3 angka sifar pada duit kertas (CASH NOTE) saja.hehehehe….

  1095. Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

    apa yg aku faham tentang berita ini mungkin CBI nak buat duit cash note IQD 25,000 yg sedia ada ini dikecilkan duit tersebut menjadi NIQD1,000 X 25 keping. kena faham yer…. NIQD(New Iraqi Dinar) tau bukan IQD (duit semasa yg anda simpan sekarang ini). so pendik kata….duit yg anda beli/simpan sekarang ini mesti ditukarkan duit tersebut di CBI diiraq untuk mendapat NIQD yg baru,dimana NIQD yg baru mempunyai 3 Bahasa. anda tidak dapat menukarkan IQD kepada NIQD di bank2 atau MC2 seluruh dunia melainkan hanya diiraq sahaja.hehehehe….

  1096. pakcik kayo berkata:

    Upper: Directors of the Central Bank acting to weaken him Posted Image

    on 01/07/2013

    Posted Image BAGHDAD / Farah Asim al-Tai

    Independent lawmaker Hassan said upper management of the Iraqi Central Bank by proxy is to fold cash for this institution and its strength and durability will be the strength of the Iraqi currency and have the weight of the fiscal balances.

    The top of the newspaper “integrity electronic” For this reason, we note that the law gave the staff of the Central Bank of Iraq immunity similar immunity given to members of the House of Representatives while the ministers do not have the immunity of the staff of the Central Bank so as not to be held hostage emotions or side effects.

    He top that this issue internationally condemned a weakened financial position and weaken confidence in the central bank and not Iraqi oil, and countries know that the Iraqi dinar is JD oil to become the Iraqi dinar quarter of the value the U.S. dollar being the world understand that there is oil wells like it or not, and that there carriers transported Iraqi oil to the world.

    He continued that which covered the upper central bank and save the Iraqi dinar is Alaftyh wealth owned by the country they kept him standing steadfast against disturbances caused to the Central Bank of flow of oil is the one who assigned the Iraqi currency deterioration


    p/s; nampak gayanya mcm dah ada rate….25 sen =1 dinar……boleh tahan……..ha…ha…ha……

    • Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

      hehhehe…$0.25 ker…. $0.86 ker… $1 ker….atau $3.40 ker…. aku x kesah…..asalkan DUITtttttttttttttttttttttttt…….hehehehe… yg penting RV hehehehehe……

  1097. pakcik kayo berkata:

    Iraqi Middle East Bank carries out money laundering and the central bank decides to punish him

    Published 08/01/2013 10:39 AM

    BAGHDAD – “arenas of Liberation”
    Iraqi central bank decided to punish Bank of the Middle East for violating the provisions of the anti-money laundering law No. 93 of 2004 and the regulations issued thereunder.
    The bank said in a statement today that “During the audit issued transfers from the bank for each of Sarmad the Shaukat Paul and Marwan Abdul Razak Abdul-Jabbar, showing مخالفتكم to the provisions of the Money Laundering Act.”

    Posted Image
    Iraqi Central Bank building (right)

    The central bank decided to “take sanctions against the bank was re-sum transfer the converted currency to the U.S. dollar to the Central Bank and by the sender’s bank, and the imposition of a fine of 2 percent on the amount of transfer from the date of conversion up to the date of payment.”
    Also decided to refer all securities is fundamentalism to the judicial authorities to take necessary action to stop the bank from entering the window of foreign currency for a month as of December 30, 2012 subject to renewal. http://www.altahreer…ew.asp?ID=13649

    p/s:ha..ha..ha…apa sudah jadi…….ni…….nampak gayonya lg comfirm la……..(sendiri mau ingat la….)ha..ha..ha…

    • Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

      hehehe…Bank of the Middle East telah melanggar akta perbankan kerana telah menukar duit iraq kepada tukaran nilai dollar.ini bermaksud secara tersurat dan tersirat bahawa Iraqi Middle East Bank telah membuat kesalahan terbesar didalam sejarah iraq dengan menjual matawang Dinar Iraq untuk mendapatkan tukaran USD.hmmmmm…..alamatnya kalau cbi buat keputusan semua duit yg ditukarkan oleh Iraqi Middle East Bank (IQD kepada USD) tidak sah…

      maka semua duit Cash dinar iraq diseluruh dunia yg berada diluar dari negara iraq tidak sah (VOID & NULL) untuk ditukarkan. hehehhe…. patutlah Dinar iraq banyak terdapat di negara jordan….. dan dinar iraq yg ada di jordan telah dijual kepada dealer2 di US dan duit dinar iraq tersebut dibeli oleh penjual2 dinar iraq di malaysia.

      Kepada Penjual Cash note dinar iraq di malaysia termasuk di Sabah & serawak sekiranya anda mendapat stock2 cash note dinar iraq dari US , Jordan , Syria & Iran,ini bermakna duit tersebut telah di kategorikan oleh CBI sebagai Duit Haram(Money Laundering)hehehhehehe…. berbahagialah anda kerana anda telah membeli duit MONEY LAUNDERING. wakaka..wakaka…

      kan aku dah pesan dari dulu lagi….. kalau nak buat investment dinar iraq…….. buatlah dengan cara yg betul….iaitu melalui cara buka akuan bank diiraq….hehehehe tak nak dengar cakap aku…..sekarang rasakan.

  1098. pakcik kayo berkata:

    Iraq announces closure of its borders with Syria and Jordan
    Published on Tuesday, 08 January 2 / January 2013 10:51 | Written by: SA | | | Hits: 1498

    BAGHDAD / obelisk: an informed source said, Tuesday, that Defense Minister Saadoun al-Dulaimi, issued an order Bgglaq borders with Syria and Jordan until further notice for security reasons.

    The source told “obelisk”, “The border crossing points between Iraq and Syria and Jordan were closed generally the entry of trucks into the country by order of Defense Minister Saadoun al-Dulaimi, for security reasons and until further notice.”

    He added the source, who spoke on condition of anonymity, that “the process of closure came into effect as of today.”


    p/s:tutup…jgn tak tutup sempadan……ha…ha..ha…nasib badan la wei….ha..ha..ha…

    • Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

      hehehe…jangan2 tutup sempadan untuk buat RV in Country….kot…..wakaka…wakaka…wakaka…

      • Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

        kepada sesiapa yg dah ada akuan bank warka …..sila2lah rajin selak2 online banking tu…. kot2 manalah tahu dah RV in country….dan siap yg dah ada akuan warka tapi tak boleh acess… sendiri mau ingatlah kan… kalau RV in country….meloponglah anda…..hehehehehe…

  1099. Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

    Caught at the Canadian border with $7M in Iraqi currency and two handguns, three California men under investigation

    Dave Battagello, Postmedia News | Jan 8, 2013 7:46 AM ET

    The Windsor Star – Nick BrancaccioThree San Francisco men were arrested at the Ambassador Bridge after trying to cross into Canada carrying $7-million in Iraqi currency and two handguns..

    Three family members from California were arrested at the Ambassador Bridge after they were discovered carrying the equivalent of $7-million in Iraqi currency and two handguns.

    A joint investigation by the RCMP and Canada Border Services Agency was launched following the Nov. 19 arrest to determine the origin and intent of the three men — who reside in the San Francisco area — after they were found carrying Iraqi dinars.

    “I can confirm there is an investigation,” said RCMP Sgt. Peter Koersvelt. “I can’t discuss it at all at this point.”

    Jose Berrios, 60, of San Francisco, his brother Jesus, 50, and a third family member Richard Berrios, 31 — believed to be the nephew of one of the men — were released from custody Christmas Eve following a bail hearing in Windsor.

    Lawyer Christina Sweet, who is representing Jose Berrios, said Monday she cannot comment on the bail hearing.

    “It’s a very reputable family,” she said. “They are good guys.”

    The only charges against the men to date are related to carrying the handguns inside their GMC Yukon as they attempted to cross the bridge in the evening hours. The men were pulled over for secondary inspection by CBSA officers when the cash and guns were discovered.

    The two weapons seized in the vehicle were a .357 Magnum revolver and a .40-calibre Smith and Wesson semi-automatic handgun.

    Among the Customs Act and Criminal Code charges against the men include failing to declare the weapons, careless transport of a firearm, unauthorized possession, absence of a licence and unlawful importation.

    CBSA officials refused to comment Monday on the incident or investigation.

    The three men were released on Christmas Eve after posting a total of $60,000 in bail and promising to return to Windsor for their next court appearance on Feb. 5 in Ontario court. Should the men fail to return to court in Windsor an extradition warrant could be issued.

    No criminal charges have yet been filed in connection with the large sum of cash which has been seized. It was unknown when that might occur, according to authorities.

    The CBSA says people entering Canada must declare any amount of money over $10,000.

    “The matter is still under investigation,” said assistant Crown attorney Frank Schwalm, who is handling the charges in court.

    • Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

      hehehehe…..kesian….gara2 nak jadi jutawan cepat dengan cara yg salah…..kan dah kena tangkap!!!!! bukan banyak pun yg dia seludup….baru 280 keping note IQD 25k kot….(aku agak2lah mungkin note IQD25k)hehehehe……NASIB2….

      P/s: ini belum lagi BNM buat tangkapan pada orang ramai yg beli dan menjual serta menyimpan dinar iraq di malaysia.hehehehehe….aku dengar penjual Dinar iraq kat malaysia dengan BANGGANYA cakap BNM tengah cari siapa2 yg simpan dinar iraq untuk BNM beli dari dia orang tu…wakakawakakahehehhe…pecah perut aku gelak dengar cerita penjual dinar iraq.kot2 manalah aku tahu BNM saja nak umpan pembeli2 dan penjual dinar iraq untuk mensabitkan dia orang ini dengan AKTA PENGUBAHAN WANG HARAM…..hehehehe…. guna akal lah ckit kot yer pun BNM nak beli dinar iraq….buat apa BNM nak cari kau orang semua…hehehehhe lebih baik BNM beli Direct dengan CBI melalui dengan LELONGAN Dari CBI menggunakan ELECTRONIC CURRENCY.HEHEHE PAHAM2LAH EKK….

  1100. Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

    Iraq Central Bank Boosts Gold Reserves

    The monthly statistical report of the International Monetary Fund stated that over the three months between August and October of last year, Iraq’s gold holdings quadrupled to 31 tons, the first time something like this has happened in years. The value of gold as a strategic reserve has grown over the past few years due to the continued instability of the U.S. dollar exchange rate.

    International banks perceive gold as having long-lasting value that is not affected by rapid economic development. Gold can be used to compensate for insufficient cash reserves in the wake of political or economic crisis. In that context, Iraq is probably the country that is most in need of a great deal of gold reserves given its succession of political and economic crises.

    “Gold is the first shelter for countries in times of crisis,” said the Iraqi economic analyst Majid al-Suwari.

    According to Parliamentary Economic and Investment Committee member Abdul Abass Shiyah, “it is normal for the public not to read between the lines of sharp increases in gold reserves.”

    “The Iraqi dinar exchange rate is based on the amount of cash reserves, which include not only money but gold as well,” said Shiyah, a member of the Dawlat al-Kanoun parliamentary bloc led by Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki.

    Gold is the most stable component of official reserves. It will result “in the stability and possibly the improvement of dinar exchange rates,” he added.

    Shiyah reiterated that the public will sense indirectly the impact of the increase in gold reserves.

    “When the value of imported goods decreases following the increase in the value of the dinar, which directly correlates to the increase of cash reserves, the public will remember the steps the state took to boost gold reserves,” Shiyah added.

    The Central Bank of Iraq announced in August of last year that cash reserves had reached $67 billion, which is a first in the country that relies entirely on oil exports to finance its budget.

    “The Iraqi reserve is figuratively described as ‘cash,’ but in fact it has multiple components. Iraq owns U.S. dollars, euros, pounds, gold and different types of securities,” said Shiyah.

    He added, “The central bank uses a part of its huge reserve to fund major governmental projects. Even though a part of this reserve is disseminated between international banks and benefits Iraq financially, the central bank ought to fund some weighty governmental activities.”

    Since 2003, Iraq has had an insignificant cash reserve. Some sources state that those who were in charge of the Iraqi economy during the first months following Saddam Hussein’s toppling converted a ton of gold, which was the only reserve held by the central bank, into cash.

    Economic Analyst Majid Suwari said that Iraq’s reserves amounted to $39 billion in 1979; however, Saddam’s policies squandered that fortune. In 2003, Iraq’s debts reached $125 billion.

    “The central bank policy is currently based on the diversification of reserves. However, if the policy of purchasing gold had been adopted two years ago when the value of one ounce was about $500 to $600, Iraq would have quadrupled its investment gains,” he added.

    He concluded that “this initiative started late, but not too late.” Suwari expects the central bank to pursue the policy of increasing gold reserves amid the government’s spending tendencies.

    He clarified that the Iraqi government needs the dinar to cover its huge expenses. The central bank provides it with the necessary Iraqi dinars in exchange for U.S. dollars obtained through the oil trade. Afterwards, the central bank converts dollars to gold.


    NOTICE: In 2003, Iraq’s debts reached $125 billion. So they were in Debt in 2003 but now 10yrs later they have over 67 Billion in reserves plus the 31 tons of Gold.

    heheheh…dah ada tanda2 dah….dekat2 nak RV. kaya3 iraq memang kaya dengan emas.

    • anti warka & cash note berkata:

      Finance Committee Member: Politics is postponing the deletion of zeros

      Revealed the Finance Committee in Parliament to postpone the project to delete reset currency, which it was hoped that performs this year after the completion of all actions related to the project confirmed that the reason for the delay is the successive political crises and the central bank crisis

      The committee member said MP Magda Tamimi told the future today, Sunday, that “the proposed reset rates for Aishd any progress through due to the political situation and passed by the Central Bank”

      She added, “On this basis, has been postponed Multi deletion of zeros was not implemented this year,”

      For his part, called the economic expert Mackie Mohammed Wardam need to activate reset currency project because it is in the service of the national economy by reducing the money supply in the domestic market “

      He added, “deleting three zeros from the currency contributes to the re-structuring of the Iraqi currency, which facilitates transactions in the market and accounts for government departments”

      He added, “All competent authorities support this national project and speed up its implementation during the current year“And demanded the prime minister earlier in the central bank to wait to draft deleted three zeros from the local currency, as a major project and needs to be enough time to apply.

      Khas kpd BN ..yg duk angau dgn Warka…duk bagitau cerita yg bagus2…cerita sebaliknya x pulak nak bagitau…
      Jawapnya tahun ni…makan angau aje engkau & sewaktu dgnnya…

      • Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

        yer ker postponed….. hehehehe…. kita tengoklah….nanti….postponed ker tidak.hahahahaha…..itu artikal lama tahun 2012 yg disiarkan semula pada tahun ini….wakakawakaka….

        kau carilah artikal pada 7/1/2013 tentang

        “the implementation of the project to delete zeros this year supports currency”.

        apa2 pun yg aku nak highlight disini duit cash yg kau beli tu tak kiralah dari delear2 yg beli dinar iraq dari Jordan ker…US ker…syira ker…atau pun dari iran…itu semua dah dikategorikan duit HARAM oleh CBI.hehehehehe…

        P/s:hehehehe aku tahu kau x ada akuan bank warka….!!!!kau hanya ada simpan duit cash note yg diketogerikan HARAM tu oleh CBI.hehehhee.jangan cemburu. 😛 😛 😛

  1101. pakcik kayo berkata:

    Approve the budget of the media and communications amounting to more than 106 billion dinars

    09.01.2013 | (Voice of Iraq) – Posted ImageAdd a comment -BAGHDAD / With:
    Sadiq Board of Trustees the media and communications on the budget planning initial body in 2013. statement said the day: “The planning budget of $ 106 billion and 315 million and 30 thousand dinars approved after detailed discussions of materials and joints budget. (finishe

    Read more:http://www.sotaliraq…3#ixzz2HTsB9q5Z

    p/s:mari kita lihat siapa yang kaya…..ha…ha…ha…..


    UMNO Haram Jadah Kerana Dengan Sengaja ingin Menghidupkan Semula Isu Perkauman Untuk Mengulangi Peristiwa 13 MAY 1969.




    Punca Sebenar Peristiwa 13 Mei 1969, Umno Adalah Dalangnya.



    Sambungan Video …


    Sambungan Video …


    Sambungan Video …

  1108. dinsigma berkata:

    salah channel ni


    Video terbaik wajib ditonton oleh orang Melayu (PRO UMNO/BN)

  1110. pakcik kayo berkata:

    Al-Tamimi: Bank recommendations and plan to support Government and private banks and linked to global banks

    Baghdad (IBA). Member of the Finance Committee said attorney Magda El-Tamimi that Finance Committee micropayment subsidiary in the process of finalizing its report on the recommendations of the banking plan in support of the Government and private banks and linked to global banks to promote their reality.

    Tamimi said in a statement to the independent press agency (IBA). “The next few days will see a parliamentary plan to support and develop the work of the Government and private banks and linked to the global banking system to promote banking reality, banner: the parliamentary Finance Committee formed a small Committee of tripartite” MP Abdel Hussein Al-yasiri and Najib and Deputy Attorney Risalat al-Tamimi “to examine the situation of Iraqi banks.

    “The Tripartite Commission is finalizing its report writing and the coming days will develop recommendations and an action plan for all State banks to the development prospects for the banking sector”.

    Tamimi said: the Tripartite Commission took part in a workshop at the Parliament in the presence of selected Government and private banks to follow the most important problems facing the banking sector and obstacles that could begin her Parliament to assist them, including investment issues and linking banks abroad and brought foreign investors to deal with Iraqi banks “.(End


    let go for rrrrrrrrrrvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv……………yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

    • Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

      hahahaha…… i like it sound great!!!!!…….go banking go…..go banking global go….. go private bank go…..let’s go !!!!wakaka…wakaka…wakaka….

  1111. daichi berkata:

    pakcik kayo oo pakcik kayo knpa laa yg aku call kau tak jwb, ehmmm nampoknyo tak blh laa aku jadi kaya mcm kauu pak cik kayo oiii…

    • Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

      pakcik kayo tengah sebuk mengira dividen dari warka bank tu…..al maklumlah dah hampir2 nak jadi kayo!!!! tu sebab kau call dia tak jawab kot!! wakaka…wakaka…

      • pakcik kayo berkata:

        ko ni daicing sungguh la….aku tgh sebuk kira harta kat luar negara ni…nak audit dulu…maklumlah…nak kena bayar zakat…….bak kata BN memang sibuk ………lain kali buat appointment dulu…..ha…ha…ha……

  1112. pakcik kayo berkata:

    Economic news

    Source: morning newspaper – 21/01/2013

    Private banks seeking to enter global markets

    Iraqi banks Association confirmed that an opportunity for banks to engage in global financial markets, particularly after recent decisions issued by the Central Bank to the banking sector development, they are obliged to develop themselves and the use of sophisticated banking systems.
    According to the authoritative source in the Association for “morning” that the global banking sector witnessed developments in the use of technology and that appear with banking products adapted to these systems at a time the Iraqi banks for access to such activities and the use of this technology
    He said that private banks were invited to the need to adopt such technologies, ready to implement advanced training programmes for workers in the banking sector and intensive training programmes have been prepared for this purpose by 2013 and is now one of the Association.
    The source had said earlier in a statement for “morning” that the private banking sector began to grow increasingly by increasing banks ‘ capital and deposits, with the indicators for evaluating the activity of private banks over the past year confirmed the existence of clear progress in the work of Iraqi banks through credit and financial centres increase their capital and deposits.
    The banking sector in Iraq comprises forty-three banks broken down by property (7) and (30) were private sector banks including (7) in addition to Islamic banks (6) foreign banks.


    • Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

      hahahaha… ini kali terakhir aku nak berpesan pada semua pemegang cash note dinar iraq……sebelum terlambat cepat2 buka akuan bank kat sana….jangan sampai berputih mata dengan hanya menyimpan cash note dinar iraq yg dah tentu2nya Duit Money Gambling.hahahaha….GLOBAL BANKING tu!!!!! mana ada cakap global Cash Note…..hehehehhe….

  1113. ERISHAH berkata:

    tumpang bertanya…..aku ade simpan jugak dinar iraq nie…… mcm maner boleh dikatakan duit haram @ MONEY LAUNDERING. sedangkan security code pada duit tu smua ye ade…. pas tu cam maner nak bukak ac. cbi? boleh online ke?

    • Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

      memang betul cakap kau tu…security code pada duit tu semuanya ada…. tetapi CBI dah memberitahu duit iraq yg keluar dari iraq tersebut telah diseludup / dicuri /dibawa keluar oleh pihak2 yg tidak bertanggung jawab.dan CBI telah mengenal pasti salah satu bank didalam iraq yg menjadi dalang membawa keluar @ (seludup) dinar iraq tampa pengetahuan CBI telah memindahkan duit cash note tersebut melalui bank di Jordan , syria dan Iran dengan tujuan untuk mendapatkan keuntungan segera dan bank yg dikesan oleh CBI tersebut yg menyeludup keluar matawang dinar iraq tersebut sekarang ini telah ditahan untuk tindakan keras oleh CBI dan kemungkinan bank tersebut akan dilucutkan keahliannya didalam senarai bank2 yg berdaftar dengan CBI.dan paling penting CBI telah memberitahu bahawa duit yg telah dikeluarkan dari dalam iraq tersebut sebagai “MONEY LAUNDERING” .spt yg kita sedia maklum kebanyakan bank2 diseluruh dunia yg mengistiharkan duit MONEY LAUNDERING,duit tersebut akan dirampas oleh CB (Centeral Bank) untuk dimasukkan semula kedalam akuan perbendaharaan negara untuk digunakan untuk tujuan pembangunan negara tersebut.dan duit MONEY LAUNDERING yg dirampas Oleh CB tersebut tidak akan dibayar sesen pun pada pihak yg dirampas. begitu juga yg bakal terjadi pada Cash Note Dinar Iraq.

  1114. pakcik kayo berkata:

    Parliamentary Finance Committee: budget approval within 7 days
    24-01-2013 10:25 AM

    Solution –
    The parliamentary Finance Committee announced on Thursday to approve the financial budget for the current year will not take more than 7 days, confirming provide all the accessories to the Presidency of the Council of Representatives in the next session on Saturday.
    A member of the Committee secretary Hadi he ‘was agreed to extinguish the debt of the final accounts for the previous years between the central bank and the finance ministry, adding that placed the final accounts are no longer constitute a stumbling block generally approving the budget and disbursement’.
    A parliamentary source said that the agenda of the meeting on Saturday includes discuss the report of the federal budget, and report the challenges and problems facing the environmental situation in the country.
    13 to 1


  1115. pakcik kayo berkata:

    Central Bank launches electronic network connectivity information Auction
    Published on Thursday, 24 December / 2 January 2013 10:02 | Written by: Ok-AR-N | | |
    BAGHDAD / obelisk: CBI announced, Thursday, on the implementation of the steps the electronic linking of information daily auction of foreign currency between institutions Bank and the Ministry of Finance and the General Authority for taxes.
    Posted Image
    The governor of the Bank and Abdul Basit Turki Agency for “obelisk”, “The World Bank approved the plan in order to ensure the highest degree of coordination between the concerned authorities for the accuracy of the information that is presented for the purposes of the balance of payments.”

    Turki added that “implementation will contribute to make the required database between these institutions are available, moment by moment, thus ensuring transparency and fairness in dealing,” adding that “the implementation of the plan will begin on Thursday.”

    The central bank held the Iraqi weekly auction of five meetings for the sale and purchase of foreign currency, and receive a cash commission on the sale and transfers of about 13 dinars per dollar. http://www.almasalah…8%A7%D8%AF.html
    13 to 1

  1116. pakcik kayo berkata:

    Expert: Iraqi banking sector has great potential to compete with international banks


    The Sudanese banking expert said nationality Abdel monem Mohammad Tayeb, the Iraqi banking sector development and promotion in the coming years provided remove obstacles and challenges.
    Good said in Baghdad (News News Agency): the Iraqi banking sector possesses great potential in terms of resources and the environment will help him compete with global banks, but at the same time face a number of difficulties and challenges which prevented advancement during the current period.

    He added: to highlight these challenges lies in the question of the distribution of bank credit on various economic sectors such as agriculture and industry to the service sector.

    He: that Iraqi banks require rehabilitation at all levels and the introduction of modern technology in its systems as well as the training of its cadres working as needed to open banking channels with foreign banks to exchange experiences and to contribute to the strengthening of the Iraqi economy.

    He noted: the Arabic Bank Union is ready to support the Iraqi banking sector in terms of rehabilitation and training, as well as for technical consultancy, logistics and promotion ltahilh, stressing that the Iraqi banking sector will rise in the coming years.

    • Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

      aik???? pakcik kayo!!!! asik2 ko post berita tentang bank….bank…bank… x ada ker cerita pasal cash note??? apa dah jadi cerita pasal cash note ni sonyap jer!! dah boleh buat bungkus nasi lemak ke belum? hehehe. penyimpan cash note pun nak tahu gak.

      • pakcik kayo berkata:

        ha…ha..ha…bukan buat bungkus nasi lemak je……buat duit cina mati pon boleh jugak……ha…ha..ha…

  1117. bini@yahoo.com berkata:

    Mungkin selama ne amerika fikir dia yg paling cerdik tp sebenar org yg paling cerdik dlm dunia Ialah org yg Bagi info ne dan berasal dr msia .. Dia dpt membongkar penipuan negara Iraq dr terus menipu negara USA Dan menyelamatkan amerika dr Terus ditipu ngan membeli Iqd setiap hari ngan usdnya… Mungkin selepas ne Obama Akan dtg msia Utk berjmp ngan yg bg info n mengucapkan Terima kasih…P/s: harap yg bg info ne Terus membongkar penipuan2 negara Iraq …

    • pakcik kayo berkata:

      la….hang baru tau ka……hang nie betul la …ketinggalan zaman sungguh…………………………..orang dah bagitau pasal benda nie dah dekat 3 tahun dah………………nasib hang la noooooo

  1118. Hahah kita sepatutnya bangga Ada rakyat msia yg bole tahu pembohongan Iraq.. Org yg bg info ne bukan saje menyelamat rakyat msia dr ditipu tp dia menyelamat kan 1 dunia dr ditipu Oleh negara Iraq dgn menjual Iqd yg tak l laku.. So harap org yg terhebat dr dunia n yg berasal dr msia ne BIni Najib akan teruskan ngan info2 taiknya…Penyimpan2 dinar Kat msia ne power2..Ada org yg dpt mesej dr cbi Utk rv, Ada yg dah cash in, Ada yg Kata comp dia je bole cash in kah kah kah… Ne la kelebihan2 rakyat msia …sbb tu pemimpin2 msia kaya raya sbb rakyat msia semua cerdik pandai belaka… Mungkin lepas ne website dinar us Akan refer info2 Kat sini …

    • Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

      hahaha….ayat2 yg kau tulis di atas tu aku dapat merasakan kekecewaan didalam diri kau….hehehehe…kalau orang yg cerdik …dia dah tahu duit iraq tu tak laku kat luar dari iraq….dah tentu dia taknak beli… sebab dah terang2 duit tu tak laku….kalau kau x percaya cuba kau tukar semula duit cash iraq tu kat mana2 bank di Malaysia…..laku tak? tak lakukan!!! silap2 haribulan…orang bank pun akan cakap yg encik kurang bijak beli duit cash note dinar iraq tu buat apa?? kan lebih baik cik beli duit cash note indonesia kan laku bila ditukarkan kat mana2 bank seluruh dunia atau pun di money changer.hehehehe…atau lebih baik kalau encik nak beli juga duit iraq….kan lebih baik encik buka akuan bank kat iraq…lepas tu encik applylah kad debit visa atau mastercard….dah tentu2 duit iraq encik tersebut sah dan laku digunakan diseluruh dunia sekarang nie. ini encik dah salah beli hehehehe…yg encik beli duit cash note buat apa? andai kata iraq keluarkan duit cash note lain menggantikan duit yg encik beli tu….encik nak tukar kat mana duit cash note encik tu???? mesti kau peningkan mendengar orang bank cakap begitu….hehehehe….

      bagi akulah… orang yg bijak untuk membuat investment….adalahlah orang yg suka membuat investment dengan melibatkan bank sebagai perantaraannya. contoh paling baiklah yg boleh aku beri.. spt ASB , Public Mutual dan sebagainya. ASB boleh tak anda membuat pelaburan ASB dengan orang persorangan tampa melibatkan pihak bank? dah tentu tak boleh kan? so di sini apa yg aku nak bagi tahu…bank adalah orang perantaran untuk membuat investment.begitu juga dengan pelaburan dinar iraq. kan lebih molek dan selamat investment kita jika kita menggunakan bank sebagai perantaraan.sekiranya apa2 berlaku pihak bank akan bertanggung jawab diatas investment kita, lebih2 lagi kita beli matawang iraq,kita beli matawang iraq dengan pihak bank diiraq dan kita buka akuan dan simpan duit kita tu dalam akuan simpanan….andai kata duit kita dalam akuan bank tu hilang….pihak bank akan bertanggung jawab untuk menggantikan duit kita semula.

      akhir sekali….jadilah pelabur yg bijak bukannya pelabur ikut-ikutan. orang melabur kita juga melabur…orang melabur cara yg betul ….kita melabur cara yg salah….akhir sekali duit kita lebur……hehehehehe…. Pikir2lah….

      • ERISHAH berkata:

        salam…… ape kata kita sama2 bagi pandangan maksud i ape kata cik bini najib join wawacara dalam forum jutawan dinar iraq…. ape salah n x betul kita sama2 boleh perbetulkan…..x ade sorg pun yg inverst dinar nie nak rugi….. mintak maaf la kalu rasa x senang msg yg saya bg nie….. sy salah sorg pemegang yang masih mentah lagi dalam dinar iraq nie…..

      • Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

        apa kata you invite dia orang join blog ini…. untuk berkongsi pandangan . hehehehe

  1119. Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

    Sekadar Berkongsi INFO….

    Dinar Iraq Terkini 2013 : Bakal Muncul Ramai Jutawan Dinar Iraq di Malaysia Selepas Ini?

    by Buletin Semasa on January 25, 2013
    in Berita Malaysia

    Kenapa sekarang ramai pemerhati, peminat, pengumpul mahupun penjual cash note dinar Iraq hari demi hari terus menantikan dengan setia status terkini dinar Iraq. Sebab mereka menjangkakan yang mana dinar Iraq akan melalui proses revaluation (RV) & apungan dalam masa terdekat sekarang ini…..

    Rasanya kami dah dengar berita dinar Iraq akan RV sejak tahun 2006 lagi. Paling akhir khabar angin tersebut bertiup kencang sekitar November 2012.
    Berita Terkini Dinar Iraq 2013 : Bagaimana Konsep Menjadi Jutawan Dinar Iraq?

    Dikehendaki membeli duit kertas matawang dinar Iraq yang didatangkan dalam set. Contohnya set bernilai IQD 50,000 dinaq iraq boleh dibeli dengan harga RM650.

    Beli harga dinar Iraq pada harga murah (ketika dinar Iraq jatuh) sekarang ini dan jual kembali apabila pengumpul dinar Iraq ini menjangkakan nilai dinar Iraq (1QD1) = dollar Amerika (US$1). Ada yang sasarkan lebih daripada itu.

    Nah…ini salah satu contoh sms dan ayat-ayat yang biasa digunakan oleh penjual cash note dinar Iraq ini :

    RM680 utk 41800 dinar, nilai matawang sebelum perang teluk 1 dinar = USD 3.30 dan nilai skrg 1 dinar = USD 0.001. Andaikan naik 10 sen USD atau USD 1, USD 1 = 41800 dinar x 01.00 = USD 41800, USD 41800 x 3.7 = RM154700. Adakah anda hanya ingin duduk diam diri shj sdg org israel dan amerika berlumba membeli dinar iraq. Ambil peluang ini utk masa depan anda. Mata wang akan diberi terus 41800 dinar apabila anda bayar RM680.

    Dinar Iraq Terkini 2013 : Bakal Muncul Ramai Jutawan Dinar Iraq di Malaysia Selepas Ini?Begitulah ayatnya. Suka atau tidak, orang kita apabila mendengar dua istilah perkataan “ajaib” ini iaitu Amerika & Israel terus “menggelupur”, akhirnya bertindak juga atas nama “tidak mahu tertinggal keretapi” seterusnya menyertai kelompok baka-bakal jutawan cash note dinar Iraq satu hari ini tanpa selidik terlebih dahulu. Sekarang ini ada pula konsep penjualan dinar Iraq ini diperluaskan dengan sistem downline. Dan ada juga yang dapat beli satu pakej set dinar Iraq + percuma IQD100 contohnya. Kreatif orang kita.

    Dalam situasi ini kami ada 2 pilihan sahaja :

    1.Buruk sangka – Jawapan yang sukar diterima pengumpul cash note dinar Iraq ini walaupun niat kami untuk sampaikan kesedaran.

    2.Baik sangka – Kami menceritakan keindahan semata dengan mengatakan ia adalah peluang keemasan kepada “bakal jutawan dinar Iraq). Tetapi akhirnya…

    Sebenarnya kami tiada benda mudah di dunia untuk senang :

    “bukan senang nak senang, bukan susah nak susah”

    Persoalan-persoalan Sebelum Membeli Dinar Iraq :

    1.Kalau penjual cash note dinar Iraq yakin dinar Iraq akan naik melambung-lambung, mengapa mereka terus menjual dan tidak menyimpan sendiri? Mengapa? Kalau mereka simpan bukankah mereka boleh dapat lebih daripada sepatutnya? Iaitu daripada dapat jadi setakat multimillionaire, terus menjadi billionaire. Sialp-silap hari bulan, kedudukan Tan Sri Robert Kuok boleh dicantas dengan mudahnya.

    2.Mereka-mereka ini membuat perbandingan perang Iraq vs US dengan situasi Perang Teluk Iraq VS Kuwait. Tetapi persoalan sekarang ini, Kuwait dahulu lepas perang teluk, adakah di bawah tentera US seperti yang dihadapi negara Iraq sekarang ini? Mengapa mereka tidak menceritakan kepada pembeli dinar Iraq yang duit kertas duit kertas lama telah dihapuskan dan duit kertas baru telah diperkenalkan sebab masa itu banyak duit kertas telah dicuri oleh tentera Iraq dan muncul kat pasaran dunia? Mengapa?

    3.Apa akan jadi jikalau matawang mereka ditukarkan ke matawang baru selepas ini? Akhirnya duit dinar Iraq sekarang ini apa akan jadi? Akhirnya nanti, jadi macam duit daun pisang

    4.Katakanlah betul seperti yang diramal, dinar Iraq nanti IQD 1=USD 1. Bermaksud nanti bakal muncul jutawan dinar Iraq tidak lama lagi? Alhamdulillah. Moga-moga. Tetapi persoalannya adakah US senang-senang sahaja mahu melingkup ekonomi mereka sendiri yang dah tak tertanggung itu? Kena ingat minyak kat Iraq itu bukan kerajaan Iraq yang kawal tetapi US sendiri

    5.Semua matawang dunia selepas 1971 adalah disandarkan satu sama lain dengan di hujung rantaiannya adalah dollar. Sedangkan US dollar yang merupakan matawang utama dunia pun tengah tenat akibat kegagalan US untuk bayar hutang Treasury Bill (T-bills) pada bulan Ogos 2011, apatah lagi dinar Iraq ini. Barack Obama lebih pening kepala nak fikirkan matawang USD sendiri yang tidak stabil akibat lambatan dolar Amerika sekarang ini.

    6.Apa kepentingan kerajaan Amerika nakkan nilai matawang dinar Iraq kukuh dan negara Iraq aman maju? Sedangkan negara Arab yang lain pun dia kacau apalagi Iraq. Amerika hanya menjaga kepentingan Israel bukan negara arab. Selagi negara arab bersatu dan maju ia adalah ancaman kepada kepada suvival israel itu sendiri. Begitu juga bab ekonomi dan kemajuan dirantau sana.

    7.Dinar Iraq ini pun sama macam matawang lain, iaitu duit fiat. Kelak, 1 dinar Iraq bersandarkan kepada berapa gram emas?

    8.Akhirnya paling mudah persoalan yang perlu difikirkan, berapa ramai yang sanggup berkongsi kekayaan/kesenangan dengan orang lain melainkan mahu menggunakan kesusahan/kesempitan orang lain demi kesenangan peribadi.

    Kita mesti tahu nilai dan bezakan mana satu skim cepat kaya yang mana satu bukan. Melakukan sesuatu tanpa ilmu amatlah bahaya. Benar ada individu dalam sejarah yang menjadi kaya dengan teknik yang hampir serupa dengan kes dinar Iraq ini, yang mana merujuk kepada spekulasi matawang. (Baca sebahagian kandungan buku The Asian Godfather), ada sebut pasal Sir Sik Nin Chau, yang buat duit dengan cara sebegini rupa. Pada masa itu, duit kertas terhad, hanya Sik Nin Chau ada kertas sebanyak tu. Senario dah berubah sekarang ini….

    a) Sekarang ni duit dinar Iraq bersepah
    b) Akhirnya. Yang untung siapa?

    Jutawan Dinar Iraq : Penjual Vs Pembeli?

    Kami tidak menghalang dan siapa kami untuk menghalang sesiapa menjadi kaya. Jika ada yang merasa boleh jutawan dengan cara dinar Iraq, terpulang. Cuma nasihat kami, yang mahu beli cash note dinar Iraq ini selidik betul-betul terlebih dahulu. Periksa fakta-fakta yang sedia ada, bukannya berpandukan ramalan para penjual cash note IQD dan RV semata. Ini duit anda!!

    Bagaimana pembelian cash note IQD dikatakan pelaburan walhal tiada apa yang boleh kita lakukan, selain membeli wang kertas yang belum tentu nilainya dimasa depan.

    Antara nasihat yang berguna dalam pelaburan, JANGAN melabur pada sesuatu yang ANDA tiada kawalan (modal, withdraw, exit) terhadapnya. Buat pelaburan dengan jangan hanya BERGANTUNG SEPENUHNYA kepada harapan semata-mata, TANPA ADA sebarang elemen yang boleh dikawal seperti risk management, jangkaan trend menggunakan candlestick chart and sebagainya. Dalam mana-mana portfolio pelaburan pun wajib ada 2 benda yang boleh dikawal iaitu analyzing and minimizing risk. Kalau sesuatu pelaburan itu tiada 2 elemen ini, itu bukan pelaburan namanya. Itu namanya………(tak sampai hati kami nak sebut). Erm….

    Zaman sekarang, apa-apa benda yang nak buat pun mesti ada ilmu dan bukan berserah kepada nasib semata-mata dengan ayat untuk sedapkan hati sendiri “Insya-Allah, mudah-mudahan Allah permudahkan”.

    P/S : Adakah anda juga ada tergerak hati mahu membeli dinar Iraq? Apa pandangan anda dengan dinar Iraq ini?

    Ada Menyimpan Dinar Iraq?

    a. Ada tetapi sedikit
    b. Ada & dah banyak simpan
    c. Ada & merupakan penjual dinar Iraq
    d. Baru tahu berkenaan dinar Iraq

  1120. Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

    Sekadar Info….untuk dikongsi…

    BAGHDAD, Oct 3 (Reuters) – Many Iraqis have lost faith in their dinar currency but to some foreign speculators, it promises big profits. The contrast underlines the uncertainties of investing in Iraq as the country recovers from years of war and economic sanctions.

    The logic of the dinar bulls is simple. Iraq’s oil exports rose to 2.6 million barrels per day in September, their highest level in three decades; the country aims to hit 6 million bpd by 2017, which would put it close to Saudi Arabia’s current level.

    Even if unstable politics, militant violence and bureaucratic inefficiency prevent that target from being hit, Iraq still seems to be on the threshold of an oil boom that will transform its finances.

    Inflows of new oil revenue could give the country big external surpluses and push state finances deep into the black by late this decade – the classic recipe for a strong currency.

    “As far as our investors are concerned, when they buy Iraqi dinars they do know it is a long-term investment. You know it takes time for a country to rebuild itself,” said Hassnain Ali Agha, president of Dinar Trade, a U.S. dealer of exotic currencies.

    Because the dinar is not freely traded by banks outside Iraq, online dealers of banknotes such as Dinar Trade are the only way that most foreigners can invest in the currency. The Las Vegas-based company says it sells as much as hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of dinars daily, shipping dinar notes to thousands of customers in the United States and elsewhere.

    Agha said that because of optimism about Iraq’s oil wealth, there had been solid demand for dinars since his company was founded in 2004, a year after the U.S. invasion which triggered years of political violence and economic turmoil.

    Back in Baghdad, however, Iraqis themselves are not convinced. Many take what opportunities they have to change their dinars into hard currency, and conduct all but small day-to-day transactions in U.S. dollars.

    “We have no trust in the Iraqi dinar – we feel afraid to save it. We trust the dollar more. The dollar does not go up and down, it is fixed,” said housewife and mother-of-two Eman Saadeldine.


    The dinar has endured wild swings over the past three decades. In the 1980s, one dinar bought around $3, but economic sanctions imposed on Iraq around the time of the 1991 Gulf War sent the currency into decline and stoked inflation, which the government fuelled by printing money. By late 1995, $1 bought as much as 3,000 dinars.

    After the 2003 invasion, the central bank intervened in the currency market to strengthen the dinar, using its supplies of dollars to manage the exchange rate.

    But over the last several years, even as Iraq’s oil production has expanded, there has been none of the appreciation for which speculators have been hoping. The central bank now sells dollars in daily auctions at a fixed price of 1,166 dinars, a level barely changed since 2009.

    In fact, the dinar has recently faced downward pressure as a result of the international economic sanctions imposed on neighbouring Iran and Syria. Iraqi traders rushed to buy dollars to sell on illicitly to residents and businesses in those countries, which are hungry for hard currency.

    The dinar fell as low as 1,280 in the open market this year before Iraqi authorities reacted by allowing two state-run banks and some private lenders to sell dollars, helping push the exchange rate back to around 1,200 currently.

    Another factor counting against the dinar is the fact that the largest banknote is only 25,000 dinars. This often makes the currency unattractive to use in an economy where the banking system is primitive and deals are often done in cash.

    Saadeldine recalls paying in cash for a new house in 2009.

    “If our money had been in dinars, it would have been impossible for us to carry it. It was in dollars and we carried it in a small suitcase,” she said.

    The central bank has been considering plans to knock three zeros off the nominal value of banknotes to simplify financial transactions. This would not in itself increase the real value of the dinar, since prices would adjust in line with the redenomination, but economic experts say it could improve confidence in the dinar and thus boost its value eventually.

    “It would increase trust in the dinar even though its value would not change,” said Baghdad-based economist Majid al-Souri. “Indirectly, when trust increases there will be appreciation.”

    Earlier this year, however, the cabinet decided to suspend the technically complex redenomination plan until further notice, saying the economic climate was not suitable.

    The biggest obstacle to dinar appreciation is the fact that for now at least, Iraqi authorities appear content with the exchange rate in its current range.

    In a memorandum to the International Monetary Fund on economic and financial policies for 2011, written in March that year, the Iraqi government said it saw benefits in keeping the dinar stable.

    “We believe that the policy of maintaining a stable exchange rate continues to be appropriate, as it provides a solid anchor for the public’s expectations in an otherwise uncertain environment and in an economy with a still very low level of financial intermediation,” it said.


    In the long term, however, Iraq’s finances and economy may improve so dramatically that authorities feel comfortable allowing the dinar to appreciate under the pressure of flows of oil money into the country.

    The IMF expects this year’s estimated budget surplus of just 0.2 percent of gross domestic product to balloon to 12.1 percent in 2017. The country’s balance of trade in goods and services, in deficit as recently as 2010, is projected over the next five years to shift to a large surplus of 11.3 percent of GDP.

    Deputy central bank governor Mudher Kasim told Reuters that he expected redenomination of the dinar to go ahead in 2014 or later, by which time the amount of Iraqi currency in circulation would have increased significantly, making financial dealings in cash even harder.

    In the long term, the central bank aims to make 1 dinar equal to $1 with a combination of redenomination and appreciation, although that will take over three years because of instability in the Middle East, Kasim said: “If not for the regional circumstances, we would proceed faster with that plan.”

    Some analysts think the appreciation could go further. Kamal al-Basri, research director at the Iraqi Institute for Economic Reforms, an independent research body in Baghdad, said he expected the dinar to stay stable for the next three years, but that afterwards it might strengthen beyond parity against the dollar, including the effect of redenomination.

    For that to happen, Iraqi politics will have to stabilise, skill and education levels rise and the economy diversify so that it is not so heavily dependent on oil exports, he said.

    Speaking at the Baghdad currency exchange shop that he owns, Ahmed Abdul-Ridha said the dinar’s stability in the past three years was good, but it did not indicate the long-term trend.

    “We wish the dinar’s value would go back to what it was like before, when it used to equal $3 in the 1970s and even in the 1980s,” he said.

    “I expect that day will come. Why not? What we are going through is an abnormal condition…We are an oil country.”

  1121. Bini Najib (BN) berkata:


    1) Mr. Turki stated that Iraq has major resources; which, of course, oil is a part of, but there are also other major sources of wealth within Iraq.

    2) Mr. Turki stated these resources will effect the Iraq economy strongly.

    3) Mr. Turki went on to state Iraq soon plans on applying this wealth to back the currency of Iraq, for the benefit of the Iraqi peoples.

    4) Mr. Turki said steps will be taken to “restructure” the Iraqi currency, which will be based on the country’s resources, and the wealth of the resources will be reflected and applied to the value of the currency.

    5) Mr. Turki stated that the measures taken to properly asing or instill the correct value of the currency, must be taken slowly and carefully, and so they will be.

    6) Mr. Turki also stated the Central Bank of Iraq is currently in the process of applying these steps to the restructuring of the currency.

    7) In conclusion, Mr. Turki said that 10% of the restructured currency will be retained by the CBI and 5% of the restructured currency will be distributed to exchange houses. It should be noted that Mr. Turki remained vague as to whether these changes would be put in place on a global scale, nor did he state that these changes effect only the Iraqi economy.

    At no time during this speech, did Mr. Turki mention nor name the process “deletion of the zeroes”, nor did he state within this speech, that Iraq is in the process of replacing the currency. In relationship to the Iraqi economy or currency, Mr. Turki continued to refer to the application of wealth to the currency, as “restructuring” of the value of the IQD.

    Notes: : I asked my son in law in detail about the translation of this; “Does this mean 5% is going to other banks for distribution?” and he said no, he said, “Mr. Turki expressly stated that the five percent was going to be distributed to exchange houses so people may exchange the currency for the restructured currency”. I also asked him (my son in law) “Did Turki mention anything about deletion of the zeroes or printing new money?” He said no.

    • Cash In Time berkata:

      Ini semua poyo!!!

      Translation yg betul seperti di bawah ni…

      Also, Note: Lakehouse, sometimes I feel bad after I translate something because someone else has already put their false spin on it. I went back and read the email you sent me and I can’t help but wonder why someone would put those points out there. He barely mentions the currency, much less a changing of the currency. The speech is only positive in that it outlines the steps the cbi has taken towards progress. I guess it’s a little general and vague, but he definitely doesn’t spell out the points mentioned. I guess if someone tries to find a hidden meaning out there they can, but I think someone is trying to mislead people. I’m sorry to all, but the translation I sent you is verbatim what he said. I paused the video after every sentence and wrote it down, then went over it another two times to make sure I didn’t miss anything. As much as I wish it was, it’s not an RV based speech. I’m still hopeful this will change, especially based on Phoenix’s latest intel reports. Sorry again. Lots of love, Abby

      January 21, 2013

      Governor of the Central Bank of Iraq; Dr Abdel Bassit Turki Saeed speaking January 12th 2013 at the Union of Arab banks conference in Baghdad. The governor explained current changes in banking law in Iraq and the monetary prevailing situation. 

      http://youtu.be/Kl3lHb1IGZM (check back for translation)

      Hi Lakehouse .. From Abby …

      This is basically word for word what he said. I didn’t hear number 4 directly, but it was implied. 

      In the name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate:

      The brother, First Deputy of the Union of Arab Banks, Dr. Qusay Al-suhail, guests of the country of Iraq, attendees, bankers. Good morning. It pleases me that the CBI participates with the colleagues of the Union of Arab Banks through this forum of Baghdad’s economic and banking sector. Baghdad, which is used to being the Arab embodiment of all which is good and unifies, and which is expected to increase in the coming days, insuring a side of cooperation and development at the level of the Arab economic policies and advanced banking industries, bringing back the area’s placement in the management of its resources, at least at the regional level.

      It is not a secret that there is a weakness in the economic diversity in Iraq, and its dependence on a main supply which is oil, and which reflects the economic specifications. Despite this economic infrastructure which we have inherited, at this time it presents a unique opportunity to create economic change and speed up development. This is in comparison to developing economies, especially the Iraqi economy, enrichment in human resources, materialism, and other economic areas. We identified significant sources in Iraq which could have accomplished this earlier, and changed the social and economic reality on many fronts, had it been used in the right form. Hence, we look to preserve these resources and prevent their loss. This is not only due to our legal and managerial responsibilities, as well as the trust placed in us, but also due to the fact that this is an opportunity for the growth, prosperity and development for our future generations.

      Since 2003, the CBI has taken a number of steps and measures, restlessly balancing between the traditional approach towards conservative monetary policy and between the possible economic consequences of this one sided policy.  Thus, it is the return of the traditional policy to prevent the distortion of this policy, and to promote economic stability.

      The CBI has an independent regulatory authority responsible for the overseeing of the banking sector. It continuously strives to promote the legal environment, creating more productivity in the banking sector. There is a development of the stable banking organizations, and the overseeing and development of the services of the bank, including the increase of electronic services in its various forms, globally available, and a plan to increase the banking work force to increase one bank for every 40,000 individuals in Iraq.

      My banking colleagues: We recognize that the opportunities and roles in the sector are limited. And at this time the returns and profits are declining.  However, it is unacceptable that our revenue sources and our actual investments, continue to compete with the currency.  We have adopted an exclusive law of the reserves at 15%. 10% is kept by the CBI, and 5% is kept at the bank itself, allowing for larger investment opportunities for the bank.  

      The economic management in Iraq is based on a documented constitution geared towards the market economy. In a country where the main resource for a foreign currency is the overall economic activity, here the responsibility to maintain this currency falls on the central bank while the true sources of income insure this.

      From here, the role of the central bank continues.  Even in the past three months, it strives to protect this currency for economic activities through the banking sector, to preserve the validity of the procession towards the market economy. This is done keeping within the legal realm of transactions. There has also been an activation of regulatory tools, as well as coordination with the authorities placed to combat money laundering. There is also cooperation with the border control,  including the entrance from the province of Kurdistan. This approach complies with increased economic freedom, as well as the insurance of the safety of our private banks. There is also a commitment to support the work of these banks in expanding their boundaries from national to Arab to global.  Therefore, we are very serious in continuously striving to build a safe economic and banking future, and to achieve the reality of absolute discretion in spending money in the proper way, maintaining security.  

      We work from this platform, which resolves sensitive issues in the activities of the banking and economic sector, in order to succeed in providing practical recommendations to develop performance to serve our society and nation. I would like to thank all of our research colleagues, who have researched, communicated and presented. In conclusion, I thank our colleagues at the Union of Arab Banks, the Global Bank and the Iraqi Banks, for their efforts, and we hope for increased communication, because nothing scratches your skin like your nail. (This is just a saying which implies that they are one through their common goals, etc.)   

      It is a priority to start building together without waiting for tomorrow. We must build this starting now.  Those who do the weight of an atom will see wealth. (Meaning even those who do a little will see blessings)

      And peace be upon you, as well as God’s mercy and blessings.
      kel at 6:07 PM

  1122. Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

    Parliament Member: Linking CBI auction network with financial institutions will reduce corruption and support the national currency

    Sunday 01/27/2013 08:09 pm


    Praised a member of the Committee on the economy and investment MP / coalition of Kurdish Blocs / Jassim Mohammed Hussein, step the central bank to link the auction on the sale of hard currency electronically with institutions Bank and the Ministry of Finance and the General Authority for taxes will reduce the financial corruption and will support the national currency in the country.

    Hussein said: The new technology When applied correctly and in accordance with the mechanics of modern international will reduce routine boring prevailing in all state departments and will support the national currency and the central bank because it will shorten the time and perform transactions as soon as possible .

    added: must develop devices Banking and Finance with the latest technologies to keep pace with developments in banks and international financial institutions to contribute support and development of the national economy.

    has announced the Iraqi Central Bank, on the implementation of steps linking the electronic information auction of foreign currency daily between institutions Bank and the Ministry of Finance and the General Authority for taxes. central bank held the Iraqi auction of five meetings weekly for buying and selling foreign currency, and receive a commission for cash sales and transfers of $ 13 dinars per dollar

  1123. Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

    Excluding the cancellation of three zeros from the currency The General Secretariat of the Council of Minister

    04/2/2013 8:54 AM

    The General Secretariat of the Council of Ministers excluded replacement currency or cancellation of three zeros at this stage and it is seeking to raise the value of the dinar against the dollar.

    The Secretary General of the Council of Ministers Ali Mohsen Ismail told News Center of the Iraqi Media Network that the project replacing currency and the abolition of three zeros discussed during the last period in the Council of Ministers and the Council stressed that this project is not a priority for the government at the time being and there is no real problem in this field . Noting that replacing currency itself requires a large adjustments, as there are still issues with this side after the fall of the dictatorial regime, where the mass of currency in circulation is limited, but it has doubled now than it was at the time, hence the process of withdrawing this block is a difficult task and an enormous one .

    He stressed that some have wrong impression impaling that the deletion of zeros will reduce the size of the money in circulation as a block , and indeed it does not reduce even by 1% and although the government believes that the change of currency is a good thing in the case of appropriate conditions for its application, but does not give him a priority, but When available, stable conditions

    The Secretary-General drew that Iraqi dinar candidate because rising price against the dollar, and there is economic and financial viability enables dinar to be stronger than it is now, and opportunities rising value available, especially with the growing backlog at the central bank, which exceeded $ 65 billion and rising steadily along with high economic growth in Iraq. He is now one of the most developed countries in the world thanks to the expansion of oil production. He said the ingredient objectivity and economic available in the direction of the high exchange rate of the dinar against the dollar, noting that the government is seeking to have that exchange rate 1000 dinars to the dollar in the sense that the price of the currency class hundred dollars a hundred thousand Iraqi dinars and that any improvement in the political situation could contributes to this matter faster.

  1124. Bini Najib (BN) berkata:


    Finance is seeking to form a parliamentary special committee
    financial receivables for officials

    Baghdad / Iyad al-Tamimi

    Confirmed member parliamentary Finance Committee Najiba Najib abstention most MPs, officials and politicians, and the owners of grades private, for detection disclosed their financial, for reasons they attribute as security, and revealed the formation of a committee by the Finance Committee, and the Integrity Commission, to monitor receivables financial MPs and those with special grades.
    Said Najib in a statement to the “long” yesterday that “the ongoing collaboration with the Integrity Commission, to move detects receivables all officials and deputies and served as General Manager and above,” adding that this step is the most important to fight rampant corruption in the country, showed that the percentage does not exceed 20 percent of the House of Representatives only have disclosed their financial.
    The answer to that covered by providing disclosed their financial ones who are paid one million five hundred and above, indicating that the intent of detection receivables officials is not necessarily accusing the issue of corruption, more politicians, officials, are rich already, but this committee want to disclose all who are trying to exploit their positions, for their own account.
    MP for the National Alliance bloc Qasim al-Araji, the disclosure of financial receivables form of the deputies and officials is useless and will not eliminate corruption, revealing that 25 percent of the House of Representatives only have disclosed their financial.
    They said in a statement to the “long” that “form the annual detection receivables officials Finance is able to detect the properties that a lot of politicians who exploit their positions to achieve the benefits and personal gains are familiar with high law and know black dots and gaps in it that enable them to circumvent “.
    He added that “most politicians do not Isljohn possessions and property of their names are recorded the names of their relatives,” noting that 25% of the House of Representatives only filled the disclosure forms for the financial receivables and the rest of the House of Representatives did not provide disclosed their financial.
    He explained that “those who have made disclosure of financial receivables do not include all the information,” adding that some politicians have appeared after the fall they have the private banking banks sparked controversy between the parties.
    The statistics department of prevention in the Integrity Commission announced, in September last year, very little progress in the response rate senior officials covered detects disclosed their financial despite the expiry of three chapters of the current year.
    The site of the Integrity Commission, published in 2011, a report on the disclosure of receivables finance to senior Iraqi officials, showed these reports that the response rate presidency over the past year to disclose receivables financial reached 100%, while the response of the Council of Ministers, including the Minister Iraqis 83.7% , and the percentage of members of the House of Representatives response 60.6%.
    The report pointed out that the response rate MPs rose to the proportion of approximately 40% response after 24 deputies, bringing the total number who revealed disclosed their financial 129 out of 325 deputies.
    To Integrity Commission announced that it referred in the past year about six thousand accused of corruption to the competent courts in cases of financial corruption by more than a trillion and 300 billion dinars.
    The annual report revealed the legal department of the Commission and received a “long” copy “Authority offices in Baghdad and the provinces – except for the Kurdistan region – referred to eliminate {5980} accused of crimes from the jurisdiction of the Integrity Commission consideration.”
    He noted that “amounts of transactions that occurred where corrupt practices and reached a trillion and {335} billion {74} million and alpha {667} and {388} dinars.”
    The report added that “the Integrity Commission offices in Rusafa and Karkh Ahala in Baghdad {1207} accused of corruption in dealings valued trillion and {83} billion {278} million and {308} thousand and {324} dinars.”
    “The Office of Investigations Diwaniyah transmitted {883} accusing Babylon {705} and Dhi Qar {448} and Nineveh {445} and Basra {344} and Kirkuk {312} and Diyala {284} and Maysan {257} and Wasit {230} and Najaf {229} and Anbar { 194} and Karbala {182} and Muthanna {134} and Salahuddin {126}, accusing “.
    The report went on that “the month of December came in Sadr number of referrals through {495} accusing followed April and March {457} in each and {401} in November and September {386} and June {347} and January and July {330} in every two and {312} for November and {287} for March and {273} for February and {203} for the month of August. “

  1125. al pacino berkata:

    salam, bila mau rv dan terus kaya la……….

    • Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

      sekiranya anda menyimpan duit didalam akuan bank diiraq….. confirm dah tak lama lagi …..anda boleh teruskan angan2 anda…sabar sahaja lah…tetapi sekiranya anda penyimpan cash note dinar iraq….. anda jangan berangan lebih2….sebab duit cash note dinar iraq bakal kena pancung….tak caya ….anda boleh baca artikal2 tentang bank & cash note dibawah.

  1126. pakcik kayo berkata:

    Finance Committee puts the final touches on the budget
    04 February 2013 10:43

    The parliamentary Finance Committee revealed on Monday, that it has put the final touches to the federal draft budget for the current year 2013 , referring to the trend to raise disagreement points to the heads of political blocs to be resolved before voting on it predicted to take place next Thursday.
    The member of the Finance Committee, Ameen Hadi said in an interview with “Shafaq News”, that “The Finance Committee made the final touches to the federal draft budget, leaving only some points of disagreement that was not agree on until now within the committee that include the mechanism of distributing a proportion of the budget surplus and the region’s share” .

    The member of the Finance Committee predicted that “voting on the federal draft budget next Thursday instead of Tuesday,” noting that “the resolution will be made by the Presidency of the parliament “.

    The total federal budget is 138 billion dinars, which is the largest total in the history of the Iraqi state, which included 55 billion dinars for the investment part and 83 billion dinars for the operational part.
    The Iraqi government budget was established in 2013 on the basis of (90) dollars for a barrel by an export rate of 2.9 million barrels of oil per day.

    Link to English side of site:


  1127. pakcik kayo berkata:

    The category of 500 dinars undesirable in Salahuddin

    5/2/2013 09:59:00

    Shop owner in Samarra displays currency class 500 Iraqi dinars
    Speaking residents in Salahuddin province that paper currency class 500 dinars no longer shopkeepers accept received while refusing banks are the other receiving the damaged ones to become category unwanted in the province.
    stresses people that the banks are still distributed 500 dinars with other categories of paper currency Iraqi.
    Bakr Hassan owner clothing store in Samarra told PUKmedia that “paper currency class 500 is no longer one here accept used total afraid of them and no one knows why only say that the banks refuse to receive.”
    either Ahmed Abbas, a native of Samarra in Salahuddin province Religion spoke to PUKmedia deplored the non-acceptance of one of the shops sell because it gave them this category paper and said: “I have a large amount of them received some time ago from the bank and do not know what to do now if there was a cancellation of the currency or preventing the circulation Why not tell people so long ago. ”
    other citizen named Joseph Yasser says for PUKmedia that “banks and distributed a few days ago a little amount of class 500 dinars Where goes by the people today?, rejected are returned.”
    did not allow for PUKmedia get a press statement from the banks in the province but His one shop banking and named Falah al-Samarrai spoke about the reasons for non-use of this currency. ”
    and Aazzoa shop owners banking in Salahuddin not use currency class 500 dinars Iraqi colored green to damage paper some of them.
    Samarrai said that “paper currency not be canceled or prevents circulation but as you know it paper currency is the leaves began damaged prompting banking authorities not to accept receipt of the damaged ones from people and prompted the owners of stores to be accepted. ”
    and added that “the solution lies in isolating with paper good for those damaged when presented to the bank for Remember damaged until being replaced in time again and is non-refundable to the owner. ”
    Either the Finance Committee and Administrative Council Salahuddin province confirmed that the Iraqi currency is a national currency and all categories and recognized and not the right of any person to prevent circulation.
    Committee Chairman Niazi architecture Ihsanoglu’s PUKmedia “The currency that replaced in 2003 is the national currency and all categories and recognized and not the right of any person to prevent circulation if a store owner or banks.”
    said Ihsanoglu said that “the central bank is the one who bears changed or replaced does not bear the citizen,” he said.
    increased by saying that “attempting to sever the damaged for good may be a good attempt to help cashiers in banks and saving time and facilitate banking transactions, but in any case, the central bank is the one who bears any changes or substitutions.”
    and saw Salahuddin province (north-east of Baghdad, about 175 km), During the past year, the invasion of counterfeit currency markets, after they entered the Iraqi market large quantities of counterfeit currency denominations of 10 thousand dinars, which led to the reservation of many shopkeepers to handle.PUKmedia Osman الشلش / Salahuddin

  1128. pakcik kayo berkata:

    Iraqi Cabinet rules out replacing, omitting zeros from IQD in current phase; IQD expected to rise by reserves and growth of economy
    Posted: February 4, 2013 in Iraqi Dinar/Politics, Top Headlines
    Tags: Baghdad, Central bank, Central Bank Iraq, Currency, Foreign exchange reserves, Iraq, Iraqi dinar, middle east

    Screen Shot 2012-07-20 at 6.51.59 AMMonday, 04 February 2013 12:18

    Baghdad (AIN) -The Secretariat General of the Council of Ministers ruled out replacing the Iraqi currency or crossing out the zeros from it in this phase.

    A statement by the SG quoted its Secretary General, Ali al-Allaq, as saying “The project of replacing the Iraqi currency and omitting the three zeros from it was discussed in past period at the CoM where the Council stressed that this topic is not within the priorities of the Council since there is no problem in this respect.”

    “The Iraqi Government thinks that changing the currency needs suitable and stable circumstances,” he added confirming “This proposal will be given priority if the stable conditions are there.”

    “The price of the Iraqi Dinar is expected to rise against the US Dollar encouraged by the increase of the currency reserve accumulated at the Central Bank of Iraq in addition to the revival of the economic growth of Iraq,” Allaq concluded.


  1129. Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

    Economist: IMF recommendations on investment in Iraq to promote it


    The Economist called Jalil Al-Rubaie, the need to take advantage of the decisions and recommendations issued by the International Monetary Fund for investment in Iraq to develop the investment process and advancement.
    Al-Rubaie said in a press statement that the report issued by the World Bank put Iraq in the ranks last among States in the area of investment and select a number of obstacles that hinder the investment process in the country.

    He added: we must take advantage of international decisions and apply them to the ground to overcome impediments to the investment process.
    And there are many obstacles: prevented the advancement of investment process in Iraq which no legal environment despite the investment law but the law alone could not solve all the obstacles and barriers to investors when they come to invest.

    P/s: IMF cakap dia galakkan pelabur,membuat pelaburan didalam iraq!!!! Hmmmmmm….hehehe… ini bererti sesiapa yg membuka akuan bank diiraq dan menyimpan duit mereka kedalam bank di iraq merupakan pelabur……so maknanya aku nie merupakan salah seorang perlabuhlah ekk…..sebab aku mempunyai duit didalam bank diiraq…. !!!!! so tak salahlah pilihan aku untuk membuka akuan bank diiraq.TAPI…bagai mana pula pelabur2 Cash Note dinar Iraq yg melabur di luar dari iraq?????? adakan ia diketogerikan sebagai pelaburan oleh IMF…..atau sekadar Beli dan Lebur (Pun salah satu pelaburan jugak ekk….iatu beli dan x nampak hasil) Hmmmmmm……..

  1130. Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

    Iraqi Dinar Could Rise as Much as 15%

    05 February 2013

    The General Secretariat of Iraq’s Council of Ministers has ruled out the replacement of the currency or cancellation of three zeros “at this stage”, and it is seeking to raise the value of the dinar against the dollar.

    The Secretary General of the Council of Ministers said that the project to replace the currency, dropping the three zeros, was discussed but is not a priority for the government at this time being, and “there is no real problem in this field”.

    He noted that replacing currency requires “large adjustments”, and the process of withdrawing the existing money is an enormous and difficult task.

    He stressed that some have the mistaken impression that deleting the zeros will “reduce the size of the money in circulation as a block”, but in fact it does not reduce it even by 1 percent, and while the government believes that the change of currency is a good thing under appropriate conditions, it is not a priority.

    The Secretary-General said the dinar should be stronger than it is now, and implied that an exchange rate of 1,000 dinars to the dollar — a rise of about 15 percent — might be sustainable.

  1131. Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

    Cancelling zeros from currency unexpected, Cabinet


    BAGHDAD/ Aswat al-Iraq: The General Secretariat of the Iraqi Cabinet did not expect that the Iraqi currency will be changed or cancelling the three zeros at this time.
    Secretary General Ali Muhsin Ismael said that the government is trying to increase the value of the dinar to the US dollar.
    He added that cancelling the zeros is “not of priority to the government”.
    Ismael expected that the Iraqi dinar value is expected to be increased in comparison to US dollar, due to the increase in the reserves in the Central Bank of Iraq which reached to 65 billion dollars.
    He pointed out that the government is trying to reach the level 1000 Iraqi dinar as equivalent to one US dollar.

  1132. Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

    Iraqi funds immunity ends on 22 May, 2013


    BAGHDAD/ Aswat al-Iraq: Iraqi Cabinet confirmed today that the immunity on Iraqi funds in foreign banks will end on 22 May, 2013.
    Cabinet advisor Fadhil Mohammed, in a press statement to Iraqi Media Network, disclosed the immunity imposed by the United States will end in that date.
    He added that the Iraqi amounts abroad belonging to the Central Bank of Iraq reached to $65 billion, in addition to other governmental funds that will be regained after lifting the immunity.
    Iraq paid 3500 trade debtors with the amount of $2.7 billion, to protect its funds from external manipulations.

  1133. al pacino berkata:

    salam BN, sebelum pru13, ada harapan RV ke?

    • Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

      tak tahu lagi….apa2 pun kita tunggu sehingga 23 feb nie…. dalam masa sekarang ini anytime boleh RV.

      • Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

        kenapa aku cakap tunggu sehingga 23 feb 2013?

        sebabnya berkemungkinan pasal benda ini….

        IMF to extend a loan of Iraq until February 23, 2013

        03 January 2013

        IMF to extend a loan of Iraq until February 23, 2013 “to allow the Iraqi Government to implement exchange rate changes””

        Baghdad…The International Monetary Fund said on arrival at an agreement with Iraq in which their loan was extended seven months until 23 February 2013 to allow the Iraqi Government to implement a series of measures in the country’s exchange rate system.

        The IMF’s statement that “changes the agreement which expired on 23 July last was at the request of the Iraqi Government.”
        “The total funding available to Iraq is about 1.96 billion dollars.
        The Executive Board of the International Monetary Fund had agreed on 24 February 2010 at the standby credit agreement for a period of two years worth of 38, 2 billion special drawing rights “about 58, 3 billion dollars and approved the extended for five months until June 2012 with the exchange adjustment at switch in funding needs. The total resources currently available to Iraq under the agreement to the equivalent of 24, 1307 million special drawing rights “about 96, 1 billion dollars”.

  1134. Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

    United Bank fined for violating the provisions of the anti-money laundering law


    Baghdad News

    The face of the Iraqi Central Bank of the death of the United Bank for Investment for not retaining documents that disclose the nature of the activities practiced by the customers who provide funding requests amounts via central bank auction.

    He said assistant general manager of the banking and credit control in the central bank Kamal Sohail Abdullah, “The punishment included the imposition of a fine on the bank in the amount of 10 million , according to the provisions of Article 9 / anti-money laundering law No. 93 for the year 2004.” He added that he “will bring a lawsuit against the United Bank for Investment in the event of non-payment of the amount of the fine.”

    The Iraqi Central Bank decided on the eighth of last month to punish Bank of the Middle East for violating the provisions of the anti-money laundering law No. 93 of 2004 and the regulations issued there under.

  1135. Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

    IMF shows comfortable growth rates in Iraq

    February 7, 2013

    The representative of the International Monetary Fund in Iraq Yahia Khairi Said satisfaction rates of economic growth in Iraq, after a meeting with First Deputy Speaker of Parliament Qusay al-Suhail.

    A statement issued by the Office of Suhail that the meeting discussed the Fund’s work in Iraq, and his technical assistance in the field of training of competent personnel.

    He added that they also discussed ways to strengthen the IMF’s role in the development sector in Iraq, modernization and economic means to deal in Iraq.

    It is happy for his part expressed satisfaction with the impressive economic growth rates that contribute significantly to the creation of economic stability to Iraq.

  1136. pakcik kayo berkata:

    United Bank investment stop dealing with a number of his customers and closing their accounts

    Editor: HL | AA

    Thursday 14 February 2013 05: 30 GMT

    Alsumaria news/Baghdad
    The Iraqi Central Bank, disclosed Thursday, shutting down United Bank for investment deal with a number of his clients and close their accounts, the Bloc’s due to suspicions of money laundering.

    The Bank said in a statement received “alsumaria news”, “United Bank investment stopped dealing with a number of his clients and close their accounts,” the Bloc’s due to suspicions on money laundering “.

    The Bank said that “the Bank amounted to the money laundering reporting Office at the Central Bank of Iraq of this resolution”.

    Money laundering is the process of recycling of funds from illegal actions in the areas of investment channels to hide the real source and look as if they had been generated from a legitimate source. Examples of such unlawful acts of funds from drug trafficking, slave, prostitution, weapons, robbery and theft.

    Economic observers underlines the growing phenomenon of money laundering in Iraq encouraged by political and security conditions in the country and in recent years.

    The number of private banks in Iraq reached more than 30 banks, but did not play a central role in the economic development process in Iraq because of a lack of capital, and that most government departments not dealing with private banks due to a lack of confidence in the private sector generally and the private banks in particular.

    p/s: ha..ha..ha…

  1137. roses berkata:

    Salam Bini Najib,P.Kayo dan M.Langat,
    Sempat lagikah kalau saya buka akaun? sya baru tahu pasal dinar iraq ni minggu lepas dari sorg kawan ofer IQD 25K =rm90. nasib saya tak beli sebab jenis sye nak tahu kesahihah dulu.

    Dari pkul 10mlm td smpai 4.30 pagi ni saya dok bace semua komen A-Z. tak boleh nak tido. Alahai sedihnya saya baru tahu ;(.. fakta dari BN,PK buka mata saya. ada ke sesape yg boleh bantu saya kalau masih sempat buka akaun lagi? Kalau tak byk,sikit pon jadilah dpt invest. boleh cukupkan duit makayah nk pegi haji..t.kasih dengan perhatian semua 😉

  1138. roses berkata:

    encik BN, saya nk tnya, jika sye buka akaun bulan feb 2013 ni masih sempatkah? bedebar2 hati saye bace artikel2 en.BN satu persatu sejak 3 tahun lepas dlm ruang ni..konsisten..hampir sumenye right on target to meet your predictions..

    • manlangat berkata:

      you’re right, roses. I agreed with what you have stated…bini najib’s predictions are indeed true and well-written.

    • Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

      jangan risau…untuk membuka akuan warka bank bila2 masa pun boleh…walaupun selepas RV pun anda masih boleh membuka akuan…tiada masalah….yg menjadi masalahnya sekiranya dah RV dengan nilai NIQD 1 bersamaan USD 1, anda hanya perlu standby minimum untuk membuka akuan hanya sebanyak NIQD 300K sahaja….iaitu bersamaan USD 300,000 bersamaan RM 900,000 sahaja jika dibandingkan dengan membuka akuan sebelum RV hanya modal sebanyak IQD 300K bersamaan USD 258 bersamaan RM 824 sahaja. itu sahaja bezanya. anyway kau kena cepat2lah apply untuk buka akuan sebelum RV…..jangan tunggu lama2.bertindak dengan pantas OK!!

      • Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

        Perlu diingatkan buat masa kini hanya warka bank sahaja yg offer untuk membuka akuan bank dengan modal permulaan sebanyak IQD 300K , jika kita nak bandingkan dengan Dar Al-Salam Investment Bank modal permulaan untuk membuka akuan pada masa sekarang sebanyak USD100,000.

        tetapi berlainan pula dengan bank di Kuwait. saya pernah bertanya dengan pihak bank of kuwait utk pembukaan akuan….. modal permulaanya hanya serendah KWD 500 sahaja iaitu bersamaan RM 5,250 iatu dengan pertukaran nilai terkini.

      • roses berkata:

        itulah yg merisaukan sye kalau tetibe RV plak bulan ni..sebenarnye, Iraq has everything in alignment to increase the value of their dinar by this year…cume sye je trlambat thu, -_-‘ *down btl* …hopefully start by Mac & above la RV tu.huhu..

        pukul 12.00 tghari tadi sye dh hantar email kt warka apply acc tu (dengan bantuan en.manlangat -tqvm en.man), Tengah tunggu feedback dari warka je nih. en.manlangat kate tgu dalam 2-3hari. btw, mekaseh dgn advise en.BN tu.. harap en.BN keep on writing & sharing the latest info regarding this dinar. walaupon sye rase en.BN ni agak ‘garang’ dgn kata2nye ;).tapi sye suke gak bace sebab garangnye itu mendidik..hihi, god bless!

      • Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

        tak caya pasal Dar Al-Salam Investment Bank untuk modal permulaan utk membuka akuan ….boleh click link dibawah ini….


      • anti warka & Dinar note berkata:

        23 feb BN & the kaya raya..ha..ha..semua auta..pak arab auta..BN pun auta kat sini..ha..ha..aku duk tunggu BN kaya selepas 23feb…ha..ha

  1139. Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

    Economists attribute the reduced bank dollar sales to limit the currency go outside Iraq

    BAGHDAD – 21 February 2013

    attributed economist reduce central bank dollar sales to rise sales recently, stressing that reducing the high price comes by reducing الحولات foreign bank. said economic expert Hilal Taan’s (citizen): »that the central bank engaged in a policy of open market trading sell the dollar ». added» said the bank was selling nearly $ 250 million per day, and then raise money selling to $ 400 million per day ». explaining» that step the bank to reduce dollar sales aimed at maintaining the exit of hard currency into the country ». continued» that reducing process sell الحولات to abroad in the sale will reduce the role of currency out. Meanwhile economist said Jalil al-Rubaie, to reduce the size of the hard currency sales at auction the central bank will affect the exchange rate of the dinar against the dollar. called to achieve a balance between sales and purchase of currencies in the market. Rubaie said: No central bank can reduce the sales of hard currency in the auction public, because it will lead to increased demand for the dollar in the market, what makes the dinar exchange rate drop significantly. continued: should the central bank to take policy balance, buying and selling of foreign currency in the market to maintain a stable exchange rate of the dinar against the dollar. explained: that monetary policy pursued by the central bank present is good because it maintained the stability of the value of the dinar, saying it aims to increase its exchange rate against international currencies during the coming periods.

  1140. Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

    Iraq looks for WTO membership; Pleads for flexibility

    Iraq, February 18, 2013

    The President of the International Union of business said that Iraq has elements of economic qualify for joining the World Trade.

    Hamid, the President of the International Federation of businessmen Iraq, said punitive to the requirement of seeking for the accession of Iraq to the World Trade Organization because of its great advantages for the growth of the national economy and raising its standards.

    He stated punitive Iraq did qualify for joining the World Trade Organization because it has got the elements of great economic various different sectors, but requires activating the laws economy free market to facilitate the accession process.

    And he also added that based on the economy of Iraq from officials claiming seeking to accession of Iraq to this organization because of its great significance to the growth of the Iraqi economy and promote trade and economic relations with several developed countries.

    He also indicated that the World Trade Organization (WTO) has given some flexibility conditions of accessions to the private to third world countries, for Iraq exploited for the purpose of accession.

    The World Trade Organization (WTO) was in the year 1995, and is one of the smallest organizations international age where the WTO is the successor to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT), which was set up in t he wake of World War II, and its overriding aim is to help out the flow and the flow of trade Bslaslh and freedom, and it includes membership World Trade Organization (WTO) above 140 members representing more than 90 % of the WTO.

  1141. roses berkata:

    makinla berdebar2..hurm

  1142. Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

    Central Bank gives companies selling currency 4 months for submission of final accounts

    Baghdad – February 21, 2013

    The CBI gave companies to broker sale of foreign currency for four months for submission of final accounts.
    The Bank said in a statement received/JD/copy: based on the decision of the Board of directors by its numbered 1493, and held on 11/12/2012, the companies decided to sell foreign currency to provide final accounts by 30 June of the following year of activity.
    He said: the work under this resolution should provide us with the final accounts for the year ended 31/12/2012 by 30 June 2013, otherwise your company will bear the legal consequences.
    The parliamentary Finance Committee, revealed that the process of sell the currency at the Central Bank did not change for the article Central Bank Governor Sinan Al-Shabibi.
    The Committee Member said the iraqiya list parliamentarian Ibrahim Al-mutlak told pre/JD/:, selling foreign currency, and money orders the Central Bank had not changed, and have not seen anything new, and it is the same as it was in the time of conservative Central Bank, Sinan Al-Shabibi, and his Deputy, Mohammad Saleh appearance.
    Al-mutlaq, said that the previous mechanism is still in place and did not notice any effect, after the media which provoked the Shabibi.

  1143. Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

    Iraq discloses designs for redenominated banknotes slated for July 2013

    Feb 21, 2013

    According to Iraq’s semi-official Alsabaah newspaper, the finance committee received specimens of the new Iraq banknotes from the Central Bank of Iraq. The specimens were of the 25, 50, 100, and 200 dinars. The committee urged the central bank to delay the introduction of the new currency from January 2013 to July 2013 to study all the aspects of the process.

    Other Iraqi media reports state that the new currency will be issued in denominations of 5, 10, 25, 50, 100, and 200 dinars for banknotes and 25, 50, 100, 250, and 500 fils, plus 1 and 2 dinars for coins. The designs have been already chosen for banknotes and coins:

    features of dinar:

    5 dinars: Beck waterfall and palm tree

    10 dinars: dinar coin minted in the reign of the Umayyad dynasty and lighthouse Hadba in Mosul

    25 dinars: King Hammurabi receiving the law and farming of Iraqi Kurdistan

    50 dinars: King Codaa and Fort Ukhaydir

    100 dinars: Central Bank building in Azwaip area in Baghdad and ziggurat

    200 dinars: bridge and school

    Courtesy of Mosab K. Ibrahim.

    • roses berkata:

      maksudnya utk bln 2-6 ni still guna note yang lama ke en.BN?

      • Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

        yer!!!! tetapi perlu difahami cetakan Cash Note dinar Iraq yg baru boleh dikeluarkan bila2 sahaja dari Januari 13 sehingga bulan julay 13 terpulang pada CBI (Central Bank Of Iraq) so…apa yg pasti duit Cetakan yg mempunyai 3 bahasa telah siap dicetak dan hanya menunggu masa yg sesuai sahaja untuk dikeluarkan.

      • roses berkata:

        aduiyai.ase nak terbang kt iraq je skrg buka acc, tapi tak mampu lak.mudah2an sye masih ade rezki.huhu

      • roses berkata:

        en.BN yg dihormati, sye nk tnye, based on apa yg en.BN tahu, berapakah kemungkinan nilai rv in your predictions dalam masa terdekat ni? adakah rv akan naik selow2 atau drastically sepanjang tahun ni? tq

      • Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

        predictions saya sekitar USD 0.86 sehingga USD 1 itu kalau diikutkan CBI base on gold yg ada dalam simpanannya. tetapi siapa tahu….kalau iraq nak buat gila…dia sandarkan nilai duitnya pada BLACK GOLD dan bukannya pada PURE GOLD. kalau benar iraq nak menyandarkan nilai matawangnya pada Black Gold kebarangkalian NIQD 1 bersamaan dengan USD 3.33 ini tidak mustahil…kerana rate ini sinonim dengan nilai duitnya sebelum perang.

        P/s: perlu diingatkan ini hanyalah tafsiran pandangan saya sahaja.

    • Cash In Time berkata:

      agak2 la nak kelenteng, ni news bukan pada feb21 2013, tapi news pada Jul21 2012…

  1144. Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

    Iraq new date (2010) 25,000-dinar note confirmed

    buat pembeli cash note dinar iraq…..sekiranya anda masih berminat untuk membeli Duit Cash Note Dinar Iraq dari penjual dinar iraq dimalaysia yg bernilai IQD 25K , 10K & 5K kerana duit cetakan tahun 2003 , 2004 & 2006 telah ditarik keluar dari kitaran. kenapa saya menyarankan anda membeli cash note dinar iraq utk cetakan tahun 2010???? tak lain dan tak bukan kemungkinan apabila RV nanti hanya duit cetakan tahun 2010 sahaja yg sah untuk pertukaran….MENGAPA????? sebab dari tahun cetakan tersebutlah CBI boleh mengetahui bahawa duit tersebut memang berlegar didalam negara Iraq dan cara x langsung sekiranya ada orang yg menukarkan duit cetakan tahun 2003 ,2004 & 2006 kepada CBI maka duit tersebut telah pun dibawa masuk luar dari iraq (money gambling).saya sarankan anda membeli duit cetakan terbaru ini (sekiranya anda fanatik dengan Cash Note) , Tetapi adalah lebih Afdal sekiranya anda berminat dengan investment dinar iraq ini,saya sarankan anda membuka akuan bank diiraq…adalah jauh lebih baik dan tepat.

  1145. ryzo berkata:

    En. Bn mmana nak tahu bila wang tersebut dicetak…..terima kasih.

  1146. Cash In Time berkata:

    aik bini najib…ni mesti ade simpan cash note gak ni…hahaha…kepada yg hendak membeli cash note, toksah risau la sbb kebanyakan money changer jual cash note yg baru tahun 2010… dan tak payah nak risau cash note ni tak laku sbb bila rv nanti..lakulah ia…disebabkan iqd sudah menjadi tradeable currency worlwide…

  1147. Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

    Iraq’s Dinar: Still Stuck in the Wild West of Currencies

    February 22, 2012

    While most investors realize Iraq is still a dangerous place to travel to, they may not fully grasp the financial
    risks tied to trading in the nation’s currency, the dinar.

    Worried about the dinar’s illiquidity, the threat of currency fraud and still-unstable situation in Iraq, Wells
    Fargo (WFC) issued a warning this week urging investors to steer clear of the currency.

    “Considering that Iraq remains a dangerous place with an uncertain future, we strongly advise investors against taking the risk of buying Iraqi dinar as an investment,” Paul Christopher, chief international investment strategist at Wells Fargo Advisors, wrote in a note in response to investor curiosity about
    the currency.

    Introduced as Iraq’s new currency in 2004 after the fall of Saddam Hussein’s regime, the dinar, which recently traded at about 1,165 dinar per U.S. dollar, is still only available in paper form because most U.S. banks decline to deal it.

    That means the dinar is still very much a part of the Wild West of the currency world, an area most investors should probably avoid funneling money to.

    Yet investors are clearly curious about the dinar, largely because of yet-to-be-realized hopes that the Iraqi Central Bank will revalue the currency by resetting its exchange rate at a more favorable value. They point to similar economic rebounds and currency revaluations in West Germany after World War II and in Kuwait after Saddam’s 1991 invasion.

    Yet Christopher spells out four main risks to buying into the dinar now: the threat of future violence in Iraq, illiquidity, risk of fraud and historical precedent.

    While Iraq has clearly made great political strides in recent years, the political unity between Iraq’s three competing ethnic groups remains extremely fragile. Plus, foreign influence, especially from that of Iran, threatens to further inflame political tensions.

    “Iraq’s post-war experience shows much stronger ethnic divisions than was the case in Germany or Kuwait, prior to their currency revaluation,” Christopher wrote. “While the economy grapples with violence, the prospect of a currency revaluation seems remote.”

    But even if the political and violence situations didn’t cast a pall over the dinar, the illiquid nature of the currency makes investment impractical.

    Because few of the world’s banks outside the Middle East work with Iraqi banks, most investors are forced to buy actual physical dinar banknotes (rather than the electronic form of the currency like a euro
    investor would). Dealers in banknotes charge customers for the cost of shipping, handling and buying/selling the dinar in a wholesale market, Christopher said.

    “The costs for buying or selling the dinar may absorb most or even all of an investor’s return,” Christopher said.

    Without any banks to work with, investors in the Iraqi dinar are often forced to work with Internet trading companies and potentially shady dinar dealers that aren’t closely regulated by the U.S. government. That leaves investors open to the risk of fraud.

    Christopher pointed to the fact that the Iraqi dinar trade ranked No. 6 on the Utah Department of Commerce’s list of top 10 frauds of 2006.

    “We suggest many [currency] recommendations that we believe have much less liquidity, fraud and principal risk,” Christopher said

  1148. Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

    Ki Card put its strategy for the year 2013 and announces the launch / MasterCard / in the middle of the year

    22 / February 2013

    The company announced global smart card / Ki Card / for that mid-2013 will see the beginning of starting service to international / MasterCard / granted feature international roaming. announced managing director of the company Baha Abdul Hussein Abdul Hadi new strategy in the annual forum first organized by the company at the Hall Semiramis Hotel Ishtar in Baghdad., which will be adopted / Ki Card / for the current year, especially services related to second generation and increase the number of outlets receiving and release and the granting of licenses for moles major and shops as well as hotels and wishing Bmcunninh selling business and shopping. confirmed / Ki Card / she is launching its services to the second generation customers holders smart card that allows shopping and financial transfer from the card to another and pay the bills, to be able to suffer problems in Fingerprints replaced footprint eye to issue a card smart in the next few days will be able to receive their dues footprint eye too. They indicated that the new services will open field broad front traders and companies to market their goods through retail and withholding mail. praised department managers and employees efforts by elements in all categories after they managed to rise to “to card” to the ranks of companies sober in Iraq and the region. mentioned that so suspended its services in the ninth th of February until the twenty-fifth of it to complete the technical measures in the technical process of transition.

  1149. BEE END berkata:

    pemegang cash note & acc. warka..dua-dua kene kelepet dgn BN..

  1150. Jus Tersohor berkata:

    en Bn yg dihormati….saya cdgkan buat accc FB khas utk berita2 terkini drp en Bn..yg caci maki en BN…block terus..hehe

    • Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

      tak perlu facebook….tak genuine…kalau kita x suka comment orang lain kita boleh delete….saya lebih suka berhujjah didalam blog yg bukan kepunyaan saya…sebab orang ramai yg baca blog ini boleh tahu apa belaku tampa sebarang tapisan. org nak kutuk saya ….suka hati dia oranglah…. kalau kutuk tampa memberikan fakta….itu namanya org yg mengutuk itu Bodoh bin bangang. kalau kutukan itu berfakta….dan ternyata kesilapan saya…so saya tak malu nak akui kesilapan saya. ini adalah cara saya….untuk berkongsi maklumat.

  1151. anti warka & cash note berkata:

    BN ang the gang auta saja…Pak Araq Iraq auta dgn fakta…aku bukan apa kesian kat engkau dan seangkatan dgn kau duk angau..kesian…kesian…bln Feb dah penghujung..Iqd engkau & kawan2 yg engkau duk tunggu2 x jugak naik…lebih baik engkau BN pergi toreh getah ada jugak asil…ha..ha..

    • Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

      hahaha…aku lagi kesian & bersimpati dengan kau….aku faham kau berada dalam delima dan dalam tekanan kerana mungkin kau tak mampu untuk menyimpan dinar iraq ini….hehehehehe…

      P/s: nasihat aku pada kau…..kalau tak ada menyimpan duit iraq…janganlah menyalak macam anjing yg nampak hantu dimalam hari….baik kau gi sambung menoreh getah lebih baik….wakakawakakawakaka….

  1152. Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

    Central Iraq sold for 5 banks $ 16 billion in 2012

    Wednesday, February 27, 2013

    The Central Bank said in a statement that it sold through auction, 16.2 billion dollars for the five banks eligibility only and that amount constitutes 33 percent of sales volume in 2012. Announcement central» in response to remarks by MP Haider Al-Mulla, which accused him of favoring a few banks to conduct foreign exchange operations and exclude the other.

    He was publicly identified in most treated banks with the Central Bank said it Beirut & Byblos campus and the Middle East Baghdad, Al-Mansur and credit and Ceyhan and the Tigris and Euphrates and North Bank». He criticized ” the policy of the Central Bank and the variables in the currency issue “, adding that” this policy has caused losses reaching 509 billion Iraqi
    dinars ($ 420 million) in three months.

    He said “we have an investigation on the mechanism of currency at the Central Bank, we discovered that the issue of dollar auctions were abolished, there is a predominance of banks, mostly foreign, these auctions.

    He said “these banks is that control of the dollar in Iraq, with the exchange rate of the dollar amount, 1160, but the price arrived to 1243 DT», «these prices led to huge losses to the country’s Central Bank.

    The Central Bank responded to the accusations publicly, saying it carried reviews do not fall within the Bank’s activity, the statement said “the names of the banks that do not fall within the list of top banks buy dollars, and top-traded banks is the Middle East, and North, Erbil, and United National

    The statement noted that “the size of the purchase these banks is 33 percent of the entire currency auction sales. According
    to the statement, the five banks had “over the full year from purchase of $ 301 million in cash by 2012 and about $ 16 billion of remittances abroad».

    «Central» confirmed the «further checks on the auction transactions, several banks offered to penalties including prevented her from entering the auction for a certain period in addition to bend an exceptional audit transactions, because of the large volume of transactions and evidence of strong doubt on transactions made through during the previous phase. He stressed the new Administration’s belief that “the expansion of the Iraqi banking relations with the outside world and better investment opportunities in
    Iraq, and of allowing foreign banks to open branches and discreet on the basis of reciprocity.

    Description of the «central» public Exchange as fabricated, adding that “the dollar selling
    price for banks with 1179 dinars to the dollar, and in 2012 the exchange rate had not risen to 1,254 in July then returned to stability, attributing the rise to a wrong decision taken by the previous administration.

  1153. Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

    Smart Card launches its services for the second generation of the holders of the “Key Card” in Iraq

    Alsumaria News

    – Baghdad announced global smart card, Tuesday announced the launch of its services to the second generation of card holders the “Ki Card” in Iraq, while indicated that they will in the coming months to activate the roaming service for the smart card to be used outside the country, as well as service and mobile Internet. The director of studies and development of the smart card Louay Ibrahim Hadi in an interview for “Alsumaria News”, “company global smart card launched the second generation of the smart card the (Ki Card), which will provide services and commercial banking for all citizens without exception,” noting that “the card will enable customer deposit and transfer funds anywhere in addition to shopping in the shops, as well as pay the bills related to electricity and water. ” said Hadi that “the company will cooperate with 4000 port to deal with this service, including the shops that will be equipped with devices for which deal with this card,” He pointed out that “the citizen who owns this card will be able to shop without carrying any amount of cash in his pocket and no commission to be borne by the merchant or shop owner.” For his part, Executive Director of the company Thaer Awad for “Alsumaria News”, that “the use of the smart card will provide protection and security of the citizens of the theft, in addition to the elimination of corruption in government departments, “pointing out that” the card offers 256 service, whether related to the service of financial or other services. ” He Awad that “the company that the number of subscribers 2.00065 million thousand citizens aspire access the smart card for each Iraqi citizen, “explaining that” the lack of infrastructure in Iraq is one of the most important obstacles that delayed the spread of the smart card. ” For his part, Deputy Managing Director of the company, Ibrahim Abdul Hadi in an interview for “Alsumaria News”, that “the company will in the coming months to activate service Roaming for the smart card in conjunction with mustard Card World for use outside of Iraq, “adding” it will launch also new mobile bank and Internet service during the current year, which will enable the citizens of shopping or banking via the Internet. ” The company is global smart card sector companies mixed contribution in partnership among the largest banks government (Rafidain and Rasheed) with IEPS, which was founded in 2007. seemed work smart card system in Iraq in late 2008, then expanded regularly to feed the circulation of more than 1.5 million e-Card mid-year 2010, especially among customers of beneficiaries of social protection network and pensioners, journalists and some Iraqi ministries.

  1154. Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

    First Iraqi passenger jet arrives in Kuwait since 1990

    The arrival of the first Iraqi aircraft to Kuwait after a hiatus of 22 years

    February 27 2013

    Ministry of Transport announced Iraq, on Wednesday, for the arrival of the first Iraqi aircraft to Kuwait after a hiatus of more than 22 years.An advisor to the Minister of Transport Karim Nouri’s “obelisk”, “The flight between Iraq and Kuwait resumed and reached the first Iraqi aircraft took off from Baghdad International Airport bound for Kuwait at eleven o’clock in the morning.”

    Nouri stressed that “this is the first trip after Kotaiat lasted more than 22 years.”The Foreign Minister Hoshyar Zebari said in a press statement on Tuesday on the sidelines of the first flight Iraqi of Kuwait that, we are happy to share Kuwait celebration of National Day and on Wednesday we will conduct first flight between Iraq and Kuwait, and this is the new Iraq. And this difference between Iraq democracy and Iraq dictatorship , confirming completion of sensitive files such as file Iraqi Airways, as well as that Iraq is totally out of the provisions of Chapter VII except paragraphs and we need to help our brothers in Kuwait to get out completely and there are trade agreements between the two countries.

  1155. Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

    Ministry of Planning discuss with World Bank strategy of cooperation for the protection of Iraqi funds after the end of the protection period U.S.

    24 February, 2013 06:40:00

    The Ministry of Planning meeting with the World Bank to discuss strategy Alataaon between the two parties, especially in the field of protection of Iraqi funds after the end of the U.S. protection and exit from Chapter VII International Report

  1156. Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

    Finance Committee Member: Iraq must start dealing in IQD; Support investment operations, business, and confidence in foreign dealings

    Monday 02/25/2013

    According to a member of the Finance Committee, MP Hassan Auzmn Bayati, the importance of dealing in national currency dinar in investment operations and business support and strengthen confidence in foreign dealings.

    Bayati said: Most of the world relies operations of trade and investment in its own currency national but Iraq still depends on the dollar, Iraqi dinar value dependent on the U.S. dollar.

    added: be directed the Central Bank to support investment in dinars will support the national currency and the Iraqi economy, calling to rely on the dinar all insider and external to increase its value and enhance the confidence of the world and be a competitor of currencies International.

    The CBI Search on 16 February with the current domestic and foreign banks, investment support mechanisms Iraqi dinar, pointing out that he was seeking to boost his tally including currency makes it controlled.

  1157. Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

    Planning Minister: Iraq will be over this year and the coming years from donor countries

    Sunday 24 February 2013

    Minister of Planning and Development Cooperation Ali Shukri said Iraq and the World Bank will sign during a period of close partnership agreement between the two sides, noting that the agreement will oblige Iraq determine the price of oil was in the budget.

    Said Shukri in a joint news conference with Maria Helen, represented by the World Bank that “there is a convergence between the two parties about what is planned to support several areas in Iraq, including the strategy to reduce poverty line and government projects and developing the potential of the provinces on the transfer of budgets ministries to it, as well as cooperation with World Bank to take advantage of its expertise in determining the price of oil and the size and quantity of its exports. “

    Shukri said that “Iraq this year and the coming years will be from donor countries after it was from countries that receive grants from some countries.”

    Regarding Iraq’s money abroad explained, “that many of the lawsuits filed against Iraq, mostly from private sector companies, demanding sums, but Iraq ended many of them yet resolved in his favor”

  1158. Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

    Politicians continue to debate dropping zeros from the IQD

    February 24, 2013

    Fears delete the zeros of the Iraqi currency

    Raed al-Hashemi: The process of deletion of zeros is a necessary step for administrative reform of the currency (IRIN)

    Agreed politicians and economists Iraqis that the process of deleting three zeros from the Iraqi currency current risk because of conditions of the country and the lack of security and stability and the spread of corruption, where Iraq is seeking to reform the system of currency management and ease of use and reducing the number of banknotes of four billion to one billion and 800 million paper, from by deleting three zeros and the issuance of a coin.

    The decision of the Finance Committee in the House of Representatives MP Ahmed electrodes of the island that Multi deletion of zeros from the local currency is still under study within the economic issues, not pending until now because of crises many experienced by the country, as well as problems that accompany the adoption of the financial budget for the current year.

    He pointed out that this process is not possible at the present time because it will lead to a problem in the Iraqi economy.

    The electrodes that the Finance Committee inquired from the Iraqi Central Bank on its preparations to change the currency without getting fraud where, and expressed its readiness to this process, but the problems that have occurred in the country in addition to the crisis the central bank, which led to changes in leadership, stopped this process.

    He pointed out that Iraq can not be doing the process now, and added, “We need to stabilize the general situation of the country, in order to prevent any attempt to exploit this procedure by the corrupt.”

    Support monetary policy
    For its part, the MP said the Finance Committee Najiba Najib of the island that this project was in the time of former central bank governor Sinan al-Shabibi, has been studied by the parliament well, resulting in the latter to address the Council of Ministers to support this project, and there was a negotiation and dialogue with A number of international companies on the deletion of zeros, indicating that this process is a good step and help to support the country’s monetary policy.

    She added that this issue has no echoes currently in parliamentary community and senior in Iraq because of the dismissal former central bank governor and refer the matter to the Integrity Commission, explained that the project will succeed if given the government and the House of Representatives and all institutions supported because it will prevent fraud and removes fear if the procedures properly.

    She explained that Iraq needs to restructure its currency, as there is no class more than 25 thousand dinars, as well as coins, which confirms that the current currency does not fit with the Iraqi state revenues, which have significant financial budgets.

    Najiba confirmed that there is a lack for money on the market, and that change would have a currency with economic feasibility to take all legal precautions and necessary legislative and government, while making the timeframe up to one year to change the citizens their money, in addition to the increase in bank branches.

    He says economic expert pilot Hashemi The process of removing zeros is a necessary step and task comes within the country’s need to process administrative reform of the currency contributes to reduce transaction costs and trading cash in the economic process, and reduce the size of the money supply in the country and help facilitate the calculations and reduce the inflating numbers, if applied correctly and appropriate Baltoukitat.

    Price policy
    He also added in his speech to the island revealed that the issuance of the small groups will facilitate pricing policy accounts, but the replacement will not affect the currency to tackle inflation significantly.

    He cited countries that have applied this process such as Sudan, which delete zeros from its currency in 2007, and Turkey, which deleted six zeros from its currency in 2005, and omitted Zimbabwe in Africa ten zeros from its currency in 2008, and Bolivia deleted three zeros from its currency in 2008, and deleted all from Romania Iran and three zeros from its currency in 2005 and 2011, but did not improve the value of the currency in these countries significantly and inflation index remained conservative on the rise.

    He pointed to two important matters in the application process of removing zeros are: first choice timely which the Iraqi economy in a state of stability, and the second is to create the economic environment is considered to apply the deletion process, and this needs to be procedures and financial decisions and banking taken financial authority in the country.

    Hashimi concluded his speech by saying that the implementation of the resolution at this time is appropriate and is considered a significant risk to the unstable security situation and the country’s economic.

  1159. Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

    Foreign investment rises in Iraq

    February 24, 2013

    Organization announced gica Southeast Asian, on Saturday, that foreign investment rose in Iraq to 20-fold to become a $ 60 billion U.S. after it was three billion dollars four years ago.

    According to a report of the Organization of gica quoted by the agency “Twilight News” that ” foreign investment in Iraq was a nearly three billion dollars by nearly four years. ” The report added that “foreign investment in Iraq is over $ 60 billion and is continuing to rise.”

    The report indicated that “foreign investment in Iraq has doubled 20 times in four years , and this is a good march of the Iraqi economy, which is witnessing great economic booms. ” Noteworthy that the Iraqi investment law gave foreign investors the right trading in the stock market, stocks and bonds, and lease of land needed for the project or Musataha, and the right of the foreign investor in insurance companies on the project.

    The law guarantees that the priority recruitment and use of personnel to the Iraqis, as well as giving the foreign investor and foreign workers in the investment projects the right of residence in Iraq and facilitate their entry and exit to and from Iraq. enjoys investment project with its projects that obtained an investment license from the exemption from taxes and fees for 10 years from the start of commercial operation of the project.

  1160. Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

    World Bank warns Iraq of the adoption of the budget on the high speculative prices for a barrel of oil; Stressing that any decline will lead to shock and major problems in the country

    Sunday 24/02/2013

    Revealed the World Bank, Sunday, that the volume of spending of Iraqi budgets far less than the observed where money, and expressed his fear of the danger of adopting the Iraqi budget for oil fully and guesses prices high, as revealed the Ministry of Planning, the «subject» Iraq for many «blackmail» Finance after 2003, said the World Bank representative in Iraq Maria Helen in a joint conference with the Minister Alkhtit Iraqi Ali Shukri in the ministry building and attended (range Press), said that «the budget preparation on the price of a barrel of oil set at $ 90 without a maneuver could lead to a shock for Iraq», pointing out that «any drop in the global price of oil could lead to balancing the country to big problems.

    Helen called to «reduce the price of a barrel of oil Evaluator to adopt the budget well, pointing out that« any surplus or a rise in prices from which to build other projects and it will help that there will be savings.

    The Council of Ministers approved, on the fifth of November two thousand and twelve, the budget of the year 2013 $ 138 trillion Iraqi dinars and adopted the budget on Iraq’s oil exports on the basis of $ 90 as a price per barrel. Announced Helen that «the International Monetary Fund will enter into negotiations with the government later this month We will discuss these issues. Helen added that «one of the problems suffered by Iraq is how to spend the budget that has, pointing out that« the real rate of spending we find very low compared to what is made ​​of money.

    For his part, acknowledged the Minister of Planning Ali Shukri in the press conference himself that «Iraq’s budget for 2013 relies 93% on oil and the government recognizes the seriousness of this matter».

    Confirmed thanks to «government also believes that $ 90 a barrel is too high and any impairment may come to the problem of large Iraq», adding «But there is no alternative today but to determine the price to $ 90 to go to provide the necessary funds for the budget ».

    said Shukri said that «the Iraqi government know that there are a lot of unrealistic demands and lawsuits filed», indicating that «the circumstances and the occupation that Iraq has passed through after 2003 made ​​him subject to a lot of blackmail, however,« in a lot of cases have been prosecuted these actors brought mostly from the private sector and the government earned those issues.

    In response to a question about the fate of Iraqi funds deposited in U.S. banks, which extended Washington, middle of last year protection from claims jurisdiction for one year, the Minister of Planning said that «many alternatives exist to the government to protect Iraqi funds in the United States», explaining that he «can not advertising them because they are in the corridors of the Council of Ministers did not end the Council prepared formula eventually.

  1161. Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

    Iraq, Kuwait agree to shut down all outstanding issues in order to remove Iraq from Chapter VII; Technical issues will remain

    February 27, 2013

    Foreign Minister Hoshyar Zebari said Iraq would emerge completely from Chapter VII “except paragraphs relating to the Kuwaiti side.”

    He said in his speech, in the celebration of the Kuwaiti Embassy to mark 52 for Holiday Kuwaiti national at the Rashid Hotel yesterday, to the signing of several important agreements where the interests of the two countries in all fields, and stressed that “we are here to celebrate with the brothers Kuwaitis بعيدهم national who has a special flavor after the process of change that took place in Iraq. “

    He stressed that today will conduct the first flight between the two countries, because this is the new Iraq, which differs from Iraq dictatorship.

    For his part, the Kuwaiti Ambassador to the insured “The two sides have agreed Kuwait and Iraq to shut down all the outstanding issues between them in order to remove Iraq from Chapter VII, and stayed there the technical measures that take some time” ..

  1162. roses berkata:

    salam, kepada en.man langat,

    mohon bantuan membalas email sye yer, sye nak tahu next step after dh dapat no akaun dari warka ni.huhu

  1163. roses berkata:

    senyap je kalau minta tolong.hmm

  1164. Hasni bin Ariffin berkata:


    Encik Helmi Sheikh Omar,

    Sila call/ sms saya segera;

    Hasni Ariffin : 018-2285876 @ e-mel : hasniari2020@yahoo.com

  1165. pakcik kayo berkata:

    Elimination eliminates the tutelage of the Central Bank of the Warka Bank

    Tuesday , March 12, 2013

    It’s arbitrary decision as he said .. Has canceled Judicial Council Iraqi Supreme tutelage CBI on Warka Bank, which lasted a whole year right through damaged bank and depositors in him and in the Iraqi economy.
    learned (writings) that the discriminatory at the head of the resumption of Baghdad – Rusafa Council Supreme Judicial had decided to cancel the tutelage of the central bank Warka Bank after hearing chaired by President Jaafar Hassan Ali and membership deputies gesture Hamel Ajili and Najim Abdullah Mohsen.
    said the discriminatory in its resolution, obtained by (writings) that “in 29 – 2-2012 board decided CBI put guardianship of Warka Bank Investment and Finance .. and that’s where this decision arbitrarily led to damage the interests of the bank and the depositors and customers and shareholders in the capital and the banking sector and the national economy .. and after checking the body in the central bank’s decision has decided to accept the appeal decision guardianship after it found that the ruling is incorrect and contrary to law because the bank Central when he decided to put guardianship did not take into account the provisions of the law or the basis on which calls for taking as he did not take the necessary measures to provide liquidity to the bank, although it is one of his duties. ”
    said the discriminatory in its resolution that “the Ministry of Finance may have contributed to its proceedings of the withdrawal of government deposits from private banks in aggravate the financial situation of the Warka Bank because it was the mainstay of its liquidity cash .. also said the central bank did not take the necessary measures to improve the situation of the bank, despite this from his responsibilities as not give him credit required to get out of its financial crisis and urged the commissions set up by the Bank to address the financial situation Bank of Warka. ”
    and concluded Authority to say in conclusion, “and thus became central bank’s decision to impose trusteeship bank free of isnads legal was decided to cancel the trusteeship.”
    was the Iraqi Central Bank decided to put his tutelage on the Warka Bank one of the largest Iraqi banks with 130 branches across Iraq because of marking some of the problems in financial dealings.The bank said that imposing guardianship on the Warka Bank for Investment and Iraqi funding came to save him from some of the problems suffered by. The main tasks of the central bank in the conduct of monetary policy in the country and raise the level of values ​​the Iraqi dinar and tackle inflation.
    said the deputy governor of the Bank of Iraq the appearance of Mohammed Saleh said that “the central bank to impose his tutelage on the Warka Bank to help him overcome his problems,” noting that “the bank exposure to the problem and we look closely now assets, and work is continuing it did not close. ” He explained that “the Warka Bank of large banks and very good and has many branches, and guardianship means the temporary administration of the bank,” and expressed the hope that “back Warka Bank to normal after the end of investigations.”
    and continued that “trusteeship under the law is 18 months, renewable for 18 other, “revealing that” the bank stumbled in dealing daily due to a section of his dealings outside his control, including the withdrawal of the Iraqi government to deposit him three years ago. ”
    In response to a surprise shown by Iraqi Finance Minister Rafie al-Issawi’s decision trusteeship Warka Bank without being informed personally , Deputy Governor of the Central Bank that “there is confusion in the central bank law occurred in articles 59 and 66,” noting that “gave an explanation of the Minister of Finance and the latter expressed his conviction.” He said.
    expressed Finance Minister Rafie al-Issawi in a press statement surprise decision CBI put Warka Bank under guardianship without coordination and the approval of the Ministry of Finance.
    says CBI that Article 59 of its law allowing him a trusteeship on banks which is about the appointment of management Temporary any bank get the financial problems, while Article 66 of the law that after being appointed guardian central bank can seek through the Central Bank decision to request from the Minister of Finance to save the bank in case it was found that there is a possibility to save him.


    • roses berkata:

      maksudnye ape ni?

      • Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

        maksudnya…isu tentang WARKA BANK yg dikenakan Guardianship Oleh CBI setahun yg lalu merupakan Kesalahan Dari Pihak CBI sendiri. sebab CBI telah salah mentafsir tentang kecairan aliran wang tunai WARKA BANK.so sekarang ini Warka telah Menang dalam kes saman CBI.dan CBI telah membuat penjelasan bahawa Guardianship terhadap Warka Bank tidak sepatutnya terjadi.so sekarang ini warka bank masih lagi di istiharkan oleh CBI sebagai sebuah Private Bank yg terbesar Diiraq dimana warka bank telah mempunyai 130 cawangan di seluruh pelusuk Iraq. so aku percaya satu hari nanti pasti Rafidain Bank & Rasheed Bank akan bergabung dengan Warka Bank.ini kerana State Banks tersebut masih lagi tidak mempunyai facilities perbankan secara online yg lengkap.. iaitu onlinebanking x ada dan juga mastercard & visa punya facilities pun masih sehingga kini tiada. untuk menjimatkan kos untuk membina semua rangkaian tersebut akan menelan perbelanjaan yg besar oleh bank kerajaan.hanya dengan bergabung bersama warka sahaja…mereka( State Banks) automatik sudah mempunyai semua rangkaian tersebut.

      • roses berkata:

        Alhamdulillah..t.kasih dengan pencerahan en.bn 😉

  1166. roses berkata:

    tadi saya tekad pegi maybank area cheras, sye nak buat tt selepas tunggu en.man langat tak reply sye.huhu..first time buat tt. bile dah siap isi borang kemudian berurusan di kaunter, org bank tanya saya macam2 pasal warka bank dan commerzbank(bank yg sye nak funds duit tu).. diorg mintak surat/doc sokongan, sye ckp takde. sye ckp sye nk fund kt commmerzbank. org bank tu siap call HQ maybank,kemudian bagitahu saya walaupon duit tu nak transfer kt german (corrrespondent bank for warka) dan dibawah akaun warka (400875402000) then duit tu tetap akan ke iraq jgk.kita tak boleh buat urusan dgn iraq. sye cakap ye mmg tak boleh sebb tu gune coresspondent bank(german). lastly diorg decide tak berani buat tt utk saye dan bagi thu kat saye kalau jadi pape nti macam2 diorg nk kene jawab ngn HQ.

    sye tak tahu la sye yg salah explain ke atau org bank tu yg tak tahu nak buat tt utk kes ni cemane. sye bgthu ade org dh penah buat tt ke commmerbank gune maybank, lepas jer (dari pembacaan dlm forum2) ,dia tak pecaye dan mintak saye copy transaction tu. pastu org bank tu mengaku ni first time dieorg dpat kes cam sye ni. duii

    so kt sini, sye nak mintak pertolongan kalau ada yg pernah buat tt guna borang kuning maybank tu,sye mohon contoh borang tt yg dah berjaya tu boleh. email sye xeroses3@gmail.com.

    sbnrnye pd pihak bank ape yg susah sgt nk tt kt sane? atau ape? entahlah,..

    • Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

      hehehe…kalau pikir logic akal….. memang dia orang x biasa buat…sebab tt ini me libat kan 3 bank iaitu bank dari malaysia ke german pass tu dari german ker iraq.kebiasaannya bank dimalaysia biasanya hanya melakukan 2 transaksi saja iaitu dari pang penghantar kepada bank penerima sahaja.tetapi dalam kes ini dia orang bukan x tahu….tetapi dia orang nie confius…macam mana nak key-in maklumat dalam system dia orang. jalan paling baik ….. Roses… kau pergilah buat kat maybank cawang lain…. mungkin cawangan lain lebih paham dari cawangan yg kau pergi semalam.

      • roses berkata:

        “bukan tak tahu tapi konfius” tu memang sye akui en.bn. mmg nmpk jelas muke diorg konfius, 2 org entertain sye. semasa diorg nk dlm key-in sistem diorg kt pc tu, (sebb nmpk die menaip) siap tnye lagi pasal matawang iraq ni. sye explain ckit2. dua2 tu cakap ” oo interesting jgk ye(sambil angguk2) ..kirenye skrg brape nilai duit iraq skrg ni dik? brape jangkaan akan dinilai semula? bla bla bla..” sye ingatkan tt sye lepas, tpi last2 buat muke konpius.mgkn mmg diorg tak tahu nk isi cemane mcm en.bn ckp tu. adoiyai.

  1167. Assalamualaikum.. nasihat utk rakan2.. jangan terpedaya lah bende2 mcm ni… sejak tahun 2007 sehingga sekarang.. tk rv pun.. baik duit tu simpan lagi baik.. buat bisnes/ pelaburan hartanah ke.. ingat mat2 arab tu bodoh ke.. tetiba bankrap bank warka.. ape korang nak buat… kalau nak melabur jugak ke iraq pergila iraq.. tgk keadaan negara iraq itu sendiri.. stabil atau masih ada perang saudara.. apa pun terpulangla.. kalau tersilap hrp dimaafkan..

    • Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

      yer tuan….hehehehe….okok…saya x buat pelaburan kat iraq…lagi dah……tobat…tobat….hehehehe….Tuan…salah…tahun tekaan tuan…. bukan sejak tahun 2007…tapi sejak dari tahun 2003 lagi….dinar iraq ini tak RV..RV lagi….tapi apakan daya….tuan..walau pun masih x rvrv tapi masih ada orang yg berminat untuk membuat pelaburan kat iraq.ini disebakan orang malaysia yg membuat investment diiraq nie…semuanya dah kaya2 kat malaysia nie…..duit dah berkepuk2…. banyaknya,sehingga tak tahu nak dibuat apa pada duit tersebut….,akhirnya mereka2 ini si pelabur2 dinar iraq ini pun campaklah ckit duit yg berkepuk2 tu kat iraq….manalah tahu kot2 menjadilah investment tu…ibarat spt orang bercucuk tanam…. hari ini…dia orang semai biji benih…. . biji benih tu dibeli dengan duit ….Tuan!!! investment juga namanya…pun kita masih tak tahu… kot2 jadi ker atau tidak tanaman kita ini….kalau x menjadi… maka kita rugi…sebab modal dah kerluar….tapi kalau tanaman kita ini menjadi…maka…bolehlah kita mendapat keuntungan yg lumayan pada tanaman kita tadi…mana x nya tuan… modal beli biji benih asalnya baru RM:2.00…. tapi bila hasil menjadi….. duit yg asal RM2 tu menjadi ribuan ringgit…..begitulah juga dengan investment dinar iraq ini….ianya serupa dengan bercucuk tanam tadi….tapi investment dinar iraq ini lain!!!!! yg tadi tu tanam biji benih….yg ini pula tanam duit…..!!!!! bila sampai hasilnya…sekitar 3 bulan , 6 bulan atau 12 bulan dapatlah hasilnya….walaupun tak banyak…ckit pun jadilah…Alhamdulillah….adalah lebih baik dari tanam duit…bertahun tahun tetapi x jugak nampak hasilnya….(CASH NOTE) ini yg merugikan investment kita. so apa2 pun TUAN!!!! terima Kasih diatas Pesanan tuan….

  1168. Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

    CBI continues closely and changes in exchange rates in the domestic market

    Thursday , March 14, 2013

    BAGHDAD / Baghdadiya News / .. Iraqi Central Bank announced on Thursday that it was taking a number of new decisions that will change the exchange rate of foreign currencies against the Iraqi dinar and thereby contributing to its stability in the currency market.

    The bank said in a press statement received / Baghdadiya News / copy of “Central Bank and after follow-up floury to the high exchange rate of foreign currency in the secondary markets in Iraq, tends to take many new decisions to maintain the stability of the exchange rate of these currencies in the market.”

    The bank said that “the announcement of the near making these decisions by the Bank comes to warn dealers to trade currency, investors and men for taking Ahitatathm to the Aatatroa this change in the exchange rate.” Adding that “the exchange rate change would be different from the current prevailing prices of foreign currency against the Iraqi dinar.”

    The price of foreign currency, especially the dollar has witnessed over the past period a remarkable increase in secondary markets as a result of monetary policy the current government and economic instability in the country.

  1169. Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

    Police force arrested FORGED LOCAL CURRENCY with about THREE MILLION IRAQI DINAR COUNTERFEIT of 5,000 and 10,000 and the 25 000 DINARS in the Dhi Qar


    Police said Dhi Qar Province, Wednesday, that the economic police force arrested forged local currency in the province.

    The source said in an interview for “alsumaria news”, “economic crime Directorate arrested today, forged local currency called a k z, in Nasiriyah, with about three million Iraqi dinar counterfeit of five thousand and ten categories and the 25 000, as well as adjust the printers used by fraud.”

    The source, who asked not to be named, “the operation was based on accurate intelligence information,” adding that “force took the detainee to the police station for questioning.

    The 1990s saw a proliferation of counterfeit currency in Iraq following the imposition of economic sanctions on the country and the invasion of Saddam Hussein’s regime, if the printing of currency by Iraq in the country’s inflation to rise to an unprecedented extent, as well as the increasing incidence of counterfeiting at the time because of the lack of international standards in its course.

    The events experienced by the country after 2003, provided an opportunity for many of the abusers in their economy of forging official documents and currencies amid disarray and lack of administrative oversight, but in recent years, many of them arrested.

  1170. Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

    There are “COUNTERFEIT ” 5,000 and 10,000 DINARS ” began to be traded in the domestic market and UNDERMINE CONFIDENCE in IRAQI CURRENCY!

    JD forged in Babylon increase demand for dollars and reopen accusations of “outsiders” to sabotage the economy


    Specialist dealers and reveals the citizens of Babylon, (100 km south of Baghdad), on the back of fears of counterfeit currency for local markets, and warned of its negative impact on the national economy and undermine public confidence as well as higher prices, accused “foreigners” of seeking to destroy the national economy through the dissemination of those currencies, only security forces call on citizens to cooperate with and informed about any case of fraud, to contribute to monitoring and responding to their promoters.

    The dollar instead of JD bags

    Says Saeed Rehman, a trader, told the (range), there are “counterfeit ten categories and five thousand dinars began to be traded in the domestic market and in small quantities, forcing shop owners and merchants to check amounts kronor as hinders trade.”

    Rahman calls “amounts of large deals are in bags, traders are not doing the operation only after confirming the amount paper hamper traffic exchange and make it boring for others who are waiting for similar payments”, stating that “a lot of traders are currently prefer dollarization to avoid problems of fraud and the number of Iraqi currency bags.”

    For his part, said Jawdat shop owner to sell food, in an interview with the (range), that “the phenomenon of counterfeit currency in the local market but a few”, indicating that they “focus on specific groups.”

    He adds, “the currency dealers who buy large quantities of food from stores and then sell them at a lower price to ensure speedy disposal away from the control of the security agencies,” but “Despite those few currencies that they only affect profits.”

    The trader accused of Judt on certain foreign entities, “the leaking of counterfeits for the domestic market in a bid to sabotage the national economy and undermine confidence in the Iraqi currency, and refrain from naming them, but stresses it is” known “.

    In turn, the merchant Kazem Hashim, speaking to the (term), “counterfeit currency returned again, the impact on our daily work we deal with hundreds of thousands of Iraqi dinars with every shop owner”, asking, “How are we that we can examine the exorbitant amounts that daily,” and suchlike remarks questioning “so receive depending on trust and bear the loss if the counterfeit.”

    Serafi: we are more affected by fraud

    According to banking offices and firms they suffer most from the spread of counterfeit currency, despite the scarcity in the local market.

    Says Noman Mohammed, owner of banking, told the (range), that “the phenomenon of counterfeit currency are not new and are long in Iraq as other countries”, adding that “it may be deployed in Iraq more particularly the categories of 5,000 and 10,000 dinars.”

    Muhammad, calls economic security to make a greater effort to prosecute purveyors of counterfeit currency, banking entrepreneurs suffer more than others from the spread of counterfeit currency, while low in the domestic market. ”

    Muhammad explains that falling victim of counterfeit currency is “the amounts we treat compel us to rush sometimes accept and pass some of the counterfeits, which incur losses not”, and all we can do is collect as the currency exchange shop owners and we are destroyed. ”

    As the teller, “editions of the counterfeit currency indistinguishable even by us for accurate print which makes us at a loss on how to avoiding them, especially when the pressure we have great customers,” accusing “parties unknown in seeking to abuse of Iraqi currency.

    Expert: foreign entities seeking to destroy the Iraqi economy

    In turn, accused “foreign Economist Professional” of seeking to destroy the Iraqi economy through the infusion of counterfeit nicely difficult to detect. ”

    Jassim Al-Bakri, said in an interview with the (range), that “a counterfeit currency several negative indicators cast a shadow over Iraq’s economy and distort its image and convey the wrong concept”, and “it continues to affect the reputation of the Iraqi economy, especially that we live an era of openness and the free market.”

    Economist calls, state that “the economic and security oversight to reduce this phenomenon, in cooperation with the Ministry of the Interior and security organs.”

    Police calls for cooperation to detect counterfeit money

    But a source in Babil police, speaking on condition of anonymity, confirmed in an interview with the (term), “special detachments are local market movement control in General and the counterfeit currency in particular.”

    The source calls “merchants and citizens to cooperate with security agencies and news about counterfeit currency of dismemberment and disposal to facilitate monitoring the movement and define their types, origin and development of plans to arrest offenders or bands that are forged or leaked to the local market.

    The Iraq witnessed during previous years either before 2003 or after waves of counterfeit currency, began as a phenomenon in the 1990s, after the imposition of economic sanctions on the country and the invasion of Kuwait, Saddam if Iraq’s feet on the printed its currency within the country to high inflation in an unprecedented manner, as well as the increasing incidence of counterfeiting at the time because of the lack of international standards adopted in printed currency.

  1171. Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

    Warka Court Victory over CBI

    Dear Sirs,

    With regards to the legal court case Warka Bank for Investment and Finance has filed against the Central Bank of Iraq Warka Bank for Investment and Finance is delighted to inform its cliental, shareholders and management that the Iraqi Supreme High Court has awarded its decision in full favor of Warka Bank for Investment and Finance confirming its judicial decision that the liquidity crisis and events leading to Warka’s declining financial position is entirely due to the fault, malice, mismanagement and misdirection of both the Ministry of Finance and Central Bank of Iraq their ill actions taken against the bank placing the full blame and cause on both the Central Bank of Iraq and Ministry of Finance their lack to take the proper action measurements and steps to resolve the crisis properly in supporting the rehabilitation of the largest financial enterprise in the country.

    Where we are delighted to add that the court decision confirms that Warka Bank for Investment and Finance has implemented, practiced and maintained all legal banking guidelines, protocols and regulations set by the bylaws of the Central Bank of Iraq confirming its true innocence.

    We have posted a copy of the court’s decision to bring comfort joy and happiness to all those whom have supported our bank, board of directors and management….

    Best regards,

    Legal Department

    Warka Bank for Investment and Finance


  1172. roses berkata:

    Next April .. Kuwait signed an agreement removing Iraq from Chapter VII

    Baghdad / Orr News
    Waiting for the Iraqi government to visit the Prime Minister of Kuwait during the month of April, and guessed that the Iraqi official fruitless visit has signed an agreement to expel Iraq from Chapter VII.

    And said Fouad Alldorki member parliament for a coalition of state law that Sheikh Jaber Al-Mubarak Al Kuwaiti prime minister hoped to visit Baghdad during the month of April next, to discuss the file remove Iraq from Chapter VII and the signing of the agreement to be settled.
    He added that the government would discuss with Kuwait in the upcoming visit, ending border problems and requirements, oil extraction, and other related Kuwaiti ports of Mubarak, and big Basra in southern Iraq, referring to attempts to economic agreements and investment projects could be exercised by Kuwait into Iraq.
    The MP pointed out that Iraq and Kuwait will discuss the risks of cross-Qaeda or movement in the Arab region, and try to be scaled and identified within agreements combine more than one Arab country to face the overwhelming tide of terrorism and religious extremism.
    It is noteworthy that Kuwait’s ambassador to Iraq to the insured, hinted yesterday in a press statement, that the Prime Minister Sheikh Jaber Al-Mubarak will visit Iraq next April, pointing out that the visit would be fruitful and executive, and will be signed during the memoranda of understanding and agreements.
    Worth mentioning that Iraq pay for Kuwait $ 500 million, to settle the file of Iraqi Airways, and began recently in ending the demarcation of the border, determined to output the same from Chapter VII, which took place underneath in the nineties of the last century due to the invasion of Kuwait in order to occupation by the former regime .


    • roses berkata:

      .artikel diatas ditulis pada:

      ….تم إنشاءه بتاريخ الثلاثاء, 19 آذار/مارس 2013 07:44…..
      ……The time on Tuesday, 19 March / March 2013 07:44….

  1173. Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

    CBI demanding banks show receipt of selling and buying of dollars to stop laundering

    March 17, 2013 in Iraqi Dinar/Politics
    Tags: Central bank, Currency, exchange rate, Hard currency, Iraq, Money laundering, Private bank, Receipt

    Central Bank announced new measures to prevent money laundering operations in local markets by requiring private banks Bossullac purchase and receipt of the quantities of hard currency sold.

    The official source at the bank said the central bank has taken measures and new mechanisms within the work for the current period included a demand that all private banks and banking offices bring receipts receipt and sale of foreign currency sold to ensure there is no laundering of money in the domestic market and currency smuggling out of Iraq from businessmen and traders unknown .

    He said the bank will work to ensure the stability of the exchange rate of the dollar in the markets through the control of dollar amounts sold to banks and authorized agencies in order not to activate the cases speculation in the foreign currency of unidentified bodies, as happened in the past.

    For her part, member of the parliamentary Economic Commission Attorney Nora Albejaoa said the central bank measures request receipts to dollar amounts sold will reveal traders and fictitious getting large amounts of hard currency for false reasons and unknown operations by withdrawing these quantities of currency.

    The Albejaoa added that there are traders and businessmen who bring fake goods and fake receipts while buying dollars from banks in order to obtain the maximum amount of dollar amounts. Referred to the foreign exchange rates experienced during the past few weeks an unprecedented rise, because of what was said wrong policies committed bank in the sale of hard currency.

    P/s: aku berani confirm…. Pembeli & Penjual Dinar Iraq dimalaysia memang 1000% tidak mempunyai Resit Pembelian sah dinar iraq dari bank mahu pun dari Delear2 dari luar Negara..

    • pakcik kayo berkata:

      kepada cash in time……kalau nak resit…..bagitau ye……..he…he..he….itupon kalau jual dgn den la duit cash hang tu……..timbang kati je…he…he…he…

      • Cash In Time berkata:

        Pakcik kayo oiii…baca news pun tak reti ka? baca tu pakai mata jgn pakai mata kepala lutut hang..
        tu cbi “CBI demanding banks show receipt of selling and buying of dollars to stop laundering”
        dollar okeh!!

  1174. Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

    Finance Committee Member: Committee continues to have no objection of dropping zeros from IQD; It was delayed due to technical reasons

    March 18, 2013

    Parliamentary Finance: do not oppose the project to delete zeros from the currency .. And postponed for technical reasons

    Renewed parliamentary Finance Committee no objection on the implementation of the project to delete the zeros of the current currency to reduce the numbers of trading and shorten transaction calculations, conditioned the application of some items and add them to the new law.

    said member parliamentary Finance Committee Abdul Hussein al-Yasiri in an exclusive statement (statement): The Finance Committee announced no objection since the beginning put forward the idea of the project is still, but it required the inclusion of some new paragraphs of the draft resolution, which believes the government represented by the Ministry of Finance, and sectors and citizens do not occur any losses and spare the citizens and banks any breaches get through counterfeiting of the new currency, especially that costs would be prohibitive Each of the citizen and the bank and not to repeat what happened at the last change after the fall of the former regime and its currency earlier.

    added Yasiri The Commission has proposed opening for change and trading dual both currencies so that the citizens end their financial transactions related with private and public sectors and to prevent confusion legal on debts public between citizens.

    He said the members of the Finance Committee expressed their willingness to respond to claims the central bank enactment of a law debts public which protects the creditor and the debtor in the event of changed currency and issue instructions procedural in this regard. And that the said project is one of the most important projects emerging Iraqi economy as reduces the volume and numbers calculations used in banking transactions and consumes time and effort, as well as re-Iraqi currency to its normal size as the currency current unfit for citizen not designed to be carried pocket due to the size of rolling them, as the strategic central bank to reduce the size of rolling units cash than 4 billion units to one billion units a very good thing as well as the introduction of coins large up to 100 thousand dinars are transactions large.

    , however, but the fears that delayed work on the project is the fear of currency counterfeiting and the consequent problems besetting the national economy at the current stage what requires finding protection campaign new and intensify the role of economic security and the security forces in general to prosecute counterfeiters and Menthazee opportunities.

    • roses berkata:

      en.bn, dropping zeros tu nanti ade kesan tak kat pemegang akaun?

      • Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

        Tiada kesan kepada pemegang akuan…tetapi ada kesan kepada CASH NOTE di luar dari BUMI Iraq.

      • pakcik kayo berkata:

        sapa kata takde kesan……kalau hangpa nak tau…….kesannya ialah…….kalian akan jadi mcm PAKCIK KAYO…..kaya..kaya..kaya….ha…ha..ha…..

      • roses berkata:

        aik.betul2 gelak org kaya

      • Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

        hehehe….dah mula berangan dah….kau orang berdua nie…..hehehe…apa2 pun x salah berangan….sebab duit masing2 dah ada kat dalam iraq….cuma tunggu LAMPU HIJAU saja….untuk menikmati hasil tuaian selama ini….

  1175. AHMAD berkata:


  1176. Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

    World Bank To Restructure Iraqi Banks, CBI; Plan viewed as guarantor to IQD restoration

    Sunday, 24 March 2013

    Baghdad (AIN) -The First Deputy Speaker of the Iraqi parliament, Qusai al-Sihail, discussed with the delegation of the World Bank, the restructuring of the Iraqi banks and the Central Bank of Iraq.

    A statement by Sihail’s office cited on Sunday “Sihail received a delegation from the World Bank, headed by Sahar Nasir, the senior economist of the financing in the Middle East and North Africa along with the special representative of the World Bank’s mission in Iraq and a number of experts at the World Bank where they discussed restructuring the Iraqi banks and the CBI in addition to the projects implemented by the World Bank over the past period.”

    For their part, “the delegation’s members expressed their keenness to give advice for the Iraqi banks and the CBI to improve their performance.”

  1177. Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

    Finance Committee Member: Allocation of 2013 budget to begin in April

    Date: Sunday 03/24/2013

    A member of the Finance Committee MP Amin Hadi Abbas, the date of exchange public budget allocations to the provinces and provincial ministries in the beginning of April next, likely to witness this year economic growth of some sectors.

    Abbas said later exchange the financial allocations of the general budget will be at the beginning of next month after approved by the Presidency of the Republic and published in the Official Gazette.

    added: that the launch date budget allocations for this year will not differ much from last year, so the delayed disbursement does not affect the investment projects submitted by the Ministry of Planning.

    and pointed out: that some economic sectors is oil will grow this year and by a large margin, if what has been achieved political stability and security in the country. mentioned that the Iraqi parliament approved the budget for 2013 during the month of March the current amount (138) trillion dinars and the rate oil (90) dollars per barrel, and the quantity of oil source (2.9) million barrels per day.

  1178. Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

    CBI publishes new regulations on buying and selling foreign currency

    24 March / March 2013

    CBI issued, Sunday, new regulations for the sale and purchase of foreign currency, in order to what he considered to stabilize the Iraqi dinar exchange rate against foreign currency to meet the needs of the private sector, including the import of goods and services and to encourage banks to expand their scope, stressing that contrary to the instructions New will be forwarded to the Commission determine the imposition of fines and penalties, confirming validity of these instructions from the 15 April 2013.

    According to the instructions issued by the bank that “quota weekly for the banks to sell cash dollar be four million dollars is subject to increase and decrease, while the share of money transfer companies $ 150 thousand for companies that their capital 45 billion dinars, and 100 thousand dollars for companies with less capital for that.”

    She FAQ that “in the case of billing documents fundamentalist goods spectrograph to enter Iraq in advance, the Bank provides a full Akiem those goods from foreign currency after being examined.”

    And on companies to mediate for buying and selling currencies showed FAQ that “quota weekly 50 thousand dollars to companies with a capital of 500 million dollars, and 25 thousand dollars for companies less than that,” adding that “the sale and purchase of the foreign currency to money transfer companies and companies broker for buying and selling foreign currency through authorized banks in Iraq. “

    The instructions indicated that “cash sales be in accordance with the detail contained the Book of the General Directorate to monitor the banking and credit No. 03.09.93, dated 02.17.2013 and the decision of the Board of Directors of this Bank number 09/03/29 dated 05/02/2013, and attached to these Altalmyat, which is considered an integral part of them.

    She drew instructions to be “selling the dollar be for the purposes of the documentary credit, which aims to encourage banks licensed in Iraq to work depending documentary According payment terms after ascertaining the availability of the necessary documentation and acceptance of letter of credit, in addition to the hawala system where accept orders dollar hawala and money transfer companies, by banks, for the purposes of the importation of goods and merchandise that does not exceed the upper ceiling of the amount of hawala (500) thousand dollars, and certain mechanisms. “

    With regard to the mechanism of application confirmed the instructions, “orders offered daily and implemented on the same day of the week that followed, in the case of exclusion of any of the applications will be announced bank official letter and the announcement of the reasons for exclusion,” indicating that “the right of the bank to object to it under a book directed to the Department of sale and purchase of foreign currency. “

    She said “the bank buys foreign currencies offered by the banks and the purchase price stated on the day of submission of the sale,” adding that “the procurement process is subject to audit and control and field inspection by the Directorate-General to monitor the banking and credit and money laundering office.”

    According to that “taken into account Anmd credit rating and franchising preferential banks and the bank commitment to deliver the exchange rate to the beneficiary latter including no more than 10 dinars over the sale price, and the commitment of the bank diverse customers and not restrict Bmstviden certain or limited class.”

    She stressed that “window must buy and sell foreign currencies excluding any request did not meet the necessary conditions.”

    For instructions Click on the links below (1-5 Link)

  1179. Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

  1180. Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

  1181. Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

  1182. Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

  1183. ryzo berkata:

    Salam, Sifu BM.. sekiranya rv mcm mana hendak mengeluarkan wang dari bank, saya tidak mempunyai debit kad ataupun kredit kad dan sekiranya boleh keluar melalui pindah akaun, berapa jumlahnya satu hari… minta pencerahan.. terima kasih.

    • roses berkata:

      sye juge nak bertnye kt en BN, akan ade ape2 tax tak yg dikenakan oleh kerajaan malaysia terhadap wang itu? kire macam income tax laaa..mekaseh

      • Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

        hehehe….kalau PRU13 BN/Umno menang akan ada tax dikenakan…. almaklumlah…kerajaan sontoroyo sekarang ini memang pelahap duit.tapi….kalau PRU13 Pakatan rakyat menang…. maka tiada tax dikenakan.Oleh itu …..pastikan Pakatan Rakyat (PR) menang pada PRU13 yg akan datang. kalau x percaya cakap aku….kau orang pastikan BN menang…baru kau orang tahu…..

      • roses berkata:

        hehehe..kalo camtu,takpe la kne tax,asalkan aman..janji ditepati…hihihi..jgn mare ye en.bn yg tersohor 😉

      • Man Ganu berkata:

        Roses ni puak2 macai rupa nye, tak berbaloi Man Langat dapat ilmu buka akaun warka…. hehe

      • roses berkata:

        kpd en.Man Ganu, harap tidak menggunakan ayat2 provokasi disini.Saya menghormati pilihan masing2. Hormat-menghormati budaya kita.Kerjasama anda amat dihargai. terima kasih 😉

      • Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

        hehehe….janji ditepati ker???? atau janji dicapati…wakakawakakawakaka….

    • Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

      hehehehe….apa susahnya….benda yg semple kau buat susah2….Bila dah RV…..ada 3 cara yg boleh kita keluarkan duit dari bank di Iraq…..

      1) dengan pergi sendiri terus ke iraq….kemudian pergi ke Bank Warka…kemudian keluarkan kesemua duit tersebut dan bawa pulang kemalaysia….hehehehe….senangkan!!!!!

      2) Request Buku Cek dari warka bank…..kemudian bila RV…. kau tuliskan saja berapa jumlah yg kau hendak keluarkan….kemudian cek tersebut kau bank-in kan kedalam akuan bank kau dimalaysia. tetapi cek luar negara memakan masa 3-4 minggu untuk diproses oleh pihak bank dimalaysia.

      3) kau buat surat kuasa kemudian kau emailkan pada pihak bank warka…supaya pihak bank warka membuat TT dari Iraq ke malaysia…. perlu diingatkan proses ini mengambil masa 7 hari berkerja untuk duit tersebut sampai ke malaysia.setelah duit anda dikeluarkan oleh pihak bank warka.

  1184. saari berkata:

    saya pun nak bukak acc!!!!! masih ade peluang koooo.tlong tunjuk cra2 @ ada aspe yang sudi

    • Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

      hehehehe….kau cari man langat….. dia sudi ajar kau carabuka akuan…hehehe…

      • roses berkata:

        dah lame en man langat tak masuk sini. die g iraq ke tgk pelaburannye disana?

  1185. abekir1998@ymail.com berkata:

    mana man langat nieeeee……tlong jelmakan diri bro…sama-sama pakat tolong……

  1186. abekir1998@ymail.com berkata:

    kpd en helmi :saya bg email sya utk tunjuk cara bukak acc warka bank (abekir1998@ymail.com) tolong yeeee…..

    • Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

      aku rasa en.helmi mungkin dia x boleh tunjukkan cara buka akuan…..sebab dia menawarkan perkhidmatan untuk membuka akuan (berbayar)bukannya menunjukkan cara buka akuan(Percuma).lebih baik kau suruh man langat ajar cara nak buka akuan… dah tentu2 free…hehehehehe….

      • abekir1998@ymail.com berkata:

        Roses …dah dpt akaun warka ko…kalu dpt tu…kongsi2 leeee….mana man langat nieeeee…

      • abekir1998@ymail.com berkata:

        oklah BN…kalu bgtu BN sajalah yang kene tlong….cari pahalalah…sikit2…..hehehehhe

  1187. Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

    CBI dollar restricts withdrawals for April 15; Instructions to stabilize the exchange rate of the Iraqi dinar against foreign currencies


    Issued CBI, new instructions to stabilize the exchange rate of the Iraqi dinar against foreign currencies select the stakes weekly for banks and remittance companies and trading firms currency from the dollar appreciates as capital each, and will increase and decrease of this share exchange for a commitment each delivery amounts they want customers citizens.

    He said the Iraqi Central Bank in a statement issued on Sunday evening that this directive was intended to stabilize the exchange rate of the Iraqi dinar against foreign currencies, and meet the needs of the private sector of foreign currency to import goods and services, as well as to encourage banks to increase its range of services to meet the demands of its customers in foreign currency .

    According to the instructions, the Iraqi banks, they can buy $ 4 million subject to increase or decrease as a share of weekly for banks in the light of its commitment to the delivery of the currency of the beneficiaries of the citizens at specified prices by him.

    And was instructed to sign acting central bank governor, Abdul Basit Turki, in the wake of the original conservative separation Shabibi by the Iraqi Council of Ministers, and will take effect from April 15 next.

    And These instructions replace previous instructions that were issued during the months of October, November and December 2010, as well as previous instructions issued in the months of January, April and June and July 2012 respectively.

    And define the new instructions $ 150 thousand dollars a share to buy every company engaged in the conversion of financial condition that capital is not less than 45 billion Iraqi dinars, and retracts the quota to 100 thousand dollars for those with capital of less than $ 45 billion dinars

    In the case of companies buying and selling currencies, given new instructions for each company the right to buy $ 50 thousand dollars a week as a share provided that at least the company’s capital for $ 500 million Iraqi dinars equivalent to about 420 thousand dollars, and companies with less capital for that amount right to buy the amount of 25 thousand dollars a week.

    The CBI organizes daily periodic auctions to sell the dollar, most recently on Sunday, March 24, 2013, and participated in this auction, 23 banks, the central bank sold 169 million and 343 thousand dollars at 1166 dinars to the dollar.

  1188. Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

    Flashback 1991: (Kuwait Dinar reinstated)

    AFTER THE WAR; No Electricity but Kuwait Reopens Its Banks

    March 25, 1991 |From Reuters

    It still has no water and little electricity or food, but Kuwait revived its banking system today, introducing a new currency.

    Banks reopened for the first time since Iraqi occupation forces shut them down in December. Thousands of people lined up to exchange their old Kuwaiti dinars for crisp new ones and to withdraw a limited amount of money.

    Without electricity, the banks services were slow, limited to money exchange and withdrawal. There was no telex, no electronic money transfer and no telephones. The computers were unusable, so all transactions had to be entered by hand.

    “It’s like going back 20 years,” said Mohammed al-Yahya, the manager of the Commercial Bank of Kuwait, the nation’s second-largest bank. Seized Dinars Canceled

    The Central Bank is canceling the value of Kuwaiti dinars that were seized from the Central Bank and put into circulation by the Iraqis. The invalid serial numbers were posted today in front of all banks in the city.

    All other old dinars can be exchanged for new ones on a one-to-one rate until May 7, when the old dinars become invalid. The new official exchange rate is 3.47 American dollars for one new Kuwaiti dinar.

    Although it is severly handicapped without electricity, the Commercial Bank, like many other major banks, was able to open for business because its records had been saved from the Iraqis. Mr. Yahya hid the bank’s balance sheets in his home and sent its computer records to London via Syria with an Indian employee, who packed the tapes into the back of a trailer.

    The banks also face serious personnel shortages. Only 11 of the Commercial Bank’s 35 branches opened today, with 137 out of 1,300 workers.

    Before the Iraqi invasion, only 17 percent of the bank’s staff was Kuwaiti. Many of the foreign workers — Jordanians, Palestinians and Indians — fled and now cannot re-enter the country.

    For those exchanging money today, there was little they could buy in Kuwait. Many of those in line said they planned to use their money for vacations or for shopping trips to Saudi Arabia to buy generators and food.

    “I need to get away from this pressure,” said Abdul Mohammed Hussein, a computer engineer in his early 40’s who said he was withdrawing 1,500 new dinars to take a vacation in the United Arab Emirates. “Everywhere you go you find lines. At the supermarket, you find lines. To get petrol for the car, you find lines.”

    Abdul Hamed al-Atar, a 50-year-old retired Interior Ministry official, said this was the first time he had set foot in a bank since September, and he seemed relieved. “Kuwaits always keep a lot of cash with them,” he said as he was handed crisp new piles of money that he stuffed into a small bag. “It’s a comfort to have money in my hands.”

    Crush Expected When Kuwaiti Banks Reopen Today

    March 24, 1991 |From Reuters

    KUWAIT CITY, Kuwait — Thousands of Kuwaitis are expected to jam the country’s banks today when they open for the first time since the end of the Iraqi occupation.

    Customers will be allowed to withdraw funds and to swap pre-invasion money for a new currency issued to make more than $1 billion in pre-invasion dinars stolen by the Iraqis worthless.

    “We expect a rush of people,” said Issam Asousi, an executive with the Bank of Kuwait. He said it could be a chaotic first week because customers have a lot of questions about their accounts.

    Kuwaiti banks continued operating during the seven-month Iraqi occupation under managers brought in from Iraq, but they have been closed since the U.S.-led alliance ousted the Iraqi army from Kuwait a month ago.

    When the banks reopen today, customers will be able to withdraw up to 4,000 Kuwaiti dinars, equivalent to about $14,000 at pre-invasion exchange rates from their accounts, and to exchange a like amount for foreign currency.

    Balances of customers’ accounts will go back to what they were on Aug. 1, a day before the invasion.

    Clients will not be able to exchange Iraqi currency issued during the occupation, when Baghdad pegged the rates of the strong Kuwaiti dinar to the far less valuable Iraqi dinar.

    The new Kuwaiti money will be exchanged for old at a one-to-one rate.

    P/s: kalau dikirakan tempo pertukaran dinar (KWD) lama kepada yg terbaru….hanya memakan masa 3 bulan sahaja…duit dinar(KWD) lama sah digunakan. bagi pada pendapat akulah kemungkinan Iraq pun sama akan mengikut jejak langkah Kuwait. apa macam setuju tak pendapat aku!!!! ini kalau diambil kira Iraq sudah cukup baik dari kuwait….kerana Bank2 diiraq sekarang ini telah mempunyai online banking…komputer yg sudah lama beroperasi dibank2 serta bekalan elektrik sememangnya sudah ada sejak 3 atau 4 tahun lepas. itu pun kalau iraq ingin menghayun penuh nilai matawangnya ketahap tertinggi.aku x nampak mengapa iraq ingin memanjangkan tempoh pertukaran matawang sedia adanya kepada yg lebih baru sehingga mengambil masa 2 tahun.tapi aku yakin hanya 3 bulan sahaja iraq memerlukan untuk pertukaran matawangnya.

  1189. Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

    CBI tightened control of foreign currency transferred outside the country

    26-03-2013 12:55 PM

    Member of the Committee for economy and investment Deputy Amer winner, the Central Bank tightened control of foreign currency remitted out of the country for the purpose of imports, the fact that there is money to prevent the entry of goods to the country.

    A winner (News Agency): the Central Bank is required to tighten control on the sale of hard currency operations and other operations transferred to the outside, because there are some foreign currency funds transferred abroad under the pretext of import goods and in fact there is no goods and materials come to the country.

    He added: we must reduce the export of hard currency by the Central Bank taking into account differences in the price of Iraqi currency for the purpose of support and add value, reduce fraud and smuggling foreign currency and money laundering

  1190. abekir1998@ymail.com berkata:

    nk tanya nie…kalu nk TT pakai bank apa wehhh…..selain citybank,bank apa lagi bulih pakai….

    • Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

      semua jenis bank pun boleh…..hanya satu bank sahaja yg x boleh nak tt……

      • abekir1998@ymail.com berkata:

        tkasin bro BN atas penjelsan tu….bank ape tu yg x boleh,pah tu setiap tt mahel ko caj dia tu …..

      • roses berkata:

        caj tt setiap bank berbeza2..tapi average bawah rm30 sekali tt

      • Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

        iaitu bankkrup sahaja yg tak boleh TT(melawak hehehe…)….yg lain semua boleh.

  1191. Pak Tuah berkata:

    Saya Pak Tuah, ingin menjual IQD note 25K RM 80 termasuk pos.. hubungi saya di talian 0136266935…

  1192. abelongas@ymail.com berkata:

    Salam semua bro / sis…
    sya berminat utk sama2 bincang perihal IQD ni….pd pengamatan saya …nape semua pilih warka bank x yang lain.Bank lain takde ka kat iraq…..tlong beri penjelasan yng arif ttang ni terutama bro BI

    • Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

      kepada en.abelongas,buat pengetahuan anda…hanya 2 buah bank Privets daripada 23 buah yang ada di iraq yg menawarkan pembukaan akuan bank untuk foreigners.di antara bank tersebut :

      1) Dar es Salaam Investment Bank

      2) Warka Bank for Investment & Finance

      untuk membuka akuan ” Dar es Salaam Investment Bank ” modal untuk permulaan untuk membuka akuan sebanyak USD 100,000
      manakala untuk membuka akuan Warka Bank modal permulaan sebanyak USD 100 . so terpulang kepada anda bank yg mana satu yg anda berminat.

      untuk pengetahuan anda Dar es Salaam Investment Bank mempunyai 14 buah cawangan diseluruh Iraq,dan ATM mesinya sebanyak 6 buah diseluruh Iraq.manakala Warka Bank for Investment & Finance mempunyai cawanganya sebanyak 130 buah cawangan diseluruh Iraq tak termasuk 3 buah cawanganya diluar dari negara iraq iaitu di Jordan , Lebanon dan yg terbaru di Djibouti (Afrika). itu tak termasuk Mesin ATM warka yg berjumlah 350 buah di seluruh iraq.

      Dar es Salaam Investment Bank masih lagi tidak mempunyai Online Banking manakala Warka Bank for Investment & Finance sudah mempunyai online banking & Phone Banking semenjak dari tahun 2003 lagi.

      Dar es Salaam Investment Bank established Pada 1998
      dan start beroperasi pada tahun 1999.manakala Warka Bank for Investment & Finance established dan start beroperasi pada tahun 1999.

      Setup Capital Dar es Salaam Investment Bank sebanyak IQD 50 billion pada tahun1999 manakala setup Capital Warka bank sebanyak IQD 51 Billion juga pada tahun 1999.

      Chairman Dar es Salaam Investment Bank bernama ” Asaad Mohammed Hassan Khudairi ” .jaringan Business network Dar es Salaam Investment Bank tidak dapat dikesan. manakala chairman Warka Bank for Investment & Finance bernama ” Saad S. Al-Bunnia ” Warka Bank adalah kepunyaan keluarga Al-Bunnia Jaringan Business network Al-Bunnia seperti dibawah

      Click to access HMBS.pdf

      saya rasa sampai sini saja yg dapat saya terangkan kepada anda,kenapa dan mengapa ramai orang berminat untuk membuka akuan bank dengan Warka.

  1193. abelongas@ymail.com berkata:

    dari segi hukum, mcm mane yeeee…….ada ke pndpt orang2 ugama

    • Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

      aku rasa baik kau sendiri yg tanya pada alim ulamak….lebih baik….sebab kau sahaja yg ada kemuskilan….

    • Bini Pak Lah berkata:

      aku pernah tanya pada seorang ustaz, jawapan dia : tak salah kalau membeli Dinar Iraq ni kerana kita menyumbang kepada pembangunan negara Iraq..bezanya, beli wang kertas Dinar Iraq atau simpan dalam akaun yang menyumbang kepada pembangunan Iraq..yang tu fikir2 kan lah sendiri.. 😉

  1194. roses berkata:

    Foreign Relations Committee welcomes the upcoming visit of Kuwaiti Prime Minister; The release of CH VII means open trade and stronger economy

    welcomed the Parliamentary Foreign Relations Committee, visited the upcoming Kuwaiti Prime Minister to Iraq to resolve the outstanding issues between the two countries.

    came against the backdrop of Kuwait’s Prime Minister expressed readiness to visit Baghdad to meet with Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki to discuss bilateral relations. member of the Foreign Relations Committee, Imad John Yako said in an interview for “Center Brief for the Iraqi Media Network,” that “the visit of Prime Minister of Kuwait anticipated to Baghdad are the result of diplomatic efforts by the Iraqi side to improve relations between the two countries and in response to the visits and delegations I went to Kuwait for resolving the outstanding issues between the parties. “

    and was Prime Minister of Kuwait Jaber Al-Mubarak announced yesterday on readiness to visit Baghdad but awaiting an invitation the Iraqi side, pointing out that his visit to Iraq will yield for resolving all outstanding issues between the two countries, returned meeting anticipated that Sijmah counterpart Nuri al-Maliki and important Sasfi lot of things.

    expressed Yako hoped to open this visit new horizons for cooperation between the two countries, wishing to have the Kuwaiti side is serious in resolving the outstanding issues, especially with the files complex, noting that Iraq from his feet a lot of concessions and “await the day ماسوف provided the Kuwaiti side to remove Iraq from Chapter VII.” In regard to the outstanding issues, between Yako “The border issue was resolved by agreements old was also compensate homeowners and remaining debt issue and the missing and the port of Mubarak, who is of important files and reports were made ​​on it from commissions and ministries of foreign affairs and transport contradictory, pointing out that the government did not arrive until now to know how much damage would befall Iraq as a result of port Mubarak.

    The Kuwaiti Prime Minister Sheikh Jaber Mubarak Al-Sabah said earlier that Kuwait ended file border with Iraq and was problematic compensate Iraqi farmers who were affected by maintenance of border markers between the two countries.

    Turning Yako to Chapter VII and the extent of negative and positive of this chapter, saying, “This is a chapter international agreement that places restrictions on countries that fall within Tailth, including the method of trade and exchange Commercial transactions in many materials as we so far barred from importing a lot of materials such as lead and pencils and medical equipment related to the lives of citizens, “noting that” getting rid of this chapter means opening horizons in front of open trade and economy stronger.

    continued MP: “As Iraq’s reputation will not be good at the international level just to stay under the jurisdiction of this chapter being mean that Iraq poses a threat to other countries, “adding,” Today we started a new page and elections and a new government, “noting that” the survival of Iraq under Chapter VII gives the authority to the UN Security Council to intervene in its affairs at any time. “

    said Yako that “Iraq may get rid of a lot of this Chapter, including biological weapons and weapons of mass destruction leaving only issues related to Kuwait and that we are now in the process to close all its files and then return the country to Chapter VI, which means the return of Iraq natural to surroundings International. For his part, counting a member of the Foreign Relations Committee, Rafi Abd al-Jabbar Noshi visit of Prime Minister of Kuwait anticipated to Iraq blessed step, serious and in the interest of the two countries, considering that Kuwait is for Iraq Gulf Gate.

    reported Noshi in an interview for “Center Brief Media Network Iraqi “that” Chapter VII linked Kuwait was left of the lift for Iraq only topic filter things with the Kuwaiti side, “explaining that the files that are still stuck are border file and debts that are essentially programmed to pay five percent of the Iraqi budget.

    considered a member of the boundary question The port of Mubarak dilemmas are real and significant, ruling resolved once one visit, especially since resolution 833 Special limits unfairly against Iraq, and expressed the hope that this visit will be a step followed by other steps to resolve remaining outstanding issues between the two countries.

    noteworthy that the UN Security Council issued in 1993 Resolution 833 which provides for the demarcation of the border between Kuwait and Iraq, and the extended length of about 216 km, and led the implementation of resolution partially depending on the decisions of the Convention (tent Safwan) concluded in 1991 to deduct large swathes of Iraqi territory and annex it to Kuwaiti territory, has objected to many Iraqi officials after fall of the former regime in 2003 to complete the procedures of land border demarcation between the two countries in accordance with Resolution No. 833, as the decision was imposed on Iraq under international pressure and in circumstances unusual.

    As regards Chapter VII and its impact on Iraq, said Noshi “The theme of this chapter has nothing to do at all the subject of Kuwait, but the United Nations this topic linked the Kuwaiti side, “considering this linkage is” duplication in the United Nations dealing with issues in the world, including the issue of Iraq. “


    p/s: harap bukan april fool 😉

    • al pacino berkata:

      salam, najib dah bubar parlimen, awat dinar iraq tak bubar-bubar? tak kan nasi jadi bubur…..

      • Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

        hehehe…nasi jadi bubur bagi penyimpan Cash Note Dinar Iraq di luar iraq jer…..Penyimpan duit iraq dalam akuan…didalam Iraq relex ajer….lambat RV dividen tetap dapat juga…bertambahlah duit dalam akuan.hehehehe….

      • roses berkata:

        hehehe..takde sape pun yg tahu tarikh yg tepat bile dinar iraq nk bubar..tapi semua org tahu semalam najib dh bubar parlimen..hehe

  1195. abelongas@ymail.com berkata:

    ape sudah jadi dengan cash note dinar nieeeee……dlam akaun bank pulok mcm mane yeee..selamat keeeee…..

    • Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

      dah tentu2 selamat….kalau x selamat x gunalah CBI nak improofkan sistem perbankan…kalau x selamat….tak gunalah CBI berbincang untuk menaikkan nilai dinarnya…..kalau duit dalam bank x selamat……maka tiadalah pelabur2 yg datang untuk melabur kat iraq….dan paling penting….kalau duit dalam akuan warka bank x selamat….x gunalah CBI membuat pengistiharan bahawa warka sehingga kini merupakan sebuah privet bank yg terbesar diiraq dan mempunyai esset terbesar diiraq.

      • Man Ganu berkata:

        kesian pada mereka yg xde saving akaun di warka bank.. masa plok dah hampir, nk buka akaun baru sempat ke tidak… hai nasib lah badan….

      • Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

        hehehe….masih sempat lagi kalau nak buka akuan….hatta pun selepas RV…masih lagi boleh buka akuan….yg penting bila dah RV duit dalam akuan jadi ckitlah….kalau sebelum RV RM3,000 dapatlah IQD1,000,000…tapi bila dah RV RM3,000 dapatlah IQD 900++ . hehehehehhe…

  1196. Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

    CBI decision to increase the share of private companies to convert hard currency will significantly increase and stabilize the dinar value

    April 4, 2013

    Baghdad (newsletter). Anticipating financial expert as Hadi al-Tamimi, increasing the dollar exchange rate dinar during the coming period after the action taken by the Central Bank for doubling the share of remittance companies hard currency.

    He said Al-Tamimi (News Agency): that the Central Bank will not remain silent before declines in the Iraqi dinar exchange rate but that it would take necessary actions to return the normal price.

    He added that the Central Bank’s decision to increase the share of private companies to convert hard currency will significantly increase and stabilize the dinar value provided to control money laundering does not occur or the like

    The news: the Central Bank will double over the next two days, the share of companies financial and banking transfer of foreign currency.

    The Iraqi market has experienced considerable unrest in recent weeks in the price of the US dollar against the Iraqi dinar as the sale price of one dollar to 1280.

    The Iraqi Central Bank, Sunday 24 March, new instructions on buying and selling foreign currency, according to the weekly quota for banks to sell the dollar cash $ 4 million of the increase and decrease in the share of money transfer companies, 150,000 dollars for companies, 45 billion capital and $ 100,000 for less than its capital.

    The instructions indicated that the companies broker for buying and selling currencies that share downloads 50,000 dollars to companies with a capital of 500 million dollars, and $ 25,000 for companies equally, and that the sale and purchase of a foreign currency remittance companies and companies to buy and sell foreign currency through banks approved in Iraq

  1197. hasrierie berkata:

    Assalam.. peminat Dinar, apa komen minggu ni…

  1198. abelongas@ymail.com berkata:

    yeee laaahhhh…nape syap saja niiee… bro BN mana nie….beri komen sikit pasal IQD nie,, info ko atau RV ko tp bukan RAVI lahhh…hehehehehe

  1199. harun al-rasyid berkata:

    ader saper2 tak kat sini nk bli akaun warka..duit xbyr lbh kurang 1.5juta shj..xpyh poning2 nk bukak akaun..xpyh poning2 nk tt duit..bli terus akaun yg dh siap..aper2 hal cntact uk12499@yahoo.co.uk..

    • Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

      hanya orang yg kurang bijak(BODOH) saja yg nak beli akuan bank atas nama orang lain….hehehehehe… kalau nak menipu pun bukan ini caranya….

      • harun al-rasyid berkata:

        Ni bkn tipu ni betul2..klu nk tipu ak xbg alamat email plk..akai ad ka..

      • Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

        ala…bagi alamat email pun boleh menipu….kau lagi tak ada akal…engkau ingat orang semua bodoh ker….wakakawakakawakaka..

    • giler_dinar berkata:

      Si penipu dah mula nak buat duit….mcam sial….anak angkat shabibi pun x boleh nak jual akaun….inikan pulak macai umgok mcam hampeh nihhh…bahloll betul lahanattt…

  1200. ERISHAH berkata:

    siap jual akaun lagi tuh…..
    dalam group PDI n JDI rilek je smua ye pegang cash note….fening2…. dalam group nie kecoh suruh bukak ac warka bank…. dalam JDI n PDI pulak kata x perlu susah2 nak bukak ac. yang penting cash note yang terkini adalah ori….

    • Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

      hehehe…memanglah dia orang rilek je…. sebab dia orang dah tahu hanya menunggu masa saja nak melihat duit cash note tu terlungkup.hehehehehe…nak buat macam mana …. nak menjerit terlompat2 pun bukannya duit cash tu boleh ada dalam akuan bank.wakakawakaka…

    • roses berkata:

      …yg penting mase beli cashnote yg ori tu ade resit.. =)

  1201. harun al-rasyid berkata:

    pembetulan: ader saper2 tak kat sini nk bli akaun warka..duit dh ada lbh kurang 1.5juta shj..xpyh poning2 nk bukak akaun..xpyh poning2 nk tt duit..bli terus akaun yg dh siap..aper2 hal cntact uk12499@yahoo.co.uk..

  1202. Mr Excel berkata:

    Kami menawarkan pinjaman yang berbeda untuk Individu (Personal Loan) dan bekerja sama badan dengan tingkat bunga 3% per annul.This adalah untuk membantu Anda memenuhi kewajiban keuangan Anda terutama dengan pada akan krisis keuangan dunia. Anda dapat meminjam antara 1.000 – 50.000.000 (Pounds, Euro atau Dolar) Untuk keterangan lebih lanjut, silahkan hubungi kami melalui email (excelservices.managementonline@gmail.com) Salam

    menawarkan pinjaman

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  1204. Caroline berkata:

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  1205. roses berkata:

    RV dateline:
    1) HCL law -pass
    2) Chapter 7 -release
    3) Push the button =)

  1206. Dr.Bruce Haggis. berkata:


    Membutuhkan pinjaman? Hubungi kami melalui: (goodnewsloanhome2@gmail.com)


    1) Nama Lengkap:
    2) Pekerjaan:
    3) Negara:
    4) Seks:
    5) Umur:
    6) ponsel:
    7) Jumlah Pinjaman Dibutuhkan:
    8) Pinjaman Jangka waktu:
    9) Gaji Tanggal:

    Aku akan menunggu rincian aplikasi dalam balasan Anda berikutnya.

    Dr.Bruce Haggis.
    Email Id: goodnewsloanhome2@gmail.com

  1207. hasrierie berkata:

    Apa hal pinjaman along lak ni.. sembanglah pasal dinar. Lagi baik.

  1208. Jus Tersohor berkata:


  1209. harun al-rasyid berkata:

    xder berita ke bila nk RaVi ni..

  1210. pakcik wan berkata:

    buka akaun dekat pejabat pos iraq,boleh dpt murah lagi pasal saya knl posmen iraq..saya duk kat sana 5 tahun.. apa2 call saya

  1211. pakcik wan berkata:

    mahu beli rumah di iraq,saya knl kawan saya dan sama2 buat kerja ni,dia ejen tanah & perumanhan.. apa2 call saya 0163738493

  1212. harun al-rasyid berkata:

    pakcik wan simpan cash note ke bukak akaun?

  1213. Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

    hehehehe….dah lama aku x masuk….macam2 cerita mengarut yg ada dalam blog nie….

  1214. Jus Tersohor berkata:

    BN ….hari tu sibuk PRU kot 🙂

  1215. Bini Pak Lah berkata:

    kat Iraq asyik keta meletop jee…
    bile pulak la dinar Iraq nak meletop ni.. 🙂

  1216. zamri b bakar berkata:

    hi kwn kwn jgn percaya dengan org yg menjual dinar iraq tu..semuanya auta belaka seperti menanti bulan jatuh ke riba.klu beli jugak memang bodoh tahap tenuk la.heheheheheh

  1217. Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

    Central bank: a plan to raise the exchange rate of the Iraqi dinar

    Baghdad 25 May 2013

    A member of the parliamentary Finance Committee that the central bank told us that he will implement a new plan to raise the value of the Iraqi dinar exchange either the U.S. dollar.
    A member of the Committee Faleh Djiashi, that “the central bank told the parliamentary Finance Committee that an action plan will begin to apply early next June, would be enough to raise the exchange rate of the Iraqi dinar against the U.S. dollar.”
    He added that “the central bank works to reduce the number of companies that deal with it and put the money in the auction which will lead to a reduction in the value of the dollar and reliance on monetary policy open without complicated procedures and controls and a wide open field in front of the government banks.”
    The Finance Committee has announced the formation of a small committee composed of three deputies to monitor Srvaldanar of Iraq against the dollar, stressing that the practical measures undertaken by the central bank last week led to address the problem gradually. The parliament may week current governor of the Central Bank and the Agency Abdul Basit Turki and discussed with him the reasons for the high price of the dollar against the dinar.

  1218. Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

    CENTRAL BANK is required to REVIEW monetary policy to support the DINAR EXCHANGE RATE


    Baghdad (news) .. Download the financial expert on behalf of Hadi al-Tamimi, the central bank responsible for the low exchange rate of the dinar against the dollar during the last period, stressing that monetary policy currently used do not support the value of the Iraqi dinar.

    Tamimi said (of the Agency news): The volatility of winning at the exchange rate of the Iraqi dinar against the U.S. dollar bears responsibility for the current administration of the Central Bank, because of its policy that made the dollar sales monopoly for certain destinations and escaped the control of the local banks.

    He added: CBI demands to reconsider its monetary policy and develop a new policy to pursue the sale of hard currency and the possibility of delivery to eligible traders and owners of capital, taking into consideration the principle of balance of supply and demand in the market.

    He pointed out: that the continuing decline in the value of the Iraqi dinar against the dollar will affect the overall economic situation in the country, they must put the right foundations to address them. / End / 8. N. R /

  1219. Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

    Microsoft willing to improve banking transactions in Iraq

    03-06-2013 – 14:11

    Microsoft announces its willingness to develop the banking sector in Iraq by using high-end technology in financial transactions.

    The size of financial transactions performed in private and public banks were the center of attention of relevant governmental entities. This led the latter to advise banks on the necessity of taking their electronic transactions to a new level with the help of the internationally-known Microsoft who recently expressed its readiness to help improve the banking sector in Iraq.

    “We want these institutions to make use of Microsoft’s expertise used in most of the international banks; in the aim of taking the banking sector to a new level. Today we also want to reiterate our wish to use legal licenses from Microsoft”, said Amin Al Sabbagh, Microsoft’s representative, in a statement to Alsumaria.

    As for the banks, they considered that this step will help improve the banking system due to the huge amount of monetary transactions that go beyond traditional methods.

    “The services provided by banks require safety which is provided by accurate systems. Every banking institution needs such systems including financial establishments since they deal with money transferring and require technical monitoring”, added Manaf Al Badry, head of Private Banks’ Union.

    Central Bank of Iraq and Ministry of Finance work alongside banks in Iraq to train engineers on operating and maintaining financial transaction applications especially the ones related to security.

  1220. mr johnson berkata:

    Good Day,

    saya mendapat email Anda. Dengan cara saya pengenalan yang tepat, Aku Mr Eric Johnson Snr. Direktur dan CEO. Saya bantuan keuangan yang dinamis. Aku pinjaman dana kepada individu yang membutuhkan bantuan keuangan, yang memiliki kredit buruk atau membutuhkan uang untuk membayar tagihan atau untuk berinvestasi pada bisnis. Saya ingin menggunakan media ini untuk menginformasikan bahwa kami memberikan bantuan handal dan penerima sebagai senang untuk menawarkan pinjaman. Saat saya sudah memiliki 45% saham di CGP (Capital Group PLC, London) yang disetujui pemerintah Keuangan Institute. Saat ini saya menyiapkan skema dalam bentuk akuisisi pinjaman untuk membantu berbagai individu serta organisasi yang memiliki niat renovasi, konsolidasi hutang, pembiayaan kembali dan juga pembentukan pakaian bisnis. Saya seorang pria bisnis internasional dan Lender yang telah menawarkan pinjaman untuk begitu berbagai individu dan perusahaan-perusahaan di Eropa, Asia, Afrika dan bagian lain dunia. Kami memberikan pinjaman kami dalam USD ($) dan GBP (£). Saya juga menyediakan akses Pinjaman Real Estate untuk Uang Anda Hard. Kita dapat dana cepat,Biasanya dalam waktu 84 jam setelah menerima aplikasi Anda. Uang keras yang tersedia untuk pinjaman cukup aminan atas rumah hunian keluarga tunggal dan Real Property lainnya termasuk proyek-proyek komersial dan pinjaman individu / rumah pribadi. Jangka waktu pinjaman maksimum yang bisa kita tawarkan adalah 30 Tahun dengan tingkat bunga tetap sebesar 3% per tahun.


    LICENSE No: 98267

  1221. MR Harry blunt. berkata:

    Apakah Anda membutuhkan bantuan keuangan? atau apakah Anda membutuhkan pinjaman apapun? jika ya, di sini datang help.livingstoneloans@hotmail.com
    kita diberikan pada pinjaman kepada individu dan perusahaan dengan harga yang terjangkau
    Tingkat 3% yang menarik pemohon pinjaman bunga menyarankan untuk mengisi formulir permohonan pinjaman di bawah ini.
    nomor telepon:
    Anda dapat berbicara bahasa Inggris?:
    jumlah yang dibutuhkan sebagai pinjaman:
    waktu pinjaman:
    status perkawinan:
    kode pos:
    Tujuan pinjaman:
    pendapatan bulanan:
    MR Harry blunt.

  1222. Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

    CENTRAL BANK: THREE BANKS SELL the DOLLAR at a LOWER PRICE than the advertised price


    The Iraqi Central Bank announced the sale of three banks to the dollar at a lower price than the advertised price.

    The Bank said in a statement received (News Agency) a copy of: the Governor of the Central Bank received formal letter from the Association of banks, including its previously announced initiative three banks as the first stage of selling the dollar to the public at a lower price than advertised price up to 1183 dinars to the dollar instead of cash, and 1,189 1,190 dinars to the dollar rather than from 1184 to documentary credits ‘.

    Viewed: it came in support of the Iraqi dinar exchange rate and foreign exchange is accessible to citizens, praising the initiative, which is the normal behavior of most banks in the country

  1223. Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

    redenominated banknotes slated for July 2013

    Iraq discloses designs for redenominated banknotes slated for July 2013

    Jul 21, 2012 08:17 AM Category: Middle East

    According to Iraq’s semi-official Alsabaah newspaper, the finance committee received specimens of the new Iraq banknotes from the Central Bank of Iraq. The specimens were of the 25, 50, 100, and 200 dinars. The committee urged the central bank to delay the introduction of the new currency from January 2013 to July 2013 to study all the aspects of the process.

    Other Iraqi media reports state that the new currency will be issued in denominations of 5, 10, 25, 50, 100, and 200 dinars for banknotes and 25, 50, 100, 250, and 500 fils, plus 1 and 2 dinars for coins. The designs have been already chosen for banknotes and coins:

    5 dinars: Beck waterfall and palm tree
    10 dinars: dinar coin minted in the reign of the Umayyad dynasty and lighthouse Hadba in Mosul
    25 dinars: King Hammurabi receiving the law and farming of Iraqi Kurdistan
    50 dinars: King Codaa and Fort Ukhaydir
    100 dinars: Central Bank building in Azwaip area in Baghdad and ziggurat
    200 dinars: bridge and school

    Courtesy of Mosab K. Ibrahim.

  1224. Mr Young Pao berkata:

    Am pemberi pinjaman uang, saya menawarkan pinjaman sepanjang hari, saya menawarkan baik pinjaman pribadi dan pinjaman bisnis, dan saya menawarkan pinjaman jangka panjang dan pendek lond jadi jika Anda tertarik, tidak ada masalah, saya ingin Anda untuk hanya menghubungi saya sekarang melalui alamat email saya (youngpao.loanserivice255@gmail.com)

  1225. Bini Pak Lah berkata:

    ibu2..bapak2..nape akaun Warka aku x boleh bukak?..adoyaii..

  1226. Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

    Economic parliamentary: the central bank is unable to control the exchange rate of the dollar

    18.06.2013 | (Voice of Iraq)

    (Special) … Ezzat Economic Commission parliamentary reasons fluctuating exchange rate of the dollar against the Iraqi dinar to the political situation in the country, and the policy of the central bank and its inability to control the exchange rate.
    explained committee member Rep. Nora Bijari in a statement to the Central Council of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUKcc.org), that high fluctuation of the dollar against the dinar has several reasons, related to the policy of the central bank and the changes that took place in his administration, in addition to the political crisis and the political situation as a whole in the country, as well as the regional situation, particularly the situation in Syria and Iran, and noted Rep. Bijari to the existence of smuggling currency out of the country , stressing that these factors greatly affect the exchange rate.
    criticized Rep. Bijari inability of the central bank to control the exchange rate, vinegar making plans, noting that some banks civil conflict at the dollar and trying to smuggle it abroad through Syria and Iran.
    drew Bijari that Central Bank of a special policy to maintain a stable exchange rate, confirming that the bank is unable to control price volatility, criticizing received President of the Office of Financial Supervision Abdel Basset Turki, the governor of the central bank and the agency, noting that the work positions are contrary to and affect the performance, considering it as an imbalance affects the work of the central bank.
    confirmed the MP that the Economic Commission following the situation and conduct meetings on an ongoing basis with the governor of the central bank and economic officials, and receive reports on a regular basis about the situation.
    and the normal price of the dollar against the U.S. dollar, explained Rep. الجباري that the political and economic situation in Iraq wobbling and can not be determine the exact figure for the exchange rate, noting that the fluctuation of the exchange rate does not affect the country’s budget as it raises the fear or anxiety, pointing out that the budget tied to oil and oil calculated at world prices in dollars, and thus will not have to fluctuating exchange rate against the Iraqi dinar little effect.

  1227. Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

    From : Warka Bank For Investment And Finance

    Dear customers,

    Currently we are doing development on the online banking service, so service is currently not working until the completion of development


    E-banking Dept .

    • Bini Pak Lah berkata:

      agaknya sbb ni la akaun aku x bley bukak kot.. :p
      ermm..ape la nak jadi dgn pelaburan kite ni erkk?.. 😉

  1228. pakcik kayo berkata:

    Iraq obtained the green light from the United Nations to take it out of Chapter VII
    THURSDAY, JUNE 20, 2013 08:16

    Twilight News / recommended by the Secretary-General of the United Nations Ban Ki-moon, on Thursday, the UN Security Council, remove Iraq from Chapter VII and subdue the remaining differences between Iraq and Kuwait to Item VI of the UN Charter, instead of the seventh.


    The Chapter VII of the UN Charter authorizes the Security Council to use force to enforce the decisions either through sanctions or military intervention; while urging Section VI states to resolve their differences through peaceful means, it is expected that the UN Security Council to consider the adoption of the draft resolution in this regard on June 27 of this month.

    He commended Ban Ki-moon, in a report face to the Security Council, both Kuwait and Iraq, “for their efforts which led to the solution of outstanding issues between the two countries to remove Iraq from Chapter VII,” stressing that “Iraq’s implementation of its obligations under Chapter VII of the border with Kuwait, created the right conditions for further progress in relations between the two countries. ”

    He added, “The common ground agreed by Iraq with Kuwait regarding missing Kuwaitis and Kuwaiti property, is an important achievement refers to a new level of mutual trust, and a new chapter of relations between the two neighboring countries,” مردفا, that “the governments of Iraq and Kuwait have shown a great deal of responsibility and respect for the interests of the other party and so Ptouselhma to the arrangements are acceptable and mutually beneficial. ”

    And the moon, that “if the Security Council’s approval on my recommendation, will be removing Iraq from Chapter VII with respect to this file, and will advance another step towards the restoration of its international a long تاقت goal lead this country to achieve after the overthrow of Saddam Hussein.”

    He continued, “it should authorize the United Nations Mission in Iraq’s political responsibility to search for Kuwaitis and nationals of other States absent or their remains, as well as of Kuwaiti property Kalarhev the national stolen during the occupation of Kuwait.”

    The Iraqi Foreign Minister Hoshyar Zebari, said in a joint press conference with his Kuwaiti counterpart, who visited Baghdad recently, said that “if approved by the Security Council on the recommendation of that, you will not be left to the country’s obligations under Chapter VII only a commitment to pay the $ 11 billion remaining his trust in compensation of Kuwait, “adding that” Iraq could fulfill this debt by 2015 if it continues to pay the premium amount at the current pace. ”

    The Foreign Ministry announced, on Wednesday, for an overview of the five permanent members of the Security Council on Iraq’s position on a new resolution on take it out of Chapter VII.

    For his part, Representative of the Secretary-General of the United Nations in Iraq, Martin Kobler, said, on Wednesday, at a joint news conference with the head of the provincial council in Basra, Khalaf Abdul Samad attended the “Twilight News” that “Iraq will emerge from Chapter VII of money by the end of this month.”

    It is still Iraq subject to international sanctions imposed by the United Nations after the invasion and occupation of Kuwait in 1990, despite the fall of the former regime, which invaded Kuwait, and observers say that in the case of acceptance of the Security Council recommendation of the Secretary-General, will prepare a batch of strong political to Baghdad in an effort to restore its international after Ten years of the overthrow of Saddam Hussein.

    Kuwait had opposed for years to remove Iraq from Chapter VII because of differences over borders and Disappeared Persons, property and other issues, but most of these issues and found their way to the solution recent

    mari….mari ….mari…..dia dah mai…

  1229. Zailani berkata:

    Bila nak RV nie….nak pakai duit bayar hutang lapok daaaa..

  1230. Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

    hehehehe….kita lihat nanti 1 July 2013…..jadi ker atau tidak CBI mengeluarkan Cash Note Dinar Iraq yg BARU…..hehehehe…kalau confirm jadi ….maka RV memang dah dekat….mungkin RV serentak dengan pengeluaran Cash note dinar iraq yg baru…atau pun mungkin selepas 30 atau 60 hari selepas dinar iraq baru keluar. 30 atau 60 hari adalah tempoh masa pertukaran dinar iraq lama kepada yg baru.selepas tempo tersebut dinar iraq yg anda semua simpan atau pun beli dah tak laku digunakan.selepas tempo tamat pertukaran duit cash note tersebut….bru RV muncul.hehehehehe…bersedialah..

    • roses berkata:

      Alhamdulillah. . Kalau 2thun lg pun sye sanggup tunggu..hehe…Insyallah harap2 kita tak lupe diri kalau btul rv nti ye..hehe

  1231. Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

    hahaha….sesiapa yg ada akuan bank warka….INTEREST untuk 6 bulan pertama dah dikereditkan ke dalam akuan anda….hehehehehe…aku baru saja cek dalam akuan aku pada 1 julay 2013 jam 1:00am.

  1232. Bini Pak Lah berkata:

    Bini Najib, aku punya akaun Warka x bley bukak lah..adoyaii..
    aku nak tengok juga interest utk 6 bln pertama ni aku dpt berape..tolonn..tolonn.. :p

    • Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

      Update ….1 Julay 2013 jam 9:58 PM aku still boleh acess Warka online banking dan melihat baki terkini aku.macam mana kaunya Bini Pak Lah tak boleh acess???? Pelik!!!!

      • Bini Pak Lah berkata:

        Bini Najib, 1 July 13 kul 11 baru aku bley bukak akaun aku..huhu
        alhamdulillah..aku nyer interest 6 bln pertama pon dah adee.. 😉

      • Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

        hehehehe…. kalau dapat INTEREST IQD 100,000.00 untuk 6 bulan pertama pun dah mencukupi…..bayangkan kalau RV dengan Nilai USD1….hehehehehe….dah tentu2 buta2 dapat RM 300,000.00….hehehehe…. kalau yg dapat INTEREST IQD berjuta2 ,lagi meroyan dibuatnya….hahahahaha…

      • along kasmin berkata:

        salam.. de sesape tahu nk apply mastercard warka bank..

        2013/7/2 DINAR IRAQ

        > ** > Bini Najib (BN) commented: “hehehehe…. kalau dapat INTEREST IQD > 100,000.00 untuk 6 bulan pertama pun dah mencukupi…..bayangkan kalau RV > dengan Nilai USD1….hehehehehe….dah tentu2 buta2 dapat RM > 300,000.00….hehehehe…. kalau yg dapat INTEREST IQD berjuta2 ,lagi > meroyan dibu” >

  1233. Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

    Central Bank Implementing Disclosure


    Central Bank called on all banks to disclose measures taken against the applicants counterfeit banknotes.
    The central bank said in a statement received / JD / copy: discover Massarvkm the counterfeit banknotes in deposits realized you have institutions or individuals ..

    Central student in his statement says the actions taken from the right of depositors to banks in such cases was provided with what has been taken for the period from 01.02.2013 till 06.30.2013 as soon as possible.

    The Ministry of Interior has revealed the arrest of a gang in possession of 12 million dinars forged, asserting that gang recognized بتزويرها of the 3 billion dinars.

    A spokesman for the Interior Ministry Brigadier Saad Maan in an earlier statement / JD /: managed security force and the Interior Ministry to arrest gang competent counterfeiting currency after receiving information pointed to the place of their presence.
    He explained: that the force rushed to the area of ​​the eastern section has ambushed a gang members and arrested him, and then follow the remaining individuals were arrested, were seized in possession of 12 million dinars, forged from the 5 categories and 25 thousand.

    He added: gang recognized بجريمتهم and they forged currency since 2004, noting that the total Iraqi currency counterfeit which they بتزويرها reached about three billion dinars

    • Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

      aku lihat sejak kebelakangan ini banyak duit duit iraq telah dipalsukan.bagi pendapat aku…mungkin suatu hari nanti CBI akan mengistiharkan duit cash note diluar dari iraq tidak sah ditukarkan didalam iraq.hanya duit yg berada didalam bank sahaja sah digunakan sehingga keluarnya duit cash note dinar iraq yg baru.buat masa sekarang hanya penggunaan smart card sahaja yg boleh digunakan untuk pengurusan penjualan dan pembelian barangan keperluan dan sebagainya digunakan.ini selaras dengan kehendak CBI untuk mengimplementkan penggunaan smart card diseluruh pelusuk iraq.itu sebab setiap gaji perkerja yg berkerja diiraq dibayar secara electronic currency melalui SMART CARD.

      oleh sebab itu aku tak nampak kelebihan menyimpan cash note dinar iraq diluar dari iraq menjanjikan bukan sekadar keuntungan….tetapi balik modal pun aku tak nampak. harap2 tekaan aku ini salahlah hendaknya.sebab aku dah letih dengan tekaan aku yg rata2nya 80 hingga 90% tepat.

  1234. Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

    Central bank: the project raise zeros from the currency is still deferred

    03-07-2013 07:34 PM

    Karbala (news) said the Central Bank of Iraq, that the project raise zeros from the currency is still postponed until further notice, indicating that the Bank’s gold reserves has not been affected by changes in the global market.

    The central bank governor said Abdul Basit Turki told a news conference Wednesday afternoon on the sidelines of his visit to the city of Karbala for the opening of Dar financial control, which was attended by the Agency (news): The project raise zeros from the currency project is delayed due to the conditions experienced by the country, noting : The bank is still studying with experts and specialists how to change the currency but its implementation depends on the situation experienced by Iraq and this deferred offline.

    Turki confirmed: that the bank reserves of gold is not affected by changes in the global market due to the financial plan developed by the bank a few months ago to avoid such a disaster, noting that the gold reserves in the Central Bank would be a big supporter of the Iraqi currency at any time, anywhere.

    It is noteworthy that some economists believe that Iraq is not ready at the present time to delete the zeros from the Iraqi dinar, pointing out that the deletion needs to security and political stability as well as economic stability.

  1235. Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

    A member of the Economic Committee: on the central bank set a new price of the Iraqi dinar against the dollar

    07-07-2013 01:15 PM

    Baghdad (news) .. Student member of the Economic Commission parliamentary MP / Kurdistan Alliance / Mahma Khalil, the central bank determine the price of a new Iraqi dinar against dollar coin, and that there is a price real dinars. Khalil said in a statement (of the Agency news): The political maintaining the currency and dinar Iraqi functions of the central bank, and the signals that we observe globally and economically, that there is a future for dinars, adding: may not be the exchange rate of dinar against the dollar per (1300) or (1200) Iraqi dinars, because this price is when the balance was $ 10 billion, and today the balance Iraq’s sovereign (76) billion dollars. continued: political Central Bank to keep the bank is not correct, call the bank that there will be forces of Iraqi dinars, because what exists of the dinar, however, citizens of the Iraqi equivalent of the real price in the market, calling for the bank to invest the power of the dinar after the exit of Iraq Chapter VII, and today the central bank is obliged to be a new rate against the dollar. , and pointed out that, because all Aldaat entering Iraq in dollars, and must be no price true of the Iraqi dinar, because the strength of JD robust and powerful in terms of its total sovereign and economic strong addition to the that the Iraqi citizen suffers from weakness Aldnyar Iraq against the dollar. referred to that, the Iraqi dinar less than its value once in a while, towards the dollar, for many reasons, including the blame Central Bank in this ascent, and others point out that the situation in Iraq and the region behind the rise of the dollar, as well as smuggling.

  1236. Bini Najib (BN) berkata:


    Predicted the parliamentary economic committee member Abdul Hussein Abtan, Sunday, that does not affect the political problems on the project to delete the zeros from the Iraqi currency, pointing out that Chapter VII was largest Maroqat the implementation of the project in terms of demand مدخري currency damages.
    Abtan said in a statement to “Awan”, that “the central bank introduced an integrated project to the government and parliament, and held long discussions about it with experts and specialists, as shares ease the caveats of the deletion process.”
    He said, “Everyone sees positives raise zeros from the currency more than disadvantages, as well as being an economic process strategy while the negatives can be avoided within a record period, according to the central bank.”
    The Alabtan noted that “this does not mean the absence of negatives in the project, there are administrative and financial effort will be made ​​for the success of the operation, in addition to the possible existence of obstacles and other financial arrangements may get during the deletion because it requires a new edition of the coin.”
    He pointed out that “the seventh item that came out of him Iraq was a bigger obstacles implementation of the project, to the possibility of a claim مدخري currency abroad damages, but after the end of this obstacle has become necessary to start deleting the zeros”, indicating that the monetary reserves of the Central Bank of $ 76 billion, and that Iraq has turned from a debtor country to a donor country, and has a clearly defined economy. ”
    He cautioned that “experience has proved successful in neighboring and regional countries such as Turkey, Lebanon and others, there is no need to worry about a relapse currency and the economy.”
    The deputy governor of the Central Bank of the previous appearance of Mohammed Saleh warned of starting a lifting of the zeroes at the moment, due to Iraq on the blockbuster 2014 parliamentary elections could create a a transitional confused situation affects negatively on the price of the currency.

  1237. Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

    Perhatian kepada Pelabur Cash Note Dinar Iraq Diluar Dari Iraq….
    sila lihat video ini…..cuba dengarkankan percakapan pada minit yg ker dua sehingga minit ke tiga.

  1238. Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

    Iraqi government announces the preparation of more than 30 agreement and a memorandum of understanding with a number of countries

    07/10/2013 BAGHDAD

    The Iraqi government announced, Wednesday, for the preparation of 11 agreements and memorandum of understanding with 22 countries of the world during the second quarter of the year 2013, in the areas of economy, education, health and the fight against corruption and the environment.

    The General Secretariat of the Council of Ministers in a statement obtained by “obelisk”, a copy of “The Legal Department of the Secretariat had prepared 11 agreements and 22 memorandum of understanding with the countries of the world during the second quarter of the year 2013”, indicating that “the agreements included a draft law on ratification of the Convention on multimodal goods between the Arab states, and academic cooperation agreement between the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research of the Republic of Iraq and the College of Arts and Sciences at the University of Texas. ”

    The statement added that “the department has completed a draft law on ratification of the Convention on Cultural Cooperation between the Government of Iraq and the Ukraine, and the law on ratification of an agreement Generation International Academy of Anti-Corruption as an international organization, and the law on ratification of the Convention on the Amendment to the Convention Establishing Arab Shipbuilding and ship repair, in addition to the law on ratification of the Convention on Multimodal Transport of Goods between the Arab countries. ”

    The statement continued that “the Chamber also prepared a draft Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons between Iraq and the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons, as well as the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination, the Convention on the Child, and the agreement an executive, and the draft Convention on maritime transport between Iraq and Egypt.”
    The statement pointed out that “the legal department also prepared (22) Memorandum of Understanding, including a memorandum of understanding between the National Authority for Investment and Free Zones in the Arab Republic of Egypt, and memoranda of understanding with Kuwait on the operation and maintenance of physical borders and the establishment of a residential compound in Umm Qasr, and a Memorandum of Understanding in the field of agriculture with the Ministry of Agriculture, Slovak, and the other with the National Agency to regulate telecommunications in the Kingdom of Morocco, as well as the law on ratification of the letters and diaries mutual and record of the discussions relating to the loan of Japan (modernization project Daura), and the Memorandum of Understanding between the Ministry of Health of Iraq and the Korean Agency KOTRA. ”

    Iraq seeks to open up to all countries of the world and the promotion of investment, education, health and the fight against corruption and preserving the environment and enter into international agreements, especially after his release from the commandments of Chapter VII.

  1239. Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

    Economic parliamentary asked the central bank is implementing a project to delete the zeros


    BAGHDAD / JD / .. confirmed the parliamentary economic committee in the House of Representatives that the committee demanded that the Central Bank is implementing a project to delete the zeros from the Iraqi currency.

    He said the Commission’s decision MP economic Mahma Khalil Qassem told / JD / day: that the Central Committee had requested to reconsider the project and for purely economic reasons, is to maintain and improve the Iraqi currency against other currencies.
    Khalil explained that this project is an old project was discussed in accordance with the laws in force in the central bank, and now a year after the discussion we see that the time is right, especially after the withdrawal of Iraq from Chapter VII of the revival of this project.

    The Iraqi Central Bank estimated Estimated cost of the project to delete the zeros from the currency up to 172 billion dinars ..
    She said a special study project to delete the zeros received / JD / copy: The speculative total cost of the project to delete the zeros up to a hundred and seventy-two billion dinars “..
    The bank said in the study that the wages of transport and insurance of the role of copyright to the Baghdad International Airport up to (140), calculated on the basis of the ratio between the highest and lowest price (90-189) billion dinars from the presentations made by the companies ..
    He added that “Estimated cost Mint coins of the new currency amounting to 16 billion dinars,” ..

    The bank continued, “The wages of cargo transportation, Fridays and public holidays, overtime, etc. amounting to 15 billion dinars,” .. He pointed out that the cost of the media campaign and miscellaneous costs up to (1) billion dinars ..He recalled the bank the cost of the replacement process for the period from 15/10/2003 and the Bank of the reasons for the deletion of zeros, the first being that the process of deletion of zeros will be an opportunity to add new properties of the Iraqi currency to prevent potential counterfeiting of the new currency through the use of specifications of high security, leading to increased customer confidence ( and public institutions) as a result of low or no cases of counterfeiting ..
    He pointed out that the second reason that the process of deleting the zeros will reduce Alokiem digital currency and financial Almahacbah and may play to reduce the time, effort and cost required to complete financial transactions and accounting as well as the possibility of reducing the number of banknotes traded especially if it were printed banknotes categories big “..
    He said the third reason, it enhances the possibility of maintaining the exchange rate of the Iraqi dinar against foreign currencies earned the confidence of dealers.

  1240. Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

    Banking expert: No money laundering operations in Iraq


    Baghdad (news) .. He banking expert and director of the Association of private banks Abdul Aziz Hassoun, that Iraq is free of money laundering, because of the abundance of foreign financial country. said Hassoun said in a statement (of the Agency news): The According to the information and indicators available, did not adjust the agencies responsible for the control of money laundering in Iraq, the process of these operations, noting: that the Department of combat and control money laundering in the Central Bank of Iraq, and did not indicate the existence of money laundering. wondered, why is money laundering, and there is an abundance of financial process Ajnah denies flatly Laundry, explaining: the laundry when the There is a need for money for the party. , and pointed out that, private banks in the country, it is working with laws in force and supervision of the Central Bank of Iraq, and every month progress reports detail all its work, the central bank, and it’s not the banks and fake. referred to that, the form of the circumstances through which Iraq now fertile ground for the growth and spread of the phenomenon of money laundering, in light of the continued political differences affect the areas of the country, including economic and trade relations.

  1241. Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

    The high value of the dinar

    07/09/2013 12:00 AM

    Baghdad – Mostafa Hashemi

    said economic expert d. Peace Sumaisem: that the Iraqi dinar is witnessing a remarkable increase in value, especially in recent times, and after the withdrawal of Iraq from Chapter VII. Added Sumaisem told (morning): that there are several countries want to buy the dinar because it represents the currency of financial cover strongest in the region as well to being represents one of the aspects of investment for foreign investors, noting that there are expectations of higher value of the dinar to rates close to the standard which makes it desirable in global markets. explained Sumaisem the global currency markets is going according to the principle of expectation of higher currency or decline, and on the dinar, there are projections indicate to increase the value of the dinar in the global markets, He Astdrki that the fluctuation in the exchange rate within the country significantly affect the value of the dinar abroad. It is worth mentioning that there is a website American trading buying and selling Iraqi dinar since 2004.

  1242. Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

    Economist: expanded trade led to the fluctuation of the dinar against the dollar


    Baghdad (newsletter) … Economic expert attributed the maytham winfred, Iraqi dinar exchange rate fluctuation against the u.s. dollar to change the Central Bank’s policy from time to time.

    Winfred said News Agency): the previous period saw fluctuation in the dinar because Central Bank policy changes from time to time, exchange rate stability during the current period.

    He said: the reasons for the volatility also increased import goods and purchasing power in dollar terms, adding that the departure of Iraq from Chapter VII has led to increased imports and the arrival of many ships into ports of the various countries led to increased demand for the dollar.

    And the exchange rate of the Iraqi dinar against the u.s. dollar fluctuated between period and other economists attributed that to much political instability are Central Bank monetary and political differences that appear from time to time in the political arena.

  1243. Mr Excel berkata:

    Apakah Anda membutuhkan pinjaman mendesak? Jika ya hubungi kami di (excelservices.managementonline@gmail.com) untuk informasi lebih lanjut.

  1244. Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

    Cabinet decides any official should abandon of any foreign nationality identity card


    Baghdad/ NINA /– Prime Minister media adviser Ali al-Moussawi, told NINA today , that the Council of Ministers decided in its meeting which held today that any official should abandon of any official starting of General Director rank and above, as well as every army or police officer of any other foreign nationality card and keep but Iraqi nationality identity card .

  1245. Bini Najib (BN) berkata:


    Tuesday, July 16, 2013 08:27.

    Economist believes that the change was appropriate in 2012 .. Not now Baghdad: called deputies Economic Commission, yesterday, to accelerate the implementation of the project “reset” the process of local, and stressed that the current currency “not worthy” status of Iraq’s economic and investment which, while saw an economist that the World 2012 was a “more appropriate” to replace the currency from the current time.

    A member of the Economic Commission representative, Abdul-Hussein Abtan, said that “the Iraqi economy today is in an advanced position and good because of the supplier of oil big, which reached nearly three million barrels per day,” and notes that “the Iraqi Central Bank recently announced that reserves reached 76 billion dollars, a very significant amount, “according to the agency” Press-term “.

    Abtan added, that “despite all that Iraq is still suffering from a lack of precision in the management of the economic file as well as the lack of coordination between the pillars.” The Central Bank of Iraq announced, on July 3 current, that Iraq is “in control of the funds and treasury of gold” in international banks, one of the acting out, denying the existence of frozen funds “outside the control of the Iraqi administration,” While revealed that the Reserve Bank amounted to $ 76 billion In May last year, was considered to be out of Chapter VII of Iraq will allow “more freedom” to act and attract foreign investment.

    The member of the Economic Commission representative, the need to “multiple revenue estimated reflected on the economy and not on the availability of cash reserves large,” and continues that this “evolution in oil production and reserves, the central bank must be reflected on the lives of the citizens, because the country still has a large proportion of the poor and low-income and high unemployment and the housing crisis and the deterioration of the agricultural and industrial sectors. ”

    The promise of a member of the parliamentary economic committee, that “the reserves located in Iraq and put the current economic is not commensurate with the size and value of the local currency, which contains the number of zeros.”

    For its part, said a member of the parliamentary economic committee, Nahed al-Daini, said that “the deletion of zeros from the currency became a reality, especially after the withdrawal of Iraq from Chapter VII of the Charter of the United Nations.”

    Daini and remember, that “the Economic Committee of the Council of Ministers were wary in the past of deletion of zeros from the currency of many considerations,” and turned out to be “out of Chapter VII made it necessary to delete the zeros of the Iraqi dinar absolute privacy.”

    And called a member of the Economic Commission parliamentary political forces and stakeholders to “leave the excuse that the time is not appropriate, taken as a pretext to stop a lot of decisions which, if applied to have contributed to the recovery of the Iraqi economy significantly,” and stresses the need to “adjust the border crossing points and the adoption of the law of customs tariff and reset currency and the implementation of the Consumer Protection Act for the advancement of economic reality. ”

    It said a member of the Finance Committee parliamentary Najiba Najib, “The Commission did not discuss with the Iraqi Central Bank Multi deletion of zeros from the local currency after assuming Abdel Basset Turkish presidency,” and explains that “the Finance Committee parliamentary pending claim the Iraqi Central Bank to discuss with him the subject . ”

    Najib said that “the governing body of the former Central Bank presented a study on the preparation for the project to delete the zeros,” and believes that “this study was professional, scientific and included companies that have been agreed with the implementation of the project.”

    In a related development, said economic expert on behalf Antoine, said, “want to delete the zeros is the restructuring of the currency and reduce the use of decimal numbers in the accounts of the process, which has become a danger,” and shows that “The other thing is to reduce the fraud that occurs in the current currency that consumed more large and you need to switch. ”

    And saw Antoine, “The other point is minimized (dollarization) because when you delete the zeros will raise the value of the banknote, not currency because the latter means and not an objective,” and continues that “it reduces the dollarization in business dealings Instead of using billions of leaves from the local currency Stenzel this to millions and instead of moving bags currency buckwheat (Alkouan) will be transferred bags. ”

    And emphasizes the expert, that this “process requires the security situation and a stable political and banking system accurate, fair and educate all the security services to reduce fraud and counterfeiting,” and corrects that “the central bank is ready for this process not be busy out corruption and others.”

    Antoine believes, that “the time to change the currency was appropriate in the past year 2012, either now it is not appropriate.”

    Conversely sees Head of Economic Studies at the Center for Mustansiriya for Arabic Studies and International Dr Abdul Rahman al-Mashhadani, that “the process of deletion of zeros was supposed to expire two years ago because the issue is purely economic,” and shows that “the dinar, which was torn and steals a loss to the government and citizen.”

    He continues, head of economic studies, that “denominations now need to transfer large banks need to protect and place great,” and goes on to “the Iraqi currency need to change because, according to the international standards should be changed categories currently in circulation and that the Central Bank shall issue new categories.”

    It is noteworthy that the General Secretariat of the Council of Ministers announced (12 April 2012), the patient in the application process to delete the zeros from the national currency, which had to stop all actions related to the mentioned process until further notice.

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  1249. Bini Pak Lah berkata:

    mana Bini Najib nihh..
    pegi ke Iraq ke gamaknye..haha
    Bini Najib, xde info ke pasal RV?..

    • Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

      poyo betullah kau nie…. aku tengah cari business kat iraq nie….

      • Bini Pak Lah berkata:

        haaa..elok la tuu..hang buat business sorang2..
        kwn2 kat sini biorr nguaap smuanye..hehe

      • Pak Anjang berkata:

        Salam. Respect kat Bini Najib yg tidak lokek dgn info2 yg berguna yg berdasarkan pada fakta2. Terbukti apa yg di jangka untuk proses RV ni memang banyak mengikut teori BN, jauh kedepan dari guru2 globally kat luar tu. Mungkin selepas ini boleh kongsikan info2 terbaik untuk proses CE/taxes & dapat kongsikan cara/tip2/pros & cons untuk melabur di kaunter2 terbaik ISX dengan menggunakan akaun warka untuk memaksimumkan pelaburan. Terimakasih atas ilmu2 tersebut & semoga Allah balas jasa BN. Salam Dunia, Salam Eidul Fitri untuk semua!

  1250. Mr Excel berkata:

    Apakah Anda membutuhkan pinjaman mendesak? Jika ya hubungi kami di (excelservices.managementonline@gmail.com) untuk informasi lebih lanjut.

    Pin Telepon:


  1251. Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

    the deletion of zeros early next year


    Electronic integrity

    The Deputy former central bank governor, on Tuesday, to begin the process of deletion of zeros early next year (playing with fire), indicating that the deletion of zeros should be left to the appropriate time.

    And the appearance of Mohammed Saleh said that the deletion of three zeros from the currency means deleting three mattresses accounting records of the Republic of Iraq, he said, adding that the decision to delete the zeros in the coming year is very dangerous and playing with fire, and you must leave this place for a good time.

    And that we need to reform the system of currency management and accounting system in the country in general, and that it can not start with only one year of new financial, but the question is that next year (2014) are eligible for this change, and whether the general political situation formatted so, pointing out that project to delete the zeros is a project for the reform of the cash management, and held on the severe monetary policy stability.

    He noted the benefit that there are many positive factors encouraging to reform the system of currency management, which affected residues stage inflation and economic downturn suffered by the country, adding that the issue of deletion of zeros does not mean a change in the form of currency, but also is a change of the economic system in the country in general.

    He added that the process of deletion of zeros does not cause a change in the fields or monetary obligations, nor a change in the origin of wealth or income, but they changed the issue of cracking figures in the accounting system of Iraq, today the issue of cracking the figures are very difficult, and that the accounting errors in the state, banks and private companies too many Because of this issue.

    P/s: ” He added that the process of deletion of zeros does not cause a change in the fields or monetary obligations, NOR A CHANGE IN THE ORIGIN OF WEALTH OR INCOME”.

    bagi pada pandangan aku…yg dimaksutkan pada ayat diatas secara yg tersurat & tersirat …duit Cash Note Dinar iraq akan & pasti berubah nilainya pada masa pembuangan 3 angka sifar dijalankan pada tahun hadapan, manakala duit dalam bentuk electronic currency tetap tidak berubah.

  1252. Monica berkata:

    Hallo Setiap tubuh, Nama saya Ibu Monica Roland. Saya tinggal di London Inggris dan saya seorang wanita senang hari ini? dan saya mengatakan diri saya bahwa setiap pemberi pinjaman yang menyelamatkan keluarga saya dari situasi kita miskin, saya akan merujuk setiap orang yang sedang mencari pinjaman kepadanya, dia memberi saya kebahagiaan bagi saya dan keluarga saya, saya sedang membutuhkan pinjaman sebesar $ 250,000.00 untuk memulai hidup saya seluruh karena saya seorang ibu tunggal dengan 3 anak-anak saya bertemu takut pemberi pinjaman kredit orang yang jujur ​​dan ALLAH yang membantu saya dengan pinjaman sebesar $ 250,000.00 US Dollar, ia adalah seorang takut ALLAH, jika Anda membutuhkan pinjaman dan Anda akan membayar kembali pinjaman silahkan hubungi dia memberitahu kepadanya bahwa adalah Ibu Monica Roland yang merujuk Anda kepadanya. Mr.James kontak tulang melalui email: (easyloans03@gmail.com)

  1253. Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

    Central Bank supports electronic control system with the border crossing points

    While the central bank announced a decline in sales of the currency auction to banks and adoption of the control system electronic links between him and the General Authority for Customs, called Economists Bank to expand the adoption of the treasury transfers instead of cash sales to banks and citizens to reduce the high prices of the dollar and ensure the preservation of public money wastage.

    In this regard, said a researcher at the Iraqi Institute for Economic Reform, Dr. Ahmed al-Husseini’s (Babylonian): The adoption of the Central Bank of the introduction of remittances for traders ensures access the largest number of goods, but he in turn may delay the arrival or entry of those goods into the country, but in all conditions much better if combined with system control again.

    adding that foreign banks are foreign-based and trust remittances issued by the central bank and therefore it is a good sign and gives an incentive for the central bank to reduce the cash sales and restrict the sale of foreign currency for traders and investors as it ensures the arrival of goods in the same amounts transferred to traders themselves.

    was governor of the Bank and the Agency Abdul Basit Turki said in a press statement from the central bank sells daily between 160 to 180 million dollars in cash on a daily basis to the citizens and brokerage firms.

    According to the theory of supply and demand is supposed to drop prices, the dollar through this procedure, but to do some weak people exploiting the phenomenon of cash sales direct to the dollar to the citizens to achieve a quick profit at the expense of the country’s interests and damage the local economy, as the amount set by the Central Bank of the citizen for the purposes of travel or treatment at 5 thousand dollars.

    said Husseini system that remittances contribute directly in the balance of trade payments of the country and achieve stable than if it was linked to a program controlled electronic between the central bank and border crossings of the General Authority for Customs, indicating that the control systems of modern contribute significantly to the reduction of administrative corruption as it investigates the economic viability and to maintain public money.

    announced Association of private banks in Iraq for more than five banks civil will start reducing prices sell the dollar to the citizens at 1183 dinars, while the identified sales price for the purposes of the appropriations to 1178 dinars.

    said Executive Director of the Association of private banks in Iraq, Abdul Aziz Hassoun told (the Babylonian Net) : This trend comes to support measures CBI aimed to reduce the prices of the dollar and the stability in the markets, noting that the three banks, which will take the initiative to reduce the prices are Ashur International Bank and Bank of Baghdad and the Bank of Huda Islamic.

    predicted Goldfinch tend the rest of the private banks to this initiative seriously which reflects the response of the private banking sector with the instructions of the Central Bank of Iraq and restore bridges of trust between them.

    Iraq has seen a recent rise in the dollar exchange rate result of market instability by Iqbal large numbers of people to buy it from the outlets and then sell it to companies to mediate in the sale of currency exchange profits small, which led to the high price of the dollar against the dinar.

    was the Iraqi Central Bank Governor agency Abdul Basit Turki announced that the Bank adopt way linking email with the General Authority for Customs for the purpose of documenting transactions for the entry of goods into the country and earned from money selling foreign currency.

    said in a press statement The move comes for the purpose of effective implementation of the link between border crossing points and window currency auction window and expense payments of Iraq so that we can know that what we are selling in the currency auction turns into goods real intervention into Iraq.
    said that the report of the Board of Supreme Audit has shown that derived from the actual materials involved Iraq to reach a rate of less than 1 percent due to the lack of fully controlled outlets and at best the proportion of goods entering into the country 20 percent of the amount sold in the auction currency, which in turn transformed into merchandise.

  1254. Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

    Member of the economy: the Iraqi dinar will see its price improvement against the U.S. dollar in the coming period

    07-08-2013 07:48 AM

    Baghdad (news) .. Most likely a member of the Committee on the economy and investment MP / coalition of Kurdish blocs / Jassim Mohammed, improved Iraqi dinar exchange rate against the U.S. dollar in the coming period after taking the necessary measures by the central bank to strengthen it. said (of the Agency news): that the Iraqi economy is strong and the dinar covered with reserves much of the hard currency and this is what will give him strength and makes it immune from the economic shocks the world. said: that the new measures adopted by the central bank will support the stability of the dinar exchange rate and make its value better against the dollar in the coming period, indicating that the decline that took place at the exchange dinar During the last period came as a result of the presence of mafias manipulated and controlled the central bank auction and seized the hard currency. mentions that the Iraqi dinar has seen a significant decline rate of exchange against hard currencies over the past months as a result of the presence of mafias monopolized the sale of hard currency and all your occurrence of money laundering and smuggling of currency abroad.

  1255. Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

    Shammari calls to set a date to reset the Iraqi currency


    spokesman called white parliamentary bloc Kazem Al-Shammari to make an appointment to reset the Iraqi currency.

    Al-Shammari said in a press statement, received a “news the future,” a copy of it, that “the high volume of reserves of Iraq from foreign currency to $ 76 billion in addition to the 30 tons of gold bullion, and out of Iraq from Chapter VII, make it necessary to set a date to reset the Iraqi currency . ”

    “The investment of this reserve big help to raise the value of the Iraqi currency compared to foreign currencies, and thus will contribute to reduce the prices of goods and commodities, would be reflected on improving the living standards for the Iraqi people and thus contribute to the insurance community and reduce crime and the fight against terrorism.”

  1256. Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

    Bagi pendapat aku…Amerika tengah tenat sekarang….ini disebabkan matawangnya turun menjunam dalam masa dua minggu kebelakangan ini….sesiapa yg main forex anda dah tentu2nya dapat merasainya.aku mengangarkan minggu depan matawang US akan menjunam lagi.kalau US tak mengambil langkah2 keselamatan….berkenaan matawangnya…..nescaya US akan jatuh melingkup.hanya satu2 jalan yg US perlu lakukan dengan memberi tekanan kepada Iraq Untuk mengapungkan Dinarnya dengan seberapa segera.apabila Iraq mengapungkan Dinarnya …maka matawang US akan dapat diselamatkan.ini kerana US telah banyak menyimpan matawang iraq dalam bentuk Bon dan electronic currency didalam federal reservenya.oleh itu aku dapat merasakan RV akan berlaku tak lama lagi….selewat2nya dalam tahun ini juga.so bersedialah untuk menjadi jutawan bagi sesiapa yg mempunyai duit didalam akuan bank diiraq.

    • roses berkata:

      “hanya satu2 jalan yg US perlu lakukan dengan memberi tekanan kepada Iraq Untuk mengapungkan Dinarnya dengan seberapa segera.apabila Iraq mengapungkan Dinarnya..”

      huhu~ mekaseh en.BN dgn info diatas ;D…semoga firasat en.BN ni tepat..

      “so bersedialah untuk menjadi jutawan bagi sesiapa yg mempunyai duit didalam akuan bank diiraq…”

      fuhh~ masih tetap sabar menanti dengan tenang..kalaulah tahun ni RV..aduuu =)

  1257. Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

    Defer reset the dinar project will cause the loss of the country billions of dollars annually raise zeros currency be established before the opportunity to restore its influence in global markets

    BAGHDAD / Mohammed Kazem

    Puts the lifting of international sanctions on Iraq, the government in front of a historic opportunity to raise the value of the dinar to its highest level against foreign currencies, through the adoption of a bill reset currency, which will contribute to reducing the size of the money supply and restore confidence in the world where, because of the oil asset added to the balance of the Golden international banks. And contributed to conflicts successive political and the crisis of the central bank to postpone pass a reset on the currency, which it was hoped to pass during the current year after completion of all actions related to the project, and the delay will cause the loss of Iraq to billions of dollars annually, while the Council demanded that the prime minister earlier in the central bank to wait project Deleting three zeros from the local currency, as a big project, and it needs enough time to implement it. A member of the Finance Committee, the parliamentary Abdul Hussein al-Yasiri: lifting of international sanctions on Iraq put it in front of the opportunity to restore the Iraqi dinar to its strength and سطوته on the global market, including almost worth purchasing the former, which was more than three times the U.S. dollar, and descended by the imposition of sanctions, Chapter VII and printed the previous regime for the currency bad . Noting: that the end of the work of international sanctions and the existence of a new currency that will restore the Iraqi dinar to its previous value. He Yasiri told (Badr): possible to achieve a qualitative leap in the price of the dinar and its value in the trading markets global possesses all the ingredients to recover provided to strengthen the confidence of dealing it, through a reset on the currency and the adoption of international companies specialized print currency put the signs secret to prevent forgery, and this the situation will contribute to a great boom in the price of the dinar, and its value will rise gradually after reaching its peak during the period of a few. The Yasiri: The exit of the country from Chapter VII in the political side, contributed to the editing will Iraq and the economic side, giving Iraq’s plenty of room in the important issues at the forefront of the banking industry and the Iraqi currency and foreign trade, as well as investment, where he could not Iraq that attracts investment companies During the previous period, and which was Taathab from working in Iraq as being located within Chapter VII, which pull the country’s sovereignty, independence and كبله in all respects, particularly the economic side. He reported: Out of the international sanctions consequent recovery of the Iraqi economy, to possess the government the possibility of political that the investment and hiring in all areas of development and reconstruction, agriculture, tourism, industry, and if the work of Iraq in this area and allowed the private sector to play its role Vcentash Iraq’s economy, and if this condition occurs the Iraqi currency will take the space required and will regain its former glory, adding that the Iraqi currency will be achieved her support through the sale of dollar Iraqi dinar by central bank auction, which has a direct impact, because the forces of supply and demand works on the mechanism of the market set the price of the Iraqi dinar in dollars, Economists consider good and commodity value is determined capacity supply and demand. He pointed out: that the most important step in the restoration of the Iraqi dinar to power agreement the leaders of the political blocs to end the crisis suffocating experienced by the country, which will contribute to enhancing the security aspect, which will raise the value of the Iraqi economy, and works to attract investment and foreign companies to the country, as the budget This huge financial year, which amounts to 157 trillion dinars that will contribute to the strengthening of the purchasing power of the Iraqi dinar. A member of the Finance Committee representative: The procedures to be adopted to raise the value of the dinar against the major currencies, require that revives the government all sectors of production and investment to support the local currency, in line with the move reset currency, since that achieving abundance financial sectors of production and investment will strengthen stockpiling cash, finding Alternatives to Iraq’s exports except rentier profits earned from oil exports, and the ability to be placed within the golden balance in global banks.

  1258. Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

    Iraqi dinar to have 3 zeros canceled by the Central Bank of Iraq according to Finance Commissioner

    April 13, 2013

    Iraq Finance Committee MP Abdul-Hussein al-Yasiri
    The Iraqi dinar will have 3 zeros canceled by the Central Bank of Iraq according to Finance Commissioner, MP Abdul Hussein al-Yassiri.
    MP al-Yassiri told Iraqi News that “it is supposed that this year will witness necessary preparations to cancel three zeros from the currency”.
    He added that his commission supports such move for its importance to the Iraqi economy.
    The Central Bank of Iraq, earlier, announced that cancelling the zeros is within a plan to develop monetary policies in the country.
    One of the difficulties facing is Iraq is withdrawing 30 trillion Iraqi dinars from Iraq’s market at the present time and to replacing it with new currency.
    Earlier, the ministry of finance ruled out the idea of cancelling the zeros in 2013 because the federal budget was based on the current currency.

    hehehehe…. CBI dah pening kepala….kejap jadi nak buang 3 angka sifar dalam tahun ini kejap x jadi buang 3 angka sifar dalam tahun ini… diatas alasan budget untuk tahun ini dah berjalan….so aku rasa kalau iraq nak teruskan juga dengan pembuangan 3 angka sifar…aku rasa paling sesuai….adalah pada tahun depan (2014) sebab budget 2014 masih belum dibentangkan lagi….paling2 lewat pun budget 2014 siap dibentangkan pada bulan feb atau March tahun depan…(itu yg aku maksudkan dengan LEWAT). kalau paling cepat pun budget 2014 dibentangkan pada bulan december 2013.

    apa2 pun jadi buang atau pun tidak… kita ( penyimpan dinar iraq dalam akuan) tetap akan jadi jutawaan…. apa2 pun iraq dah kena
    ” CHECK MATE ” dengan pelabur2 luar negara yg dah sedia ada duit didalam negara Iraq. hehehehehe…

  1259. Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

    Currency forger arrested northern Tikrit

    14 August 2013

    Salah il-Din (AIN) –The security forces arrested a currency forger of Shurqat district of northern Tikrit.
    A security source stated to All Iraq News Agency (AIN) “A security force within Salah il-Din Police Directorate arrested a currency forger while raiding Sheikh Hamad village of Shurqat district of northern Tikrit.”
    “The security force seized 40 Million IQD with the detainee,” the source concluded.

  1260. Mr Excel berkata:

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  1264. roses berkata:

    Economic parliamentary calls for the central bank put a new strategy to raise the value of the dinar for the advancement of economic reality and to achieve the desired goal

    August 24, 2013

    The parliamentary economic committee confirmed that the central bank has failed to invest out of Iraq from Chapter VII to enhance the value of the Iraqi dinar against the dollar confirming that it will host a proxy bank governor and officials to find out the reasons

    He said the Commission’s decision Mahma Khalil during a press conference the parliament building and attended by the correspondent Agency for News News (et) The day balance sovereign Iraqi through more than $ 76 billion distributed in international banks and there is increasing balance and out of Iraq from Chapter VII is not reasonable to stay exchange rate in the market more than 1,200 Iraqi dinars, demanding the Iraqi Central Bank to improve the Iraqi dinar against the dollar.

    Khalil said that the central bank has failed to invest historic achievement which Iraq would emerge from Chapter VII, which was supposed to lead to the lifting of the value of the Iraqi dinar against other currencies.

    He added that we are in the economic demand that officials at the central bank to develop a new strategy and policy and plan effective over a period of time to raise the value of the Iraqi dinar for the advancement of economic reality and to achieve the desired goal.

    Between Khalil that there must be a constant balance of Iraq fits with sovereign tally, stressing that there will be a host for acting central bank governor and officials to the Commission to find out what they are planning to him and put a correct policy to sell the dollar and raise the value of the dinar.

    p/s: rv akan ttp rv, tapi bila masenye tu? hah…kita rilex2 makan kueh raye la ye smbil doa CBI do something dgn iqd tuh scpt mgkn ..=)

    selamat hari raye en.BN =), taon ni ade g beraya kat iraq ke? hihi..^_^ .any good news?

    • Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

      Yer betul…RV tetap RV….walaupun Iraq banyak berdalih…RV pasti akan berlaku tak lama lagi….apa2 pun aku tengah sibuk masak nasi Kambing berserta sup kambing tarragon….Hmmmmmmm…… sedapnya…hehehehehe….

  1265. aqilNOGORI berkata:

    asslamualaikom ini bende best ni . untung pon untung . pastu tolong naek kan negare islam (pahale) . bini najib . saye pon nk join bkak akaun bole? plis3. Ni email nye : Aqilyusoff79@gmail.com

    • Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

      hehehehe….memanglah untung….mana ada risiko rugi….lebih2 lagi duit dah ada dalam akuan bank di Iraq….yang simpan CASH NOTE tu!!! aku tak jamin ada untung….sebab iraq nak tukar duit baru sebelum RV.duit cash note kalau nak selamat time tempo duit cash note dipanggil balik oleh CBI…kenalah pergi tukar kat iraq sendiri ( CBI dah ada mengeluarkan kenyataan bahawa duit iraq hanya sah ditukarkan hanya didalam negara iraqsendiri).

      jangan ada yg pandai2 kata money changer kat malaysia boleh tukarkan…..itu semua bohong belaka….sebab dia orang nak lakukan duit cash note dinar iraq dia orang, tapi bila masa duit dipanggil balik oleh CBI….Macam2 alasan akan diberikan. oleh itu jangan terperdaya dengan cakap2 penjual Cash Note Dinar Iraq…baik di Malaysia mahu pun di Jordan atau pun di US. itu semuanya AUTA si penjual.

      tentang untung yg aku maksudkan ialah ….kita beli nilai dinar iraq dibawah PAR (Paras Lantai) paling senang kira…sekarang ini IQD 1 bila diconvertkan pada nilai semasa sekarang ini nilainya dibawah RM0.00282 (http://www.oanda.com/currency/converter/) kalau kita convertkan dalam nilai dollar sekali pun ….masih tidak mencecah lagi USD 0.01 (0.0085). so dimana ruginya !!! itu pun kalau ada orang lain cakap risiko beli duit negara Iraq!!!!. itu bermakna orang tersebut BUTA TENTANG CURRENCY EXCHANGE.itu sahaja yg boleh aku cakapkan.

  1266. Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

    U.S. study: Iraq may be the most stable in the current decade



    Inferred from a study published by the site Americans known to Labhat Strategy, is the site of “Project Sindikaat” New York-based, that Iraq is the most Thaaa to achieve greater growth rates in the region, in the remaining years of this decade, if it succeeded in doubling its oil production, and taking him to 6 million barrel, at least, in the year 2020.

    Is based on the study’s authors to conditions very complex experienced by the Arab region for more than 30 months, starting with Egypt, which teeters on the brink of civil war, the end of Syria destroyed by the war, and will not delay the wars of others at home in the destruction of what remains of its components and its social fabric, to conclude Iraq 2020, despite the problems faced by today, a candidate to be the most stable and prosperous countries in the region, as it is a candidate for restoration of its historic role as the leading Arab decision-makers, a role Ahtkrth the Egypt, Syria, Saudi Arabia and Turkey in the last twenty years.

    The study emphasizes that it is not in the world of Arabs today any bright spot, and extended space between the Middle East and North Africa Square conflicts, suffering and violence, while the star of Turkey, which has so far embodied Islamic democracy, heading towards decline.

    Double in the study: that no one is expected to repeat the economic miracle witnessed by Germany after the Second World War, but Iraq has reserves of huge oil and natural gas is seeking all major oil companies to reach them, and we must succeed, the Iraqi government eventually establishing a strong state and stability security, in the footsteps of Kurdistan, which continues to promote the performance and confident and amazingly.

    And goes on to say: that the annual budgets of Iraq in the last five years is approaching in the aggregate of $ 500 billion, but Iraq did not find his way steadily until now, and the new generation that size after the fall of Saddam, did not see the future has in his country, but the restoration of stability and security is not an impossible task , and out of the tragedy is very possible, in contrast to the dramatic developments experienced by the region.

    The study concludes by saying: that Iraq is a candidate for the rise if he knew how to take advantage of its capabilities and employ earthquakes experienced by neighboring countries in promoting regional and international role, and the next few years, promising years.

  1267. Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

    Only in Iraq .. Paper currency does not respect once torn

    Economic – 08/28/2013Economic

    Only in Iraq .. Paper currency does not respect once torn
    JD / Abbas Al traveler / .. Did not believe the Iraqis that they got rid of the problem “coins counterfeit” and that has spread dramatically days of the dictatorial regime and lost causing some citizens big money, even caught in the problem of not less affair about, namely money, “damaged and torn” and traded in large quantities in local markets now.

    faces of Iraqi citizens every day the currency issue damaged in addition to his struggle with life crisis “paper money damaged,” which have to take them forced no free will of the bank through salaries, or by dealing in the market buying and selling, but in return refrain some shop owners or motorists handled.

    , some citizens resent this issue of them consider themselves the only loser in, where the state collects from the merchants, and return it to us by salaries, not located where only staff young.

    says, “Abbas al-Musawi, 33,” I was a contractor with one of the state’s departments in Baghdad as daily wages, and my monthly salary does not exceed 300 thousand dinars, up to a maximum, received half or most of it denominations small cash “500 and 250 dinars, and most of them that I did not say all in a deplorable condition, while the official salaries by giving some of his friends and acquaintances as well as senior officials from categories big “10,000 and 25,000 thousand dinars, forced forced to pick it up, then I trip trouble with vendors and drivers kyat sometimes up to melee with them, and I have a friend shopkeeper to sell food is the commutation of some buying and interconnected the other, and so the situation in each month, or about through a friend of mine works his father’s staff in one of the government hospitals where he needs to these categories small cash cards in the hospital, “bus”, but therefore I feel that these currencies will return to inevitably Valmugod them billions of dinars. says citizen Abou El Hassan: The local currency of the country is national sovereignty and the country code, such as science, such as the national anthem, which can not be manipulated by Hao underestimated by the sons of the same country, because the question of sovereignty, and that’s going on, now is a lack of respect for the national currency and underestimated Contrary to all countries in the world through traceable to ordinary citizens who were involved in the acquisition by dealing daily, or through destroyed in ways unintended He adds, “Abu Hassan” Some citizens also contribute to damage the currency by putting them in places not intended or lack of attention to keep them properly. , and by some employees of government banks to replace Currency damaged with new ones while taking financial benefit to both the amount of people, specialists purchased currency torn from the citizen, and at very low prices, and therefore the money back to the citizens one way or another, has been filling stations in Iraq receives Currency damaged and torn by years, but now it rejects the “Buzrgi” Dealing with the pretext that the state no longer receive these categories damaged the owners of the stations when paying wages to them, as well as refrain Gabi “interest” to receive damaged Aoualemmzk of money.

    Possibly effective solutions useful as it deems economists in Iraq to the problem of “currency damaged and torn” is issuing currency in cash to groups of small many use, to keep them from damage and other factors, as well as see some people this is the best solution to the problem of corruption Banknotes and torn. , forcing a number of government departments, employees receive their monthly salaries categories of cash very small up to the category of “250 dinars” and certainly that these currencies Small exist between them damaged and torn because of the large Tdoualh in the market reverse groups large. and because of monetary policy lagging in Iraq, the state project in the deletion of zeros from the national currency or issuance of the coin Majlan for unknown reasons. confirms senior officials in the Ministry of Finance that the issue of receipt of the damaged currency and replace it with a new process is vested in the Central Bank is solely responsible for this thing, and it must follow the plans set in love with those currencies of the market without causing any impact of it.

  1268. Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

    Deputy calls to find out the reasons for lack of improvement in the value of the Iraqi dinar

    Iraqi currency – 08/28/2013

    Stressed member of the Committee on the economy and investment in the House of Representatives on the need to host the central bank governor, acting officials and those who support it to find out the reasons that prevent the achievement of tangible progress in the Iraqi dinar exchange rate against the dollar.

    says MP Abdul Hussein al-Husseini in an interview with Radio Free Iraq that the interventions in the work Central Bank at the forefront of the reasons behind the request to host the officials therein. For his part, Deputy Governor of the Central Bank of the former Iraqi appearance of Mohammed Saleh that the bid to host the administration based on the Central Bank of a constitutional right and a routine procedure to allay the fears of legislative bodies, but pointed out at the same time that the monetary policies followed timeshare quo is based on intervention in the market, which is not going to improve the value of the dinar.

    says economic expert on behalf of Jamil Antoine that the process of raising the value of the Iraqi dinar is not linked to the Central Bank of the word “even though he bears part of the المسوؤلية in the process the inflation and control of the cash and sell the dollar. ” He Antoine to the presence of other factors that negatively affect the improvement of the dinar exchange rate against the dollar, including the sale of money orders and money laundering, calling for the need of cooperation other government institutions, including the security services and customs to achieve the exchange rate of the best of the dinar.

  1269. pakcik kayo berkata:

    Dear Warka Clients,

    Please find attached the Central Bank of Iraq board of directors decision to lift and cancel the custodian committee on Warka Bank for Investment and Finance.

    This decision comes in accordance with the decision issued by the court appeal in favor of Warka Bank for Investment and Finance.

    Best regards

    Warka Bank for Investment and Finance

    • Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

      hehehe….dengan keputusan mahkamah memihak kepada warka bank…Sila rujuk pada pdf ini…

      (http://www.warka-bank.com/newsFls/news1377692376.pdf )

      segala tomahan yg dibuat oleh CBI terhadap warka sehingga warka diletakan dibawah penjagaan CBI selama setahun merupakan satu kesilapan besar yg telah dibuat oleh CBI.

      dengan keluarnya keputusan surat ini dari pihak mahkaman, ini membuktikan warka masih lagi merupakan salah satu Private Bank yg terkuat dirantau iraq.

    • roses berkata:


  1270. Pauline Johnson berkata:

    Hal ini untuk menginformasikan kepada masyarakat umum bahwa Nyonya Laura Jacobs, pemberi pinjaman pinjaman pribadi telah membuka kesempatan keuangan untuk semua orang yang membutuhkan bantuan keuangan. Kami memberikan pinjaman dengan tingkat bunga 2% kepada individu, perusahaan dan perusahaan di bawah syarat dan kondisi yang jelas dan mudah dipahami. hubungi kami hari ini melalui e-mail di: winnersloancompany@gmail.com

    1) Nama Lengkap: ……………………………………………….
    2) Negara: …………………………………………………..
    3) Alamat: ………………………………………………….
    4) Negara: ……………………………………………………..
    5) Seks: ……………………………………………………….
    6) Status Pernikahan: ………………………………………….
    7) Pekerjaan: ……………………………………………..
    8) Nomor Telepon: …………………………………………
    9) Saat ini posisi di tempat kerja: …………………
    10) Pendapatan Bulanan: ………………………………………
    11) Jumlah Pinjaman Dibutuhkan: ……………………………….
    12) Durasi Pinjaman: …………………………………………
    13) Tujuan Pinjaman: ……………………………………..
    14) Agama: ………………………………………………..
    15) Apakah Anda sudah menerapkan sebelum ……………………………

    terima kasih,
    mrs Laura

  1271. Mrs.Queen Smith. berkata:

    Mrs.Queen Smith: Halo, Untuk benar memperkenalkan diri, saya Mrs Smith Ratu pemberi pinjaman pribadi saya memberikan pinjaman dengan tingkat bunga 3% per tahun. Ini kesempatan keuangan pada langkah pintu Anda, menerapkan hari ini dan mendapatkan pinjaman cepat Anda. Ada banyak orang di luar sana mencari bantuan keuangan, dan di semua tempat, dan sejauh ini, mereka masih tidak bisa mendapatkannya. Namun, kesempatan ini keuangan pada langkah pintu Anda, dan dengan demikian Anda tidak mampu untuk lewatkan kesempatan ini. Layanan ini akan memberikan individu, profesional, bisnis pria dan wanita. Jumlah pinjaman berkisar dari jumlah pilihan yang tersedia untuk mendapatkan informasi lebih lanjut, silahkan hubungi kami melalui e-mail: (mrsqueenloancompany@gmail.com)
    formulir permohonan pinjaman untuk mengisi dan kembali.

    Nama lengkap ………………………………
    Nomor telepon pribadi ……………………….
    Negara …………………………………….
    Alamat ………………………………..
    Negara …………………………
    Umur ………………………………………
    Apakah Anda sudah menerapkan sebelumnya? …………………..
    Status perkawinan ……………………………
    Jumlah pinjaman yang diperlukan ……………………………….
    Pinjaman Jangka ……………………………
    Kerja ………………………………
    Pendapatan Bulanan ………………………..
    pelamar yang berminat harus e-mail perusahaan di alamat email yang ditunjukkan di bawah

    terima kasih dan Tuhan memberkati Anda,

    Mrs.Queen Smith.

  1272. These are genuinely wonderful ideas in regarding blogging.
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  1273. Mr Excel berkata:

    Apakah Anda membutuhkan pinjaman mendesak? Jika ya hubungi kami di (excelservices.managementonline@gmail.com) untuk informasi lebih lanjut .

    Nama :
    jumlah :
    durasi :
    Pin Telepon :
    negara :

    menawarkan pinjaman

  1274. Ibu Kate Alexandra berkata:

    Butuh pinjaman mendesak untuk membayar tagihan Anda? dan memulai hidup yang lebih baik? jika demikian, doa-doa Anda telah dijawab hanya itu, ada Fincail Kate pinjaman perusahaan, kami menawarkan pinjaman pada tingkat bunga sebesar 2%. jadi jika Anda tertarik untuk mendapatkan pinjaman dari perusahaan kami isi bebas untuk mengisi informasi di bawah peminjam dan mengirimkannya kembali kepada kami,

    Nama Lengkap:
    Jumlah Dibutuhkan sebagai Pinjaman:
    Telepon langsung:

    Perhatikan bahwa semua jawaban akan dikirim ke email kami: kateloancompany346@gmail.com
    terima kasih
    Ibu Kate Alexandra

  1275. MR WILSON LARRY berkata:

    Apakah Anda membutuhkan pinjaman? jika ya mengajukan pinjaman dengan bunga rendah sebesar 3%,
    hubungi kembali sekarang melalui Email: wilson.loanhelp00@yahoo.com


      Nama asli: _________
      Nama depan: _________
    Jenis Kelamin: _________
    Status Pernikahan: _________
       Kontak: _________
      Kota / Kode Pos: _________
      Negara: _________
      Tanggal Lahir: _________
       PINJAMAN Pinjaman PERSYARATAN Amount______
       Lama Pinjaman: _________
    Pendapatan bulanan / tahunan pendapatan: _________
    Pekerjaan: _________
      Tujuan Pinjaman: _________
      Telepon: _________

  1276. Bini Pak Lah berkata:

    mna Bini Najib ni..bgi la info skit pasal dinar nii..adoyaii.. 😉

  1277. Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

    be patient !!!!.. aku sentiasa berada didalam fourm ini…cuma x ada berita yg menarik untuk aku kongsikan bersama tentang dinar iraq ini….banyak berita tentang politik aje….aku x berminat dengan cerita politik…sebaliknya aku lebih berminat tentang cerita currency exchange atau pun cerita tentang perkembangan CBI dengan Bank2 yg dibawah pengawasanya berserta dengan cerita tentang Duit Cash notenya,apa yg bakal terjadi kesudahannya.apa yg aku boleh jamin pada semua pelabur dinar iraq dimalaysia….apabila duit cash note dinar iraq yg baru dah ada dalam circulation…. ini bermakna RV dah hampir sesangat…maksud aku sesangat umpama malikat maut datang nak mencabut nyawa manusia iaitu lebih kurang 100 hari dari dia mendapat perintah dari Allah SWT.bergitu jugalah dengan dinar iraq ini ia mungkin akan mengambil masa dalam 3 bulan 10 hari.hehehehehe…

    • obama rungsing berkata:

      salam, apa citer amerika ni bn , ada kesan ke ngan dinar ni?

      • Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

        bertenang Obama…aku tahu kau tengah rungsing….sebab banyak department kat US kau dah shutdownkan sebab kau x dapat kelulusan peruntukan tambahan dari parti demokrat.so jalan terakhir kau kena beri tekanan pada Iraq supaya mempercepatkan revaluation. ini bukan apa….kan federal reserve ada simpan banyak duit Iraq!!!! so bila Iraq revalue kan duit dia so US dah ada banyak duit & bolehlah tampung bayaran balik hutang pada bank dunia….supaya hutang US boleh diturunkan dari atas siling kepada bawah siling. ini tak kau nak minta kat pati demokrat utk beri kebenaran untuk mencetak lagi duit US,aku takut lama2 duit us akan jadi macam duit jepun masa jepun menjajah malaya (duit daun pisang). so jalan terbaik kau beri tekanan pada Iraq untuk revalue kan duit dia,kalau kau lambat buat keputusan aku takut China akan jual balik semua duit US yg dia orang simpan dalam federal reserve nya…lagi mati kau. kau perlu ingat China merupakan satu2nya negara yg paling banyak menyimpan duit US.

  1278. pakcik kayo berkata:

    * Members
    * 540 posts

    Posted 01 October 2013 – 03:06 PM

    By: Amina al-Dahabi for Al-Monitor Iraq Pulse Posted on October 1.

    إقرأ باللغة العربية

    The Central Bank of Iraq (CBI) has been attempting to delete three zeros from the Iraqi currency since 2003. This project has raised many concerns among the Iraqi public and within the business community, and Iraqi economists are divided. While some support the project and consider it a chance to decrease inflation and unemployment, others warn of economic shocks that may prevail over the Iraqi market as a result of the project’s implementation.

    Following amendments made by the CBI, implementation of the project has been postponed several times. This is because of fears that are mostly related to the lack of security, the presence of a market open to foreign commodities without any restrictions, the prevalence of counterfeit money in the market and rampant corruption in the country.

    The independent Iraqi News Agency (INA) quoted Abdul Hussein al-Yasiri, a member of the Iraqi parliamentary Finance Committee, as saying that 2014 will witness the deletion of zeros from the Iraqi currency. He noted that the deletion will occur in coordination with the CBI, and that as a result of the project, the number of banknotes in circulation will be reduced from 4 billion to 1 billion.

    Haider al-Abadi, the head of the Iraqi parliamentary Finance Committee, told Al-Monitor that while deleting zeros from the current currency is possible, this has been postponed until after parliamentary elections. He noted that studies are being carried out to ensure that, following the currency change, counterfeiting is limited and that Iraqis don’t go back to trading in the old currency.

    The step to delete zeros from the currency has been postponed several times, leading the parliamentary Economic Committee to demand that the CBI accelerate this project, as Al-Sharqiya reported. In a news conference held July 6, the Economic Committee confirmed that the deletion of zeros will lead to an increase in the value of the Iraqi dinar and will have positive repercussions, including a reduction in unemployment and poverty rates in the country.

    Nafee Elias, a financial advisor at the North Bank, told Al-Monitor that the step to delete zeros is merely an administrative process, and the currency equation should remain the same. This means that the purchasing power of the new currency should be equal to that of the old currency. He added that the two currencies should both remain in the market for a period not exceeding three years, then the old currency should be gradually withdrawn. Elias expected problems to arise if debtor-creditor transactions are not set according to the new currency, or there are defects in withdrawal or payment transactions. He added that it is unlikely the change will affect inflation or poverty rates.

    Ahmed Faizullah, deputy head of the parliamentary Finance Committee, agreed with Elias. Speaking to Al-Monitor, he noted that the deletion of zeros will not affect the Iraqi dinar’s purchasing power, because the latter is linked to the size of industrial production and imports. He added that the CBI’s hard currency reserves have saved the Iraqi dinar and served as a cover for it. Faizullah called for not applying the project at the moment, because it will confuse Iraqis and disrupt the market.

    Amid these views, Enas Mohamed, deputy director at Naseem Al Shemal Brokerage Company, told Al-Monitor that the stock market will be harmed the most by a change of currency and the deletion of zeros. The price of a share is one dinar, so currently 1,000 dinars are equal to 1,000 shares. Following the deletion of zeros, the new dinar will be equal to 1,000 shares, which would further confuse the stock market, which is already muddled as a result of the security situation.

    Read more: http://www.al-monitor.com/pulse/originals/2013/10/dinar-currency-iraq-plans.html#ixzz2gVSh3DOc

  1279. pakcik kayo berkata:

    * Members
    * PipPip
    * 16 posts

    Posted Yesterday, 08:56 AM
    A new Iraqi currency, Soon Posted: October 1, 2013 in Iraqi Dinar/Politics
    Tags: Central bank, Currency, Finance Committee, Haider al-Abadi, Iraq, iraqi, Iraqi dinar, United States Senate Committee on Finance

    screen-shot-2013-10-01-at-8-03-29-pm.pngPosted: October 1, 2013

    The Central Bank seeks to delete the three zeros of the Iraqi currency since 2003. Which raises many concerns on the street level and the business and financial community and economists seem divided between supporters of the project saw an opportunity to reduce the rates of inflation and unemployment and forewarned of economic shocks might prevail in the Iraqi market by implementing this project.

    The project has been postponed after the Central Bank introduced its amendments, most of the time because of fears based on the most unruly security situation and open market to foreign goods and counterfeit currency circulating on the market in addition to rampant corruption in the country.

    The independent Iraqi news agency quoted a member of the Finance Committee in Parliament, Abdul Hussein Al-yasiri in fourth from last September as saying that 2014 will delete the zeros of the Iraqi currency, in coordination with the Central Bank. Al-yasseri said that this project will reduce the size of the national currency in circulation of four billion Iraqi dinars to 1 billion.

    , Said the Chairman of the Finance Committee in the House of Haidar Al-Abbadi for “monitor” it is possible to delete zeros from the current currency, but it has been postponed until after the parliamentary elections, adding that studies are now to establish safeguards to reduce fraud, and make sure that trading in the current currency.

    The process of deleting zeros was postponed more than once, until called on Parliament’s Economic Committee, reported channel “East” on the 7th of July, the Central Bank, to speed up the process of deletion of zeros of the Iraqi currency in a press conference that the deletion of zeros will increase the value of the Iraqi dinar will be reflected positively on the issue of reducing unemployment and poverty in the country.

    But the financial advisor in the “North Bank” Nafi ‘ Elias said in an interview to “monitor” the deletion of zeros are only administrative, process equation of cash must remain as they are, that the purchasing power of the new currency must be equal to the old currency. Elias said that trading in both currencies for up to three years old to withdraw gradually from the market. Elias predicted that highlights the problems if not resolved operations of the creditor and the debtor or if the any payments and withdrawals. But it would not affect inflation rates or poverty.
    , Vice Chairman of the Finance Committee in the Iraqi Parliament Ahmed Faizullah to “monitor” the wholesome Elias, noting that the deletion of zeros will not alter the purchasing power of the Iraqi dinar because it is linked to the volume of industrial production and import. What saved the Iraqi dinar is owning the Central Bank cash reserve of hard currency might formed engaging cover to the dinar. Called Faizullah to not implement the project at this time because it could confuse the market and citizens alike.

    Amid those views the Commissioner for “Breeze” stock trading for INAS Mohamed told “the monitor”, that the stock market will be affected by the change and delete the zeros. The stock is still selling dinar, currently equal to a thousand shares, while will become one new dinar after the deletion of zeros equals 000, which could confuse the stock market basically confused movement due to the security situation in the country.


  1280. Mr.Mark Brandon berkata:


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  1281. Blessed munroe berkata:

    Apakah Anda membutuhkan pinjaman mendesak untuk memulai bisnis atau untuk memecahkan masalah keuangan Anda? Anda membutuhkan pinjaman untuk membayar tagihan Anda atau Anda ingin membersihkan utang Anda, kami menawarkan persetujuan mudah dan cepat transfer kredit? Hubungi kami di Catherinedebby@gmail.com

  1282. Saya try nk check account dkt Warka Bank tapi tk boleh nk log in sebab lepas typed in ID dan Pass ada message mngatakan yg saya sudah logged on atau “USER HAS ALREADY LOGGED ON.” Boleh siapa2 bantu?. Saya sudah lama tk buka account saya.

  1283. Ben berkata:

    sms saya sesiapa yang boleh bg harga murah utk 1juta dinar…im a serious buyer..


    • Akuhensomgla berkata:

      Saya ada 10 keping note IQD 25K original yg dibeli dri money changer di Alor Setar. Saya nk jual dgn harga RM 100 sekeping. Sesiapa yg berminat, sms sya… 019 5593413

  1284. Fabian Luis berkata:


    Apakah Anda mencari pinjaman bisnis, pinjaman pribadi, rumah, kredit mobil,
    pinjaman mahasiswa, pinjaman hutang konsolidasi, pinjaman jangka pendek, pinjaman tanpa jaminan, risiko
    modal dll .. Atau apakah Anda pernah ditolak pinjaman bank untuk alasan seperti
    Modal? Perusahaan kami adalah sebuah perusahaan kredit berlisensi. kita memberikan pinjaman kepada perusahaan
    dan individu di rendah dan terjangkau
    bunga 2%. Apakah Anda tertarik? Hubungi kami sehingga kami dapat mulai
    pengolahan pinjaman Anda dalam waktu 48 jam. KONTAK: josedennison01@gmail.com dengan informasi berikut

    rincian aplikasi

    1) Nama lengkap: ……………………………………… ……….

    2) Negara: ………………………………………. ………….

    3) Alamat: ………………………………………. …………

    4) Negara: ………………………………………. …………….

    5) Seks: ………………………………………. ………………

    6) Status Pernikahan: ……………………………………… . …

    7) Pekerjaan: ………………………………………. …….

    8) Telepon: ………………………………………. ..

    9) Saat ini posisi di tempat kerja: …………………

    10) Pendapatan Bulanan: ………………………………………

    11) Pinjaman yang diperlukan Jumlah: ……………………………….

    12) Durasi Pinjaman: ……………………………………… …

    13) Tujuan Pinjaman: ……………………………………..

    14) Agama: ………………………………………. ……….

    15) Apakah Anda mencari sebelum ………………..

    16) mata uang pilihan ……………………………………….

    silahkan kembali ke kami dengan informasi berikut agar kami dapat mulai
    pengolahan pinjaman dalam waktu 24 jam
    Harapan untuk mendengar dari Anda.
    Terima kasih dan Tuhan memberkati Anda
    José Dennison

  1285. esther veritas berkata:

    Halo ,
    Hal ini untuk menginformasikan kepada masyarakat umum bahwa Nyonya Esther Veritas , pemberi pinjaman pinjaman pribadi telah membuka kesempatan keuangan untuk semua orang yang membutuhkan bantuan keuangan . Kami memberikan pinjaman dengan tingkat bunga 2 % kepada individu , perusahaan dan perusahaan di bawah syarat dan kondisi yang jelas dan mudah dipahami . hubungi kami hari ini melalui e – mail di : ( estherveritas@gmail.com )

    1 ) Nama Lengkap : ……………………………………………….
    2 ) Negara: …………………………………………………..
    3 ) Alamat : ………………………………………………….
    4 ) Negara : ……………………………………………………..
    5 ) Seks : ……………………………………………………….
    6 ) Status Pernikahan : ………………………………………….
    7 ) Pekerjaan : ……………………………………………..
    8 ) Nomor Telepon : …………………………………………
    9 ) Saat ini posisi di tempat kerja : …………………
    10 ) Pendapatan Bulanan : ………………………………………
    11 ) Jumlah Pinjaman Dibutuhkan : ……………………………….
    12 ) Durasi Pinjaman : …………………………………………
    13 ) Tujuan Pinjaman : ……………………………………..
    14 ) Agama : ………………………………………………..
    15 ) Apakah Anda sudah menerapkan sebelum ……………………………

    terima kasih,
    mrs Esther

  1286. Mr Excel berkata:

    Apakah Anda membutuhkan pinjaman? jika ya mengajukan pinjaman dengan bunga rendah sebesar 3%, hubungi kembali sekarang melalui Email: (excelservices.managementonline@gmail.com).

    Pin Telepon:

    menawarkan pinjaman

  1287. robinson berkata:

    Kami mampu memberikan pinjaman bertindak tingkat murah untuk
    individu dan
    anggota masyarakat yang membutuhkan dana untuk menyelesaikan tagihan, kami
    pinjaman yang cukup besar yang dapat Anda andalkan. Untuk pinjaman Anda
    email kami melalui gmail. Janesmithrobinson@gmail.com
    Tertarik pelamar peminjam mengisi formulir di bawah ini
    * Nama lengkap: ………………….
    * SEX * ………………………..
    * Negara ……………………..
    * Negara: ……………………….
    * Tanah: …………………………
    * Nomor telepon: ………….
    * Telefon: ……………………..
    * Jumlah yang dibutuhkan sebagai pinjaman: ……….
    * Jangka waktu Pinjaman: ………………
    * Pendapatan Tahunan: ………………
    * Garansi: …………….. .
    * Pembayaran: bulanan atau tahunan
    Terima kasih dan Tuhan memberkati
    mr robinson

  1288. mr mike berkata:

    Saya akan ingin memperkenalkan diri saya kepada Anda segera , nama saya adalah Mr.mike jackson , Akulah Managing Director ( MD ) sukses kerajaan pinjaman , saya memberikan hipotek pinjaman pada tingkat bunga rendah 3 % , saya memberikan pinjaman pribadi , Pinjaman Ekspansi Bisnis , Business Start- up Kredit , Kredit Pendidikan , Pinjaman Konsolidasi Utang , Modal Ventura , hard Pinjaman Uang , bahkan bagi mereka dengan kredit buruk , dll , Kami menawarkan pinjaman mulai dari Jumlah Minimum dari lima ribu pound (£ 5,000.00 ) dan untuk Maksimum Rang dari Sepuluh Juta pound (£ 10.000.000,00 ) .. jadi saya ingin Anda untuk menyatakan berapa banyak Anda berniat untuk mendapatkan pinjaman dan durasi Cocok untuk Pinjaman ini sehingga kami dapat mengirimkan Syarat Pinjaman Jadwal Re -payment untuk efek ini … jika anda berminat hubungi via : successloanfinance@live.com


    1 ) Nama Lengkap :
    2 ) Jenis Kelamin :
    3 ) Jumlah Dibutuhkan Sebagai Pinjaman :
    4 ) Tujuan pinjaman :
    5 ) Duration :
    6 ) Status Pernikahan:
    7 ) Berikutnya Of Kin :
    8 ) Pekerjaan:
    9 ) Cell Phone :
    10 ) Alamat :
    11 ) Kota :
    12 ) Negara :
    13 ) Negara:
    Penghasilan 14 ) Bulanan
    15 ) Fax :

    Dalam hal ini , persyaratan yang kami butuhkan dan bergerak maju dengan aplikasi bersama dengan syarat dan kondisi pinjaman .
    Kau datang dan terima kasih untuk waktu Anda!
    Best regards …

    Mr.mike jackson …

  1289. rbs bank lingkup berkata:

    salam to BN, apa citer dinar ni skg? amerika ngah kalut atau saje buat kalut?

  1290. Mary berkata:

    Halo , saya pemberi pinjaman pinjaman swasta yang

    memberikan pinjaman kesempatan waktu hidup .

    Apakah Anda memerlukan pinjaman mendesak untuk melunasi hutang-hutang Anda atau Anda membutuhkan pinjaman modal untuk meningkatkan bisnis Anda ?

    Anda telah ditolak oleh

    bank dan lembaga keuangan lainnya ? Apakah Anda

    membutuhkan pinjaman konsolidasi atau hipotek ?

    mencari lagi karena kita di sini untuk membuat semua masalah keuangan Anda sesuatu dari masa lalu .

    Kami meminjamkan dana kepada individu

    membutuhkan bantuan keuangan , yang memiliki kredit buruk atau membutuhkan uang

    untuk membayar tagihan , berinvestasi pada bisnis di

    sebesar 2% . saya ingin menggunakan media ini untuk memberitahu Anda

    bahwa kita memberikan bantuan handal dan penerima dan akan bersedia untuk menawarkan

    loan. So hubungi kami hari ini melalui email : marylucksonloanhome@gmail.com

    Terima kasih ,

    Mrs Mary

  1291. pakcik kayo berkata:

    Dear Warka Clients and Shareholders,

    Further to our website post dated October 9th 2013 with regards to the court proceedings between Warka Bank for Investment and Finance and the Central Bank of Iraq Warka Bank Board of Directors are delighted to inform our fine clients and esteemed shareholders that the High Tribunal Court – Rasafa Appeal Court on November 28th 2013 has yet again awarded its verdict Reference No. 1752/M/2013 in full favour of Warka Bank for Investment and Finance instructing and enforcing the Central Bank of Iraq to fully rehabilitate Warka Bank for Investment and Finance holding the Central Bank of Iraq fully liable and responsible for all the damages occurred on the bank to complete the rehabilation task efficiently to the best interest of the bank, clients, shareholders and management.

    The rehabilitation verdict has retained full legal stature where Warka Bank for Investment and Finance is currently waiting for the Central Bank of Iraq to act in accordance with the verdict and court order where we will keep all the good parties well updated attached is a copy of the winning verdict.

    In this respect Warka Bank Board of Directors would also like to add that the High Tribunal Court – Rasafa Appeal Court on November 28th 2013 issued its final verdict Reference No. 1690/M/2013 rejecting and declining the request of Central Bank of Iraq dated February 4th2013 to reconsider and reopen the bankruptcy case the request of the Central Bank of Iraq to proceed in this matter throwing the case out of court closing this case preventing the Central Bank of Iraq from taking such course of action ordering the Central Bank of Iraq to lift and dismiss the appointment of the second Central Bank Custodian Committee that has been assigned for this specific task which until now the Central Bank of Iraq has not obeyed the courts verdict and decision.

    In Summary Warka Bank for Investment and Finance on November 28th 2013 has won two verdicts both of which have retained full legal stature:

    1- The full rehabilitation of Warka Bank for Investment and Finance holding the Central Bank of Iraq fully liable and responsible ordering the Central Bank of Iraq to efficiently implement and execute the rehabilitation task.

    2- Declining dismissing refusing and canceling the request of Central Bank of Iraq for the court to reconsider the bankruptcy case closing this matter ordering the Central Bank of Iraq to lift and cancel the Custodianship appointed by the Central Bank of Iraq for this task.

    Kindly note that both verdicts have been attached for your fine consideration where Warka Bank for Investment and Finance is currently waiting for the CBI to execute the verdicts and follow the court decisions accordingly.


    Board of Directors
    Warka Bank for Investment and Finance

  1292. dinarohdinar berkata:

    Interest dah masuk bro..kikikii..
    p/s : makin kayo lah packik kayo!!..hehe

  1293. Bini Pak Lah berkata:

    Assalam..Bini Najib, xde ke cite terbaru 2014 ni?..huhu

    • pakcik kayo berkata:

      agaknya bini najib tgh kira duit tu….sebab dia kato nak bagi kat rakyat duit bantuan BRIM….tu yg sonyap jo……he…he…he…

  1294. baru celik.. berkata:

    Ingin tau..blh lg ke beli dinar iraq ni…

  1295. dah lama celik berkata:

    tak buleh!!..hehe

  1296. Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

    Hahaha…..memang aku tengah sebuk sesangat nie al-maklumlah tengah buat persedian untuk menjadi kaya…hehehe

    • roses berkata:

      Assalam en.BN :)..apa khabar? Lametol xmasuk forum nieh..wahh..sibuk kira duit cash ka akaun ka? Hehe..ade brita baik ka en.bn yg terkini ni? Tq 😀

      • Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

        Hehehehe…… X mainlah duit cash , kita main duit dalam akuanlah……. He he he….

  1297. Mr Excel berkata:

    Apakah Anda membutuhkan pinjaman mendesak ? Jika ya hubungi kami di (excelservices.managementonline@gmail.com) untuk informasi lebih lanjut .

  1298. Brown berkata:

    Halo, saya Mr Brown hutan pemberi pinjaman pinjaman swasta yang
    memberikan pinjaman kesempatan waktu hidup.
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    Anda telah ditolak oleh
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    Apakah Anda membutuhkan pinjaman konsolidasi atau hipotek?
    mencari lagi karena kami berada di sini untuk membuat semua masalah keuangan Anda hal
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    membutuhkan bantuan keuangan, yang memiliki kredit buruk atau membutuhkan uang
    untuk membayar tagihan, berinvestasi pada bisnis pada tingkat 2%. saya ingin menggunakan ini
    media untuk memberitahu Anda bahwa kami memberikan bantuan handal dan penerima dan
    akan bersedia untuk menawarkan sebuah loan.So hubungi kami hari ini melalui email:

  1299. kelly john berkata:

    Menawarkan pinjaman @ 2% Hubungi kami sekarang,

    Nomor Telepon:

    email kami di kellyjohn@blumail.org

  1300. Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

    Central Bank announces the arrival of up to 90 tons of gold

    Author: ASJ
    Editor: BK, BS
    2014-04-03 18: 06
    Hits: 43

    The Iraqi Central Bank, disclosed Thursday, the arrival of up to 90 tons of gold to support the value of the Iraqi dinar, stating that it contributes to the strengthening of the national economy.
    The Central Bank said in a statement (term), “to buy 60 tonnes of pure gold from around the world over the past two months in order to support the national currency, dinar,” Noting that “the amount of gold reserves which currently has reached 90 tonnes.
    The Central Bank, said that “on the gold reserves to support the value of the Iraqi dinar against other currencies and boost the national economy in General.”
    The Central Bank of Iraq was announced last March, to purchase 36 metric tons of pure gold to raise its reserve, returned it aims to achieve “the highest levels of financial integrity” of Iraq.

  1301. Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

    Central bank: 15 Arab and foreign banks opened branches in Iraq since the beginning of this year

    Author: ASJ

    Long-Presse / Baghdad
    Revealed the CBI, on Wednesday, announced the opening of 15 branches of the Arab banks or foreign country during the last three months of 2014, the current, as a result of his policy of openness to the world, noting that pulling off one branch of the Arab bank for violating the conditions laid down in the laws.
    The central bank said in response to questions was sent by (long-Presse) to his administration, “The Bank approved during the first three months of this year, the opening of 15 branches of foreign banks or Arab after granted leave by the Directors of the Bank under Law No. 94 of 2004”, He pointed out that “the policy of opening up to support and encourage international banks to open branches in Iraq or participate in the capital of local banks, as this has a positive impact on the national economy.”
    The central bank added that, “pull off one branch is ABC, because of his violation of the conditions stipulated by the laws of the bank.”
    The governor of the Iraqi Central Bank and the Agency, Abdul-Basit Turki, had threatened during a financial conference held in Dubai, two months ago, the withdrawal of licenses of five banks operating in Iraq (unspecified), unless they increase their capital.
    It consists of the banking system in Iraq from 43 banks, as well as the central bank, and are distributed according to government ownership between seven and 30 waged, including seven Islamic, as well as six foreign banks

  1302. Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

    Putting Iraq back on the banking map

    Iraq, April 3, 2014

    After years of neglect, the Iraqi banking sector offers promise once again. Mobile banking, trade finance and infrastructure financing opportunities are proving attractive to existing lenders and the wave of new entrants looking to break into the market. But, before the tide can finally turn, there are regulatory issues that need addressing.

    The decade since the US invaded Iraq in 2003 has been one of the most important in the country’s history, as it seeks to move away from being a centrally planned economy and aims to restructure key sectors. This has resulted in huge changes taking place across many industries, but one area that has been noticeably slow to develop has been banking.

    Today, Iraq remains essentially a cash economy, with many international companies carrying hundreds of thousands of dollars with them in order to carry out even the most basic transactions. Yet, in spite of the prevailing volatile security situation on the ground, there is now a growing commitment to invest in Iraq’s financial infrastructure – both from local banks (of which there are 51) and their foreign counterparts (which number 16).

    ‘Vibrant’ opportunity

    A milestone was reached in November 2013 when Standard Chartered became the first UK bank to establish a branch in the country, opening its first outlet in Baghdad. It is opening a second branch in the northern city of Erbil in March and a third in the southern oil hub of Basra towards the end of 2014.

    Standard Chartered has been attracted by the financing opportunities for large government infrastructure projects planned in Iraq. The country’s National Investment Commission has drawn up a $357bn national development plan for 2013 to 2017 aimed at jumpstarting its economy, and has declared that it will need to spend $1000bn on infrastructure over the next 10 years.

    “Iraq represents a significant opportunity for Standard Chartered – we have a lot of clients who are very actively involved in the reconstruction of Iraq and they asked us to be there,” says Gavin Wishart, chief executive of Standard Chartered in Iraq. “The fundamentals are compelling – there are opportunities across many sectors such as oil and gas, telecommunications and infrastructure. We can see a vibrant economy developing in the future.”

    Standard Chartered’s existing clients in Iraq are drawn from the US, Europe, the Middle East, South Korea, India, China and Australia. “We are seeing an increasing number of our clients contacting us from around the world who are interested in doing business in Iraq, as well as other international banks who want us to help them on the ground in Iraq,” says Mr Wishart.

    The bank is also going to be acting as a financial adviser to the Iraqi government as well as advising both private and state-owned banks.

    “The initial thrust will be to assist local banks through specialised small and medium-sized enterprise training programmes, as well as helping them to develop their technology. The real opportunity for banks to leapfrog ahead is through the implementation of technology,” says Mr Wishart.

    Next stage

    Years of neglect has meant that Iraq’s banking infrastructure is desperately in need of investment – something that banks are now starting to address. National Bank of Iraq (NBI) is undertaking a major push on the technology front – it will be introducing internet and mobile banking during 2014, as well as installing 20 ATMs. “We are hoping to introduce mobile and internet banking by the end of April,” says Ayman Abu-Dhaim, vice-chairman of NBI. “And our target is to get all the ATMs installed by the fourth quarter of this year.”

    Aside from focusing on its digital offering, Mr Abu-Dhaim says he believes that a large source of future growth will come from trade finance, with NBI enjoying double-digit growth in its letters of credit (LC) business between 2011 and 2013. The bank is increasing its capital base from $150bn to $250bn – a process it was hoping to complete by the end of the first quarter of 2014 – so that it can continue to grow this side of the business.

    “Iraq’s trade volumes are growing rapidly but currently businessmen and companies depend heavily on exchanges to change and transfer money,” says Mr Abu-Dhaim.

    As the guarantor on LCs for other banks in Iraq and the only bank authorised to issue LCs in excess of $4m, state-owned Trade Bank of Iraq (TBI) already derives a huge part of its revenue from trade finance. Since its inception in November 2003, TBI has issued more than $50bn-worth of LCs. The bank is also a key player in financing the government’s key projects.

    “TBI is actively participating in all major infrastructure projects with fund-based and non-fund based credit facilities,” says Hamdiyah Al-Jaff, chairwoman of TBI. “Investment banking and project finance are the biggest opportunities in Iraq.”

    A deadlock?

    As things stand, however, the government and public sector companies, which are the key drivers of Iraq’s gross domestic product, are only allowed to deposit with and take loans from the seven state-owned banks. These banks account for roughly 85% of Iraq’s banking sector assets and therefore are deemed to hold an unfair monopoly in the market.

    “The development of the private banking sector requires a levelling of the playing field with state-owned banks,” noted the IMF in its Iraq country report published in July 2013. “Options include opening up the market for trade finance for government imports and allowing private banks to honour customers’ cheques to the government. In addition, the competitiveness of the private banks depends on the modernisation of their operations (many banks still lack a core banking system) and strengthening of their governance structure.”

    However, Mr Abu-Dhaim says that private sector banks are unlikely to develop any appetite for project finance unless two key hurdles are addressed. “The first major hurdle is that the collateral isn’t there. Banks normally ask for real estate but most of the projects are granted by the government, which means that the deed and ownership of the land is kept in the government’s name. This means banks are expected to rely on the cash flow of the project, which isn’t sufficient, and they are afraid of ending up in court because the legal framework isn’t clear,” he says.

    “Second, the size of the projects in question are very large – on average greater than $50m – so one bank can’t support this on its own which means banks have to get together to do a syndication but lots of banks are saying that they don’t want to take the risk and they can make easy money through currency trading. This means they’re ignoring all other proper credit functions.”

    Currently, private banks are making the lion’s share of their profit by buying US dollars from the the Central Bank of Iraq’s (CBI’s) daily dollar auctions and selling them onto the market at a higher rate of exchange.

    Private power

    In an effort to increase the firepower and role of Iraq’s private sector banks, the CBI drew up a two-stage programme in 2009, asking banks to increase their capital base to $85.8m by June 2011. The CBI’s next deadline was June 2013, by which date all private banks were expected to have minimum reserves of $215m.

    “Last year’s capital increase requirement wasn’t met by some private banks,” Abdul Bassit Turki, the governor of CBI and chairman of the Federal Board of Supreme Audit told The Banker on the sidelines of the Iraq Finance 2014 conference held in Dubai at the end of January 2014. “The ones that didn’t meet the requirements will either have to merge or withdraw – I expect five banks will face problems now.”

    The CBI governor also disclosed that he had received several applications from foreign banks for licences. “We are going to grant approval to two banks in the coming months, one of which will immediately open even branches,” he said.

    Meanwhile, the US’s Citibank established a representative office in Baghdad in 2013, which is aimed at supporting corporate customers, while JPMorgan has been strengthening its ties with the TBI. The entrance of an increasing number of foreign banks into Iraq will certainly help to modernise and shake up the industry as these banks import their technology and expertise. They will hopefully also help dilute the domination of the seven state-owned banks.

    There is clearly room for many more new entrants; Iraq remains one of the most under-banked countries in the Middle East and north Africa (Mena) region and it is estimated that more than 80% of Iraqis do not have a bank account, according to the US Agency for International Development. Meanwhile, credit to GDP in Iraq remains one of the lowest in the world, with domestic-credit to private sector at 9% of GDP, compared with a a 55% of GDP average for the Mena region.

    Increased technology and digitisation will be central to improving accessibility. However, Iraq’s central bank also needs to prioritise regulatory reform in order to ensure the growth of the project finance market and to create a level playing field so that the private banks can play a greater role in driving Iraq’s economy forward. Sustained and healthy economic growth will only be possible if the key structural weaknesses of the banking sector are addressed.

  1303. Bini Najib (BN) berkata:

    The Central Bank called on citizens to “keep” the cleanliness of the banknote and not writing or signature



    The Central Bank of Iraq, called Monday on citizens to “maintain a local banknote and not exposed to writing and seals and signatures,” the promise “damaged the overall appearance” of banknotes, with “enter the modern and sophisticated automation” for counting banknotes, he stressed that such devices require cash sheet clean with no damage. ”
    The Central Bank said in a press release received (range), “the Central Bank calls for pain atanin to maintain local banknotes class (two hundred and fifty, 500, 1,000, 5,000, 10,000, twenty five thousand) dinars”.
    The Bank urged citizens “not to expose these cards to any damages as writing or seals or symbols or signatures,” the Bloc’s reason is “without prejudice to the general appearance of the banknotes because civilization Iraqi dinar”.
    And the Central Bank in its statement that another reason “which called for the Bank to maintain the local paper is the introduction of modern and advanced automation of counting those banknotes, these devices require a clean banknotes does not assume any damages to count.”
    The Iraq adopted, after 2003, in his dealings on the currency was reprinted in European countries instead of the previous currency that was in place in the 1990s and which was reprinted in the local press because of the sanctions imposed on Iraq, marked by the perishability and lack of international recognition.
    Currently, there are six categories of Iraq’s currency is two hundred and fifty dinars and 500 dinars and thousand dinars and 5,000 dinars, 10,000 dinars twenty five thousand dinars.

  1304. Bini Pak Lah berkata:

    Assalam..bnyk info menarik dri Bini Najib..tq bro..tpi bile nk RV ek?..huhu

  1305. pakcik kayo berkata:

    Central Bank allows for money transfer companies to participate currency auction

    Monday, April 21, 2014 12:09

    Alsumaria News / Baghdad
    Central Bank of Iraq, Monday, for allowing the money transfer companies to participate ERA currency, stressing that this would contribute to the stability of the exchange rate permanently. , the bank said in a statement received “Alsumaria News”, a copy of “The bank’s management has agreed to the money transfer companies to open accounts directly with the CBI, (the Iraqi dinar and the U.S. dollar) for the implementation of the procurement of foreign currency. ” the bank said, “This operation will expand special events auction of foreign currency and contributes to the stability of the exchange rate permanently.” and established the Iraqi Central Bank bank independent under the law issued on the sixth of March 2004, as an independent body, which is responsible for maintaining price stability and the implementation of monetary policy, including exchange rate policies are being daily sessions for buying and selling currencies.

    Allowing money transfer companies to participate currency auction

    Free –

    Central Bank of Iraq, Monday, for allowing the money transfer companies to participate ERA currency, stressing that this would contribute to the stability of the exchange rate permanently. , the bank said in a statement that ‘the management of the bank has agreed to do money transfer companies to open accounts directly with the CBI, (Iraqi dinar and the U.S. dollar) to carry out the purchase of foreign currency. ” the bank said ‘this process will expand special events auction of foreign currency and contributes to the stability of the exchange rate permanently.’ and established the Iraqi Central Bank as a bank independent under the law issued on the sixth of March of 2004 , as an independent body, which is responsible for maintaining price stability and the implementation of monetary policy, including exchange rate policies are being daily sessions for buying and selling currencies.

    P/S:Dia dah mai………mari kita tengok siapa yang kaya…..ha…ha…ha…..

  1306. Bini Najib berkata:

    Iraq issued new coins of high security specifications

    April 27, 2014

    Iraqi Central Bank announced last week for printing new bank notes contain signs of additional security make it difficult to counterfeit or tampered with

    The Director of Treasury at the Central Bank Ihsan Shomran Yasiri to my home that the CBI re-printed paper currencies of small denominations (250, 500 and 1000) dinars, and also large groups (5, 10 and 25) thousand dinars. ”

    “The new currency, which started offering small ones for trading not much different from the currency currently in circulation among the citizens in terms of shape, but it provided the technical specifications more efficient and safer as contained signs of security and properties of many technical make currency a longer lifetime and are difficult or impossible to falsify.”

    These include security tags added security thread, a colorful stripe width of one millimeter small cash currencies and four millimeters of large, colorful filaments are visible and the other does not see only through the use of detection devices, according to what he said.

    Add to sign a sophisticated, high-quality know Balspark in place in several countries of the world, according to Yasiri.

    He Yasiri that these features will contribute to enhancing the protection of Iraqi funds from counterfeiters and manipulators.

    He noted that “some of the long-counterfeiting coins currently in circulation of large groups very poorly and can be detected easily with him and even without the need to pass on currency forgery detectors.”

    To enable citizens blind and visually impaired circulation of the new currency and excellence, it contained a prominent signs or protrusions.

    It was also repainted and a protective material to prevent damage due to continuous trading them, according to Yasiri.

    “The Age of the supposed global currency paper between three to five years, and the Iraqi currency currently in place extends life for about 10 years and has become a lot of categories, particularly small and old outdated.”

    A gradual process of replacing

    Yasiri said that the total value of banknotes will be printed at around five trillion dinars (4.3 billion dollars) will be pumped circulation categories used instead of gradually.

    He pointed out that “put the new currency will not eliminate the cash currently rolling paper, where work groups will be created alongside the old.”

    Indicates economic expert on behalf of Jamil Antoine to reprint the Iraqi currency after several years developed was a “prerequisite”.

    To my home and said that “a lot of groups exposed to the current monetary consumption, and it was necessary to work on the refurbishment with the addition of features that are able to effectively currency with greater resistance to the continued use of her and also attempts to warping.”

    Antoine explained that there are a lot of techniques and modern labels that have been introduced in recent years in the world to fortify the currency of fraud and manipulation.

    He believed that it is necessary to increase awareness of the characteristics and specifications of the new categories of cash and the statement of the importance of re-printing the currency and encourage circulation.

    In turn, welcomed member of the Economic Committee in the House of Representatives MP Ibrahim stirrup step the Iraqi Central Bank, and considered the process of renewal of the currency is a good step towards the achievement of monetary reform.

    The stirrup to my home, “We are replacing the old currency with a new one be of the characteristics of high quality in terms of printing and the inability to forge and tampered with.”

    He pointed out that the procedure “will give the Iraqi dinar a large force in front of the rest of the other world currencies, as well as the ease of carrying and trading groups yellowed cash in banking transactions and the buying and selling and monetary exchange.”

    • roses berkata:

      salam en.bn, lately asek gatal2 je tapak tangan ni..mimpi pon lena je…ngeee~~ lame lagi tak penantian kita ni? huuu

  1307. manlangat berkata:

    cabinet bayangan la pulokk..adoyaii..

  1308. pakcik kayo berkata:

    6,807 posts
    LocationKirby’s Dream land
    Posted Today, 11:43 AM
    Governor of the Central Bank of Iraq’s (statement): the opening of branches of banks of U.S., French and Lebanese in Baghdad
    Author: Al Bayan wrote: May 5, 2014
    Statement / Jassim al-Tai

    Bey revealed the governor of the Iraqi Central Abdel Basset Turki from near the opening of branches of U.S. banks and the French and Lebanese in Iraq.

    Turki said in a special statement (the statement), it will soon be opening branches of U.S. banks, including Pocket Morkn and Citibank, noting that the investment opportunities that would be granted to these banks will not be available in the same way for other banks in Baghdad.

    He said the number of Lebanese banks submitted their requests to work in Iraq as the work permit has been granted to three of them as well as requests for French banks.

    He said the Central Bank of Iraq has a bill to regulate the work of banks and anti-money laundering as well as the draft of the new law of the Iraqi Central Bank.

    He said that Iraq will provide more opportunities for investment

    For these banks to exercise its role, noting that the Central Bank of Iraq is a sponsor and an observer of the banks operating in Iraq.

    And the project to delete the zeros of the central bank governor said that the new measures will be there by the middle of this year, the bank raised about the new currency and the deletion of zeros, indicating that the bank has a very large mass of cash. He added that the Central Bank of Iraq in connection with a credit rating of private banks in Iraq during the next term for the nomination of the first tranche developed for these banks to exercise receive deposits from the government of Iraq and the provision of services to the government, adding that he will then move on to all the Iraqi banking system concerning the acceptance of deposits and credit organization.

    He stressed that the bank is keen to be Iraq’s banking system during the first half of the year 2015 completely unprepared to receive all modern services and advanced applications in the banking world.


  1309. pakcik kayo berkata:

    State law calls for the convening of an extraordinary session Najafi to approve the budget within 48 hours

    BAGHDAD – Iraq Press – 5 May / May:

    called State of Law coalition of Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki, on Monday, the President of the Council of Representatives, Osama al-Nujaifi, to extend an invitation to members of the House of Representatives and hold a special meeting during the next two days in order to pass the budget.

    The MP said, Hassan al-Yassiri, told / Iraq Press / “on the Presidency of the Council of Representatives to do their responsibilities constitutional and call the council to convene for the purpose of approving the budget,” adding that “the political blocs that had objected to the adoption of the budget in the last stage may have changed their positions “.

    He added that “the President of the House of Representatives to throw the ball stadium Council to be responsible before the people if it does not achieve the required quorum for the meeting.”

    And to extend the life of parliament if the delay in approving the budget between, Yasiri, “The Council and after ending Valtmdid then is not verified.”

    He said that “When extend legislative term in the first year and the second or third it is because Aamdd age of the House of Representatives but the extension would be after the fourth year if extended due to failure to approve the budget, this means that the age of the House of Representatives extended and the extension is not permitted because it is the age specified by the Constitution.”

    He noted that “the constitutional provision which relates to the separation of the legislative Aenqda only approve the budget for Aitbak in the fourth year.” A finished. H



  1310. pakcik kayo berkata:

    Alnasiri: monetary policy, enhance the value of the dinar externally

    6/5/2014 0:00 After touching up the 80 billion dollars and 90 tonnes of gold Baghdad, Hussein al-Tamimi Tgb Monetary policy is the most important episodes of economic stability through the stabilization of the exchange rate of the national economy that increase the strength and effectiveness to face all the challenges facing the development process (depending on economic affairs specialist). Samir Nasiri said that the central bank several years ago succeeded in achieving a large and growing reserves of foreign exchange reserves stood at 80 billion dollars and 90 tonnes of gold according to the latest data issued by him. He added in an interview with “morning” that fixing the exchange rate of the Iraqi dinar against the main currency in (the dollar) is considered to be necessary and appropriate, and had a foreign currency auctions held by the Central Bank of Iraq played an important role in maintaining the appropriate level of the exchange rate and install it. Required reserve He pointed out that for pressure on the exchange rates, pay Bantrza to tighten its monetary policy and narrowed, including raising interest rates on deposits in Iraqi dinars, and to allow greater flexibility in the management of monetary policy, pointing out that he adopted several measures to expand the list of tools available to them, and to cover up required to include government deposits, and the granting of facilities on deposits that mature in a short period in order to allow banks to manage their liquidity situation in a way more effective, and to reduce liquidity risk Balance of Payments He pointed out that among the goals of monetary policy, the other to achieve economic growth and reduce unemployment, and the stability of prices of goods and services, and the stability of exchange rates, as well as improving the balance of payments, indicating that the achievement of these goals is through a monetary policy instruments of direct and indirect, which are issued by the Bank Central regulations and regulatory instructions and guidance over the past years and finally what has been emphasized in the year 2014. Rate of exchange He Alnasiri saying that the current structure for the stability of exchange rates has been granted an opportunity for the Iraqi economy to rebuild and grow, despite the fact that prices have not stabilized completely, due in part to the nature of the security and political conditions and market conditions experienced by the country in spite of the evolution is clear in fiscal and monetary policy and the banking industry, where the Bulletin of the IMF delegation during their visit to Iraq recently and within this context has succeeded Central is also in the collection of reserves at a high level of foreign exchange, so it is fixing the exchange rate of Iraqi dinar against the U.S. dollar would be appropriate and desirable at the present stage. Scaling Dollarization Nasiri said that to support this structure to be the Iraqi Central Bank to raise the required amounts of foreign exchange on the basis of maximum rate in daily auctions and allow greater flexibility in the management of monetary policy, it has taken the CBI a number of steps to expand the list of available tools of monetary policy, which identified whereby perceptions about demand growth in money supply and currency in circulation and that expectations about economic growth and inflation. He said the tight monetary policy adopted by the central part of Strutijeth efforts to achieve the goal of stability, has shown that the financial system Almdolr taking a drive towards a gradual decrease, and the phenomenon of partial dollarization and roots are now less than the former, because of the launch of freedom of foreign exchange and monetary policy works to promote the external value of the Iraqi dinar, which rose during the last five years. He explained that the moderate policy established a framework effectively lead to the lifting of confidence in Iraqi dinars, as it helps the confidence in the local currency to create the conditions for strong and deep in the stability of the financial system, and the strength to address the dollarization, is a measure of the effectiveness of monetary policy in the provision of reference moving to make the local currency more attractive which is usually reflected the stability of the demand for cash or low-speed handling and stability of any money due to the influence of my reference exchange and interest. Capital Market He concluded Alnasiri his speech by saying that the measures and means the current adopted by the monetary policy to influence the phenomenon inflationary come to play an important role in reining in inflation caused by factors of aggregate demand, which continues to the central adoption of its current policy aimed at reducing inflation, which reached 3.1 percent at the end of 2013 to address the trends and causes and manner provides a stable cash wider and Tjeela in rates of economic growth and ensure sustained through two signals two basic adopted by the current monetary policy, namely to strengthen the real interest rate and the exchange rate of the Iraqi dinar in a precipitate of balance and stability of the financial market and the overall stability in the country.

    Iraq move to article 8 of the IMF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  1311. johnharryloancompany berkata:

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  1312. roses berkata:

    Sales of dollar by the CBI decline on Thursday’s auction
    Thursday, 08 May, 2014
    | NINA News


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    Sales of dollar by the CBI decline on Thursday’s auction
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    BAGHDAD / Nina /–Sales of dollar by the Central Bank of Iraq and purchases of other foreign currencies went down on today’s meeting to / 50 / million / 248 / thousand dollars , after it hitting on yesterday session the level of / / 92 million and / 419 / thousand dollars at a stable exchange rate of / 1166 / dinars per dollar.

    The daily bulletin issued by the Central Bank ,said “The demand for dollar was ranging on today’s session around the level of two million and / 804 / thousand dollars which sold in cash./End

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    • Orang Hijau berkata:

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      *Mohd Yazli Bin Kasmin*

      2014-08-14 1:17 GMT+08:00 DINAR IRAQ :

      > razak commented: “Saya minat utk membeli iqd1000 atau iqd500. Berapa > harga nya…” >

      • Mohd Helmy berkata:

        dah lama saya x jenguk fourm ini….ok warka bank tengah update system perbankan dia.

  1320. One thing I would like to say is always that before getting more laptop memory, consider the machine in to which it
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    XP, for instance, the actual memory threshold is 3.25GB.
    Setting up above this would simply constitute a waste.
    Be sure that one’s motherboard can handle an upgrade amount, as well.
    Interesting blog post.

  1321. Ernest Wiedmayer berkata:

    I have not checked in here for some time since I thought it was getting boring, but the last several posts are great
    quality so I guess I’ll add you back to my daily bloglist.
    You deserve it friend 🙂

  1322. manlangat berkata:

    apa info terbaru tuan helmi…

  1323. Mohd Helmy berkata:

    CBI Rumored Another Bank Under Guardianship

    Central Bank of Iraq

    (CBI) is advising banks who have not met the
    capitalization requirements of 250 billion dinars
    that they could lose their banking license. Last
    January, I reported an article about the CBI
    informing five Iraqi private banks would be
    losing their licensing because of failure to
    report their banking documents as required
    directly to the CBI. There are rumors on the
    streets of Baghdad that a private Iraq bank will
    fall under the CBI guardianship just like
    al-Warka bank and Economy Bank.

    • manlangat berkata:

      jika benar2 terjadi..apa kesan kpd penyimpan dan pemegang saham warka spt kita ini tuan helmi..tqvm

      • Mohd Helmy berkata:

        terus terang saya katakan….warka bank masih teguh berdiri kerana capitalnya melebihi apa yg diminta oleh CBI.perlu diingat Warka Bank telah memenangi saman 2 daripada 6 saman yg dikenakan pada CBI.manakala 4 saman lagi sedang dalam perbicaran.angaran saman yg warka kemukakan pada CBI melebihi dari 250 billion dinar.itu x termasuk nilai capital yg sedia ada pada warka bank pada saat ini.kesimpulannya bagi pendapat saya tiada kesan apa2 terhadap Guardianship terhadap warka,kerana warka sekarang ini bebas dari Guardianship dari pihak CBI .

        Dear Warka Clients and Shareholders,

        On February 29th 2012 the Central Bank of Iraq Board of Directors reached a decision of appointing a CBI custodian committee on Warka Bank for Investment and Finance where in turn Warka Bank for Investment and Finance raised a legal case against the Central Bank of Iraq objecting the appointment of a CBI Custodian Committee and the case was presented to the Tribunal Court for Financial Services reference No.1 / Financial Services / 2012. After many legal sessions and court hearings the Tribunal Court for Financial Services verdict was in full favor of Warka Bank for Investment and Finance lifting the CBI Custodianship on the bank because according to the court the CBI Custodianship did not meet the legal terms, conditions and criteria. This verdict retained full legal stature .

        Surprisingly on February 4th 2013 the Central Bank of Iraq submitted a request to the Tribunal Court for Financial Services to receive an approval from the court to raise a bankruptcy case against Warka Bank for Investment and Finance reference No. 5/Financial Services/ 2013 and for this purpose the Central Bank of Iraq decided to appoint another CBI Custodian committee on August 26th 2013 right after an earlier board meeting held a day before on February 25th 2013 where the CBI board of directors decided to lift the initial Custodianship which they appointed. Again after many court hearings and sessions as well as presenting the entire case to Financial, Banking, Monetary and Economic experts the Tribunal Court for Financial Services issued its verdict yet again in favor of Warka Bank for Investment and Finance declining the Central Bank of Iraq bankruptcy request and case.

        As the Central Bank of Iraq was unconvinced with this verdict they appealed it Appeal Court Reference No. 1505/M/2013. On October 7th 2013 the Appeal Court issued its verdict in favor of Warka Bank for Investment and Finance certifying the court verdict issued by the Tribunal Court for Financial Services for the reasons indicated by the Tribunal Court for Financial Services as the Central Bank of Iraq decided to lift the CBI Custodianship on August 25th 2013 in accordance and response to the Tribunal Court for Financial Services verdict (No.1/ Financial Services/ 2012 May 26th 2013) after which the Central Bank of Iraq decided on August 26th 2013 to appoint a new CBI Custodian on Warka Bank for Investment and Finance to raise a bankruptcy case against the bank and due to the fact that the appointment of a CBI Custodian is contrary and discrepant to the verdict reached by the Tribunal Court for Financial Services thus Warka Bank for Investment and Finance objected and raised a legal case against the Central Bank of Iraq for appointing the new Custodianship reference No. 10/ Financial Services/2013

        On September 22nd 2013 the court issued its decision declining the objection made by Warka Bank for Investment to lift the new CBI Custodian as the issue on hand does not have any legal grounds as by law to initiate a bankruptcy case against a bank a Custodian must be first appointed for this task where under the current circumstance in accordance with the verdict awarded in favor of Warka Bank for Investment the the CBI bankruptcy case declined thus once the verdict retains and reaches full legal stature the CBI Custodianship will be dismissed with the dismissal of the bankruptcy case as one is interconnected with another the dismissal of one is the dismissal of the other.

        In Summary Warka Bank for Investment and Finance has won two verdicts both of which have retained full legal stature:

        1. The objection case against the appointment of the CBI Custodianship Committee reference No. 1/Financial Services/ 2012 where the court awarded its verdict in favor of Warka Bank for Investment and Finance lifting the CBI custodianship where the verdict retained full legal stature.

        2. The CBI request to raise a bankruptcy case reference No. 5/ Financial Services/ 2013 in which the verdict was awarded in favor of Warka Bank for Investment and Finance declining and dismissing the entire CBI request and case for not meeting the legal terms and conditions as well as court criteria. This verdict reached and retained full legal stature.

        Kind Note:

        There are still four cases against the Central Bank of Iraq for reputable and financial damages raised by the below:

        1. Depositors

        2. Shareholders

        3. Staff

        4. Managing Director demanding the full rehabilitation of the bank by the Central bank in accordance with the reasons indicated in all the court cases noting that as the four cases share legal similarities and are interconnected the court has decided to unite all of them into one case reference No. 1/ Services/ 2013 which is yet to finalized and hearings are still taking place.

        Thank you for your time and cooperation .


        Board of Directors

        Warka Bank for Investment and Finance

      • pakcik kayo berkata:

        penjelasan terbaik la….datuk seri mohd helmi…….he,,he,,he…..

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  1325. Mohd Helmy berkata:

    21/10/2014 (sumber ini saya dapati dari laman sesawang CBI)

    (Press release) for the purpose of the development of the current series of Iraqi banknotes, and increase efficiency, they have been printed using the finest types of paper and placed in several technical and security features and will present the CBI papers Alnkaditin categories of the (5000) dinars and 25,000 dinars to the trading specifications security and protection marks a new high

    P/s:Duit Cetakan IQD25,000 & IQD 10,000 Versi terbaru yg akan digunakan untuk pertukaran pada RV yg akan datang.duit cetakan ini menggantikan duit cetakan 2013. pada masa ini CBI sedang bergiat mengedarkan pada rakyat iraq utk ditukarkan duit lama kepada duit cetakan terbaru. pada sesiapa yg ada menyimpan duit IQD25,000 & IQD10,000 bolehlah memeriksa duit tuan2 dan puan2 melalui link dibawah ini.


  1326. Mohd Helmy berkata:

    09/10/2014 (sumber ini saya dapati dari laman sesawang CBI)

    CBI raises category (10000) dinars for technical trading and high security features with the continued circulation papers


  1327. Mohd Helmy berkata:

    nak lihat lebih jelas…..klick link dibawah ini.


  1328. Mohd Helmy berkata:

    P/s: nasihat saya sila berjumpa dengan penjual Cash Note dinar anda,minta mereka menukarkan Cash Note dinar lama anda kepada Cash Note cetakan Terbaru. saya kuatiri…cash note dinar yg anda simpan tidak akan laku lagi ketika RV nanti. ini pesanan dan nasihat saya,agar nasi jangan menjadi bubur satu hari nanti.

    7/8/2014 (sumber ini saya dapati dari laman sesawang CBI)

    (Press release) for the purpose of the development of the current series of Iraqi banknotes, and increase efficiency, they have been printed using the finest types of paper and placed in several technical and security features of the Central Bank of Iraq and will present the banknote from the category of (10,000) ten thousand dinars to trading


  1329. Mohd Helmy berkata:

    ok dalam laman sesawang CBI berbahasa english anda lihat sebegini… click link dibawah.


    link diatas adalah website CBI yg anda biasa lihat. cuba anda click website CBI dalam bahasa arab….anda pasti terkejut….kerana x sama seperti website versi english….ok…disinilah(versi Arab) segala info terkini CBI dapat diperolihi… dengan jelas.apa yg berlaku didalam system banking.

  1330. Mohd Helmy berkata:

    Laman Sesawang CBI versi Arab Di translate menggunakan google translate.


    cuba anda scrol ….anda akan dapat melihat gambar duit Cash Note cetakan terbaru yg telah diumumkan oleh CBI.

    selamat membaca…..

    P/s: Perlu diingatkan….laman sesawang CBI versi english tidak ada update news.bagi pendapat saya CBI mungkin ingin mengkaburi pandangan investor dinar iraq yg diluar iraq daripada mengetahui hal2 berkaitan dengan dinar iraq.

  1331. Mohd Helmy berkata:

    Sila pastikan sekiranya anda ingin membeli lagi cash note dinar iraq dari penjual dinar iraq dimalaysia…pastikan duit tersebut cetakan tahun 2013 dan pastikan segala rupa bentuk gambar yg dicetak diatas duit cash tersebut serupa 100 peratus dengan image duit terbaru yg telah saya nyatakan didalam blog ini.kerana image duit ini saya perolihi melalui laman sesawang CBI dalam CBI update news bertarikh 7/8/2014 , 9/10/2014 & 21/10/14.

  1332. fariszemi berkata:

    Assalam semua sesiapa yg berminat membeli dinar iraq yg terbaru dengan nilai harga yang berpatutan bagi note 25k boleh hubungi en Afiq… 017 2151365

    • SYAFIE berkata:

      salam… IQD note 25k n note 10k for sale..!! boleh pos or cod area Kuala Lumpur.. beli banyak boleh kurang harga..
      PM:01123404319 / SYAFIE

  1333. fariszemi berkata:

    Harga yang en. Afiq jual tu RM85 sekeping bagi note 25K

    • plclink berkata:

      Assalam. Boleh saya dptkan photo IQD 25K yg baru tu…?  Tq

      Sent from Samsung Mobile

      • fariszemi berkata:

        Assalam tuan sila bagi no hp nanti sy send by wasap photo IQD 25K.. terima kasih

      • plclink berkata:

        01132233883 razak

        Sent from Samsung Mobile

      • Leyla berkata:

        macam mana dengan wang IQD yang lama? adakah masih boleh digunakan?

      • Mohd Helmy berkata:

        IQD yang lama sebenarnya sedang giat ditukarkan didalam iraq oleh CBI dengan cara kitaran semulajadi.iaitu rakyat berbelanja atau menyimpan duit didalam bank menggunakan matawang dinar iraq lama,penjual pula menyimpan duit hasil jualan mereka kedalam bank & fungsi pihak bank pula menukarkan duit lama kepada cetakan terbaru secara automatik.apabila rakyat atau penjual mengeluarkan duit simpanan atau duit perniagaan mereka dari dalam bank melalui kaunter atau mesin ATM,mereka secara automatik mendapat duit cetakan terbaru.hanya duit IQD iraq yg lama yg berada diluar dari negara iraq sahaja yg tidak dapat ditukarkan. tidak mustahil duit iraq cetakan lama yg berada diluar iraq tidak laku pada masa RV nanti.

  1334. Mohd Helmy berkata:

    Orang amerika baru sedar tentang duit baru dinar iraq

    video diatas bertarikh 29/10.

    saya dapat mengesan pertukaran duit baru dinar iraq 5 hari awal dari mereka.

  1335. Mohd Helmy berkata:

    The Iraqi Dinar will Reval

  1336. Mohd Helmy berkata:

    Should we invest in the Iraqi Dinar?

  1337. Mohd Helmy berkata:

    Hilary Clinton – Iraq is Projected to Grow Faster Than China

  1338. Mohd Helmy berkata:

    sorry…. tajuk di atas videonya di bawah ini

  1339. Mohd Helmy berkata:

    Hilary Clinton – Iraq is Projected to Grow Faster Than China

  1340. roses berkata:

    bile la dinar ni nk melotup…*lotih nunggu

  1341. rose berkata:

    Halo, saya Mrs Rose Badmus, pemberi pinjaman pinjaman swasta yang memberikan pinjaman kesempatan seumur hidup. Apakah Anda memerlukan pinjaman mendesak untuk melunasi hutang-hutang Anda atau Anda membutuhkan pinjaman modal untuk meningkatkan bisnis Anda? Anda telah ditolak oleh bank dan lembaga keuangan lainnya? Apakah Anda membutuhkan pinjaman konsolidasi atau hipotek? mencari lagi karena kami di sini untuk membuat semua masalah keuangan Anda sesuatu dari masa lalu. Kami meminjamkan dana kepada individu yang membutuhkan bantuan keuangan, yang memiliki kredit buruk atau membutuhkan uang untuk membayar tagihan, untuk berinvestasi di bisnis di tingkat 2%. Saya ingin menggunakan media ini untuk memberitahu Anda bahwa kami memberikan bantuan yang handal dan penerima dan akan bersedia untuk menawarkan pinjaman. Jadi hubungi kami hari ini via email di: (roseofsharonfinance@gmail.com)

  1342. abuya berkata:

    bila dijangka diapungkan…?

  1343. zul berkata:

    x de ke yg nak nego dinar….? nak beli

    • SYAFIE berkata:

      salam… IQD note 25k n note 10k for sale..!! boleh pos or cod area Kuala Lumpur.. pos 25k IQD rm115.. cod 25K IQD rm110… beli banyak boleh kurang harga..
      PM:01123404319 / SYAFIE

  1344. zul berkata:

    wsap saya siapa yang nak nego…01124407481

  1345. ingin tanya berkata:

    MC mana yang masih jual dinar iraq? nak tambah koleksi yg ada

    • SYAFIE berkata:

      salam… IQD note 25k n note 10k for sale..!! boleh pos or cod area Kuala Lumpur..
      IQD rm110…
      beli banyak boleh kurang harga..
      PM:01123404319 / SYAFIE

  1346. roses berkata:

    Salam en.BN,
    Ada sihat ka? Lame xdgr kabar brite..bzi pantau isis ka..hehe..

    2 hari lepas sye terjumpe 1 website(jutawan dinar iraq) diorg buat forum pasal iqd bile nk rv brtempat di kajang..
    Nk snapshot xleh kt sini…just google “iqd talk” nti kuar ar info die..dlm fesbuk die pon ade..

    nk tnye en.bn kot3 thu psl forum ni & ade pegi plak ke sane, blehla share info yg diforumkan..atau en.bn ade info lain yg boleh dikongsikan bersama psl iqd skrg..sekian.terima kasih dgn budi baik en.bn 🙂

    #aku tnya apa khabar sumerr..:)

  1347. roses berkata:

    Keywords: delete the zeros existing project and we have given the green light for its implementation

    Tuesday 3 March 2015

    Alsumaria News / Baghdad
    announced the Governor of the Central Bank on the Keywords, on Monday, the deletion of zeros existing project, as pointed out it was given the green light for its implementation, he stressed that this process will be preceded by the administrative and regulatory processes. Alak said in a press conference held at the bank building and attended by Alsumaria News , “The project to delete the zeros is based was put into practice, and we gave the green light to start with,” noting that “The project needs a period of time may extend to two years or more.”

    He Keywords that “this process will be preceded by regulatory and administrative operations and form in which it will be starting out in walking,” noting that “the bank began creating currency models and training of cadres on it.” The Iraqi Central Bank announced in May 2012 that the process of deleting the zeros will be transferred Iraq from a country trillions to billions, noting that the currency replacing the process needs to be approved by parliament. He accused the central bank, in (12 September 2011), government agencies obstructing monetary reform and vowed to persecuting, blaming those actors responsible for exposing the financial interests of the country to danger. It is noteworthy that some economists say that Iraq is ready for the time being to delete the zeros from the Iraqi dinar, pointing out that the deletion needs to security and political stability as well as stability of the economy.

    read more: http://www.alsumaria.tv/news/126626/

  1348. roses berkata:

    الخميس 5 مارس 2015 | 06:10 مساء | Number of Views: 1326 Expert: delete the zeros supports the national currency and reduce inflation in the country

    BAGHDAD / … confirmed an economic expert d. Peace Sumaisem, on Thursday, on the importance of the subject of the deletion of zeros from the Iraqi dinar, considering it as a support of the national currency, and a reduction of inflation in the country.

    Sumaisem said, in a statement to “Ein Iraq News”, “delete the zeros includes two basic objectives, the deletion of zeros, and the restructuring of the Iraqi currency, instead of the $ 100 equals 120 000 Iraqi dinars, after deleting three zeros become a $ 100 equals 100 Iraqi dinars, which is equal to the dollar and the dinar This means strengthening the Iraqi currency. ”

    “The country suffers deficit as Iraq does not it can support its currency unless received grants from third parties, and whether this possible implementation it is important, reframes the value of the currency indirectly supporting the national currency, and when structuring currency returned it reduces inflation Iraq “. Finished / 13

    read more: http://aynaliraqnews.com/index.php?aa=news&id22=33283

    p/s: objektif yg terang =)

  1349. roses berkata:

    Source at the Central Bank: banks will begin the implementation of remittances to their customers starting next Sunday
    Editor Alaa Hassan – Thursday 5 March 2015 15:41
    Alsumaria News / Baghdad
    A source in the Iraqi Central Bank, on Thursday, the banks will begin the implementation of remittances to their customers starting next Sunday, noting that it came after the completion of all the procedures and mechanisms by banks.

    The source said in an interview for the Sumerian News, “The banks will begin the implementation of remittances to their customers starting on Sunday 03/08/2015.”

    The source, who asked not to be named, said: “This came after the completion of all the procedures and mechanisms by banks.”

    > Parliamentary Integrity: 16 regional banks provided false invoices central bank to buy dollars
    > Central bank is considering initiatives and actions are important for the promotion of development

    The source of early detection, in the (February 25, 2015), the Central Bank of Iraq began to apply the new system of remittances and sell the currency, as he pointed out that the bank denied stopped selling the dollar.

    read more: http://www.alsumaria.tv/news/126872

    p/s: wait & see..=)

  1350. rusli berkata:

    Ingin membeli dinar iqd. Berikan nombor tel dan alamat tuan

    • SYAFIE berkata:

      salam… IQD note 25k n note 10k for sale..!! boleh pos or cod area Kuala Lumpur.. pos 25k IQD rm115.. cod 25K IQD rm110… beli banyak boleh kurang harga..
      PM:01123404319 / SYAFIE

  1351. Ropi berkata:

    Salam dan selamat sejahtera.
    Saya ada kenal individu yang ingin menjual sedikit stok Iraqi Dinar mereka. Sesiapa yang berminat sila hubungi saya melalui email urusanrapi@gmail.com
    Terima Kasih

  1352. ayam mas berkata:

    1 dinar iraq bersamaan usd 3,00 kali rm 4.00 =rm 12.00 100.000 dinar iraq bersamaan dengan Rm 1200 000 00 woi…..boleh beli rumah banglo oi….

  1353. roses berkata:

    Assalam…calling for en.BN…pakcik kayo,,bini paklah…lame menyepi..kak mah panggil ni..huhu

  1354. lina berkata:

    Rv diampung bila

  1355. Badrul berkata:

    As Salam , dinar iraq masih ada jual lagi tak? . nak beli 4 keping 25,000 dinar iraq jika ada yang menjual boleh hubungi 0132105263 .tk

  1356. SYAFIE berkata:

    salam… IQD note 25k n note 10k for sale..!!
    boleh pos or cod area Kuala Lumpur..
    pos 25k IQD rm115..
    cod 25K IQD rm110…
    beli banyak boleh kurang harga..
    PM:01123404319 / SYAFIE

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  1358. aku di sini berkata:

    warka x leh bukak..lama dah dr julai..emm

  1359. Zaff berkata:

    Saya ade 21 keping 10 000 dinar yang saya simpan sekarang.sesiapa yang berminat nak membeli sila wassap sy di nombor 01136633735.sekeping 10 000 dinar sy jual rm50.

  1360. bininajib berkata:

    Assalam…dah lama saya x buka fourm wordpress nie.apa kabar semua?

    Siapa kata warka X boleh Buka…. Sayanya Ok jew…. cuba lihat dibawah ini….


    P/s: gambar ini akan automatic delet dalam masa 28 hari dari start hari ini.

  1361. bininajib berkata:

    To encourage citizens to deposit their money in banks .. the government raises interest rates to 18%

    30/01/2016 – BAGHDAD

    A government source revealed on Saturday that the government decided to raise the interest rate on deposit money in banks to 18%, attributing this to help the government in overcoming the financial crisis.
    The source said in an interview with “Sky Press,” that “the government has issued a number of proposals to address the financial crisis afflicting the country, and decided to raise the interest rate on deposit money in the bank to 18%.”
    He added that “This move will encourage citizens to deposit their money in banks, which will make it easier to deal with the crisis that hit the country as a result of lower oil prices
    But in parallel with the detection of citizens and traders for “Sky Press,” for “Dar Al Salam Bank Ahli” failure to extradite Mbalghm deposited with him under the pretext of state austerity faced by the country, as called upon the Ministry of Finance to intervene for their money Exchange, warned of the disruption of their businesses.
    The religious authority called on Friday, the Iraqi government to engage the assistance of local and international to develop a “contingency plan” in order to cope with the financial crisis, which amounted to “a dangerous level”, as demanded by taking austerity measures against “unnecessary expenses” for the ministries and not the general public right.
    It is noteworthy that Iraq is going through an economic crisis because of lower oil prices, and Anfaqath in the war against al “Daash”, as he emphasized Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi, in the November 18, 2015, that Iraq will emerge from the financial crisis in stronger, adding that he found offline to strengthen the economy and lack of total dependence on oil.

  1362. bininajib berkata:

    The central bank called government bonds in March

    February 28, 2016

    Governor of the Central Bank on the Keywords detect the launch of the sale of government bonds through next March
    Keywords and said in a press statement that “the central bank’s strategy for the years 2016- 2020 will witness a qualitative leap,” noting that “the percentage of Iraqis who use the banking system as it is ambitious amounting to only ten percent.”
    Keywords revealed, for the “launch the first government bonds traded through next March,” returned to “the auction of foreign currency is not a waste of public money or smuggled to him.”
    On the other hand Keywords acknowledged, as “there are many problems in banks when retrieving loans of citizens,” noting that “the loan guarantees are given real estate, and when delayed or beneficiary refuses to repay the resort to book estates come up against the intervention of the clans that prevent it.”

  1363. bininajib berkata:

    Central: We will launch currency bonds by March

    BAGHDAD – February 28, 2016

    detecting the central bank on Saturday announced the launch of the sale of government bonds through next March, while calling for the integration of private banks to reduce their number to match the actual need for stressing the importance of an auction sale of foreign currency to maintain the stability of the dinar exchange rate.
    This came during a speech the central bank governor on the Keywords in a seminar hosted by the Strategic Policy Institute, in Baghdad, attended by local media and I followed ‘obelisk’,
    The governor of the central bank, said that ‘the central bank’s strategy for the years 2016- 2020 will witness a qualitative leap’, noting that ‘the proportion of Iraqis who use the banking system as it is ambitious amounting to only ten percent. ”
    He pointed Keywords, for ‘launch of its first government bonds traded through next March’, returned to ‘auction of foreign currency is not a waste of public money or smuggled to him.’
    He warned the Keywords, of ‘restrictions on the sale of foreign operation mode’, noting that it ‘will lead to the lifting of the dollar’s exchange rate against the dinar.’
    He said that ‘there are more than fifty banks in Iraq, a significant number’, calling for a ‘private banks merging to reduce their number in proportion to the actual need.’
    And between, that ‘the banks that granted leave recent establishment will not enter sell the currency effect only after years and the investigation of the practice of business and real banking’, pointing out that ‘the central bank obliged to grant Muaqath to open new banks as long as it achieved the necessary conditions and guarantees. ”
    He acknowledged the Keywords, B’ugod many problems in banks when retrieving loans from citizens’, noting that ‘the loan guarantees are given real estate, and when delayed or beneficiary refuses to repay the resort to book estates come up against the intervention of the clans that prevent it.’
    He pledged that ‘the bank restores all amounts deposited by citizens in the Rafidain and Rasheed bank branches and seized by the terrorist organization Daash in Nineveh province after its liberation.’
    The Governor of the Central Bank and the agency, said in the 15th of February 2016 for the current Bank to sell bonds to the public torque worth seven trillion dinars during the current year.

  1364. bininajib berkata:

    Iraq is about to set up a financial court to recover his money contraband

    BAGHDAD – 02/28/2016

    announced the economic and investment commission in Parliament, the intention of Parliament approve the financial Court Act, which puts Iraq under the international standards, which help him to recover all his money contraband.
    A member of the committee MP Ahmed Salim told / KD /: to invite the President of the House of Representatives to approve the financial Court Act, it means that the law will be on the parliamentary agenda in the coming period is to be read and then passed.
    He added that this law will be through the establishment of special financial court, which will make Iraq as part of the Great State and subject to international standards, which will help him to recover his money contraband and reduce money laundering and financial corruption.

  1365. Izad berkata:

    Salam sy izad berminat untuk membeli dinar Iraq ini

  1366. Dangote Company berkata:

    Tuan Nyonya
    Terutama di seluruh dunia, Anda perlu pinjaman uang antar individu untuk mengatasi kesulitan keuangan akhirnya memecahkan kebuntuan diprovokasi oleh bank, oleh penolakan file aplikasi pinjaman Anda. Kami adalah jaringan ahli keuangan swasta mampu membuat pinjaman untuk jumlah yang Anda butuhkan dan dengan kondisi yang membuat hidup Anda lebih mudah. Kami dapat membantu Anda dalam bidang berikut:
    Keuangan *
    * Home Loan
    * Investasi Pinjaman
    * Auto Pinjaman
    * Konsolidasi hutang
    * Line of Credit
    * Kedua Mortgage
    * Akuisisi kreditan
    Anda terjebak, Bank dilarang dan Anda tidak mendapatkan manfaat dari bank atau Anda lebih baik memiliki sebuah proyek dan membutuhkan pembiayaan, kredit buruk atau membutuhkan uang untuk membayar tagihan, uang untuk berinvestasi pada bisnis. Sementara kami siap melayani anda untuk aplikasi pinjaman pribadi Anda dari € 500 sampai € 10 juta untuk masing-masing tertentu dapat membayar tingkat bunga 1,5%. Kami berada dalam posisi untuk memenuhi peminjam kami dalam waktu 12 jam sejak diterimanya permohonan mereka.
    Silahkan hubungi kami untuk lebih jelasnya;

  1367. Hadi siswoyo berkata:

    Saya punya 208.000..+300 dinar.. mau tukar ke us dolar …bisakah…?

  1368. biniajib berkata:

    ingin menjana income sehari RM 500 pecuma sahaja. Tiada apa2 bayaran dikenakan (kalau anda ia tipu anda tidak perlu keluarkan modal) anda hanya perlu open link dibawah dan REGISTER. Anda terus dapat USD 20x 4.4= RM 81.60. Selepas Link anda sendiri copy dan paste kat facebook,twiter,whatsapp dan sebagainya. setiap org buka link anda akan dibayar sungguh mudah. boleh masuk akaun atau pos di alamat rumah anda. kalau tak pecaya join dulu. klik link dibawah register. tidak ada no akaun bank di perlukan untuk register. klik link dibawah. ingin menjana income sehari RM 500 pecuma sahaja. Tiada apa2 bayaran dikenakan (kalau anda ia tipu anda tidak perlu keluarkan modal) anda hanya perlu open link dibawah dan REGISTER. Anda terus dapat USD 20x 4.4= RM 81.60. Selepas Link anda sendiri copy dan paste kat facebook,twiter,whatsapp dan sebagainya. setiap org buka link anda akan dibayar sungguh mudah. boleh masuk akaun atau pos di alamat rumah anda. kalau tak pecaya join dulu. klik link dibawah register. tidak ada no akaun bank di perlukan untuk register. klik link dibawah. http://earnwithinvite.com/index.php?ref=250427

  1369. biniajib berkata:

    ingin menjana income sehari RM 500 pecuma sahaja. Tiada apa2 bayaran dikenakan (kalau anda ia tipu anda tidak perlu keluarkan modal) anda hanya perlu open link dibawah dan REGISTER. Anda terus dapat USD 20x 4.4= RM 81.60. Selepas Link anda sendiri copy dan paste kat facebook,twiter,whatsapp dan sebagainya. setiap org buka link anda akan dibayar sungguh mudah. boleh masuk akaun atau pos di alamat rumah anda. kalau tak pecaya join dulu. klik link dibawah register. tidak ada no akaun bank di perlukan untuk register. klik link dibawah. ingin menjana income sehari RM 500 pecuma sahaja. Tiada apa2 bayaran dikenakan (kalau anda ia tipu anda tidak perlu keluarkan modal) anda hanya perlu open link dibawah dan REGISTER. Anda terus dapat USD 20x 4.4= RM 81.60. Selepas Link anda sendiri copy dan paste kat facebook,twiter,whatsapp dan sebagainya. setiap org buka link anda akan dibayar sungguh mudah. boleh masuk akaun atau pos di alamat rumah anda. kalau tak pecaya join dulu. klik link dibawah register. tidak ada no akaun bank di perlukan untuk register. klik link dibawah. http://earnwithinvite.com/index.php?ref=247108

  1370. Mia berkata:

    IQD dah RV ker?

  1371. Legend Rich berkata:

    dah 2017 nie…bila RV?

  1372. saya berminat nk buka account di iraq..nie email saya..muhamadazam991@gmail.com..

  1373. pis berkata:

    Kalau betul duit tu naik, kenapa ada orang jual? baik simpan nanti kaya? tanya ja, nak keterangan dari orang yang berpengalaman pasal dinar ni.

    • tengkufaiz berkata:

      betul tuu..huhu..baik beli emas fizikal..sudah tentu dapat emasnya..

      • tengkufaiz berkata:

        saya dealer Public Gold. Kalau nak tau macam mana nak beli emas Public Gold, wasap 0105380182

  1374. Aku tetap aku berkata:

    Assalam dinarian semua..dah hampir 10 tahun menunggu rv..sehingga kini bayang rv pon takde.. tak kurang jugak ada rakan dinarian yg sdh kembali ke rahmatullah tanpa sempat menikmati rv. Sy dah byk kali beli dan byk kali juga jual.. sekarang ni sy dah malas nak mengharap. Klu RV datang, kira tu satu bonus.. Anyway…hidup perlu diteruskan!!

  1375. Yen berkata:

    Saya nak jual dinar iraq 25000.. rm90 skeping.. berminat whatsapp 01137384237 cod shah alam

  1376. epul berkata:

    Saya nak jual dinar iraq 50,000.. rm200.. berminat whatsapp 0183840282 cod shah alam

  1377. karinlookman berkata:


    Adakah anda berminat untuk mendapatkan pinjaman untuk bermula?
    Saya pengarah Nadira Muhammad Loans Limited,
    Perkhidmatan pinjaman Nadira Muhammad adalah lesen kredit pelaburan undang-undang, kami menawarkan
    Pinjaman kepada Individu dan perniagaan dan menyediakan
    Perkhidmatan dan pelaburan yang boleh dipercayai untuk tahap pelanggan / calon
    Dengan kadar faedah yang berpatutan sebanyak 2%, dengan jumlah minimum pinjaman dari
    (3000 $ / € / Rp) untuk jumlah pinjaman maksimum ($ 700 miliar $ / € / Rp) dengan
    Tempoh 1 tahun hingga 25 tahun. Hubungi kami dengan syarikat
    E-mail di: Nadiramuhammadloancompany@gmail.com

    Misi syarikat ini adalah untuk menyediakan individu dan syarikat
    Pertubuhan diri sendiri
    Memenuhi keperluan mereka, berharap dan membantu meningkatkan jiwa kita
    Dan komuniti mereka. Perlu pinjaman prom? Sekitar
    48 jam perkhidmatan penuh untuk pelanggan kami.

  1378. John kerry Jemmy berkata:

    Ini untuk memberi tahu masyarakat umum bahwa Mr.John kerry jemmy, pemberi pinjaman pribadi memiliki kesempatan finansial untuk semua orang yang membutuhkan bantuan keuangan, pinjaman investasi, pinjaman investasi, konsolidasi hutang dan banyak lagi. Sudahkah anda ditolak oleh bank dan lembaga keuangan lainnya? Jangan melihat lebih jauh, karena kami berada di sini untuk semua masalah keuangan Anda, kami memberikan pinjaman dengan tingkat suku bunga 2% kepada perorangan dan perusahaan dalam persyaratan dan ketentuan yang jelas dan dapat dimengerti. Tidak memerlukan cek kredit, dijamin 100%. Hubungi kami hari ini dan Anda akan dengan senang hati melakukannya karena kami berada di sini untuk melakukan semua masalah sejarah keuangan Anda.

    Kirimkan kami email ke: (creditcashexpress8@gmail.com)

  1379. citi bank berkata:

    Adakah anda memerlukan pinjaman segera? jika ya sila lawati http://www.thecitibank.com untuk mendapatkan pinjaman anda dalam masa 24 jam

  1380. Zek berkata:

    Dah 2018 dinar Iraq masih macam dulu lagi…

  1381. dah september 2018….belum RV lg …

  1382. adminbabi berkata:

    Tahun 2020 dah nk habis dh ni woii..admin tak update ke? ke dah mampus, hopefully kebodohan admin diwarisi ke anak cucu

  1383. Zulkapli bin ismail berkata:

    Saya ada buyer, iqd sign hellicopter nilai 25000 dinar 1keping harga berapa,, buyer saya mahu beli, Mother box atau baby box 1box sahaja..

  1384. Coin Mama berkata:

    Selamat datang ke Pinjaman Kredit Universal
    Kami menyediakan Pinjaman seperti:
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    Pinjaman Perniagaan
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    Pinjaman Permulaan dan banyak lagi.
    Kami menawarkan Pinjaman dari $5,000.00 hingga $10,000,000,000. pada kadar faedah 5% dari tempoh pembayaran balik 1-20 tahun.
    Untuk maklumat lanjut e-mel: universalcreditslending@gmail.com

  1385. mohd nuzul hafizi bin md din berkata:


    adakah dinar Iraq akan rv. ????

    sampai bila perlu tggu US lepaskan Iraq daripada pegangan economi,tanah air Iraq??

    adakah ada sinar pada rakyat Iraq dan juga negara Iraq untuk kembali berdaulat sepertimana negara-negara maju.. terutama mata wang iqd.

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